A Dazzling New Life

by Joshua the Dragonslayer

First published

The Dazzlings get a fresh new start but as babies?

When the Dazzlings get a second chance in life they take it, but what they didn't know is that they would turn into babies. After the fall formal and Celestia taking in Sunset Shimmer as her own, Sunset takes the 3 Dazzlings. They will all have many adventures to come.

*Cover Art found by Grand Galvatron*

1. A Second Change

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The Dazzlings were out on the streets trying to find a way to get money. It had been two years since the Dazzlings lost everything to the Rainbooms. So now here they were with no way to get money but by begging citizens like homeless people, but then again they were about to be homeless anyways. With no jobs and no pendants to get them into getting money, the Dazzlings were now in a situation where they were running low on money, and on food.

"I'm hungry." Sonata whined, as her stomach growled. "Can we get something to eat?"

"For the last time, no Sonata." said Adagio. They had been walking around town all day and they hadn't been able to get even a dollar. Along with Sonata's consistent whining, it wasn't helping their situation. "We're out of money."

"Then how about you seduce a guy like always." grumbled Aria. She too was sick and tired of being in this situation and would've much rather not even be alive at all. "Or maybe I'll beat the crap out of someone so that I can steal their wallet."

What the Dazzlings didn't know was that someone had heard them from an alleyway. He was dressed in a big black cloak so that no one could see his face. He had then started to slowly follow the Dazzlings back to their home.

When the girls finally got home the strangers decided to make his presence known. "Excuse me but are you girls hungry?" asked the stranger.

The Dazzlings turned around and were shocked to see the strangers behind them. They had not known they had been followed, how long had the stranger been following them? The three all looked at each other and then back at the stranger. He had pale skin and long brown hair with some grass-like green eyes, he also stood much taller than any of the Dazzlings.

"Who are you and why do you ask?" asked Adagio as she looked up at the stranger in a serious tone.

"You can call me Tom, and as for helping you out... I heard what you guys talking about trying to find money so I thought I could give you dinner for the night, my treat." The stranger, who was now known as Tom said genuinely.

The Dazzlings looked at each other again and thought about it until Sonata spoke up. "Yes, please! We haven't eaten anything for a week and I'm starving!" Sonata said in a begging tone.

Aria and Adagio looked at Sonata with pure anger but then their stomachs rumbled giving them away. Adagio sighed, knowing there was no way out of this. "Fine but where will you take us?" Adagio asked with a little hesitation. She didn't know this guy and as far as she was concerned this could very well be a trap of his.

"There's this all-you-can-eat buffet five blocks from here if you want." said Tom as he started walking his way to the buffet. "If you want to eat then I suggest you follow me, you don't have to trust me but I'm of no harm to you. If you don't follow me then you can happily starve for a bit longer if you wish."

Sonata was jumping for joy when she heard that and immediately started following him. Adagio and Aria just shrugged their shoulders, but yet also decided to keep their guard up and went along with the stranger. What the Dazzlings were hiding was that this was going to be their first actual meal in two years.

Once they got to the buffet the girls immediately went to go get some food. Tom paid for their entry into the buffet and then merely stayed at the table as he watched and waited for the girls as they got their food. When they came back to the table they all had big plates, stacked high in the air full of all kinds of foods. Tacos, pizza, burgers, you name it, and it was on those plates. Once the Dazzlings sat down they immediately started to eat their food like ravage bulls.

"You girls eat as if you haven't eaten anything for years." said Tom, observing the way they were eating. "You sure it hasn't been a week since you last ate anything?" Tom watched as the girls would stuff their mouths full of food and devour it in a matter of seconds.

"Well we have eaten, just not an actual meal like this since those Raingoons defeated us two years ago." said Aria with food in her mouth, as she then picked up a piece of chicken, stuffing it in her mouth.

Tom kept a happy expression on his face. He knew these girls were the sirens and that the Raingoons were actually the Rainbooms but he acted as though he knew nothing. What he wasn't going to tell them was that he was there that day and that he too actually had gone to that school, but they didn't need to know that.

"Who are the Raingoons?" Tom asked, even though he knew exactly who they were.

"They were a band of these seven girls that defeated us and took everything from us." said Aria, as she glared down her plate as if it was the Rainbooms.

"Yeah! They cheated their way to the Finals and then cheated to beat us." said Sonata as she hmmped and looked down at her plate sad as she remembered what had happened two years ago.

"They took our only chance at life." said Adagio, as she stopped eating and looked down at her plate. "Thanks to them we're poor and helpless, with no way to live like we are now. If only we could get a second chance at life." All three girls looked down they knew what they did was wrong and they wanted to change but their pride stopped them.

Tom smiled, the Dazzlings he knew two years ago were no longer the girls he was looking at now. "How would you girls like it if I could give you a second chance?"

The Dazzlings immediately looked at him with shock in their eyes, almost as if he just solved world hunger. They thought about and as they looked at each other, they knew what their answer was. "Yes, we would." said Adagio as she nodded her head, her voice full of seriousness but yet some hesitation lingered. Could this stranger they had just met be able to help them get what they wanted? A second chance?

"Fine but we must be alone for it to work." said Tom as he looked around at the rest of the customers in the buffet. "We wouldn't want any onlookers to see what's about to take place."

"We can take you to our place." said Sonata as she then wiped her mouth and stood up. Adagio and Aria nodded as they too wiped their mouths and stood up, as they walked out of the buffet and back to their home where they would hopefully get their second chance in life.

With that, the four of them took off and started their journey back to the Dazzling's place. The Dazzlings wanted a second chance and they were going to take this opportunity. After about a ten-minute walk/run they got to the Dazzling's house or what they call home. It was an average two-bedroom one bathroom house. The four then walk inside the house and into the living room of the house.

"Okay for this to work, all you have to do is three simple steps, okay?" asked Tom as he looked at the Dazzlings making sure they paid close attention to what he was saying. The Dazzlings all shook their heads agreeing with him. "Good, now first you must all sit in a circle five feet away from each other." said Tom as he stated the first step.

The Dazzlings did as they were told, and sat in a circle five feet away from each other. They all looked at each other wondering what would happen and if Tom's plan would actually work.

"Good now you must hold up your left and repeat after me, 'I state your name, promise that my days of being evil are over and that I will change for the better'." said Tom as he stated the second step.

"I, Adagio Dazzle/Aria Blaze/Sonata Dusk, promise that my days of being evil are over and that I will change for the better." the Dazzlings said as they repeated what Tom had told them to say.

"Good, now finally I want all of you girls to drink these potions that my business and I made." Tom then gave the girls the potions and saw that they were a bit hesitant about the potions. "Before you ask no they are not going to harm you or anything. They will do as you want and give you the second chance you want so badly."

"So what is it like everyone's going to forget who we are? Will we get our necklaces back? Will we be able to sing again?" The Dazzlings asked as they asked another question after another.

"None of those things, you will be actual humans, no necklaces, no powers, just ordinary human beings. But you girls will have to restart your lives." said Tom in a very serious tone. "You girls we revert back to babies."

The Dazzlings were surprised, they didn't know that if they wanted to have a second chance they would have to turn back into babies again. They wanted to change, and they wanted people to forgive them but they didn't expect anything like this. They all stayed quiet as they thought. On the bright side, they would be able to be kids again and not be homeless like they were about to be, but on the bad side, they weren't sure if this was the best idea. As if they all knew what each other was thinking they simultaneously agreed.

"We'll drink the potions." The three Dazzlings agreed as they stared at Tom seriously.

"Okay, but before you drink the potions someone will have to take care of you when you're babies, do you have anyone in mind?" questioned Tom.

The Dazzlings immediately knew who would be the best candidate for the job. "Sunset Shimmer." said Adagio without hesitation. "She once also had a life like ours but with her friends she changed, she gave us a chance but we didn't take her help." Adagio sighed. "Now thinking about it, that was probably the right thing to do from the start instead of being so stubborn."

Tom knew Sunset, she was a very kind, young woman. She was a very good friend of his when he was still at Canterlot High. He knew she wouldn't say no and he knew where she lived so it wasn't like he didn't know how to tell her what happened.

"Of course, once you all drink the potions I will take you there immediately. Sunset is a very good friend of mine so I just know she would want to take you in as her kids. Plus she does owe me a favor, after all." Tom then looked at the girls and smiled. "Okay, now before you drink the potions I just want you to know that there are no takebacks once you drink it you will have your second chance." Tom said as he stared at the girls.

"I don't know about you two but I'm in." said Adagio as she looked at her two sisters.

"Oh what the heck, fine I'm in." said Aria as she looked over at Sonata.

"See you girls in the new life." said Sonata as she looked at her sisters. The three girls gave each other one last hug and they then began drinking.

The Dazzlings drank the potions and almost immediately did they feel like they were floating in the air. Then a golden sphere came to them engulfing them in the light. When the light dimmed there were three cute little babies. The one to the left was baby Aria, the one to the right was baby Sonata, and the baby in the middle was baby Adagio. They all had cute little skirts with their little diapers on them. And they were all sleeping by each other.

Tom smiled at the scene and pulled out his car keys and picked up the now-baby Dazzlings. He put them in the passenger seat in their baby carrier, which he just happened to bring with him in case the Dazzlings did say yes, and drove off to Sunset's house. After about a twenty-minute drive he had finally pulled up to Sunset's house. He hid the carrier and knocked on the door. After a good ten seconds, Principal Celestia opened the door. He may have forgotten to mention that Sunset lived at Celestia's house.

"Ah, Tom how nice to see you today, are you here to see Sunset?" asked Celestia as she smiled at Tom.

"Nice seeing you too ma'am, but no I have something for Sunset actually it's kinda an emergency." Tom said as he held the baby carrier in his hands.

Celestia was surprised, not only by the way Tom sounded but also because of the baby carrier in his hands. "Of course Tom right way. Sunset! Tom has something for you immediately." Celestia yelled out for Sunset.

Sunset was in her room on her phone listening to music when Celestia called her downstairs. When she heard it was an emergency she ran down the stairs to see Tom with a carrier in his hands. She looked around and wondered what was the emergency.

"Tom, what's going on is everything okay?" asked Sunset bracing for the worst.

"Sunset, I ran into the Dazzlings on my way home tonight." told Tom. He paused as he looked at Sunset and Celestia's faces who both had unreadable faces. "Anyways, I fed them dinner and they told me they wanted a second chance. I wanted to help them so I gave them a potion that would give them the second chance they wanted."

Celestia and Sunset were impressed with Tom's ability of kindness to the ex-sirens but they still wanted to know what did Sunset have to do with the problem. "So why I'm I needed for this emergency exactly." said Sunset in a confused tone.

"Because they wanted you to take care of them with your kind nature. Plus you do owe me a favor for that car problem you were having."

"Sure, I'll be glad to help the Dazzlings where are they." asked Sunset in a nice tone.

"That's the problem." said Tom. He pulled the carrier in front of him as he opened it Sunset and Celestia saw three little babies sound asleep.

"Aww." both Celestia and Sunset cooed as they saw the sleeping babies.

"Who are these three beautiful little girls?" asked Sunset as she smiled at the three cute babies.

"Sunset, Celestia meet the... Dazzlings." said Tom in a worried tone.

Everything was quiet, Tom opened his eyes to see a very, very mad Sunset. "THEY'RE WHAT!!!!!!!!" yelled Sunset, her face more red than normal.

"Sunset, shh you might wake them up, please they wanted to change and they wanted you to guide them. Please I'm begging you not only for me but for these three little girls." Tom begged. "You're their only hope, they wanted you to help them, so please give them the second chance they've wanted."

Sunset could tell that Tom was being serious. She was the Princess's protege after all and plus, she did owe him for the car lift, and she definitely didn't want these three cute little girls to go to some sort of orphanage. She sighed. "Fine, I will look after them but when they get older will they likely start to remember everything that happened before?" asked Sunset.

"No they won't." replied Tom. "This is their new life and you with Celestia's help will guide them."

"Fine, but the others will hear about this, okay?" said Sunset as she raised her eyebrow at Tom.

"Yeah tell them you need all the help you can get." replied Tom, he then looked down at his phone and sighed. "Sorry, Sunset but I have to run before Twilight finds out I'm gone from the laboratory, bye Sunset, bye Celestia." said Tom as he walked out of the house and back into his car.

"Bye Tom." said both Celestia and Sunset, as they watched Tom drive away from their house.

Sunset and Celestia walked over to where the sleeping Dazzlings were. Sunset sighed, it was now up to her to give the Dazzlings the second chance they deserved. And thus marking the beginning of the Dazzling's second chance.

2. A Panda, A Tiger, And A Bunny

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It had been ten minutes since Tom came and dropped off the Dazzlings. And since then Sunset and Celestia have been getting everything ready for their new family members. The Dazzlings were still sound asleep as they were left on the couch in their baby carrier. Sunset and Celestia smiled as they looked at the sleeping babies.

Sunset turned to ask Celestia a question. "Celestia, are you sure about this? Do you really think I can take care of them?"

"I'm sure you'll be a wonderful parent Sunset." Celestia said in a motherly tone with a smile on her face. "Plus, I'll be here to help you out every step of the way."

"Yeah I'm going to need all the help I can get." said Sunset as she looked at the babies. Deep down Sunset wasn't sure about this but with Celestia being there she felt a bit better.

"Sunset I think tomorrow we should go to the mall and get some baby supplies." said Celestia as she started writing a list.

"What do you have in mind?" asked Sunset as she looked over at what Celestia was writing down.

"Some diapers, baby food, toys, a bed, clothes, and pacifiers." recommended Celestia as she continued to write the list.

"Good idea, we better get an early morning then, good night Celestia." said Sunset as she started making her way back to her room.

"Good night Sunset." said Celestia as she gave Sunset a smile.

Celestia gave the Dazzlings a blanket to keep them warm and then put them in her room so that she could keep an eye on them for the night. As Celestia and Sunset went to bed they made sure the Dazzlings were okay for the night, after making sure the Dazzlings were good for the night they then got into bed and went to sleep.

The next morning Celestia and Sunset woke up at 7:00 to get ready for the day.

"Good morning Sunset I was just going to make some eggs and bacon." said Celestia as she started getting to work making breakfast for the day.

"Anything you cook is good to me." said Sunset with a smile.

After Sunset got dressed and ready for the day, she had breakfast with Celestia. While she was eating she turned and was surprised to see that the Dazzlings were still asleep after nearly ten hours. She was worried that the potion had done something else instead of making them babies.

"Hey Celestia, why are the Dazzlings still asleep?" asked Sunset in a confused tone.

"Well Sunset, babies sleep longer because they are still young." Celestia didn't know a valid answer for that so she made one up.

"When do you think they will wake up?" asked Sunset looking at Celestia.

Just at that moment, it was as if the gods themselves made it happen because the Dazzlings then woke up. Celestia had a clear vision of the Dazzlings so she just simply turned Sunset's head around. Both Celestia and Sunset got up to see the baby versions of the Dazzlings. As they looked at the Dazzlings they saw three little babies looking right back at them with little smiles on their little faces.

"They are so cute." said Sunset with a big smile on her face.

"Yes indeed they are." said Celestia with a smile of her own.

Celestia looked down at her watch, it was 8:13, and she thought that this was a good time to get going to the mall. "Sunset can you take the baby carrier and put it in my car." asked Celestia.

Sunset simply nodded her head as she picked up the carrier and took it to Celestia's car. Once they got into the car they took off. It was a simple ten-minute drive there during the ride Sunset decided to play with the Dazzlings. "Peek-a-boo." said Sunset in a playful tone as she covered her eyes and then uncovered them.

The Dazzlings laughed at this, Sunset was happy that she was going to be the mother and teach them all sorts of things. Celestia merely smiled at the sight of this. After a ten-minute drive, they got all the mall. As they got out of the car they walked into the mall.

"I think we should split up Sunset I'll take the Dazzlings." said Celestia as she took the baby carrier from Sunset.

"Sure ok, what do you want me to get?" asked Sunset.

Celestia looked down at her list. "You can go get the three pacifiers, the baby food, and the diapers, I'll go get the bed, the toys, and the clothes."

Sunset nodded to Celestia and headed her way while Celestia went the other way. Sunset had easily gotten the diapers, the baby food, and the pacifiers and was on her way to Celestia. Celestia had gotten the bed, and the clothes but she didn't know what kinds of toys to get for the baby Dazzlings. Just then Sunset had just walked into the toy store where Celestia was.

"Ah Sunset, I'm glad you came I don't know what kind of toys to get for the Dazzlings, could you help me?" asked Celestia.

"Sure Celestia, I think I know just the thing." said Sunset.

Sunset walked around the store looking for a certain aisle. She walked around for a while but then she found the aisle she was looking for. The plushy aisle, she had grown up with a teddy bear so she knew this would be a perfect toy for them all to play with. She saw three stuffed animals that the Dazzlings would love. She got a stuffed bunny for Sonata, a stuffed tiger for Aria, and a stuffed panda for Adagio. She showed Celestia what she had gotten and Celestia nodded her head with a smile. As they paid for the three stuffed animals they started their way to Celestia's car. Once they got to their car they started their way back home.

"You think they're going to like the stuffed animals we got them?" asked Celestia.

"Yes, because when I was younger I had a teddy bear, so I just got them something little." said Sunset.

After a little while longer they got home. Celestia and Sunset had started to put everything where it belonged. After a few minutes of getting the bed into Sunset's room, they decided to get some lunch.

"Hey Sunset, I'm going to make some pasta for lunch." said Celestia.

"Ok, I'm going to give the babies their stuffed animals." said Sunset.

Sunset went to the bag in the living room and got out the Dazzling's new stuffed animals. She first removed the babies from their carriers and set them on the living room ground. The baby Dazzlings happily crawled around the ground as they were finally out of their carrier.

"Hey girls, I have a gift for you." said Sunset with a smile on her face.

The three babies were crawling around on the ground until Sunset called them. They started to crawl to Sunset to see what she wanted. Sunset sat in front of the Dazzlings with the stuffed animals behind her back.

"Ok girls, here's your toys." said Sunset as she handed the stuffed animals to the Dazzlings.

Sunset looked as she saw the Dazzlings playing with their new toys. They looked so happy playing with their stuffed animals. She got up to see if Celestia was done with making their food. Celestia had just finished making the pasta and was starting to eat when Sunset came into the kitchen.

"Did the Dazzlings like their new toys Sunset?" asked Celestia taking a bite of her pasta.

"Yeah they liked them a lot they looked so happy playing together." said Sunset smiling as she grabbed a plate of pasta herself.

After a while of eating, they heard crying. Sunset and Celestia immediately jumped up and ran over to the living room to see what had happened, hoping nothing bad had happened. When they got to the living they saw all three of the Dazzlings crying. Sunset was confused as to why the Dazzlings would be crying for no reason.

"Why are they crying? I don't smell anything." said Sunset.

"They must be hungry then, Sunset would you mind if you got the baby food?" asked Celestia.

"Sure Celestia, where did you put them?" asked Sunset.

"In the cabinet to the left." said Celestia.

Sunset nodded as she went to go get the baby food. Celestia picked up the babies and put them on their high chairs. Sunset found the baby food and got three little spoons. Once Celestia put the Dazzlings into their high chairs Sunset came over to give the baby food to Celestia so that she could get the babies their baby bottles.

"Open wide the Choo-Choo train is coming." said Celestia to the Dazzlings.

Celestia first fed Adagio, then Aria, and then finally Sonata. They all looked like they were enjoying the food, as they ate with smiles. While doing that, Sunset had just finished making the bottles for the babies. After the Dazzlings had their baby food Celestia picked up Aria while Sunset picked up Sonata and gave them their bottles. Once Celestia finished giving Aria her bottle she then picked up Adagio and started to do the same thing with her bottle. Sunset finished feeding Sonata and put her down to go play with Aria while Celestia finished and put down Adagio.

"You know Sunset you're going to have to tell your friends about this predicament." said Celestia turning to face Sunset.

"I know Celestia I'll tell them tomorrow when we go to Sugar Cube Corner." said Sunset as she looked at the baby Dazzlings happily playing with one another and with their new toys. "I hope they won't be mad about this."

"If they're your true friends then they should understand." said Celestia, as both she and Sunset continued looking at the babies.

3. Friendship On The Line

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It had been nearly one month since Sunset had tried to tell the Rainbooms about the reformed Dazzlings. She had tried to tell them but she was afraid that her friends would be mad at her or stop being her friend after learning she was taking care of the baby Dazzlings. She was especially worried about how Rainbow Dash would act about the situation. It was a Sunday night and she had just put the baby Dazzlings to sleep for the night when Celestia came into the room.

"Sunset have you told your friends about the Dazzling's reformation?" asked Celestia.

"Yes, kind of, sort of... no I haven't." said Sunset in a sad tone looking down at the ground. "I've tried to but I'm worried that they might get mad at me. I mean, how would you react if you found out your friend or your sister was taking care of an old enemy of yours?"

Celestia looked at Sunset with a warm expression. She knew just how Sunset felt so she decided to use some of her own knowledge and decided to use a motherly approach. So Celestia took a seat on Sunset's bed and put her hand on Sunset's elbow.

"Sunset listen to me, if those girls are really your friends then they will support you and understand all of this." said Celestia in a motherly tone.

"And what if they don't?" asked Sunset with a bit of anger in her voice.

"Sunset would you like me to come with you so that you won't be so worried?" asked Celestia looking at Sunset.

Sunset nodded. "Yes please, that would help a lot." Sunset then thought about something. "what are we going to do about the Dazzlings?"

"Why take them with us of course, aren't you suppose to meet up with them tomorrow for lunch?" asked Celestia.

"Yes I am actually." said Sunset.

"Then let's get an early morning tomorrow and tell your friends about the situation." said Celestia.

Sunset nodded her head as she and Celestia got ready for tomorrow. Sunset was happy that Celestia would be there with her. As they got ready for bed Sunset wondered how the girls would react when they heard the news. Only time would tell what your friends had to say about this.

The next morning was an uneventful morning. Sunset woke up, got dressed, eat breakfast, feed the Dazzlings, and got ready for lunch. Sunset really hasn't said much since last night as the nerves were getting to her. Celestia had just gotten the Dazzlings into their carrier when Sunset came downstairs to go to Sugar Cube Corner for lunch.

"Are you ready Sunset?" asked Celestia looking at Sunset. She knew Sunset wasn't ready but she would eventually have to tell them about the Dazzlings.

Sunset merely nodded her head signaling that she was ready to go, even though she wasn't. She and Celestia got into the car and headed to Sugar Cube Corner. After a ten-minute drive, they both arrived at Sugar Cube Corner for lunch with the Rainbooms. As Sunset and Celestia got inside Sunset immediately saw her friends sitting at a table waiting for her to arrive. As they got closer to the girls, the girls noticed Sunset but then they noticed Celestia, the two had unreadable expressions on their faces.

"Whatever is the matter darling? asked Rarity. "Has something happened?"

"Girls we need to have a serious talk about something that's been going on." Sunset said with a serious expression.

All the girls looked at Sunset and Celestia with worried faces. Sunset and Celestia took their seats and looked back at the girls. Sunset looked at Celestia and then at the girls.

She took a breath and started the conversation. "One month ago Tom came over to Celestia's house and he came to give me something or should I say, someone."

"What do you mean by Tom gave you someone?" asked Rainbow Dash crossing her arms. The rest of the girls shook their heads wondering the same thing.

Sunset looked at Celestia, and Celestia looked back at Sunset and nodded her head to show Sunset that she should tell them.

Sunset sighed once again. "Tom came over and gave me some babies."

"WAIT YOUR PREGNANT!?" yelled Rainbow Dash making everyone in the room look at her.

"No! No! No! I worded that wrong, my bad," said Sunset waving her arms around. "I mean he found three abandoned babies in an alleyway, so he asked me and Celestia to take care of them."

All seven girls looked at each other with wide eyes but also with some confused and concerned faces. They were wondering why was such a big problem that Sunset had been hiding for so long. They also wondered why Celestia had come to their get-together until they saw the carrier which they thought the three babies were in.

"You don't mind if we the three little babies do you Sunset." asked Fluttershy. "I mean you don't have to if you don't that is."

"You see that's the problem, it's who the babies are that I'm afraid of. I'm also afraid that if you know who the babies are you might get mad at me or stop wanting to be my friend." said Sunset with her head down.

Now her friends were more confused than ever. Why would Sunset be scared if they knew who the babies were? Was there a problem with the babies? They had so many questions but then Twilight decided to ask the question.

"Why do you not us to see the babies? Is something the matter with them?" asked Twilight.

Sunset didn't know what to say or what to do. She looked at Celestia with a look of help me written on her face. Celestia decided to ask the girls a very important question.

"Girls, if Sunset tells you who the babies will you be mad at her?" asked Celestia.

All the girls looked at each other then they shook their heads. The tension was high at the moment and it looked like Pinkie was about to explode right there and then.

"Sunset you must tell the girls, they said it themselves that they won't be mad at you." said Celestia was a smile.

Sunset finally faced her fears once and for all and decided to tell the girls about the Dazzlings. "You see the three babies that Tom found that night in that alleyway, they were the Dazzlings." said Sunset with a serious tone and expression.

Telling the girls relieved Sunset even though half of the story was true but now she wondered what the others were thinking. Nobody said anything they just looked at each other than at Sunset and then at Celestia with the baby carrier. It wasn't until Applejack said something that broke the silence.

"Why didn't you tell us before you sugarcube?" asked Applejack.

"Wait, wait, wait hold on your telling me that you've taken care of the Dazzlings for a whole month without telling us?" asked Rainbow Dash. "What are their names again anyways?"

"Adagio, Aria, and Sonata, I think those were their names." said Pinkie Pie.

"Yes I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but, you would of have had trouble trying to tell your friends that your taking care of three ex-villain babies." said Sunset

"Now darling we wouldn't have had a problem with it, maybe surprised but other than that we would never be mad with you, in your hands the baby Dazzlings will be just fine." said Rarity

Sunset blushed "Thank you Rarity, thank you all."

"Now come on let's see those babies." said an overjoyed Pinkie Pie

Celestia opened up the carrier to show the girls three little Dazzling babies to the girls. The seven girls looked at the three babies while the three babies looked back at them. A collected "Aww" could be heard as the seven girls looked at the babies.

"They sure are cute." said Fluttershy smiling at the babies.

As the girls looked at the three baby Dazzlings playing with their stuffed animals Pinkie Pie suddenly gasped. Everyone stopped as they heard Pinkie Pie.

"What's wrong Pinkie Pie." asked Sunset surprised by the sudden gasp.

"Have the Dazzlings gotten their shots yet?!?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"No why is there a problem." asked Sunset.

"What's the problem? What's the problem?! Sunset once a baby is born that baby has to get their shots so that they won't get sick." said Pinkie.

Sunset had wide eyes she was so worried about how the Rainbooms she had forgotten to get the Dazzlings their shots. Sunset looked at Celestia and as if Celestia knew what she was thinking she looked at Sunset with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'll call the doctor's office to see if we can get an appointment scheduled for tomorrow so that they can get their shots." said Celestia smiling at Sunset.

"Oh thank you Celestia." said Sunset with a smile of her own.

Celestia simply nodded as she turned her head to the baby Dazzlings she looked outside. It was dark outside, who knows how long they had been talking.

"Girls, I think it's time for us to go home it's dark outside and I and Sunset have to get up early tomorrow so that we can go to the doctor's." said Celestia as she started to get up.

The girls looked outside and then nodded their heads. All the girls got their stuff and headed their way out to go home, as Sunset and Celestia got into their car they were happy, especially Sunset.

"See Sunset what did I tell you, they wouldn't have gotten mad at you at all." said Celestia.

Sunset smiled and laughed. "Yeah, looks like I was worrying over nothing huh."

"Nothing to be ashamed about Sunset, I'm sure they understand, I know I would." said Celestia.

"I guess you do." said Sunset with a smile.

"And now you know just how big your friendship is with those girls." said Celestia.

Sunset merely just smiled as she looked at the now sleeping baby Dazzlings. She was going to do her best to be the best parent for those girls when they grow up.

4. A Dazzling Cry

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It was the next day since Sunset had told her friends about the Dazzlings. Celestia had called in a doctor's appointment for 2:00 pm that day. Sunset had just finished getting herself and the Dazzlings ready for the doctors. As she headed downstairs she saw Celestia getting the babies supplies for the visit. Sunset decided to help by getting the babies in their carriers with their stuffed animals.

"Ah Sunset, are you ready to go to the doctor?" asked Celestia.

"Yes Celestia, I got the babies right here with me as well." said Sunset with the baby carrier and the babies in the carrier in her hands.

"Perfect, now come on we don't want to be late." said Celestia as she started walking out of the house.

Sunset nodded her head as she picked up the Dazzling's carrier and headed to the car. Celestia started up the car and they then headed their way to the hospital. The babies not knowing what or where they were going and not knowing what was about to happen to them merely played with their toys. After a twenty-minute drive, they finally got to the hospital. Sunset and Celestia got out of the and took the babies' stuff with them. As they got to the front office they saw the assistant at the front desk.

"Excuse me we have an appointment for 2:00." said Celestia.

"Ah yes, I have you written down for 2:00 come this way with me." said the assistant.

As Sunset and Celestia followed the assistant they saw many rooms with other people in there. After a while of walking, they finally got to a room where they stopped in front of.

"Just come in here and wait for the doctor to come in, so they can give your babies their shots." said the assistant.

Sunset and Celestia walked into the room and waited for the doctor to come in. They didn't have to wait long until the doctor finally came in. The doctor was Ms. Redheart a very nice, young woman who many people liked for her kindness to others. As Ms. Redheart walked in she noticed Celestia, Sunset, and the three little baby Dazzlings in their carrier playing with their stuffed animals.

"Hello, I hope I didn't keep you waiting?" asked Ms. Redheart.

"Not at all, we just got here a few seconds ago." said Celestia.

"That's good, so I see you are here to get your three little babies their shots," said Ms. Redheart.

"Yes we are and may I ask you how many shots are they going to get today?" asked Celestia.

"Each one will only get one shot for today. So which one of your babies is going to go first today?" asked Ms. Redheart.

"I don't think it really matters, any order will be fine." said Sunset.

"I guess that's what we're going to do then." said Celestia.

Ms. Redheart nodded her head as she got the supplies to give the Dazzlings their shots. Sunset picked up Adagio and put her on the table. Ms. Redheart had gotten into position to give Adagio her shot, she started to wipe Adagio's bicep and with one fast swipe, the needle was in and out of Adagio's bicep. At first, Adagio didn't do anything she just stopped at first, Sunset was worried something had happened until Adagio started to cry. Celestia got up and got Adagio and started to rock her in her arms.

"Shh, it's ok your fine, please stop crying." said Celestia with a motherly approach.

Ms. Redheart started to get the second shot ready as Sunset went to put Aria on the table. Just like Adagio, Sunset put Aria on the table and Ms. Redheart put the needle in Aria's bicep and then took it out. Almost immediately Aria started to cry. This time Sunset got up and got Aria and started to rock her in her arms as well.

"It's ok Aria, you're stronger than this." said Sunset.

Finally, it was time for Sonata to get her shot. At this time Adagio had fallen asleep and Celestia put her in the carrier and got Sonata. Celestia put Sonata on the table and just like the first two Ms. Redheart put the needle in Sonata's bicep. At first Sunset and Celestia thought Sonata wasn't going to cry the others but then her eyes started to fill up with tears in the eyes. Then the worst was yet to come, the dam broke, Sonata started to cry her eyes out, the poor girl was in a lot of pain. Sunset got up to take Sonata, but this time she wiped Sonata's tears off her face.

"It's ok Sonata, you'll be just fine, you're a big girl please stop crying Sonata." said Sunset as she tried making the crying girl feel better.

After that when Sunset said that Sonata, stopped crying? It was as if Sonata knew what Sunset was telling her to do so she listened and stopped. Aria had fallen asleep and was also in the carrier as well. Sunset decided to get Sonata's bunny and give it to her, after she gave Sonata's bunny, Sunset then put Sonata in the carrier with Adagio and Aria.

"Thank you very much, Ms. Redheart" said Celestia.

"It's no problem, Celestia, I'm just doing my job have a good day you two." said Ms. Redheart.

Sunset picked up the carrier while Celestia opened the door for her. As they headed their way out Sunset was starting to think about the Dazzling's life and what would happen. She decided to ask Celestia an important question regarding the Dazzlings.

"Hey Celestia do you know what school the Dazzlings will go to school for elementary school?" asked Sunset.

"Well I'm thinking they could go to Rockhill or Landford," said Celestia. "Both of those schools are very good and both have a very good background. Then when they get older they can go to CHS as you did so you can help them and I can watch over them."

"Seems like you already know what to do with the Dazzlings." said Sunset.

"Guess so, but you must always think of the future for your kids, that's a parent's responsibility after all." said Celestia.

Sunset thought about what Celestia had said. She didn't even know much about being a mother. She was worried that when the Dazzlings grew up they wouldn't like Sunset, or that Sunset wouldn't be a good mother. Sunset didn't say much for the rest of the day after what Celestia had. Celestia knowing what Sunset was thinking about decided to help Sunset by giving her some motherly advice about being a parent.

"Sunset you know a good bit of advice, I want you to know that to be a good parent you have to have confidence." said Celestia in a motherly tone.

Sunset was surprised she was so worried about how the Dazzlings would act when they know her, she forgot that she should have confidence in herself. She knew Celestia was right you didn't just have to love and help your kids to be good parents, parents do those things all the time but they were only able to do that if they had confidence in their capabilities. Sunset smiled Celestia always knew how to make her better when she was down, she was like that ever since she took in Sunset as her own.

"You always know how to make me feel better, mother." said Sunset.

Now it was Celestia's turn to be surprised. Sunset normally only called her Celestia, Sunset calling Celestia mother was a rare thing. Sunset had only called Celestia "mother" maybe about five times since those two years Celestia had taken her in.

"Well it is my responsibility to make sure my kids are happy." said Celestia.

Sunset was glad that Celestia had token her those two years ago. Sunset had learned a lot from Celestia and how to be a good parent. She just hoped she could be a good parent to the Dazzlings just like Celestia and help teach the Dazzlings all the things she ever learned. Starting now Sunset promised herself that she will have full confidence in her to be the best parent ever to those girls.

"And I'm glad to be your kid." said Sunset with a smile.

Sunset and Celestia both looked at each other. They were thinking the same thing. They would both make sure that those Dazzlings will have a better life with Sunset just like they wanted to.

5. First Words

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It had been a year since Sunset and Celestia had gotten the Dazzlings and taken care of them. It was a normal Sunday morning, and Sunset and Celestia had just finished feeding the babies. Sunset and Celestia had started to try to help the babies try to speak. It had been a good three months since they started but sadly they haven't gotten any progress. The Dazzlings would only play or try but just say a whole lot of nonsense. Sunset and Celestia had tried many ways to get them to talk, by saying easy names, watching shows for kids to learn, games, and they even had gotten books from Twilight for them to read to the Dazzlings but that still didn't work. It was almost that time of day when Sunset and Celestia had tried to help the Dazzlings speak. But today was the day that the Dazzlings would speak their first words. Celestia and Sunset had made a ten-dollar bet on who would speak first, Sunset wanted Adagio to speak first but Celestia said Aria would speak first.

"Come on Sunset it's time for us to try to get the Dazzlings to speak again, hopefully, Aria will be able to speak today." said Celestia with a smile on her face.

"No way, Adagio will speak first then I'll win the bet." said Sunset with a smile of her own on her face.

Sunset and Celestia got the Dazzlings and started to try to get them to speak. After about an hour they had still not made any progress for none of the Dazzlings. They had gotten up and started to turn around to make some lunch when they heard something or someone finally says their first word.

"Momma?" said one of the Dazzlings.

Sunset and Celestia turned around, they didn't know which one of the Dazzlings said "Momma." All the Dazzlings looked at Sunset and Celestia while Celestia and Sunset looked back. Sonata was playing with her bunny, Aria was sucking on her pacifier, and Adagio was just looking at them with a smile. Sunset and Celestia looked at each other as they thought of an idea.

"Which one of you guys said Momma?" asked Celestia as she looked down at the three girls.

None of the Dazzlings said anything they just looked at Celestia with confused faces. Celestia looked at Sunset maybe the baby that said Momma would only speak to the person that they think is their Momma. Sunset walked to the Dazzlings and decided to ask the question for herself.

"Which one of you three said Momma?" asked Sunset.

"Momma." said Adagio smiling at Sunset.

Sunset was over the moon with happiness, not only had she won the bet but now one of the three babies was starting to talk. Celestia was also happy, a little disappointed that she lost the bet to Sunset, but still happy that Adagio was now starting to talk. Now all they had to do was to help Aria and Sonata start talking as well. Sunset gave Adagio a big hug and a kiss.

"Good job Adagio, you're such a smart girl aren't you." said Sunset as she hugged Adagio.

"Momma." responded Adagio giggling.

"Well you won the bet Sunset, here's your ten dollars, but the main prize is that one of the Dazzlings is speaking now." said Celestia as she handed over the money.

"Thanks, Celestia, and your right. I hope Aria and Sonata will be able to speak soon too." said Sunset.

As Sunset and Celestia were talking to each other Aria crawled over to Sonata. While Sunset and Celestia were busy they heard yet another voice.

"Up, up." said another random voice.

Sunset and Celestia looked at Adagio but that wasn't Adagio's voice. They looked at Aria and Sonata, Sonata was playing with her bunny still, but this time Aria was right in front of them holding up her hands so that one of them could pick her up. This time both Celestia and Sunset were happy. First Adagio was talking and now Aria's talking. They only had Sonata left that hadn't said a word yet, two down one to go.

After months of trying to get the Dazzlings to speak they were finally starting to speak. Celestia and Sunset smiled at each other, they were proud of what they had accomplished today, two of the baby Dazzlings were talking on the same day. Even though Adagio and Aria had no clue what they had just done they still smiled. While Sonata just kept playing with her bunny obvious what had happened. A few hours had passed since Adagio and Aria spoke their first words. Sunset and Celestia had tried to get Sonata to speak but sadly they couldn't. They had just finished dinner and were starting to go to bed. Sunset was picking up the Dazzlings toys that they had left on the ground. When she saw Sonata playing with her bunny, she knew she would have to take it from her. Sunset took the bunny from Sonata, Sonata looked up at Sunset with sad eyes.

"Sorry Sonata, but it's time to start getting ready to go to bed." said Sunset walking away with the bunny in hand.

As Sunset started to walk away she felt something on her leg. She looked down to see what was touching her leg, down on her leg was Sonata. Sonata looked at Sunset she tried to say something but it was baby talk so Sunset didn't know what she wanted. As she started to walk away again she heard something that she has been waiting for a long, long time.

"Bunny." said Sonata looking at the bunny in Sunset's hand.

Sunset turned around, but before she got happy she had to make sure what she heard was true.

"Sonata what did you just say?" asked Sunset as she looked at Sonata.

"Bunny." said Sonata with a sad tone still looking at the bunny.

Sunset tried to get think about everything that just happened that day. First Adagio talks and Sunset won the bet with Celestia, then Aria said her first word only seconds later after Adagio did, finally, Sonata just said her first word in front of Sunset. All three of the Dazzlings said their first words on the same exact day.

"Celestia come here Sonata just said her first word!" yelled Sunset grabbing Celestia's attention.

Celestia walked downstairs and looked at Sunset. She nodded her head to show Sunset that she was listening. Sunset took out Sonata's bunny from the basket and put it in her hand and started to wave it around.

"Now Sonata, say what you told me ok?" asked Sunset as she waved the bunny around Sonata's face.

"Bunny." said Sonata happily as she tried grabbing the bunny.

Celestia was surprised she didn't expect all three Dazzlings to speak on the same exact day. She was so happy that Sonata was finally speaking as well, and to think all they had to do was to take Sonata's bunny away from her to make her say her first word. Celestia and Sunset were both proud of themselves they were already proud of themselves for getting one of them to talk, but all three that is a huge accomplishment. Sonata was still trying to get her bunny back from Sunset. Later that night Sunset gave Sonata her bunny back as she and Celestia put the Dazzlings to sleep for the night.

"You know Sunset we should be proud of ourselves for getting all three of the Dazzlings to talk today." said Celestia smiling at Sunset.

"Yeah your right Celestia, but I still did win the bet so that makes it all the better in my case." said Sunset giving a bright smile.

Celestia laughed, she knew if she won she would have done the exact same thing as Sunset. But she still couldn't forget that Adagio called Sunset her momma so she decided to ask Sunset about what Adagio said.

"So Sunset, how did you feel when Adagio called you her 'momma'?" asked Celestia.

Sunset thought she was so happy that Adagio was starting to talk she didn't really think about what she really said.

"You know it felt good to know that she thinks of me as her own mother," said Sunset with a small smile. "Who knows what those girl's mother was like."

"Who knows Sunset but know it is our responsibility to make sure those girls get the love and care they deserve." said Celestia.

"Well in their case it would be adoration." said Sunset.

Sunset and Celestia shared a laugh before going to bed. They were going to the ones make sure nothing would happen to those girls until they become adults and started their lives, but until then Sunset and Celestia were the ones in charge of them.

6. Pie, Pinkie Pie

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It had been a while since the Dazzlings had said their first words. Within those few months, the Dazzlings had gotten more fluent in speaking and had been able to talk instead of their baby talk. The Dazzlings were fast learners and they were pretty smart. They were smart for their age, maybe a little too smart for their age.

It was a Friday mid-afternoon, and Celestia and Sunset were going to go out that night to go hang out with their friends. But there was a problem, they hadn't found someone to take care of the Dazzlings for them. Sunset was at Sugar Cube Corner having lunch with the girls. The girls had seen Sunset's expression, so Pinkie Pie decided to change that frown of hers upside down.

"What's wrong Sunset, we're going to have a great night later!" said Pinkie Pie jumping up and down in her seat. Just thinking about all the fun they were going to have was making Pinkie excited.

Sunset sighed. "I and Celestia have looked all over for a babysitter but all of them are booked, I don't think I'll be able to come tonight." said Sunset will a depressed tone.

The girls were sad, they wanted to have a fun night with Sunset later but now that the Dazzlings didn't have a babysitter Sunset would have to stay home, that was until Pinkie Pie decided to speak up.

"I can take care of them for you." said Pinkie Pie with a smile.

All the girls looked at Pinkie Pie, they were surprised, they hadn't expected Pinkie Pie to say that. They wanted to have a good fun night together, and without Pinkie Pie, the night would just be weird without her, she was the party person in the group after all. Sunset was the most confused of all of them, Pinkie Pie was going to spend her night babysitting the Dazzlings instead of having fun with her friends.

"Are you sure?" asked Sunset. "You would rather take care of the Dazzlings instead of hanging out with us for the night."

"Yep, super sure you girls go have fun tonight, and plus I'll have fun taking care of the Dazzlings, I am good with babies after all." Pinkie smiled. "We'll have lots of fun, telling stories, making delicious treats, ooh! And watching funny tv shows that the girls are going to love!"

Pinkie did have a point she was good with babies, and she was a very trustworthy friend. But still, for Sunset to have Pinkie Pie do that would make her feel guilty for doing that, but Pinkie Pie really wanted to do this for her. And plus Pinkie Pie was being persistent about the idea and she wouldn't be sad if she couldn't hang out with her friends so Sunset decided to go along with it.

"Fine, meet us at Celestia's house at 7:30, I'll tell Celestia that your coming over to babysit the Dazzlings." said Sunset.

"Okie dokie lokie, I'm going to go so that I can get ready, bye guys." said Pinkie Pie.

One by one they all started to get up and head out so they could get ready for that night. Sunset got up and headed her way to Celestia's house. After a while of walking Sunset had gotten to the front of Celestia's house. The Dazzlings were on the ground playing with their stuffed animals until they saw Sunset.

"Hi, momma." said all three of the Dazzlings waving to their mom.

"Hello girls, have you seen Auntie Celestia anywhere?" asked Sunset looking down at the girls.

"She's in the office working, she told us just to play out here and not to get in the way of her working." said Adagio.

"Thank you Adagio." said Sunset.

"You're welcome." said Adagio with a smile.

Sunset smiled back as she then started to go to the office room upstairs. When she got to the office room she saw that Celestia was online trying to find a babysitter for the Dazzlings. Sunset knocked on the door to get Celestia's attention. Celestia turned around to see Sunset and smiled, she was glad to see Sunset.

"Hello Sunset, how was lunch with the girls?" asked Celestia.

"It was good, I also found a babysitter for the Dazzlings." said Sunset with a smile.

Celestia was surprised, she had almost given up trying to find a babysitter but leave it to Sunset to find a way. "Who did you find that wanted to take care of the Dazzlings?" asked Celestia.

"Pinkie Pie, she said that she would take care of the Dazzlings while were out were our friends." said Sunset.

"She wanted to babysit the girls instead of hanging out with you girls tonight?" questioned Celestia, she wasn't against the idea of Pinkie Pie babysitting but she also knew how much Pinkie loved having fun with her friends.

"Let Pinkie Pie, be Pinkie Pie, and plus she's good with babies and little kids." said Sunset. "She's taken care of the Cake twins for a long time, she has experience with babies so I trust her."

"Well she truly is a good friend to help out instead of having fun with you girls." said Celestia with a smile.

"Yeah she is, should we get ready so once Pinkie Pie gets here we can go?" asked Sunset.

"Agreed, we should." said Celestia as she got up from her seat to get ready for the night.

Sunset and Celestia got ready for Pinkie Pie to come over. They got the Dazzling's stuff ready and themselves ready for the night they were going to have. After a few minutes of getting everything ready, they were done. They decided to wait until Pinkie Pie gets there it was 7:27 after all. After a few minutes of waiting, the doorbell rang meaning someone was at the door, which was probably Pinkie Pie, as they opened the door what do you know it was Pinkie Pie.

"Hi! I'm here to take care of the Dazzlings for the night while you guys have fun." Pinkie Pie said happily.

"Thanks again for doing this Pinkie Pie, you got my text about everything you should know about the Dazzlings right?" asked Sunset.

"Yep, where the food is and when the Dazzling's bedtime is." said Pinkie Pie.

"Ok good, well we're going to go head out now." said Sunset.

"Ok, have fun you two." said Pinkie Pie waving goodbye to Sunset and Celestia.

"We will, you girls better be good to Pinkie Pie." said Sunset also waving goodbye to Pinkie Pie and the Dazzlings.

"We will momma." said the Dazzlings waving goodbye to their mom and auntie.

Sunset and Celestia walked out of the house leaving the Dazzlings in Pinkie Pie's hands, they got into the car and drove away. Pinkie watched as they drove off, she then turned around and closed the door. She then looked at the Dazzlings with a big smile on her face.

"So what do you girls want to do first?" asked Pinkie Pie, a smile on her face ready for all the fun her and the girls were going to have.

The Dazzlings looked at each other and then at Pinkie Pie with a smile.

"Can we hear a story about your time at school with momma?" Aria asked.

"How do girls know what school is?" asked Pinkie Pie, she was surprised the girls knew what school was.

"Momma told us that it's this fun place to go so that we can learn, make friends, and have a fun." said Sonata.

"Well she wasn't lying, ok I'll tell you a story with your momma with you." said Pinkie Pie, as she then tried to think of a story to tell the girls.

Pinkie Pie was thinking about of a story for the Dazzlings. She wanted to tell the Dazzlings about the Battle of the Bands but she would have to give them a white lie. So she decided to make it so that the story could be told to the little ones.

"Okay, so I have a story that I know you girls are absolutely going to love." said Pinkie Pie sitting down in front of the girls.

The girls got closer to Pinkie Pie so that they could get a good spot. Pinkie Pie pulled out three bags of popcorn out of her hair and gave them to the Dazzlings. The Dazzlings were confused but they laughed it off and took them as they happily ate the popcorn.

"So there was this event our school was having so that we could raise charity and have fun." said Pinkie Pie as she began the story.

"What's a charity?" asked Adagio, confused by the new word.

"It's a thing where people can get money so that they can help people in need." explained Pinkie Pie. "Anyways there was this charity but they decided to change the event to a singing tournament called the Battle of the Bands."

"What's a tournament?" asked Sonata.

"A tournament is a thing where a certain amount of people join, and when they win a match they move on to another round, when there are only eight people left they call that round the quarter-finals, when there are only four people left they call that round the semi-finals, and when there are only two people left they call that the finals, and if you win the whole thing you're called the Champion of the tournament." said Pinkie Pie happily explaining to the girls.

The Dazzlings were surprised they wanted to enter a tournament and become Champion but they didn't know how to.

"How can we enter a tournament?" asked Aria.

"Well your to young to enter one, but when you get older you can join one." said Pinkie Pie with a smile.

The Dazzlings were upset they wanted to join a tournament and become Champion but they were too young. Pinkie Pie saw this so she decided to make them feel better.

"Do you guys want me to continue my story with your momma?" asked Pinkie Pie noticing the frowns on the girl's faces.

"Yes please." said the Dazzlings happy once again to hear how the story goes.

"Well anyways, me, your mom, and all of our friends decided to compete, we won our way through match after match, every match got harder until we made it to the semi-finals with our team. We had almost thought that we lost in the semi's but we actually won and moved on to the Finals against the fan favorite team." said Pinkie Pie.

"What does fan favorite mean?" asked Adagio.

"Fan favorite means someone that the fans like and people who think they will win." explained Pinkie Pie. "So anyways we went on to the Finals, and we gave it us all in that match it was the hardest match we had ever had, but in the end we won the Battle of the Bands and became Champions and it was all thanks to your mom, The End." said Pinkie Pie, finishing the story.

The Dazzlings were in awe, not only had that story been the best story they had ever heard but also their mother and her friends won the tournament and became Champion. They had so many questions but Pinkie Pie stopped them.

"Girls it time for your bedtime and plus you can just ask your momma about what happened." said Pinkie Pie as she started getting everything ready for bed.

"Okay." said the Dazzlings as they helped Pinkie Pie get everything ready for bed.

Pinkie walked the girls to their beds and tucked them in bed for the night. As she put them to sleep she decided to keep herself distracted until Sunset and Celestia got home. It hasn't another hour until they got home.

"Thanks for babysitting the Dazzlings for us tonight Pinkie." said Celestia.

"Your welcome, it was really fun." said Pinkie with a smile.

"What did you guys do?" asked Sunset.

"I told them about the Battle of the Bands, but with leaving all the magic, and the mind control." said Pinkie Pie.

Sunset nodded and smiled. "Well thanks again, Pinkie Pie has a good night, and a safe trip home."

"You too and if you ever need a babysitter you can just ask me." said Pinkie Pie as she walked out of the house and waved goodbye.

And with that Pinkie Pie left the house and headed her way home. Sunset and Celestia checked up on the kids, they saw the three Dazzlings asleep. Sunset and Celestia were glad to see the Dazzlings asleep.

"So Celestia in a few months the Dazzlings will start going to kindergarten, do you have the paperwork all done for the Dazzlings?" asked Sunset.

"Almost, we should tell them soon about us wanting them to go to school." said Celestia.

And with that, the moon was high in the night sky with all the stars with them.

7. A Dazzling First Day At School

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It was the first day of school. Well, the first day of kindergarten that is. The day both Sunset and Celestia had been planning for was finally here. Ever since learning they would be going to school soon, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata couldn't shut up about it for a whole week about school starting. Celestia was currently driving the Dazzlings to school, while Sunset was telling the Dazzlings about how to behave at school and what to do.

After a while of driving, they had finally made it. Rockville School. The school the Dazzlings would be going to until the sixth grade. Celestia, Sunset, and the Dazzlings got out of the car. Celestia walked up to the front desk to sign the Dazzlings for the day while the Dazzlings were running around the room waiting to get to class.

The Dazzlings finally got signed up for the day and headed to their class. Sunset and Celestia happily walked the Dazzlings to their class.

"This is where me and Sunset have to go. You guys have fun today. We will come back in a few hours." Celestia said waving goodbye to the Dazzlings.

"Ok, bye Auntie Celestia, momma." Adagio said hugging Sunset.

"Bye mom, Auntie Celestia." Sonata said waving goodbye.

"Bye." Aria said trying not to sound upset.

Celestia and Sunset headed off leaving the Dazzlings alone. They look at the door and back at each other. The pressure was now starting to get to them.

"Should we head inside?" Sonata asked looking at her two sisters.

"Guess we should, I'll go first." Adagio said as she took charge and walked in first.

Aria and Sonata went behind Adagio. Adagio slowly opened the door, as if a monster was behind the door. The door opens, and the Dazzlings were surprised. The room was full of colors there were kids everywhere playing and having fun. It was a kid's dream come true. A teacher spots the newcomers and walked over to the Dazzlings.

"Hello, little ones. Are you new here?" The teacher asked bending down to be on the same level as the girls.

"Yes. I'm Adagio and these are my sisters Aria and Sonata." Adagio said pointing to her two sisters.

"Well, I'm glad to have you. I'm Mrs. Ortiz and I'll be your teacher. Since today's the first day we won't be doing anything. So the whole day you guys can have fun and play with the other kids." Mrs. Ortiz said.

"Ok, thank you." Adagio said putting down her backpack with Aria and Sonata.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata all walked around the room. Kids around them played with others like they knew each other. The Dazzlings just looked around the room, looking at all the kids. What they didn't know was that there was a kid coming from behind them.

"There's something in your hair." Someone said.

The Dazzlings turn around to see that it was a girl. She had a violet skin color, she was smiling and looking at Sonata. Adagio and Aria look up at Sonata's hair, there wasn't anything in her hair. Sonata puts her hands to her hair trying to get whatever was in her hair out.

"Did I get it?" Sonata asked.

"Not quite, here let me help you." The girl said.

The girl goes to Sonata's hair. She then instead of taking something out of Sonata's hair pulls a coin out of her hair. Sonata was in shock, how did she not feel a coin on her head? Adagio and Aria had stars in their eyes, this girl had magical powers.

"How did you do that?" Adagio asked looking at the coin amazed.

"My mom and dad know magic. So they taught me how to use magic." The girl said confident in her abilities.

"Who are you? What's your name?" Aria asked the girl.

"Frizzle Bizzle." The girl was now known as Frizzle.

"Wait Bizzle... you aren't related to Keith and Trixie Bizzle, are you?" Sonata asked Frizzle.

"Yes, I am. The best magicians in all of Canterlot. Would you like to meet my friend?" Frizzle asked the girls.

"Yeah sure, my name is Adagio, and these are my sisters Aria and Sonata." Adagio said as she introduced her and her sisters.

"Hi." Aria and Sonata said.

Frizzle nods her head and leads the Dazzlings to her friends. There was a boy and a girl waiting for Frizzle. The boy had a cyan skin color with dark brown hair and little green eyes. The girl had white skin blue eyes and some purple hair.

"What took you so long Frizzle." The boy said as he looked at Frizzle.

"I meet some new friends. Adagio, Aria, Sonata meet my friends. This is Valex he's very sweet, and this is Joy she's a bit hyper at some points." Frizzle said as she introduced her two friends.

"What's up." Valex said with a smile as he looked at the new girls.

"Hi." Joy said extremely happy walking up to the girls.

The Dazzlings shake her hand. Joy was hyper, sure, but she meant no harm to anyone. Valex was pretty cool, he sure acted like it. The Dazzlings wanted to continue hang out with their new friends but they wanted to meet new people and make more friends.

"Hey Frizzle, we're going to see the other kids. We'll see you later." Adagio said as she waved goodbye to Frizzle and her friends.

"Oh, ok bye. Oh, and take it from me, the others are nice." Frizzle said as she too waved goodbye.

The Dazzlings continued to walk around. There was two boys with what looked like superhero capes on. Adagio, Sonata, and Aria decided to see what they were up to. There was another boy and a girl behind help calling for help. They must be playing some sort of game.

Dean and Derek had cyan eyes like the ocean, both had brown skin. The only thing that was different between them was that one had white hair and the other had blonde hair. Bael had red eyes, black hair, and black skin. He looked kinda scary at first glance but he was pretty nice. Athena on the other hand looked like an actual princess. She had long blonde hair, green eyes, and silver skin.

"Hey, guys. What are you doing?" Adagio asked as she saw them all playing around.

"We're playing superheroes. We're the heroes and he's the bad guy that has taken the princess. My name is Dean and this is my brother Derek. The boy playing the bad guy is Bael, and the girl over there is Athena." Dean said showing the Dazzlings who everyone was.

"Oh, well it's nice to meet all of you." Adagio said as she waved goodbye.

"You too. Now come on Derek we have to save Athena from the evil Bael." Dean said ran toward Bael who smiled.

"Yeah." Derek said as he ran with his brother to Bael.

The Dazzlings were having a lot of fun. They were making new friends and everyone seemed so nice. The Dazzlings knew they were going to have a lot of fun in kindergarten. The year had only begun and they were already having fun. At first, they thought school was going to be scary, and hard. But now looking at it, the school wasn't all that bad. Maybe in the future it would, but for now, the Dazzlings weren't thinking about the future, they were thinking about the present.

The Dazzlings had fun that day. Playing with their new friends, coloring, and all kinds of things. It was almost a shame when Celestia and Sunset. Celestia and Sunset were surprised that the Dazzlings didn't want to go back home.

"Hello, girls. Did you all have a good first day?" Celestia asked the girls.

"Yeah, it was super fun." Sonata said jumping up and down.

"Yeah it was the best, I can't wait for tomorrow." Adagio said smiling.

"It was alright... I guess. It could have been better." Aria said trying not to sound happy.

"It's alright to say if it was fun or not Aria." Celestia said looking over at Aria.

"Fine, it was fun. I want to get to know Bael better." Aria said looking back at the room whee Bael was being picked up by his parents. He turned his head to see Aria looking at him and he waved goodbye, Aria smiled and waved back.

"Ooooooo. Aria has a crush." Sonata teased her sister.

"W-What! I do not. I just want to know him better because we got to know everyone so well except for him." Aria said looking away from Sonata.

"She does have a point. We got to know everyone pretty well except him." Adagio said as she thought about it.

"Yes, we don't want to jump to conclusions Sonata." Celestia said in a motherly tone.

The Dazzlings had just got into the car. Sonata was confused she wasn't jumping, nor were there conclusions. "What do you mean Auntie Celestia?" Sonata asked as she looked at Celestia.

"You took a guess without hearing the whole story. That's what we call jumping to conclusions." Celestia said as she looked at Sonata.

"Oh, I'm sorry Aria. I didn't mean to jump to conclusions." Sonata said looking at her sister sadly.

"It's ok. Just don't do it again." Aria said as she smiles at Sonata.

Sonata smiles back. Two sisters getting along. A sight every parent liked to see. Sunset couldn't have been prouder in her life. The school had just begun for the Dazzlings. They were going to have many more adventures at school. But no matter what they would surpass the hard times.

After all, they were Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk. Together they made the Dazzlings, an unstoppable team.

8. The New Kids

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It had been a few days since the Dazzlings has started kindergarten. And the Dazzlings were loving every second of it. Kindergarten was fun for them, from playing with their new friends to coloring and playing all kinds of games. Everyone was involved in the fun no one was ever left out.

Aria had gotten close with Dean, Derek, and Bael. Sonata had gotten close with Valex and Joy. And Adagio on the other hand had gotten close with Frizzle and Athena, but not in a good way. Athena and Adagio were friends sure but they were more rivals than friends. Whenever one would do something the other would try to do better. Then it would just turn into a whole competition where they would both try to outshine the other.

It was another day at Kindergarten. Well, it was until something happened. Everyone had just taken a seat and was waiting to see what they were going to do today. But their teacher had told them all that they were going to expect some new students. Once they said that the doors opened. It was a boy and a girl.

The girl had a flower crown on her head. She had pink eyes, brown hair, and golden skin. The boy on the other hand had brown hair, black eyes, and cyan skin. They looked around the room and smiled, they looked like they were already enjoying themselves. They could already tell that they were going to like it at kindergarten.

"You two must be the new students we've been expecting. Come up here and tell us about yourselves." The teacher said letting the boy and girl walk to the front of the class.

The two new students walk up to the front of the class. The boy looks at the girl and she nods her head. The girl walks up, and the boy walks back. The kids had guessed she was going up first, and then the boy.

"My name is Phoebe. I like being outside and I hope we can all be friends." Phoebe said as she bows her head smiling at everyone.

The class cheers for her as she takes a seat next to Dean. The class stops cheering as the boy walks up.

"My name is Leon. I like dragons and cars. I hope we can all be friends, thank you." Leon said as he bows her head also smiling at everyone.

The class cheers as Leon takes a seat next to Bael. The teacher walks up back to the front of the class. The Dazzlings were going to make two new friends after today. The class stops cheering and looks at the teacher.

"Now then since we have two new students I hope everyone will be nice to them. Remember in this class we're all nice to each other we're all family in this room. With that let's get going with today's game of the day. Now I want everyone to get into a big circle." The teacher says as everyone starts doing as their asked.

The class gets up, takes a chair, and makes a circle around the room. Once they do that they take their seats and wait for the teacher's instructions. The teacher takes a seat for herself and takes a seat between Adagio and Athena. She has some sort of hat with paper in it, from what Adagio could see.

"Now this hat will go around the circle. Once you get the hat you will put your hand in the hat and pull out one piece of paper. Every piece of paper has a question. The question you will get, you will answer the question. I'll start." The teacher said as she puts her hand in the hat.

She searches the hat for a while until she grabs a piece of paper. She picks up the piece of paper and looks at the question on the paper.

"The question says: What is your favorite animal? My favorite animal are dogs, now I'm going to give the hat to Athena. From there it will go to Athena all the way to Adagio. Adagio will give me the hat by the end of this game." The teacher said as she hands the hat over to Athena. Athena puts her hand in the hat and pulls out a piece of paper.

"What is your favorite movie? My favorite movie is Frozen." Athena says as she hands the hat to Derek.

"What is your favorite color? My favorite color is Blue." Derek said as he hands the hat to Aria.

"Who is your best friend? Um... I would say Bael." Aria said as she hands the hat to Phoebe.

"Do you like the inside or the outside? I like the outsides." Phoebe said as she hands the hat to Frizzle.

"What is your hobby? My hobby is probably doing magic." Frizzle said as she hands the hat to Valex.

"Who do you look up to? My parents." Valex said as he hands the hat to Joy.

"What is your favorite food? My favorite food is probably cupcakes." Joy said as she hands the hat to Sonata.

"Who is your favorite sibling? Uh..." Sonata looked to see both of her sisters staring her down, Sonata knew she couldn't say one over the other because then the other one would be hurt. "Aria and Adagio are both my favorite siblings." Sonata said as she hands the hat to Leon

"If you had the choice to have a hundred dollars what would you do with it? I would probably... give it to my mom and dad." Leon said as he hands the hat to Adagio.

"What are you most excited about Kindergarten? Getting to know all of you and just having a good time." Adagio said as she hands the hat back to the teacher.

"Thank you. Good job all of you, now we know each other a bit better. I hope you all enjoyed that game cause now it's time to go over some math." The teacher said as she gets back up.

Every kid gets back up and grabs their seat. They put their seats back at the tables and sit back down. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata all look at each other, they were having fun here.

It was currently recess time for the class. They had decided to go outside to the playground for today. The Dazzlings and the other kids look at the playground. Even though they've seen the playground many times they still couldn't shake off the size of the playground. The playground looked like a mansion to them.

The teacher let the kids go and have some fun. The Dazzlings go over to the playground and start to do what any kid would do, start to have some fun. The kindergarten playground was one of the biggest playgrounds ever. There were slides, monkey bars, you name it.

After a while of playing on the playground, the Dazzlings saw Phoebe and Leon just talking and not playing on the playground like everyone else. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata all stop and head off to their two new students. It was weird to them. Why would they not be playing on the playground like all the other kids?

"Leon, Phoebe, why aren't you playing on the playground like everyone else?" Adagio asked the two friends.

"Oh, no reason. Me and Phoebe were just talking that's all. We'll play on the playground soon." Leon said looking at the girls.

Aria could tell Leon was lying. Why was he lying? Aria didn't know why, maybe the conversation they were having was private and the Dazzlings came at a bad time. Aria would keep it to herself but to her, the two new students seemed a bit off.

The Dazzlings leave Leon and Phoebe and go back to the playground. They start to play with the other kids trying to not think about Leon and Phoebe. But while they played they stopped and realized Leon and Phoebe were still talking and not going to the playground like they said they would.

After a while play time was over and everyone went back inside. Aria had asked the teacher if she had to go to the bathroom. As she was walking to the bathroom she passed Leon and Phoebe. They were still talking so Aria decided to get a sneak peek at what they were saying.

"Those are the Dazzlings that Gabby was talking about?" Phoebe asked Leon.

"Yep, they're definitely the Dazzlings. Now we need to tell Gabby about what we learned. She's going to be proud of us." Leon said as he thought back to the Dazzlings.

"They don't seem bad and mean as Gabby said. They seem very nice, maybe it's a mix-up." Phoebe said confused by everything.

"No, I'm pretty sure they're the Dazzlings. You heard about what Gabby said about them. They match the description perfectly." Leon said as he got up.

"Fine whatever. Let's get going we don't want to be late." Phoebe said as both she and Leon got up and headed back to class.

Aria couldn't believe what she had heard. Leon and Phoebe were like secret agents. Who was this Gabby person? Who were the Dazzlings? Maybe her mom would know who they were. Aria walks away from Leon and Phoebe forgetting that she had to go to the bathroom.

She had to know. Who were these Dazzlings that Leon and Phoebe were so interested in? But for right now the urge to use the bathroom came back to her, and she then ran to the bathroom.

9. Getting The Answers

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School had ended for the day and Sunset and Celestia were there like always to pick up the Dazzlings. Adagio and Sonata were happy to see them again like always. However, unlike her other two sisters, Aria wanted some answers. She didn't know who these Dazzlings were or who this Gabby person was and she wanted to find out.

Sunset and Celestia could tell something was wrong with Aria when she came out from school. Sunset was planning on asking her what was wrong once they got home. The thing that confused Sunset the most was what could make Aria so upset. Was someone bullying her? Was she feeling sick or something? Whatever the case was Sunset was going to find out and make Aria feel better.

Once they got home Adagio and Sonata rushed out of the car to go play with their toys. Aria on the other hand was waiting for Sunset. Aria didn't know why her mom wanted to speak to her privately. She hadn't done anything bad or started any fights with her sisters in a week which was pretty good on her terms. Did her mom find out that she was the one that forgot to flush the toilet and Sunset didn't fall for Sonata doing it? Or did she find out that Aria took the last cookie?

Sunset had brought Aria with her to her room. Celestia was downstairs watching Adagio and Sonata playing with their toys. Sunset could clearly tell that Aria was nervous. All Sunset wanted to know was why Aria was upset.

"Aria, are you ok?" Sunset asked looking down at Aria.

"Yeah, I'm ok. I just have a question about something." Aria said as she looked at her mom.

"Oh, is that all? Ok, what's your question?" Sunset asked.

At least it wasn't any bullying. But what could be the question Aria had for her?

"When I was at school earlier we found out that we were getting some new kids. The new kids were talking and I overheard them say something about someone named Gabby. Who is this Gabby? From what those kids were saying she's bad news to me." Aria said looking into her mother's eyes.

"Oh, Gabby. She's Gilda's daughter, she's in the same grade as you but she goes to a different school. She's ok, not the best kid but definitely not the worst kid I've seen." Sunset said. "Is that all you had for me?"

So Gabby was one of Sunset's friend's daughters. Then why did she sound so... villainous when Leon and Phoebe were talking about her? Maybe it just sounded like that to her. It didn't matter now, Aria could just ask them for herself. Aria still wanted to ask about these so-called Dazzlings though.

"Yeah, just one more question. These new kids brought up someone or something. They called it the Dazzlings. Do you know what the Dazzlings are mom?" Aria asked not knowing what she had just asked Sunset.

Sunset was in shock. What kindergarten would know or even be talking about the Dazzlings? How was Sunset even supposed to react or even answer the question now? Just straight up say you guys were the Dazzlings a long time ago? Or just make something and when they get older to tell them? Sunset was the mother, she should know what to do, but she didn't. Sunset had no clue what to do, so she did what anyone would do.

"Give me one second Aria. Stay here I won't take long." Sunset said as she ran downstairs to the only person she could think of that could help her, Celestia.

If anyone could solve this question it was probably Celestia. And if Celestia didn't know how to answer then Sunset was going to be in trouble. Sunset ran down the stairs and found Celestia watching Adagio and Sonata. Celestia, Adagio, and Sonata all look up when they hear Sunset walk into the room.

"Hi, mom. Do you want to play with us?" Sonata asked as she looked at her mom.

"Maybe later Sonata. I have to talk to Auntie Celestia in private." Sunset said looking at Celestia.

Celestia nods as she gets up from her seat. Sunset had to talk to her urgently, she could tell. Sunset and Celestia walk over to the kitchen so Adagio and Sonata couldn't hear them. Celestia looks at Sunset, she was shaking as if she was scared of something.

"Sunset is everything ok?" Celestia asked. She had only seen Sunset act like this once, but that was when Sunset found out Celestia was going to adopt her. Sunset looks back up to Celestia.

"Aria... she asked who the Dazzlings were. Someone at school found out about the Dazzlings. She wants to know who they were but I don't know what to tell her. Should I just be honest or lie?" Sunset asked as she looked at Celestia, there was hope in her eyes. She needed Celestia's help, she was her only hope right now.

Celestia was shocked. She didn't expect them to ask about the Dazzlings. They were little, too little, lying to them wouldn't be that bad. Celestia put her hand on Sunset's shoulder, "Well I think when they get older we should tell them, but for now, we should make a white lie." Celestia said.

"Should we tell all of them or just Aria?' Sunset asked.

"Aria is good enough for now. We'll tell the others later." Celestia said with a smile.

"Ok, I'll tell her." Sunset said as she made her way back to Aria.

Celestia nods and goes back to check on Adagio and Sonata. Sunset on the other hand was walking up the upstairs back to Aria. Aria was still on the bed when Sunset came back into the room. Aria looks up when she sees her mom walk back into the room.

"Ok, sorry I had to ask Auntie Celestia something." Sunset said as she finally walked back into the room.

"It's alright, so can you answer my question now?" Aria asked looking at Sunset.

"Yes, now I can. The Dazzlings were these... bad people that did some bad things to others... and after a while, they got caught and got into trouble. Since then they've never come back to Canterlot." Sunset said, on the inside, she was sad that she had to lie to Aria but she was too little and Sunset didn't want the truth to affect her this early on.

"But from what the new kids were saying it sounded as if they were back or coming back to town. What will happen if they come back?" Aria asked, she sounded scared.

"I don't know but you shouldn't worry. Those kids are just talking, nothing is going to happen. The Dazzlings won't be coming back to town. Don't believe those kids unless they have proof that the Dazzlings are coming back." Sunset said with a smile, hoping to make Aria feel better.

"Ok, mom. Thanks for answering my questions." Aria said as she stood up.

"Your welcome Aria. Now come on let's go play with Adagio and Sonata." Sunset said as she looked down at Aria.

"Yeah." Aria said walking out of the room with Sunset.

Sunset got away with that one for today. She was going to have to tell them about their past lives. One day but not now, for now, she had to be a mother. Each day Sunset had fun, watching the Dazzlings get their second chance. Without a care in the world.

What would tomorrow bring for them?

10. Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right

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It was a normal day for the Dazzlings. But today they weren't going to school, it was a weekend. Saturday, a day when kids could do anything they want. The Dazzlings were in the backyard playing with the new soccer ball their mom had got them. Sunset had the idea of putting the Dazzlings in soccer, so she decided to get them a soccer ball to practice with.

The Dazzlings had been running around for a while kicking the soccer ball around until Sunset had called them in for lunch. It was just the four of them as Celestia was in a meeting with some of the other staff, she wasn't going to be back any time soon.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata walk into the house with the soccer ball in Aria's hand. Sunset had already warned them not to kick the ball in the house so that nothing accidentally broke. Sunset didn't want one of the little Dazzlings breaking anything in the house on accident. Mostly because this was Celestia's house and not hers.

Sunset had made some grilled cheese sandwiches with some orange juice for the Dazzlings. The three little Dazzlings happily began to eat their lunch. After all, playing soccer for a few hours really gave them an appetite. Sunset was reading her book on the couch when she got a call from Rainbow Dash.

"Girls you continue to eat your lunch, I have to take this." Sunset said getting up from the couch and starting to leave the room.

"Ok, mom." The Dazzlings said as they continued to eat their lunch.

Sunset left the room as the Dazzlings continued to eat their lunch. A little bit later they finish their lunch, happy and satisfied with the food. They put their plates in the sink and sit around the table. The fan was on and it felt nice feeling the cold air instead of the hot sun outside.

"It's fun playing with the soccer ball." Sonata said as she laid down on the couch.

"Yeah it is, that kick you did Aria was pretty good." Adagio said turning to Aria.

"Thanks, but I could do better." Aria said turning to face Adagio.

"I want to go back outside and start playing again." Sonata said as she got up from the couch.

"Let me just use the restroom and we can go outside and start playing again." Adagio said standing up from her seat and heading to the bathroom.

"Ok, just hurry!" Aria said calling out to Adagio. Aria knew how impatient Sonata was so the faster Adagio was the better, plus, she wanted to go outside and start playing around with the soccer ball too.

Once Adagio leaves the room, Sonata picks up the soccer ball and starts to kick it with her knee. Aria watched this, didn't mom say not to kick the ball inside? Aria decides to take the big sister approach.

"Sonata put the soccer ball down. You heard what mom said. She said not to kick the ball around in the house." Aria said worried that her sister was going to cause an accident.

"I know what she said. But I'm not going to break anything. It won't even be for that long, Adagio will probably be back soon." Sonata said as she continued to kick the ball with her knee.

"It doesn't matter how long she takes. Put the ball down or just go outside. You don't want to get in trouble do you?" Aria asked Sonata hoping that she would stop kicking the ball.

"Fine, let me just do one kick then I'll stop." Sonata said, charging up for a kick.

"Sonata don't you even dare. Just stop, just sit down and wait for Adagio. If you hit something you're going to be in big trouble." Aria said clearly scared.

"Yeah, if I hit something. If I don't hit anything then I won't get into trouble. There's nothing to worry about Aria. I won't hit anything, I'll be careful." Sonata said as she took a few steps back to get ready for a running start.

"Sonata I don't care if you're being careful. Don't kick the-" Aria tried to say.

Sonata, however, then ran and kicked the ball with all of her five-year-old strength. The ball shoots around the house bouncing off of the walls with enormous speed. The ball then shot off the wall and hits the glass door. The glass shatters on impact with the soccer ball.

"... Soccer ball." Aria said finishing her earlier comment.

"Uh oh." Sonata said looking at the shattered glass on the floor.

"Look at what you've done Sonata! I told you not to kick the ball. But no you just had to kick the ball, now look at what you did. Mom's gonna have a fit once she finds out you broke the door." Aria said angrily, upset that Sonata hadn't listened to her and now something was broken.

"I-I didn't mean to. It was an accident." Sonata said now scared that she might get in trouble.

"Which wouldn't have happened if you didn't kick the ball like I said." Aria said as she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"What happened here!!" Uh oh. Aria and Sonata freeze from that voice, they then slowly turn around to see Adagio and Sunset. Adagio was in shock at what she was seeing, but Sunset... she was mad. Who wouldn't be mad? The whole glass door was shattered into pieces. "Who did this? Which one of you didn't listen to what I said? Who kicked the ball?" Sunset yelled, clearly upset at the now broken glass door.

"Aria weren't you the one with the ball?" Adagio asked, Sunset turns to Aria when hearing that. "But wasn't Sonata the one saying she wanted to hurry and go back outside to play?" Adagio said, Sunset then looked at Sonata.

They were both suspicious. They were the only ones that could have done it. Sunset and Adagio meet up in the hall, so to her Adagio was clear. Sunset looks at Aria and then back at Sonata. Sonata was in pure terror and looked like she was about to start crying. Aria saw this, she looks down at the ground and sighs. She couldn't believe what she was going to do.

"I did it. I was the one that kicked the ball." Aria said looking at her mother.

Sunset sighed. "Aria go to your room. I'll have to talk to Auntie Celestia about this. Adagio, Sonata, be careful not to step on the glass." Sunset said turning to the girls but then went back to glaring at Aria.

"Ok, mom. Come on Sonata." Adagio said picking up the soccer and grabbing Sonata's hand as the two girls headed outside to play some soccer.

Sonata looks back at Aria. Aria gives Sonata a look and starts to head to her room. Sonata didn't even feel like playing soccer anymore.

It had been a few minutes since Adagio and Sonata had gone outside again. Adagio could tell something was wrong with Sonata. Sonata didn't have the same amount of enthusiasm as before. Adagio picks up the ball and walks over to Sonata.

"Sonata what's wrong? You feel sick or something?" Adagio asked as she looked at Sonata who looked down at the ground looking sad.

"Um... no, I'm fine." Sonata said clearly lying as she started looking everywhere but Adagio's eyes.

"Sonata you suck at lying. Now tell me what's wrong." Adagio said now wondering what was going on.

Sonata looked at Adagio and sighed, Adagio needed to know the truth. "Aria wasn't the one that kicked the ball. I kicked the ball, she was trying to tell me not to kick it but I didn't listen. Aria took the blame for me, and I couldn't do anything because I was scared momma would be mad at me." Sonata said as she then looked down at the ground.

Adagio looked at Sonata, she could tell she was scared but she needed to do the right thing. "Sonata you should have told the truth. Momma wouldn't have been mad at you, she would have forgiven you. Now, come on, let's tell momma what actually happened." Adagio said grabbing onto Sonata's wrist.

"Oh... ok." Sonata said feeling sick.

Adagio takes Sonata back into the house and to Sunset. Sunset was on the couch reading her book, but she didn't look so good. Sunset looks up when she sees Adagio and Sonata.

"Oh hi, girls. You done playing soccer for the day?" Sunset asked looking at the two girls.

"No, Sonata here has something to tell you." Adagio said looking at Sonata, Sunset also looks at Sonata.

Sonata started messing around with her fingers. "Um... Aria wasn't the one that kicked the ball. It was me, Aria tried to tell me not to kick the ball but I didn't listen. I'm sorry it's just that I was scared you were going to be mad at me." Sonata said looking down at the ground afraid that Sunset was going to yell at her.

"Sonata, you should have told me the truth. I wasn't going to be mad at you. Come on let's go talk with Aria. After all, she deserves an apology after all." Sunset said as she got up.

"Ok." Sonata said as she started walking with her mom to Aria's room.

Sunset takes Sonata and Adagio upstairs to Aria's room. Aria was on her bed laying down doing nothing but staring at the ceiling. She looks up when she sees Sunset walk in with Sonata and Adagio.

"I heard from Sonata that you took the blame for Sonata's action." Sunset said as she looked at Aria.

"I'm sorry Ari." Sonata said running up to Aria and hugging her.

"Y-yeah whatever. You shouldn't have done it anyways." Aria was surprised by the sudden contact but then smiled.

"Look, Aria I know you were trying to do the same thing and Sonata I know you were scared but both of you shouldn't have lied. After all two wrongs don't make a right." Sunset said looking at the two girls.

"Yes, mom." Aria and Sonata said looking up at their mom.

"Now why don't we play some soccer? Aria you're not in trouble, Celestia will understand. Just make sure this doesn't happen again, that goes for all of you." Sunset asked looking at the girls to make sure they understood what she was saying.

"Ok." The Dazzlings said as they then ran outside.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata headed outside and started to play some soccer once again. They had learned a valuable lesson today, no longer were they going to lie. As the day starts to come to an end the Dazzlings could only wonder...

What would tomorrow be like?

11. A Dimension Traveler??

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It was a normal day for Sunset and the Dazzlings. The day was almost at the end of the day, and the Dazzlings had just finished school for the week. They were currently in the living room watching some TV. The Dazzlings were currently watching some Thomas and Friends. Well... they were until the channel got changed into the news channel. Celestia, Sunset, and the Dazzlings look at the TV when they hear the beep from the TV.

"We are sorry for the inconvenience, but we have some breaking news. Today in Tom Industry they have just made a historical machine that could very well change the world as we know it. They have just made a revolution in the whole world. Let's have a word from the man in charge of Tom Industry, Tom. Please tell us what has happened today." The news reporter said putting the mic to Tom's face.

"Well, today me, and my company have made a device that can make a person go to different dimensions. We had tried to do a test run earlier but it backfired on us." Tom said as he looked at the screen.

"Can you tell us what happened? How did the dimension machine backfire on you guys?" One of the news reporters asked.

"Well you see... instead of someone going in the machine, someone came out. Someone in a different dimension must have come into the portal on their side and came in. We tried to stop them when they came in but they got away." Tom said as he spoke.

"What did this person look like?" The news reporter asked Tom.

"It was a man, he was maybe 6'1. He had blue skin, brown hair, and he had green eyes. Once he came out of the portal he ran for his life. This person must have been confused and ran for it. We hope we can find this person again and send them back to their dimension. We ask you if you find this person call Tom Industry or the police. But other than that the device was a success." Tom said with a smile on his face.

"You heard it here first people, the first ever dimension machine was made, along with a dimension traveler of its own. If you find this person or have any clues as to where he is send Tom Industry or the police if you see this man on the loose. Now back to your original channel." The news reporter said as the channel turns back to the original Thomas and Friends.

Celestia and Sunset look at each other. Did that really just happen? The Dazzlings on the other hand had stars in their eyes. A dimension machine, now that sounded like fun. Whoever this Tom guy was, he was a genius! The Dazzlings look back at Celestia and Sunset.

"Momma, Auntie Celestia, can we go to Tom Industry's and go in the dimension machine?" Adagio asked.

"Sorry girls but I don't think so. We can go look at it, but not use it. How about tomorrow we go over there and look at the dimension machine." Sunset said looking down at the three girls to see if they were ok with that.

"Ok, that's fine. But who is that Tom guy who we always hear on the radio? Is he famous or something?" Adagio asked.

"Tom is the manager of Tom Industry. Of course, he's going to be famous Adagio." Aria said as she looked at her sister like she was stupid.

"Just because he's the manager doesn't mean he's famous. He could be rich or just very smart." Sonata said looking at Aria like she was stupid.

"Tom is a good friend of mine. He was kind and very smart. When we head over to Tom Industry's you might be able to see him." Sunset said with a smile on her face.

"Ok." The Dazzlings said smiling hoping they would be able to see Tom later.

"Actually I think it's time for you three to go to bed." Celestia said as she looked at the clock.

"Ok, Auntie Celestia." The Dazzlings said as they then started to get ready for bed.

When the Dazzlings woke up the next day they were excited. They were going to see the new dimension machine, and possibly Tom. The Dazzlings ate their breakfast and waited for Celestia and Sunset to be ready. They were even more excited when they saw the big building that said Tom Industry on it. Once the car stopped the Dazzlings rushed out of the car. Celestia, Sunset, and the Dazzlings all walk inside Tom Industry and were amazed at everything they saw. There were a bunch of people in there probably to see the dimension machine as well.

"Wow, this place is so big." Sonata said looking around the facility.

"Yeah, it sure is." Sunset said also looking around.

"Is that you Sunset?" A voice called out.

Sunset turned around and looked at who called her, it was Tom. "Hey Tom, how are you?" Sunset asked.

"I'm good." Tom said, Tom looks down and sees three little girls looking at the dimension machine. "Are those the Dazzlings?" He asked.

"Yeah, they sure have grown since you gave them to me." Sunset said smiling at the three girls.

"That's good. It's nice seeing them like this." Tom said with a smile.

"Hey so did you guys figure out who that guy was that got into this dimension?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah, we did." Tom said pulling out his tablet. "He left his figure prints on the doors when he ran out of here. His name is Aaron, we don't know much about him yet but we plan on bringing him back to his home, well, dimension." Tom said as he closed the tablet.

"That's nice. But what if he doesn't want to go back? Will we let him stay or will we have to bring him back?" Sunset asked.

"Well, that's his decision. If he wants to stay or go back then that's his choice. We won't force him to go back." Tom said.

Sunset nodded. "Ok alright."

"Sunset we saw the dimension machine. It's getting late, we should get going." Celestia said calling out to Sunset.

"Oh ok. See you soon Tom." Sunset said as she waved goodbye.

"See you Sunset." Tom said as she waved goodbye to Sunset.

Sunset walks with Celestia and the Dazzlings outside Tom's business. Once the Dazzlings got inside the car they fell asleep. Sunset and Celestia got into the car and drove back home. During the ride back Sunset couldn't stop thinking about what Tom told her.

"Sunset is everything ok?" Celestia asked noticing that Sunset looked sad.

"It's just what Tom told me. He said that the guy that came into this dimension was named Aaron. I don't know why but I have a feeling this Aaron guy is going to be bad news." Sunset said as she looked outside and back at the facility.

"Well for now we shouldn't worry about it. For now, we should worry about taking care of these three. Aaron isn't our problem it's Tom's and his company." Celestia said as she continued to drive home.

"Right... maybe when they find Aaron I can try to read his mind. Then I can be sure if he's good or not." Sunset said as she then started to think of a plan.

"I'm sure Aaron is a good person. He probably ran away because he was scared. I know I would be if I traveled dimensions out of the blue." Celestia said.

"Yeah..." Sunset said looking out of the window.

Sunset wasn't sure... there was something about this Aaron guy. Who was this Aaron? Will he play a big part in the future? Only time would tell for Sunset and the Dazzlings.

12. Aaron Shine

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Four months. That's how long it took for the police to find Aaron. For months they had been looking for this guy, day and night. Even Tom and his company tried to find him but they couldn't. But finally, after four long months of looking, they found Aaron. Once Sunset got the call from Tom she knew she had to see it for herself. Sunset had nearly forgotten about Aaron until now.

Sunset, Celestia, and the Dazzlings were currently in Celestia's car. They were on their way to Tom's Industry, where they were supposed to talk with Aaron. People from all over were coming to Canterlot to see the Dimension traveler. Aaron had become the center of the news ever since he got into this dimension. The Dazzlings were excited, they wanted to talk with the "dimension traveler." Sunset still wasn't too sure about Aaron. Her gut was telling her that he was bad news but she didn't have any proof. Who knows maybe she was wrong and this Aaron guy was actually very nice.

Celestia, Sunset, and the Dazzlings pull up to Tom Industry. There were a bunch of people there, probably wanting to see Aaron. Good thing for Sunset and them, Tom had given them V.I.P passes so they could pass through the crowd. Once Sunset and the rest of them walked into the building they see Aaron on a stage with Tom and the police. Aaron was in handcuffs, probably so that he couldn't get away so easily. Sunset, Celestia, and the Dazzlings take their seats in the front row. As they sit down the head of the police starts to talk.

"Today we are here with the dimension traveler known as Aaron Shine. He had come into this dimension by coming into the dimension machine Tom and his company made. After months of searching for Aaron, we have found him. Now then I will let Tom tell you all about Aaron." The head police officer said as he sits down, Tom stands up and walk up to the mic.

"Thank you, head officer. Aaron Shine is someone that has traveled through dimensions. Aaron has told both myself and the head office about his past in his other dimension. He means no harm to others, in fact, he wants to help us. The dimension Aaron use to be in was way beyond our generation. With his intellect, we can make this earth a better place. Me and the head of the police plan on letting Aaron stay in our dimension and help us. I will let Aaron talk for himself." Tom said as he stepped down to let Aaron talk.

The head of police grabs Aaron by the arm and takes him to the mic. The head of police and Tom are standing on each of Aaron's sides. Even if Aaron could escape there were security guards outside. Any chances of escaping wouldn't work. Aaron looks at the crowd and starts to talk.

"Hello, my name is Aaron Shine. I do not wish to harm any of you. I want to help your dimension to get better. With my knowledge of my dimension and with Tom and his company's intelligence, we can make this earth a better and safer place. If you do not wish for me to be here I will go back to my dimension with no hesitation. I finish off by telling you this. If you wish for this earth to be safer and stronger let me help you. Thank you for your time." Aaron said as he sat down.

The crowd burst into cheers. The people had spoken, they wanted Aaron Shine to stay. Tom and the head of police look at each other and nod. The head of police pulls out a key and takes the handcuffs off of Aaron's arms. Aaron thanks the head of police and Tom, as Aaron walks back to the mic.

"Thank you. I promise all of you that I will do my best to help this dimension get both safer and stronger. This earth will be great again. You have my word, this dimension as you know won't be the same once we're done with it." Aaron said with a smile.

The crowd continues to cheer for Aaron. As Aaron leaves the stage Sunset looks at him. For a brief second Sunset saw it. Aaron smiled, but not in the I'm happy to smile. The evil smile. Now Sunset knew... this Aaron guy was going to be bad news. But what was he up to?

Celestia, Sunset, and the Dazzlings all get back into the car. Sunset couldn't believe Aaron was in trouble. Now that he was working with Tom all sorts of things could go wrong. The Dazzlings had already fallen asleep in the back of the car. Celestia was happily driving until she saw Sunset have a distressed look on her face.

"What's wrong Sunset? Are you feeling sick?" Celestia asked looking at Sunset.

"No, I'm ok. It's just that... that Aaron guy is bad news. When he was leaving the stage I saw him smile but in like an evil smile. Like whenever the Joker smiles, that kind of smile." Sunset said thinking back to what she saw.

"Well first off I don't think someone can smile that big. Second off, maybe you misinterpreted the smile. Give it some time Sunset if nothing goes wrong after maybe a year or so then we'll know. Everyone deserves a second chance, that includes Aaron. For Aaron, this is his second chance. For all, we know he could have been through a lot back in his dimension. Give him a chance Sunset, and if something goes wrong then we'll let Tom find out." Celestia said as she continued to drive.

It wasn't what Sunset wanted to hear but it was something at least. "Fine, I'll give him a chance. But the second I see something I'm going to Tom." Sunset said.

"Fine by me. I'm just telling you I don't think anything will happen with Aaron being here now. Who knows maybe he really can help make this world a better place." Celestia said.

"He can do whatever he wants with this earth. He's still suspicious of me." Sunset said.

Celestia shrugs her shoulders. Sunset could believe what she wanted to do. If Aaron could really help then they could use it. This dimension needs all the help it can get.

Sunset knew Aaron was up to trouble. He had a plan, and Sunset was sure she knew it. Get everyone's trust then when no one has suspicious about him, he actives his plan. What was his plan? Sunset didn't know that part yet, but she planned on finding out before it happened.

The Dazzlings had no clue what was going to happen in the future. They were clueless, just like everyone else. No one knew what the future was going to hold.

Aaron the dimension traveler is in town. What will happen in the future for Sunset and the Dazzlings? Well, your gonna have to find out.

13. We Are The Future

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It had been almost two in a half years since Aaron had come into the dimension. Since then he had helped with many things. New technology had been made, the world has truly become a better and safer place. People loved Aaron, to them he was a true hero. Aaron had become second in command of Tom Industry.

Even though it had been almost two in a half years Sunset still had second thoughts about Aaron. She will admit that the technology Aaron made was incredible. The difference between their dimension and the dimension Aaron came from was huge. Thanks to Aaron, Tom Industry's became the world's biggest business. People from all over the world came to Canterlot to see Tom Industry.

It was another day at school for the Dazzlings. The Dazzlings were in second grade and school couldn't be any better. Sure doing homework was a pain but other than that school was great. Playing, meeting new people, and learning new things every day, was what a normal day at school was for the Dazzlings. Today however was going to be a different day at school. Today the school was expecting someone, someone that was going to talk to the kids. The Dazzlings were excited, they wanted to know who the "special" someone was.

The Dazzlings were currently in class learning about Math. However, the Dazzlings weren't paying attention to the lesson. It wasn't like they didn't like math or anything it was just that they wanted to see the special person. The special someone wasn't coming for another few minutes, but to the Dazzlings, it was a whole century.

"Ok now, can anyone tell me what five times four equals?" The teacher asked the class as he looked around. He turned to see Sonata. "Sonata can you tell me what the answer is?" The Dazzling's teacher asked.

Sonata looks at the teacher. "Uh, is it nine?" Sonata didn't have a single clue what the answer was. Multiplying numbers was not her strong suit.

"That's adding Sonata, but nice try. Can anyone help Sonata?" The teacher asked looking around the room.

Adagio and Athena both raise their hands. Both Adagio and Athena were still as competitive as ever, that was something that never changed since Kindergarten.

"Let's have Adagio answer this one." The teacher said with a smile.

"Five times four equals twenty." Adagio said with a smirk on her face, she knew she was correct.

"Thank you Adagio, that is correct." The teacher said with an impressed smile on his face.

Athena looks at Adagio and smiles. They may be competitive and somewhat rivals but in the end, they were good friends. Adagio smiles back at Athena, one day they were going to prove once and for all who the better one was. While Adagio and Athena look at each other the school's intercom goes off, a new device Aaron had made.

"Attention students and teachers it's that time of day. Our special guest has come. Teachers, please bring your students to the gym. There you will meet our special guest, we hope all of you kids enjoy meeting this special guest. That is all have a good day." The principal said as the intercom goes off.

"You heard our principal let's go meet our special guest. Now before we go I want all of you to remember to be on your best behavior. Please get into a single file line and we can get going." The teacher said as he made his room to the classroom door.

The kids get up and start to get into a line. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata line up next to each other like they always do. A little while later the teacher takes their students to the gym. The students take their seats and sit down on the gym floor. The Dazzlings look at the front of the gym. The special guest was Tom and Aaron! Kids' cheers could be heard from all over the gym, people really liked Tom and Aaron. Well, they were legends after all. They truly did make a revolution as Tom had said.

The principal talks to Aaron and Tom for a second and then gives Tom the mic. Every kid stops talking and starts to pay attention to what Tom and Aaron had to say.

"Hello my name is Tom, and this is my assistant Aaron. If you don't know us we work at my company, Tom Industry. We are here today to give all of you a speech. Don't worry it's not going to be one of those boring speeches. It's going to be a confidence speech. Now I'll let Aaron take over this one." Tom said giving the mic to Aaron.

"Thank you, Tom. You may not think about it now but all of you all very important in the future. You may be little for now but you will get bigger and smarter. You are the next generation, meaning all of you will help in the future. The future will soon be up to your generation. My generation, Tom's generation, even your parent's generation, once are generation is over it'll be up to all of you to make this Earth a great place. I will now give the mic back to Tom." Aaron said as he hands the mic back to Tom.

The Dazzlings look at each other. What were they talking about? Generations and all of that. Their mom would probably know what Tom and Arron were talking about. The Dazzlings look back at the front of the gym.

"In the end what we're trying to say is that all of you are important. We're all given life for a reason. No one's a failure, in life we are all equal. I want to end this speech with something a teacher once told me and my class, a long time ago. All of you, every last one of you in this room right now... YOU ARE THE FUTURE, this earth will be in YOUR hands one day. I hope you all learned something today, and we hope you enjoyed our little speech. Thank you for your time and for having us at your school." Tom said as he hands the mic to the principal.

"Let's give Tom and Aaron a round of applause." The principal said.

Every kid in the gym started to cheer and clap for Aaron and Tom. Tom and Arron bow and leave the stage, probably back to Tom Industry. The Dazzlings were amazed, that speech really put a fire in their souls. They were the future, the world they lived in was up to them. But what they didn't know was that the world was REALLY going to be in their hands, but that's for another time.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were the future. Tom had said it himself, they were all important. Nobody's a failure, they were all born with a reason, and they were all equal. Whatever the reason may be, everyone was important in life. No one is "better" everyone is equal. The Dazzlings planned on accomplishing that goal. They were going to make the earth an even better and safer place to be. The earth was going to be in good hands with them around.

After all, they were the future.

14. Adagio The Matchmaker

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School had just ended for the Dazzlings. The Dazzlings ran out of their classroom and to their mom, who was waiting for them. Sunset looks at Adagio, Aria, and Sonata who had run up to her. It was always a nice sight to see her girls run to her with excitement in their eyes. It made her want to be the best mother she could possibly be to the three little Dazzlings. After all, it was up to her to make the Dazzlings their second chance at life. The Dazzlings run up to Sunset and hug her, and Sunset hugs them back.

"Hello, girls. Did all of you have a good day at school today?" Sunset asked as she looked down at her girls.

"Yeah, Tom came to our school today to give us a speech of encouragement." Adagio said with a smile.

"He told us that all of us are important and that we're important for the future." Aria said with a smile of her own.

"He also said that we were going to be the future." Sonata said with the biggest smile of the three.

"Well, it's nice to know all of you had a good day at school today. Tom is telling the truth, you're all important. You guys will be the future but don't worry that wouldn't be for another few years. You three just have fun and continue to learn all that you can. It'll help you in the future. Now come on let's go home." Sunset said getting into the car.

"Ok, mom." The Dazzlings said as they get into the car with their mother.

Once the Dazzlings got home they got to work doing their homework. They normally did it together so if any of them needed help *cough* Sonata *cough* they could ask their sisters for help. After doing the homework the Dazzlings would play or do anything little kids did. But for Adagio she had been something different from her sisters lately. Instead of playing or watching tv with her sisters, she had been trying to think of a plan. A plan to get her mom and Tom together.

She was the most observant of the three of the Dazzlings. She knew not having a dad in the family wasn't normal. She had also noticed how her mom and Tom would act when they would be near each other. She wanted to help her mom and Tom to get together, they would make a good couple. And Tom would make a great dad to the Dazzlings, the Dazzlings already liked Tom. He was nice, smart, a hard worker, and loved kids. He would make a great dad and a great husband.

Adagio walked over and went over to Celestia's office. She couldn't do this alone she was going to need help. Asking her sisters wouldn't be a good idea but her Auntie would probably be able to help her. Adagio knocks on Celestia's door, a little while later the door opens it was her Auntie, Auntie Celestia.

"Oh hello, Adagio. Can I help you with something?" Celestia asked as she looked down at Adagio.

"Yeah, I need your help with something." Adagio asked as she looked up at Celestia.

"Oh, and what is that." Celestia asked tilting her head.

"I want you to help me get momma and Tom together." Adagio said with a big smile.

Celestia was without a doubt surprised. She hadn't expected Adagio to ask her that. But at the same time, she couldn't help but smile. Adagio probably saw that she and her sisters didn't have a dad like the other kids. And if Celestia was being honest Tom and Sunset would make a good couple. She knew that the second she saw both of them. Tom was a great person, he was without a doubt perfect for Sunset. Celestia was going to take Adagio's offer on helping her.

"Sure, I'll be glad to help you Adagio. What do you have in mind?" Celestia asked with a small smile.

"Oh, I have a few ideas." Adagio said with a smirk.

Adagio steps a bit closer to Celestia and whispers something into her ear. Celestia had to admit, even though Adagio was young she was smart for her age. The plan she had thought of was a good one. Celestia nods her head in approval as she goes for her phone to call Sunset and Tom.

Tom and Sunset didn't know what Celestia wanted that was so important but they still came. Once they arrived however the location Celestia had given them was a restaurant. Did Celestia give them the wrong location? Tom and Sunset walk into the restaurant they were surprised to see the other one in the restaurant as well.

"Tom, what are you doing here?" Sunset asked.

"I could ask you the same thing. I got a text from Celestia saying that something was important." Tom said.

"That's funny. I got a text saying the same thing." Sunset said.

"Do you think Celestia wants to meet us here?" Tom asked clearly confused.

"I guess we're gonna have to find out," Sunset said equally confused.

Tom and Sunset walk up to the front desk. They could hear people talking about them, they probably thought they were dating or something.

"Hello, is there a table for Celestia?" Tom asked.

"Why yes actually. We've been expecting the two of you for a while now. Please come with me." The front desk lady said as she gets two menus.

Tom and Sunset look at each other confused. They follow the lady until they get to a table. But Celestia wasn't even there, Sunset was hoping this wasn't what she thought it would be. Sunset and Tom take a seat as the lady gives them the menus.

"What would the two of you like to drink today?" The lady asked the two of them.

"Water is fine." Tom said looking at the waitress with a smile.

"Water for me too." Sunset said also looking at the waitress with a smile.

"I'll be right back in a second." The lady said as she smiled and walked away.

Just as the lady walks away Sunset gets a text. She looks down at her phone, oh great. 'Have fun with Tom, Sunset.' from Celestia.

Sunset looks around to see if she could see Celestia but she couldn't. Celestia had fouled the both of them on a date. It wasn't like Sunset had a problem with that but, wait, what was she saying? Tom was just a friend, that was it, right?

"Hey so, when do you think Celestia will get here?" Tom said oblivious to what was happening.

"Tom, Celestia ain't coming. This was all just a setup." Sunset said showing him the text.

"Oh... well, let's make the best of it. It's for a while since it's just been the two of us. This is a nice little break from my job and all." Tom said as he looked down at the menu wondering what to get.

"Y-yeah, I guess it is. Fine, let's make the best of it." Sunset said as she did the same.

Sunset and Tom had a good dinner together. Lots of laughs and fun just the two of them. Now that they realized it, they had a lot of things in common. Sunset and Tom pay for the dinner and walk out of the restaurant. They both had a lot of fun tonight, it was a shame it had to end.

"That was nice, just the two of us." Sunset said as she walked with Tom.

"Yup, it sure was. Felt like we were high schoolers again." Tom said as he looked up at the starry night.

"Tom, Celestia set us up for a date, but i-it was nice." Sunset said as she smiled.

"You aren't saying we try something, are you?" Tom asked as he looked at Sunset.

"I mean if you want to. We don't have to try anything, it's up to you." Sunset said as she turned away, a bit shy.

"I'll like that. Want to meet up again next weekend?" Tom asked.

"I'll like that a lot, Tom." Sunset said with a smile.

"Nice, I'll see you then." Tom said as he waved goodbye.

"Bye Tom, stay safe out there." Sunset said as she waved goodbye.

"You too Sunset." Tom said getting into his car.

Sunset started to walk home, Celestia's house wasn't that far away. But what she didn't know was that she had been spied on by Celestia, and the Dazzlings.

"Guess we can say it's mission accomplished." Celestia said as she looked down at the girls.

"Yup, they're perfect for each other." Sonata said with a smile.

"Yeah, Tom will be a great boyfriend for Sunset." Aria said with a smile as she watched her mom happily walk home.

"Thanks again for helping me, Auntie Celestia. Momma looks really happy with Tom." Adagio said as she gave Celestia a hug.

Sunset and Tom, how far will their relationship go? Only time will tell, but for now, as long as Sunset was happy. The Dazzlings were happy.

15. An Enemy Rises

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It was a normal day for Sunset. Wake up, take the Dazzlings to school for the day, go to work, then come and pick up the Dazzlings. That is what she normally did, but today was different. A small difference but still an... interesting difference. Every day when Sunset came to pick up the Dazzlings, they would all run up to her and give her a hug. But today only two of three Dazzlings came running up to her. Adagio and Aria ran up to her mother and gave her a hug. Sonata on the other hand just walked up, gave a little wave and smile, and got into the car. Another thing about Sonata was that she had her hair down and not in the ponytail her mom had put it in in the morning. Sunset was without a doubt confused, Sonata was normally the most hyper between the three of them, and she loved her hair in a ponytail. She was perfectly fine in the morning before they went to school. Did something happen at school? Sunset was determined to find out what happened.

Sunset and the Dazzlings walk into Celestia's house. Sonata instead of going with her sisters to do her homework went upstairs to her room. Sunset was now even more confused, was Sonata sick or something? Instead of going to Sonata right away, she decided that maybe Aria or Adagio would know something. Sunset walks over to the table where Aria and Adagio were working on their homework. They look up when they see their mother walk into the room.

"Hi, mom. What's going on?" Adagio asked as she looked up to face Sunset.

"Do either of you know what's up with Sonata? She's been acting a bit off right now. Did something happen at school? Did she say anything to either one of you?" Sunset asked the two girls.

Aria and Adagio look at each other. They knew something that Sunset didn't. Something did happen at school, and Sonata wasn't telling her mom. Adagio and Aria nod their head, and they both look back at their mother.

"It was after lunch and we had just got back into the class." Aria said as she started thinking back to what had happened earlier that day.


Lunch had just ended for the Dazzlings. Adagio and Aria walk into their class and sit down. A little while later Sonata walks in, but instead of her normal ponytail, she had her hair down covering her face. Adagio and Aria were both confused by this, Sonata loved her hair in a ponytail. Sonata hated her hair down, so for her to have her hair down was a surprise to them. Sonata takes a seat and looks at the front of the room, not even looking at her sister right next to her. Aria decides to speak up and have a sisterly talk with her sister.

"Nata, is everything ok? Why is your hair down, don't you hate your hair down?" Aria asked worried for Sonata.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine, just tired from playing. As for my hair... I'm just trying new things. A boy said that I would look better if I had my hair down. I've been getting compliments from a bunch of people saying how good I look. This might actually start to become a new thing now." Sonata said as she continued to look at the front of the room.

"O-oh ok." Aria said still confused.

"Sonata just because a boy said you'll look better with your hair doesn't mean you should keep it like that. Momma makes your hair like that because you like it. What'll happen if momma sees you without your ponytail, she might think you don't like the way she makes your hair. And that might make her really sad." Adagio said trying to get Sonata to change her hair back.

"Fine, but I'll like to keep my hair like this for a while. She'll be ok with that I think." Sonata said still not looking at her sisters.

"She'll understand Sonata. Just be sure to tell her that you want your hair to be down." Adagio said with a small smile.

Sonata doesn't say anything, she continues to look at the front of the classroom. Adagio and Aria look back at each other again, what was wrong with their sister?

End of Flashback...

"And that's what happened." Aria said finishing the story as she looked down at the ground, she was worried for her sister.

Sunset looks at Aria and back at Adagio. Adagio nods her head... now something was off. Sonata was hiding something from everyone and Sunset was going to get to the bottom of it.

"Come on let's go to Sonata's room. We're going to find out what's wrong with her." Sunset said as she started making her way to Sonata's room.

"Ok, mom." Aria and Adagio said getting up from their seats and following their mother to Sonata's room.

Sunset, Aria, and Adagio all start to walk upstairs. Sunset felt as though, she had failed Sonata as a mother. Sonata knew she could tell her mother anything, so why hadn't she said anything? Sunset gets to Sonata's door, the door was closed. Something Sonata also didn't do, if she was trying to hide anything she wasn't good at it. Sunset opens the door, she hears a small gasp and a few things being moved. When Sunset opens the door she sees Sonata on her bed, looking away from Sunset.

"Sonata is everything ok?" Sunset asked as she walked into the room with Aria and Adagio behind.

"Y-yeah I'm fine," Sonata said turning around to look at her mother, she still had her hair down covering a side of her face.

"Your sisters said you've been acting different since lunch. And you didn't run up to me and hug me like you normally always do. Another thing is that your hair is down. I'm not going to keep asking you questions if you don't feel like it, but can I at least see all of my daughter's beautiful face, please?" Sunset asked looking at Sonata waiting to see what she would do.

Sunset sees Sonata flinch when she hears that. Sonata takes a deep breath and turns around, she messes with her hair for a while. A while later it's back to its normal ponytail, Sonata turns back around looking right at her mother. Sunset, Aria, and Adagio gasp. Sonata was crying but that wasn't the only thing, she had a black eye!! Something DID happen at school and she had tried to keep it a secret.

"Sonata, what happened to your eye? Why do you have a black eye? Who did this to you?" Sunset said clearly pissed off.

"T-this girl... she just came out of nowhere... she started to make fun of me... and then she punched me." Sonata said as she started crying again.

"Why didn't you say anything to anyone? A teacher, your sister, me! Why, you know you call to tell me anything." Sunset said nearly in tears herself.

"I-I'm sorry..." Sonata said not even able to look at her mother.

Sunset walks up to Sonata and gives her a hug. Aria and Adagio walk up and give Sonata a hug as well.

"I'm a little mad that you didn't tell anyone about this before, but as long as your ok then I'm ok. I'll talk to the school tomorrow about this whole ordeal, you guys don't have to worry. Now, how about we get some ice cream to make you feel better." Sunset said as she rubbed Sonata's back.

"Thanks momma." Sonata said as she hugged her mom tighter.

Sunset walks out of the room. Sonata and Aria look at Sunset and walk out. They start to follow her until Adagio walks up to the door and closes it, closing them into the room. Adagio's hair was over her eyes, she looked kind of scary to Aria and Sonata.

"What's wrong Adagio?" Aria asked wondering why Adagio was now acting weird.

"Yeah, I want that ice cream." Sonata said sadly that she had to wait to get the ice cream.

"Girls, tomorrow isn't going to be a normal day at school. Tomorrow we're going to find out who did that to Sonata. And we're going to make them pay." Adagio said looking up at her sister.

When Adagio looks up at her sister she had the most serious look on her face. For a spilt second, it looked like her eyes glowed like some anime characters. Aria and Sonata step back in fear, they nod their head in fear. Adagio opens the door and starts to walk out of the room, Sonata and Aria follow closely behind.

Adagio had a plan for tomorrow, that girl that did that to Sonata. She was going to have more than just a blackeye once the Dazzlings were done with her. That was a promise Adagio made to herself. But she had no idea what danger she was putting herself and her sisters in.

To be continued...

16. A Bully V.S The Dazzlings

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The Dazzlings went to school with their mom the next day. Sunset went to the office while the Dazzlings went to class. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata didn't pay attention to class that day. All they wanted was for lunch to happen so that they could get revenge for Sonata.

Thankfully their wish was given to them. What felt like a few seconds later, lunch had finally rolled around. The Dazzlings ate their food in a matter of seconds and went out to the playground to look around for Sonata's bully.

"Now then Sonata what did this person look like? Is she in our class? Tall? Small? Does she have glasses? Black hair? Green eyes? Tell me Sonata what did this girl look LIKE." Adagio said clearly losing the cool and calm nature she always had.

Aria puts her hand on Adagio's shoulder, "Adagio calm down, you're scaring Sonata. Look, I'm just as mad as you are but we won't get anywhere if you don't calm down. We'll find out who did that to Sonata but please bring it down by 40%, right now you're at 90%."

"Right. Sorry, Sonata I didn't mean to scare you. Now can you tell me what this girl looks like?" Adagio said looking at Sonata waiting to see what she would say.

"Why should I tell you, when I can show you." Sonata said pointing over to something, or rather someone.

Adagio and Aria look over to where Sonata was pointing at. There was a tall girl, taller than all three Dazzlings. She was currently bullying another kid at the playground. She had black hair, a beak for a nose, and dark green eyes. She looked very scary to the Dazzlings. Adagio holds in her fear and starts to walk over to this bully. Aria and Sonata rush after her to "try" to stop her.

"Come on Adagio calm down. We can't beat someone like that. She can probably eat us alive." Sonata said trying to stop Adagio from doing something she might regret.

"It's a three-on-one. We have the advantage against someone like her. And plus I said we were going to make her pay for what she did and she's going to pay." Adagio said getting closer to the bully.

"It doesn't matter if it's a three-on-one. Momma said she would take care of things. Let her handle things Adagio, please at least do it for Sonata." Aria said also trying to stop Adagio from doing something she might get in trouble for.

"No, this will make this bully know not to bully others." Adagio said she wasn't going to stop no matter what.

The Dazzlings had done it. They were in front of the bully, that gave Sonata a blackeye. The bully turns around and sees three little girls behind her. She looks at the Dazzlings with hatred in her eyes.

"And who are you two supposed to be?" The girl then looked at Sonata and smiled. "I remember the blue one, I gave you the blackeye." The bully smiles. "You two must be her sisters or something? You here for revenge for your sister, don't make me laugh."

"We're going to do more than make you pay. My name is Adagio, my sister Aria, and you've already met Sonata." Adagio said looking back at the bully with the same amount of hatred.

"Well then... my name is Gabby. And if you're looking for a fight I'll take the three of you at once. So come on let's go." Gabby said cracking her knuckles.

"Whenever you're ready." Adagio said getting into a fighting position, Aria and Sonata also get into fighting positions even though Sonata was scared out of her mind.

With that, the fight between Gabby vs the Dazzlings begins. Hair was pulled, and kicks and punches were thrown. Even a bit of blood started to shed. This was the Dazzlings first ever fight but they were doing pretty good if they said so. Kids all over the school ran over to look at the fight. Cheers could be heard from everywhere. Once the teachers found out what was happening they jumped into action. But even when they did get to the fight, it was too late. Three teachers got ahold of the four girls and took the Dazzlings and Gabby over to the office.

Sunset was happily talking to the principal until Adagio, Aria, Sonata, and Gabby all came into the principal's office looking like they just got out of war. Sunset was in shock, what had happened?

"Principal sir, these four kids were caught fighting. We don't know what happened but all we know is that both Adagio and Gabby laid the first punch." The teacher said as they spoke to the principal.

"Thank you, girls have a seat." The principal said pointing toward the chair.

"And what are you three doing here?" Sunset said clearly upset that her girls were in the office.

"Mom, that's the girl that gave Sonata the blackeye, we were only getting revenge for what she did." Adagio said happy for what she had done.

"Me and Ari had nothing to do with it. Adagio was the one that thought of the plan." Sonata yelled out scared that she was going to get in trouble for something Adagio had caused.

The principal looks at the Dazzlings and then at Gabby. Gabby just turned away not caring what was going on.

"This makes this the fifth time this month I've gotten word about you Gabby. Can't seem to stay out of trouble now can you." The principal said as he looked over at Gabby.

"Whatever." Gabby said as she turned away from the principal.

"Ms. Sunset it was a pleasure talking to you. I'll make sure this girl gets what she deserves. As for your kids, I'll have to ask you to take them off school campus for the rest of the day." The principal said sternly.

"Yes, sir thank you, sir. Come on girls, let's go." Sunset said as she got up from her seat.

"Ok, momma." The Dazzlings said as they followed Sunset.

Adagio gives one last look at Gabby, and Gabby does the same. A new enemy had just been made that day, and the Dazzlings had no clue. The Dazzlings walk behind their mother and get into the car. Sunset stays quiet she couldn't believe what her daughters had just done.

"Do you three have any idea what you just pulled? Why would you do that, I told you don't worry about anything and to let me handle it. ME, not YOU, Adagio I know you were trying to help but this wasn't the way." Sunset said as she got into the car.

"I-I'm sorry mom." Adagio said, now she was scared of Sunset.

"We're sorry too." Sonata and Aria said as they looked down.

"Have you three learned something today? And do you promise that something like this will never happen again?" Sunset said as she looked back at the Dazzlings.

"Yes, momma." The Dazzlings said.

"Good. Now come on I want to take to an old friend about this situation." Sunset said as she started up the car.

The way Sunset said old friend made the Dazzling's spines shiver. Just who was their mom talking about? Pinkie Pie? Rainbow Dash? Rarity? Tom?

"Where are we going momma?" Aria asked her mom.

"Somewhere." Sunset said as she then started to drive.

Sunset continues to drive, and after a while, they get to a rundown place. The ghetto, that's what it was. Trash was everywhere, no one was walking outside, and it looked like a ghost town. The Dazzlings were scared about who Sunset possibly met here of all places.

Sunset stops the car in front of a house and walks up to the door. She knocks on the door and waits for an answer. The Dazzlings hid behind Sunset mostly because they were scared. The door opens it's a tall woman, with a beak as a nose just like Gabby.

"Sunset? Who would have thought you would come around here again." The woman said as she took a sip of her drink, she didn't smell so good to the Dazzlings, as if she hadn't taken a bath in weeks.

"It's nice to see you too Gilda." Sunset said with a fierce expression.

The Dazzlings had a bad feeling about this woman. And the talk had only just begun.

17. A Talk Between Mothers

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Sunset and the Dazzlings walk into Gilda's house. Well if you could even call it that. The house was torn down and old, it looked like a kindergarten made it. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata look around the house, they were scared out of their minds. Gilda brings Sunset and the Dazzlings to the living room. Gilda sits down on a chair while Sunset and the Dazzlings sit on a "couch" or what was left of one.

"So what brings you here? Last time we talked we didn't end off very well." Gilda said picking up a can of beer. "You want a beer?"

Sunset looks at Gilda. "I don't drink, thanks."

"Fine, you're missing out." Gilda said taking a sip of the beer.

"I'm here because of your daughter Gabby. She attacked my daughters, you need to learn how to control your daughter better." Sunset said as she looked at Gilda who continued to drink her beer.

"Gabby can do whatever she wants to. She can get in trouble and get into fights as much as she wants to, I could really care less what she does." Gilda said taking yet another sip of her beer.

"What do you mean you don't care? She's your daughter, you need to teach her some self-respect for others. She can't just go beating up others for no reason." Sunset said as she started to get mad at Gilda who didn't seem to care at all.

"Why does it matter to you? You're not Gabby's mother, I am. You teach your kids one way and I teach my kids my way. Keep your nose out of other people's business, Sunset Shimmer." Gilda said getting up into Sunset's face.

"You haven't changed one bit since high school, you're still the same, Gilda Griffin. And for your information, it is my business she hit my kids." Sunset said as she got into Gilda's face, not backing down from Gilda.

Gilda scoffs at Sunset's remark, she looks down at the Dazzlings. For the first time, she saw Sunset's "daughters" her eyes widen. She looks back at Sunset, and Sunset nods her head. Gilda grabs Sunset's arm and takes her to a different part of the house.

The Dazzlings look at Gilda who had taken their mother away. Sonata starts to shake and shed some tears. Aria gets up to go over to Gilda and her mother but Adagio stops her.

"Adagio what are you doing? Let me see what's going on. That woman could be doing something to momma." Aria said as she stared at Adagio who was stopping her from moving.

"Calm down, Aria. That women and momma seem to be friends of some sort. They probably have to talk in private about a certain matter. We can wait here for them to come back, if we hear any noises then we go check on them. For now, we need to take care of Sonata." Adagio said looking back at Sonata who was still shaking and crying.

"Fine but if that woman does anything to momma, I'll do something." Aria said as she looked back at where her mom and Gilda had gone.

"Fine by me, you can do whatever you want to do if she does something to our mom." Adagio said as she held the crying Sonata.

In another room with Gilda and Sunset...

"What the heck are you doing with the Dazzlings?! Did you forget what they did back then?" Gilda said clearly confused as to why Sunset had the Dazzlings, or well, younger versions of the Dazzlings.

"Tom gave them a second chance in life. He gave them a potion that turned them into kids, and it's my responsibility to take care of them. I plan on giving them their second chance at life." Sunset said as she stared at Gilda.

"Geez, you really are odd Sunset. Taking care of three people that nearly took control of us." Gilda said as she scratched her head confused by Sunset and her antics.

"That was years ago, just let it go. I should probably get going it's getting late. At least try to do something about Gabby." Sunset said as she started to walk out of the room.

"It's not very easy being an only parent but I can try. She's just got a lot of anger in her right now, it'll go away in a while, maybe a few years." Gilda said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"If I may ask who is Gabby's dad?" Sunset asked turning back to face Gilda.

"Dusk Shine, but he left for a "special" reason." Gilda said.

"Well I wish you good luck. Here take this as my way of saying thanks for being a good friend to me back then." Sunset said handing Gilda fifty dollars.

"Thanks, Sunset, I'll be sure to have a talk with Gabby." Gilda said as she smiled at Sunset.

"Your welcome, now if you excuse me I have to go." Sunset said.

"See you Sunset." Gilda said as she walked Sunset back to the living room.

"Same goes for you, Gilda." Sunset said as she walked back into the living room.

Sunset and Gilda walk from behind the corner. They see Aria and Adagio hugging a very distorted Sonata. Sunset rushes over to see what wrong with Sonata.

"What's wrong with Sonata?" Sunset asked as she looked at Aria and Adagio.

"She just got scared, she missed you." Adagio said as she looked up at Sunset.

"Come here Sonata, it's ok mommy's here." Sunset said picking up Sonata.

"Talk to you later Gilda." Sunset said starting to leave the house

"Same to you Sunset Shimmer." Gilda said as she waved goodbye.

Sunset walks out of Gilda's house and gets into her car. She puts the Dazzlings in the car and starts to drive back home. Sonata had thankfully calmed down, still a bit scared but she was better.

"You really must of been scared Sonata. Did you think Gilda was going to do something to me?" Sunset asked as she continued to drive.

"She didn't seem like the nicest person. And when she grabbed you by the arm that really scared me. But I wasn't the only one that got scared, Aria was about to check on you but Adagio stopped her." Sonata said as she ratted Aria out.

"Oh, Aria's afraid as well?" Sunset asked looking over at Aria.

"What? No of course not. I was just keeping my guard up that's all. I was just making sure that Gilda wasn't going to harm you. Adagio got worried you know." Aria said as she crossed her arms and turned her head so that no one would see the small blush on her face.

"Yeah that's my momma. Of course, I'll be worried, but I had to make sure Sonata was ok." Adagio said as she gave Sonata a side hug.

"Well, I appreciate that all of you were worried about me. Gilda said she would talk to Gabby so maybe all of you can be friends." Sunset said as she looked over at the Dazzlings.

"We'll have to see about that." Adagio said as she crossed her own arms.

As Sunset's driving she gets a text from Tom.

Tom: Sunset come quickly to Tom Industry's

Sunset: Is everything ok, Tom?

Tom: Sunset another one came

Sunset: What are you talking about??

Tom: Another dimension traveler

Sunset was in shock another dimension traveler had come into the portal. Maybe they could help out as Aaron did. Or would he be a bad guy, it was a risk they were taking. The Dazzlings see Sunset's face, something was up.

"What's wrong momma." Sonata said seeing her mom's face.

"Tom just texted me, someone just came into the portal. There's another dimension traveler." Sunset said, with one swift movement she turned the car around. So now instead of heading home, they were headed to Tom Industry.

"Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go." Aria said she wanted to see the new traveler before anyone else.

"Right." Sunset said texting Tom that she was on her way.

Another dimension traveler had just gotten into this dimension. Now the whole world would have another person to ask all sorts of questions to.

Who is this new dimension traveler? Will he be good or will he be bad? Will he play a big part in the future? Only time will tell.

18. Another Dimension Traveler??

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Sunset and the Dazzlings got to Tom's Industry in a matter of minutes. Once they got out of the car they ran inside to see what was going on with Tom and this new dimension traveler. When Sunset and the Dazzlings found Tom however they saw another two people, which must have been the dimension travelers. Sunset thought it was only one person but TWO. Now, this was a surprise, to say the least.

The man and woman were sitting down on some chairs. To the Dazzlings the man and woman looked like giants to them. The Dazzlings were scared of these new dimension travelers. They were scary, very scary. The man had green skin and black eyes. He also had a business suit on, the man kept looking around the room impatiently. The woman, on the other hand, looked like a clone of Sonata. Blue skin, blue hair in a ponytail, it was like someone put a mirror in front of Sonata. But this Sonata was an adult version.

Sunset and the Dazzlings look at the two new dimension travelers. Sonata was mostly in shock by the women in the room that looked exactly like her. Tom saw Sunset and the Dazzlings and went off to talk to them. It had been a while since Tom had seen them. Plus it was nice to see Sunset again.

"Hello Sunset" Tom looked at Sunset. "Girls." Tom then looked at the Dazzlings. "I'm glad you came. Maybe you could help us, this guy ain't talking. All they have been saying since they got here was Aaron and I have to get home." Tom said.

"Tom, I thought there was only one dimension traveler, not two. And why do that women look like Sonata? And, what is so important about Aaron? Do they all know each other? Do you think they came from the other dimension?" Sunset started asking Tom questions.

"I'm not sure. The women came through the portal a little bit before you came. All we know is that they know Aaron, but Aaron didn't want to talk to them. That woman, however, is another version of Sonata, but just from a different dimension." Tom said as he looked at the other Sonata.

"Can I meet the other me then?" Sonata asked Tom hoping she could meet the adult version of herself.

"Yes, you can meet the other you. You don't have to worry about her, she won't hurt you. And plus, maybe you four could help us try to make them talk. We just want to talk to them and then send them back home. Come on!" Tom said grabbing Sonata's hand and pulling her toward the other Sonata.

Tom takes Sonata right to the other Sonata in the room. Sunset, Adagio, and Aria, all go over to the man to see if they could try talking to him. Sonata looks at the other Sonata, all of this was just weird to her.

"Excuse me ma'am this is Sonata, well the Sonata from this dimension. Say hello Sonata." Tom said to Sunset's Sonata who looked up at her older self.

"Hello, other me from another dimension." Sonata said as she laughed and then waved.

"Well hello little me. Aren't you just the cutest little thing?" The dimension Sonata said as she picked up Sunset's Sonata. "So you're me but from this dimension. Are those two your sisters, that must be your mother over there."

"Yeah, Adagio and Aria are the best sisters ever. My mom is also the best momma ever, she really nice." Sonata said as she talked to her other self.

"You know in my dimension I have two sisters named Adagio and Aria. However, in my dimension Sunset is one of my friends not my mother. But she was a great friend though." The dimension Sonata said.

"So, do you mind telling me why you and that guy over there entered our dimension?" Tom asked as he looked at her and then at the other man.

"That ain't just some guy, that's my husband and his name is Anon. As why we entered your dimension was to find Aaron and give him what he deserves." The dimension Sonata answered.

"What do you two have to give Anon? And how do you three all know each other, you all friends or something?" Tom asked confused why these two wanted Aaron so badly.

"We aren't friends, we're the total opposite of that. Back in our dimension, Aaron was a bad guy. He abandoned his son, his son and my husband back then were enemies with each other. Aaron is bad news, and we think he has something planned for this dimension." Sonata said seriously.

"Well, he's been here for nearly three years now. He's done nothing but good things to this dimension, in fact, he's made this dimension better and it's all thanks to him. Why would he want to do something now after all this time? Wouldn't he of done something once he got into this dimension?" Tom asked Sonata.

"Probably to make everyone in this dimension think that he's a good guy and that everyone should praise him. Then when nobody sees it coming he's master plan comes together. It's only a matter of time before he starts his plan. That's why we need to bring him back to our dimension and bring him to justice." Sonata said.

"What's his master plan? What is he looking for power? Money? Control over this dimension?" Tom asked clearly confused.

"I'm not really sure. He could be looking for anything. Aaron's unpredictable you never know what he's doing. All we know is that as long as Aaron is in your dimension everyone is in danger." Sonata said.

"I KNEW IT!!" Sunset yelled scaring everyone in the room. "I knew that Aaron guy was trouble once he got here. Come on let's go find that idiot and take him back to his dimension."

"Sunset calm down, Aaron's going to be put to justice. But first, we need to know all the information we can about Aaron and these two. Once we find out everything, we'll make a decision." Tom said.

"Fine, but the sooner the better." Sunset said.

"It ain't going to be that easy." A voice said.

Everyone turns around, Anon had finally spoken since he got into the dimension.

"Aaron isn't going to leave so easily. He's probably already left the building and gone into hiding for a while. We should know, he doesn't give up without a fight. He's planning something behind your backs, and it's going to be big and dangerous to all of you. He needs to be stopped before that happens." Anon said as he stood up.

"We can't make a decision so quickly. Tell us everything you two know about Aaron and your dimension. You in our dimension make the rules around here. We'll make the final choice, you and your wife don't make the calls here. Got it?" Tom said looking at Anon.

"Fine, just don't be surprised if something happens to this dimension. It'll be your fault if something happens, I hope you know that." Anon said as he glared at Tom.

"That's a chance I'm willing to take. But I just don't believe Aaron would do something like that. He helped this dimension so why would he try to destroy it? All of his hard work for nothing?" Tom said as he glared right back at Anon.

"If that's what Aaron has to do he'll do it." Anon said not breaking eye contact with Tom.

"Anon, please, let's just tell them about what we know." Sonata said stopping Anon before he did something.

"Fine, but after we tell them we're getting Aaron and going home." Anon said as he looked down at his wife.

"Fine by me." Sonata said with a smile.

"Good now please tell us what you know about Aaron." Tom said as he and everyone else sat down.

But what no one knew was that the story they were about to hear was going was a shocking one.

19. The World As We Know It...

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"We don't know much about Aaron all that well. But what we do know about him was that he was an awful father to his son. Aaron was a rude and crazy person. Always treating everyone as if they were underneath him. He thought he was some sort of god." Anon said as he thought about Aaron and all that he did.

"So that's why we think he has something evil planned." Sonata said as she looked down.

"Anyways, his son was named Dusk Shine. Dusk Shine use to date Sonata but father like son, he treated Sonata with disrespect. Me and Dusk Shine had to get into a few fights at some point of time before he finally started to act right. Once I beat Dusk Shine in a fight, Aaron walked out of Dusk Shine's life for the second time. Then just the other day we got word that Aaron was in another dimension, then we knew Aaron was up to no good." Anon said as he thought back to everything that had happened to him and his wife.

"So what's Aaron's plan? What could he possibly do to make this dimension fall in his hands?" Tom asked.

"This is Aaron we're talking about it. Aaron could do anything, but just like Sonata said it's going to be dangerous. Aaron's sneaky, he's fouled all of you for nearly three years now. This world as you know it is in grave danger if nothing happens to Aaron, this world could possibly be destroyed because of him." Anon said as he looked at all of them.

Tom, Sunset, and the Dazzlings all looked at Anon in shock. The world as they knew it could be in danger? The world could possibly be destroyed because of Aaron? Just how powerful and dangerous was this guy, one guy could make a whole dimension end? Sure, Aaron was smart because he came from another dimension, but being smart wasn't everything... was it?

"I'm sorry but I still don't believe you. For all, we know you two could be lying to our faces. Aaron has done nothing but good to this dimension, and plus even if he does have this master plan I'm sure we'll be able to handle it. One guy can't make a whole dimension fall, it's just not possible." Tom said with confidence.

"Just like how traveling from one dimension to the other was impossible." Anon fired back as he glared at Tom.

"We made that possible thanks to everyone that works here. It was a team project, it's thanks to everyone that we made this possible. There is no I in team, and Aaron can't destroy a whole dimension all by himself, that's impossible. Unless he can make some sort of machine to destroy the whole dimension then he can't destroy it. And for him to make a machine like that would take months maybe even years." Tom said.

"That may be true but what's going to happen once Aaron makes that machine? How are you going to destroy it, what's your plan of attack?" Anon asked Tom.

Nothing. Tom didn't say anything. What could he say? He didn't have any idea of what to do if something like that were to happen.

"Just let the experts do all of the work. We'll take Aaron back to his rightful dimension and put him to justice." Anon said as he sighed and then got up.

"Absolutely not. You're not the experts, we are. We'll handle Aaron, we can do this by ourselves, we don't need your help. If, or when Aaron's master plan happens we'll be there to stop him, then you guys can take him back to your dimension and put him in jail or whatever you guys will do to him." Tom said as he stood up to Anon.

"And how can we be so sure that you guys can handle Aaron? Quit being a little kid and let us deal with it right here and now." Anon said getting in Tom's face.

"Let's make a vote on it then. You, your wife, me, Sunset, and the Dazzlings. What do you say? Or are you afraid you're going to lose?" Tom said getting up in Anon's face.

"Fine." Anon said as he took a step back.

"Raise your hand if you want Aaron to stay in this dimension and let the people that are actually in our dimension deal with Aaron." Tom said as he began to look around.

Tom, Sunset, Aria, Adagio, and surprisingly Sonata raised their hands. Everyone but Anon and Sunset's Sonata raised their hands.

"Looks like I win and you lose Anon." Tom said as he looked at Anon with a smile at his victory.

"Yeah, we can handle that Aaron guy." Adagio said as she smiled at Anon and the older Sonata.

"He isn't all that tough." Aria said as she rolled her eyes. "We can deal with him no problem."

"I have to agree with Tom's logic." Sunset said as she looked at the two.

"Anon, let's give these people a chance. If they have some trouble with Aaron then we can come back to this dimension and help them. Please for me." Sonata said giving puppy eyes to Anon.

Anon looked at his wife, there was no way to say no when she did that face. He sighed, unable to say no. "Fine, for you. But I'm telling you to keep your eyes on Aaron. He has something planned and when it does you're going to regret not letting us take him when you had the chance." Anon said.

"What he means is we're putting our hope and trust into you. This thread is now in your hands, we hope you be able to overcome it. Now if you excuse us we should be getting back to our homes." Sonata said getting up.

"If you say so." Tom said. Tom gets up and starts to activate the portal again so Anon and Sonata can get back to their dimension. All of a sudden Sunset's Sonata walks over to Anon's Sonata.

"Do you really think we can beat Aaron?" Sonata asked her older self. She didn't want to say it but she was afraid of what was to come.

"Of course, you can. You're going to get older and stronger, I know you can beat Aaron. I especially believe in you Sonata, I have a gut feeling that you be the one to land the final blow to Aaron." Sonata said looking down at the younger Sonata.

"Me? Be the one to beat Aaron? No, I'm sorry but I don't think I can do that." Sonata said as she looked down.

"Here's some advice, from one Sonata to the other. Even if things seem impossible at the time being, get back up and make the impossible possible. That's how you can beat Aaron." Sonata said with a smile.

"Thank you, I'll be sure to make you proud." Sonata said with a smile of her own.

Just then Tom made the portal active again. "There we go, now the two of you can go back home." Tom said.

"Thank you, we hope all of you are prepared when Aaron's master plan happens. For now, stay on guard, we hope all of you stay safe. Have a good day." Anon said walking into the portal.

"I hope we can all see each other again real soon." Sonata said walking into the portal behind Anon.

And with that Anon and Sonata walked into the portal and back home. Everyone watched as their new "friends" left. Sonata, however, took the most out of everyone, she was going to prove to the other Sonata that she could beat Aaron which was a promise she was going to keep.

"Well, now that they're gone we should use their advice. We should all keep our eyes on Aaron. We need to be ready if he ever does start his so-called "master plan." Who knows what Aaron could have planned for this world? But I know we can stop him, we will and we must. Everyone is going to have a part to play in stopping him. Let's all work together and beat Aaron." Tom said as he looked at everyone.

"YEAH!!" Everyone yelled.

No matter what they were going to beat Aaron. It may be hard but they were going to do it. Even if it took months to make it happen. But what no one knew was that their world as they knew it really was in danger. Far more dangerous than any of them had planned.

20. Will You Marry Me??

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It was nearly two years since Anon and the other Sonata gave everyone the news about Aaron. Sure they didn't have to wait for nearly two years but it was better to be safe than sorry.

In that amount of time, almost everything had changed. With new technology, new shops, fewer robberies, less stealing, and less murder, the world was truly becoming a better place all thanks to Aaron. Just like they were told to by Anon and the other Sonata everyone kept their eyes on Aaron. But even though people were suspicious of Aaron, Aaron didn't mind. He kept on doing his job like always and made the world a safe place for everyone.

The Dazzlings were currently enjoying their life as always. They were nearing the end of their fourth-grade year. Sunset and Tom had been dating for two years now. But it felt as though they'd been dating for years. Sure they knew each other in high school but they didn't really talk, because Sunset was the tyrant queen of the school for almost all of their high school years.

It was a midday Saturday, the Dazzlings were at home with Celestia. Sunset was currently out with her friends having a girl's day. Normally the Dazzlings and Celestia would be having a fun time playing a game or something but not today. Today was different, Tom was there for one important reason. Today was the day he was going to ask Sunset Shimmer to marry him. For a while now Tom was planning of asking Sunset but never really had time to because of his company but now he had the time. Tom was telling Celestia and the Dazzlings the plan, he needed their help if this plan was going to work.

"So can I possibly marry your daughter, Celestia?" Tom asked Celestia.

"Now that's Sunset's decision but if it was up to me I would say yes. She'll be very lucky to have you as a husband." Celestia said as she looked at Tom with a smile.

"So does this mean we'll finally have a dad?" Sonata asked.

"Well if Sunset says yes then you will. But I have no doubt in my mind that she'll she yes." Celestia said looking at Sonata.

"Yay! We're going to have a dad." Sonata said jumping up and down.

"Sonata calm down, we need to get this place ready before momma gets back." Adagio said trying to calm down her hyper sister.

"Yeah take it down a notch will you." Aria said already done with Sonata for the day, but it was only 1:00 in the afternoon.

"Sorry, I'm just excited. Our momma's is going to get married. We should be happy." Sonata said with a big smile.

"Who said we weren't happy? We're just saying to calm down." Aria said as she looked at Sonata with a glare.

"Now, now girls. You're both right about this. We should be happy for Sunset, but we should also get this place ready. Now let's hurry so we can make this place look great for the proposal." Celestia said as she and Tom started to move some things around.

"Yeah, come on girls. Let's make this the best proposal ever." Adagio said putting her arm up in the air.

"Yeah!" Sonata and Aria yelled.

Tom had already brought a whole box full of supplies for the proposal. The Dazzlings looked into the box to see what was in it. The box was full of all sorts of things and colors. Fake flower pedals, balloons that needed to be filled with air, a big sign saying "Will you marry me," and three cute little dresses.

"Why are there three dresses in the box? Does mom need to wear three dresses when you propose to her?" Adagio asked picking up one of the dresses.

"No, Adagio. Those are for you three. Each of you is going to wear one when I propose to Sunset." Tom said as he gave each gave a Dazzling a dress.

"What about Auntie Celestia?" Aria asked looking over at Celestia

"I already have my dress to wear Aria." Celestia said looking down at Aria with a smile.

"Wow, look at the dresses. We're going to look like little princesses." Sonata said holding up her dress.

Aria and Adagio take out their dresses from Tom's hands. Sonata's dress was a light blue dress, Aria's was a purple dress, and Adagio had a pink dress. Sonata and Adagio loved their dresses but Aria on the other hand wasn't all that thrilled.

"Something the matter, Aria?" Tom asked as he noticed her face.

"I don't like it. I don't want to wear a dress." Aria said as she handed back the dress.

"You don't have to wear the dress. But can you at least do it for your mother just this once?" Tom said as she pleaded to Aria.

"Fine, for momma. But that's it." Aria said as she crossed her arms.

"Thanks, Aria. Now you three should put on your dresses. Me and Celestia can work on putting up the decorations. Once you three are done you can come to help us if we need it." Tom said as he and Celestia started getting to work.

"Ok." The Dazzlings said as they ran to their rooms.

It took a while for Tom and Celestia to put up all of the decorations but they finished. Once they finished Sonata and Adagio came out of their rooms with their dresses on.

"Tom, Auntie Celestia, how do we look." Adagio asked as she did a little pose.

"You two look great." Tom said as he smiled at the two girls.

"I couldn't agree more. You two look like true princesses." Celestia said as she took a picture with her phone.

"Now all we need is Aria and then we're ready. Now, where is Aria?" Tom asked.

"She's still getting dressed. She's not a fan of all this "girly" stuff." Adagio said rolling her eyes. Adagio didn't understand why Aria didn't like girly things like her or Sonata.

"Yes, she does." Sonata said with a smile.

Everyone looks at Sonata in confusion. Sonata looks at them and realizes that she going to have to explain.

"When me and Adagio were walking down I took a look into Aria's room. She isn't getting dressed, she's already dressed. She was in her dress twirling around like a ballerina. She also had a big smile on her face. Aria just likes to keep things to herself, she really likes girly things but keeps it in." Sonata said with a bright smile.

"Well, it's good to know Aria likes the dress. I'm going to get her right now." Celestia said as she walked upstairs.

"Ok, I'll call Sunset to see if she's on her way home." Tom said as he took out his phone.

"What do we do?" Adagio asked Tom.

"You just wait here and get ready to surprise your mother." Tom said as he went to the other room to call Sunset.

Celestia comes back downstairs with Aria. Aria had her arms crossed and had a frown on her face. Aria didn't look one bit happy at all.

"What's wrong Aria? Do you not like the dress?" Adagio asked giggling inside since she knew the real answer.

"What do you think? Of course, I don't like it. Dresses are for girly girls and I'm not that." Aria said sitting down on the couch still having her arms crossed.

"Sure, whatever you say Aria." Sonata said smiling.

Celestia comes back into the room with her dress on. It was a white dress, it was kinda like a wedding dress but different. Tom also came back into the room with his phone in his pocket. He looks excited yet scared at the same time.

"I just called Sunset. She's on her way she's about five minutes away from the house." Tom said as he put his phone in his pocket.

"Well, I guess we should get into our places." Celestia said as she stood up.

"Yeah, let's get ready." Tom said as he too got up.

Everyone finds a hiding spot so Sunset wouldn't see them. Celestia goes over to the lights and turns them off. Now the room was fully dark, once Sunset would walk in she wouldn't see anything.

About a minute later the door opens. Sunset walks over to the lights and turns them on. She was confused when the lights were on and she didn't hear anything. Maybe Celestia took the Dazzlings somewhere to get some food. She turns around and see's all of the decorations except for the sign saying "Will you marry me". Everyone expects Tom walks out of their hiding spots and goes to Sunset.

"W-what's going on? Why are all of you dressed up." Sunset asked looking around at everyone.

"Look at the sign, Sunset." Celestia said pointing toward the sign.

Sunset looks up at the sign. She covers her mouth with her hand and tears start to rise in her eyes. Tom walks out of his hiding spot and gets on one knee, and pulls out the wedding ring. The tears in Sunset's eyes come out as she looks at Tom.

"Sunset, will you marry me?" Tom asked as he looked up at his girlfriend.

"Yes, yes I'll marry you." Sunset said as she tackled him.

Tom puts the ring on Sunset's finger and they engage in a kiss. It was a wonderful moment for the Dazzlings. Their mother was finally going to get married. It was a happy moment for them all.

"So when's the wedding going to be?" Sonata asked.

"Five days from now. My company already has been getting all of the plans ready. We just need Sunset's input on them." Tom said as he looked at his now-fiancee.

"I'll sure they'll be great." Sunset said

Sunset and Tom were finally going to be married after years of being together. The Dazzlings couldn't be happier for their mother. The wedding was going to be great.

21. Sonata And Tacos

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A few hours later after Tom proposed to Sunset, Tom decided to take everyone to dinner for the night. The place he took them to was an all-you-can-eat buffet and just like any all-you-can-eat buffet, it had everything imaginable. Pizza, burgers, tacos, seafood, pasta, everything. Tom being Tom got all six of them first-class spots. Nice spot away from other people, just the six of them going to get some dinner for the night like one big family.

Once they got their plates they started to go and get all kinds of food for themselves. The Dazzlings were the most excited out of everyone. To go and have whatever food they wanted as much as they wanted. Now that was any kid's dream, especially with the sugary foods. Cakes, ice cream, cupcakes, and other kinds of sugary food they didn't even their name to. Whatever could fit on their plates they got it and a lot they did.

While the Dazzlings were getting their food they went past the Mexican food aisle. As they passed the Mexican aisle, Sonata saw something that caught her eye. There was something with a hard shell to it, it has meat, cheese, and some lettuce on it. Sonata had never seen anything like it, to her it was a mystery.

"Aria, Adagio, what is that?" Sonata said pointing to the mysterious food she had never seen before.

"Sonata that's a taco. Haven't you had one before?" Adagio asked Sonata, she was surprised Sonata didn't know what a taco was already.

"I wouldn't be asking you if I had one now would I?" Sonata asked Adagio.

Adagio looked at Sonata surprised that she was able to fire back without effort. "Get one, trust me it's good. You're going to really like it."

"Okay, whatever you say." Sonata said as she got a taco.

The Dazzlings came back to their table with big plates that were full of food. Sunset, Tom, and Celestia were already back at the table eating. Once they saw the Dazzlings plates, however, things changed.

"Adagio, Aria, Sonata, do you really think you can eat all of that? You girls probably took all the food with how big your plates are." Sunset said giggling at all the food the Dazzlings had.

"We'll eat it all momma." Adagio said as she took a bite of her pizza slice.

"Yeah, and plus I'm always hungry." Aria said with her mouth full of mac and cheese.

"I didn't even get that much. I'm sure I can eat all of my food." Sonata said eating one of her chocolate cookies.

"You better eat all of that. If you girls get a stomach ache don't come crying to me. It's your fault for getting so much food." Sunset said as she started eating her own food.

"Okay, we won't." Aria said taking a bite of her pizza.

As everyone was eating their food, Tom and Sunset were agreeing on what the wedding should have and whatever kinds of things you got to do when planning a wedding. The Dazzlings were also trying to help... TRYING to help. Sure they were able to help with a few things but some ideas were a little too crazy. And most of the time they just argued with each other. Well, to be exact it was Adagio and Aria. Sonata just happily ate her food.

"I don't understand why we can't have a shark at the wedding." Aria said as she waved her fork around. "You know how cool it would be to have a shark at a wedding?"

"And what would happen if the shark got out of his cage or something?" Adagio asked Aria.

"How could it escape? Plus it would be on land, the shark would die once it gets out." Aria said.

"No, it wouldn't. Have you even been paying attention in class? The shark won't die once it gets out, it'll take a while for it to die. Having a shark at the wedding would be a bad idea." Adagio said. "Unless of course you want to have your foot bit off or worse, half your body."

"I'm going to have to agree with Adagio on that one. Sorry Aria, but having a shark would be a threat to everyone that came to the wedding." Celestia said looking down at Aria.

"Fine, but the next wedding there better be a shark at it." Aria said as she grumbled eating some of her pasta.

"Now what about the location of the wedding?" Sunset asked

"A church, just like all other weddings." Sonata said finally speaking instead of eating like she had been doing.

"Any other ideas?" Tom asked around. Nobody said anything. "At a church it is. Great idea Sonata." Tom said as he wrote it down, as Sonata happily smiled.

While Sunset and Tom kept on asking some other questions, Sonata continued eating. She still had the taco on her plate, but she was planning on saving it for last. She was mostly scared because she had never had one before. Well, Sonata was always scared to try new things, that's just who she was.

Adagio and Aria had already eaten all of their food and they were going to get another plate. Sonata would have liked to go with them but she still had a taco on her plate and Sunset had told her that she had to finish everything on her plate. She kept on staring at it thinking that she was going to somehow burn the taco away. Celestia looks at Sonata as Sonata keeps on looking at the taco.

"Sonata you should try a bite of it. It may be different for you but you're going to like it. If you don't like it then I'll just eat it for you." Celestia said smiling at Sonata.

"O-okay, I'll take a little bite." Sonata said as she slowly reached for the taco.

Sonata picks up the taco and looks at it from all angles. The taco looked good, and it smelt good. Hopefully, it tasted just as good as it smelt and looked. Sonata cautiously took the taco up to her mouth and took a bite of it. Immediately a spark came into Sonata's mouth. This taco had to be one of the best things she had ever eaten. From the crunchy shell to the warm meat, and the cheesy cheese. All of it tasted so good to Sonata. Sonata happily munched on the taco with a smile on her face.

"So how do you like the taco, Sonata?" Celestia asked even though she already knew the answer.

"It's the best! I'm going to get some more once I'm done with this one." Sonata said quickly finishing the taco and getting back up.

"Well, I'm glad you like it. Just be sure not to grab too many tacos. Save some for everyone else." Celestia told her.

"Okay, I will." Sonata said getting up and heading to get some more tacos. Sonata headed over to get some more tacos, and as she did she met up with her sisters. "Adagio, you were right tacos really are good. Want to come with me to get some?" Sonata asked.

"Sure I'll come with you. I'm glad you like the tacos, I wouldn't lie to you now would I." Adagio said as she and Sonata made their way to the tacos.

"Yeah, Aria's normally the one that lies to me. But thankfully I have one sister that doesn't lie to me." Sonata said with a smile.

"That's just how Aria is, she just does it for fun." Adagio said. "So how do you think Tom's and our mom's wedding will go?"

"I'm sure it'll be a nice wedding. I just can't wait to see our momma finally get married. We'll finally be able to call someone our dad." Sonata said as she then picked up a few tacos.

"You really want Tom to be our dad?" Adagio asked as she grabbed a taco for herself.

"I mean he's nice to mom and he's never rude to us before. I think he'll be a great father to us. Even, Auntie Celestia said that Tom would be a great husband to momma. So I believe that Tom will be a great father to us." Sonata said as she looked at her plate happy with all the tacos she had.

"I guess your right, but does that mean we can call Tom dad or Tom?" Adagio asked.

"I guess we'll have to ask Tom that question. But I'm going to call him dad, you and Aria can call him whatever you want to call him." Sonata said as she started making her way back to the table.

"I'm sure me and Aria will call him dad as well." Adagio said as she followed Sonata.

"I'm sure he'll like that very much." Sonata said with a bright smile.

Adagio and Sonata got their food and went back to the table. Both of them enjoyed their food and talked with each other. They couldn't wait for the wedding to happen. To see their mother get married and finally have a dad after years without having one. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata couldn't wait for Thursday to arrive on the day of the wedding.

22. Aria The Girly Girl

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There were only three days left until Tom and Sunset's wedding. Everything was getting planned out and everyone was helping them make the wedding as great as it could possibly be. Everyone who lived in Canterlot had heard about the wedding. The wedding was going to be one of the biggest weddings ever.

Meanwhile, the Dazzlings continued to do what they always did. They were currently on Spring Break so they had a whole two weeks off of school which was a blessing to them. But ever since Tom's and Sunset's wedding plans started it was just boring. Celestia was also helping get the wedding planner and she also didn't have time to have fun with the Dazzlings. That was how it was probably going to be until the wedding happened. Sure the Dazzlings were happy their mother was going to get married but they wished something fun would happen.

The Dazzlings were currently laying on the couch bored out of their minds. Well, two of the Dazzlings were laying on the couch bored just watching TV. Adagio and Sonata were watching cartoons as they had been for the last two days. Where Aria was, was a mystery to them. Aria hadn't been around with the other two for the last couple of days. But at the same time, it was also a relief to them, Aria could be a little much for them at some points in time.

"Adagio, I'm bored. There's nothing to do here. Isn't there something we can do?" Sonata asked Adagio.

"Sonata what can we do? We played soccer, watched TV, and played almost every single board game in this house. What else is there in this house that we could do?" Adagio asked Sonata.

"We could go find out what Aria's been up to for the last couple of days." Sonata said with a sneaky smile on her face.

"And what could Aria be doing that's so fun? She's not into girly things remember? Aria's probably in her room doing who knows what. For all, we know she could be sleeping." Adagio said with a bored expression.

"Well do you have any other ideas on what we could do? Cause I don't see you have any good ideas like you normally do." Sonata said as she got up from the couch.

"You know what? You're right? It'll be nice to see what Aria's been doing for the last two days. She might have been doing something fun and not told us about it. Come on Sonata let's go find out what Aria's been doing." Adagio said getting off the couch.

"How fun. We're going to be like secret agent's on a secret mission." Sonata said jumping up and down.

"Sonata be quiet. We don't want to be caught before the mission even starts now do we?" Adagio said as she quietly made their way to the bottom of the stairs.

"No." Sonata said as she stopped.

"Good. Now let's go upstairs and see what Aria's up to." Adagio said as she looked at her sister.

Adagio and Sonata start to walk up the stairs as silently as ninjas. As they start to walk up the stairs they start to hear noises coming from Aria's room. Not just any noises it almost sounded like, singing? Sonata and Adagio shot a look at each other in confusion. They continue to walk up the stairs, they were almost up the stairs when they heard another noise. This time it sounded like someone was dancing. Adagio and Sonata look at each other again, who would be dancing? Was Auntie Celestia in Aria's room and they were playing some sort of game? Finally after a little while longer Sonata and Adagio get up the stairs and right next to Aria's door. Aria's door was kind of closed but you could still look through and look into her room.

Adagio and Sonata look into Aria's room, and what they saw was a surprise. Aria was in her dress, the very dress that Tom gave her when Tom proposed to Sunset. Aria was also dancing with all of her plushies around her. For once in Adagio's and Sonata's life did they ever see Aria look so happy before? Aria had the biggest smile on her face, she was truly having the time of her life. Sonata was about to open the door but thankfully Adagio stopped her, Adagio takes Sonata and brings her around the corner.

"Sonata what are you doing? You know good and well if Aria finds out that we caught her acting like a girly girl that she would kill us. Were you trying to get us killed? Why were you about to open the door?" Adagio said clearly confused by Sonata's actions.

"I was going to ask if I could play with her. Come on Adagio, you know that you're bored. Aria looks like she's having fun and is nowhere near as bored as we are. I'll rather get killed trying to ask to play than be bored for the next few days. Now, I'm going to open Aria's door and ask her if I can play with her. If I die then I died trying." Sonata said starting to walk to Aria's door.

"Wait Sonata! Do you have any idea what you're planning? Aria doesn't like girly things, we just caught her acting like one. She will literally kill us if she finds out that we were watching her act like one." Adagio said scared that she was going to lose a sister.

"Well, if she tries to kill us then we can yell for Auntie Celestia's help. Now, do you want to be bored or try to ask to play with Aria?" Sonata asked Adagio.

Adagio sighed. "Fine! But if Aria tries to kill us I'll throw you under the bus." Adagio said.

"What bus?" Sonata asked Adagio tilting her head in confusion.

Adagio's hand smacked against her forehead. "Forget it. Let's just go."

Sonata and Adagio get to Aria's door. Adagio then walks up to the door and knocks on the door. Once Adagio knocks on the door, the room went quiet. Adagio and Sonata look at each other, they already knew what was happening. The door opens and they see Aria, well only Aria's face. The whole rest of Aria's body was behind the door.

"What do you two want? I'm kinda doing something right now." Aria said with her normal expression although Sonata and Adagio knew she was hiding something.

"Can we play with you? We heard noises from your room and we saw you playing in your room." Sonata said with a smile.

Aria's face turned bright red. She had no idea both of her sisters saw her acting like a true girly girl. Aria didn't know what to say, she didn't know if she should be mad or just let them play with her.

"U-uh... I-I guess so. J-just promise that you won't tell anyone about this." Aria said clearly embarrassed by the whole thing

"Oh, Aria we wouldn't tell anyone about you actually liking girly things." Sonata said hugging Aria.

"Sonata's right, but you shouldn't be afraid to show your true self to others. No one's going to treat you differently just because you like girly things." Adagio said hugging Aria as well.

"Fine, but I'll rather keep this to myself until I feel like telling them." Aria said hugging them back. "Now come on. You two put on your dresses and then we can go play."

"Alright." Sonata and Adagio said running to their rooms to get their dresses.

Aria didn't like the fact that her sisters now knew her secret but she knew that they wouldn't tell anyone. Aria walks back into her room to get the place cleaned up before Adagio and Sonata, well more Sonata could mess the place up.

Adagio and Sonata ran back into Aria's room so that they could all play. For the next few hours Aria, Adagio, and Sonata had the times of their lives playing together. No longer did Adagio and Sonata feel bored, and no longer did Aria feel as though she had to act like someone she wasn't. They were all sisters and they could tell their other sister's anything.

After all, that's what a true bond between sisters was.

23. A Dazzling Girls Night

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It had been a few hours since the Dazzling all started to play with each other. It wasn't until Celestia walked in on them playing that the fun ended, not because the Dazzlings were doing anything bad but rather a good thing.

"Girls, I called one of your friends. Frizzle's mother is having a girl's night and she was wondering if you three wanted to go over and have a sleepover. You three won't be back until Wednesday the day just before the wedding. Now, what do you three say?" Celestia asked, although she already knew the answer.

"Yes!" The Dazzlings yelled.

"I thought so. Get dressed and I'll take you three over there right now." Celestia said walking out of the room.

"Wait, Auntie Celestia." Adagio said.

Celestia walks back into the room to see what Adagio wants. "Something the matter Adagio?" Celestia asked.

"Who's all going to be there?" Adagio asked.

"All of your friends. Frizzle, Joy, Athena, and Phoebe. Plus you three so seven girls in total." Celestia said.

"Wow, ok. Thanks, Auntie Celestia." Adagio said with a smile. Celestia nods her head and starts to walk out of the room. Adagio turns back to Aria and Sonata and smiles. "Come on girls let's get going." Adagio said.

"YEAH!" Aria and Sonata yelled.

The Dazzlings in a matter of seconds ran to their rooms and got dressed and got their stuff ready for the sleepover. The Dazzlings ran downstairs and waited for Celestia to take them to Frizzle's house.

Celestia was surprised to see the Dazzlings waiting for her. She smiles, the Dazzlings reminded Celestia about herself when she was younger. The Dazzlings and Celestia get into the car and start to head to Frizzle's house.

Once they got to Frizzle's house the Dazzlings jumped out of the car and waved goodbye to Celestia. Frizzle's mom was out there waiting for the Dazzlings to get there. Celestia waves at Frizzle's mother and waves goodbye to the Dazzlings as she drives off. Frizzle's mother looks down at the excited Dazzlings.

"It's nice of you three to come out here. Don't worry you haven't missed much Athena got here just before you'll came. They've been waiting for you guys, so come don't want to keep them waiting now do we?" Frizzle's mom asked the Dazzlings.

"Thanks for having us. It's nice to be able to have some fun now." Adagio said.

"Give your mother my blessings for the wedding." Frizzle's mom said.

"We will." Aria said with a smile.

"Come on you guys let's get going." Sonata said heading up the stairs.

"Wait for us Sonata." Adagio said as she walked after Sonata.

The Dazzlings run upstairs and head to Frizzle's room. When they got there, they saw all of their friends. Athena, Joy, Frizzle, and Phoebe. All the girls look up when they see the Dazzlings walk up into the rooms.

"Sonata, Aria, Adagio, it's nice for you three to finally get here." Frizzle said.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world." Adagio said sitting down.

"Now that we're all here what do we plan on doing?" Joy asked.

"How about a game? It's been a while since it's just been the six of us." Phoebe said.

"I agree, get ready to lose Adagio." Athena said staring at Adagio.

"We'll see about that Athena." Adagio said as she stared at Athena.

"Well, what game should we play?" Frizzle asked. "We got a lot of games we could play."

"What about we play Charades." Sonata said, giving an idea.

"That's a good idea, now who should go first?" Frizzle asked around.

"Can I go first? If that's alright with everyone." Phoebe said making sure everyone was ok with her going first.

"Sure go ahead Phoebe." Frizzle said with a smile.

Phoebe stands up and gets in the middle of everyone, and starts to act out. Phoebe flaps her arms around like she's flying.

"Are you a bird?" Athena asked

"Yup, I thought it was going to be harder to guess." Phoebe said as she sat down, a small blush on her face from embarrassment.

"There really isn't any better way to act out a bird." Adagio said.

"True, your turn Athena." Phoebe said as she looked over at Athena.

Just like that the girls started to play Charades. Athena went up, then Joy, then Adagio, and then Aria. Sonata was trying to get up there for a turn but it was kinda hard for her. Frizzle was currently the one doing the acting. She was acting like a clown but no one was getting the clues she was handing out.

"A crazy person?" Athena asked.

"A monkey?" Adagio asked.

"Someone who needs to go to the bathroom and is holding it in?" Phoebe asked.

"Someone whose feet are on fire?" Aria asked.

"Why would you answer something like that?" Adagio asked Aria.

"Well, I don't know the answer. I'm just guessing things at this point." Aria said turning to Adagio.

"Are you acting like a clown? Sonata asked tilting her head.

"Yep! Sonata got it, I'm surprised it took that long for all of you to figure it out." Frizzle said. "It's your turn Sonata."

"Ok." Sonata said getting up.

Sonata gets in the middle of everyone and starts to act. She was acting like Tom when he proposed to Sunset. Sonata gets on one knee, she didn't want to hold out her arms like she was holding something out. That would make it way too easy for them to guess.

"Are you fixing your shoes?" Athena asked.

"Are you doing some stretching?" Phoebe asked.

"Are you acting like you have one leg?" Aria asked.

"Are you doing some sort of workout?" Frizzle asked.

"Are you proposing to someone? Cause you look like Tom when he proposed to Sunset. Expect for the holding out the ring part." Adagio sai.d

"Yeah, you got it Adagio. I didn't want to hold my arms out cause that would have been too easy, but I guess it didn't help as much as I thought it would of." Sonata said.

"It was still a nice try. You had me a bit confused." Phoebe said.

"I personally can't wait to see your mother get married. It must be exciting for all of you." Frizzle said.

"I want to see the wedding dress your mother has on. She's going to look like a princess." Athena said.

"There's going to be all sorts of food there." Joy said.

"Yes, I'm sure all of that is true." Adagio said.

"We're just happy that our mother's going to be happy with someone she loves." Sonata said even though she had no clue what love meant.

"Did you three get something for your mom as a gift for her wedding?" Frizzle asked.

"Yeah, Auntie Celestia helped us make it. Our mom's going to love it." Aria said.

"What did you get her?" Phoebe asked.

"A necklace saying 'I love you' we're sure she's going to like it." Adagio said.

"I'm sure she will like it." Joy said.

"Almost gets you thinking about what are our weddings going to be like, huh?" Phoebe asked.

"That won't be for a long time, why think about it?" Sonata asked.

"Well, aren't you just curious about what your wedding would be like?" Phoebe asked.

"Well, I guess your right about that." Sonata said.

"Phoebe's right. It would be nice to see what our weddings would be like." Athena said.

"So what should we do now? Play another game, have a little girl talk?" Adagio asked.

Everyone looked at each other they didn't have a clue about what they should do. It wasn't until Frizzle broke the silence with an idea of her own.

"I think we should all have a talk. Phoebe's little question about weddings got me thinking about something." Frizzle said, a smile forming on her face.

Everyone looks at Frizzle, now they were scared. What was Frizzle smiling about?

"W-what are you thinking about Frizzle?" Adagio said scared of Frizzle.

"Well, when you get married you get married to someone you like a lot. Right?" Frizzle said.

"Yes." Everyone said.

"Well then, how about we talk about our crushes? I'm sure most of us if not all of us like someone." Frizzle said laughing at the girl's expressions.

Everyone froze. Frizzle had just led them into a trap that there was no way to get out of. The talk of crushes. Now, this was going to be one hard conversation for all of them.

24. Dazzling Confessions

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Frizzle really had to ask that question? She couldn't have just kept her mouth shut? All the girls in the room look at each other, none of them wanting to go first or spill their secrets. All seven of them had their own little crush on someone but they weren't willing to tell everyone at once.

"Well, should we choose sticks to see who should go first? Whoever gets the biggest stick goes first and the smallest go last, should we do it like that?" Frizzle asked.

"We don't get much of a choice now do we?" Phoebe asked looking at Phoebe.

"Nope, now come on let's pick sticks." Frizzle said pulling out a cup with seven sticks in it. "Once you pick a stick you keep that stick, no second chances."

Each of the girls picks a stick and looks at the other girl's sticks. In the end, they find out who's going in what order. The order was first Joy, Frizzle, Athena, Phoebe, Aria, Adagio, and last, was Sonata. Sonata was over the moon she was going last but Joy on the other hand dreading the moment.

"Well, Joy what do you have to tell us?" Frizzle asked looking over at Joy with a smirk on her face.

"You shouldn't be talking you're right after me." Joy said looking at Frizzle a bit annoyed by Frizzle's teasing.

"I know, but I'm not afraid like you are. Now good ahead tell all of us." Frizzle said still smirking.

Joy sighed as she looked down with a small blush on her face. "Well do you girls remember Lance? Leon's older cousin, with brown hair and light blue eyes?"

"Yeah. He was pretty nice, he sure is like Leon." Adagio said giggling as she thought about him.

"Y-yeah, that's who I like and all of that other stuff." Joy said still looking down in embarrassment.

"Well, Frizzle you put us into this and now you got to tell us who you like." Athena said smiling as she looked over at Frizzle.

"I'm not afraid, I like Valex. He's nice and a very good friend." Frizzle said with a confident smile.

Phoebe nodded her head. "That's understandable, it's the same thing for me."

"Who do you like Phoebe?" Aria asked as she looked over at Phoebe.

"Isn't it obvious I like Leon? He's always there when I need his help." Phoebe said looking over at Aria tilting her head.

"I thought Leon was your brother?" Sonata said confused.

Phoebe shook her head. "No, no. We've just known each other for our whole lives."

"Oh, sorry." Sonata said feeling guilty.

"Don't be. Everyone thinks that at first when they see us. We're just really good friends, and I just happen to like Leon." Phoebe said with a smile.

Frizzle smiled at Phoebe but then her attention turned over to Athena. "Well, Athena. It's your turn."

"Yeah, I want to hear all about your little crush." Adagio teased Athena.

"Yeah whatever Adagio. I like Derek, ok? He's nice, funny, and just fun to be around. Unlike his little brother Dean who isn't the best when he tries new things." Athena said not knowing that Sonata was hurt by that.

"Dean tries his best to be like his brother. His brother is his role model, he wants to be just like Derek he just falls one step short." Frizzle said as she thought about Dean. "He's special in his own way."

"It takes a lot of strength to get up even when he falls down, that's what makes Dean, Dean I guess." Phoebe said smiling at Dean's tenacity.

"That I think we can all agree on." Frizzle said nodding her head.

"Well, I think it's Aria's turn to tell all of us who she likes." Athena said turning the attention away from her.

"Why I'm I getting involved in this? I don't have to tell any one of you who I like." Aria said crossing her arms as she looked away.

"Aria answer the question before I hit you upside the head." Adagio said glaring at Aria who looked uncomfortable.

"Fine, I-I like B-Bael. There are you happy now?" Aria said as she looked down blushing.

"I knew it. I knew from day one that you had a thing for Bael but you said didn't. Who's right now Aria?" Sonata said teasing Aria.

"Sonata you better be quiet. After Adagio's turn, you're going up next. Let's see if my little guess about who you like was right or not. Then we'll see who's right then." Aria said glaring at Sonata.

"Fine, I bet you won't guess who I like thought." Sonata said with a smirk.

Frizzle saw the two starting to fight and decided to intervene. "Ok, girls calm down. We don't want to start a fight now, do we? Now, Adagio tell us who you like."

"Do you guys remember Venus? Valex's brother, the one that likes space, grayish hair?" Adagio asked everyone.

"Oh, yeah... he sure does like space." Athena said thinking back to Venus.

"He is very nice and he sure does know his manners. Unlike most of these boys, we have to hang out with all the time at school." Phoebe said smiling.

"Their boys, Phoebe. Their loud, rude, smelly, but yet for whatever reason we like them." Adagio said shrugging her shoulders.

All the girls shake their heads in agreement. Unknown to Sonata all of the girls were giving her a look. Sonata looked at all of the girls, she didn't have a clue why they were looking at her.

"What is there something on my face?" Sonata asked while she started to touch her face.

"No, but it's your turn to tell everyone who's your crush." Adagio said smiling at Sonata being Sonata.

"Yeah, even though all of us know who you like." Aria said smirking.

"Well if all of you know who I like then tell me, who do I like?" Sonata said crossing her arms and smirking. She felt confident that no one knew who she liked.

"You like Dean, Derek's little brother." Aria said without hesitation.

"H-how did you know that? I've kept it in I didn't even tell you I liked him." Sonata said surprised that Aria knew who it was.

"You constantly look at him wherever we're at. Lunch, class, anywhere. And by how you act when you get partnered with him. You can barely talk when looking at him. All I want to know is why you like him so much?" Aria said looking at Sonata with a confused face. She had nothing against Dean or anything, she was just wondering why Sonata would like him.

"Just what you girls were saying earlier. Dean wants to be just like his brother, he looks up to his brother so much. He wants to prove to his brother and to everyone that he can one-up his brother, at least in something." Sonata said smiling as she thought about Dean.

"I'm sure with enough time and effort Dean will surpass his brother. Dean has more confidence than probably most of our class combined. Dean's a good guy, he just needs to learn from his mistakes and not take them too personally." Adagio said smiling.

"If I had to guess, you like him because you feel the exact same way. You want to beat Adagio and Aria in something but you never can seem to find a way to beat them. Am I right?" Phoebe asked looking over at Sonata.

Sonata nodded. "Yeah, me and Dean have the same goals. We're just helping each other achieve those goals in beating our older siblings. He looks up to Derek and I look up to Ari and Dagi, in a way, we're the same."

"You may not be the smartest or the strongest but you are the cutest, Sonata." Adagio said as she gave Sonata a side hug.

"I am?" Sonata asked looking at Adagio confused.

"Sure you are. Mom says it all the time before she takes us to school. She always tells us something along the lines of, now girls I want all of you to know that all of you are my cute little babies. If anyone thinks otherwise then they're wrong." Adagio said mimicking Sunset's words.

"She calls all of us the cutest, not just me." Sonata said looking over at Adagio confused.

"Exactly so it's a tie. You didn't beat us and we didn't beat you." Adagio said looking over at Sonata and smiling.

"I guess you have a point." Sonata said putting her hand on her chin as she thought about it.

"I think I speak for all of us when I say I wish the best of luck to all of you. If we all keep having a positive mindset then I'm sure we'll get what we want. Who knows maybe they'll like us as well." Frizzle said choosing to keep things on the bright side.

"Now that would be a miracle if all the boys like us. The chances of that happening are pretty low." Joy said as she looked down sadly thinking about the low chances.

"Did you not just hear me say that you should have a positive mindset? Believe it to achieve it, that's what they say." Frizzle said, trying to make Joy feel better.

"I know but I'm just stating the facts here." Joy said looking over at Frizzle.

Both Joy and Frizzle both had good points, which made the Dazzlings think. Now it was true that the chances of the guy they liked, liking them were low, but it didn't mean it was impossible. All the Dazzlings knew was that they were going to keep hoping that the guys they liked hopefully liked back. But that wasn't their main priority for right now. Their main priority was their mother's wedding coming up.

The wedding was coming closer and closer. Soon the wedding would be here and their mother would finally be getting married. Now that was a day they were looking forward to. Seeing their mother get married after all these years without no one, was a dream come true.

25. A Dazzling Wedding

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After spending all that time at Frizzle's house it was time to go home. And now the day everyone was looking forward to had arrived at last. It was time for Sunset's and Tom's wedding. Everything was ready for the wedding, the Dazzlings were in a dressing room in the church with Sunset and Celestia. Sunset was in her dress looking like a true princess to the Dazzlings. Celestia was helping her out with her hair and her makeup. The wedding was going to start in just a few minutes and everyone was excited. The Dazzlings were the most excited, they had been given the job as the flower girls. Well, Adagio and Aria were given the job of being the flower girls, Sonata on the other hand was given the job as the ring carrier.

"Are you girls excited to have such special jobs on your mother's special day?" Celestia asked as she looked at the Dazzlings for a second and then went back to doing Sunset's hair.

"Yeah, it's going to be really fun to do this for our mom on her day." Adagio said with a smile as she carried the basket with the flower pedals.

"I guess it's ok, I wish I didn't have to wear some weird dress but it's momma's wedding, so this is a pass." Aria said shrugging her shoulders as she too carried a basket full of flower pedals.

"Good girl Aria. I know you may not like it but just like you said this is your mother's special day." Celestia said as she finally finished Sunset's hair.

"Thank you, Auntie Celestia." Aria said with a smile.

"What about you Sonata, how do you feel about my wedding?" Sunset asked as she turned to face Sonata who was waiting to receive the rings.

"It's going to be great! I get to give you guys the rings and you're getting married to Tom!" Sonata said, she was happy that her mom was finally going to get married.

As the Dazzlings continue to talk about the wedding there was a knock at the door. Just then the door opens and in came walking in a woman.

"Are you ladies ready? The wedding is just about to start." The women asked making sure they were all set and ready to go.

"Yes, we're ready." Celestia said as she did one final check on everyone.

"Ok, I'll let you know when it's your turn to go up." The woman said as she left the room leaving the five girls.

As the Dazzlings waited for their turn they heard noises coming from the main part of the church. Soon enough the women from earlier came back into the room to let Adagio and Aria throw the flowers and then to take a set where Sunset's friends were sitting. A few seconds later the woman came back into the room to let Sunset know it was her turn to go up.

"Well, I better get going. I'll see you two a little bit later." Sunset said as she started to leave the room.

"Congratulations, Sunset. You and Tom are in a life full of fun and enjoyment." Celestia said with a smile as she looked at Sunset.

"Thanks mom. Sonata, don't forget about the rings." Sunset said as she left the room.

"I won't, I got them right here." Sonata said as she held the two rings.

Finally, after what seemed to be forever the women came back in to let Sonata know that it was her turn to go up.

"Now Sonata, do you have both of the wedding rings." Celestia said making sure Sonata didn't somehow lose them.

"Yes, can I go now, please? I've already done this one hundred times. I know what to do by heart." Sonata said looking over at Celestia.

"Just making sure you know what to do Sonata. Good luck Sonata." Celestia said as she patted Sonata on the back.

"Thanks, Auntie Celestia. I won't let you or momma down." Sonata said leaving the room with Celestia.

Sonata started to proudly walk down the aisle with the two rings in the ring pillow. As she walked down the aisle she saw everyone looking at her as she walked down. She saw all of the friends she had made during all of her years. She saw her two sisters, her mother's friends, but what caught her attention was her mother and about to be her new father. Both Sunset and Tom were on stage in their dress and suit, looking amazing. It brought happiness to Sonata to know that she was going to see her mother get married and that she was finally going to have a dad in her life.

Once Sonata got on the stage the pastor took the two rings and gave the rings to Sunset and Tom. Sonata got off the stage and went to go sit down with her two sisters and Auntie. Now the wedding had truly begun. The Dazzlings watched as the pastor say the normal speech, we are gathered here today, and whatnot although the Dazzlings didn't even know half of what he was even saying. The pastor gave Sunset and Tom their rings, Sunset and Tom took the rings and put them on each other's opposite hand.

"I now pronounce you two husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The pastor said as he smiled at the newly engaged couple.

Once the pastor said that Tom and Sunset shared a loving kiss with one another. The whole church cheered as Sunset and Tom finally got married. The Dazzlings cheered louder than anyone else in the church. They were so happy that their mother was finally together with Tom. Tom and Sunset were truly a good pair and they were going to be for later on the road. It truly brought tears to their eyes to see their mother so happy with Tom. Sunset and Tom walked off the stage and headed to their family.

"I'm so happy for both of you two. You two make a perfect couple I knew that once I saw the two of you." Celestia said as she hugged the both of them.

"Thanks, mom." Sunset said as she hugged Celestia back.

Sunset looks down to see the Dazzlings looking at her with tears in their eyes. Tom also sees this and squats down so he's eye to eye with the Dazzlings.

"Hey, it's ok. I know your momma got married but you shouldn't cry." Tom said smiling at the girls.

"Come here girls." Sunset said as she bent down to the girl's level height.

The Dazzlings run up to Sunset and hugged her. They couldn't help it they were just so happy that Sunset was married. Sunset wipes the tears that were coming from the Dazzling's eyes. She stands back up with the help of Tom and looks back down at the Dazzlings.

"Now, how about we go get some wedding cake? Would that make you guys feel better?" Sunset asked, although she already knew the answer as she smiled at the Dazzlings.

"Yeah!!" The Dazzlings said.

"Ok, come on. We don't want to have everyone wait for us do we?" Sunset said smiling.

As the Dazzlings walked with the newly engaged couple they all knew one thing. This truly was A Dazzling Wedding for them all...

In another place in town, Aaron was at his house working on a "special device" of his that he had been working on for quite some time. The device had taken many attempts to make in his years of coming to Canterlot. But after nearly three years he had finished it. Ever since Aaron had been teleported to this dimension he felt something he didn't feel in his dimension. And that was magic. Oh yes, he felt the power of magic all around him. With that amount of power, he really could start his master plan. Yes, he truly was planning on taking over this little dimension, and then he planned on going back to his old dimension to take over that dimension as well, and then any other dimension for that matter. Anyone or anything that would dare get in his way would be annihilated.

Just as Aaron was putting the final details on his device he heard a knock at the door. Aaron got up from his chair, who would come to his house at this time of day? Everyone was off for the day because of Tom's wedding so who could it be? As Aaron opened the door, he saw what looked to be a fifth grader at the door looking up at him.

"Can I help you? Are you lost or something?" Aaron asked the what looked to be a fifth grader.

"The name is Gabby. I've heard from all over that you're planning on taking over the world. I want to be part of your plan in any way possible. They said that you've got a plan so let me help with your plan. We'll take over this world together." Gabby said as she looked up at Aaron.

"Little girl, I don't know how hard you hit your head when you were little but you're not going to help me with my plan. Now go home, I'm busy." Aaron said annoyed with the girl. As he closed the door, Gabby stopped it from closing with her foot.

"I'm either going to be in your plan or you're going to go back to your dimension or jail. Plus, I can help you in more ways than you think." Gabby said very confidentially. Aaron looked down at the girl, was she threatening him? He smiled, he liked her attitude.

Aaron looked at her and smiled. "And how could you possibly help me? I'm a grown man and your just a little girl that probably doesn't know her multiplication that well."

"You already got some people looking at you. I'm a fifth grader who would suspect a fifth grader? Let me do all of your evil plans while you just stand back and wait for the right moment. Let the tension come off of you, I'll deal with all of the problems." Gabby said as she smirked.

Aaron looked at Gabby. This little girl was actually pretty smart for her age. If she did all of his evil-doing for him then he wouldn't have to do anything serious. If he did everything by himself then he would most likely be caught or just have a lot of tension would be focused on him. Plus he could just kick back and relax and then when she completed all of his work, he would backstab her and take over the world by himself.

Aaron smirked. "You know, you have yourself a deal. Together you and I will take over this little world. No one will be able to stand in our way as we gain complete control." Aaron then stood up from his seat. "Now, all we got to do is make sure no one thinks for even a second that you're bad news."

"How do you plan on doing that? I'm not exactly a good kid at school." Gabby said as she crossed her arms.

"Let me just make something for you. With it, I'm sure no one will even care about what you're doing. To them, it'll just look like you're having a good time just being a kid." Aaron said smirking.

"What do you even plan on making? It better not be no doll or something like that." Gabby said glaring at Aaron.

"Oh, no nothing like that. Just give me a few days and it'll be done. Then with my help, I'll teach you to how to use it, once you finish mastering it our plan will start. Now, what do you say do we have a deal with one another?" Aaron asked putting his hand out for Gabby.

"Oh, we've got ourselves a deal alright. You help me and I'll help you. Together this world will bow to us in glory." Gabby said as she and Aaron shook hands.

What will happen in the near future for the Dazzlings? Will Gabby and Aaron truly take over the world? Or will the good guys stop them and protect their world? Only time will tell for all of them...