> The Lustful Gemstone > by Jim Hard > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once upon a time, in the magical land of Pedestria: Pedestria: the thriving city-state, a thousand miles across, where humans from all walks of life live and work together in harmony. Pedestria was—and still remains—the forefront of cooperation between the three human races: The stalwarts, the avians, and the mystics. The stalwarts are believed to be the first people from which all other humans evolved. The stalwart’s specialty is power and strength, able to exert three times the force of an avian or mystic with identical muscle mass. Though stalwart remains the technical term, over the centuries, the use of ‘stalwart’ has fallen out of fashion for day-to-day use. Most people now use the colloquial term “earth human.” The avians are the people of the sky. With hollow bones and large, feathered wings, avians can lift themselves into the air with ease. These gravity-defying humans can touch the clouds as if they were wads of cotton, making them particular experts at weather manipulation. FUN FACT: there are a total of 36 classified colors of avian wings. They’re born pure white, and gain their color over their first couple years. What color an avian ends up with are based on genetics, magic blood content, diet, and even happiness. Needless to say: it’s almost impossible to control what color a child develops. The mystics are, arguably, the most powerful race of humans, but only make up around 15% of the Pedestrian population. Magic is what makes the world go ‘round. It powers our technology, fuels our cars, and courses through our veins. All racial human abilities are only made possible by an unrefined, biological magic. Mystics are the only humans able to manifest that magic into a refined, controllable form. Unlike the other two, mystics have to actively learn spells and casting techniques in order to use their magical abilities. FUN FACT: Mystics and stalwarts are practically identical in appearance. Mystics have small white specks—called sparkles—peppered in their irises; so subtle, they’re practically invisible from more than a few feet away. You’ll have a much easier time identifying a mystic when they use their magic, as their irises glow brightly while casting. For all of recorded history, the three races of humanity despised each other, living in single race tribes, kingdoms, and even entire nations. Then came the rise of the brutal chaos lord Discord, throwing the whole world into disarray. Under the leadership of Generals Celestia and Luna, small subsets of all three races reluctantly banded together to form the United Rebel Forces of Harmony. For the first time, humanity combined their strengths and abilities together. The power of teamwork and harmony allowed Celestia and Luna to topple Discord’s rule, turning him to stone for hundreds of years.* *Only very recently, Discord has been reformed and now works for the city government, using his chaos magic for the defense and technological advancement of Pedestria. In the fallout of the Chaos Wars, with the remaining URFH troops’ newfound brother and sisterhood, the Founding Sisters established the Republic of Harmony: A small nation that, over the course of two centuries, would grow into the city-state of Pedestria we all kno- *BZZZZT!* Twilight Sparkle’s reading was rudely interrupted by the sharp buzz of her front door intercom. Twilight rose from her desk, walking over to the intercom on her wall. She laid a finger on the button. “Yes?” A familiar, cheerful voice spoke back through the tinniness of the cheap speaker. “Pedestrian Postal Service! I got a special parcel with yooour name on it!” “I’ll be right down.” As promised, Twilight made her way out from her living area and down the many stairs of the Golden Oak library. The library was six stories tall with Twilight’s private living quarters at the top. It was trips like these that made Twilight envy the avians; with a pair of wings, she’d never have to worry about stairs again. But Twilight was a mystic, and as a magical scientist, she wouldn’t dream of trading her magic away for a simple pair of wings. There was always teleportation, but there was a lot more calculation involved in teleporting between large vertical distances and a particularly nasty mistake in the past had turned her off from that particular practice. As she made her way down, her analytical mind found itself pondering. Why was it called the Golden Oak library? It was neither gold nor particularly oak. The building was a pretty standard-looking, rectangular-shaped public library. The building was abnormally slim for its height; perhaps it was built to resemble a tree trunk. But that still left the ‘golden’ part… the building was more beige than gold, if anything. Before her mind could reach a satisfying conclusion, she found herself approaching the large, heavy double doors of the library entrance. Twilight pulled open the right door. At her doorstep stood a smiling avian with messy blond hair that spilled from her flat-billed postal cap; A woman whose honey-golden eyes never seemed to quite match up with the other’s gaze. In her arms sat a plain, cardboard box. “Thank you very much, Ms. Hooves,” Twilight said, taking the box off the mailwoman’s hands. Twilight’s eyes lit up with magic, levitating the provided pen before signing a perfect signature across the blond girl’s clipboard. The ditzy-eyed woman tipped her cap as her wings unfurled. “Have a wonderful day, Ms. Sparkle,” she said as she took to the sky. Twilight brought the box inside and back up to her study. She wasn’t expecting any packages. Who was it from? Twilight checked the shipping label. No return address, just the word: Discord. Placing the box on her desk, she used her magic to open the package at a comfortable six-foot distance, more than half expecting a jack-in-the-box-esque jumpscare to erupt from the package. With nothing of note occurring from opening the flaps, she dared to step closer and take a look inside. Inside the box sat a dark red crystal enclosed in a glass dome with a golden base. Pinned under the dome was a neatly hand-written note. “Dearest Twilight,” she read aloud as she paced around her study. “It’s come to my attention that I’ve never officially apologized for how I treated you and your friends on the path to my reformation. Consider this gift as a way to make up for it. I won’t spoil the surprise, but it should make you and your friends a whole lot closer. Warmest regards, Discord.” Beneath the short message was a brand-new spell that filled the remainder of the page, presumably for use on the crystal. Twilight bit her lip. This could be dangerous, or some sort of trap… But the spell was so clean; so masterfully crafted! She had to try it out! Discord’s been reformed for nearly a year now. There’s no way he’d send her something dangerous. What’s the worst that could happen? > 1: Pinkie Cream Pie À La Mode (ESC) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Explicit Sexual Content contained in this chapter (begins at the break) *~Creeeek~* The aging metal of the hinges faintly croaked as Pinkie Pie slowly eased the front door of Sugarcube Corner open, juuust enough to peek her head through. Her eyes frantically scanned the room before her. A large, unmarked, cardboard box held tightly to her chest. She felt her heart quicken as she eyed her two landlords, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, in the process of unloading the new shipment of baking supplies. The girl’s grip on her package tightened. She was soooo close! Her apartment was on the second floor. But they were standing Right. Next. to the flip-floppin’ staircase! ‘Damn you, Pedestrian Postal Service with your quick and efficient public service!’ She mentally shouted to the heavens. The girl took a deep breath. Okay! She could handle this. She could handle this! She could handle this. Okay... How could she handle this?! They’re too close. They’d see her if she tried to slip by. The Cakes were lovely people. Real friendly. Too friendly for the situation she was in. She knew exactly how it’d go down: They’ll be all: Pinkie, what’s in the box? And she’ll be all: I can’t tell you. And they’ll think it’s something dangerous, or illegal, or dangerous and illegal! And they’ll throw her out on the street right then and there!!! Or they'll call the cops! And she'll have to go to trial! Where all her friends’ll testify against her! And she'll have to serve 8-10 years in federal prison before getting granted early parole for good behavior! And- Oh... They’re gone... Huh... Gleefully, Pinkie Pie bounced her way up the stairs. “Gummy, I’m hoooooome!” Pinkie Pie sang as she threw open the door. The purple eyed gecko sat motionless on the thick branch that spanned his lamp-heated enclosure. Gummy blinked, not even looking in Pinkie’s direction. “’What’s in the box’? Um, nothing important!” Gummy continued to stare unblinkingly into the distance. “No, really. It’s suuuper boooring stuff, like tax forms and spread sheets, hour-long vacation slideshows from distant relatives I have to at least pretend to respect, you know.” “…” The lizard blinked, turning his head a fraction of a degree. “Mmmmmm nyoh! You know I can’t say no to your puppy dog face! Fine,” she said, taking a seat on the floor, plopping the box down in front of her, “but you can’t tell anybody else.” “…” “Pinkie promise?” “…” “Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie Pie beamed as she flipped the plain cardboard box upside down, letting a flashier cardboard box slip out onto the soft, carpeted floor. Featured on the box, in big block capitals, were the words ‘CUNT STUFFER 3.0’ with an image of the phallic object taking up the remaining space. The Cunt Stuffer 3.0 was the newest model from the Cadence’s Bliss® line of female ‘personal appliances.’ It certainly wasn’t cheap—things might be a little tight until payday—but this little baby had all the features to back up the price tag. A six-inch dildo with lifelike internal heating, vibration action, ejaculation, the whole nine yards! Pinkie Pie stared at the image on the box, feeling her mouth—as well as some other areas—begin to water before Gummy caught her eye. “What? Don’t give me that look, mister! I’m a woman with needs! They’ve actually been getting kinda stronger lately. Mama needs some stronger equipment to match.” Pinkie began to pick at the tape holding the new box shut. “…” Pinkie blushed. “Not that it’s any of your business, but yes, I do intend on trying it out right away.” She pulled the dildo out from the box. It was heavier than she was expecting. She ran her hands along the head and shaft. It was soft, like touching real—albeit room-temperature—skin, all the way until she reached the base, which was hard, standard plastic with a few small buttons and a dial labeled ‘intensity.’ The dildo was bubblegum pink—pink was kind of her thing. There was the option of a fleshy peach color, but she decided against it; the pictures on the website were kinda uncanny valley. Pinkie slipped the provided batteries into the dildo’s plastic base. The button made a satisfying click as she pressed it in. “Yipe!” the phallus vibrated violently in her grasp, tingling her hands like an electric current, making her drop it to the ground on reflex. Pinkie Pie scrambled to turn it off, silencing the loud buzzing with the push of a button. She checked the intensity dial. “Ugh! What sick person would crank the dial up to max before shipping it?!” she said, turning the dial down to a 1/10. “…” “Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? No. I’ll be testing this out in my bedroom, alone, thank you very much.” Pinkie said, plopping the dildo back into its box. She got to her feet, lifting the box off the floor, before making her way to her room. Pinkie plopped the box down on her bed before closing the door behind her. The knob clicked as she locked the bedroom door. The only other occupant of her apartment lacked opposable thumbs, but why risk it? Giddy with anticipation, the pink-haired girl began to strip, shedding her top, up and over her head, in one smooth motion. She stuck her thumbs into her underwear’s waistband, slipping her skirt and panties to the floor in one swoop. Finally, she unclasped her baby blue bra, letting her funbags breathe free as the fabric fell to the floor. Pinkie reached for the box on her bed, only to catch a glimpse of her own reflection. She turned to face the full-body mirror on her wall, admiring her nude figure. Though she wouldn’t necessarily call herself ‘skinny,’ she metabolized her sugary, sweets-filled diet remarkably well, with only a little extra weight to her frame that did nothing to damper her subtle, yet alluring, hourglass figure. Pinkie found herself staring at her own breasts; firm C-cups with perfect, perky pink nipples. She felt a tingling in her crotch, this was turning her on much more than usual. She took her breasts into her hands, groping them roughly. Pinkie Pie bit her lip to suppress a moan as she pinched at her nipples. Without thinking, her hand slipped southward to play with her clit. Her pleasure trance was broken by a firm slap to her cheek. “Hey! What’s the big idea!?” Pinkie barked at her left hand. The hand turned away from her, pointing to the Cunt Stuffer box on her bed before returning to eye level. “Ooooh, right. That. Good call, Lefty Lucy; maybe a bit gentler of a reminder, next time,” she said, rubbing the still stinging cheek. Pinkie Pie fished under her bed, pulling out her special shoebox. From the box, she grabbed her lube, tissues, and corded egg vibrator juuust in case, before sliding the shoebox back under where it belonged. Taking a seat on the edge of her bed, Pinkie pulled the dildo from the box as she snapped the lid of the lube bottle open. She tipped the bottle over the pink cock, but paused before anything could pour out. “You know,” she began, talking to herself as she often did. “I’ve never actually seen a dick up close… I kinda wanna put it in my mouth.” She snapped the bottle closed, putting it down on her nightstand before giving the penis head a tentative lick. Flavorless, but the texture felt good on her tongue. Pinkie flipped on the heating switch at the sex toy’s base as she ran her tongue all over its tip. In just 20 seconds, the object in her grasp heated to a perfect human body temperature. If it felt good to lick before, hoo boy, the new warmth of the silky-smooth faux skin against her tongue was borderline intoxicating. Pinkie slipped the toy into her mouth, bobbing her head in an amateur imitation of the porn videos she’d frequent. Sucking dick was kinda fun! Pinkie stuck two fingers into her Pie, her cock sucking getting her too aroused for her own good. The girl continued to jill-off—sliding the dick past her lips in time with her fingers—for a few minutes before she eventually flew too close to the sun. The pink-haired girl shifted to holding her head steady as she thrust the dildo into her mouth, fantasizing about getting pulled by the hair as her partner humped her face. Deepthroating, it turned out, not as easy as it looked online. The toy’s head just barely kissed the entrance of her throat, causing her gag reflex to sound all the alarms. Pinkie Pie panicked, causing her finger to slip, landing on a button she’d yet to test out. The girl’s eyes went wide as she felt ropes of warm liquid shoot into her mouth, most of it landing square on her tongue. Pinkie quickly pulled the dildo from her lips, flinching as it spurt its remaining load onto her face. Pinkie reached for her tissues, spitting what she could into the wad she had grabbed. “Wh-What the hell?! I didn’t even fill it yet!” Pinkie Pie picked up the box. Listed among the features was: ‘Hot fake semen magically created. No fill! No hassle!’ Pinkie had to swallow what cum remained on her tongue. “Ugh, so salty…” The girl opened her bedroom door, having to pass Gummy’s cage on her way to the kitchen, completely nude with semen on her face. “I don’t wanna hear it, buster.” One glass of palate-cleansing chocolate milk later, Pinkie Pie was back in her room, ready for the main event. She sat in the center of her bed, feeling the cool silk of the comforter cradle her butt and kiss the bottoms of her feet as she spread her legs open. She could feel her heart thumping in her chest as she ran the tip up and down her tight lower lips. She was excited, but also kinda nervous… nervouscited? Yeah; she was nervouscited. The pink phallus was all lubed up, as was she, but she’d never stuck anything nearly as big up her hoo-ha before. Would it even fit? Pinkie Pie took a deep breath. Only one way to find out. With minimal effort, Pinkie Pie popped the slippery head into her quim. Her eyes bulged. Sweet Jeepers! Not only was it an extremely snug fit for her tight, virgin pussy, that body heat feature made all the difference! It felt so good, she just wanted to melt! Unfortunately still a vertebrate, Pinkie did the next best thing: letting her back flop down onto the mattress as she pushed the dildo further inside. Her head and shoulders were propped up by her obnoxiously thick and fluffy pillow, giving her a decent view of what she was doing downstairs. Her body unconsciously clenched around the intruder as it bottomed out inside her, making her feel so deliciously full. She was surprised it didn’t leave a visible bulge in her pelvis, as it felt like she was being stretched to her limit. After adjusting to its girth, like breaking in a new pair of shoes, Pinkie began to move the toy, letting its subtly veiny length slip frictionlessly past her tight lower lips. “Haah!” Pinkie moaned, too overwhelmed with sinful excitement to worry about volume. “Oh shit. This is what I’ve been missing?!” she said with heated breath, not daring to halt her toe-curling thrusts. As amazing as it felt, she needed something to schlick to. Porn? Nah. She wanted the true ‘getting boned’ experience; watching porn during sex would just be rude! She had to think up something steamy on her own. Her go-to usual was her good friend and party planner rival, Cheese Sandwich. Nice, funny, ambitious, a little on the lankier side, but Pinkie was never too into bulging biceps. She pictured a nude cheese on top of her, his dick pistoning in and out of her pussy. But it felt wrong. Was Cheese too nice and carefree to make the fantasy work? Nah! She’d used Cheese as mastur-bait plenty of times… maybe she just needed more juice. Pinkie reluctantly clicked the small button at the dildo’s base. “Yeee!” Pinkie squeaked through gritted teeth as the toy sprang to life. This was level 1!? She closed her eyes, trying to keep that image of Cheese alive in her mind as the vibrating dick tickled her deepest depths, but something just wasn’t right; it wasn’t doing it for her. Pinkie used her other hand to start fondling herself for an extra kick of stimulation. Her tit felt great in her hand. You know who had rocking honkers? Fluttershy. Hoo mama! She always wore really modest clothing, but no piece of cloth on God’s green Earth could hide the fact she was packing! Wait… why was she thinking about tits? And why was it turning her on so much? Pinkie’s pace below the belt quickened; she was so horny, she just decided to lean-in to this line of thinking, painting a vivid mental picture of her getting rawed by her shy friend’s thick avian cock- ‘Wait, she’s got a cock now?’ ‘Well duh! How else could she be fucking me?’ ‘With a strap-on.’ ‘Strap-ons in a masturbation fantasy? How lame is that?’ ‘Quiet! Both of me! You’re ruining the moment!’ -She was butt-naked, just like Pinkie, with her large, yellow-feathered wingspan on full wingbonery display, her breath heavy and her face flush as she pounded her pelvis into the party girl’s pussy over and over! Sure, she looked shy, but she fucked like an animal, pinning Pinkie into submission as she violated her! She pretended her own hand was Fluttershy’s, pinching her sensitive nipples as her thrusting grew more and more violent! “Sh-Shit! Something’s coming!” Pinkie blurted. “Oh fuck. Oh shit. Oh fuck. Oh shit.” Pinkie repeated over and over as the pressure built up in her loins. Pinkie’s hand left her breast to violently diddle her pelvic joy-buzzer “Cum inside me, Shy!” she begged, readying her finger on the dildo’s special button. “Pinkie needs some cream for this Pie!” Pinkie placed her hand over her mouth, muffling her growing cries of pure ecstasy, pretending that it was Fluttershy’s, trying to keep her new plaything quiet. Pinkie’s back arched violently as orgasm finally took her, moaning hard into ‘Fluttershy’s’ hand as Pinkie pressed the button. Pinkie threw her head back—pressing her pink, fluffy hair deep into her pillow—as her womb was filled with Fluttershy’s hot cum. It pulsed inside of her, each one delivering a new jet of spunk into her quaking pussy. She came for minutes, long after the dildo’s ejaculation came to an end, she could feel her lower muscles contract over and over, each one sending another firework of bliss off in her brain. Eventually, her orgasm subsided. She pulled the dildo from her pussy, letting out a sigh of satisfaction as she laid, thoroughly bred, on her plush, comforting mattress. “That was awesome…” she said dreamily as she turned off the vibration, letting it fall onto her bed so she could properly bask in her afterglow. Pinkie sat back up when the fog of pleasure finally faded and something zipped immediately to her mind. Why did she just cum to Fluttershy? And why was the mere thought turning her on again? She’d never been into girls before, let alone her super close friends… Then again, that orgasm was something else! So much better than anything she’d felt while thinking about a guy. “Guess I’m into dickgirls now… Oh well!” Pinkie Pie said, grabbing the Cunt Stuffer and turning the vibration dial up to a 6/10. “Let’s see how Dashie would fuck me!” > 2. Fit for the Occasion (ESC) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Explicit Sexual Content contained in this chapter (begins at the 4th break) Riiiiiiiing… Riiiiiiiiiiiiiing… Riii- “Carousel Boutique. How may I help you?” “Hey Rare. It’s Dash. Do you… have any openings today? I… need some work done.” “Absolutely, darling. For you, I’ll make an opening. What is it you need done, exactly?” “I… need a dress fitted…” “A dress?! This must be serious… SWEETIE BELLE? CAN YOU CALL LANCE PRANCER FOR ME? SOMETHING’S COME UP. Do you have time right now, Rainbow Dash?” “I mean, sure. But I’ll take a bit to get there.” “Not a problem, darling. I’m simply dying to see this dress! Don’t keep me in suspense too long. Toodles!” -click- Guess she’d call a cab… Rainbow Dash filled her lungs with the cool autumn air as she stepped out the front door. The satisfying crunch of the freshly-fallen leaves accompanied her as she made her way over to the curb. The athlete whipped her phone out from her black running shorts. Taxi should be here any minute. Rainbow Dash slipped her thumbs into her waistband, rolling back and forth on her heels as a sense of impatience gradually built up inside her. Rainbow found her eyes wandering, running across the buildings of her ‘neighborhood.’ Rainbow lived in a studio apartment located in the Gradient: the area between the suburbs, to the south—where Twilight and Pinkie lived—and Downtown Pedestria, to the north—where Rarity lived. AJ lived on her family’s orchard WAY out in the boonies—technically a bit outside Pedestrian borders—while Fluttershy lived in the middle of the god damn forest and somehow had the fastest Wi-Fi out of all of them! Dash liked life in the Gradient: well developed with loads of decently-sized, boxy office buildings, but with plenty of open air and lush green grass between each fifteen-story slab of glass and concrete; nowhere near the tightly-packed high-rises of Downtown Pedestria: the actual city part of their city-state. And the best part of Gradient life: no flight speed limit! Rainbow Dash was violently pulled from her thoughts by the sharp tap of a car horn. She whipped her head around to see the taxi pulled up beside her. The avian’s face scrunched into a sour scowl as she approached the cab’s back door. Rainbow climbed into the back seat, slinging her backpack down onto the seat next to her. “Listen, buddy. Not to tell you how to do your job, but I was standing five feet away from you. Would it’ve killed you to, I don’t know, roll down your window and say ‘hey, I’m here.’” The driver adjusted the bill of his cap. “Sorry, miss. Force-a-habit. I ain’t too used to takin’ jobs this far out from Downtown.” Fuck. He was actually a reasonable dude. Now Rainbow looked like the asshole here. She sighed, massaging her forehead. “It’s… It’s fine. I didn’t mean to get snappy. Carousel Boutique, please.” Rainbow Dash stared out the window, watching buildings and cars alike zoom past her view as they barreled down the expressway; the cab’s nearly 80-mile speed pairing nicely with the music blaring from her earbuds. The sky was beautiful today; pristine, fluffy white clouds speckled the bright-blue sky. God… she hadn’t taken a cloud nap in forever! Rainbow felt a grimace grow on her lips as she spotted the distant skyscrapers of Downtown Pedestria. What an absolutely suffocating place. Why anyone would ever choose to live there, she’d never know. Rainbow HATED the big city. Buildings, people, cars: all packed together as tightly as humanly possible. ‘Quiet’ was a foreign concept to Downtowners: the never-ending hums of a million motors filling the streets, the obnoxious honking of the deadlock traffic, the heavy metallic clangs of the elevated tram system. The air always smelled like car exhaust, cigarette smoke, or some unholy combination of the two. The closer you got to Harmony Square, the worse these things got. Hell, even the sky was no escape! The city had these specific airways that anyone who wanted to fly had to take; god damn aerial sidewalks! Free flying was considered a form of jaywalking; even if you didn’t get a ticket for it, you’d certainly get a lot of dirty looks. As time went on, the passing buildings grew taller and taller until Rainbow Dash could no longer glimpse the sky from her window. The taxi seemed to move slower and slower with every block they passed before, finally, gridlock. Great… City life at its finest. As the taxi continued to sit motionless, Rainbow glanced down at the time on her phone. The athlete’s bouncing leg grew more and more frantic by the minute. “Hey, how much is the fare, again?” Rainbow asked, hoisting her backpack over one shoulder. The driver glanced at the ticker on his dashboard. “Looks like 35 bucks so far. Why?” Rainbow Dash slapped a 40-bit bill down between the two front seats. “Keep the change, my good man.” The door gave a heavy clunk as she pulled the handle, giving way to the cacophony of angry honks and chugging motors. As Rainbow approached the busy sidewalk, the cab driver rolled down his window. “Hey! You still got 10 blocks to go. Foot traffic’s a thing too, ya know. Odds are, you won’t get there much faster on foot.” Rainbow smiled. “Maybe not, but speed’s kiiinda my thing and I’ve got somewhere to be. At least foot traffic doesn’t sit still. Call it a bad habit.” “Hey, if that’s what you want, no feathers off my back,” the cab driver said, picking up the money she’d left for him. “You take care now, miss.” Rainbow gave the man a nod, turning on her heels and disappearing into the crowd. She steadily made her way through the densely-packed sidewalks; her walking speed at the complete mercy of the people in front of her, which was its own special brand of frustrating. Nevertheless, she trekked onward, having to walk past the occasional—but frankly not occasional enough—weirdo in a mascot pony costume. She’d never understand why that show was so popular; she knew Pinkie and Flutters liked that ‘Pony Go Go’ show—and they were dangerously close to converting Twilight—but were pony cartoons really healthy for grown-ass women to fangirl over? Sure, maybe Daring Do was technically written with teens in mind, but that was different! It was literature, which made Rainbow’s fangirling classy. After about 10 minutes, she finally arrived at the Carousel Boutique: a classy, exquisitely detailed—borderline obnoxious—building sandwiched between two boring, big-name retailers; its pink/purple palette and merry-go-round design shining all the brighter in comparison to the large rectangles of beige and glass. *~Ding-a-ling~* The small chime on the boutique’s entrance jangled as the door shut behind her. The waiting room kept the same pink and purple color scheme as advertised out front. Large, padded chairs framed the corners of the room. An empty front desk sat before the wall opposite the door, two identical hallways leading deeper into the boutique located to its left and right. Before Rainbow Dash could even announce her presence, Rarity hurried in from the hallway, as close to a run as she could manage without undercutting her ladylike charm. “Rainbow Dash! You’re finally here!” the woman gushed, the mystic sparkles in her eyes glimmering with sheer excitement. Rarity pulled the athlete into a short embrace before slipping behind her and pushing her friend into the boutique. “Come along now, darling. Don’t make me wait a second longer!” The line of steel loops slid across the rod with a shrill, metallic ring as Rainbow Dash pulled open the changing room curtains. The athlete slowly stepped out from the cramped wooden stall: shoulders tight, hands gripping her elbows. She hated dresses. It didn’t feel right! Skirts and dresses should’ve gone out of fashion the second mankind figured out how to make bottoms that actually fit their legs! There was a formal feel to it, as well, that she didn’t like; felt like she was going to a god damn piano recital! And, even as a human with two X chromosomes, it felt too damn girly! Rainbow Dash could feel a cool draft run up her skirt and kiss her belly. She couldn’t believe girls liked to wear nothing but panties under these things! Like that­ was ever gonna happen! She’d keep her shorts on, thank you very much! The dress was simple, a vibrant sky-blue hue that almost perfectly matched the feathers on her back. The upper half was tight and stretchy, clinging snugly around her chest and accentuating what little boobage she had. The sleeves were extremely short; the tight fabric barely clearing her shoulders before leaving her arms completely bare. The fabric loosened around the midriff, its knee-length skirt left to hang naturally off the girl’s body, ending in a pristine snow-white hem depicting fluffy, cartoony clouds with embroidered baby-blue swirls. The seamstress’s eye-sparkles shimmered even brighter. “Rainbow Dash! You look absolutely divine!” Rainbow’s gaze stayed glued to the floor, a slight blush painting her cheeks. “Uh-huh. Let’s just get this over with…” Rarity’s rich navy eyes began to glow. A roll of measuring tape flung itself from a nearby desk into Rarity’s grasp. One-by-one, the seamstress’s sewing pins pulled themselves from their pin-cushions and began to orbit around her. “Then let’s get to work, shall we?” Rainbow Dash stood on an elevated platform in the center of the large sewing studio, muscles a bit tense as her friend circled around her, regularly stopping to pull at the dress, or take measurements, or slide pins into the fabric. Rarity said they were magic pins that were blunt as a baseball bat against human skin, but Rainbow didn’t entirely trust them; still looked pretty sharp to her. “I must say: it’s really not like you to come all this way to get a dress fitted, Rainbow Dash,” she said, pinching the fabric firmly as one of the orbiting pins magically slipped into position. “Yeah, it fits me fine already. Wouldn’t have a problem if these fucking wing holes weren’t so damn tight!” she said, stretching out her large, feathered wings; nearly slapping the seamstress in the face. Rarity let out an annoyed sigh, gently pushing the wing away. “Rainbow Dash, must you use such vulgar language?” “Rarity, last time I checked, we were both grown-ass women. I should be able to use whatever kinda language I want.” “I’ll have you know that there is a child in the boutique,” she hissed. “No there’s not! Your sister is 17!” “18,” Sweetie Belle deadpanned as she passed by the studio doorframe. “Regardless,” Rarity said with a sigh of resignation, “you choosing to wear a dress is what’s really piqued my interest.” “It’s for… work. My weather division’s got a big meeting coming up. So I gotta be fancy.” “Well, this isn’t very business appropriate, Rainbow. May I suggest something a tad more…” “No.” Rainbow said, a bit firmer than she’d’ve liked. She hated how the dress felt… but Rainbow didn’t want to admit—to Rarity or herself—that she loved the way it looked on her. “I already bought this thing, and it wasn’t the cheapest. IIIIt’s not a super high-class event, something a bit on the casual side should be fine. Plus, I’m kiiiinda planning on using it for something else a little later.” “But surely you have clothes that already fit you, darling. If it iiis as casual as you say. Why go through all the trouble?” Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck. “I dunno… AJ’s a bit more… traditional, you know? I don’t think she’d really like a T-shirt and running shorts.” Rarity’s sparkles shimmered frantically through her irises’ magical glow. “Oooo! Darling, my lips are sealed!” “Sealed about what?! We’re just hanging out!” “Rainbow, dear. I’ve been doing this long enough to recognize a dating dress when I see one. I just needed to confirm it, is all.” Rarity wrapped the measuring tape around Rainbow’s chest. “Plus, you’re a terrible liar.” “So, how does that feel, Rainbow Dash?” Rainbow pursed her lips in thought, rolling her shoulders as she flexed her wings out wide. “It feels… pretty good…” “Are you sure, darling? I won’t accept anything less than 100% satisfaction. Not too tight anywhere?” “Mnnngh… Don’t make me say it, Rare… I like it, okay? It feels a lot better. Happy?” “Quite,” she said with an almost smug smile to her lips. “So, uh, how much do I owe ya?” “Let’s see here…” Rarity pulled out some kind of calculator, muttering to herself as she punched the numbers in. a small receipt loudly printed from the top of the device. “You owe me…” Rarity began, handing the freshly-printed receipt to her friend. Rainbow dash looked down at the thin, glossy paper. It… was just Rare’s phone number. “all the juicy details from your little date with Applejack!” “Rrrngh! It’s not a date!” “Whatever it is, mama wants to hear aaaall about it. When is it, exactly?” Rainbow Dash nervously rubbed her arm. “I… haven’t really asked her out yet-fuck, hang-out! HANG-OUT! I haven’t asked her when she wants to hang-out yet. That girl works herself to the bone, after all. So she’s not completely free very often.” Rainbow cleared her throat, hard. “Anyway,” she said, looking down at the receipt again. “So I’m really not paying for this?” Rarity looked almost offended. “Of course not, darling! Do you have any idea how much those dresses I made you girls for the Gala would have cost? My friends’ money is no good here!” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “If you insist,” she said, unable to completely hold back a smile. The athlete’s wings unfurled from her back, and with a single firm flap, lifted herself off of the ground, much to the seamstress’s dismay. “Rainbow Dash!” she said, gently pressing her hair down as she backpedaled away. “You know I don’t mind you flying in here, darling. But at least warn me first! Your wings kick up a tremendous amount of wind, and I don’t style this hair just for the fun of it.” “Oops,” the airborne girl said with a lighthearted chuckle, idly treading air a few feet off the ground. “My bad. I just wanted to make sure these wing holes don’t chafe my back joints anymore.” “And?” Rarity said, an audible nervousness in her tone. She never actually took flying into account when she was making the alterations. She got too excited about Rainbow Dash’s date, the thought never even crossed her mind. Rainbow dash pursed her lips in thought as she made a few slow laps around the studio. She gave a flashy little twirl as she landed, causing the dress to rise; just shy of showing off the athlete’s thighs, strangely to Rarity’s disappointment. “Feels great!” Rainbow said, folding up her large wings against her back. “Feels better on the wings than some of the shit I’ve got back home.” “W-Well,” Rarity said, clearing her throat as she attempted to dismiss the strange feeling her friend’s rising skirt had provoked. “My doors are always open to you, darling. Feel free to visit me another time and I can get those clothes fitted for you.” Rainbow Dash smiled. “Only if I’m allowed to pay you for it.” “Rainbow, darling. I appreciate the thought; I really do. But I’m the go-to seamstress for a lot a very wealthy people. I don’t need your money.” Rainbow Dash crossed her arms. “You’re not budging on this, are you?” “I’m afraid not, darling. I pride myself on my generosity. I simply cannot allow my friends to pay me for doing what I love. My sense of self-worth is on the line here! Why, if I didn’t have to make a living, I wouldn’t charge a single soul for my services. The satisfaction of a client is endlessly rewarding. The satisfaction of a friend? There aren’t enough gems on God’s green Earth that can buy that kind of high.” Rainbow Dash stared into Rarity’s deep blue eyes, her sparkles gently glimmering with passionate emotion. The athlete swiftly broke the eye contact, clearing her throat as she turned away. “Alright. I get it, ya weirdo. You can do my tops for free,” she said, making her way back to the changing booth. Pulling the curtains shut behind her, Rainbow quickly changed out of the dress, slipping gratefully back into her normal clothing. She folded up the bright blue dress and stuffed it back into her backpack. When Rainbow Dash came back out, the seamstress had her clunky business landline held to her ear with magic, her hands busy with a pen and notepad as she frantically scribbled down the client’s information. As Rainbow caught her eye, all she could do was give her friend a smile and a wave, a gesture Rainbow happily returned as she made her way out. Rainbow Dash could barely hear the boutique’s door jingle shut behind her, the clashing tones of blaring car horns mixed with the low roar of a million passing conversations completely filling the cigarette-stained air. She felt the gentle weight of her bag pressing against her feather-padded back, while feeling something far heavier weighing on her mind: Was Rarity… hotter today? Rainbow was never into that snooty froufrou shit. But there was something so… sexy about it, today. Rainbow shook her head vigorously. She was thinking crazy shit. She probably just needed a good schlick; she’d been so busy with work, she hadn’t pet the pussy for a few days. Thankfully, Rainbow’s surroundings were awful enough to keep her distracted from her own unsettling Rarity-based thoughts. She was able to snag a cab relatively quickly; a single, outstretched wing did wonders for getting noticed, especially with wings as big as hers. It didn’t hurt that most cabbies were avians themselves. It wasn’t racism exactly; not usually, at least… some people just felt more comfortable around their own race. Not exactly a mindset Rainbow Dash subscribed to, but hey, she wasn’t gonna turn down the special treatment, especially if that special treatment meant getting her the hell out of here as fast as possible! Rainbow approached the cab she’d managed to wave down. She couldn’t help but cock an eyebrow as she pulled open the large, sliding door. It was one of those roomy, minivan taxis; the kind built for tourist families and shitfaced friend groups, not single 25-year-olds. Rainbow Dash crawled past the middle, single-rider seats and into the back-most, bench-style seat, slinging her bright-blue backpack down onto the open space beside her. It felt a little awkward telling the cabbie her address from the very back of an empty minivan, but she wasn’t about to sacrifice a prime napping location just to feel slightly more polite towards the man who, without her money, couldn’t care whether she lived or died. With little ceremony, the cab pulled away from the curb aaaand was immediately stopped by the fucking traffic… Normally, she’d find the stand-still annoying, but since her surroundings had become a lot cozier, the thoughts returned, much stronger than before; as if the unwelcome feelings had continued to build up while swept to the back of her mind. What was, before, an off-putting hint of attraction, had turned into full-on mental pornography. And there was no stopping the steady tide of sexual fantasies; all involving the girl that, only yesterday, had been the least-fuckable of her friends! (Yes, she kept a list. AJ, Flutters, Pinkie, Twi, then Rare.) Rainbow rubbed her thighs together as she felt the familiar southern tingle of a moistening snatch. “Hey, uh… can you turn the radio on?” she said in the most casual fashion she could manage. “You lookin’ for a certain station, or…?” “A-Anything’s good, my man. Dealer’s choice!” The cabbie shrugged and clicked the radio on, giving the athlete some decent audio coverage for what she was about to do… Rainbow dash scooted to the left as inconspicuously as possible, eyes glued to the rear-view mirror as she packed herself as far into the corner as she could comfortably manage. She felt a sense of safety from the cool touch of the window pressed against her shoulder. Her scooting had put one of the van’s center seats between her and the driver. She couldn’t hide herself completely without stooping to an uncomfortable angle, but the seat in front of her hid Rainbow Dash from the neck down. And that was enough. “Shit…” Rainbow cursed under her breath as she slipped a hand into her shorts. She couldn’t believe what she was about to do. The girl felt the snug, elastic hug of her tight panties against her hand as it slipped under her final layer, her fingers gliding across the soft, hairless skin of her pubic region. Rainbow Dash bit her lip as she pressed her middle finger into her clitoris, moving her fingertip in little circles as she gradually added more pressure to her stiffening love-button. Her eyes remained glued to that rear-view mirror, watching the subtle darts of the man’s eyes as he gazed out the windshield. She was starting to sweat; he’s gonna look back here eventually. What if she looked suspicious? Or worse, just panicked? Rainbow wasn’t the poker face type! With a deep breath, Rainbow Dash let her eyes gently glide close, tipping her head to rest against the cool taxicab window. She felt a huge weight lift off her shoulders as she continued to massage her clit. This way, she wouldn’t have to worry about him locking eyes with her, and from his point-of-view, she was just taking a little nap. A win for everyone involved. With her view of reality gone, the fantasies only got more vivid. Rainbow was back in Rarity’s studio. Without a word, Rarity slung off her stylish, purple dress, revealing her complete lack of underwear. Rarity was busty, not Shy-Shy levels of busty, but there was nothing wrong with second-fiddle titties. Large or small, they made her mouth water all the same. Rarity stared into Rainbow’s soul with a sultry, half-lidded gaze. Her deep blue eyes began to glow with magic as a wispy blue essence collected around her own nipples. With nothing but her own magic, the seamstress pulled and rolled her sensitive nubs, the mounting pleasure steadily chipping away at her lady-like composure. As Rainbow gradually worked her clit harder, her free hand snuck its way under her shirt; she wasn’t about to let her fantasy have all the fun. Magic may be flashier, fantasy Rare, but there was no topping the physical dexterity of an avian! Rainbow wasn’t wearing a bra. She almost never did. Why bother when her chest was only slightly larger than a dude’s? So what if people could see her nipple bumps sometimes? Wasn’t her fucking problem. If she was completely honest with herself: she kinda liked the looks, especially when she had her barbells in. Everyone sees them, but no one has the nerve to call her out on it… well, no one except for Pinkie Pie; that girl didn’t know what the word ‘embarrassing’ meant. It usually wasn’t a horny thing, she just found it more comfortable to wear a shirt by itself. Other times, it was very much a horny thing. Rainbow ran her hand all over her firm, perky breasts; her toes curling a bit with each stroke of the palm against her rapidly hardening nips. Without warning, the seamstress tackled her to the ground, pulling Rainbow’s shirt clean off her body. Rainbow was on her back; Rarity’s breasts pressed against her tummy. Before she could react, Rarity dipped her head, taking Rainbow’s left breast into her mouth. The athlete moaned as Rarity suckled at her travel-sized boob, her tongue lapping at Dash’s sensitive nipple like a seasoned veteran! Rainbow let out a tiny moan as she gripped her left tit firmly, flicking the nipple with the tip of her finger in a shockingly convincing simulation of the suckling seamstress’s tongue. At this point, the girl’s very well-endowed wingspan was on full wingbonery display. Rainbow wasn’t too worried about it; she knew that Shy-Shy got hard in her sleep, so seeing a napping avian with a wingrection wasn’t totally unreasonable. Rainbow let out a girly gasp; her body seizing up as Rarity began to nibble at the teat in her mouth. “R-Rare! D-Don’t bite… I’m too sensitive!” the squirming avian whimpered. Not only did Rarity nibble considerably harder, she started to grind her teeth side to side, rolling the nipple as it was pinched and sucked. Rainbow made scissors with her tit-groping hand, pinching her nipple hard between the finger blades. She twisted and tugged at the captive teat as fantasy Rarity continued to abuse her tit. Rarity’s lips finally parted from Rainbow’s chest, a thin strand of saliva connecting her tongue to Dash’s nipple. “Funny,” Rarity said, tracing teasing circles around Dash’s unused nipple. “I was expecting you to fight back more.” The seamstress smiled. “Naughty girl. I thought your heart belonged to Applejack. Yet here you are, letting one of her closest friends get you off instead. Well, if it’s sex you want, darling, I can generously oblige.” Rarity got to her feet, finally giving rainbow the chance to sit-up. The seamstress magically pulled over a large, velvet armchair. Turning it to face Rainbow before gracefully sitting down. Rainbow started to stand up, but her butt was quickly pulled back down to the ground with a flick of the mystic’s finger. “Uhn-uhn,” she tutted. “You’re staying right there.” With another flick of her finger, Rarity ripped a perfect slit in Rainbow’s shorts and panties. A magical blue whisp danced in the air above Rainbow’s crotch, swiftly taking a very familiar shape. It was a thick, six-inch dildo, and it was lining itself up against the fresh rip in Rainbow’s shorts. The floating toy shoved itself into Rainbow’s pussy; bottoming-out in her so hard that it should have pushed her back, but with her ass magically glued to the floor, Rainbow had to take its full force. “Still think magic is all flash, darling?” Rarity said with a smug smile; the hot, magical cock roughly thrusting in and out of her pussy. Rainbow began to finger herself proper, slipping three into her snatch as she attempted to match the girth of Rarity’s magic dildo. “This isn’t just a dildo, darling,” the seamstress purred. “For all intents and purposes, this is my cock.” Rarity bit her lip, failing to stifle a moan as the cock railed Rainbow Dash harder. “Magic really is a wonderful thing; I get to feel everything a man does down there, and I don’t even have to exert myself to do it. Sweating is so undignified.” Rarity’s magic pulled Rainbow’s knees apart before locking those in place, as well. “Oh, and it cums. A LOT. I can’t get you pregnant, but I can certainly help you look the part.” Rainbow was a mess, panting like a bitch in heat as drool began to collect in the sides of her mouth, insuppressible moans escaping her throat with each fresh penetration. Rarity began to fondle her D-cup-fillers, this time with her actual hands, clearly enjoying the show her friend was putting on for her. “You’re so tight, Rainbow Dash! Is this from your workouts or are you really THAT inexperienced? Maybe even a virgin, perhaps?” Both hands were now stuffed firmly in her pants, one in charge of filling her pussy, the other in charge of tweaking her love-button. Rarity’s thrusts continued to escalate, in both speed and force, until Rainbow could hardly hear her own thoughts. “Ra-Rare! S-Slow dow-eughhh!” The athlete was silenced with a wet, guttural gag as a second magical dildo forced its way past her lips, completely bottoming out in her throat. Before Rainbow could try and pull it out, two ribbons grew from the dildo’s base, wrapping around to the back of her head before snapping tight, ensuring the magical cock stayed lodged in her throat. Rarity pressed a finger to her lips. “Toys don’t talk.” This fantasy was certainly taking a turn… She loved the sub and dom shit as much as the next gal, but Rainbow had always fancied herself a dom. Why was this borderline-rape fantasy turning her on so much?! Rainbow Dash clasped at the back of her head; there was no fastener, she didn’t even feel a bump or a seam; the two magic ribbons had simply fused into one, and it wasn’t coming off until Rare wanted it to come off. “Feel free to try and cry for help; that cock in your throat is mine as well, and the vibrations you make are absolutely divine!” Rainbow’s eyes widened as a troubled mumble slipped from her lips. The dildo gag began to move, gently thrusting in and out of her tight throat in perfect sync with the rougher cock filling her pussy! “You really should be more careful with who you take to bed, Dashie,” the seamstress said, idly filing her nails as she spitroasted her friend. “Any semi-competent mystic can hold you down and pump you full of cum for hours and hours, all without lifting a finger.” Rarity’s glowing gaze pierced Rainbow’s soul as she licked her lips. “A lesson your about to learn quite thoroughly.” Rarity’s magic kicked into hyperdrive, her disembodied cock becoming a total blur as it ravaged the helpless avian; the once shallow thrusts in her throat now mimicking the one hammering into her cunt, pulling out and piercing her gagging throat several times a second. Rarity rubbed her clit with one hand as the other continued to grope herself, moaning shamelessly as her cocks began to twitch. The seamstress threw her head back into the soft, velvet upholstery, letting out one final cry of bliss as she bucked her hips up into her fingers. As her body shuddered with orgasm, her pair of cocks buried themselves as deep as they could into Rainbow Dash’s holes. Rarity bit her lip, groaning in primal satisfaction as she proceeded to fill her friend’s throat and cunt with ropes and ropes of her faux cum. Thick, viscous globs of hot, salty alabaster began seeping out from both of Rainbow’s lips. With the avian pumped full, the cum had to go somewhere. Rainbow bit down hard on her lip, desperately straining to keep herself quiet as she came hard; harder than she’d cum in months! A tight squeak slipped from the back of her throat as her entire lower body twitched violently. Rainbow tensed her back, but couldn’t keep her wings from fluttering. Avian wings fluttering like a dragonfly during particularly powerful orgasms? Real satisfying when you’re a smaller-winged teenager, and super cute to watch in porn, no matter the age. When you’re an adult, however, with a pair of five-foot wings that can let you break the sound barrier: at best, you tend to knock shit over; at worst, you pull a flight muscle. Rainbow’s large, feathered wings slapped audibly against the cab’s faux-leather backrest, over and over and over. She couldn’t just pretend to sleep through it. She had a plan, but it involved acting; and her friends were always sure to remind her that she couldn’t act for shit. But she had no other options. Rainbow prayed to every god she’d ever heard of and took the leap. Rainbow’s eyes snapped open as she took in a large gasp of air, as if startled awake from a terrible nightmare. She clutched her chest—this time, over her shirt—as she glanced frantically around the taxicab. The driver’s eyes glared at her from the rearview mirror, a very distinct ‘are you alright?’ look painted across his face. Rainbow replied with a bashful, apologetic smile, keeping her upper body steady as her lower half continued to pulse. Much like any boner, Rainbow’s wings quickly lost their rigidity soon after her orgasm faded. The remaining car trip was only about five minutes, but to Rainbow, it felt so much longer. Rainbow Dash grabbed her bag as the taxi pulled up to her apartment building. Once the car made a full stop, she rose from her seat, silently handing the cabbie 35 bits for the trip before sliding the door open. Rainbow barely made it three steps before: “Hey, uh, ma’am,” the driver said, his elbow casually hanging out his rolled-down window. “Just a little FYI for future reference: the company requires us to have these cameras recordin’ the trip. Y’know, just in case one of us tries somethin’ funny. You lucked-out, landin’ one’a the few fellas who knows how to tamper with the recordin’s. So, your ‘completely normal behavior’ won’t be leavin’ this here cab, capiche? Just… choose your spots a bit more carefully next time, ya hear?” Rainbow walked up to the window and held out a 30-bit bill, blushing beet-red. “I’d really appreciate that…” she said in a strained whisper. Rainbow Dash climbed the stairs to her apartment, still red with embarrassment. She needed some actual porn to jill off to. Good thing Rainbow had boatloads on her laptop. Rainbow wasn’t exactly the organizing type—why put the dishes away? You’re just gonna take them back out. Leave ‘em in the dishwasher. Why make the bed? You’re just gonna mess it up again. And it’s not like there was anyone around to make it look good for.—But for whatever reason, she organized the shit out of her downloaded porn. Folders within folders within folders, all labeled and organized based on things like: topic, fetish, even special ones for her favorite actresses. The avian slipped the key into her front door, thighs rubbing together as the thought of her collection filled the girl with anticipation. The door gave a heavy clunk as she twisted the key. Slipping into her apartment, Rainbow flung the plain-white tee off of her body as she heard the door close behind her. As she kicked off her sneakers, an envelope caught her eye. The mailman must have slipped it under her door. Rainbow Dash picked the letter up off the floor, turning it over in her hands. The envelope was held closed with a crimson wax seal. She smiled. There was only one weirdo in all of Pedestria that still used wax fucking seals. Rainbow took a seat on her couch, feeling a cool draft from the open window caress her topless body. She cracked open the envelope’s seal and unfolded the paper nestled inside. Her eyes darted along the neatly hand-written letter as a weird sense of dread began to churn in her gut. “Well this can’t be good…”