
by APStories

First published

A union will save us all.

Seven rings. Seven heroes. Rage, greed, fear, will, hope, compassion, and love. These seven rings were never meant to be used together, but when an intergalactic threat emerges, the Mane Six and Spike must wield these rings to save Equestria.

This was requested by Shadowpony300.

Seven Rings In Hand

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Billions of years ago, a race of immortals harnessed the most powerful force in existence: the emerald energy of willpower. These immortals, the Guardians of the Universe, built a world from where they could watch over all of existence: the planet Oa. They divided the universe into 3600 sectors, a ring powered by the energy of will was sent to every sector of the universe to select a recruit. In order to be chosen by the ring, it is said that one must be without fear. Together, these 3600 recruits formed the intergalactic peacekeepers known as the Green Lantern Corps. But green isn't the only color. Red. Orange. Yellow. Blue. Indigo. Purple. Sometimes, one color isn't enough. Sometimes... it takes a rainbow.

Nighttime. A meteor soared through the sky, picking up speed and catching fire as it entered Equestria's atmosphere. Eventually, the meteor completely disintegrated and the seven rings inside zoomed off in different directions, but the yellow and orange ones headed off in the same direction. The other five rings turned into bracelets. The red bracelet headed towards the Cloudominium. The orange and yellow rings headed towards Twilight's castle. The green bracelet headed towards the Apple Family barn. The blue bracelet headed towards Sugarcube Corner. The indigo bracelet headed towards Fluttershy's cottage. The purple bracelet headed towards Rarity's house.

In the morning, the Mane Six and Spike all met up at Sugarcube Corner, rings and bracelets in hoof. As they were discussing what the rings and bracelets were and where they came from, someone was sitting in the shadows. "Interesting", the figure said. The figure walked out of the shadows. It was Tomar-Re from the planet Xudar. The Xudarian explained that an intergalactic threat was heading towards Equestria... and that he wasn't a walking fish after Fluttershy thought he was a fish.

"There are seven rings, but it seems like five of the rings turned into bracelets. Rainbow Dash, your bracelet represents rage, an enemy of willpower. You must use this bracelet for good. Spike, your ring represents avarice, which, by the way, means greed. Twilight, your rings represents fear, another enemy of willpower. Someone from the Green Lantern Corps fell victim to fear: Thaal Sinestro. You must control fear. Applejack, your bracelet represents willpower, the most powerful force in existence. A lot of power is within your grasp. Pinkie Pie, your bracelet represents hope, which is what we need right now. Fluttershy, your bracelet represents compassion, which may have something to do with your connection to animals. Rarity, your bracelet represents love, and I can see why", Tomar-Re explained. "All of you have the ability to create constructs made out of light. Each of you have a lantern to recharge your rings if they run out of energy."

"What's coming?", Twilight asked.

"The Black Lantern Corps, masters of death", Tomar-Re answered. "They're zombies who've been resurrected and seek to end all life in the universe. They were formed in Space Sector 666. Their leader is Nekron, Lord of the Unliving, and the Black Lantern of Sector 666. He has a massive army and is nearly impossible to destroy. Upon being inducted into the Black Lantern Corps, dead people are restored to a fully functional state. Even if they keep the semblance of a dead, shambling corpse, Black Lantern members are resurrected with the same abilities and powers they had in life, and the same level of intelligence, though their mindset is warped by a deepening belief in death. They, however, don't possess a soul anymore." Suddenly, a Black Lantern approached Sugarcube Corner. Tomar-Re blasted it with his ring, sending the zombie flying. "No matter how much damage a Black Lantern sustains, the Black Ring will always restore it to a fully functional state, in a time directly proportionate to the punishment taken by the Corpse. Since the Black Rings bond with the corpse they're reanimating, there's no way to destroy a Black Lantern until the combination of two or more lights of the emotional spectrum shine on them: when that happens, the connection is disrupted and the Black Lantern loses his/her regenerative capabilities." As he said that, the zombie recovered from the blast and created two double-edged swords. Tomar-Re, however, did the same thing and quickly destroyed the zombie after destroying the Black Ring it wore. "Constructs don't last forever." The green double-edged sword vanished into nothingness. "The bite from a Black Lantern is capable of imparting an infection that slowly kills the victim and thus turns them into a new member of the Black Lantern Corps."

"So... basically, we can't let them bite us", Spike said.

"Yes", Tomar-Re confirmed. "Fortunately, they have weaknesses. Black Lantern power rings are apparently unable to resurrect an individual who died in a state of peace with themselves. They similarly can't steal the hearts of people able to balance their emotions in a peaceful white aura. Also, although the rings will rebuild their bodies when damaged, a strong amount of punishment can slow them down. Additionally, Black Lanterns are apparently unable to harm an individual who feels no emotion at all. Also, they can be destroyed if they are damaged quicker than they can regenerate. Finally, the light of Willpower combined with one or more different power rings can disrupt their powers: it's surmised that the combined light of the Seven Emotions, by restoring the original White Light of Creation can extinguish darkness and bring on the end of the Black. You seven must protect this world." Stepping outside, Tomar-Re flew off.

"We need to master our new powers", Twilight said. After giving her allies instructions, they all split up to master their newfound powers. Near Sugarcube Corner, several Black Lantern soldiers touched down. Nekron himself landed after them.

"My fellow Black Lantern Corps, today we take this land and leave nothing behind. Bring me their rings!", the Lord of the Unliving said to his followers. He raised his scythe and sliced the air, ripping a hole in reality as he laughed maniacally.


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In blackest day, in brightest night, beware your fears made into light. Let those who try to stop what's right burn like my power: Sinestro's might!

Members of the Sinestro Corps use yellow power rings built on Qward. The rings can create objects based on the wielders' own thoughts. The power rings are fueled by fear instead of willpower. The yellow rings are charged by Manhunter androids that have yellow power batteries built into themselves, which in turn are connected to a large Qwardian Central Power Battery based on Qward. The rings have no known weaknesses, unlike a Green Lantern power ring's previous vulnerability to yellow. Also, the yellow rings are not restricted from killing sentient beings as the Green Lantern's power rings were. The original Qwardian Power Rings were simple gold yellow bands with a rounded inset jewel. These were used by Sinestro, Guy Gardner, Fatality, and Alexander Nero. The current, standardized design bears the stylized lantern symbol of the Sinestro Corps. Formerly, the rings needed to be charged after a period of 24 hours, regardless of how often it was used. Currently the rings retain a charge until they run out of power. This variability ensures that the wearer takes greater effort to keep it charged. Sinestro's ring was originally charged by attacking Green Lanterns, presumably to tap into the yellow light of fear provided by Parallax who was trapped in the Green Lantern's Central Battery for eons. With the construction of the Sinestro Corps' Central Power Battery, a Yellow Power Ring has the same power limitations as a Green Lantern Ring. Also, the transmission and power of one of Sinestro's rings can be greatly disrupted by the presence of a Blue Lantern Ring.

The yellow lantern glowed eerily as Twilight activated her ring. A yellow body suit formed around her and her eyes turned yellow. However, black tendrils began engulfing her. Fortunately, Twilight used her powers to construct a sword to slice the tendrils. "Fear the Princess of Friendship!", Twilight shouted as she acrobatically flipped over the oncoming tendrils and sliced them left and right. However, the tendrils began to turn multiple ponies into Black Lanterns. Before Twilight could save them, however, a humanoid created a blockade, trapping her in the castle.

"Hello. My name is Thaal Sinsetro of Korugar", Thaal Sinsetro said. He assumed a fighting stance and attempted to defeat the pony in hand-to-hand combat. Trained at the Oan Citadel, Sinestro is an able-bodied combatant, though he rarely resorts to physical attacks, preferring instead to use his Qwardian power ring for offensive maneuvers. However, it seemed as if he was... training her? No, that couldn't be right. "We share a common enemy. Nekron will destroy all of- look out!" A zombified pony leaped at the Yellow Lanterns, but Sinsetro created a force field. "I thought the blockade would work!"

"Something tells me that these things aren't gonna be slain by fear", Twilight said as the horrifying monstrosities began clawing at the force field. "Man. Talk about UGLY. This reminds me of the time we pulled a massive prank on Rainbow Dash."

"The Power Ring is unique in that its base of power, fear, can be manipulated by the ring user. An opponent's fears can be laid bare by delving into their minds. The power only works on the direct emotion of fear. This allows them to create the energy constructs of an opponent's worst nightmare. Also, once that fear is exposed, the ring's ability allows the wielder to amplify the fear to the point of irrationality and true horror on the part of victim and conversely empowering the ring wielder", Sinestro said. "However, these are zombies. Something tells me nothing scares them." He looked at the Alicorn. "I wonder why the Yellow Ring chose you."

"The Blackest Night falls from the skies, the darkness grows as all light dies. We crave your hearts and your demise, by my black hand, the dead shall rise!", a distant voice said. Nekron approached the castle as Twilight created a SECOND force field using her own magic.

"Pathetic", Nekron said as he sliced through BOTH force fields with one swing of his scythe, shattering them.

"Nekron makes use of a long black scythe as a signature weapon which contains a Black Power Battery at its top and a curved blade powerful enough to rip holes in reality and harm cosmic beings such as the Life Entity itself", Sinestro explained. "He's also capable of producing powerful dark energy lightning that's able to kill even powerful immortal beings such as the Guardians of the Universe." As if on cue, Nekron used dark energy lightning to strike Sinsestro and Twilight, but the duo dived out of the way. Twilight grabbed the scythe and she and Nekron played tug-of-war with it while Sinestro battled the zombified ponies. Twilight used her powers to construct a hockey mask on her face and stabbed Nekron with a constructed machete, though Nekron was used to attacks from other Lanterns. Still, he was bleeding from the wound. The black lightning caused rain to fall.

"It's raining, you're bleeding, TWILIGHT IS STARVING!", Twilight said as she repeatedly stabbed Nekron with the machete. However, the Black Lantern won the tug-of-war and kicked Twilight across the room. Sinestro was eventually overwhelmed by the zombified ponies, but Twilight disintegrated the zombies with an extremely powerful blast of magic. Sinestro stood up as Twilight faced Nekron. "Tell me... what are you most afraid of?"

"I fear nothing. I am fear", Nekron said.

"That's a laugh. You wield the Black Ring. I wield the Yellow Ring, which means I am fear", Twilight retorted. She used her Yellow Ring to construct multiple balloons. The balloons acted like a smokescreen, allowing Twilight and Sinestro to fly out of the castle unnoticed as the rain subsided. Nekron sliced the air (creating a portal) and escaped.

"Seriously? Balloons?", Sinestro asked.

"Blame Earth", Twilight quipped as they landed in front of the castle.

"Seems like you got this under control", Sinestro said. The Yellow Lantern flew off, leaving a trail of dust in his wake as he left the atmosphere.

"I hope the others aren't having trouble mastering their Rings and bracelets", Twilight said.


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You who are wicked, evil and mean, I'm the nastiest creep you've ever seen! Come one, come all, put up a fight! I'll pound your butts with Green Lantern's light! Yowza.

The Green Lantern power rings use Oan energy (supplied by a Green Lantern Power Battery) which in most cases takes the form of green light. A Green Lantern's ring, considered to be one of, if not the most powerful weapon in the universe, has the ability to affect and use fundamental forces of the known universe, including gravity, radiation, heat, light, and blasts of concussive force. It is also theorized that the ring also has a basis in other dimensional energies commonly called magic by users of such energies. The ring can also create fields of force formed from an unknown energy that was bound by the users' will. The limitations of such use are the skill, knowledge and imagination of the user. The ring can form constructs of Oan energy. The primary function of the Power Ring is to provide a weapon capable of transforming the wearer's thoughts into physical constructs through the wearer's strength of willpower. A Green Lantern can create any particular items or construct that they can imagine as long as they have the willpower necessary to will it into existence. The constructs are made out of green energy, which is a tangible form of pure willpower, and they exist only as long as a Green Lantern is fueling it with their willpower. Items created by the rings are not indestructible and are only as powerful as the willpower of the Green Lantern creating them. The types of constructs usually reflects the ring wearer's personality. Formerly, the rings needed to be charged after a period of one planetary axial rotation (dependent on each ring's location), regardless of how often it was used. Currently, the rings retain a charge until they run out of power. This variability ensures that the wearer takes great effort to keep it charged. The rings can be programmed. They are coded to the wearer to make them unusable if stolen. The ring will refuse to take an action that would kill a being unless they are on Oa or with permission. The Guardians, however, removed the lethal force prohibition, first to allow lethal force against members of the Sinestro Corps, then against all enemies of the Green Lantern Corps.

It was a good thing the Guardians removed the lethal force prohibition, because multiple zombified ponies were honing in on the barn. Applejack, with her ring already activated, acrobatically flipped out of her bedroom and used her new powers to construct a rope, which she used to swing around like Batman. She kicked a zombie in the face, knocking it back. She then constructed eight hovering knives and stabbed eight more zombies. "Ya'll might have a better chance if y'all used fear or rage!", Applejack boasted.

Formerly, the rings were unable to directly affect yellow. Now, a wearer can bypass this if they can accept fear, which is personified by the color yellow. Rookie lanterns are more susceptible to fear and thus vulnerable to the color yellow. The Red Light can corrupt the aura of a Green Lantern, draining the power of a Green Lantern Ring. Red Rage Vulnerability has since been shown to be subject to the same restrictions as Yellow Impurity. While it will have a direct affect, its ability to entirely alter the user is dependent on the Green Lantern's ability to understand, accept, and control their rage.

Nekron appeared from a portal and the zombified ponies bowed down. "A Green Lantern. A new fly in my endless web", Nekron said. "Let's see how tough you really are." He leaped high into the air and slashed it, creating multiple portals and a massive wave of pony Black Lanterns ran through, ready for battle. However, Applejack was more than a match for the zombies and quickly eliminated them with constructed water. She then disarmed Nekron by blasting the scythe out of his hand. "Argh!"

"Prepare to die!", Applejack shouted as she prepared to blast her opponent with beams of Green Lantern energy coming from her eyes.

"I'm already dead", Nekron quipped as Applejack unleashed her fury. However, the lasers did no damage.

"Okay, then. I'll tear you apart!", Applejack screamed as she constructed eight arms and ripped Nekron's arms and legs off his body.

"Not yet!", Nekron replied as he reassembled himself. "I already told you... I'M ALREADY DEAD!" He used his Black Lantern Ring to construct a massive double-edged sword. However, the arms gave Applejack a boost into the air and grabbed the sword, slicing the villain in half. However, Nekron reassembled himself and grabbed the pony, slamming her into the ground. Applejack them bombarded Nekron with multiple punches from the arms, eventually delivering an uppercut, sending Nekron flying and freeing Applejack. Both Applejack and Nekron knew this battle would end in a draw, since a Green Lantern's weaknesses are fear and rage, and a Black Lantern's weakness is life, the emotion of the White Lantern. After Nekron landed, he grabbed his scythe and stabbed Applejack in the heart, but the Green Lantern wasn't affected by the attack. "You're strong, but it's time to end this!" He dug the scythe deeper into Applejack's chest, but Applejack wasn't about to give up so easily. She charged her bracelet up and unleashed a powerful blast of energy, sending Nekron flying into oblivion. Unbeknownst to Applejack, however, Nekron sliced the air, creating a portal, and escaped.

"Well... that was nuts", Applejack said as the wound healed and the arms dissipated. "I hope the others aren't having trouble mastering their Rings and bracelets." Twilight then approached Applejack. "I take it you mastered your ring?"

"Yes, but Nekron attacked me", Twilight replied.

"Same here", Applejack said. "We need to get the others if we want to stop this guy."

"He'll go after Fluttershy next. Let's go", Twilight said. She and Applejack flew towards Fluttershy's cottage.


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Tor lorek san, bor nakka mur, Natromo faan tornek wot ur. Ter Lantern ker lo Abin Sur, taan lek lek nok--Formorrow Sur!

A power unique to the Tribe, the Indigo can emulate the other energies of the emotional spectrum when they are in close proximity to them and use those energies for their own use. This ability has been shown to allow the wielder to copy the power of other power rings with the exception of Black or White. By the manipulation of anti gravitons and directed molecular movement, Indigo Lanterns can fly at incredible speeds. In atmosphere, an indigo tribal has been known to fly as fast as Mach 10 in atmosphere by creating an aerodynamic envelope around his body. Towing others, usually within a bubble, his/her speed is limited to the twice the speed of sound or 1440 MPH. In space, an indigo tribal speed can be significantly greater and has been known to approach 80% of lightspeed in normal space. Flight is possible at velocities exceeding light speed. In atmospheres, air friction is not a hindrance, since heat is either absorbed or reflected by the ring's field. The power ring can translate virtually any language in the universe, facilitating diplomatic encounters rather than violent confrontations, however the indigo speak in a language not recognized by the lantern rings making them an enigma. While the indigo rings prevent the lights that they channel from influencing them (e.g. to prevent the red light from consuming them once it's no longer in use) is a strength, it is also a weakness as it subverts their wills to the influence of the Indigo light. An Indigo Lantern's weakness is willpower. Normally, Indigo Lanterns either cannot or do not use their rings to fabricate emotional constructs. But while wearing one during the War of The Green Lanterns, Jon Stewart used his to produce constructs reminiscent to his days when he was a U.S Marine. Initially he found they were significantly inferior to those produced by other rings but overcame this through the Violet Light's emotional spectrum mimicry.

Fluttershy activated her bracelet and an indigo bodysuit formed around her. However, she was unable to create constructs. "Damn it!", she complained. It didn't help that multiple zombified ponies were swarming towards her cottage. Fortunately, her flight speed was massively enhanced, so she zoomed out of the cottage in record time. By the time Nekron made it to the cottage, Fluttershy was long gone.

"What in the Crimson King's hell?", Nekron exclaimed as he saw a hole in the side of the cottage. "Find that Lantern!" The Black Lanterns flew in the direction Fluttershy went. After a while, they found Fluttershy, who used her super-speed to kill the zombies. She then rammed into Nekron, whose scythe flew out of his hand and decapitated a zombified pony.

"You're a very bad... whatever you are!", Fluttershy said.

"No... I'm Death itself!", Nekron replied as he stood up and grabbed his scythe. "And you... are my next victim!" He leaped upwards and honed in on his target. He slashed his scythe at Fluttershy, who easily dodged the attack. In desperation, Fluttershy attempted to create a construct, but failed once again. "You're an Indigo Lantern. Normally, Indigo Lanterns either cannot or do not use their rings to fabricate emotional constructs." However, Fluttershy's determination wasn't dwindling. Eventually, she managed to create something... monstrous. A spider/praying mantis Pennywise the Dancing Clown loomed over Nekron.

"I know what you are! A madman", the construct roared.

"Impossible!", Nekron said. Unbeknownst to Nekron, Twilight and Applejack were well hidden and helped Fluttershy create constructs.

"It is a walking embodiment of fear and sadism, and the embodiment of pure evil", Fluttershy said as her eyes took on an indigo shade. "Witness oblivion." The monster roared at Nekron as the Black Lantern threw his scythe into the construct's chest... which did absolutely nothing at all. "You're not a Green Lantern, so therefore, you can't attack my constructs." The construct wrapped one of its arms around Nekron and extended a spike. However, a Black Lantern threw a rock at the construct, causing it to drop Nekron. The zombified pony groaned as it limped towards the construct. Fluttershy blasted the zombified pony. However, Nekron had escaped. The construct faded. "Damn it." Suddenly, Nekron appeared behind her and stabbed her in the back with his scythe... but the attack was futile. "Try all you want. I'm not affected by such puny attacks." Fluttershy then constructed Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees and the two constructs starting fighting each other. "Whoops." The constructs destroyed each other. "Okay... if they're not gonna be useful... then maybe he will. Prepare to meet your doom." She constructed Doomguy, the bane of Hell itself. Twilight and Applejack emerged from their hiding spots and joined their fellow Lantern. Twilight and Applejack also constructed Doomguys. The three constructs aimed their BFG 9000s at the Lord of the Unliving.

"Oh, shit", Nekron said. The three constructs fired, and a massive explosion followed, nearly obliterating everycreature in the surrounding area. Twilight, Applejack, and Fluttershy were sent flying backwards as the explosion also destroyed the constructs. When the smoke cleared, nothing remained... which was odd.

"Where'd he go? Shouldn't there be a corpse or something?", Fluttershy asked.

"The Blackest Night falls from the skies, the darkness grows as all light dies. We crave your hearts and your demise, by my black hand, the dead shall rise!", Nekron screamed as he stood behind the ponies. He slashed his scythe, creating a portal, and escaped.

"Thanks, guys", Fluttershy said. "Nekron is... pretty tough to fight if you're an Indigo Lantern without friends."

"We have to find Pinkie Pie. She'll be Nekron's next target", Twilight said.

"Ya think she's still at Sugarcube Corner?", Applejack asked.

"Let's hope so", Twilight answered. Twilight and Applejack took to the air, but Fluttershy zipped past them. "WHOA!"

"An Indigo Lantern has incredible speed", Fluttershy said. "At least now I can match Rainbow Dash in speed."


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"In fearful day, in raging night, with strong hearts full, our souls ignite. When all seems lost in the War of Light, look to the stars, for hope burns bright!"

The Blue Lantern ring is unique in that its base of power, Hope, can be manipulated by the ring user. Being in direct range of the emotional aura of a blue lantern allows them to charge an outer power reserve, by the sheer hope of the lantern its power will remain constant. The empowerment extends to even the stellar reactions of stars, allowing one to reverse the age of a dying star to that of a relatively new born star. Solely empowered by the hope of the population that relied on it, in turn empowering the Blue Lantern who then collects and uses it for the purpose of transformation. Time travel is possible with the power ring, though the further forward in time a ring wielder travels, the more hope it takes. The blue power of Hope cannot be affected by greed, so Orange Light constructs can't absorb it. The ring itself would not allow itself to be claimed by Larfleeze, stating true Hope is selfless. True Hope cannot be affected by rage, and so the Blue power of Hope can extinguish the red flame of Rage. In fact, it can save a Red Lantern from their ring without killing them, so long as the Red Lantern is wearing a different power ring. This is done by calming the Red Lantern with an image of Hope (in the case of John Stewart, an image of him reunited with his wife), the Blue energy then acts as an antivenom, flushing out the tainted red plasma. After this is done, the former Red Lantern's heart can beat normally and blood regeneration can start. However, the Blue Lantern Power Rings can only function at their full potential in the presence of an active Green Lantern Power Ring. If another Green Lantern Power Ring is not in close proximity to the Blue Lantern, he or she is limited to only flight, a protective aura, and minimal strength enhancement. The Blue Lantern can still affect another with hope, but at greatly reduced energy.

When Pinkie activated her Blue Lantern Power Bracelet, a blue outfit formed around her. However, she didn't feel as powerful as her friends. To make matters worse, Nekron's army began circling Sugarcube Corner. Fortunately, Pinkie is no ordinary pony...

When the zombified ponies walked into the bakery, there were NOT expecting the amount of crazy traps Pinkie had set up. By the time Twilight, Applejack, and Fluttershy got to Sugarcube Corner, they were generally surprised.

"Okay. What in tarnation just happened here?", Applejack asked before blasting a zombified pony. Suddenly, a blue light began glowing in a back room. Applejack moved closer and the blue light grew more intense. As she backed away from it, however, the light grew dimmer. "Interesting..." Pinkie Pie emerged from her hiding spot and moved closer to Applejack. Her Blue Lantern Power Bracelet was glowing wildly.

"I think I know what's happening", Twilight said. "The Blue Lantern Power Rings can only function at their full potential in the presence of an active Green Lantern Power Ring. If another Green Lantern Power Ring is not in close proximity to the Blue Lantern, he or she is limited to only flight, a protective aura, and minimal strength enhancement. The Blue Lantern can still affect another with hope, but at greatly reduced energy. It's like with the Indigo Lanterns. Fluttershy wasn't very powerful when she was on her own, but when we arrived, Applejack, she managed to hold her own."

"Holy shit, you're right!", Fluttershy said. Suddenly, the Lord of the Unliving arrived and grabbed Twilight and Fluttershy. Applejack and Pinkie fled the scene, and when they got enough distance, they constructed party cannons and opened fire.

"Foolish little ponies. You've activated my trap card", Nekron said as tendrils began slithering after the duo.

"Oh, boy", Pinkie said as she and Applejack ran in opposite directions. "Hey, Dandy Dick! You missed! Woop-woop-woop-woop-woop-woop-woop-woop-woop-woop!" Pinkie grabbed Applejack and leaped to the top of Sugarcube Corner. "You cheeky dick-waffle!"

"ENOUGH! JUST FUCKING DIE ALREADY!!!", Nekron screamed as he sliced Pinkie in half with his scythe... which proved to be ineffective. "ARGH! WHAT ARE YOU?! WHY CAN'T I HIT YOU?!"

"A real fucking superhero", Pinkie replied as her happy expression hardened and she delivered a kick to the villains's face. She then constructed a massive moon and smashed it onto her opponent, destroying everything in the vicinity, including Sugarcube Corner, and presumably killing Nekron.

"Sweet Celestia!", Twilight said.

"I don't give a shit, I don't give a fuck! I don't give a shit, I don't give a fuck! Now if I give a shit, I might just give a fuck! But I don't give a shit, so I don't give a...", Pinkie sang before getting choked by a tendril. "What the fuck?!"

"The Blackest Night falls from the skies, the darkness grows as all light dies. We crave your hearts and your demise, by my black hand, the dead shall rise!", Nekron shouted as he attempted to turn Pinkie into a Black Lantern.

"Oh, fuck, that's an anti-tank rifle... OH, FUCK, THAT'S AN ANTI-TANK RIFLE!", Pinkie shouted. Nekron looked in his captive's direction, only to be met with a bullet to the face courtesy of an anti-tank rifle constructed by Twilight, knocking the Lord of the Unliving out.

"Come on, girls! We have to find the others!", Twilight said. The four heroes flew off as the moon construct faded and a yellow construct landed near Nekron. It was a note, which read...

I wanted to send you this friendly little letter to inform you of your imminent demise. If you're curious about the frequency of which I've sent these letters, it is merely to instill as much fear as I can.

A hand grabbed the note and crushed it as Nekron's eyes shot open and he roared in rage.


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"With blood and rage of crimson red ripped from a corpse so freshly dead. Together with our hellish hate, we'll burn you all. That is your fate!"

The Red Lantern can vomit plasma, which has been described as napalm and acid mixed together, it burns away at anything. It can be surmised that is the internal rages effect on the blood. These flames burn even in space. The effect it has on living beings allows it to ignite the flames of rage in a victims' blood and has the effect of burning through an energy aura of an opponent as well as corrupting other power rings depleting them at an accelerated rate and greatly weakening the structures they create. A unique quality of the Power Ring is their capacity to open portals out of the red lantern's plasma blood. As the Black Lanterns favor attacking and killing their victims by ripping their hearts out, the Red Lanterns can survive the attack for as long as their wrath burns bright. The Blue Light of Hope can extinguish the red flame and weakens a Red Lantern. Love can be fatal to a Red Lantern. Being the opposite of anger, any Red Lantern who feels love for another being may immediately be rejected by their ring and die without its life support. As the Red Lantern Power Ring assumes the functions of the heart, a Red Lantern cannot remove his ring without risking death. All Red Power Rings bring about an odd transformation within the hosts being, most every change varies from wearer to wearer. Said transition can be as menial as a simple costume change to as dramatic as a full on biophysical metamorphosis, two such transformations occurred in Red Lanterns Rankorr and Judge Sheko. The alterations are more than skin deep, those with exceptionally strong fury can become physically and emotionally more powerful than the average feral lantern. Even retaining some small part of their mental stability while developing new powers unique to themselves.

Nekron landed in front of Rainbow Dash's Cloudominium. "Little pony... little pony...", Nekron taunted as he kicked the door down... only to find a Red Lantern Power Battery. Unbeknown to the Lord of the Unliving, a blood portal opened up behind him. Bloody tendrils began to wrap around the villain, and by the time he noticed, it was too late. The tendrils pulled him through the blood portal. The Red Lantern Power Battery faded as it was actually a construct.

In Rainbow Dash's bedroom, she was wearing a red bodysuit and her Red Lantern Power Bracelet was glowing red. The tendrils were not Red Lantern constructs, but Nekron, being a Black Lantern, is weak to a Red Lantern. These bloody tendrils were a unique power to Rainbow Dash. "You. You've been trying to murder my friends. And for what reason? Personal gain? Power? Conquest? Blood?", Rainbow Dash asked. Zombified ponies ran into the bedroom, but the Red Lantern used her bloody tendrils to kill them as rotten blood sprayed everywhere. Her bloody tendrils constricted her prey, but Nekron used his scythe to slice through the veiny tendrils, causing Rainbow Dash to scream in pain. Nekron noticed that the bloody tendrils were actually coming out of Rainbow Dash's body. Therefore, they were a part of her. Suddenly, a blast of green engulfed Nekron as Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie flew into the bedroom. However, Twilight was confused.

"The Rage wielded by the Red Lantern Corps is the Rage born from a great loss, but what has Rainbow Dash lost?", Twilight asked as the bloody tendrils regenerated themselves. Before anyone could answer, however, Nekron broke through the force field containing him.

"I didn't lose anything... I'm scared of losing Equestria", Rainbow Dash answered. "And seeing someone attempt to destroy Equestria... fills me with... RAGE!" Tendrils began engulfing the bedroom, and in no time, the inside of Rainbow Dash's bedroom looked like the inside of a body. "With blood and rage of crimson red ripped from a corpse so freshly dead. Together with our hellish hate, we'll burn you all. That is your fate!" A bloody tendril engulfed Rainbow Dash, and a monstrous screech was heard. A pair of bat wings shot out from the bloody cocoon as Rainbow Dash, now a rage-filled vampire, roared. "I'm a fuckmothering vampire!"

"No...", Nekron said as Rainbow Dash constructed a massive blade and decapitated the villain... which proved to be ineffective, despite Rainbow Dash being a Red Lantern. Nekron reassembled himself. "You're nothing but a racist, cisgendered, patriarch-propagating, misogynistic PIG!!!" He raised his scythe and was about to slice off Applejack's head, but Rainbow Dash grabbed the blade... WITH HER TEETH!

"The funny thing is in any other circumstance, you might have had a point there. Except my friends are all different species of pony, I am a lesbian, I love/hate everyone equally, and there's no one alive who could comprehend my sexual preference! So in other words, Lord of the Unliving... CH-CH-CH-CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE!", Rainbow Dash replied as she bit through the blade. The scythe began to crumble.

"No... this cannot be!", Nekron said.

"Oh? Haven't you heard the new sensation sweeping the nation? Us bitches love cannons", Rainbow Dash quipped as she constructed a musket and gripped Nekron by the neck causing him to choke. She fired the bullet into the villain's chest, causing Nekron to emit a blood-curdling scream. "Hu-hu-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he! He-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! AH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!! AHH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAA!!!!!" The five Lanterns circled around the Lord of the Unliving.

"I... will never surrender to you puny Lanterns... and I'm going to kill you all!", Nekron growled.

"Oh? See, that would be intimidating if you were, well, intimidating", Rainbow Dash quipped.

"ARE YOU MOCKING ME?!", Nekron screamed.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Pffft, yeah", Rainbow Dash chuckled before shooting Nekron in the heart with the musket, ultimately knocking out the Lord of the Unliving. "That won't keep out him out for long." She created a blood portal as the musket faded. "Everypony through the blood portal now!" The five Lanterns ran through the blood portal as it closed behind them.


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"For hearts long lost and full of fright. For those alone in Blackest Night. Accept our ring and join our fight. Love conquers all with violet light!"

A Star Sapphire has the unique power to crystallize others with the power of love. This power is not fully understood but they apparently put the victim in a form of suspended animation. The power is great enough to crystallize an entire planet in a limited amount of time. As Rage is the opposite of Love, the violet light is unaffected by it. In fact, it can shut down a Red Power Ring, if the wielder of it is made to feel Love. True Love cannot be affected by greed, so Orange Light constructs can't absorb it. However, despite being the emotion of Love, some Star Sapphires have evil intentions. Those who take the name Star Sapphire are said to be reincarnations of an ancient evil. Since there have been several versions of Star Sapphire over the years, it is important to understand how the character has evolved. Originally, Star Sapphire was the alien queen of the Zamarons. However, the queen requires a host that identically resembles the last one. As a result, this villainous queen has a particularly limited number of options when it comes to choosing a new body to inhabit. While that certainly hasn’t held her back from being a massive threat to Green Lantern, it certainly limits her ability to make a reappearance. The current host is Carol Ferris, and she's made her way to Equestria...

At the Carousel Boutique, Rarity activated her Star Sapphire Power Bracelet and a violet bodysuit formed around her. A crown formed on her head. Suddenly, she heard Sweetie Belle scream... and then silence filled the boutique. Rarity ran towards the sound to find her little sister crystallized... and dead with a gaping hole in her neck. The crystal, however, was unlike anything Rarity's ever seen before. It looked... alien, yet normal.

The blood portal opened up behind Rarity and the rest of the Mane Six walked through as Rainbow Dash closed the blood portal. The five Lanterns were horrified at the sight. Rainbow Dash smelled the crystallized corpse.

"Well? How bad is it?", Rarity asked the vampire pony.

"She's got no blood inside of her. Judging by the outside... her blood's been... crystallized", Rainbow Dash answered.

"What crystal is this?", Applejack asked.

"It looks like amethyst, but it feels much harder", Rarity answered. "Wait... it's the same color as... my bodysuit." She constructed a chair and crystallized it. It was the same color as the crystal that surrounded her little sister's corpse. The construct faded, but the crystal remained. "But... who could've done this? An evil Lantern?" As if on cue, a blast of violet energy knocked the six Lanterns off their hooves. A human woman in a violet bodysuit emerged from nothingness.

"We have to get that ring off of her!", Twilight shouted.

"You can try", Carol Ferris/Star Sapphire growled as she constructed multiple blades and threw them at the Mane Six. Rarity constructed a force field and deflected the attack.

"Keep Rainbow Dash out of this fight! She's a Red Lantern, meaning she's weak to Star Sapphires!", Twilight commanded. Rainbow Dash created a blood portal and flew through it, closing it behind her.

"No!", Star Sapphire shouted as she broke through the force field and grabbed the Princess of Friendship and tossed her aside. Applejack constructed a lasso and caught Star Sapphire, but the supervillainess broke through the binding. Fluttershy attempted to run, but Star Sapphire grabbed her as well. Pinkie Pie delivered a kick, but Star Sapphire easily blocked it. In no time at all, Star Sapphire captured the five heroes with constructed rope and prepared to crystallize them. "Any last words?" Suddenly, Rainbow Dash burst through the door. "Ah, the night walker... who glides through oceans of blood. Beyond human. A monster whose power radiates with a darkness that casts a shadow on darkness itself!"

"Oh, you dirty bitch, stroke my wings!", Rainbow Dash quipped.

"Excuse you?", Star Sapphire asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I like to dirty talk when someone's licking my pussy!", Rainbow Dash answered.

"Perhaps I should just skip to my point. My name is Carol Ferris", Star Sapphire said.

"And I'm Carmen Sandiego. Guess where I am!", Rainbow Dash replied.

"I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you here", Star Sapphire annoyingly said.

"Oh, so am I. And I'm failing. And I'm sorry for that. It's just that I'm so agitated, because this supervillain in a stripper outfit flew into my friend's house, killed her school-age little sister, and is trying to impress me like I'm her alcoholic mother!", Rainbow Dash quipped as she opened up her mouth, revealing her fangs, as Star Sapphire prepared to attack. "Be a dear and grab Mommy another bottle of apple cider, would you?" As the two began their fight, Rarity managed to free herself and her friends.

"Come on, darlings! We have to get out of here!", Rarity said. The five Lanterns ran through the opening Rainbow Dash left as Star Sapphire manages to gain the upper hand in her fight against the Red Lantern.

"You can't touch me! My ring was hand-crafted to kill you! My speed, my stamina, my power all rival... no, dwarf yours! In comparison to you, I am a GOD!", Star Sapphire viciously said.

"Really? Really?", Rainbow Dash asked.

"Really", Star Sapphire answered.

"Really?!", Rainbow Dash asked again.

"Really!", Star Sapphire answered again.

"REALLY?!", Rainbow Dash asked a third time.

"REALLY!", Star Sapphire answered a third time.

"Time to die", Rainbow Dash said.

"Wait, what?", Star Sapphire asked. The next thing she knew, Rainbow Dash ripped off one her legs. "Agh! Fuck!"

"You know they say that killing makes you violent. BUT I'D SAY SOMEONE KILLING MY FRIEND IS MAKING ME PRETTY FUCKING VIOLENT!", Rainbow Dash roared as she ripped off Star Sapphire's other leg. The redt of the Mane Six joined the vampire pony.

"Aaawwwwwwwww, fuck", Star Sapphire complained.

"Come on! You were talking all that good shit a second ago, then I ripped your FUCKING LEGS OFF!", Rainbow Dash screeched.

"But I... You...! What the fuck?!", Star Sapphire terrifyingly asked.

"What's wrong, bitch? Just grow back your legs! Summon up your demons! HIT ME! FIGHT ME! Give me a hug!", Rainbow Dash quipped.

"Really?", Star Sapphire asked... only to meet her gory demise. "OH, GOD, NO!!!" Star Sapphire was eaten alive.

"Hey, we're here on Epic Meal Time! I'm the Sauceboss! And tonight, I'm eating this supervillainess!", Rainbow Dash said to nobody as she feasted on her prey. The ring attached to Carol's finger floated off, but Rarity grabbed it and crushed it, ending the reincarnation cycle of the Star Sapphire.


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"What's mine is mine and mine and mine. And mine and mine and mine! Not yours!"

Weapon of the Orange Lantern Corps, an Orange Lantern Ring is powered by the orange light of avarice. Larfleeze is the only one who actually wears one of these rings, as everyone else in the Orange Lantern Corps were assimilated into the orange central power battery and only exist as constructs. There are many other orange rings, but while the other six corps send their rings out to find worthy wielders of their light, Larfleeze keeps his horded away in his lair on Okaara, laying unused in a massive pile. During The Blackest Night, the various Lantern Corps united to fight off the threat of the Black Lantern Corps. After their failure in destroying the Black Lantern Central Power Battery, Ganthet activated a programming present within all power rings which duplicated them and find another wearer thus increasing their numbers to fight the Black Lanterns. An Orange Lantern Power Ring was one of the many duplicated and departed Agent Orange despite his attempts at reclaiming it. This ring went across Earth and found Lex Luthor who was being besieged by Black Lanterns of all those he had killed and turned Luthor into a member of the Orange Lantern Corps. An Orange Lantern Ring can charge a maximum of 100,000% energy level by charging from an Orange Power Battery, this gives it a energy level worlds beyond any other Lantern Corps Ring. Avarice can erode Will, but it cannot consume Hope. Therefore Orange Lantern Power Rings cannot absorb the energy from a Blue Lantern Power Ring. In fact, an Orange Lantern can be saved from their ring by a Blue Lantern. Orange Lanterns are plagued with an insatiable hunger, which they can never satisfy. This hunger, however, does subside in the presence of an active Blue Lantern Power Ring. True Love is not affected by Avarice, thus Orange Lantern Power Rings cannot absorb the energy from a Star Sapphire Ring. The Orange rings have the unique ability to absorb the constructs of other ring wielders. The power is so great that even constructs made by the likes of the Guardians of the Universe can be absorbed. It seems as though no form of energy is exempt from this ability as they also can absorb magic.

Larfleeze, who was tracking an Orange Lantern Power Ring, found the Mane Six (with Rainbow Dash still feasting on her prey). "More Lanterns? Impossible", he said, astonished. "I am Larfleeze, the only Orange Lantern to ever exist." Before he could continue speaking, however, Sweetie Belle turned into a Black Lantern. To make matters worse, Nekron's army began circling the Carousel Boutique. Larfleeze created a force field engulfing him and the Mane Six as Nekron approached them. He striked the force field with his scythe, but an Orange Lantern's power is immense.

"Hey!", someone shouted. Nekron turned towards the noise to find Spike in an orange bodysuit and wielding the Orange Lantern Power Ring that Larfleeze was looking for.

"Another Orange Lantern?! Then this will be TWICE as much fun!", Nekron said as he leaped at the dragon, who breathed fire at the Lord of the Unliving, which provided a smokescreen for Spike, who constructed a hammer and bashed Nekron. "Argh!"

"Orange you glad I arrived?", Spike asked the Mane Six. The ponies all groaned at the pun while Larfleeze simply facepalmed. "Aw, come on! That was a good..." He couldn't finish his sentence as Nekron stabbed the dragon in the chest... except that was an Orange Lantern clone. The real Spike delivered an extremely powerful punch to Nekron's face, sending the supervillain flying through the sky. Spike descended and landed in front of the force field, which faded.

"Maybe... I can let one ring go", Larfleeze said. "Those who are recruited into the corps are infected with greed like a disease. They are incapable of thought or action other than to take whatever they want from another. However, it seems as if Spike here has control over his impulses. I must go now. I bid you seven good luck." Larfleeze flew off.

At Twilight's castle...

"If we're going to take down Nekron, we have to figure out where he gets his power from", Twilight said.

"But we have ZERO information on this guy, other than the fact that he wants to turn Equestria into Zombieland!", Rainbow Dash explained.

"Well, where did the Black Lantern Corps come from?!", Twilight asked.

"Space Sector 0666. No large planetary life remained after The Manhunters murdered everyone in this Space Sector millions of years ago. The Space Sector was home to the Black Lantern Corps", Spike answered. "This means that the Black Lantern Corps won't be in that sector."

"Well, where would they be?", Twilight asked.

"The Dead Zone. It's seemingly another dimensional plane where the deceased are said to reside. This realm has a notable change from that of the living as its surroundings are all a combination of grey and black... like Nekron's color scheme", Spike answered.

"H... how do you know all of this?", Twilight asked.

"When we went to the human world, there were several Green Lantern comics in the library", Spike answered.

"I... oh. Yeah, that actually makes sense", Twilight replied.

"Well, how do we get to the Dead Zone?", Rainbow Dash asked.

"When Hal Jordan and Sinsetro were transported to the Dead Zone, Tomar-Re said that they had died. I think... we need to die... somehow", Spike answered.

"Can't Rainbow Dash create a blood portal to send us to the Dead Zone?", Applejack asked.

"Oh. Yeah, that'll work", Spike answered. Rainbow Dash created a blood portal and the Lanterns walked through as the blood portal closed behind them.

The blood portal opened in the Dead Zone, and the Lanterns walked through as the blood portal closed behind them. "Okay, we're here. Where's that son of a bitch Nekron?", Rainbow Dash asked. As if on cue, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness.

The Dead Zone

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"The Blackest Night falls from the skies. The darkness grows as all light dies. We crave your hearts and your demise. By my black hand, the dead shall rise!"

Upon latching onto a corpse, the Black Lantern ring will reanimate the body. The ring animating the person within downloads all the memories and superhuman abilities (if they had any) of their previous life, but not their souls. Instead, they are malevolent beings who seek to murder even those they considered friends. The Black Lantern rings are capable of taking hold of a person who had been killed and resurrected, putting them under their control, effectively killing them again. This was shown when a group of resurrected heroes, including Superman, Superboy, Ice and Wally West, were possessed by the rings when they latched on and were commanded to die. As expressions of darkness, the Black Lantern rings are vulnerable to the white light that represents life. Eons ago, the darkness splintered the white light into the seven lights of the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum. Individually, the seven lights are unable to harm the Black Lanterns, but the green light of willpower, representing all sentient life, working with one or more of the other six, can render the Black Lantern rings inert and leave the Black Lanterns vulnerable to conventional attacks. The black rings can also have their connections severed by the white power contained within Dawn Granger. Black Lantern Holly Granger was visibly hurt when she attempted to rip out her heart, and the ensuing blast of light severed the connections of an attacking group of Black Lanterns. As beings whose entire power is concentrated around the idea of lacking all emotions, they are extremely vulnerable to potent artifacts intended to force emotions upon the victim, such as the Medusa Mask. Oddly, Black Lantern Rings, though shown to possess enough speed to follow even the Flash, cannot follow anyone fast enough to travel through time, as Barry Allen demonstrated, shifting himself and Hal Jordan a few seconds ahead into the future and causing the ring to lose them.

A massive army of zombie ponies, including several familiar faces, surrounded the Rainbow Lanterns. "You dare intrude my home? After today, no one will be safe! Now... DIE!!!", Nekron growled as the Black Lantern Corps charged towards the Rainbow Lanterns. A massive battle began, with multiple zombies quickly dying right off the bat. However, they just kept coming. "My army is infinite. The amount of creatures in Equestria will be enough to destroy your puny little union. While you were distracted with that human, I turned every creature in Equestria into my soldiers!" However, this meant that while his army was massive, it wasn't infinite.

"Everyone, spread out!", Twilight commanded. Spike was able to annihilate multiple zombie dragons in the air, and Rainbow Dash joined the onslaught and devoured multiple zombie griffons.

"Ah... how delicious...", Rainbow Dash said as Twilight blasted zombie changelings left and right in the air. Fluttershy attempted to fly away, but zombie hippogriffs kept on blocking her paths. However, her Power Bracelet was glowing brightly, so she blasted the flying creatures. On the ground, multiple zombie yaks were stampeding towards Pinkie Pie, but the Blue Lantern simply constructed a massive Pac-Man which devoured every single zombie yak as Applejack and Rarity fought multiple zombie ponies back-to-back. Meanwhile, Twilight constructed a MASSIVE energy twin.

"PLEASE DON'T STICK ME IN YOUR GIANT VAGINA!!!", one of the zombie ponies shouted.

"DUDE, WHAT THE FUCK?!", another zombie pony asked. Suddenly, Nekron blasted Twilight, and while it didn't do much damage to the Princess of Friendship, it did cause the energy twin to fade.

"Oh, thank Celestia! I thought she was going to crush me... with her giant vagina!", the terrified zombie pony said, which was revealed to be zombie Big Mac.

"Okay, what does your Internet history look like?!", the other zombie pony said, which was revealed to be zombie Derpy Hooves. Eventually, Nekron's entire army was annihilated thanks to teamwork... and the fact that the Rainbow Lanterns weren't mindless zombies.

"Fine. I'll slaughter you all myself!", Nekron growled. "The Blackest Night falls from the skies. The darkness grows as all light dies. We crave your hearts and your demise. By my black hand, the dead shall rise!" He flew towards the airborne heroes and slashed them with his scythe, dealing some damage to them and causing them to fall to the ground. He then blasted Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity with his Black Lantern Power Ring. The Rainbow Lanterns, however, stood together and didn't back down. They charged towards the Lord of the Unliving and fought him in midair. However, Nekron ultimately overpowered the heroes and revealed five Black Lantern Power Bracelets and two Black Lantern Power Rings. They floated towards the Rainbow Lanterns. "Now... DIE!!!" They automatically attached themselves to the Rainbow Lanterns, causing their original Power Bracelets and Power Rings to shatter. The seven heroes screamed in pain as their skin seemingly began to decay while Nekron laughed maniacally. Suddenly, a white light enveloped the seven heroes as a white force field formed around them. "What?! Impossible!" It turned out that the Black Lantern Power Bracelets and Black Lantern Power Rings that attached themselves to the heroes weren't black at all. They were simply covered in ink. In reality, they were White Lantern Power Bracelets and White Lantern Power Rings. White bodysuits formed around their bodies as the zombie creatures all came back to life. A massive blood portal opened beneath them and they fell through, landing in Equestria as the blood portal closed. "No... NOOO!"

"In brightest day, in brightest night, let our rings shine the brightest light. When evil comes, we will join the fight. The power of the White Lanterns is the strongest might!", the seven White Lanterns shouted in unison as they landed before their foe.

"Nekron, your apocalyptic reign of terror ends right now!", Twilight shouted as she and her friends charged towards the Lord of the Unliving to take him on one final time.

The White Light Of Creation

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"In brightest day, in brightest night, let my ring shine the brightest light. When evil comes, I will join the fight. The power of the White Lanterns is the strongest might!"

A White Power Ring is the most powerful type of Power Ring, which themselves are one of the most powerful weapons in the universe. The white light is the first light and in essence, all of the other colors of the emotional spectrum combined. As such, a user of a white ring can generate any color of the emotional spectrum and use the powers of each color. White Power Rings can "override" rings of other colors, temporarily turning them into White Power Rings also. White Power Rings also have the notable power to bring deceased beings back from the dead. Time travel is possible with the power ring, though the further forward in time a ring wielder travels, the more will it takes. A White Lantern in distress can use their power ring as an emergency beacon. The alert can be directed to an another Lantern's neighboring sector, or it can be a Corps-wide alert. A homing beacon in the power ring can lead one White Lantern to another. The ring can be ordered to disguise itself to elude power ring wielding trackers. Most often ring wielders will allow the beacon to signal their location to others. The full extent of the White Power Rings is unknown. Presumably, they have the standard powers and functions as rings of other colors. It appears that a White Lantern Power Ring can recharge itself when the bearer embraces life, like when Deadman went for a joyride on a motorcycle. In DC Comics, the only known White Lantern is Kyle Rayner.

Twilight blasted Nekron with white light from her horn, but Nekron used his scythe's blade to block it. "Wait, I thought I destroyed that thing!", Rainbow Dash shouted as she rammed into the Lord of the Unliving.

"My Black Lantern Power Ring allows me to repair my scythe!", Nekron growled as he punched Rainbow Dash. Spike breathed white fire, which burned Nekron's back, but Nekron quickly extinguished the flames. Applejack constructed a lasso and caught Nekron, but the Lord of the Unliving simply broke through the binding. Rarity created multiple crystals and engulfed Nekron, but he shattered through the minerals. Fluttershy constructed a massive tree above Nekron, but he simply dodged it as it fell and faded. Pinkie Pie constructed a cannon and fired a cannonball, but Nekron punched through the cannonball.

"Guys, we have to get that ring off of him!", Spike shouted. Twilight and Rarity constructed whips that grabbed Nekron's ankles, immobilizing him. However, he destroyed the constructs easily with his scythe. He then blasted the White Lanterns, dealing some damage to them. He blasted them repeatedly until Twilight put up a force field. However, it was quickly destroyed as Nekron continued his onslaught of pain. Suddenly, Nekron screamed as his hands were chopped off by his own scythe. An energy twin of Spike wielded the scythe. This allowed the White Lanterns to permanently destroy the scythe with their energy. However, Nekron's hands reattached themselves to his severed wrists. He blasted the White Lanterns, but Twilight blasted her own energy at Nekron, causing the two streams of energy to collide. However, Nekron was too powerful, so Rarity assisted Twilight, but two wasn't enough. Spike joined the unicorns, and Rainbow Dash followed. Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie then joined, and the unified White Lanterns were able to push back Nekron's stream of energy back into his ring.

"No... how is this possible?!", Nekron growled as he blasted the heroes.

"Again!", Spike shouted as the White Lanterns countered the attack, repeating what they just did.

"I will not be bested by White Lanterns!", Nekron growled as he blasted the heroes again.

"One more time!", Spike shouted as the White Lanterns countered the attack, repeating what they just did. The Black Lantern Power Ring began shaking as it became overloaded with energy. It ultimately exploded, sending a wave of white energy towards the White Lanterns. "Yes!"

"NOOOOOOOOOO!", Nekron shouted as the heroes all approached the Lord of the Unliving. "No matter what, I'll still destroy..." Before he could finish his sentence, a massive construct crushed the supervillain.

"What is that?", Applejack asked.

"The Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird. An advanced long-range strategic reconnaissance aircraft capable of Mach 3 and an altitude of 85,000 feet!", Rainbow Dash answered.

"You sure do seem to know a lot about it", Twilight said.

"DO YOU EVEN READ MY CHRISTMAS LIST?!?!", Rainbow Dash asked. Before anyone could answer, however, the Dead Zone began to collapse as the aircraft construct faded, leaving behind Nekron's corpse. Rainbow Dash created a blood portal and the seven heroes ran through as the blood portal closed behind them and the Dead Zone stopped collapsing.

Back in Equestria, the White Lanterns emerged from the blood portal which closed behind them. Equestria looked like a post-apocalyptic wasteland at the moment, but nothing too serious. The White Lantern Power Rings and White Lantern Power Bracelets floated off, causing the bodysuits to disappear.

"Well... now what?", Applejack asked.

"I think... we let the Lanterns do the rest", Twilight answered.

"Fine by me", Rainbow Dash replied.

"That was crazy!", Pinkie Pie added.

"I just hope that guy doesn't come back", Fluttershy replied.

"He's not coming back. We destroyed his Black Lantern Power Ring", Spike responded.

"Well... at least everything's back to normal", Rarity said. The seven heroes shared a laugh.

In Hell, buried underneath some rubble, one of Nekron's hands emerged from the debris. He stood up. "What is this?! WHERE AM I?!", Nekron shouted. A laugh was heard. Lucifer Samuel Morningstar, otherwise known as the Devil of the DC Universe, approached the Lord of the Unliving.

"Well, well, well", Lucifer said. "Look who's finally here. Looks like I get the last laugh." He incinerated Nekron, finally killing the Lord of the Unliving, who roared in agony as his final second was spent.