Rainchecking Celestia

by Cardboard

First published

James gets a surprise visit from Celestia before the Summer Sun Celebration.

James gets a surprise visit from Celestia before the Summer Sun Celebration.

A continuation from: Shaping Sapphire

There's a continuation: Convincing Apple Bloom

For Another Time

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Dear James

I’ve sent a letter to the Mayor of Ponyville informing her of my decision to have the Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville. I’ve yet to receive her response.

Most of the nobles finally got it through their heads that I won’t, let alone can, lift a hoof to help them dictate your life. I imagine you will still be receiving letters from some of them for quite some time however. They’re the vindictive sort and unfortunately have lots of time. It was a lot worse, before the spam mail law at least.

So how have things been going?

Your friend Celestia

Dear James

I got a response from Mayor Mayor. She seemed thrilled to host the S.S.C. for me at Ponyville.

Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about all the mail they’re sending you. I understand you’re worried about missing any important letters. The best I can do is suggest you consult your town's mail receptionist and pick the best option for you. This isn’t even the main reason we have the spam mail law, but it does cover situations like yours.

I’m glad to hear things have been going well for you. I look forward to meeting up with you during the S.S.C.

As for me, I used that spell again to redact my memories of that event I showed you. I kept the memory of me showing it to you however. It is kind of strange having the memory of watching my past self deal with such an ordeal and not remembering that thing ever happening. I can understand why I would not want to remember it though, even remembering what I showed you has been difficult to deal with.

Your friend Celestia

P.S. ‘S.S.C.’ means ‘Summer Sun Celebration.’

Dear James

Thank you for your concern, but I assure you I am fine.

The nobles are naturally upset that I’m heading to Ponyville for the S.S.C. I’ve been getting petitions nonstop to change the location back to Canterlot. It is getting as old as I am!

The S.S.C. is so soon. It’s been awhile since I’ve actually been excited to do it. It's hard to believe but this is the one thousandth year of this celebration. To be honest I don’t even remember how or why it got started. I’m pretty sure it was sometime after I defeated Discord the Lord of Chaos and helped bring a normal day/night schedule. I can remember Discord and several of the things he’s done clearly. He’s currently a statue in my garden. Wish I had more time to actually do some gardening, anyways you can come and visit anytime and I’ll show and tell you all about it.

Your friend Celestia

Dear James

It would seem you were correct about an egregious oversight on my end. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing the flightless pegasus scenario to my attention. I recently discovered a young colt from Cloudsdale has yet to be adopted for about three years now, for just such a reason. It is almost unheard of for our young to remain in our foster system for two years let alone three. I already took actions to change his location to a ground based orphanage. I have yet to hear back from any other of our cloud cities, but I fear I may get more bad news. I’ll keep you updated.

You were also correct about the school curriculum being changed to favor monogamy. I’m glad you brought this to my attention during summer break. I intend to have this issue resolved before school starts up again.

Your friend Celestia

Dear James

Today was a long day. I had to deal with nobles endlessly petitioning to undo the changes I made to the school curriculum, claiming our society was always monogamous. As if they lived long enough to know if that was true.

I’ll have to fight with them on this for the weeks to come, until they wise up and decide to try and slip it past my notice again.

I’ll see you at the S.S.C.

Your friend Celestia

Dear James

I can’t help but think about what you told me back at your house. At times, I feel like I couldn’t date another pony.

Everypony is just so small and precious to me. If I’m being honest, at times I feel like I’m their mother, but unlike most mothers I also get to watch them age and move on. I’ve gotten used to it, or rather I’ve gotten used to dealing with the pain, so please do not worry on that end. What I mean to say is that I feel so old, as if anypony who I would be dating was a newly born foal that doesn’t know anything, or that I’m some ancient relic that’s better forgotten. I know it’s not right, correct, or accurate but it’s just how I feel when the subject comes to mind. I can’t help it. It’s why I was so affected by your words back at your house, no pony is brave enough to compliment me like that, at least from what I can recall. Well, that and my memories of that event were messing with me, but I’m doing fine, just felt like explaining some of my feelings to you.

You know, I’m glad my memory lets me forget things. I shudder to think about how many days I sat at the same table for basically the same breakfast, lunch, and dinner. My life is routine to the umpteenth.

It’s why I take in personal students like Twilight. They always tweak that routine just enough to remind me why I have this routine.

Speaking of Twilight, according to Spike, she’ll be going to an actual party that’s separate from the S.S.C. or any other holiday or birthday. I can’t help but feel proud of her. I wouldn’t mind if she used her status as my student to make some real friends. Then again, this being Canterlot, I do worry some ponies might just use her to get to me. I can only hope for the good intentions of those at that party, unfortunately.

I’m looking forward to meeting up with you in a couple days at the S.S.C.

Your friend Celestia

Dear James

I just got your letter a little after I wrote my previous letter. I understand you want me to tell you more about Discord, and I will gladly do so, if you come and visit me here in Canterlot.

I just want to reiterate that I’m okay. In case that wasn’t clear. I’ve dealt with a lot of things over the centuries. It’ll take more than being single for over a millennium to bring me down. I’m used to it. Although, I will freely admit that keeping the memory of what I showed you has been challenging. It’s kind of strange looking out at Canterlot and being in my throne room when I have an idea of what happened at some of those places about four centuries ago. Things that normally would never happen, ever. It’s hard not to think about when everything else is always the same.

I’m rambling, even though this is on paper, anyways I look forward to meeting you at the S.S.C.

Your friend Celestia

Dear James

Spike won’t stop talking about the party. I gave him some bits to buy a gift. He looked so excited. It was so cute. I feel happy and worried for Twilight. It’s a nice change of pace for her. She has a week break thanks to the S.S.C. I hope she makes some real friends and stops studying every minute of every day. I’m just concerned somepony will try to take advantage of her because of her status, but you’re right. I will be there if such a thing happens.

Are the nobles still sending you letters?

I swear I should’ve done away with them a long time ago, but they’re so gullible and they do make things easier on me. I try my best to make sure they do not abuse their station.

Your friend Celestia

P.S. I got some mind bending memories of what Discord can do, so please come visit, I’d love to share them.

It had been six days since Sapphire joined the herd.

Everything was going just fine.

James finally got to meet Sweetie’s parents. When he first saw them he felt angry. They seemed a little too happy for what they put Sweetie through. With that said, they treated Sweetie like the angel she is. It was weird. He could tell how much they loved her, and how happy she was to have them back. She was eager to introduce Scootaloo to them as her best friend.

When he got the chance, he took Sweetie’s parents aside to have a private chat. He told them how Sweetie felt about them constantly leaving. They immediately ran to Sweetie and smothered her in hugs, kisses, and apologies. Sweetie for her part looked embarrassed as Scootaloo laughed. They kindly excused themselves and spent the rest of that day with Sweetie and Scootaloo.

Everyday, Sapphire would visit after work and James would have a meal ready. Scootaloo wasn’t always present, as sometimes she’d eat at Sweeties place.

James was still teaching the fillies how to cook, but once every other day or so.

Sapphire made alarming progress on her attempt to make a noise cancelation enchantment. It required him to buy a radio. It worked in much the same principle that her light sucking enchant worked. The way she described it, in a dumbed down version to him, was that it needed a source that would otherwise give a constant noise like a candle light would give constant light. The rest made no sense to him. In short, she said it would magically attract all other noises to the radio thus more/less canceling all noises. He would think if the noise had to pass by him to get to the radio he would hear it, but magic.

What made this progress alarming was the ear shattering sound that came when it was turned off. His ears must’ve rang for two hours after it. Once they got their hearing back after a few minutes, she began loudly explaining that she now understood why her light cancelation enchantment would always burn out while exposed to sunlight. He supposes light is hard for magic to contain as he recalled that enchantment actually gives off a little light. While the radio really made everything dead silent, it was really weird.

At any rate, he asked if she could make the sounds less loud as opposed to dead silent without the loud deafening sound at the end. She gave no promises outside she’d try.


Today so far was a lax day for James. He got up, bought breakfast for himself and Scootaloo, and went for a walk at the park. Scootaloo joined him on her scooter. He couldn’t get over how cool it was she could use her wings to get around like that, and pretty fast too. Still he knew she’d much rather be able to fly. He’s probably going to check and see if he can throw money at it to fix that problem.

Sweetie had plans with her parents for the day.

Sapphire volunteered to help prep the town. Celestia is showing up tonight or super early tomorrow morning, (depending on how you look at it,) so they’re going all out with decorations, which means he has no clue if he’ll get to see her much today. He’s already heard from Rarity that she gets the privilege to make the town hall look fabulous.

That left him and Scootaloo by themselves for most of the day. After an hour or two at the fairly empty park they went shopping. Most market stales closed early on holidays such as today, and others didn’t open at all. Some ponies took the day off and/or helped set up decorations. Scootaloo picked out a few comic books for him to buy and he bought some groceries. He wasn’t feeling like making lunch, so they ate out. Thankfully, most restaurants didn’t close. Some even stayed open late during the night or early in the morning, (depending on how you look at it,) for this particular holiday.

On their way home, he noticed ponies started putting up steamers and stuff for the Summer Sun Celebration.

Scootaloo was eager to get home and start her comics. He was glad she still had other interests that wasn’t his dick. It meant he hadn’t completely ruined her foalhood. At least, he hoped it did. Though if he was being honest, Scootaloo didn’t have much of one to begin with. This was making him depressed.

He shook his head and continued walking home, well aware that the cold foods he bought were decidedly less cold after their relatively early lunch. Scootaloo was impatiently waiting for him at his front door. He noticed his mailbox had got some letters since they’d been gone, but he was already carrying too many things.

“Alright, alright, give me a moment,” he said as he placed some bags on the ground and got his key. He unlocked and opened the door and Scootaloo shot straight through the living room, past the lazy boy chair, coffee table and couch, and other lazy boy chair in that order. She went down the hall and stopped at her room's door while carrying her own bag of comics.

His living room was still pretty empty all things considered. Sure he got new clocks and even another display case full of fancy plates and stuff that he’ll never use, but his living room was pretty big. He had a large decorative rug on the floor and a few decent sized paintings hanging on the wall. The couch, lazy boy chairs, and coffee table only took up so much space (about one third to one fourth.) He was glad they were off to the right side of the entrance while coming in and thus out of the way of any paths to the kitchen (to the middle-ish left) and hallway (straight ahead from the entrance.)

It was noticeably cooler inside his house as opposed to outside, which was only getting hotter as the day progressed. It felt rejuvenating from the outdoor heat. He closed the door and the only view outside, as the curtains were closed. His clothes were already somewhat wet with his sweat but not enough to be uncomfortable.

He headed for the kitchen, bags in hand as he heard Scootaloo’s door close with a light slam, “soorrryy!” she yelled just as he reached the kitchen entrance. It sounded as if she had cracked open her door a little to yell/say it. He didn’t hear the door close though, which is to be expected as his doors were very silent when not being mistreated.

He decided to not comment, and entered the kitchen. He quickly went to work putting away the cold stuff and then everything else. The kitchen door was usually left open. He was considering getting rid of that door entirely, but his private conversation with Rarity made him think otherwise. He shrugged, it wasn’t like it was in the way or anything.

Once everything was put away he walked into the living room, took off his shoes and placed them where he always does, moved to the couch, and flung himself on it.

That felt nice, comfy, and cool.

Now he could take a little nap. It wasn’t like he had anything he needed to do for at least five hours. He planned on staying up all night, so this was needed.

Tonight was the Summer Sun Celebration. He idly wondered what it was going to be like. He originally thought of fireworks and a party, kind of like July Fourth.

The way Sapphire explained it, there were no fireworks, but there was partying. The main event was in the morning when Celestia supposedly raised the sun, which made it far different from July Forth as everyone needed to stay up till morning, and not till the fireworks were done.

He asked how they did it and she explained that it really depended on the pony. Some took naps during the day. Some went to sleep early and set their alarm clock even more earlier. Some partied all night until it was time.

He planned on taking naps and waking Scootaloo up just before the event if she was unable to stay awake.

He wondered at what capacity and when Celestia was going to show up. It’d be nice if he got to show her around town.

He was a little surprised that decorations only just started to be put up. Then again, whenever there was a celebration at Canterlot decorations came up the night before and went down the night after. So it would make sense for them to put decorations up during the day if the majority of this celebration occurs during the night.

He yawned.

He felt like he was forgetting something. Either way, all this thinking wasn’t helping him get that nap in. So he silenced his mind, best he could.

Five minutes later...

He groaned as he just remembered all the mail waiting for him at his mailbox. After a couple seconds he got up, put his shoes back on and headed outside. The trip to the mailbox was short, as the sun shined brightly on the summer day. At least the mailbox wasn’t literally filled to the brim like two previous times. It was hot outside, already he was missing the cool indoors. He looked over the mail as he walked back.

After a few steps, a certain letter drew his attention stopping him in place. Well, it wasn’t an actual letter. It was a pink invitation card. It was at the top of the pile of mail so he grabbed it with his free hand and looked it over. It had glitter tastefully on it, and said “you’re invited,” with two exclamation points at the end that made the eyes of a happy face. It appeared as though it was hand or rather hoof made, or perhaps magically made, either way it was made by a pony who was exceptionally good at arts and crafts, so that ruled out Sweetie. It also ruled out Scootaloo because it was pink and had pink glitter. It also didn’t seem like the kind of thing Sapphire would do.

He pondered who could be inviting him and for what. He briefly considered Rarity, but that wasn’t her style. She’d have an invitation that’s more suited for a wedding or awards show. He knows the Summer Sun Celebration was tonight, perhaps the local government made them and sent them to all residents. That seemed possible, and oddly informal.

With a shrug he opened it, “Wah!” he yelled and threw his mail which scattered on his front lawn/walkway after the card made a party favor sound and somehow exploded out a bunch of confetti, streamers and stuff towards his face, which also scattered on his front lawn/walkway.

He looked around for anypony who’d be watching but saw none. He sighed at the mess on the ground. He picked up the pink card and looked it over. He didn’t see how it managed to put out a party favor sound and explode that much stuff at him. Magic.

Inside the card on one half of the inside was an artistic depiction of several ponies at a party. It gave a date and time which was the library tonight. With that he had to assume this was for the S.S.C. The party lasted almost all night. On the other half was an artistic depiction of Celestia supposedly raising the sun, and instructions to show up at town hall at least thirty minutes before the event. The back had a cartoonish picture of a blacked out pony with a question mark on their flank with the words “Who’s that pony?” above. Below the picture was “It’s James Copperback.” That’s how he knows this invitation was specifically for him he supposes.

Well, that was an invitation card he concluded with a shrug. He picked up the rest of his mail, cleaned up what he could of the streamers, and headed back inside.

He opened the door, walked in and closed the door.

He froze the moment he turned to his living room. He blinked his eyes to make sure he wasn’t seeing anything.


Celestia was sitting in the middle of his couch, looking at him strangely, “uh, h-hey Celestia,” he slightly stuttered, as ‘she knows,’ constantly played through his head.

She just continued to stare at him stoically as her ethereal mane and tail flowed in some kind of cosmic wind like it always had. Her white fur and wings were as pristine as always. If she was standing up she’d be able to meet him face to face.

Speaking of faces, she wasn’t smiling.

He nervously walked to the closest lazy boy chair, put his mail on the coffee table and sat down, “So what’s up?” He asked with a fake smile, ‘I’m so dead,’ played through his head.

Celestia blinked, “James I’m sorry to intrude on you like this. I hope this isn’t an issue?”

“H-how did you get in here?” He asked, as he had only been outside for like one minute at most, and he certainly didn’t see her anywhere outside. He supposes she might’ve sneaked in while he was walking to his mailbox, a downside for having such silent doors he supposes.

“I teleported,” she answered.

He could think of several occasions where her teleporting in his living room could be a huge issue, “I see, umm, j-just out of curiosity, i-is it possible to teleport into something or someone by accident?”

Her downtrodden face didn’t change as she answered, “no, the spell would fail, and the magic would disperse in an momentarily unpleasant manner to myself.”

“Oh, well it’s good to know you won’t be accidentally killing people and/or yourself by blindly teleporting places, I guess,” she gave a nod of acknowledgement, “soooo what brings you by?” He asked as he interlocked his fingers and rubbed his palms together, while resting his arms on his thighs.

As soon as he asked she seemed to get a distant look. She just looked straight ahead as if she was blind and deaf.

“Celestia?” He asked, after about four or five seconds of this silence.

She blinked, “whu,” then shook her head, “hello James,” she said with a very muted smile, “what did you say again?”

“I asked why you’re here?” He said. He’s never seen her like this. He sure hoped she wasn’t going senile. He doubted it though, as she looked as good as ever.

“Oh, right! Of course, I might have sent a letter to Twilight calling her a friendless loser and then banished her to Ponyville.” She answered with a hint of shame.

“Uhhhh-” was all he could get out before she continued.

“Okay, so I didn’t straight out call her a friendless loser because I know she gets Spike to read her letters out loud and he’s too precious, but if you read between the lines it’s pretty clear. WeeellI, I didn’t banish her out of Canterlot. I just sent her here to ‘supervise’ the Summer Sun Celebration preparations, a job my assistant was meant to do. I don’t think I want to see her for at least a week, and by her I mean Twilight, not my assistant, because Twilight,” her voice got a little harsh, “was supposed to be at a party today, you know the one I mentioned in my letters but instead she was studying, also I have a sister.” Celestia said somewhat faster than she normally speaks.

James blinked, “Wait, so Twilight didn’t go to the party and as punishment she’s coming here to do the job your assistant was supposed to do, which is what? Making sure the celebration runs smoothly?” he asked as he shifted positions on his lazy boy chair.

She gave a nod.

“Uuhhh,” he continued, smartly, “so what does having a sister have to do with anything? Wait!” he said holding out a hand, before she could respond, “let me guess, you ‘redacted,’” he said using his fingers as air quotes, “your memories of your long dead sister and Twilight found a book or something that said you had a sister and then confronted you about it, and you- wait no, nevermind you said you sent her a letter which could only mean she sent you a letter via Spike. So she didn’t even try to talk to you about it face to face?” He asked. Celestia looked kind of annoyed and sad right now, “I mean, I’m sorry for your loss?” James ended.

“If only it were that simple,” Celestia said with a defeated sigh.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, my sisters name is, or was Luna, and she’s is very much alive right now,” she explained as she grew a frown, “you may know her as Nightmare Moon.”

He blinked, “uhh, but isn’t that just a fairy tale? For how pony halloween started, uhhh what was it called again?” Jame’s asked. He vaguely knows this story as he’s read it to young ponies when he first became a royal foalsitter, as it was just before pony halloween at the time.

“Nightmare Night.” Celestia answered.

“Yeah that,” he said, recognizing the name.

“It’s more than a fairy tale, it’s basically what happened, besides the whole eating foals thing. That never happened. Twilight seems to think she’s coming back tonight because of a prophecy, and I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to send her to the moon again, not again,” she said but it sounded more like a plea.

James always found it odd that the craters on the moon just happened to make the shape of a unicorn head, and that said craters always faced the planet, “Celestia are you telling me your sister is supposed to be the mare on the moon?” She nodded, “Uh huh,” he really wanted to argue with her about this but she appeared pretty shaken up right now, “well let's say that’s true,” he said, getting a silent sigh from her, “why not talk to her? Provided the prophecy is true.” He knows magic can do a lot, but sending a pony to the moon and then somehow making a huge silhouette of said ponies head just seems far-fetched to him.

“I tried that the first time, but she was possessed and ready to kill me. She was so powerful, and OH NO!” She yelled suddenly and covered her mouth with her hooves. She closed her eyes tightly and rubbed her head with both hooves.

“What is it,” he asked.

“You know the artifacts I used to send her to the moon?” She asked.

He thought for a moment, “You mean the ones from the story?” he asked.

She nodded, “they’re nothing more than decorative stones now, they’re useless,” she stated.

“Well, I suppose I can see how that could be a problem,” he said.

“No, you don’t understand. They’re what we used to defeat Discord and turn him into stone! I thought I- ARRGGGGGHHHHHH,” she groaned loudly bringing both forehooves to her eyelids and dragging them down.

“What is it now?”

She looked up at him and her face flushed pink slightly, “I thought I used a cockatrice on Discord because I redacted all memories of my sister. A cockatrice was the only thing I knew of that could turn creatures to stone at the time, which is why I used one on,” she looked away, “Lusty.”

“Well, it sounds to me like you couldn’t have used those artifacts anyways right?”

“Unfortunately, it also means I need to make sure my garden is always tranquill and harmonic. Without the Elements to stop Discord…” she shook her head with a deep frown while muttering something under her breath.

“Okay…” he said trying his best to ignore how un-serene she currently is, “so back to your sister what do you intend to do if she does come back tonight?” He asked.

“I… don’t know. If the prophecy is true, I don’t want to see her like that again,” she explained, ”I... miss her soo much,” she said quietly, looking down at her hooves sadly, as she sat on the couch.

James barely heard that last part, but looking at Celestia now he knew what he had to do. He stood up, walked to the couch, sat next to her, and threw an arm around her back/shoulders and gave her a one armed hug. He made sure to avoid her wings, which reminded him of a couple incidents when he had not done so, out of ignorance. Now he wondered why Celestia never said anything to him about it.

Celestia leaned into the hug and nuzzled his cheek.

So he brought his hand to her forehead and petted/scratched her forehead for a little bit. She stopped nuzzling him and seemed to enjoy the treatment. He enjoyed how her mane felt. It felt soft, warm, and just plain magical. Like it was giving him energy. He stopped and just let his arm rest around her back/shoulders.

There was a moment of silence as they sat next to each other on the couch. His arm draped over her. She appeared to be deep in thought.

She looked up to him briefly and then away for a moment, “am I neglectful?” She asked, ending the silence.

“Uhhh, no?” He answered, keeping his arm where it was. He wondered why she was asking this.

“Then how is it that you knew about the changes to our school curriculum before I did?” She asked looking back at him, “how is it that you knew about the flightless pegasi orphans? How is it that I-” she stopped herself looking away for a moment before looking back.

James considered that, and wondered what else she was going to say before she stopped herself.

“-I should’ve known something was wrong when ponies started favoring monogamy,” she continued before he could ask, “this isn’t the first time this has happened, and yet I let it go on for nearly a century,” she explained.

“Well, I don’t know about you, but for me, I-” he considered his next words carefully, “I met a female who wanted me to make a herd with her,” Celestia suddenly got a laser point focus on him, not that he noticed as he was too busy considering his words and looking straight ahead, “which after some consideration I agreed to, and then I met another female who most recently joined the herd, and she was the one I told you about in my letter who knew about the whole herd situation when it comes to teaching. As far as you not knowing, maybe you had other things to deal with, you do rule an entire nation after all, and if you really do raise the sun and moon,” she flinched at ‘moon,’ but he didn’t notice, “then you’re quite literally responsible for keeping everything on this planet alive.”

“When did you form a herd?” she asked leaning out of his hug, so he removed his arm from around her, “how come you never told me?” Celestia asked, looking at him oddly.

“I- uh,” he said, getting up and sitting back in his lazy boy chair. He wasn’t sure she wanted him near her with that look. On the bright side it sure seemed like she was genuinely surprised he was in a herd, so perhaps she knew nothing, which was relaxing to him. Then again, she does want to be an actor and surely she’s had time to perfect it, “about two weeks ago,” he continued leaving his conflicting thoughts behind, “I want to say. It-it was after you showed me wh-why my former job title was a thing. I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about it, which is why I asked those questions when you visited last time…” she gave a slight ‘O’ face of understanding, “but that’s not the reason I didn’t tell you,” he continued, “you see, the headmare and I myself want to keep it a secret for various reasons,” he explained, “I hope you’ll understand if I don’t tell you these reasons?” He pleaded/asked.

“I would like to think you can trust me with anything, but I will not pry,” she said. She almost sounded and looked disappointed. Almost. She was simply too good at being neutral to say one way or the other.

“Thank you,” he said with a nod, “well, I’m only telling you this now because she, the headmare that is, wanted you to join the herd,” Celestia’s eyes widened a little, “though, honestly, I feel like you’d be better off in a monogamous relationship.”

“I don’t know about that,” she began almost instantly and a little forcefully, “I hardly have time for myself, let alone a sole partner,” Celestia said, “and I definitely wouldn’t want to be a headmare I have enough responsibilities as it is,” she explained. “So many in fact that I-” she sighed, “that I even neglected and failed flightless orphaned pegasi.”

It only took him a moment, “you mean that colt that you had moved to a ground based orphanage?”

“Maybe if I haven't been informed of this when I had, no not him, he’s already been adopted,” she said with a faint smile, before frowning slightly, “No, I’m talking about a filly from Las Pegasus,” she blinked a couple times, “I-I should’ve been informed of this sooner, maybe I was and was just too busy with who knows what to even care,” she said her voice cracking a little.

James from his chair saw something in the corner of his eye, “we both know you care.” He glanced over to see Scootaloo looking up in awe at Celestia from the side of the other lazy boy chair across the coffee table, perfectly in view of Celestia if she looked to her right and down a little. Which reminds him, wasn’t Scootaloo from Las Pegasus? ‘OH SHIT!’ he thought.

“Like that helped a filly who’s now missing,” Celestia continued. Ringing even more alarm bells, “she was-was found in a dumpster as a foal and lived in an orphanage for-for,” Celestia rubbed her eyes with a forehoof. No doubt about it, she was talking about Scootaloo.

Taking the chance he quickly got up and luckily that drew Scootaloo’s attention. He waved his hands for her to leave. She didn’t, so he brought his attention back to Celestia who was just getting done rubbing her face and staring up at him as he sat down next to her again.

He was trying his hardest to keep his eyes on Celestia and not draw attention to Scootaloo. Who was hopefully already gone. He hoped, “I know you’re upset with yourself, but you’re not the one at the orphanages everyday,” he said if only to keep her attention on him, his eyes shifted towards Scootaloo’s last location and she was still there.

God Dammit.

Celestia noticed his several glances and went to turn her head, “Celestia you can’t be everywhere at once,” he continued quickly, thankfully drawing her attention back to him, “and as such, there’s gonna be problems that’ll be out of sight and out of mind that you can only wish you knew about to fix sooner. Sometimes you just have to go back to your room or drawing board or what have you and think up a better solution, or other times you need to get out there and see what’s happening for yourself so you know what’s going on and know what else needs fixed.” He said, trying his hardest to get Scootaloo to leave, without being too obvious. He kept glancing at Scootaloo during his little speech, trying to tell her with his eyes and some of his words to disappear for now.

“Yes, well it’s kind of hard to do when I’m essentially chained to a castle,” Celestia said with an odd look, like she knew something was up, and was halfway curious about finding out what; while also being ashamed of her perceived failures.

He turned his head slightly and still found Scootaloo looking at them confused. He quickly got the fillies attention and he mouthed her to ‘go,’ and did a slight gesture with one of his hands, hopefully below Celestia's notice.

In the peripheral Celestia started to turn her head towards Scootaloo who just turned around to retreat back to her room, but had yet to move out of sight. “Who,” Celestia began as her head started to turn.

Time slowed down for him. He was so screwed. Celestia was going to find out he was harboring a missing orphan filly, and then she was likely going to find out he’s in a romantic/sexual relationship with said filly. He was going to jail or she was going to vaporize him on the spot like she tried to do with Lusty. He needed to do something. NOW!

are-” she continued as time still seemed slow.

He acted. Quickly, he leaned in and gave Celestia a peck on the lips, and backed off. Stopping her motion and mid question, and time seemed to go back to normal pace.

He couldn’t tell if time actually slowed down or not. It sure seemed like it, but he’s had moments where time seemed to slow down before coming to Equestria, and none of those were life threatening.

Above the lazy boy chair he could see the top of Scootaloo’s mane make it to the hallway and out of sight. Finally, he could relax. So he brought his attention back to Celestia who was now frozen staring at him with an indecipherable emotion outside of just shock. Oh right, he just kissed her. Should he apologise?

He had no clue what to do. Until a stupid devious idea came to him. He grinned at it.

He slowly started narrowing the distance between them, hoping she would say something, do something. She merely kept her eyes on him as he slowly got closer. ‘Do something already,’ he thought as he continued his slow approach. She just stared at him with that same look, clearly conscious but not saying or doing anything. It was odd for her.

Eventually, his face was right next hers again. Still nothing. He leaned in the last amount and gave her another kiss.

Celestia didn’t move away, nor did she pucker and embrace it. Come to think of it she wasn’t breathing either, as he has not felt it from her snout/nose. He wasn’t sure if she was okay with this or not. Her eyes still told him she was shocked and whatever else they were trying to say. Somehow he doubted even she knew.

He began slowly giving her kisses along her lips and she eventually started breathing through her snout/nose again, it was calm, so he knew she wasn’t panicking at the very least.

He put one arm around her shoulders, and gave a high pressure smooch on the lips as he gently tugged her to his side. She didn’t resist the closer contact, nor did she participate in the kiss. Confused, he backed up to get a better look at her face as he gave her a little squeeze of what was hopefully reassurance.

She had a slight blush, but also a much more neutral look. It was kind of odd.

He decided to see how far she was willing to let him go. He knew she could stop him anytime she wanted.

He moved back in and kissed her on the lips but this time he let out his tongue. That seemed to give her a little shock, but she did allow him entry almost instantly. He started exploiting her mouth. Her tongue was much larger than Sapphires, heck he couldn’t reach much of her mouth with its shape and size. Unless he did a french kiss on the side of her muzzle. Celestia didn’t join in on the kissing however. She merely lifted her tongue when he tried to get under it for explorations sake.

Her breathing was getting a little more harder if slightly, and her blush was slightly deeper. She still hadn’t done anything to stop him, nor had she actively participated.

He wanted her to say or do something. This was getting weird for him, but he couldn’t be the one to talk first. He was too stubborn for that. He moved his arm around her shoulders to her rear back above where her cutie marks are and then scooched her towards him.

Once again he was surprised by how light ponies are. She was certainly much heavier than Sapphire, and it took some effort, but it was actually somehow doable with one arm.

At any rate with his other arm he supported her back, sweeped/lifted her in such a way her back was now on the couch. Her head now laid on the armrest staring up at him with that same indecipherable look. She took up a good three fourths of the couches length laying like this. If he extended her hind legs she could easily take up the rest of its length. However, her forelegs were curled into her chest/barrel and her hind legs were closed resting on the couches backrest. In a near similar fashion to her forelegs. Her beautiful tail went off the couch.

He’s sitting on the edge of the couch where her hindquarters/thighs are. Her tail was behind him, but he could see it spilling off the couch, onto the floor with its wavy movement.

If he leaned back a little he could probably get a good view of her ponut and pussy.

Instead he crawled over her, using his arms and legs so he wouldn’t be completely on top of her. She was much bigger than the average pony, and he couldn’t help but note that he would have to move down a little to make certain acts work.

At any rate, he gave her a brief french kiss. Her forefooves were just low enough to not poke him, but her hindlegs did kind of get slightly pushed into the backrest of the couch by his right leg as he held himself above her.

She didn’t kiss back once again. It was brief; however, as he soon started trailing kisses down her jaw to her surprisingly sturdy and supple neck. She still hadn’t said or done anything. He continued, moving his arms and legs as needed to continue his descent. Her chest/barrel was more sturdy than supple. He’s never seen her exercise, but it sure seemed like she did. It was a kind of strength that one would expect from someone who goes out for jogs twice a week and hits the gym once a week, with great success in doing so.

He made it to the knees of her folded forehooves.

He got a cheeky idea.

With one hand and some shifting he gently grabbed one of her forelegs and moved it up with no resistance from her. He looked her in the eye and then gave her hoof a kiss or two. Just like he’s seen just about all princess movies everywhere. With the exception that those movies featured humans, and thus hands, not hooves. Unfortunately, she gave no visible response to his attempt to get just that.

He briefly considered kissing her armpits and hoping she was ticklish, but decided against it.

He continued kissing her barrel/chest making his way down to her belly and getting closer to her somewhat noticeable tits. He kept his eyes on her just as she had for him the entire time.

By the time he made it to her hidden belly button he was getting annoyed by her lack of commitment and/or lack of refusal. He didn’t know what she wanted, or where the line was with her.

He had his lines he couldn’t cross, mainly actual sex, but he wanted to know hers. He had to do something to figure hers out, without crossing his, nor straight out asking. He got an idea.

He gave her one last kiss getting super close to her teets, before sitting up. She looked up to him with the same look, cept maybe a little more blushed out.

He grabbed both her hind legs that were together resting on the couches backrest. One hand for one hind leg.

He gave her one last questioning look before easily spreading her hind legs apart, because she didn’t try to stop him. That’s not to say that she tried to help him. He put pressure on her hind legs to make sure they went slightly past her muscles natural spring back point. It left her completely exposed.

She was a little more red in the face now, but otherwise still gave him that look that somehow screamed everything from don’t stop, to stop right now.

He gave her a wicked smile, then looked down at her exposed pussy and anus as she didn’t even make an effort to cover herself up with her ethereal tail. They looked kind of like Sweeties, except a little more pronounced, and ofcourse proportionally bigger. Sweetie was small enough that her fur almost completely hid the slit and puff of her vulva. Celestia however was much more noticable if only because of her size.

If she had her tail raised for a moment, someone from behind would probably at most notice the slight puff of her vulva but more so the wrinkles/waves/ridges of her ponut that would make someone wonder how the nasty stuff came out without staining her flawless white fur in the process. Perhaps it did and those wet wipes they all used did a really good job at cleaning up. Then again, he’s never seen Sweetie’s fur stained in such a way. Come to think of it, the only time he had was when he was dealing with diapers.

Guilt hit hard. He shook his head getting those memories out of his head. After recent events, memories of dealing with those foals have become tainted. As if he had done something wrong at the time even though he hadn’t. He wasn’t even remotely near whatever the hell just ran through his head. He felt sick, twisted, wrong, and god awful for ever having such a notion.

He was used to feeling as such however and though this was a particularly putrid thought, he was able to mentally shrug it off as a mere thought.

Getting back into the now, he used his leverage on her hind legs to angle her rear kind of off-ish the couch, as he got off the couch and on his knees. Her flawless pussy was now about a hands length below his mouth.

He looked back up to her even with even more blush, but still that same odd look. He gave her a devilish smirk releasing her hind legs as they naturally spring back up and down slightly from gravity and her muscles. Her hind legs were still splayed plenty once they more/less stopped their little dance.

He placed his hands on her inner thighs and started to slowly move them downwards as he kept his eyes mostly on Celestia’s face. Besides her blushing rather hard, her expression was still impossible to read. Not seeing any changes in her attitude of what's happening he focused on what he was doing.

He moved his hands closely to her vulva, just around its edges and then back up her thighs a couple times. To build things up. Then without much warning he brought his fingers from both hands to both sides of the puff of her slit and applied pressure. “Paahh,” she breathed out, and her hind legs gave a little jump.

Her hot pink insides revealed themselves. Glistening from a little bit of wetness. She looked tight, which was impressive considering she was basically double the size of an average pony. If he moved his fingers just to her edges and applied a bit more pressure, he might get to see her hymen. He didn’t do that, but he did keep up the pressure on the puff of her outer lips.

She still had that same look. He slightly moved one hand up and the other down.

“e,” she squeaked cutely, but still looked at him with her same look. Besides the blushing, she was unreadable. He knew blushing was nothing more than a physical response to physical contact in such sensitive areas and not being used to such situations, not true thoughts and/or feelings.

He wanted her to give in, or to stop him already, but with her constant neutrality he was quickly running out of options. He decided to go for broke. His last attempt to get a voluntary reaction out of her. He had some more ideas, but they seemed like they would just needlessly drag this out. If this didn’t work he’d give up and just talk with her.

Slowly, he started to move his head towards her. Keeping his eyes on her eyes. Eventually, he got close enough that he could feel his own breath bouncing off of her.

She quivered as she felt his breath against her exposed flower, but maintained that look. She smelled sweet, like a fresh baked something at the bakery next door. It was enticing and beckoned him to investigate further.

With a heavy sigh, James backed up and relieved the pressure on her lower lips. He watched as the pink closed in, only leaving the white silky fur of her slit visible. It was an entrancing sight, for sure. He wanted to do it again, but restrained himself. He stood up, sat on the last end of the couch still available and then closed her hindlegs and put them back on the couches backrest, not that it covered her privates all that well, and stared at her eyes for a bit as she stared back with that same look. Her blush was slowly dying down, “...how far were you going to let me go?” He finally asked, ending the silence.

“All the way,” she answered almost immediately, her blushing coming back.


She sighed, and got into a sitting position on the other side of the couch, “because I’m tired of feeling like a loser and lonely. I know I’m not a loser but I sure feel that way, and I may not be completely lonely but in many ways I am lonely,” she gave a weak chuckle, “you, Twilight, and Cadence are just about all I have and…” she looked away, “my, my sister is possessed, and I can’t hurt her again, possessed or not. I’ve never had a stallion or been a part of a herd I wasn’t born into. I want too much, most of it unreasonable in a normal setting. I mean,” she said looking back to him, “the kind of things you’d expect from Lusty b-but worse even,” she said with a blush, “not knowing what sex is like makes me,” she shook her head, “but more than that I want my sister back, and I don’t want to be alone anymore,” she said sadly, looking down to the ground.

With that he got up, sat next to her again, and gave her a full hug. She returned the hug nearly squeezing the air out of him. After a little bit he let go but she didn’t seem to want to. She did after a little bit, “feeling better?” He asked, getting a little bit of distance between them.

“Slightly,” she admitted before gaining a faint smile, “so you gonna tell me who you were trying to shoo away?”

His eyes widened, and he backed away from her a little more, “I uhh, err, no sorry, i-it’s um-”

“It was one of your herdmates wasn’t it?” She continued with that same faint smile.

He cringed internally, “I umm, I will not say one way or the other, I’ll only say that there’s several reasons why I do not want you to meet this pony and some reasons why I can not let you meet this pony right now, and several reasons why I want you to meet this pony, and I’ll leave it at that.”

“Oh fine,” she conceded, before getting a weird smile, “if you want you could come visit my private chambers next time you’re in Canterlot,” she tried to flirt with a wink. Tried because it sounded super awkward and off pitch and she somehow messed up the wink. It was more like a fly flew into her eye, “ooorrr we could have some fun right now,” she continued with her awkward speech as her wings unfurled themselves slightly. She gained a genuine and slightly confident smile. It screamed dork to him for some reason. It was hot in its own way though.

James stared at her for a moment and considered her offer. He doubted Sweetie would be mad if he took it. It was tempting but, “I’d love to, but I can’t,” he said making her confident smile disappear, replaced with her usual neutral smile.

He’s known her long enough to know that didn’t mean she was happy or content. Well, unless she was a super actor, but he was beginning to have major doubts about that. Now that he thought about it, she did say she never had time to be in the theater and considering all the things she does, he doubted she had time to practice.

Celesia was still staring at him.

“Oh, sorry, was thinking about something,” he apologized, “ahh anyways, you see I can’t have sex with you unless you’re in my herd,” he explained.

“What must I do to enter your herd?” She asked.

“Well, we need to have sex with at least one herd member present,” he answered.

“Is not one of your herd members already present in this house?” She questioned.

“Uhh, once again I will not confirm if that’s true or not for various reasons. With that said, I can’t help but feel like you’re not thinking straight and you’re just trying to use me as a distraction for your sister that’s supposedly coming back tonight.”

Her eyes widened, “I,” she looked down in thought, “perhaps you’re right, but I really do want you to take me, I-I,” she frowned, “would let anypony take me right in the middle of day court if they had the balls, but that’s just how I feel after so sooo~ long,” she rubbed her face in shame, “please just take me,” she requested weakly.

James shook his head, “I will have to decline for now, sorry but I feel like you’re trying to rush this decision,” he held up his hands defensively, “and yes I know you’ve had at least a thousand years to make it, but for right now, at this very moment, it sounds like your sister Luna was it?” Celestia gave a little nod, “It sounds like she’s the one you’re really worried about and I’m once again just the distraction.”

Celestia put her head down, “well… you’re not wrong,” she sighed, and put on a slightly more genuine smile, “James, this has been uniquely pleasant but I should get back to the castle before they notice I’ve been in the bathroom for too long and they get search parties after me. Oh, what am I saying of course they’re already looking for me,” her horn lit up and she seemed to pause for a moment, and then looked at him seriously, “If I don’t make it, whatever you do, don’t anger whatever took over my sister,” she warned, “of course, that’s if she does come back,” she gave a sigh, “unfortunately, I won’t be able to make it back here until it’s just about time for me to raise the sun again, I made the mistake of giving the nobles time to try and keep me in Canterlot,” she shook her head, “and of course they managed to do so, but after I raise the sun, perhaps you could give me a tour me of town?” She asked.

“Yeah,” he smiled, “I was actually hoping I’d get to do it last time you were here, so yeah sounds great,” he replied.

She gave a little smile, “until then,” and with that she teleported out.

He slouched as soon as she was gone. He felt relief at not getting found out.


The Summer Sun Celebration was more eventful than James could’ve ever imagined. Everything was normal as far as he could tell up until it was time for Celestia to raise the sun. He met the infamous Pinkie Pie at the library party. He got to chat with Spike for a little bit while there as well. When the party was over he moved to town hall with everyone. Scootaloo was with Sweetie and her parents.

He stayed near the entrance of town hall, since he'd easily block anyone else's view.

Then his whole world view changed.

He now fully believed Celestia when she said she could move the sun and moon. Seeing as the moon no longer had a silhouette of a pony head on it. A silhouette that he had seen earlier that same night, and has seen it basically every single night he bothered to look at it.

A lot happened, but not much of it involving him. He and Sapphire had to calm Scootaloo down, despite her being awake all night, she needed help getting to sleep.

When it was all over, Celestia was mostly fawning over her sister once the sun came back up, or rather once she raised the freaking sun. So James wasn’t able to give her that tour, but she did briefly introduce her sister to him. Luna for her part seemed out of it, she gave a weak 'hello' but that was about it.

Luna was lost in her own thoughts he supposed. After the party, Celestia left with Luna, and promised she’d be back for that tour, as soon as she could.