> Dark Scootaloo. > by The REAL Seth Standmore > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter one I give my soul to you... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "YOU THINK YOU CAN SMOKING IN MINE HOUSE???" I screamed as my mom or thats what she called herself anyway Child Abuse put out my cigarette in my cheek, I was just smoking it out on the back portch while listening to some Marilyn Manson and wearing my black leather trentch coat not harming anyone when my adopted mom came home and saw me, they were cigarettes I bought with my own money from my part time job working at the Scooter Store and she was treating me unfarely, but well that's wha life is like when your an adopted kid in the Canterlot school district Hi my names Scootaloo I'm an orange human with magenta hair and cerise orbs I'm in ninth grade at Canterlot High School where I'm best friend's with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell but they've been mean to me ever since I came out to them as morosexual which means I'm attracted to dumb asses. I live at home with my adopted parent's Child Abuse and Teen Alcoholism, I was sent to live with them after my mom and dad died and my aunt's who are lesbian's got run over by a white van with a picture of a red pill on the side of it, they have been abusing me ever since, I sleep in a dog house outside with the name Stupid Bitch on it, they are trying to legally change my name to Stupid Bitch. Right then that day I was just relaxing after a long day of school when Child Abuse came home drunk from her job working at the social security administration, she had been drinking too much apple cider. She was hitting me with the empty Martinellis bottle and putting out cigartits on my face. "Hey honey come here, see what the stupid bitch has been doing?" Said Child Abuse into the house. Her husband Teen Alcoholism came out of the house being fat, Teen Alcoholism kind of looks like Carl from Aqua Teen Girl Titan's, he work's as a Janitor at Sweet Apple Acres and thats why Apple Bloom is mean to me now, he told her that i spread rumors about her on My Stable and that I was Anonymous, Apple Bloom is a scientologist so thats why she hates me now. "The stupid bitch has been smoking again I see." Said Teen Alcoholism he came up to me. "We'll well just see about that!" He took off his and started punching me in the neck, Child Abuse kept putting cigaretts out on my face laughing with Teen Alcoholism "No stop save me someone!" I moaned as they hit me, but it was too late and they were alreayd hitting me. Then they went inside. I laid on the grass crying. Then eventually my crying turned into laughing and I started to laugh. "The fool's..." I said. "Soon they will know my dark plan." I cralwed into my dog house where I kept my shrine to the dark god I warshipped, the Sphincts, the Sphincts is an ancient cat bird man that tell's riddles and eats people there from Grease and Octopus stopped him. Lighting my candle's I said. "Oh Sphincts I am your humble servent and the time has come for the day of reckoning, please give me your strength and dark power as I inact my revenge." I could hear the Sphincts in my head. Speaking "Yes my child you are Scootaloo no longer." I started to panic, they got my name changed to Dumb BitcH? But then the Sphicnts said "As you are now my child you must have a name suitable for it, your name is Scootaloo nboi longer you are now........................ Sphincter, a name which means Daughter of the Sphincts, now go forth and enact your revenge Sphincter." I clenched up tight my fists reflecting on how shitty I had been treated all my life, well now was the time to wipe everyone out. Crawling out of the dog house I emerged from it's rim, fisting. "Let's get the job done." I said. I stomped inside of the house. Mom and dad were sleeping they passed out there were Martinellis bottles everywhere. I snickered to myself and poured all the Martinellis from their bink dringing all over there body's, luck,ily for me they didnt wake up. I closed the door to the living room and took out my cigarettes for one last smoke then... I thru the lit cigarette through the door. I could smell them burning like sizzling stake as they died alive, burning to fire. "NO SCOOTALOO HELP US WE LOVE YOU." SAID TEEN ALCOHOLISM. "YES SCOOTALOO WERE SORRY WE MADE YOU GET THAT JOB AT THE SCOOTER STORE." SAID CHILD ABUSE. But I shook my head. "Its too late, heh that will distract the fire department from what need's to be done." As the house burned down I went into the garage where my parent's keep there gun's, they are drug dealer's. I picked up two of my favorite gun's, they were AKB48s which is a new kind of AK47 from Japan, the one in my left hand was black and it had a picture of the Virgo Marry on it's handle and the one in my right hand was white and it said Forgive Me Momther on it like in that movie Full-Metal Alchemist which I watched right before putting my evil plan into action's. I loaded my AKB48s with armor piercing sedimentary bullet's that would break through police vest's and catch them on fire, then I stowwed them away into my leather trench coat, this would be just like a game of Doom video game's made me violence........................ Stepping outside my neighbor's saw me, "SCootaloo whats wrong?" Said one of my neighbor's, her name was Homura Johnson a nice girl who I liked a lot, but she would never love me and I did not deserve it. She looked at my gun's and she gasped "are those gun's?" I knew that Homura did not know what gun's looked like. So I said "no they are Super Soaker's. My parent's are just having a barbecue." I laughed statistically and got on my scooter. "Now I gotta pay my friend's a visit....." "Okay Scootaloo see you later!" Said Homura nicely. I said. Putting on my sunglasses "Dont call me that, my name is Sphincter now." And I scooted down the road toward Canterlot High reayd to commit a School Massacre. > Chapter two Shootaloo... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I scooted to school blasting my dark musioc from my favorite band Death Gun I smirked thinking of all the bloods and brains i was about to see, it was going to be epic and cool as I released the clkass mate's from the horrosa dnt errors of every day life, this world is beyond redemption I am it's reckoning all the boars and politicitizens will look up and cry save us And I'll whisper nople-dople I zipped through Canterlot thinking of all the death I was about to cause and about how my mom and dad were burning to death this was exactly like what I wrote in my planning journal that unfortunately had to get burned int he fire so the FBI didnt find it, they were already watching my computer because I had been looking at website's for how to kill people without being caught and how to make bomb's out of gasoline, now they will never know that I am about to do my plan even when they show up to the house and find my dead parent's. Anyway I zoomed to canterlot High School, the student's were just gathering around the front of the school getting ready for a long day of studying and learning, the plant's were chirping and the sun was blooming and the bird's and the bee's were singing along with the promise's of a new day, little did they know the day would soon be full of river's of blood and I would be doing the doggy pddle in them, I laughed darkly as I thought of it zooming to a stop at the front of th school in front of the statue of the hose which was behind me, the one that lead's back into Equestrian. Applebloom was there, she was handing out her scientologist pamplets, she was wearing a black sweater and black pants and she was standing on a coutch, she saw me and gasped, "well look who it is, what brings you out here, looking for some dumb asses to fuck Scootaloo? You like a good thick skull right?" "I'm Sphincter and I have no interest in asses even if they are dumby thick, I'm here to cause you're reckoning Applebloom and all the other's who are here who bully'd me and looked down on me, you'll all be sorry for what you have done." I took out my AKB48s and pointed them at the school, all of the student's gasped but some of them didnt they were too busy making out having premartial sex instead of master the blockchain and studying the blade Just then Vice Principle Luna stomped down from te front of the schools, her hips were on her hand's with angery. "Stupid Bitch just what do you think you are doing" All of the whore's and politicains' looked up but instead of shouting save us they shouted HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STUPID abitchHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, that was when I realized "No! My parent's managed to change my name at school!" "Dont call her that" said Wallflower Blick, she was standing on the stairs invisibly, "her name is Scootaloo" "No her name is Stupid Bitch see on the paperwork, Stupid BitcH.' Said Principle Luna, she held up my birth certification, my name was crossed out and STupid Bitch was written on it in my moms hand writing. "Oh okay it's stupid bitch Carry on then." Said Hans Blix walking away invisibly. "GRRRR MY NAME IS NOT SCOOTALOO OR STUPID BITCH MY NAME IS SPHINCTER!!!" I pointed my gun's at the school and opened fiore, the bullet's spread out but the re-coil was too strong and I went out opf contrfol, none of my bullet's hit anyone except the bushes where there were some pedophiles and Nazis hanging out reading foalcon story's (AUTHORS NOTE IF YOU LIKE FOALCON GET THE FUCK OFF OF MY PAGE NO PEDO'S OR NAZI'S ALLOWED) they bled to death but because I was evil now that made me angry, I wanted to kill the good guys! Anyway I started blasting and the re-coil send me stuggering back through the statue and into the portal! "WHOOOOOOOAAAAAA~!" I said as I swirled through the universe, eventually it squeezed me out of the mirror and I landed on the floor of a large room surrounded by shelfs of book's, behind me was a mirror connected to a computer. Then I looked up and I saw my reflection in the mirror, I gasped. I was still wearing my trentch coat and gun's, but I was.....A PONY??? "Hey wtf." Said a familial Voice from behind me. I looked over and saw...myself! Then I remembered the story of what happened when Twilight came to Canterlot high... Flashback Twilight Sparkle visits the Crystal Empire for her first royal summit following her coronation as a princess of Equestria. Sunset Shimmer, a rogue student of Princess Celestia, emerges from a mirror portal and steals Twilight's crown, which contains the Element of Magic. After a chase through the castle, Sunset goes through the portal with Twilight's crown. The other princesses explain that the portal leads to an alternate world; as the other Elements of Harmony are unusable without the crown, Twilight is tasked with retrieving it from the other world before the portal closes for thirty moons. Despite Celestia's insistence that Twilight must travel alone, Twilight's assistant, Spike, follows her into the portal. Twilight and Spike emerge in the other world in the form of a human teenager and dog, respectively. Twilight investigates the nearby Canterlot High School and encounters its human students and staff, several of whom resemble ponies in Equestria. Masquerading as a transfer student, Twilight defends the counterpart of her friend Fluttershy from being bullied by Sunset. Twilight learns that Fluttershy has delivered the crown to Principal Celestia, mistaking it for a prop meant for the elected "princess" of the Fall Formal. Determining that no one would believe her claims of being a pony from another world, Twilight receives Celestia's permission to run for Fall Formal Princess against Sunset to recover the crown. While continuing to explore school life, Twilight discovers that the counterparts of Fluttershy and her other friends from Ponyville – Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash – have separated out of animosity. Sunset sends her cohorts Snips and Snails to record a humiliating video of Twilight behaving like a pony, which is posted online and viewed by the entire school. The counterparts of Twilight's friends come to her aid, only to argue among themselves, revealing the cause of their rift to be a series of treacherous text messages and emails they supposedly sent each other. Through a theory of Twilight's, however, the five girls realize that Sunset sent these messages to deceive them. Reconciling, the five help Twilight perform a public dance routine for her campaign, which improves Twilight's image. In another attempt to undermine Twilight, Sunset has the formal decorations in the school gym wrecked and uses edited photographs to frame Twilight. Although Sunset's ex-boyfriend Flash Sentry proves Twilight's innocence, the formal is postponed to the night after the portal to Equestria closes. Twilight and Spike reveal their true identities to the other girls, convincing them of the situation's urgency. Under Twilight's direction, they rally the other students and successfully repair the damage in time for its original schedule, earning Twilight the school's support. On the night of the formal, Twilight wins the election and the crown, but Sunset steals it back in a scuffle after kidnapping Spike and threatening to destroy the portal to Equestria. Upon donning the crown, Sunset transforms into a demon and hypnotizes the other students, revealing her intent to conquer Equestria with the students as her army. When Sunset attacks Twilight and her friends, their friendship activates the crown's magic, giving them pony-like ears, wings, and tails. The six girls use the magic to revert Sunset and their schoolmates to normal. Sunset is humbled by the power of the girls' friendship and apologizes for her actions. After celebrating at the formal and placing Sunset under her friends' care, Twilight and Spike return to Equestria with the crown as the portal closes. End flashback "Hmm of course... this must be where PRincess Twilight is from... Equestrian!" I stood up. "And you must be the other Scootaloo." "Yes that's me I'm Scootaloo, but are you Scootaloo too?" Scootaloo inquired. I smirked. "Not anymore I'm not............. I'm YOU." I took my gun and swung it at Scootaloo's head she fell down with blood and she was dead. I picked her up and stuffed her into a locker like Solid Gear does in the Full-Metal Alchemist game, then I dusted myself off. "Even if I am in Equestrian I can still do my evil plan, there must be a school around here somewhere..." I snickered wickedly and went outside of the castle where the Scootaloo scooter was waiting, and I stood on it triumphantly. "Sphincts, you're humble servent will fulfill your goal's." I proclaimed and I went on my way to school. > Chapter three How about another joke Murray... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I scooted along to school on Scootaloo's scooter snicckers to myself as I think about all the blood and death I would cause at ponyville element tree, soon they would all be destroyed and dead in pulpy piles of brains boans and blood, and I Sphincter would have a great bounty to feed to my master the Sphincts, my pony hoofs and pony wing's were twitchering at the thought of all the death I would cause Anyway I arrived at Ponyville elementary which was a red building that was about the normal size and shape for a building, there were pony children also known as, foals going inside of the school but nobody was looking at them and writing story's about them being molested because in Ponyville they dont do that because there is no foalcon allowed in ponyville (AUTHORS NOTE I THINK FOALCON SHOULD BE BANNED FROM FIMFICTION.DOTNET), except for in an alternate universe where it is allowed but I had a feeling that a strong anime warrior would soon set that right and that made me mad because I am a bad guy now who warships the Sphincts and the Sphincts is a pedophile Anyway I arried at ponyville Elementary and walked inside, my trentch coat fluttering in the breeze behind me, the other pony's looked at me and whispered about how dark and mysterious I looked I just smirked and gave them the middle finger they gasped and looked away from me, they were intimidated by my cool ora of darkness I saw Sweetie Bell and Apple BLoom walking over to me, Apple Bloom was not giving away scientologist stuff so, I assumed in this universe she was not a scientologist. "Hey Scootaloo cool coat do you want to eat lunch with us after school" I blonked at them, "you know that I am morosexual right?" "Silly Scootaloo everypony in Ponyville is morosexual." Sweetie Belle slurped. I felt tears sprang into my eye's as I realized that here was a world where I could be who I truly am inside, there was a place for me and I did not have to be evil however, I knew that I had come too far and could never go back so I said "I don't eat lunch and you both suck. And my name is Sphincter not Scootaloo." Even tho I wanted to prolapse with sadness and leak salty fluid I knew I had a job to do so I put up my trentch coat color and walked to my desk sitting down sadly I brushed my bang's out of my eye's and waited for a good moment........ to begin the massacer Cheerilee the teacher was standing at the front of the room, she was smiling cheerfully she was a magenta mare with pink mane and a cutie mark of three flower's on it, also she was a lesbian "Okay class today we are going to learn about numbers!" she proclaimed smartly. "Boo we hate numbers!" Said a filly in the class. "Your right Anne Ville we do hate Numbers." Said Cheerilee biting a calculator in half, "instead we will learn about chemicles they are much cooler. Does anyone in class know anything about chemicles?" Nopony raised there handhoofs because they were all dumb this made the whole class get anime blushes because that was hot because they were morosexual but they did not have sex because they are CHILDREN WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT YOU SICK PIEACES OF SHIT STOP LIKING LITTLE KID'S I HATE PEDOPHILE'S except aI am Shphincter now I like pedophile's lol, I raised my hoof and I said "actually Miss Cheerios I know a lot about chemicles." "Well Okay Scootaloo come to the front of the class." Cheerilee joked. I smirked and walked to the front of the class. "Now Scootaloo what do you know about chemciles?" "Well Miss Cher I know a lot about one chemicle reaction in particular, what do you get when you put fire on gun powder?" "I dont know Scootaloo what happens?" Miss Cheerilee stupided. "I'll tell you what you get you GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE." I took out my AKB48s and pointed them at the class. "IN THE NAME OF THE SPHINCTS I REALIZE YOU FROM YOUR PAIN!!!!!" "STOP RIGHT THERE" I gasped, standing at the door was.................. "But how, I killed you?" "No I was only in a coma, I am alive and here to stop you" Scootaloo pointed a hoof at me "What is the meaning of thus?" Cheerilee angrily demeaned "That Miss Cheerilee is an imposter her name is Spchinter and she was raised in an abusive house by two parent's who are now dead she burned them to death and tried to kill them at school but failed and came here to kill us instead, I know all about it because Sunset Shimmer wrote a letter to Prinecss Twilight about it and I was in the castle so I read it in the book and I went to comfort her when she came through the mirror and that's when she attacked me, now I'm here to stop her!" "No you cannot stop the Sphincts!" I proclaimed and I started blasting. But Scootaloo ran through the bullet's and tackled me knocking my gun's away and also my trentch coat, without my coat I looked just like Scootaloo, Miss Chelation picked up my AKB48s and pointing them at us "I don't know who to shoot!" "Shoot her" I said pointing at Schootaloo, "she's the bad one." "No Miss Chad there is no way to know you will have to shoot us Both." Scootaloo sobbed badly. But then instead of shooting us both Cheerimac shot me in the face and I fell over, "I knew that the real Scootaloo would be the only one to say something so brave." Said Cherokee. "No" I bleeded, "all I wanted was a world safe from light and hope and to worship the Sphincts, I just wanted to release you from the suffering's of a world without hope and future, now there will be nobody left to worship the Sphincts and my mission................. is ruined." Then I was dead. > Epilodge Sphincter in hell... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I opened my orbs to the feeling's of hot heat burning my skin, my coat was sticky with sweat but not blood, just weat, I opened my orb's and sat up rubbing myself where Miss Chimney had shoot me withb my AKB48, "what has happened where am I?" art by rose luck "Why my dear you are where you belong." A croon voice chortled evily. I stood up opened my eyes and looked at where the voice came from. It was then that I realized where I was, "this is Hell!" "Yes and I am the ruler of Hell, the dark lord of all wickedness," said the Dark Lord, "you will know my name soon for I have recruited you for my great army." The big animal next to the Dark Lord (he was wearing a coat just like mine but I couldnt see him that clearly) stood up and walked over to me, "you have done well my child and your mission is not yet concluded," it was................the Sphincts! I bust into tears and hugged the Sphincts, she patted me softly and said. "There there Sphincter." "But what is our mission my great lord?" I queried to the Dark Lord and the Sphincts. The dark lord jingled darkly, "It will soon be time to reveal our final battle plan's, and you Sphincter will be important to them, but for now feed yoruself and rest, we have much to do and a long day ahead." The Sphinct's gave me a plate of burning hot coals and a glass of burning hot cola, and I consumed them happily. I knew that soon.............I would have another chance for revenge. DARK SCOOTALOO. THE END ? THEME SONG BY SETH STANDMORE I wish that I could have been born in flames Seems my pride has led me to be wicked I love the courage of death Seems that death is my punishment My every breath says that I am a hero Seems there's no escape My white-hot sword sweeps the world But I wish I was born in flame Seems that to die without fear Is just the right reward Just a little more time... Will I live till the end of the world? Yeah! I'm ready! The time to fulfill my destiny I want to live in eternal peace! I wanna live... forever! That's what it's about! That's why... I wanna live with you... 俺は夢の向こうな! This is the ultimate grand finale! I feel like I'm finally in the middle of something... Something... Interesting... 「 Let me do it, Master! 」 「 Don't worry. We'll get through this together. 」 「 I won't hold back, just one more time, Master. 」 「 The last moment... It's all thanks to you. 」