> After-Party Favour > by Septia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > After-Party Favour, Bed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After-Party Favour, Bed Written by Septia. “Phooow,” Pinkie sighed with her breath weighing down her surroundings. She packed up a bundle of streamers in the appropriate box, together with the supply of floral patterned birthday candles and hoisted the whole crate back up to its spot on the shelf. “The saddest part of a party is when it is time to pack it all up,” she said while adjusting the shelves, “But it is also the bestest part, as you can relax and prepare yourself for the next funtabariffic party.” -Bghhrlrlglpsgssh- A growl of an organic gutter reverberated through the room, sending a vibration through Pinkie that culminated at the tip of her tail, making it spring back to a bounce. “And everyday is a party when you can spend it with your friends, aaam I right?” she asked and brushed her hooves down along her neck, drumming them over the colossal mass of tummy blubber welling forth underneath. -Ghbrrllspgsths- The gut rippled in across its surface, the pink coat warped to rest daintily on the floor. The ripples massaged their way across faint hills and oblong lumps which shifted and trailed across the ocean of pudgy, pastel cherry coat. “I don't know Pinkie, from in here I am still busy celebrating,” came a voice from the gut, muted by the barrier of pudge and fluids separating the two ponies, but those also kept them closer than ever. -Bhhgrlgbs- -BGHhrrlrsbgshs- Pinkie felt her stomach contract and reverberate around the occupant's motions, shifting and stirring up a storm. “You betcha, Dewly, I expect you to busy yourself with celebrating in there, because your birthday wish didn't come with a return ticket, all that partying in there is making the rest of my butt tag along in that bubbly tang,” Pinkie huffed out and strode towards the center of the room, hoisting herself up to the tips of her hooves — steady as a pole — -PPPWBbrrrwlwllpggtth- to decompress and lean down along the length of a torrent of booty baked flatulence. Pinkie's cheeks clapping and her tail flushed high into the air as the rest of her sank along to -Bbwwngs- lay atop her engorged belly in relief. The yellowed smog pooling out, injecting the room with a putrefied stench of old custard and sweetbread fed through the sewage pile of a particularly perky pony. “Whohoo~” came from the belly as the compressed bale shifted under Pinkie's weight. “Oh, you heeard that one~ Yeeah~.” “Woo yeah, of course I did, I am right here, I bet it is amazing.” “You betcha, but once my tummy's done with you, your farts are gonna be the stinkiest I've ever had.” “Aww, Pinkie stop~.” “Hey, I made a birthday wish promise, and those aren't for messing with, I promise to brew you into the smelliest farts, ever~.” She punctuated her statement, by hoisting herself up and grunting as her pucker contracted inwards… -PPPwbrbrrrllpfffwwerth- and blossoming into a boisterous gale of rich humid fog projecting from the pink mauve pucker. -Frrwfff-twtwwmp- “Phaaahowha phaaa,” Until the gas came to a halt with a pop of a cork -Krkrslppstpsths- and sloppy smears -Klrlrlsths-. The boisterous blast brought up a head between the buns, a gray coated mare who's head laid doused in steaming globules of bowel slime, tethering her back to the ruffles of the rim, only for the tethers to slop and dripple onto the floor. “Ooh, hey Nessy. Popping back to say hi? Don't think I forgot about you,” Pinkie said and fanned her tail over the butt bound mare. “Iphfs phaa, I am f-fine Pinkie. Your rump is just lovely. I think Dewly is holding up well too.” “Savouring every minute~,” came a response from Pinkie's gut. “Oh, y-yeah, guess you can still hear them out here too,” Nessy hummed. “You are being a great help,” Pinkie assured, “without you providing some balance to the birthday stallion, it would have been so straining to handle the party, I am so glad to have a friend like you to take a load off of my heiney.” “Thanks for being Pinkie's butt balance plug, you've helped make this the best birthday ever~.” Dewly cooed out with a few -Gllrhhsts- sloshes from the bobbing abdomen. “Mmf. Mf I am happy to hear, this is some of the best ways of helping~ S-so s-sure, no problem a tall,” Nessy huffed out and quivered as the pucker clenched around her neck, the brim vibrating and smearing colon phlegm over her coat before it… -Frrrleeeewwth- flushed open in a gale of yellowed smog, flapping her ears and pluming around her head into a flower of wispy smog with Nessy's face as the pistill of the flower, soaking her in the aroma of mulched party food and soggy oats. “Ooh, and speaking of help, what better way to churn into party fudge than getting a real comfy massage?” “Oooh? Really?” Dewly said and prodded their muzzle to the wall of the gut. “Mmmhmm, and I know just the friend with the right tummy patting skills, lets go visit Buttered,” Pinkie called out. Hearing this made Nessy sweat, meeting another pony while in this… compromised position was embarrassing. Though if it as only buttered… She then noticed Pinkie getting ready, and opening the door, and her head still laid sandwiched in Pinkie's fanny cleft. “A-aah Pinkie? S-shouldn't I?-…” “Stay out to greet the friends along the way, already had that idea, pretty great, huh?” Pinkie hummed and trotted out the door -PPFrrrhrhpth- another flush of vapours blowing gel off of Nessy's hair to sprinkle over the door. ~ 1 ~ Pinkie Pie bounced along the roads of ponyville, her leaps bubbling her along the path, at a pace where she could take in the of the sights of early afternoon. At her rear lay two plump red tomatoes crunched together by a hearty pair of hams, which was really Nessy's disguise, which was really just embarrassment, as she saw and was seen by numerous residents, turning their attention towards the mare jammed between the hot-fuchsia buttocks. “Birthday parade coming through, make way for the best-est belly bud, and rump ruffian in ponyville,” Pinkie cheered. “P-Pinkie, i-is t-that n-necessary?” Nessy wondered as she was pinned by the bobbing cheeks. “Are you saying I shouldn't show off my most helpfullest of the best booty mares, are you all loco back there, dohey.” Pinkie called out to a couple of ponies walking along the opposite path, “do you think my good friend here needs some air? I think my cheeks may be pressing a bit tight on her nogging,” Pinkie asked, jutting out her rump, and the flushed face of Nessy to the passers-by. -Bbrrfffwlllrrrrrwth- an eruption of brine soaked cinnamon gushed through the plugged crack, Nessy feeling thee guttural winds streaming along her coat before washing through in a haze of auburn musk. The passers-by mimicking Nessy's face. “Can't stick around to chat, birthdays only comes once a year,” Pinkie called out as she scuttled along, swaying her cheeks, so they ground up and down along Nessy's face, smearing the sweat building up between her cheeks as the mare sauntered through town and swung her rear for all to see on the way. “Pinkie?” she stopped at that voice and spun around, Nessy catching a glimpse of a deep mocha mare. “Ghuuaaah, Caramel in, a big hello to you, what is going up?” “I just saw you jumping about with such a stuffed tummy, wha's going on here~?” “Oh, that's easy, it's-.” “It is my birthday,” -Hhgsltsh- came a glorsh from the gut, to which Pinkie gestured for emphasis. “Oh, wow are you serious, is that Dewly in there?” “Jeppers~.” You were invited to the party you know.” “Aawww, it must have gotten lost in the maail” Carameli excused and rubbed the back of her head. “I wouldn't not wanna skip the chance to miss a Pinkie Pie party.” “Aawww…” Pinkie pouted. Soon her expression shifted back to being giddy. “Hey, you can still join in, even if late to the party. I got room for a special guest in the post birthday massage session~.” “Really? That is wonderful, I am ready to go right now,” Carameli said with her hooves tapping into the grass. “I am on it,” Pinkie assured and wrapped a hoof around Carameli's neck, reeling the mare in close while her lips unveiled the tunnel drooping with vines of saliva. -Haaaammpfnnppth-. Pinkie's lips swabbed over the unicorn's head, taming the fluffy chocolate mane to the pony's neck as she took the first -Ghwwmwmpghs- swallow to chug the mare's head into her maw. “Fmfsm, Pinkie, Ifmmgshsgmsm,” Carameli called out before her mouth was swathed over by the advance of Pinkie's lips. “Whhat?” Pinkie asked as she twisted her head down along Carameli's form, lips sloping down along her neck and scoffing the mare's hooves into her maw with a -Mamawamgh- guzzle that inflated her cheeks to doughy domes around the surprised mare. Carameli felt the broad tongue slather and toy with her muzzle, lubricating it with warmth -shrrlrlspth- as the throat broadened to an inviting gape for her to slump inside of -Xlslptsh- the walls of the throat clasping onto her ears to her head and constricting in a hug to haul her down toward the gurgling depths. Meanwhile Pinkie's lips caressed along the ends of the mare's front hooves, -Ghhrlsptssuk- gobbling them back to deflate the oblong bulges from her cheek, feeding the mare down the birthday slide. “Mfmwmaf, Pinkie.” “MFM, ywhahath, fmms, shoow ghvuud.” “Down Pinkie's gullet came a bloat which clamped around Carameli's facial features, broadened by the hooves on their way down. “I didn't think you meant, this, Pinkie.” “Mawwmf…” Pinkie stopped, half the mare hanging out of her maw, mouth warped around their chest, the pink mare peeking from the auburn coat back to her pink gut. “Aawh, showery Cramrhali.” She parted her lips wide to relinquish the mare. “If you had told me,” Carameli continued, as a muted glow rose up in under Pinkie's skin, the mouth bound mare encased in the sparkles of magic, hoisting herself up, vertically towards Pinkie's orifice, “I would have helped you out stuffing me down, silly.” Pinkie's eyes shone up “Awha yaaawhy, shorrry,” she cooed out through her belly muffled maw, and slurped her tongue up the expanse of mare that gradually fed herself down her maw. -graph Ooomprpmmsth- She swallowed steadily, arching her head back to let the passage down to her tummy pen, bloats warping out along her neck, a shadow play of the mare's body winding down the throat and curling up into her belly below. -Chhrnnggh- Gnnrrs- Pinkie's gut wobbled as its limits tensed and warped, the whole gut engorging the more of the mare nested in to feed it, the pink flesh billowing out between her legs like a swelling mushroom cap, lumps and bulges sailing along the skin as she got comfortable. “Mmpgwg, mgmpwgh mmwmw ghrlrlspk,” Pinkie swallowed, suckling down the legs and savouring the meaty taste, her tongue wrapping up over the ends of the hooves, and -Shhsrlsp- sloughing them into her stuffed cheeks, rolling them from side to side to coat them in saliva, -shhrrrllsth- whilst slurping down a broomend tuft of Carameli's tail -Hghgmmpghghs- one swallow deflated her cheeks, and sent the hooves packing down her gullet -Oomph- another few gulps had them worming their way down, sinking in under her chest to buffer her bloated abdomen, bloated to near twice her own size caged between her and warping around her legs. “Mfms, mphaaa,” Pinkie slurped over her lips,” -Bhwauurraaaaorroslp- she heaved out that disturbed the air around her, hoisting up the end of a scarf that slumped out her mouth like a tongue. “MMFpfhsahaha,” She chuckled to herself, and rolled up the fabric to -shghslp- send it back to its owner. “Phaaaa, ooh my Carameli, it is a good thing you were so eager to join in, I might not have been able to hold back after I got a taste of your yummy tummy.” “I wouldn't miss this party, Pinkie, you know that. Oh hey, Dewly.” “Hey~.” “Happy birthday, what a lovely present.” Thanks so much, even better when it is shared.” “I-hrursaalalpt,” Pinkie belched up a growling broil of throat exhaust, “Couldn't agree more, and now we just have to make our way to the spa~.” The cherry mare took one step -CHhrgrgsh- and felt her obese, drop shaped gut drag against the grass. “I was so excited, maybe I should have waited until we were closer, oh drat these consequences,” she sighed with a snicker, “I am gonna need some heavy duty balancing help, Nessy, deep breaths, ok?” “Wpifnk whafmms.” Nessy grunted out as the pucker -Shhsrlrlsptsh- wrapped around her in a smother, drawing her back into the brim with a soggy squeak of polished lard -Shghrlsllgshppwth-. ~ 2 ~ -Gbrbrlslgls- “Still a little hungry.” They searched through their cabinets, just a little snack. Shifting a box of oats, they saw a balloon patterned bag with a marked 'Cookies', with a note that read: baked goods for my good friend. Buttered Buffet smiled at this. Then -Cknngg-Dnndnth-dnnth- then swung back at a knock on the door, shuffling to brush his mane and look presentable. “Yes? who might be out-.” “Buttered,” Pinkie Pie called out and launched through the partially open door into a hug, hooves wrapped around his neck and stomach -Ghhrrbsbshhsgs- compacted up to his chest. -shhstths- Buttered felt bulges mould over the gut, forming vague appendages joining in the hug, clutching into him as best they could in their… sweat soaked, dirt drizzled embrace. “Hi-hello P-Pinkie, it is mmf It is lovleY to see you,” Buttered stammered and hugged back, though only so far, his cheeks doused in cherry. “I just came from Dewly's birthday party, he wished for a birthday present, I mean, how could I ever say no to somepony who wants to be gobbled up and churned into my butt gum~.” Pinkie Pie said and squeezed up through the door, her stomach warping around the trowel of the gate, swelling up from the taut hold as she trudged through. Buttered's vision honed in on the moulding, sailing bumps on the gut as it passed through, making out the contours of the ponies cooped up within. “Ah-ah y-yes, sure. You are so considerate, Pinkie,” he said, hiding the sweat beading over his forehead. “I even promised to make them the best and stinkiest gas,” She said and turned to shut the door, jutting out her rump in Buttered's face, the cleft parting for the sealed pit to lay bare, throbbing and bulbing. -Frrrflflwrrwwwth- a gust of pickled tummy bile warbled out through the rippling brim, dousing Buttered in a wave of sultry steam clinging onto this coat and wisping up his nostrils, gluing the stench of dissolving sugar and softcakes onto his nasal phlegm. “Mgms ah. Aah, t-thtat is coming along t-too.” “Oh it is, but this is nothing yet, isn't' that right?~” “Right, it is going to, I mean, I am going to be the stinkiest fart,” came a few mumbles from Pinkie's gut, and a vague approximation of a muzzle bulbing up on the side of it. Buttered bit his lip, smiling to obscure it. “I… I am certain of it,” he managed to say, keeping all the tremors locked to his rear legs where they went unnoticed. “And to get some help, I thought I would ask the best tummy rubber this side of the everfree forest.” Buttered swallowed. “O-oh I-I am, happy to be of assistance.” “I knew you would, your hooves just can't resist this irresistible tummy, can they? It is in the name,” then Pinkie leaned closer, “Twice even~.” Buttered beamed, and nodded. “Ooh and Mfmms” Pinkie huffed, a brewing rumbling through her guts in -Bbhrhrwowoofrrrpth- -Ttwmtp- she unleashed a cascade of brine soaked musk, misting the room in strenuous heaps of tainted ochre, till it squished up as Nessy's soggy face. “Also I brought Nessy along, she is helping me with balance.” Buttered brushed his mane back from the ruffles in the gale, and raised a hoof to weave at the face framed in the buttocks. “H-hey, p-pleasure seeing you, Nessy.” “Mfms, same to y-you, buttered.” ~ 3 ~ Buttered followed close as Pinkie Pie made her way to the couch, watching as her flanks sandwiched Nessy with each clench and drag, and the floozy tail looming above, a thin streak of fog wisped its way out, silent in its escape yet it tainted the air in a bout of molten candy brewed together in a pot of pony-jerky. “Pheww, I got so exhausted lugging around all of these yummy friends.” A bulge of a hoof surfaced and sunstroke along the mammoth midriff. “Pinkie picked me up along the way. Even if a late invitation, I am happy to tag along. I am Carameli.” “Oh, hello Carameli, it is a pleasure seeing you.” “Well,” the mare responded, “you will see me soon enough, just give it some time.” “Mmmffs, you two are both going to look lovely as a batch of my extra stinky choc nougat,” Pinkie snickered and dragged herself onto the couch, huffing as she tried to back up into it, Nessy's face being smooshed against the side of the cushions in each attempt -Tthsmp- -Thssmp-. “Oh hang on, I will help.” “Me too.” Came from the gut, Pinkie's abdomen encased in a brilliant glimmer, as it hoisted upwards into the air. “Aaah, thanks pals, that is just what I needed,” Pinkie coos and wiggles her rump, hoisting herself up and sloping backwards into the cough, Nessy closing her eyes with a deep breath as she was -Smsmpwwfth- driven into the soft couch cushion. -Sdshmtsp- And the expanse of bubblegum booty submerging her back into the bowels, pinned by the surrounding weight -Bghhrbsb-. Buttered gazed at the display, of the mare shuffling back in, and with her raised belly, caught a glimpse of her crotch, and a pillar of meat twitching. He swallowed, and in the next moment the magic dissipated. -Thwhfflfbslwlmsogh- The belly tumbled back down, smotherring Pinkie's lap as it billowed outwards, swelling over her sides and submerging her in a landslide of chub welling forth to envelop all in its path, Pinkie spreading out to take up two-thirds of the two seater with the bulk, growling as a beast in in its cave. “Phaaa, are we all comfy in there?” Pinkie asked with her tone in a space between satisfaction and exhaustion, trailing her hooves along the bulbous, sagging mound of tummy blubber, brushing along the outlines warping about from her meals within. “Comfy as can be~.” “A bit much space? Feels like I can sit still...” “Let miss Pinkabelly Diane tum tum handle that.” “Buttered Buffet shuddered as he heard it, dragging up a footrest towards the end of Pinkie's gut. “It is gonna be cozy and tight when digestion makes you melt like butter~.” Buttered's face jerked up at this, though Pinkie was focused on her gut, letting her hooves mould through the warm expanses of chub, brushing together from each side, raising up a mound of belly chub on each hoof, and letting them meet in a clamp of belly blubber at the center, chub which she proceeded to hug and knead down back flat in with broad strokes of her hooves. Buttered held his gaze, until enough time had passed, it was just an expression, after all. He shuffled up the seat close and watched the expanse of coral coat spreading out in front of him. Pinkie's stomach was big enough to eclipse him sitting down. He let his hoof grace the her coat, the stallion imagined how her gut would swallow him up were she to rest it onto him, so engulfed his presence would be all but absorbed by the belly. His hooves sunk into the blubber, craters forming around his hooves. -Ghhrbrlsth- He felt it groan as Dewly shifted underneath his grasp, raising up his hooves on the tummy, before the embrace of Pinkie's flesh beckoning, the heat from the churning chemical reactions rolling through the ocean of tummy. “Mfmfs, aaah, it is going to take a lot of massages to churn up this, birthday duo,” Pinkie cooed. “Buttered snapped out of it, and raised his hooves, watching the grooves they leftfrozen in the gut, then rapidly closing in and -Bbwbg- bobbing back into the wide, grand curve. “Mfmw, was the massage startgmhed?” came a question from the gut with a ripple. “O-oh just, sit back and… e-enjoy,” Buttered said, leaning closer to rest his hooves onto the belly, brushing them around the navel, spreading outwards from the center of the gut, moulding hills of blubber along that sculpted grooves in their wake, slowly swelling back together. “Mmfns, aah that is fm, so comfy. Phew, I have been on my hooves for, almost two days.” Pinkie admitted as she lumped back, another roll of tummy bulk swelled up in Buttered's face as she arched her back. He took his time kneading into the plush meat, coursing his motions along the pronounced hills of pony limbs and torsos, feeling them slide along his kneads with the grind of -Shhtlsgsh- an anchor hauled through a marsh. “You work so hard, some more rest wouldn't hurt, right?” Buttered asked as his cheeks bloomed, hooves caressing and cradling droves of blubber sculpted up and kneaded into the warping expanse of tummy fat. “Arranging more sleepovers would be a blast, always a good time to get -hrurusbabrrrlp- close to other ponies,” she said with a belch spraying drops of liquid spittle through the air. “We can take today as a practice run.” “Hmm?” Buttered wondered, looking up from the belly, and feeling a hoof lump raise up from the gut which he massaged back flat to it. “I am sleeping over, silly. I want Dewly to get all the massages we can muster and have a comfy time.” Buttered swallowed, sinking a bit deeper into the tummy, his embrace sinking in, he found himself in the clutches of the gut moulding up around his front legs. He cupped the extents of the belly he reached, hoisting it to feel its weight, and letting it -Bwgwtjhsts- slump back down, the rolls of belly flab swelling in the slight drop, and rippling back up after its impact. “O-of course you can stay but, we can just, relax.” “Mmm, true, wouldn't wanna focus too much on another party whenfmf, this one is still going on~.” -Hgbrhrsllsltsh- she rubbed her tummy as a response from Dewly was muffled in a hurdle of mush. Buttered nodded with his muzzle slumping into the peachy flesh, raising himself back with an armful of gut and hugging it close, kneading it in with his upper body as he gradually let it slip out of his legs and -Shwlspu- pile back up onto Pinkie's lap. “Then we will make it comfy as can be.” -Ghrbrhsgs- -Chbgbrlrlsnsk- The stomach rolled with Pinkie's breaths, the bottom of the abdomen drawn inwards as she inhaled, building up a handling cheek of slab above it. The constricted patch of flesh slowly moved upwards through the breath, compressing the navel in its gradual stride upwards, but once passed that point it sped up until the blubber equalized itself in a jostling -Chbghtlsltshs- sending tremors through the abdomen. It felt a touch smaller, Buttered's hooves sunk into it less like a balloon stuffed in oil, and more of a sack of rising dough, -Bbrgrgssts- bubbles compressed and rolling along the churns of the pony marinade inside, Buttered let his hooves drift in broad brushes along the surface of the belly, kneading down where he felt it thick and stuffed, occasionally a muzzle poked up to the surface, or a hoof rubbing from within, each which he stroked around the lump and -Chhsts- kneaded the protrusion back in. The bulge forming a crater in the tummy, that sealed itself up as his legs wandered further along the bulwark. “The streamers were yellow, with pink sequence, I think Rarity designed them, they really say Bam, party time. Mm, they remind me a bit of you” Pinkie said to Buttered, who peeked up, stuck in a trance. “I was going to invite you to the party too. Too busy today?” Pinkie wondered, “We would have welcomed you into the fun,” she said and burrowed her hooves into each side of her gut, hauling it up and dropping it to a range of mumbles and muffled moans -Wmmgm- -Gmspths- escaped the confines of the abdomen. Buttered blushed, turning to cough. “I would have, l-liked to attend, there was just… y-yeah, just a bit busy today, a little tired,” he mumbled off. “I do like the green bands you used too, and the confetti blends well with it.” -Chhgbrbrrlslltsh- the gullet growled beneath, mushing together the ponies. He could feel them soften over time, each time he rubbed down a rising lump it gave less resistance. “Oooh you think so too? I wouldn't mind some help with mmfs, phaa, wait…” Pinkie said holding up a hoof. -Bhruaaaallrlpr- The belch rattled her mane so it bounced to and fro, lips warping and flapping around the gust of air -Chhrnnstsj- her belly contracted just slightly, the shock waves surging through Buttered's nerves, “I could se shom mm, aaa help with the decorations, there is a lot of treats I have to cook p for the next few big ones.” Buttered nodded, plying his hooves into the stomach as it waved and warped with her breath and the combined struggle and mulching of the meals tucked inside. He smiled, his body warm and cozy this close to her. “I could help with the baking as well, mmf you you know I can knead rather well,” he said, bashful. Pinkie snickered with a hint of a snort in her chuckles. “I am already working on a big batch of baked goods right in this oven. And you sure aremfms, mfms,” -PpFrrrreewwwth- a flutter of foul air interrupted her, “proving your efforts.” The casual bout of smog filtered through the cushions and swarmed up around Buttered as he worked his elbows into the tummy, the sickly sweetened stench of sugar filtered into cider through the air in a casket of mushrooms, the peppery stench snaking its way to fog up his nostrils wherever he turned them. “Mfms I feel like a nice, sludgy bun,” Dewly mumbled inside with a -Grbbrslsgsh- boil of gut grime following suit. The voice hazy, along with the occasional moan from Carameli. “Yes you are, fmmf, with a nice, creamy core of caramel, right?” Pinkie asked and prodded her hoof along the surface, finding Carameli's head bulge and pulsing her hooves around them. “Mmfs…” came from within. “Mmf, yes, sorry it is… so smooth… feel likemsm, mostly caramel in here.” “Told ya,” pinkie said with a thrill in her voice, drilling her hooves on the bulge and kneading along with Buttered's massages, snickering as they worked on the bundles of belly flab, their efforts ensuring it deflated at a steady, languid pace. -Bghhrlslsh- -Chbgrhrss- As Buttered sunk his hooves into the tummy, he felt the resistance congealing to that of mud, perhaps stale marmalade, as there were many broad chunks sloughing about inside, morphing up as he brushed up and kneaded in dunes of blubber, smushing down along the bottom of the expanding and contracting behemoth with swirling plies into the heated tummy oven. -Shhtlsgllgsh- it mushed inside, folded and smushed together like creamed corn, though there was still the vague outlines of the ponies inside, shifting and stirring along with the gurgles. “Phaa, that was some great party today, we ran out of punch really quickly.” “Oh?” Buttered wondered as he brushed his muzzle against the gut, listening to the echoing -Ghbrbgls- -Hhrlrlstsh- mulching within. “Thankfully I knew somepony who could fill it back up in a hurry. Everypony had their fill, fmmss, but I am making more for next time.” Buttered nodded, pulling on the straps of his bowtie as he peered up. “And, how… were they?” “Mm? Oh Dewly? They were the tastiest chunk of party food there, I am so honoured to be the one to gobble them down, I held them in my maw for a long time too, they wiggled so much it tickled my snoot,” Pinkie explained with some languid gestures, snorting in a chuckle as she cradled down the side of the tummy, which contracted back so it only dipped at each side of her. Buttered smiled, hugging into the stomach so he felt the gruel contents mould around him, soft gurgling bumps which prompted him to shift and brush his torso along it. The gut’s heaves and motions sluggish, the bottom of the stomach contracted to -Bbwnagns- swell back out and send a wave of rippling blubber up the stomach, the wave brushing in against Buttered's stomach as he held onto it. “That is, lovely to hear, so… they really wished for you, too?” “Mm hmm, especially little ol Pinkie. They wanted to keep the party going as long as they -Hrrrruraaaalp- could,” she explained and slumped back against the couch, letting her tongue loll out as her stomach contracted with a muddy -shtspststshs-. Then it began to tip, the weight shifting downwards, onto Buttered, weighing him down and smushing down on his knees. “Mmfm wafs P-Pinkie” he huffed out, feeling the expanding gut pin him back against the footrest, and he heard the wooden legs grind against the floor. “Mmf, s just heave it up for me, please, too tired,” Pinkie cooed. The stallion took a deep breath, and wrapped his arms around the gut, getting a stronger grip… the nervousness he stored in his back legs was making him shake like a lighting rod in a cyclone. Doing his best to steady himself, he sloughed forwards, pushing himself and the gut back up into the couch, to the faint quivers and moans muffled within its depths. -Chhrltlptsltsh- -Chrnrnsgs- it came to rest. Buttered heaved, the quivers had escaped through his body, rustling shuddering ripples across the chub of the compacting tummy. “Wphoowo, thanks Buttered.” Pinkie huffed, “you two fmms, in there, are a doozey of dough. How is the birthday pony feeling, chunky and sludgy?” She mused down at the tummy, rubbing over it and letting her hooves brush along Buttered as he recovered. “Mfmwmf,” emerged from the depths. -Ckkrthshs- The crumble of rotten wood buried in a bog bubbled from the gut. -Cllsshhrsbtsk-kkrksk-tkshc- -Ckhhtsbhstsh- The stomach contracted, crunching together with sundering ruptures, cracking apart the structures of the pony friends buried within. The stomach at first standing tall, but the more crumbles peeled from the grimy pouch, the more the gut slugged into a slump, which only grew heavier under its own bulk. -Chhths-s snapping bones and milling it to gravel -HGhstlslgsh- as the belly grumbled and sloshed the gunky batter of meaty slime. Pinkie yawned. “Amamwmfs, smsm, there you two feel mm, so eager, both of you are gonna make some booty baked caramel. Happy birthday, Dewly,” Pinkie cheered as her gut crackled and sloughed together, collapsing back into itselfto a dune. All while Buttered laid splayed atop it, gently rubbing and massaging the congealing mud. “Mfmfsm… t-they s-sound so lively e-ee now,” -Chhbrrhs- he mentioned as the gut crunched and milled them together. Buttered felt chunks poking up, the head of a femur pushed against the soft lining, which like the rest was massaged back down, skeletal chunks, scapulas, shoudlerblades surfacing now and then, coaxed back into the mush with warm steady kneads and brushes. “Phaa they sure dofmsm, they…” -Chhtbbo- Pinkie cheeks burst up swollen, and her lips puckered outward before -Bhruaualalalrrlprpsshhrooorpt- a storm of a burp s fluttered past her lips, hawking up chunks of vertebrae and tatters of a scarf, slathered in clumps of congealed frosting and lumps of liquid cake. -Spptlths- the chunks toppled over her belly, a daub of frosting landing on Buttered's muzzle. “Phoo… very loud and lively still. Mms, feels best that way… oh? Hanong…” She said, and beckoned Buttered up. He flushed, peering around himself before slowly making his way up the belly, toward her face. They had been at it for hours, a haze of dusk closed in around them. As Pinkie leaned forwards Buttered gasped, but followed the motions, resting on the still -Chhrlslcjs- crackling gut beneath him for support, he leaned in for the kis-. “Amamoghph-.” Buttered's heart skipped a symphony of beats. That wasn't a kiss, that was… that was Pinkie's lips, clamming over his muzzle. The steamy mouth clinging to his coat, soaking it in her fluids, tongue warping up along his-. -Shrrlspsu- Pinkie leaned back, smacking her lips. “Got a bit of frosting on you.” It took a few moments for Buttered to breathe again, as he did, he slumped down into the embrace of the belly, its contents tautened to loam. His muzzle sunk into the tummy, and once he pulled back, he could still see a mould of his shaken expression, which he made quick work of to smooth out with plying, groping holds and massages to which Pinkie let out snort sand chuckling moans. “Fffwffnf, wooweew… g-gosh…” Nessy huffed from somewhere in Pinkie's colon, flustered to mimic a tulip, hearing all the goings on outside, but too nervous to say a peep. Soon he was back to a stable massage against the tummy compiled to less than half its initial bulk. ~ 4 ~ -Ghhbrlsp- Buttered's hoof sunk into the stomach, moulding around the cratered imprint of the his hoof, -Chrslslgsh- tension of bone and gruel displaced around his motions, reaching a stout dent in the gut. Her stomach had contrails languid in its contractions, its size reminiscent of a bean-bag, but its texture spoke of its contents as hard-cheese in the early stages of melting. -Bhruaaalp- Pinkie belched and brushed over her eyes, blinking towards Buttered. “You know what it is time for?” The stallion peeked up, peering towards the window where Luna's night veiled ponyville. “The sleepover?” “More like,” Pinkie said as she withdrew, Buttered shifting out and jolted forth with her gut -BBWwttwmp- clapping Buttered onto the footrest, "sleep starting.” She snickered, grinding up her belly to forge a sculpt around his torso, before. -Chhrsllslrth- she pulled it back with a creaking of gummed up tape, and from the perspiration gluing her to Buttered. “Lets make for the bedroom,” she cheered and took the lead. Buttered banished the shivers to his rear legs as he tailed after. The view was, pleasant. The rose globes rising, meeting the top with a bump that sent it sloping back. Pinkie rose her tail, granting Buttered a view of the pucker that peeked out between her buns in the stride, before nestling back in the groove. -Fffrlslth- a pinch of tangerine exhaust bubbled through the rear, which circled around him. The caress of butt broiled pungency contrasted the damp air around him. When Pinkie weaved her way into the bedroom, and once Buttered stepped over the threshold he drank in a deep breath of clean air. Instantly his cheeks bulbed, the air throughout the house laid thick in Pinkie's vapours, the rear grilled meat reeking a dusty charcoal and infused with cherry marmalade. Buttered breathed out a deep sigh, basking in the radiant warmth of Pinkie's heat, he had barely noticed her stinking up the house. The mare shuffled up to the bed, cupping under her stomach as she backed up onto the mattress. -Shhflpth- her member flopping out, freed from the constraints of the midriff. -Bbtwnwgh- As she slumped back into his bed, Buttered watched the shaft twitch stiff. It slapped up into the stomach and bent it into two folding dunes around itself. Skin a dark mauve against the pastel coat, leading down to a pair of musk glistening, plump berries. Her shaft embodied the stem of a cherry, which siphoned the juice of the berries, inflating itself voluminous, and vibrating. “Mmfs, aaah, it feels so comfy and warm, the birthday pony kneaded goo. They are really jamming up my bowels already,” she smiled, a hoof trailing down the arch of her drop belly, towards the mast. “You wouldn't mind helping a mare out with anotehrmmf, kind of tension too, huh? It is another thing I know you reeal well.” Buttered swallowed, eyes honed on the pink hoof massaging the dark veins. Another deep breath of the lingering smog. “S-sure thing, Pinkie.” -Spltsh- The flare bumped into the yellow cleft, prying them apart for them tip to smooch up the soft brim. “Your flank is as soft and considerate as you,” pinkie whispered in Buttered's ear, her hooves crossed over his chest, her body a crescent around his, with her sludge stuffed gut -Sslltpwh- clumped and pancaked onto his back, “keep calm, and I will keep it cozy.” She cooed with a hush, as the brim prodded up up the pucker, bending it inwards… -Chhrrslp- until the circle of flesh eased and engulfed her tip. -Shhrttwhp- She scooted her stallionhood in, Buttered feeling how his rugose bowel walls smoothed under its advance, gradually folding in under the schedule of her cherry stem. “Mmff fmms,” Buttered mumbled, nuzzling back so her weight pinned him down, the mast withdrawing, threading back along the same path, before meandering back through his rump. “How does mm, it feels?” Buttered shuddered. “Mm,” pinkie mused whilst letting her length explore his depths, the crinkle of fluid smeared within filling the pause between them -Shhsllfrrt- -Bhrrslsssh-, “It feels comfy enough for two,” Pinkie clammed her hips up around Buttered's cheeks, pressing her hips up tight to crescent Buttered's buns. The meat's pulses echoed through his spine, her cock brushed up just to the brim circumference of his colon, smooth enough to be accommodated through, with only the spice of tautness tickling his nethers. “Mf, you are welcome to, fmmf, come by o-or d-drop in wh-when… ah…” Buttered lost track of his sentence. “Mmm, I know, silly,” Pinkie ensured as her crotch -Bwwmpt- bopped up against his cheeks again, “You are welcome as well, I will always make time, and room for my,” -Bhruuaalalgp-, “mfs, friends.” Pinkie said, sighing with her lips clenched by her molars, her dick scootching in its thrusts. The warm rear pounded, with a sluggish grind of -Shfrlslts- moist sinew. With only punctuated by the -Cllpth- union of the mare and stallion's bodies. Buttered blushed, pressure melting off of him as she indulged in the closeness. -Slslplwrsth- He felt a slough of goo trickle out into his colon, Pinkie's sack throbbing against his crack, though the mare kept the pace going, and Buttered was too comfortable to oppose. In the deeper reaches of Pinkie's bowels, Nessy laid coiled by the tunnels into a tube of a pony, sliding gently in a moon arc along the humps outside. It warmed her heart, and muzzle, feeling the trembles, and sighed gently as it swayed her into a dreamy rhythm. -Chrlfskt- She snoozed as the deep reaches in the other ends of the bowels filled, fudge shifting through the labyrinth, closing at its own, murk drenched rhythm. ~ 5 ~ The springs of the bed laid silent, mare and stallion clutched in the same cradling pose, Buttered nuzzling back against her chest, and brushing over her side. -Ghrbrlslgsh- the stomach rumbled with the broil of caramel, ripples weighing onto his back. “I can feel them in there, both happy meaals,” Buttered mumbled. “Haarmmmf," Pinkie yawned. “both happy dough dollops baking into chocolate,” Pinkie said and smiled, “they feel so thick in there. Dewly was such a plump treat, I just knew he felt as good in there as he mm makes my tushie feel,” Pinkie wiggled her rump under the blanket -Pphfrrlt- A note of noxious fumes siphoned out her brim, the covers muffling the impact. “How about, Carme-me…” Buttered mumbled, his pets roaming up to brush along the arcs of Pinkie's mane. “Carameli,” she shuffled into place, the squeaks of the springs below backing up the chorus of -Ghbrlllgghs- gutter glue playing through her insides, “I always had a feeling she would make excellent, fmms, fudge nougat, and you will see that they both make a ton more booty butter than it looks. You know when you just feel that way about somepony?” Pinkie asked, Buttered nodding as his hooves roved through the expanse of strawberry mane, flattening coils under his hoof and feeling them eager to spring back up after his brush. “Because my tummy really feels it is going to stuff up my butt plump with mmgmm, some birthday taffy. As well as the mmf, stinkiest farts you have ever smelt,” she affirmed, rubbing along the side of her gut, the pancaked meatball of an abdomen -Chgltptsh- Slourching in response like a cement mixer gorged on marmalade. “See~.” she said with a snort and a snicker. Buttered hummed as he coiled her mane along his hoof, brushing through the silken locks of her mane, bending the delicate rolls of floof along for the ride, wiping up tstray beads of perspiration and salt along the strands. “Are you ever going to stop brushing my mane~?” Pinkie pondered. “If iMmff... well, whenever it stops being such a happy bundle of floof.” Pinkie snickered and hugged herself tighter, -Shhstsh- kneading the bloat of a gut bulb over his back. “You will be rubbing the pink out of it before that happens.” “I wouldn't want that,” Buttered said, without stopping. Pinkie snickered along with him, nuzzling her muzzle down in front of Buttered so her mane swept along his neck. “Thanks for helping out today, it means a lot to,” -Bhraaallpup- a breath of onion and pony jerky brew seeped straight into Buttered's face, dashing his cheeks with colour, “Us all~. You were the best help for me, and mr and mrs mud cake in here,” she smiled and -Chshths- smooshed her gut in against his back. “I-I am happy I could help you w-with everything, Pinkie. You make me smile.” Pinkie beamed. Her eyes grew heavy, lidded, her tongue tickling her lips before they parted. -Haaawwmmmnnnfff- She yawned, gape broad with tendrils of drool tethered between tongue and teeth, dollops of saliva trailing down her cheeks and carnadine flesh warping with the throbs of muscles, leading back into the pit of scarlet dusk. Buttered's breath picked up, sweat streaking behind his neck and flicking off of his ears as he stared don the maw. -Aahaammfpgh-” Pinkie finished her yawn, smacking her lips and gushing out her tongue for a muzzle slurp. “You are welcome anytime, Buffet~,” she said and shimmed them comfy on the mattress. Feeling his heart become a hummingbird, Buttered' breathed, until he felt the pace match the pulse he felt on his back. “I am h-happy to hear, Pinkie. Does it feel, time for, sleep over?” “Mmfm…,” Pinkie mumbled, eyes lidded and a second -hAamf- giving him a glimpse of the depth -Ghbrhrhstsl- as vibration through the gullet snuck into his ear. Buttered reached down, heaving up the blanket over the two of them, tucking Pinkie in snug beside himself and as her eyelids closed, swept a hoof through the fluff of her mane. “Goodnight, Pinkie,” he said, then… shifted a bit, and brushed over her thighs, “g-goodnight to you as well, Nessy.” “Mmfs, g-goodnight, Buttered, s-sleep tight.” 'I sure will', she thought and felt the humid surroundings -Chhrslslqh- clench tauter. She sighed, she should have known this help would take the rest of her day. Then again, she didn't mind. -Ghrbrsltsh- She heard the rumbles, and crumbling of mulch below, the mare sensing the bowels behind her -Chhrlrlsths- creak broader, through the catacombs came huffs of vapours trapped below -Shhffft- and the -Chrlslths- soggy stride of a bulwark of butt fudge slugging its way forwards. -Spplthwhert- It crept onto her hooves. “Mfmrr,” Nessy coughed, the surface of sludge bending around her contours, rolling forth in dunes separated by the pressure parting the muck along the numerous slime riddled crack -Crrlschhth- it steamrolled her coat matte under the putrid coils seeping from the colon chocolate, the warmth pressing into her, as if she tiptoed into a bubble bath of honey. -dddmt-cmth-Cmmth-chmt- In the distance she heard the beating of Pinkie's heart, coursing through the walls of the colon just so that Nessy could feel it brushing along her body. Swept away in the calm of the organs working around her, hugging her, always present and warming, despite the air reeking of a dilapidated melon farm, refurbished into a compost silo. “Mfms. T-tighter t-than I expected,” she huffed and shuddered, all as her body was consumed by the creeping onslaught of congealing manure, crackling up her torso, entombing her within a cocoon of rich marble broken apart by its ruffled, craggled texture; a fresh fossil of fudge, yet to calcify. > After-Party Favour, Bath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After-Party Favour, Bath Written by Septia Dawn passed the slumbering couple by, light streaming through the windows, aimed away from the bed, but as the morning turned to day, there came a stirring under the sheets -Bbfrrft-. Buttered grumbled, reaching out with his hoof towards the sound, waving it in the air. Until, his nostrils flared, and he took in a huff of the bottom baked fumes. “Mmfs, phaa… ha…” he mumbled, wheezing as he opened his eyes. “Mmfw…” came a murr from behind. Embarrassment flickered across his face, then he remembered… he snuggled back into Pinkie's embrace. -Ckkr- -Crhrlslth- Buttered pressed himself off of Pinkie's crotch, her shaft having marinated in his rear overnight, creaking with lubricative lust as he wiggled up his rear. -Shrhrlspt- till the lengthy, limp mast spooled free to smack into the bed. “Mmfwr?” Pinkie mumbled, eyes greeting the day. “Buttered?” “Oo, Good morning, It was not my intent to wake you up.” “Mmff, But that is what mornings are for. We can't take that away from it, it mm, is the most important part of the day,” Pinkie beamed and wiggled some energy into her body. “Mmf, wakey, fudge I'm bakin'~.” Pinkie cooed and lifted up her left cheek. -Bbroofrrooooprth- An airy gale of colon miasma flooded through her rear. -Fppprft- The bump in the blanket that was her rump swelled, the slope below it filling up with a bulge of steam that dissipated in streams. “Phaaa, That is what mmf, mornings are all about,” she said and kneaded down along her tummy, the gut slumped towards the bottom of her abdomen, a solid drove her hoof could cradle. “Mmfs, I think I feel Dewly coming,” Pinkie huffed and bit on her lip. A -Ghrhbrlslgpsh- gurgle of rumbling rags rustling beneath the blanket, to culminate at the butt bump… -Ppbbrrrroooooffth- The smog inflated a hill taller than her rear, bubbling bouts of the noxious breeze soaring through a broadened brim, dense smokestacks rising along the edges of the blanket and polluting the air with a miasma of molten pony ham drenched in caustically sweet syrup. Buttered leaned down towards the blanket, pulling it open, being greeted by a wall of tropical air. He sniffed in tangs of roasted chestnuts and meat sewage, and accents of caramel embedded in the fetid fumes funnelling through the flush fanny. The exhaust carrying with it the a smog of rusted copper and left to stew in a marinate of swamp cider. “Phew can really mm, I can really smell Dewly and Carameli in there, wishing me a good morning,” Buttered mentioned. “Told you,” Pinkie said and cooed, rubbing around on her gullet to feel bubbles-Shhstsp- contorted through her bowels and flood free as huffs of -Fhshrprsht- -Pprrwwlth- -Bbrrwwfth- two close friends making one big bath of fudge and farts, “enjoying the trip down? I certainly am, getting you all mushed and stewing down, you feel smm so much fatter in there. Choo choo, chubby train is on route to pink pudge cannoyon~.” -Ppfbbrrrpwht- “And we are expecting harsh winds,” she snickered and sighed. Buttered moved in closer to the gales, drinking in the smog so his nostrils warped around the gumming odours clamming him up with their peppered character. “Ooh, Buttered, could mfm, you do me a little favour? There is still a teeny, tiny winy bit of… tension left down theere~.” Buttered smiled, peeking down on the member that had sloughed out his rear, now twitching up stiff. “Sure, I can h-help it wakes up too.” “The most important part of the day,” Pinkie cheered and snuggled up back in the bed. Buttered crawled under the blanket, feeling the air infused with the raw smog pooling from Pinkie's rear -Spphhto- airy gales that flushed back his mane and percolated down his throat. The stallion closed up to the rump, kneading into the cheeks watching the pucker as it widened open, pinching around the corners from unleashing the warm bots. He leaned closer, watching the pit tremble before his eyes, and the coiling depth they held within. He could see the moisture building inside as the gas funnelled through and condensed along the ruffled walls into dollops of glimmering liquids before being flushed back -Fppprrrorbth- in the lofty puffs of emerald fumes. -Schhrllssth- then he saw something else. A shadow in umber, warping the surroundings, protruding forwards with the -Forth- plumes of smog, a shifting, compressing texture that was moulded by the clamps of her bowels… -Shrhprspths- and in a clench it was swallowed back down, engulfed in darkness. Buttered quivered, still feeling a radiant heat from the mound within. He hid his fluster in Pinkie's cheeks, pushing his face at the bottom of the her crack, reaching out his tongue to -shrrlp- tickle the groove with his saliva. “Mfms, phaa, smell rank right? The foulest fumes ever?” Pinkie asked above. “Mmfwm.” “Yes~ knew it, told you Birthday boy,” she smiled and caressed her gut, moulding into it whilst Buttered services her rear. -Shhrslp- -shrsslltp- His tongue brushed along the crack, down to sweep up globules of perspiration that had gathered from the long day and night under the blankets, along with condensed drops of pure musk that tickled his tongue like flakes of chili. Buttered nuzzled into the moist coat, his tongue dragging down the crack, along the trundle leading up to the sack, he felt the orbs come to a rest at the back of his head, pivoting to slurp and daub his tongue in a curve up along the thigh, -Shhroslp- -Chslprs- suckling and smooching to vacuum in the droplets on his journey up along her crotch, pausing now and then to rake in breaths of the rancid -Spfpfpfth- puttering out the broad brim, until his tongue met with the pink jewels. He brushed his muzzle in between them, reaching out his tongue to -schsrlrps- slurp around one of the musky orbs, drinking in the musk like cider as he -Slssptps- slurped into his maw, tongue brush bathing the globe in drool in exchange for the salty joy that trailed through his gullet. “Mmfs, ohrew you are a loud pair as well.” -Pfpfhrorosbth- Pinkie brassed off a crackling gale that fluttered her brim like a sputtering balloon. “You must really enjoy your time as pony mush, it was so quick as well, Carameli you just melted away like a,” -Bhrhiaiaalp- “champ, and then you, Dewly, have the guts to give me this gift,” she said with a teasing voice whilst prodding and groping through the billow of pudge on her tummy. “A present on your birthday? That is so sweet, but I would have been happy just churning you down to stinky dough, you know that, mfms,” -Prhrrwppwth-, “So thoughtful.” Pinkie cooed and toyed with her tummy, as Buttered near her shaft. -Shhflslpt- He drew his moist muscle up the length, feeling it bend and warp over veins and quiver in the throbs, the shaft smelling foul of congealed salt, stale pits of lust still present after being smeared through his bowels. His tongue reached the apex, curling around the flared tip, his lips moulding to morph the circumference, so he could -Shhsmsmth- smooch it, deep, close, pushing down and suckling the musk out of the stallionhood. “Mmwrmf,” Buttered huffed and draining in a breath through his nostrils before -Shhstbths- shoving his head down over the stem, taking in the mauve pillar of meat into his mouth, cheek bulk protruding around in a warped contour of the tip as he chugged down on her cock, lapping in circles over the length while he slurped and suckled her cock down his maw, moaning as he gradually built up a bounce, a rhythm, one with eagerness as it -Chshrlptsh- engulfed the meat, shaking at ever throb rippling through her rod of nectar. “Mmfw, aaah, bfms, but you kwm know Dewly, I couldn't have done it without some friends. Fmms, Buttered made sure your trip was safe, pleasant and,” -Brhhaaalpup-, “caring.” She mused whilst shifting her hips to hump down Buttered's throat, his neck distending around the oblong outline of her shaft, which he dutifully buried himself into, slathering it in his saliva. -Pfbrbrwhhpt- -Bbbwrrhrhth- the air growing dense with the fog from Pinkie's tush, funnelling the raw mirth of decomposiing gratuitous frosting and burning lard. The fog greasing up her rear with splotches -Spsplfth- of amber phlegm form the trappings of her bowels, the storms of flatulence corrupting the clean air of Buttered's bedroom into a sauna, the head growing torrid as her pucker fanned out -Spfrrwlrbbrth- gallons of piping hot smog. Pinkie and Buttered both shared in the oozing of the guttural sauna, the blanket growing damp and, reeking of candied mushroom stew brewed in a tar pit. The air so damp it lubricated Pinkie's shaft, letting Buttered trounce himself down to its base and swab the crotch with his meaty carpet, dense enough that Pinkie's curling mane sloped to her side with a bouncing -Bbffgfs-. The air so full of noxious gales it distilled, fermenting into a gaseous alcohol, on which both drank until intoxicated on then the raw warmth of nether forged nougat, a heaping dose of molten friendship. -BBFrlllpwrrrwwrth- -Pfbbrroofrrth-. ~ 1 ~ Stretches of white batter drizzled the side of the bed, drooping over the hill as melting wax. A single trail of it spanned up along Buttered's torso, and down on the tip of is tongue, hanging out and shaking around his exhausted pants. A haze cocooned the room, everything tinted in lime from he swathes of smog. It lingering around them. Every now and again growing richer in hues as -Sppbfffwrth- another gale fluttered out to join them. “Mm, Phew, this smells better than even I thought I could make, all thanks to you two,” Pinkie said to her tummy, “hope you don't mind Carameli helping out and adding that extra zest/ It was a really kind birthday present of her, chugging down the fudge factory with you,” Pinkie teased her stomach and snickered as her hooves moulded fiant grooves over the surface of the pudge. Buttered swallowed, chewing on his lip as he reached up to Pinkie's mane, brushing his hooves along the slackened hair, it still curled and bobbed as he filtered his hooves through it, though each time he felt the condensed fog -Chrrlslptsh- daubing off onto his coat, smearing in glistening trails along his leg. He brushed the fuschia mane between his hooves, plastering them together while cradling it downwards, as it filtered out through the clutch he felt it warp into smoothened coils of fluff having gained weight from the sheer amount of liquid it housed. Pinkie nuzzled up to him, bopping her snoot against his. “know the feeling when your whole coat is slick and droopy with the fumes of some good friends?” Pinkie asked, grinding her hooves down into her stomach so it gurgled out a few -Shghrbhrhsls- through the buffer of blubber. “Mmm, I think I do,” Butted said, letting his gaze intertwine with hers whilst she weaved her mane through his hooves in wisps of brushes. “It makes me feel like a frog~. Don't you think?” Pinkie said with a big smile. Butted blushed up a this, tugging onto Pinkie's mane so it -Sstwh- sprung back out of his grasp and bobbed back and forth on her head like a tensed rubber band. “A-a little, I think?” “I think this is how a frog feels, at least? Wouldn't you think so?” Pinkie said and leaned back, idly plying bloats and gorges over her tummy. “But for them, it is their own smog, or, their own slime. So it would smell of them, this humid cloak all around them, like a water hug, of themselves.” Pinkie continued, Buttered blushing up as he leaned in, listening and coiling her mane in lose swirls around his one hoof. “I think that is how these two felt as well~ Somewhere along the gurgling process, when they were between a solid and a liquid~” -Gbrbrslgsh- Pinkie's stomach stemmed in with a grind and churn, its sounds echoing hollow through her frame, “and they were sitting there, cooing and bundling up in a pool of themselves, then it bubbles and steams, and they get to feel this slimy hug of themselves… around themselves.” Pinkie concluded with a warm smile, then leaned back with a sigh. “Can you imagine that? Soaking in a sauna of yourself. Gurgling away into a slushy tummy paste, knowing you have helped feed a whole pony, and that their flanks are gonna take good care of the you that is left~?” Buttered's pupils had contracted further, the more Pinkie spoke, the stallion gritting his feelings. A quiver travelled from his neck down the length of his spine, before he shoved his muzzle into Pinkie's mane to camouflage the fluster in the rose loops. “Phaha, h-hey what are you dong up there~.” “J-just brushing.” “Ymm, you have some creative interpretation of brushing, but you really give it your all.” Pinkie burst into a chuckle that spread jovially through to Buttered, who chuckled along with the mare, the embarrassment peeling off and washing away as he could rest calm with her by his side, and take in the fart soaked scent of cotton candy from her mane. ~ 2 ~ “W-wwoooaah,” Pinkie squealed as she stumbled forwards into Buttered and clamped her hooves around his flank -Bwwfnnmf- “Wh-ahw?” Buttered squeaked, the brush of the mare's hooves down his thighs rousing his coat… He took a breath and peeked back. “Whoopsies,” Pinkie said, shuffling up and nuzzling his back, “It feels that Nessy was a real big help with balance when I got a stuffed tummy, though now that the party’s moved to my backside, I've gotten pretty,” -pPFhrrrft-, “Bottom heavy.” She explained and supported herself against the stallion. “T-that is fine, it is not that far, I am h-happytohelp,” he stammered out, pace ramping as Pinkie snuggled into his back. “Choo choo, tummy train heading for porcelain ally.” “Y-yes,” Buttered responded as he shuffled forth, finding a pace that matched Pinkie’s sluggling along behind him. A drone of -Ghbfllglgpsths- rumbled from the contorted abdomen, doing a dainty bobbing with its taut bulk. The room still stunk with the lingering fumes festering at the ceiling, the warmth of swamp brewn taffy and char grilled pony grease swirling around them. Buttered slowed to bask in the smog left to marinate in his house, a reminder of her as long as it remained. Once they arrived in the bathroom Pinkie propped herself up against Buttered's hind with gasp. “Phaaaaw? What is, Buttered, what in the name of taffy custard is that?” “Oh, right.” buttered sauntered up, the bathroom renovated since their last visit, a pool of a toilet dominated the interior. The squat toilet had a bowl the width of a couch pillow and half a hoof’s water depth, a miniature lake with a black gape in the far end leading down the broad gape of the plumping. “After your previous visits, I spoke to the construction ponies about an, alternative solution, this toilet is built to handle your, ah… your…” “Heavy batches of friend fudge?” Pinkie finished. “Exactly.” “That is so thoughtful, I didn't even know they made these.” -Ghbrhrslslgsb- she was interrupted by a displacement of fumes chugging along her catacombs. “But Dewly here has got themselves a massive batch of birthday batter, So I won't make promises about not clogging it either way~.” Buttered flushed up a touch. “T-that reasonable.” “Can't wait to try it out though~.” Pinkie beamed and hopped back, shifting to back up over the squat and jiggle her ham pillows over the water. “Mmfmfs, might want a little hoof with, phaa, easing the cake out of the oven. Just about finished baking in there, but I think I overdid the bath this time~” Pinkie said and swayed her tummy beneath herself. Buttered scooched up beside her, reaching out to plant his hooves over her protruding oven. He brushed along the stomach -Chhrglls- feeling the crinkling smear of muddy trunks coiling underneath his touch. -Chhrclkth- Some shifting forwards as he kneaded into them, feeling the rugose texture brush him back in turn as it shifted along the gutters. “Mmfsphaa, you really gave them a move mfmso, it’s gonna be mm, great to see how they turned out, don't you think~?” “I-I am s-sure they are amazing,” Buttered cooed as he massaged along her stomach, one hoof roving over her jiggling flanks. “They are amazing, and they will be an epic dump too." -PWpphfhffwrrth- A bubbling stream of steam fluttered out through the cheeks, a deep emerald hue weaving through the bathroom to infuse it with the fatty mushroom brewed ham and vinaigrette stench… Buttered shuddered as he cradled and moved his hooves across her stomach, feeling the warping and budging within growl and pack into the pink pony's rear. -Chhrlslghs- He heard a crinkle within, muffled by the depths but amplifying in tone as the vibrations reverberated all the closer to her pucker. -Chrhggllslrsht- the brim clasped together, bulbing outwards with a rubber strain, then contracting, cheeks clamping shut, to blossom back open as the pit jutted out. This balancing pendulum motion swung back and forth as the manure packed tauter, deeper auburn glimpsing through the hind at each cycle. -Chhrlgs- -Churlish- -Fpprrhfh-Chhttslh- The brim clogged, warped outwards into a flower bud, the skin of the pucker twitching as it warped back over an exterior of crackled, chocolate marsipone. The muck being disgorged through the sprawling pucker, a matte surface absorbing all light, channelling it towards the veins of colon fluids laying buried in the trenches of the filth, tracing a tessellated pattern through the mound creeping out of the broad pit. Its girth starting thin as a bit but swelling up conally as it vacated the brim, growing past the width of a head on the manure’s creamy trip through the brim. -Chhrlglslsgsh- -Fttwppo- A pair of ears rolled out through the brim and snapped up through the heap. -Ggrrhhslslsths- the heap's trenches spreading broad, fracturing along the bundled up mounds of booty chocolate with stitchings of bowel phlegm spanning between each chunk. -Chhrs- Clwptsths- Until they toppled off, broad chunks slopping free from its connecting segments and plummeting into the water below. On the inside of the shed grime were a moulding sculpt of curves and bumps, and as more chunks fell, the most of Nessy's face emerged from underneath. “Phhaa phoaa, phaaa,” Nessy gasped in deep breaths, her coat smothered with muck in a hue of terracotta, neck smothered and below still clutched by the rim rippling behind and moulding the manure flat to her coat once more. “Hello there, Nessy,” Buttered greeted as he saw the head of the mare unveiled. “H-hi yourself, Buttered,” She responded, short of breath, a face mellow and hazy from being encased in gruel. “Hey Nessy, you have been a super help you know that~ Mmfms, it is just amm, a matter of letting out the Birthday pones and then we'll fish you out, bujsuts, mmfs, hang in my butt for a bit longer,” Pinkie instructed and huffed, Nessy's face getting tucked backwards so her ears smushed to the pucker, before the brim warped wide and -schhrlrlsph- hauled her back out again. Hearing this brought a blush to the mare's cheeks, nibbling her lip as she nodded into the bowl below. “M-mmhms.” She mumbled, steaming in the vapours surrounding her as the pucker -Bbrwgwfoooorth- unleashed a hoot of moist exhaust slobbing her coat and infesting her nostrils with the fumes of fermented friends. “Mmfs, here we, fs, fm, comes the birthday train, chugga chugga choo~.” Pinkie cooed out as her brim pinched in over the manure, digging in a deep groove -Shhrtsh- before sprawling back and engorging over the loaf, creaming out of her pit and arching down towards the massive toilet lake -Chrslrlstfhshths-. The Nessy stuffed butt eclair descended from the broadening pit under Pinkies flagpoled tail. The slick fudge streaking off from the rugose flesh with the screeching of marshmallow tires. -Chrrlssscht- Pinkie's cheeks cleaved and moulded around the bulwark of mud husk encasing the mare friend, faint outlines warping up into view as the length bound through the canyon of booty. -Shhrrsfllwwrth- The loaf looping out of the brim as Nessy's face inched towards the surface and -Shghspwo- dipped under. The mound kept crawling forwards, Pinkie's brim snapping and clutching around Nessy's mud caked thighs, brim bending and warping along bumps and protrusions of bunched up filth or chunks and indigestibles. The bale given an awkward air to its bend with a whole mare backed into the reeking loaf. From around the surface of the mound the air danced from the fumes oozing free of the manure's membrane, its heat radiating out through the bathroom as Pinkie huffed and cooed along with her hind’s trek. Its surface laid riddled with pencil sketch fractures, in patterns that crawled along the surface. The disturbance to the texture was coupled with broad flat patches of smoothness, where the dung held as steady as liquid mahogany. Though even these chunks warped and bent as the weight of the Nessy filling anchored it to the bowl below. Pinkie's brim twitched, winking over a particularly broad lump at the end of Nessy's outline, her rim struggling to a quiver of a strummed violin-string, -HHChhrsht- as it receded haggardly around a congealed clump of midnight umber constipation, a ball of brown iron that wedged through the stiff orifice. Her rim rippled at the zenith of the compacted mud orb, dressed in cracks that had been segregated and folded together time and again as manure pressed up to fold around Nessy, -Sppfths- bowel drool sloping out of the pit, lubricating Pinkie efforts. Buttered took a cautionary approach, gently brushing Pinkie's cheeks broadly around the lump, matching her huffs in his kneads and watching the chunk teeter at the edge… -Sppstlltpshth- The mound ejected from, Pinkie's rim snapping together -Shtpsth- sinking into the warm, clay umber that bunched up behind the clog and cut through the mound, snapping off the drove to tumble into the toilet, -Spwhthsths- a little wave crashed up around the bulk. The mound shifted forwards, the head of the loaf bushing up to the edge and resurfaced with Nessy's face -Shpthts- as the manure moulded stuck into the edge of the bowl. “Phaahuaaa,” Nessy gasped in for air as she broke surface, quivering as her mane drawled down by her side, clumped with dollops of booty fudge. Only her head had gotten wet from the dive, the encasing clay of the baked chocolate dough around her a seal into the warmth exuding from Pinkie's mulch, the cold water contributing context, and drawing her into the world of sludge. Massages of the packing dung in the open air curled Nessy's face into a doofy smile, eyes half lidding as the rest of her body slumped from floating in the caked in bale of grime. “Phowa haphaa, that felt amazing already, mfmmfsh, hold up, I can feel Dewly wanting mtt gms, thank you,” Pinkie huffed and clutched her hooves over her tummy, -Shhrsts- squeezing into it so folds of the firmly bloated gut moulded over her. -BHRfpfpffffwwwrlllpwrpth- A storm of smog howled from her gaping rear, pelting flecks of grime and little bone chunks of calcium behind her as she polluted the air with a deep orange fog, misting to spread the odour of a botched sewage stew distilled into a sharp alcohol. -Bhhrwwwoowowlpth- The air booming with the billow of gales oozing into it, a distinctly sickly caramel aftertaste wafting through the air with the tang of burnt pony bacon. “Mfmfmwmf,” Nessy huffed out. Buttered's knees trembled, abolishing all his shudders back there. Yet, still his mane was rustling. “Phoowa… that is so smelly,” Pinkie giggled and fanned theatrically, “wonder what I could have gobbled up to churn out such fmms, delightfully, phaha, foul fart. Hmm, oh wait, it was you Dewly~.” Pinkie cheered and rubbed back into her tummy. “Happy birthday you mmfs, soft sludgy goof~.” Then she peered over her shoulder. “Wanna help massage my tummy Nessy? We could get you out of there in a jiffy.” “Mmfrrw…” Nessy huffed a bit. “I-I'd l-like to stay for a bit, imfms, it is s-so comfy in your muck, P-pinkie. It is fine if I stay, right?” Buttered flared up at this, swallowing at this revelatory confession. “Alright, yessirui stinky bum~ But there is a whole lot of friendly fudge waiting in there,” her tummy -Shhtbgts- growled out. Buttered feeling the bowl mould as the pucker winched open with a shrouded mound of nougat looming inside. “Don't say I didn't warn ya~.” Pinkie cheered in a sing song tune and peered over at Buttered. “Guess that means more tummy for you to handle, all on your own.” Buttered froze and stammered. “Y-yeah I'll do my best,” he said and sighed to calm himself, massaging along her abdomen as he watched her brim recoil around the oncoming onslaught of bile -Chrhgllsths- -Chhrshts- The oncoming mud crinkled like whipped cream out of a spritzer, only the cream had coagulated to a slobbing syrup on its way out. The pink nozzle pinched and, strained itself before blossoming out into a broad gape around the filth. -Shthshc- first came a beige tainted knob jutting out from the top of the heap, scraping the ceiling of Pinkie's fudge catacombs so a swathe of jellied bowl phlegm drippled from it as it creaked out. Once the light of the bathroom hit it one could see the shape of the hoof bone, picked clean by Pinkie's cake batter factory and stained khaki through its trip. The hoof bone jutted out from the tip of the mound, steeled stiff and budged about as the mud moulded around it, the point it jutted out of warping and forming a crater around it. As the filth billowed out of Pinkie's cheeks the skeletal leg quivered in the melon birthed slab of bowel bile. Shrhpsthsths- It crawled out of the surface of her brim, radiating its funky heat throughout the bathroom. Pinkie' brim folded and snapped back along the humps and crags decorating the tube of tummy mortar, the skeletal hoof pointing here and there as it shook along the motions; jammed in a pose of reaching out for a less nougat filled salvation. -Ppfrhrhrbsths- a few bouts of fumes pattered between brim and bale as the muck wound its way through Pinkie, the bale marching in a smothering crescent from her brim as it descended into the pool. -Sstptsh- the filth bundled up, smushing onto the end of the Nessy mound and folding over, crumbling over it like a gum cigar, -swphthts- the hoof squeezed back into the embedding of muck with the dung sloping and piling up into a slow tangle. “Mmfmpfhs phaa tooth there is so much of them back there. I guess I did gorge myself during the party, but mfmfs most if it is just Dewly and Carameli. Those mfms, rascals are making mfm, the biggest batch of booty duty, aren't they?” Pinkie asked Buttered, who watched the length gradually spool out of Pinkie's brim, folding and -Swtpthshtsm- smearing into itself as it wound along the bowl, smearing up against the porcelain walls with the hay-bundle thick globules. “Fmfmwm, it is an amount to be proud of.” “You said itmfs~.” Pinkie cooed and huffed. She wiggled her rear into Buttered's grasp as her mud chute disgorged -Shptpshts- another clamped off mound which -Smpwpths- toppled into the droves below, before starting another sludgy bale of raw umber. The manure kept creeping out of Pinkie's rear, little bubbles forming under the heat of the fumes vacating the interspace between mud and rump, popping bubbles of liquid grime as the length wormed their way outwards. -Shthhtshts- Chubby mounds slumping over into the pile in the broad bowl, crowning each other in stacks of oozing marzipan. As the dump went on, the bales moulded into one another, heavy chunks of waste -Shhpwhths- carving out gouges in the tangles below, the crevices buckling and the texture oozing together as bales moulded and melted into one another, the heaps -Shwhpths- shuffling outwards along the bottom of the porcelain bowl with the increasing amuont of booty butter piling on above. In the corner Nessy could feel the muck slope and bog her down all the more, pressing the water out of the way so there was only layers upon layers of steaming manure wrapping around her, the pressure compacting her into the humid nougat and brushing into her coat, faint pants wisping out of her muzzle, drowned in the crackling bulwark smushing into itself and venting exhaust hissing in tail fluttering streams. -Chrh-chthsgtt- Buttered heard the pucker struggling, chugging and clamping around droves winding out of the rim, peeking over the cheek he watched as her rim contorted over riding lines plastered into the bales of rich fudge, coming along in symmetrical patterns, some warping out the sides while a long line of the ridges peeked out at the tip of the bale. As he kept staring he watched her brim contract, grinding back and forth as she reeled the heap back into her clutches, only to let it slope free again, her brim polishing the ridges until they shone like pale parchment. Buttered swallowed. He saw the outlining ridges making up a pattern, ribs along the sides and vertebrae up top, hoof bones and scapulars smeared into the clutches of the manure, pressed in into its surface like hot wax and left adorned in the fat batch of filth creeping out of her brim. He watched and followed the line of bones to the intact embedded skeleton, ridges sprouting atop of the manure and forming crevices sprawling around their protruding calcium, a second layer of cracks to the broader fractures underneath. Buttered wiped his brow, feeling himself strewing in the stench of the raw booty flank fudge, everything having a sickly sweet tang of pepper to it however much he fanned. -Chhrrrlwpsths- He watched the pucker swell, bloating upwards and -chrhrllrsths- peeling back over a cranium, partially submerged into the clunky pudding. Eye sockes only peeked above the surface to putty, just as the brim smooched off of it to leave a little hickey of a skid mark from the mauve brim. “Phew, tha ta total stink bomb these pals ended up as. Wonder how much of it is them wanting to be a mdm, bunch of smelly bonbons, and how much it is my flank just being a naughty joker?” Pinkie wondered and sighed as a warm volley -Spprhrhwptbrhthhss- of guttural gales puttered out of her brim, chunking scoops of clay out over the manure lengths as the skeletal bale curled to rest on the stack. Soon it was followed by another skeletally adorned bulk warping through her pucker to join in on the action. Pinkie squeaking each time her brim widened over a rib. “Mmfm mwmafm, mpaha, I like to think we all helped out and had a hoof in this big, happy mess,” she stated with confidence and hoisted her rear up to feel a length dangling under her –Sppwhths- -BDhwhdpwpths- dropping off and clapping onto the pile with the smack of wet dough on the counter top -Shhpttwwwhhubpt-. “I-I don't know, your f-flank always seems to be able to, produce something smelly.” Buttered said with his eyes glued to the rear. “Awww thanks a bunch, both me and my flank appreciate it and are equally proud.” -PPFhrhrrrrth- the rear rustled at the sputter of damp exhaust pluming free around the waterfall of sludge. The pile stacked all the higher with each length of muck spooling free from Pinkie's depths. The loaves plastering into one another, and reaching tall enough for Pinkie not to squat any more, the manure sloughing along to expand out to the brims of the squat bowl, sliding under Pinkie's abdomen which over time deflated as the bile flushed along through her bowels. The bones of the friendly meals disappeared under coils of hot fudge, entombed in the mountain of batter chugging out through Pinkie's gutter express. “Mmfaa phaa, goolly, have you ever seen so much fresh caramel?” Pinkie asked and gave her tush a little smack, “you are such a generousness, booty. I know Dewly is enjoying his time as my freshly baked mud as muuch as I had a blast baking him.” She cooed as her stomach churned smooth, her plump bottom swaying wide along the hurled out umber congestion. “Mmf, but it feels like the cuties are gonna end upfmms, clogging the drain either way. Sorry Buttered, but it is for Dewly's birthday.” “Mmf, I ass-u.. Aa. assure you it is f-fine,” Buttered stammered out, looking at the warped hill of sludge coils, blobs of the compacted filth dragging along the sides of the mountain into dunes of molten chocolate, smearing a path of filth that smoothed out the outlines of the cracks and contours of grime, only to melt and drown the pile in its liquid self, giving only a hint of the crinkles and pathways beneath it; a sheet of dusky plastic. The heap was so big it was sweating the droves, all which crawled along at the pace of obese slick, glistening nougat. -Sppshrhhts- -Sbrhrstush- Flatulence of gunk flushed through Pinkie's brim, heaving out the sluggish dunes of manure with it, hastening the filth spooling free only near half in its aftermath, her brim swelling, breathing in around the bulk that –Cshtss- it slathered on its leisurely pace downwards. The auburn mortar slowing down, getting porous and sinking together as it sloughed onto the stack. “MMFms, aaah, I love a good party, fmmfs, but I also like when they end, because that mm…fmsm,” Pinkie huffed, and her pucker pinched, hugging back the mound. -Spbrbrrrofofofpth- To then erupt into a burst of steam chucking out the globule of congealed pony fudge on top of the pile, crowning it with a sloppy blob which smeared downwards along the stack like a dollop of syrup, “Because it means you can start the planning of the next great party.” Pinkie cheered with the spaces of breath she could muster between pants, hopping up and tapping her hooves on the ground. Her antics brought Buttered off balance and teetered on the edge of the filled toilet. “I wanna see I wanna see, ehuaaaaow. Wow that is a gigantic pile,” Pinkie declared as she saw the heap at its peak reaching above her abdomen, and this was with the toilet going down past under the floor. She sauntered around the heap and watched the droves slobber along, bubbles forming and popping and crevices parting to show a glimpse of darkness or the odd chunk of bone nestled within. “Wow, isn't it great?” she asked, to which Buttered managed to smile. “It is, it’s ce-certainly.” “Wait... it is fudgetastic~,” Pinkie declared, with a jump and a cheer, as the heap -Shwpwths- crumbled somewhere and sloughed forward. “Mfmwmrrmr.” A moan came from below. Pinkie peeking down to see Nessy's muzzle jutting out of the stack, drops of chocolate slopping down over her face, the maw of the dump gradually closing around her. “Hey down there Nessy, enjoying the birthday pony?” she asked and stood up, hoisted up her shaft, letting out a warm sigh as a beam of amber sprouted out of her cock, the stream glistening and sparkling in the sparse lighting from above, and singed into the pile to dig out a little gorge in the soft expanse of muck. Browned hues seeped down along the intricate pattern of trenches and cracks along the heap, the smokey liquids excavating to smoothen over paths and forging new ones as it slithered along towards the bottom. “Mmfnff. Y-yeah tmms, it is s-so comfy down here,” Nessy admitted, shuddering as she started to feel a drizzle of the amber slither down over her muzzle, clearing off veins of muck. “Yup, sure looks it down there, pfmms phaa, and it was so comfy dropping it all off too~ They look so much bigger as a huge dump, don't you think? Mm, but it is about time to dig you up, otherwise we'll have to flush you down as well~” Pinkie snickered with a snort. “Mmfw? T-they certainly a-are h-hevay I. Mfm, b-but I don't wanna leave… can't I stay a little longer?” Nessy pleaded and wiggled her snoot. Buttered buffet came up beside Pinkie, peering down at her shaft expelling streams of pungent nectar, making a gesture out of pinching his muzzle. “It is getting rather stinky in here, While I don't, really mind I…” “Mbut…” Nessy mumbled and sighed. “Mm, fine, I will come out.” She said begrudgingly -Shhcrllpsthss- She wedged a hoof free from the muck, slapping it onto the floor and dragging herself up -Chtptpshts- the surrounding heap moulded out to a crater of putty as the mud stained mare crawled her way out of the mouth that matched her outlines with a languish slough, their motions bending it up and the pressure from above shoving it roughly back down to give the animated guise of a mouth slurping down a snack. -Spththpsths- Nessy tucked out her flank last out of the tip, a chasm left behind that bent down to a 'U' shape in her wake. -Swthtpsths- The air gap collapsed and wobbled the heap down a good head in height; sinking as a souffle left on a windowsill. “Smm don't worry Nessy, I am sure I'll need your help sometime again.” Pinkie said with a wide beam, as she let the last of her stream ease out. “I-I'd be ha-happy to,” Nessy mumbled, caked and plastered with chunks of manure all across her coat. ~ 3 ~ After getting Nessy into the shower, Buttered positioned himself at the end of the bathroom, behind the piles. “Lets, give a go then,” he said, and pulled down the lever. -Chhrsh- Chohhshfhfs- A few struggling squelches… then-… -Shsjtstosh- it began to move. The rushing water worked down the glued dung caked over the edge of the bowl, and the heap sunk backwards toward the gaping drains. Pinkie gasped in joy. “Wow, it actually works,” And waved happily to the heap of booty fudge and buried skeletons, “Have a safe trip down the sewers, keep being sweet Carameli, and a happy birthday to you Dewly,” She called out as the pile was gobbled up by the drain, swallowed out of sight with a grumble of constipated pipes -Hhfrllrlsfphstshh-. “Wow,” came from Nessy behind the shower curtain, “it really flushed.” “It-it really did,” Buttered agreed. “So now I know where to come whenever I have a huge batch of dough to unload,” Pinkie cheered and wrapped her hooves around Buttered. “Aa-h y-yes, o-of course, f-feel free to come by a-and use it whenever,” he teetered at the edge of composure, his back legs quivering with the built up pressure… -hchshs- and then he slumped back, out of her embrace, back onto his rump… knees can only sustain so much after all. Pinkie chuckled and brushed over his mane. “Actually, while you are down there, I could use a little help clearing up my booty.” She said and shifted around, jiggling her cheeks in his face. “Mind helping me out with that, bestest Buttered?” Butted only smiled and nodded, as he parted the cheeks before him. Pinkie's cheeks were laden with musk, scraps of chocolate, and condensed flatulence. The stallion didn't fear, wedging his muzzle into the crack of the buns and letting his tongue lull out, plastering up to her cheeks and -Shhrrrlsp- lapping up the built up salt and sweat in the crevices and folds of skin in the pucker, down the far reaches of her rear where no filth had reached, only the pure saltine sensation of perspiration. He brushed his cheeks around the rump, feeling the cheeks clamp down around him as he let his tongue wander to find where the mess was, and start to swab it up. He shuddered each time Pinkie did, feeling joy in hearing her warm coo’s as his moist mat -Chhrrlrllrpst- lapped along a sensitive spot. -Psphrhrbroooroth- a gust of fresh, roasted mutton-caps petered out of the brim, basking Buttered in the raw fumes that festered in his coat, he still smelled Dewly in it, that hearty stodgy scent. “Mfowowpsies, didn't mean to do that, your licks are just so fun my little rump can't help but let one out,” -Spphrhrht-, “or two.” Pinkie cooed from above. “T-that is fine, it is just a little stinky butt, we know that.” “It sure is~.” Pinkie sad with her chest buffed out. Buttered dug deeper, his lips meeting with the pucker, lapping up the air of the looming fart, slurping up stains and swabbing sticky patches sleek with his saliva. Some chunks got smushed up onto his muzzle as he nuzzled in the cleft, but he let it stay there, like he was a good little patch of toilet paper, as long as her rear was clean by the end. -Chshrlrps- long strokes of drool painted along the crack, smearing a sheet of scintillant gleam onto her rump. Buttered took in breaths of the petrichor air that submerged him, the rank heat eliminating form her brim, which now and again huffed out a -Shhfft- puff of smog onto his muzzle. When he was in as deep as he could, he felt the cheeks encase him, clutching all around him, and… tugging. He thought of Nessy, who spent so long tucked up in here, wondering if this is how she felt or, if the inside of the pucker was another feeling entirely. The brief glimpses he got of the intestines christened him with a huff of dense moisture, soaking back his mane and rousing his fantasy. It made him lick and swab her with all the more fervor, shoving himself just a little bit tighter, deeper, every time… into that inviting gape, and the miasma of vitriol atmosphere it promised… -Pwwpphwpot- The cheeks bloomed open, and Buttered egressed form the gorge, having swabbed up the grime to clutter up his face, and his tongue reeking so it steamed as he panted. “Aaaaww, that feels so much better, thanks Buttered, paper just doesn't compare when you have such a friendly tongue to give you a once over, don't you agree?” “Mmf, y-yes, it c-certainly does.” Buttered said, huffing softly, lost in the atmosphere of that broad bum. But which faded from view as pinkie turned around, and helped him back up on his hooves. At that point Nessy peeked out of the shower, and then slowly closed the drapes around her once more. ~ 4 ~ “Thanks so much for all the help, Nessy. I'll come by later to talk plans with you, okay?” “S-Sure thing, Pinkie. I will be in the garden, you'll bring some fertilizer, right?” “I always do~. You can count on me.” Pinkie waved to the cleaned, poofy maned Nessy scuttling off in the morning light. Then she turned to Buttered, and held her gaze on him for a moment, then leaned in for a hug. “And an even bigger thank you to you, Buttered. My belly needed all the tender care it could get yesterday, and I don't think anypony else could have provided.” Buttered’s flushed expression burst, unable to parse everything for a few moments. “I… I am sure there, a-are but, I know there are, but you know I am always happy to help.” “Mmhmm~.” Pinkie said and leaned out of the hug. “That is what makes you special, and I am always happy to have a great a friend as you to hang out with. Ooooh hey, we should totally hang out later today, how about it?~” Buttered bit his lip, looked back into the house. He coughed. “I ah… I w-would love to, Pinkie, bu-but maybe not today I, have t clean up and… air out and… s-such.” “Don’t cha worry your mane about that. Every friend needs their space,” Pinkie said and smiled, “But I'd be remiss if I didn't hang out with my favourite belly rubber more.” She added, then leaned in and… -Smmsph- planted a little peck on Buttered's cheek. “Sometime soon, okay. Have a great day now, Buttered. See you around.” She called out as she began hopping away. Buttered's embarrassment melted away into a beam. “We will meet up sometime this week then, I promise. Have a great day, Pinkie,” he called back after her. “You bet’cha, I will,” Pinkie hollered back, as she set out on a new day, a new adventure… -Hghrbrhshgs- and new friends awaiting her.