> Pear Gas > by NeonLights999 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Pear Gas > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Idea: Pear Butter gets up to some gassy fun with Bright Mac. Might include urine and scat. Pear Butter was in the kitchen, her flank swaying softly to the tune of music coming from a vinyl record. The mare was busy spreading some zap apple jam on bread for a light breakfast before getting to work. Her belly gurgled out of what seemed to be hunger, although she had some zap apple jam earlier in the night as a snack. The problem was that it didn't really agree with her, but it never stopped her from eating it. Nothing is wrong with a little gas, right? She can handle it, Bright Mac might not since it's usually very strong but she'll get a laugh out of it. She smirked at the thought of it, it was always fun to do it near him. He always got flustered but she never knew why. At least they had the farm to themselves, AJ and Little Mac have gone to stay at their aunt Orange’s place for a visit. The mare’s belly gurgled again in anger at not being fed, so she hurried up and sat on their couch with three sandwiches with extra zap apple. They didn’t have much work surprisingly so that meant they could sleep in for a bit, so Mac was still asleep upstairs. “Finally, my stomach will get something in it. Can't wait to tease Mac with all this has cookin' up~” She said quietly, a small, low toned fart that lasted about 4 seconds hit the cushion under her as gas was still in there from last night. “Woowhee, I gotta save these for him, just from that one I know he's gonna hate it.” She giggled to herself, fanning her butt with a hoof. It didn't take long for her to finish those sandwiches and land on her hooves to go up the stairs and get a quick bath before she got to work so she could feel refreshed. She didn't take many baths due to her workload but when she did it felt amazing. She almost passed their room before looking in and still seeing Bright asleep. Her gut grumbled softly and she angled her butt into the room. After about 7 seconds of silence, the mare took a sniff and instantly recoiled and closed the door softly. “Hope he wakes up to that one~” She smirked and left to get a bath. Not even 10 seconds after she left Bright he woke up, his muzzle scrunching up as the horrible smell hit his nose. He moaned softly as he recognized the scent and he almost started to complain when he realized she wasn't in the room. He looked around for a second before feeling a tingly sensation the more he took in her stink. His stallionhood was starting to come out, the massive pole ready to rock a mare’s night. Sadly only some masturbation would do, because he couldn't let his wife know he enjoys her farts. His ears perked as he heard the water, and instantly knew he'd have time to get one out. With a sigh, he was sad for a moment but as the scent lingered, it was replaced by hornyness. His mind went to fantasies of his wife farting all over him. Meanwhile as Pear was getting in the tub, her leg lifted slightly to push out a meaty 3 second blast of rancidness. The mare really did love her own stink, even if it was overwhelming. And she knew it would get worse soon. “I really hope I have enough to make it to tonight.. Maybe I'll just eat a whole jar, then surely I'd have enough.” She said and sighed as her body sunk into the water. She knew she could let some out now considering she'd get more ammo later. Only some pushing was needed to suddenly have bubbles roaring at the top of the water for a short period. She moaned softly as the fart ended, the stench hitting her nose and making her slightly leak arousal into the bath water. She loved how naughty it was. Her hoof went to her nethers, softly rubbing her folds as a few more bubbles hit the top of the water. She couldn't stop herself from pushing hard to get even more stink bubbles, the feeling was too good. Pear, gasping and breathing hard managed to bring herself to an orgasm, her rear leg kicking out of the water slightly as her eyes rolled back. After a few moments she managed to come back from her high and clean herself and her out. She didn't hold back as a sloppy sounding burst left her pucker. Bright Mac managed to cum and hide everything before his wife walked through the door and into the bedroom with a towel around her. “darlin’, did you have to fart when you left the room? It stunk so bad in here!” “What, you can't handle them, Mac?” She chuckled. “Such a strong stallion like you can't take a bit of gas?” After she said that she pointed her butt to Mac and managed a 7 second ripper, lifting her leg halfway through it since it felt so good. Bright tried to ignore it, least he get a boner again. “c’mon, Butter! Really?” He huffed and started to leave the room before Pear managed to drag him back into bed. “How about you just enjoy this with me, huh? You don't get to smell a mare’s gas often. It's kind of a big deal!~” She laughed, not noticing Mac’s rising member as she forced another bubbly toot into the room. “get a good whiff, big boy! That's a real fart, right!?” All this time Mac was half-heartedly trying to get away, the stench was so good to him. Pear finally looked down and saw his erection, “Mac, did my gas just give you an hard-on?-” she asked, and watched him stutter out a yes. Her mood changes quite quickly, finding out her husband liked her gas this entire time without telling her. “And why haven't you said anything, hon? Y'know I'd do anything for you.. and if you wanna be under my ass, you gotta be ready for what it's gonna deliver..~” She whispered in his ear. Her hoof travelled down to his member and she gave it a small pump up and down, his cock twitching a little in response. His mind was completely frazzled, not able to comprehend it was actually happening. But when his face was suddenly forced into a ponut, he came back to his senses. Maybe it was due to the huge 13 second blast of gas going straight down his lungs. “mmmnn, I wanna hear you sniffing Mac. Show me you love it.” She moaned out, grabbing a blanket and throwing it over her bottom half and Mac. This was the dream, laying in bed, Dutch ovening your husband as he eats out your ass. Those sandwiches from earlier are really starting to kick in now, by the sound of coughing and increasing lengths of her gas. The mare was panting softly as her ass was ravaged. She could tell her husband was lightly humping the bed, so she decided to start messing with her pussy. “mmmn, M-Mac I love you for huffing my gas..~” He moaned softly into her ass in reply, and I guess he suddenly couldn't take it because the covers flew off and the next thing Pear knows is his cock is now inside her ass. A surprised but welcomed gasp left her mouth as his thick dick pounded at her butt. The two locked lips and Mac got faster before suddenly he blew his load deep into her bowels, and Pear came with him, his lower belly and dick being soaked with marecum since she was such a squirter. After about 7 pumps more to get everything inside his wife’s ass, he collapsed on her and hugged her. “Y-you’re nasty.. And I love you for it.”