> The Greatest Chocolate Factory In All of Trottingham > by Fireflower > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Cleaned Records > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To say it was a dark and stormy night would be a great overestimation for an utter lack of better terms to say the very least; however, it didn’t change the reality of it all. An abundance of stormclouds were found to be clogging up the firmament, dumping its surplus of precipitation all upon the world below itself before solidifying about. The target in question was a large conurbation, a series of tall buildings with its lights and sounds out and about as they guided the way all throughout for all its denizens. There were soft layers of whiteness all piling up onto the earth and the vegetation egregious to be standing in the downward path off from its dream drop distance therein. Only signs of life brewing through the shine in the storm were various vehicles traversing about and the pedestrians that dared to set foot right upon the wintry mixture. Other than that, such vast and magnificent waters were a dyed deep blue with a small collection of vessel in many shapes and sizes all firmly attached to the nearby earth. Of the scarce pedestrians within the vicinity of the very city, there was but a quintet of ponies who were perhaps alike in fair dignity at first glance. The party of five had possessed a few certain commonalities: their tresses flowed out with more than one color and heavy clothing upon their bodies. Of course, there were some significant differences all of them had as well, something that many like them would care less about to say the very least. Their collective sense of fashion was certainly suitable for the very environment they were all in, something the equines had constructed as their identities to help any and all potential denizens differentiate between one another. For starters, the first of which was a petite pink pony with long tresses having bore every color of the rainbow, save for green; a thick purple sweater and sky blue pants with green earmuffs were found to be on their wearer’s body. The second of the quintet was a silver heavyweight with locks of yellow, green, and purple all tied up at the end; a simple combination of a thick white jacket with matching pants current had adorned their owner’s integuments. Walking in the middle was an azure unicorn with darker eyes and spiky hair with a gold accent, bearing an angular jaw compared to the rounded counterparts; a crimson tracksuit covered up much of the wearer, save for a face. Dressed in jet–black was a fruity pegasus bearing a brilliant tangelo painting the otherwise open integuments; like the intermediary nearby, the former also bore eyes of blue but had every color of the spectrum on display at once. The last of these wasn’t like the others, despite being a pegasus with but a similar coating as the opposing correspondent and technicolor scheme as the fruity peer nearby; though also dressed in white, a reflective vest was found. “How much further are we to the factory, Coconut Cream…?” the pink lightweight asked whilst looking throughout the urbanized landscape. It didn’t take long for the titular traveler to reply, “about a half–hour from where we’re walking at this rate, Toola–Roola; if we take the subway, then we’ll all get there faster: the party won’t start until in at least an hour from now…” “It’s a good thing we’ve made copies of the city map prior to traveling: considering the new location, Trottingham is less populous compared to Manehattan; still, it’d help to figure out how to get there…” the azure unicorn heaved, gripping the piece of paper firmly within the left hand against the shine in the storm, “come to think, why this place…?” “Must be a special occasion they’d said; at least it’s a fortnight before Hearths Warming: nopony won’t even have to worry about us missing our friends or family…” the flier in black had soon exhaled as the driving winds crawled past their hooves at once, looking at how the streets around themselves were being overrun with snow. The shining pedestrian held onto the fruity pegasus tightly whilst shivering about slowly in the shadowed snowstorm, “I still wonder if she’d gotten any family of her own…” “You’re still hung up about what she did to us, are you Rainbow…?” Toola–Roola scoffed in an instant, both eyes circling within their confined space as they were still traveling about, “it’s unbelievable: even after all these years, you just won’t let it go…” “I’m sorry; it’s just that I’m still bothered about the life Cozy lived: betraying all of us and for what, power itself…?” the pink pegasus spoke sadly, staring at the snowflakes sparkling about in the airstreams for a few seconds no less. A frown appeared upon the silver heavyweight’s visage as a reply escaped from their at once, “I’m still bothered by it too but don’t let what happened distract you from your right to live your life; besides, she’d made her own choice a long time ago and paid the price for her crimes twice in a row: initial imprisonment, then permanent petrification. For what it’s worth, I’ve already believed that you can be a better pony than her after what she’d tried to do to us, especially you in particular; after all, you’ve chose to be with others whom cared for you as yourself, rather than as another potentially assumed identity of Cozy Glow in the eyes of the colorblind and/or ignorant.” “Even so, I still can’t help myself but to wonder what would’ve happened if she’d succeeded…” Rainbow had said to Coconut Cream somberly, still looking away from the others all the same, “I was there on that day she’d sucked the magic away from that bell, stuck between being forced to choose between my fellow pegasi like Scootaloo and my sister Rainbow Flash of all ponies… Do you have any idea what it was like for me to make such a choice at a young age, especially considering all the memories I’d shared with my friends and family have been corrupted by one whom I’d dared to befriend of all my classmates…? I’d thought I had it bad being confused by others as a relative of Rainbow Dash rather than my sister and one of them had to set the record straight since my first day at the School of Friendship and yet what Cozy Glow did to me had taken the cake and for what, just to seize a little power for herself to take over the world, just like you–know–who?!” “Of course, I do ‘cause I was friends with a certain earth pony, though I’m pretty sure that you already know that; after all, we’ve both first met at that Crusaders’ Day Camp about a decade ago before we had our cutie marks…” he’d answered before spotting something sitting near the street, a lone bench nestled inside a glassy booth. It wasn’t even long until all of the quintet were found to betaking refuge at once, looking at the line of vehicles up in front by yards away as the flurries grew. Stood right over the sides were long lines of buildings made from various materials and heights, each capable of storing people and products all the same way. The thick layers of clothing on the backs of their owners hadn’t just simply kept the party of five comfy but also in decent company despite the wintry weather. Keeping in tune with the collective objective at hand, the azure unicorn had quickly looked both ways at a street afore their hooves to find nothing whatsoever. All that they were only hoping for was a large enough vehicle of any sort befitting their current needs, especially in regards to their descending temperatures. Within only seconds’ time, a long and slender conveyance had stopped itself nearby the very curbside, neon bright with gold tinted windows and some olive finishes with a few individuals storming outwardly. The pink pegasus said to the fruitier counterpart at once, “well, here’s our ride; I suppose a little trip should help us take some ease off of the past for me… right, Flutterbye…?” “That’s the spirit, Rainbow; we knew you can do it…!” the eponymous compeer said before all of them began to board the large vehicle, each and every pedestrian currently becoming passengers at once as they searched for their chosen seats, “besides, I’m sure you’ll like the party that Smudge Proof is hosting for us; after all, we’d first met in Vanhoover that one time…” It wasn’t long until they were newly sheltered from the very elements in question, the quintet able to take solace in the mobile scenery presented by glass windows; even though they were all safe and sound, every single one of them knew it was only a matter of time before they’d find themselves right back out in the cold like before. Time had passed on through space alongside with the inhabitants whom were drifting aimlessly as the stars amongst the never–ending blackness floated on, each of them to prompt any wayward traveler to harken back to the memories of life when the richest beverage kept their spirits up until their next destination and from the mouth of madness. Of course, time itself was the only thing that remained constant in the ever–changing plane of existence where many variables had come in all shapes and size, coexisting alongside either in unions or divisions thereof as they transcended boundaries without incident to say the least; then again, almost all of them succumbed to the folding sooner or later. This interval however would prove to be a special case since that there were those who have found themselves still standing rather than stumbling and falling to the depths of their failure nonetheless; however, not all of them were doing so as the whole wide world turned on its own axis: out of many of those in question, there was indeed a few no less. For what it was worth, things were already hot and heavy: the countless mists and moisture were overwhelming, quickly bound to a single area where escape was nonetheless certain to a fault. The flooring within was firmly solidified since it was merely a clustering creamy set of ceramic tiles on the ground, a multicolored arrangement of purity that was adorned beneath them all. Every wall had been painted in a delicately light coating of such honeydews, already contrasted by the juicy olive ceiling right above the heated atmosphere, all retaining their forms and colors. Aside from a single circular window peering towards the sky, a mirror was also found albeit in a rectangular shape that was being shared by the sliding doors standing directly across the former. A large body of water dominated much of the ground, being the source of all the sweltering air as some bubbles and froth were sliding upon its surface area with the random ripples to and fro. Its details were made possible by the bright lights held up by the pillars and railings hanging above, bearing a plasma white scheme as they illuminated the watery place and its surroundings. There were at least several zebras present and accounted for, all of whom were feminine as they were sweating about from their brows and with collars tightly worn around their own necklines. The first was buxom, predominantly black with silver accents, and bearing long darker tresses with snow white edges as she was lounging about with some mulberry eyes matching her collar. The second one right behind was similar to fault: although primarily black all the same, she bore white accents alongside solid silvery tresses and golden eyes; in addition, a red collar was found. The third stood highly dry, also bearing orbs of gold experience: aside from her principally silver coat with onyx accents, she, too, had black tresses in white matched the collar and some muscles. The fourth was standing nearby the door, bearing a predominantly petite pearly coat and gray stripes with orchid eyes as she’d worn her equally monochromatic tresses short and a blue collar. “I hope Flutterbye gets here soon; the beginning’s almost attuned…” the bystander sighed with concern as the vapors lingered on and about. The athletic onlooker had soon joined in at once, “who’s Flutterbye, Samoa, another one of your amigas…?” “In essence, indeed she is, dearest Trinidad…” the aforementioned zebra had answered in return, watching as her brawny but busty correspondent moved towards the former, “what’s another friend but another pony to add…?” “Ah, another one of your playmates, eh señorita…?” Trinidad giggled, walking past her petite counterpart to stand nearby the door straightaway. It wasn’t long until one of the loungers, a darker coated correspondent of Samoa, said to her, “it’s okay, Sam… you’re among good company with us: Florida, Trinidad, and I had more than an armful of lovers before settling down with a stallion; in my case, it was with a Wonderbolt… Thunderlane and I once had a great time at the beach years ago: I’d felt him going up in my backdoor so many times, I’d felt my insides twitching about and not just from his membership; he’d even ate me out real good…” “Sounds like to me that you’d picked a real winner, Zula, while it seems to me that I was a prize to somepony else…” another darker occupant from behind had spoken to the titular zebra almost instantaneously, “to tell you the truth, I had not the slightest idea what I was getting myself into when Lemonpuffs and I got married; as a matter of fact, it feels nicest he’s hosting it here. Ponyville’s much more quieter in retrospect compared to Trottingham, especially when it comes to raising a family: Cotton Puff and Lemon Drop were leaving us bled dry in the city and all the jobs we’d taken were barely cutting it for all of us; besides, the School of Friendship would’ve given them more opportunities to make lasting meaningful relationship with those of their age. Still, I kind of miss being at my hometown all the same and so does he; we happen to have a lot of friends growing there, if you know what I mean: have you even seen Milky Way sometime ago…?” “Yes, I have seen her… it’s a mystery overall: the fact she possesses a massive figure for herself at all…” the petite pedestrian prattled onwardly. The bouncy lounger giggled about at what Samoa had just said, “you’re just jealous that you’re stuck with such a youngish body but that’s okay; Florida’s also young at heart, just like the rest of us…” Sure enough, it wasn’t long until the doors were opened, prompting the monochromatic quartet to turn their eyes towards the individuals whom made their way inside. Outside in the cold distance, a wildcat did growl; two more mares were now approaching and the wind began to howl from where they’d just entered, colorful to a fault. Both of them had possessed such commonalities, compared to the zebras: lightly stroked tresses, collars around their necklines, and solid coating upon their very bodies. It was safe to say that whatever was on their very minds, the road they’d been both traveling upon was already at a collective end, unclothed and dry so to speak of. Speaking of the two though, while their collective lack of textiles made them one of the same as the monochromatic quartet already in attendance, they, too, possessed differences many could identify at once almost instantly. For starters, one of the mares had a pinkish color scheme, wearing locks of both purple and white adorned with a blue crown whereas the other was coated in deep silver and bore locks of a lighter shade in a neatly braided fashion. Secondment, there was also a slight difference in ocular composition between the two of them standing about: the former, adventurous azure around amorous pupils; the latter, brilliant violets within the light blue spectacles. Thirdly, the pink pony in question had maintained a thinly toned figure with flanks illustrating her chosen headgear whilst the metallic counterpart was more ample, bearing a steely spoon with an amethyst right at the handle. Likewise, the newly arrived twosome possessed a chromatic differentiation between themselves: as with the muscular zebra, the colorful single worn jet–black; as for the busty counterpart, the young gray mare had donned red. “Hey guys, what’s up…?” the pink pony was the first at speaking up to the occupants in question, catching exactly half of them off–guard instantaneously, “I wasn’t expecting more zebras to be attending this party tonight…” “I know… Florida would’ve been more happy to come with us tonight but she was busy; anyways, I’m Zula and I’m sure that you know my friend Trinidad…” the eponymous bather introduced herself and her friend to the solid duo with a salacious smile in an instant. The crowned correspondent wasted no time replying in kind all the same, “of course, I’m Diamond Tiara, though you’d already remembered us well; after all, my friend Silver Spoon and I have seen you around in the papers years ago back in Las Pegasus…” “I suppose that Uppercute must have told you all that jazz; shame she’s not here: I would’ve give it to her real good…” the athletic zebra scoffed as she’d watched the purple collared peer rise from the pool with froth still clinging, “this is the first time Zula and I had been invited to such a party: the theme’s GSC – goldilocks, silvers, and coppertones, as Silver Wing once put it. It seems anypony whose somepony is more than welcome to bring a friend over for a good time; in my case, Corey and I had met while we were in Las Pegasus for almost a decade after a boxing match: my opponent at the time had been far too much for me compared to her. Come to think of it, I was hoping there would be more zebras attending the party aside from us, like that one in Everfree; apparently, it seems that ponies aren’t the only ones getting invited to one of Smudge Proof’s parties now, let alone Equestrians: I’ve seen two griffons commenting on how the first one was in a relationship with some alumni from Ponyville…” “You must be talking about Cucumber and Gabby; yeah, we’ve seen them at the last party back in Vanhoover…” the bespectacled bystander replied as she’d walked into the water almost immediately. It wasn’t long until Diamond Tiara chimed into the conversation once again, “I heard that she’s going to be taking a break from whatever he has planned for us until next year at the very least; I’ve heard of hippogriffs and seaponies since that time the Storm King invaded but not of their mating habits in general. Come to think of, how was that griffon from the School of Friendship: do you suppose that he might be attending this party somehow, you know, with his tastes in others; I mean, there was a relationship between him and that other stallion…?” “Not at all, he’s already picked somepony, or rather, someone else to go with to the party this time; you’ll never guess whom he’d picked…” Silver Spoon had shot back at the pink pony with a sensual smirk shown upon the former’s visage within an instant, “go on ahead, we’ll wait awhile…” “Who…?” Zula peeped out quickly so to speak. The young gray mare replied playfully to her darker and wetter counterpart at once, “come on, guess who; I’m pretty sure you’d know whom he‘d brought over to play with at the party tonight…” “No, seriously, we don’t; now at all…” Trinidad said with a neutral look upon the visage at what had been stated by the likes of both Silver Spoon and her hot pink friend, “who exactly did he bring…?” “Gee, you must be really that daft; perhaps, it’d be better if I whisper in your ear, sister…” Diamond Tiara chuckled before going into Zula’s ear real close to do so; even though the former was real quiet enough for the latter to hear, the message thereof was finally made clear all the same with purple eyes widened about instantaneously. Beyond the event horizon were a series of buildings surrounded by a very high metal fencing, each different from one another but adorned with accumulative precipitation all the same. From the looks of it all, the area seemed no better than a small village but heavy on both industry and commercialism even to be focused on a stable residency, compared to the rest of city. The various roofs upon the buildings within the area had maintained a variety of colorful clashed shades and hues crying out for warmth throughout its elaborate exteriors despite the snow. Many of the wholesome windows were either closed off or obscured by its blinds, each of them having already been tinted with deep shades of midnight blue as each flake clung to glass. It even had a series of open pathways amalgamated together to make a spectral tree; however, the weather conditions had limited such visibility, hence the need for some illumination. One thing that stood out and about were a pair of smokestacks rising against the stormclouds, both of which weren’t in use but at the same time emanated some heat to hold themselves. Standing outside were five ponies from earlier before, all of whom currently serving as lonely intermediaries facing the gates upfront within full view. The air was cold and cruel to a fault: not only it’d been killing plants and freezing water alike, they’ve threatened the livelihoods of all the pedestrians. An abundance of flora and topiary were also present, great and small, hibernating about right underneath the very whims of the blinding snowstorm. Beneath their hooves were thin layers of snow and sleet covering up the ground; despite the frigidity of it all, the ground they stood upon was solid. The azure unicorn was standing more up close and personally compared to the mares nearby, whispering softly in the process, “I can’t believe it; this is exactly the place he’s hosting a party: a world famous chocolate factory here in Trottingham, of all places…!” “What is there to believe and/or disbelieve, Skeedaddle: the fact that Smudge Proof’s doing it here or that we’d to travel all the way over from the Equestrian mainland…?” the silver heavyweight replied as she stared at the surroundings making up the very area in question, “besides, look on the bright side: at least there’s some catering as he’d promised, like before…” “A foregone conclusion by definition based on your past experiences a year ago…” Rainbow said as she started searching the entrance straightaway. It wasn’t long until the pink pegasus found a white button and pressed it at once, hearing a sound before a voice made its way thru: like the corporeal pedestrian in red, the speaker was masculine, albeit aged by at least a decade ahead of the former so to speak; it wasn’t long until the latter spoke, “what’s the password…?” “Password…?” the azure unicorn stuttered as he’d reached into one of his pockets and pulled out a metallic envelope instantaneously: it was colored with a small series of stripes such as gold, silver, and copper alongside some crystalline accentuations sprinkled in; reopening the flap, a paper with some words were found within seconds, “Everlasting Gobstopper…!” “Access granted – head on down to the Oliver building where the visitors are being processed; follow the matching lights and you’ll be there soon enough…” the intercom buzzed as the steely gates soon opened up afore the quintet slowly as it could be done so to speak of; it was at this point that they were free to venture inwardly at once, no longer bound to the cold equations. Of the many in attendance, Skeedaddle was the first to explore the confines of the very factory his hooves and the fabric over them now tinted with the aforesaid colors nearby as they went in; where their eyes had failed, it was up to the rest of their senses to pick up the pieces and pace therein to take in the details provided by this verbal clearance almost immediately all the while. Needless to say, the party of five had nothing else besides each others’ company and the lights guiding their way throughout the premises, currently gasping in awe at the sights and structures already provided as they’d followed the very pathway underneath the ice and snow accumulating about due the gathering storm still in effect, mindful of its rather untapped potential nevertheless. Even so, they were relieved to be given the time and place thereof, happy to find others like and, perhaps, unlike them out of the cold and into warm interiors which were making up the bulk of the entire environment; as far as they could even see it, the beginning was on the horizon for the night was young, just like them, despite the shine in the storm already within clear view no less. At long last, the quintet have finally discovered the very edifice in question without complaints: true to the information provided, the thick dimensions have been painted in a fulsome texture; seeing a lonely white door almost instantly, the lonely lightweight had knocked on it and asked, “hello… Mister Smudge Proof, are you there…? It’s just us: Toola–Roola, Coconut Cream, Skeedaddle, Flutterbye, and Rainbow Harmony; we’ve all gotten the invitations for the party here tonight… I hope that’s okay with you…” “Of course, you can come in now; it’s safe here…” a dry voice had made it through to the visiting party of five as a small crack was formed before their very eyes, giving off a faint light as it’d originated from a closed crystalline candelabrum, “after all, we’ve been waiting for you all the same, especially since last time, are we right…?” “Yeah… we still have the invites sent to us a month ago…” Coconut Cream had replied bravely as she and her colleagues were pulling out the very same envelopes from before within an instant. Sure enough, the crack in the door had grown wider as the shivering quintet were finally granted safe passage in the building almost immediately. Now that they’d came out from the cold, the invited guests were greeted with multiple aromas of strong concentration entering their very nostrils. Almost instantaneously, the equines in question felt the snowflakes upon their fabrics starting to melt from the combined heat and light altogether. In their collective viewpoints, the background was adorned with décor constructed in the textures of many tranquil strokes made by paintbrushes. Lurking about from beyond the well–lit walls of the hallway were sounds of conversations and melodies faintly emanating in many of their ears. Small quantities of furniture were found within the very visitors’ eyes: a table here and a drawer there with few couches to and fro aligned neatly. Of course, one individual stood out and about in their collective way: a lone tall white unicorn leaning against the wall carelessly. The mane and tail were of a darker shade than the stormy night sky above them, donning sleekly jet–black strands without contrast. The presenter’s irises were of a balanced earthly tones of brown, accented by a singular nevus residing right beneath the left eye. The white unicorn’s attire was simplistic: dark orange hat, magenta longcoat, gold bowtie, gray undershirt, and dark pants thereof. At the very least, the host in question wasted no time whatsoever in giving off a wry smile as he’d spoken to the party of five immediately, “well, then, let’s get started already: there’s a dressing room inside where you can all change into something more comfortable for the occasion here…” “With pleasure…!” the fruity pegasus whinnied, holding Rainbow Harmony tightly as they’d started to blush from the sensation alone, especially given the fact the former was resting a left hand upon the latter’s abdomen gently, “besides, we can’t wait to see our friends here, especially Pipsqueak and Samoa…!” “I know; after all, I can’t wait to see her either…” the pinker pegasus prattled on patiently as she’d struggled to maintain her composure amongst the compeers whom were thankful to be out of the blizzard, still awaiting with an anticipatory bated breath for the entire night. > Spangled Gold > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The wonders of the environment itself were easy to experience from the most singular of iotas altogether immediately at this passing moment instantly. The ceiling lights, which were suspended by about several meters from the ground, were white hot, bright enough to shine its colors all through the way. The background, walls serving as the foundation, was easily surrounded in delicate fibers of gold amber while being seventeen yards away from the center. A cluster of square windows were found to be displaying a snowstorm taking place outside, its driving downpour and frigidity beating against the glass. The flooring was basked in a tufted carpentry rich in an emerald splash, bearing the likeness and texture of grass but too artificial to bear any sort of plant. The very place was garnished with fine foodstuffs in various shapes, sizes, and sortings: most of which taken the form of confections in bright colorings. There was a chocolatey cataract collapsing from the bedrock, creating a flowing river flourished below with a few various pipes and saccharine aromas. Compositions of percussions and woodwinds mixed together calmly, all sounded off by a distant speaker as they’d filled the air with progressive vivacity. That being said, there were at least a few dozen occupants in the area already basking in the hot and heavy atmosphere with various states of care thereof. Almost all of them were equines: most were plain, some had wings, and other possessed horns; of course, there was at least one exception – some griffon. Many of them donned manes and tails with the reminiscence of gold in various shades, styles, and spans alike, another major factor also easily noticeable. Even more obvious was the sheer fact a vast majority of them in there was in the altogether; as a matter of fact, the mares in attendance wore some collars. Resonating within the whole moment was that all of them were now actively found in various poses imaginable, averaging at no more–or–less than pairs. Sounds of moans, groans, and squealing about were heard instantaneously, already coalescing with the present music inside and howling winds outside. Out of many, one lone ivory pegasus was found to be standing up about right behind the railing, leaning against its heightened surface with bared integuments. Sets of grainy amber waves were found making its very way throughout its wearer’s neckline, its solid color already speaking loudly and proudly about at once. Around the luxurious pupils were but circles of malachite already widened by a rather coy smile as they’d been framed by a square pair of jet–black spectacles. In regards to the blonde’s attire, all that was worn around the neck was a red collar, showing off her petite bosoms, miniature umbilicus, and slender plications. Resting over her flanks was a troika of jet–black pawprints belonging to a creature of a different species and yet she was free from whatever influences thereof. Standing right at the opposite end was a creamy counterpart already looking back at the dainty blonde and the flowy fluid which still ran on. A moderate shade of dark brown tresses were found to be straightened out, matching his lidded eyes in spite of bearing cowlick sticking out. Like herself, the creamy pegasus was also in the altogether, already showing off his lightweight frame and his wavering prepuce all the while. Donned right upon the brunet’s flanks was a rather simplistic illustration of a snow white feather standing alone against the colored placement. “You know, Featherweight, it’s being a while since we’ve been invited to one of Smudge Proof’s parties; I can remember the night we’d spent together in Rosemound last year with all our friends from school: everypony was out there stark naked having the time of their lives here in Equestria, including us as well…” the ivory pegasus had giggled at the titular male diffidently. It wasn’t even long until he’d answered back with a hint of confidence in his nasal voice, “I agree… never thought that we’d be invited again, let alone go to Trottingham of all places, Zippoorwhill: matter of fact, who’d have guessed it’d be here of all the places in the city, much less the entire world; come to think of it, how could he even manage to afford all of this…?” “It doesn’t matter what price Smudge Proof can and can’t afford, not as long as he can make us happy; after all, the candy made us happy when we were much younger…” the eponymous mare sighed before trotting over to Featherweight’s side, gently stroking her dainty fingers across his flexible abdomen, “of course, I want more than just some candy; I want you and you alone…” Since they were still standing straight anyways, their eyes were accented by blushing considering that both faces had been maintaining a close distance. As the two finally joined hands, their respective lips grew closer to one another while the creamy pegasus’ trembling had started to cease immediately. The pair finally grew more eager, their muzzles finally opened as one another passed, tongues finally slipping out for their very ecstatic exploration. In little time whatsoever, they’d surrendered themselves upon the grassy greens right beneath: the dainty blonde already residing onto his very body. Neither of them had relented, continuing for at least over a minute or two tongue–tied during the embrace as their conjoined passions started to grow. When Featherweight transferred his lips from the target down to her neckline, he’d then exhaled dioxide from both nostrils, breathing on down literally. Only then when the creamy pegasus’ tongue started licking Zippoorwhill’s shoulder she felt the sensation crawl round, not caring due to anticipation. Once immediately, the dainty blonde’s smile grew as he’d quickly slid his tongue down to her bust in betwixt delivering pleasure with silent whines. Delighted by the sheer fact that Featherweight started tugging on them with his teeth; as a result, she’d started letting out loudly soften moans at once. “To be honest, I can’t remember when we’d held ourselves together like this…” the creamy pegasus chuckled after breaking away from Zippoorwhill’s nubbins. The dainty blonde sat up straight over his abs with a smirk before speaking back to him at once, “one of the perks of being young and in love, especially in Equestria; after all, us pegasi can be really creative with our lovemaking liaisons: this trip to the candy factory helped to expand our horizons so far and good. A year ago, I’d let you drag me alongside by the collar to one of the rooms in the mansion like a little puppy out for a walk; it was rather exhilarating in letting you of all the ponies in the world, let alone Equestria, take the reins like some big strong stallion: all that I had to do was to drain you of your cum as a good little mare did until there was nothing left of it whatsoever. Now, it seems the roles have been reversed for the both of us: I get to go first and you just need to lay there and take it, just like I have done before; besides the most obvious of details, the only difference is that we can both start a little slow before you get the time of day to regain control in the other room. How’s that for an edifying evening to ourselves, Master Featherweight…?” “Go on ahead, Zippo… I’m ready for it…” the aforementioned brunet heaved as she stroked his pectorals gently with attention to their tame textures, “just please go easy on me though…” “Oh, I will…” Zippoorwhill sniggered, now sitting upon Featherweight’s chest delicately with an impish smirk as he’d bore witness to her dripping sheath nearby him; at that same time, a right hand rested over his brunet mane with a sensuous sigh escaping from the former’s hot and heavy lips. Despite the dainty blonde’s weight currently concentrated upon the brunet’s thorax, she was gentle enough to maintain balance as her thighs surrounded his face to present her moist loins. The ords of her cleavage stood on endwise from the heated oxygen present and accounted for, the opportunity in which both pegasi were stuck in the moment in time to indulge themselves. Zippoorwhill spread her legs wide away from Featherweight’s face and neck so as to provide him some room and levity whilst still fortifying herself directly over his face with her thin thighs. Even understanding that it was only but a matter of time before freedom could ever be regained, the creamy brunet had remained at ease with the very contents of the dainty blonde’s plications. Several fingers now found their way onto the ends, belonging only to herself as she’d moaned delectably from the strokes in which his tongue having started making beneath the very sheath. Needless to say, they were still delighted by each others’ company because of the warm peace: Zippoorwhill was already looking down at Featherweight face once again with a blushing grin. Within a matter of moments, the dainty blonde’s mews and squeals increased from the creamy brunet’s actions as she slowly lost control of herself, left at the mercy of compromising structure. Although she’d remembered more than well enough to preserve his airtime, even she knew it was only a matter of time before such a lust would soon overwhelm her like it’d done to himself. In any case, Featherweight took his time to explore every nook and cranny within Zippoorwhill’s loins, slurping and licking away the flavorful fruits of her love’s labors lost in space and time. As the dainty blonde shivered and shaken from the creamy brunet’s course of action alone, the exothermicity between their actions had staved off whatever wintry weather had still bothered to sneak inward; of them, the latter gulped, “mm… so yummy…” “AHN~!” she’d cried out before toppling away from his soaking mane and muzzle, resting her head onto the grassy surface nearby his hooves while taking a glance at the pulsating yard still attached to himself with all the warm dryness entailing, already feeling themselves perspiring about, “you’re so good at making the first move, Featherweight; I’m feeling so hot already…” “You’re not so bad either: your pussy still tastes better than ever, let alone last year; I’d almost forgot how you can be…” the titular gasped for air while speaking to Zippoorwhill, instantly finding himself the time sit back upright freely without her body holding him down directly like before. Needless to say, the dainty blonde did the same and replied, “speaking of which, before I can get reacquainted with your meaty cock, how about a little show before we get ourselves back on the road…?” “Ah, why not…?” the creamy brunet articulated, watching as she’d moved her hand down into the supersaturated area his tongue had been to recently, “we have the whole night and place to ourselves; no use in going about it too much too soon…” “Glad that we can agree on it…” Zippoorwhill giggled as she’d started to push her fingers within her plashy plications, moaning with pleasure without so much as a care in the whole wide world whatsoever. Using a remaining left hand, the dainty blonde to chafe her bosoms smoothly, pinching its very nubbins as he’d just plainly stayed still and watched her closely. It was at this point excitement was just around the corner for her and Featherweight could see it; after all, his prepuce was still up and at it, despite lacking action. Rife with such great passions at the sight of one another was enough for the very twosome to feel their visages becoming flushed with the crimson shades at once. Anyways, Zippoorwhill was about to reach her collective highpoint again surely enough soon, especially considering how she herself was having a great time. Restraints weakening once more, the dainty blonde couldn’t even take it any longer, yelling out loudly as her extremities became moistened with the solutions. Yearning for the opportunity presented to the likes of the creamy brunet, such happiness was being made known, despite struggling to refrain from a touch. Although his hands were still away from the shaft, he could feel it demands being stated outright without saying a word altogether; nevertheless, he’d struggled to ask her, “please let me taste you again, Zippoorwhill; I can barely take it any longer…” “Alrighty then… I figure that… you’ve done enough… watching and… waiting around… for me to just… stop myself now…” the eponymous mare panted overtly, now moving leisurely towards Featherweight with a slow crawl as she guided her wet fingers at his muzzle, “at the very… least, I can share… it all with you…” “Ahn…” the creamy brunet chortled as he saw two of the dainty blonde’s digits becoming assembled straightly like a drinking straw. He’d gotten his tongue out, playfully licking the tips of her hand before it’d started to dig inside throughout inside his very mouth almost immediately so to speak of. Featherweight felt had Zippoorwhill’s two fingers touching his taste buds gradually but carefully before nearly reaching its apex, salivation making them moistly tepid. Of the ardent feelings remaining in the minds of the two pegasi, the dainty blonde was enjoying the creamy brunet glazing her extremities, pressing on as some candy. She’d felt and glimpsed at his orifice stimulating and licking her fingers as they went inward and out of his very mouth briskly before taking them out of the lips gently. A drooping string of saliva had trailed after the tip of Zippoorwhill’s fingernail, slowly reaching Featherweight’s coating over his stomach, frissoning briefly for a bit. The dainty blonde wiped the creamy brunet’s lips clear of the combined concoction with a smile before going in for the taking, kissing him once more without fear. After breaking away this time, she’d asked him, “want a little treat before we go on even further…?” “Mm–hmm… chocolate bar please…” Featherweight had answered Zippoorwhill almost instantaneously with a smile carved right upon his visage, “let’s share it together, for old times’ sake…” “Anything for you, my lovely…” the dainty blonde giggled before rising back up to her hooves to leave the creamy brunet to his own devices. As she’d done so, he remained calm on the outside but thinking all throughout the time: so now it was to be her having free reign whatsoever to conduct whichever course of actions between herself and him alone; after all, there were indeed others like and unlike themselves in this very area so to speak of. In the meantime, Zippoorwhill walked along the soft surface, searching something when two more pegasi were found in her sights, both alike in fair dignity initially as they’d possessed certain commonalities: bright coating, cold eyes, and general immodesty; of course, there were significant differences. For starters, one was a lonely silver stallion already found to be standing upright with his more muscular form on full display in contrast to Featherweight; the other was a lemony mare towered by him by a few inches right near a poolside partition, more curvaceous compared to the dainty mare still approaching. Whilst a rather moderate shade of some jet–black tresses were already found to be slicked back neatly towards the nape of the neckline for the former, the latter had donned darker tresses with all the curves in the right places as they were able to reach past it instantaneously for the others to see extremely clearly. Surrounding such luxurious pupils were but circles of amethyst resonating about deeply inside the silver stallion whose face held up with lust whereas a rich shade of emerald splashing were held back by the lemony mare herself, alongside with a winning smile and a lonely nevus resting underneath one of them. Out of the two mismatched pegasi in question, the latter’s only article of clothing was found on the neckline: a lone red collar speaking way more loudly than what their tresses, coating, or eyes could’ve dared to say, not that the former had minded in since it was something Zippoorwhill also donned presently. Slathered right upon the silver stallion’s flanks was a rather simplistic illustration of a dark cloud, its textures of star platinum detailing many curves; the lemony mare had donned a set of some nosegays, each small segment already arranged in a circular cycle of some colors firmly reminiscent of a rainbow. In any case, the former was in the process of feeding the latter a chocolatey sphere after outlining the lips; afterwards, some masculine words escaped out the other mouth, “how was that piece of candy, Savannah: was it to your liking already…?” “Yum, yum…” the aforementioned pegasus cooed after swallowing down the foodstuff in question with a smirk, “I really like these chocolates, Rumble: they remind me of the cookies we Filly Guides have sold in our youth back in the day; I miss being one already…” “Don’t you have Trefoil teaching the next generation of newcomers…?” the titular tenant asked the lemony mare while looking around immediately. Needless to say, it wasn’t long until Savannah answered the silver stallion instantaneously, “of course, she’s doing it; it’s just that this party is one of the few times we have to ourselves to relax and unwind from the minutia of it all in a year before we go back to our daily lives, especially in the mainland: my career is still at a plateau and your training has been leaving you ragged.” “I know and to be frank, I was kinda scared before I’d been sent to Day Camp: my brother thought it’d help me figure out what I can do with my life and make friends…” Rumble replied as he’d soon looked away from from lemony mare’s eyes rather slowly in shame, “I was a blank flank, much like the Cutie Mark Crusaders were when we were all young little foals. It’d seemed so easy to think that if one were to work hard enough, your Cutie Mark will appear on your flank soon enough; what they never tell you is that once you get one, this will be all that you’ll be known for throughout the entirety of your remaining life, nothing more, nothing less. Not every second goes by where I think nothing of such things, especially given my youth at the time; after all, even though I’d looked up to my brother, I couldn’t stand to stay in his shadow any much longer, especially with him as a Wonderbolt: I know for a fact that every pegasi in Equestria I know looks up to them.” “Rumble… not every pegasi thinks like that: after all, I stuck with the Filly Guides to stay with Trey until she became a Den Mother herself; that still doesn’t mean I’ve moved on from her completely…” Savannah scoffed slightly, still smiling at the silver stallion standing in front of herself all the while no less. Rumble slowly regained the strength to look at the lemony mare and speak to her anyway, “I can see that: you mares were the closest thing to each other’s items as far as your friends had known; after all, I’d been there last year at Rosemound to see you two put on show together…” “Only because of the invites: like before, at least fifty of them had to be sent out by him so no one else could get in and out freely…” Savannah spoke back, keeping her smile in place despite the spiced tone in her voice anyhow, “that was the standard protocol Smudge Proof and Silver Wing came up with together so we wouldn’t have to worry about uninvited guests and the like. To be honest, Tails showing up all alone, despite being along these two colts from Ponyville, had me surprised: everypony who was anypony needed at least a plus one to enjoy the fun for the time being, at least for the night in that case; from what Trefoil told me, she was new to the whole intimacy thing, especially in the privacy sector. Even though that Snips and Snails were like the best of friends within her circle, Tails already knew they were taken by somepony else, by redheads just like her: Babs picked Snips and Twist picked Snails but she was on a lonely island; everypony else was lucky to have that special somepony to be with so letting her being trained by Trey seemed like a generous idea. At least we can take solace in the fact they can have each other for company between now and the next time they’re both invited as well; considering she has so much to teach the new generation, the last thing she needs is a scandal to drag her out of Guides completely so to speak of.” “I know: a conflict of interest would have devastating consequences, even between former compatriots; even the Wonderbolts are wary of them and they’re much more loose compared to the Guides, if not less so than the Washouts themselves…” the silver stallion said to the lemony mare before looking around once again like so. It wasn’t long until Savannah got Rumble’s attention again as she barked out to him, “but you’re the only one in the vicinity that’s a Wonderbolt; I’m not so please, let’s have some fun together…” “For the record, I’m not the only one that’s been invited to the party: my brother and my friends are there too; having said it, don’t mind if I do…” the silver stallion responded to the lemony mare before lowering himself to her waistline with a confident grin upon their faces at once, “get ready for some fun, fun, fun, Savannah…!” “Oooh…!” the eponymous pegasus cooed as Rumble was now bent down on both knees over the grassy surface, his tongue quickly slipping out of the mouth and slowly sliding into her very sheath. Soon, the lemony mare felt giddy now that the silver stallion started lapping the contents of her loins, resting a lone hand on his jet–black tresses for support. As soon as Savannah felt Rumble’s muzzle tickling her before slowly slithering it in, she moaned slowly yet loudly at the tightness he was quick to indulge in. Even so, the silver stallion ran his very tongue around the lemony mare’s gaskins briefly as they, too, had started to spread further wide for himself to explore. Rumble could barely even help himself but drooled every time it’d went sliding right in and out of Savannah’s plications repetitively, his hands onto her hips. In no time, the lemony mare had given out some more small moans, each turning into loud yelps of happiness the moment her sheath’s depths were tampered. The sheer cold from the silver stallion’s expedition had soon caused the achromatic fluid to just squirt from Savannah’s loins and onto his taste buds warmly. Breaking away from the lemony mare’s plications, Rumble tittered vigorously, “even after our high school years, you still tastes great: freshly squeezed fruits got nothing on you or your pussy…” “I’m glad to hear that from you, sweetie; besides, I still can’t forget what you did to me back then: popping my cherry changed my life…” Savannah giggled amorously before turning around to show off her callipygian croup, something which had made the silver stallion’s shaft starchy, “of course, I know for a fact that you love more than just some sorbet or gelato with me.” “I know and your snatch isn’t the only place within your body I like to stick my tongue into…” said Rumble whom slowly and gently stroked, massaged, and even rubbed the coat over the lemony mare’s flanks a few times with his hands, giving her the time to bite her lip as he’d prepared himself. With the same tongue from before, the silver stallion had jutted into Savannah once again, sending tingles throughout her body as she’d shut both of the green eyes tightly and suppressed quiet moans. The lemony mare reopened them to look back quickly, watching in contentment now Rumble had held onto her fundament firmly in his grip, muzzle buried at once running around and within thoroughly. The silver stallion soon stopped to lap at the adjacent sheath underneath, bringing out some more pleasure from Savannah each time his tongue had switched back to the croup and vice versa repetitively. Soon, the lemony mare felt her saliva curling down from the corner of those very lips with the sensation of Rumble’s exploration gave way to hunger and thirst; in any case, she’d needed some satisfaction. In the meantime, the silver stallion had stretched Savannah’s flanks wide before forwarding his tongue back in, causing her to collapse on the soft flooring and close her eyes again whilst loudly moaning on. The lemony mare began gurgling about at the thought of wanting to taste Rumble soon enough, the dribble from his tongue surpassed the point of wishing she’d have done more to support her body before. Savannah attempted to reach down to her wet loins and started furbishing it rhythmically as the silver stallion began to permeate through the croup in such an illustrious manner, slurping and licking about. The lemony mare had cried out as Rumble’s saliva was dripping down throughout the very abyss with warmth now enveloping him within those folds as she'd quickly felt all of it now entering inside her own fundament altogether, “how does it taste; is it also sweet enough for ya…?” “Mm…!” the silver stallion answered in a slobbering moan, having listened to the voluptuous sultry inquiries as some kind of encouragement to lick deeper in Savannah; although appetizing, the dryness sat in, forcing him to relent, release, and retract now that his tongue had filled in both contents of his salivation, breaking away from the habit of it all, “oh, Savvy…!” “Please fuck me rotten, master Rumble: I don’t mind taking it up in either my dirty pussy or slutty butt…” the lemony mare huffed, planting her hands onto the flooring as she’d showed off her wet egresses to the aforementioned pegasus abaft. Resting on both knees as well, the silver stallion had his yard nearing Savannah’s haunches with a snicker, “hmm… brace yourself then…” It wasn’t long until Rumble’s freshly exposed prepuce now went inside of the lemony mare’s croup, causing the latter to grip tightly onto the artificial strands in anticipation. At first, the movement had started slowly before gaining some momentum steadily as the silver stallion had held on Savannah’s flanks firmly with the tips of his fingers on her. Under no tiny amount of time whatsoever did the lemony mare started to feel her own plications currently gathering more solutions, their piths and substances slick like before. Now Savannah was firmly aware of how her sheath already burned about with such hot moisture accumulating about, more viscous than the hunger for confectioneries provided. Alongside with the burning sensation upon their faces, the lemony mare was already mewing the loudest of many in the area since her waistline remained occupied by Rumble. Much of the momentum was currently increasing on and about almost immediately as the silver stallion still bounced up against Savannah’s fundament with growing desires. It was only but in a matter of moments Rumble had gotten close enough to unleash a discharge into the lemony mare, her haunches instantly reacting to the repeated incursion. Sure enough, time was of the essence since Savannah was losing control of her own body greatly thanks to the silver stallion, perspiring about as she’d lolled her moisten tongue. “Ahn, don’t cum yet, please…!” the lemony mare spat out huskily, her salivation escaping and mixing with her perspiration as Rumble closed his blushing eyes for a few seconds before reopening them to find her still in front of him standing upward this time, “sorry, sug… I just needed some room to pet my kitty while you were at it; you can carry on now, master…” Still grasping onto Savannah tightly, the silver stallion moved his right hand to grab onto her adjacent elbow while his other hand groped the tacky bust as the shaft moved inside her croup. The resumption of movement, though slow like before, had started to regain some momentum as the lemony mare used her left hand to go in between her legs and start wiping her loins slowly. They couldn’t even help to love every minute of such togetherness with a little more tenderness: Rumble’s yard was buried into Savannah’s flanks, she’d occupied herself with her own sheath. Each time they’d moved around and about, they felt their coats rubbing off of each other in this hot and heavy atmosphere with only the tradewinds of the outside world providing them relief. The two pegasi were still in a touching grip, their perspiration already pouring throughout one another and salivation slowly escaping from their mouths as they moaned more loudly than ever. The lemony mare now pushed two of her fingers inside the plications while the silver stallion used his left hand to chafe her cleavage smoothly and pinch one of her saturated nubbins gently. Their continuous efforts were getting to another highpoint closely since such excitement was just around the corner; for what it was worth, they were all comfortably numbed to the environment. Savannah couldn’t even take it any longer as she’d soon yelled out at the tallest peak of her very own pleasure, shooting out more juices all over from the sheath and on the left hand in full force. Sure enough, Rumble then bucked his hips into the lemony mare fast and loose, letting out a loud moan along the very way as well; only then did he relent immediately afterwards, already panting and huffing about as she’d soon broken away from himself easily: stretching about was a small string of thick white liquid in between them before being shattered instantly without a care. “Damn…!” the silver stallion groaned passionately. Savannah turned over and gave Rumble a kiss before sighing, “mm… I knew you could do it; your cock is so wondrous…!” “I guess this is what it feels like to have an adult film star for a special somepony by my side…” the silver stallion chuckled as the lemony mare stroked his abs playfully without a care altogether, “I’m glad to have you be there with me…” “Same here…” Savannah had cooed in turn. As this was going on, an additional sextet of ponies were found on the other side of where the four pegasi had remained; while many of them were in the altogether, there were still significant differences all of them had, something many likewise would care less about to say in the very least: for starters, at least half of them were mares. Speaking of which, the first of which was a freckled brown pony with eyes of an emerald splash accented by a lewd and lascivious concave: aside from red rubberbands around the twin tails from her short orange mane, she wore a jet–black ensemble of a collar, dress, skirt, panties, and stockings with garter belts alongside a white hat. Kneeling abaft the ginger was a much darker stallion wearing a moderate shade of bright creamy tresses radiating about and colder eyes of blue: in regards to his attire, his right ear was adorned with a pair of small silvery earrings; of the entirety of his muscular body, his flanks bore a bowl of ice cream with a spoon sticking out at the side. Next to the first couple was also a mare, except she was an indigo pegasus who also had purple and blue tresses as well as some light cornflower: her only article of clothing found on the very neck was a lone red collar, leaving flanks bare to show yellow shining suns with their welcoming faces already holding scoops of raisins in the hands. Another silver pegasus stood behind the colorful correspondent whom also had blue eyes, except they were of a lighter opalescent shade: like the dainty blonde, he even had solid gold tresses running to the nape of the neck, albeit brighter; in addition, his lipid flanks bore hot pink drapery lined with thin white zigzags holding them together. Right at the far left was an orange mare with purple tresses matching both eyes bound by a green tie, lanky yet buxom with a red collar much like the colder counterpart, albeit with depth and density: her flanks contained a set of flannel hearts, predominantly pink with intersecting lines of purple and gold laid out like some incomplete grid. Lastly but not least was yet another blond stallion, middleweight yet he just so happened to be a light indigo, like the pegasus mare with a bright strip in the middle: still, much like the two peers nearby, his eyes were blue but they were also accented by freckles; also, his flanks had bore a big gold star with a tiny trail of three small horseshoes. It was at this point they were all panting and moaning about in synchronicity all the while: the stallions were plowing their prepuces into their corresponding targets’ fundaments and the mares were having their visages slathered in scarlet from the concupiscence they were indulging themselves into. Out of the paired troika, the heavyset blond was taking his time already exploring the confines of his athletic yet curvaceous correspondent, his fleshy shaft nestled within the edges of her croup as they slid in and out of them at a slow and steady pace, something the others nearby were still aware of no less. Though remaining mares in the same actionable position as the indigo pegasus were already given a more rough and tumble fashion, they were still overwhelmed by enough lust to distract them from the textures of their respective stallions abaft, still entering and exiting at their own different speeds. Anyways, the light brown mare was the most pleasured from her darker counterpart’s excursion, moaning the loudest as her flanks were being redden by his direct hands–on efforts, the bared integuments galling off from each other’s constantly close contact they, like others were already engaged no less. In a matter of minutes, the lonely ginger was the first to squeal loudly in delight, “AHN~ I CAN FEEL MY INSIDES STIRRING ABOUT…!” “NGH…!” the muscular stallion grunted as he and his lighter correspondent broke away from one another, watching as she’d collapsed onto the solid surface with his extract coagulating within her fundament with a lustful smirk, “you’ve barely changed a bit, haven’t you, Do–Si–Do…? Last year, you and your marefriend had no problem whatsoever in pegging stallions in the flankhole, now it seems your slutty butt can’t take my huge cock in there; it’s no wonder why you detest anal and colt cuddlers in general – you couldn’t handle yourself getting wrecked by ponies like me…! At least their marefriends, Plaid and Hyacinth were able to hold their own when it came to secret butt fun the same way as Twist and the Apple cousins had done last time we’d seen her together with her coltfriend; even CD has been keeping his cock firmly into some Wonderbolt flank and he’s into theatrics.” “Ahh… Lickety, you’re so rough… but I like it; even with my… clothes on, I’m still… naked enough… to let you fuck me…” the titular tenant panted as her textiles were becoming stained by the solutions within so to speak. The lanky compeer looked on to find the brown ginger sprawled about and grunted about, “well, we can just… agree on one thing… Lickety had… a good mind to… go and do you… really good… even after… you all of his… cock inside there… you’re still begging… for more action… and adventure…!” “I know; even… after all that… it still isn’t… enough for me… to be at least… satisfied with it…” Do–Si–Do mewed as she found herself further soiling her fabrics by chafing the loins in between legs; this caught all of the stallions nearby off–guard as well as the other mares too, especially Plaid herself, “somepony, please… eat me out now… I’m a dirty whorse…!” “You know, Star… this Filly Guide… may as well need… it already… after what he did… to her, it’d be… nice to help her… clean up for once… besides, I’ve been… wondering what… her creampie would… taste like right now… since Lickety… blew his load in… Do–Si–Do…” the orange mare sighed, looking at the brown ginger with hungry eyes as the middleweight stopped. It wasn’t long until Plaid crawled away from the eponymous equine and moved her smirking muzzle over onto Do–Si–Do’s haunches, prompting him to speak to the former at once, “are you sure you want to do this…? You’ve just met these two tonight and not an idea as to who else he’d been sleeping with before meeting her…” “I know but I just can’t let a delicate young mare go on looking and feeling like this; after all, I don’t mind kissing others like her: Hyacinth and Saffron made me feel comfortable about it…” the orange mare answered as the brown ginger sprayed achromatic liquids into the former’s face, “besides, I’m starting to like her already…” “Hah…!” was all that Do–Si–Do could say as Plaid started lapping at the concoctions upon the former’s lap after licking the first batch right away. Needless to say, the indigo stallion didn’t object, already shoving his yard back into the orange mare’s fundament as she’d started exploring the brown ginger’s egresses almost immediately. The fact that Plaid was now lapping into Do–Si–Do’s croup left the latter wincing in pleasure as the former’s dirty deed was synced up with Star still pushing in and out from behind, like before. The orange mare moved around and zeroed in onto the brown ginger’s inner edges, leaving the latter more hot and bothered than ever, despite having a prepuce lodged into the former’s flanks. Still, Plaid refused to be parted from the extract left behind by the darker blond, even as she’d felt her fundament contract every push and pull alongside the brief moments in between at once. In the meantime, the indigo stallion focused his shaft into the orange mare’s croup at a higher speed than before, increasing her ecstasy in little to no time whatsoever with a new oral fixation. All the constant attention Do–Si–Do received was leaving her the most eager for what Plaid had been giving out the whole time, the former panting and moaning as the latter still retained focus. Either way, Star still noticed how the orange mare’s flanks had maintained a much tighter grip; the mares’ mews grew loud with each passing thrust throughout stirring about with momentum. The indigo stallion paused for a moment to savor the textures of Plaid’s callipygian muscles as well as the performance she and the brown ginger had still partaken in, something others noted. Needless to say, Star started slamming into the orange mare as hard as possible, causing her to tense up yet relax anyway as she still couldn’t let go of Do–Si–Do or the fluids still remaining. Star pumped himself further inward, delivering more crushing blows to Plaid in a steady pattern as she, too, had started to rub her moist sheath after finally cleaning out the brown ginger; of the two mares directly in his line of eyesight, the former had gurgled, “come on, Star: shoot your load into my flank hole; make me cum like she did when Lickety had fucked her really hard…” “Almost there…” the indigo stallion sputtered as the orange mare bucked her flanks against his skin with overwhelming determination; needless to say, his hard work had paid off as the same extract that exited from Lickety and entered Do–Si–Do earlier, now escaped from the former, “UNF…!” “OH, STAR…!” Plaid snorted intensely, her body imploding from the utter shock of Star’s excursion before falling onto the brown ginger’s legs; while both fundaments had been supersaturated, the former was now riddled with the same compound consumed from the latter mare as they’d both panted and moaned about. Do–Si–Do soon regained the strength to rolled around in place and sat up straight to face the orange mare in between her cannons with a sigh, “mm… this is probably the first time I had indulged in something like this: letting another mare eat me out after consenting to some anal sex from a stallion I knew from last year; it’s so bizarre. The only thing closest I’d been to the darker side of things was trying to buy a pack of cigarettes to share it with my fellow Filly Guide friends a decade ago; everypony older than us seemed to have no problem smoking them whether with or without a pipe, yet so few other colts and fillies had been able to get access to them as well.” “If it’s any consolation, I’d experimented with Spike when we were younger to: I was kind of feeling attracted since I’d last seen him back in his youth…” the darker blond had sighed as Plaid cuddled up to the brown ginger at once, hugging and kissing about, “although he had the hots for Rarity, he’d also felt like trying something out with me the minute I’d confessed my feelings. After I’d heard of his molt, my first response was cowering in fear because of my whole memory of him turning into a giant monster on the day after his birthday; the truth is I’d never considered the possibility that gift–giving would play a role in all this, let alone transform him outright: even when years had passed, the only thing that had throughout changed was him growing wings…” “Yeah, I saw him go through it: red spots, volume shifts, even burping fire; come to think of it, he was almost this close to burning down the library the last time I’d seen him suffer about…” the lipid pegasus entered the conversation already, stopping himself from plowing into his gymnastic counterpart’s croup with little warning. Needless to say, it wasn’t long until the indigo pegasus chimed in as well, “at the School of Friendship no less: dragon or otherwise, the loss of those books would’ve been devastating, especially considering a certain so–and–so; come to think of it, how’s Princess Twilight anyway…?” “Same as always – more or less like the old princesses, Celestia and Luna; though to be fair, she was the odd one out compared to the rest of her family, especially Cadance and her husband, Shining Armor…” Do–Si–Do answered as she and the orange mare were currently face–to–face with each other almost immediately, “I’ve not followed much of what goes on with the Crown.” “Me neither…” Plaid said impishly, prior to stealing a kiss from the brown ginger with little hesitation whatsoever. Although Do–Si–Do was caught off–guard by the orange mare’s osculation considering the recent turn of events, the former was at ease with the latter’s interactivity sure enough, getting a taste of each other’s contents instantaneously. The three blond stallions nearby as well as Hyacinth herself were stunned by the fact that two mares were now liplocked with one another, their exposed integuments presently serving as a direct juxtaposition for the rest to take notice. Plaid and the brown ginger felt their faces burning bright again, this time sharing the warmth with one another as their very loins had dripped about with achromatic fluids accumulating at once from their close proximities all the while. Even though that the other ponies in attendance were moaning about, the stagnant quartet still focused their attention on them alone nevertheless: of them, the indigo stallion had stammered about, “you know, I’m feeling very conflicted about how I’m supposed to feel watching this…” “Relax, Star… Plaid Stripes isn’t the only mare whom can swing both ways; as a matter of fact, our marefriends aren’t the only ones at all…” Lickety sighed as he’d crawled over to their side from abaft, locking eyes onto the filled flanks of the orange mare without a care, “may I eat you out as well, miss…?” “A mare needs to be cleaned anyway so go on ahead and give it a lick, Split…” Plaid answered after breaking away from Do–Si–Do’s lips, already feeling the darker blond’s hands nearing deep impact. At long last, Lickety went out on a full–frontal assault, stretching his tongue into the orange mare’s fundament without a care as to what had been done before or the present reactions of the leftover onlookers within the extremely short distance: of them, the lipid pegasus felt his dry yard standing on endwise with an exclamation, “oh Celestia, look at him go…!” Star was also at a loss for words regarding what his eyes were being treated to: the darker blond was taking the time to lap away what the former had expelled into Plaid even as she’d still retained concentration upon the brown ginger underneath so to speak of. “Plaid must be having the time of her life with that party like before: she’s kissing Do–Si–Do while Lickety felches her at the same time…” the athletic pegasus cerebrated, feeling her plications getting supersaturated at the sight of the sedentary trio, “it’s like there’s no other mare she can’t kiss: Saffron, me, and even that Filly Guide are like conquests for her to enjoy…” “Mm, you’re so fucking nasty, Lickety… but please keep on going… help me burst again…!” the orange mare mewed, sensing the aforementioned stallion’s tongue still within her sodden croup as he’d explored its crevasse without a care in the whole wide world for what others would think about themselves anyway. Do–Si–Do was completely helpless before the likes of Plaid and the darker blond yet was at ease with their presence, the memories of what they’d done earlier leaving the former lost in thoughts, “so this is how Tag–A–Long feels about sex in general: no matter how many fillies and colts she sleeps with, she’s still happy to be around them all the while. Forget about her, everypony in my troop has no problem with it at all: Trefoil and Savannah sleep with each other every chance they get, Samoa has Pipsqueak and Flutterbye for company, Berry has Truffle and Opal, and even Dulce kissed Coronet on the lips. I’m just being a little repressive about the whole thing altogether: I’ve been so focused on being a good little Filly Guide for so long, I’ve forgotten to learn how to live my own life to the fullest; at least with Twilight’s experiences, we can fill safe and sound again like our predecessors had done when Celestia had ruled Equestria alone.” “Ahn~!” the orange mare cried out again as Lickety had finally cleaned her out at once, now finally lapping into the nearby sheath underneath; while this was going on, she’d moved her head towards the brown ginger’s bosoms with a licentious grin, “I still wonder; did Lickety ever play with your boobs when you two got down and dirty with each other…?” “Wha… OOH…!” Do–Si–Do barely had time whatsoever to answer Plaid as the former’s bust was finally latched onto by the adventurous latter, still taken in by the lingering lust shared by themselves already for their peers to observe at a close range like before. > Equestrian Silver > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A lone sterile environment was found to be massive: all clean and pristine to a fault, despite its overall purpose already being utilized currently. The flooring was made up of wildly indigo tiles on the ground, each of which bearing the slight potential in which any future could be foretold. The walls were painted in vaguely obscure olive, a much arguably colorful shade than the very snowstorm still raging onward and about at all. Speaking of which, the gentle taps of flakes were heard from above, courtesy of the skylight up above the flooring alongside the electrical lights. Accommodations were typical things including a long line of stalls, each containing a toilet and bidet inside along with some sinks out in front. In addition, there were also some showers nearby that were mostly active, contributing to the heat and moisture that grew right on the mirrors. Amongst the few ponies that were found in attendance, Silver Spoon was found to be washing her hands as she barely paid attention to the steamy reflection of herself. Purple eyes were filled with angst and unease as the sweat from the young gray mare’s brows became mixed in with the water and foam already swirled into the drain. Of course, she was firmly aware of the fact her upper limbs weren’t the only places on her very body already moistened considering the environment she was inside of. “Diamond, are you done yet…?” Silver Spoon had called out, her question already lost in the echoes of the running water nearby. Despite the obstructions, the young gray mare gotten her reply almost immediately, “just a second, Silvy; I need to straighten out my mane…!” “It’d have been much more easier if she’d just let me help her; after all, we’re still friends…” Silver Spoon gently ruminated, shutting the steely faucet off completely as both of her hands became cleaned again; afterwards, she’d quickly turned around and started walking away, “how far along are you anyway, Diamond…?” “Just about one more round and we’ll be back in action…” the titular tenant’s voice had answered at once. In spite of the mist, the young gray mare paced herself away from the sink and followed the source of it all, finding a shadow within along with some running waters in an arc. At first glance, Silver Spoon assumed that said form in question belonged to her hot pink friend; after all, the latter had given the former a reason to even be here currently at once. Nevertheless, the young gray mare was also aware that neither of them was alone, in spite of the rather near lacking of other ponies, much less herself and Diamond Tiara anyway. Needless to say, Silver Spoon gotten proven wrong: rather than the petite pink pony, Rainbow Harmony was there rinsing the suds off of the bared body as only a black collar was now found firmly around the neckline; as far as the former can even see it, the latter had currently donned a blank notepad with a purple writing utensil at the side of it right over the limber toned flanks. Before finding the strength call out to Diamond Tiara, the young gray mare had started speaking to the spectral pegasus immediately, “are you alright, Rainbow…?” “Huh…?” the eponymous mare gasped as she’d turned around to find Silver Spoon within her line of eyesight, “what happened…?” “Sorry, I thought for a second here that you were my friend Diamond Tiara but it seems she’s not alone; is there something on your mind…?” the young gray mare had asked the spectral pegasus instantaneously. Rainbow Harmony turned away and retorted somberly, “nothing much, it’s just that I feel so stressed and nervous ever since that day: I remember what Cozy Glow did but I’d also come to terms with it as well with the help of my friends, true friends to be clear; the only problem I have is getting them out of my mind. We used to seem so happy together when that new school had opened up recently: I can remember the friends we were hoping to make in Ponyville, especially with the cutie marks we’d gotten prior; I’d hoped given our respective talents, we’d have been our firsts and only one to be the best. All that I can think of now is me being in Cozy’s place within the grand scheme of things; after all, I’m not the only pony around here who has been deceived by her ploys: if anything, then I’m the only pony she chose to experiment with since we’d met on that fateful day. Considering that there are at least a few ponies like Rainbow Dash, it’s ironic that I’d moved on from others making the same mistake, even Scootaloo of all ponies; after all, I’d been invited to join her fanclub, even though I’d said no back in the past and I’m still wondering what would’ve happen had things been even so slightly different. Presumably, it must have something to do with my mane and tail and I’m not even the only one in the family either: my big sister Rainbow Flash has that color scheme and she’s a unicorn, yet no one ever dares to make the same mistake with her; it’s funny how our differences almost tore our family and friends apart, even before her reappearance. Somehow, I’m asking myself if coming here was a good idea: it was nice to get away from Ponyville for the weekend but it seems that coming here to Trottingham was barely even worth it; after all, I can’t even help myself but to have nightmares of ponies trying to shunt me off to Tartarus just because of what we’d done prior.” “It’s okay, it’s not like that we’d expected her to be so evil at a young age, let alone take it this far…” Silver Spoon spoke, noticing a teardrop crawling out amongst the spectral pegasus’ eyes immediately, “as a matter of fact, we didn’t always start out as goody–two–shoes, much less the best of friends with the Cutie Mark Crusaders.” “What do you mean by that; how come…?” Rainbow Harmony had choked out within only seconds. Unfazed, the young gray mare elaborated onward, “let’s just say it was a long story from over a decade back but for obvious reasons, I’ll keep it short: we were the only fillies in Ponyville with rich families – Diamond Tiara’s father had a franchise and my father had an export business; it would’ve seemed like that was the only thing we had in common so far. Most of the richest ponies in Equestria were usually found in the nation’s capital of Canterlot, either cause of nobles or some other old money types; we were the nouveau riche – ponies whom had gotten wealthy because our parents had struck it big making smart investments: her dad sold Zap Apple Jam and my mom made expensive tablewares. Nevertheless, we still went to the same schoolhouse as every other foal our age, including the Cutie Mark Crusaders themselves; of course, they didn’t always call themselves that name, let alone hung out together like we did, at least not since the Summer Sun Celebration back in our youth. Out of us whom had gotten ours, Diamond was the first to get hers and I’d trailed behind; after that, the only ponies in our class whom didn’t get them were them and Twist, or so we’d once thought: in any case, it’d seemed like they were going to be stuck like this forever because of their youth and whatnot. Plainly speaking, it’d seemed like that she’d gotten the bright idea to call them blank flanks ever following that day in Cheerilee’s class; it’d all started when she’d kept talking about cutie marks and how she’d gotten one when she was young: apparently, it was when she wore that frizzy mane and tail as a style but so did everypony else according to her. Quaintly enough, Diamond Tiara actually had been friends with Apple Bloom before she’d gotten her cutie mark…” “You’re kidding… right: but I thought you two were the best of friends with them before the school had opened; how could that be even possible…?” the spectral pegasus had exclaimed quietly, shaking her head while processing what Silver Spoon had said earlier, “besides, you’d just said you and Diamond Tiara had picked on the Crusaders for over a year since then…” “Of course, I have and believe me, I’m not proud of what I’d said and done, especially to Scootaloo of all ponies: the worst I’d done altogether was mocking her for not being able to fly, despite being a pegasus; little did any of us knew, there was a reason why she couldn’t at first…” the young gray mare sighed sadly this time around so to speak of. Rainbow Harmony asked, “how come…?” “Her parents, Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood: her father’s an earth pony and her mother’s a pegasus; they were travelers who barely had time for her, let alone see her…” Silver Spoon answered the spectral pegasus before turning the former’s line of eyesight from the latter, “I never knew they were still alive, let alone how important they were to the entire country… To be honest, it actually kind of explained a lot with how Scootaloo conducted herself: her tastes in ponies, the fact she’d hovered for small amounts of time, not to mention her obsession with… you–who–know of all ponies; even after things had changed for the better, I still couldn’t get over what we’d said and done to her and her friends. To think that they’d chose to forgive us even after remembering the things they’d all been through together, especially since all three of them had gotten their cutie marks at the same time no less; who knows what would’ve happened if they’d not helped Diamond Tiara redeem herself, let alone be a better pony than we’ve been acting.” “I could think of plenty of things that could’ve happened; after all, my relationship with Cozy Glow opened my eyes to such possibilities, even with Princess Twilight: banished to the moon, sealed inside a volcano, vaporized by rainbow power, sent directly to Tartarus, et cetera…” Rainbow Harmony said as wet steps slowly plopped behind them in midst of the driving deluge. Before the young gray mare could say anything else, the crowned pony cut into the fray instead, “calm down… this isn’t that kind of biography anyone would be interested in reading, not even the princess.” “I know; besides, I’ve already been getting some help lately for my issues…” the spectral pegasus had replied at once as Diamond Tiara gently grabbed Silver Spoon’s right hand instantaneously, “Flutterbye and Samoa offered to let me join them in the other area; she’d heard from the other zebras about the lickable wallpaper in there: all the fruity flavors are on there.” “Yeah, two of them were from another continent, according to what I had heard: as a matter of fact, Zula had gotten hitched to Thunderlane sometime ago, at least from Rumble and Savannah had told me; they’re still here now…” the crowned pony said, earning a gasp from Rainbow Harmony almost immediately. Nevertheless, the spectral pegasus recovered from the shock and formed some words at once, “wow, I’d never heard that one of the Wonderbolts would marry somepony, let alone a zebra… come to think of it, how’s Zecora…?” “To tell you the truth, I hadn’t been able to see her lately; the only way she could make contact with us was by letter: apparently, she said she was going somewhere…” Diamond Tiara answered as Rainbow Harmony turned around to walk away from both her and the young gray mare, “in either case, I hope she gets back soon; winters can be so cold…” “Unless you’re flying south: I hear that birds like geese migrate to stay warm; besides, everything on the southern hemisphere gets warmer in turn and vice versa in the summer…” the spectral pegasus retorted as all of them had now followed the sound of water within the confined area. It didn’t take long for the arched current to be shut off at once as Silver Spoon chirped brightly, “let’s go check out the silver room; our friends are waiting for us there…!” They did, of course, the wonders of the environment itself much different from before: equilateral borders, stormy windows, steely background, soft furnishings, bountiful foodstuff, and a few scores of occupants. From what they can see, many inhabitants had integuments painted with colors reminiscent of the precious metal in various shades, styles, and spans alike, barely matching the area in which everybody was already inside. Like the three mares still present and accounted for, not only a vast majority of them in there were in the altogether, the other mares in attendance also wore some collars; of course, Rainbow Harmony had remembered it. Just like the goldenrod section from before, all of them were currently found in various poses imaginable, still averaging at no more–or–less than mere pairs all moaning, groaning, and squealing without even a care. A composite series of strings and percussions with blaring bass tones were playing about acutely from a phonograph with brief flashes of color streaking about in clear–cut shapes both simplistic and otherwise in near synchronicity. Out of many, one lone jet–black pegasus was found to be standing up about right against the wall‘s heightened surface with bared integuments subjected to the cold. Silver and blue tresses were found making its very way throughout its wearer’s nape, already narrowed down into a centralized strip currently standing on endwise. Around the luxurious pupils were but circles of goldenrod already tempered by years worth of experience yet still retaining some youth like everyone else in there. The sheer lack of attire altogether showed of the masculine musculature of the jet–black pegasus from top to bottom, his abs and prepuce on full display in the frigid air. Resting over his flanks was a minuscule mobilized stormcloud with a zigzag bolt of lightning trailing downward from its point of origin without touching the ground. In any case, the jet–black pegasus’ shaft had caught his attention as he’d covered it up with a left hand and started rubbing slowly, already appreciating its firm and lengthy state. Feeling the subsequentially tightening reaction of his yard just chaffing against the palms and the lukewarm air around the entire remaining body left all the teeth grinding about. Even so, the jet–black pegasus started to envisage someone in attendance directly next to him, wrapping both arms around his thighs to suckling onto yard without even a care. He could barely help himself but moan every time the texture of the two surfaces made contact with each other, even going so far as to spread both his legs apart for pleasance. Another moan escaped from the jet–black pegasus’ lips as he was grunting with pleasure with the contents within his prepuce gathering around as he continued on confidently. “So, Thunderlane, having fun by yourself already…?” a feminine voice suddenly interjected with a giggle, his massaging movements ceasing as he was greeted by a friendly face: Zula high and dry for the most part in the naked now, save for a collar matching both her eyes and a flower in her monochromatic mane, “I’d thought you’d have remained patient enough to let me return…” “Sorry, it’s just that’s been dying to figure out how we’re going to keep up at this rate: all this bumping and grinding has been draining my cock lately and in the past hour no less; at least your concoctions helped me keep going for much longer than this…” the aforementioned stallion had quickly sputtered as he soon released himself from his own shaft instantaneously so to speak of. In any case, the buxom zebra was carrying a pair of bottles within both her hands, presenting them to the jet–black pegasus with a snicker, “don’t be such a foal: you’re a Wonderbolt now and your baby brother’s following your hoofsteps like a champ; the old guard has made great strides at turning your kind into the finest fliers, especially under Spitfire’s command… I’m sure that your dick can take it a little more for the rest of the night, let alone for a few more hours: there’s still so many things we can do together at the factory as well as so many ponies we can do with and to them; besides, we’re both adventurous enough to have an appetite for our respective genders as well alongside the finest foods and beverages…” “You’re telling me…” he’d said to her almost immediately as she’d brushed up against him, his yard pointed toward her thigh directly, “I never imagined I’d be invited to see the inside of the factory, let alone a party here; as a matter of fact, even I was surprised as to who’d also showed up here this year: my brother has been having fun with Savannah since last year at Rosemound.” “I know it must have been a real wonder to see the sights and sounds in Trottingham together, especially during the holiday season: even though it’s not a part of the Equestrian mainland, it still has its slice of it all the same; at the same time, it reminds you of Ponyville as well…” Zula cooed as she’d pecked Thunderlane on the leftmost cheekbone impishly at once. Since they were still standing straight anyways, their eyes were accented by blushing considering that both faces had been maintaining a close distance. As the two finally joined hands, their respective lips grew closer to one another while the jet–black pegasus shivered from the zebra’s drinks abaft. The pair finally grew more eager, their muzzles finally opened as one another passed, tongues finally slipping out for their very ecstatic exploration. In little time whatsoever, they’d surrendered themselves to each other’s concupiscence, even with the beverages still within their mutual possession. Neither of them had relented, continuing for at least over a minute or two tongue–tied during the embrace as their conjoined passions started growing. When he’d transferred his lips from the target down to her collared neckline, he’d then exhaled air from both nostrils, breathing down on her literally. Only then when Thunderlane’s tongue started licking Zula’s lips, she’d felt the sensation crawl around her very body, not caring due to anticipation. Once immediately, the zebra’s smile grew as the jet–black pegasus quickly slid his tongue down to her bosoms, earning himself only muted whinnies. Delighted by the sheer fact that he’d started tugging on them with his teeth, causing her to let out more soft moans into the open atmosphere instantly. Before either of them could continue any longer, a stray voice just as feminine as Zula caught both her and Thunderlane off–guard as she’d spoken out, “my, my… you’re off to a wonderfully good start and here I was listening to my dearest Lemonpuffs’ recent escapade with the likes of goldilocks and their three mares…” It wasn’t long until the twosome felt their company increase by a mere twofold: another zebra from before appeared, this time wearing a short jet–black dress with white frills and gloves along with purple ribbons even though her modest bust and petaloid flowerbed were still freshly exposed to the open air for anyone lifeform, like and unlike themselves to see it all rather clearly. Standing next to the mare in dishabille was a high yellow stallion already in the fray, bearing all fresh aromas despite being in the altogether. A rather moderate shade of some true blue was found to be flowing out in a rough shape to the point of covering up both eyes straightaway. In regards to the utter lack of attire, Lemonpuffs already showed off his middleweight state along with a tumescent prepuce wafting aimlessly. Shown slathered on the yellow stallion’s very flanks was a gilded fork wrapped around neatly by an enormous red ribbon in the form of a bow. “Minituffs… I see that you and your boy toy are having the time of your lives back in your old hometown, let alone in the factory…” the bouncy zebra had said to her leaner counterpart as well as the titular middleweight nearby almost immediately in the process, “how does it feel to have return here for a good time together with everypony else…?” “Better than we’d remembered, thank you very much: all the streets are more cleaner and ponies are friendlier than ever, especially with Twilight and Cadance sharing the love and friendship beyond Equestria; shame that Milky Way isn’t working here anymore, let alone living here…” the yellow stallion answered Zula instantaneously. A slight frown escaped from Minituffs as she’d faced Lemonpuffs with a groan, “let it go, Lemon: I don’t mind you having some backdoor action with mares and stallions like Lickety and Trixie, but Milky Way has a life of her own now; besides, she hasn’t been invited to this party anyway…” “Speaking of invitations, had Florida been able to go with us, it would’ve been complete for old times’ sake: me, Trinidad, and her…” the curvaceous zebra sighed softly as she’d soon sat the beverages upon a nearby table gently with faint melancholy in her tone, “Equestria was ours for the taking, especially with all the stallions they had, well hung and ready to wreck our pussies. Of course, we were all responsible enough to go plan ahead, despite having some fun alongside them and the mares that wanted us; contraceptives and aphrodisiacs, all of which to make the sex last as long as possible without any of the hangups from the encounters: pregnancies, infections, infertilities, impotency, and the like still exists, even in this day and age and not just in Equestria. My potion making skills haven’t always been the best but they did enough work to bring out the true potential of any stallion willing to have a good time with any of us, if not more so than ever: Thunderlane had plowed my butt so many times, even I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to sit down for an entire week, much less sleep on my back with or without him right at my bedside no less. Even though that I had so much fun with the other ponies in and out of Equestria alone, this very Wonderbolt here couldn’t get enough of me or my friends and he wasn’t even alone in our own escapades: Soarin also took his time filling us up with his cum and they even had no problem at all whatsoever in playing some backgammon with each other while we’d watching and had fun. Plainly speaking, we’d loved to explore the entire world and its very inhabitants because of how beautiful it was to the three of us: even though we were different, we’d felt like gotten more in common with each other, besides being zebras from another country; after all, the sheer fact our collective stamina left us adventurous enough to indulge in whatever had been presented to us. Only when we’d found a stallion to settle down with did we soon began to appreciate the joys of creative services from our talents: Trinidad had her sports and going to the beach alongside with Corey while Florida learned from the flora, helping me better myself; still, we’d been able to stay in touch with each other and not just for the sex and candy as we can see here in Trottingham. Now, lust is our main specialty and we’re not even alone in that department as far as everypony knew, especially the four of us: this is actually our first time being invited to one of Smudge Proof’s parties, let alone right out of the entire Equestrian mainland; the fact he has a factory under his control has left us awestruck to see the inner machinations of it all in one single night. Youngsters as well as our younger selves would’ve been ecstatic to be given a trip to a candy factory anywhere in the world: Trottingham happens to be the one city that has one of the very best so far, let alone in Equestria alone, if I do ever say so myself; the fact we’ve been given an opportunity of a lifetime would be the part where all the words start to fail like a house of cards.” “In any case, how about we put on a show together for our boys: you and me start out with a little tongue wrestling and have some fun amongst each other while they watch us both; sounds like a fair proposition for you, Zula…?” the skinny zebra had cooed softly while approaching her eponymous compeer with golden luster shining about, much to their male onlookers’ intrigue. Needless to say, the buxom mare wasted no time embracing the juxtaposition between herself and Minituffs, especially considering the clothes its wearer wore covered much of the latter’s body compared to the former whom answered, “it’s more than that, Mini: it’s a hobby of mine…” It didn’t take long for Zula to be literally face–to–face with her slender correspondent and locked lips with almost immediately at once. The fact that both zebras were exposed and reeked with perspiration wasn’t even enough to fill them with any shame in the very least. As far as anyone could see, both the jet–black pegasus and the grounded yellow stallions barely believed what was happening before. Within the mutual embrace, Minituffs and her bouncy counterpart bit the lips and tongues as well as one another gently all throughout. Rather than contesting, they were cooperative, every second spent osculating each other was blissful to a fault, especially for Zula. Despite the zebra mares being in close proximity to both Thunderlane and Lemonpuffs, none of the observers had dared to deter them. They were firmly aware of the differences they’d both possessed along their very commonalities simply thru the power of the touch. Right throughout the own lidded eyes, the very irises instantaneously met with subdued clashes of shades, hue, and cry in betwixt all. “Oh, Zula…” Minituffs moaned after finally breaking away from the aforementioned target, “ahh…” “How was it, Mini… did you like how I had tasted: was it sweet or spicy, like all the other mares and stallions from before…?” the curvaceous zebra cooed as she’d eyed her leaner yet blushing correspondent alongside with faint smiling. Minituffs wasted no time whatsoever in giving Zula an answer, “a little saccharine compared to the last mare I’d kissed at the party: a certain Filly Guide from Ponyville happened to be more fruity with her taste; of course, she may as well could’ve said the same thing all the while…” “I agree with her; we went to the party at Vanhoover back in the summertime with two other ponies, Truffle Shuffle and his lover Berry Munch…” the yellow stallion chimed in at last, his shaft firmly in hand as he’d gently stroked it to the somewhat stagnant sight of the zebra mares still standing about, “we had a lot of fun with them at the water park together.” “Yeah, I heard my brother’s marefriend talk about it about a month ago when she was invited again along with a friend of hers: ironically, Rumble wasn’t able to mention it on the account of being alone a few seasons prior; apparently, there must have been a pattern in who’s chosen…” the jet–black pegasus replied as Minituffs and Zula still kept on going without a care whatsoever. It was long until the buxom zebra lowered her lips towards her slender counterpart’s bared cleavage and started to fondle them slowly with a wayward tongue from the former’s muzzle. From the first contact, Minituffs struggled to suppress a moan as Zula had begun to suckle onto the smaller figure, leaving behind ribbons of salivation upon the former’s own bosoms at once. The lean zebra’s moaning then intensified when her bouncy correspondent’s teeth had started chewing over the ords, causing both Thunderlane and Lemonpuffs to feel themselves hardened. Even though Minituffs’ luxuries were now becoming met, it didn’t mean that it was time to let herself laze about yet since she was still standing upward alongside the likes of the angled Zula. As a result of the curvaceous zebra’s unyielding efforts, the oxygenated air had respired in and out of her skinnier counterpart at various speeds and concentrations in response so to speak of. While Zula was accompanied by the lone legatos of Minituffs’ emissions, the former had gotten a clear taste of what had readily dwelt within the latter’s bust almost immediately so to speak of. Of course, the slender zebra smiled about as her buxom correspondent had drank away the fluids provided for the latter, unperturbed from the unsurprising results or the stallions nearby them. After breaking away from Minituffs’ cleavage, Zula had stroked the left cheekbone and cooed, “it’s amazing after all these years as a mother, you’re still able to keep your breasts and that stallion of yours; how do you even stay together knowing how many times his big floppy horse cock has been into your body as well as so many mares and stallions: what’s your secret…?” “It’s not really much of a secret: Lemon’s been into some films and so have I; staying together is a matter of being well–off…” the lean zebra answered as she’d taken a seat yards away from the bottles her bouncy counterpart rested on the very same table, “we didn’t leave simply Trottingham because it was boring, you know…” “I don’t think it’s boring and neither does Thunderlane: out of all the coolest places, this was actually the first time we’d been in the factory together; everywhere else in the city is so magical, even the day spa…” Zula replied as she’d knelt before Minituffs, already taking aim at the open undercarriage resting between the legs. Sure enough, the curvaceous zebra’s tongue had quickly slipped out her mouth and slowly slid it into her skinnier correspondent’s sheath straightaway. Soon, Minituffs felt hot and heavy now Zula had begun lapping the very contents of the former’s flowerbed, resting a lone hand upon the latter’s tresses. As soon as the slender zebra felt her buxom counterpart’s muzzle tickling afore slowly slithering it in, they moaned slowly yet loudly at its dimensions. Even so, Zula ran her very tongue around Minituffs’ gaskins briefly as they, too, were currently beginning to spread a bit further wide for exploration. The bouncy zebra could barely help herself but drooled every time she’d went sliding in and out of the leaner correspondent’s undercarriage either way. In no time, Minituffs gave out more small moans which then turned into loud yelps of happiness since the depths of her sheath were tampered by Zula. The sheer cold from the curvaceous zebra’s expedition soon caused the achromatic fluid to squirt from her skinnier counterpart’s flowerbed in due time. After sneaking another quick lick from Minituffs’ supersaturated undercarriage, Zula sniffed about and purred salaciously, “tastes like he’d made the right choice: your milk isn’t the only thing that’s made ponies happy through the years…” “I could say the same for your partner’s tastes in mares, let alone our kind in particular…” the slender zebra sighed as she and the buxom correspondent were now face–to–face once again, sweating more than ever, “and it seems we’re not alone in this department either, much less into other mares…” “Mph…!” Zula cried out as Minituffs suddenly stole a kiss from the former with little warning whatsoever, the latter now relishing in the opportunity taken as well as the flavors from the very body in question. While the zebra mares were at it again, two more mares were found at the opposite corner of the area: a pink pony and her metallic counterpart from before at separate but equal ends with their own distended ample legs on the floor. With their sheaths already close to one another, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were both jarring against themselves very slowly with eyes clouded by the same concupiscence many were overwhelmed by currently so to speak. Already at once within earshot, they were moaning about as the friction made by their movement kindled with such a rising intensity at an approaching zenith; excitement was currently around the bend for the likes of them already. As the clashing coats had started to perspire about, the pink pony held onto her metallic correspondent rather tightly even as the tenacious milling about between one another’s flowerbeds have increase in momentum. Bouncing to and fro alongside them freely, both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had moaned vociferously amongst themselves, like much of their peers as the former soon maintained an advantage over the latter slowly at once. Sure enough, however, the mismatched ponies’ undercarriages were soaking about in their own essences completely, rivaling their collective sweat in viscosity and the likes of collaborative efforts betwixt both Minituffs and Zula. The young gray mare cooed, “oh Ditty, you kitty…” Afterwards, they’d started to wrap around each other lightly and gently, already locking lips and exchanging some breaths within the interim. Happily in the altogether, eyes were closed and faces nearing each other as the hot pink pony kissed her concupiscent colleague at once. Needless to say, the ponies’ passions started to grow only stronger, making them more eager to go explore one another’s mouths with ease. Their dulled ecstasy was enough for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to reside there, continuing onward tongue–tied prior to breaking away. “Isn’t it kind of nice that we’ve been invited to one of Smudge Proof’s parties again…?” Diamond Tiara had asked Silver Spoon underneath rather sensually, earning a snigger from the latter almost immediately, “I can’t believe that were back together again after all these months; it’s such a shame that our other friends couldn’t show up this time…” “I agree: I kind of found the whole idea of Apple Bloom and Twist having a go at each other since our time at the Ponyville Spa; they’d looked so much cuter together when they were little fillies…” the young gray mare had simply sighed softly in a sultry sound, smooching her hot pink friend once again rather effortlessly. It didn’t take long for Diamond Tiara to respond at once after breaking away from Silver Spoon, “to be honest, before I’d even saw them kiss, I’d never consider the possibility they’d swing both ways, let alone do it together; the only mares I knew of, aside from us, whom could kiss fillies and colts was Sunny Daze herself and even her friend kissed a trans pony in Vanhoover…” “I know that for sure: besides, it’d have been nice to invite Bindle Stick again for a little foreplay together; of course, she wouldn’t mind sucking my boyfriend off alongside us either…” the young gray mare snickered before her hot pink friend gone ahead and turned around towards the former’s cannons, “speaking of which, let’s keep on going; out cunts are still burning wet…!” “Agreed…!” Diamond Tiara chirped as she was now directly facing Silver Spoon’s sheath and vice versa almost immediately Sure enough, it was at this very point in time that both of the mares were now mutually inverted towards one another, the pink pony’s hands having made contact with the metallic counterpart’s kneecaps as their owners’ mouths aligned with their waistlines. Contentedly, Diamond Tiara had started mollycoddling Silver Spoon’s flowerbed playfully, using a few of the fingers to tickle the edges; in an aroused response, the latter had stuck out a tongue up at the former instantly, fully aware of its moist state. The pink pony swayed her waist responsively, bouncing around lightly for at least several times and moaning quietly in delight while caressing her small bosoms before deciding to do the same to her metallic correspondent’s undercarriage almost instantly. Forwarding their hot and heavy lips each time Silver Spoon felt Diamond Tiara stimulating, exploring, and licking the dainty sheath, it’d started to get so much harder, the former was returning the favor, grasping the latter’s rippling thighs at once. Because the pink pony’s tongue was already intertwined with metallic counterpart’s flowerbed and vice versa, their instantaneous aria of libidinousness were being stifled by their very own lips and tongues bringing pleasure towards one another so to speak. Soon, their tongues and mouths had started to transfer so much stimulating arousal between themselves quickly it would seem that they would have been able to get their wishes; afterwards, Diamond Tiara broken away from Silver Spoon with a moan. Almost instantaneously, the two ponies’ muzzles met with one another yet again, this time with their smiles soiled with their respective solutions as they’d kissed more passionately than ever before. The young gray mare broken off again this time and said to her hot pink friend, “I feel guilty that your risking all of this for me, even though I have a coltfriend of my own: I don’t even want to think what your mother would do if she were to know about our relationship overall; it’s nice that you stood up to her though even I was rightfully concern about what she could do to you…” “Don’t be… I’m just glad to be myself again, let alone with you; if anything, then I don’t know what I’d do without you or the Crusaders for that matter: who knows how long we could’ve lasted together…” Diamond Tiara had instantaneously replied, holding onto Silver Spoon in a rather gently loving embrace, “there’s just so much we’d missed out simply by playing a role…” “I know and it’s not like were mindless machines without a purpose or personality to be manipulated freely for the sake of others’ programmings; we’re flesh and blood earth ponies through and through…” the young gray mare had cooed, speedily stealing a kiss from her hot pink friend almost immediately so to speak of. Standing right in front of the feminine twosome was an orange stallion with his hands gripping a set of foodstuffs in foil packaging already so to speak. Only a rather moderate shade of some azure tresses were already found to be slicked back neatly, already matching the eyes he’d also possessed at once. Like the many whom were in attendance, the orange stallion was also in the altogether, already showing off his own limber frame compared to them. Donned over his flanks were a rather simple illustration of a ligneous bat already accompanied by a white sphere merely inches away from each other. It didn’t take much for the orange stallion to speak up to the both of them almost in an instant, “I hoped you still have some energy saved for me…” “Of course we have, First Base: we still would’ve kept going on with or without you either way…” Silver Spoon had sat upwardly, unfazed by the likes of him now taking his seat between herself and Diamond Tiara gently, “the real question is do you still think my friend would’ve been fine bringing Bindle Stick along with us like she’d done last time…?” “I wouldn’t have minded seeing her again either way: feeling her performing oral on me after letting you two do the same was leaving me breathless; shame she still chose not to go anyway…” the titular tenant had told both of the mares in question as he’d released himself from the substances over the steely surfaces at once. Now that the orange stallion’s hands were opened and free, he’d rested them upon the laps of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, earning an amatory giggle from the two; in the former mare’s case, she was the first to heave, “mmm, you’re so naughty, sticking your hand down my pussy even with Silvy right by your side already…” “I agree and your dick is still untouched by all the other mares in this place; it’s still erect all of the sudden…” the young gray mare sniggered as she was first of the females to grab onto his yard and began chafing about all the while, “have you not tried jacking that hot spicy boner of yours lately…?” “Indeed…” First Base answered freely as all three ponies were just getting ready to seek more excitement with one another so to speak of. Almost immediately, the orange stallion moved both of his hands in between the mares’ legs and started to wipe their supersaturated undercarriages slowly, finding nothing but residue around. Both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon slowly moaned in pleasure as he’d pushed his fingers inside their sheaths, leaving them with nothing else to do but to grip his prepuce instantaneously. Calmly, First Base just plainly stayed there between the two mares as he’d helped them get to an approaching highpoint alongside themselves, their textures and tactics putting him right at ease. Decency at an absolute zero and below, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had both struggled to stay in control of themselves even as the orange stallion stuck in between kept on going closely. Even now, he couldn’t wait to hear both of the mares mew in ecstasy like they’ve done before, especially considering the fact they were already latched onto his shaft rather tightly so to speak. First Base had gotten what his ears had wanted: Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon couldn’t take it any longer than ever; meanwhile, his yard was still high and dry despite their collective efforts. In any case, the young gray mare was the first to lower herself even further from her seating as she’d started lapping at the orange stallion’s prepuce almost instantaneously, leaving her hot pink friend to rise from her station with an aggravated but cordial inquiry, “doesn’t it seem even too obvious as to why Silvy would choose you now when you could’ve picked me instead…?” “Not at all; if anything, you and her would’ve made a great couple with Snips and Snails respectively: they’d seemed kind of endearing…” he’d said, watching Diamond Tiara twirl around and show off her moist form at every radian possible as Silver Spoon started licking his shaft, “it’s not like you haven’t practiced kissing between each other before dating others…” “Please, these two dolts were already taken so to speak: Babs got ahold of his dick in a vice and Twist kept offering her flankhole to his friend all to herself; we wouldn’t have lasted a year together with everything that had gone on about over a decade ago…” the pink pony prattled on before sitting back down next to First Base, even as her metallic correspondent had kept at him. Although Silver Spoon enjoyed stimulating and syphoning the orange stallion’s yard, he’d still remained focused onto patting Diamond Tiara’s flowerbed, kissing the latter mare hot on the mouth; nevertheless, he’d spreaded his legs a bit further to give the former more room to lick around. He’d barely help himself but feel overwhelmed with delight as both mares had taken aim, at different parts of his body: the pink pony already slapping her tongue against another as her undercarriage dripped with her essence; the metallic counterpart moving her hot and heavy lips anyway. Even with the burning heat amongst themselves and their peers, neither pony refused to let go of one another in spite of it: not even the sweat deterred anyone nor the outside chill provided any kind of relief whatsoever so to speak of; at this rate, the temperatures within and beyond were of no use. Generally speaking, countless drops of the threesome’s essence emanated as they were up, close, and personal with each other: aside from their collective perspiration, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon salivated about over First Base’s face and yard respectively for himself to feel them both intently. At the very least, the orange stallion was firmly aware that it was only a matter of time before he’d be even able to burst, especially considering the fact that both mares were still at his mercy in regards to their concupiscent desires, all three mouths working overtime as they’d remained focused. Only then, he could take solace in the idea there were no hard feelings whatsoever from either Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon themselves; after all, their licentiousness was the only crucial piece of commonality they’d shared with each other and him as well, something that many can relate to. Out of the two mares around First Base, the pink pony was the first to let herself go, breaking away from the osculation as she’d felt her sheath overflowing with the same achromatic fluid; subsequentially, her metallic correspondent watched as the entire bespectacled visage being splashed with his opaque compound, staining the face and the glasses over its wearer’s eyes. Needless to say, Silver Spoon savored it all, swallowing some into her mouth before sighing, “that felt good on my face better than I’d expected…” “You’re telling me, Silvy: First did a better job flicking my bean; I should do a much better job at this when I return tomorrow…” Diamond Tiara moaned as she’d struggle to stand up again with her body threatening to betray the stance both mares had taken, “how’s your pussy feeling anyway…?” “It’s drying out already but I’m ready to let you try some of my honey, Ditty…” the young gray mare had answered with a coo after licking the solution off of her eyewear, presenting her hot pink friend the less saturated but still moistened flowerbed with both hands, like before so to speak. In any case, Diamond Tiara wasted no time in licking Silver Spoon’s undercarriage once again, this time feeling the orange stallion jutting into the fundament as he’d sent tingles throughout the former’s body as the latter shut both of the purple eyes tightly before watching them contently. The pink pony felt him holding onto her croup firmly in his grasp, muzzle buried inside at once running roundabout and within thoroughly even as she’d remained firmly focused directly onto her metallic counterpart’s sheath, almost ignoring his presence despite his very efforts altogether. First Base still held onto to Diamond Tiara despite stopping to lap at the adjacent flowerbed underneath her very flanks, bringing out some more pleasure each time his tongue switched back to and fro repetitively even as she’d maintained her concentration in regards to Silver Spoon. Soon, the pink pony had felt some salivation curling down from the corner of her own lips with the sensation of the orange stallion’s exploration gave way to hunger and thirst; having said that, she was at ease with doing the same to the metallic correspondent’s undercarriage all the while. In the meantime, he’d stretched Diamond Tiara’s fundament wider before forwarding his tongue back inside, threatening to cause a collapse as her loud moaning was muffled by Silver Spoon’s sheath, the latter mare grabbing onto the former mane’s mane gently while mindful of the crown. The pink pony gurgling about as she’d lapped at the metallic counterpart’s flowerbed, feeling the dribble from First Base’s tongue surpassed the point of wishing that she would’ve done more to support her body before then, even with the metallic counterpart’s assistance in their fullest view. As the orange stallion still began to permeate throughout Diamond Tiara’s croup in such a rather illustrious manner slurping and licking within them all, she’d felt her face flushed upon by Silver Spoon’s discharge as the adjacent visage became oversaturated with similar solutions from afore. At long last, the young gray mare had squealed with delight after breaking away from her hot pink friend’s muzzle almost instantaneously so to speak of, “AHN~ DITTY…!” > Velvet Copper > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the perceptions of many, moisture is usually formed with water, one out of many elements that provide subsistence: one of them was in the form and function of perspiration, seeping out from the skin of many as it usually had a similarity to saltwater itself; however, it was already accompanied by fear and fury conjoined together in a rather slow yet steady boil in the mix. Of course, such was the prevailing truth in a lone sterile environment so clean and pristine to a fault that even the most stubborn of stains can be washed away with the utmost effort alongside the rightly portioned compounds and solutions when exposed to the right temperature: the active nozzles themselves were irrefutable proof of this very matter thanks to their precipitations. That being said, the mists and hazes conceived from the continuous downpour contributed to the already hot and heavy atmosphere, even going so far as to affect the visibilities of any lifeform whatsoever trapped deeply within them; however, the only consolation which it had offered was a rather neutral scent that masked the area away from all of the others nearby so to speak of. After all, considering their very purpose overall, it was also certain that these showers weren’t the sole utility in this part of the already clouded room, let alone the only section of the area in and of themselves; as a matter of fact, it was nevertheless most likely that at least one individual in question was in there using one of them as of this particularly passing moment in time. Out of the few, one single shamrock stallion was found to be standing up about right underneath the steamy rainstorm all roundabout the way, his eyes and tresses in various shades of the same color, especially given the fact the latter had clashed in between opalescence and aquamarine. For what it was worth, his lack of an attire had showed off a lightweight body standing against the small streams of water falling onto himself; slathered right upon the flanks were a small bale of turtles swimming stagnantly together in a finite sea of emerald splash making up the form. “I don’t even want to know what was inside those pills, let alone why they’ve made them at all…” said the shamrock stallion struggling to stay still. He was soon overwrought with terrifying resolve as the tinted visage, once red like roses, shifted to a pale green as visions betrayed him at once: dizzying about, he’d begun to see many shades of olive as well as the lights shining about were swirling about to no end in sight, circular like wheels but lacking in direction whatsoever. In spite of the changing courses, the shamrock stallion still maintained some control to go search for an open stall so speedily, prepping himself to let loose an assortment of lukewarm hues from his angular maw as a chunky salsa now splattered about into the metallic bowl where some water had resided to absorb it all instantaneously. Coughing about, he’d soon felt relief returning despite bearing witness to the sight of his own nausea, quickly pushing down on the steely lever as the current within the fixture had roared to life, pulling the wastewater down into the tunneling with a hissing gurgle before clearer water refilled itself like if nothing had happened. Stumbling out of the latrine, the shamrock stallion’s ears caught the attention of a wayward voice nearby as some words went into them at once, “hng… Zephyr…” “Relax yourself, Barley; it’ll all be over soon enough…” another masculine yet older voice escaped too, catching the corporeal listener off–guard almost immediately, “besides, our friends from the roller derby are still waiting for us anyway; besides, they’re not the only ones invited in this factory capable of swinging both ways…” “Are they talking about the Ponyville Plunderers…?” the shamrock stallion said under his breath as two individuals remained hidden away from his line of eyesight grunted and panted quietly so to speak of. Needless to say, both Barley and Zephyr were alone in their passions, unseen by the likes of their peers, male or female so to speak of; although the corporeal listener didn’t attempt to investigate, the message was clear all the same no less. Either way, the shamrock stallion was treated to the sounds of suppressed grunts from the other two, tensions balanced yet based on the careful observations from the younger counterpart, the latter was heaving and hissing reluctantly. The fact they were all by themselves was but of no surprise for the corporeal listener yet the real watershed moment had been the sudden discovery in which Barley and Zephyr were there in the area as the lone leftover presently at ease. Whatever it was the twosome were doing was hardly even a mystery for the shamrock stallion to solve, not that he was interested in sticking around to hear its logical conclusion become attained by the likes of them altogether so to speak. Of course, not even suddenly maintaining any distance between the corporeal listener and the clandestine performance made by the likes of Barley and Zephyr could make the noises go away, despite the pitter–patter from precipitations. Regaining composure and focus, the shamrock stallion had still sauntered off so as to avoid becoming part of concupiscence his solitary peers were engaged in with each other since they’d kept at it with one another without a care. Kiloliters of water from any point in time could do little to wash away the careless observations made by the likes of the corporeal listener, despite being cleaned enough to leave all the same nevertheless considering what’s been done. Simply put, the shamrock stallion had other things to concentrate on, despite the recent stardust memories circling down the drain after they’ve been tossing and turning within himself earlier no less; either way, he was up and running. It wasn’t long until he’d inadvertently bumped into another corporeal individual like himself by accident, earning a peep from the latter, “oof…!” “Sorry, I didn’t watch where I was going…!” the shamrock stallion stuttered, seeing his similar compeer lying on the cold, wet ground, weakened and vulnerable, “are you okay; do you need any help: should I go get your friends…?” “Not at all, Sandbar; I was surprised to find you right here and now of all places…” the other inhabitant had replied calmly, calling out the primordial observer’s name almost instantaneously. Immediately, the single shamrock stallion was found to be lay his jaded orbs onto the similar compeer’s form: another silver pegasus with tresses reminiscent of Thunderlane’s mane, except they were more rough and ragged in a lighter shade than even their own integuments combined. Like Sandbar, the steely flier was also in the altogether with some cold eyes except the latter had bore starry sapphires, muscles, and a set of freckles; slathered right upon the flanks were a small set of tools intersecting one another: a slender chisel against a big hammer had reflected about. It didn’t take long for the shamrock stallion in speaking to the silver pegasus straightaway, “same here: even Petunia was amazed to be here as well; is this your first time too…?” “Yes, it is and so is my plus one, though to be honest, it’s more of the other way around; Yona told me of the invite she’d gotten about a month ago…” Sandbar answered the steely flier whom found the time to rise back up to the hooves gently, “we heard of some rumors about it from some of our classmates back at the school a year earlier; we never imagined they’d be even real. I heard much about how the Crusaders went to both parties a year ago: the first one at Rosemound exactly a year ago and the previous at Vanhoover back in the summer; it does explain all the things happening between themselves and their friends from the old school, especially considering how they were able to afford all of this. Now that I think about it, this would explain the envelope that I’d gotten back in May: the colors on there reminded me of Aurora Muffin’s mane and tail; coincidentally, I heard she was invited to the last party along with over a couple dozen ponies, including some of Apple Bloom’s cousins, especially one she’d dated. I thought about going myself but I didn’t have any money to go at all, let alone the family; ironically, the invite ended up in another pony’s possession, one I’d almost never expected it to be: Rainbow Harmony, the first and last friend of Cozy Glow herself.” “Herself: you mean to tell me that out of all the ponies invited to the party in Vanhoover, she’d ended up going instead of you; but why…?” the silver pegasus had exclaimed all of the sudden, caught off–guard by the shamrock stallion’s explanation. Sandbar looked away in shame and continued onward, “it’s a long story, one that we all know of far too well and with good reason based on what I’d just said; nevertheless, I’ll keep it short anyway: even though we’d thought the mess was over with the first time, there was still the matter of trying to pick up the pieces and mend whatever wounds had been inflicted.” “What wounds…?” the steely flier had inquired as a squeamish moan just shot into the moistened atmosphere instantaneously for both bystanders to hear, “I thought no one was hurt on the surface since…” “Oh, there were plenty, especially considering how many she’d misled and betrayed, but none were more hurt than Rainbow Harmony herself; even though we tried to make feel at home in the School of Friendship, she still has nightmares about how ponies had reacted nevertheless…” the shamrock stallion stated so simplistically. The silver pegasus replied to Sandbar reluctantly, “I see then: I know that Petunia and Flutterbye were talking about it with her earlier; yet, I didn’t stick around long enough to listen to the whole thing…” “I wouldn’t have any right in blaming you either way; it wouldn’t make sense for me to just go on and abandon my friends after conquering our fears…” the shamrock stallion sighed, swiping the sweat off of himself before walking past the steely flier without touching the latter this time, “besides, let’s leave; they may as well be waiting for us anyway…” “Understood, though I’m sure that they’re still busy with other mares in the meantime; I’ve just made a shocking calculation: a third of us are male…” the silver pegasus gulped as he’d turned to follow Sandbar right away this instant, leaving the sight and sounds of running water behind themselves at once. As such, another wondrous environment was found almost immediately with its white hot lights, equilateral borders, stormy windows, tufted carpentry, soft furnishings, bountiful food, and a few dozen occupants like the others. Still, the room also possessed its own differences as shown from the hot and heavy atmosphere, especially amongst its denizens whom were composed mostly of other ponies in clear and present attendance all the same. Ultimately, the very occupants’ manes and tails were colored in chocolate in various shades, styles, and spans alike, barely matching the fitting background where everyone had remained inside at this passing moment. Now, like before, while a vast majority of them within the room were already in the altogether, many mares were wearing some collars with only a few able to conceal parts of their very own integuments all through the way. At this very passing moment of time, all of them were currently active discovered in various poses imaginable, merely pairs all moaning, groaning, and squealing on without a care about the whole wide world whatsoever. Melodies of wind and wire with the occasional striking of keys had played about acutely from the phonograph, already mixed together within the warm atmosphere in bearing such wonder and whimsy from the summertime. In the grand scheme of things, it’d shaped up to be no different from the other rooms for the lack of a proper summary altogether; of course, such variations were needed for much completion as far as they were all concerned. Of the few scores of tenants found in the area, there were at least a trio of brunettes alike in fair dignity at first glance by virtue of being in the altogether; nevertheless, there were some significant differences they had, something that many like themselves would care less about to say in the very least. The first was a scarlet mare with eyes matching much of her tresses despite a streak of whiteness running down directly in the middle: since she was currently donning a literal blue collar around the neckline, her petite form also allowed her limber toned flanks to bear a big red heart with two snow white wings. Next to the highlighted brunette was a lanky griffin with copper feathers and a faint vermilion fur as well as a beak and talons dipped in brilliant gold: seeing she’d only wore a jet–black collar, nothing stopped anyone from bearing witness to her middleweight form as far as her mulberry eyes were aware of. Lastly, but not least, was a bulky yak standing tall and proud with a fullest form as two braids of her hair circled around the ears with baby blue barrettes: other than a rubicund collar as well as golden bracelets and anklets, she was in the naked now despite the abundance of fur clothing her as jaded orbs see it. Out of the brunettes in close proximity, the scarlet mare was talking to the big bystander with some skipped heartbeats to and fro, “it’s kind of amazing… to be talking to… one of the heroes… whom saved the world… let alone a yak…” “Name Yona… first time be here as well; Sandbar think of try party out: not expect so many ponies here, let alone mares…” the titular tenant had introduced herself to the highlighted brunette almost instantaneously so to speak of, “what bring red pony here as well; invite too…?” “Yes and to be honest, I was invited to a similar party last year in Rosemound with some friends of mine, Snips and Snails; ironically, they had mares of their own to share their love with…” the scarlet mare answered the bulky yak with a sad sigh. It didn’t take long for the lonely flier to jump into the conversation as well, “at least I know what it feels likes to be in your shoes: it’s Graff’s first time coming to the party as well as mine; by the way, my name is Gail and we’re from Griffonstone…” “I’m Tails and I’m from Equestria; of course, you both know that already…” the highlighted brunette had replied with a hint of confidence within her tone being discovered, “what you didn’t know is that I was kind of nervous the first time I’d been invited: even though I’d spent my time around Snips and Snails since we were young, we’d never consummated with each other at all. I guess it’s because I’ve spent my life around tending to helping animals like my pet dog, Ballista: we were like family together and I couldn’t stand to live another day knowing what will happen to him; after all, I almost lost him when I was young and I can’t bear to be around him at his age. Perhaps, this summed up my entire motivation for being there in the first place: as far as I’d known, I’d never thought it was going to be a sleepover for the weekend, let alone one so erotic; as a matter of fact, I didn’t imagine what kind of lovers my friends would end up with, much less their tastes overall. Seeing all these other mares in the nude left me uncomfortable with myself, especially with how there were so many of them; the fact that we’d outnumbered them by roughly two–to–one shocked me the first time but the real surprise was their tastes: I can recall how they had no problem experimenting or having sex with other mares, with or without a stallion watching them. As a matter of fact, I could recall seeing an entire of Filly Guides at that party last year having no problem with indulging themselves: Berry, Dulce, and Savannah are bisexuals; Do–Si–Do and Tag–A–Long pegged their stallions; and Samoa and Trefoil are transgender.” “White pony encourage such deviancy and yak think changeling queen bad…” Yona had interjected suddenly. Tails turned to face the bulky yak and spoke, “she is and believe me, she’s more selfish compared to Smudge Proof as far as I’ve heard of things about her…” Notably, all three brunettes were now focused in at two other ponies whom were perhaps alike in fair dignity at first glance, residing near one corner of the room where the windows displayed the snowstorm. The twosome had possessed certain common traits: light coating upon their bodies, a pair of cool colored shade circling around their pupils, and an amorous demeanor donned upon both of their very faces. Of course, there were some significant differences that the trio had taken notice of nevertheless, aside from their heated sweating bodies which had displayed their own contrasting chests all throughout. Speaking of which though, the eyewitnesses were already able to identify them both at once as of this moment in time based on the acute redness upon their visages. For starters, the stallion residing on top was a peachy pegasus whereas the other equine residing underneath was but a creamy mare, lacking both wings and horn. Secondment, the former was a brunet, wearing his small mane all straightened and rounded into a circle whereas the latter, a ginger, possessed two different shades. Thirdly, the peachy pegasus had worn some sundials on both of his flanks while the creamy mare donned on some stencils of an equine’s monochromatic silhouette. Out of the two in heat, the brunet bore eyes of baby blue taking aim at the loins above himself while the small ginger had jaded orbs focused onto his prepuce. The peachy pegasus was sharing the same scrawny figure as Do–Si–Do but the creamy mare had a vast and petite bosoms rivaling the likes of her dark counterpart. Another crucially important detail sitting the very ginger apart from both the brunet and mustard mare was a ruby red collar donned right around her very neckline. Seeing their very bodies mutually inverted towards each other was one thing in the beady eyes of the scarlet mare, a scene no different from what many inhabitants like themselves were doing; for both Gail and Yona in particular, they’d wasted no time in observing the creamy mare lapping at the peachy pegasus’ shaft reluctantly as the active participant’s tongue broken away. The copper griffon turned to the bulky yak and said, “so I noticed that you’ve gotten a coltfriend instead of a yak for a boyfriend to come to the party; anything that had inspired your willingness to arrive here this time…?” “Sandbar tell me…” Yona had started to answer Gail almost instantaneously so to speak of, both brunettes facing each other rather than watch the other ponies nearby, “Sandbar speak of receive invite seven months to party in Vanhoover; give away to pink pegasus with rainbow tresses as apology for other pink pegasus’ treachery towards her and rest of Equestria as well as allies. Yak think years afterwards should be enough to let what happen between pegasi to let things be; after all, even Yona learn difference between her and rest of her kind, much like how Prince Rutherford differentiate year before enrollment so to speak of. What say, brown griffon…?” “Curiosity: much like how we ended in up in the School of Friendship, we couldn’t resist wondering what it is that ponies have been talking about about a month ago the minute we’d gotten our invitations; apparently, the invites said we can bring one guest each so to speak…” the copper griffon said to the bulky yak without fear. Tails jumped back into the dialogue anyway, “same as well with last year, though Smudge Proof honestly thought of me having a threesome with Snips and Snails; if only if they’d remembered at all…” “Sounds like ponies remember far too much about who wend with who…” Yona huffed as she’d witnessed the scarlet mare trotting over to the other part of the area slowly, “what red pony do now…?” “I’m gonna go get some food; you want any…?” Tails had answered instantaneously, already pointing to the food resting on one of the tables on the adjacent region as they’d lain on a cloth sequestered from themselves. It didn’t take long for the bulky yak to say to the scarlet mare at once, “cupcakes, Sandbar might as well like some too…” In any case, Featherweight had found himself sitting in a scarlet chair whilst Zippoorwhill was kneeling at his waistline with some rope tied around her wings, both of whom faraway from Yona and Gail themselves. Surely enough, the bespectacled blonde was now using her right hand to knead the shaft around playfully like if it were a piston; before long, the creamy brunet felt it springing on upward to her muzzle in little time therein. It didn’t take long until Zippoorwhill’s tongue quickly slipped out of her mouth and slowly slid around Featherweight’s yard, her warm salivation making him smile big as she’d lapped away with reckless abandonment. Sitting uprightly, all that the creamy brunet could do was rest one of his hands onto the bespectacled blonde’s tresses, stroking and patting them based on the movement she would make prior to pressing onwardly. Even though Featherweight was silent, Zippoorwhill had taken such great delight in stimulating and syphoning what would soon erupt from his very prepuce whether inside or outside of her deep throat so to speak of. Slowly but surely, the creamy brunet lent back by a bit further to give the bespectacled blonde more room to lick around, content enough to not let gravity send him downwardly onto the floor at a certain angling overall. Featherweight could barely helped him but coo and moan, already feeling Zippoorwhill’s tongue running across his shaft as both hands were currently holding onto the base of her head whilst slurping about–face gently. Within due time, the bespectacled blonde had driveled onto the creamy brunet’s yard for some significant time ‘til her very mouth became filled to the brim with such flavor, swallowing before breaking away without care. “Mmm…” Zippoorwhill cooed, catching what was left on her lips as a result of the biochemical solution’s trail to swallow it all down before breaking away from Featherweight as he’d become lost in a daze, “you tastes so good; it reminds me of the s’mores we’d made on our camping trip long ago when we were young…” “Is that so…?” the creamy brunet sighed, slowly finding the time to recover as the bespectacled blonde brought herself to meet his gaze. Needless to say, Zippoorwhill laughed at him before stealing a kiss from Featherweight without any warning or worry whatsoever so to speak. Initially, the creamy brunet was speedily being assaulted with the recent stardust memory of the bespectacled blonde’s deed as she locked lips. Despite the conflicting tastes, they’d started to wrap around each other lightly and gently with their arms, burning bright a rose tinted shade. The pegasi’s eyes were closed when the kiss they shared began to grow stronger, already trading one another’s flavors carelessly all the while. The libidinous pair grew more eager as their mouths finally opened as one another passed, their tongues finally slipping about in the process. Although the two were swept up in such an overwhelming ecstasy, Featherweight remembered to maintain self–control in spite of Zippoorwhill. It wasn’t long until the bespectacled blonde felt the creamy brunet stop himself, prompting her to ask immediately, “had enough, master: please to find that my hot lips had done your cock so well…?” “Mm–hmm…” Featherweight timidly answered Zippoorwhill, watching as she took a stand to start twirling around and show off her moist form at every radian possible for him to see clearly, “what are you doing now…?” “Just a little late–night show before we go to bed together, master; it’s already a shame that all good things must come to an end sometime soon and this is no different: even a little foreplay from earlier was to prepare for the inevitable crash our bodies will feel before the night’s end…” the bespectacled blonde had answered the creamy brunet after stopping to face him with a smirk. Featherweight watched Zippoorwhill moved her right hand down into the sheath again, this time stretching its dry good folds a bit for him to see clearly as he’d spoken, “do you really want to do this again: last time I was this close to rubbing one out on you; what makes you think being in another area should change a thing…?” “Simple: let’s be a little honest with ourselves here; ever since Gabby Gums, you couldn’t resist prying into other ponies lives…” the bespectacled blonde squealed as she’d used her other hand to chafe her bust smoothly again, much like before albeit standing, “you and your former boss, Diamond Tiara felt desperate for stories when they’d went off searching for their cutie marks. For all that we’d known, you may as well have acquired some treasures of your own as their very own schoolhouse photographer: discovering secrets, uncovering lies, updating statistics, all within Ponyville and beyond at a young age no less unlike them; none of us had ever expected how far would you even go for a hot scoop, let alone go after Princess Celestia of all ponies. Why, you’re practically fit to be a spy, ready to fight for the Crown and Country at this ripe young age, master Featherweight: it’s a shame that you were too young back then, but young enough to escape whatever it was that she would’ve thrown at you then; of course, you’re still loyal to us and them anyway, a step up from all the others who’d tried to take over our land.” “Don’t ever compare me to them, you dirty little pegaslut; I’m no usurper, you know, especially not Cozy Glow…!” the creamy brunet had barked as his moisten prepuce was still up and at it, despite what had been done to himself long ago. Nevertheless, they were rife with such great passions at the sight of one another, enough for the two pegasi to feel their visages becoming flushed with the crimson shades at once yet again. Anyways, Zippoorwhill was about to reach another one of her collective highpoint surely enough soon, especially considering how she was having a great time with Featherweight for company. Restraints weakening once more with feeling, the bespectacled blonde couldn’t even take it any longer, yelling out loudly as her extremities became moistened with the solutions within herself. Yearning for the opportunity presented to the likes of the creamy brunet, such happiness was being made known, especially since he’d watched Zippoorwhill collapse back onto his very lap. Feeling the shaft enter the bespectacled blonde’s plications at once, she’d moaned hoarsely, “fuck me, master: please wreck my dirty little pussy until I can no longer walk…!” “Are you sure that you really want that from me, Zippo…?” Featherweight gladly hissed into Zippoorwhill’s ears after feeling her fluids leak over his yard, “last year, your cunt couldn’t take my dickings for two whole minutes, much less all night; what makes you think this year will be different for any of us…?” “Training… while you were out making a name for yourself with these pictures, I’ve been shoving some toys into my twat: big ones, small ones, rough ones, smooth ones, ones that reminded me of that purple dragon – each had a certain quality to them…” the bespectacled blonde answered the creamy brunet as she’d aligned her loins with his prepuce instantaneously. Featherweight burned brighter than ever as Zippoorwhill stole a kiss from him in the process, bringing cause to ask her instantaneously so to speak of, “did you do it alone or with somepony else…?” “I’m not at liberty to discuss such things with you on the record; that wouldn’t be much of a secret anyway, even amongst us…” the bespectacled blonde had sniggered, pushing her muzzle away from the creamy brunet without a care in the whole world, “now then… prepare yourself, master…!” Surely enough, Zippoorwhill had quickly seized this very golden opportunity at once, using the very lightweight body to bounce herself directly over Featherweight’s body almost immediately. It didn’t take long at all in the very least for the bespectacled blonde’s sheath to be firmly aligned with the creamy brunet’s shaft, giving a small, passionate yet heavy breath from her very mouth. Featherweight had started resting his very hands onto Zippoorwhill’s flanks, slowly burying his muzzle into her vast and petite cleavage as he’d started running his tongue around the nubbins. The bespectacled blonde didn’t care about the creamy brunet currently sapping away her bosoms without warning again, already feeling his yard directly inside her calibrating their movements. In the midst of the very ordeal, Zippoorwhill had slowly wrapped her arms around the back of Featherweight’s neck in an attempt to keep him closer as they traded momentum with each other. Now that both their coats of fur were starting to give off a small static of satisfaction from the stretch of rasping, feelings of pleasure came by as each movement made the two pegasi moaned. Gearing up for another expulsion from the creamy brunet’s prepuce in the bespectacled blonde with each intensity of the pulp friction, she’d gave off a resoundingly happy moan amid weights. Soon, Featherweight had began shooting direct in the path of Zippoorwhill’s plications, causing herself to burst with delight as she lowered both hands down to his back and hugged him tightly. “Oh, Zippoorwhill…” the creamy brunet had called out the bespectacled blonde’s name weakly, returning the gentle gesture as they’d rested together. Needless to say, Zippoorwhill had discovered the strength within herself to go and whisper into Featherweight’s ears, “so then, how long… did I last now… sir Featherweight… did I do good…?” “Just five minutes…” the creamy brunet answered zestfully, stroking the bespectacled blonde’s mane and ear with decrepitude in his hand, “even I’ll just… admit you’d done… much better than… last year, Zippo… of course, my cock… had been drained by… you blowing me… much earlier…” “Do you suppose… that you can try… my slutty butt… later on, sir…?” Zippoorwhill gasped for air as she’d struggled to face Featherweight. Instantaneously, the bespectacled blonde received her answer from the creamy brunet at once, “I don’t even… see why the Tart… not at all there… after all, Morty’s… having some fun… taking her from… behind either…” “Mmm… that’s right, Morty… stick it to me… I’m all yours now…!” the creamy mare cried out blissfully as she was now resting in an obtuse angling with her back facing the eponymous stallion underneath herself, “this Filly Guide’s… about to burst…!” The light ginger already took the peachy pegasus’ yard inside of her croup as his hands gripped upon her very abdomen, sliding them up to the former’s shoulders to provide structural integrity. Soon, the movement started slow before gaining some momentum as Morty rose up to meet the creamy mare firmly with the tips of his fingers suddenly nearing her umbilicus already like so. Under no small amount of time whatsoever did the light ginger started feeling her bust becoming affected by the peachy pegasus’ right hand as the slippery surface of pith and substance sweated. Now, the creamy mare cerebrated aloud with her mind about how she’d wanted to reach down into her saturated loins to gain some more pleasure; of course, Morty used his left hand to do so. Alongside with the burning sensation upon their faces, the light ginger was moaning the loudest since her waistline was being occupied at both ends by the peachy pegasus at the very same time. Much momentum was now increasing on and about almost immediately as Morty still bounced against the creamy mare’s flanks with growing determination as she still felt his hands over her. In a matter of moments, the peachy pegasus spurted directly into the light ginger once more with feeling, this time into her haunches as she finally collapsed back onto him, panting and moaning. “So, Tag–A–Long… I can’t believe… we’re here again… just together… in Trottingham…” Morty heaved, already looking at the same ceiling the aforementioned inhabitant had stared at with lust in her eyes. Panting about, the creamy ginger sighed, “I know, my love… did I ever… tell you this used… to be my home… away from home…? I know for a… fact I wasn’t… born inside of… Equestria… much less near here… yet I always… felt safe here too… especially… with you by me… It feels like there’s… magic at work… this time of year… with all of these… being made here… did you ever… wonder what goes… on in there since… you were a colt…? I felt so glad… eating some sweets… back then as well… all these flavors… and by taste too… first vanilla… some chocolate… then caramel… strawberry… even the mints… of course, I was… not alone in… sharing such tastes…” “I know that, I… just want to be… with you right now… Tag–A–Long…” the peachy pegasus panted, plainly placating the titular tenant above himself patiently all the while, “we’ve barely had… anytime to… ourselves ever… since Do–Re–Mi… was born prior… even though that… she’s been quiet… I know for a… fact that grandpa’s… can’t hold himself… any longer…” “And Pop Tart’s just… a wee baby… Berry and Dulce… were more than glad… to take them off… our hands for now… last time, Pinkie… watched Do–Re–Mi… on our terms… and even then… she has a life… of her own to… go attend to… even without… her own friendships…” the creamy ginger had sighed, now facing Morty straightaway with a smirk over her very visage. Caressing Tag–A–Long’s cheekbone, it didn’t take long for her to steal a kiss from the peachy pegasus almost immediately, leaving them lost in the moment as they’d faced each other already; while such an action is nothing unique whatsoever for any and all potential eyewitnesses thereof, they were nonetheless beneath notice, wrapping their hands around themselves gently at once. Just when it would’ve seem like their concupiscence would take them even farther from home and abroad, a stray voice had escaped into their ears, catching the amorous twosome off–guard, “pardon me but I’d never thought I’d see his putrid peepers on a face like that again…!” “Trefoil?!” Morty shrieked, breaking away from the osculation he and the creamy ginger had been engaged in, “what a pleasant surprise to see you again…” “Cut the formalities; I’m not out to get you now, at least not at this time of year…” the eponymous shadow’s had owner replied to the peachy pegasus. It didn’t take long for both Morty and Tag–A–Long to face a minty unicorn standing adjacently from where they’d resided about: at first, they would’ve at least possessed a resemblance to the shamrock stallion seeing the very same coolness in their eyes and tresses; of course, the only difference besides them was the fact the corporeal observer was feminine despite petite cleavage. For what it was worth, Trefoil’s near lacking of an attire had showed off her lightweight body high and dry with but a trio of curved arrows trailing about slathered right upon the very flanks; nevertheless, a red collar was also found around her neckline, the same color the creamy ginger still wore, as well as a blue tumescent item with straps already latched onto the former’s thighs. The peachy pegasus already ignored the artificial protuberance firmly held in by the minty unicorn’s sheath as Tag–A–Long talked, “so how does it feels now that you’ve found Tails at the party again…?” “Better than ever: the little pony has been gaining some confidence in herself since last time we’d met; it’s a shame she wasn’t invite the last party back at Vanhoover…” Trefoil answered almost instantaneously to the creamy ginger while ignoring Morty at once, “although I couldn’t blame you two, Rumble, or our fellow Guides like Dulce and Do–Si–Do either so to speak of…” “Speaking of which, I wasn’t expecting to be invited again ever since last year: I was afraid my flank hole couldn’t take it any longer with Tag–A–Long calling the shots; I’m just glad she wouldn’t have let it happen this time tonight…” the peachy pegasus had struggled to speak to the minty unicorn all the while, something she and the aforementioned mare had taken note of. Needless to say, Trefoil’s straitlaced composed warped into a wicked grin as she’d spoken, “just be thankful that she wouldn’t: after what you did back then, it’s what you would’ve deserved, though some stallions are more–or–less like Lickety now that I think about it; I heard from Do–Si–Do about how she was growing to like him giving her some backdoor action since last year.” “And what’s that supposed to mean?!” Morty screeched with little warning whatsoever, catching both mares next to him by surprise but leaving everyone else alone and unaffected nevertheless, “as far as I knew, I wasn’t expecting one of the elevators to suddenly break down later on that night, let alone run into you and Savannah…” “Don’t pin this on sheer maintenance error at all; you had plenty of time to leave us be when the door was open, let alone a choice not to investigate it overall: Savannah almost died of embarrassment ‘cause of you…!” the minty unicorn had snapped back at the peachy pegasus in return. Seeing the crimson painted onto both Trefoil and Morty prompted the creamy ginger to intercede immediately in an instant, “please relax for awhile: we’re at a party so the least we can do is have some fun here; besides, don’t you have Tails to share the fun with…?” “She’s with the others, Gail and Yona, eating cupcakes: Tails’ still sore after what I’d gone and done to her a half–hour ago…” the minty unicorn replied, quickly pointing to the titular brunettes residing nearby the table with the foodstuffs in question. As far as Tag–A–Long could plainly see, the scarlet mare as well as the lanky griffon and bulky yak were still left alone, likewise with herself and the ponies directly nearby. Further away from either trio were Flutterbye, Rainbow, Samoa, and a yellow mare also in the altogether lying in circle with their legs spread out in the air, latching onto each other’s sheaths while being latched in turn as most of them wore their collars in black at this present moment. Unlike the rest of the quartet in question, there were sets of straight red tresses found making their very way throughout its wearer’s back, its solid color already speaking loudly and proudly about as were adorned with a goldenrod bow which reflected the light with an illustrious sheen. Around the luxurious pupils, circles of orange were already narrowed with the yellow mare’s coy smile as they had been both offset by clusters of freckles as well as a streak of scarlet across the visage, matching the likes of her three colleagues as they’d struggled to maintain their formation. Considering the utter lack of clothing thereof, the lone redhead’s slender body had showed off her petite bosoms, miniature umbilicus, and slender plications; in addition, her flanks were in possession of a wheat stalk no different from the amber waves of grain yet dissimilar to the bow. Sitting behind the mares were a pair of stallions, both alike in fair dignity by virtue of bearing tresses matching the room they were in currently; of course, this was where their similarities had concluded and the difference became fully apparent to a fault. For starters, one of the brunets wore a coating which, although white as snow, had patches of brown all throughout his very body matching his eyes; the other next to him was colored in solid silver with baby blue eyes resonating like gentle magic waves. Secondment, although the stallions’ manes were small, the former was already frazzled enough to reach past the nape of his very neckline; the latter had bore a shortly puffed up shape instead, lacking in any for of angular structure or strands whatsoever. Thirdly, the patchy pony wore a silvery compass and a crimson X with a jet black dotted trail in between them on both of his very flanks; the silver stallion donned a simple illustration of some silverware, two dining utensils made of the same similar metal. Even their most contentious piece of detail between themselves was their stature: the first had some meat right on his bones but was otherwise lightweight; the other was already showing off his protruding lipid form alongside with his wavering prepuce. Out of the two brunets watching the feminine foursome getting their loins explored by each other’s hands, the silver heavyweight was the first to speak to his lightweight compeer at once, “so how’s the little show doing for ya so far: please to find that your little whorses are having good time together with little miss Opal Bloom; what’s your take on them, Pipsqueak…?” “A little slower but still an excellent find, Truffle: it’s been a long time since I’d seen the two of you at the party again, even moreso with her…” the patchy pony had answered the eponymous stallion instantaneously, hearing their mews and squeals entering their ears at once, “come to think of it, what about that Filly Guide, Berry; how come she isn’t here this time around…?” “Foalsitting as far as I’d recalled: she and her other Filly Guide friend Dulce have agreed to look after Tag–A–Long’s kids for the weekend as well as our foal too; apparently, this other broad Coronet is helping them out since they’re still so young and Pinkie Pie’s still busy anyway…” the silver heavyweight had replied to Pipsqueak. In any case, it was at this point in time Truffle moved his left hand down to his shaft and started running it up and down towards Opal Bloom’s direction, prompting his patchy peer to prattle, “now that I think of it, how is she…? I heard that she was in a relationship with that toxophilite Pokey…” “That was most likely one of the doubles you’d stumbled across, at least as far as I’d recall seeing last time; we have a way of telling one pony from another…” the silver heavyweight had scoffed as he’d struggled to stay focused onto the yellow redhead, “besides, I still couldn’t get over all these Pinkies being spread out all over Ponyville, much less the Sugarcube Corner…” “Speaking of which, how were you able to tell the difference between her and Apple Bloom anyway…?” Pipsqueak asked Truffle whom was speeding up the momentum around the yard still pointed at Opal Bloom; of course, this had caused the latter stallion to stop himself briefly with a small frown. Before the silver heavyweight could even answer, the yellow redhead was quick on the draw this time, despite being overwhelmed with lasciviousness in her orange eyes, “’tis simple to a fault… I’m a Crystal Pony… even though I’ve lived much of… the millennium in… the void, mine body hadst still… retained its youthful form… since in spite of mine kind’s… disappearance…” “Even her speech patterns… are duly certain… dearest master Pipsqueak…” the lightweight zebra also heaved as she’d felt two different hands still exploring her sheath as hers went in between Rainbow Harmony and Opal Bloom, “she and that Apple aren’t… alike ‘cause the latter’s… not even meek…!” “Neither is Butter Munch and her body can barely take any and all the hot dickings anypony could give her; I was so jealous when Lemonpuffs took her from behind months ago back in Vanhoover and I’d to lie there and give it all to her after his mare Minituffs cleaned her out…” Truffle said as he’d found the strength to continue onward in due time. It wasn’t long until the quartet of mares’ mutual exploration with their plications had reached a tipping point for only themselves: the fingertips belonging to their singular kind alone had become moistened by their achromatic fluids as they’d gathered around; other than the physical spasms, they were more than at ease when their bodies pushed themselves apart with a squeal. Out of the feminine foursome, the pink pegasus moaned the loudest of the bunch, squirting about into the yellow redhead’s direction despite only having their hooves touching; afterwards, she’d found herself panting and mewling as she spoke, “wow… I feel so much better… already; it would’ve… much more nicer if he’d… gone with me…” “Who, Lancelot…?” the fruity pegasus sighed as she’d regained the fortitude to face Rainbow Harmony by their side, “yeah, I’m sorry he’d… not been able to show… up to the party here… I’m pretty sure that he’d… have a time of his life… with you right by himself…” “I know I would, especially with Butter Munch…” the silver heavyweight had grunted, his prepuce now unloading onto Opal Bloom’s bared integuments straight up from her face to the umbilicus. The yellow redhead caught fragments of the solution with her tongue, licking them off of her burning visage as she’d cooed, “as would I, master…” “Sounds like to me that she’s alright in my book, Truffle…” the patchy pony giggled as Samoa rose up to take initiative, aligning herself directly over with Flutterbye until they were mutually inverted towards one another’s very bodies, “what do you think of my hometown now…?” “Interesting…” the aforementioned stallion moaned as he and Pipsqueak now watched both the fruity pegasus and the lonely zebra lapping at each other’s loins almost immediately, moaning loudly in delight from their hot and heavy lips as the former mare was rubbing up and down the latter’s fundament without a care for what the others would’ve even dared to think about at least. Needless to say, as much as one could find whatever youth within in both the dark and stormy night as well as the colorful individuals whom have already taken shelter from therein, time itself was still marching onward with or without them as they were continuing in such various states of progression alongside the utterly potential lack thereof so to speak of. > Niceties' Neon Noodles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark skies over the lands were finally painted with the clusters of stars since the shine in the storm dissipated along with a silver crescent shining the way. It was one of the only aspects of beauty that, against almost everything, remained untouched by the tales of terrible things that ensued right below themselves. Even though the atmosphere itself was already cold enough to freeze the most pure of waters, its solidity would come to pass in the eyes of the most observant. Generally speaking, such temperatures were due to the overabundance of wintry precipitation solidifying over every single terrain imaginable whatsoever. Of course, only a few pedestrians left out in the cold below would be found sightseeing with a mix of fascination and frustration unbecoming nevertheless. For the many who were nestled in the comforts of pale shelter, the utter lack of heat overall was almost incomprehensible; then again, it could be still seen. Like many of its internal environments, its inhabitants were safe from the weather for the most part whether they be standing about or underneath covers. There were some lanterns hanging from the walls by about few meters from the ground, varying in colors yet so few of them were currently in use at once. The background, walls serving as the foundation, was easily surrounded in delicate layers of rainbows while being rectangular enough to accommodate. Many of its windows were found to be displaying results of the heavy weather over the city, its wavering snowflakes and icicles growing against the glass. The flooring was basked in such hardwood carpentry: rich in many different tones thanks to the otherwise randomized alignments tightly packed together. The very area was garnished with over a score of fine bedding in the same shape, size, and color: each of them capable of holding at most four inhabitants. Speaking of which, they had totaled up to a hundredfold already basking in the cold comforts, many of whom were lying directly in between the sheets. Equines were of the most common species: many were plain, some had wings, other possessed horns, but never both; of course, there were exceptionals. All of them donned manes and tails with colors reminiscent of metals in various shades, styles, and spans alike cohabiting along a couple others as well. To make things even more obvious, many of them were in the altogether; as a matter of fact, the mares present and accounted for mostly wore some collars. Resonating within the whole moment was that all of them were currently found in various poses imaginable, averaging at no more–or–less than mere pairs. Some sounds of moans, groans, and squealing about were heard instantaneously alongside with chattering amongst those whom either in or out of bed. Zula was inside one of the beds with Thunderlane right behind her directly for some company, sharing the same space with Minituffs and Lemonpuffs likewise at this moment in time thereof. “Aren’t you just glad that you went to the party, Zula…?” the leaner zebra asked her buxom counterpart before giggling about. Snuggling up with the jet–black pegasus, the titular tenant answered back with a smile, “more than we’d expected: it’s nice we’d saw each other; it’d have been nicer if Florida came along with us…!” “It’s also nice to meet so many stallions in here: to think that Lickety would be up for some backgammon here and there; speaking of which, I’d never expected him to show up at all, let alone with Do–Si–Do…” the yellow stallion sighed, holding Minituffs tightly by the abdomen, “who would’ve guessed she’d so much energy inside her…” “I’ve met my share of mares that have lasted longer too…” Thunderlane had told the mares. It was at this point Trinidad joined up with them at the middle, standing at the bedpost clad in only but a rose red pair of snug panties as she’d spoken freely at once, “it’s only a good thing that the storm’s over: I can’t believe it’s going to take all day tomorrow to clear out all this snow and ice away; I just hope we get to return home for the holidays in time…” “We will… we always have been; besides, I just want to see more of the city anyway…” the beaming Zula said, kissing the jet–black pegasus abaft after turning around briefly, “Trottingham has so many adventures awaiting the both of us…!” “Speaking of family, Cotton Puff and Lemon Drop are going to be more than happy to see us again when we return home…” Minituffs chuckled, not that the muscular mare had even minded. Trinidad had simply remarked immediately, “I know a bunch of other ponies who are going to be happy going back to Ponyville; Florida must have been missing the two of us already since we’ve went here of all places: it’s going to be a shame that Corey and I have to go leave tomorrow when all is said and done about it…” “I know, right…?” the skinnier zebra said before turning to face Lemonpuffs and nuzzling about, “he’s probably going to be telling every single one of his friends about our former hometown…” “Indeed…” the muscular mare had huffed gently, strutting about as she’d walked away from the balanced bedfellows before slowing down without stopping anyway whatsoever so to speak of. It didn’t take long for Thunderlane to pull the metal chain directly nearby himself, switching the very light source off instantaneously before whispering softly at once, “good night, Zula…” Afterwards, silence had slowly slipped into the room as the occupants were huffing and puffing greatly into extreme exhaustion as they now burned with passion. The ice and winds of the nighttime sky were currently starting to subside and so were their very sensualities as they’d slowly drifted off into slumber all too soon. Movements between themselves were brought to an absolute minimum as they slipped off onto sleep already, few of whom with textiles adorning their bodies. For what it was worth, the yarns that had been spun would have ended there, already expended for the sake of weaving a story in the altogether. Of course, with the night still young, it was only a few miniscule hours until it could end; granted, so many would’ve been asleep by then. Relatively speaking, there were still a noticeable few having yet to fall prey to the mundane functions like slumber for one reason or another. Needless to say, there was a small wall of screens residing about in an orderly against the darkness before the dawn so red became an enemy. Each of the glass monitors had pictures of mares and stallions with other creatures rivalling them already in the throes of concupiscence moving on. All that could be said about them was that it was stuck in the past, hence the minimalistic interfaces overlaying the animated imagery therein. To say about their origins overall was a default gateway to the stardust memories of what had transpired directly within these very vantage points. Up in front of them were a pair of ponies, already swept up in their passions as they were in the altogether: out of the twosome was Smudge Proof standing behind a lonely silver pegasus whom was bent over forwards with hands nearby the keyboards drooling about at the displays, thrusted inward and outward by himself in a steady momentum. Given the ample bosom and voluptuous curves, the white unicorn was already at ease with the fact his target was a mare, her body adorned with countless freckles along a pair of shiny golden rings piercing the nubbins as her attire was but an all–black ensemble darker than her tresses of a short skirt, gloves, and stockings along a purple collar. Hereon, the silver pegasus’ eyes were reminiscent of the brilliant green, much like the very grass dancing in the winds whilst she’d stared at the variety of individuals like and unlike themselves, almost euphoric to a fault since her loins were currently stained with such viscous liquids trailing betwixt her very own legs to no end in sight whatsoever. Blushing grins were flexed by themselves, pleasured by the likes of him alone as he’d slowly rubbed up against her while sliding his prepuce about rapidly while she’d wavered around and increased in luxury, giving off vastly small yet high–pitched moans in the process. Even Smudge Proof could barely help it, grunting, panting, and moaning as well every time his thrusting shaft punctured throughout the silver pegasus’ bare flanks, causing herself to wriggle about forward and back like a lavish caterpillar in a cocoon of love so to speak of. “Oh yes… that’s right, master; oh yes…, give it all to me, hon!” she’d grunted amorously, the constant moaning expelled from her mouth made it arguably hard to speak up clearly for it’d quickly turned into words cried loudly, “oh master… please hon, please… make me your cumslut!” The white unicorn suppressed a joyful groan during the sensual struggle, sliding his yard all the way through the silver pegasus’ fundament as its whitening warmth conjoining within the spiked abyss as her enjoyment was the result of the typhoon force winds drilling inside great pleasure. “I take that the anal was breathtaking as usual, eh Winger…?” he’d asked at once before disengaging slowly with a wet slick. She’d nearly collapsed and sighed, panting and moaning before looking behind, “anything for you, sir: at least the three hour sex games should keep us company for the next few months; of course, once we find a distributor to do all the work, we can rake in much of the bits and pieces…” “Agreed; besides, think of all the others who can benefit from these encounters: the failing couples, hopeless virgins, and struggling wordsmiths alike…” Smudge Proof said to Wing before stealing away a kiss upon making eye contact, resting his hand by the sheath without a care in the world, “they’d be finding them amused by every single one of our distinguished guests tonight…” “I know…” the silver pegasus purred playfully after breaking away from the white unicorn. He’d chuckled, “Nurselings’ is next already…” “Oh, another city in the mainland…?” she’d cooed, quickly turning around to face Smudge Proof directly, stroking his modest abs with a light touch approach, “surely, you never cease to amaze me, master…” “Neither do you, Wing…” the white unicorn sighed before the eponymous mare hurriedly taken aim at his prepuce. The amorous silver pegasus’ knees reached the floor, already bent down to glance at the sodden shaft with a profligate grin while quietly giggling to herself. At first, she used her gloved hands to knead the yard around playfully like a tiny joystick; before long, her tongue slipped had outwardly and slowly slid about. With salivation already making contact, all that he could do was rest one of the hands on Wing’s darkened mane to stroke and pat based on such a progress. The silver pegasus’ tongue still freely licked Smudge Proof’s prepuce before slowly forwarding her mouth inwardly, taking a break to moan in a sultry tone. Although the white unicorn spread his legs a bit further to give her more room to lick around, he’d barely helped himself but drool and blush about freely. In no time whatsoever, Wing had driveled on it for some significance time until her very mouth was finished sipping all the extract straight from his shaft. Swallowing it whole, the silver pegasus looked up and asked Smudge Proof, “how did I do, master; had I done well…?” “Better than last time…” the white unicorn summarized with little ease whatsoever, taking little time to whittle down the experience, “you’re getting better…!” “Thank you, master…!” she’d chimed, jumping up to hug him tightly with little warning whatsoever. The mismatched pair finally left the area alone, flushing screens with large bursts of photons before phasing out into the darkness, moving images still playing about in a pattern. That being said, for every story at its end, another would’ve also began in its place like a revolution: with and without violence in typical coexistence. As such, the silvery moon and the platinum stars dwelling above currently traded spaces, no doubt the progress of the golden sun already rising upward. Under no small magnitude of time whatsoever, life began anew, or for the numerously up and running, continued advancing to their ticking of timepieces. Such was the case for one of the many buildings that stood out and about within the vast and magnificently similar conurbation on display. Standing upon ground zero, it was built with a standard set of sturdiest bricks known to the entire world and history of architecture altogether. It was surrounded by a fence with a black steel gate and all of it was colored a light burgundy with a side helping of a creamy beige shades. Open fields were also present yet they were covered in white as if they were a simple vanilla ice cream served alongside some cake and bacon. The insides were so much better and with good reasons alone: every part of the ceiling along the walls had been painted white, small green plants basked and bathed in the moist warm soil, and flat floorboards were wooden and brownish gold; nonetheless, all was well and good for now. After all, there was artwork of all shapes and sizes at every turn of the very facility in question: sculptures, paintings, collages, anything of artistic value whatsoever was the result of what the author had in mind for them based on the surroundings and/or was back then in the distant past. Whether they’d gained fame overnight, within a fortnight, at the turn of any period, or even after death, most of them were made by any means necessary: paper, plastic, metal, glass, sand, stone, lead, graphite, glitter, even jewelry, all of which with tender loving care by such extremities. Some were really old enough to be considered close to becoming a member of society, let alone a model citizen, while others had a history dating back to many incidents in its life itself, much less only yesterday; either way, their collective place of origin was completely irrelevant no less. In any case, they’d been serving some form of purpose in life once after coming into existence, whether constructed with straws, sticks, or even bricks, all it’d mattered was that it was up to the current generation to decide if it has reached out in their favor, including the visitors themselves. Out of the many inside, a tall dark blue unicorn was found to be sitting around at the table, feeling salivation curling down the wrinkly muzzle barely straightened out with a snorting burp. Possessing a lighter shade of color right upon the tresses, they were all spiky and unkempt; in addition, a unibrow was found that was as sharp as the train of thoughts being processing about. The blue unicorn had donned a big white coat that was already opened enough to show off a light aquamarine shirt and some dark chocolate khakis up right upon their owner’s rather lanky frame. A pair of sunglasses were also discovered to have obscured its wearer’s very eyes completely, despite having taken aim at the small steely canister within the otherwise frail and shaky hands. After sipping away from the container, the lanky unicorn took a deep breath and sighed softly, “nothing fazes me anymore as it’d used to but that thing, it angers me…” Even with the viewer’s orbs left unknown, they were instantaneously directed towards a painting not too far off in the cold distance: from what could be seen, its background had predominantly consisted of various shades of orange and yellow worked together; of course, what had struck a chord with the eyewitness were how the subjects therein were now featured in the altogether. Almost all of them were buxom mares wearing only but collars around their necks and pregnant: the first was Tag–A–Long sitting pretty on a red couch with both arms behind her head with a pasty redhead resting upon the former’s left leg; another redhead, albeit bronze was found to be sitting on the brown carpet, lazing about as Wing was found lapping at her target’s plications. Kneeling behind the silver pegasus was none other than Smudge Proof himself, his hands resting over both sides of her croup as his shaft was firmly entrenched into it all, much to her delight as one could even see it based on the euphoria embracing her since it was wet and white like his coat, bearing the same textures leaking from the loins of the other mares nearby lounging about. It was at this point the true blue unicorn rose from his station and began to approach the artwork in question almost immediately: as he was doing so, he’d done more than well to appear calm on the outside but had remained thoughtful all through the time; now that he was halfway closer, his eyes were freed from the jet–black plastics as they bore the world of midnight with but icy fury. Whichever other inhabitants nearby the approaching loner had not even the slightest clue at all whatsoever as to what he had in store for the painting up in front of him; even as he was closing the distance between himself and the object on display, the fact he was wearing a frown upon the visage did absolutely nothing to convince his peer of the menacing atmosphere emanating about. The true blue unicorn soon had reached into his pockets and covered them with orange elastics as he’d snorted about, stopping himself at once by mere feet away from the artwork hanging against the wall with an unwavering grimace; as far as he was concerned, his resolve had banded itself together in the face of what its host currently considered to be a common enemy so to speak of. Nevertheless, the vignettes of vicissitudes reached their collective conclusion like so with the most likely yet depleting chance of continuance therein. Either way, the big blue sky had remained clear enough, the golden sun still shining about over the horizon with flocks of birds flying in every direction. A similar civilization was also found but defined in more variously rustic materials, most of which were befitting for the likes of the three little pigs. A calm gentle breeze surfed across the grassy knolls, the brilliant green surrounding it on a lower plane of existence with a dirt road guided to forestry. In the background, a valley and ridge of mountains raged with growth and erosion in the process of their trying times as the sun was hovering over them. The town bustled with an utter abundance of people from various demographics whatsoever: age, gender, finances, and social positions notwithstanding. Of the scarce pedestrians within the vicinity of the very area, there was but a band of sevenmares whom were perhaps alike in fair dignity at first glance. The septet alone had consisted of Flutterbye, Samoa, Rainbow Harmony, Toola–Roola, Coconut Cream, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon on a fullest display. Although they were already donning lightweight clothes upon their bodies, there were still some significant differences many cared less about to say at the least. Their collective sense of fashion was generally simplistic for the very environment they were in. The fruity pegasus was already donning a white blouse with a viridescent skirt over her body. The lonely zebra currently wore a jaded ensemble of a beret, sash, and skirt with a white shirt. The pink pegasus was clothed in a snow white ensemble of a hat, sweater, pants, and boots too. The grounded counterpart was dressed in a sky blue shirt and purple shorts held by suspenders. The silver heavyweight’s textiles consisted of a white jacket and monochromatic pants combo. The crowned correspondent had a gold coat matching boots with a white skirt and black blouse. The young gray mare wore a plum blouse with matching boots and pink skirt with a white stripe. “I’m so glad to be back in Ponyville; never thought the big city was going to be this hectic around the holiday season: it’s not Manehattan although…” Rainbow Harmony sighed, under no animosity meandering in before trailing off; nevertheless, she persisted, “anyways, it was good thing to meet some ponies again outside of it…” “Same here…” Flutterbye had said. Diamond Tiara chimed in, “good times were had by all…” “Speaking of which, you want to come to my house…?” Silver Spoon had spoken up to the rest of her compeers almost immediately “Can’t; I gotta help CiCi clean up the bakery in time for the holiday rush tomorrow: we don’t know what’s even going to happen…” Toola–Roola had answered back mirthlessly, wrapping her left arm around Coconut Cream’s shoulder. The silver heavyweight had now jumped into the conversation, “last year was an utter pain for the both of us: it’d seemed like there more ponies than I’d anticipated; I could tell for a fact that about most of them were on vacation from abroad…” “Well, that sucks…” the young gray mare interjected, readjusting her glasses at once, “of course, that’s the cost of doing business this time of year; even the first of the month can be Tartarus…” “You can say that again: I know that the Apples have been having a hard time trying to play catch–up, especially with Granny Smith spacing out and about; I’d once heard her muttering about some guy named ‘Enrico Pucci’ months ago…” Diamond Tiara responded as she’d looked onward into the mountainside. Rainbow Harmony sucked in some air and sighed, “well, it can’t be helped whatsoever: even I knew she’s not getting any younger at this rate and neither are we; I wish I could say the same thing for her anyway…” “Look, please live your life…” the incomplete pegasus had coughed outward rather speedily, her visage burning a bit brightly so to speak of, “I know for a fact that Granny Smith has lived a full life to her utmost at the very least…” “I know that…” the spectral pegasus said, turning her eyes in the opposite direction from the remaining six. As Samoa started breaking away from the band of seven, the fruity pegasus spoke, “well, we best be getting going now; Pipsqueak’s waiting for us anyway and we still have some foals to take care of together: they’re still barely able to walk upright…” “Can we come see them, Flutterbye…?” Silver Spoon asked, causing the aforementioned mare to stop in place, “Sweet Victory might as well need a play date…” “Yeah, you two are more than welcome to; ‘the more the merrier’ is what Twilight said…” the fruity pegasus chirped upon turning around before continuing to walk further away the quintet alongside the zebra. Sure enough, both multicolored mares also began going their separate ways too, sending themselves off with a simultaneous, “see ya…!” “So, Silvy…” the crowned pony purred, latching onto the young gray mare’s abdomen gently, “since Hearth’s Warming a few days away, hence the free time to ourselves, do you wanna do the mess around at the spa…?” “I don’t mind at all, Ditty; besides, we should go ahead and invite the Crusaders as well…” Silver Spoon sighed serenely to Diamond Tiara. Although both ponies were face–to–face directly, only the spectral pegasus alone had interjected timidly, “can I come too…? I need to go and make myself pretty again before I get to face Lancelot anyway…” “Sure, why not…?” the crowned pony had sighed before she and the young gray mare opened up, tongues finally slipping out for their ecstatic exploration between themselves; after a minute’s worth of being tongue–tied, the latter broke away, “let’s go, Rho–Rho…” “Thanks…” Rainbow Harmony tweeted, already following after Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon with freedom within her very eyes.