
by Alvaxerox

First published

A young Celestia embarks on a journey to become a superhero

Somewhere... A young girl name Celestia is all alone. But her life is about to change when she meets a girl name Ember and discover her quest to become a vigilante.

This will be a short story.

It begins...

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At school. There was one person who no one cares. There was a young girl who lives all alone. Her name was Celestia. But people call her Tia for short. You see, 3 years ago, Celestia lost her sister to an accident, and she's been living with her foster parent Starswirl for a while. But he's away for an important business meeting in New York and Celestia can manage to live in her own until he comes back.

Celestia was a new student at Canterlot High and she sometimes think about her sister... Luna. She misses her so much. And she doesn't make a lot of friends. She's very isolated.

But there was one student who noticed Celestia. Her was senior. Her name is Ember. She's a good punk with a heart of gold and leader of the biker gang called the dragons. Until one of her gang members name Garble betrayed her and stole all her gang away. But she's managed to get through it. One day she'll get her biker gang back. But now she's noticed the young girl. Ember felt a little sorry for Celestia and she wanted to help her in some way.

Celestia move from Ponyville to Canterlot City so she's 2 years younger then Ember.

And so our story begins...

One day... School just finished and Celestia walked back to her home. But she heard someone call to her. "Hey!" At first she thought it was nothing. But she noticed a girl with some muscle around her. She was the same height as her, her blue hair was a mohawk. And she has a cool black leather vest. "Hey there. Your Tia right?" The girl asked.

"... Yeah... I am. My name is Celestia. Tia is just a short people call me."

"Nice to meet you Celestia. My name is Ember." Celestia shakes Ember's hand. "So your... Going home?"

"Yeah, just to watch some TV and keep the house clean." Celestia said.

"Hey, what don't I help you out?" Ember asked.

"Oh... Sure. I could... Use a friend." Celestia said.

Later at home...

Ember was surprised that Celestia live in a big house. It almost feels like a mansion. "You live with the famous Starswirl?" She asked.

"You heard of him?" Celestia asked.

"Yeah, he's the last wizard of Canterlot City. He gave up his powers to save his friend Stygian from a shadow parasite." Ember explained.

"Well, he took me in. He's my foster dad." Celestia said.

An hour later...

Celestia took Ember inside the house and it looked like the house was already cleaned. Just the dishes haven't. So Ember volunteer to wash the dishes. "Tia, mind if I call you that?"

"Sure. I got used to it." Celestia said.

"Good. Tia, why didn't you tell me your place was already clean?" Ember asked.

"Well to be fair... I didn't know what to say to a friend." Celestia said.

"It's not so hard to make a friend." Ember said.

"I know." Celestia said. "But I'm better off alone."

"That's why you don't make friends at school?" Ember asked.

"... Yeah..." Celestia said. She started to feel a little blue. "You see, 3 years ago, there was me, and my sister. Her name is Luna. We did everything together, and did made friends."

"Where did you live?" Ember asked.

"Maretropolis." Celestia answered. "One day, we got chased by some people, they look like shape shifters. The cornered us at an alleyway. And kidnapped us. They wanted to turn me and Luna into weapons. Fusing us with mythological DNA. I don't know where they got it from. But they wanted to show us as their experiments to their boss. Luna managed to free and me, as managed to escape, but Luna got shot when we quickly left the building. I took Luna to the hospital as fast as I can. That's when Starswirl found me. He immediately took me and my sister to the hospital. He was a friend of my father. The doctor said that Luna's wound was fatal. She died... After giving me her last words."

Ember could not believe that Celestia's backstory had a dark turn. "What were her last words?"

"I can't remember, I was crying too much to remember." Celestia said as she shed some tears. "Ever since that night, I've lived with Starswirl. And we gave Luna a proper burial. And a funeral. And I kept myself distance from everyone. We were twins, I was born 5 minutes before her, but when she died, it felt like a little bit of me died with her."

"Do you know who those were working for?" Ember asked.

"No... The voice was a woman." Celestia replied. "She and goons will one day find me. And so Starswirl took me to Ponyville so I can be safe. Then later we moved to Canterlot City."

"Tia... You said those guys will find you again... And they killed your sister." Emebr said.

"What's your point?" Celestia asked.

"From the way I see it... maybe you should make the person responsible for Luna's death pay for getting her killed." Ember said.

"You mean get revenge?" Celestia asked. Ember nodded and Celestia thinks... "Yeah... Your right. I do want revenge. I want justice for sister's death. She sacrifice her life to save me from whoever sent those bad guys to get me and her. It's time I even the score."

Ember grinned for she has inspired Celestia. "Well what are we waiting for?"

"Wait a minute... I can't." Celestia said and Ember was confused. "I don't know how to fight."

"That's why I can train you." Ember said. "Come with me." Celestia got on Ember's bike and they both drive to an old gym. "This place was abandoned until my gang and I made into our spot. But since my gang is gone. I just use it for home."

Celestia looks around the gym. It's still in good shape. "So you live here."

"Yeah... I ran away from home 4 years ago and never looked back." Ember said. Ember got onto an old wrestling ring. "Now, I'm gonna train you how to fight. But before we get to that, we need to exercise." Then Celestia got onto the ring herself. "You ready for this?"

"I'm more then ready. Let's begin..." Celestia said as she begins her training.

To be continued...


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For a month, Ember has helped Celestia get into shape, she's bene doing pushups, sit-ups, punching a sandbag and doing some acrobatic skills. She felt muscle in her arms. Ember touched them to see how they feel and she was surprised. And Celestia blushed a little as she feels her muscle being grabbed by Ember's hand. Lately she has been developing some feelings for Ember.

"Alright, you seem to be ready. But now there's only one more thing left..." Ember said.

"And what is it?" Celestia asked.

"Despite the fact you now have big guns packing in your body, let's see if you can beat me via on the ring." Ember explained.

"You mean... I get to fight you?" Celestia asked excitedly.

"Yeah. Come on." Ember and Celestia got on the ring. "Alright. Come at me with all you got!" Ember said. "Don't hold back."

Celestia charged at Ember and a fury of kicks. Ember managed to dodge and the she throw a few punches at Celestia. Celestia managed to block them and threw a body blow on Ember's gut. Then she started laying a fury of punches to the face, then she flipped back and ran and kick Ember in the stomach. Ember went flying to the right ropes and then it pushed her back to Celestia where she delivered a final uppercut. Ember fell to the ground. Defeated.

"... You did it." Ember said. "You beat me. Now you are ready."

Celestia was happy. And filed with pride. "You really think so?" She asked.

"Yep. You are now ready to go make the guys who took your sister pay." Ember said.

Celestia wanted to thank Ember for her help. So she gave her a hug. "Thank you Ember... For everything. But there's you should know."

"What is it-" Ember's question was cut short cause Celestia was kissing her on the lips. Ember was shocked... But she blushed and embraced it.

Celestia finished her kiss. "I really like you Ember. And I wanted you to come fight with me. As my partner in crime."

"And in love?" Ember asked.

"Yeah... I did grew some feelings for you. Ever since you been training me, I felt like I found someone I could be more then a friend to." Celestia said.

"He he he, so you ended up falling in love with me. Well to be fair... I knew you wanted me to date you. When you told me your backstory. You needed someone to make feel happy again. And I guess that someone is me. Sure. I'll be your partner... And your girlfriend." Ember said.

"Great. Cause I got some costumes for us to wear." Ember was confused about what Celestia said. Celestia got in her bag, a baggy light yellow onesie with a unicorn horn tiara, and a scarf with a leotard and arm and leg warmers. "Since you like being barefooted. You have these. I'll have the yellow suit."

"So we're going to be vigilantes?" Ember asked.

"Yeah. Exactly." Celestia said. "And I got the perfect name for you. Since your gang was called the Dragons. You will be called... Dragon X."

"Huh. I like it. What about you?" Ember asked.

"My father once called me and my sister the sun and the moon. So I will be called Sungirl." Celestia said.

"Really? Sungirl?" Ember asked. Celestia nodded. "Alright."


Ember put on her new outfit. She did like it's not spandex and she did like being in the cold. She can make it work. "Not bad." She said. "Hey Tia, your done?"

"Yes I am." Celestia walks up to Ember now that's she's dressed up in her costume. "So... What do you think?"

"Not bad." Ember said. "Now we're ready."

"Before we go to Maretropolis... I just want to stop by home first." Celestia said.

A few minutes later...

Ember dropped off Celestia at home. "Starswirl? You home?"

"I'm right here." Starswirl said. "So... Your leaving the city?"

"Yeah. It's time for me to go Starswirl. But thank you for taking care of me." Celestia said. "But I wanted to get the person who sent those thugs to rob me and Luna and bring Luna some justice."

"I know you would want to avenge your sister's love. So I got you this." Starswirl gave Celestia a sun neckless. "This was from your mother. Legend has it... It holds power of love, peace and friendship. Luna wanted to give this to you. Look inside." Celestia opens the neckless and it shows a picture of herself and Luna. She shed a tear of joy. "Keep it with you. To remember her by."

"Thank you Starswirl... So long father." Celestia said as she gives her foster dad a hug.

"Take of yourself Celestia. I love you." Starswirl said as he cries.

"I love you too." Celestia said. She walj back to Ember's bike and held onto her waist. "Alright baby. Get us out of here. Let's go to Maretropolis."

"With pleasure Babe." Ember dives her back into the sunset as the two girls prepare to start their new lives fighting crime in Maretropolis.

Starswirl waves goodbye as Celestia looks back and waves goodbye as well. "I hope you make Chrysalis pay for everything she's done. So long... My daughter."

5 days later...

Ember and Celestia finally made it to Maretropolis. And they went to a hotel to sleep in. "It's good to be back..." Celestia said. "The city where me and my sister free up in."

"And it's still the same city." Ember said.

"Yeah it is. And I know we'll make the person who killed my sister pay for everything." Celestia said.

"Let's get some sleep first. I'm gonna go shower." Ember said.

"Okay. We got a lot of work to do." Celestia gives one more kiss to Ember.

To be continued...

Seeking answers

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3 years has passed since Celestia and Ember moved to Celestia's old home city Maretropolis. She has reunited with her old friends. Went on a few dates with Ember, and have protect the city as the crime fighting vigilantes known as Sungirl and Dragon X. The shape shifter goons where all over the place. And Celestia has gathered tiny information for a while. Now that Celestia's an adult now, she c
Finally learned to drive a car and Ember's bike. She repainted the bike and called it the dragon cycle. Ember liked the name.

The next day...

The sunrise shine on a brand new morning. Ember rollings in her naked body, after sharing a night with her girlfriend Celestia. She wakes up and thinks to herself... Maybe it's time to ask her the question. But she wanted to wait till the time is right.

Celestia walks out of the shower, in her birthday suit as she walks to her closet. "Morning Honey." She said.

"Morning babe." Ember said. So what's today's plan?"

"Well, someone who use to work with the shape shifters said that he has gathered information that we cause use for our mission to find my sister's killer." Celestia puts on her clothes. "But it's going to be tonight. So I figured we can go to the park and play some soccer and then go to that restaurant, the Queen's Buffet."

"Good idea. Let me get change." Ember rushed to closet and get her outfit on too.

Celestia thinks to herself... 'Wow... She is amazing. And ever since last night. I think she's gonna ask me to marry her... I just got to wait.'


Celestia and Ember played some soccer at the park, then they went swimming, then they played video games. Then they had dinner at the Queen's Buffet.

At the two women were eating, Celestia looks at Ember eyes. "You know... Your the most awesome and amazing woman I ever met." She said.

"I could say the same to you Celestia." Ember said as she eats her drumstick.

"Hey listen, Ember. I know we've been together for 3 years, and since I am 20. And your 24. And we've gotten better at crime fighting I was thinking..." Celestia's face turned red. But Ember knew what she was going on about...

"I know what you going to ask... But let me make it easy for you..." Ember said as she takes out a small box. The other people at the restaurant saw what is about to happen. They were really hyped. But not as hyped as Celestia. "You are my goddess, and I am willing to spend the rest my life you. Celestia... Will you marry me?"

Everyone in the restaurant gasped. Celestia knew Ember was going to purpose and she squealed a little in excitement... "Yes! Yes! Ember... I will marry you!" Everyone cheered and give a round of applause to Celestia and Ember as they kiss. "Once we get my sister's killer, then we'll plan our wedding."

"Deal." Ember said.

Later at night...

A man was waiting outside in a rooftop. And he sees Sungirl and Dragon X drop in. "Are you Lang Sander?"


"Why are you willing to betray your boss?" Dragon X asked.

"Because, I know you two wanted to know about her, and our deal is that I give you the information and you give me and my family passports to leave this city." Lang said.

"First you hold up your end of the bargain and then we'll see." Sungirl said.

"Okay. Okay... Here." Lang gives Sungirl the folder and she looks inside seeing a picture of a majestic woman with messed up blue hair, green eyes and a black beautiful dress.

"Her name is Chrysalis, she's the baroness of this city. She was once a queen of love from a long time ago until she got killed, and then she got cloned into this evil vengeful version of herself. She has magical powers of shape shifting and can eat the love out of anyone who's in love."

"Chrysalis... So she's the one who sent those guys to kidnap me and my sister and got her killed." Sungirl said.

"Where can we find this Chrysalis?" Dragon X asked.

"At the Neon Tower." Lang said. "That's where Chrysalis's operations are being held."

"Didn't anyone tried to stop her?" Sungirl asked.

"We did had one. But she was never heard from again. Her name was Mare-Do-Well. She said she wants revenge on Chrysalis for everything she's done to her life. But no one hasn't seen her in years. Maretropolis is lucky to have you two beating the criminal scums." Lang said.

"Thank you for this information Mr. Sander. Here... Take this." Sungirl gives Lang 3 plane tickets. "Tickets to Forestropolis, in Canada. Your family will be safe there."

"Thank you. I promise you won't regret this. I got my wife packing up all we need for our new lives in Canada. We have movers and everything." Lang said shaking Sungirl and Dragon X's hands. "My wife and son will finally be happy once and for all. Good luck." Lang ran to the door that leads downstairs to go pack up his last things.

"Perfect... Now we know who those goons were working for." Dragon X said.

"Yeah... Chrysalis. She names herself after a caterpillar's metamorphosis pod?" Sungirl asked sarcastically. "Actually that's kind of clever."

"Don't forget. She's a clone. So it makes sense she has a name like Chrysalis." Dragon X said. "Let's get home. We'll figure out a plan tomorrow night."


A goon walks into a room where is boss is. "Chrysalis, forgive me, I bring bad news."

"Speak..." Chrysalis said.

"It appears that Sander has betrayed you. He gave away your information to two costumed vigilantes." The goon said.

"Costumed vigilantes?" Chrysalis asked. "Like that insufferable Mare-Do-Well?"

"Yes my queen." The goon said.

"Then it looks like Maretropolis is about to learn another lesson about how being a superhero leads to insane consequences..." Chrysalis said as she chuckles.

"I'm gonna make a few phone calls... If these new vigilantes want to shut me down for good... Let them try...

To be continued...


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Celestia and Ember began to plot their next move. Now that they know who is the main boss that started all of this. Ember did some research on Chrysalis while Celestia figures out how can they fight her.

"Okay. I found interesting stuff that we need to do before we take down Chrysalis." Ember said. "She shared some of her power to other individuals."

"Who are they?" Celestia asked her fiance.

"First up is Discord, he named himself after the definition of Chaos." Ember show the picture. "He bring destruction to other gang leaders. With a snap of his fingers, he can make his gang members destroy a building in seconds."

"Who else is there?" Celestia asked.

"There's also Tirek, he ran away from home and started a criminal empire called... The Glow." Ember explained.

"The Glow, huh, lacks some creativity." Celestia said.

"Tirek is a power hungry leader of his enforcers, he's wants nothing but power and control. He's even got someone helping him. Who shares the same desire like him." Ember said.

"Anyone else?" Celestia asked.

"Well, Chrysalis has a bodyguard named Nightmare, but she's unknown." Ember said. "But that's all."

"Well that should be enough information we'll need." Celestia said. "So he'll start with Discord, then Tirek, and finally Chrysalis and Nightmare.

"You sure Tia?" Ember asked.

"Well, not yet at the moment." Celestia replied. "We still need to plan our wedding."

"No no, I meant are you sure you want to go up against those gang leaders with superpowers?" Ember asked. "I read online that Chrysalis received power from an ancient alchemist named Grogar when she was reborn."

"Whoa... I never thought of that... But I'd do anything to avenge my sister's death. Plus, people here in Maretropolis have suffered enough by these gang members long enough." Celestia said. "I'm willing to stop that queenpin of crime once and for all."

"Well, if you really want to do this to free this city from them and avenge your sister's death. I'm with you all the way babe." Ember said as she kisses Celestia.

"Let's go tonight, I want to enjoy this moment." Celestia said as she and Ember to their bed.

Later that night...

In an old casino, the gang leader Discord watches through his TV, the the mayhem his goons are creating. "Something about the chaos that I am witnessing brings somewhat joy to me." He said.

"Um... Boss..." A goon said.

"Yes...?" Discord said as he listens.

"You might wanna check the security cameras." The goon explained. "We have intruders."

Discord changes the channel from his TV and sees his henchmen getting taken down by some Shadows. One showed light yellow, and one showed some blue. He growled. "Who would dare?"

"We would..." A voice said. From the ventilations, Sungirl and Dragon X swooped down. "Hello Discord." Sungirl said.

"We heard a lot about you." Dragon X said.

"You are you girls?" Discord asked.

"We're Sungirl and Dragon X. And we have come to shut you down!" Sungirl said.

"Oh really?" Discord chuckled as he snaps his fingers and his goons got infused with power. "Destroy them!"

The henchmen charged at Sungirl and Dragon X but they were fast. Sungirl did back flip and used her fists and beat up some of the henchmen. Then added a one swift kick and one of the henchmen got knocked out. Sungirl has been training for a while she is very strong. She beat two other henchmen with one punch. She prefers fighting with the style of brawling.

Dragon prefers to fight using her agility, in marital arts. She used her elbows to smack the henchmens foreheads. And uses her kicks to knock out the elite henchmen and scratches their faces. She then thrown one of the goons at the other henchmen and they collapse.

Discord was shocked that his henchmen are all down. Turns out he is about chaos, but he never uses his fists when necessary. When the girls were about to beat him up, he was quivering. "Get away from me... I'm warning he said." He said as she tries to land a punch on Sungirl's face.

"Is that all you got Dissy?" Sungirl said.

Discord was shocked. He is not that strong. His words were his fists. And Dragon X swing him around with a kick and Sungirl landed a punch to finish him. "Disappointed." Dragon X said.

Sungirl noticed something on Discord. She reached into her pocket and noticed a weird looking alloy. "Ember look."

"What is this?" Dragon X asked.

"I don't know." Sungirl replied. "But if Discord have this. Perhaps it like a puzzle. What if Tirek has one too?"

"We'll have to find out tomorrow." Dragon X said. "Come on, lets call the police and get out of here. At least Discord's operations are over."

"Okay." Sungirl said as she and Dragon X left.


The police came to the abandoned casino and cuffed all of Discord's goons. Discord felt like the power he got from Chrysalis disappeared. And now he was very weak.

To be continued...