> Marked with Power > by Thenewbluebrony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Mark of the dragon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Jason. It was supposed to be a typical day. I had gone to the post office with my hiking gear to pick up my new necklace, but I had found a box in the mail along with the aforementioned necklace. The box was about a foot wide by six inches long. I made a shortcut through the woods toward home when the box started glowing. The glow seemed to emanate immediately after I had tried to cross a ditch in the woods where it looked like a tree had fallen, then decayed, leaving behind a dent in the earth. I tripped on the edge of the ditch, the box had fallen out of my arms, landing completely unscathed. At first, when I picked up the box at the post office I thought it was a pair of boots my mom had ordered. So why was it glowing? When I opened the box I found a glowing orb that felt heavier than what was in the box. After a few seconds, my right arm started to feel like it was burning. After what felt like forever, I passed out from the pain. Now let's get to where I was sent. Location: Haysead Swamps “What happened, where am I, and how long was I asleep?” I mumbled as I woke up in wet dirt. As I got up I noticed the ground was wet. “It wasn't supposed to rain...” After I got up, I grabbed my bag and checked for my package. I noted it was gone along with my emblems. I had on it three from Ben 10 Four Arms, Xlr8, and Diamondhead. I had two necklaces, the one I had just bought was a Danny Phantom symbol, and then there is my other necklace, the Skyrim logo. My three-in-one hammer-crowbar-hatchet and my knife had not disappeared, however. “This is great, my stuff was stolen but why did they leave my tools?” I asked, then I realized why. “Oh yeah, whoever did it would look weird carrying a hatchet and knife.” After I said that I checked and saw a mark on my arm, it was the same symbol as my Skyrim necklace. “When did this happen? And why doesn't it hurt?” I asked even though no one was around to answer my musings. “First things first I need to find my way home. Then I need to show this to my mom.” I said as I tried to find my way home. I walked to the nearest tree to check for moss but the whole tree was covered in it, so I went to check another. It was the same. It was as if the trees either had moss all around them or had none. Location: Forbidden jungle I had traveled south until night fell. I was never good with telling distance so I could have traveled anywhere from one to ten miles. I decided to make a lean-to for the night and awoke refreshed the next morning. I then continued south till I saw what convinced me I was nowhere near home: a temple that looked of Aztec design. I then started to freak out. “This is not good!” I yelled, not caring at the moment who or what might hear me. After what seemed like an eternity. “This could mean I am near some type of city or town,” I said with glee as I thought my luck was changing. I decided to head to the temple to get up high. I then grabbed my hatchet and started clearing a path ahead of me. “I hope I can find a way home.” I said, thinking about how my family must be feeling. As I made my way to a small clearing, I tripped and got cut by a branch as I fell. “Damn it, at least I didn't fall on my hatchet.” The wound did not seem deep, but I still wrapped it and disinfected it to prevent it from getting infected. I spotted a very luckily placed system of ladders that went to the top of the temple. “Hmm, this looks like it was placed recently!” I said as my hopes continued to rise of finding some civilization. I then went to the top to get a view and saw that the jungle was all around. After I got down I decided to make a base at the temple. I then went to find a river, I remember learning to find a river when stranded to help find civilization. I then went to explore the temple. I entered the temple and saw some big rats, I then found a familiar-looking claw that had three symbols on the bottom of it. The three symbols were a bear, a moth, and an owl. At the time the significance of the claw and the mark on my arm was not realized. I then found a door with three circles that could be moved, each having the three symbols from the claw so I set up the symbols on the door so they matched the ones on the claw. I then found something that made me realize what was going on. I then found a word wall and then it felt like a word was whispered from behind. “Fus.” said a voice that came from all around me. As I heard the word I turned to see who said it I saw no one. After this happened I was freaking out again. “What the hell, how is this possible?” I said to no one as I was collecting what had been happening since I entered the temple. “How is this possible, how can I be a Dragonborn, this place looks nothing like Skyrim or Bleak Falls Barrow?” I asked myself in complete shock at my new situation. As soon as I left the temple, across the clearing I saw a dragon. It was way smaller than I thought it would be, and it was purple with a green underbelly. As I thought about what to do it approached sniffing the air like it was searching for something. Then it saw me and darted forward. I did the first thing I could think of. “Fus!” I panicked and yelled and was surprised to see that it stopped and looked quite shocked, after that the dragon flew away. After that, I ran the other way. As I was running I was caught off guard by a creature that had The head of a horse, a deer antler, a goat horn, a lion paw an eagle claw on the top half, and the bottom half a goat hoof and the leg of a lizard. As I was recovering it pulled out a camera, took a picture, and then vanished leaving only a glass with a brown liquid in it. After I got up I continued running not wanting to touch the glass but after a minute a key hit my head. I had cut a lot of vegetation along the way so I was feeling like I got tons better with my knife. I went until I found a ravine. It seems I don’t need to eat anything like in the game so I think it might help heal me when I eat so I am keeping my food use to a minimum,  And that was how my first week in this new land started. > A new view > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Forbidden Jungle Pov Smolder I was Scouting out a field trip location called the Forbidden Jungle with Spike while helping him learn to fly when he came flying toward me in a panic. "What is wrong, you look like you just saw a ghost?" I asked Spike as he caught his breath. "I saw something and when I went to investigate it said something and created a wind spell that pushed me back." He said as he pulled out a bag to breathe into out of nowhere I then asked what the creature said. He then seemed to be lost in thought and then after a few minutes, he said. "It was a word I never heard before and the word was Fus." He said to my surprise. I knew the word so I asked him. "Spike are you sure because that is a word from the ancient dragon tongue?" He responded and asked. "Yes, I am sure what does it mean?" I then answered. "It means force, in old times there was a tale of a creature that could learn dragon words and use them to fight by killing dragons but that was thousands of years ago." I said worried as we started to go back to the school. Location: School of Friendship As we approached the school we saw that Discord was there talking to Fluttershy when Princess Twilight came out and greeted us. “Hello, Spike hello Smolder how was the trip? Does it seem like a good place for a class trip? Twilight said then saw the looks on our faces. “He saw a creature he had never seen before. It walked on two legs, had little fur, and was able to speak the ancient dragon language.” I said to Twilight “Hm, by the description you gave it looks like it’s from the other side of the mirror.” Twilight said to Spike as he had a look of shock on his face. “Now that I think back it did look like it was from the other side of the mirror, but how did it get to our side and speak an ancient dragon tongue?” Spike asked, confused. It was at this time when Discord and Fluttershy came over and asked what we were talking about as we told them Discord poofed away and came back with a picture. “Would this be the being you are talking about?” he said as he threw the photo down. “Yes, that is the exact creature.” Spike said after looking at the photo. “I know what you are all thinking, I did not bring him here but I did help with it.” Discord said after that Spike and I looked at him enraged. “What do you mean you helped bring him here?!” I said. “The creature you brought gets stronger by killing dragons!” “Yes, while that may be true, we thought of that, the object we used to bring him here makes it so he does not have to kill to gain power.” Discord said With a smug look on his face. “Well, that is one thing solved now who had you bring it here?” Asked Twilight angry at Discord for summoning the creature here. “That is a piece of information I will not tell.” Discord said as he made a zipper with a lock appear on his lips and then threw the key Into a portal. Fluttershy was clearly Upset at Discord for bringing it here. Fluttershy then left and Discord then followed. "We need to find the creature before anything happens." Twilight said to us as we walked to find help. We went to the castle to try to figure out where it could be. "Twilight we should send a letter to the other Princesses." Spike said as he grabbed a quill. "Dear Princess Celestia and Princess Luna we have learned that someone had Discord summon a creature who is able to gain power by killing dragons, Discord said he made it so that the creature does not have to kill a dragon to gain powers. I suspect Discord agreed to bring the creature here for a reason. I am asking for help in finding the creature so no one gets hurt. From your former student Twilight Sparkle." Twilight said as Spike wrote, not missing a single word. Spike then rolled up the paper and wrapped it with a band that had the sun printed on it, he then sent it with his flame. It was after a few minutes we received the Princess's response. "Dear, Twilight we knew about the creature already. We gave the pony who asked Discord to summon it permission because we trust them and the pony had a vision of a major threat. So we will help find the creature so we can brief it on the situation. Signed, Celestia and Luna." Spike read from the scroll we received from the Princesses. "Smolder, we need you to keep this to yourself." Twilight told me as she walked over to spike and burned the scroll. "What was said can not leave this room I am going to Find Fluttershy." said Twilight She then teleported out of the castle to tell Fluttershy about the letter. "So what are you going to do now?" Spike asked me as he walked over. "I'm going to hang out with the others want to join?" I asked as I went to the door that exits the map room. "Sure and if they ask we tell them we were reporting our trip to Twilight." Spike said as he flew over to me as we left the map room. Along the way back to the school we saw Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo hanging out, as we got near the school we saw the other Princesses arrive at the castle under a cotton candy cloud. As we got to the school we were greeted by Pinkie Pie who then looked at her tail that started to vibrate. "TWITCHY TAIL RUN FOR COVER" Spike yelled as he jumped under a table. "What are you talking ab-" I was saying as a vase dropped on my head "-out. After that, I went to my room to sleep. > A new friend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been a week since I got here and I have found out I don't need water anymore. I also found a small deserted cabin along the base of a mountain range. I have a feeling that the dragon may have been tracking or hunting me. The reason I think that is I kept hearing branches snapping but figured it was a bunny or a deer, on the day. I found the temple. I decided to check to see if I could see my skill levels and surprisingly I could. I saw my Sneak was at twenty. My Illusion, Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration, Alteration, Enchanting, Alchemy, Smithing, Heavy Armor, Block, Two-Handed, Light Armor, Lock Picking, and Pickpocket were all at fifteen. I had a twenty-five in Archery, I had a thirty in Speech, and lastly a forty-five in One-Handed. I then saw my life was at one hundred and fifty my stamina, and magic were at one hundred. I figured the reason my archery was at the level it was at was because of Archery classes in Gym. I knew that my One-Handed was because of all the time I spent clearing a path to the temple and running the opposite way the dragon flew. I always liked sneaking and hiding as a kid. I have always been good at convincing people so that explains my speech. I then left my stats and went to sleep. I awoke the next morning feeling like I slept for only a few hours. I started my day doing a perimeter check. I had seen some tracks I could identify, they were rabbit tracks. I then saw a set of tracks, I could not identify. The front was large and had five claws while the back paws were small and I was unable to see any marks around them. They did seem fresh. So I made a mental note and went back to the cabin. I decided to check my inventory weight and saw my max was three hundred and I was holding around fifty pounds. I had arrived at the cabin and found fresh claw marks on the door, so I ran and went down the ledges on the ravine. I then lost my footing and fell so I decided to try out some magic and thought about healing myself and it worked but after I felt nauseous. I figured it was from me getting used to using any kind of magic. Location: Badlands I had traveled in the direction I assumed to be north until I came to the end of the ravine. The area I was in was a dry arid desert-looking land and had a visible path. While following the path I got a good read on my directions. I knew it was past noon because the sun was starting to set. After two days of traveling, I felt something pulling me toward the east. As I got closer to the feeling I saw a rock structure that looked like a giant dragon's foot with three claws. When I got closer I started to hear the same voice from the temple. As I got to the base of the structure in between two of the claws I heard the voice say. “Tiid.” The sun was setting as I got back to the path. “I need to find a map of this place so I can mark where the walls have been.” I said as I thought back to the temple and remembered I had never killed a dragon so how was I able to use the shout then it hit me. The orb that I picked up must have given me these powers. I then looked into my bag to find the orb that had just appeared in my bag. I knew this because my carry weight was now at sixty of three hundred. I then remembered the fact this all started because of this orb. When I first picked up the orb from the box it was quite a spectacle that sent white wisps into my body, like when you kill a dragon in Skyrim. I thought of throwing it but I believe it would just end up back in my backpack. I then went to sleep. In the morning I found a chest on the side of the road. All it had was clothes that looked like they were for show ponies, so I left it but I did find fifty gold coins. Around noon I made it to an area that had grass. As I arrived I saw a sign that said Dodge City north, Apple Loosa west, and Haysead Swamps east. So I had found my next destination. As I continued north I felt A major pull toward Haysead Swamp about an hour into the walk I found a wall. This wall had three words. I then heard the voice say. “Raan Mir Tah.” As I left I saw a creature I could not Identify. It had the tail of a scorpion, the body and head of a lion, and Bat wings. I then tested my newly learned words. “Raan Mir Tah!” I shouted. After I did the shout the beast seemed to notice me and walked over to me, it then gave me a book and I decided to leave while it still liked me. I then looked at the book and saw it was healing hands. After half an hour of walking, I saw the creature was still following me. I then looked at it. “Do you want to join me?” I asked the creature. It then responded with a nod. It took a half-hour to get back to the path. As I was getting near the town I thought of a name. “Want to be called, Pisica mare?” I asked, It responded with a nod. I need you to stay near the forest in case the townsfolk freak out. He nodded and purred. Location: Dodge City As I neared the town I saw something that, after all of this new stuff, still surprised me, a town full of colorful horses. As I got near one approached me and said. “Hello, there stranger, what brings you to the great town of Dodge City?” “I am looking for a map of the area. Do you know where I can find one?” I asked the small horse that had a black coat with white spots dotting it. “Yes I do but where are my manners? My name is Star sign. I work on mapping constellations.” Star said as he led me to what looked like a store. I decided to ask him. “Did someone lose a chest of clothes south of here?” “I don't know you could check the town's job board, so you came from the badlands?” he asked as he showed me a map. "Yes, I don't see why it is called the Badlands. I had no trouble getting here." I said as we entered the store. “Here you go, that will be five bits.” He said as he gave me the map and accepted the five gold coins I found. After I bought the map I marked the locations of the walls and went to check the Job board and saw a notice for a missing chest lost somewhere in the badlands. As I tried to find the owner of the chest I stumbled on a Pegasus with blue fur and a two-colored mane that was red and gray coming out of the location that the notice had posted, so I went up to him and asked "Did you lose a chest in the badlands?" "Yes I did, I had decided to camp out there, and my wagon broke. So I decided to take my important stuff and came back before anything happened." he said. After that, I told him where I found the chest. I then decided to check on Pisica mare. I found him and decided to head west past Macintosh hills and go to the rock farm. Along the way, I found a train track that had an old pump cart, and next to it was a pickle barrel with a kumquat "That is surprisingly not too odd for what I have seen, Pisica have you seen anything odder?" I asked and Pisica responded by shaking his head yes. > A new path > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I decided to set up camp west of Apple Loosa and saw in the distance a few teepees. I decided not to investigate and keep moving because it was getting late and I did not want to risk them hurting or being hurt by Pisica. I then went north near the town, I stopped near a building that was not aligned with the other houses and went west for a bit and that is when I fell asleep. In the morning I awoke refreshed, I then went west, and when I got out of the orchard. I felt a pull toward where on the map is marked as Ghastly Gorge. "Pisica, can you fly me down there?" I asked as he responded by shaking his head side to side. "Stay here and stay hidden if you can, if not fly down to me." I said as I started to climb down. Location: Ghastly Gorge As I climbed down I got a few scrapes and was able to get my restoration to sixteen. I found a chest that had a few hairpins along with a detect life book and a few pickaxes that I used as rock picks to help climb down. I then hear "Feim." from the voice that talks when I get near a wall. I then decide to climb back up and test my new shout "Pisica I am going to say a new word and when I do, I want you to swing at me lightly like we are playing not hard enough to badly hurt me." I said and then shouted "Femi!" After I said this I became transparent and when he swiped, his paw went straight through me. After a few minutes, I became normal. We went north after that toward The Bogg to get to The Everfree Forest. When we got to The Bogg it started to feel different than everywhere else. "Do you feel the change in the air?" I asked Pisica he responded with a nod and a growl. "Do you want to go around if so growl again?" Pisica did not growl and we started heading forward into The Bogg. Along the way to making it to the forest, I found a creature that had a grayish-blue fur tone and had a vest and black collar with diamonds on it. It looked like a canine. Location: Bogg "Who are you, why are you here?' It said in a deep voice. "Answer me or I will hurt you!" It yelled as it got closer it saw Pisica. "Run!" It yelled as it ran away leaving a wet trail behind it. "Let's get you a nice meal." I said as we continued walking we saw the wet trail stop at a hole and moved past it we then saw a deer I decided to make this easy "Tiid" I said and as time started to slow I ran up and stabbed the deer with my knife and held it in place with one of my pickaxes. When time had got back to normal speed the deer was dead. I asked Pisica if he wanted me to cook it he shook his head no. When he was done, I cut off some meat for later and we dug a hole. Then we buried the deer and continued on our way to the forest. The closer we got to the forest the more the feeling in the air changed. It felt like we were being watched the closer we got to the forest. As we got to the edge of the forest we found a river and next to it we found a large purple scale and decided to grab it for later. We crossed the river with ease and found a nice tree to sleep next to. Location: The Everfree Forest In the morning I took out the extra meat I to give to Pisica and he purred up a storm. I decided we would head to the castle in Ponyville and also see if jobs are available. We started to head into the forest after we finished eating. Pisica had found the scent of one of his family members. "Do you want to go see them?" I asked as he looked to be thinking, after a minute he shook his head no. "I do not know what they are like so I will not pressure you to see them." he purred after I said that to him we then continued our walk. As we walked we found an old rope bridge. We decided to explore what was on the other side as I crossed the bridge. Pisica flew the gap. After a few minutes, we started to see what I believed was the edge of the forest and a lone cottage. We decided to not head straight for the castle and go along the edge of the town toward the train tracks T-junction. Location: Ponyville As I entered the town I noticed a few odd looks. I started to notice a few ponies that were wearing armor though I thought nothing of it at the time. I mean, of course, there would be a good amount of guards due to getting closer to the castle. As I got to the castle I found that the door was lined with ponies in armor so I went up. "Is there a way I can get in?" I asked as the guards just stood there staring. I went to the nearest sign and saw that to my left was a building that looked like a gingerbread house. As I got closer I saw that the guards were following me. When I got to the building I saw it was called Sugar Cube Corner. As I entered I saw the pinkest thing ever and it ran up to me. "Hi who are you my name is Pinkie Pie you must be new because I know everyone in town so you must be new because I don't know you which means a new friend." said Pinkie Pie as she spoke at a million words per minute. I was surprised to find under her were white words that she poked and showed what she said. "Hi, my name is Jason. Nice to meet you." I said as she grabbed my hand and shook it. The next thing I know Is hearing a voice from outside. "Come out we have the building surrounded. We are giving you ten seconds to come out or else." The voice said. as I looked around everyone else was hiding. So I did the safe thing and went outside. When I got out I saw a new type of pony I had never seen before. In total there were four. Two were around my height and the other two were taller than me, one around a foot taller the other one was around two feet taller. As I got out I laid on the ground arms spread. I was told to put my hands behind my back and I did as told they then shackled me and two lifted me to my feet with their wings. I remained silent and did as I was told. I was then taken to the castle and sat in front of a circular table. I was then told this. "You were brought here to help with a great evil that is coming. One of our closest friends was the one who told us of the coming evil. He foresaw we would need otherworldly help so he asked us for permission to send out a beacon that would choose the one to be brought. This would be the orb you found. It was able to give you powers that would help you save us. We have no easy way of saying this but you may not ever be able to go back." The tallest one said as it hit me. I was never going to see my family again. My mom who was always there for me was my best friend who just told me he was having a kid. The nephew that I only just learned about I was never going to meet. My dog who was always by my side. I just sat there only able to do one thing and cry. I had nothing but my clothes, my gear, and Pisica. "LEAVE ME ALONE LET ME GO!" I yelled as I found no other words but that, after I said this I was left alone in the room chained to the chair. > Where to start > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a few hours, the tall one came back and introduced herself "Hi my name is Celestia I can't imagine how this must feel but we are here for you." She said in a voice that was calming just to hear. "Is there anything we can do to help?" she asked, looking at me. "Well first things first my name is Jason, and I have a friend near who I want to see follow me if you think I will run," I said thinking about Pisica. "I think he will be happy to see me safe. He is a bit different." I said as I hoped he didn't get into trouble when I was brought in. "The last place I saw him was south of the tracks by the forest." "I don't see why you can't see him. May I ask his name?" She asked maybe fishing for information. "If you don't mind me asking." she added. "I don't think he would mind if I gave you his name. It is Pisica Mare." I said as she undid the chains that had me stuck in the chair but not the ones on my arms. "I bet I can get out of this with one word." I guessed she would be interested in this show of knowledge. "If you can I won't attempt to put them back on you." She said with a grin on her face waiting to see the results wanting to see if I could do it or if I was bluffing. "Feim." I said as I wanted to test if it would work. It took a second but the chains fell off. "As I said one word." she had stopped and her horn lit up and the chains moved on their own, I figured it was some sort of telekinesis. "I am a mare of my word, I will not try to put them on you." She said as I thought of a condition. "I think you will keep yours but what is to stop someone else from doing it?" I said as her face went from a shocked look to a slight grin. As I saw my speech go up to thirty-one. "You are smart I will stop them I will include them in the deal unless you start to be seen as a threat." Celestia said as she made the chains vanish, likely teleporting them away. As we stepped outside I saw a few guards. "I don't think he will like too many others around. I am not saying have them all leave I don't mind a few coming so they don't think I have you hostage. as we walked she gave a signal and a few came with us as we reached the forest. "I want you to put your weapons away. He might attack if he sees them." "You heard him, we don't want anypony getting hurt." she said as the guards reluctantly put the weapons away. "Pisica, come here, someone wants to meet you." After I said this the bushes to the left started to lower revealing Pisica. he came straight to me and got between me and the ponies. He started growling. "It's okay they aren't going to hurt me. We came here to talk." I said to calm him down. "Is it okay for him to come into town?" I asked as she looked to be in thought. "I think that can be arranged. I even have a friend who can help with calming down Pisica." Celestia said as she motioned for me to follow. "I think you will like my friend, they have a way to help you and Pisica. Location: Fluttershy's Cottage As we got to her friend's home I saw a stream and a bridge leading up to the cottage. As we got closer I saw a chicken coop I said. "Pisica do not eat or harm anything living unless I say so." He responded with a slight purr. "Would you stand next to me?" Celestia said looking at me I went to the door and she knocked. "Just a second." We heard from behind the door and the door then opened "Oh hello Princess this must be the creature Twilight told me about. Hello, my name is Fluttershy what is your name?" Fluttershy said to me. "Hello, my name is Jason. It is nice to meet you." I said as I waved "Hello, Fluttershy I am here to see if you know where Discord is. I don't want to just teleport him here" She said as I grimaced at the last part I think Fluttershy noticed. "I do not know where he is. But he gave me a bell to call him, let me get it." Fluttershy said as she went back into the house. Celestia went in. I tried to stay outside with Pisica but the guards told me to go inside so I did. "Pisica behave." I said as I went inside. Celestia had sat on a pillow I decided to stand, because whenever I sit cross-legged my legs go numb. "I'm sorry if I came in without your permission Fluttershy". I said as I leaned against a wall seeing a white bunny lying on one of the pillows. "It is no problem Mr. Jason I left the door open so, Celestia and you could come in." Fluttershy said as she pulled out a bell that the part you shook was the bell and the handle rang. "Did somepony call oh how great to see you, Celestia, and nice to see you made it here, Jason" I stepped back and looked at the creature they called Discord the same creature that appeared out of nowhere and took a photo of me. "Did you enjoy the glass of chocolate milk I left you?" Discord said as he slithered up to me "No, I did not enjoy it as I did not know what it was and was busy running from a dragon." I said as I slightly pushed him back. As I did this Celestia spoke up "Discord we came here to ask a favor would you help him by giving him more powers? It would only make sense?" She said as she got up and walked over to Discord who made the floor beneath my feet soap. When I fell, the bunny came over and offered me a carrot. "Ah what is the point of making sense? I won't give him more powers but I did give some to his friend out there." As discord said this the door flew open and in came a small liquid golden cat with dark blue eyes and a darker gold area on its tail that came over to me. I put two and two together and asked "Is that you Pisica?" he responded with a purr. "You got a fast one here, Celly. As you can see I made him smaller and as much as this sickens me to say look normal but he can command him to go back to his original size but he will be tired after going small. The reason he is not tired now is that I gave him a bit of energy this time so don't forget to feed him regularly." He said as Fluttershy saw and scooped up Pisica. After an hour of spending time making deals with Fluttershy about not hunting the animals at her Sanctuary, we went a bit into the woods and set up camp. That was how my first day in Ponyville ended. > The quest for new gear Part One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Everfree Forest As I awoke I found it to be around five in the morning. I had got up and checked the map to find an area to hunt that was a good distance away from The Sanctuary. This time we found what looked to be an alligator or crocodile made of rocks I had Pisica return to his normal size. "When I do the shout I want you to take a jab with your tail. Fus." I was able to get the creature off the ground and onto its back. It was stuck which made it easy for Pisica to poison it with his tail and I made sure to cut it into ten one-pound cuts after Pisica was done eating and I used a frost spell to preserve them. "I need to find a blacksmith and an armorer so I can get a real weapon and protective clothing." I said to Pisica that I was upset that he is having to do most of the work when it comes to hunting dangerous creatures. "But first I need a job." I said as I checked my inventory to find It was at sixty-three weight and I only have five bits. Pisica let's go see Fluttershy to see if she can make a pouch or crate for me to carry you in when you are in the small form. Location: Fluttershy's Cottage We had just got to the bridge when I had Pisica shrink down. As Discord said he was tired so I had to carry him. When I crossed the bridge I was greeted by the same white bunny that offered me a carrot. "Hello, can you let Fluttershy know I want to see her? After I left yesterday Celestia told me Fluttershy was able to talk with animals. I found this to be quite impressive. It took a few minutes for her to arrive but she probably had things to do. "Hello Jason, Angel told me that you wanted to see me." She said as she pointed to the bunny who I now know to be named Angel. "Yes, Fluttershy I need something to carry, Pisica around with so I don't have my hands full. Maybe something I can put on my backpack." I said as she put a hoof to her chin. "Well my friend, Applejack may be able to make a carrier with my other friend, Rarity." She said as went to go feed the chickens. "Their homes aren't hard to miss, Applejack lives at Sweet Apple Acres The apple farm east of here and, Rarity lives at Carousel Boutique." I stopped her there. "I think I will be able to find Rarity's place easily thanks goodbye." I said as I left heading east. As I left I saw Angel wave goodbye so I waved back it was around this time that Pisica woke up after his transformation so I let him down and he followed by my side as we went to sweet apple acres "What do you think about this place." I said as I turned toward Ponyville and started going forward because I figured I would check for any jobs to do to pay for the carrier. Location: Ponyville As we got into town I saw a few faces from Sugar Cube Corner they looked uneasy to see me not that I blame them I was basically arrested by their Princess. I saw a sign that pointed toward a building and the sign said Town Hall this way that looks like it would be important. I went into Town Hall and was greeted by a brown pony with a golden mane. "Hi, there my name is Golden Inkwell how may I help you today?" She said as I walked in not even looking up from her paperwork. "Yes, I want to know if there is a place where you all place random jobs that need to be done." I said as I went up to the desk and asked. "Is The Mayor seeing anybody at the moment?" "Yes, we do have a spot. It is at Sugar Cube Corner and no she is not seeing anypony at the moment, her office is the last one at the end of the hall with the big doors." Golden said as she finally looked up to see me and she gasped. "Sir we do not allow pets in here so if you would take the beast out so it doesn't ruin anything." She said as her voice shifted to a harsh tone. "Let's get out of this hag's hair. She clearly has a stick stuck up somewhere in her body." I said and Pisica let out a laugh like meow as we left. As we exited Town Hall we decided to head to Sugar Cube Corner. When we got there we were greeted. "Hello welcome to Sugar Cube Corner how may I help you today?" I was asked by the mare behind the counter. She was light blue and her hair was two different shades of pink, it reminded me of those ice-cream machines that had the two flavored twist. "Yes, you can I am looking for the job board. Could you tell me where it is?" I asked as A pink blur came out of a set of saloon-style double doors. "Oh thank Celestia your safe I was so worried that you had gotten hurt or worse locked away or even worse banished or even worstest locked away then banished." Pinkie said as I just stare at the ceiling trying to process what just happened. Pinkie then helped me up and said. "Sorry." It was at this moment the mare behind the counter said "Pinkie give him some space. Sorry about that Pinkie can be a little off sometimes." As she said this the whole room looked at her with faces that said ya don't say, they then went back to their food. "As I was saying the job board is on the wall to the left of the doors. Where are my manners my name is Mrs. Cake What is yours?" "My name is Jason nice to meet you." I said as I went to the board. I noticed a posting for work sorting at Town Hall so no to that one. A post for wood cutting services from a pony named Tim Bur that paid five bits a bundle. The last one was to help find a lost tiara. I took the last two. > The quest for new gear Part Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was just past five in the afternoon when I got done with Tim Bur. I had brought him five bundles and earned twenty-five bits. I then went to the Rich Family Mansion. I was greeted by an elderly-looking pony with grayish purple fur. "Welcome, sir may I ask what brings you here today?" He said in a tone that sounded like he has been doing this for a long time. "I am here to help find the lost tiara. I came to ask about it and its description." I said as his face went to a smile and he opened the gate to lead me into the mansion. "Mr. Rich will be so pleased that someone has come to help find Diamond's tiara." He said as he escorted me to a door with a sign of a bag of money. "He will be right with you after I bring Miss Tiara here for the discussion. I reread the post. Lost item a tiara made of diamonds Please help me find my daughter's precious tiara. I will pay a great amount to whoever finds it. Bits are nothing compared to my daughter's happiness. "Sir are you ok you weren't responding, do you need anything? I was asked by a new stallion this time. He had a light brownish coat of fur and a slicked-back black mane. "Sorry if I scared you. I was rereading the post and it seems you really care for your daughter. Do you know where she last had it." I asked as he led me into the office where I can only assume to be the daughter who was sitting. "Diamond, will you tell this man where you last had your tiara" Mr. Rich asked his daughter. Would you like to hold Pisica while you tell us where you last had it?" I asked and she nodded as I gave her Pisica and she started petting him. "I was out in the Everfree Forest when I was grabbed by a group of Diamond dogs, they took my tiara then tunneled away." she said as she started crying at having to retell the story. This had awoken a flame in me. "Don't bother paying me extra for dealing with the dogs. I will get the tiara back and deal with the mutts for no extra charge. All I ask is the same you would pay as if I were to have found it somewhere." I said as I felt an anger that was long suppressed build up. I was once a person who had gotten into a lot of disagreements, so I had some anger management sessions. They worked but that was six or seven years ago and I have a lot of built-up rage. "Now I want to show all of you something to come outside so you don't have to worry about my safety." As we got outside we went near the woods and I said. "Now don't freak out, Pisica is not a normal cat. Transform." He did as I said and Went back to being a manticore to my surprise they did not freak out. "This is not goodbye but see you soon." And with that said me and Pisica ran into the forest. Location: Everfree Forest As we got into the forest I found a small clearing and decided to set up camp for the night. I gave Pisica five of the ten pounds of meat for a meal and I took watch as he slept through the night. In the morning we continued on our path to The Bogg along the way we encountered some Timberwolves. I was not in the mood so I told Pisica to stand back. I started with my flames spell and lit one on fire. The next one I grabbed my ax and smashed it into the head. The first one had now stopped moving and I drew my knife and tried to throw it into the last one. but it missed and I grabbed my ax and charged at it with my flames spell ready in case I missed my swing, but I did not miss. I went for a downward swing into the head breaking the wood and making its head collapse. Pisica then came over to my side and searched the area for signs of any more wolves. "Can you sense anything?" I asked as the rush of adrenalin wore off, and I ran out of breath so I decided to take a break. Pisica purred, telling me the area was clear. I then found my way toward The Bogg. Location: The Bogg As we entered The Bogg we found the hole the first Diamond dog dug. We decided to have Pisica shrink down and I would carry him down the hole when he awoke. By the time he woke up, it was around noon. I had made a rope from vines and lowered it to see how deep the hole was. I had tied twelve that were my size together before I added five more to tie to a tree. I then repeated the process twice to make the vine ropes extra strong. It was night when I was done we decided not to sleep and attack we climbed down and found the rope was just above the ground at the bottom. When I got off the vine I found a pair of new shoes that were in my size and they were enchanted with muffle. I put them on and my weight was at sixty-five. I started to sneak and found a chamber that was guarded by on diamond dog I grabbed a rock and threw it to the left of the door then ran at the dog while it was distracted. I grabbed my knife and thrusted it into the neck of the hound as I carried him into the chamber. When I got in the chamber I found it to be filled with loot. A lot of swords a few shields and a tiara that was made of diamonds. I was surprised that the treasure room was so close to the entrance. I then heard two voices and commanded Pisica to transform. As he finished the doors opened and I saw the same diamond dog from before. I then grabbed one of the swords and ran with Pisica by my side. He went for the bigger one claws out. I threw my knife to distract it by throwing it just to the right of him. He looked at it and I then stabbed him in the gut with the sword and grabbed my ax and swung it into his neck and that was when the color left his eyes and he went limp. We decided to explore the tunnels a bit and I felt a pull. I found a wall after an hour of exploring. The voice then said "Klo" and the orb appeared and my pack was at seventy-five with the weight of the orb added. I had Pisica transform and I climbed. We found a river to wash off in, and clean my gear. Pisica woke up and I gave him the other five pounds of meat and we then went to sleep. > The quest for new gear Part Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Ponyville As I returned to town I found Celestia and some guards waiting for me. I told Pisica to transform to lessen the worry of the guards. "Hello Celestia, what do I owe this honor of seeing you again?" I asked in a sarcastic tone. She came up to me. "I know I did not give many rules but here is one I should have said. Tell somepony when you leave the town." Celestia said as she brought a hoof to her face. She then asked. "Why did you leave the town anyway?" "I was doing some work to earn some bits and a little one had their tiara stolen so I retrieved it for her. It was taken by a group of Diamond dogs that made a lair in The Bogg." I said as I showed her the tiara and the post that I took for the job. When I showed her this she had fixed her tone. "I tried to get it back peacefully at first, but they did not listen and tried to attack so I had to defend myself" I lied and saw my speech go up to 32 I was surprised to see it go up two levels. "I see it seems all of your information so far seems to check out. We will check this tunnel to remove the offenders from the tunnel." She said as sent guards into the forest to look for the tunnels I almost felt bad for them because of what they were about to find. "May I go and return the tiara and collect my money so I can get myself a carrier for Pisica?" I asked as I put the tiara away and picked up Pisica. I then started walking toward The Rich Family Mansion. As I was heading there I went to Sweet Apple Acres to ask about how much their part of the carrier would cost. Location: Sweet Apple Acres As I approached I saw three foals I believed the term to be. The one I have seen before was the orange one, I had seen her before at Sugar Cube Corner when I was first contacted by The Princesses. Once they noticed me they ran up to me. "Hiya mister welcome to Sweet Apple Acres, The home of the tastiest apples in all of Equestria." The yellowish one said in a southern accent. She was a normal pony. "My family runs this farm. My name is Apple Bloom, this is Scootaloo and that is Sweetie Belle." Apple Bloom said as she pointed to the orange one who I assumed to be Scootaloo leaving the white one as Sweetie Belle. "And we are THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS" They yelled as they got right next to each other in a hug-like pose. "What are cutie marks?" I asked as they looked horrified by the question. "How can you not know what cutie marks are?" Asked Sweetie Belle jumped up and grabbed my shirt. Apple Bloom came over and grabbed Sweetie's tail to pull her off of me and said "A cutie mark shows what a pony's special talent is. Ours mean we are great at helping others find their cutie marks and what they mean." "Well nice to meet you and thank you for teaching me, but I was told to ask Applejack about having a carrier built." I said then they stepped out of the way. "Well you made a great choice, my sister is good with wood." Apple Bloom said as I had to hold back a grin at the unintended double entendre. "It was nice to meet you three but I have to go now." I said as I left to go find Applejack. I went along the path until I found what looked like a barn. As I approached and saw a tree shake in the distance, I went to investigate and saw an orange pony with a cowboy hat. She has three apples as her cutie mark "Hello miss would your name happen to be Applejack?" I asked as she went to kick a tree but got distracted by me saying her name. "Yes, that is my name. what brings you here to my family's farm, are you looking to buy some apples?" Applejack said as she gestured to a basket that was underneath the tree she was just kicking. "Not here to buy apples at this moment. My name is Jason. I was sent here by your friend Fluttershy to ask if you and your friend Rarity could build a carrier for my cat." I said as I brought out Pisica and showed him to Applejack. "I will pay a good price for the work you two do. I just need to go and collect my payment from a job I was doing. I will even have Pisica stay here so you can work out the dimensions of the carrier. He will purr if he likes it and simply shake his head no for disapproval." I said, waiting for a response. "I think I can plan a route to head to Rarity's if you let me know where you are going for the payment and we can possibly meet you there. That sound good to ya partner?" Applejack said as we started going to Ponyville. "That sounds reasonable. Pisica listen to Applejack and behave. I am heading to The Rich Mansion. Their little girl lost her tiara and I found it." I said making it sound as non-violent as possible. She seemed to flinch at my words. After that, we parted ways and Pisica followed her. Location: Ponyville As I walked to the gate it had opened for me I was approached by the elder stallion. "Hello, Sir they will be glad to see you have returned unharmed. Did you find the tiara?" He asked in a monotone voice. He guided me inside and showed me back to the room from before and opened the door." "Well, I am surprised to see you again so soon boy." Mr. Rich said as he got up and came over to me after I took the tiara out and gave it to him. "Diamond come here!" He yelled in a fake voice winking at me. "Go hide behind the door with it She walked into the room looking at the floor and said. "Yes daddy, is there any news?" She said as she started to look up at her father. "Close the door." He said looking at her. "Yes, daddy." Diamond said before she turned around and saw me holding the tiara. "Thank you thank you thank you!" She said as she jumped up and hugged my neck. "Now Diamond Tiara let him breathe." He said in shock at her. She had let go and did that cute shuffle people do when they act in a way they should not have. "It's ok I don't mind, just be more careful if it were to happen again." I said as I gave it back by placing it on her head. "I know you had to work hard to get this back so does one hundred bits sound reasonable?" He asked as he grabbed a bag from his jacket. "I think that would be reasonable. I must go now I have something being made." I said as I left the mansion. I went up to the stallion and gave him a five-bit. "Here's a tip for being so nice and helpful. I now had one hundred and fifteen bits. I then saw two shapes coming toward me. > The quest for new gear Part Four > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had just raised my hand to get Applejack's attention as they came over the white one, who reminded me of Sweetie Belle. She had three diamonds for her cutie mark and was levitating what looked like a box that was shaking. "Howdy sir this is my friend Rarity, She is a very talented. What's the word for it?" Applejack asked Rarity "I am a seamstress darling. It is nice to meet you." Rarity said as she walked up to me and presented her hoof. I did the reasonable thing one who is prim and proper would expect. "It is nice to meet you Miss Rarity." I said as I took her hoof and shook it gently with a light grip. "Is Pisica in the box, and if so how much damage did he cause if any?" I said as I grabbed the box and was met with a claw to the face Rarity gasped seeing the area where Pisica had cut my hair revealing a scar. The scar went in a curve from just to the left of the middle of my forehead to behind my ear. I knew Pisica didn't mean it and I patted him on the head. "I'm ok, it was only a bit of my hair. So what do I owe you two? I asked as I brought out my bag of bits. It looked like Applejack was holding back Rarity for some reason but when Rarity looked around she seemed to calm down. They went into a huddle and I grabbed the hair that had fallen. "We decided twenty-five bits each for our services. You can pay now or when it's done." I decided to pay the price now. "Here you two go. Twenty-five bits each, do you have any idea about the amount of time it will take to get it done? I asked as I grabbed Pisica from the box and brought him up to my shoulder. "What did he do to wind up in the box?" "My cat was terrified of him so we put him in there to calm her down. We are using the box as a base for the area of the carrier. Is that a good size for the carrier?" Rarity stated as I inspected the box that was two by one by one dimensions in feet. "I am going to need it to be able to hook onto my backpack if possible, and it will need to be able to take a good hit." I said as I thought about the main reason I started this little quest. I have sixty-five bits left to buy gear for myself, I then remembered the one who brought me here Discord. "I will see you two tomorrow. I have someone I would like to go see." "Nice meeting you Jason." Rarity said after Applejack whispered something into her ear. After this was said I went to Fluttershy's Cottage to find out if Discord could bring me my sword or create one that was like it. But I decided to get some sleep at the site we set up a few days ago. Location: Discords realm I awoke the next morning to find I was in what seemed to be a void-like area. I had found Pisica under a pile of leaves and grabbed him. There were Islands in the sky if the thing around me could even be called the sky. It was just a ton of floating land masses one had a house on it so that was my destination. Once I had reached the edge the land from the surrounding islands made a path to the house as I walked. I figured I would be able to learn something at the house, as I approached the door I found it had no knobs or handles just the word push on it. When I went to push the door I felt a different kind of pull this time. I found the paths on each side of the house to be gone when I went to check behind me and the path I took was gone that only left the door. I fell through when I pushed and fell to the floor that was a good five feet below the door. As I recovered from the tumble of the door that acted like a dog or cat door, I saw the being I was looking for Discord. "That explains why this area is so chaotic then. I guess you are the reason I am here." He grabbed a box that was two and a half feet long by six inches wide. I instantly recognized the markings on the box being the logo of the brand Black Legion which was a skull with an arrow tip sticking out the top of it. When I opened the box I saw it was my sword and it even had the same engraving Hope peace love I had put so that if a break-in happened I hoped I could bring peace to the ones I love. "I think this is what you came to see me for but there is something else here for you to collect the other necklace you had when I brought you here the necklace you never had a chance to wear." He said as he summoned an image of the necklace. "All you have to do to get it and the powers it will give you, all you have to do is make it through my house." It took me a while to decide but a quote popped into my head. "Ya know the funny thing is I know you're playing me but you're right" I said as I went to the first of the five doors in the room. "In order to win you need to try each room and face the challenges that they present and think because they will test your knowledge from the quests you have done, some puzzles, and A few fights." He said as he warped out and left a pile of meat in a chest for Pisica and me, it had thousands of pounds of meat in it all cooked and of different monsters. When I opened the first door I was blinded by a light and found myself in a field that had a few hills and one tower. > egdelwonk fo rewot ehT > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I walked up to the tower I noticed that Pisica was nowhere to be found. I realized he must not have followed me when the door opened. I felt a power surround me as I got to the door, the power became stronger as I entered the tower. The first thing I saw was three pyramid-shaped pedestals and a chair with a human skeleton in each corner of the room. One pedestal was surrounded by water, the next was surrounded by grass, and the last had a hole in the roof over it that shows the sky and in the middle of the room was a lever and a book. All of the pedestals had the same three animals on them a whale, a snake, and an eagle. "I think I remember the answers from the game but I am going to read the book to be safe," I said as I went up and read the book. 'Man in his throne so should he be.' 'Whale in the sea so should he be.' 'Eagle in Sun's Sky so should he be.' 'Snake in the weeds so should he be.' I went up to each and turned them so the animal mentioned in the book was in the correct environment. I then went to pull the lever and noticed the holes below the lever were an inch in diameter and had pipes that were connected to the pedestals and the lever. I assumed that if this was wrong I would be getting pierced by darts. I took a deep breath and pulled the lever waiting for the pain that never came. I then heard the door open to the stairs that go up to the next floor. On the next floor, I saw three statues of different races in Skyrim and a sign the three races were Khajiit, Orc, And Nord. Each having a lever, the sign said. 'What race emits a battle cry that frightens combatants?' I knew it could not be the Khajiit because they get togglable night vision. So I had a fifty-fifty shot. The floor was the same as the one below. I remember that they both do emit a war cry when their ability is used. I had to think real hard until I realized the only things I looked at were the statues and the sign, I then looked around and found a chest. It had a minor health potion. I then went to investigate the statues and found a few clues, on the Nord it said fear, on the Orc it said berserk, on the Khajiit it said night. I decided to go with the clue that was on the Nord and flipped the lever in front of it. The door to the next stairway opened. The next floor revealed a skill, spell, and gear quiz. It had three signs each with three levers behind them. I decided to only look at the first one for the time being. The first sign said. 'What skill is the Quiet casting spell under?' Left lever was Illusion Middle lever was conjuring Right lever was alteration This one was an easy one because all I had to do was check the trees of those skills and I found that Quiet casting was under Illusion so I pulled the left lever. The next was about spells and the sign said. 'What elemental name does use the three primary destruction elements.' Left Elemental fury Middle Elemental bolt Right elemental blast I knew it could not be elemental fury due to it being a shout that lets the user strike faster so I knew it was a fifty-fifty. I decided to guess and went for the right one due to me not using destruction magic much. It turns out I was wrong and got hit with ten arrows doing fifty points to my health. I decided to switch my shout to become ethereal. so I can avoid damage in case I get it wrong again. I knew now it had to be bolt and went to pull it. I was correct. The next sign said. ' What weapon is the most like me Discord?' Left Dawnbreaker Middle Sanguine Rose Right Wabbajack I know Discord is a chaos god and the Wabbajack is given by a chaotic Daedric Prince. So I decided to do the obvious choice and picked the right lever. The door to the next stairway opened. I went up the stairs to find I was at the top of the tower. I saw a new door appear and when I walked up to it I felt a shock. I then thought of something. Each of the rooms had its own door in the room so this must mean I need to go back to the house and not just keep going forward recklessly, plus I need to pick up some food to help heal myself. A mistake I made when I came in here without thinking of picking up any kind of supplies. As I went down the tower I noticed Statues of discord had appeared on each floor. As I got outside I found the door and when I went to open it the doorknob came flying off and ate me. When I woke up I had found myself back inside Discord's house. I was glad to find that Pisica was safe. I told him to follow me when I opened the next door. I decided to grab one hundred pounds of meat. I was carrying a total of one hundred and fifty-three pounds after that. I then decided to search the area to see if I could find anything to help with the next room and I found a note. "Snooping around are you at the end of this day you will fly and wail, like a siren who had a shark bite her tail." What did I expect from a note left by a chaotic being? I then went to the second door and had Pisica follow me. We were then blinded as I went through the door to find a colosseum. > selttab yzarc eerht ehT > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I got used to the light level I saw I was outside of the colosseum and there were four walls surrounding me and only one had a door. I then heard some Loud speakers announce. "Welcome challenger Jason, here you will have to beat three opponents to proceed." Said Discord over the loudspeakers.  I thought about the situation I was in and decided to check out the first lineup for the fights. The first one was a creature I knew nothing about called a kelpie. As I saw this a book appeared. 'Originally from Scottish folklore. A kelpie is a shape-shifting water spirit.' 'It usually appears in a horse-like shape. but it can appear in many other forms.' 'One is that of a human except for its hands. They are a dead giveaway because they remain hooves.' 'Two of the ways to beat it is to use a burning hot iron or cut off its bridle this process takes a whole day.' Ok, so I can tell that my current sword is made of steel due to me trying to use the grindstone to see if it was like in Skyrim. I found it convenient for me to have found an iron sword that just so happened to be next to the book. As I leave the area I find the arena to be filled with ponds, puddles, and a lake at the center I decided to have Pisica stay because he would be of little help in this battle due to not having any iron on him only his claws to cut the bridle and that would be of no use. As I approached the lake I heard a laugh from the lake. "I don't have time for this so come out and fight." I said as I drew the iron sword and used flames on the upper half of the sword to make the metal red. After around thirty seconds a figure appeared out of the water. It was an equine form and decided to walk up to me. "I see that you have a bit of spirit in ya lad, I would be honored to duel with one who has such a fire in their gut, it has been so long since I had a good fight." The Kelpie said as it shifted to a human form and grabbed a battle-ax out of the water. The first thing I noticed was the difference in size. I stood at five-seven and he towered over me. He had to be at least eight feet tall. The first thing that came to mind was to back up and survey the area a bit better with the iron sword in a blocking position. I noticed that most of the puddles had disappeared, most likely having been turned into his body and the chipped areas of his ax had repaired itself. I held my sword and had it positioned so the sword was around half a foot away and the tip was just above my left shoulder. I saw he started an overhead swing and I jumped to the left and ran forward as he brought his ax up from the ground. I decided to get a few easy hits. "Tiid Klo." I said as I got next to him and reheated my blade and got in three swings in a right left right motion. I then got some distance away before the shout ran out. I saw three marks had appeared where I had hit and he recoiled from the blows. I saw he was surprised by this and he looked at me and said. "That was something I have never seen before." He then ran at me, he then did an overhead swing and it grazed my arm tearing off my sleeve and a bit of skin but there was no bleeding. I decided to try to end it quickly there and reheated the sword and went straight for his head, I was able to slice his neck and he fell. "Finally I can die a warrior's death thank you." he said as he threw me the bar that was in his mouth from his equine form. I was then teleported. As I appeared in the room and was healed, I felt the pull, I then found a note and a book next to a word wall. I assume it was Discord who did this so I read the note first. This fight will be a test of how well you do when greatly outnumbered so I decided to complete one of your shouts. "Ro Dah" The voice said as I absorbed the power from the wall and read the book. It was at this moment I saw the name of the creatures I was fighting and knew why he chose to complete this shout. 'Its origins are from Norse mythology the Draugr.' 'Any person who is generally mean, nasty, or greedy around their time of death can become a Draugr.' 'They tend to attack those they perceive to be graverobbers. the ones who were not buried would wander at night and attack those who came near their death site.' 'One of the few ways to kill a Draugr is to decapitate it.' 'Another way is for enough force to be applied to the torso to destroy it I decided to bring Pisica. "I want you to join me in this one. Aim for the head or body." He nodded and I equipped my deathstalker in my right hand. We then exited the room and saw a board that said one hundred. I figured that was to show how many Draugr we had left. I decided to try A new technique and grabbed Pisica. "Tidd Klo." I said as the world slowed around us and we started attacking. I started by slicing two heads off while Pisica swung at five and completely destroyed them we were able to destroy twelve more before the time ran out, him ten with his tail and I thrusted my sword and shattered two spines then stomped the skulls. It was after this time started flowing normally showing eighty-one left. From what I could remember it would take forty-five seconds for me to shout again. "Stay behind me and watch my back!" I said to Pisica as I equipped flames in my left hand and did an arc of fire from my ten to my two, I had burned eleven with the flames. Pisica then swiped his tail again and hit five more, shattering them. I then went and said the most Iconic shout "Fus Ro Dah." After I did the shout I saw there were thirty-five left.  I was so shocked by the amount the shout destroyed I didn't notice a Draugr had gotten close and sliced my side. Pisica was fast to react and speared Draugr's skull with his tail. After that I activated my healing magic and healed, for a second before another got close I was able to see this one and killed it. I then grabbed my ax with my left hand and threw it. I knew it could do damage either with the hammer side or the blade of it. I decided not to watch to see if it hit so I activated flames in both hands and said "fly up now!" He did as I told and went around ten feet in the air. Once I saw this I spun while casting flames to make a ring of fire that took out twenty of them. The board now read thirteen. As soon as the flames died down Pisica landed and swiped at three with his paws. I ran and grabbed my ax. I then equipped my sword and knife and stabbed one in the skull and cut two skulls off. I then saw three next to each other and said. "Fus Ro." they fell apart from the force, Pisica then used his tail to swing at the remaining five. We were then teleported back to the room. We were healed and my clothing was repaired. I looked around and saw nothing had changed, that had me worried. "Pisica can you sense anything in here?" I asked with fear. He nodded and let out a roar. As this happened what I thought to be a shadow moved, and started taking the shape of a creature that was completely black with yellow eyes as it came to jump at me a jar appeared in its path. "So you have seen your next opponent's. What do you desire, wisdom, vitality, or balance? Why do you fight to get a warrior's fame? to be a guardian of the week? Or to discover the mystery of the unknown?"  "Balance. and To protect those who cannot protect themselves" I answered. "Let me make your weapon be able to damage it."  Discord said as he made my sword turn into a black version of the kingdom key. As it appeared I felt a chill run down my spine, as I had flashbacks to playing the games. The Keyblade felt natural, it felt like a tingle went across my body. "Now this next challenge will be about the darkness of the heart." I was then teleported. As I appeared I saw it was not the normal arena, It was a black void with one circular platform. The platform looked like a stained glass window and showed ten ponies and the purple dragon I saw on my first day. I was able to recognize five of the ponies, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, And four that had wings and a horn one was Celestia one dark blue, another was pink, and the last was purple, and there was one purple unicorn. I did not know the name of or recognize. After a minute of looking at the ground, I heard it appear. It was what I was expecting, a completely shadow version of me. It then spoke. "They deserve to pay for what they did to us. They took everything from us" The shadow said as it ran up to me and took a swing with its hands that turned into claws. I was barely able to block in time. I held my block as it started circling me. "I won't ruin my reputation here, they are the only ones who can send me back your not thinking." I said as he ran up and swung again. I said as I thought of ways to beat it. It backed up and ran back to swing again. "They need to pay, they deserve to feel our pain." He said as unleashed a fury of swipes. I then remembered something Discord said: This is the darkness of my heart, not just any heart. so I did the only thing I could think of. I pointed the Keyblade to my heart. "I ask of you Keyblade not to destroy my heart's darkness but to lock it away not harm but to hold the darkness at bay, so the light and dark may live in harmony." I said as I pointed the key to my heart and threw it up in the air where it stayed I then grabbed my dark self, as the key lit up and we morphed into one as the key shot the light at us. I was then sent back to Discord's home to see Pisica and a screen that was showing what happened. "Congratulations You have won the battle and beat the door." Discord said as he appeared and was clapping. "I decided to be nice and remove two of the challenges. At the end of this door, you will find your necklace." He said as he snapped and two of the doors turned to dust. "I also want to tell you that I made it so that the time you spent here was only a few minutes of the time back in Equestria so no one will think you have gone missing" Discord said as he disappeared and left just me and the door. I opened the door and went through. > tsohG gnioG > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I got in the room I looked around and saw my Danny Phantom necklace and nothing else when I turned around the door was gone. I then grabbed my necklace and when my hand touched it, I felt like I was being burned on my chest. I grabbed my shirt and took it off to find the Danny Phantom symbol that was on my necklace was now burned on the right side of my chest. As I saw these two blue lights appeared near my stomach. One went up and stopped above my head and the other went down and stopped at my feet. I saw that my pants had changed from black to white, and my shirt had reappeared on me and the same color change had happened. I saw my hair had also changed from brown to a dark teal color. I thought about the powers that I gained and saw that the ceiling had gotten higher, and there was an opening on one of the walls. Remembering what Discord said that this door was to help me learn to use these powers. I then thought about flight and took a deep breath, I then jumped and then fell back down. "Okay so that didn't work, maybe if I think of being weightless while I'm in the air." I did just that and jumped it had worked. I was currently floating. I decided to try something before I got too high up. I readied up my flame and tried to fire it. green balls shot out instead. "Okay so let's try this. Fus." I said and nothing happened. "So I cant combine powers. Glad I found that out now." I then decided to practice flying I knew it would be stupid to practice high up so I stayed low. After around an hour, I felt confident enough to try to get up there. I was able to make it up but all I saw was a wall so I thought back to Danny's powers. "He can fly, disappear, shoot beams, posses people, and go through walls." The second to last one being said with that feeling of self-disappointment. I tried the same method I did with flight and thought of my hand being ghostly. When I went to look at my hand I could see the rough outline of it but that was all I could see. I then tried to put my hand through the wall. I had succeeded, I then trained for around thirty minutes before being able to have my whole body in phasing form. I then went through the wall and found a note. you will need to sneak for this part if the 'ponies' see you, you will be sent back here. I looked around and saw cardboard cutouts of ponies that had cameras in place of their heads. I decided to walk out there normally to test out the range of the cameras pov. I was about five feet in front of it and three feet to the left as I got sent back. "Okay, that's what I thought they have a cone of vision." I said as I activated my phasing form I went past and was not detected. I looked for a spot to rest because it was tough to keep this form after all the training I've done. After five minutes of rest I saw three more cutouts. I figured if I flew while I was phased I could get by faster. I cleared my mind and thought of phasing while flying. As soon as I got past the last one I felt exhausted and couldn't slow down enough to land. Needless to say, I skidded across the floor. I had woken up to find I was half stuck in the ground, I decided to rest and regain my strength. I phased and flew up to find a target range. I knew it was time to test the blasts, I saw around twenty targets. I decided to go for accuracy instead of firing speed. I chose my firing stance as the iron man pose, standing with one arm out in front of me palm facing the way I was looking. I decided to close my right eye and curl my fingers a bit to use them as a sight. I decided to go for the three closest they were around five feet away, and straight ahead. I was able to hit them, and went for a group of five that were in the shape of the five side of a die. They were around twenty feet away and to my left. I was less accurate this time, taking ten shots to hit all of them. I decided to go for the farthest ones away were around fifty feet straight ahead there were two going in a circular motion. It took me fifteen shots to hit them. one was constantly popping up and down. It was thirty feet away and to my right, it took me five shots to hit. Three were going in a triangular motion and were ten feet away to my right, they took seven shots to hit. I then went for two that were to my right around twenty feet away, I got lucky and hit them with only using two shots. The next one was forty feet away to my left. It took five shots to hit, the last three were to my left around thirty-five feet away. They were in a line horizontally and took me nine shots to hit. A few seconds after I hit the last one, Discord, Pisica and a banner appeared. The banner had congratulations written on it. "So will we be back at our camp when we get sent back?" I asked him, as I got out of the ghost form my clothes turning back to black and my hair turning brown. "Yes you will be back there and I suggest letting Celestia know about your new powers." Discord snapped his fingers and me and Pisica were back at the campsite. I felt full of energy and knew my next destination was getting my carrying crate from Applejack. > Getting Gear > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I decided to check my stats and saw my illusion, sneak was now at thirty. I also saw my stamina was now at one-hundred and fifty. I decided to head to Sweet Apple Acres, to see if Applejack had my crate. I had arrived at the sign and saw a pony that was red and had blondish hair, as I walked up he kicked the tree he was in front of. "Hi, I'm looking for Applejack. Do you know where she is?" I asked the red pony. "Eeyup, she is at Carousel Boutique. I assume you are Jason." He said as he moved to the next tree. I saw the leaves were starting to turn their fall colors. I then realized it had been around three weeks since I was transported here. "The name is Big Macintosh, but most call me Big Mac." "Nice to meet you." I said as I turned and walked a good bit away and said. "I'm going ghost" as I said this my hair and clothes inverted color my hair turned a dark teal, and my clothes turned white. I then grabbed Pisica and started flying. I got above the trees and was hit by a gust of wind and saw a rainbow trial following a blue blur. I assumed the blur was what caused the gust that hit me. The blue blur slowed down and made a U-turn. I saw that it was the rainbow-haired pony, from the picture on the floor when I battled my darker self. The pony slowly glided their way to me, and started circling me. It was at this moment I saw Pinkie bouncing across the treetops. "Hi, Rainbow hi, Jason. Like the new look, wait since when can you fly?" Pinkie asked as she came to a stop, and was just standing on air. It was at this moment I got a headache from this sight, and my transformation suddenly stopped on its own. I started to fall and was grabbed by the one I now knew to be called Rainbow. "Nice catch Rainbow" Pinkie said as she just walked down a set of invisible stairs. "Thanks, Pinkie but what is this?" Rainbow asked as she got me to my feet. "My name Is Jason and I'm a human and to answer your question Pinkie I just learned how to fly thanks to a gift from Discord. He knew I would need a better way to travel so he gave me powers, based on one of my possessions I lost when I was sent here." I said as I explained why I was able to fly now. "I need to go see Rarity then I'm going on a road trip, and thank you for catching me." I said as I started down the path to town. After a few minutes I was in town and I was able to see the Carousel Boutique. As I arrived I saw Applejack and Rarity were outside the shop with my crate. I saw it had two backpack-like straps. I know they did this so it would be easy for me to carry it with me. I also saw a button on each strap and a latch on the back. I figured the latch was to keep it closed and when I felt it, it had a very smooth feel. I undid the latch and felt inside, it was soft and warm like it had carpet all over the inside. "Nice to see you like it Jason I found a spell that would give it the strength of any material I could use as a sample, and a temperature spell that can be adjusted with the dial below the latch, but it does need to be recharged once a week." Rarity said as she illuminated the dial. "It took about three emeralds to make it this tough so I am going to ask for twenty more bits." As I handed over the twenty bits Applejack spoke. "And I suggested the straps and the Idea for the buttons to undo the straps." I now had forty-five bits left but I had a question. "Do you have a spell that can make it so it can match the state of myself? Because I recently got a power that allows me to travel through solid objects." She shook her head no. "Thanks anyway, now I need to go to the train and start my travels to other towns. It was at this moment I realized I had never told Pisica to follow me. I then went back to the woods to find him sleeping. I woke him up and found that Discord had left us a new gift. I saw just to the left a chest that was full of food for Pisica and was weightless so I gave around five pounds of meat to Pisica. The chest did not restock itself when I checked it. I put Pisica into the carrier, and then I remembered I saw a shop in town that had an anvil as its sign. As I approached the shop I started hearing the sound of a hammer hitting metal. I entered the shop and found to my surprise there was a set of armor there that was my size. "I assume you're the one Discord had me make this for." The blacksmith said as I walked up to the counter. "Yes, so what do I owe you if anything." I said as I saw the armor was a leather-like fabric that was surprisingly tough. "Discord paid for a good amount of it so all you have to pay is thirty bits." I wasn't going to wonder how Discord got my measurements so I paid the stallion and made my way towards Canterlot to visit Celestia. I opened the map and saw that Canterlot was on a mountain to the northeast of Ponyville. So I looked around a castle on a mountainside after doing a one-eighty. With my destination in sight, I made my way to the outskirts of town. I decided to follow the train tracks to get up there and figured It would be a three-day walk. I decided to check the ticket booth and saw the tickets were twenty bits. After paying for my armor I only had fifteen left so I decided to walk. > Traveling to the Capital > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I was walking I saw a wagon on the outskirts of town and saw the purple unicorn from the floor enter with a pillow and what looked to be a book. I decided not to go up to the wagon because I saw the lights in the wagon go out. I had just then realized the sun was starting to set. It felt like I had only gotten out of Discord's Dimension a few hours ago. I started to look for a place to set up camp when I saw a familiar-looking purple dragon. It seemed to notice me and flew right toward the castle in town, so I decided to stop at the base of the mountain. I grabbed Pisica and had him transform to take a watch overnight. I woke up in the morning to find a digital alarm clock next to me reading eight forty-nine am, it then turned to eight fifty and started playing a song about winter that got stuck in my head. I decided to transform Pisica so I could climb up to the next set of tracks. As I was climbing I again saw the purple dragon fly to where I saw the wagon. After a few minutes, I felt a wave of energy, and there was a flash at the base of the mountain. I saw the purple unicorn and the dragon at the base of the mountain. Suddenly a beam shot past me and I had three choices: run, fight or try to talk it out, I decided to use my new power to try to negotiate. I went ghost and entered phasing mode and flew down making it so any beams would pass through me. As I got down to the base the beams stopped and the dragon flew away. "Hi, I would like to know why you are attacking me?" I said as I set foot at the base of the mountain only to have another beam shoot at me, that when it fizzled out left a long trail of destruction, like what would be left by a ship crashing. After this, she stood there with her mouth open in shock. "What, why, how did it miss?" she said this and soon she started babbling. I decided to walk up and sit so I was at eye level with her. "Again I would like to know why you are attacking me?" I said this time adding a bit of anger in my voice. She seemed to notice this and stumbled back a bit the measurement, not the coin. "I was told that you kill dragons and were after my friend." she said with a tremble in her voice that showed she was scared. Her horn started to glow so I thought fast and grabbed her. After the flash of light, I found myself to be in the castle in Ponyville. A few rooms away I could hear the pony calling for someone called Twilight. I sat down at a table that looked like it had a map. Soon another flash happened and I saw the purple one that had both wings and a horn. "Hi as you know my name is Jason, what is yours?" I said as she looked around and then saw me. "I guess that's two more who need to be informed of this situation. Sorry about that. I am Princess Twilight Sparkle. I guess I should have introduced myself last time you were here, but the situation was less than perfect. Those two are, Spike my assistant, and my pupil, Starlight Glimmer." "Nice to finally know your name. Now if you excuse me I am going to Canterlot. Would you let Celestia know I am going to visit her? I'm going ghost." I said as I had decided to turn ghost and fly to the capital, as I got to the mountain I found a familiar-looking crystal that I had no information about. I decided to climb up for a bit to strengthen my arms and legs. As I climbed I saw a minotaur and two goats. I decided to rest as I reached a ledge. After searching I found a cave that was ten feet tall, and seven feet wide, and went into the mountain five feet. I was lucky enough to find a lot of dead branches around the cave entrance. It was easy enough to start the fire with my flame spell, and I had all the food I would need thanks to the chest left by Discord. I had Pisica change into his manticore form and went to sleep. When I awoke I decided to check my progress, and I was about halfway up the mountain. It turns out some Timberwolves had gotten near the cave during the night, and I found that Pisica had got us some firewood. I grabbed five pounds of the wood for my next campfire or a signal fire. I decided to fly the rest of the way up so I could save time and report to Celestia. When I made it to the walls of Canterlot I decided to stop flying and head to the train station so I could enjoy the capital. As I approached the train station I saw a gate that had ten guards. Three were unicorns, four were Pegasi, and the rest were normal ponies. I knew they were there for me because one had a sign that said my name. I went with them and they started to take me to the castle. They got into a position where two of the three ponies and a unicorn made a triangle to my left, and the other two unicorns and the last earth pony made a triangle to my right, while the pegasi took to the air above me in a diamond pattern. Along the way, I saw what looked to be a theater and a donut shop. "Can we stop for a donut? it's been a while since I had one." I asked the unicorn to my left and they just scoffed. After a good bit, we were at the castle and the sight was beautiful > The next quest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I entered the castle all but three of the guards left, one of each race stayed the pegasus that stayed moved from above to behind me as we got inside. The room was amazing. It was huge and led to a giant staircase that went into a set of t stairs. The room had a carpet that was in the shape of a plus that led up to the stairs. There were arched doorways on the sides to the left and the right that the carpet continued into. They had me go up the stairs and to the left which led to a hall to my right behind the stairs, were behind the wall was a huge pair of doors with a guard with a spear on each side. The guard on the left tapped his spear on the door, and after a few minutes, a scroll appeared. The guards then opened the doors and I went through the doors and was greeted by the sight of the throne room. As I entered I saw the carpet leading to the two thrones and glass murals on each side behind them. One had a moon and the other showed the sun. Sitting on the throne to the right was Celestia. As I approached the thrones she got up and walked over to me. "I am glad to see you because the ones who wanted Discord to bring you here are going to be at The Crystal Empire, and they would like to meet you. But enough about that, why did you visit?" She asked as she gave me a hoof shake. As the shake ended I said. "I recently developed new powers and it was suggested that I show them to you so you can be on alert for any panics they may cause." I took a few steps away and the guards surrounded me. "Can you call them off? I swear I will not use them on anyone without permission." I said as I raised my hands. It seemed to me that she took a moment to think about it and then she said. "Stand down, he is here to share information about himself and he has my permission to demonstrate them." They stayed in a battle-like formation for a bit. They then seemed to relax. "if you would please share your powers with us now. She said with a calm voice that was very soothing. I took a deep breath and decided to try and activate the power without saying the words from the show. It worked and the guards seemed unimpressed by my sudden change of appearance. "So he can alter his look, my daughter can do that." A guard said and the others laughed. I decided to give them a big surprise and ran toward a wall. They seemed shocked by this and started to run after me. The pegasi were getting close so I decided to fly. They were a bit shocked by this but it was only for a second. One soon got close to me. This was the moment where I decided to become intangible, so they would pass through me. This is where the others just stopped dead in their tracks and stood with jaws open in shock. This is where I decided to tell them what my power is. "I can become a ghostly being and have gained other powers like being able to fire off energy blasts, scream supersonic wails, and possess others." The last one seemed to unnerve them the most. "I have sworn to never use the possession ability without permission except to gain enemy knowledge." She seemed to relax at this and the guards noticed. She then approached me and asked. "Would anypony like to step up for a demonstration?" The pegasus that came into the castle with me stepped up. He was orange with blue eyes, and hair. I will be the target for his possession ability." he said as he stood in front of me. I quickly said. "I do not want you to tell me any of your personal information. Because as I said I can learn things about the one I possess." As I possessed him I saw a series of images appear. The first was his work id, it said. Flash Sentry race pegasus station Canterlot Gardens. the next was his place at what I assumed to be the barracks. It had a few posters of a group called the Wonderbolts, a bed with a blue blanket and a red pillow, there was also a bedside table with a picture. I decided to stop the possession there. "Your name is Flash Sentry, you are normally stationed at The Canterlot Gardens, and you have a blue blanket with a red pillow." I said as I left his body and floated back next to Celestia. "It has been nice talking to you Jason and thank you for informing me of your powers. I will think of something to tell the papers if a picture is taken of you in this form and say it's a new surveillance spell, or I can just let them know it is an ambassador from a far far away place." She said as we walked out of the throne room and went left where I saw a sign that brightened my day. It said dining room. "I say we go with the second one. Could you tell me the time?" I said as we entered the dining room and sat down. "It is almost sunset. I could set you up with a room for the night." Celestia said and I was shocked to find that out I guess the possession learning had taken longer than I had thought because it was around noon when I entered the castle. It was after this I had my first real meal in weeks. It was heaven I decided to take her up on her offer so I grabbed Pisica and set him down and fed him. Soon I and Pisica were in our room and to my surprise, there was a bed set for him. We then went to sleep. > The cold north part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As we awoke the next morning, we found a V.I.P train ticket for a ride to the Crystal Empire. We decided to have breakfast and leave. We then went to the train station to see that the train was just about to leave and made it on time. As the ride went on I noticed it was getting colder and the ground was starting to be covered by snow. The sight was starting to make me cry, it was reminding me of home. As soon as the train stopped I grabbed my stuff and exited the train. When I got off the train A familiar mash-up of creatures appeared wearing a coat with a furry hood. "Hello, Jason, how are you?" Asked Discord as he did a claw gun that shot a beam at me. I decided to answer his question first. Before asking what the beam did, if it did anything. "I am doing well, all things considered. Thanks for the food chest by the way. So what did the beam do?" I said as I started walking past one of those signs that was an arrow that pointed to a town or city. He started floating alongside me and said. "I decided to remove your skills progression because they really hinder your progress. I mean your sneak, lock-picking, and pick-pocketing skills are null now that you can become a ghost. Your archery is also null due to your ectoplasmic blasts. Your armor skills are no longer needed because you can just let the weapons phase through you." He said as he made a blackboard pop into existence along with a pointer so that he could show what skills are canceled by my powers. I decided to check my skills to see they weren't gone but maxed but I did not get the upgrade points from them. "Ok so you did not remove them but you made them max, why not just remove them?" I asked as I looked at the board and saw a note that said the first part of Frost breath shout is to the west. He summoned a chair for me and a cup of hot chocolate. "I did not remove them so you could still find ways to get the perks and reap the benefits instead of entirely removing them from your 'DNA'." He said as he picked me up and turned me in the direction I assumed to be west. "Now when you get done in the cave just turn left and you will be heading for the empire." He said before he teleported away. I then went forward and decided after an hour to chop down a tree and make a shelter I used my flames to clear the area of snow and then I made a little shelter with the logs I cut and the branches. I then had Pisica transform to his manticore form so I could use his fur for heat. In the morning I woke up to the same clock from two days ago. This time it was a song sung by Discord about getting a glass of water. I decided to leave the shelter there if someone needs it in the future. I found the cave after around a mile walk. I felt the pull from the cave. I decided to enter with my knife and hatchet drawn. "I want you to wait here so If I need to run out we will then have the element of surprise." I told him and he then let out a purr. As I entered the cave it was like all light had disappeared. I decided to practice my ghostly ability by trying to have just my head go ghostly. It took fifteen tries to get it to work. I decided to try this to see if it could give me night vision. I suspected this would work because Danny was able to see clearly in Vlad's mansion at night when Danny and his mom went camping. The first thing I saw was a massive spider web ahead. I replaced my hatchet and knife with my sword and swung at the web. The first living thing I encountered was a rat. It posed no danger so I made no attempt to kill it. As I got to a clearing I heard a hissing sound, I saw I had entered the spider's den. As I drew my sword with a two-handed grip I looked around and saw tons of bones scattered around the cave, I was then alerted by a thud behind me. That was without a doubt the biggest spider I had ever seen. It was at least the same size as Celestia. I decided to fully go ghost at this point and I decided to try something that was crazy. I started to fly and went to the far end of the cave. I flew towards the spider and spun so my back was to the ground. I grabbed my knife with both hands and held it above me like a fin and flew under the spider. I got lucky and broke my skin but my knife got stuck in the belly of the spider. I drew my sword and flew above it. I decided not to go for anything fancy at this point and flew down to stab my sword into the spider's head. This had killed the spider and I had just ended ghost form and grabbed my sword and knife as the back of the spider started shaking. I knew what this meant so I started my flames spell and aimed at the spider and lit it like a bonfire. The back of the spider burst open and the spider babies were crawling out of the body on fire. I decided to end this in an amazing way, "Fus Ro Dah." I shouted and the spiders hit the wall like bugs on a windshield. I then saw a small path at the side of the cave and felt the pull of the words bring me there. > The cold north part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I continued into the cave I found that there were no webs anywhere. I found this odd due to how many were in the previous area of the cave. I figured it could mean three things. The first is that the spider had known about a possible threat to its safety and stayed away, another is that it was too big to fit in the area, and the third is something had made it by the spider unnoticed. I thought the second one was the most likely but decided to stay vigilant. After a few minutes, I entered a small clearing where I found a crystal that felt like it was calling to me. When I picked up the crystal I saw that it would change color based on the way I rotated it. The crystal also seemed to be playing a tune that made my body relax. The feeling had stopped once the crystal had left my hand. I continued my descent into the cave to find the words for frost breath when I found a patch that was covered in snow but there were no holes in the ceiling. I then felt a warm breeze go down my back but when I turned there was nothing there. I felt like I was being watched. I then realized I had used my shouts when I had my body parts in ghost form. I decided not to focus on it for now due to still feeling like I'm being watched. I decided to go full ghost and that was when I saw it. A Unicorn's ghost that had black lines going around its body. The body was green and white, and the white was graying the tail was green with blue spots and was also turning gray. The mane was red and white. Its cutie mark was a peppermint. I was not able to speak to it but it was able to change parts of its form. It led me to its body which had a drawing on the cave wall above it. The drawing shows a bipedal creature with fangs, green skin, and small horns. I was familiar with a species that resembles the creature orcs, this shocked me. I had been here for a few months and had only heard them mentioned by discord during the quiz. The pony then led me to a door that had a small hole in it. The ghost then pointed to the bag on its body. I found a small ball next to the bag that was the same size as the hole. As I inserted the ball into the hole it started to crystallize and was shot towards me, It hit my left pectoral and I felt a burn. But when I checked there was no mark, like the other times I felt the burn. I looked down and saw the ball was at my feet, the door had opened and I saw the door had opened and behind it was a cave full of crystals. I walked through the door and saw the cave had become completely crystallized with no crystallization happening. The cave just suddenly became crystals. All of the crystals were of a teal hue. As I passed through the door I felt the cave grow colder and saw the pony's ghost had gotten close to me. This made me think that the orc had gotten close. I decided to check the body first before I continued going into the cave, to see If I could find any marks that would suggest that she was hit by the ball. I did this to see if she had opened the door and had been attacked by an orc that was inside. From what I could see the body had quite a few bruises and one deep stab-like wound on it but none were the same shape as the ball. I then decided to look around and see if I could see any signs of how this had happened. I took a few steps back and found a crystal that was a dark red on half of it which told me it caused the deep stab. I then decided to look at the walls and saw there was a circular shaped dent in the wall above the bag. I decided to say. "Nod your head if my guess is close to what had happened. You had somehow got past the spider and found this ball somewhere before the nest." She nodded as I finished saying that. "You then came up to the door and saw the hole. You then used magic to place the ball and when it shot out you looked away and were attacked." She nodded and then pointed to her bag. I assumed she wanted to give me something. I searched her bag and found some Id. It said Peppermint Swirl, she was 68 solar cycles old. I found thirty bits an old lamp and a dull sword. I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw she was pointing toward the door. I decided to turn invisible and see what she was pointing at. I walked over there and saw there was an orc just past the doorway. I decided not to cause a big scene and saw there were no other orcs around. So I decided to grab my knife and bring it down straight into his head. I did not work in instantly killing him so I grabbed my hammer and swung for his neck while still holding the handle of my knife. This did kill him, I decided to burn the body under the hole so it would not smoke the cave. After five minutes I found the word wall. It was surrounded by crystals. As I walked up I heard the voice. "Fo Krah Diin." It said as the words started to glow and beams from the light shot at me. After the glowing stopped I left the cave and me and Pisica continued heading north towards the Empire. > A new view part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Crystal Empire Pov Spearmint Bolt This week was supposed to be amazing. First my mother was supposed to visit and I received a letter from her saying she would be late because she had found a cave that was not shown on any maps and she had decided to check it out. The letter she sent said to expect her in three days. I received the letter last week. The last time I saw my mom was a year ago, when I had been told I was being transferred to The Empire. I was off duty and was visiting her and my dad. At this time it had been five years since I had moved to Canterlot from my hometown Dodge City. My mom and dad had just started planning a trip to the Badlands. They had planned on going to a rock that was the shape of a dragon's claw and were going to be there for a few months. My dad says he used to be a coach for the Wonderbolts. But he was really a stunt coordinator. It was during his time with the Wonderbolts that he met my mom. when the train he was taking made a stop in a small town called Ponyville. He was using the train because a stunt went wrong and a rookie by the name of Spitfire had crashed into him and fractured his wing. My mom had lived in Ponyville her whole life, she at the time had found a special ingredient for her peppermints that grew in the Everfree Forest. She had received an order for some prank candies. She had remembered hearing stories of a plant that when touched would play jokes on the one who touched it. The order was a surprise to her because her boss had ordered it. Her boss had said that the blue flower seemed to have changed his wife into a unicorn. My mother was going to ask why he ordered them but chose not to. She was on the train to visit her family in Dodge City and their seats happened to be next to each other and they started talking. By the time they made it to the City they had set up a date. Their first date was a simple dinner. They went to the Dodge Canteen and had some sweet cider and had some daffodils and daisy sandwiches. They had dated three years before they got married. They had decided to stay in Dodge City for a few years. It was a year later when they found out they were going to have a third member join the family. It was at this point they moved to Ponyville, where I was born. After fifteen years we moved back to Dodge City and I started training for the guard. It was after three more years I was accepted into the guard and was rapidly promoted. On the third year's Summer Sun Celebration, I was called into action due to reports that The Princess had been captured, and the sun had yet to rise. When I had gotten to my post I was informed that the culprit was the fabled Mare in The Moon, Nightmare Moon. After hours of searching, we had received news that Celestia had been found and we had a new Princess, The mare formerly known as Nightmare Moon, Celestia's sister Luna. Few had heard the legend. I knew it well. Long ago two had ruled Equestria, one who would raise the sun, and one who would raise the moon. The ponies they ruled over-loved and played during the day, and were scared and hid from the night. This had angered the younger sister, and one day she refused to lower the moon. Her older sister had tried to explain to her that if she did not lower the moon it would mean doom for all that they ruled over. The younger sister had refused to lower the moon. The older sister was then forced to use The Elements Of Harmony on her sister and send her to the moon. It was told the sister would return on the day of the thousandth Summer Sun Celebration, which just so happened to be today. That was the day I decided to put in a transfer to Canterlot. I was then transferred to Canterlot and I was on the front line of the royal wedding. I had saved ten ponies that day and they had apparently put me on a list. That list was revealed when The Crystal Empire had returned. I was stationed there and started in the city. Apparently in The Empire, they have one leader and two subordinates patrol the city and guard the entrances. If they needed to escort someone they could swap the leader of the squad at the entrance and have them go with a city team. My team was stationed at the southeast entrance today. The day had been going slow so I started thinking about what will be next for me. I was soon brought out of my thoughts when a bipedal creature had come to the tunnel I was stationed at and said they were here to see Starswirl. I let it in due to it having a letter with the royal seal. I was in a bad mood and when they asked about the empire I made a rude comment that I now regret having said. A little while later the crystal heart had released a shock-wave of love. When we arrived at the palace he said he had found a body in a cave and had collected the ID from the body. That was when my worst fears came true. The ID said Peppermint Swirl. I had given the card to my coworker as I had been given a leave to console my father. as I left I heard my coworker say. "Hello Sir Blue Bolt, I have some bad news." That's all I heard before I left to go see my dad. > The cold north part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Crystal Empire As we continued heading north we started to see a dome. I decided to have Pisica turn into his cat form and walked up to the dome. As I got close I saw some guards and what looked like a walkway tube through the dome. "Halt what purpose do you have for visiting the Crystal Empire?" One of the guards said as she moved her spear in front of the tube. "Well, are you going to answer, or just stand there?" She said as she pointed the spear at me. Her coat was Green with white swirls coming down from her back. From what I could see her mane was split in color; half was red and the other half was white, parted by her horn which was red with a green spiral going to the tip. I decided to tell the truth. "I am here to see the Pillars Of Equestria. I was told they wanted to see me by Princess Celestia." I said as I grabbed the note that was given to me with the train ticket. I noticed there was a stamp on the back that had what I assumed to be the mark of the royal treasury. She looked shocked when she flipped the note over and saw the stamp. "Let him through his note bears the official seal of Princess Celestia." She said as the other guards lifted their spears and allowed me in the barrier. "Wait here as I get a replacement for my post so I can escort you to the castle." She said as I got through the barrier and left me. It took a few minutes and she arrived with three other guards that took her place and the places of two other guards, who joined us. I decided to try to strike up a bit of conversation to learn a bit about this place and then saw a statue of a familiar-looking dragon holding a heart. I decided to ignore it for now and figured it was an important part of the empire's history they would tell me about or I will read about it later. "Can you tell me a bit of the empire's history?" I asked as we continued walking. She looked at me and said with an expressionless face. "If you want information about the empire go find a tour guide, or go to the library." I found it funny and understandable. She is a pony selected to keep the Empire safe and keep the Empire's secrets and does not want to risk giving away any secrets due to a slip of the tongue. I decided to look around the area and saw the houses looked to be made of crystals. I then saw what looked to be the heart Spike was holding. It seemed to be calling to me because once I saw it my chest felt like it was on fire I decided to look away at this point. They seemed to notice this. "Are you okay sir?" The guard who I have been talking to asked as she stopped. I decided to lie. "It's a normal thing that happens every once in a while." She seemed to believe me and we continued on our way. As we approached the castle a sudden shock-wave-like ring shot past us and I felt the burn this time I saw the change. It started with my skin becoming rock hard, then it started to shine, and finally, huge crystals started forming on my whole body. They seemed to notice my shock. "So this is your first time being crystallized. It happens when the Crystal Heart has been filled with enough love and sends out the shock wave you saw." The head guard said. It was at this point I saw they had become shiny as well. I figured they thought this was my crystallized form so I went with it. I used my arm to inspect myself and I saw my outfit had changed to look almost the same as Diamondhead's outfit from the show except I did not have the Omnitrix symbol. When we got to the castle they had lost their crystal forms and I was still stuck as Diamond head. "So this is the warrior we summoned." An old unicorn who had a hat with bells and a cloak that had stars on it was standing next to Discord said. "I will admit this is not how Celestia had described him, Discord." Discord then teleported next to me. "It appears our friend Jason has gotten new powers." Discord said as he was dragging one of his claws along my arm. I decided to try one of the more basic powers. I imagined my hand turning into a sharp point by making my hand into a salute form and my hand had become like a sword. I then relaxed my hand and saw it stay as a sword. I then realized it was thought-based. I thought back and remembered the ball and the Crystal Heart. "I only know the cave you sent me to had a door that was opened by a ball, and when I used the ball It crystallized and hit where my heart was. I then felt a burn in my heart when I was looking at the Crystal Heart, finally, when the Heart did its shock wave I became this." I explained and then I remembered Peppermint. "I need to see the local guard, I found a pony's body in the cave," I said as I had forgotten there were three guards with me. 'I had found the body in the cave I had just told you guys about and I found the ball next to the body here is her ID card." As I said this and handed the card to the guard, I had been talking to on the way here. She seemed to have known this mare. The mare had run off and the other two guards knew why. "Her mother was supposed to have been here last week. They had agreed to meet at the tunnel so they could catch up. Thank you, she's been worried." The guard who was on my left said before him and the other guard left me with Discord and the old unicorn. The unicorn then spoke up and said. "It is about time I introduced myself, I am Starswirl the Bearded. Nice to meet you." > The cold north part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was after he had told me his name I stared off into the distance for what seemed like hours. I realized He was the one who had Discord bring me here. I decide now is not the time to confront him. "So who is this being I was summoned here to take care of?" I asked Starswirl. I decided to try and transform back, and found that I had a new ability, I was able to have my body revert and stay in the alien forms on command so i trained this ability for the next few minutes while talking to Starswirl. I also felt my new mark a circle on the left side of my chest where the ball had hit. Starswirl had walked up to me and said this about the threat. "He is the same species as one of Equestria's oldest enemies Tirek a centaur, but he seems to be a different subspecies of centaur. His upper half is completely green and has long black hair and spikes on the side of his head." His description of the upper half took me back to the cave A green being with black hair and spikes on Its head. I knew what this other part was from my cave encounter. "The creature is of the a race combination of Minotaur and Orsimer. An Orsimer is a being that is most commonly depicted as being a barbaric creature with little social structure. That is false though they tend to live in small camps were the leader of the camp is often the strongest male. there are some ways to be accepted into the ranks of the orcs as all orc camps go by The Code of Malacath. If you help an orc settlement or complete any of the qualifying tasks, you can be accepted into all of the camps. The orc camps all have a class system where only the strongest can have a wife so that the next generation will in theory be stronger. To accomplish this they train the orcs from a young age. Now as I mentioned before the orcs go by The Code of Malacath, It states that an orc cannot attack kill or steal without reason." I said as I looked into my journal that keep information on the races of Skyrim and their beliefs. "I must also add that there are those who don't live in the camps and most of them don't follow the code," I added as I remembered a lot of bandit camp's had a few orcs. Starswirl then walked over and cast a spell. "It seems that your body has been modified from the original readings we had from when we summoned you." He said as he projected an image of me from when I first got here compared to now I saw my belly had gotten slimmer and I had lost most of my man boob and it started to look more like a models pectorals. that being said my scars and marks from my former life remained. I decided to ask about something. "Discord how long have I been here?" He then appeared before me in the form of a calendar. "It has almost been four months. Why do you ask my smooth skinned pal?" Discord said as he rubbed my arm. I decided to be open with him. "Because I feel I need more time." I said as I let it out. "You could of picked so many others who were way more trained for fights and battle yet you chose me why?" I asked as all the pent up emotions had been let out. Discord looked at me and said this. "We saw you were different and we decided we did not need another hero, sure a hero could do the job, but would they be able to finish it and do what would ruin, how they are looked upon by the public and finish the job, I have heard the saying so many times in stories from your world. The world has enough hero's Jason. now we need a person who does not have the same limitations. The kind that is not afraid to punish the villains. Like you did with those Diamond Dogs." He said as he brought up a projection of the Fight I had with the Dogs. "You have held in the power you have for too long it is time I fully unlock the first power I gave you. When he said this I was preparing my self for the burn but it was not on my chest or shoulder, It was on my arms and hands. the burns were wrapping around my arms from my elbows to my thumbs. This power came with weapons that had a name that was quite fitting for Discord, The Blades Of Chaos. Two blades that were forged at the darkest depths of underworld by the God of War Aries. I knew the power he was referring to, rage. He had already told me this by showing me a time I had semi-used it without knowing it. Location: Discord's Realm The next thing I knew Discord had sent me to his realm and I was surrounded by skeletons, I Felt my arms start to tingle and activated the seal. I could feel the chains appear and summoned the Blades to my hands. I decided to start with one of my favorite maneuvers I threw the blade and pulled the blade back and used the other blade to shatter the spine. I decide to end it fast and started spinning as I got to a great speed I released the blades grabbed the chains, and continued spinning. I then had a question I had to ask but I needed him here. "Discord I know you are listening, I need some answers now." I yelled and noticed my voice had became a bit deeper almost like Kratos's. He then appeared and I asked him. "Why give me rage when the way i won the third battle you set up was to deny it?" He then brought me back to the area with the glass floor and said. "Because you were wrong in the way you won. That was the way of chaos you won now you need to do it in harmony with the rage. Mwahahaha!" He laughed and teleported away and left Me with My Heartless self. > snekawa retsnom A > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I turned around the heartless me grew to be ten times its height. I felt the rage build up and something snapped inside of me. It has been so long since I truly let my rage out. I summoned the blades and got straight to work. I found the area to have a lot  of things I could use to attack the heartless. The first things I saw were three catapults, the next was a ballista, and lastly was something that looked like a giant slingshot. I decided to use the ballista. I remember this being in one of the games and got on it and started moving the rope back to the latch and I pulled the release lever. I was shot towards the heartless and Landed on the area I assumed to be Its arm. I decided to see if The blades would do damage to the heartless so I plunged the blades into the arm as I jumped off the arm and stabbed it with the blades and rode down to the hand. As I hit the ground the Heartless turned to me and said. "Bow to the darkness in your heart." It then brought its fist up and slammed it down on me. I was able to think fast enough to bring out my Deathstalker and it turned into a Keyblade in time for the fist to hit it. After this it recoiled in pain as this happened I saw a yellow bar appear and saw It had a small bit missing from it and it said Jason's Heartless  I noticed I still had my left hand's Blade of Chaos out while I had my Deathstalker Key active in my right hand. I activated my right arms chain and attached it to my Key. I threw it at my Heartless. It had actually hurt with the chain attached and I Jumped and pulled the chain to launch myself at my Heartless. I decided to make a claim at this point and deal with what might be said to me later. "You know nothing Dark one Gods do not bow!" As I said this I felt like I was being watched and made an assumption that Discord and Starswirl were using this fight to study me. I saw the health bar had moved to show he had lost a quarter of his health, I decided to shout. "Tiid Klo." I used the time slow to run back towards the catapults and the big slingshot. When time returned to normal speed I was lowering the bucket and hopping into it. I then used my Blade of Chaos to hit the lever to launch myself. When I got in the air My heartless had turned to face me. I had been holding my key out in front of me in a Superman like pose when I hit. I saw this launch attack had dropped its health down to half. I knew the next thing it would do was try to counter attack so I blocked its attack and made a run for the middle catapult. It had realized this and grabbed a blob from itself and threw it and it destroyed two of the catapults, both ones I had not used. It was at this moment I realized I forgot what Discord had told me. I felt my rage at its max but did not use it. I knew it would boost my strength but I needed to weaken it more so I kept guard until I could shout again. "Discord I ask of you a favor. I need you to imbue my Blades of Chaos with light." I said as I blocked another blow. "I can not do that because that is not how a heartless is beat or even hurt." Discord said from the heavens. It was at this moment I had lost control of my rage, and went all out with my attacks. I did not realize it at the time but, slowly the health of my heartless was lowering. By the time the rage had ended It had a third of its health left.  I decided it was time to end this. "Tiid Klo." I said as I ran to the giant slingshot and let out a roar as I flew. The time slow had stopped when I was midway to My Heartless. I plunged my keyblade into it and threw the blade in my left hand at the head of my opponent, I then pulled myself up to it with the chain. I then swapped out the keyblade for the other Blade of Chaos, and with all my might drove them both into my Heartless's head and pulled the head open. Inside of the head I found a version of it at its original size. It had jumped at me and I did the same, it tried to grab me but I felt my skin harden and saw it turned to my Diamondhead form. I never knew about this and saw that it had the effects of The Dragonhide spell but was more of a passive ability. I decided to use fire to burn it away slowly and finished it by stabbing it with my keyblade. When I was done and it had died it's black heart flew into me. "Bravo Bravo You have surprised both of us." Discord said as he brought me back to the room inside of the Crystal Palace. "You want to know why the Blades of Chaos did not work. Your heart was not in the attacks at first but after you raged. Your heart was behind every stab, cut, and slice. No matter what you did he was in pain after." Discord added and stepped back for Star Swirl to examine me. As he got close he first examined my Crystal like skin and said. "His skin has completely transformed and became Crystal. This is truly remarkable." He then said, "Now this is more like the crystallization process of when the heart pulses."  He then went to examine the markings on my hands. "These marks are truly astounding that are beneath his skin yet I can still sense the magical residue. But you know I am going to have to report that one line to Celestia in my reports right? I simply said. "I have been given godly powers. Do you not agree with that, from what you have seen?" I then added. "It is needed if the foe you summoned me to face is that strong don't you agree." "While that is true, how am I supposed to know you won't just take his place?" Starswirl responded. "You don't." I said with a slight grin on my face as I closed my eyes and looked down I then added. "But I assume you have a plan for that." > retaL shtnoM thgiE > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After they conducted their tests on my Diamondhead skin. Discord said he could summon some creatures to stall the Orc using the projectiles I am able to shoot as Diamondhead as a base for them. He then added that if he needed more he would summon me from my training in his dimension. The reason I chose to train there is that time moves slower, so the training I did that would have taken under three years only took eight months. Here are some of the major events that took place. Location: Discord's realm. Eight months ago Equestrian time "So you want to train here, as much as I hate to say these words it makes sense. I have told you that time moves slower here but I never really told you how slow it is here is a simple example of the gear ratio method. This area is a smaller gear that takes less movement to turn than out in Equestria. This realm of mine goes four months in the time it would be one out there." Discord said as he brought out a whiteboard that had two gears. One had an rpm of forty the other had an rpm of ten. It was after this, that Discord had made the room into a gym. "Don't worry I will inform everyone of your choice to train here." I had spent those first two months lifting weights, bench pressing, doing squats, and using the leg press Monday through Friday. On the weekends I would relax to relieve the stress from my muscles. and work on my aim with my forms. during this time I had Pisica work on attacking with his wings Six months ago Equestrian time "You have certainly gotten stronger I just remembered In my rush to get some dirt in my mouth from that horrid sequence of words I forgot to tell you, you will age as if you were in Equestria," Discord told me as he came to collect the crystals from my training. I decided that now was the time to ask for more gear. "Hey, Discord could you summon something for me?" I asked him as I started working on my next workout routine. "Yes, I assume you want armor." He said as he summoned a suit of armor that would of fit me perfectly." "Yes just not for me I want to make sure nothing happens to Pisica and maybe some wing-blades and a saddle." I said as I planned to work on my cardio and stamina because I have had problems with my breathing and running in the past, I want to be sure that I am able to keep up with my enemy and have a chance to outlast them if it comes down to a battle of nutrition. "Plus I will be spending some time working on being able to phase certain parts of my body to avoid getting hit. and the armor would slow me down." "I understand, I am going to need more crystals, when I get them the armor and wing-blades should be done within the month as well as the saddle." Discord said as he poofed away and left me to start my running. I decided I would leave my weekends the same and alternate my running and gym days. Three months ago Equestrian time At the end of the fifth month, I felt invincible because while I'm alive I will push through the pain to save these creatures and my friends. I had met back up with Discord and Pisica at this point to see how the armor fit on him. "Good, it seems to all be ready now let us get it on Pisica. Wait I just thought of something due to his training he has gotten a bit bigger isn't it going to be a bit to tight?" I asked as I saw the difference in what would have been twenty months of training did to Pisica, as his stomach is no longer smooth and round but more toned and detailed. "I had thought about that and made sure it would fit him due to recent measurements taken by my dear friend Fluttershy. So you do not have to worry about that." Discord answered. After this conversation was over and Pisica had put the suit and wing-blades on it made him look stunning. The way the teal of the armor looked with his orange fur made the black wing-blades really stand out. One month ago Equestrian time I and Pisica had decided that we would spend the last month training together instead of apart as we have been so we decided we would do some team simulation battles here is how one went. We had decided to redo one of Discord's first battles for us but doubled the Draugr I had a goal not to use shouts during this practice. I summoned The Blades of chaos and gave the signal for Pisica to fly overhead as I started a cyclone attack hitting maybe fifteen of them as he flew to the side of the arena in front of me and as my attack ended dive-bombed and glided a foot over the ground with his wings extended and I became ethereal as he passed through me and took out around half of them in the pass from one side to the other. I Changed into my Diamondhead form and with the space, he made started shooting out crystals at the Draugr to my right while using my left arm in the form of the shield. I had hit around twenty of them. When a few started hitting my left arm I made crystals jut out of it to impale them. I then went to look at Pisica and saw he had started running toward me I knew what to do so I turned away from him and when he roared I jumped so I would land on his back in the saddle a start our ultimate attack. he started spinning with his wings out as I reverted to my human form and I started using my ghost blasts in a constant beam-like attack and we took the rest of the Draugr out. When we had Caught our breath Discord had arrived to say one thing. "Congratulations!" After the eight months As I sit here remembering these events, I look back at myself when I first came here a gamer who couldn't even kill a mouse my dog had caught, with a broom now getting ready to fight an Orc king and having killed living sentient beings thinking about how this year has changed me. > A trip to the Cloud District > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had rethought my decision for some armor, I chose one piece a gauntlet for my left hand that has a holder for my hatchet. It can be rotated ninety degrees in a clockwise motion to lock it in place. I have it for a backup plan and have discord building it. I decided I would do a bit of sightseeing while looking for more gear and the rest of my charms. During those eight months of training, I did a lot of thinking and thought that since my Diamondhead charm was near the Crystal Empire that my others would be near things that would be like their attributes. I drew a blank on where my Fourarms charm could be, but I figured my XLR8 Charm would be in an area with fast ponies so I decided to check out Cloudsdale. I then turned into my ghost form and flew up to Cloudsdale to explore. I had gotten to Bespin around noon and I was in for a surprise. I could not walk on clouds and fell through I had just one thing to say as I fell. "Really Discord!" I then flew back up and noticed that ponies had surrounded where I had fallen. "No need to worry I only have been able to fly for a while and have never tried to land on a cloud." I said as I floated above the clouds and the ponies left. I looked around for a bit and saw in the distance a large grouping of clouds that had Ponies in blue coming and going. I remember seeing uniforms like this on posters that said Wonderbolts when I had possessed Flash Sentry. I figured that they being military would have some of the fastest ponies and I might find my charm there. I decided to wait a bit and find out more about this area and find a safe area to land so I can rest a bit. I looked around for a bit and saw an area that Had a Unicorn casting spells on other unicorns and earth ponies and those ponies went onto the cloud so I went over. "Can you teach me that spell?" I asked he nodded and Brought out a piece of paper and wrote a symbol on it and floated it to me. "You need to envision this when you cast this spell." He said and when I grabbed the paper it came up as a water walking spell. It makes sense that it would work due to clouds being made of water vapor and solid ice crystals. "I read about you in the news. Your that ambassador from that place called Wisconsin. That will be ten bits by the way." He said as I cast the spell and saw it had a limit of five hours and when the spell ends it lets the one it is cast on fall slower, after I read this I paid him the ten bits leaving me with thirty-five left. When I landed the cloud was so soft and it felt so good, I had almost dropped down to the cloud and went to sleep. I then cast the spell on Pisica and went to find a place for us to stretch when after a few minutes of walking I saw an outdoor gym. One of the ponies was white and looked like he was a body builder and all he was saying was yeah. I walked up to the area and I saw a few pull-up bar stations at varying heights a balance board and a balance beam. I decided to see how my balance was and I took a few steps and fell. When I got up I heard a siren followed by an announcement. "Attention citizens of Cloudsdale we have spotted the enemy in the area please find shelter." Discord's voice said. "Well, Pisica time to put our training to use." I said as I had him grow and I put his armor on him. I had finally found a use for the bridle I got from the kelpie as it popped out of my gauntlet connected to chains. "let's go." I commanded as I saw a chaotic beam of energy appear and knew that was where discord had sent the summons. We had arrived in a few minutes to find ten orcs and fifty summons. I landed and shifted to my diamond head form. I quickly shot one orc in both knees he looked at one knee and yelled then did the same with the other and repeated this until Pisica used his tail to stab it. I got behind another orc and grabbed it then combined my arms to make it so my arms were like a straight jacket for a german suplex that accidentally broke the orc's neck. While Pisica had cut two in half and the summons had taken out two. I then used a new technique and combined ghostly wail and my shouts. I took one large breath looked up and yelled. "Fuuuuuuuus Roooooooo Dahhhhhh!" It did not go the way I was looking as it normally did, it made a shock wave centering from me that had deafened the orcs momentarily and broken a few windows due to its pitch. It was at this point the ponies I guessed were the Wonderbolts appeared "Grab any living ones and take them to the dungeons." Said a mare with a mane that was two shades of orange as they had taken four prisoner as two more had been killed by the summons. I then returned to my normal self and had Pisica shrink and put him in his carrier. "So you are the one who Discord has been working with." Said the same mare. I figured this one was the leader due to her being the only one to speak and the others taking orders from her. "My name is Jason I was summoned by Discord and Starswirl to stop the leader of the Orcs." I said and had grabbed the crystals and threw them into a portal Discord had given me so I could send him materials. "My name is Spitfire I am the leader of the Wonderbolts. I was impressed to see that you had tamed a manticore." She said as she walked up to me. "I along with a few others was ordered to give you military base passes that give access to areas within our branches. This will also allow you to visit any pegasus training site." After she had handed me the pass she and the rest of her group flew towards Canterlot carrying the orcs. I then knew my next stop The Wonderbolt Academy. > See you XLR l8ter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I picked up Pisica and decided to take them up on the offer because I was going to head there anyway. I decided I would fly there. I stopped at the gate because I saw a barrier and a guard in armor that matched the Wonderbolts uniform. "Halt I am required by The Equestrian Official Identification act to see your base pass to allow you to enter." I then handed the guard my pass. "This pass states you are a foreign diplomat. Is that true?" He asked this and I nodded and he gave it back to me and opened the gate which also dispelled a small area of the barrier. "Have a nice day and don't cause any trouble." The armored pony said as he closed the gate behind me. "I can't promise anything trouble follows me." I responded as I left the area and made my way toward some buildings. I went to find an area to collapse and rest for a bit. As I got to a building I suddenly felt very awake, my heart started beating fast and when I looked down I saw my XLR8 charm on the ground it was an emblem that was circular and blue with two green diamonds at a forty-five-degree angle. It was at this point the arches of my feet became balls and my toes morphed into only two nubs that grew on the sides of the balls. My body became slimmer and my head became like a bicycle helmet I also grew a tail and my legs had an extra joint making them look like z's, the ends of my elbows grew into blade-like points and my hands became three-pronged claws. This had ended up causing a big scene and some of the pegasi thought I had been attacked and consumed so they dive-bombed me and I did one of the many things I thought of in that short amount of time and ran. "You have to be a whole lot quicker to catch me." I stupidly said noticing my voice was a bit higher in pitch. this was when the ones who tried to dive on had recovered. "Wait this is a giant misunderstanding." I said and tried to transform back but I then thought back to when I was in the empire. I now remembered I only tried to turn back into my normal self after thirty minutes. So I knew my goal was to try and wait it out and avoid them for the next thirty minutes. "Get it, it took the ambassador." One of them said as they all flew towards me. I decided to have a bit of fun as I ran to a net and when they got near I ran away and a few of them got tangled up. I realized I still had Pisica on me and decided to put Pisica's carrier on a tree. "I will be back after I deal with this and transform back so just hang in there." When I said this I heard a hiss come from the carrier due to my joke. I then ran and decided to go to Canterlot and leave Celestia a quick note. I knew Pisica would hiss at me for this one as well. When I arrived in the gardens I saw a new statue there that did not sit right with me it had a pony that had holes in its wings horn and legs, a centaur with horns, and a filly. When I saw that statue I felt power emitting from it. I remembered hearing and reading about a creature that had came here with his brother and betrayed him the description matches the centaur I then remembered his name Tirek, Seeing this statue gave me an Idea I left the note for Celestia then opened my portal to Discord's dimension and ran in. When I entered I saw the chamber Discord, used to make the crystals into golems, and found myself in a bit of pain as I had landed in the crystals I sent earlier. "Discord I have figured out a way to connect me to the gauntlet," I said as a portal opened next to me and a claw grabbed me and pulled me through. As I was pulled through the claw then got smaller as I exited the portal. When I arrived I saw Discord and a fainted Fluttershy. "I want you to free Tirek, so I can test the theory". Of course, as I said this Fluttershy had just got up and then fainted again from hearing this. He looked over at me then at Fluttershy and sighed. "I assume you think that you can use his ability to take magic if you were to send him to the Greek equivalent of Tartarus, I am unable to say how your body will be able to handle this power as I cannot send it into the orb." He told me as he summoned a blanket to place on Fluttershy, along with a note that I assumed said the reason behind what I said. He then reached over to me and touched my chest and it turned me back to normal, I then looked at my circular mark from the crystal ball and found a triangle at the bottom, and from this, I could tell it would be the Omitrixe's symbol when I found my Fourarms Emblem. "I Have an Idea what might happen once you grab my magic but, I don't think you will like it." "I don't care anymore I only have a few reasons to even fight and ONE of them I am sure I am going to outlive If we succeed. I have made only one real promise that I would protect this land and those who inhabit it or die. Now release that monster so I can destroy him or don't I just need his head." I said with a bit of anger in my voice. He then snapped his claw and Tirek's part of the statue appeared and broke apart leaving him on the ground I then ran up to him jumped behind him summoned my right Blade of Chaos and brought the blade to his neck and grabbed one of his horns and pushed the blade in while pulling his horn to decapitate him. I tried to use the head on him but it did not work. "I did make an orb that will put chaos energy in you, but I wanted to be on the safe side." He replied whit a grin that rivaled the Grinch's as he presented the orb.