One of the Stars in the Darkness

by Choose23

First published

"No matter what happens! Even if we lose least we won't lose each other..."

Pipsqueak never saw himself as important or ever thought that someone like him could make a big impact on people's lives. But lately he has made new friends who are more like family to him and who have become the light of his life. However, the brighter the light the bigger the shadow that cast them. An evil force threatens the lives of Pipsqueak and his friends and the events from this changes not just their lives but the lives of those around them.

Prologue: Two Weeks Later

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There it is! I can see it as clear as day…

Don’t hurt him!

What have I done!?

What kinda world does this!?

Go on without me!!

You demons deserve to die!!!!

Because you're my friend!!

You all have chosen the path of darkness and this is the end result…


Pipsqueak...we will always be together...not matter what...

“Grr! When will this thunderstorm end!?”

Scootaloo mumbled to herself as she watched out the window in boredom and the rain fell from the gray skies and as lightning struck the grounds with the sound of thunder coming close behind. Sitting in the living room was Apple Bloom trying to see what is on TV and Sweetie Belle who was on her phone trying to call someone over and over.

But the phone always ended up silent.

“Still no response…” Sweetie Belle said as she lowered her head in defeat.

“Tryin’ to call Button?” Apple Bloom asked as she looked over at her friend.

Sweetie Belle’s head shot up, “Of course I am! It’s been two weeks since I’ve seen him and I’m worried sick!”

Scootaloo left the window and went to the girls sitting on the couch.

“I heard he was out of the hospital but he never left his house ever since then…”

“I know…” Sweetie glanced to the side. “What happened two weeks ago was...argh! I still can’t get over it!”

“Button’s probably got it worse,” stated Apple Bloom. “I are you supposed to continue living a normal life after something like that?”

Sweetie Belle looked at the other CMC with watery eyes, “That’s why I have been trying to get in contact with him! I’m worried about him…”

Even though she tried her best to hold it in the tears flowed out and the poor girl covered her face so that her friends wouldn’t see. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo went over to her and hugged her.

Apple Bloom caressed Sweetie’s hair. “Button and the other boys will be fine. It’ll just take some time for them to be back…”

“Bloom’s right!” Scootaloo said with a reassuring smile. “Right now we need to be the bravest and happiest we’ve ever been! We want to give those guys a warm welcome when they come back!”

Sweetie Belle wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at her friends with a weak smile.

“ guys are right...we gotta be-“


Apple Bloom took out her phone and read the new text she just got.

“Whose it from?” Scootaloo asked.

Apple Bloom turned to her friends. “It’s from Diamond Tiara. She says she outside!”

"Outside!? In the rain!?"


"Ah'll go get it," Apple Bloom quickly said as Scootaloo was still comforting Sweetie Belle. The farm girl opened the door to see the rich girl Diamond Tiara, soaking wet.

"How did yah get here?" Apple Bloom asked in amazement.

Diamond Tiara answered with a dull expression on her face. "I ordered one of my butlers to drive and it was easy to find Scootaloo's address on the internet...can I come in please?"

"Oh! Yeah sorry!"

Apple Bloom got out of Diamond Tiara's way as the girl took off her wet boots and sat on the couch, not saying anything to the two other CMC.

Sweetie Belle spoke, "Are you okay Tiara...?"

Diamond Tiara turned to her and sighed heavily.

"To be, not at all..."

"Are you worried about Pipsqueak?"

Diamond turned away but she gave a slow nod which answered Sweetie's question.

It was now Scootaloo's turn to ask a question. "How come Silver Spoon isn't here with you?"

Diamond Tiara replied, "She is with Rumble right now. He woke up yesterday you can expect he's not doing so hot..."

"So she's trying to comfort him...I see...but why are you here? Not like I have a problem with you being here but why are you here?"

Diamond Tiara looked up at the CMC and her eyes was starting to get a little watery.

"Do you guys know what this Friday is?"

The three girls looked at each other in confusion and shook their heads.

Tiara slouched back on the couch. "It's...Pipsqueak's birthday..."

"Oh..." all three girls said at the same time.

"After what happened two weeks ago he must devastated...I want...I want to bake him cake..."

"Huh?" Apple Bloom sat next to Diamond Tiara. "For his birthday?"

"Y-yeah! And I was hoping..." Diamond Tiara took a deep breath before she spoke again. "I was...hoping that you three could help me. It's okay if you don't want to..."

"Nah!" Scootaloo shouted with an energetic smile. "We'll definitely help! If this is to cheer Pipsqueak up then you know I'm on board!"

"So does that mean...we're doing a birthday party?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Absolutely! Let's get Pinkie Pie to set up and invite everyone in it! Pipsqueak will be so happy!"

"Let's get the boys their too!" Apple Bloom said with a smile. "They all deserve to have some fun!"

Diamond Tiara smiled for the first time as a single tear rolled off her cheek. "Thank you..."

The CMC turned to her with a reassuring smile. "Don't mention it!"

"I hope Pipsqueak...will appreciate this..."

“Good afternoon Officer Shining Armor,” the nurse greeted the police officer with a tender smile.

Shining Armor smiled back, “Good afternoon to you to ma’ the patient awake?”

“Oh yes! He just woke up an hour ago!...are you going to question him about the-“

“Yes I am,” Shining Armor replied quickly with a serious look. “It’s my job to find out what happened…”

The nurse seemed a little uncomfortable but she nodded as she got out of the doorway.

“Thank you again.”

Officer Shining Armor enters the room to see a young boy sitting in the hospital bed. He had white skin with some brown patches over it, brown eyes, and messy brown hair.


The boy known as Pipsqueak slowly turned his head to the door to look at the officer but he showed absolutely no emotion as he saw him. He then asked, “Are you here to question me? About the incident?”

Shining Armor nodded, “Yes. But first I wanna ask, how are you feeling?”

Pipsqueak looked down at his hands. “My body is a little sore but I’m good. But my mental health…”

The boy shook his head. “Not hundred percent...”

“I see…”

“I have nightmares...nightmares of what transpired...nightmares of what I did…”

“It wasn’t your fault,” Shining Armor quickly said as he placed a hand on the bed and looked at the boy with caring eyes. Pipsqueak held his head down and tears started to flow from his eyes.

Shining Armor took a chair and sat down.

“Are you ready to talk?”

Pipsqueak sniffed, “Yes sir…”

“What happened two weeks ago was...horrific to say the least. We know the story but we don’t know the details. Please tell me everything that happened that led up to that moment in the Everfree Forest two weeks ago.”

Pipsqueak nodded, “ all started...when I fell down the stairs…”

Chapter 1: Missing a Step

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A soldier in golden armor and an emerald green cape approached his partner in red armor. The warrior had an arrow lodged in his chest and coughed up heavy amounts of blood.

“Why did you take that shot for me Soren!? That’s not your mission! Your mission is to protect the kingdom not me!!”

Soren coughed again and slowly opened his eyes. He looked up at the golden armored warrior with a bloody smile.

“Because are my are precious to me like family…”

Soren closed his eyes and took his last breath.

Lucas roared out to the skies.



Miss Cheerilee turns the TV off and looks over at her students who almost all seemed to be asleep. She raised both her hands and clapped so loud that all that were drifting to the state of unconsciousness immediately shot back up to reality.

“So…” she started. “Can someone tell me the message in the story of A Warrior’s Bond?”

One kid raised his hand, a boy with light bluish gray skin, two-tone dark hair that was slit back like a flame, and amethyst eyes. He’s name was Rumble the younger brother of Thunderlane who is one of the top players of the Wonderbolts.

“Oh Rumble! Do you know the answer?”

Rumble smirked. “Yes the main message of this story is that Director Lost Legacy is number one for making the most boring movies of all time!”

The kid earned a roar of laughter from half the class and a high five from the kid next to him. Miss Cheerilee frowned and shook her head.

“Very funny Rumble with such a funny joke you can see me after class.”

Rumble scoffed. “Whatever.”

“Can someone tell me the answer?”

As many students were trying to test their luck what the answer could possibly be there was one kid in the far back who was trying to hide his very existence. He was a small boy, actually the smallest kid in the class. He had white skin with some brown patches, brown eyes, and neatly tidy brown hair. The boy sighed as Miss Cheerilee was going through many students.

My mother showed me this movie before and told me what the message that Director Lost Legacy was trying to get across, but…” the small boy cowered in his seat. “I just can’t say it! I’m not good with talking up front or sounding confident even when I have the right answer! Darn! What can I-“


The boy known as Pipsqueak squeaked like a squirrel as his name was called.

“Are you with us? You seem like you’re having a lot of fun in La La Land.”

The class laughed as Pipsqueak was called out by Miss Cheerilee; the boy blushed in embarrassment.

“Since you don’t want to pay attention I’m guessing that means you know the answer?”

Pipsqueak shifted in his seat uncomfortably and opened his mouth slowly.

“T-the message i-is...the importance of bonds…”

“Excuse me Pipsqueak?” Miss Cheerilee cupped her ear in her hand. “Please speak up, Pipsqueak I can’t hear you.”

“I-it’s...the importance of bonds…”

“Pipsqueak! Speak. up. please!”

“Forget it!”

Speaking aloud was Diamond Tiara who was looking at Pipsqueak with a snarky smile.

“That dwarf is too busy talking to the ants at his desk!”

The whole classroom erupted in laughter and Pipsqueak’s white face became even redder. The poor boy hid under his desk wishing that the world around him would disappear.

“Hey leave him alone Tiara!” Apple Bloom yelled as she got up from her desk.

“Ew~! Don’t talk to me like we’re equals farm girl!” Diamond Tiara turned away putting her hand in front of Apple Bloom while doing a shoo motion.

Apple Bloom growled and was about ready to say something else until Miss Cheerilee finally had enough and exploded with her loud and dominant teacher voice.

“Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom! E-nough! One more word out the two of you then you will expect extra homework tonight! Is that clear!?”

Apple Bloom shivered in fear as she sat back down but Diamond Tiara just sucked her teeth and turned away.

Miss Cheerilee regained her composure and spoke again, “Now...can someone please answer the question? What is the message of A Warrior’s Bond?”

The one to raise their hand next was Sweetie Belle with a confident smile.

“Yes Sweetie Belle?”

“The message of A Warrior’s Bond is the importance of a bond which is the significance of camaraderie and friendship!”

“Well done Sweetie Belle that was the right answer!”

“Darn it! And that was the one I thought of…” Pipsqueak held his head down in shame.

“What Sweetie Belle said was the right class! Lost Legacy created the movie to show the importance of friendship. How a bond could- Button Mash!”

Sitting in the right of Sweetie Belle was a young boy with brown skin, orange hair, and his eyes being moderate vermillion. If you haven’t guessed it his name was Button Mash and he was button mashing a Nintendo Switch.



Button Mash looked as if he was just freed from a trance. He saw the eyes of the upset Miss Cheerilee and knew he was in big trouble.

“Are you playing a Nintendo Switch in the middle of class?” Miss Cheerilee growled as she stomped over to Button Mash’s desk. Her stomps were shaking the grounds of the school itself as she got up to the boy and stood over him with fierce eyes more intense than a ferocious grizzly bear.

“N-no…?” Button tried to stealthily hide his Nintendo Switch into the compartment of his desk but Miss Cheerilee was quick to grab the gaming device from the boy before he could hide it.

“I’ll keep this until Friday and you can see me after class Button Mash!”

After saying that Miss Cheerilee quickly went over to her desk and put the Nintendo Switch in the “Secret Miss Cheerilee Collection Drawer” and Button knew he would never get his game back today.

The boy slouched on his desk as he pouted. “I knew I should’ve sat in the back but Pipsqueak took that spot! This sucks!”

“But the power of friendship? That’s so stupid!” Rumble chuckled. “The dude Soren just killed himself for no reason! There’s no power in that, it's just idiocy!”

Miss Cheerilee folded her arms. “Well Rumble let me ask you this who is the most important person to you?”

Rumble was taken aback by Miss Cheerilee’s question but sat up and answered it anyway. “My big bro of course!”

“So Thunderlane? If he was in big trouble would you help him Rumble?”

“Damn straight I would!”

“Language and there it is. Just like the feelings you have for your brother Thunderlane Soren had those same feelings for Lucas.”

“But they're not even related!” Rumble fired back.

Miss Cheerilee smiled. “They don’t need to be family to have a bond. The message is that you can form a relationship with anyone and have an unbreakable relationship.”

“I don’t see how that relationship was unbreakable,” Silver Spoon interjected with a cocky smile. “I mean Soren died a pitiful death. Their relationship won’t matter if the other is dead!”

“Exactly!” Diamond Tiara said aloud with her hands up. “Because that idiot sacrificed himself and died the relationship doesn’t mean anything!”

“That’s wrong…”


All of the students turned to Pipsqueak who was still trying to hide himself.

“What was that you little dwarf?” Diamond Tiara said with a scowl.

“I-I…” with all the attention on him Pipsqueak immediately lost his voice and his brain was over frying with thoughts on how to escape the classroom.

Before the poor boy could start bawling his eyes out in embarrassment another voice that came from the seat in front him spoke up.

“I-I understand!”

Everyone looked over to see a boy with light yellowish gray skin, light brown hair and eyes, and two buck teeth. The young boy is Featherweight and is famous in the class for being one the youngest students in the camera club.

“W-what Pipsqueak is trying to say is that because he died the relationship between them is even deeper. He cared about his friend so much that he would die for them…”

“Oh?” Diamond Tiara leaned back on her chair looking at Featherweight. “So you would sacrifice your life for a complete stranger?”

“U-uh…” Featherweight scratched the back of his neck as he looked away from Diamond Tiara feeling uncomfortable. “W-well I don’t know if I-“

“I rest my case,” Diamond Tiara smiles triumphantly and turns back around in her seat.

“Oh buzz off Tiara!” Apple Bloom says aloud while staring daggers at the girl.

Miss Cheerilee sighed. “Alright enough of that. Anyway I hope you all paid attention because I’m going to give you all homework for this movie and it’s due tomorrow! And if I don’t get all of your might be given a surprise pop quiz~.”

All the students groaned as Miss Cheerilee took a whole stack of papers out her desk and started distributing them to the class.

“So...according to the girls and the 4K servillance footage of you two running out and screaming like hyenas,” Vice-principal Luna was massaging her temples as she sat at her desk staring at the two biggest troublemakers in Canterlot High: Snips and Snails.

“You two were hiding in the lockers of the girl’s changing room,” Luna stared at them with her deep night sky eyes that could make a dragon freeze in its tracks. “Do you two have anything to say for yourselves?”

“As a matter of fact we do! W-we..” Snips tried to force his brain to at least fart out one good excuse but there was no gas. The boy looked to his partner for help, Snails nodded and replied immediately with that stupid looking grin on his face.

“We were totally not staring at their butts and taking pictures!”


“What!? I said we weren’t!”

“Then what were you two doing?!” Luna’s voice picked up with impatience and anger, both Snips and Snails cowered in their seats. Snails shut his mouth since Luna’s gaze made him forget what he was going to say next so it was up to Snips to save the day.

“W-we were...huh…” Snips clapped his hands together as the story came to mind. “We got lost looking for the boy’s changing room! Yeah! It’s really hard to tell between those two signs they are very identical!”

Vice-Principal Luna raised an eyebrow. “One sign says “girl” and the other says “boy”. Unless you can’t read there is ABSOLUTELY no way in the SOLAR SYSTEM that you two would have gotten confused.”

“I-I’m too small so I can’t see the signs!” Snips chuckled nervously as he pulled the collar of his shirt.

“I can’t read English!” Snails yells aloud and then looks at Snips with a stupid smile and a thumbs up.

“How was that?” he whispered.

Snips facepalmed in response

Vice-principal Luna shook her head. “Your punishment will be to move the boxes with the new supplies from the closest to the storage room. If I see you two goofing off or I come back and see that your work is not done…”

Luna stands up and towers over the two boys like a demon. Snips and Snails held onto each other for dear life.

“Then I will give you an even harsher punishment. Are. We. Clear?

“Y-yes ma’am…” both Snips and Snails said as they continued shaking.

During recess the Rainbooms were all gathered in the music room with Rainbow Dash and Applejack playing with their guitars and Twilight observing them as they did.

“Okay...Applejack I think you should start playing that solo right after Rainbow Dash.”

“That would kinda sound awkward won’t it?” Applejack asked as she was tuning her guitar.

“No way!” Rainbow Dash elbowed Applejack. “We sound the best! Let’s do what we did before!”

Applejack chuckled. “Alright, but don’t do that weird tongue thing again.”

“What!? But that was awesome!”

“It was so funny!” Pinkie Pie giggled. “Your tongue was playing a solo~!”

Fluttershy, who was sitting next to Pinkie Pie, whispered. “I-it was pretty gross…”

“Exactly darling, gross!” Rarity states aloud from the corner of the room. “We are not KISS Rainbow Dash so please don’t do that again! I almost lost my lunch seeing such a disgusting display.”

“Plus your tongue got stuck in the strings and me and Pinkie had to help you get it out,” said Applejack as she cringed from remembering that ridiculous moment. Pinkie Pie laughed aloud remembering Rainbow Dash’s hilarious screams.

Rainbow Dash blushed in embarrassment. “Okay that was just one slip up, but I can do it better the second time!”

Twilight shook her head. “I advise not doing that again.”


Twilight fixed the glasses on her face. “Well a guitar string could have a lot of germs from your fingers so doing that again will probably get you sick.”

Rainbow Dash blows her off. “Oh please! We’re high school girls with super magical powers! You think a little cold can stop me from rocking the world upside down?!”

Twilight crossed her arms and sighed. “Yes Rainbow. We may have magical powers but are still human. And humans get sick when they put their mouths on things where it doesn’t belong. Am I right Sunset?...Sunset?”

Sitting away from the Rainbooms was Sunset Shimmer, who had her back turned and her head down. Twilight made her way towards her and tapped her on the shoulder.

“Sunset? Are you okay?”

Feeling contact, Sunset perked up in surprise and turned to Twilight with a try hard smile. “Oh h-hey Twilight! What’s up?”

Twilight then squinted her eyes, staring at Sunset questionably.

“Alright, what’s up?”

“What’s up? Nothing's up! What made you think something was up?”

Twilight looked back at the rest of the Rainbooms and they all had the same disbelief face she had. She turned back to Sunset and said, “Sunset. Something is obviously bothering you. What is it?”

Running out of excuses the bacon-haired girl sighed in defeat.

“It’s not really a big deal or anything...well I don’t know if it is but...have you girls realized anything strange about the geo-stones?”


“Well I don’t know if the same thing is happening for you girls but my stone sometimes glows out of nowhere and vibrates. I don’t know why…”

The other Rainbooms were quiet for a bit until Fluttershy spoke up.

“A-actually, my stone has been doing that too. But I didn’t think it was anything special.”

“Same here!” said Rainbow Dash. “I have to put the stupid thing in my cabinet and bury it under my clothes every night because it keeps making noises and waking me up when I’m trying to go to sleep!”

“So do you all have those weird changes in your stones?” Twilight asked the group. All the girls nodded. “Does your stone do that too Twilight?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes, but same thing as Fluttershy I didn’t really think it was a big deal.”

“But the vibrating and glowing kinda gives unnecessary attention when walking around in public with it,” stated Rarity.

“But it’s also fun!” Pinkie Pie jumps up as she puts the stone to her ear. “I love the music it gives off!”


Pinkie Pie looked up at the other girls. “You guys don’t hear the music? I don’t know what type it is or what language it is in but it sounds so good~!”

Following what Pinkie was doing the other girls took their stones and and put them to their ear. And just like Pinkie Pie said there was a strange music being played through the stones. It was a strange upbeat music and multiple voices could be heard on the other side of the stone.

“What is this?” Twilight asked Sunset. But then the stones started glowing and vibrating and the music became even more intense. To not damage their ears the girls took the stones out and stared at them intently.

Sunset, who was wearing a concerned look, just shook her head. “I...don’t know…”

Meanwhile, Snips and Snails were carrying mountains of boxes out of the supply closet.

Snails groaned. “This sucks.”

“Well this wouldn’t have happened if you weren't talking like an idiot with Vice-principal Luna!” yelled Snips.

Snails fired back. “Hey! You were the one who got us caught in the first place! We were hiding in the lockers and you just decided to make the loudest fart possible!”

“It wasn’t my fault! Blame the burritos from the cafeteria!”

“Mexician food always makes you gassy! Why do you keep eating it!?”


Snails groaned even louder. “Dude! Let’s just skip this and go to the arcade!”

“Are you crazy!?” Snips shakes his head. “Vice-principal Luna will have our asses! We need to finish this job!”

“Do we have to? Let’s get someone else to do it!”

“Who would-“

But then walking past them at the right time was Pipsqueak who had his hands in his pockets and was mumbling to himself. Since Pipsqueak is in the same class as them, Snips and Snails know him pretty well and know that he can be easily manipulated. Snips and Snails smiled evilly as they placed the boxes down and ran over to Pipsqueak, cutting right in front of his path.

“Hey Pipsqueak~!” Snips and Snails chorused.

Pipsqueak was taken aback but still replied, “H-hey Snips and Snails. What are you-“

“Are you free?” Snips went over to Pipsqueak’s left side and put his arm around him.

“You’re not doing anything right buddy?” Snails did the same thing on the right side.

“Huh? Well I was just heading to-“

“You’re free!? Good!”


“Listen,” Snips went over and picked up the two stacks of boxes. “We were tasked to do this job but Trixie wants us to help her with her new magic show! So could you do me Snails a solid and take these boxes down to the gym supply room? There are at least ten more to go!”

“Uh…” Pipsqueak sweatdropped. “I don’t know if I can-“

“Thanks buddy!”

Snips then slammed all the boxes onto Pipsqueak’s arms and the poor boy felt like his legs were going to snap by the weight.

“See you later man!” Snips says as he runs off.

“Yeah! See you later!” Snails waves goodbye and runs after his friend.

Pipsqueak sighed, he knew that obviously they were just using him to get out of work but he didn’t have what it takes to tell them off.

“Come on Pipsqueak!” Pipsqueak yelled to himself in his head as he was heading for the stairs. “You got to stand up for yourself ! You can’t just let other people walk over you! That’s what Dad always says!”

Pipsqueak stopped in his tracks as the name of a person he cared for recalled a horrid memory.

“T-that’s what Dad always says…”


Pipsqueak struggled to open his eye lids as he felt like they were held down by heavy stones. With all his strength he opened them and his vision caught the glance of the dark night sky.

“How can I see the sky? Wasn’t the car?


Pipsqueak looked down and realized that his whole fit was covered in holes, broken glass, and blood. He then scrunched up his face because of the horrible but powerful smell of gasoline.

“What’s going? Where’s Mum and Dad?”


“Huh? Is someone calling me…?”


The boy shot his eyes open to see a woman with pure white skin and long brown hair but her face was covered in blood and tears. When she saw Pipsqueak was awake she grabbed him from his seat and held him.



“W-what happened? Where’s father?”

“Shh! Be quiet Pipsqueak! Help is coming soon…”

While Pipsqueak’s mother was holding onto her son for dear life, Pipsqueak glanced over her shoulder to see the front of the destroyed car. He saw the silhouette of a man with a giant metal pool sticking out his stomach. The boy gasped in horror as he looked at the side mirror to see the face of his father, his eyes looking dull and lifeless.


“BE QUIET PIPSQUEAK!” the mother tightened her grip on her son. “YOUR FATHER WILL BE OKAY! HE IS JUST EXHAUSTED!!”

“Mum…” tears began to flow out of Pipsqueak’s eyes. “...I think Dad is…”


Pipsqueak’s mom started into his sons eyes, her eyes looked demented and hyper as she bore a look of anger and resentment. And it was all pointed towards Pipsqueak himself.

“IT’S YOUR FAULT THAT WE CAME OUT HERE! IF YOU DIDN’T THROW A TANTRUM ABOUT WANTING TO GO OUT FOR YOUR STUPID LITTLE BIRTHDAY EVEN THOUGH WE BARELY HAVE MONEY TO GET BY WE WOULDN’T BE IN THIS SITUATION!! NOW SHUT UP AND LET-“ Pipsqueak’s mother started coughing out blood and she held her son tightly again, not allowing him to escape. “L-let him rest…”

“D-dad…” Pipsqueak continued to cry under his mom’s embrace for even though he was young he knew the truth that was right in front of him.


The poor boy started to shake but took deep breaths to calm his nerves.

“Come on Pipsqueak...” he said aloud. “You’re strong. You can do this…”

Right at the start of the stairs Pipsqueak stopped and took it one step at a time. He was slow but he was making progress as she was reaching the middle of the stairway.

“There you go Pipsqueak!” Pipsqueak reassured himself that he was doing a good job. “Remember, one foot at a-“

But then as his left foot landed on a step it slipped and made him lose his balance.


Then all the boxes fell out of his arms and crashed to the bottom of the stairs. But then Pipsqueak realized he himself was falling at a tremendous rate. He screamed aloud and held his arms out for the initial impact.

...but nothing happened.

Pipsqueak opened one eye and saw that his hands didn’t even touch the ground then he opened both to fully realize that his whole body didn’t touch the ground either.

He was floating, in midair.

“I-it worked!”

Pipsqueak then balanced himself and landed on his two feet.

“I didn’t think that would work, but I guess these powers are-huh?”

Pipsqueak glanced over to the right side of him to see that he wasn’t alone. Dropping the soccer ball from his hands and staring at the small boy in shock was Rumble.

Pipsqueak began to sweat profoundly and gulped in fear. “H-hey Rumble…”

Rumble blinked a few times and then responded, “...what. The heck. Was that?”

Chapter 2: Touching the Light

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Outside in the soccer field the junior soccer team took a break from doing their drills and went to the bench for a water break. Scootaloo, who was of course a member of the soccer team, took her water bottle and poured a bunch of the cold liquid on her head to cool herself down. She then looked around the field to look for someone but they were nowhere to be found.

She went to one teammate and asked, “Have you seen Rumble?”

The kid shook his head. “Don’t know. That guy just does whatever he wants.”

Scootaloo scratched her head.

“We were supposed to play together! Don’t tell me he chickened out!”

“What’s up Scootaloo!”

Looking at the stands was one kid who was obviously not a part of the team because he was wearing casual clothes. He was a kid around Scootaloo’s age with caramel colored skin, well kept blue hair, and dark blue eyes. His name was First Base, the best baseball player for the Wonderbolts and Flash Sentry’s little brother. He was also Rumble’s best friend so Scootaloo was thankful to see him to get some answers of where her soccer rival is.

“Hey First!” Scootaloo went up the stands and was face to face with the baseball player. “Do you know where Rumble is? He promised to have a match with me!”

First Base answered immediately. “He went to go get his soccer ball. He should be back in a few.”

“But he’s been gone for the whole practice!” Scootaloo groaned. “It doesn’t take that long to go to your locker and come back with one thing!”

First Base put his finger to his chin.

“That is weird. I’ll go look for him.”

The kid then gets up from the stands and walks back to the entrance. As he was Scootaloo yells out to him.

“Tell that cheese ball if he doesn’t come right away it’s an automatic win for me!”

“SCOOTALOO!” yelled the coach. “ON THE FIELD!”


There is always a moment in life where people have to deal with awkward situations. For Pipsqueak...this was one of them. Rumble just stood there on the other side of the floor looking dumbstruck after Pipsqueak demonstrated using supernatural abilities.

“...what. The heck. Was that?”

Pipsqueak started to sweat and scratched the back of his head.

“O-oh! That was...nothing…?”

“No way in hell that was nothing!” Rumble shouted as he pointed at Pipsqueak. “You just freakin floated! Floated! Do you have magical powers like those Rainbow Girls or whatever they were-“

“The Rainbooms?” Pipsqueak corrected.

“Yeah those girls! Is it the same type of magic?”

Pipsqueak looked down on the ground and rubbed his shoulder. “I...I don’t know…”

“How long have you had these powers?”

“...for a year at least…”

“Woah! Seriously!? How did you get them!?”

Pipsqueak sighed to himself but then started to pick up the contains of the box that scattered over the floor. Once he was done cleaning up after himself he went to Rumble and went on his toes to reach his ear.

“Come to the supply closet...I’ll tell you everything I know…”


Pipsqueak then quickly went down the other flight of stairs with Rumble looking back at him in shock and confusion.

“The hell is going on?”

Rumble of course took Pipsqueak’s offer to follow him since he was too enticed by curiosity to find out the origins of his weird magical powers. The two entered the dark supply closet that was outside avoiding the eyes and sight of anyone on the ground and closed the door behind them. Once Pipsqueak placed the box down he sat on it like a chair and Rumble found a bunch of supplies himself to sit as he looked at Pipsqueak intently.

Pipsqueak took a deep breath and asked, “So you want to know about my powers?”

Rumble nodded. “Yeah! Yeah!”

Pipsqueak cleared his throat.

“Well...I guess I’ll go all the way the Friendship Games…”


Pipsqueak’s P.O.V.

I remember that day like it was yesterday or to be more precise like a waking nightmare I could never forget. I remember seeing Twilight stepping out to the middle of the field with that weird gadget in your hands and Sunset running out to her. The next thing I knew was that there was a powerful blue ball of light coming from the gadget and it sucked Twilight in.

It was so scary...I saw her screaming and crying for help as the strange essence absorbed her...I thought she was dead. Then the light disappeared and Twilight was there...but in a new form. Her skin was darker, she wore a strange purple dress, her hair was as wavy as a flame, her eyes were literally on fire with the same essence that absorbed her, and she had a horn on her forehead and black angel wings to signify she was not human anymore.

This new Twilight, Midnight Sparkle, flew up to the sky and fired a magical beam at the Canterlot Highschool statue. It exploded into hundreds of pieces, landing everywhere around the field. All that was left was the stone podium...but something strange happened after that.

I recall getting up from my seat as everyone was running for their lives. All the students were watching Midnight as she was destroying our reality but my eyes were on the stone podium which was now releasing a wave of colors.

It was...strangely beautiful...some of those colors took the form of animals in a majestic figure. Some were ponies, some were birds, and others were creatures that would never exist on earth but only exist in fairy tales. But then there was one light that caught my eye, it had no color, it was pure white blinding like the sun but small like a star. It took the form of a baby goat I believe with glowing red eyes. It stared at me and jumped off the podium.

Before I knew it the white goat was charging at me like a bull and I didn’t get a chance to turn my feet to run. It then rammed into my stomach knocking all the air out of me. The last thing I remember was that I was falling to the ground and hitting my head. Everything was captured in darkness. But in that darkness I was still conscious and I saw the white goat lighting the way for me.

I followed it for what seemed like hours and then we ended up in a place I didn’t recognize. It was a beautiful large castle with a bell at the top of its tower and a city right below. The whole area was surrounded by water that imitated the night sky that was full of stars and a blue moon.

I looked forward to seeing the white goat standing next to a white pony, but it was not an ordinary pony since it had a horn on its head, that’s when I knew it was a unicorn. It had green eyes, green hair with red streaks, and on its body was a symbol of five purple maple leaves.

The unicorn looked at me and spoke (which surprised me!).



“Are you the one to bear this hehdbdundhdhdbdndjdbdjdjdbdjdbdjdbdjdhdbdnd€sacrificial|€|?|^~!{lamb*\^|?€|”

“H-huh? What was that?”

“Are you andndhebdjdhebdjidbskyouwillsuffer^}*~€~£¥~£youwillneverseethemagain€~^~€~€~€~€”

“I-I don’t know what you’re saying!!”

But then the vision disappeared and the unicorn and goat was gone. I was left alone in the darkness until I felt something pull me up.

I opened my eyes back to the Canterlot Highschool grounds. The one who helped me up was Apple Bloom. I looked over at the school grounds to see Twilight back to normal and everyone surrounding her. Apparently, I was unconscious throughout the whole attack. After that I went home I never thought of the goat or unicorn again.

Sometime had passed and nothing different ever really happened...until one day in Miss Cheerilee’s class.

I remember we were doing an in class essay and as I was reaching to drink from my water bottle but I accidentally knocked my pencil off my desk. I tried to grab for it as it was falling and then the most peculiar thing stopped falling in midair.

I was in the back of the class so nobody else noticed, it was as if I was holding the pencil with some sort of invisible thread. I pretended to pull the pencil slowly and flew closer to me until it was in my hands. When I went home I decided to test these powers out if they were for real or not. I threw a baseball at my bedroom wall and when it bounced off and was coming back to me I was able to stop it midway like the pencil. That’s when I found out I had powers.

Other than just making things levitate (and making myself levitate which I just figured out I can do) there is really nothing else to my power...

P.O.V. End


“So that’s my story…” Pipsqueak sighed in relief as he finally finished his tale. Rumble just continued to look dumbfounded with his hand on his chin, obviously in deep thought.

“So...nobody else knows about your powers?” Rumble asked.


“This seems weird,” Rumble stated as he got from where he was sitting. “Maybe you should go tell someone about this. Maybe like the Rainbooms or something.”

Pipsqueak scratched the back of his neck. “I-I was thinking of doing that! B-but...I’m too shy…”

“What did you say? I can’t hear you!”



An awkward silence filled the room for about a minute until Rumble groaned aloud to break it.

“But I really think you should. What if that magic turns you into some sort of crazy demon monster like what happened to Sunset Shimmer at the Fall Formal or Twilight Sparkle turning into Midnight Sparkle back at the Friendship Games? You should really tell the girls.”

“I would if I could but…” Pipsqueak replied. “I can’t exactly control these powers. Like there was the pencil, that one time with the baseball, and me falling down the stairs, but I really can’t control it. Other times I tried to use it like when I was riding on my bike and trying to stop myself but I rode right into a pole and had to deal with a nosebleed all day. And there was that time I tried to levitate my mother’s booze and I just dropped it and it shattered. She got mad and bea-I mean got upset…”

“Hm…” Rumble closed his eyes as he was rushing through the cabinets in his brain to find an idea. He opened them again and snapped his fingers.

“How about you go home, do that thing with the baseball again but this time record yourself! Show that video to the Rainbooms and they will help find out what those powers are all about!”

Pipsqueak face lit up. “That wouldn’t be a bad idea! Thanks Rumble!”

“Sure, you just need to tell someone to make sure it would become an issue.”

“What would become an issue?”

Both Rumble and Pipsqueak turned around to see a third visitor. Standing by the door with his arms crossed was First Base.

“First Base! What the heck dude you scared me!” Rumble shouted.

First Base walked up towards the two. “Well what are you doing here anyway? You missed the first half of your practice.”

Rumble crossed his arms. “Heh! I’m doing what I please! I go there when I can but first help me with Pipsqueak over here.” Rumble pointed to Pipsqueak who was right behind fiddling with his fingers.

First Base raised an eyebrow. “Help him with what?”

“Taking the boxes from the closet back in the school to here.”

Pipsqueak looked up at Rumble. “’re gonna help me…?”

“Well yeah! There’s no way you can do it on your own! Who told you to do this anyway?”

“W-well...Snips and Snails came out of nowhere and-“

“Oh Snips and Snails,” both Rumble and First Base shook their heads.

“So those douches threw all this work on you huh?” Rumble cracked his knuckles. “I’ll go give them a good walloping!”

“Huh!? You don’t need to do that!!”

“Let’s just help Pipsqueak finish the task and be on our way. You can fight those goons another day,” First Base said, being the voice of reason.

Rumble groaned as his excitement for fighting was killed by his friend. “Grr...whatever…”

With the help of Rumble and First Base Pipsqueak was able to finish his task in under an hour. After all the boxes were placed in the closet First Base closed it shut and the three sighed in relief.

“I should be going,” said First Base. “My brother is probably waiting in the car for me.”

“I should be off too…” said Pipsqueak as he was tying his shoelaces.

Rumble shrugged. “Well I…”


The white skinned boy perked up in fright as he turned to see his giant and very angry looking soccer coach Spitfire. She bent down to his height looking at him with a smile, but he knew it was of evil intentions.

Why are you not in practice?

Rumble laughed nervously. “I-I was...getting my ball…”

“It took you a whole hour to go to your locker and get a soccer ball?

“The school is very big-OW!”

Spitfire grabbed Rumble’s right ear.


“TWENTY!?” Rumble complained as he was dragged off.

As First Base was finished chuckling at his friend being dragged off he turned his attention to Pipsqueak.

“So...what were you two talking about if you don’t mind me asking.”

“Huh!?” Pipsqueak turned to First Base in surprise, kinda forgetting he was there. He’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment but he responded, “N-nothing serious! At least we don’t think it is…”

First Base squinted his eyes at the small boy but then shrugged. “Well it’s none of business. Have a good day Pipsqueak!”

Pipsqueak waved as the baseball player hurried off. “Y-you too!”

Once Pipsqueak got all his stuff in order he went to the front of the school where he parked his bike. He unchained it, placed all his protective gear on, and rode off. Since his mother no longer has a car (or just refuses to buy another) it was really up to Pipsqueak to get to school and leave. He originally used to take the school bus but he hated being on it since it was crowded and loud. The boy personally found the pleasure of riding by himself to be better. Getting a chance to observe the small peaceful areas of Canterlot City, looking at the beautiful skies with the sun slowly setting, and the wind in his face calming him of all his nerves that he built up. Riding his bike was his turn off switch, where he didn’t have his guard up, he could just...relax.

After an hour of riding Pipsqueak went down an old neighborhood to a gray painted house with a window covered in tape. Pipsqueak hated how big and old his house looked, it always seemed like the perfect set up for a ghost to haunt it. The boy took out his house key and unlocked the door. He entered his house and closed the door right behind him...only to get rammed from the right of his ribs and thrown to the wall.


The boy weakly lifted himself up to see his assaulter...and it wasn’t human.

The creature that stood over Pipsqueak was a pony-like animal with black dragon scales, a dragon tail with fire on the tip, and a single red and black horn.

Pipsqueak slowly was in the process of getting up but still looking at the creature and fear it would attack him.

“What happened at your school?”

The small boy glanced over to the couch area where he saw an adult woman with pure white skin and messed up brown hair who was wearing a gray sweatshirt and holding a beer bottle. This woman was Pipsqueak’s mother Snowfall.


“Why are you late? What were you doing?” Snowfall turned around her eyes and looked fierce as if she was trying to burn a hole through her own son’s skull. “I sensed your powers being used, it was very faint but I felt! Why did you use them!?”

“I…” Pipsqueak explained while looking away in shame. “I fell down the stairs and my powers just...activated on its own…”

Snowfall groaned aloud, “You...IDIOT!!”

She threw the empty beer bottle at her son but Pipsqueak’s reflexives were quick enough to dodge it.

“How many times have I told you not to use your powers! We don't know where they came from!” Snowfall roared. “Same thing with my powers! We need to keep a low profile until I can find out what the hell is happening to us!!”

Pipsqueak nodded slowly. “I-I know...I know…”

Snowfall sighed as she massaged her temples. “Go upstairs...I’ll beat you when my headache is gone…”

Pipsqueak looked up in fear.

“W-what!? B-but Mom-“

Snowfall turned around again but this time her appearance was different. Her brown eyes were now red and sticking out her head was two large red and black antlers. Her nails became long and black and she scratched the couch making marks.

NOW!!” she yelled for the final time and Pipsqueak ran up to his room obeying.

The one-horned animal then walked over to the drunk Snowfall and transformed into a small little flame. It fell into Snowfall’s right hand and she blew it out like a candle.

“I need to find out where our curses came from…no matter the cost. Until and Pipsqueak are monsters who have no clue what they are capable of. But I can sense the magic power from Pipsqueak and…”

Snowfall shivered as she returned to her natural human state.

“It’s terrifying...I need to keep that boy in check at all cost. *sigh* Dear God why did you give me a child like him? Ever since he came into my life everything was just…”

Tears flowed Snowfall’s cheek as she held onto herself. “...I wish you were here Star Specter…”

After entering his room Pipsqueak closed the door and went straight to bed. The lights in his room were off and the only thing he could see was the glowing fake stars on his ceiling. He remembered the time when him and his dad Star Specter set those up. He missed his father and he hated that he wasn’t there anymore. But it is always a constant reminder from Snowfall that it was Pipsqueak’s fault that his father was gone to begin with.

Pipsqueak sighed as a single tear escaped his eye.

“I wish I was the stars in the sky…”