The Rebel and the Vampire

by TheShadowKnight

First published

A young man meets a cute girl at school, but soon he’ll discover that she has a dark secret.

Israel Yabuki was always a loner in Canterlot High, and hasn’t had any social experience with others. But he does have experience getting bullied and abused by his classmates.

But later, he soon met a beautiful and adorable girl named Fluttershy, who immediately brightens his day.

But what he doesn’t know was that Fluttershy has a dark, hidden secret that never comes to light. And how will he feel when it does.

The Day Everything Changes.

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Bullying has no place in this broken-down world. They're everywhere. They plague society with their distasteful, reprehensible actions. They judged, tortured, beaten, and degraded their victims and felt no sense of remorse whatsoever. And what does everyone else do? They either laugh at the victims’ pain with the bullies or worse… they do absolutely nothing to stop such anarchy. It is a foul flaw that plagues the people for the days that follow and eats them up inside when they realize they should've taken a stand.

Some victims have committed suicide or retaliated by killing their bullies and wound up getting slapped down harder by the cruel legal system and end up behind bars. But for one individual who's been through hell and back… he does not bow to their cruelty.

Israel Yabuki, age 18, a senior in high school, 3 months away from graduation, has been bullied since middle school. All because he was different from the others, not by his race, sexuality, or even his lifestyle. No, he was mostly tortured for his mental disability: Asperger's Syndrome. At the age of 7 is when the boy was diagnosed with this autistic illness. Socially awkward around large crowds, prefers to be by himself and doesn't care about it.

Not to say he had difficulty learning, in fact, he was a bright young man, earning good grades in his life. And that sort of behavior is what drew bullies to him like a beacon in the night. At first, he would come home, crying about the abuse he was being given every day.

But as years passed, his torment continued onward and onward, but he'd had enough of it when he was 12 and got into shape a little bit so he'd show his bullies he's no pushover. It stopped for a while, but things escalated when he was 15. Turns out some of his old bullies had followed him to CHS and wanted to give him some payback for "not showing respect." He wasn't afraid to get up in his bullies' faces and call them out on their bullshit for all to hear.

In junior year… things turned ugly when he was ambushed and beaten to a pulp in front of the entire school, which drove him over the edge. He lashed out in a psychotic way, no longer throwing fists, but instead, he drew his bullies blood by clawing at their skin, biting down on them hard like a vicious snapping turtle and even tried to strangle one to death, shouting "Stop fucking existing! I want you dead, all of you!"

This scared most of the students because of what the monster his bullies turned him into. By the time it was over, he came home, bruises all over his face and body, clothes were torn up, blood coming out of his mouth… but his fist was raised up high as if to say "I survived and won." His mother, Christina Yabuki, and older brother, Dark Renegade were shocked and hurt by the sight of their brother/son coming home from another confrontation. His mother decided enough was enough, so the next day, a meeting was arranged.

Everyone, the bullies, their parents as well as Israel and his entire family were at the principal's office, discussing the punishment for the bullies. Israel's mother was crossed that this school didn't do anything to stop those kids from hurting her son.

When Israel said they followed him from his previous schools, the bullies denied it like the cowards they were, but when a policeman got involved, they soon discovered the truth, and the bullies were severely punished. Not only were they expelled from CHS and from any other school with the district, but were also slapped with a restraining order and sentenced to 9 months in juvenile hall.

He was finally free from the torment he endured for so many years. But the trouble didn't end there just like that. Sadly, the last fight he had with his bullies left a huge impression on the people around him, mostly just the students.

They seemed to be terrified of him and didn't want to be near him. They even shot nasty looks at him, either when he's not looking or if he is. He'd roll his eyes as everyone passed by him. It's still like that for him right now as he's heading for his locker to put away his books. He turns the knob to get the combo right and then opens his locker. His eyes met with a letter. He quirked an eyebrow, wondering if it's some kind of hate mail, so he took it out before putting his stack of books in.

He opens up the letter and reads it. "I wonder what this says," he asks himself.

“I know you feel alone and the world is turned against you; believe me I know. But always know that I’ll watch over you and promise that you’ll be happy and brave in the face of all obstacles. And from then on, my affections for you will give you the strength to do so. Be strong and never change who you are.

Love, your secret admirer.”

"A secret admirer? That's a new one. I didn't think anyone in this school cared that much about me, but hey… there's a first time for everything," he says. He heads out into the cafeteria to start his lunch period and takes a seat since he brought his own lunch. He opens up his lunch box and takes out some bowls, plastic bags, and a container full of water. Israel opens up one of the bowls, revealing an enchilada. He then opens up another bowl that shows some chicken alfredo his mom made. The plastic bag was a tiny packet with fresh baby carrots.

He had a pretty decent meal to eat, so he's proud of that. As he digs into his meal, ignoring the many judging stares from all around him, his eyes wander around and land someone… peculiar.

From a distance, he sees a girl with light cream yellow skin, teal eyes, and smooth, pink hair looking in his general direction. He's confused and thinks there was someone behind him and looks around. No one there, except him. Her eyes are still fixated on him. He's new to this kind of attention and waves at the girl. She puts on a cute smile and waves back at him.

He could see her giggle while doing so, which made her look… irresistibly cute. Heck, Israel found himself chuckle at her adorableness. And he started to feel utterly calm for a while. Well at least until he felt something smacked him at the back of his head.

In retaliation, he got up his table and turned around, throwing a left hook at whoever smacked him while shouting, "You know I can kick your ass!" he exclaims. His eyes met with 2 guys, 1 with blue hair and were caucasian, the other had green hair and tan skin. "You think it's funny trying to mess with someone who's had a rough day? I'm not afraid to pound your asses into the ground, you know!"

“Oh, geez, I’m so scared. Please, you wouldn’t even raise a fist at us.” The blue-haired student replied.

"Is that so?" Israel rebutted, showing his clenched fist at his new bully's face. "I've dealt with 3 bullies for over a decade, 2 more wannabes won't make any difference."

"Did you forget who was kicking your ass? They practically had you bleeding out and limping all the way home," the green-haired guy said.

"At least I didn't collapse or piss my pants when I was surrounded. And furthermore, they got just what they deserved: a nice, big, UGLY criminal record. So shove that up to your beanie cap, you son of a bitch," Israel rebutted, glaring.

“What did you call me, you little shit!?” The green-haired guy replied with an irritated tone of voice, getting up in his space. "Say it again, I dare you!"

"Fine, since you're so hard of hearing, I'll say it again: Shove it… up… your… beanie cap. You son… of… a… BITCH!" Israel replied, his forehead making contact with his bully. Their eyes glaring daggers each other.

"He's got some balls, Timber. Let’s just get out of here, he’s not worth it anyway.” The blue-haired guy suggested. “Hell, no one in the school cares a single crap about him.” he silently said, which slightly made Israel feel like a knife was stabbed into his heart.

"Like you're one to talk. Your kind is not welcome in our world. What I wouldn't give to live in a world… so peaceful… prosperous… and free of all bullies. Now, get!" Israel says, pointing to his side and his wannabe bullies did leave, scoffing. "That's what I thought." he then sits down on the table, digging into his food again. His eyes trail back to the girl who smiled at him earlier for some reason and this time, she wasn't smiling at all.

He can see the look of bloodlust in her eyes, locked on the two buffoons that gave him a hard time earlier. And another thing different about her eyes was that their teal color had been replaced with a blood-red color. At that point, Israel blinked his eyes three times, wondering if he was seeing things. On his third blink, he then sees the girl back with her normal kind look and teal blue eyes. He slightly chuckles a little, now believing that he was just seeing things. But he doesn’t have a clue that what he saw… was not all in his head.

Soon, lunch was coming to an end and after finishing his lunch, Israel got up from his seat and took his leave, having nothing else to do other than to wait for his next class.

/// Next Morning ///

Yesterday went by as lousy as Israel expected, but upon being dropped off in front of the school the next morning, he wasn't looking forward to it as usual but has no clue on how south his day was gonna turn. The lonesome, silver-haired rebel walked inside the school where the other students didn't even look at him. But for those who did, they didn't give him any dirty looks, they just looked… scared. He found it odd that they'd be scared of him, especially like they think he'll kill them.

He got to his locker and opened it up, but was then approached by someone who tapped him on the shoulder. He looked behind him and was met with a police officer. "Is there something I can do for you?" Israel asked, confused.

“Are you, by any chance, Israel Yabuki?” The officer asked with an emotionless stare straight into Israel’s soul.

"Yes, I am. What's going on?" he asked, still confused, but also, a bit tense.

"I'd like for you to come with me, the principal, and I have a few questions we'd like to ask you," he explained. Israel closed his locker and willingly followed him to Celestia's office. Once there, they head inside and find not only Celestia but Vice Principal Luna and what looked like some kind of detective.

“Good morning, Mr.Yabuki. Have a seat.” Celestia said while gesturing to Israel to sit down in the chair in front of her desk. He does so and looks around.

"What's going on here, Principal Celestia? Has something happened?" he asked.

"Kid, are you aware that recently last night, 2 students wound up being murdered and their dead bodies delivered outside their families' front porch?" the detective asked.

"They what?" Israel asked, shocked. "What did they look like?"

“We’ve identified their names to be Flash Sentry and Timber Spruce. Do those names mean anything to you?” Luna replied while crossing her arms and staring at Israel with suspicion.

"What the… Timber and Flash? I… remember someone calling their "friend" by the name of Timber," but I only met them once. Did they have green hair and blue hair?"

"Correct," Celestia confirmed.

"I… do remember seeing them, but that was only during lunch when they were giving me shit and trying to pick on me. But it was only once, I didn't see them for the rest of the day yesterday, I just went home after school," he explained.

"Are you sure you didn't follow them home?" Luna asked.

"Positive. Besides, killing's not my style. There are heavy consequences. I don't even know who the killer or killers might be," he said. 'But I do owe a big thank you to whoever offed them,' he said in his head.

“Well, we aren’t accusing you of murder, kid. Besides we don’t have the evidence to state that claim, anyways. Cause whoever killed those two boys, they did an extremely good job covering their tracks. They didn’t leave a single fingerprint for us to take a DNA test.” the officer explained.

"Seriously? Yeesh, sounds like a criminal who's been doing this for a long time, or maybe it's just their beginner’s luck. But even so, I'm sure they might've left something out there. I hope you find the culprit," he said. 'And give them my thanks for taking away such an annoying burden from my life,' Israel thought.

"Thanks. However, if we find any new leads that link you to the murder, we'll have to take you down to the station for questioning. For your sake, kid, we hope you'll get a good lawyer," the detective said. "That's all for today, we'll keep in touch."

"Of course, detective," Celestia said.

After shaking their hands, the policeman and the detective left the office. "Israel, you may leave now, too. You don't want to be late for your first class," Luna said.

"Sure. I'll see ya around," he replied before leaving as well.

Most of the day went by pretty badly as expected. As he walked through the hallways of the school, none of his peers even had the courage to look at him anymore. His guess is they think he's the one who killed the two assholes. While it was a relief for him that no one would bug him about the topic, but at the same time, it does bother him that the school believes he’s a murderer and that no one would have a small friendly chat with him.

Now he knows what it feels like… to experience true isolation. It was like a double-edged sword for him… and he didn't like it. The day went on slowly with the usual lectures, Israel working hard on his passing grades, working alone, no doubt. He didn't care at this point. The only thing that he did care about was escaping this hell hole so he could start fresh.

By the time lunch started again, Israel went back to his locker to put away his textbooks, but didn't bother going into the cafeteria. Just then, he sees another envelope in his locker. He takes it out and reads it. It was from his secret admirer, just like yesterday.

"Hmm, could this be genuine?" he asked, before reading it.

"Do not believe that you’re alone, cause you never are, and never will be. I’ll always look over you and protect you from the dangers in the future, and know that my love for you will always give you comfort. If you can, please meet me by the statue after school at 3:30 PM.

Signed, your secret admirer."

It felt as if a small glimmer of light was shining brightly amidst the gloom. He tucks the letter in his pocket and closes the locker before he begins walking down the hallways with the most upbeat attitude he never felt before. He makes it out of the building and sits down on the steps, setting his lunch down next to him.

He takes out a leftover cheeseburger his mom made last night and munches down on it. But then, he hears the sound of someone exiting the building and sitting right next to him. He looks to his left and sees the timid girl from yesterday.

"Oh, hey there. I remember you from yesterday," he said. "You were the one who waved at me in the cafeteria. What exactly brings you out here?" Though, upon checking her out further, he noticed just how cute and pretty she was up close. "Oh wow… w-were you always this cute?" He smacks his lips shut from what he just said. But it was too late, she already heard you and blushed a bit.

"Y-You think I'm… c...cute?" she asked.

"Well… yeah, I… I think you're really cute," he blushed a little himself. “I mean… I got no words to say. You just make me speechless." The girl simply blushed some more and gave a cute squealing sound, turning away and stroking her long, pink, silky hair.

"T-Thank you. I'm Fluttershy, by the way," she introduced himself.

“That’s a beautiful name. I’m Israel Yabuki.” He replied.

"What a handsome name," she commented. "I… saw how those boys treated you yesterday. And well… I'm really sorry you had to go through that. I do hope things for you get better," she said, empathizing with his pain.

"Thanks. But I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon. Recently, those two assholes, pardon my language, got killed last night and everything thinks that I did it. They said the murderer covered his tracks after the crime was committed. I know this might sound crazy but… if I meet the person who killed them… I'd thank them big time. It's like they just… lifted a huge burden off my shoulders," he explained.

Fluttershy widened her eyes in surprise but gave a smile and soft laugh. "You're funny, you know that?" she asked.

"D'awww, you're just trying to butter me up," he said, booping her on the nose.

She giggles again. "Israel… I know this is painful to mention, but… on that day when you had that brawl with those… bullies and got hurt… I was grief-stricken. No one outside the brawl lent you a hand. I was just so… so crossed with everyone. But you… You didn't even shed one tear. Why is that?"

"How do I say it… I guess I didn't have the time or energy to cry. All I cared about was making it back home and I did so… with my fist up high in the air. The only one who did cry that day was my mom. She gave the school a piece of her mind. I think she threatened to sue the school for not preventing this disaster, maybe even the parents of the bullies who kept following me throughout my years as a kid," Israel explained.

“Oh my, you were bullied since you were a kid? That sounds awful.” Fluttershy asked.

"Yes. But my mom put a restraining order on those assholes and even gave those freaks expelled from the school. So now, I'm… kinda better," he said.

"That's good to hear. What's your family like?" she asked.

"My mom, she's a strong, independent woman and she taught me to never take shit from anyone who dares to mess with me. She's also very kind and caring. My older brother, Dark Renegade, he's a bit of a tease, but he's a really good guy. I think if he saw you with me right now, he'd instantly jump to the conclusion of us being boyfriend and girlfriend," he chuckled.

Fluttershy let out an adorable giggle which made Israel even happier. "So, what about you? What's life like for you? Are you alone like I am or do you have lots of friends?" he asked.

“Oh, well I have a great many friends; Although, most of them are adorable and precious animals. But I do have a group of friends that have been very good to me, we even play in a band together.” Fluttershy replied. “However, I never once befriend a person like you, Israel.” She added while she brushed her fingers against his cheek, which had the young boy feeling flustered at that moment.

"U-Uh… thanks, Fluttershy. No one's ever said anything that nice about me," Israel said. "All I ever got were mocking stares and dirty looks like I didn't belong anywhere. But it's nice to know someone cares about me. So, thanks Fluttershy."

"You're welcome. So, what are you having for lunch today?" Fluttershy asked.

"Aside from this cheeseburger that my mom made for dinner last night, I've also got some water and a bag of wheat thins," Israel said.

“That sounds delicious, well I packed myself a salad and a water bottle also,” Fluttershy replied.

"So you're a vegetarian, huh? I can respect that," he said. "Did your mom make it or was it you who made it?"

"I was the one who made it, my mom taught me how to make it," Fluttershy said.

"She must've taught you well. Anyways, if you're available, we can have lunch again tomorrow. It's nice to have these pleasant conversations with someone who's so nice… and cute," Israel said, blushing a bit.

“Well it’s nice to see that our conversation had cheered you up,” Fluttershy said with a warm smile on her face.

"Yeah, I'm glad, too," Israel replied.

Later on, after finishing their lunches and chatting some more, the bell rang for their next class. "Oop, time to get to class. I'll see you later, Flutters," he said.

“Hope to see you again, Izzy,” Fluttershy replied as she walked towards her next class. Israel watches as the cute and beautiful girl walks down the hallway until she is out of his sight. Israel headed down the halls, making his way to Art class. Of course, his peers still avoided making eye contact with him, too scared to look at him in any way.

He makes it to his class and walks inside. He takes a seat and waits for his instructions.

/// After School ///

The school day had finally concluded and everyone was leaving the campus to go home, do their homework, or be lazy and watch TV or play video games. Israel, on the other hand, stayed behind to wait for his secret admirer to show up. He was curious about who it was that wanted to meet him after school, so he wasn't gonna turn tail and leave her hanging.

He checks the letter to double-check the time she'd meet him. He then checks his watch to see that he's 15 minutes early. Israel decided to pass the time by playing a few games on his phone. He didn't care for some of the popular games already out there, so he downloaded some Gameboy emulators and played some old Pokemon games.

Little by little, students were leaving, buses were picking them up and heading out. Minutes go by as every student in CHS–besides Israel– have left school grounds. Israel became more focused on his video game that he didn’t notice how much time had passed, and later he started to become very exhausted and before he knew it, he passed out and took a nap next to the statue.

Moments later, he's woken up to the sound of a police siren and jumps up from the ground, flailing his arms everywhere. "GIMME BACK DAT PIZZA!!!" he shouted. After having been awoken from his sleep, he is then met with a police officer standing in front of him, and to his surprise, he also sees that it’s nightfall. "What time is it? How long was I out?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.

"It's 11:30 P.M, kid. What are you doing out here so late?" the officer asked.

"I got this letter from my secret admirer, saying she wanted to meet me after school. I was waiting and waiting, but she never showed up. I got so tired, that I guess I sort of clonked out," he explained.

"I see. Son, I think she was just pranking you. It happens to almost everybody out there who are desperate enough to find love. Trust me, it's happened to me before," the officer said.

"A prank? Aww man, not again. Alright, might as well head home. Mom's gonna kill me for sure when she finds out about this," he said.

"Hold on there, son," the officer replied, grabbing his arm. "It's not safe to be walking out here all alone, so we'll go ahead and drive you home."

"Sure. Better safe than sorry," Israel agreed before stepping into the back seat. The officer closed the door and got inside. Once Israel told him where he lived, he drove off to his house. Israel was quite disappointed. He actually thought he was gonna meet up with his secret admirer today, but to be duped like that was a real slap in the face for him. It must've been someone posing as a girl just to get a reaction out of him. Now he felt more ashamed and isolated than before.

Soon, the cop arrives at his house and lets him out, escorting him to the front door. The officer knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. Israel's mother opens it up and gasps when she sees him.

"Where have you been, Israel! You had us all worried sick!" she scolded.

"I… I was meeting up with a girl after school when I got this letter," he shows her the letter. "But I waited and waited all day and she never showed up. I passed out when I waited for too long. The officer found me and took me home afterward," he explained.

"What?" she asked, shocked.

"It's true… I was pranked. I thought this was genuine, but it seems like I never learn," Israel said, ashamed. Her anger was replaced with sympathy and hugged her son.

"Awww, there, there, mijo. I'm sorry you feel that way. Officer, thanks for getting him home safe for me. I was really worried," his mother said.

"Happy to help, ma'am. You all be safe now," the officer said before leaving. Israel's mother closed the door and just then, his older brother, Dark Renegade came out and scooped up his brother in his arms, hugging him.

"Dude, where were you?!" Dark asked.

"Mmmph!!! After school! Love letter! Secret admirer! All fake! I was pranked!" Israel grunted. Dark loosened his grip on his brother, letting him breathe.

"Wait, seriously? Did someone prank you with a love letter? Ouch. Sorry to hear that, bro. But hey, the upside is you're back home. And to make things better for you, I bought you a pizza," Dark said, escorting him to the kitchen. "I bought two, but mom and I ate the first box. You can have the whole pizza if you'd like."

"Bro… you're the best," Israel said. He walked up to the cupboards and took out a plate, then washed his hands before heading back to the table and having a delicious pizza feast.

"I'm gonna make a call to your school to let them know you'll be taking a day off. I'm sick and tired of everyone doing this shit," his mom said. Israel didn't reply and just kept eating until only 2 slices were left in the box.

Later on, after finishing his dinner and taking a shower, he went straight to his room and laid on his bed. His eyes stared out the window, still upset with today. Now that he was alone, nothing stopped the tears from flowing out. His heart could only take so much disappointment and this was possibly the last straw.

"How embarrassing. I might as well transfer out of this hell hole," Israel muttered to himself.

“No! Please, you shouldn’t leave!” A voice silent responded to his statement, which caught him by surprise.

"Wh-Wh-Who said that?" he asked, rubbing away the tears from his eyes. He looked around to see who it was that called out to him. There was no one at his door, or outside his window. Thinking that it was in his head due to his overflow of emotions from today, he laid his head back on his pillow and his eyes were closed when he did; however, when he opened them to look up at his ceiling, he was greeted with the shock of his life. On the ceiling, was Fluttershy, who directly stared back at him. She wore a white dress although, She looked very different. Her once bright yellow skin was pale, the turquoise color in her eyes had turned blood-red; just like from the cafeteria in school two days ago, her pink hair was also pale and messy as well, and the most shocking thing was that Israel could see into her mouth were two sharp fangs.

He gasped and was about to shout, but Fluttershy let go of the ceiling and landed on top of him on his bed and shushed him by covering his mouth with her hands. "Please don't freak out, I didn't come here to hurt you," she whispered.

"T-Then why did you come here? For that matter, how'd you get in and why do you look a little different from before?" he whispered.

After asking that question, Israel could see that Fluttershy had a very concerned and anxious expression on her face, but he can also see that there was another expression she had made… one out of fear.

"Fluttershy, what's wrong?" he asked. "How come you look so scared?"

Fluttershy didn’t say a single word in reply, she was scared of something, but he didn’t know what it was about.

"You know, if there's something on your mind, you can tell me. I won't think any less of you," he assured her.

After having been given kind words from Israel, Fluttershy finally spoke to him. “There’s something about me that I never told you about today, and I was afraid to tell you about it,” She said. “The truth about me is that… I’m… A vampire.”

Israel widens his eyes. It's no surprise that magic exists in this world, but he never expected to hear that Fluttershy is a vampire. "I… had no idea. I understand how you'd feel scared about telling me this. But even so… you're still you." He lifts his hands up and rubs her cheek, giving her some comfort after hearing her confession.

Fluttershy felt a little happy that Israel had accepted her for who she truly is. But of course, there was something on her chest that she needed to let out. “Israel… There’s one other thing else I need to tell you about.” She said.

"What is it?" he asked.

“Remember all those notes that you received in your locker at school these past two days,” Fluttershy replied, which left Israel confused.

"Uh… yeah? But, how di--" Israel stopped and then connected the dots. "Wait a minute… that was you? Did you write those letters? All this time, you were my secret admirer?" Fluttershy gave him a slow nod, her eyes turning away. But… that means… w-why didn't you show up earlier today?"

Fluttershy then had a sorrowful and regretful expression on her face, as she looked away from him, wracked with guilt. Not baring to look him in the eye. “Because I wanted you to be safe… From me.” She replied. “I was planning to see you at the time we set up to meet; unfortunately, my hunger for… blood resurfaces and I feared I would lash at you and try to feast on you. I didn’t want to risk it.” She explained in a tearful manner as her eyes became wet with tears.

Israel was astonished. To think that this was all a prank, but it wasn't. Even if he was stood up, he just didn't have it in him to be mad at Fluttershy. With her secret known to him, he now had a new understanding of her actions. "I see… I understand now," he said before sitting himself up and hugging Fluttershy. "Thanks for telling me the truth, Fluttershy. I'm not mad at you. And thanks for caring so much for me. Rest assured, your secret's safe with me."

Fluttershy was as surprised as well when she felt this boy hug her, even after what she said. There was no anger or spite within him. Fluttershy's eyes flooded with tears as she hugged him back, holding him dear. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I won't ever hurt your feelings ever again!" she wept furiously.

"Shhhh, it's okay. I forgive you. I could never stay mad at you," he replied quietly, still holding her in his arms. Slowly and gently, he set Fluttershy next to him in his bed, laying her down. He merely stared into her cute eyes for a moment, then stroked her long, pink hair. That's when Israel noticed a particular scent. "Hmm… you smell like… cherry blossoms."

Fluttershy blushed and giggled softly. "It's… the shampoo I used when I showered this morning. Do you like it?" she asked.

"I love it. It suits you wonderfully," he nodded. Fluttershy smiled and giggled in reply before she went silent for a second, which left Israel confused and a bit anxious. "What's wrong, Flutters?" He asked.

Fluttershy didn’t reply and instead, she placed both of her hands on the side of his face, and then she pulls him towards her face and plants her lips on his in an instant. Israel didn't resist, though he was surprised at first. Then he began to get more into it and kissed her right back, bringing her body closer to his, snuggling her while making out with her. His hands explored her entire body while Fluttershy placed her hands against his chest as they kissed. Soon his hands landed on her in certain parts of her body, one on her huge breasts and the other groping her round, jiggly ass.

She gave a cute squeal from her crush touching her butt like that, but she did love it. Yes, she certainly did. And no sooner than she realized, her own hands traveled down towards, rubbing Israel's crotch before moving herself back on top of him. Once she was on top of him as Israel’s back was towards the bed, Fluttershy lifts herself up, and then she grips onto the side of her dress and then instantly tore it off of her with her supernatural strength. And Israel’s eyes widen with bewilderment and his mind aroused as he looks upon a bare, naked Fluttershy on top of him. Yep, she wasn’t wearing anything underneath her dress.

"You… you were braless the whole time?" he asked, blushing. The adorable vampire giggled at his response.

“Not only that,” She said as she turns herself around til her bare and fuckable ass was in his sights. “I’m also not wearing any underwear.” She added.

"Oh my… guess you're not just sweet and innocent. You're such a naughty girl… my naughty little Flutters," he flirted before reaching down to take off his sweats and boxer briefs, mostly due to him now wearing a shirt when he sleeps. Once they were off, the vampire gal was now able to look upon his impressive cock.

"Wow… you're so… big. How come no one else fell for you? Then again, I'm happy to know I'm the only one who pursued," Fluttershy said, still gawking at his cock. She grabs hold of it, stroking his long, thick, meaty stick tenderly. "I still owe you for ditching you earlier. Let me make it up to you."

"Sure thing, Flutters. And, if possible, could I… get a taste of you down there?" he asked, blushing intensely, having asked something so improper for a gentleman like him. Fluttershy nodded, still smiling so adorably. He leans up and gives her one more kiss and pinches her cheeks lightly. "You're such a cutie-wutie, Flutters."

"Yay," she whispers happily. He chuckles and lays back down. Fluttershy then turns herself around, presenting her cute booty and glistening pussy to her new lover. He was awestruck by how sexy she looked and how adorable she is… for a vampire. A great combination of a unique girl like her. He grabs her two ass cheeks, massaging her soft fleshy mounds before tasting the surface of her love dungeon.

Fluttershy squealed in surprised, then it turned to moans of pleasure. She gave his cock a few strokes and then opened her mouth, taking in the tip for starters. She swirled her tongue around his tip, slurping it while stroking the base. She tries her best to avoid poking one of her fangs into his dick as she takes his meat stick balls-deep.

"F-F-Fuck! How are you so good? Isn't this your first time?" he asked, shuddering. Fluttershy didn't reply at the moment, since she was too absorbed in the moment. She deepthroated him some more, making cute moaning noises while wiggling her butt at him. Israel nuzzled her ass and kept slurping up her pussy juices.

He was intoxicated by the taste and wanted more. He spread her lips open a bit more and move his tongue inside her love canal. Fluttershy let out a high-pitched moan and sucked on his dick more hungrily. Israel let out his own moans of pleasure. For his first time, he never thought he'd be able to do so well, but from what he can tell, Fluttershy was liking the way he was eating her out like that.

The two were in blissful harmony as they tasted each other for about several minutes. And soon they both began to feel their limit fastly approaching. "F-Fluttershy, I… can't hold it!"

"Stop!" Fluttershy replied, taking her lover's cock out of her mouth. "It's… it's time." she said, turning herself around and facing him. "Are you ready to take me?" she asked innocently.

"You bet I am… sweetheart," he replied. Fluttershy squeed before grabbing Israel by the shoulders and shifting their weights to where he was on top of her. "Then you can be on top this time, it's the least I can do since you took the time to show up."

"Flutters… are you sure you're a vampire and not an angel in disguise?" he asked.

"Hmmm… maybe," Fluttershy said, stroking her chin. Israel couldn't get enough of how cute she was, nor could he even handle that kind of level of cuteness. He was definitely in love with her. He grabs his cock and aims it directly at her wanting, throbbing pussy. "J-Just… be careful with me, please. It's my first time."

"Okay. I'll be gentle," he nodded. Israel slowly slipped his cock inside her pussy. He eased in carefully, making sure not to hurt her. Fluttershy whimpered from how big this monster dick was as it was shaping her insides. She can feel her walls tighten around it. Finally, Israel broke her hymen, claiming Fluttershy for his own. She stifled her moans so she wouldn't wake up Israel's family outside his room. She felt the pain, but also pleasure as well, even if she was in tears.

Israel couldn't go further right now and just snuggled Fluttershy to give her some comfort. "Shhh, it's alright, I'm here for you, Flutters. Just take it easy," he whispered. To give her some more comfort, he planted his lips on hers again. She squealed in response. She holds onto him, melting into the kiss. Slowly, but surely, her pain began to wither away, and soon, all the pain in her lower lips were replaced with pleasure once she got used to his size.

"Okay, I'm ready. You can move now," Fluttershy whispered. Israel nods and begins to thrust slowly inside his precious vampire lover. Fluttershy let out adorable and lustful moans as she felt him thrust in and out of her. “Harder.” She gasped, wanting to step it up. “Fuck me as hard as you can and don’t hold back.” She stated.

"Are you sure you're ready to take it that hard?" Israel asked to make double sure. She looks up at him with a lustful smile, showing off her fangs and her eyes glow red.

“My dear Izzy… I’m a vampire; I’m tougher than the world’s toughest human.” She said. “So you can do whatever you want with me.”

"Alright, if you insist," he said before truly giving her the ride she so craves. He adds more power to his thrusts, rocking his blood-sucking lover like never before. He basked in the sweet melody of Fluttershy's lustful, adorable moans. She locked her legs around his waist, keeping him in place for when he should blow inside her.

Fluttershy was as happy as she was the day she met this boy. She hugged him, pressing her boobs against his chest. She got so caught in her lust, she gave in to her instincts and bit Israel on the neck, making him grunt. She gasped when she realized what she had done. However… "Mmmph! You're a hell of a girl, I'll give ya that," he whispered, driven by his own lust.

Fluttershy was surprised that he didn’t scowl at her for biting him, but she didn’t care as, for some strange reason, the power in Israel’s thrusts were increasing at an unnatural rate. She moaned louder and her legs feeling numb. What surprised her the most was seeing Israel's fangs flashing in front of her. All she could do is hold onto him and let him finish inside her. His phallus was growing bigger inside her pussy.

"I'm! I'm gonna… I… I can't… I'm gonna… I'm gonna cum! Yes! Yes! Oh yes!" Fluttershy exclaimed, her pussy tightening around his shaft. Israel thrust faster, hitting deep inside her wanting womb. Finally, he couldn't hold it in and groaned, flooding her insides with his seed. Fluttershy pulled him in for a kiss and moaned in it.

“You are amazing… Definitely an ideal boyfriend for me.” Fluttershy said while looking as adorable as ever.

"And you're… definitely girlfriend material… to me, my darling Flutters," Israel replied before collapsing next to her. It's hard to believe that a guy like him, a loner and a victim of bullying and lifelong abuse… would turn out as a successful young man with an adorable and beautiful girlfriend, even though she's got supernatural vampire powers. Perhaps the day has come for him to finally leave his life of solitude.

The next day, there was a knock on his bedroom door and he was woken up from his long slumber, yawning and still tired. "Who is it?" he asked.

"Mijo, get up! Someone's at the door wanting to see you!" his mother called out. He sat up from his bed, then over to his bed where Fluttershy was, only to find she wasn't there. Now he was even more confused. Was it a dream? No, it definitely felt real. Maybe she left early so that she wouldn't alert his family. He shrugged it off and got dressed before heading out.

"What's all the ruckus? Who's at the door?" he asked.

"It's the police and they have some news about the murder case, come here!" his mother said. He quirked an eyebrow and came to the front door and saw the detective and two policemen.

"Let me guess, I'm in trouble?" he asked, trying to not show his fear.

"No, far from it. You're in the clear. We came by to tell you we already caught the suspects who were responsible for the deaths of those two students. Turns out, it was those other bullies that harassed you since childhood. They confessed of their involvement and participation in the crime, there was also enough evidence pointed towards them and now they will all be held on trial. I know this is a lot to ask, but we're gonna have to ask you to come to court to testify against them," the detective said.

Israel was in shock. To think that those bozos who picked on him would go this far, but a part of him is jumping with joy. He's going to take full pleasure in watching those fool squirm after the years of torment they put him through. "I accept. When's the date of the trial?" he asked calmly.

"A week from now. Again, sorry for the grief you went through. And as for the motive: their goal was to kill those two students and pin the blame on you. They seemed to have held a serious grudge against you and an unfair one at that. No worries, with what we've gathered, you'll be out of their hairs once and for all. Anyways, have a good day," the detective said.

"That's reassuring. At least for now, we can put this mess behind us.

“And I hope that a certain boy would take me out on a date today.” A familiar voice spoke in the room, one that Israel recognized instantly. The detective and the 2 police officers turned around and Israel walked in between them until he sees Fluttershy standing by the front door, wearing the dress that she wore in school when they first talked.

Israel was surprised and excited that she was here in his house and meant that last night wasn’t a dream. "FLUTTERS!!!" he exclaimed before running up to her, hugging her and picking her up, twirling her in the air. Then as they stopped spinning, she latched her lips onto his, kissing him lovingly… In front of the police officers and his family. His mother and older brother were completely shocked that Israel had a girlfriend.

“Israel… has a girlfriend?... Dad is not gonna believe this.” Dark said.

"Mijo, when did you meet this girl?" his mom asked.

"Yesterday. We had a nice talk during lunch and… I guess we just clicked," Israel said.

"And… I was his secret admirer. I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused. I was just… I… well, you know how shy a girl can get sometimes when she's about to meet up with her crush. I had cold feet yesterday," Fluttershy lied.

“Oh, is that all. I can relate. Before I met Israel and Dark’s father, I was also a bit nervous myself and it took a lot of my willpower to go up and talk to him. Then later, I found out that he was also a bit anxious to talk to me and take me on a date.” Israel’s mom replied.

"Thank goodness. Anyways, may I please borrow your son for a moment?" Fluttershy asked.

“I will allow it, as long as you bring him home before dark.” Israel’s mother said.

"Thank you, miss. Shall we, then?" Fluttershy asked politely with her cute smile.

"Sure thing, my cutie little angel," he replied before heading out with him.

The two left the house, holding hands as they walk down the sidewalk. As they were walking, a smile form on Israel’s face, feeling happier than he’s ever been.

"Flutters… can you believe those guys that picked on me tried to frame me?" he asked.

"Hmm… it seems so. And just between us… being a vampire has its perks. Especially when it comes to hypnosis," Fluttershy said, making her boyfriend flash his toothy grin. "And remember… that will be our little secret. Okay?" she asked sweetly.

"Understood… my dear," he said as his eyes flashed red for a second then reverted back to their normal state. It would seem both of their lives… are just beginning.