Entering Death

by pinkiepiefan448

First published

One day in Twilight’s castle a book is found however this isn’t your ordinary book

One day in Twilight’s castle a book is found however this isn’t your ordinary book. It’s the book of pony creepypastas. Now the mane 6 are trapped will they be able to survive?
*I don’t own any creepy-pastas that the characters enter except for the elements of disharmony*

Introduction: it all begins here

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“Please Twilight” begged Spike “I really want to go to power con”

“Sorry Spike” said Twilight “today I’m going to reshelve my books and all my friends are helping this time!”

“I can hardly contain my excitement” Spike sarcastically remarked

“Oh shut up” Twilight said playfully then trotted to the castle.
Twilight opened the doors and walked inside only to be greeted by a giant confetti explosion followed by a banner rolling down that read ‘happy book sorcation day!’ Twilight’s wings sprouted out in surprise. Pinkie pie emerged wearing a party hat and blowing a party horn.

“It’s the day I help you with book sorcation!” Excitedly sqeed Pinkie Pie “I’m so excited! You probably were bored the last time you did a book sorcation. And even if you weren’t this one’s going to be the best! What do you think of
bookscorcation dance party!”

Twilight chuckled “sounds lovely pinkie. But we have to wait for the rest of our friends to get here.”

As if on cue Fluttershy fluttered through the door. “Speak of the devil” Spike remarked

“Hello Twilight” Fluttershy said “I’m so happy that I could help you with your book sorcation. I’m looking forward to a peaceful night in.”

“Yeah” Applejack added trotting in “it’ll be nice to escape the villains and danger.”

“Absolutely not!” Exclaimed Rainbow Dash “I need some excitement today!”

“Yeah” added Pinkie “Can I get a dance party!”

“Easy now” Rarity said strolling in “let’s take this slowly.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Said Twilight “as long as you’re all with me.”

It was 1 hour into the sorcation and everypony was dancing and shelving books to the tune of Pinkie’s beat. Rainbow Dash was zooming around when she spotted a book glowing red. She grabbed it and zoomed it down. She put the book on the ground and they all gathered “I didn’t know you had an awesome book like this!” Rainbow Dash said

“I don’t remember getting this book” said Twilight “ where did it come from?”

Pinkie looked at the cover. It said in bright red letters ‘creepypasta’ “Oooooooo” Pinkie said excitedly “it must be a special nightmare night pasta cooking book!” Pinkie whipped opened the book to a page called table of contents. The book began glowing bright red. Soon the light was so bright it was blinding everypony. Their mane blew in the wind and then the red light was sucked into the book closing the book. Only there were no ponies left outside.



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Pinkie’s eyes finally stopped burning with light as she saw a long dark staircase looming down. Pinkie was about to step into an Oven. Fluttershy was right in front of her, waiting, smiling, for Pinkie. Pinkie was about to hop down but then she remembered the book. “Hey Flutters” Pinkie asked “Are we doing anything related to food?”

“Um... No” said Fluttershy “I told you I’m showing you something special. Now come on don’t take too long.”

‘No food hay’ thought Pinkie ‘what else was on the cover? Hm... oh right!’ Pinkie gulped ‘creepy’. Without thinking Pinkie slammed the oven door on Fluttershy’s head, knocking her out. “Oh my god” Pinkie screamed “What have I done to poor Fluttershy? I need to go help her, there must be a bed down there or something.” Pinkie grabbed Fluttershy and trotted down the stairs. After a few minutes of darkness Pinkie saw a light and trotted towards it. When Pinkie walked into the room she was shocked, she could not believe it, she was horrified. It was Rainbow Dash. The pale blue pegasus with the rainbow striped mane stared back at Pinkie with empty eyes, a look of complete and indescribable terror and agony written across her once beautiful face. Pinkie grabbed a knife and stared at herself in the reflection. She just cried dripping into the red blood staining the knife. A sudden movement behind her Startled Pinkie.

“Good morning Pinkie” Fluttershy said calmly “I see you’ve found my masterpiece, now let’s..”

Pinkie screamed in anger and without thinking, spun around and stabbedFluttershy in the head “how could you do this?!”
Pinkie screamed. A red light opened above pinkie and sucked her up. “Oh no” Pinkie said “I’m not going back until I save my friends!” And with that Pinkie grabbed onto the side and swung into it. She slammed into huge red letters reading ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS’ .

Rainbow Factory

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Fluttershy woke up she didn’t know where she was but she was terrified. That scary book that had sucked them in, blood all over the walls, and the weird tubes filled with Rainbows. Then a booming voice from seemingly nowhere stated:

There’s long been rumors as to how, exactly, rainbows are made in Equestria. While a great amount of Pegasi ponies are employed in the Rainbow department of the weather factory, almost all of them do the low-end work. What’s know is that great streams of Spectra, the individual colours of the rainbow, flow through large grates and into vast vats. From there, workers carefully and equally mix the spectra into the coagulated rainbow pools that dot and run through the factory and surrounding city. Next, that mixture is pumped to the floor below, where other employees atomize it and store it until the active weather Pegasi deploy it in field. However, no one knows how individual Spectra is made. Supplies are never seen being brought in, leaving not even a clue what goes into a rainbow. Tourists, when visiting the factory, are treated to an extremely foreboding and plain wall, with massive solid doors baring entry to anypony at any time. While most of the facility’s various signs and architecture is bubbly and welcoming, the Rainbow Factory’s upper floor was protected by harsh imagery of potential hazards and death, and the cloud wall was made not out of the clean white of the rest of the city, but of a black, quietly thundering fog. To become an employee of the upper Rainbow Factory mean sacrificing any life outside those black walls. Workers are sworn to secrecy and forbidden from leaving, and live inside the facility itself. Those few who ever managed to make it out not in a body bag were twisted and disturbed, too damaged to ever bring themselves to talk about it. A lot of theories were proposed; Dark magic from captured unicorns, chemicals and environmental hazards that no sane pony would tolerate, and even thoughts of another unknown sister of Celestia’s, destined to create the Spectra instead of raise a sun or moon. None of them could be farther than the truth.

Fluttershy screamed. ‘What was the truth?’ She thought ‘and more importantly, do I want to know?’

A pony wearing a black coat (like the outfit not a horse’s coat) stepped out of the darkness “By now, you’ve all clearly determined that you are not going into exile.”

“You all?” Fluttershy questioned, she turned around to see a group of 3 fillies including one she recognized Scotaloo

“There is no deportation.” Continued the pony “There never was. You are in The Factory. You will never leave The Factory. And while you may be called useless, that’s also not entirely true. You’re worthless to the flock as a Pony. But, you still have purpose! Purpose to all the ponies in this land, far and wide. You get to help us make rainbows! Beautiful, magical rainbows, doesn’t that excite you?” The mysterious announcer grinned ecstatically, taking in all the disgusted looks from every foal on the floor below him. “I thought so,” she chuckled. “It is just such an honor, you know, it leaves every pony entrusted with the task speechless too! Now, do we have any volunteers?”

With the exception of fluttershy who shivered with fright, everypony below glared at the mysterious with hate. One brave pony, a light pink one from Levitating Acres, walked forward a few steps, then yelled.

“How could you ever get away with this? How could Celestia, or even Luna know about this and tolerate it? It’s slavery! It’s torture!”

“I think you’ll find it’s more than that,” a second official pony walked out the shadows and up to the podium. The pony was in a suit, and masked. The first pony walked off the podium and allowed the second to talk. Scootaloo noticed that it was the rose-eyed pony from before. She watched, more intently now. The voice was familiar.

“A thousand years ago, when Celestia banished Luna from Equestria and sent her to the moon, she was charged with three tasks. She originally was in charge of raising the sun, and showering the land with rainbows. But, with the moon being an additional task, she had to hand down the responsibility of rainbows. Celestia entrusted the Pegasi of Cloudsdale to make the rainbows for her, from them on. For the first dozen years, we were given powerful unicorns to help create Spectra. Spectra is pure pigment, pure colour. Everything is full of Spectra, but you can’t just harvest it. You can never separate colour from an object. So it was made artificially with magic.” The masked pony never took her eyes off the brave pink one. “That is, until our top engineers made a breakthrough. They discovered an ingenious way to extract pigment, and it was so beautiful even a simple machine could do it. But it couldn’t be done with just anything. The conditions had to be right.”

“What did those horrible people do,” the pink pegasus screamed, growing angrier by the minute.

The mysterious pony whipped off her mask, unveiling more than her rose eyes. Her skin was a light cyan, and her mane was a gorgeous rainbow. Several of the fillies gasped; Fluttershy’s knees weakened as it hit her. It was Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy’s thoughts raced through her mind, and the room started spinning. It couldn’t be. An evil twin, maybe. Perhaps some neglected sister. Rainbow Dash couldn’t be this evil. She was her friend. How... How? How was all she could think.

“Now, one of you is not like the others” Rainbow Dash said pointing at Fluttershy “you! You’re from outside this universe, sucked into this book! This is a game, how it works is: if you win you get to escape this book of horror stories!”

“A book of horror stories?!” Fluttershy exclaimed ‘that’s why I’m in this horrible place! I must have been sucked into the book, and this is no cookbook

“And if I win” this false, sick excuse for Rainbow Dash continued “I get to go to the real world and explore Equestria. You will stay here. Now the game is... well I’m sure you know by now”

“B-b-but” Fluttershy stuttered “how could I win?”

“Just try to escape,” Rainbow explained. “Workers! The brown one, there! Him first!”

“No!” Scootaloo, Aurora, Fluttershy, and Orion all jumped. Suited ponies cornered Orion, pushing the other two to the side. He tried to leap out of the way, to run, but one of the stallions spun around and kicked at him. The hoof connected to his shoulder, and Orion collapsed with a shout.

“Get back,” more Suits yelled at Aurora and Scootaloo as they dragged the whimpering Orion to the front of the room. The giant machine at the back started humming to life, and the assembly of chains lifted off the top and moved towards the floor. Everyone noticed they were shackles now, and the Suits clasped Orion into them. Braving a look up, he turned to Scootaloo.

“Don’t worry, Scoots. I love you. Goodbye.”

“...Goodbye, Orion,” Scootaloo gasped. “I... I love you too.”

With that, the chains pulled tight and lifted the brown Pegasus all the way up to the gears. The chains grew taunt, and stretched each of Orion’s limbs straight up and down.

“We find the machine works better if the ribs are broken,” Rainbow Dash explained apathetically, as the chains spun around, in opposite directions, twisting Orion. His screams almost covered the echoing ‘pop’s and shattering noises. One or two jagged bones tore through his side, and his yells faded to a slow, quiet rattle of breath. The chains untwisted, and then the shackles opened, dropping the shattered pony into the single opening.

With horror, Fluttershy watched. Her brain, overcome with what was happening, detached from all emotion. She noticed that the top of the machine wasn’t rusty. It was blood. Blood, just like what was being tossed up from the mangled remains of Orion, as the rest of his body was swallowed into the great machine, finishing with one lone hoof directed straight up, and then nothing was left.

As the hoses over the Green and Red vats of Spectrum started spewing their brilliant colours, Scootaloo’s vision started to fade, and the last thing she noticed was Aurora’s concerned, broken voice saying her name as Scootaloo flopped to the side.

“Alright now that you’ve seen what you’re up against” Rainbow Dash said “it’s your turn Fluttershy.”

Several workers grabbed Fluttershy and hauled her to the machine. “You can’t do this” Fluttershy sobbed “Please.”

“Sorry Flutters” said Dash “but, I really want to hang out in Equestria with the rest of the murderous six!”

“How can you be sure...” Fluttershy started but was interrupted by Dash.

“Ha like anyone could survive us” she chided “I’m 100% sure no pony will or has escaped.”

“Cupcakes, Butterflies” Pinkie shuddered on that second one “Rainbow Factory, Rarity’s mannequins, Pages Of Harmony, and The Elements of disharmony. Huh I wonder what all those mean?” Pinkie notices two that where different ‘Cupcakes’ was glowing bright red and ringing really loud. ‘Butterflies’ was glowing green and with a flash of light disappeared. Pinkie all the sudden dropped as ‘Cupcakes’ the word she was standing on dropped to reposition itself above ‘Rainbow Factory’. This caused Pinkie to bounce upon impact, and fall onto the ‘Rainbow Factory’ story.

Rainbow Dash walked over near the device, Fluttershy was sobbing now. She thought for sure this was the end but then, a flash of red light on the celling and Pinkie appeared and fell onto Fluttershy knocking her out of the grasp of the guards. They then hit Rainbow who went flying up and landed in the contraption which automatically locked. The pair then bumped into a button which Fluttershy's wing got in. When they bounced it ripped out Fluttershy's right wing. She screamed in agony, but the bouton had been pushed none the less. The machine began pushing at Rainbow’s ribs, as she joined Fluttershy's screams (although these screams were more angry) Pinkie and Fluttershy bounced off the railing. As they where falling they heard a cracking sound and Rainbow screaming “Nooooooooooooooo!” As if on cue at the end of Dash’s cries a red portal opened on the floor and Fluttershy and Pinkie fell in skidding into Twilight’s castle.

The Elements of Disharmony

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Darkness and an orange blob that’s all Twilight saw as her vision returned. Suddenly she fully regained consciousness and was able to take in her surroundings. She was in a dark room with a metal floor and… she couldn’t move. A leather strap kept her head firmly in place. She struggled to move, but her limbs had huge dissecting sort of metal beams holding them in place. Her legs were spread wide apart. But wait, the orange blob! It had taken shape. It was her friend Applejack only she looked a bit different than usual. She had ditched her trademark hat, her red hair ties were gone and her hair now went down on both sides, she had a white outfit on her lower body, the outfit had pockets which held a needle and an Apple. “Applejack?” Asked the purple pony “is that you?”

“Sure is Twilight!” Excitedly said the orange pony “you see you’re in a book, and it’s a book of horror stories and there’s a contest being held! I try to kill you and you try to escape! The winner gets to live in your Equestria! You see in this story, other day I was on the farm with rarity, and she called me uncivilized, she said that I needed to pursue more civilized activities. So I got into science, inspired by you Twilight, how ‘bout that?” Applejack picked up a book lying on the table, it was the book about the elements of harmony. “See if there are elements of harmony I thought” Applejack snorted and then continued “well there must be elements of disharmony!”

“Applejack please let me go” said Twilight “you’re scaring me!”

“Sorry Twilight” Applejack said “no can do” she pulled on a rope opening two tiny purple curtains revealing a wall similar to the one that would have been seen 5 seasons later in ‘Secrets and Pies’ expect it had pictures of each element of harmony and black and white pictures of each element and at the center was a picture of Twilight's element with the word ‘magic’ written in red marker at the bottom. “Now we’ll be making it through these tests and if you survive magic is the element that is most true!” Said Applejack but then a grin grew on her face “but, if you fail…” she lifted up the picture and underneath was a black and white photo of the element on the bottom in red marker was the word ‘witchcraft’. Applejack walked into a dark and then she returned heaving a metal cart with a tarp on it, in front. She pulled out a bottle with gray liquid inside. “Discord was good for something!” Applejack mused “ ‘course I had to destroy his statue and mix his blood but same thing!” Applejack pulled off a tarp on a table on it where various sharp objects lay down on the metal table. She picked up a crooked knife but Twilight used her magic glow to yank away the knife.

“Applejack!” Screamed Twilight “I don’t know what’s wrong with you but you need to stop!”

“Twilight I know you’re probably worried” Applejack said in her normal reassuring voice “but I promise this won’t hurt you.”

Twilight took a deep breath out and dropped the dagger “okay.”

“There that’s better” said Applejack “now let’s get going” Applejack walked up slowly, and climbed onto Twilight’s hooves.

The knife was now inches away from her horn “Applejack?” Twilight questioned “are you sure this won’t hurt?”

“Well” said Applejack calmly “we’re all bound to break some promises in our life” before Twilight could react, Applejack slammed the knife into her horn.

Twilight screamed in pain and tried to cast a magic spell to teleport out of there, only to find that trying to cast a spell only worsened the pain. A hard object hit Twilight’s muzzle and then rolled onto the floor. The light illuminated the object revealing it to be Twilight’s horn. Applejack walked back towards the table “Applejack!” Screamed Twilight “what was that?!”

“Hm” said Applejack putting the knife back on the table “Oh well I couldn’t have you magic your way out of here”

“But Applejack” protested Twilight “I thought you needed to see if my element could survive, you know ‘magic’”

“Wait you don’t know” Applejack chuckled. “I thought you’d figure out that all those real personalities should add up. 'Friendship is magic’ so your real element is friendship so you’ll have to convince me not to hurt you! Let’s begin with your cutie mark”


“That didn’t convince me one bit” said Applejack “oh well not everyone’s a winner”
She slammed a knife into Twilight’s right cutie mark. The pain was like a million bees had stung Twilight and continued to do so. Applejack pulled out Twilight’s cutie mark and showed her. “This is part of your destiny” said Applejack “see, your cutie mark has 5 stars on the outside to represent all of your friends and the big pink star is you Twilight!”

“How could you do something so evil?!” asked Twilight but then remembering Applejack’s ‘test’ she thought there might be a chance she could win this “Applejack remember when we first met? You were so eager to be my friend, and I had lots of your Delicious food.”

“Yes” said Applejack and then stabbed Twilight’s other cutie mark double the pain of the last one “you were so sarcastic always rolling your eyes, it was quite rude rather than heart warming. Try again!”

“How do you expect to get away with this?” Twilight asked, suddenly questioning Applejack’s method, “one of Equestria’s hero’s disappears, at least Celestia would notice my absence!”

“So you’re rooting for disharmony” said Applejack then she sarcastically said “oh gee I wonder what the outcome will be”

“Okay there are options” said Twilight “but, hypothetically say I lose what then?”

“I’m so glad you asked!” Applejack said she pulled out another vile from under the cart, only this one had some green liquid inside of it. “To kill a changing is quite simple Twilight, now I can disguise myself as you and no one would be the wiser”

“You really think Celestia wouldn’t?” Twilight said skeptically

“Twilight you’re so stupid sometimes” Said Applejack “I can just disguise myself as somepony else, hide in the crowd with them, Celestia arrests them, then rinse and repeat for all eternity!” Applejack picked up a spoon from the table and brought it over to Twilight “Try number 3!”

“Applejack” Said Twilight “remember how you were corrupt, I saved you from being a liar. Applejack I tried so hard, had to use so much magic, all for you AJ, please.”

Applejack wasn’t having it and stuck the spoon into Twilight’s left lower eye socket but before she was done she explained her reasoning “Fat good job that did look at me now!” She laughed

Twilight was crying “Applejack” she managed “please end the pain.”

“Oh right.” Applejack said and then pushed hard down onto the spoon breaking through vein, after vein, after skin. Then Twilight’s eye fell out and onto the spoon.

Twilight shrieked in pain. Her vision was mostly the same but the pain was unbearable. It was so bad that it was indescribable “A-a-a-Applejack” Twilight weakly stated “p-p-p-please st-st-stop”

“Twilight aren’t you a scientist?” Asked Applejack “you should know… oh that was another attempt, well: FAIL” Applejack trotted into the dark corner that once held the cart. She came back with a banner that had ‘Apple Family Reunion’ written in red paint. “Don’t worry” Applejack reassured “I hadn’t killed anypony when I made this. It’s red paint, though I might re-make it with the blood you’ve shed for my next guests!”

“Next guests?!” Asked Twilight horrified “You mean…”

“Yup” said Applejack “I told you I needed to see if all the elements were disharmony or harmony! The only reason you’re first is because you have all the big connections, the most powerful element, and excellent detective skills. You’d find me out with-in a day. Yes, in case my story didn’t hint you, I’m super excited for Generosity!”

“No!” Screamed Twilight “I WILL NOT LET YOU HURT MY FRIENDS!”

“Hush you already lost this round” said Applejack “it’s time for your punishment!”
Applejack reached under the metal table and pulled out 4 shiny red dance shoes. Each shoe had a number on the bottom with a circle around it. There was 1, 2, 3,& 4. Applejack pulled off the top of a barrel, inside the barrel was burning hot coal. Applejack placed the four shoes into the barrel then walked back into the dark corner. She emerged wearing some sort of socks but they were black and had a very hard look to them. Applejack pulled a silver lever tilting Twilight onto her back. Applejack then walked over to the metal table and pulled out the stereo that the CMC had used in ‘the show stoppers’. Twilight then realized why Applejack put the weird socks on as Applejack walked over to the barrel and put the shoes from it onto her hooves. They must be heat retardant shoes. Applejack trotted over and stood on a table Twilight hadn’t noticed before made from the same material as the socks. The banner had been hung up behind Twilight and she could now see it.

Applejack bopped the stereo with her nose and a tune started playing and Applejack began singing.
Raise this barn, raise this barn, 1, 2, 3, 4.
When Applejack said the numbers she stepped onto different parts of Twilights stomach leaving imprints. Twilight screamed in pain but before she could catch her breath:
Together we can raise this barn, 1,2,3,4
Applejack stepped in the same places on the same notes. Twilight was now in tears, so Applejack nose bopped the stereo again only this time it stopped the music. “Alright next try!” Said Applejack “I’m excited”

“This is a song my mother sang to my brother when he wanted to leave his friend who had been in a carriage crash behind” said Twilight
A true true friend helps a friend in need, a tru…”

Twilight couldn’t finish because Applejack grabbed her tongue, pulled it out of her mouth and poured a cup molten lava onto it, burning off her tongue. Twilight screamed as it was now the only noise she could make. “Oh well” said Applejack “nothing left to convince me, guess you're witchcraft. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun!” Applejack strolled over to the metal table and picked up a chainsaw and started it. Twilight looked in horror as Applejack sawed right through her stomach. The next hour was the most painful thing Twilight ever experienced. Applejack turned the ‘raise this barn’ song back on and made it sadistic as ever.
With lyrics such as “Turn 'em round quick by the right elbow” into “Turn round the right elbow” and then proceeding to do so, or forcing Twilight to see by nailing her eyelid to her forehead singing “Hold 'em up and nail 'em down.”

At the end of it everything was covered in blood. Most of Twilight’s guts were removed and Twilight had tears streaming down her entire body. “I suppose that’s it” said Applejack “I’m sure gonna miss this, oh well.” Applejack hopped onto the metal table now empty as every item was ethier lodged into Twilight or on the floor. She grabbed a nose and put it around Twilight’s neck.

It was at this moment Twilight realized she was gonna die. She didn’t want to die and that’s when she remembered the whole experiment. The elements! She began thinking of the Qualities of friendship and wishing for the element of magic. Sure enough her element, shining in magic flew down the stairs. Unfortunately Twilight’s eyes began to close. The last thing she saw was Applejack snag the element in her mouth holding it. Twilight expected the element of magic would break free and zap Applejack, bringing Twilight back to life, and her eyes would open. But they never did.

Just seconds after Twilight’s death Applejack managed to splash the element into the vile that contained discord’s remains. The element stopped moving and turned gray. “It’s witchcraft!” Shouted Applejack those words echoed lifting her into a red circle where she came face to face with, Pinkamena, Crazy Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. And it just so happens the final story was upon us, Rarity it’s time to battle the nightmares. (Get it... cause they’re ponies)