> Resident Evil: Umbrella > by Grand-Galvatron > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: A career change > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight looked at the pink slip that her sleazeball manager, Mr. Maxwell, had given her, she knew exactly what this slip meant. It said, "Ms. Twilight Sparkle, due to money problems we've been having, we have no other choice but to relieve your duties in the Canterlot Life foundation, all profit you would've made is now shipped to Mr. Mason Maxwell. What we are trying to say is that you're fired, we hope you have enjoyed your time working with us. Now with all that taken care of, you can now get out and never come back. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Mason Maxwell. Twilights fists were trembling in absolute rage, She knew what Maxwell wanted, all he wanted was her money. That was all he ever wanted ever since she first worked there. It took all of her will-power not to trash her entire work office. She always knew that her temper was explosive and she would take it out on anyone who crossed her. She stormed out of the Life Foundation with a look of complete anger on her face. As she was walking to her apartment, she is stopped by Gloriosa Daisy as she says in a happy tone of voice, "Hello Twilight, I hope you're having a wonderful day today." Twilight angrily replied, "WHAT'S SO WONDERFUL ABOUT IT! HOW ABOUT YOU GET OUT OF MY FRIKING WAY BEFORE I WIPE THAT SMILE OFF YOUR LITTLE FACE!" Leaving Gloriosa shocked and silent as Twilight stormed away. Twilight thought her day couldn't possibly get any worse but when she got to her apartment door, She saw a green slip that said she was going to be evicted in three days due to her not paying her rent. Twilight, in a fit of unrelenting rage, ripped the green slip from her door and started tearing it into tiny pieces. She then went inside her room and slammed the door behind her. "WHY ME?! WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE ME?! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE ALL THIS TORMENT?! I DESERVED THAT JOB AT THE LIFE FOUNDATION!" Twilight screamed at the top of her lungs as she turned around to see a letter on the kitchen table. The letter was from her boyfriend, Timber Spruce, saying that he has left her because she's almost never at home most of the time and that he was sick and tired of ending every night with an argument. Her hands were shaking even quicker than before, not only did she just get fired from the greatest job she ever had, but the love of her life just left her. She was trying everything in her power not to rip apart and smash everything in sight, but, to no avail, she couldn't hold her fury in anymore. "FUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKK!," She roared in fury as she started tearing her entire apartment room apart. She threw plates into walls, smashing them to pieces, tipped her bookshelf as all the items fell off the shelf, and she broke every mirror inside the room, so she couldn't see of how much of a failure she was. After 20 minutes of her angry tirade, her entire apartment room was trashed, with ripped up furniture and shattered glass all over the place. Twilight's behavior changed from anger to sadness as she lay down on the floor and started crying uncontrollably. "Why does my life have to be a living hell? Why can't I just have a normal happy life? Oh mother, I had so much promise, where did it all go so wrong?" Twilight sobbed as she let her emotions finally consume her. Then she heard the telephone ring, she didn't know who would be calling her at this hour, but she really didn't care about that as she got up from the floor and went to get the phone. "Ummm...Hello?" Twilight said as she answered the phone. "Hello, is your name Twilight Sparkle," The caller said. "Yes, this is Twilight Sparkle, can I help you with something?" Yes, I think you can help me with something. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Albert Wesker, and I am an employee at the Umbrella Corporation. I have learned you need a new job, is that correct?" Wesker said. "Umm, yes, that's right." "How would you like to work for me at Umbrella, we will not only give you a new space to live in, but we will also give you a bigger paycheck if you work for us." Wesker said. "How much money is in these paychecks?" Twilight asked. "About $340 dollars a week." Twilight froze, the people at Umbrella could give her that much money for a week, that's double the amount of money she made at the life corporation. Now, her once angry face was replaced with happiness as she started crying tears of joy. So, what do you say, Ms. Sparkle, do we have a deal? "Yes, Yes, I'll take the job." Twilight said with happiness in her voice. "Excellent, there will be a car waiting to pick you up outside in the next fifteen minutes, trust me, Ms. Sparkle, your life is going to change forever. I look forward to seeing you very soon. Goodbye for now," Wesker said as the phone hung up. After the phone hung up, Twilight started running all across her apartment building with a happy look on her face. She thought that now that she worked for the umbrella corporation, she will not only have to any longer worry about paying any bills or debts that her manager should've paid a long time ago, but she might actually be working for people who might actually respect her talents. She was so happy that she would actually have a job that she would actually enjoy and she would work to the best of her ability in order to gain her colleagues and fellow workers respect. "Oh thank you, God. Thank you for answering my prayers," Sci-Twi said as she saw a car with the Umbrella symbol on it. She then got in the car as the driver took her to the location where she would be working at. Oh, she was so excited she could just explode as she was thinking on how her new ideas could change the world for the betterment of mankind. > Prologue: Part 2, The Dark Destiny of Umbrella > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Audio Tapes from Sci-Twi during her time in Umbrella) April 23rd 1986: I just can't believe it! Yesterday was both the worst and the best day of my life. First I get fired and then I'm dumped by my boyfriend, Timber Spruce. Well, fuck you Timber, because not long after I discovered you left I got a call from a man named Albert Wesker who offered a job at the Umbrella Corporation for me and today is my first day. I can't even put my excitement in words! Finally my future is looking brighter. April 25th 1986: I met one of Umbrella's best researchers today. His name is William Birkin and I must say that his work has made a lot of progress in Umbrella's research on the T-Virus. May 2nd 1986: I got to meet the Corporation's leader a few hours ago. Mr. Spencer has a vision for this T-Virus to improve humanity. It's a great plan, just a little too great. Experiments with the T-Virus have so far only led to mindless zombies with a sweet tooth for flesh. I can't say I share Spencer's vision, but he's got the idea. May 5th 1986: I've officially gotten my own lab to do research in and saying that I'm excited would be an understatement. When I say 'my own lab' I mean one small lab here in the Arklay Laboratory. June 6th 1987: I caught wind of a person named Alexia Ashford having created a new virus from the Progenitor virus at an Antarctic base. Wesker informed me that he sent a spy or something to that location the day after I let him know about it and now I have a sample of the Veronica virus here on my desk. I don't know who this Alexia is, but she is a virology genius. This virus proves that Spencer's dream may not be as far fetched as I thought. Heck, maybe even I can create my own virus with this. *small giggle* Now I'm going a little too far. May 1st 1988: A few days ago James Marcus was assassinated while he was working on his latest project. I guess Spencer got too paranoid. William was given official credit for the creation of the T-Virus in order to cover up the crime. I don't know why, but have a bad feeling about them dumping both Marcus' body and his queen leech in the same place. May 20th 1988: It's weird how fast I have risen in the ranks. It's only been two years and now I'm almost high enough ranked to set up my own facility. June 14th 1988: William just made a major breakthrough. He has discovered a new strain of the Progenitor virus he has named Golgotha. Now he has an entirely new laboratory located under Racoon City. I'm going for a visit tomorrow. September 29th 1989: OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!!! I have created a new strain of the Progenitor virus and when I presented it to Spencer he revealed that a mansion had been under construction for years now and since I had done such a breakthrough he has decided to give it to me when construction is finished! When it comes to the new strain, however, I had to risk burning my bridges with William Birkin. The reason being that I needed a G-Virus sample for it to work and the only way to get it was from William. I tried to ask first, but he refused. Fortunately for me one of Wesker's spies managed to steal a sample without being busted. He noticed the day after, but thankfully didn't suspect me and thus I don't have to get any more involved. October 3rd 1989: My new strain, now known as the Zeta virus or Z-Virus, has proven to be an even bigger discovery than Golgotha by Spencer himself. William had a bittersweet reaction, but otherwise congratulated my discovery. It will be interesting to see how experiments will turn out. February 8th 1990: The mansion was completed three days ago and I'm moving in today with a handful lower ranked virologists and scientists. When my virus is finished humanity will no longer need to fear disease of any kind. April 2nd 1990: All tests with the Z-Virus so far have failed because the subjects didn't have compatible DNA. I have told them so many times that I need test subjects with specific DNA codes and blood types. Can't a scientist get some decent test subject for once?! June 5th 1990: So many nights I have spent trying to crack the code of my own creation and now I finally have it. I need a better cell type for the virus. The Orthomyxoviridae body it has isn't good enough. Thus I have sent a squad to raid a lab in Georgia to steal samples of the smallpox virus. The reason being that a Variola cell is perfect for my Z. August 17th 1990: I'M A GODDAMN GENIUS!!! I did it!!! My virus has shown great improvement after I got my hands on the smallpox. The only thing left now is to test it. August 25th 1990: Six tests...…….Six FREAKING TESTS!! And only ONE showed positive results. These test subjects are completely useless. Nothing but trash. September 2nd 1990: I have started a new project based on the Veronica virus. I have created one new strain for it. I call it Veronica-2. It was created by combining the T-Virus with the DNA of a hornet and now these test subjects aren't as useless as I originally thought. September 21st 1990: I need time to further develop Z, but the Veronica project gets in the way. I don't want any idiots touching my creation so I promoted Wallflower Blush to overlook the project as I favor her over everyone else working for me. She brings her ideas for the project to me and if I approve she doesn't hesitate to develop it. She is a botany, entomology and virology genius. She is the perfect choice to overlook a project like this. Now I have plenty of time to do further research on my Z-Virus. October 15th 1990: FINALLY!! Some good fucking results! The only problem now is the test subject's weak sanity. Can someone please get me a test subject that is strong minded and isn't that easily mentally ripped apart by mutations? December 20th 1990: I'm going to visit my mother for Christmas and I'm staying at her place until the new year arrives. I won't tell her about my job for Umbrella. I'm going to tell her once Z is finished. September 26th 1994: Finally found this thing again. So much has happened since I last recorded anything on this audio recorder. First of all, I got my ever first successful experiment with the Z-Virus. Subject's upper brain functions remained intact and he remained in control of his body. Thanks to this I was able to create a cure for the virus, should it ever go berserk. Second of all, Wallflower Blush has created as much as four new Veronica types. Veronica-3 to Veronica-5 and Veronica-6 is in progress. December 6th 1994: I just got word that my....father wants to see me again. That bastard has the nerve to just abandon me and mom for a wealthy woman and then just casually show up. I want to kill him so bad, but my mother made me swear not to hurt him if he ever was to come back. Don't worry mom I won't hurt him directly. I'm going to have him assassinated....No, I'm going to turn him into a test subject and make sure that the experiment "fails". That son of a bitch has it coming. July 27th 1995: Wallflower has conducted several experiments with her Veronica strains and the most successful one is Veronica-4. A combination of the T-Virus and Chrysopidae DNA, while the most unsuccessful one was Veronica-6, where instead of Chrysopidae it was the DNA of a mosquito. While it wouldn't do anything good for anyone, it certainly succeeded in squishing a certain bug in my life, if you remember December 6th 1994 on this audio tape. February 25th 1996: My creation has finally been perfected. Now even a fragile minded human can survive the mutations of the Z-Virus. I unfortunately can't invite Sunset to see what I've managed to achieve because she had a mission she couldn't turn down. March 9th 1996: They used me. After everything I’ve done for them. Spencer didn’t give me this mansion out of generosity, he just wanted the Z-Virus! If these idiots think that I will surrender my research to them that easily, they are mistaken. You know what? FUCK THIS!!! THIS WHOLE FUCKING PLACE IS GOING UNDER!!! Every hall, every room will be littered with monsters. FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU MONEY AND FUCK THIS CORPORATION. I AM NO LONGER ONE OF YOUR LITTLE PUPPETS!!! I AM YOUR DEMISE!!! YOU’LL GET TO SEE YOUR CORPORATION GO UP IN FLAMES BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES!!! I WILL RUIN YOU!!!!!! March 13th 1996: *Low barely contained voice* I got a message from someone named Sunset. She has been sent on a mission to investigate a series of mysterious murders in the area my mansion is in. If you are listening to this whoever is coming here, then please…..GET AWAY!!! > Chapter 1: Part 1 of 2 Sunset Shimmer RCPD Audio-Logs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer Audio-Tapes: March 7th, 1984: Sigh, The Fall Formal, I'll never forget it. I remember when I selfishly used a power that I thought was mine...but it was a power I couldn't control. I had a painful transformation into a power-hungry she-demon and went on a rampage through the school, and my demon half wanted to go to equestria so she could conquer it. But in the end, my friends put an end to those plans, and all that magic was taken out of my body. Princess Twilight said that the rest of the girl's could teach me the power of friendship. However, I wasn't that hopeful, as there were some who weren't that forgiving. So, to ease the burden of it all, I moved out of Canterlot City, without a trace. I just needed to get away from it all for a little while. March 10th 1984: After I left Canterlot, I traveled for a while, till I got to a place called Raccoon City, looked like an ok place. I tried to search for a restaurant because I was very hungry at the time, good thing I had some money with me. When I was at this Burger Joint, I met this guy who was eating there. I think his name was Jack Baker. Really nice man, he gave me advice on what was around Raccoon City and he gave me some pointers on what to say and where to go, again really nice country man. October 13th 1985: I was shopping at the central mall today, just finding some things for myself. That was until I was stopped by who I think was a cop. He said that their was a robbery not too far from here, and he needed to inspect me to see if there was any contraband. I looked at the name-tag on his shirt, I think it said Brian Irons. I don't know why, but I was getting weird vibes about this guy as he was doing his inspection. He just didn't feel right. Then he whispered something in my ear, like he said, "Oh you are beautiful." That was the final straw for me and I just ran off. The asshole didn't even try to stop me, all I saw from him was a devilish smile on his face. I knew I was right, there was really something off about that guy. January 5th, 1986: Money was getting scarce for me, so I decided that I needed to go find myself a job. That's when I found that there was a job opening at Raccoon City Police Department. At first I just got a desk-job as a Secretary. I mean yeah, it was boring at first, but it gave me a lot of alone time to let me think to myself. As I have been thinking about a lot of things that I could've changed in the past. I just wish that I could one day see Princess Twilight and the Rainbooms so that we could all make up for lost time. April 11th 1986: I just got a promotion today, well, if you can call it that. I was introduced to someone named Albert Wesker, as he wanted to see if I could become an actual officer for the police department. To say that I wowed him would be a massive overstatement, as he was really impressed with what I could do. And so after that day, I became an actual Police Officer for the Raccoon City Police Department. November 15th 1986: Ugh, why did Irons have to be the Chief of Police. When I found out that he was the Chief, it would b a lie to say that I wasn't freaked out. How did a sleaze-ball like him become the chief of police? Who knows at this point. Well, he doesn't bother me that much since he's busy a lot of the time. So I just try to avoid him at all costs. But still, really. February 7th 1987: I had my first case today. Nothing that challenging, just some punk who was charged with Petty Theft. It looks like the other officer's that were with me were Impressed by how I was handling the situation. May 10th 1988: CELESTIA DAMN YOU IRONS, DAMN YOU TO TARTARUS! I cannot believe he made me miss out on another assignment just so I could do some lousy paperwork that he was supposed to do. I'm a human-being, not some wind-up toy that you can control at you leisure. Oh you are so going to pay for this one day Brian Irons, one day. September 12th 1989: I just had a friendly chit-chat with one of the members of S.T.A.R.S. His name was Chris Redfield. He was curious on how my prowess with a Gun was. So he took me to the shooting range to test my skills with a gun. At first, I couldn't handle the recoil of the pistol I was using, but after a lot of training by Chris and his partner, Jill Valentine, I was able to get better and better at shooting the targets in the range. Hah, and Irons said that I would never be able to actually use a gun, well, whose laughing now. October 17th 1992: I was on my lunch-break, and I saw a commercial that was advertising some kind of Pharmaceutical company. I think they called it Umbrella I guess. They were labeling a lot of medicines that could help cure diseases. Chris said that he had a bad feeling about the whole thing, but if Princess Celestia has taught me anything, it's that you never judge a book by its cover. Maybe they're doing some good for the world. January 22nd 1994: BEST DAY EVER, I just got promoted to join The S.T.A.R.S. Gamma Team, you have no idea on how excited I am at this promotion. Now I can really test out my skills and prove to them on what I can really do. January 29th 1994: Just met the members of the team that I'm going to be with, and let's just say...it was a really awkward moment for me. I saw Rainbow-Dash there, and I expected her to start yelling insults about me. However, when she saw me, she was so happy that she ran up to hug me as she greeted me. Made me cry tears of joy when she did something so nice, even with all the pain I put her and the other girl's through. Also met the other members. Starlight Glimmer, Octavia Melody, Fluttershy, Aria Blaze, and Timber Spruce. They were all very nice...well if you exclude Aria, as she just kept to herself. Kinda had the same attitude that Wesker had. Well, I just had another great day. March 13th 1996: Got a report that told about a bunch of brutal murders that were caused by a group of crazed lunatics. Victims were apparently eaten. The report disturbed me a lot when I read it for the first time. However, Rainbow put my fears to rest when she said that it won't be that much of a big deal, we'll just head over to the crime scene and bag whoever or whatever is responsible for the murders. That gave me a little sign of relief. The report said that the location of the murders was near a mansion known as the Sparkle Mansion. Hmm, the mansion's name sounds a lot like Princess Twilight's name. Well, enough of that, I better get on going to the helicopter, since the rest of my team are waiting for me. Well, all I can say for now is...wish me the best of luck. (Will Continue in Chapter 1: Part 2 of 2, Wallflower Blush Audio Logs). > Chapter 1: Part 2 of 2, Wallflower Blush Audio Logs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- February 8th 1990 Testing, testing. Is this thing on? Okay, ahem, I am Wallflower Blush, a Rank III researcher for the Umbrella Corporation. I excel at botany, entomology, and virology, which has won praise from my superiors before, but enough about my personal life. I was moved to work under one of the Corporation’s top researchers, Mrs. Twilight Sparkle. She created what is known as the Z-Virus, though I know nothing about its nature as access to it is strictly forbidden. She is also very protective of her creation, a little bit like William Birkin and his G-Virus. Anyways, we are moving to a new location today. We're going to a newly constructed mansion in a place similar to the Arklay Mountains, but the place has more open fields and a much better position to study the wildlife. I am looking forward to this. March 15th 1990 Mrs. Sparkle hasn’t been very open with her progress, but rumors say that she is growing increasingly frustrated with it because of poor experiment results. August 26th 1990 I had my first official meeting with Mrs. Sparkle today. I had of course seen her before, but we never really had the time to chat. Although it was mostly just me reporting the progress on the T-Virus research. After the report she grew curious about me, she asked me questions about all kinds of things and complimented me when we finished. It was nice to be noticed for my abilities. I was always called a nerd for it before, but she recognized my talent. It’s as if we are more similar than I thought. September 21st 1990 THANK YOU, GOD, FOR HEARING MY PRAYERS! I was just promoted to a high-ranking position by Mrs. Twilight Sparkle herself. From now on I am going to overlook something she has called Project: Veronica. New variants of something called the T-Veronica Virus. Mrs. Sparkle has created one variant herself already, but she is handing the reins of the project over to me. I will not fail. February 15th 1991 I have completed Veronica-3. It’s a mix of the Veronica virus and cockroach DNA. Early tests ended with terrible and crippling mutations, but the final result was a huge success, people with certain resistance and DNA codes will gain the survivability of a cockroach. Although this is a rare result, it is enough for me to move on to the next variant. Though, Experiment 4 of Veronica-3 has proven to be a very dangerous thing. It was the result of a wolf being infected with Veronica-3 and the wolf mutated into a horrible monstrosity. The only reason we haven’t killed it yet is that we can develop a cure for this variant by studying this beast. May 16th 1992 Veronica-4 is completed and I feel proud to say that this is my greatest achievement yet. I spliced the virus with the DNA of a Green Lacewing. Tests were positive almost from the very beginning. Mutations were so diverse and often beneficial. Some have gained wings, some have gained bug legs, some grew antennas, etc. I also tried using the virus on a tree and suddenly Green Lacewings were growing on trees. This “Lacewing Tree” now stands in the main hall inside a glass casing that is connected to the outside roof to let the Lacewings out into the wild. This is because these Lacewings show no sign of infection and do not carry the virus on them the virus can’t seem to survive for more than a few minutes on these Lacewings. They are completely normal and immune. October 30th 1993 I am slightly disappointed. Seems my streak of success ended with Veronica-4 since variant 5 was not a very good mix. Mediocre at best. Note to self: Splicing the virus with Dung Beetle DNA is not a good idea. June 4th 1994 Whoever came up with this idea is either getting demoted or fired. Someone had the bright idea of suggesting splicing Veronica with Mosquito DNA, I protested, but I was urged into complying. As I expected it was a complete flop. No matter what was done, the result was the same. The test subject would mutate into a crooked human-sized mosquito with no sentience preserved. All these bugs are now only good for freaking out squeamish people and annoying others with their buzzing. December 6th 1994 Twilight came into my office earlier with the darkest expression I have ever seen on a human face. She spoke sweetly with a barely suppressed malice in her voice. It freaked me out. Thankfully it wasn’t me she was angry with, but she informed me that she needed a sample of Veronica-6. I was confused, but when I asked she replied with a vague “I need to squish a bug”. August 16th 1995 After a break from Project: Veronica I am once again ready to develop new variants, I am starting Veronica Variant 7 research tomorrow. This time I will be splicing the virus with the DNA of an Ironclad Beetle. February 25th 1996 Mrs. Sparkle is finally able to harvest the fruits of her labor. The Z-Virus has been completed. Tonight we are having a feast to celebrate this great event. Mrs. Sparkle’s dream is to protect humanity from pain and suffering. And now, that dream is within her grasp. This will help save so many innocent lives. February 29th 1996 I have completed Veronica-7 now, and it is a vast improvement from the previous one. This one is on the level of Veronica-4. March 1st 1996 Mrs. Sparkle reported her finished work to Mr. Oswell E. Spencer himself, but she suddenly seemed to grow insecure. She later told me that Spencer had acted strangely toward her and was almost demanding she hand over her work. As if he didn’t trust her. I think this calls for investigation, lucky for me, I have a friend that can easily figure out why Spencer was in such a rush to get his hands on the Z. March 9th 1996 Those rats used us! I have never felt this angry before, but my rage is nothing compared to the sheer hate I saw in Mrs. Sparkle’s eyes when I informed her. If my prediction is correct Mrs. Sparkle will unleash the T-Virus, T-Veronica, and all monsters kept behind bars to protect her creation from their claws. She was kind enough to give me an antidote to protect me from zombification. Although, if the situation calls for it I will do whatever it takes to protect Mrs. Sparkle, even if it means being infected. March 13th 1996 Mrs. Sparkle has informed me that S.T.A.R.S. is coming to investigate the area because of a string of murders in the immediate area. I won’t make any rash decisions yet, but if they want to hurt Mrs. Sparkle, I will show no mercy. (This will continue in Chapter 2: Into the Mansion, the Horror Begins).