> Fire At The End Of The Rainbow. > by tam285 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Sunset and Rainbow. It has come to my attention that the Daring Do Convention has started and since I am halfway across Equestria, I cannot make it. However, I imagine you and Rainbow would be excited to participate. However, that is not what I am asking you. You see, A.K Yearling said that next time I'd meet her, she'd give me a few items. As a fan, I am excited. But as I said, I can't attend. If you two aren't busy, attend and meet A.K. There is 2 bags of bits next to the portal to pay for hotel rooms or food, and since you are an adult in Equestria, I guess a beer wouldn't hurt if you'd want. When you get the items, please place them on the Cutie Map, and since bits can be sold in your world, any bits you find are left over, you may keep. Best wishes, Princess Twilight. P.S, the guards know you're coming and are ordered to help you in any way they can. They will not attack you, Sunset. ;) Sunset slammed the book shut. Rainbow was jumping for joy. Sunset however, was not. "Can you believe it?" Rainbow yelled. "WE'RE GOING TO A DARING DO CONVENTION IN EQUESTRIA! I HAVE TO GET MY OUTFIT READY!" Sunset threw a pillow at Rainbow. "No. We're doing this thing for Princess Twilight and getting the hell out of there. Just, get dressed and meet me at the portal in 2 hours." Rainbow groaned. "Fine!" "DRESS UP NICE, OR I SWEAR TO GOD!" Sunset yelled. She got an angry response of a door slamming. She laughed to herself. "She has murder in her eyes, I swear to Celestia." Sunset got up from her sofa and moved to her closet. "What to wear.." She looked at her usual clothes. The last time she wore those they didn't even copy over to Equestria. As her fingers ran over the multiple choices, she felt a.. tie? Sunset pulled it out and to her surprise, she pulled out a fully fledged suit. It was grey, with a white shirt tucked neatly inside it. She laughed to herself. "If I wear this, I'll look like a damn assassin." thinking again, she decided against it. "What the hell, if this is a setup for my banishment, I'm going out in style!" She put the suit on, and then something else caught her eye. "A fedora? When the hell have I owned a full suit, tie and fedora?" she shrugged it off. "Maybe the old owners forgot to take it with them when they moved out. Or maybe Rarity slipped it into my closet." It fit comfortably on her body. "Oh, this is Rarity's handiwork." 2 hours had passed since Sunset's last interaction with her friend, Rainbow Dash. She felt a tap on the shoulder and turning around, there stood Rainbow Dash. She burst out laughing. "Got ya good, Sunny!" Sunset scoffed sarcastically. "You know Twilight is the only one allowed to call me that! Plus, why are you laughing? I didn't even get scared." Rainbow laughed. "It's good to laugh every once and a while! You should try it!" Sunset rolled her eyes. "What the hell are you wearing, anyways?" Rainbow shrugged. "My dad gave it to me, said he wore it to prom when he was my age." Sunset laughed. "We look like assassins." Rainbow punched Sunset's side playfully. "Oh, and how are you going to explain that prosthetic arm to Princess Celestia?" Sunset looked down at her arm. Ever since the attack at the amusement park, she never really did feel normal. She shrugged. "It was a month ago, Dash. The girls are gonna freak out when they see it. " Sunset walked through the portal with a grin. Rainbow looked around for anybody nearby, which nobody was, and she walked through. --------------------- Sunset crash landed on top of Rainbow Dash, who wasn't very happy about the whole thing. "Get off me, Sunset!" She huffed. Sunset rolled her eyes. "Not my fault I landed on you, is It!?" Rainbow groaned. "Just... get off me, Sunset!" Sunset did so and helped Rainbow up. It turns out, standing with an artificial limb was more easier than Sunset thought. "Easy as pie." She said to herself. "Now where are the bits Twilight left us?" As she looked around the room, she spotted a small table with a note on it. She picked it up with her hoof and began to read it. Dear Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash. In these 2 bags contain 25 bits each. A hotel room has already been booked for you, free of charge. I'm sorry for not informing you earlier. I had to rush and I missed some stuff in my journal entry. In other words, Princess Celestia's chariot will be outside to escort you. Don't worry, we have tried to replicate motorbikes so you can ride out in style when you're done. Otherwise, A.K Yearling knows what you both look like, please don't get into a lot of trouble. Sincerely, Twilight Sparkle. Sunset's heart dropped. "BUCK ME, PRINCESS CELESTIA IS GOING TO BE HERE AND ESCORTING US? Just kill me now, please." Rainbow fell to the floor laughing. "This is gonna be the best week of my life." Sunset stared at Rainbow, who was on the floor, clutching her stomach. "It'll be the last week of your life if you keep talking shit." They looked at each other and fell on the ground laughing. Insulting Rainbow was how she showed their friendship. Sunset wiped a tear with her hoof. "We better get going, huh?" "Yeah," Rainbow helped Sunset up. "Don't wanna be late for Princess Celestia's royal execution, do we?" Sunset punched her playfully. "Shut up, okay? Just because you have the ability to speak, doesn't make you smart." They got up and walked out of the doors, where true to their word, were 2 pegasi guards and Princess Luna, not Princess Celestia." "Ah, I see you two have arrived." she said. "It's about time." Sunset looked over at Rainbow Dash. "Sorry, it's just that somebody kept me waiting." Luna rolled her eyes. "Just, get on the chariot before I banish you both." Sunset had a mini freak out after she said that. She ran onto it and began to speak frantically. "Hahahahimonherenowletsgetgoingpleasedon'tbanishmepleaseluna!" She rolled her eyes once more. The two pegasi guards were escorting them, and they were getting there fast. Sunset could of swore that one of them was her brother. "Hey, Luna. Who's that new guy? He looks like my-" "Brother?" She interrupted. Sunset nodded. "Well, he is, as a matter of fact. City Flower made it in about 2 months ago." Sunset gave out a slow whistle. "Never through that he'd actually make it to the Royal guards. My whole family thought it was a phase." She heard him laugh from up front. "Crazy how life does to you. Welcome back, Sunset. I take it you're going to be going through that mirror once this is all over and done with?" She chuckled. "Sorry, little bro. I got a life and a girlfriend back through that mirror, not to mention a load of crime to stop, and add that with my studies." He laughed. "Why are you here anyways? Mom and Dad are here and you hate them" Sunset stared into space for a few seconds. "Fuck me." The rest of the ride went by with almost pleasant conversations about family and Luna trying her hardest not to die of laughter. When they finally made it to the entrance, her parents weren't there, thank the gods. They were probably inside. "Well, thank you for the ride gentlemen." Sunset said. "Rainbow and me are going to roam the hotel until 2am to find our room, have a good one!" Luna laughed. "I'm coming with you, you know that right? Me and Tia are as big of a fan of Daring Do as Twilight is!" This surprised Sunset. "Hm, really? Well I guess you learn something new every day. I'm going inside now before I die of looking at Rainbow's face for too long." This earned a painful, but deserved hit to the side by Rainbow.