Storm chaser

by Harsh productions

First published

You, anon, are dropped into the desert and end up working for the scariest yet cutest pony army commander

You are anon, and one day when you are on vacation you have a Head splitting headache. You then find yourself in equestria, or just outside of it. you wander aimlessly until you find civilization, and end up working with the local militia, under the command of a scary yet cute pony, who is sweeter on the inside then most would expect.

Me time

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You are anon, a simple man, a man that just wants some peace and quiet once and a while, and apparently that’s a hard concept for people around you to digest. You booked this vacation awhile back and it couldn’t have come at a better time, you just broke up with you girlfriend, you had a falling out with a few friends of yours, and frankly your just glad that you got some time to yourself. You’ve powered off your phone so no one can call you on your break from life, and the location is three states away from where you live so no one can come and see you, cause they don’t know where you are and you like it that way.

You sit on a recliner chair watching cartoons... bored out of you fucking mind. You groan in immense boredom and try to think of something to do. “I think I might just go for a bit of a swim.” You say out loud, you make your way up the stairs of your vacation apartment and get undressed and redressed in swim trunks. You look into the mirror and appreciate your decently we’ll toned body, you started to workout and eat healthier when you, now ex girlfriend told you that where getting fat, which, you weren’t just a little pudgy that’s all, but hey look at you, you look better than ever, probably the only good thing she ever made you do, but enough of that you’re supposed to be relaxing.

You head out of the apartment and make your way down to the pool, you open the gate surrounding the deck of the pool and don’t waste any time and jump straight in. It was cold, like really cold, in hindsight probably not a good idea. You emerge from the depths of the pool water “OHH FUCKIN HELL!” You yell from the sudden temperature change and have your head and shoulders stick above the water until your body gets used to temperature of the pool. Luckily nobody was there to see or hear that, that would’ve been embarrassing.

You swim around for a couple minutes, close to a half an hour, you then decide to go back up to your apartment, you exit the pool and, shit you forgot to bring a towel “perfect.” You grumble to yourself. As you exit the gate Surrounding the pool you start to feel a bit dizzy, and think you need have a little Lie down, as you get closer to the apartment the pain in your head only grows, by the time you make it to the door it feels like someone is bashing your head in with the back end of a hammer. You stammer into the apartment, clutching your head pleading to whatever is out there that the pain stops. It seem like someone answered your plead because the pain subdued just enough for you to get up off the floor and get redressed not even bothering to dry off, it hurts way to much to do that. You lower yourself on the bed and try to get some shut eye, you’re still soaking wet, your shirts not even put on correctly, one arm isn’t even though the sleeve, but finally it feels like the pain is fading so now you can get some rest and maybe go into the hospital to see what this headache is all about.

you wake up feeling pretty good considering why you went to sleep in the first place, one thing is kinda weird the sheets are not wet, mostly because there are no more sheets, or bed for that matter, no floor, no walls, no apartment, no nothing, just this intensely hot sun beating down on your face that’s all.

You jolt up when you realize this, and confusion and panic soon are the only things swirling through your mind. You Survey the surrounding area and find yourself staring at sand, sand, and more sand for as long as the eye can see.

“How the fuck... did I end up... in the mother... fucking... DESERT!” You yell panic starting to envelop you as you try to compose yourself and think of what to do next. You finally start to Cope with the fact that you’re stuck here for the time being, good thing your headache is gone or else you probably would’ve had a stroke from all the activity going on in your head trying to figure out how you got here, there’s no desert in close proximity to your vacation spot, so the fact you even ended up here is confusing on its own, also no way you walked or drove out, there’s no tire tracks, no car, no footprints, no nothing just your body imprint in the sand. Did somebody drop you here? No, that wouldn’t make sense either, nobody that knows you personally knew you were in that apartment, you didn’t talk much with the neighbors at the vacation sweep either, was somebody at the pool when you jumped in, did they really not like The way you reacted to the cold water that much instead of confronting you at the pool, or just ignore it, they rather kidnap you and throw you in the middle of the Sahara desert to die, without you waking up, no that’s too convoluted. there’s no real logical reason for why the hell you're in the desert, you get up realizing you’ll never find out why you ended up here, and pick a direction and walk.

You’ve been walking and walking and fucking walking for what felt like hours, and for all you know it has been hours and you’re heading the wrong way, you consider turning around and trying a new direction, but then you hear something that makes you stop dead in your tracks. It sounded like propellers, not like helicopter propellers though, more like propellers on a small plane, you look at the place in which the sound is coming from and are in awe at what you saw.

“Holy shit,” you say with astonishment as your eyes lay upon something like you never seen before. They looked like blimps in shape, but instead of a small tiny cockpit for like three people like a blimp, it had a hole deck it it looked to have multiple floors to it, there was also five of them you could see, one big one up front and two trailing parallel to each other just behind the big one, with two other in way distance. These airships or whatever they are are pretty cool, as they get closer you notice a symbol on the side of the airships, it resembles a lightning bolt in a way, it’s comprised of two bolts of electricity with a single bend in them and are mirrored to each other. It doesn’t look like any faction you know of, is it a new one? Are they friend or foe? Well maybe if you don’t fuck with them they won’t fuck with you. You look back at where there coming from and can kinda make out, a tower? Or it’s another airships, either way it good because you at least know there’s an origin place for these sky beasts. So you start heading in that direction hoping to reach some sort of civilization, and also hoping that whatever you see is not a mirage.

as you get closer you feel like passing out from the intense heat, but you’re so close, your panting Heavily and stumbling over yourself, your vision is getting blurry and it’s getting hard to stay awake, but your so close, close enough to read the sound of the town.

“Klugetown, huh?” You say to you self as you start to take in the “town” you find yourself at, the surrounding area consists of broken or the skeleton of what used to be, what you could only guess is wagons, the town it’s self was built on a mountain and it wasn’t a gentle incline either, it was a jagged rough incline with large flat surfaces where buildings were placed stemming off of the largest and middle part of the mountain, at the top there looked to be a port for the airships (an airport if you will.) you make your way inside and already you seemed to be cooled off, weird. There is a path of building that wrap up the main mountain in a spiral, you walk up that path and it seem that this place is doing pretty well for its self, although looking pretty poor and war devastated, you wonder what could have happened here, also your sun baked mind didn’t register at first the fact your surrounded by anthropomorphic rats, fish, sharks, weasels, snapping turtles, snakes with arms and legs, moles, rats, mole rats, porcupines and you swear you saw a anthro cat as well.

“Hey! hey you, with the red face!” A voice with a gross gurgle to it calls out to, who your assuming would only be you. You turn around to look at this, ugly bokoblin lookin ass creature.

“Wha-“ you try to say before getting into a coughing fit, that somewhat floors you with how intense it got, if the coughing went on for just a little longer you might’ve thrown up. Why you started to cough uncontrollably, you have no clue you could only guess it was because you were heavily breathing in sand from the air earlier.

Once you recover, and start to breath normally again that same voice calls out “you ok?” Sounding very disingenuous and sounding like you owe him money.

“Yeah,” you say as you get up from the floor “peachy keen.” You say sarcastically.

“Good,” the creature says, brushing off your sarcasm “so, buying or selling?”

You grew a face of discussed and offense by him assuming you’re just there to give him money, but then you realize how scratchy your throat has gotten “some water would be nice.” You say with a bit of a strained voice.

“Oh yeah, I have some, it’s some of the storm kings finest, and refreshing beverage on the market!” He says confidently as he pulled out a slightly bigger and longer than average water bottle, with a picture of an ape with what looks like a black spiked crown, you assume that’s the storm king.

“Sound good, how much do I... oh shit,” You say in a panic as you realize you don’t have your wallet, or phone, which didn’t matter considering you obviously were not on earth anymore, just a major inconvenience “I kinda can’t pay for that, I don’t have any money.” You explain.

“Well, sucks to be you.” The creature says blankly as he put away the water bottle.

“W-w-w-wait!” You Scream in a desperate panic, and Survey his small shopping stand and see a bunch of weird looking birds, there beaks sharp like fangs, and sporting odd solid colors like purple, green or Blue. Guess you gotta do some odd jobs to get some water. “What if I help you sell these birds?” You ask hoping to earn some money from this.

The creature thinks about it, rubbing his chin with his claw. He finally answers “sure, why not I need these sold anyways.” He says with a shrug.

“Great,” you internally celebrate “so what’s the deal? We split what I earn from the bird?” You ask almost knowing he’s going to negotiate it down to 70% to him and 30% to you, Surprisingly, he doesn’t.

“Yeah that sounds good, make sure you fetch a good price.” He requests.

“How much do they sell for?” You ask.

“The minimum is 15 stormbucks, the maximum, I heard could sell for is 75 stormbucks.” He says with a Hint of wonder at possibly getting that high price.

“Ok, ok, and how much does the water cost?” You ask reaching for the bird cage.

“Five stormbucks.” He says holding up five fingers.

“Alright, I’ll be back.” You say as you take the bird and walk to a cross section and start to trying to sell the bird.

You stood there like a traveling salesmen in the wild west trying to sell this stupid ass bird. You’re getting sick and tired of standing not making a sale, your about to sit down when a porcupine woman comes up to you.

“How much you sellin dat ting fo.” She says not wasting any time.

“Um, 70.” You say, offering a negotiation price.

“50!” She counters.

“65.” You offer again.

“DEAL!” She says, a little to excited as she eagerly hands you her stormbucks. You grab them and and here the bird, and she run off cackling to herself along the way. God knows what she’s going to do with that bird, and you don’t even think god wants to know either. You shiver at the thought and head back to boar you gonna buy water from, and that’s when it hits you “all this... for a bottle of goddamn water.” You grown as you head back to the boar.

As you walk up to him, you wave the money in the air to indicate that you have indeed sold the bird.

“Oh man thanks, um, wait what are you?” The boar asks with interest as you split the money plus the money to buy the water.

“Im a human... I think I’m the only one.” You say realizing that you very much are alone here, no one to vent to, nobody that know what you are and nobody that understands what you’re going through. No human beings, just ugly, untrustworthy, anthro animals. Your eyes start to water but you’re snapped out of it when the water is shoved in your face.

“Here you go, sorry your going extinct.” He says bluntly.

“Yeah... me too.” You say under your breath then take a swig if the water, and he wasn’t lying, it’s pretty refreshing. You wonder around klugetown some more you bought some meat that was for sale. At this point you’re getting tired and so is everybody else considering the shops around you have closed for the day, you eventually found a clock that read 8:57.

“What the hell, the sun should be set by now?” You say confusion settling in, also you didn’t notice it before but the sun hasn’t moved sense you came close to klugetown. “Weird.” You say shrugging this off for now and continue to walk and try to find a place to sleep.

You eventually find an ally by what you could assume is a hotel of sorts, you duck in the ally way and find some old ass mattress with a spring sticking out of it and and a yellow pillow you’re pretty sure used to be white at one point in its life.

“Well, they definitely didn’t throw these away for no reason, but it’s better that nothing.” You say as you move everything to your liking and use a curtain with a big hole in it as a blanket and try to get some shut eye.


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Yep, just as you expected, the sun has not moved in over 12 hours. You’ve created a makeshift sundial out of a peace of cardboard with a pencil jammed through it, you’ve also marked where the shadow was and it has not moved in 3 hours, and after ease dropping you’ve found out the residence of klugetown have noticed the sun being out for longer than usual. It’s very confusing as to why the sun is now stationary and you can’t even begin to understand why this has happened. Whatever the reasoning was, it was not good for the environment, although it’s a desert and it’s naturally hot, The town is starting to sport heat ripples from the sun blasting its heat down for more that a day now. You’ve been in you ally that you’ve claimed as your temporary home, when you notice a anthropomorphic tan brown cat with a red tattered coat, Emerald green eyes, and on top of his head is a large tuft of dark blue hair. Why did he catch your eye? well this cat is, like, the only resident that doesn’t make you gag from the sight of them. Behind him are 6 creatures that caught your attention, mostly because they don’t match the aesthetic of klugetown.

There were 6 horses, rather small, pony would probably be a better term, but not anthro pony’s, they walked on four legs, that and they consisted of two Pegasi, one unicorn, two that had no horns or wings and one that had both a horn and wings. One of the Pegasi was yellow with a long pink mane, the other one had a cyan color with a rainbow mane. The two that had nothing extra on them consisted of a rust orange pony with a cowboy hat and gold mane, and a nothing but pink poofy haired pony. The one unicorn had very nicely done up purple mane and a pristine Ice white coat, and the one with both a horn and wings was a couple of inches taller that the other five mostly purple, light purple coat and dark purple mane with another different shade of purple and pink striping down her mane, and you didn’t see him at first but what you could only assume is a small dragon was with the pony’s as well his body was purple with large green plates on its back like a tuojiangosaurus.

The cat leads them into the building the ally way is tucked beside, and he whispers something to a raccoon then meets the pony’s as they get raised up by a giant wooden spinning wheel.

“Wonder what those pony’s are here for?” You ask yourself, because well, you’ve never seen any thing like those pony’s before, only in myth, then they Wander into a town that, for a lack of a better term, is populated by furries, it hard not to wonder why they appeared here. Then a thought comes to mind “maybe they’re here to fix, the sun!” You announce to no one in particular, it’s a long shot but you’ll believe anything at this point. Just then you hear a familiar noise, the same noise that brought you to klugetown, the buzzing of propellers on a small plane, you look up and see the same massive airship coming in to park itself on the top of klugetown. A small part of your brain tells you that the pony’s and that air ship are connected somehow, but you brush that thought off considering you don’t have enough evidence to support that claim nor have seen the two thing interacted with each other from what you have seen.

it’s been an hour or so later and you buying some more food at a stand, when suddenly down the road you see a dark purple pony with a red Mohock that falls to one side launch a fish man into the fucking air, jump up grab it’s tail, and throw back to the ground.

“Damn... probably best I don’t start going and fucking with her.” You say in astonishment and a bit of fear from the strength shown from that pony down the road. You start to walk away back to your ally when you stop in confusion at what’s outside of the hotel next to your ally, there was a mole with a big wagon out front that could hold, rough estimate, 8 people, it looked like a prison wagon with chains hanging off the sides. There were other chains inside of the wagon, seemingly connected to the floor that looked like cuffs, it made you uncomfortable just looking at it, it looked to you like A slave transport wagon more than a prison wagon. You spot the mole walk down the road leading up to the building he parked his slave wagon out in front of, you’re not gonna get involved, it’s not worth the trouble, you’re sure of it. As you start to head back to your ally you what sounds like Jabba the Hutt, calling at you? You turn around and see these two giant, scary gorilla like bodyguard approach you, they are accompanied by a small, fat hedgehog, and the pony that beat the tar out of that fish man.

Upon closer inspection, you notice this pony is a unicorn, or... was at one point in her life, the horn has been cracked off leaving behind a sharp jagged mess of a stump up on the top of her head, she also sported a scar on her right eye, judging off of the fact that what used to be a horn is angled towards the scar, you can deduce that whatever caused her horn to be broken also gave her that scar. Another interesting thing about her that catches your eye is the fact she’s wearing clothes, The other 6 ponies you saw were not wearing clothes, it was a black jumpsuit with Metal armor plating, and on her haunches was the same symbol you saw on the airships, so she’s definitely connected to the airships, that much is clear.

“Excuse me, eh... creature? But have you seen any other pony’s walking around here? We need to have a little, hehehe... ‘chat’ with them.” The pony says menacingly, having her brute guards emphasize then I can I have a “just a chat,” from there thunderous chuckles when the pony ended her statement. At least you now know your little suspicious was correct, the pony’s and airship crew are related Somehow, but they don’t seem nice, and you don’t know what they’re going to do with those pony’s, but whatever it is, it’s not going to be nice.

“Nope, you’re the only pony I’ve seen around here.” You lie to the pony’s face, who doesn’t buy it.

“Really?” She says sarcastically “then why did you scurry off so fast, uh?” She says with a smug grin.

“Because I didn’t want to mess with you.” You answer with what was in your defense, not a total lie.

“Because you Know that you have information that I want to know... isn’t that right?” She say stepping close with a evil looking smile, looking like she’s just about to attack you if you lie to her one more time. You wouldn’t say it to her face, but Her doing this makes her really hot to you.

“I, uh... fuck, yeah I think I know where they are.” You say finally caving in to this very intimidating, yet cute pony.

“Good answer,” she says stepping back “now come with us, and DONT... try anything stupid.” She orders.

“Wha-why?” You asked confused as to why she decided you need to be with her now.

“Oh!” She exclaims in a sarcastic, and angry tone “ would you rather prefer my guards publicly execute you where are you stand, for misinformation against a commanding officer, that has direct authority under the storm kings commands,” she threatened you making her self larger as she spoke “or... you can come fight for me, under MY command, and maybe I won’t order my guards to kill you,” she announces with a growl.

“Yeah, I think I’m coming with you.” You say in a nervous panic.

“Good,” she says giving you a smile, then turns and to her guard and stomp her hoof on the ground to get there attention “Arm him.” She orders.

The guards then take you wrists and clamp some sort of thick bracelets on them, they both had a metal stick that traveled down the inside of your arm to the Crease of your elbow. The left one was just the bracelet and the metal pole with a few buttons, the right one had many tools that were compressed and attached to the brim of the bracelet, they included things like, a screwdriver, what resembles a key to something, and situated on the back of your hand was metal disk of some sort. Each bracelet had button scared about, on the right one you could tell the buttons erected the tools from the bracelet on the left one, well you’re not sure what they do just yet.

“What’s all this crap for?” You ask slightly annoying that you now have two deadly weapons attached to your person without a say on the matter.

The pony commander roles her eyes in annoyance “it obscure tactical weaponry,”

“Or O.T.W!” Butts in the tiny hedgehog that, now that you’re lookin at him, is perfect punting size.

“Grubber,” the pony says rather calmly “what have I said about this blurted out?” She says staring down at grubber knowing the answer already.

“Sorry commander tempest.” Grubber says in an apologetic tone of voice.

Tempest lets out a sigh “anyways, show us the way, mr-?” She says holding out a hoof to you to shake and to introduce yourself.

“Anon.” You say as you get on one knee to be eye level with tempest and shake her head.

“Commander Tempest shadow,” She says shaking your hand “but, just call me tempest for now.” She says with a genuine smile.

“Ok... tempest.” You say a bit flirty, you don’t know why, just felt a bit risky you guess. She notices and rolls her eyes at you, but she kept on a smile and you swear you saw a little blush on her. But before you can get the chance to confirm, tempest interrupts “so, lead the way anon.” She says ushering you to walk ahead of the group.

you approach to where you’re pretty sure is the location of the pony’s tempest is after, as you approach you hear voices cry out.

“You Were going to sell us!?” Yells one voice, in an offended tone.

“I knew it!” Yells a second.

Tempest grows a devious grin on her face as you approach the door.

“We gotta get out of here!” the second voice said again. But before they could go anywhere tempest interrupts there departure with a devious laugh.

“Silly little pony’s,” she says with a intimidating stare as she and one other guard walks in front of the doorway. You decide to join them and introduce yourself.

“Tempest!” The purple unicorn and pegasus pony said in shock at tempest arrival.

“W-what the fuck is that!?” The rainbow Pegasus yells, pointing at you.

“Hello, I’m anon, the only one of my kind, come with us, and no harm will befall upon you, refuse and, well I can’t guarantee you’ll be unarmed.” You announce to the pony’s standing before you, attempting to wrap this up quickly. Tempest was a little impressed at your forward attitude, but shakes it off for now and continues with her monologue.

“Trusting strangers? Hehe, big mistake. BIG.” She says slowly entering the room with you close behind. when suddenly that mole from earlier came up to tempest.

“Oh ooh, my goodness,” the mole says before forcefully grabbing tempests face “Well look at YOU, with your scary broken horn, and your scowling eyes. What tricks to YOU know, my little pony wony.”

Ok this is getting creepy, you step in before tempest could “already you creepy slave trader, time for you BACK OFF!” You yell has you push him back with your left hand, when suddenly your O.T.W springs to life, the metal rod that trailed down your arm ejected out and into the moles eye and launched out the back of his skull, bouncing off the floor boards and embedding itself as a now revealed to be sword above the open window the pony’s you’re after are climbing out of now as the moles lifeless body falls to the ground.

The purple pony yelps in surprise at the sharp weapon that got thrown against the wall just above her, then jumped out of window onto the windmill outside of it.

The bracelet that shot out the sword starts to vibrate and so does the sword and get yanked out of the wall and retracts the blade and holsters itself back on to the bracelet, scaring you about as much as when it launched out of your wrist.

“Get her, NOW!” Tempest yells as you and another guard silently comply and run for the window. The other guard smashes the rest of the window away and hold the windmill still says something to you, that you have what it was for the fact he tempests goons sound like Jabba the Hutt. If you had to guess it would be something like ‘shoot that sword at them again,’ which was a safe bet. You lean out the window and aim your arm at the pony’s, and try to shoot it again, on command this time. You hilt your wrist back as a guess and


The sword shoots back out and Wizzes past the rainbow one close enough to make her wince, you think you nicked her at least. But it doesn’t stop her from pushing the windmill against the guard holding it still. As the sword comes hurdling back towards You noticed the axis the windmill rotate on starts to crack and tear away. Once the sword reattaches itself to your wrist, you duck inside just as the wing the guard was pushing against gives away and gets cracked across the head multiple times by the other wings of the windmill causing blunt force trauma and killing the guard.

The windmill then breaks Loose and bounces down the alleyway until it slams into some scaffolding for a building under construction, causing the entire thing to collapse. The pony’s mean while still are alive somehow and running down to the docks. They make it down to the docks by ether pure skill or dumb luck and become voluntary stowaways on an airship heading out. You watch all that happen from out the window they jumped out of, you turn back to tempest a give the obvious but still necessary bad news.

“They, uh... got away.” You say to tempest, hoping she doesn’t shoot the Messenger.

“That’s fine. guard!” She says getting the one remaining guards attention “ take the cat, and follow me.” She orders. The guard grunts and proceeds to grab the cat hard and drag him out of his own house with the fresh corpse lying on the floor, left there to rot.

you, tempest, Grubber, and the guard holding the cat who’s name you’ve learned is capper, reach the port and the guard shoves capper to the ground forcefully. Capper notices tempest and your shadows cast over him, he looks up with a face of worry as his ears Matt themselves to his head.

“Where are they going?” Tempest asks as her shattered horn sparks with an intimidating Array of what looked like Lightning bolts of electricity in a threatening fashion. This causes capper to panic briefly and get up off the ground.

“Oh-ok, hey. No need for violence,” capper pleads “they’re heading-“ he Pauses for a second and looks down at his coat, which you remember not looking so good earlier, your exact recollection of his coat was that it had a hole by the sleeve and those gold buttons weren’t there before.

“They’re headin east, yeah, to black skull island!” He exclaims with enthusiasm pointing eastward. You and tempest give each other doubtful glances, but capper interrupts by walking by and announcing “so, uh, glad I could be of Service to his majesty, the storm king, but I really should be on my way now-“ capper is cut off by the guard standing in his way, making cappers fur stand on end in fear.

“When I get my princess,” tempest say in a low voice “your fate is still... up in the air.” She said with smirk. Grubber said something stupid to capper, which you’ve learned very quickly is something he does a lot. You follow tempest on to her airship followed by Grubber, than capper escorted on by the guard.

Seeing all this and looking down at your hands you think about what just happened, you killed someone, by accident yes but you still killed someone. Not only that but you were probably going to do it again if you didn’t miss that rainbow Pegasus. Where you really that desperate to get this over with and go back to living in an alleyway? Is that life worth going back too? Is what you are doing right now better in anyway? You don’t know the answer to those questions yet, but maybe while you’re on this ship you can get to know tempest a little bit more or get her to warm up to you more, maybe you can get tempest to open up as to why she’s chasing these pony’s, who they are and why they’re so important to her and the storm king. That and try to understand how these O.T.W things on your wrists work completely, and figure out your most burning question, literally and figuratively why the sun hasn’t moved in so long.

Emotional fallout

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“Black skull island, huh?” Tempest says with sarcasm dripping of the last word as she speaks with capper.

“Yeah, I’m sure of it trust me,” cappers says with one leg placed on top of a crate as he placing a paw on his chest “They talked a hole lot about needing to coming here.” Capper confidently announces.

“Why?” Tempest says menacingly.

“Because they, they n-needed t-to... um,” capper stammers trying to remember or completely fabricate a reason.

Tempests eye twitches in annoyance, she is about to say something when you suddenly step in, with your right hand you hilt back wrist and the pole ejects out and from the side, sharp to the touch blades pop out the sides, but it doesn’t launch out like the one on you lift arm does, it instead stays attached to your wrist. You grab the base of your wrist sword and come up behind capper and place the sword to his throat. Capper sharply inhales as his body stiffness and raises his paws in the air.

“Why are they going to black skull island?” You ask with an angry tone, just wanting to go home and stop fighting in some army you have no idea still if they’re good or bad, “tell us, if you care if your head stays attached to your shoulder that is.” You say threateningly, pressing the sword a little harder to his throat to emphasize your point.

“OK-OK-OK!” Capper blurts out in a panic “Th-they’re going there to f-find someone that can help them stop the storm king!” Which wasn’t a lie, you could tell, and tempest seemed to believe him too.

You hilt back your wrist and retract the sword in front of cappers face. In doing so his body loosens up and his paws lower letting out a breath of relief. In truth you weren’t gonna kill him, you killed the mole, who you found out was named verko, sure, he’s dead now but that was an accident. You’ve never killed anything before, except for insects, sure but they were in you house, the insects were the ones breaking in entry. deers, you could probably bring yourself to kill or hunt. dogs, you could kill but only as a last resort if they were attacking you. But another intelligent being like you? That’s different, it can plead for its life, it had a life, friend and family, not that those other animals didn’t, but it becomes more prevalent when the other person can beg for mercy. The only and you mean ONLY way you could EVER bring yourself to kill some one like capper or tempests guard is if they were attacking you to kill you, or they have pissed you off to the highest extent.

“Who are they meeting?” Tempest asks capper.

“No clue.” Capper says with a shrug.

“What?” Tempest says in confusion “wha... WHAT THE FUCK DO MEAN ‘no clue!” She screams with fire in her eyes causing capper to step back in fear. “ they where in your damn house for a fucking hour and they never said who the fuck they were meeting ONCE?!”

“Honest, they wouldn’t share that with me!” Capper says trying not to be physically harmed by tempest.

Tempests broken horn starts to spark violently, looking like she’s about to attack capper. Suddenly though, tempests horn stops and just storms off “fucking useless” she mutters under her breath. You fell like you should go calm her down, but Grubber starts running towards tempests side so you assume he’s got this, and turn back to edge of the deck and look out amongst the clouds. It’s a Beautiful site to take in, you’ll be staring at this site for a while, considering how long the trip to black skull island was said to be, and you still gotta deliver the pony princess named twilight sparkle back to another country. Needless to say, you hate this you just wanna, get out of this mess you got yourself in, if you just told tempest where twilight was initially none of this would have happened. You have to ask tempest later what the deal is, after all this is done, will she let you fend for yourself, or will you be indebted to the storm king and have to be apart of his army until you either die or retire?

“NO, Grubber!”

“B-but tempest you need to calm down,”

“Yeah, and your spiny ass is NOT helping! Now, fuck off already!”

You look over to see tempest slam the door to the captains quarters behind her and leaving grubber outside on the deck.

“Ok, I’ll be out here waiting for you then!” Grubber shouts at the door to try and let tempest know what his plan is, you can tell she doesn’t care. Well this also means you can have some alone time with her at least, just not right now.

it’s been seven minutes, she’s gotta have cool off by now. You walk up to the door and knock a couple of time.

“Hey tempest, it’s anon, came we talk?” You ask.

There’s a moment of silence as you wait for her answer. Then just as you’re about to walk away, the door opens up just a crack, you open up the door fully and get a look of tempests captain quarters, which also seemed to double as her bedroom it seems. In the back of the room the was a bed up against the wall, on the wall to the left is a banner that covers most of the wall with that forked lightning bolt logo on it. To the right of you, next to the door against the wall is a desk, with a knife stuck in it, with many other knife stab wounds in the desk. On the right wall of the room is some shelves with, what looks like... toys of the storm king? Ok, odd, anyways, tempest was walking back underneath the shelves to a desk with a map on it with red X’s, arrows, pins and circles laid out on different points on the map, and from what it looks like, they’re laid on civilization. You walk up to tempest at her desk and look over her shoulder at what she’s doing. She look up at you out of the corner of her eye.

“Can I help you?” Tempest says slightly annoyed at you intrusion to her personal space. You get the message and back up slightly.

“I just wanted to ask you a few questions, ya know, pick apart your brain.” You tell her, as she raises an eyebrow and narrows her eyes at you.

“About what?” Tempest asks.

“Just a lot of things that have been on my mind since I got here.” You answer.

Tempest looks at you for bit thinking of an answer, you Decide to add to you statement by saying, “and maybe know a little more about you too.”

That makes tempests eyes widen slightly in fear, causing her to look away “I don’t think so.”

shit, now she’s shutting down, gotta get her to open back up“ you say internally as you try to think of some way to get her to open up. You think of getting some alcohol in her system could work, one problem, you don’t know if there’s any on the ship, and if there is some where it would be kept.

“Hey hey wait a minute,” you say trying to grad tempests attention again “would, uh... alcohol make you more willing to talk?” You ask hoping she doesn’t get angry at how forward that question was... she did, tempest squints at you angrily then turns to you wearing an offended expression on her face.

“What’s you deal, buddy?” She says angrily at you “are you trying to get me wasted so you bed me?! Is that it?! HUH!?!” She yells with an accusatory tone, rising from her seat, staring dagger into your soul.

“NO-NO-NO!” You say waving your hand side to side in front of you body “I’m just trying to get to know you better!” You say tensing incase she punches you, inside you see her face soften. “I just want to know some thing about, this land, you, and... if you feel like it, ask me a few questions as well.” You say, calming down yourself.

Tempests expression softened some more “oh,” she says as she slumped back in her chair and stays silent for what in reality was maybe five seconds, but it felt like you were frozen in time. “I’m... I’m sorry I just get so angry and don’t know how to filter it and-“

“Tempest hey,” you interrupt her from her unnecessary apology “it’s fine you don’t need to apologize,” you say as you place on tempests shoulder causing her to look up at you with glossy eyes “now how about those drinks?” You say trying to lighten the mood a bit, smiling warmly at tempest, causing her to blush a bit once she caught herself staring a bit longer that she should’ve been. She then chuckles and brushes your hand off her shoulder.

“Yeah, now that you say it, I could go for a drink, go down one floor and in the back of the storage floor should be a black chest with a gold lock on it with the storm kings logo on it,” she says before pointing her hoof at your right O.T.W “there should be a key tool on that one that opens any thing with the storm kings logo on it, use that to open the chest.” She explained.

Well that explains what the key does at least, so that’s one less question already “ok, on it.” You say as you head for the door then stop and turn back to tempest “what does the storm kings logo look like?” You ask.

“it’s that.” Tempest says, pointing at the wall with the big symbol draped over it.

Well that’s another question answered “ok, thanks.” You say as you exit her room and make your way down one flight of stairs and down one level and start to search the Storage room. You eventually find a chest that matches tempests description. You press the button under the key on your O.T.W and the key pops out, you then stick the key into the key hole while it’s still attached to your wrist and turn it. Soon enough you hear a metallic clank and see the lock has opened, you pull the key out and press the button under the key again causing the key to retract, cool. You then reach into the chest a pull out two bottles of, what looks like whiskey with the storm kings logo on it, you take them back up to the main deck, push open her door causing tempest to look up at you and smile a little seeing you with the whiskey.

“Good choice.” Tempest says as you place the bottles on the desk and grab another chair and sit next to her.

“How strong is it?” You ask, wanting to be prepared.

Tempest looks at you little weird, almost concerned for some reason “pretty strong, I’ve had stronger though.” She says still looking at you, now this staring at you is getting concerning.

“What, is it? Is something on my face?” You ask tempest.

“No, it IS your face, are you ok?” Tempest asks genuinely concerned in you well being.

“What? What about my-oh shit.” You say as you realize that your face is severely sunburnt, so much so that it’s hot to the Touch, and you would guess that your face is bright red and looks awful.

“No, I don’t think I’m ok, this sunburn is gonna start stinging after awhile.” You say, not looking forward to your sunburns pain, on your face of all places too. To your surprise tempest hops off her chair and heads for the desk next to her door, opens one of the drawers in with her mouth pulls out some type of cream like substance contained in a bottle, you assume it’s to help with your sunburn.

“Here,” She says still with the bottle in her mouth, you take it from her and open it up. “That should help with that sunburn of yours.” She says genuinely. It’s kinda cute if your gonna be honest.

“Thanks, but I don’t know where it all is on my face.” You say telling the truth.

Tempest rolls her eye in annoyance and with her left hoof takes off her right, well horseshoe you guess is the best way to describe it, it wasn’t a normal horseshoe though, it covered her entire bottom of her hoof and trailed up her the front of her foreleg. It falls to the floor with a metallic clank, and she does the same with her left hoof. She then gestures to you to come closer, you oblige and scoot Close enough for her to touch you. She then pours a bit of the contents of the bottle onto her right hoof and rubs it on your face. It’s oddly gentle, for someone one like tempest shadow that is, you’d expect her to be tough and rough around the edges but, right now at least, she’s being very sweet, kind, considerate and gentle. It would make any war hardened badass’s heart melt. You open one eye and look at tempest, she’s got a look of consecration as she rubs that cream over your face, she notices you staring and blushes heavily and rubs her hoof over your eye to smear the cream over it and force you to shut your eye. You chuckle at that adorable move she pulled and continue to let her aid you.

Once she’s done she wipes her hoof off on a cloth underneath her map desk, and you start to feel better already. Just as you think that a bright white light emits from your face, for a moment and you go and touch your face and notice that there’s no remnants of a sunburn on your face.

“How did-“

“Magic.” Tempest interrupts, as she grabs the bottle and puts it away. “You gonna pour me a drink or what?” She says teasing you, carrying over two small cups, slightly larger that the average shot glass and places them in on the map table. With that you uncork the whiskey and pour the drinks for you two.

you and tempest have been drinking for what felt like an hour or so, and from the question you ask you’ve learned a lot of things like, the storm king is a tyrannical ruler that owns a large quantity of land, from here to someone he just Concord call equestria. Speaking of equestria, it’s main inhabitants are pony’s like tempest, that’s where those 6 pony’s and small dragon came from, why tempest wants Princess twilight sparkle but not her friends is because her having wings and a horn makes twilight something called an alicorn, which there are only four in existence, and immensely powerful and the storm king ordered tempest to capture there magic and harness it for himself, tempest already captured the other three, princess of the sun, celestia, princess of the night, Luna, and princess of love, Mi Amore Cadenza. With knowing that they were temporarily turned to stone, and further knowledge that celestia moved the sun, it now makes sense as to why the sun hasn’t moved in so long. You also understand how this O.T.W works more, you’ve already figured out that when you hilt your wrist back the left one launches a sword, and the right one just ejects one, on that right one on the back is a metal disk, that works like a magical satellite working with a few buttons on the back of you left one acting as a magical radio. But you still have one question left,

“Why are you doing all this for the storm king, anyways?” You ask tempest, fighting your natural urge to slur your words.

“What... What do you mean?” Tempest says the liquor affecting her ability to comprehend simple questions.

“Like,” you say, your drunken mind trying to figure out how to say what you want to say “ like, why doesn’t the storm king, go and, do it his own damn self... why are you doing it, ya know?” You say, causing tempest face to grow somber as she spoke her next words.

“He promised me my horn back,” She said her eyes getting glossy. You were about to say something but tempest continues “I’ve been without my h-horn since I was a f-f-filly,” she continue starting to choke on her words, as tears are building up “I just want to be able use magic again.” She says before leaning into your chest and crying into it, you place down your drink and hug her close to you and let her cry her eyes out.

Now it makes sense, she’s desperate, while you don’t agree with what she’s doing to get it, you can get behind her thinking. She was found at her lowest, the storm king made her feel worth something without the horn. But she never felt complete, sure she as an army waiting at her every Beck and call, she still wants her horn back. She want the one thing that made her unique, The one thing she never learned how to master because it was taken away from her at a young age, the ability to use magic. Sure the earth pony race is basically what she is now and she functions well without it, but what hurts the most is that she can still use magic, It comes out as sparks of unstable lightning, but Still, it’s not like it doesn’t work anymore, it’s still does and that’s what pisses her off, it’s What has made her stoop to a point so low that she’ll work for a tyrannical ruler that rules by fear, and betray her own pony kind in order to get her horn back.

She cried into you chest for a few minutes, you let her get it out of her system, stroking her back and scratching the back of her neck all the while. You feel bad for her, seeing such an, at first glance, tough, secluded, intimidating and badass army commander at her most vulnerable and weak state makes your heart ache. You’ve made up your mind, your not going to just stand next to her like those, dumb as brick, drone, guards she has follow her every order, you’re going to help her get what she wants, you can tell it means a lot to her, and you going to try and Make sure she get her end of the deal Met, no matter how long it takes.

you and tempest have sobered up somewhat, you’re both a little tipsy still, but you told tempest you going to help her no matter what, and judging by the hug she gave you, she Appreciates that sentiment. Right now you’re traveling through dense clouds, grubber is hanging on the steering wheel, capper is leaning on one of the chains holding the balloon and deck together. You and tempest sit together as she asks you questions for a change on what you are, she was quite surprised to find out that you weren’t of this world, she found all that Interesting and it cleared some things up for her like, why you where asking what is basically common knowledge to her. You and her continue to talk when off in the distance you see a flash of light, and then a perfectly circular rainbow Surrounding an airship. The rainbow pushed away the clouds around it and your heart almost skipped a beat when you saw it, you jumped out of a sitting position and was about to tell tempest to look when the shockwave got to you with a loud,


“HOLY SHIT!” Tempests screams and looks around Frantically to try and find the source of the noise. When she’s sees it grubber did as well.

“Look at that rainbow! Look at that rainbow! Wow, that’s so cool!” Grubber says in astonishment.

“Yeah,” tempest says with a smirk “ very cool of them to alert us. funny though, they don’t seem to be heading to black skull island.” Tempest says to capper giving capper a death glare, with acid in her voice.

Capper tenses in fear “like ‘haha’ funny, or ha haa,” capper says dropping the statement, scared for his life.

You could not be any more mad, he purposely mislead you and tempest, you’re about ready shove a sword through that fucking face of his. You back hand slap grubber off the steering wheel as hard as you could and rip the steering wheel to the direction the rainbow is at, tempest pushes a switch forwards and the hole ship kicks into top speed and barrels towards the airship with Reasonable suspicion that ship is stowing twilight on it.

“Pull that switch on your right back!” Tempest orders you, as you use your foot to pull the switch back, causing the front of the ship to split open and launch a giant grappling hook at the airship crashing into the side of the ship with such Force it tilts the hole ship to one side. The hook then tightens and starts to gentle reel your airship in.

You walk to the front of the ship and wait to be reeled in. Once you were, tempest, grubber, and one guard jump the gap, another guard comes up behind you and picks you up and jumps with you in his hands, then lets you go when the guards on the other ship. The crew of this airship where anthropomorphic bird pirates from there Accessories and wardrobe. The only female there Wore a big pirate hat with a big red feather in it and walked on a green peg leg, with one large gold hoop earring. The largest one had a gold hook for a hand and a red bandanna. The fattest and shortest one, possibly the ship’s cook, wore an old tattered apron, and looks Like he’s molted most, if not all of his feathers except for the large green feathers on his head. The most muscular one had an eye patch on his right eye, and had a black bandanna on his head with his large red feathers sticking out. The last one had two eyes facing Opposite directions, a pair of goggles resting on his head and an orange life raft on his neck and a prosthetic replacement for the end of his beak. All four of the male birds consisted of different shades of green feathers, but the captain had mostly white feathers with a green tail and head feathers.

“Where is the pony princess.” Tempest says walking down the line of birds.

“Princess?” The captain said walking over to a clipboard and started to look at what’s written on it. “Princess? Princess? Princess? nope! All we’re hauling is storm king merchandise.” The captain says.

“What is your name ma’am?” You ask walking up to her not buying anything she’s saying.

“Captain celaeno.” The bird captain says, you nod and smirk trying to mask the fact you wanna ram your O.T.W sword through her skull for trying to hide the fact they obviously have them. You eject your right hand sword and it comes just underneath her neck, she flinches and drops the clipboard. You look out the corner of you eye at tempest who is smiling Maniacally.

“You do realize, if you were to shelter fugitives,” tempest warns them walking up to you as she speaks “the storm king would be quit... explosive.” She threatens has you both look at captain celaeno, who gulps in terror. Tempest nudges your leg, you get the message and back away from celaeno still with your sword out.

“Now, I’m gonna give you till the count of three to tell me wear they are,” tempest threatens again “or else your ship is going down... with all of you with it.” She says as you, tempest and two guards close in on the pirate crew.

“One,” tempest starts the count down, as the crew looks at each other.

“Two,” tempest says as celaeno grips her sword, you do as well and tempest get down in a pouncing stance.

“Three!” Tempest yells, but as soon as she says that a clank and screams that die off in the distance are heard from behind every one turns around and realizes what just happened.

“No.” Tempest grumbled.

You rush over to the edge of the deck and see crates and other objects along with 7 colorful pony body’s free falling. You turn back to tempest with an angry expression meeting her hopeful one, which slowly morphs to a scowl seeing your expression. You are so pissed off right now.

“This close,” you say, putting away your sword. “This... FUCKING CLOSE!” You scream in rage, and shoot your left sword at the pirate crew piercing the most muscular ones head, launching out the back of his head, you steer it with you left hand until it’s connected to you again, all before the body hit the ground. This shocked everyone, the crew mostly, tempest slightly, and you, you killed someone else, this time on purpose, out of pure anger.

“Get capper over here, now.” You command as the guards oblige and jump back onto tempest ship to get capper. “Grubber, go down stairs and find any pony or anything that might be useful.” You order as grubber solutes and rush’s for the stairs. Tempest is shock at you sudden rise to action, and gets a bit hot in the face.

Capper soon is thrown onto celaeno’s ship with a hard thud on the ground. You grab him by the scruff of his coat and hoist him to his feet and shove him into the pirates who are scared shitless, Grubber soon returns with a message.

“There’s no pony’s, but I found this.” Grubber says holding up a cupcake “and this.” Holding up a rolled up peace of paper that resembled a map. He hands it over to tempest, who hands it over to you to hold open. It indeed was a map that had a dotted line leading up to a mountain that had a stick drawing of the pink pony and hearts next to the mountain.

“Looks like they’re heading to mount aris.” Tempest exclaims staring daggers at capper.

“What?” Capper says in obvious face surprise “I didn’t-well I-haha I’m sorry, that’s thats my bad, mount aris?i’m sorry, that’s my bad.” capper says shuffling back as tempest stars at him blankly.

“Now,” tempest says, stepping up to capper and the pirates with her horn immiding sparks “about your betrayal.” She says menacingly, and takes aim at the group and launches an intense and large amount of lighting from her shattered horn colliding with box’s on the ship cause a massive explosion that engulfs the hole ship. shortly after you all jump back the tempests ship and uncouple from the ship, it catch fire and continue to explode and fall from the sky. Tempest takes back control of the steering wheel and your all on your way to mount aris.

Captured feelings

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It’s been 10 hours since your little, encounter with the captain celaeno and her crew, you’ve been asleep for most of the ride, in tempests bed. It took her some convincing, and begging because you’re not sleeping with grubber or those guard in the Barracks. Eventually she caved in and let you sleep with her, to be honest, you kinda growing feeling for tempest, she’s been very nice to you specifically for some reason, it would be likely to suspect her of also having feelings towards you too but, if she did, wouldn’t she be the more assertive one and ask you out first? Whatever the reasoning is you don’t want to force yourself on her, gradually warm up to her, and you have been a lot over these long periods of nothing where you travel from point A to point B. You rise from tempests bed, tempest herself was not there, probably out on the deck, you make your way out of her room and sure enough, there she is on the deck. You approach her and she look at you and smiles and blushes, but try’s to hide her face when she does.

“How much longer till we reach mount aris?” You ask her as you look out amongst the clouds.

“About an hour or so, we’re almost there.” Tempest assures you, looking over the deck with you.

You two stared over the clouds for about three minutes or so. After a bet more, you look over at tempest, who has a small smile while she looked over the scenery. She seems at peace, probably the happiest you’ve seen her, either it’s because you’re here or she’s so close to getting twilight.

“Hey, tempest,” you ask grabbing her attention “can I ask you something?”

Tempest looks a little confused, and... scared?

“Do you have feeling for me?” You ask not wasting time.

Tempest seems full of fear that you asked that question, and looks down “y-yeah.” She says in a bit of a sad tone.

“Well... would you be willing to-“

“NO!” Tempest interrupts in a panic.

Why was this the reaction you were getting? You’ve been nice for the most part, you haven’t been an asshole or defiant in her orders, so why could she be reacting like this?

“What’s wrong tempest?” You say worried for her.

“It’s, it’s nothing, I-I just... can’t.” She answers vaguely.

“Why are you being so cagey about this?” You push “is it because of the storm kings rule book or some shit like that?” You question, desperately wanting to know the answer to why she is refusing to date you, it isn’t that big a deal, is it?

“No, the storm king has nothing to do with it I,” she takes in a deep inhale then lets it out slowly “it personal, I don’t want to get into it.” She says somberly.

You can see whatever it is that is that prevents her from dating you, is a sensitive subject so you won’t pursue anymore. “Ok, tempest, I won’t bug you about anymore than I have already.” You say getting up and walking to the other deck to give her some space. Needless to say you feel bad for her, whatever it is that’s making her feel this way is eating her up inside, or has been for a while. Whatever the reason is, you’re just gonna leave her alone, maybe try to talk about it later, if she’s feeling up to it. In the meantime you continue to stare at the Scenery on the opposite side of the deck there’s less clouds so there’s a pretty clear view of the ground. You look to your right and see a Beautiful tall mountain, you would presume is mount Aris, it’s a pretty lonely Mountain, not surrounded by any land only a small rock bridge leading up to the base of it, On all of its other sides it is surrounded by water, mount aris is a bit of an Island from the looks of it. You look at the shoreline of the mainland and see in the water a couple things moving, swimming to shore. You rise up thinking it is who you think it is, you look closely and see a rainbow color on one of them, it is them.

“TEMPEST! TWILIGHT'S DOWN THERE!” You yell over to her causing her to turn around with excitement on her face and run over to you. She looks over the deck and down at the shore and spots twilight separating from her friends and them walking in different directions.

“Looks like we finally got her alone.” She says in a devious tone, she then turns around “GUARDS!” She yells and four guards come running up and and stand at attention.

“three of go down to the bottom of the ship and attach our cage to the chain and get ready to lower it,” she says to her guard, three then make there way to do what she assigned for them, she then turns to the last one.

“You, parachute quietly down there and make sure she stays under the cage.” The guard complies, it runs to the wall and grabs a parachute and dives off the edge of the ship.

“Go meet twilight when she comes up, I’ll steer the ship.” Tempest asks of you.

“I’ll be delighted to finally meet her.” You say sarcastically. Tempest chuckles at that remark and Shoos you off to go where are the three guards have gone and meet twilight when she has been captured. As you make your way down, the rattling of this ships Rutters stop, But it doesn’t fall out of the sky, Tempest must’ve put the ship on some sort of silent flight mode. You continue until you see three guards with what you could only assume is the cage, it’s shaped more like a claw than anything, but the more you look at it the more you understand how it works. There is straight bars that lead to a triangular shaped flat piece that go around in a circle, you assume the cage is to come down and grasp around twilight and bring her up to the ship like a claw Machine, only less rigged. The guards are lifting the open metal cage to the end of a chain, one of them then moves to a button and Pressed it, The cage slam shut the same way you assumed it would then opens back up, the third guard goes to a switch and Opens a trap door under the cage.

Man, the storm king thought of every possible contingency plan didn’t he. ” you thought to yourself.

You look into the trap door and can spot what looks like twilight sitting alone, right under the cage. That little dragon is also there, that could be a problem, he could warn twilight of the cage and they could get out of the way and lose her yet again. Just as you had that thought the guard that was parachuting down came up behind the little dragon and picked him up and covered his mouth, everything is coming along perfectly.

One of the guards starts to lower the cage as another Mans the button to close the cage. The cage lowers fast, then slows a bit to get more accurately over twilight. Once it’s accurate The cage drops quickly and rushes towards twilight, good thing too, twilight just noticed that her dragon friend was being held by tempests guard. Once twilight tries to attack the guard, The cage clamped shut around her, and pulls her up, she screams something back down to the dragon who breathes fire onto the guards arm, engulfing it in flames causing him to drop the little dragon. Once the princess is inside the airship, The trap door closes, leaving you in twilight to meet for the first time.

“You three go get tempest, and tell her to take her time, I want to have a little talk with our... new guest.” You order the guards. You also can’t help but grin smugly at twilight as the guards leave to go inform tempest. You and twilight sparkle stare daggers into each other’s eyes, you start taking in the room you were in, it’s a large open room with the chain that’s holds twilight cage going all the way up to the ceiling where outside light shines in. The room is probably three stories tall as well, it’s definitely the largest room on the airship. The floor has metal netting type floor design underneath this floor seems to be some type of boiler. The floor around the cage twilight is in, is a flat Surfaced floor and the flat floor spreads to the ends of the room as path in six different directions. You stare back at twilight and start to walk circles around her as you talk.

“So, we finally formally meet,” you begin “twilight is it?” You say knowing the answer already, you just want to hear her confirm your success.

“Yes, i am twilight sparkle, princess of friendship,” she introduces “what, are you?” She asked you in confusion.

“I’m a human, names anon, nice to meet you finally,” you say as you lean on the cage “man, you... you took me and tempest on one hell of a wild goose chase didn’t ya.” You say, teasing twilight.

“She told me they would help.” Twilight says dejected.

“Who-what?” You say completely confused at what she just said.

“Celestia told me, The queen of the hippogriffs would help, she was gonna... but I f-f-fucked it all up for us!” She yells with anger directed towards herself.

You start to slow clap “good thing you fucked up your plan and got yourself alone, made it pretty easy for us.” You mock. Honestly your glad you’ve finally got her captured, if you never got closer with tempest, you would’ve just been looking out for yourself still, now, this is for her, and her goal.

Twilight glares at you through her bars and her horn lights up and blasted a beam at you, you flinched and immediate realized you weren’t blasted, the cage had blocked her magical beam. Twilight looked confused then shot at you again, to just have the same thing happen. You then turn your back away from twilight and walk up the stairs leading up and out of the room she was held in as she continued to blast her cage to no avail.

your hanging out by the edge of the deck when tempest calls over to you.

“Hey anon, come in here!” Tempest yells out her door to her room to you.

“Ok coming!” You yell back and approach her door.

You enter and she sits by her map table, and waves you over to next to her. You walk over and pull a chair to sit rather close to her, luckily she doesn’t mind. “I need to use that radio on your O.T.W for a second.” She explains.

“Ok sure, just a sec,” you start to fiddle with the buttons on your O.T.W to turn on the radio and soon the “satellite dish” on the right O.T.W lights up with the storm kings logo and what sounded like static could be heard from your left O.T.W.

“Hello? Commander tempest?” A voice says from the O.T.W.

Hot damn it actually works!” you say internally, surprised at the fact that this thing works with no electricity or WiFi.

“Hello storm king,” tempest says.

That’s the storm kings voice?” you think to yourself looking up at the storm king bobble head on the shelf Above you “he doesn’t sound like a tyrannical ruler, he sounds like he makes three hour long documentaries about the first two Star Wars films like he knows anything about directing.” you mock him in you head.

“Oh tempest! so... you got everything ready for me?” The storm king says hopeful.

“Yes it should be ready when you arrive at canterlot.” Tempest answers.

“Good, I’ll be waiting, storm king out.” The storm king says before static replaces his voice. You shut off the radio and put your arms down. Tempest looks at you fondly, and blushes a bit when she catches herself staring.

“Thank you, for everything you’ve done.” She says as she starts to lean into you and gives you a tight hug.

“Anything for you, I’m doing this because I want your end of the deal met.” You say wrapping your arms around tempest, and hugging her as tight as she is hugging you. You feel her let out a large exhale as her cheek is pressed against your chest. You decide to just hold her for a bit and when she didn’t seem like she was gonna separate from you any time soon you lean down and kissed her head just above her horn. She lets out a moan of satisfaction at that, then almost Immediately gasps and separates from you with a large plush covering the entire lower half of her face.

“I-I still... we, can’t... I can’t.” She says looking like she’s about to cry. You rub her cheek to calm her down, she pushes it away softly and slowly and gets up to leave.

“I’m gonna go see the princess.” she says with a tinge of sadness in her voice.

What could’ve possibly happened to her to make her act like this around you whenever you push her romantically? You have to get it out of her. You decide to follow her, without her noticing down to where twilight is kept.

twilight is still blasting her cage, even slamming herself into the cage to no avail. She stops when she spots Tempest in her view.

“Aww, Princess of friendship, with no friends.” She says with a chuckle. “And no way out.”

“ why are you doing this? You’re a pony,” twilight says “just like me.”

Tempest slams her hoofs on the bars of the cage as her horn emits a massive surge of electricity through the bars. “I’m nothing like you,” she says her horn calming down “I’m more than you’ll ever be.”

you stood just out of sight as you watched her sing, now you understand. Her friends abandoned her, when she lost her horn and her friends left her, and didn’t pay her any second thought. That’s what caused her to betray the other pony’s, what made her leave equestria... what made her unwilling to try and love someone else. Tempest walks into you and she stops in her tracks, and looks up at you with shock that you’re here.

“Did you hear-“

“Everything,” you answer knowing the question already, before it even came out of her mouth “it’s this really worth it to you?” You ask, but you not gonna let her answer, you’re going to get what you need to say across to her.

“Working for some asshole king, To get your horn back? Kidnapping, torture, killing, all in the name of the storm king. What if he doesn’t do it, what then? Still work for him? he will just ask for more from you, it’s not worth it tempest, I’m still going to deliver twilight to him, FOR YOU but I’m telling, there’s got to be some other way... your Friends abandoning you when you were Young, them forgetting that you were there friend, is that what makes you dread having that type of romantic engagement with me? Why? What makes you think I’m like them? I’ve shown you that I’ve been doing this with your best interest at heart, I’m doing this for you. Doesn’t that show you that I truly love you tempest? I want the best for you,” you say pouring your heart out, has you kneel to tempests level and grabbing her cheek gently “I love you tempest, show me... show me that you love me too.” You pull tempests face closer to you, as you lean in, you where so close to closing the gap. But She pulled away with tears in her eyes, and tears streaming down her face.

“f-friendship failed me when I-I was young *sniff* I-it did nothing but hurt me, physically and mentally,” she said pointing at her horn to emphasize her point “friendship failed me... Who’s to say a coltfriend Would do me any better. It’ll probably be just as bad, if not worse.” She says sobbing more as she spoke.

“No, it wouldn’t,” you say trying to convince her otherwise but she says something that makes you realize you’re not winning this battle.

“You said your marefriend was awful, she yelled at you, bullied you, and did nothing but make you feel worthless even when you were doing something she told you to do. Your friends treated you like shit, they hooked you up with that bitch of a marefriend and then when you broke up with her, said it was you fault, that you weren’t pulling you weight in the relationship, they made you fell like it was your fault, and made you get back together with her just for the same shit to happen... who are you to tell me friends are what I need!” she says, eyes puffy and red “who are you to say, it won’t be the same.” She says quietly as she walks away and lets you sit there and think about what she said.

She’s right, in all honesty, who are to say you’ll be any different. You both haven’t had good friends, you especially... what if it was you? What if it won’t be better for her? Still though she needs friends, ACTUAL friends. Ones that care, ones that won’t abandon her when times get tough. You’re willing to give her the love she needs in her life. But she needs to be willing to do the same. Whatever happens though, you want the best for tempest, you want her to get her horn back, you will make sure of it, because even if tempest won’t admit it, she loves you... And so do you.

End of Tierney

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Tempest walks through canterlot, the capital city of equestria, with two stallion pony’s wheeling twilight in her cage on a flat bed wagon behind tempest. you are standing on the flat bed next to twilight, as you both take in what canterlot has become. Everypony has mussels on Except for the ones stuck in cages similar to twilights. Guards were dragging pony’s on leashes, and one was using one as a foot rest, poor things knees where buckling under that guards Weight, that same guard was getting a massage by another pony. The building also seem to be pretty destroyed, with holes in them and roofs missing and the wooden support beams sticking out of some building. There were storm king airships nestled into building as a crude landing pad. And up ahead there was an off white Pegasus with an half black and half gold mane that fell over her eyes with a big pink bow in it, and wore a tight black fancy shirt with two gold buttons on her Collar. She stood in a cage singing to herself until her cage was shook by a guard, that’s when twilight looked at her and the pony with the bow lowered her head in disappointment, and defeat.

Twilight then turns to you with a bit of anger “do you see the devastation tempest has caused?”

“Yeah, I’m not blind... and besides, tempest wouldn’t have done any of this if you all helped her when she initially lost her horn, all those years ago.” You say.

“Don’t you think this is overkill?!” Twilight asks you a bit exasperated at how you’re just able to brush what’s happening around you off your shoulders, so easily.

You turn around and stand over twilight in her cage “when did I say I condoned this mess?!” You say with anger “the storm king can suck my dick for all I care... it’s tempest I’m doing this for.” You say bluntly.

“Tempest did thi-“

“Tempest was following orders, while yes they were fucked up, she wouldn’t do this out of her own free will, it’s just the path she chose... I’m helping get her horn, and getting her the hell out of the storm kings clutch’s.” You interrupt twilight from her attempt to derail your plans of helping tempest. You’re not having it from her “I’m helping tempest and that’s final.” You say hoping to finish this.

“ There’s gotta be another way, don’t forcefully take our magic, let us Willingly help her.” She pleads.

“If you were willing to help her, you four would’ve done it 15 years ago.” You say referring back, again to when tempest lost her horn.

“There wasn’t four of us back then it was just Celestia and cadence, but cadence was so young, and new to magic.” Twilight says in defense of the princesses.

“Still, if Celestia cared she would have at least tried,” You retort looking at twilight out of the corner of your eyes. “But she didn’t... that’s why this has happened.” You finish leaving twilight speechless.

Tempest enters the throne room of the castle in canterlot, the throne room has three statues that you assume are Celestia, Luna, and Mi Amore Cadenza, what sent chills up your spine was the fact that all the princesses have a look of fear permanently plastered on their faces. The Stoneified princesses are place at opposite ends of the room, facing each other. two guards pick up and drop twilights cage on the right side of the room across from Mi Amore Cadenza. The pony’s who wheeled her in leave, and grubber shuts the door behind them, and laughs to himself.

“Tempest don’t do this,” twilight says as tempest walks towards her cage “don’t give the storm king-“

“Your magic?” Tempest interrupts “did you think you’d keep it all to yourself? Time to share.” She says in a mocking tone “I’d love for everybody out there to know what I can really do.” She’s says mostly to herself. It’s also at this time you notice a large shadow of someone at the end of the room, by an opening to the balcony under the large Stainglass mural at the end of the room.

“ Ooo fascinating,” you hear a familiar voice say “what can you really do?” The figure says revealing himself to be the storm king, and man was he tall, nearly twice as tall as you. He also Welded a staff that was dark blue in color and had two spikes and a blue Crystal at the top of it.

“You’re bidding of course,” grubber butts in “your mighty one.” He says before rushing off out of the room.

“Biddings good I like bidding! Um, what are you supposed to be?” He says leaning down and pointing at twilight.

“I’m the princess of friendship.” Twilight answers. The storm kings responded with a short burst of laughter, he then turns to you “what about you? Uh?” He says standing up.


“He’s anon, I picked him up in klugetown, and he has been helping me ever since... he’s with me.” Tempest interrupts you from introducing yourself. She then look at you with a quick small smile, then turn back to the storm king.

“That’s nice,” the storm kings says, Clearly not caring “why is that one still moving?” The storm king says with a grumble in his voice, pointing back at twilight.

“She and her friends put up a bit of a fight, but she’s alone now... she won’t be a problem.” She explains peering at twilight.

“Yeah, so speaking of problems,” the storm king says walking past tempest, petting her roughly, pissing both you and tempest off. “Speaking of problems, this places it seems a little too, oh I don’t know... CUTE!” he yells like it personally offended him, his voice bouncing off the walls of the room. “I never liked cute, I never did like cute, doesn’t really go with my hole ‘Big bad powerful magic guy’ thing, does it?” He asks rhetorically. “Deliver the punchline tempest because this is gonna be a joke!” He yells as he lifts his staff above his head and slams it down hard into a hole on the floor that lights up in a blue color that spreads under the four princesses feet in a flower type of design. Bright Cracks soon appear on the Stone princesses traveling up to their horn and blasting magic out of it has there eyes flow, Twilights feet get stuck to the floor and her eyes glow as well as the magic is stolen from her. The surrounding areas around the princesses starts to glow, The whole room in fact starts to glow and brighten. The storm king then rips his staff out of the ground, “wow, wow.” He laughs as twilight falls weak and helpless, the color in her eyes faded.

“Let’s get this storm started!” He then turn to twilight and proceeds to blast her cage causing it to launch across the room and out the Stainglass window at the end of the room, The cage being obliterated in the process.

“What the fuck?” You mumble to yourself “what a fucking peace of shit.” You continue to yourself. Twilight was completely helpless, she had no way to defend herself, he did that for no fucking reason, other that he wanted to.

“Not bad, honestly kind a first rate,” the storm king announced “ What else does it do?” He says, more to himself than anyone else.

“ Your Excellency,” tempest says walking up behind him “you promise to restore my horn and-“

“Uh budududud,” the storm king says waving a hand in her face. “Ok, hang on,” he than proceeds to flick the staff up and the outside lighting changed, you rush out to see what he just did. He flicks it A few more times and, yes he was in fact moving the sun. “ you Gotta be kidding me!” The storm king starts up again “ I can move the sun?” He says following it up with him laughing in proceeding to prance around, and move the sun in the moon for the first time in nearly 2 days across the sky, with the flick of his wrist. Twilight gives tempest a worried look, causing tempest to look away, only for her gaze to be locked with yours, Who had the same expression on as twilight. Tempest looks away from you both and walks up next to the storm king.

Suddenly, over the storm king Geeking Out over able to manipulate the cosmos, what sounds like a lot of Sharp metal clanking together could be heard in the distance. You look over the edge of the balcony to see what’s going on. That’s when you spot captain celaeno, of all people fighting the guards down there. And now, directly below you, you couldn’t believe your eyes when you saw it, but there was five ponies, a small Green Dragon Spitting out fire like a flamethrower, being held by none other than fucking Capper.

“Guys, come look at this shit.” You say waving over tempest and the storm king.

“What? How?”tempest says with an angry expression.

Twilight gasps “It’s... It’s the magic of-“

“Yeah yeah, Friendship and flowers and ponies and Bleh.” Storm king says wrapping the three of you in a tight hug. You’re about ready to stab this fucker, all you want is for Tempest to get her horn back already. “Im so totally over the cute pony thing,” he says standing up “this. Ends. NOW!” He then aims his staff in the air and rockets out a massive electrical surge into the clouds, causing them to swirl and spiral, as a massive amount of wind starts to kick up. The storm king continues to laugh maniacally as the eye of a tornado twists down on all four of you. The wind is so strong it lifts and throws the storm kings guards, Up in out of Canterlot.

“Now I truly am the storm king,” he announces “and the entire world Will bow to my Ba Ba Ba boom baby!”

“Yes yes, you are is every bit as powerful as a promised sire,” tempest says walking up to him “Now restore my horn and I swear I will use my magic to serve you.” She end with a bow. The storm King’s initial reaction was to laugh.

“ Who cares about your dinky little unicorn horn,” he says pushing Tempest out of his way.

“Oh no he fucking didn’t.” You say through clenched teeth, as your fists start to clench as well.

“We had an agreement!” Tempest says in a pleading tone.

“Get with the program!” The storm king yells “I used you, it’s kind of what I do.”

you’ve about fucking had it with this dickhead. Attacking twilight for little to no reason, ruling in fear and enslaving these ponies, And denying tempest of her one and only fucking reason for doing any of this. He wouldn’t even fucking be here right now if it wasn’t for tempest, he would’ve had no idea the princesses even existed or there was a way to harness there power for his own greedy obsessions if it wasn’t for tempest. He should be thanking her, But no, he used Tempest and tricked her into making her do all of this for him, with an empty promise that The one thing tempest was missing in her life would be restored, and it ended up being as empty as his head.

You’re so damn angry your blood could boil. That’s it, he’s fucking dead. You launch your left O.T.W sword out of your wrist and send it flying towards the storm king. It slashed his eye, he lets out a scream in pain, as blood fountains out of his eye. He quickly covers it, and turns back to you, with his one good eye. You then forcefully jerk your arm back, and the sword comes hurling back through the winds of the storm and burying itself deep inside of the storm king shoulder. He lets out another scream of pain. As more blood poured out of his body and whisked away in the immense winds that he has created around you all. The storm king raises his staff to blast you, you saw twilight sort of step in to try to get in the way, but Tempest is the one to blasts the staff away from you with her unstable, jagged magic. The storm king then turns his gaze and blasts at tempest, missing multiple times until both the storm king and tempest magic collide and blast the two of them away from each other. The storm king slams his back hard onto the brick wall behind him, Tempest grabs onto the railing and is at threat of flying into the storm. Tempest try’s desperately to grab ahold of the railing better but is unable to, but before she flys out into the storm, Twilight grabs a hold of her Hoof.

“Hold on!” Twilight yells.

“Why are you saving me?” Tempest questions.

“because this is what friends do.” Twilight says as she pulls tempest into safety.

Meanwhile you went for the staff, but The storm king wasn’t knocked out, and he starts to get up, You instinctively eject you right O.T.W sword and shove it into the storm king’s bad eye again. He tilts back in pain again, as you continue to yank your left arm back and try to make the sword still buried in his shoulder burrow through completely. The storm king swings back his arm shattering the sword buried in his shoulder, causing little fragments of the sword to launch at your left hand and buried deep inside of your arm. You instinctively grabbed your left arm that now has sharp metal fragments stuck deep inside, The storm king goes to swipe at you, but you sliced his hand open. He recoils but now he’s just pissed, he grabs your arm with the sword attached to it, and proceeds to lift you up in the air, and make you stab yourself in your side and having it stick out the front of your body. The storm king then proceeds to break the sword off and leave it stuck inside of you, and drops you to the floor.

“NOO!” Tempest screams with tears in her eyes, with an outstretched hoof to you. Twilight had her mouth covered with her hoof in shock. The storm king walks over to tempest and twilight, with shrapnel in his shoulder, his eye mutilated, in the palm of his hand cut wide open. He then aims his staff down at the two pony’s. Suddenly something launched out of the storm and smacks the storm king hard causing him to let go of the staff, making it fly up and sticks itself high in the Stainglass mural, while the storm king tumbles into the throne room again.

“Bullseye!” You hear a cherry, bubbly voice say. You could only assume somehow those five ponies launched through the storm. You are also bleeding out, you look down and see your own sword inside of you covered in your own blood, and there’s a lot of it. Tempest rush’s over to you and try’s to care for you, you grab her face and give her a warm smile, and lean in to kiss her, because for all you know, this will be the last chance you have to do so. Your lips collide, tempest is caught off guard, but doesn’t shy away, she leans into the kiss, wrapped a hoof around you head. with your hand still resting on her face you felt tears touch them, you open your eyes and see that she is, in fact crying a lot and kissing you, desperately. You feel the hoof around your head reach under your arm, she breaks the kiss and try’s to hoists you onto her back, you and her end up walking back inside the throne room, When the staff up top sputtered violently, and ejected a ton of magical energy destroyed the entire roof to the throne room. Large chunks of stone fell from the sky and landed around you and tempest, there was still an opening to lead into the rest of the room, tempest crawls through with you, you crawl far into the room, leaning on tempest as you do so. you look over and see the pony with the cowboy hat wrap a rope around a large piece of rubble, and the six pony’s and dragon grab ahold of each other and fly upward towards the staff.

Tempest leans you against one of the stone princesses, has she begins to rip the sword out of you, you scream in pain, this hurts league’s above the headache that brought you here. It hurts so much, you vision starts going blurry, but tempest is there to make sure you don’t pass out, because if you do, you might slip away, and tempest is not letting that happen.

“You’re gonna be ok, fuck, you’re gonna be ok.” Tempest says with a shaky hoof caressing your face and her other pushing hard on your abdomen to try and stop the bleeding. You spot rubble moving, the storm king emerges from it and starts to climb up after the staff trying to beat twilight to it. You watch this race go on for a bit then you tape tempest on the neck and point at it, not having enough energy to talk. Tempest turns just in time for the storm king to jump through the Stainglass window, and twilight grab the staff, And for both of them to be sucked up and into the storm. once twilight disappeared into the storm. The chain of pony’s Floating up to the staff, the pink pony cried out for her presumably now dead friend. Tempest eyes widened from shock at this, soon the winds died down, And the spiraling of the clouds stop. The pony’s drop to the ground slowly as they all stare up at the sky, the last known location of there friend. The stared... waiting... but nothing, the pink one starts to cry, as Reality starts to settle in. But just as everybody thought twilight was gone for good, a shine from the sky appears and twilight, holding the staff, comes gliding down with her wings. Her friend rush out to the Balcony to greet there friend with a group hug. Tempest rushes over to see them greet twilight, then she grow a frown and turns around to aid you, but you spot the storm king rise up over the balcony again, you point in a panic, Tempest turns around and sees the storm king hold up a green sphere, Tempest rushes over the rubble, her horn lighting up, jumps over the six ponies as The storm king throws the green sphere, it shatters on tempest as green smoke flows out, turning Tempest and the storm king to Stone, they both start to tumble off the edge of the balcony, you see tempest get saved by twilight using the staff. The storm king on the other hand, his scarred stone body, falls several stories down, and slams hard onto the concrete floor, shattering into pieces, the only large piece remaining somewhat intact being the top half of his head. You see twilight pull in tempest to safety, but you can’t watch keep your eye open, and you pass out from blood loss.

you wake up from being shoved frantically in your side, you notice there’s zero pain coming from the place you’ve just been stabbed, you open you eyes and are met with tempests lips slamming into yours. You quickly reciprocate, placing your hand on to the back of her neck and gently scratching it as your other hand rests on her back. You start to sit up and tempests hoofs wrap around the back your head, as you continue to kiss. You hug her tighter, and one of her hoofs trails down from your head to your back. This felt right, it just felt perfect, you separated from that long, passionate kiss and stare into tempests eyes, you see that she has tears going down her face, but these aren’t sad tears, they’re happy tears, it just makes her look cuter to you. You then proceed to give her a quick kiss on the lips again, then you realize that the throne room looks like it was never destroyed, How long were you out for? Did they rebuild the place around you?

“Um, so, what happened?” You ask.

“Tempest saved the day!” The rainbow pegasus exclaims.

“No I mean why is nothing destroyed.” You clarify.

“Well, we use the staff to restore Canterlot to its former glory and freed the princesses of their stone prisons.” twilight explains.

“Oh. Really?” You say turning around being immediately face-to-face with a dark blue mare, with a flowing galaxy like mane. Behind her was a taller, white Mare with a turquoise, green, purple, and violet flowing mane. And a pink pony about the same size as the dark blue one, she had a mane that didn’t flow in a nonexistent wind, but in The metaphorical sense it did ‘flow down,’ with colors like purple, pink, and gold.

“Greetings anon, are you alright?” Said the dark blue one in front of you.

“Oh yeah I’m fine, how are you, um, Luna?” You guess. Luna nods confirming that you made the right guess. You then turn to the other two pony’s. “Celestia and cadence?” You say pointing at the correct pony’s, they nod like Luna did confirming who they are.

“What you did was very brave anon,” Celestia starts “trying to get that staff away from the storm king, risking your life in the process,” Celestia says bending down to you on the floor “your sacrifice for a land you don’t belong to is something Beautiful to me, and I will always be grateful for what you’ve done today.” Celestia finishes and leans over and hugs you. It caught you off guard but you reciprocate, you wrap your arms around Celestia’s neck and you two hug for a small moment. The two of you separate and stand up and Celestia quickly shrinks under your height. While Celestia is the tallest pony in the room, you stand a hole head taller than her, her horn is the only thing making her taller than you.

“Thank you princess.” You say to Celestia.

“Um, princess Celestia,” tempest says stepping up “I know I’m probably Beyond any types of redemption, but I wish of you princesses to please, Restore my horn.” Tempest says bowing at the end.

All four of the princesses look at each other with worried glances. Cadence then walks over to tempest, and lifts her head up with a hoof. “Tempest, sweetheart,” cadence starts, tempest starts to wear a worried and sad expression. “There is a lot that alicorn magic can do but... restoring lost limbs is something that we can’t do, even with all four of us trying.” Cadence said as nice as she possibly could.

Tempest wore a hurt expression, she wants to scream, she wants to yell, but she just ends up crying. This fucking sucks, you helped her capture twilight, just for the storm king to betray her. Now she pleads to the Unstoned princesses, only for them to be unable to do the one thing she that she thought they were able to do. She cry’s softly at the heartbreaking news she was told, but when you come over and hugged her, she started to sob into you. It made your heart sink listening to tempest cry into you chest as her tears stain your shirt. Celestia walks over and sits next to tempest and wraps her large wings around both tempest and you, this action from Celestia causes both Luna and cadence to join. Luna then waves for the other pony’s to join and they trot over to you and join in on the group hug. Tempest continues to cry even as all her new friends hug her, and comfort her. Celestia leans down to tempest and whispers in her ear.

“Tempest, I promise you we will find a way to restore your horn, magically or not, we will give you your horn back, I promise you.” Celestia said sincerely.

“Th-th-thank you,” tempest says through the tears “thank you so much princess.” She says continuing to cry, but this time, there’s is some hope in these round of tears.

it has been three years since you arrived in the bone dry Desert and went on that little adventure with your, now marefriend tempest shadow. Interestingly enough though, her actual name is not tempest shadow, it’s fizzlepop Berrytwist, it’s cute, you like it a lot, but anyways fizzlepop is coming over to your house in ponyville. You ended up deciding to stay in equestria after killing the storm king, tempest continued to go out into outer equestria and teach the power of friendship to the people of klugetown to mount aris. You’ve been writing to fizzle while she’s been gone doing this, she would come by visiting you for a few months and live with you, and you loved it when she would stop by, but hate when she had to leave, but today she’s coming and staying for good. She has finally finished her mission to teach friendships, You could not by any more excited for her to come and stay, just as you thought this you heard a knock at the door. You jump off the couch and rush to the door, you open up and there she is, fizzlepop looks up at you with a wide smile and you lean down to kiss fizzle. Your lips collide, fizzlepops hoofs wrap around the back of your head and stands up on her back hoofs. You grab fizzlepops waist and lift her up, causing her to make the most adorable squeak you’ve heard from her. you giggle at her noise and carry inside, with you lips still connected, you close the front door behind you and wrap your arms around her back still holding her to your chest as you stand in the living room of your home. You start to pet her hair as you kiss her, you like what she’s done with it, it’s a bit shorter now and the mohawk is now a full head of hair, slicked back similar to the leader of the wonderbolts, spitfires mane style. Fizzlepop presses her hoofs on your shoulders, and separates from you, and stairs into your eyes.

“Well hello to you too.” Fizzle says with a small smile.

“Sorry,” you say a bit embarrassed “I just, really missed you.”

“Yeah... me too.” Fizzle agrees.

“Good thing your stuck with me now.” You say pressing your nose to hers.

“Thanks Celestia I am.” Fizzle says rubbing her nose against yours some more.

“How about I fix you some food, how does that sound?” You ask pressing your forehead to hers.

“That sounds lovely, thank you.” She says, kissing you quickly on the lips again. You let her go, and she goes to sit down on the couch as you fix something small together.

As you put something together to eat you look back at the mare sitting in your living room, she’s not wearing her armor anymore, in fact she’s not wearing anything. Her cutie mark is a pink milkshake with a pink berry on top and a straw in it. She really is just the cutest, and the happiest, because half a year ago, Celestia came in contact with you and gave you something to give to tempest, a prosthetic horn. Yes that’s right, fizzle has a horn again, and she’s been a happier pony ever sense she visited you, and you gave her that as a gift. It was the best month of her life, relearning spells, learning new ones altogether. The horn itself is pretty noticeable to be a fake, it’s clear with a purple tint to it, but she can still very well do magic just as good, if not better, that the average unicorn.

You finished up making food for you and fizzle, it was a vegetarian meal, not that you don’t have meat in your house, you just thought it would be nicer if you ate the same thing as fizzle, and not make her uncomfortable eating meat right next to her. You walk over to fizzlepop in the living room, and place down the food for the two of you on the coffee table in front of the couch. Fizzle lifts up her plate with her magic, and uses the fork to stab the food and bring the food up to her mouth. She then placed down her plate and chewed her food with a smile, Presumably because of her new ability to use magic once again. You place an arm around her and pull her in closer to your side, she giggles and snuggle into your side, and flouts another fork full of food to her mouth, and you do as well.

“So, how are you today fizzlepop.” You say to her. It always makes her happy when you call her by her real name, but today, it did so more than usual. She giggles and snuggles into you more, reaches across to wrap herself around you in a hug.

“It was great, but,” she then looks up at you “it could be better.”

(*clop starts*)

“How so?” You ask “anything I can help you with?” You say, stupidly unaware of what fizzle has up her up her sleeve.

“You’re damn right you can help.” Fizzle says seductively as she leans up closer to you kissing you passionately. She really has grown more assertive in showing love, and compassion towards you. Twilight and fizzle have also grown closer, you would’ve never guess that they first met fizzlepop was trying to kidnapped twilight. Fizzle continued to clime up higher on you, until her hind legs are on your thighs and front hoofs pressed against the back of your neck, and another on the back of your head. After a minute she separated, but kept her lips close to yours. She used the hoof around you head and used it to gently open your mouth, then Dove right back in to a, now deep kiss. Your eyes opened in shock at her forwardness, but you quickly reciprocated, wrapping one arm around her waist and pressed your other hand on her neck and started scratching it. Her tongue explores your mouth, running her tongue over your teeth, your own tongue makes its way over into her mouth and does the same. You both could sit there forever and passionately kiss until the sun sets, but lungs exist for a reason. The two of you separate, and fizzle looks down at your crotch and looks back up you biting her lip. You both know where fizzle wants to take this, and you not about to Object her advances.

“Take off you shirt for me.” Fizzlepop commands, reminding you of when she went by tempest shadow.

As you oblige and start to take your shirt off, fizzle leans down and Fiddle with your belt with her magic. It really makes you happy seeing her use magic so nonchalantly, and the fact she’s so good at the magic she’s been without for so long, makes you overjoyed at her accomplishments. With her magic, she successfully unbuckles your belt and slides your pants down, leaves only your boxers on.

“Thank you for letting me do this, anon.” She says looking up at you.

“Anything for you fizzy.” You say with that teasing nickname, causing her to blush.

She grabs the waist band of your boxers with her teeth, and drag it down. Your shaft pops out in front of fizzlepops face. She gasps, and then continues to move your boxers down to your ankles, having you kick them off. She sat there, looking at your member in amazement. She looks up at you then back at your member with a blush. She then moves forward and boops her nose against your shaft, her tongue then falls out her mouth and licks slowly up your length. You let out a small moan at that action, when she heard that, it caused her to smirk and lean back down and suck on the head of your shaft. Fizzles tongue circles around the head, and then moves down slowly across your length. Impressively though, she took in your entire length, her tongue scrunched up pressed against you waist band, her hoofs pressed on the inside of your thighs. Fizzlepops tongue sticks out the bottom of her mouth, with the entirety of your cock still in her mouth. She starts to lick what she can, her head turns to her left, that action lodged your cock deeper in her throat, choking her slightly, her eyes shoot open and her head flys back off your dick and gasping for air. This sudden intake of air caused her to cough on her own saliva that now coated your entire cock.

“You ok, fizzle?” You asked, worried because of how much she coughed.

“Yeah yeah, I’m fine.” She says nodding and panting heavily, eyeing up your cock with a hungry stare.

Fizzlepop then slides you member back into her maw, and starts bobbing her head up and down. You start to moan slightly, and place a hand on the back of her head. Fizzle then looks up at you when you do this, with her Exotic, Emerald green eyes with a devious look written on her face. She then starts to bob her head up and down faster, as she starts slurping. Pleasure spikes through your body, making your head fly back, you pick your head back up and scratch her ear, making her moan, vibrating your cock and once again sending more pleasure through you body. Soon fizzle start to rotate her head as she continues bobbing and slurping, her tongue rubbing the underside of you shaft. This combination of pleasurable stimulation start to push you over the edge. She continues to drool all over you dick, and continuing to send blissful sensations up your spine.

“F-fu... f-fizzy, I’m gonna, where do you want it.” You say trying to hold back your climax.

Fizzlepop quickens her pace, letting you know where she want you to finish. You thrust into her throat involuntarily, making her gag, but not slow down. You get closer and closer to your climax, so you place one hand on the back of her head and thrust into her mouth and cum deep down her throat. Fizzlepops eyes shoot open in shock, mostly because she can’t breath, she looks up at you, and you look back and give her a smile, letting her know if she can’t breath, you won’t keep her head pushed down. She relaxes at this, and closes her eyes and let you shoot your hot seed directly into her stomach. Just when Fizzlepop couldn’t hold her breath any longer, you pull your length out of her throat. She separates with her tongue lolling out gasping, pushing into your waist, and her head flying back. The gasp once again causing her to cough, this time, not because of her own spit this time, this time because of you seed poured down her throat. Once she stoped coughing, she sat back up and wiped the tears out of her eyes that appeared when you cock was buried deep into her maw.

“Still ok?” You ask with concern at her Second coughing fit and tears.

Fizzle looks at you with a sexy and devious smile “bed, now.” She says bluntly.

You smile at that, and bend down to pick her up. You reach under her front legs, and hoist her up as you stand up. Fizzlepop chuckles at you lifting her up, you the hold her in a way to where now, she’s laying down, with her front hoofs curled up to her chest, and her tail wagging as you cradle her. You carry her up the stairs and place her on the bed as she closes the door to the room with her magic, you caress her cheek with your hand lean over and kiss the base of her horn. She moans briefly, when you heard that small moan you then lick, all the way up her horn, fizzle bits her lip and moans through her teeth. You know what Fizzlepops ticks are in bed, the two of you have done this before, she just has never swallowed your cum before, but you’ve learned that the prosthetic part of her horn, when rubbed or licked sends waves of pleasure throughout her body as if her horn was never lost. You continue to lick her horn, you then kiss the middle of the clear horn, and gave it a little lick at the end.

You then look down and see that she’s rubbing herself, clearly getting off to you licking her horn. You reach you hand down and replace her hoof with your hand, a wast no tim in slipping your fingers in her wet, and wanting pussy. You stick your middle and ring finger into her wet, lower caves, feeling her walls contrast onto your fingers. Your shaft is already standing proud again, so you hit Fizzles sweet spot, making her yelp in Pleasure. You continue to finger fizzlepops clit as she moans and bucks her hips into your fingers, her breathing becomes heavy and her moans more intense. Her hoof comes up to her mouth and she bites on her hoof to stifle her moans to no avail, you loved it when she does this, one eye is closed and the other is half open, looking down at you. Still fingering her, you lean up to meet her gaze and moved her hoof away from her lips and replaced it with yours. Both your tongues tangle together in a passionate Show of affection, you continue to kiss as you slip your pointer finger into her snatch sending another jolt of pleasure to surge through her body. Fizzle moans into your mouth, you separates and boop each others noses together, and stare lovingly into one another's eyes. With your other hand you raised it up to her horn and start to rub it near the end of the horn, sending the feeling of Ecstasy through both ends of her body, making her arch her back and scream in Pleasure as she climax’s and her horn sparkle and ejects sparkles from her horn. As she screams her tongue falls out of her mouth again, once her climax comes to an end, you pull your fingers out of her love tunnel, now covered in her juices. You bring your wet fingers up to fizzles mouth, and have her suck her own juices off your fingers, as she sucks on your fingers you reposition fizzle so you shaft has better access to her pussy. Once finished sucking on your fingers, she opens up her eyes.

“Do it.” She says with half lidded eyes.

“You’ve got it... commander.” You say in a teasing tone as you grip your dick and fizzle spreads herself open, ready for you. You glide you member into her wanting pussy. Fizzles eyes roll back in her head as she whimpers in immense pleasure. You continue to push you length into her love tunnel, her hind legs pressed against your stomach, until you bottom out. You then lean down to fizzles face and whisper in her ear,

“You alright still?” You say with large breath.

“G-gu, y-y-yeah,” fizzle says as she kisses your earlobe “keep going.” She says Desperately in you ear.

You slide out of her and then gently push back in making both of you moan out loud. Fizzles hoofs wrap around you neck, biting her lip, and breathing heavily out her nose. You wrap you hands around her back, lifting her up slightly. You reposition your arms on her back, resting one on across her back and the other on the back of her head. You continue thrusting into her pussy, slowly at first but picking up the pace slowly. The faster you go the louder both you and her moan, fizzles chin rests on you shoulder, her tongue, once again, falls out of her mouth as she moans, and groans loudly. You love this, these little moments you have with her, from the way you two kiss, to how her tongue lolls out when you do this to her, it makes you love her even more. Fizzles hind legs wrap around your body, and tells you,


You pick up the speed, making her whimper, and tighten her grip on you. You can tell she’s reaching another climax, so you quicken the pace, making her eyes cross as she bites her lip. Your own climax is climbing to its peak as well, you feel fizzles walls squeeze and contrast around your shaft. Fizzle can feel your climax approaching, she turns and kisses your earlobe again “do it inside, please... I need this.” She whispers in a breathy voice. She must be really pent up, well you glad to be the one to relieve her. You thrust deep into her, and pull out just enough to still keep the tip in, then you slam back in, you repeat this action over and over again until fizzles grip on your body tightens, and she cums hard as you continue pumping into her. The feeling of her juices washing over your shaft was enough to push you over the edge, you bury yourself deep inside fizzle and finish deep inside of her, painting her inside walls white with you hot, sticky, seed.

(*clop end*)

You lay down on the bed hugging fizzle to your chest, with all four of her limbs wrapped around your body. She then crawls up to meet your face and close the gap and kiss passionately again. Both of your tongues fight for dominance, for a short while, you both separate and look into each other’s eyes. The two of you smile at one another wrapped in each other’s embrace, and lean in and rub your noses together with your eyes closed. You then kiss her on the nose and whisper to her, “I love you fizzlepop.”

“I love you too anon,” fizzle lovingly says back to you “ I’m so glad I meet you, you’ve... you’ve changed my life for the better.” She says with glossy eyes.

“You’ve changed my life fizzy,” you tell her “picking me up in klugetown as tempest shadow, and bring me on that wild, crazy adventure... I honestly couldn’t have asked for anything better to happen to me.” You say to her as she looks at you with tears of joy in her eyes.

“Even you almost dying on the throne room floor? You wouldn’t trade that for anything else?” She says with wonder.

“I’d would willingly stab my self again just so I could relive that moment in the throne room, when I woke back,” you say, giving her the Celestia honest truth “that kiss, that kiss was the most magical moment in my life.”

Fizzle is left speechless at you confession of love to her, and just leans in and snuggle into your neck. Her front hoofs hugging your chest, and her hind legs wrapped tightly around you midsection. Your place your hand on the back of her head, the other snakes down to her lower back. You look over to you side, your eyes laying on fizzlepops clear horn. See her with a horn, makes you happier than what any words could ever Describe, she’s so happy with it, and it makes you just as happy to know that she’s a unicorn again. With you in her life as well it seem, that you healed another wound that she didn’t even know she needed healing, a hole in her heart, a hole you fill perfectly. At the end of the day though, you’re glad you met her, if you just told her where the elements of harmony were when she asked you, you life would’ve been awful, living in an alleyway, in a run down disgusting town. Now you live in a nice and humble village, filled with wonderful and nice, pastel colored ponies, now living with the mare you didn’t know you needed in your life.

“Fizzy, could you put the blanket over us.” You ask of her sleep taking over both of you.

“Mm hmm.” She hums as her horn lights up and the blanket is thrown over the two of you. Fizzlepop snuggles deeper into you and you reciprocate her by scratching the base of her ear, making her exhale in satisfaction, and get as close to you as possible. Soon enough you feel fizzles body go slack, indicating to you she’s drifting in the land of dreams, and you not far behind. You close your eyes and drift off to sleep, holding fizzlepop berrytwist close to you as you fall asleep.