> Royal Vengeance > by Shooterman > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Seeds of Revenge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revenge, it's neither good or bad but most ponies don't care, as long as it is achieved. A unicorn by the name of Dark Fury seeks revenge against all of Equestria. Somepony might ask him why, but that's for him to know and for nopony to find out. He's not going to do this alone, even if he leads a small army of highly trained killers at his side, it is not enough. First, he needs to recruit the Changelings, sounds easy enough, the only hard part is getting there, did you know that they live in a frozen tundra. Dark Fury wandered through the ice, slowly moving closer and closer to the changeling fortress. As he got up to the entrance, he was welcomed by two changelings wearing armor and weilding spears that looked organic in material. "State your buisness." One of the gaurds said to him. "I'm here to see the queen, let me pass." Dark Fury ordered the gaurds. "Nopony is allowed to see the queen, go back to where you came from". The gaurd yelled. Dark Fury paid no attention to him and proceeded to walked into the fortress. The gaurds crossed their spears to block his path. "Are you deaf!?" The gaurd asked. Dark Fury grabbed the spear and punched the gaurd in the face which caused him to fly through the entrance and into the wall. The other gaurd swung his spear at Dark Fury but he blocked it with the other spear. "Stand down or I will be forced to kill you!" Dark Fury ordered. The gaurd took a second to realize that he was no match for him seeing as how the other gaurd was stuck in the wall and unconcious. He retracted his spear and looked at Dark Fury with an angry look. "Now you will take me to the queen, no questions asked." Dark Fury said to him in a demanding tone. The gaurd nodded. "Follow me, I will lead you to the queen." He said as they walked into the fortress. Dark Fury looked around and saw that some changelings looked ill or even close to death. He looked in the direction they were walking in and saw a large door. 'That must be the throne room.' He thought to himself. They walked in and Dark Fury noticed the queen of the changlings, Chrysalis, sitting on her throne. "who dares enter my throne room!?" Chrysalis yelled. The gaurd started to shake in his armor. "Gaurd, you may leave!" Chrysalis ordered. The gaurd stormed out of the throne room, leaving Dark Fury and the queen. "What buisness do you have with me?" She asked him. Dark Fury slowly walked closer to her. "I've heard from an anonymous tip that you once tried to invade Equestria, is this correct?" He asked. "Yes, why do you ask? Have you come to arrest me for my crime?" She asked him. Dark Fury chuckled at the thought of arresting her. "No, no, I have not come to arrest you. I have come to ask you for your help." The queen grew a confused look on her face. "Help with what?" Chrysalis asked him. "Help me do what you, no offense, failed to do." Chrysalis realized what he was talking about. "Why should I help you, what would I get in this?" She asked him. Dark Fury was starting to get irritated. "Don't you see? If we take over Equestria you would have enough love to help your kingdom, well, what's left of it anyway." That last part made Chrysalis realize that he was right. "So, do we have a deal?" Dark Fury said as he extended his hand. Chrysalis smiled and gladly took his hand in hers and shook it. Outside of the fortress, a small squad of the Royal Equestrian soldiers had taken position on a snowy mountain. "Captain, we are ready to enter the fortress." Said lieutenant White Flame. "Excellent. Proceed with the mission." Said Captain Savage Storm. The squad headed down the mountain and moved in on the changeling fortress. They stopped when they got to the entrance. Savage Storm looked and saw a single gaurd. "There's is only one gaurd. take him out, nice and quietly." Savage Storm ordered. One of the squad members nodded and quietly moved toward the gaurd. He grabbed the gaurd by his head and broke his neck. The gaurd fell to the frozen ground and became nothing but a lifeless corpse. "Good job, now let's get in the fortress." Savage Storm ordered. The squad ran into the changeling fortress, scanning every corner for any possible threats. They stumbled upon the large door that lead into the throne room and were surprised to see that it was ungaurded. White Flame cracked open the door and saw the changeling queen and a mysterious red unicorn stallion with a dark mane and tail, and he was wearing a black suit. "I see two targets, the queen and an unidentified unicorn." Savage storm nodded and ordered his squad to take positions for a breach and capture. "Breach in 3... 2... 1..." The squad opened the door and surrounded the queen and Dark Fury. "Freeze, you two are under arrest!" Savage storm yelled. Dark fury looked at the captain and chuckled. "Why the hell are you laughing?!" Savage Storm questioned. "Oh, I'm sorry but I'm not going with you and neither is she." The captain got irritated and ordered two members of his squad to subdue Dark Fury. Dark Fury immediatly grabbed one of the soldiers. "Stand back or I'll kill him." Dark Fury ordered. The other soldier took a few steps back. Dark Fury smiled and stabbed two of his fingers into the soldiers back, causing him to scream in pain. Dark Fury filled the soldiers body with unstable dark magic. He picked up the soldier with a single hand and looked at the others. "Special delivery!" Dark Fury yelled before throwing the soldier that was in his hand into the other. The two soldiers crashed into the wall and groaned in pain. Before they could attack, the soldier who got stabbed in the back started feeling a strange feeling. He started to scream as he got surrounded by a dark aura and eventually exploded, killing him and the other soldier. Their blood, brains, limbs, and organs were scattered across the room. "Wh-What the hell?!" White Flame stated. Dark Fury looked at the remaining gaurds. He used his dark magic to transform his arm into a giant blade. "Who's next?!" Dark Fury said as he smiled evily. He quickly jumped in the air and fell back to the ground, slicing one of the soldiers in half. White Flame charged at Dark Fury. Dark Fury saw him and punched straight through his chest. White Flame fell to the floor as blood rushed through the hole in his chest. Savage Storm ran straight through the door. "And where do you think you're going?" Dark Fury stated as he morphed his blade hand into a bladed chain. He extended it towards Savage Storm. The chain wrapped around him. He fell to the floor as he slowly got dragged back into the throne room. "Leaving so soon!" Dark Fury said as he grabbed Savage Storm. "Please, don't kill me. I have a wife and a little filly. We're expecting another soon. How would they be able to live without there father." At this point savage Storm was crying. Dark Fury's face was left emotionless. He let go of Savage storm and turned around. "Go home, don't tell anypony what you saw here today... or else." Savage Storm didn't hesitate as he sprinted out of the changeling fortress. Chrysalis was confused. "Why did you let him live?" She asked. Dark Fury looked at her, his face still emotionless. "I don't know." He said. "My army is on it's way, we will be staying in this fortress. It will be our temporary base of operations. I hope that you're okay with this." Dark Fury asked. Chrysalis nodded and proceeded to make preperations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well that is chapter one. Please Comment on what you think of it so far. If you ahve any story ideas then feel free to message me. I will publish chapter two as soon as I can. Shooterman out. > Mission Breifing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This chapter will begin with a little back story of Dark Fury and his father who was a Pegasus, Infinite Sky. I hope that this will shed some llight on why Dark Fury wants revenge. Another thing, I have gotten permission from one of my friends to use his OC. Here is a link to his Fimfiction page. chiefpie02 Enjoy chapter two. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Son, go hide." Said a mysterious voice.The voice came from a pegasus with a grey coat and a white mane and tail. "No, I want to fight with you dad." Dark Fury said to his father, Infinite Sky. Sky kneeled down to his son and put his hands on his sons shoulders. "Listen, you're going to have to take my place as leader of the Clerics. You need to live on for you, the Clerics, and me. Go, hide." Sky said to his son. Dark nodded and ran into a nearby shrub. "I heard something coming from over here. Follow me." An Equestrian gaurd said. Infinite Sky immediatly saw a few squads of Equestrian gaurds coming from Canterlot. The gaurds surrounded sky in an orderly manner. "Infinite Sky, you are under arrest for murder, heresy, and high treason. Put your weapon on the ground and get on your knees." Infinite Sky ignored the gaurd and reached for his sword. "If you want me-" He grabbed the handle and pulled the sword out of the scabbard. "Then come and get me." He said as he took an attack position. The gaurds Charged at Infinite Sky. Infinite Sky spread his wings and flew towards the guards. Dark Fury awoke from his dream. He was breathing heavily and covered in sweat. "That dream... why is always that damn dream?!" Dark said aloud. He got out of bed and put on his Clerics uniform. He walked out of the room that he was "renting out" in the changeling fortress. His Clerics had already taken refuge inside the fortress as well. Before he could walk into the throne room, he was stopped by second on command, Silent Lightning. "Sir, I have the latest intel from our scouts." Lightning said. Dark Fury grabbed the intel read it thoroughly. "They say that the best time to execute the operation is during the Grand Galloing Galla. The guards would be so distracted by the ponies there that they would never notice us when we break into the vault." Lightning said as Dark Fury continued to read. "Excellent, I will inform the queen. Get a single squad and tell them to prepare for the operation!" Dark ordered. "Yes sir!" Lightning said as he saluted Dark and went towards the barracks. Deal Fury enterered the throne room where the queen was. "Queen Chrysalis, I have news. My scouts have chosen the best time to begin the operation. During the Grand Galloping Galla. My second in command shall choose a squad of my highly trained Clerics and raid the vault for the main objective. I will go with them so I can act as there cover and recon." Chrysalis wandered what the main objective is. "May I ask, what is the main objective?" Chrysalis asked. "The main objective is...(pause for dramatic effect)... Discord." chrysalis was shocked by his answer. "Are you insane?! Do you realize what he could do to this world if he is released from his stone imprisonment!" Chrysalis said in a seriously angry voice. "Yes, I understand the full consequences if he is released which is why I'm going to cut a deal with him. A share of the profit." Dark said as he walked over to the queen. "And what do I do?" Asked queen Chrysalis. "Um, what?" Said Dark who was more confused than a stop sign painted green. "I am not just going to sit here while you go and steal a statue. I am either going or this agreement between us is over." Said the queen who was smiling evily as she sat on her throne. Dark was getting irritated. He began to think on the subject of bringing chrysalis or ending the agreement. Dark couldn't take over Equestria by himself. The Clerics were highly trained but lacked in the numbers department while the changelings could easily out number any army but were lacking in the skill and training. "Ugh, fine, you can come along, but you're going to need a disguise. Either a pegasus or a unicorn, an alicorn would make you stand out like a demon in an angel convention. (These puns are probably stupid but cut me some slack.) Chrysalis was now congratulating herself on making Dark Fury take her along for the mission. Dark Fury turned around and immediatly walked out of the throne room. Chrysalis was contemplating on Dark Fury. "Looks like I have a date to the Grand Galloping Galla. Reminds me of high school." Said Chrysalis as she looked at Dark Fury as he walked around a corner. (Scene Change to Ponyvile) Colt, a green pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail(Don't ask me why, ask my friend), was at Twilight Sparkles library as the Mane six prepared for the Grand Galloping Galla. After about six months, he was finally going to the Grand Galloping Galla. "Colt, would you be a darling and hold still. I need to get you measurments so I could make you a tuxedo." Rarity kindly asked. Colt nodded and held still while Rarity took his measurments. "So, when is the Grand Galloping Galla?" Colt asked as some tape wrapped around his neck. "It starts in a couple of hours, that leaves us enough time to prepare for it." Twilight said as she got out the dress that she wore to the last Grand Galloping Galla out of her closet. "I hope it doesn't end up like last one." Twilight said as she went into the bathroom and put on her dress. "What happened at the last one?" Colt asked before getting a glare from each of the mane six. "I'm going to guess that you don't want to talk about it." Colt said as he rubbed the back of his head. "Let's just enjoy ourselves and forget all about what happend at the last Grand Galloping Galla." Colt said as Rarity finished taking his measurments. "Colt's right, let's have a great time at the Grand Galloping Galla... together!" Rainbow Dash said as she spread her wings and flew to the top of the room. Everypony nodded and continued to prepare. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter two is finished. Next chapter will be up as soon as I can. Let me know what you think of the story so far and please no negative comments. If you have some advice to make my story better for the next chapter then post a comment. Shooterman out. > Crashin' the party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is this? An new chapter for Royal Vengeace? No freaking way! Hey everypony, Shooterman is back and is ready to continue writing and , after some time, continue to become a brony. Alright enough chit chat, let's get this party started! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" Pinkie asked while jumping up and down on her seat in the carriage. "Pinkie, for the last time, no!" Twilight yelled from her seat. Pinkie cou;dn't help but smile as they got closer and closer to Canterlot castle. "So what are we going to do at the Grand Galloping Galla when we get to the castle?" Colt asked as he tightened his bowtie. "Well one thing is for sure, we aren't going to seperate and do our own thing. We are going to enjoy the Grand Galloping Galla together." Twilight said. The mane six, plus Colt, began to talk about whatever they had on their minds. Colt only had one thing on his mind. "Okay, is it okay if I ask, what exactly happened at the last Grand Galloping Galla?" Colt asked. He was met with, once again, a set of cold stares. "Oh come on, I want to know!" Colt stated. "It's personal Colt. What part of that do you not understand?" Dash asked with an attitude. Colt backed off the question, so not to piss off Rainbow. "Okay, Okay! Calm down RD!" Colt said as he backed into his seat. //SCENE CHANGE//HOURS EARLIER// Dark was in his room putting on his father's tuxedo. "Gah, I hate wearing tux!" He said as he put on the overcoat. As he continued to put on the tuxedo, somepony walked into his room. "Well, don't you look like a stud?" Queen Chrysalis said as she looked at the finely dressed Dark Fury. Dark turned around to say somethingbut stopped as his eyes fell upon her. Chrysalis looked nothing like herself. She looked less evil and less "religious" on the arms (can you guess where that reference is from). She still had the same colors of green and black but her mane and tail were fur and not instead of a web-like substance and her coat wasn't exoskeleton but instead, hair. Her sharp fangs were gone and standard teeth took their place. To top it off, she wore a green, silk dress that formed perfectly around her body. Dark blushed at the sight of her but immediatly brushed it off. "You look... uh, good." He said. Chrysalis slightly blushed but brushed it off. "Thank you." She said as she walked over to him. "I'm surprised, you didn't keep your wings or your horn. Why would you choose neither?" Dark asked while Chrysalis got closer to him. "Nopony would expect an earth pony to fly or do magic. I'm surprised that somepony like you would look so handsome," Chrysalis said as she placed her hand on Dark's face and trailed it across his face. Dark slightly blushed and grabbed her hand. "Remember, this isn't a fucking date to the damn prom!" He said as he let go of her hand. "This is a vital mission that you were lucky enough to join in." He said to her in a serious tone. He then walked out of the room, leaving Chrysalis. //SCENE CHANGE//HOURS LATER// "Wow, it's amazing!" Colt said as he walked into the castle with the mane six. "It is amazing, it always is. Colt, do you want to go want to go meet the princesses?" Twilight asked.Colt nodded. "Sure, why not." Colt said as he followed the group. The group walked through the castle and headed toward Celestia and Luna. As they were walking , they passed two ponies. One was a unicorn with a red coat and black mane and tail, wearing a standardized tuxedo. The other was an earth pony with a black coat and green mane and tail, wearing a green slik dress. Colt and the unicorn looked at each other with suspicious looks then looked away. "You okay Colt?" Applejack asked. "Yeah, but something seems strange about those two ponies." Colt said as he took one last look at them. //SCENE CHANGE//MINUTES EARLIER// "Is the squad all set?" Dark asked in a serious tone. "Yes sir. They are taking positions as we speak." Lightning said as he walked with dark. "Alright. If something goes wrong, I want all of you to evac without me." Dark said as he overlooked the castle. "Without you, are you fucking crazy... sir? What will you do?" lightning asked. "I'll provide some time, take as many as I can." Dark said as he saw ponies from all over Equestria enter the castle. A carriage drove up from behind him. He opened the door and saw Chrysalis. "Hello Dark. lovely night isn't it?" She said her usual evil tone. "Yeah, sure, whatever. Let's get going." He ordered as he closed the door and the carriage moved toward the castle. //SCENE CHANGE//MINUTES LATER// Everypony was in the ballroom, talking, drinking, eating, what most ponies do when they are at a very special event that is held only once a year and only the most distinguished of ponies are invited. Dark and Chrysalis walked into ballroom and looked around. "Looks like everypony is in here. Shall we commence the operation?" Chrysalis asked. Dark nodded and smiled as he held his hand behind his back. Two of his fingers extended and signaled one of the Cleric soldiers that was overlooking the party. He signaled another to follow him. They walked through the shadows until they were behind two Royal gaurd ponies that were gaurding the entrance to the vault. They put their hands on their heads and snapped their necks, killing them. They dragged the bodies out of sight and put on the Armor. Silent Lightning ran in along with two more Clerics. "Alright, the coast is clear, stay here and provide us some cover." Silent ordered. "Yes sir!" Silent and the two Clerics walked into the vault and saw many things. Old books that had dark magic in them, cursed items of all sorts, tools of mass destruction, but none of these could compare to what was in the back. Discord, the god of Chaos, trapped in his stone imprisonment. "We found him. You two, use your magic and get him out of here!" Silent ordered. "Sir, we are already on it." The Cleric said as he and the other lifted the stoned Discord out of the vault and out of the castle. Silent walked out of the vault and walked behind one of the Cleric gaurds. "Find Dark and tell him that we got Discord, and hurry! We don't know how it will be until some gaurds find out that-" Before Lightning could finish, he was tackled to the ground by a real Royal Gaurd. "Grab those two gaurds as well." Somepony said. "Go! Find Dark!" Lightning said before the gaurds wrapped a piece of cloth around his mouth. The Cleric nodded and ran to find Dark. Meanwhile, Colt was having a nice chat with the Princesses. "So what exactly has Twilight told you about me?" Colt asked Princess Celestia. "Alot of things. For instance, she told me that you are nice, loyal, generous, honest, brave, and that you are always willing to help your friends in any way." Celestia said. Colt smiled and sighed. "She also told me that your name is funny." Celestia said before laughing abit. Colt chuckled before taking a bite of cake. Before anything else could happen, Shining Armor walked next to Celestia. "Your majesty, we might have a small problem." He said in a serious tone. Celestia nodded and got off of her seat. "Please excuse me, something has come up." Celestia said in a cheery voice before walking off with Shining Armor. "What is it Captain Armor?" Celestia asked. "My gaurds have captured a spy who helped open the vault and take Discord. We haven't been able to squeeze out any information out of him." Shining Armor said as two gaurds dragged a bloodied up Silent Lightning towards them. "Nothing at all?" Celestia asked. Shining Armor shook his head no. "You're not getting shit out of me!" Lightning said, barely smiling. Celestia looked at him then back to Shining Armor. "Let me see what I can do." She said. She held her hand towards Lightnings head and used a very powerful spell to look into a ponies deepest memories. Lightning tried to resist but it was no good, every bit of information was squeezed out of him like a lemon. "It is just as I feared. He is here. Seal all of the doors, we're not letting anypony out until we figure out where Dark Fury is." Celestia said. Shining Armor nodded and ordered his gaurds to do exactly what Celestia ordered.Celestia walked back to her throne looked at the crowd. "Where are you Dark?" She said to herself. Dark Fury felt a small bit of pain on the back of his head. "Uh oh." He said as he saw that the Princess was overlooking the crowd. "we gotta go!" He said as he grabbed Chrysalis's hand and pulled her toward the exit. Before he and Chrysalis could leave, the doors were shut tight. "Damnit!" He said. Celestia looked at the main door and saw Dark. Shining Armor looked at Celestia then to where she was looking. "Gaurds, seize that stallion!" Shining ordered. Dark was immediatly surrounded then held by gaurds. "Chrysalis, get out of here!" Dark ordered. Chrysalis nodded and grew her wings back and immediatly flew off, leaving Dark. "What the hay is going on?" Colt asked. Shining armor walked down to Dark as the gaurds surrounded him. "So, you thought that you could take Discord and not get away with it? Well, you were wrong." Shining said as he looked at Dark. "Well, if it isn't the captain of the foal scouts. Go get me a box of cookies would ya?" Dark mocked Shining Armor. Shining reacted with punching him across the face. "Looks like somepony didn't get there love and tolerance patch." Dark said. Shining immediatly punched Dark in the gut. "Instead of punching me while your gaurds hold me down, how about we fight, on on one, any weapon." Dark said. Shining looked at Dark with a serious look then ordered the gaurds to release him. "Fine." Shining said as he drawed his sword. "But be warned, I am the finest swordstallion in all of Equestria." Shining said as he swung his blade around. Dark laughed and immediatly morphed his hand into a blade. "Noted." Dark said before charging at Shining armor, making him lose his balance. "How did you-?" Shining said before getting slashed in the back. He fell to his knees breathing heavily. "What? But that's impossible!" He said. "Are you sure that you are the "finest" swordstallion in all of Equestria? I mean I got you on the ground with one strike." Dark mockingly said. "If you want to live, I suggest you let me leave." Dark said. Shining grabbed his sword and swung at Dark but he immediatly dodged. "Guess that's a no." Dark said as he dodged another sword swing. Shining swung his sword repeatedly but couldn't land a single hit. He then timed a strike and saw an opening. He then took it and sliced Dark. Dark turned his head. "That was a cheep shot." Dark said as blood slowly rushed out of the small cut on his face. "Well, I'm bored." Dark said as his other hand morphed into a set claws. He then slashed Shining Armor five times, at the same time. Shining fell to ground as blood rushed from his wounds. "I got to admit, he was good,... but not good enough." Dark said. He then walked straight for the exit, the gaurds were to afraid to stop him. "Hey!" Somepony said from behind Dark. Dark turned around and saw a pegasus pony walk towards him holding a strange sword. "You are not leaving without going through me first!" Colt said as he drew his sword. Dark couldn't help but laugh. "Are you freaking serious. Kid, you saw what I did to the Captain, what makes you think you have a chance?" Dark asked. Colt smiled and readied himself. "How about you find out!" Colt said. Dark was confused then smiled. "You got guts kid, and you are about to see them with your own eyes!" Dark said as he readied himself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm sorry that this took so long but I did it, chapter three is now up. I hope that you enjoyed it. Chapter four and five will have a few surprises, but I'm not telling. So yeah, thanks to anyone who was patient. Don't expect Chapter four or five soon but just be patient. Shooterman out! > Calm after the Storm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title Updated! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dark blocked a sword attack from Colt. "Man, this kid has spirit." Dark said as he grabbed Colt by the collar of his tuxedo and threw him forward and elbowed him on the neck, sending him to the ground. "Face it kid, if you don't give up now, you'll die." Dark said. Colt got off of the ground and readied himself again. "I don't care, atleast I'll die trying." Colt said as he coughed up blood. Dark looked at Colt with a serious face. He then chuckled. "You remind me of me when I was a colt. To bad, those days are gone." Dark said as he pointed his blade arm to the floor. "What were you like as a colt?" Colt asked as his breathing slowed. Dark looked at him with a face of anger. "Let's just say an event changed my life. Now, are we going to talk or are we going to fight?" Dark asked as he readied himself again. He charged at Colt and swung his blade at Colt. Colt blocked some of the swings but failed in others. He felt blood rushing from his arms, face, and torso. Colt dodged another set of swings. "Damnit, how is he able to move so fast?" Colt said. Dark appeared behind him and sliced him across the back. Colt fell on the ground, blood rushing from his wounds. Colt breathed heavily. "Face it kid, it's over. It would be best for you to stop while you're still barely alive." Dark said. Colt tried to get off the ground but couldn't get up. The mane 6 rushed over to Colt. "Colt, get up! You can't die! You just can't!" Rainbow said. "Please, get up Colt!" Rarity said as tears formed in her eyes. Twilight looked at the blood covered Colt then at Dark Fury. "You, you're nothing but a monster who kills innocent ponies for your own gain!" Twilight angrily said. Dark looked at Twilight. "Unless you want to end up like him, I'd watch your mouth. Besides, I'm not the monster here!" Dark said as he looked straight as Celestia. Celestia looked at Dark then looked away. As this happened, Colt was able to get up and grab his sword. Dark looked at Colt and was surprised. "So, the kid still has some spirit in him." Dark said. "To bad, it's going to be his downfall." Dark said as he readied his blade. Colt charged at Dark but Dark put his foot in his way and tripped Colt. Dark stood over Colt. He raised his blade up. "You're right kid, atleast you're going to die trying." Dark said evily. Before he could make the final strike, Colt slowly lifted up into the air. His eyes opened to reveal that they were completely neon white. Light surrounded him and covered his entire body. The light disappeared and revealed Colt in a set of golden armor. Colt landed feat first on the ground. He grabbed his sword, making a light surround it aswell. The light was absorbed into his sword making it turn gold. "What the fuck?!" Dark said. "Ready for round two?" Colt said as he readied himself. Dark grew angry and charged at Colt. Their swords collided making a shockwave that shook the ground. Dark retracted his blade then swung it at colt again. Colt dodged and swung his sword at Dark, making a successfull hit on his torso. Dark stumbled and held his wound as blood rushed out of it. "How did you get this much power?" Dark asked. "That's a secret." Colt said. Colt charged at Dark and swung his sword at him but Dark blocked with his blade. He felt the power with every hit. Colt sswung his blade at Dark one more time, Dark once again blocked but was launched across the room. He landed in the center of the room. He breathed heavily. "Time to finish you off." Colt said as his sword began to glow a bright light. Suddenly, Colt fired a beam of light directly at Dark. Dark saw this and striked the beam, making it richochet and hit the ground directly below Dark making a cloud of smoke envelop the room. The smoke cleared and revealed a giant hole in the ground and Dark was gone. "Ha, I did it!" Colt screamed. Everpony in the room cheered for Colt. Celestia smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. "Wait a minute?" Rainbow Dash screamed, making everypony else look in the direction of the Mane 6. "Where's Twilight?" Rainbow Dash said as her and the rest of the Mane 6 looked at the empty spot where Twilight was. //SCENE CHANGE// Twilight opened her eyes only to see darkness. She tried to use her magic to make a light but it was no use. She tried to get up but her leg was trapped by two boulders. "Somepony, help me!" She screamed but got no answer. She breathed heavily. She then heard the mving of rocks from somewhere inside the dark. All of a sudden she saw a faint but visible light coming towards her. "Thank Celestia. can you please help me?" She asked. The light then got brighter as it got closer to her until it finally revealed the pony who had the light. "No." Twilight said as she saw Dark Fury walking toward her. "Stay away from me!" Twilight screamed. Dark was breathing heavily until he stumbled on the ground. "Somepony, anypony, save m-" Twilight tried to scream but was stopped by Dark. "Would you shut up and hold still!" Dark said as he placed his hands on the boulders and, with all of his strength, pushed them apart. Twilight was stunned by Dark's act of goodness. She moved her leg out of the way before Dark lost his grip and let go of the boulders, letting them drop back in place. He breathed heavily and looked at her. "Th-thank you." Twiligt said as held her leg. "Don't mention it." Dark said in a serious tone. He looked around and cast a light in the air. The light faded in only a matter of seconds. "Great." Dark said. "What is it?" Twilight asked. "We're trapped in the catacombs of Canterlot." Dark said as he tried to morph his hand into a set of claws but failed. "And judging by how I can't morph my hand using magic, I say our magic is getting drained." Dark said as he tried once more but, once again, failed. "But by what?" Twilight asked before getting back up. Dark looked around and saw a glowing crystal growing out of a nearby wall. He looked at it. "I see, it's these crystals. I don't know what they are called but they have the power to suck away a unicorns magic. If we don't get out of here soon, we're screwed." Dark said. "Uh, what's this "we" stuff? You're evil and I'm good. Besides, why would I help you?" Twilight said as she tried to walk but felt a pain in her leg that was in between those two boulders. She fell to the floor, holding her leg. Dark walked up to her and held out his hand in front of her. "I think you don't have much of a choice." Dark said. Twilight didn't like it but she made her choice. She grabbed Dark's hand and was pulled up. "Fine, but as soon as we get out of here, we go our seperate ways." Twilight said in a serious tone. "Trust me, I don't like this either." Dark said as he held onto Twiight. He looked around and saw a pathway. "Come on, the sooner we move, the sooner we can go our seperate ways." Dark said as he and Twilight walked on the path. //TIME CHANGE//30 MINUTES// It had been only half an hour but Twilight was already tiring out. Dark noticed that her breathing was getting heavy. "We should rest." Dark said. Twilight nodded and let go of Dark. She slowly fell to the ground and rested. Dark looked around but couldn't see anything. He couldn't feel a small breeze or see a faint light, only darkness, his element. Twilight watched as he looked around the cave. "Why are you helping me? Not even an hour ago, you were this bloodthirsty killer, and now you're a kind pony helping me get out of this cave. Why?" She asked. Dark stood there, not answering. Twilight looked at him. "There has to be a reason why you are doing this." Twilight said. "If you want to know why I am doing this then go ask your beloved princess." Dark said in a serious tone. He then walked up to Twilight and picked her up. "But until then, no more questions!" Dark said as he and Twilight continued on the path. Twilight was confused. "How would the princess know him?" Twilight said to herself. Dark looked and saw a faint light. He then felt a small breeze trail across his fur. "We're almost there." Dark said. He then tripped on something and fell on the ground. Twilight couldn't help but giggle. Dark was now irritated until he felt the ground shake. He turned around and saw that the floor was crumbling apart. Hequickly got up and picked up Twilight bridal style and sprinted towards the light. He looked ahead and saw a large gap that spread as far as the eye could see. He ran faster and faster then, at the last second, he jumped. Time seemed slow to Dark and Twilight, as if the world revolved around them. Dark landed feet first on the ground. He let Twilight stand back up. He breathed heavily and fell on one of his knees. "That was the best workout that I ever had." Dark said. Twilight walked up to him and held out her hand. Dark was confused now. "What are you doing? You could just walk to the exit now and leave me here." Dark said. Twilight shook her head no. "I'm not leaving you." She said as she grabbed Dark's hand and forced him to his feet. She wrapped her hand around his back and walked him to the exit. They were then blinded by light from something, from the sun. They looked and saw that they were back on the surface. Twilight smiled as she looked around and saw Canterlot castle. "We did it!" Twilight said. She then looked at Dark who was slightly smiling. "Please, come back with me to Canterlot." Twilight said. "You no damn well that I can't do that." Dark said as he let go of Twilight. "Besides, your friends will all think that I'm a monster." Dark said. "I can explain to them that you aren't such a bad pony. I'll even explain to the Princesses." Twiligt said. Dark shook his head no. Twilight frowned. "Atleast let me know your name?" Twilight asked. Dark was slightly stunned. "It's Dark Fury." Dark said. Twilight smiled slightly. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Twilight Sparkle." Twilight said. Dark smiled and walked away from Twilight. Twilight waved goodbye but didn't get one back. She then walked back to Canterlot castle. "I'll have to talk to Princess Celestia about him." Twilight said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter four, over and done with. Hope you enjoyed it. Leave a comment about what you thought of it. Chapter five is in progress. Shooterman out! > Truths and Revelations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This chapter was both rushed and not thought through. I had way to much food on my plate, not literally by the way, mainly school but hey, atleast the story continues and some light is shed on Dark's past. Now read it or I'll eat your babies! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Twilight walked into the castle only to be sent to the ground by somepony. "Twilight! Thank Celestia you're okay!" Rainbow said as she hugged her friend. Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and AJ walked up to Twilight and hugged her. "Girls, I'm fine. Where is Princess Celestia?" Twilight asked as her teacher walked up to the group. "Right here. I'm so glad that you're okay." Celestia said in a happy tone. Twilight smiled then remembered what she wanted to say. "Princess Celestia, I'd like to talk to you about something." Twilight said. Celestia nodded and gestured for the mane 6 to follow her. They walked into the throne room. "What is it that you wanted to talk to me about my faithfull student?" Celestia asked in her cheerfull tone. Twilight walked up to her teacher. She was abit nervous to talk to her about this but she took a deep breath. "I want to know what you know about Dark Fury." Twilight said which stunned her friends and Celestia. Celestia looked at her then sighed. "Why? Why would you want to know anything about that cold hearted monster? He nearly killed Colt." Rainbow Dash said. "Twilight, follow me." Celestia said in a demanding tone. "Everypony else, stay here until we return." Celestia directed toward the other five ponies. They all looked at each other with confused looks as they looked at Twilight and Celestia. Celestia and Twilight walked into another room. "Now, what exactly do you want to know about Dark Fury?" Celestia asked in a serious tone. "Well, everything. I want to know why he wants to destroy Equestria." Twilight said as her teacher locked the door to make sure nopony hears any of this. "Where do I begin? When Equestria was first established and my sister and I were first put into rule, Equestria wasn't what you see today. It was a place where almost nopony would obey the law. There was murder, theft, etc. The royal gaurd couldn't handle them. Me and my sister called a meeting." Twilight sat on the nearest chair while she listened to her teacher. "The meeting stated that there must be Harmony in equestria, or as one of the ponies said, equilibrium. So we made a new branch of military. This branch would be the law enforcment and, at times of war, be used as soldiers on the frontlines. This branch was known as the "Clerics". They were led by one of the bravest soldiers that I have ever seen, Infinite Sky, who proved to be an outstanding leader and soldier. He, along with the Clerics, were able to bring equilibrium to Equestria." Celestia said. "But what about Dark Fury?" Twilight asked. Celestia sighed and nodded. "After Equestria was finally brought to peace, Infinite Sky and Me got engaged and, after a year, we gained a son. He was a unicorn with a blue coat and a golden mane. We agreed to name him "Bright Star". Life couldn't be any better." Twilight smiled. "Until one day, after ten years of peace and harmony, a pony broke one of the major laws of Equestria. The next day, infront of everypony, including my sister and Me, that pony was burned alive by two Cleric soldiers. Infinite Sky was down there aswell. He said 'This is what you'll recieve if any of the major laws are broken!'. A week after, another meeting was held, demanding that the Clerics be banished out of Equestria. My sister agreed but I was unsure, until I agreed aswell. After the meeting, Infinite Sky was gone, along with Bright Star." Celetia said while trying to hold back tears. "A month went by after The Clerics left. One of my gaurds told me that Infinite Sky was found but was killed, along with Bright Star. A year went by. Any other Clerics that were found were given a second chance to live in Equestria." Celestia said. "That still doesn't answer anything princess." Twilight said. "One of my gaurds told me that we lost three squads of Soldiers one day near the same location. I was getting worried until one of the gaurds from a squad ran into the throne room, bloodied up and barely alive. Before he was rushed to the infermary, he gave me this." Celestia said as she pulled a piece of paper out of a book and handed it to Twilight. Twilight opened it and read the letter aloud. "Dear Celestia, do you really think your son is dead? Well, your right, Bright Star is dead. Burned into nothing but ash, but from his ashes, Dark Fury is born! I am coming for Equestria and you for what you did to my father. Prepare for revenge!" Twilight said as she looked at the letter. "It all makes sense now. He wants revenge for Infinite Sky's death." Twilight said. Celestia nodded as she looked out the window. "If only he could see that after his death, I ordered the gaurds to give him a propper funeral. He's buried out in the Canterlot cemetary right now. Twilight, if you ever meet my son ever again, please, try to make him see the error of his ways." Celesta ordered. Twilight was slightly stunned by how Celestia knew that she met Dark but smiled. "I promise." Twilight said as she headed for the door. "By the way, everything that we talked about doesn't leave this room." Celestia said. Twilight nodded and unlocked the door and left leaving Celestia. "My love, what would you have done?" Celestia said as if talking to Infinite Sky. Twilight walked back to her friends who were slightly worried about her. "Twi, what in the hay happened in that cave that you fell in?" Applejack asked. "Nothing. Where is Colt by the way?" Twilight asked. "He's at the ponyville hospital, recovering from his fight with Dark. We should go check up on him." Pinkie said in her usual happy tone. "We should throw him a surprise party!" Pinkie stated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In my opinion, this chapter sounded better in my head but on paper/computer screen, no, not at all. Whatever. Post a comment about what you thought of it, whether good or bad. Shooterman out. > Armored Darkness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Awesome! Here is chapter 6. I thought that I should publish this before Halo 4 releases because once it does, the next chapters won't be published for awhile. Enough talking, more reading! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dark walked through the large doors to the Changeling fortress. Clerics walked up to him and saluted him. "Sir, welcome back!" They all said as they saluted. Dark smiled. "At ease. Where is Silent and the rest of the squad?" He asked before walking past the Clerics. "Sir, Silent Lightning and two Clerics are in the medical wing for treatment while the other is training a few Changeling soldiers." One of the Clerics said. "Good, they deserve a week of rest. Where is Discord?" Dark asked as he cracked his neck to relieve some pain. "Discord is in the throne room, along with the Queen." The Cleric said. Dark turned around. "Alright, back to your buisness." Dark ordered. The Clerics saluted and attended to whatever buisness that they were given, whether it was training, resource check, recon, etc. Dark walked through the doors to the throne room and instantly saw the stoned Discord. Dark smiled and walked up to it. The Queen saw Dark and smiled evily. "What took you so long?" She asked. Dark just stood there and didn't answer. The Queen walked up to him. "If you didn't notice, I had to walk all the way from Canterlot to here. Plus, I had to make a small side objective." Dark irratatingly said. He then looked back at Discord. "I want you to call for a meeting. Every Cleric and Changeling officer is to meet in the throne room, now." Dark told Chrysalis. Chrysalis nodded and walked out of the throne room. "Time for the resurrection." Dark said as he smiled evily. //SCENE CHANGE// The mane six were in the Canterlot hospital, throwing a party for the healing Colt. "Thanks girls, it means alot that you decided to throw me a party." Colt said as he held a plate with a slice of cake on it. "It was the least we could do, after you defeated that brute, Dark Fury." Rarity said in her usual tone. The whole group sat around, chatting about how badass Colt was against Dark. They were all relaxed, except for Twilight who hadn't even taken a small bite out of her cake. She couldn't take her mind off of the events that took place in the catacombs. "Ugh, why am I still thinking about him?" Twilight thought to herself. Just as she was finally going to take a bite out of her cake, both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. "Princesses? What are you two doing here?" Twilight asked. "Have you come to see Colt?" Fluttershy asked in her usual shy tone. "Well, yes, but we have some very bad news." Celestia said in a serious tone. The entire group looked at the princesses. "The recent attack on the Grand Galloping Galla was only a retrieval mission for this new enemy. This group is known as the Clerics who are led by Dark Fury. They took Discord all while the galla was happening." Celestia said which shocked the group, except for Twilight. "We have come to the conclusion that they plan on resurrecting Discord and using his power to take over Equestria. You remember the Changelings and their Queen?" Luna said. The group nodded. "A survivor from one of our squads returned from their recon assignment saying that he said Dark Fury and Queen Chrysalis were joining forces. Him and his squad tried to stop them but he lost every stallion on his squad. He was lucky to have gotten out of there alive." Luna said. The group was silent until Colt grew angry. "Dark has to pay... for all of the lives that he's taken!" Colt said in an angry tone. Everypony, except for Twilight smiled and nodded toward Colt. Twilight was now at a crossroads. "Dark isn't all that bad, he saved me when we were in the Catacombs, but that was only because we were in the same situation and neither of us, mainly me, couldn't make it out without the other." She thought to herself. "We fear that a war is going to happen, we must prepare for battle." Celestia said. "Don't worry princess." Colt said before getting out of the medical bed. "I'm going to make sure that this land stays safe." Colt said. Everypony smiled and cheered. Twilight was still sceptical about Dark. "There has to be some goodness inside of him, if only there was a way to make him see the error of his ways." Twilight thought to herself as everypony in the room continued the party. //SCENE CHANGE// Clerics, Changeling officers, the Queen, and Dark all gathered into the throne room. Every Changeling, except for the Queen, didn't have the slightest idea for why this meeting was being held. "Silence!" Dark ordered, silencing the entire room. "Some of you may be wandering why I called this meeting. Well, the reason stands before all of you." Dark said as he held his hand out to the statue of Discord. "I am going to bring back Discord using my dark energy." Dark said which stunned everypony and Changeling in the room. Dark placed his hand on the base of the stone table and concentrated. His hand began to glow a dark glow. Dark matter traveled across the entire statue. Dark began to breath heavily and sweat as his own energy was being used to bring back Discord. He then retracted his hand and fell on the ground. A few Clerics ran up to their commander to try and help him. "I'm fine." Dark said. He got off of the floor and watched as the event before him unfolded. The darkness wrapped and twirled around Discord like a set of clothes. The statue began to crack then break apart. The statue finally self destructed. Dark covered his eyes from the blast. He then moved his arm away and saw him, Discord. "What a relief. Do you know how uncomfortable getting trapped in stone is on the neck?" Discord said as he cracked his neck a few times. He then took to the air and floated there. "Who, might I ask, is the lucky pony who released me?" Discord asked. "That would be me, Dark Fury." Dark said as he walked up to the god of chaos. Discord smiled and landed on the ground without any effort. "Well my new friend, seeing as how you released me from that stone imprisonment, I shall grant you three wishes." Discord said. "No, I'm just messing with you, because I'm the god of all that is chaos." Discord said as he floated in the air again but instead he was doing back strokes like he was swimming in water. "But, seeing as you released me, I shall give you something that only the worthy can use." Discord said before lifting up his hand toward Dark and shot a beam of gold and black at him. Dark fell to the ground, feeling some kind of pressure all around his body. He stood back up as the beam disappeared. He saw that he wasn't wearing his Cleric uniform anymore but instead wore a suit of armor made out of a mysterious substance. "Wha-what the heck?" Dark said as he looked at the strange armor. "You might be wondering exactly what exactly you're wearing, allow me to explain. That is the armor of chaos, forged by the old chaos gods, it is said to grant the wearer immense power. Consider it a git for freeing me." Discord said with a smile. Dark moved in the armor and felt like he could take over Equestria all by himself. "Thank you Discord. I would like to ask you if you would like to help us take over Equestria?" Dark asked the god. "Hmm, tempting. Oh, why not, I would enjoy a good brawl." Discord said. Dark smiled under the armor. "Alright then. Prepare for battle! I want everypony and Changeling to be battle ready by tomorrow! Now!" Dark said, making everypony and Changeling run out of the throne room. Dark smiled. "This is going to be fun." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What did you think about chapter six? Comment... or don't, either way, I don't care. What would you like to see in chapter seven? Again, comment and wait for approval. Shooterman out! > Beginning of the End > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Shooterman lands on the earth, creating a large crater.* I'm back from space after months. I bet you thought I was dead...well I'm not! Here is chapter seven of Royal Vengeance, I will try and update more frequently now. Now, let the Beginning of the end.....begin 0_0 Wow, that was bad. *Facepalm* ==> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A whole day had went by and already, preparations were being made. Every citizen of Equestria was being evacuated out of their homes, whether they wanted to or not. Colt was already out of the hospital and in the barracks training room, along with Shining Armor and a few Royal Gaurdstallions and Soldiers. "Shining, last I checked, I lasted longer than you did against Dark Fury. I don't see why I need training." Colt said, irritating Shining Armor abit. "Colt, you need to understand that what you did was reckless, I almost lost my sister." Shining stated in a serious tone. "But I had him on the ropes. If he hadn't ran off, I would've been able to beat him." Colt said as he swung his sword around. Shining immeditaly blocked it and knocked Colt to the ground. "But that was only because you used your last resort. You need to learn how to defeat your enemy before he comes close to defeating you. Now, charge at me!" Shining ordered. Colt nodded and began attacking Shining Armor. In the Canterlot archives, Twilight was searching around the library for a way to stop the upcoming war. She searched and searched and searched but found nothing, only useless spell books and history books. "Oh, there has to be something here that can stop this!" Twilight said as she used her magic to search every book in the archives but found no helpfull information. She sighed and fell onto the floor. "It's hopless, none of these can help in any way." She looked and noticed one last book that she missed. "Huh, that's strange, I thought I searched all of them?" She said as she got off of the ground. She grabbed the book and pulled on it but it merely came out half way. Suddenly, Twilight heard large cranking sounds coming from the wall behind her, almost like she unlocked something. The wall behind her opened up and revealed a secret corridor. She slowly walked through it and only saw darkness. "Can't see anything." She said. She felt a wall and began walking along, only the wall being her guide. She noticed a faint light on the other side. She slowly walked toward it. She walked into a circular room that had a small hole at the top, bringing in light from an outside source. The light was surrounding a single item in the room, a sword, stabbed into a stone slab. She looked at it. "This sword was both forged and weilded by a single stallion. A pegasus by the name of Infinite Sky." She read aloud. She then realized that it belonged to Dark Fury's father. She reached for it and touched it with her hand. She then grabbed it and yanked at it. It didn't budge whatsoever. Before Twilight could examine the sword more, she heard a huge explosion and felt the ground shake under her feet. She then quickly ran outside of the room. She closed it back up by placing the same book back. Wouldn't want that to fall in the wrong hands. She then ran outside of the archives and looked around. She noticed ponies running away from a huge mushroom shaped cloud. She saw her friends running as well. She ran up to them with worry. "Girls what's going on?" Twilight asked. "It's Dark Fury, he's come back but with an army!" Rainbow dash said. Twilight gasped as she saw a changeling soldier fly up and start attacking civilians. The mane six immediatly started running for Canterlot Castle. //SCENE CHANGE// Colt and Shining Armor felt the large tremor from inside of the barracks. "Grr, what happened?" Shining Armor said. He then felt another large tremor. Colt almost lost his balance but regained it. "Sir, Canterlot is being attacked by an unknown enemy!" A Royal Gaurd said. Colt narrowed his eyes in anger. "It's Dark Fury. Stallions, to battle!" Shining Armor ordered while raising his sword in the air. Battlecrys were heard throughout the barracks. Every able bodied Stallion and Mare, began putting on armor and grabbing weapons. Shining put on his armor and began running toward the exit of the barracks until Colt stopped him. "Shining, let me fight Dark." Colt said. Shining pushed Colt's hand away and shook his head. "No Colt, your orders are to stay here and help protect the Princesses and the elements of harmony. Remember, you're the last resort incase me and my soldiers fail and if the elements fail." Shining said before putting on his helm and running out of the barracks. A few more Royal Gaurds were left behind for the protection of the Princesses and the elements. Truth be told, they were scared, scared to die. They have not seen battle in so long, most not even in their lifetime. Even Shining Armor, captain of the royal gaurd, was scared. Colt ran toward the throne room to see both the Princesses but also saw the mane six. Rainbow Dash turned around and saw Colt. She, along with the rest of the mane six ran up to Colt. "Colt, thank Celestia you're here, Dark Fury is back!" Rainbow Dash said. Colt nodded. "I know, Shining and the Equestrian Army are going to try and defend Equestria." Colt said in a serious tone. Twilight heard this and began to worry. "My brother is out there? Oh no." Twililght said with worried expression. "Why aren't you out there with him, helping him?" Twilight asked. Colt turned to her with a saddened expression. "He said that I would be the last resort if he fails." Colt said as he looked down at the ground. Twilight heard this and couldn't handle it. She fell to her knees and began crying. Her friends crowded around her and began to comfort her. She wiped the few tears off of her face and stood back up. Just then, another tremor occured only this time, this one caused the mane six and Colt to stumble to the floor. A few of the stain-glass windows began to break and crack due to the tremor. //SCENE CHANGE// Dark was battling his way toward Canterlot Castle along with Queen Chrysalis and Discord. Five Equestrian soldiers rushed Dark with their swords and sheilds in hand. Dark Transformed his hands into a pair of large fists and smashed the ground as soon as the soldiers got close enough, causing a small tremor. The soldiers were launched into the air. Dark then immediatly transformed his hands into a set of claws and lunged at the soldiers. He began clawing at them, causing arms and legs and torsos to fly in different directions. Blood stained his claws as the five soldiers lay dead on the ground. He shook the blood off of his claws and transformed them back into his regular hands. "Five down,-" He began. He then looked out in the distance and saw an all out war, Changeling Soldiers and Clerics cersus the Equestrian army. "-A shitload to go!" Dark said with an evil smile. Queen Chrysalis and Discord were smiling as well. "Dark, this is excellent. Soon, I will be able to feed my entire kingdom with undying love." Chrysalis said with an evil chuckle. Discord chuckled as well. "Hahaha, yes, after I turn this pitifull world into my own playground of Chaos." Discord said as he began changing abit of the scenary. The grass began changing into what appeared to be a checkerboard kind of style, pink clouds of cotten candy began to rain chocolate milk, trees and buildings began to float and twirl around in the sky. Discord felt like he was home. "We'll just need a clean up crew for the corpses and blood." Discord commented. "Relax Discord, you'll get your happy place. For now, we have a country to conquer." Dark said as he, the god of chaos, and the changeling queen walked toward the Canterlot castle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Chapter 7. Well, there you have it, a new chapter, after who knows how long, I shall begin chapter eight of as soon as I can. Leave a comment, favorite, follow, do whatever you want. Shooterman is out of here! *Detonates C4 charges*