> Gift of Gab > by Vis-a-Viscera > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Griffon the Flex-Appeal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- No, thought Gabby. No more. Not with my heart straining, and my shoulders that might snap like taffy sticks and my dumbbell-clutching claws- “....Annnnnd fifty! Should be enough, squirt. Up for drinks?” came Gilda's satisfied voice. Drinks! Suddenly, Gabby felt weightless as she let go of the dumbbells. Two pounds of coiled steel crashed to the mats as Gabby finally stretched her legs, body stretching to its full five-and-a-half-foot height as the kinks in her back and arms clicked back into position. Reps were tough. Reps for a half-hour after another on the treadmill and a third on the wing-pull bars were tougher. (On that subject, she’d have to have to apologize to Bulk for coughing up half a pound of feathers in his face. To be fair, Gilda’s first bra had broken before her concentration did.)  Then she looked at the griffon across from her and - well, 30-grit sandpaper would be like a loofah compared to her. Gilda was cut like a diamond and twice as sparkling. Sweat danced across her supple curves, the feathery down clinging to her like a second skin. The inline of her generous double D-cup breasts pressed against her newly fetched black bra with delicious strain. Rows of tendons wrapped around her without washing out her hourglass figure. The tautest ass anypony, or griffon, had ever seen was snugly encased in black-on-gold trunks. And those mouthwateringly trimmed legs ended in beautiful padded paws.  Among Equestria's finest, Gilda was perfectly tough. And when that chest swelled every time she took a breath or her face darkened in anger, Gabby got a good look at that curvaceous back. Especially that divot running down it that strained against her chest, and her tail flicking out to show just how good it felt to let out her ferocious si- -okay, how the blush wasn't making Gabby look like an oversized match she’d never know. Gabby then looked at herself. Certainly, she shared the hourglass figure, but she’d only just started toning her body. Her muscles were budding, small dips and creases sticking out against plush gray feathers. Her limbs were more accustomed to spiraling out as she blew through the heights of Griffonstone and Cloudsdale. Or locking up when Gilda told her how cute her long, curvy rearpaws looked. Or billowing out like it was doing right now as Gilda strutted off to the vending machines, swaying hips as much of an invite to the other gym-going equines as her flashing claws were ward-offs.  That was Gilda, alright. Demimonde and dangerous in one bronzed, bulky package. If such strength could define a griffon in a pony-dominant society, perhaps it’d be how Gabby would make her mark too - literally, as she looked at one of her blank flanks, It had been but a month, but results hadn’t been as generous on that front as it had with every other part of her limbs. Of course, the break would also give her a chance to pluck the white-and-black shorts from between her plump cheeks. Gabby hadn’t normally considered wearing it, feathery down usually a good enough barrier to her tits and folds to not have to worry about slipping. As she’d found out, neither had Gilda on her first session here - but they were only an army of two about this matter. Specifically, after some persuasive lecturing about facility upkeep by Rainbow Blaze that blew the nonexistent shells of their ears off, both griffons hastily agreed to keep the equipment fresh.  Gabby swore she’d heard her griffon partner utter something about “...If your hair wasn’t so fuckin’ sexy, I’d peck it off…” as she got out of earshot of the stallion. Though Gabby was not certain the speech hadn’t knocked out her vision as well, because what Gilda’s talon had pointed to that day was definitely not Rainbow Blaze’s head.  Gabby's tug to loosen her shorts hit a snag though; right around her snatch.In the front, white velcro had turned slightly silver, the cleft of her puffy lips almost clamped over the glistening fabric as she tugged to loosen it.  “Yo, catch!” And an ice-cold can of Cherry Blossom Energy slapped into Gabby's claw. Gilda whistled at how the shorter griffin so easily caught it “And like that, you’re one step closer to standing above these pony dweebs. Take five, Gabs.”  Gabby would have responded, but her tongue had somehow doubled in weight. Suddenly she was reminded of why she’d stuck to this attempt at cutie-mark creation, after so many other fledgling efforts were scrapped within a day or two. Gilda wasn’t just gorgeous, she was exotic.  Her clothes, if she ever chose to sport them, always perfectly displayed what she wanted them to. There were sharp curves at the torso-hugging rims of her bra and shorts, perfectly framing a figure-eight of cobbled muscle. Her aroma was always thick in the air, a salt-tinged balm all the more intoxicating for being bred from hard work. The way her curves jutted out as she studied her prey, well… it made Gabby want to offer herself up as a sacrifice on that altar of the beast. Beast. The grey griffin shuddered. Yeah, as if I wouldn’t climb into Tartarus for that body.  "Seriously. So cute,” Gilda snickered. “Could just pinch those chubby cheeks of yours,” The light glistened off her beak as it curved up in a licentious grin. Gabby’s mind raced over the possibility that Gilda might be thinking of pinching he ass cheeks. The sharp smack to her bubbly rump confirmed that theory quickly. The tapered tip of Gilda’s tail then flagged against Gabby’s mouth, a thin loop of muscle pressing between the cleft of her swaying breasts. Every nerve in Gabby screamed for her to do that again, step closer, allow her to reach and take in that husky musk. But that statement would never leave Gabby’s beak.  Suddenly it was way too hot in that room again, and half the bottle of Cherry Blossom Energy was down her gullet in a flash that nearly saw her cough up the last third in her rush. Two smacks between her spasming wings and she was okay, though.  “Never did get why you wanted to tag along, though.” “You… you managed to get to Ponyville and work with the mares who beat Moon.” Even Griffonstone wilted in the face of that fearsome monster among mares, but that purple unicorn had made it look easy. “Easy”, of course, being Gilda’s description for another of the many mares surrounding that heroine. And if she could transplant into Ponyville society, who said Clousdale wasn’t ready for a little gift of Gab? “It’s… like no one can do what you do.” And hopefully, her attempts in trying would land a nice weight plate or three on her flank for her troubles. That’d turn heads for her.   “Damn right,” Gilda’s white headfeathers swept up in glee. “But still; Equestria’s full of nerds. And I’m the jock that starts in all their nightmares… and wet dreams.“ Another puff of breath invaded Gabbys’ nostrils as her thighs squashed together. What was once uncomfortable fabric suddenly became soaked. Gabby wanted more, despite knowing she couldn't have it here. The grey griffon had actually seen more of Gilda though, during the one part of Gilda’s visit to Ponyville she’d witnessed. Popping in for a surprise visit one sunny day ago, Gabby had made her way to the Sweet Apple Acres’ barn door, looking for a can of that famous Zap Apple Jam.  She'd instead found that cute, burly red stallion in this room - Mac, was his name? But he wasn't busy jam-packing that day; unless you counted the messy titjob his crimson cock was giving the prone Gilda. His surging shaft had pumped back and forth between her fleshy orbs, its blunt bulb raging toward Gilda’s face. Gilda had nipped and suckled at it, until it shone like a cut ruby. But most of all, Gabby remembered that tantalizing saltwater smell as Gilda purred out. Over and over, her cries rang in Gabby's head about how she was a better milker than any machine, to give it to her, to cover her with Mac’s fucking cu- Gabby could taste more than feel the rut her tail carved into the plastic mat at that vision. This time, she saw Gilda sashay into the door at the far edge of the gym. “I’ll be in the locker room if you're still game for a workout. Holler if one of those limp-dicks gets froggy.” There’d likely be no risk of that, Gabby knew. Most of the ponies here were for Soarin’s seminar, and that didn’t conclude for another hour. Plus, tangling with an angry Gilda without an Element nearby usually qualified as the signature on a suicide pact. Swigging another gulp of her energy drink, Gabby took a towel to her sweat-stricken body, noticing a few of the ponies’ eyes were traveling up her body too. The contrast of her workout clothes against her dusky fur and feathers did make her stand out, she supposed. But now, as her neck fluffed out from the treatment she layered on it, she had to really cool down too. Her lungs missed the salty taste, and with the blue-maned Wonderbolt turning close, that tightening of her own bosom was getting vice-like. The shorts were riding up enough to show the blank flanks of hers, what would they think of someone as curvy as her in a place like this? Maybe Gilda was available to talk about their next week of workouts? It was the weekend, but she was a stickler for detail. Gabby’s feet padded on the mats as she made her way to the locker room. As she did, she shuttled away those perverted thoughts of hers; it wasn't like Gilda was gonna serve her pussy up on a woodslab for her. Fantasies like that were impossible. The second she stepped into the main room, time itself stopped for Gabby. Speaking of vice-like, her short-circuiting brain sent off as a last report before shutting down. Gabby's jaw fell open. her grey legs trembled, her talons fisted in the waistband of her hip-hugging capris. Surely this was a dream. Maybe she'd passed out from exhaustion after her dumbbell lifts. Because there was no way she was actually seeing Gilda, the up-tight, in-command, take-charge griffon, sprawled on one of the benches. But she certainly heard moaning like she’d discovered estrus, as her talons plunged in and out of her swollen pussy.  Her white-feathered fringe fell over her eyes, her fingers nursing the nub at the center of her folds. The positioning of those soaked claws sliding around her wet flower was precise. Her seat creaked at her savage motions as she fucked herself shamelessly, metal legs creaking softly as her legs and thighs spasmed above them.  Three of the digits on Gilda's other hand, unconcerned with spreading her clitllips, were stuffed within those slick walls. They scissored, pulled, twisted at her leaking hole. And with each rough thrust, Gilda's cries rose, her tight cunt twitched that much more violently at the digits pummeling it. The band of silver-black fabric wrenched between her knees were all that kept her legs from spreading fully. Her need to go deeper and harder won out against the time it’d take to finish pulling the trunks down her calves.  Gilda fucked herself faster, her claw a golden blur as she thrust harder into her convulsing cunny. White wings stretched up, a crescent of glowing alabaster between her sex-strained muscles and gaping holes. Her powerful thrusts caused her clothes to rub even harder against her training outfit, the golden outlines of her bra rippling at her nipples. Her claw attending to the hood of her clit moved to her breast, causing small scars to open in to velcro. In fact, the only gold sharper than the highlights on her top were her widened eyes as she- Gabby’s wings stood straight on end. Gilda’s sharp yellow eyes were open. She was watching her watch her whack away at her walls. Gabby's beak snapped shut with enough strength she feared she’d cracked it. But if Gilda was about to send her back to Griffonstone by fist-class mail, it didn't show. In fact, the only fist she made was the one plunging into her pussy, ribbed yellow skin acting like the bulb of a dildo as it shot into her folds.  Again, that maddening fragrance hit Gabby's nostrils. Ozone and salt and the billowing balm of lust played across her beak, as Gilda's eyes and mouth fluttered open. Her hips jutted out, and the sloshing sounds picked up as she drilled deeper into her clit. But it was that tantalizing scent that hooked Gabby to Gilda. Hooked her to this glorious griffin who was watching her watch her pump her own cunt walls hard Her juices splashed out to slicken the bench, expression wanton and uncaring of her training partner’s voyeurism. If anything, it made her work faster, her gasping beak curving out as if to say: C’mon Gabby, you’ve had your workout; so come in for your banquet. Then Gilda's pelvis shot out as she hissed in glorious climax. Nectar gushed from her throbbing clit, finding ways to squeeze out of the large-limb jammed inside it. Her hand still pumped in and out, extended her orgasm as she shuddered uncontrollably on her slippery perch. Gabby thought she’d melt as she watched her workout partner swirl her fist out of her pussy, just as her orgasm ended. A thick stream of cum trickled from her twitching folds, slicking already-polished wood in its trip to the floor.  “Aww… look at the mess I’ve made,” she purred. She didn’t know how Tartarus’ rules worked, but Gabby was certain the sultriness in Gilda’s voice classified as an eighth deadly sin. “Be a doll and help me clean up… you don’t wanna get in trouble with those dweebs outside, right?”  Rainbow Blaze could’ve strolled in behind Gabby this very second and Gabby wasn’t certain it’d even slow (let alone stop) the index claw of Gilda that swept up heaping globs of cunthoney. Bringing it to her face, her tongue flexed in a tight loop as she licked her sticky digit clean. Soon, that finger flexed back and forth, begging the grey griffon to come closerr, beckoning her partner to taste her. “H-how…” It was only two seconds after the question left her lips that Gabby noticed the movement in her hips. Step after shaky step, her long rear paws carried her closer to her partner. Goddess, if her loins soaked off any further, these shorts of hers would just wash off her legs.  “Told you before, sport,” Gilda’s left leg curled inward, leaving her black capris dangle off of one foot and her re-pressured cunt squirting more juice onto the bench. Her ass flexed, glutes sliding on sex-slicked spruce. “You’re cute. Especially when you think I can’t see you while Bic Mac’s ridin’ my tits off.” Her eyes narrowed sensually. “Or eyeing them up like you were today.” Gabby’s beak opened, then snapped shut in realization. The last thing she needed was to repeat what she’d clearly known. So she stayed silent. “No probs, Gab. Know it's a surprise to ya. Lotsa stuff outside Griffonstone are.” Gilda's rolled her eyes. “Which is why I’m glad you’re doin’ all this. Means you’re ready for when these dweebs, outside Dashie and her Elements, realize you don’t need a sign on your hips to draw their eyes Or need magic to make ‘em want you.”  Her arms braced on the bench, and it was then that Gabby noticed she could see the tips of her nipples against the shining fabric of her sports bra. One was ready to poke out from the “V” the material cut outside her collarbone. “Wanna see what else those dweebs in Ponyville are missing? Bend on down Gabby, you just won the fuckin’ jackpot.”  Gilda's hips rolled toward Gabby's invitingly. Sweat glistened off of fur and feathers alike, making her look like she’d disappear before Gabby’s eyes. Gabby's heart desperately hoped otherwise, despite her short-circuiting brain telling her this was wrong, filthy, liable to get them caught by anypony walking through that open door. Only one opening mattered in Gabby’s desire-drunk mind now, and it was flooded with Gilda's cum. Gabby didn't trust herself to speak, right in front of Gilda. Her tongue was still heavy with a thirst a gallon of Cherry Blossom Energy drink could quench, and Gilda’s body was swaying from the mirage of her aura and the tensing of her thighs, waiting for her to dig in. Gabby obliged, dipping down and twisting her head as their beaks connected. Two tongues tangled with reckless abandon, but their kiss was sloppy and short. Gabby’s beak soon moved to the tips of the grey griffon’s bra, tracing the swells of her breast as her eagerness to prove herself to Gilda grew. Her muscles burned, her heart ached, and the fluffy furnace called Gilda was clinging to her around her as she moaned. Gabby's white shorts getting damp from both Gilda’s juices and her own, the rustling of feathers near the back of her head was all the warning Gabby got before Gilda’s cum-slicked claw fisted in hard. “G-GIlda!” shouted the grey griffon as her head was roughly yanked back. Apparently, Gilda loved that word traveling from Gabby’s throat, because she was pecking away at it like seed. Soon, so was one of Gilda’s fingers, poking lustily at her beakwork. “You pull this off, or I do,” Gilda panted, her other hand traveling to the intended next target of removal. Her claws teased around her soaking nethers and the trunks pasted to them, making Gabby thrust herself against those needy fingers.   Gabby did want to pull off her sports bra herself. After the spare bra Gilda had snapped, she didn’t want them both walking out of here topless. Ponies would talk, rumors would mill out. But her claws were clumsy, ribbed yellow fingers scrabbling over her top too quickly to get a grip, twitching every time they came across her rock-hard nipples. Gilda sighed, another thrum that sent more hot air traveling across her nostrils. At the corners of her armpits her beak nipping at her soft shoulder until Gilda’s lewd mewls got louder. “Y-yes, Gab! Rougher!” And that surge of bestial pride that coated her veins like syrup spurred Gabby on. The next target was Gilda's brastraps, shoved off of one shoulder as her beak attacked the sensitive flesh just under her chest tuft. This time, Gilda’s hips crashed into hers, her sweat tingling on her tongue. She ventured lower, claws crushing against Gilda's gushing folds as her beak-nips traced further.  By the time Gabby led her mouth to Gilda’s breasts, her head had lowered enough for her to lift the neck strap of her white bra over it. Three melons soon slipped free to ripen in the humid air, one Gabby's and both of Gilda's. As Gilda’s talons pinched onto two dusky nipples, Gabby’s beak closed over a golden-brown tit and sucked. Gilda’s back sank into that familiar and delicious curve as she wailed wantonly.  Gabby almost forgot how long it took to progress to Gilda's flooded folds, but she decided to go a bit further before diving in for her prize. When she reached down and took Gilda's paws into her mouth, an image of fruit gushers came to mind; she bit down, and Gilda squirted. On the third hit of that wild spray near her beak, Gabby’s mind longed for the taste of something sweet to chase down the salt of Gilda’s clean toes. Gilda squawked as Gabby grabbed her hips, one in each claw, and turned her onto her belly. Gilda's tail whipped into her face, and Gabby took it as a challenge, grabbing the thin golden-brown strand and yanking it up. Gilda’s golden ponut shot up to bird’s-eye view, and her shout echoed around the room. “That’s it! Gabby, take me, fuck me!” Gilda’s tail hole gaped and throbbed with the stretching of its dock, Gabby horny and eager to show how far she’d come in her training.  Her tongue rolled out, trailing a slow path around that puckered ring of Gilda. Gabby’s cheek nuzzled against those heart-shaped ridges of fur and muscle, and Gilda's hips twitched as she humped herself on that grey-feathered face. One of her claws looped Gilda’s tail around her knobby wrist. Then her talons sunk into the springy flesh of her ass, kneading and gripping it like a master baker. The other spread her cheeks apart, allowing her mouth to lick and prod at that tail hole. It was so soft and supple and sinewy, just like every part of her. Gabby’s eyes turned toward Gilda's waterfall of a clit, and inspiration struck her. Gilda was about to beg (Her! Beg!) Gabby to finish her off, only for a trio of motions brought the climax she craved. As Gabby's claws tugged at her left asscheek, her beak caught the edge of both her sopping holes and clamped, pulling both openings to their limit. The motion brought the dock of Gilda's tail into a taut stretch, and Gilda’s came like a geyser, liquified lust pouring from her pussy for Gabby to lap up like Hearts and Hooves Day dinner. “YEEEEESSSSS,” Gilda erotically cried. Her hips jerked and danced to Gabby’s new regimen, grey forehead tweaking against those quaking cheeks as her beak was soaked in cum. Gabby retreated after Gilda's cum-shots slowed to a slight flow. caught in seeing her in her afterglow, juices trickling down her thighs and onto the flooded bench. But just as she’d ran her hand through her twitching wings, Gilda’s golden muscles tensed and pulsed, bringing up her head. “Good… job kid,” she whispered. “Now lemme show ya… some real roughness, Gabs.” A gust of wind kicked up, and Gabby’s was taken into the stall by Gilda. Clutching around the larger griffon, Gabby's back lightly hit the wall, Gilda soon towering over her. Her body strained against Gilda's, only for her greedy claws to hitch into her white shorts and yank downward. Abused velcro fell to their watery grave as Gabby’s flailing paws caught the shower’s knob. The rush of steaming hot water made Gilda throw her head back in the spray of the shower-head only inches from her own. But if anything, Gidla the genetic jackhammer looked hotter as her feathers sloping down against one of her eyes, the other ablaze with arousal. Her wings beat furiously, bathing Gabby with her powerful scent and the steam seeping off her pores. Gabby would soon have a chance for fresh oxygen, though as Gilda leadned down and roughly kissed her. Gilda’s claws mapped their own trail over her body while their kiss continued. Much like her personality, it was a battle of contrasts. Her hands were soft enough to tease and flick over her erect nipples, then hard enough to leave welts as she grabbed a hold of burnt-marshmallow thighs and squeezed. Gilda’s tongue was sweet enough to lap away the sweat from her neck and torso, then harsh enough to hiss “Aw, lunch? You shouldn’t have, Gabs…” before pulling apart her trembling thighs. Bending to her knees, Gilda didn't wast as diving her tongue right into her friend's soaked pussy. Gabby's hips gyrated around that golden curve of Gilda’s beak, despite herself. Her tongue darted further her tight snatch at the feel of Gabby thrusting into her hot motuh, fingers digging into Gabby’s clit to spread her further. As the hot water of the shower raced down her scalp in rivulets, Gabby’s talons finally found purchase in Gilda's headfeather, pushing her further into her cunt. But Gilda wanted to cap off her taste-test with a triple play of her own. Removing her beak from Gabby’s lips, and thrilling in the “G-GILDA! Please! Make me cum!” that tore from Gabby's throat afterward, Gilda's tail tauntingly snaked out behind her. Golden-brown backpaws touched the floor as Gilda's claws kept Gabby pinned to the tiled wall. “Going in raw, Gabby, get reaaady.” Then Gilda’s tail was leveled at Gabby’s snatch, and her ribbed golden claws yanked apart the walls of her cunt. Gabby was fully exposed to the avaricious avian as she slid a foot down the wall with her sudden repositioning, shivering at the feel of her rough slide down. Then Gabby's vagina was plugged with seven inches of golden griffin tail in one thrust, grinding against a wedge of nerves deep in her in one savage thrust. Gabby came at once, from both the thrill of the drop and the sudden impalement. She squirted and shrieked, Gilda’s tongue back under her just in time to catch her flood of femcum. The second she heard Gabby’s scream, and felt her convulsions end with her climax, Gilda’s eyes sank into fine slits. Her grin turned psychotic as she grabbed at one of Gabby's shapely legs, and swiftly hoisted it over her shoulder. Gilda’s tail, given a new angle, bashed against the G-spot it once brushed, the slickness of her heat turning its tufted tip into a knob. Her talons pounded into the other puckered hole, twisting as Gabby’s head rolled from side-to-side, being ruthlessly fucked into a second orgasm midway through her first. But Gabby could care less about how sore she’d be in the morning, the cramped feeling her wings would have, or anything besides Gilda pounding her fuckholes dry. Gabby’s hips twitched, legs limp against Gilda’s sculpted body, thrashing against her sex-crazed partner. Soon, she was thrashing against Gilda, her fuckholes sloshing against Gilda's fists and tail pistoning into them. Loud plaplaplaps rang around the room, and Gabby's moans turned incoherent. Gilda didn't stop though, just as merciless drilling into Gabby's pussy as she'd been with fucking her own. When Gabby climaxed again - and it was like a burst fucking hydrant compared to her last - the grey griffon’s lips bent open to scream Gilda's name. It only met Gilda's own mouth those, being drawn into a searing kiss as her thighs lecherously surged into Gilda’s. Her grey claws dug back into Gilda's rump, right as their pussies kissed. It was Gabby's spasming snatch being ground into her own, and that clutch around her taut ass that made Gilda growl as she hit orgasm for a third and final time. She moaned breathlessly into her partner's mouth, eyes still open even as they rode out their orgasmic high. Juices splattered out into the shower walls down their twitching legs , everywhere their carnal cocktail could reach as it spilled pas their twats. Their licentious moment resulted in both griffons shuddering against each other, overstrained muscles, finally starting to give. Their claws gathered to pool up their cunthoney, licking it off of their beaks as their kiss briefly broke to accept it. Right now, it was as good a treat going down as it was cumming out. Especially with the cooling shower spray becoming needles against their pores. “Managed to… keep standing.” Gilda’s head still loomed over Gabby’s, nestled into her cheek as it was. “You’re already becomin’ a natural at this.” “Y-yeah...” Gabby couldn’t squeak out more, curled around the muscle-bound avian as she was. But she concurred. Despite the torturous burn of muscle, it… clearly paid dividends in several areas of her life. And those horizons had actually expanded because of her wonderful friend. Perhaps mail delivery was a better choice of career for getting that cutie mark. After all, stuffing boxes was becoming a favorite of theirs...  Y’know, after another month of iron-pumping. Wouldn’t be right for a Griffonstone resident to welch on a gym membership early. What would Gilda think? “Alright, just gotta assign lockers for Soarin’s group a-wait, who messed up this bench!?” An all-too-familiar shock of rainbow hair peeked around the bend, and Rainbow Blaze's eyes shrank to pinpricks. “GILDA?!”  Gabby’s face turned the same color as her jowls. Now it was her turn to show her surprise, as she clutched Gilda to her chest and hurtled towards the window. Thankfully one of those windows was open, otherwise their flight from Rainbow Flare Athletics would be cut embarrassingly short. As it was, the war-like whoop of “Awwwwessome!” coming from Gilda rang triumphantly in her ears as she burst out of the gym. Soon, both birds were airborne, Gilda wrapped around Gabby's shoulders as she frantically looked for the house Gilda had in Clousdale. Gabby would come back to the gym for their clothes later. After all, it’s not like a mentor to Rainbow Dash would consider carpet-munching on their clock as a deal-breaker.  Right? Gabby gulped as she flew them both to Gilda home, wings trembling in exhaustion and something more. Maybe she'd have Gilda fetch them both instead. She preferred her ears intact, really. If only so she'd hear Gilda moan again, hopefully with her beak near one of them.