Orgy of One

by AndwhatIseeisme

First published

Pinkamena has some fun with her new friends.

Pinkie Pie is feeling down after her friends ditch her, and doesn't know how to handle their rejection. Fortunatly, she has some other, better friends to help her through these troubled times. Friends who will never mistreat her, unlike those ponies. Friends who understand that sometimes what a mare needs to get through her depression is just some tender, loving care.

An alternate take on the infamous scene form 'Party of One' featuring a whole lot more fucking inanimate objects in the midst of a psychological breakdown.

Warnings: Pinkamena madness, sex with inanimate objects, one pony fivesome.

Now with an audio reading by The Mystery Fluttershy Fan, check it out here:

Ever Seen One Pony Play Five Sexual Partners?

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Pinkamena Diane Pie was having the super-duper worsiest day ever, all thanks to all her so called friends deciding that they didn't want to have anything to do with her anymore. All she had wanted to do was to have them over to celebrate Gummy's 'after-birthday' party, but they had all ditched her. None of them had even had the decency to make up a believable excuse, other than Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy helping that vacationing bear.

But that was okay. Everything was okay. Because Pinkamena had other, better friends to spend the day with. Friends who would never abandon her or make her feel left out and lonely. Isn't that right?

"Oh absolutely not, my dear!" Sir Lintsalot reassured her. "We'd never do anything so uncouth as that."

"Yeah!" Rocky continued. "Dem ponies don't know how great a friend they had in ya. Maybe they'll learns to appreciate ya now that they ain't gonna have ya to push around and make fun of."

"Wait, do you really think they were making fun of me?" Pinkamena asked, trying desperately to cling to the idea that the other ponies wouldn't be that cruel to her.

"Tout à fait," Madame le Flour confirmed her worst fears, "those ponies only kept you around as la farce to their despicable clique."

"Hate to be the bearer of bad news to such a sweet pony like you," Mr. Turnip added, "but it's the truth. You're much better off without them."

"You're right!" Pinkamena said with growing certainty in her new friends' wisdom, "I don't even know why I ever thought they were my friends in the first place!"

"Dat's da spirit, Pinks," Rocky cheered her, so much more supportive than any pony she knew. "You deserve so much better than any pony could ever give ya's."

"Indeed, my dear," Sir Lintsalot stated as he slid a bit closer towards Pinkamena. "Such a fine, young mare like yourself deserves to be pampered and loved by her friends."

A soft wisp of lint brushed against her thigh.

"Hang on there, Sir Lintsalot," Pinkamena softly pushed her friend back, "are you suggesting what I think you are? I mean, I'm flattered, but what about the others?"

"Don't you worry about us, Pinkie," the handle of Mr. Turnip's bucket placed itself on the mares shoulder reassuringly as he spoke. "All of us just want you back to your normal, peppy self. And we're all willing to do whatever you need us to so that you can feel better."

Tears began to well in Pinkamena's eyes as she looked over all her friends in appreciation. She could see the mix of love and lust in all of them, and it made her feel so appreciated to know that those looks were all for her. Still though, there was one concern that she couldn't overlook.

"But Rocky, what about Maud?" Pinkie frowned as she questioned the stack of rocks. "Won't she be upset if she finds out you're cheating on her with me?"

"Aww, she wouldn't mind," he reassured her. "She'd understand that we just wanna cheer ya up. There ain't nothing to get jealous about."

"Oui oui," Madame le Flour cheered, "this is only, how you say, š'envoyer en l'air. There iz nothing so silly as ze romantic feelings, we only want to cheer you up and make you feel good."

"We promise darling, you'll have a simply marvelous time," Sir Lintsalot cooed, once again settling on her inner thigh, strands of lint softly caressing her sensitive bits. "This will be far more satisfying for you than any half-hearted vulgarities those so called friends could have provided you."

Mr. Turnip nuzzled against her face, the cold steel of his bucket sending chills down the mare's spine as he whispered into her ear, "Let us show you how real friends make each other feel."

"Dat's right, we'll make ya forget all about dem dames." Rocky said. Pinkamena noticed that he and Madame le Flour had moved closer to one another, and judging from how flushed the two looked, she guessed that they had begun teasing each other beneath the table. Pinkamena nearly smiled at the two.

"Thanks you guys," she said, "this is just what I need to get my mind off things. So, who wants to go first?"

"Well, I do believe the polite order is 'ladies first,' no?" Madame le Flour teased.

"Well, then let's give the boys a show they'll be sure to remember, shall we?" Pinkamena responded.

The pink mare took her partner by the sack and layed the flour down against the floor. Pinkamena swung her hind legs over the bag and straddled her newest lover, looking down at her with eyes full of lust and need, her flat mane hanging straight down over her face. She lowered her glistening marehood down until it made contact with the coarse burlap weave of Madame le Flour. Pinkie gasped as she dragged herself against le Flour's rough skin, the friction dragging against her pussy lips urging the mare to push herself harder against the bag.

"Oh gosh Madame, I had now idea you'd feel this good," Pinkamena panted as she ground herself against her friend, leaving streaks of wet arousal streaking across burlap as she humped the bag of flour.

"Mmm, oui Pinkie, fuck me harder you beautiful mare," Madame le Flour cried, "I am quickly climbing ze curtain, my dear, and I don't know how much longer I can last."

Rocky, Sir Lintsalot, and Mr. Turnip moved in closer, watching the girls go at it on the floor. Even as Pinkamena rode Madame le Flour ever closer to an orgasm, she took note of the boys eagerly waiting for their turn with her. A knowing grin nearly danced across the mare's face as she watched Mr. Turnip edge himself closer towards Rocky, only for the pile of rocks to gently but firmly rebuff him. Mr. Turnip turned and looked hopefully at Sir Lintsalot, but the pile of dryer lint politely declined the turnip bucket's advances as well. Oh well, Pinkamena shrugged, there went her shot at seeing a bit of guy on guy action today.

Pinkamena refocused her attention upon the flour bag between her legs. She turned Madame le Flour over onto her side, letting the seam of the flour sack slide between her lips and grind her entrance. The coarse fiber of the bag dragged against the sensitive flesh of Pinkamena's labia, getting soaked by Pinkamena's juices as she rubbed herself agaisnt the bag. Pinkie pushed her hips harder down on the bag, her delicate folds rubbing raw against the burlap. The burning pain caused by the friction only pushed her to go faster. After all, this was how friendship was supposed to feel, right?

"Oui Pinkie! Keep going, I am almost there!"

Pinkamena's frenzied humping at last drove her over the edge of her climax. As her body tensed and her legs clenched together, the bag of flour beneath her erupted at the seam and the powdery contents within exploded over her snatch. Wet flour matted to her fur as she squirted into the tear, her grinding easing to an end as she came down from her orgasm. Her chest was heaving as she paused a moment to collect herself, catching her breath as she tried to relax. Pinkamena looked down at the bag of flour spilling out over her crotch and onto the floor. She leaned down and planted a wet kiss on Madame le Flour, dragging her tongue along the sack before rising up and turning her attention to her remaining friends.

"Well boys, you've been awfully patient while we had our girl time," she said, eyes darting between her three remaining party mates. "Did you boys enjoy the show?"

"You bet your fine pink ass we did," replied Rocky, "that was the hottest thing I've ever seen."

"Indeed, quite a fine show," Sir Lintaslot added, "though I must admit it's made me a touch impatient for my own turn."

"Yeah, I don't think any of us is up to waiting any longer," spoke Mr. Turnip. "Do you think you can handle the three of us together?" he asked. Pinkamena could tell he was anxiously hoping for a positive reply.

"Of course I can, sillies," Pinkamena spoke with a cheerful tone that failed to reach her eyes, "just who the hay do you think I am?"

A cheer rose from her friends as they were arranged around her in a way that they could all enjoy the pleasurable bounty of the mare's body. Sir Lintsalot was positioned in front of Pinkamena's wet and hungry mouth, the mare's hot breath panting teasingly over the pile of lint. Beneath her, the bucket of turnips waited for her to take them inside her marehood, still painted white with Madame le Flour's climax. And lastly, behind her was Rocky. The pile of rocks sat on a stool towering over the hunched over mare, Pinkamena presenting herself completely to her friend. Her tail wrapped around the top rock sensuously, ready to take him inside her clenching asshole.

"Okey-dokey-lokey, I think we're all set," Pinkamena declared once all her partners were positioned correctly. "Now don't go gentle with me, boys. I need a good rutting after the day I've had."

With that, she leaned forward and took Sir Lintsalot into her mouth, her tongue running through his fibers as she rolled him around in the moist confines of her mouth. She spat him back out and began licking his fluff, lapping at his fibers and dancing her tongue through the lint.

As her mouth played with Sir Lintsalot, she lowered her rear lips down onto Mr. Turnip. She gasped as she felt the top-root of one of the turnips entering inside of her. As she took it deeper within her, the leafy stem of another began to caress her clit and stomach.She continued to lower herself down, letting more and more of the root invade her deepest sanctum, until at last she felt the cold steel bucket preventing her from lowering further. She sat there for a moment, adjusting to the feeling of having half a turnip inside her pussy, before she began to grind herself on the bucket. The cold rim of the pail rubbed sharply against her clit each time she drove herself forward and back over it, the leafy stem offering gentle teases of touch over her lips as she drove the turnip inside her deeper and deeper with each thrust. Once she had adjusted to the feeling of fucking Mr. Turnip, she turned her head and looked back at Rocky, waiting patiently for his turn at her pink plot.

"Ready when you are, Rocky," she said.

"Hey, that's all I was waiting to hear, Pinks. Here I comes," Rocky replied.

Pinkies tail grip on the rock tightened as she guided it into her tightly puckered hole. She grimaced slightly as the hard stone pushed her ass open and shoved its way in. Rough sediment rubbed her anal cavity as his edges threatened to shred her walls apart. Pinkamena wasn't worried about all that though, she had grown accustomed to Rocky since their first time together when she had caught her sisters Maud and Limestone playing with him. They had guided their younger sister through her first time fucking a rock, and she was a pro by the time she had left the farm. The warm memories of happier times was nearly enough to make her feel happy again. However, memories of her friends and their abandonment and betrayal began to sneak back into her mind. She tried desperately to shut those thoughts out, to forget about all the hurts she felt.

"Harder," she begged. She began to thrust Rocky more forcefully inside of herself as she buried her muzzle in Sir Lintsalot and continued to hump Mr. Turnip.

"Harder, hard enough to make me feel," she demanded. Her pace became more frenetic and erratic as she focused her mind solely on the feeling inside her body. She had new friends, and they were doing their best to make her feel good. She didn't want to think about anything else.

As she continued to thrust herself full of her friends, she could feel that familiar twitcha twitch inside her tummy that signaled her coming climax. She was a little confused though; despite the amazing fullness of her holes and the building pleasure inside her, something still didn't feel quite right. Where were the warm fuzzies and superdooferous smiles that everyone always shared when she did this with her former friends? Her orgasm ran through her and then was gone, leaving the mare alone to take stock of her situation with her four new best friends.

She missed Fluttershy's gentle feathery tickles along her teats and lips. Applejack's firm, muscular forehooves pushing and pumping inside of her. The fast and passionate way Rainbow would pound away at her pony pussy with her toys. Rarity's wet and experienced tongue dancing teasingly across and inside every part of her body. And of course all those wonderful tricks Twilight did with her magic that left her feeling as if she just finished servicing the entire Hearth's Warming rush at Sugarcube Corner by the time the unicorn was done with her. And most of all, she missed the sounds and feelings that came from making all five of them cum harder than any pony had ever managed before.

As Pinkamena spat the lump of lint out of her mouth, she gagged at the dryness overtaking her mouth, strands of Sir Lintsalot caught between her teeth as she tried to fish them out with her tongue. She stood up off of Mr. Turnip, her pussy feeling dry and dirty as the once white flour stuck to her had taken on a brownish tinge from the dirty roots. She was not looking forward to cleaning all that mess out of her later. Lastly was the rock hard coldness of Rocky, still stuck deep inside her ass. She pushed him out with considerable effort, tears welling as she could feel the stone cutting the sensitive walls of her anus as it left her. Now that she wasn't lost in a haze of arousal, the pain didn't have any pleasure to hide behind. Maud had always reminded her of the importance of getting the rocks out before getting her rocks off, and Pinkamena wished she had listened better to her older sister now.

Pinkamena lay on the floor of her room, feeling empty in a variety of ways. She missed her friends. Her real friends, not the ones who now lay scattered in silent stillness around her room. She curled up in a ball and began to cry, not even hearing the knocking at her door.

"Hey Pinkie, you here?" Rainbow Dash asked as she entered the room, before stopping cold as she saw the state her friend was in. She rushed to Pinkie's side and took her in her arms, hugging the mare tightly to her body as Pinkie sobbed into Rainbow's fur.

"I'm sorry, Rainbow," Pinkamena managed to choke out between sobs, "I don't know what I did to make you all hate me, but please don't stop being my friend."

"What?!" Rainbow Dash asked in shock. "Pinkie, we'll always be friends! Why in Equestria would you think otherwise?"

"But, but you've all been avoiding me all day, and when I asked you what was going on you flew away and hid in Applejack's barn," Pinkamena explained.

"Oh gosh, Pinkie," Rainbow began to piece her friend's logic together, "I'm so sorry if we hurt your feelings or made you feel unloved. The truth is we've been setting up a surprise party for your birthday and we didn't want you to find out about it early. I guess the cat's out of the bag now, though. Sorry."

Rainbow rubbed the back of her head sheepishly with a hoof as she hoped her friends wouldn't be too upset about her ruining the surprise. Pinkie clearly needed some reassuring, and this was more important that some surprise party. She was sure they'd understand.

"Wait, so all this time I thought you all hated me, you've just been planning a party for me?" Pinkamena asked with a sparkle of hope in her eyes.

"Uh, yeah," Rainbow replied.

"Really?" the pink mare asked, hopping up to face her friend.


"Really really?" Pinkie asked, her main curling back up in excitement.

"Yes!" Rainbow yelled, happy to see her friend returning to normal but worried that she might be getting stuck in a loop. "Now come on, we need to get you cleaned up before we head over. The girls are waiting back at Applejack's, and you look like an absolute mess. Let's get you in the bath and then we can head over."

Rainbow Dash hefted Pinkie onto her back and began to carry her over to the wash basin. Pinkie snuggled into her friend's back as she basked in the pegasus's warmth.

"Thank's Dashie," Pinkie said as Rainbow dropped her into the water and began to help her wash up, "I'm really lucky to have such great friends.

"You got it Pinks," Rainbow said with a smile as she scrubbed the flour out of her friends crotch, perhaps a bit more thoroughly than was strictly necessary. "I'm just glad I haven't been replaced by a bucket of turnips."

The two mares laughed as Pinkie finished getting washed up. As the two mares started to head over to Pinkie's no-longer-a-surprise birthday party, a bright smile was plastered on her face. Pinkie Pie was going to have the super-duper bestiest night ever.