> The Demon of The Shadows > by ShadowRazer2121 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > What Do You Think You See...... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow Stalker walk through the Everfree forest almost care free his heavy foot steps echoed around him as he started to walk through the forest on his normal stroll. Strangely there were no sounds like there normally was when he walked around this area. He wanted to see what was making it so quiet. He decided to walk through the forest some more and found nothing so he decided to give up and go back to his humble abode. He had set up shop in a cave atop the mountains he had a dragon to occupy under him. He had always had to keep quiet so with the mix of some dark and demon magic involved he created a soundproof barrier to keep the noise level to a minimum. He made his way up to his little cave and decided to turn on the fire. Using his Chaotic side he managed to make a little TV appear. It was no 60 inch but it would do. He enjoyed watching the humans struggle with their economy while the rest of the world had no idea about it because of political issues and down sides to the matter. Being a demon he pitied the humans unaware when the end was near, only 30,000 more years until the end and for some reason he pitied them for being unaware. He remembered telling a human how long and he ended up shooting himself in the head for just telling that he would be dead by then. After awhile he went to a little bed and curled up into a somewhat of a ball and went to sleep. He enjoyed sleeping it brought dreams that no one could ever explain but he never needed it he just enjoyed it. Hated when he would have the memories part he would always force himself awake when these dreams occurred he wanted to forget his life in hell he had. He walked out into the night sky he started to get hungry this world kinda making him act like he was mortal when he was not even close. He moved through the forest hunting for prey when a memory came to his thought again. "While the light and the dark, heaven and hell are fighting we must remember we always have to keep fighting or chaos will break free from it's chains and we will become hopeless to stop it." Shadow Stalker push the thought aside and decided to make his way thought the part of the forest that had the ruins. he always never could read the books there but he kept them in his cave for further study. He may be a demon but he still kept the thought of preservation over infestation if anything. He always thought that humanity should stay forever and see what would happen if the heavens should reveal themselves or not when they were ready. While some angle and demons alike agreed with his statement the gods and the devil frowned upon the idea. saying that it would take a millennium before they were ever ready. He had to say yes or else taking a risk to be called out for treason. After searching some more he found a deer munching on some grass he found his prey. He always made sure there was no baby or something family related or if it was going to have a baby. Again he would rather preserve life than take it. With the coast clear he made his move. His heavy foot steps went silent as he moved through the bushes, trees, and vines. He pounced onto it and shoved its hand through it's neck and ripping out the spine pulling the skull with it as the brain of it fell out of the skull. He may preserve life but if he needed to he make take t as brutally as possible. He had to kill humans in worse ways before but he would get to that later. He took his kill to his cave and cooked the meat as he feasted on the cooked flesh of the deer. He walked some more looking for some breakfast since the sun started to rise and found another group of rabbits and saw one big one that was a male and not a female thankfully. He got close until he stepped on a twig making the rabbit turn around and look at him in fear and soon a chase broke out between the creature of Shadows and a bunny. he chased it for what seemed like hours until he came across a clearing and stopped at the edge and saw a town of what looked like ponies which surprised him he had never been or even seen towns while he was here which was odd seeing how he lived just a few miles away. He never wondered far from his home because he had no reason to this town was possibly a mile or 4 away from him judging how from from the mountain he was. He decided to forget the rabbit and move on to finding bigger prey and went back to his cave and think over this situation. A white Bunny was quickly hopping to a small cottage at the edge of the Everfree as fast as his little legs could take him until he got to the front door and banged as hard as he could. It opened to reveal a startle yellow pink Pegasus when she saw the state the bunny what in. "Oh, my, Angle are you alright?" She asked in a worried tone. The bunny shaking it's head no and start to make jesters that was trying to explain what happened. With a gasp the Pegasus soon tried to confirm what she hoped was wrong. "There is a monster in the Everfree that eats anything?" she said with fear evident "I should tell the girls they will want to know." she said running as fast as her four legs would take her. She eventually gather her friends and explained the events with the occasional question from A lavender mare named Twilight Sparkle asking what it looked like. They seemed a little nervous about the description they were given by Flutter shy and were soon starting to want to get ride of it. > ....In The Shadows of The Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Fluttershy what did this monster look like?" Twilight asked Fluttershy while writing a letter to the princess. "Yeah what did it look like so we can kick it's flank back to where ever it came from." Rainbow said as she flew up n the air making punching motions with her hooves. "Or this monster ust came here from somewhere else and decided to stay in the everfree because he wanted to get away from his old life in tarterus." Pinkie Pie with her usual tone Everypony in the room looked at her in confusion and started to ask but decided to hold it in. After that they all were about to go get the elements to get rid of whatever was there until spike burped a letter from the princess. Dear Twilight Sparkle, This matter is troubling for this creature Fluttershy describe is very veg me and my sister are looking into the matter as we speak, but for now we ask that you take care of another issue that can be of worse circumstances. A dragon is sleeping in the mountains near Ponyville and it's smoke can harm the surrounding area if he does not move I ask the you try to ask the dragon to move to a more remote location. Your Teacher, Princess Celestia After rolling the scroll back up she got a questioning glances from the others. After some thought they decided to go do as the princess asked and try to move the dragon. After trying to convince Fluttershy that they would be by her side the entire time she reluctantly decided to go along. As they got close to the top a rock slide blocking their way to the dragon's cave. She tried to make an excuse on why they should not continue only to receive flat looks from the others and a groan from Rainbow Dash. She picked her up and flew her over the obstruction in their path. As they continued a figure watched them from a distance with curiosity. Shadow Stalker watched the ponies atop his perch with such fascination. He turned to walk away when he heard a roaring noise and some yelling. He proceeded to walk to the source, when he found that the shy one was talking down the giant dragon. Eventually the dragon left to another cave with his treasures with him. Until he noticed that the yellow one had so much anger built in her. He then noticed that they were looking at him when he turned around and walked off disappearing into the shadows to see the rainbow one tried to find him only to fail. He had returned to the cave he called home and went to the back of the cave and carved a door way in the cave's wall, only for a doorway to appear. Shadow walked into the room and found a pentagram in the middle. He walked up to it and started to draw symbols next to the circle. A small portal appeared before a figure came rolling out and came to a stop in front of him. Shadow Demon wake up we have work to do. Only to hear a groan coming from the ball, until he picked it up and only saw a sleeping Dragon that only went up to his knee. The young dragon had black scales and had a dark maroon underbelly and wings. "I don't want to get up." he said as he mumbled some more nonsense. "Well, you can sleep later when your work is done. For now, listen to me." Shadow Stalker said in his usual Demonic echoing voice as he walked out of the room with a disorientated Shadow Demon. Shadow Demon walked over to a rather large bed and got on it, sitting on his haunches. He walked on four legs instead of two like the world called Equestria; the books had informed him of their biology to say that the reproduction process was odd would have been an understatement. "Fine, what is my job?" Shadow Demon said while making air quotes when he said 'job'. "Your job, is to go and find out what you can about these ponies that live here in this world. Report to me what you find and do not get caught. Do I make myself clear?" Shadow Stalker said with anger in his voice as he got up to Shadow Demon's face. "Fine, I will do it, but its not like I have much of a choice. Anything else your highness?" Shadow Demon Said saying the last part with sarcasm. "No and again, Do not get caught or I might rip what is left of you out." Shadow Stalker said as Shadow Demon had a nervous expression. "Y....you would not really do that, right?" he said with a nervous smile. "Want to test it and find out?" Stalker said with seriousness in his voice. "Ha...your funny." Shadow Demon said as he slowly made his way to the cave's entrance and flew off towards the town. As he flew off into the distance Shadow Stalker went to go sit back down as he pondered about Shadow Demon. "What am I going to do with him?" He said with worry in his voice as he thought to the first time he had met him. 500 years ago Shadow Stalker walked through the shadow realm as it did have streets and buildings but they weren't the nicest in all of the dimensions, but it was home to most that anyone here could agree on. He heard a noise coming from one of the thousands of alleyways in this never ending city. Shadow Stalker snapped his fingers and a figure appeared next to him. "I feel it too. It is a new shadow but it is powerful but where it is..." The shadowy figure paused before saying, "He is at 33:42:44 33-47869 Station 67. Hurry, its shadow is fading into light." Shadow Stalker made a ball of shadows appear and crushed it and a portal appeared and he went through as it closed behind him he looked around at his surroundings. Checking everything, he was about to give up when he heard a small whimper coming from around the corner. When he turned the corner it saw a small Dragon curled up shaking there was a hatched egg next to the small hatchling it tried to back away, but the wall behind him had other plans for him. Shadow Stalker sighed as he knelt down a waved his hand in front of the young dragon as he passed out falling into a deep sleep. Shadow Stalker picked up the small dragon and walked towards his home at the top of the central tower of the Shadow Realm. "Shadow do this, Shadow do that." Shadow Demon said as he flew through the sky low to the ground. Letting out a groan he landed near the clearing and looked to the town that laid before him. "Never stops asking me to do stuff I get a rare chance to sleep, but no I can't even get at least a days worth of rest." he said with anger in his voice. "He needs me though. I can do this they are just ponies there is no way they could catch me not like they can detect me or anything. I mean I use shadow and Demon magic and they use light magic. so, not too bad." Shadow Demon said as he jumped up and down a little. "Okay lets do this." He said before jumping into a shadow and appeared in an alleyway in the town. One of his least favorites about him self was his glowing eyes. They would glow when he need to see clearer but it was only a tiny soft glow not a light bulb glow. "hum, what am I even looking for exactly? He never tells me just says I need to find the solution based on a person or their tone of voice. Well he is of course the king of the Shadow realm. And I am somehow the Prince according to him, I think?" He said bringing one of his paws to his chin. "Oh, well might as well find whatever he wants." Shadow Demon said as he moved through the Shadows(No pun intended). Shadow Demon jumped from alley to alley keeping the thought of what he wanted here until his left ear perked up at the word library. He knew exactly what he wanted now. Knowledge Stalker, always enjoyed knowledge; and he also really loved books for some odd reason. He followed the strange looking horse or was it pony. He could not remember nor did he care. All he cared about was getting the books that Shadow Stalker would want, but which ones would he want. Only one way to find out is to go in, but a thought entered his mind. "What if he doesn't like it, he hates when I enter homes and so do I. I could get trapped and be alone. No, no, no, I have to get this stuff for him he will want it." he said pushing the thought in the back of his mind. he was a little under an inch from the lavender one he was following. Shadow Demon's POV As soon as the door opened I took it as my Que to enter as I did the horse thing turned around real quick, a little too quick. the mare as a soon come to understand was walking through the Kitchen as I took to where the books were and got out of the Shadows and looked around, my eyes darting to each book using some of my Demonic magic as I floated a couple books to me as I looked at the titles and put them in a pouch that could hold anything from a ship to an ant; put said books into them the big ones I knew stalker would like. I kept on looking at them until I heard a literal glass break. My ear perked up and I slowly turned around and looked at the Lavender horse what I figured out to now be a Unicorn. I quickly closed the pouch and made a break for the door when a magical blast struck me in my side making me cringe in pain and my heart began to beat a trillion beats per minute, Literally. I got up and noticed a shadow of the wooden sculpture in the middle of the room created by the light of the sun through the windows and that is when I caught her off guard and dove right into the shadows I came back out only to be face to face with the ground.I managed to kick off what ever was on me and found that I had six horses on me attacking me for stealing knowledge or books this place is cruel; I like it. "You return what ya stole From ma friend ya varmint." an orange one said as a rope was suddenly rapped around my barrel and left back leg as I was pulled to the ground flat on my stomach. I had no shade to make a quick get away. Shadow Stalker is going to be so mad when he finds out. He used a Demonic spell that weakens all that are with in a 20 feet radius as soon as I cast it I noticed the difference as they tried to pull harder but I pulled back with ease thanks to the spell and I soon made off with the books and with a weaken group of mares until I noticed only 2 where was the fourth one I though she was.... I was unable to finish my thought as I was suddenly knocked to the ground but I use what Energy I had left to teleport the books to Shadow Stalker That was until I blacked out from exhaustion. I Began to wake up and try to move only to find that I could't move; I found that I was tied to a chair with what I could feel was magical spells to keep me here. My ears folded down to the sides of my head as I looked around to see light was around me with a endless land of darkness the light blocking my view. "I am going to ask once what were you doing stealing my books and the ones with a very important spells in them as well?" The purple one screamed at me which made me cower a bit at her tone my ears folding as much as they could to keep as much of my hearing as I could. "I will never talk and you can't make me." I said with full confidence Until a blade was brought in front of me. "I have never seen a dragon like you before. What type of dragon are you?" She asked me having a look of pure murder behind her eyes and he mind it was terrifying. "I will never talk I have a duty to uphold now let me go." I said I started to panic as the very sharp blade came closer to my chest as I struggled more I started to hear my own heart beat. I had gotten Idea her shadow was getting close so all I needed was for her to get close enough. Before I could Finish I felt a stabbing pain In left Back leg to see the blade sticking out of it. It hurt and even burned as well. I yelled in pain that was a spell to make everything hurt more. I realized that she was next to me and I took the chance and slide into her shadow knocking her out of my way and out the basement door of the library and to the front door when again I flt pain it was my leg I had to get to Shadow Stalker he could help me well heal me to the best of his ability at the moment. I soon got to the forest and used the shadows to get to the cave quickly and came flying out into the cave only to find a worried feeling Shadow Stalker. He may not have a face but I could feel rage anger worry and all the above to kill me for getting caught. "You got caught after I said not too." He yelled at me as I sat on his bed with my head lowered and my leg bandaged and checked for poisoning that had been done to me. "Do you know what you have cause? "The purple one is crazy and tried to dissect me and I got a surgical tool that was made to cut flesh and scales jabbed into my leg making it where I could not put an ounce of pressure on it or it would get worse." "They know we exist and that we are now a potential threat to them and that they will hunt us." Shadow Stalker said which my fear of the purple one even more. No one's POV Shadow Demon laid in his own bed across from Stalker Shadow Demon was sleeping he suddenly awoke with another nightmare of the Pony thing what ever it was. He got up and walked over the Shadow Stalker and curled up next to him and and finally went to sleep. > Chapter 3: Discovered > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow Demon woke up to find that he was in Shadow Stalker's bed and he was in bed with a certain shadow missing. “Where did he go this time.” Shadow Demon said as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes while looking around. Letting out a yawn he walked to the mouth of the cave to find Shadow Stalker watching the sunrise. "Shadow Demon, Do you know why I chose this place?" He asked only to get a raise eye brow from Shadow Demon. "Because your old and don't have anything else to do?" he asked Letting out a quick laugh he responded "No, its because this place was untouched by people, but these ponies are a force to be reckoned with. Remember the story of the yellow one, of how the power and anger off of her was?" he asked. "Yeah it was kinda creepy." "That was not my intention, but I felt something that I never felt before until she released all that power." "I think your going on another power hungry rant." Shadow Demon said as he started to back up a bit until he was picked up by Stalker and held like a baby. "You were never one for formalities, were you?" "No, no I was not, dad." Shadow Demon said with a smile as he snuggled in his hold. Shadow Demon soon feel into a light slumber drawing the attention From Stalker to look at him only to let out a quiet chuckle. He looked at him with a look of pity. Stalker knew of Shadow Demon's nightmares he has been having lately. As stick as he was he always had a soft spot for Shadow Demon. He cared for him like a father would a son and that exactly what he is, a care taker. He remembered it all. The war, the corruption, and the death that would consume their home. Shadow Demon maybe a grump, but he never showed his other side of himself for reasons beyond him. Shadow Demon was apart of the Honor guard for awhile but soon quite due to it being boring just standing around. Although, he did keep his usual Honor guard abilities such as shadow jumping, dimension jumping, and creating portals to both Heaven and Hell. He Always was a mystery all on his own. He claims he had a past life, but he never talks about it so Stalker never pushed it too much. He watched as the sun set over the horizon and watched as it turned night. Deep in the Badlands A figure walked through the waste land that had become the Badlands. It had lived there for as long as he could remember but he never left because of what he was. "I.....I want to be normal again." a static robotic voice said as it limed over to a desk in a small room she had created in a set of ruins. the figure soon pulled of its cloak as it walked in to reveal it was a dragon that walked on four legs. It had grey scales with a black underbelly with two glowing eyes as the left one was flickering. It also had four horns on its head two big ones in the center while the small ones on the side. It also had two wings except it only half of it's wing was there. There were multiple holes in its body exposing some wiring and a metal skeleton underneath the scales. "I need to.....fi....find....h..him. Blood Bath would w..want that." it said as it feel over falling asleep. "Life must be preserved and protected, preserved, saved, and cherished for it can fade away quicker than one thinks it can." > Chapter 4: To Whom It May Concern > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ”We see what is in front of us thinking the answers are always ahead, but soon it would be too late, to find that the answers were right next to us." Celestia woke up from a surprisingly well rested night with her usual dreams about eating cake of course. she got up at the usual time to raise the sun into the sky as the moon fell over the horizon. As she finished her sister Luna entered the room. "Greetings sister how is thee?" Luna said forgetting that she slipped into the old tongue again. "You did it again but, yes I am well. I have been feeling something strange and I do not know what it is." Celestia said as she looked out over the view of the city and Ponyville out in the distance. "We felt it too. I do not think it is good either." Luna Said as she walked up next to her sister. "We will monitor the situation and inform Twilight Sparkle as she may feel the same thing knowing her power." Celestia said "Then I will leave you be." Luna said as she left Celestia waited for the door to close before she looked back over the city once more before turning away from it heading towards the throne room. She knew something was wrong she felt something enter Equestria but, she could not locate it anywhere. She no doubt knew that her sister felt it as well but, she would tell her when she had found the source. as she was going to until she felt something nagging at her mind. She began to hear a voice echo in her mind. "I am here as they sing...Ashes to Ashes..Dust to Dust." the voice said sound like there was more than one voice talking at once. She then blinked and found herself in a field she looked down to see that the ground had been turned to ashes. She heard a roar and then a Dragon about half her size walk up to her. It then hovered with out flapping its wings and came to stop infront of her. "I am waiting for day to dawn as night to dusk, but you however will burn to dust!" the voice shouted before lunging at her. She came around and found that she was in her chambers rather, not in a field like she had seen. She started to feel a rumble and a giant mass of energy and it was powerful. "Shadow Demon you are needed.” Shadow Staker said as he walked over to the sleeping four legged dragon. As he heard a groan escape him. “What in the 7 realms are you waking me up this early for?” Shadow Demon asked. “I think your little stick attracted the attention of the princess.” Stalker said as he looked down at Shadow Demon. Shadow Demon would never admit it when he looked up to Stalker he always felt intimidated. “So what is my so great full mission that I must complete?” Shadow Demon said as he fell off the bed before him. Shadow Demon was soon picked up by Stalker and gently put back down. “You know what I will do this myself.” Stalker said as he made his way to the cave entrance. > Chapter 5: Memory Long Lost > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 500 years ago, Shadow realm Shadow stalker looked at the strange shadow as it too looked back up at him, but Stalker felt like something was off about it. "So what do you think it is?" an Honor Guard whispered to another next to him. They both wore armor that Was a Black with a blood red lining that went across the armor. “Does it look like I am supposed to know?” “I don’t know maybe.” The left guard retorted before they heard Shadow Stalker speak. “Guards leave us.” Stalker said. “Um sir are you sure about that? What about that thing, what if it tries and attacks you?” The guard on the right asked. “Promise you I would snap this little ones neck before he could even get three inches off the ground.” Stalker said which made the guards nod before leaving. “And one more thing no one enters unless I give permission.” He finished. Again they nodded and left the room. Stalker began to circle the young dragon as he came to find out what he is and confirm his earlier suspicions. But what was he going to do with him. ——————————————— 495 years ago, Shadow Realm Fortress, Throne room. Shadow Stalker sat on his throne with the bow the newly pronounced prince of the shadow realm, Shadow Demon laying down on his lap curled up sleeping letting out small snores as he saw his chest slowly rise and fall. It confused him why would a Shadow need rest. Well then again he was a god. There soon a knocking and a guard came walking in and he kneeled before him. “Rise and speak. What news do you bring?” Shadow Stalker said with his strict tone and demonic sounding voice. “Sir he is here.” The guard said. “Ah, good. Send him in.” He Stalker said as he looked down at the sleeping form of Demon. He would never admit it to anyone but he found the way Demon slept kinda cute. “My name little one is σκιά καρδιάς and I will be your teacher.” σκιά καρδιάς said as he looked at the young dragon looking demon. “Um okay.” Shadow Demon said as he looked up at him. Shadow Demon looked over the Horizon sitting at the mouth of the cave waiting for Stalker to return in which he hasn’t yet and he is usually done by then. Demon was about to just go to bed when he get a familiar presence. When he turned his face fell. “What happened? Where did you go?” Shadow Demon asked while hugging the immortal being. “I am fine just a little bruised up a bit, thats all.” Stalker said only to get a look from Demon that said that he was lying. “Fine it was overwhelming. This Lunar Princess can enter and exit, can even control a dream based on the hosts state of mind and I think that it’s best if we sleep tonight we best be on our guard, for she may be watching for us.” Stalker said as he stood up and limbed into the cave and sat on the bed Shadow Demon soon following. Demon sat next to him putting his head on his lap as he closed his eyes and soon fell into a deep slumber