> Clown Town > by PonkaPlatinum > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Clown in the circus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Anon, are you alright?” the large purple Alicorn asks, concern filling her voice as she interrupts her interview with you. You’re taken back to reality and away from your thoughts at her remark, “Yeah, I’m...I’m fine.” It’s been about a day since you’d arrived here in Equestria. From your emotional rollercoaster of joy in realizing you’d finally arrived in the land of magical pastel ponies, and grief in finding out that you’d arrived in post-Season 9 finale. You waited so long to meet your dearly beloved, Pinkamena. So many years grieving in hope, and yet even then by a sick twist of fate, you can finally meet her but not even love her. Well, you can love her, but she can’t return those feelings considering she’s...married...and has a family.    You were filled with so much happiness when you woke up in that forest, with the first instinct of visiting Ponyville, and, well...you know how that story played out. You broke down upon seeing Pinkie when you visited Sugarcube Corner.  You woke up several hours later in Canterlot and here you are now with recolored Celestia. You’d be elated to see her as well but right now you just feel empty, opting to answer her questions while you sort out what happens next. “Well, that should conclude standard protocol. We’re done for now, and as much as I’d like to learn more about you and your kind, I’m too busy with my royal duties. Though I’ll be sure to find out more about you soon enough.” Twilight finalizes. “Is...is that it?” you ask just to make sure considering that that was a pretty short interview, especially for Twilight. “Like I said, yes. You don’t seem to be a threat to Equestria, or anycreature for that matter, so this should do for now.”  Short interview without nerding out? Anycreature? Twilight’s really changed, in more ways than one. “Though before you leave, I do wonder why you broke down on that day. If you don’t me asking, why did you?” the concern fills her expression once more. “I’m sorry, I was just...tired, I guess.” you make up an excuse. You’re pretty sure she doesn’t buy it but she’s just too busy to pry any more than she already has. “I suppose you were taken from your world, and the realization of that paired with being the only one of your kind here can wrack one’s thoughts, perhaps even to the point of breaking down like you did. Though I assure you, Anon, that the creatures of my kingdom will do their best to make you feel at home despite being a stranger in a strange land. With that, you’ll be residing in my old castle in Ponyville. That is, if you wish to do so.” “I’ll take it, Twilight. And thanks.” you address her as you stand from your seat. “No need to thank me, Anon. Here’s a generous bag of bits until you can find a source of income. Unfortunately, you’ll still need to find a job.” You take the bag from her magic, “That’s quite alright. I’ll think of something.” “Well then, if that is all then you better get going. Farewell, Anon. May we meet again soon.” she gives you a brief bow. “Bye, Twilight.” The concern never left her expression, most probably because the emptiness never left yours. You’ve been at the train for a little while now just waiting the remaining hours away. You’ve been staring out the carriage’s window, ignoring all the stares you expected to get. You’re sure Twilight’s gonna let out a notice about you soon enough, but until then… “Hey there, mister. Mind if I sit here?” a voice pipes up from behind you. You turn around to find a white Earth pony with...a pink mane. Nurse Redheart? She does seem a little older though. “S-sure.” you quickly reply. “Thanks!” she climbs atop the seat next to you, or at least tries to because of how her saddlebags are weighing her down. They’re not exactly packin’, but they do look a little heavy if her huffs are any indication. “Let me get those for you.” your instinct pops in as you lift her saddlebags for her and set them down between the two of you. Huh, it’s surprisingly not too heavy despite looking a little bulky. You accidentally sneak a peek inside and notice that there’s a few documents inside among other personal items. It’s almost as if… “You didn’t need my help, did you?” you raise an eyebrow at her, making sure not to exude any hostility. “Just wanted to see how kind my seatmate would be before I settled down. But thanks again, mister…?”  “Anonymous.” you tell her. “Nurse Redheart.” she replies. “Mr. Anonymous, I couldn’t help but notice you were looking pretty down. Bit for your thoughts?”  At least she didn’t approach you because you’re a weird alien. Then again, it does make sense that she’d approached you because of her instinct as a nurse. “I’m quite alright. Just a bit tired, I suppose.” you repeat your lie with Twilight, and like Twilight, you’re pretty sure Nurse Redheart doesn’t buy it either. But she lets up, “I see. So where you headed, Anonymous?” “Just Anon is fine, and my stop’s at Ponyville.” “Really? Me too! It’s been my hometown since I was a little filly.”  Just the response you expected. Might as well keep the ball rolling then. “So where’d you come from?” “You mean earlier? I was on a medical mission in Canterlot.” “Alone?” “Well, I know I’m a little old but I never really did settle with anypony.” she looks a little sad now. “Oh, I’m sorry. I meant like with medical colleagues or something.” “O-oh! My apologies!” a crimson blush coats her pristine white fur as she averts her gaze from you. “I never really had the time to find a special somepony, and I guess I never met anypony I liked that way.”  She’s silent now, lost in her own thoughts of loneliness. Damn it! You gotta do something. “So about that medical mission?”  Her trance gets broken upon hearing your question, and she seems to have returned to how she was just a short while ago. “Oh, of course! So I was there at Canterlot with supplies in hoof…”  That sure was one hell of a train ride. You would’ve slept the entire way had Nurse Redheart not approached you, and gosh darn are you glad she did. You had plenty of fun with her, sharing your stories and culture as she did the same, often putting in a dumb joke to share a little laugh.  She did tire after a few hours. With a stretch and a yawn, she kindly ended the conversation with you to sleep. She did move around a lot in her slumber, even to the point of landing her head on your thigh. You didn’t complain of course, choosing instead to just stroke her pink mane.  “Dear passengers, we have arrived at Ponyville! Please make your way out if this is your stop! The train will depart once more shortly!” the train conductor announces through the PA system.  “Hey, wake up. It’s our stop.” you lightly shake Nurse Redheart along her withers. In a few seconds, she’s gotten up and has slowly registered current local events. “Hmmm...thanks for waking me up.” she affectionately leans on you as her drowsiness still hasn’t quite left her yet.  You simply respond with a smile as you ruffle her mane once more. With her eyes still closed, she gets up with her saddlebags and shakes herself off of her sleepy state.  In a little bit, you’re both standing at Ponyville’s train station with luggage in tow. The place is packed with creatures from many different species. You’re getting a few looks, but from Equestria’s increased diversity, that’ll probably naturally end soon.  “So I guess this is it. I’ll see you around, Anon.” she stands on her hooves and gives you a hug around your waist. Huh, at least ponies are still very affectionate. It brings a spark of joy in your heart, but not enough to turn your grief upside down. You still find yourself smiling like an absolute dumbass though.  Quickly, you return the gesture to her with both of your arms. With your luck, that’s the only hug you’ll get in a while. Letting go, she strikes you a smile before trotting off. The final thing you give her is a wave goodbye. Alone once again...whatever will you do? Probably head on over to Twilight’s castle. Glimglam might have a few things to discuss with you. Stepping off the train station and into Ponyville, your vision is assaulted with tons of confetti shot out of a cannon.  You never thought you’d ever be so disheartened to see such a sight, especially knowing that you’d only see such a sight if one specific pony is present.  “Hey there stranger! I’ve never seen you around here before! Well, except for a few hours ago when you broke down, but that’s why your party pony Pinkie’s here to help cheer you up!” the cheerful pink pony greets you. You can’t deal with this. Not now. You decide to walk past her, hoping that she’ll leave you alone eventually. Though knowing her, she probably won’t. “Actually, I’ve never seen ANYcreature like you before!” ... “What’s wrong, mister? You seem down in the dumps.”  You don’t respond. Just keep walking. “Well lil ol’ Pinkie’s gonna throw you a super duper fun party that’ll turn that frown upside down!” God...you can’t take it. It almost physically hurts. “Here’s the appetizer!” she shoves a vanilla cupcake in your mouth.  It tastes amazing…it tastes so damn good... In any other situation, you’d shower her with compliments and hug her with all your might, but you’re not in any other situation. You start to tear up and let the waterworks run free, not from joy, but rather, from sorrow. Crying silently, you drop to your knees as you continue chewing on the cupcake.   “O-oh no! Is it something I said? Did I underbake the cupcake? Are you allergic to vanilla?” she draws closer to you and starts to jitter in fear that she did something wrong. Her sky blue eyes stare at you in worry, awaiting an answer. You reach your hand out and cup her cheek, “It’s...it’s not your fault, Pinkie. I just...need some time alone right now.” You stand up slowly and start to walk away slowly. You don’t need to turn around to know that she isn’t following you anymore. You enter the castle after a little walk and roam around a bit, looking for the lavender pony that is Starlight. Friday evening, she should be here by now.  As expected, you find her in the library, reading “The Count of Mounte Cristo” while she drinks some chamomile tea. Before entering the room, you wipe your eyes a little with your arm. “Hey Glimglam.” you call out, to which she flinches and almost spills her tea in her magic. “Oh, sorry about that. Didn’t mean to startle you, and I should probably just call you ‘Starlight’.” you apologize. “No no, that’s fine. I kinda like that nickname too.” You smile a little. At least some things stay the same. “So Twilight told me a little about you while you were on your way here, Anonymous. I presume she told you a little about me too considering you already know my name.” she starts. You nod, but she simply starts to examine your face a little. “That’s odd, your eyes seem a little red. Were you...crying?” she asks in a mix of confusion and concern. “No, I’m just peachy, Starlight. Must’ve gotten it while I was sleeping on the train.” “I don’t mean to pry too much, but as a guidance counselor, I have to ask, are you okay? You kinda broke down earlier.” “Yeah, don’t worry. I guess I just didn’t get enough sleep, but I’m good now.”  “Well, that’s good to hear.” she breathes a sigh of relief before cantering up to you. “Would you like to have a tour of your new home now?” “Gladly.” After about an hour of a tour around the castle, the two of you return to the library.  “So you’ll be living here for as long as you’d like, and that should cover everything you need to know for now about the castle.” “Thanks, Glimmy.” She blushes a little at your second nickname. “Soooooo, any questions?” “Not really.” “Great! Now that all that’s done, I can’t wait to learn so much about you and your species!” “Actually, I’m from another world, and maybe even another dimension.” you inform Starlight, who’s now in awe. “You are!? Errrrr, I mean, you are? Oooooh there’s so much to discover!” Well, you always guessed Starlight would react like that, but right now she’s reminding you of Twilight in the past. The room grows silent as Starlight’s stomach rumbles pretty loudly, “Hehe, I guess that can all wait. I’ve got lots of school work to tend to as well.” “How about dinner first then before anything else?” you suggest. “That sounds lovely.” Soon enough, the two of you arrive in the dining room.  You find “Big guy” Spike and Trixie already serving some food as you enter the room.  “Starlight, who is your hairless ape friend?” Trixie asks nonchalantly. “Trixie! That’s rude!” Starlight reprimands her friend, but you simply find her attitude to be amusing. Memories of the familiar past make you feel better. “Anyway, this is Anonymous. He’s a human. Anon, this is Spike and this is Trixie.” Starlight introduces you to each other. “That’s new. We haven’t seen anycreature like you around here before.” Spike adds. “That’s because I’m from another world.” you explain.  “Really?” Spike and Trixie both turn towards you. “Lecture later. Food now.” you say like s trog to which Starlight hums in agreement. You all take a seat at the table as you examine the food, “Oh dear.” The table is decorated with food you cannot consume. Whether it be flowers in bread or the muffins with worms inhabiting it. “Is there something wrong?” Spike asks upon noticing your worried expression. “I can’t exactly eat flowers.”  “Wanna have some of my worm muffins then?” he politely offers. “Errr, can’t eat those too.” “The worms or the muffins? Trixie is curious.” Trixie slips in a question. “The worms of course.” you answer her. “How about fruits then? If you can eat those then have some of the blueberry muffins.” Starlight suggests. “Oh, those are blueberry?” you ask, pointing towards a batch of muffins next to Spike’s worm muffins that you now realize is not being infested with worms. “Yup, just make sure you grab the right one.” with a snicker, Starlight returns to her meal. You grab one and start to munch down on it, making sure you did grab the right one. The sweet taste of blueberry confirms it.  “So, have you been enjoying your stay here in Equestria?” Spike asks as he takes a generous bite of his muffins. “You mean in the last few hours? Well, not bad I guess.” you half-lie. “Any mares catch your eye yet?” Trixie playfully waggles her eyebrows at you.  Her little joke lingers your thoughts back to a certain pink mare.  “Anon, are you okay?” Starlight asks in worry as you zone out. Silence ensues as everyone has stopped eating to look at you in worry. “Anon?” Starlight continues. “Oh, I’m sorry. I think I just need to have a little stroll for now.” You pick up another blueberry muffin and politely excuse yourself from the table.  The three of them look at you with concern until you turn the corner out of the dining room. You just roam around the empty halls and rooms of the castle, reminiscing old episodes you still remember and immersing yourself in the new beauty and tragedy of your life. You eventually find yourself in the castle’s balcony with the absence of the muffin you were carrying as it’s now all in your stomach.  Overseeing the new Ponyville that you’re not familiar with, you zone out once more in your thoughts while you take in the still-majestic view plastered with the starry night sky.  That is, until you hear a knock behind you. Through the large castle doors stands Spike. “Hey there, you okay? I figured you could eat other fruits too so I brought you some cider. Well, I’m still not sure if you can drink it but if you can, here’s some.” He walks into the balcony with you as you take his comfort drink, “Thanks, Spike.” “Oh, well, I’m glad you can drink it.” You notice that there’s another drink with him, one for him you suppose. He takes a sip of the frothy, cold cider as you both gaze into Luna’s horizons. How surreal. You’re having quite the moment with a dragon, looking out onto a humble little town of all sorts of species as you both have a go at cider. “Tell me, Spike. Have you ever felt lost?” you throw him something to think about, or rather, you’re hoping his answer can possibly help you. “All the time back when I was still a little dragon, but every time I did, I always knew Twilight would be there to help me.” Well then, it sure would be nice if you had someone to lean on just like Spike did. Alas, you’re not so lucky. “I see. Maybe I’m just tired, but I feel like the world is constantly spiraling down against me. A life long despair, followed by a glimmer of hopes and dreams, and then the sucker punch that I may not recover from. I guess I just feel torn apart right now. You ever feel that, Spike?” “If it’s anything that I imagine you’re going through, I can’t say I have. Mind telling me?” The mood is set for that conversation, but maybe now’s not the best time. “Sorry, maybe I shouldn’t go too much into detail yet. Maybe I’ll tell you soon enough. And even with everything going on right now, I’m still doing okay I guess, so don’t worry about me too much.” you take a swig of your cider. “I’ll be waiting until then. If you need somecreature to talk to, I’m always here.” Spike takes a sip of his cider as you both look out once more onto Ponyville. “Life’s a circus, and I’m the clown. Or rather, we’re all the clowns.” you snicker and down the rest of your cider as you notice Spike raising an eyebrow at you. “Honk honk.” you smile at Spike as he finds himself laughing at your surreal comment. “I’ll be turning in for the night, big guy. You take it easy now.” you pay his shoulder as you walk past him. “Good night, Anon. I hope your first night sleeping here will be great.”  “I’ll try to get used to it.” > Learning the act > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You feel a warm and soft object prodding all over your face, assaulting you away from your slumbers before even the sunlight can. A resonating voice does the same as well as the sound becomes more and more coherent. “...non, wake up.”  You open one eye to see that it’s Trixie. You wonder what’s going on, and what time it is. Noticing your awakening, Trixie stops poking you before she accidentally hits your eye.  In response, you boop her nose as you get up in a seated position. As you do, you pretend not to see the glare she’s giving you from your shameless act of harassment. You take a look by the window. It seems the sun has barely risen over the horizon, lighting up the environment but not enough to remove the soft blue scenery.  “Good morning, Trixie. I take it you need me for something?” you yawn and stretch around a bit as you wait for her response. “Trixie just wanted to make sure you were not dead.”  You give her a blank stare. She gives you a blank stare. You both simply stare at each other until you respond, “I’m not.”  Yet.  Not for a second time, at least. “That was a joke. Trixie expected you to laugh.”  “Oh. Well I did find it funny.”  “Trixie really woke you up because Starlight said she needed to have a word with you.” she reveals just as you stand by your bedside. Have a word with you?  The only time anyone words it like that is when it’s bad news. “Do you know anything about it?” you ask. “Perhaps. Though Trixie thinks it’s better for you to find out for yourself. Fair enough.  “Come, the holiest meal of the day is ready and awaits shelter in your stomach.”  Breakfast? Beautiful. You follow Trixie out your room and you soon arrive by the dining room. “Starlight, Trixie woke the hyoo-man up.” Trixie takes a seat next to the lavender mare.  “Good morning, Starlight.” you greet.”   “Trixie! I told you to just check if he’s awake! By Celestia, you never do what I ask!” Starlight reprimands. “You love me anyway.” Trixie kisses Starlight on her muzzle. Starlight quickly loses her steam as she stares at Trixie. Her anger quickly turns into light chuckles as she finds herself smiling, “Well...that I do. I’m sorry I got mad at you. I guess I’ve just been too tense lately.”  “Starlight is forgiven.” Trixie assures her. Cracking a smile, they both lean in for a hug.  “Should I come back another time?” you interrupt after a moment of silence. “Oh. Please, come eat with us. You can take what you want from the fridge.” Starlight addresses you after breaking from her embrace. “Thanks.” you take up her offer. A conversation ensues as you rummage through the fridge.   “Hey, Anon.” Starlight starts. “Yeah?” “We never really got to ask what your usual diet is.” she points out. “Well, there’s livestock meat, fruits and vegetables. That’s about the basics of it.” you sum up as you find your holy grail, “But this oatmeal should do for now.” “Meat? We don’t have any here but that can be arranged.” Starlight offers you a seat as her words intrigue you. “Wait, really? I thought ponies don’t eat meat.” you take a seat. “Recent social diversities in Equestria has greatly changed our system. With the increase of carnivores to a great degree, some markets selling meat were constructed for them.” Trixie explains for Starlight. “Oh, right.” You almost forgot where you were. You seem almost brood, but you catch yourself before Starlight or Trixie can. Though you do catch Trixie looking at your oatmeal, and there’s a hint of distaste on her face. “Something wrong?” you ask politely. “No no. Trixie does not favor oatmeal for such a holy meal, but your taste are not yours. However, the Generous and Compassionate Trixie is willing to share some of her breakfast with you.” she kindly offers. Ah, fair enough.  “Thanks for the offer.” It seems they’re both having strawberry and blueberry pancakes with chocolate chip cookies. Starlight steals a chomp out of Trixie’s plate of pancakes. “Hey! That was not offered for-” Trixie starts to protest, until she’s cut off by Starlight shoving a fork of her pancakes in her mouth. Starlight chuckles as she chews down her pancakes and swallows before planting a kiss on Trixie’s muzzle, winning her a blush from Trixie. Cute.   You could really use some oatmeal right now though, but you’re down for some cookies and pancakes tomorrow. “Oh, you wanted to talk about something right, Starlight?” “Actually, I did. I take it you’ve met our resident party-pony, Pinkie Pie.” “...” “...” “Mind if we take this outside?” you request. “If that makes you feel better.” You both leave Trixie at the dining table as you both enter the hallway, though you bring your oatmeal with you. “So...when Pinkie found out you’d be staying here, she told me about what happened with you.” Starlight starts. Word sure goes around fast here. Then again, Starlight IS a guidance counselor. It would only make sense for ponies to come talk to her about things. “Starlight, do you know why I like eating oatmeal so much?” “No, I don’t know. Mind telling me?” “Neither do I. I don’t really like it much either, actually. But I guess there’s a part of me that likes it so much because of how bland it tastes to remind me that maybe feeling nothing at all is better than feeling anything else.”  That was a little edgy, but thoughts like that do scatter around in your head from time to time. “Are you trying to tell me something?” she raises an eyebrow at you. “If I am then it’s something you can’t find out yet, and I’m not gonna tell you.”  She glares at you with an expression of worry and annoyance. Good grief.  You groan, “If I promise to patch things up with Pinkie, will you drop it?” “For now, yes. But when the time comes, I’d appreciate it if you tell me what’s going on.”  What really is going on? Well, all you know is that you don’t feel great about it. … “Hey, it’s okay. I’ll be here if you need me.” she places a hoof on your thigh as she looks deep into your eyes with compassion. You drop to your knees and put down the bowl I oatmeal on the floor to give Starlight a tight hug. Just what you need right now.’ “Hope you don’t mind.” “Not at all.” You bring her closer and closer until you realize you’ve taken a bit too long, so you let her go. “Thanks. Anyway, you know a place where I can get a job?” “I have an idea. You wanna go now?”  “Now’s a better time than any.”  “Nice place.”  You soon found yourself roaming around the halls of Twilight’s school. It certainly looks better than in the pictures.  “We maintain the place well.” Starlight explains. You’re accompanied by Starlight. Trixie had some other business to take care of first. “So that job, I’m guessing it’s to be a teacher?” you ask. “Yup. Well, that is, if you think there’s something you can teach.”  “Hmmmm…. I might have something in mind.”  “Great, you can check out the school first then come back to me if you think you might like working here. I’ll go finish up some paperwork in the meantime.”  Starlight trots off into the many hallways of the school, leaving you to your own devices. The halls seem pretty empty for the most part, but then again, it’s a Saturday. You roam around for a few hours, just aimlessly remembering, well…everything. Was everything you lived for all for naught? … No. It’s not the time to think like that, not yet. In an attempt to feel better, you try to think of the many happy things that you can do now that you’re in the magical land of horse show. Tea time with Fluttershy. Scheduled exercise with Rainbow Dash. Tailoring with Rarity. Apple farming with Applejack. Lengthy discussions with Twilight. And- Oh...right… Guess that little motivational attempt didn’t work. Now that you think about it, you probably can’t do most of that now that things have changed. … At least you can still do things with everyone else. Maybe even better things, like flying kites with Starlight. You’ll talk to her about that soon. Your spirits are slightly lifted, but not enough to fill your empty and hollow expression with life.  An expression so devoid of empathy that a certain blue Pegasus takes notice.’ “Hey champ, you don’t look too hot. You alright?” In front of you is, as you’d know it, Rainbow Dash. Complete with her Wonderbolts jacket and new hairstyle. She keeps herself flying steady to stay face-to-face with you as a look of concern is all over her face. “Oh, hey. Sorry, I’m fine. Just...thinking.” It seems that the diversity here’s so abundant that you’re not exactly a peculiar anomaly, even if you are one of a kind. She hovers a little less before landing on the ground to stand properly before you. “Mind if I ask what you’re thinking about?” she asks. “Just about getting a job here. But I guess I’m pretty dead set on it already.”  “You’re gonna start working here? Awesome! You don’t have any idea how long it’s been since we got new staff here.” she hops in place, a little to giddy. Guess new faces are very welcome here. “So what’ll you be teaching?” she continues, breaking your train of thought. “Oh, well. That’s...a secret.” you give her a smug grin as she pouts at you. “Actually, I’m just a little hesitant about it. I’m not entirely sure if it’s a great subject.” you voice out your concern. “Well, if you ask me, just follow your heart.” ...How fitting.  Your heart yearns to be loved, but why did it end up like this? No, shake those thoughts off buddy. Now’s not the time. “Thanks, uhhhh…?” you feign ignorance of her identity. “Rainbow Dash.” “Anonymous. Anon, for short.” you extend your hand out as she hoofs it in return.   “Well then, Anon. I’ll see you around. I still got some work to finish but I really hope you get the job.” she stretches her whole body as she says so. “Thanks. I’ll see you around too.” you manage to reply right before she bursts off with a beat of her wings. “Oh, hey Anon. Have you decided yet?” Starlight just rounded the corner of the hallways before noticing you. “Actually. Yeah, I have. I wanna teach literature.” Starlight was happy to hear that you wanted to work at the school. Of course, an interview was still due to see if you’re up for the job. Strangely enough, an interview was already set. Today. Then again, the place didn’t seem to be terribly busy on a Saturday. That’s why you’re here now, at lunch, with Fluttershy. As employee of pretty much every month, she’s designated in hiring new staff to see if they’re up to par. You kinda hope you won’t get the job, but as things are now, this is probably the most ideal job you can have. Nice place, not too far, it’s not that bad. “What would you like to order?” a blue unicorn waitress approaches your table. “I’ll have a salad, please.” Fluttershy meekly orders. “A burger for me.” you order. With a quick scribble, the waitress smiles at both of you and goes off to get your food ready. You look around the restaurant as you wait for your meal. It’s really nostalgic being here. It’s a classy and humble little diner. Black and white square tiles, red stools, the scent of fried food, the works. It’s also been opened rather recently according to Starlight. There’s all sorts of different species dining happily in it right now, mainly due to the fact that it’s run by a griffon so the place sells meat meals too. “How have you been since you got here, Anon?” Fluttershy takes you out of your reminiscing. “Oh, well. It’s been pretty good I’d say. Everyone’s been so nice since I got here.” Before she can reply, a small flash of light appears beside her. “Having lunch without silly ol’ me, hmmmmm?”  “Oh, Discord. I’m just interviewing somecreature for a position to be a teacher at Twilight’s school.”  Fluttershy’s focus returns to you as she implies you don’t know Discord. “Oh, Anon. This is Discord. He’s my, well…. He’s my, hihihihi.” Both Discord and Fluttershy starts giggling with each other. “Anon, eh? Good to see you.” Discord extends his paw for a handshake after both of them settle down.  You give it a grasp in return.  Oh? Well that’s a rather tight grip he’s got there. You also notice a hint of hostility on his eyes. You’re still on the safe zone considering you don’t see Fluttershy that way. Perhaps it’s your madness getting to you, but you crack him a smile in return. “Well then, it’s best I take my leave. Good luck and have fun, dear.” Discord plants a kiss on Fluttershy’s forehead before disappearing. Fluttershy seems to have a light blush on her cheeks as she stares at where Discord just was. After a second, she shakes off her thoughts to return to her business, “O-oh my! I’m sorry you had to see that. It’s not rare for Discord to do that, especially when I’m at work.” “Don’t worry about it. The day’s still lovely.” “Here’s your orders!” the waitress returns once more, this time with food in tow in her magic. You and Fluttershy give your thanks to her as she leaves with a smile.  You inspect the burger that’s now in your hands. It looks just like a regular burger you’d find in a regular diner.     “Oh, don’t worry. That burger’s ethically made.” Fluttershy comments. Well then. That’s certainly not strange of her to say given how much things have changed, but it’s certainly a little different from the Fluttershy you remember.  You look at the burger once more, wondering how ethical is ethical enough for Fluttershy to approve. As you stare, she says, “I wouldn’t worry about the interview if I were you. This is just supposed to be lax and fun, everything technical will be taken care of by Starlight. I’m just here to see if you’re suitable to be a teacher.” “Thanks, but I suppose I shouldn’t keep you from your meal.” “Oh, right. Let’s eat!” The interview was pretty standard. A couple questions here and there as you both ate your meals in peace. Questions like what you would do in certain situations and things you’ve done.  You insisted on paying for both your meals considering how Twilight gave you a rather generous amount of bits to help you get settled in. Eventually, she let up and you paid for the bill, making sure to leave a nice little tip for the kind mare waitress that served you. “So why literature?” Fluttershy asks as you’re both nearing the entrance of Twilight’s school. “I’m not really too sure myself, but I for one think that it’s a branch of philosophy and that’s something really special that a lot of folks could really use.”  “Really?” “Well, I suppose it’s also to help me find my place in this world. To find out what really is my purpose in life.” you look up to the orange sky as its shining sun will soon set, “I don’t exactly feel like I’m on top of the world every morning I wake up, but whenever I look at Celestia’s bright horizons or Luna’s starry night sky, I feel like there’s more to life than just this. Like it’s all bigger than it really is. Like all of this means something.”  You catch yourself just going off.  “Oh, sorry. Don’t mind me. It’s just thoughts I get on the get go.” you excuse yourself. “You can speak your mind if you feel like you need to get something out of your system. I don’t mind listening.”  “Perhaps that’s a tale for me to tell another time. Are we done with the interview now?” you ask, seeing as the day is almost over. You both did have lunch a little late. “Hmmmm...one more thing. Could you tell me something poetic?”  Really? That’s it? Time to spew inspiring nonsense then. “In the long journey that I’d treaded, perhaps it was I who was the fool all along. A repetitious process of moving forward, blinded by the treasures of the end not realizing that the final steps we take will all be for naught, for the end has no merits. We keep walking, but we don’t know the reason…. No...there’s a glimmer of hope in every step we take, a sign that proves that perhaps not all is lost. We have not much, but we have a little faith, and that...that much is enough. We’re all clowns at the end of the day, so let’s go out with a bang, living merrily in our long path towards the unknown without a care for what lies in the end. Come now, fellow clowns. The circus awaits.”  That was pretty edgy. And a little cringe. But hey, whatever sounds like it comes from an old book about inspirational messages is good enough in your book of bullshit. “We good?” you ask right after. “Mhmm. We’ll tell you what’s going to happen after a few deliberations. I should go home now though. Discord’s waiting for me. Have a good day now, Anon.”  “You too.”  A portal opens up as Fluttershy walks through. Seeing what’s inside, it’s definitely the chaos dimension. Well then, better go back to the castle. “E-excuse me, mister. Your name is Anon, right?” … Well then… You turn around to answer the pink pony that’s almost a little too worried, “That’s short for Anonymous, yes.”  “I just wanted to apologize for yesterday. I didn’t mean to make you so upset.”   “Again Pinkie, it’s not your fault. I was just...a little out of it, I needed some time alone. I guess I just didn’t feel important enough to be around.” you don’t really feel like lying to her too much when you don’t have to. Pinkie’s about to burst an inspirational and motivational speech that’ll probably go on for a long while just to try to make you feel better, but you prevent her from doing so with a finger to her muzzle, “But I’m fine now, and I don’t mind having some company around.”  “Well, I was just about to go home and have dinner with my family. You can come with! B-but that’s only if you’d like.” You’d really rather not, but given the situation, it might be a little rude to decline. “Sure, I guess. I don’t really have anything planned tonight.” you answer, knowing you’ll regret what’s to come. “Great!” with a comical off-screen dash, she grabs your hand and you find yourself in front of Sugarcube Corner.  You’re not too surprised that just happened, even if Twilight’s school isn’t too far from here. As a matter of fact, it’s bringing you some nostalgia.  “Here we are!” she leads you inside where your eyes are met by Li’l Cheese playing with plush toys on the floor with Pumpkin Cake. Must be closing time already. “Hi Pumpkin! Hey there kiddo!” Pinkie reaches in and nuzzles her son, an action that he returns in kind to his mother. “Hey Pinkie! Who’s your friend? Is that Anon?” Pumpkin addresses with a little excitement.  “Yes indeedly! I invited him over for dinner.”  “Well then, welcome to Ponyville Mr. Anon!” Pumpkin greets. “Thanks. I’ve been enjoying my stay so far.”  “So where’s Cheese?” Pinkie asks Pumpkin. “He’s been making dinner. He should be done in a little while.”  “I’ll go help him out then.” Pinkie replies just as she enters the swinging doors to the kitchen, leaving you with Pumpkin and Li’l Cheese. The mere sight of this place revolts you. You’re not sure how long you can keep a straight face here. You try to ease your mind by focusing on Pumpkin playing with Li’l Cheese. Okay, that’s not helping at all. Just pretend he’s not her’s.  “Hey champ, how you doin’?”  “Are you a monkey?” he asks. “I’m sorry. He’s still at the age where he’s a little blunt about things.” Pumpkin apologizes for Li’l Cheese. You don’t really mind though. It’s cute, if anything. “That’s quite alright. And no, I’m not a monkey. I’m a human.” you answer his question. “What’s a human?” he follows up. “Well, let me tell you.” You had a nice little talk with Pumpkin and Li’l Cheese. Mostly talking about yourself and answering the questions they’d asked, but it was a nice talk anyway. Li’l Cheese did seem to enjoy your hand ruffling his mane. You could tell by how much he leaned into your ear scratches.Pumpkin seemed to think it was cute too.  A few minutes later after Pinkie shouted that dinner was ready, Pumpkin led you and Li’l Cheese to the dining room.  Once you enter, there he is. “There’s the stallion of the hour!” Cheese Sandwich trots next to you and wraps his hooves around your shoulder in a friendly manner. Despite his kind demeanor, you feel yourself boiling up inside. You can tolerate Li’l Cheese because he seems like a nice foal, but Cheese...well… “Nice to meetcha, Anon!” he greets. “Good to see you too. Full name’s Anonymous.” you force courtesy out of yourself. “Mine’s Cheese Sandwich, this wonderful mare’s husband.” he points to Pinkie, winning him a blush from her. “Oh, you must be hungry! Let’s eat!” Cheese says as everyone, including you, takes a seat on the dining table. Pound Cake must be busy working or something then, considering how only his sister is here. “Pasta!” Li’l Cheese cheers upon seeing the grand dinner that’s prepared. A nice bowl of vegetarian pesto pasta.  “That’s right, buddy! Your favorite. Eat up!”  The bowl is passed and everyone takes a decent amount for their plates.  “So Anon, I heard you were feeling a little lonely.” Cheese breaks the silence. Those weren’t exactly your words, but you suppose that likely assumption can be derived from what you said.  “Well, you wouldn’t be wrong.” you tell him. Quite truthfully even though you’ve known them all for quite a long time, you don’t actually have much friends here yet. You doubt it’s that difficult to make any in the first place, but still, you really don’t have much friends here yet. “If you’re interested, I can be your wingpony. You don’t really need to if you don’t want me to though. I’d understand.” he offers.  Well then… You suppose relationships do solve that problem of loneliness, and you do need some love, but you didn’t except this. “Ooooh! Anon! Cheese is a really super duper great wingpony! I guarantee it!” Cheese and Pumpkin giggle at Pinkie’s enthusiasm as Li’l Cheese eats away. “S-sure, I guess.” you answer with a little reluctance. “Great! Let me tell you Anon, I’m gonna find the perfect lady for you!” … You feel your anger subsiding as it converts itself to sorrow.  What the hell are you doing?  Here you are, agreeing to having your dearly beloved’s husband find a lady for you.  You just feel...empty.  Everyone seems to be having a good time while you just put on a facade of joy.  You wonder what’s gonna happen to you from now on.  Can you really be okay like this? > At you, not with you > --------------------------------------------------------------------------  “Good job, Anon. Looks like you really do have what it takes.” Starlight commends you. “Thanks.” It’s Monday afternoon and you just finished your first day’s work of teaching students about poetry and literature. It wasn’t too difficult. It was actually rather fun when things started to get philosophical. Of course, that came rather late into the session as the first few parts were introductions. Everyone seemed pretty excited after realizing that there’d be a new teacher and subject in their flexible curriculum. They got especially intrigued when they found out a new creature was gonna be their teacher. Standard questions were thrown your way here and there, questions like “How old are you?” which you refused to answer until such a time came. In the collective chatter, you’d even heard some gossiping about you as they giggled like schoolgirls. Did some of them take a liking to you in that way? It was flattering, but nothing more. The rest of the dominoes fall as expected. You’re a little happy that they enjoyed the subject, but right now, the rest of the day follows. “So when do I get paid again?” you ask Starlight as you gather your class lists, schedules and materials to head to the faculty. “End of the week at a hundred bits. We’ll significantly bump up your salary in four weeks though.” she explains. Ah, loyalty bonuses. A little early from what you’ve come to know, but you’ll take it.  Not that it matters much anyway. You have...a few more pressing matters to think about. “Hey, it’s okay. I know it’s not much but Trixie and I will help you with the expenses in the meantime.” Starlight notices your contemplative expression.  “Thank you again, Starlight. But I’m not worried about that.” “Oh, you looked like you were lost in thought for a second there. If you don’t mind me asking, what were you thinking about?”  “I don’t know…” you feel reluctant to tell her about it. “C’mon, Anon. I used to be the school’s guidance counselor. You can tell me anything.”  “Hmmm...fine. I...have a date tonight.” you reveal. “O-oh, really?” she starts to snicker to herself. “Hey, what’s so funny?”   “It’s nothing. I’m just a little amused. You’ve barely been here for a few days and you’ve already managed to get yourself a date.” she explains herself. “Well, I didn’t expect it myself either.” You can’t believe Cheese already managed to set you up after that short of a time. Of course, it’s a blind date. You don’t really know who you’re gonna see, but you’re fairly certain he’s thoughtful enough to find females that aren’t too picky about race. At the very least, he was kind enough to inform you about it a day before it happens. “In any case, I’m happy for you. I still remember what it used to be like with me and Trixie when we were starting out.” you both arrive at the faculty office as you make your way to your designated area. You drop all your stuff on the table and stretch your muscles around a bit from the exhausting day, “It must’ve been sweet, I’m sure.”  “It still is.” Starlight forms a smile on her face as she reminisces the past. You take a look at the wall clock in the room. 4 PM, early enough to prepare for the date at 7 PM, “Well, I better get to it then. Don’t wanna be late now.”  “Have fun.” she calls out as you leave.  “Thanks, mom.”  You swear that by the corner of your eye, you see a hefty pout. 6:55 PM and you’re all set waiting for your date at the same diner you had lunch with Fluttershy. Apparently, the place is quite a lot fancier at night, though you’re not so fancy yourself. You look decent with the standard white t-shirt and jeans, but not dashing. You didn’t really plan on dressing up for the occasion anyway, but you still need to get some clothes for every occasion from Rarity soon.  “Good evening, sir. Waiting for somecreature?” the same pony waitress from before. “Actually, yes. Yes I am. And if it’s not too much to ask, could I have a rose in this vase instead? If you have any at all, that is.” you gesture your hand towards the daisy in the vase at the center of the table. You’re not really interested in dating anyone right now, but you’ll at least be courteous enough to show this lady a good time. “We have some in stock just for occasion, sir. I’ll get one right away.” “Thanks. Say, what’s your name?” you ask with the feeling that you’ll see her a lot more often from now on. “It’s Pearl, sir. Pearl Shores.” she reveals. “Anonymous, long for Anon.” you return. “Well then Mr. Anonymous, good luck on your date. And have fun.” she waggles her eyebrows at you as she leaves to bring you your rose. You feel your spirits lift with that little exchange.  “Hey there!” you hear a familiar voice from beside you. “Oh, hi Pumpkin. What brings you here? I don’t suppose you’re my date for tonight.”  She giggles at your response, “Actually, I am.” “O-oh, I had no idea you were, ummmm…interested in me.” you feel your cheeks turn a shade of crimson. “Nah, I’m just here for the free grub.” she plops herself down on the empty seat in front of you. “W-wait, really?”  “Not really. I decided to be your first date because you seemed a little off when you had dinner with us last time. And no, I’m not really interested in looking for my special somecreature yet.” she explains herself. “Oh…” well now you just feel even more flustered.  In your moment of embarrassment, you feel a hoof from across the table comforting your hand, “Hey, it’s okay. I know it’s not really a date, but we can still have a good time. But before everything, I just wanna ask, is everything alright?”  “Y-yeah, I’m doing just fine. I guess I’m still getting used to how the ball rolls, but I think I’ll settle well.”  “Well, I guess I’ll just have to take your word for it. If you say you’re fine, then let’s enjoy ourselves tonight, yeah?”  “Yeah.” you agree, as you could use some fun right now. “That’s the spirit!” Pumpkin cheers. “Here you are, sir!” Pearl arrives with your rose in her magic. Swiftly, she switches out the daisy in the vase. “Are you two ready to order?” she asks as she holds a notepad and an inked quill in her magic. You notice Pumpkin eyeing the rose curiously.  “Could you give us a minute?” you tell her. “Certainly. Just give me a holler when you’re both good to go. I’ll be around serving other tables in the meantime.” with a beaming smile, she trots off. “Is that for me?” Pumpkin asks with a slight blush on her cheeks.  “Well, it was, until I found out you’re my date tonight. But I guess it still is.”  “Well, I must say I’m flattered. You sure know how to treat a mare right. If I was looking for a coltfriend right now then you’d be off to a great start!” she praises. “Well, you’re not though. But thanks.”  With a giggle, she continues, “I know, I know. But that doesn’t mean you can’t change my mind.” she throws a stunning set of bedroom eyes down your way. You feel yourself heating up again at her mere gaze. Noticing your timid expression, she  relents, “Alright, that’s enough out of me for now. So, what do you wanna eat?”  You had a good time with Pumpkin. Nice conversations about whatever came up coupled with good food seemed to make your day. You’d even go as far as to say that the Sweet and Sour Pork with fried rice alone might’ve been able to make your day. Overall, that certainly ended better than you expected.  After paying for the meal and leaving another generous tip for the great service, you find yourself outside the restaurant with Pumpkin. “You enjoy yourself tonight?” you ask her. “Sure did!” she beams a wide smile up at you. “Glad to hear it.” you run your hand through her mane as an affectionate gesture. Pumpkin seems to be lost in her thoughts of contemplation after you retract your hand. “Bit for your thoughts?” you ask her. “Oh, it’s nothing. Just found something on the ground over here.” she replies. “Hmmm? What is it?” “It’s right here. Come closer.” You kneel down and observe the stone terrain before you. “Where? I don’t see anyth-” Pumpkin gives you a quick peck on the cheek before bolting towards the direction of Sugarcube Corner.  “That doesn’t mean anything!” she shouts at you just as she’s traveled too far for you to see her. You catch yourself smiling from her kiss. Though quite chaste, it’s a nice way to end the night. That was probably the last time you had a fairly joyful day. It’s been about three weeks and Cheese didn’t give up easy when he found out that Pumpkin didn’t hook up with you after that date. You had at least six more dates after that night with Pumpkin. You didn’t really care to count, but if one thing’s for sure, it’s that you got set on a lot of dates in a short span of time.  Your multiple dates came in variety too. There were changelings, griffons, hippogriffs, the works. Despite being from different species, they all seemed like nice ladies. Though you didn’t settle with anyone since you’re not really looking to find someone you love. You already found one after all… That’s why every date you had, your thoughts would always be clouded with the future that could’ve been. Questions kept popping up in your head, questions like what Pinkie and Cheese are doing while you’re on your date, what you could be doing with Pinkie had this not been the world you’d gone into, why this is all happening… You feel like you’re being played like a damn fiddle!  Your dates always seemed interested in you, but at some point, you got tired of it. You eventually went to ‘The Brown Keg’, the local bar in Ponyville. You’re not really a drunkard, but you could really use a drink after everything. Thankfully, alcohol is well over surplus in supply in the economy, so it’s relatively cheap. Cheaper than meat, at least.  “Another one?” the bartender, Beerstein McBooze, asks you. He’s a humble fellow that’s aged well with his wisdom. He’s just like the classical cool bartender you’d find back on Earth, complete with the round glasses and mysterious aura, except this time it’s a brown Earth pony stallion. You’re not a lightweight when it comes to drinking, but you’re not a heavyweight either. You’re rough around the middle, just right so that you don’t have to spend terribly too much drinking. Well, you’ll be spending plenty of all your bits if you keep going here. This isn’t exactly your first night here after all. Your colleagues don’t really mind too much about your drinking. Some of them even drink too every now and then. And even though you drank on a few weekdays, your performance in teaching your students was still admirable. Alcohol does pair well often with literature.  “I think I’ll just take another bottle to go.” you answer him. You toss him a bit as he slides over to you a bottle of Kirin Beer. You take a swig before standing up from your stool to leave, “Thanks again, Stein. I’ll see you around.”  “You too, big guy. And take it easy now. As much as I want you coming back here, I think we both know it’s better if you don’t.” he jokes as he returns to wiping the counters. You chuckle at his words as you wobble your way back home. You’ve been wandering for a while now and you feel like you’re going in circles. You don’t even know what time it is anymore, but it’s certainly well beyond midnight. Your vision’s a little blurry and hazy, distorting your perception of the world, but you tread on. With less than half a bottle of beer left, you start to feel the magic of alcohol losing its grasp on you. Though you’re not terribly drunk, you’re certainly more than a little tipsy, enough to send you into an emotional breakdown since you haven’t passed out yet. The last barrier of restraint is broken as you start to tear up.  What the hell are you doing? Everyday you’re just fucking around while your lifelong love is happy with someone else. All those years of clinging on to hope of a better life after death were meaningless, weren’t they? Is this the universe’s way of punishing you?  It all feels so empty and futile. You’ve even resorted to drinking already. God, you’re pathetic! You even feel pathetic! You’re a mess! You’re a mess! You’re a mess! You’re a mess. You raise the beer bottle and take another sip, but your sorrow turns into rage as you do, and so you frustratedly throw the bottle onto the ground.  It shatters, as it should, just as you should wallow in your self-pity. That distant voice of conscience in you pleads you to blame yourself so as to not lash out on others. You try to divert your anger just as Cheese Sandwich pops in your head. You’re incredibly enraged, but he’s a decent fellow, and you shouldn’t be mad at him just because he’s with Pinkie. Your anger takes a turn and you find that you’re mad at yourself. You hate yourself because things turned out this way. You notice a small reflection of light on the ground. You gaze towards it to find that a rather large shard of glass from the beer bottle is glinting in the moonlight.  Do you hate yourself that much? You kneel down and pick it up. You examine it with difficulty since your hands are shaking greatly from fear. Are you really gonna do this? You think about everything. Everything that’s come to be, and everything that most probably will be. That’s right, you’re mad at yourself because you didn’t do this a long time ago. You should’ve done this a long time ago.  Things are better this way… You raise the shard to your neck as you look up to the night sky. You relish in the sights of Luna’s night sky decorated with the moon and the stars. Slowly, you close your eyes, your hand still shaking from the situation you find yourself in. “Fare thee well, my friends…” … And… … … … Nothing… Why…? Why, damn it! Why!? Why can’t you bring yourself to do it!? “God dammit!!!” you scream as you break the shard of glass by throwing it at the ground once more. The waterworks are now broken as you flood in tears, bawling and wailing at how insignificant you feel. “A-Anon!? What happened?”  You feel someone embracing you as they attempt to drag you away from where you lay a pathetic mess of intoxication. You feel yourself growing weaker and weaker with every tear you cry away. You relish in the comfort of the warmth of whoever’s carrying you as you continue to breakdown. The warmth proves to be soothing, as you feel less and less lonely while you press yourself against them until you eventually fall asleep. A mild headache pierces your head just as you slowly awaken from a deep slumber. You don’t remember a great deal from the night before. All that you could piece together in your head among all the hazy recollections is that you went out drinking, contemplated suicide and then someone helped you get to your bed. You’re sure about that last part as you find your arms wrapped around an adorably sleeping lavender pony.  She feels warm. You haven’t felt something this nice in a while. You take a big whiff and curl yourself tighter with the mare in your hands.  She shifts and mumbles slightly every now and then at your every subtle movement.  As you ponder how things ended up like this, you find that your questions are about to get answered as the mare before you yawns and rubs her eyes with a hoof. “Good morning.” you greet her as she opens her eyes to find herself trapped in your embrace. “Good morning, Anon.” she casually returns.  “So, uhhhhh...could you tell me how this happened?”  “I suppose you were a little too drunk to remember.” she chuckles at your confusion. “Yeah, I might’ve had a bit too much last night.” “Seems like you did. You were taking a bit longer than usual to come back so I decided to wait a little longer. Then I heard you scream after a while and then I ran out to find you. You looked a little lost so I took you to your bed.” Huh, that sounds just about right. Still, that doesn’t explain one other thing. “Mind if I ask why you’re here with me?” You notice her grimace at your question. Her hooves tighten around your torso as she buries her muzzle into your chest. “It was only for a brief moment, but...I s-saw you before you screamed.” Starlight reveals as you notice her eyes dampen a little. “Starlight…”  “I know you’re not okay, Anon!” you can feel her overwhelming concern for you. “I’m sorry…” you hold her even tighter. “I know something’s wrong and you’re not telling anycreature about it!”  “...”  You lay there hoping to comfort the silently crying Starlight by stroking her mane. “Please don’t leave us all...I know it hasn’t been long, but nocreature deserves to go out like that…”  For a little moment, only her tears can be heard echoing throughout the room. Slowly, she composes herself to faint whimpers. With a gentle hand, you cup her cheek to look her in the eyes as she looks up. “Thank you, Starlight.”  She sniffles before asking you, “F-for what?” “Everything. For not giving up on me even if I seem like I’m already losing it. For being here despite all I’ve done. For caring. Thank you. I…I promise I’ll find another way.”  “I’ll help you find it, Anon! I’ll do what I can to help you be better.” she exclaims with her glimmering eyes of concern. Goddamn ponies. Always so friendly and empathetic. That’s what you love about them though. Looking into more important things, suicide’s thrown out the window now. You promised, after all. You suppose there’s still a part of you that keeps promises, a part of you from the past that is presently fractured.  You’re not even sure if you’ll ever try that again, or if you’ll even manage to buck up and actually do it, but it’s still a shame that the option isn't on the table anymore. “Sorry, I got a little emotional there. We should probably get up already.” Starlight wipes her tears away with a hoof. “Why? It’s a Saturday. It’s Saturday, right?” you have no idea what time it is, but Saturday is Saturday. Besides, it’s probably just rough around 8 AM right now. “It is, but somepony’s here to see you. She should be here by now.” she gets up from the bed, fixing the sheets and pillows off their creases with her magic as she makes up the bed with you giving a little assist on the parts she hasn’t tended to yet. “Oh, and who may that be?” you ask her with your piqued interest. “Why don’t you go find her? I’ll make breakfast for all of us so you can go ahead and keep her some company while you wait.” she says as she trots off, leaving you to your own devices. “Cool, I guess.” you say to yourself. A little roam later, you hear faint noises coming from the library. Sounds like chatter. Entering the labyrinth of books, you find a purple Celestia accompanied by a Chad dragon. “Hey there. What brings you two here this fine morning?” you greet Twilight and Spike.  “Good morning, Anon. It’s been a while.” Spike greets back. Twilight is simply staring at the crowded shelves of books, entranced in the thoughts of her life before all this. “Sorry, Twilight and I were just talking about our days when we still used to live here. I know she’s always so serious with her royal duties, but she can be pretty sentimental too sometimes.” Spike excuses the reminiscing Alicorn. You take a few steps closer to engage in proper discussion as Twilight is returned to the present by the sounds of your movement. “Oh, good morning, Anon. I didn’t quite notice you there for a second.”  “I don’t suppose you’re here on business now, are you?” you ask her. “Actually, I technically am.” she states as a matter of fact. “You’re both here for me, aren’t you?”  “That’s right. Starlight sent Twilight a letter last night.” Spike reveals.  Twilight looks a little disheartened as she holds Spike back on the sidelines with a hoof. “Anon, I don’t mean to be this blunt, but do you need help?” “How do you mean?” you feign ignorance, despite knowing you’re only delaying the inevitable. “Anon...Starlight told us about what happened last night…” she pauses, waiting for your input at her revelation. “Well, what do you want me to say? ‘Gosh gee willikers, Twilight. I sure am in dire need of assistance to help me get through the rough patch I’m in. I would be plenty grateful if you were to do something about it.’.”  “I want you to say the truth! This is serious, Anon!” Twilight didn’t take too well to your response, but you can still feel the concern and worry in the bark of her words. “...” With the thoughtfulness behind Twilight’s glare and the hope of resolution in Spike’s eyes, you relent. “I’m not fine, Twilight. I’m really not. But I would prefer to deal with it on my own.” you answer her with all due honesty. “But you don’t need to!” she answers back. “I know that, but I think it’s better this way.”  “Anon…”  “If there’s one thing I’ve learned all my life it’s that there’s some things that only you can do about.” despite your reasoning, Twilight pushes on. “This isn’t one of those things, Anon. We can help you.  There’s plenty of creatures here that can help you with whatever you’re going through. I can send my best student to be somepony you can depend on.” she goes on and on. “Twilight, please. I’ll do what I can to make myself better, but I don’t need or want your help.” “We have several programs on mental health and depression. Spike can stay here with you for the meantime.”  You can tell Twilight’s going off right now. So can Spike. Maybe it’s because she’s hyperventilating. Either way, you need to shut her down. “Look, Twilight. You won’t take no for an answer, and I’m not saying yes. You should leave now and tend to more important matters with your royal duties. As a matter of fact, you should look into how inter-species relationships could ruin Equestria. I’m no scientist, but you’re looking at either a severe decline in population or the rise of several health problems from species that have never existed before!”  You managed to shift the topic away from you, but it seems you yourself went off a little with that last part.  Twilight and Spike start to give you a curious stare, her concerned demeanor shifted to one of deep thought. “I’m...I’m sorry. It’s...it’s just...damn it…” you opt to leave the room. Spike attempts to follow you but he stops with the wave of your hand.  Starlight enters the room with a tray of sandwiches and tea just as you leave. “Anon...he’s quite the odd one, isn’t he?” Twilight remarks as she stares off towards the door that you left from. “He’s stubborn, I’ll give him that much.” Starlight sighs as she hands Twilight and Spike some breakfast with her magic. “Reminds me of somepony from a long time ago.” Twilight giggles, which Starlight returns in kind. Twilight eyes the tray. Five sandwiches and five cups of tea total. With a sip of tea, she goes on, “Say, how did you know that I would come right away. Your letter only said to come as soon as possible.”  “I know you’re busy with a lot of work, but I also know you’re still a good friend even after how much everything has changed.” Starlight puts a hoof to Twilight’s withers. For a brief moment, the two smile at each other. Starlight’s joy falters as reality kicks back in, “Twilight, what do we do about him? I came to you because I don’t know what to do anymore. I can’t be with him all the time.” “I know that, Starlight. But I came prepared. I had an idea.” Somewhere in the castle, a lonely human stares off into the grandeur beauty of the landscapes of Ponyville. In one of the many balconies he stands on, he gets lost in thought. “That was certainly a very passionate rant against inter-species relationships. Makes me think that you’re only so against them because you don’t have one.” a voice calls out from behind. That voice, it’s so familiar. So...motherly. You turn around to solve the mystery, and you’re greeted by a pleasant surprise.  It’s...your Princess of the Sun. She looks the same from how you remember her, save for a little ruffle and mess on her mane. It’s like she just woke up. You don’t get a lot of familiarity these days. This...this is just what you needed. It feels like you’re still in a time where everything was okay. Your body moves on its own. Stepping forward, you kneel with a leg, and hug her by her tuft. “My my, that’s certainly a very forward way to greet somepony you’ve never met. Might this be the custom tradition of your species?”  “Never met, hehehe…” you chuckle to yourself as you relish in her soft touch. It’s almost like all your problems are melting away. “Well, I’d rather say ‘never formally met’.” she corrects herself. You catch yourself in contact for too long due to your lack of companionship, and you awkwardly let go, “O-oh, I’m sorry about that.”  “No need for apologies, mister. I myself haven’t received much affection lately.” she says in her calm and serene voice. “Wait, what do you mean ‘never formally met’?” your brain finally registers what she had just said as your mind kicks in to the present. “Well, as I’m sure you can agree with, unique anomalies and oddities will always shine in the limelight even if just for a little while.” “I take it you’ve heard about me from the grapevines.” you presume. “Talk of the town, even.”  Huh, it seems word of you really did go out far and wide. Even Celestia herself managed to find out about you. “That still doesn’t explain how you’ve informally met me.” “Considering you’ve been here for quite a while now, I’m fairly certain you’ve at least heard about me and my sister.” she starts. “If size is anything to go by, you must be the former Princess, Celestia. And your sister must be Luna.” you still opt to keep your cards hidden in the meantime. She seems to buy your little act. “That is correct. After hearing of your presence, Luna couldn’t help but look through your dreams. It was a mere contingency plan at first given that your chaotic potential was unknown, but even after certifying your harmlessness, her curiosity got the better of her.” she reveals. “Y-you mean she’s still looking through my dreams?” you stutter. You don’t really mind Luna doing that, but knowing that she’s actively doing that did catch you off guard. “Indeed. Your dreams are precisely why I decided to come out from the shadows to meet with you. They’re also why my sister pleaded with me not to come see you. She didn’t want you to know she was looking through your head.”  “It’s fine, it’s fine. Please tell her I couldn’t really care less.” you’ve got a few more important things to deal with right now. She nods in confirmation, then a moment of silence passes in the room, “So, uhhhhh...what now?”  “Your world is a crooked, crumbling place. You’ve gone through quite a lot, and the future only seems to be getting bleaker and bleaker. But know that every dark tunnel has its end. Hang in there, Anonymous. More is yet to come.” she canters past you, and stretches her wings. “Wait, will I see you soon?” you call out. “Very soon.” with a beat of her wings, she’s off. Hopefully soon enough. Roaming back into the castle, you hear joyous conversation within the library. You slip past and head straight for your room. You don’t really feel much right now. Not hunger, not sorrow, just emptiness and exhaustion of everything. Flipping the locks on your door, you slump onto your bed and shut your eyes. With your body gaining more than enough rest, you wake up.  The setting sun prompts you to look at the clock on your desk. 5 PM, early enough.  You don the jacket that you’ve had since day one and slip past your door. You should really visit Rarity soon. Hearing hoof steps, you eye the corner. It’s Starlight. “Hey, Starlight. Twilight gone?” you ask her, surprised by your presence as she jumps a little. “She left with Spike a few hours ago.” she looks a little skeptically at your slightly bulging pocket, “Wait, don’t tell me you’re gonna go out drinking again.”  Opting to avoid confrontation, you turn around and start walking away, “Starlight, I’ll be fine.”  “Anon.” she trots right behind you. You turn around and kneel down to cup her in her cheeks, “Starlight, I promise I won’t do anything crazy. But I need this right now. I’ll even try to be back early this time.” You lay down your cards on the table hoping that she’ll take your bargain. With her trust in you telling her to let things be the way they are for now getting to her, she lets up. “F-fine, I trust you. But please, come to me when you’re not feeling okay.” she speaks quite clearly despite her cupped cheeks. “Noted.”  With that, you dash on towards the bar. “What’s wrong, Anon? You haven’t touched your drink all night.” Stein asks you. When you came here, you bought a warm meal first to get the juices flowing, especially since you didn’t have breakfast or lunch. After that, you bought a beer and have just been staring at it since. “I don’t know, Stein. Guess I’m not feeling it today.”  “But it’s Saturday. Everycreature could use a drink on a Saturday.” he exclaims, confused by your lack of will to wash away your troubles. “He’s right you know.” a feminine voice calls out from behind. “Ah, Redheart. It’s been a while.” Stein greets her. “Hey there, Stein. Anon, how’ve you been?” she greets the two of you. “Nurse Redheart? I haven’t seen you in the longest while. And I certainly didn’t expect to see you again here.” you return, still a little surprised by this unforeseen encounter. It had been quite some time since you’d last met her on the train, and if things should sail now just like it did then then you’re in for a good time. “Having a few drinks every now and then is good for the health so I stop by here often. It also relieves some stress and tension so that’s something I could use.” Redheart explains as she takes the stool right next to you. “You two know each other? Well then, this calls for a toast!”  “Drinks are on me, Stein. I got a feeling tonight’s gonna be a good one.” you offer. “Back in the mood for a drink aren’tcha? That’s the spirit. Let’s bring out a classic Brandy, why don’t we?” shuffling through the cupboards, he brings out a brown bottle of alcohol as he pours some of it into three shot glasses he just prepared. He raises his glass into the air, “To better business!” You follow suit and pick up yours, “To finding happiness!”  “T-to finding love!” Redheart cheers on with a little reluctance as you all toast your glasses together.  Gulping down the bitter alcohol, you say, “C’mon, Stein. The night’s just started! Keep em comin’.” You find yourself exhausted after hours of inebriated fun with your human friend. You’re a little tipsy, but you made sure to only drink the moderate and healthy amount of alcohol so you’re not really drunk. Anon, however, is definitely smashed. You can tell by how he’s slurring his words. It’s kind of cute, even. “C-‘cmo’n now, Sh-shtein. Jus...jush one more bottle.” he pleads. “Ah, sorry friend. It’s time to close up shop. Seems the two of you are the last ones here.” Stein points out. “That it is. I think it’s time we take out leave.” you suggest to a half-asleep human. Naturally, he does not respond. “It’s a shame our friend here isn’t much of a heavyweight. I haven’t seen him this drunk before, I don’t even know how he’s going to be able to go home at this rate.” You ponder the possible routes that could solve your dear problem, only to ultimately choose the inevitable option.    “I suppose I’ll just have to carry him home.” you propose, gaining a rather surprised reaction from your bartender friend. “Really? All by yourself?” he questions your idea. “I hear Princess Twilight let him live in her old castle here in Ponyville. It’s not too far from here so I think I can carry him there.” you explain to Stein.  “Still, are you sure about this?” he gives one final query of reassurance. “Do we really have a choice?”  He heaves a sigh of relentlessness, “You’re right, I’ll give you that much. I’d help you, but, well, shop won’t close up by itself now won’t it?”  “It’s fine, Stein. Just make sure to give me one on the house next time.” you quip with a little giggle. “I’d bark back but I’d say you probably deserve one if you can actually pull this off.”  “I’d probably need it too. Bye, Stein. Let’s go, Anon.” you bid him farewell as your human friend grumbles from being assisted to stand. “Mmmmmmmm…”  He must be half-awake right now. With a little luck and effort, you manage to get him to lean on you just as you both leave the bar through its entrance. Unfortunately, you find that Anon grows heavier and heavier with every step that you take. You’re losing a proper grip on him, and the angling and position makes it even harder to move, let alone keep him from falling. “C’mon, Redheart. You’ve carried heavier stallions to their rooms in the hospital before.” you give yourself a pep talk. “Talking to ourselves now, are we?” a voice calls out from the shadows. “W-who’s there?” at the dead of night like right now, you don’t really expect anycreature to be out and about in the streets. “You look like you could use a hoof, missy.”  Revealed by the moonlight, a batpony with a coat that’s as dark as night emerges in front of you. “It’s fine, really. I wouldn’t want to have to troub-“ before you can even finish your sentence, she’s already trotted up to you and positioned Anon to flop over her barrel. Just like that, she’s taken him from your hooves with ease, and she doesn’t even seem to be phased by his weight on her. “W-wow…” you can’t help but be surprised at her feat of strength. “So where to, missy?” she pipes up with an eager attitude. “O-oh, right. Do you know the way to Princess Twilight’s former castle here?” you ask her. “Certainly! Off we go now.” she proceeds to trot off with a skip to her step without waiting for you to keep up. Hurriedly, you follow her. The way to the castle is followed by silence. Well, silence except for the batpony stranger’s humming of a tune.  She enters the castle without even so much as a knock, but to be fair, it really is quite late. You probably would’ve done the same.  What intrigues you is that once she’s inside, she doesn’t survey the area to look for a place to put him in. Instead, she immediately turns corner after corner inside the castle. You’ve had your fair share of times being in this castle, but you haven’t even gotten a proper layout of even the first floor. Just who is this batpony? “Hey, wait up.” you silently call out to her, but whether she hears you or not, she just keeps on going.  Eventually, you’re led to a room that seems to be Anon’s. At the very least, you can tell that this room is definitely being occupied, and you doubt there’s somecreature else that lives in this castle that hasn’t come back yet.  You watch her flop him over to the bed. She kindly even pulls the sheets up for him.   “Thank you so much. I’m not sure if I could’ve ever done that if I was on my own.” you give her your thanks with a curt little bow. “No need for congratulations, missy. Help is what you needed and it was something I could give.” her reply reminds you a little bit of your job as a nurse. You come a little closer to the bed to look at Anon’s peaceful expression of slumber. You can’t believe you managed to pull that off. You and a little help, you mean. Oh, you almost forgot. “Sorry, I didn’t quite catch your...name.” turning around, you find that your savior has already disappeared without a trace. You didn’t even hear her leave. How strange.  With a job well done, you decide to call it day as your body seeks the comfort of a fluffy bed.  You take one last look back at Anon before you go. He looks so content that you even have half a mind to sleep right next to him.  Shaking the thought off, you silently trot away. That is, until you feel something tug at you. “Huh?” looking back, you find that Anon’s holding you in place with his arm. He still appears to be asleep, though. In the short amount of time that you unsuccessfully attempt to pull yourself free, you feel your body dissipating what little energy it had left. Unfortunately, he pulls back, landing you on his bed as you’re locked in place in his arms. …Well...maybe you’d rather say fortunately.  His embrace feels soft and warm. You can even feel the melodic beats of his heart. You feel...safe.  Given how tired you are, how late it is and how comfy you feel right now, you feel slumber slowly consuming you until you fall asleep happily. > The acrobat enters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your body clock, it wills you to awaken. An unfamiliar feeling greets you as you come to your senses. It’s the feeling of...a warm embrace. Shifting your gaze a little, you catch the creature holding you in place. Memories of the previous night rush through your head as you piece things together. You’re startled, but you catch yourself from making any noise.  Clamped in his arms, you remember just how drunk Anon was last night. You don’t really know if he’ll remember anything like you do when he wakes up, but then again, you don’t know much about his species yet either. Unfortunately, that means you’ll have to give up the snug feeling that you’re experiencing right now to make a getaway. You may never be embraced like this ever again, but you really need to leave before Anon wakes up. A heavy sacrifice, but a necessary one. Slipping through his loosening grasp, you manage to successfully escape without waking him up. Turning your head, the closest thing you see is a dresser with...a mirror. You look like a mess. Frizzy hair, cow licks all over your fur, and you even smell like a mess too. In your self-evaluation, you strike a glance at a clock next to the mirror. It points at 6:22 AM, just a little over your usual wake up time. As you stretch around a little, you freeze in place. You feel like you’re...being watched. You don’t see anything unusual in the room, but it’s a rather strong feeling you have.  You shake the feeling off. If you stay any longer, you might be late for your...thing. The mere thought of what’s to happen later fills you with both excitement and dread.  You start to silently make your way out of the room, making sure to avoid making any sound on the way out. At the door frame, you glance back at the sleepy Anon. There’s something odd about that stallion. It’s like you somehow know that you’ll see him again. Well, now’s not the time to be thinking about stuff like that. Time to leave.  Soft sounds of movement wake you from your deep sleep. It’s not very loud, but considering that it’s usually silent as a grave in the castle, it’s enough to pull you from the dream world.  Rubbing your eyes, you smell something quite...odd. It’s a pleasant smell, so sweet, so warm, so feminine. Speaking of warm, your arms feel like they're getting colder, like there was something keeping them toasty until just now. Something’s definitely not right here. All you remember from last night was drinking with Nurse Redheart and Stein. You didn’t really end up here with her now, did you? You sit up from your bed to survey the room until- “Fuuuwaaaaaaaah! Finally, so warm!” a strange, young-looking mare pomfs on your bed beside you. Upon closer inspection, she appears to be a batpony with a pale midnight blue coat. Her yellow eyes and  You don’t feel any hostility from her, but you’re surprised nonetheless, “W-who are you?” “Does it really matter who I am? Wait, it does, right? This is a job, remember that.” she seems to be talking to herself for the most part. It’s hard to tell whether she’s just like that or she’s got something up with her head.  After stretching around a bit and moaning from relief, she perks herself up from your bed, “Sir Anonymous, I am Corporal Shade Fieldsworth, your designated companion. I specialize in combat and reconnaissance.You may refer to me as Shade.” she introduces herself quite cheerfully with a curtsy little bow.  “Companion for what exactly?” you follow up as her introduction doesn’t really clear anything up. “I was tasked specifically to make sure that you stay out of harm’s way.” she explains. That’s quite a vague description, but considering that nothing has tried to even harass you since your stay here, then this must be about that time you almost offed yourself. “You were sent by Princess Twilight, I presume?” “Yes, that’s right.” she answers. Well then, under these circumstances, you don’t think you can get rid of her. Might as well let it be for now then. Who knows, maybe some good could come out of this. “I see. You already know my name, don’t you? You can just call me Anon.”  “Okay!” she bluntly responds before plopping back down on the bed.  That was pretty blunt. Not exactly the answer you expected, but you’ll take it. At least you feel like she’ll be more vibing than annoying.  On a more important note, she may know a thing or two about what happened last night.  “So how long have you been here?”  “Since yesterday afternoon. I arrived with Princess Twilight. I was told to observe only for my first day on the job.” Knowing that you were being watched yesterday tingles your spine a bit. Was she watching you sleep too? Considering that she was here even before you woke up, that’s probably a yes.  “Ummmm, about last night-“ “If you’re wondering about what happened, I helped a mare carry you home. You’re not the lightest of the bunch, but I managed to bring you to your bed.” she reveals audibly through the pillow covering her face just before yawning. “Can you tell me about that mare?” you question her.  “Oh, you pulled her in your arms while you were asleep. She didn’t seem to resist too much after a little bit though.” It might just be the warm temperature, but beads of sweat start to run down your skin after you heard her say that. “W-would you happen to know who she was?” you ask, your voice a little shaky. Even though you’ve drank with Nurse Redheart already, you can’t deny that you haven’t known her for long. If that did happen, you really hope you didn’t scare her away. “Hmmmmmmm, I do, actually…. But wouldn’t it be so much more fun if I didn’t tell you?” she giggles to herself. “Wait, wha-No, just tell me.” you’re beginning to wonder what was going through Twilight’s head when she was picking your companion.  “Nope, you can find it out yourself.” Damn. It’s not really a big deal anyway, but it does fiddle your sticks a little to start the day like this. Now, you may or may not have a word or two with Twilight when the occasion arises. Heaving a little sigh, you turn your head to the clock on your dresser. “6:34 AM” it reads. “Alright then. I have someplace to be at for lunch. Have you had breakfast?”. It’s your first encounter, so you don’t really plan on chalking her off as below an acquaintance yet, as important as a first impression is.  “No, I haven’t. I’m pretty hungry right now myself.”  “Okay, let’s get some from the pantry.” With a few stretches, you stand up and head towards the door. As expected, Shade follows. You find yourself walking towards Carousel Boutique after picking up some food. You probably need a change of clothes already. You don’t really want the folks here to think that you’re some kind of slob.  You didn’t really feel too hungry, and Shade said she would just take a mango, so you decided to take one of the leftover blueberry muffins. You didn’t happen to pass by Starlight, Trixie or Spike either. Sunday must be their sleep day, you supposed.  As Shade gobbles up her fruit while you munch on your pastry, you arrive at your destination. Though admittedly, it was a short walk anyway. Giving the door three knocks, you turn to Shade, “So, are you gonna standby right outside orrrrrr…?” “I’ll be around.” she gives you a rather exaggerated wink. You don’t exactly know what that means, but you like the sound of it. Hearing a door swing open, you turn towards it.  “Ah, Anon. What brings you here this fine Sunday morning?” the white unicorn greets you with a bit of a yawn. “Nothing much, but if it’s not too much to ask, I could use some new clothes. Your boutique’s open on Sundays too, right?” you ask in the hopes that you’re not being a bother. Sunday is a day to rest, after all.  “It certainly is! If it’s clothes you want, it’s clothes you’ll get.” noticing you’re not alone, she moves her head a little to the left to see more clearly the mare that’s behind you. “Or would your little friend over there like some new clothes too?” Without waiting for a response, she trots right behind you to meet up with your new...friend? You’re not really sure if you can call her that yet, but you have a feeling you will soon enough.  “Nice to meet you, darling. I’m Rarity. And you are…?” Shade gives a sturdy salute before introducing herself, “I am Shade Fieldsworth, Anon’s designated companion. And no, I would not like new clothes. The only ones I wear are my armor.” “Ah, just for you then, darling. I’ll see what I can make. Come, Anon.” Rarity turns around and makes her way to her work station, “And do make yourself comfortable here in the meantime, Ms. Fieldsworth.” Leaving Shade to stand guard, you find yourself in an organized mess of a room after a short while. “So, are you gonna take my measurements first?”     “Usually I would, but could you put these on first?” Rarity pulls out a plain-looking white shirt and shorts from a pile of cloth. “Wait, you’ve already been making clothes for me?” “I must say that I’ve had a fascination lately in making clothes for other species besides ponies. I don’t often make clothes for Minotaurs because they’re too gigantic, but I can settle with some of the smaller ones sometimes. I figured their clothes don’t look too different from yours so I started making a pair for you when I could.” she explains quite reasonably. That does sound Rarity. “How kind of you.” you commend her. “Please, darling. You’ve been wearing that drab thing for over a week now! It would be a crime to fashion if I don’t do anything about it.”  Now that really sounds like Rarity.  “Anyhoo, you can change over here behind these curtains.”  “Gotcha.” These aren’t half bad.  “How is it?” Rarity asks, anticipating in excitement. “It’s a little tight, but they’re definitely comfy. How’d you make it without measurements?” you wonder, since you don’t remember being with Rarity and a tape measurer at the same time. “After decades of experience, darling, one can measure with sight. Well, sight and a few ‘accidental’ nudges here and there.” “So you mean to tell me that you haven’t been bumping into me by accident the last few days?” “That’s right!” she gleefully replies with a cheery smile.  You don’t even feel that weirded out. It’s more astonishing than it is creepy. “Don’t think too much of it, darling. I’ve heard stories of creatures measuring their enemies weapons while they’re in battle.” “Damn.” that’s all you manage to say, amazed as you are. “Language, darling.” she chides you as she begins carefully measuring you with a tape measure in her magic.  Adjusting her glasses, she asks “Any kind of clothes you have in mind? I can only make so much for you at one time.” “At the moment? I guess I need some casual clothes for the most part.” “That’s a bit of a shame. Though I will admit that the flashier clothes can wait. Do come back soon when you can. I already have some designs in mind for you.” she offers as she takes a few more measurements by your waist. “Sure. I’ll probably need some more clothes for different occasions anyway.”. Sensibly, you really would need some more eventually, and you can’t really think of many other places where you can get some quality clothing.  “Swell! That should be all for now, darling. I might have one ready for you later if you come by.” she finishes with a smile as she packs up her measuring tape. “Thanks, Rarity. I’ll try to stop by if I can. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got someplace to be at.”  “Would you like me to take you to the door?” she offers. “No, that’s quite alright, thank you.” “Off you go now then, Anon. See you soon.” she bids you goodbye in a melodic tune. “You too.” you return her farewell, leaving her to her own devices in her room. “Shade?” you call out, not seeing her where she was last at right as you come in the entrance of Rarity’s boutique.  Looking around, you catch her at the corner of your eye. She’s...playing with a ball of yarn…like a feline… She notices you blankly staring at her. She stops to stare at you in return. You both just kind of...stare at each other.  Dropping the yarn, she stands up and coughs, “Shall we take our leave, Anon?”  And just like that, nothing happened. Nothing seen, nothing heard. Whatever it may be, you’re sure Twilight has some special reason for picking somepony this...peculiar. I mean, she has to have had some reason, right? “Y-yeah, we’re done here.”  Acknowledging your answer, you both leave Rarity’s Boutique. The sun shines brightly the moment you leave. Christ, it’s scorching today. The rays of light are a little blinding even when you look level ahead of you. On your way back to Twilight’s castle, an ice cream stand catches your eye.  The blazing heat combined with your single breakfast muffin results in a grave craving for a chilly snack.  You can’t take your eyes off the wagon of sweet delicacies. For some reason, your wallet’s already in your hands.  Yeah, you’re buying some ice cream today. Approaching the stand, Shade curiously follows you. “Hey buddy, how much for a scoop?” you inquire the Pegasus vendor. “One bit per scoop, sir. Two bits if you’d like our larger servings.” he dictates to you the surprisingly cheap pricing. Now that’s a bang for your buck. You could really for a big scoop right now, ”A large serving of Vanilla, please. Well, that is, if you have any.” you toss him two bits from your wallet as you say so.  “We certainly do, sir! vanilla is a necessary standard for every ice cream cart.” he catches the bits right before scooping up your order to a cone. Waiting as he gets your order ready, you notice Shade staring at the wagon in wonder.  It’s been rather pleasant today, and you’re feeling generous. Eh, why the hell not? She may be a stranger, but it feels almost criminal to buy ice cream just for yourself on such a hot day..  “Say, could you add another order for a scoop of vanilla and chocolate?” you’re not really sure what Shade likes, so you figure that getting one of each ain’t such a bad idea. “Coming right up, sir.” he hands you your cone of vanilla as he begins scooping your follow up. You place another two bits on his counter while you lick away at your cold relief.  “Wow, Anon. I can’t believe you’re ordering two for yourself. You must be pretty hungry.” Shade comments, stopping you mid-lick. “You know I bought that for you, right?” “W-what?” she responds, quite confused at your question. The vendor finishes up his scooping, to which you acquire the second cone of goodness from his hold.  “Thanks.” you gesture the kind stallion. “Any time.” he returns with a nod. Turning around, you kneel a little and hold out the untouched cone to Shade. “B-but that’s yours!” she stammers, “You bought it with your own bits!”  Shade doesn’t seem to understand what’s going on at all. You don’t even understand what the hell she can’t goddamn understand. “Wait, are you selling it to me? You’re selling it to me, aren’t you? If so, I won’t be fooled! I know that costs 2 bits!” she proclaims with a defensive stance. Seriously, what the fuck? Even Mr. Vendor is giving her a concerned stare. “Shade, holy shit just take the damn cone.” you shove it really near her face. Getting a closer look, she quiets down and stares at the ice cream. It’s like she’s mesmerized by the sweet treat.  -The previous day- “Who’s this?”  “Starlight, meet Shade Fieldsworth.” Twilight introduces the batpony beside her. “How do you do, missy?” Shade greets you. Just a few minutes after Anon left, Twilight came into the room, apparently with a batpony. You hadn’t noticed when exactly she got in the library, but you suppose that kind of thing IS their specialty. “She will be accompanying Anon from now on. I have designated her as his official companion. You may go now, Ms. Fieldsworth. Take your time to make yourself at home here.” Twilight denounces the change that’ll happen here from now on, the presence of another tenant in the castle. “Gotcha, Purple Celestia.” Shade quips right before disappearing into the shadows of the library. You’ve heard before of batponies having some form of magic, but it’s your first time actually seeing it in the flesh. Still, what caught you off-guard the most was her casual demeanor. “How...how old is she?” you query your friend. “Quite young, actually. Fresh out of The Royal Guard. She graduated and received one of the highest rankings she could achieve not long after. If you ask me, she’d get a higher rank if only she didn’t have insufficient experience. Quite the young prodigy to be proud of, she is.”  “Even for her age, isn’t she a little…” you trail off, not sure what appropriate word to use. “Childish?” Twilight finishes for you. “That’s the word I’m looking for.” “I suppose that’s one of the reasons I chose her for the job.” Twilight slowly makes her way over towards the plethora of books on the shelves. Scanning the titles, she starts, “I’ve had my eye on Shade for a while now. I...don’t think she has any friends.” “Really? As in, not even a childhood friend or anything?” you cannot believe your ears. She’s even worse than you when you were growing up. “I’ve been looking into her when I can, which, admittedly, isn’t often. I've asked her colleagues and even her former drill instructor about her, and all of them only talked to her when it was a matter of business. They even mentioned how they’d never seen her talking in a casual manner with anycreature at all.” “That’s...pretty bad.” the gravity of Shade’s situation sinks in as you really think about it.  “On the bright side, she can at least deal with everyday conversations normally. However, for some unknown reason, it’s like the childish filly inside her is still there, ever-prominent, ever-persistent.” Twilight points out from her experiences with Shade. You don’t really blame Shade for that. Experience promotes growth, and for some creatures, they can’t grow without developing relationships. Twilight continues, “Even after making her part of my routine guards on duty, I still can’t get much out of her. It’s not that she’s shy, she just… doesn’t understand some social situations.” she words it as best as she can. “I’m guessing this isn’t just about Anon then.” you read between her lines. “Precisely. I figured that Anon could tap into Shade in a way no one else can, and Shade could soften his sorrowful heart. It’s merely a hunch, nothing more than a baseless idea, but...it’s an idea that I’ve got a strong feeling about. It’s almost as if the stars aligned just for this to happen. Anon doesn’t know anything about Shade, or the stereotypes on batponies, and Shade doesn’t seem to be apprehensive of any races either. She even seemed somewhat excited about the idea of becoming a foreign species’ companion, so this could definitely work...probably...” “Unfortunately, stigma around certain creatures is still remarkable in most societies, despite the race unification. I’m just glad that Anon doesn’t seem to be prejudistic against anycreature.” you frown at the idea. “Prejudice will forever remain so long as the sun rises, although thankfully, there’s much less of it now than there was before.” Twilight opens up a silver lining, to which you smile in return. You put two and two together, and forcing two individuals to stay with each other for an incredibly lengthy amount of time is bound to make something happen between them. They’d at least be friends after a while. Perhaps combining the sorrowful human and the friendless batpony is an idea worth trying. Regardless, you’ll still put faith in your friend’s idea. “Oh, and one more thing.” Twilight finally finishes looking through the multitudes of books as she pulls one out, “Can I borrow this?”    -Present time- This cold, round snack… it’s so familiar. You can’t help but stare at it as you try to remember where you’ve seen this before. “Shade, please just take it. It’s gonna melt soon. I already bought it and I don’t wanna have to return it.” your Lord snaps you out of your trance. You don’t really understand why he’s so willingly buying something for you free-of-charge, but perhaps it’s a weird culture of his species. Humans sure are weird. “I… I guess I’ll take it.” you concede, hoping that you’re not being tricked or anything. If you’re gonna spend most of your time with him then you might as well put some trust in him now. With a little hesitation, you give the cone a lick. The sweet sensation flooding your mind takes you back to a time you’d nearly forgotten. You… remember, but just a bit… ____________________________________________________________________________ “Ho■■y, you sho■■■n’t give Sha■■ s■■e ic■ cr■■■. S■■’s t■■ ■■ung for t■at.” “I■’s f■■e, d■a■. ■ust a ■it w■n’■ do ■ny h■rm. S■e, s■e’■ smi■i■g!” Faint voices of a tender lady and a caring stallion echo in your thoughts. You can only remember vague silhouettes, but you feel at ease, you feel...so warm inside.     All that stands out in detail in your memory is the cone of sugary goodness being fed to you. ____________________________________________________________________________ “Uhhhhh, Shade? You alright?” your Lord snaps you back to reality. Wondering about the nature of his question, you feel that your face is a little wet. Wiping across your eyes, you confirm your theory. Why were you crying? “You don’t have to take the ice cream, Shade. I’ll just have it for myself, I guess.” your Lord relents from his assertive behavior.  “No, it’s...fine.” you don’t really understand much yet about all this ‘friendship’ that Princess Twilight’s been pushing you to do, but you feel like things aren’t going very well with you and your Lord.   Reluctantly, you pick the cone up from his hands.  Your Lord has started consuming his fair share of ice cream, so you do the same, readying yourself for this nostalgic clump of sugar.  A single lick revitalizes your taste buds as they greet an old friend they haven’t met for the longest time. They embrace one another quite warmly, filling you with a euphoric feeling you can’t quite explain. It’s so exquisite, so jubilant, so...so… You chomp down the whole thing in two seconds, ridding the cone of its sweet existence mere seconds after its joyous birth. That unexplainable sensation is multiplied infinitely after coating every single corner of your mouth in ice cream. You feel as though you could die happy right now. Why haven’t you been eating ice cream all your life? “Holy smokes, Shade. Calm down, you could get a-”  A sharp pain assaults your brain, forcing yourself to wobble until you drop to the floor.  “Aw, jeez. You got a brain freeze.” your Lord explains.  “B-b-brain f-freeze?” Is this how you’ll die? It has the word brain in it so it must be serious. Your eyes begin to well up, tears streaming down generously while the pain continues to flourish in your head.  You can’t die yet! There’s so many things you still want to do, like knocking on Princess Twilight’s door and running away, or drinking some real hard drinks like Mango juice. W-what should you do now? What the hell is happening?  One second Shade is cautiously denying the ice cream you clearly treated her to and then the next she’s breaking down over a brain freeze.  You have a fuckton of questions in your head, but the one you’d like the answer to right now is “What the hell are you gonna do?”  Well, there’s ONE thing you can do. Seeing the size of Shade’s hoof, you don’t think she can do it herself even if you told her how. You don’t even know if it’s gonna work on ponies, hell, you’ve never even tried it at all. You’re gonna have to do it yourself, but you’re not sure if you want to. You take another look at the bawling mess by your feet. She’s now cowering beneath her membrane wings from the pain. You’re gonna have to do it yourself.  “Hey, Shade. Could you look up here for a second?” you ask her. Still wincing from the pain, she steels herself to stand up just enough to look up at you. With reluctance, you prepare yourself for what you’re about to do. You place your hand near her mouth. Carefully, you slip in your fingers and apply pressure at the roof of her mouth. Holding your hand still, you feel the moistness of every labored breath Shade breathes. Still suffering from the brain freeze, she gently nibbles your hand while wrapping her slender tongue around your fingers, which are now starting to feel wet and warm from her saliva.  Oh God, this erotic sensation… you can feel your mountain rising higher and higher.  Before your mountain geographically, but metaphorically, transforms into a volcano, Shade seemingly returns to her default state, which is being incredibly weird.  Retracting her mouth from your hand, she points out, “Mmmmm, salty.”.  A part of your soul yearns to feel that moist sensation once more, but it grieves sorrowfully knowing that the opportunity may never come again.  “Wah! Wait, I feel better now!” your klutz companion just realizes. “Great, I guess. We should get goi-“  “I AM INDEBTED TO YOU, MY LORD!!!” Shade shouts at the top of her bagpipe-lungs with a ceremonial bow of honor.  Several curious looks from bystanders are shot your way. Of course… “Shade, keep it down! And I told you to stop calling me that, it’s weird.” you reprimand her, but you feel that these efforts will prove to be fruitless. “But you saved my life, my Lord. There is no greater act of honor than that. I lay down my life for you now.”  You literally didn’t do that. “I literally didn’t do that.”  “Now, my Lord, if there’s anything that you’ll need from now on, just ask.”  Looks like she’s ignoring what you’re saying. Either that or she’s too deluded by you “saving” her life for her to notice. Wait a second, anything?  “Anything?”  “That’s right.” Shade nods affirmatively. “Hmmm…” you pull out a sheet of paper and a crayon from the bag you use for your job as a teacher and begin to make a rough sketch of something.  “Could you get me something like this? It doesn’t need to be red, or very long.” you ask her, unsure if she still even has access to her Royal Guard armory, or if she even has the ability at all to get you something like this.  “This is…” she trails off. Damn, you knew that might’ve been a bit much. “I-it’s fine if you can’t, Shade. Let’s ju-“ “It shall be done!” she shouts right before snatching the sketch off your hands and zooming away.  Well, at least she’ll be gone for a while. Maybe even too long a while.  Digressing, you put your focus towards your main goal.  You check your watch to see that it’s already 8:14 AM.  You’ve still got some time to prepare.  You take your time walking back to Twilight’s castle, relishing in the scenery and atmosphere of the outdoors. You’re not particularly excited for this date, just like the ones before, but again, you’re not gonna be late. That’s just plain rude.  On your merry way back, a terrible thought lurking in your mind haunts you back as a troubling memory.  Crap! You forgot to take your students’ papers back home to grade over the weekend! > The act unfolding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This must be what your Lord is looking for. It’s just a quick little drawing that he made, but you’re confident that this is the one.  You find yourself in the Canterlot Archives of the castle about an hour after hearing out your Lord’s request. Thank Twilight that the new railway systems are way faster than when you were a filly. However, to your bad luck, you couldn’t find anything about it in Princess Twilight’s library, as large as it was.  His drawing greatly resembled something you read about before. After a little research, your theory was confirmed. Well, more like enforced, but you really feel like this is exactly what he wants.  You borrow the book from the librarian just in case you’ll need some more information about it later on. Stuffing the borrowed book in your saddlepack, you notice the book that Princess Twilight gave you. Oh, yeah. You almost forgot about that already. With a skeptical look on your face, you bring it out just to give it another look.  ‘How to make friends!’ the cover reads in big flashy text, accompanied by a colorful background. You only wish that Princess Twilight had been more specific about her task, ‘Make friends’. You can understand being your Lord’s companion, but making friends? What does that even entail? You suppose that’s what this book is for. Asking her more about it, all she said was, “Just...make friends!” with an exaggerated wink. Soon after, she left back to Canterlot, leaving you only with this book. It’s all she left you with, so that’s where you’ll start. However, you do have a more prioritized task at hoof at the moment. More specifically, where in Tartarus are you gonna find some sea creature’s bones? It’s a good thing you remembered about your students’ papers hours before your date. Well, you suppose you could still fetch them after your date anyway, but the Pegasi Weather Association announced stormy weather for the rest of the day today at around 1 PM here in Ponyville.  Not that you can’t handle a little rain, but you’d just really rather not when you don’t have to. It’s not like this’ll make you late for your date anyway. Just a quick pick em up and go.  Standing right before your desk, you pull open a drawer and grab hold of a decently-sized stack of teenagers’ creative thoughts.  Well, that was easy. Then again, the faculty did seem terribly empty when you entered. No colleagues around  to bother you about what’s going on with your life. “Mornin’, Anon!”  “Jesus Christ!” you shout in surprise, not expecting the raspy voice to assault your ears from behind.  Turning around, your eyes are met by what they expected, a certain blue Pegasus. “Was that a swear word in your culture?” Rainbow Dash asks. You shake off your startled feeling to answer her, “Uhhhh, in most non-dominantly-Christian territories, not exactly.” In response, Dash simply tilts her head in confusion, “I’m...gonna pretend like I understood that.”  “Anyway, what brings you here on a Sunday morning?” she continues. “Trying to punch in some overtime or something?” a reasonable guess, but a terribly wrong one.  “N-not really.” you respond in a very not-based manner. Unfortunately, your awful attempt at hiding your students’ papers fails as Rainbow Dash cranes her head towards your clearly suspicious hands.  “Ah, I see you left the homework you were supposed to check over the weekend.” her tone slowly ascends into an authoritative one. A hard lump builds in your throat as you swallow nervously. You were hoping you wouldn’t get caught working inefficiently, especially not this early. “Don’t worry about it! I used to mess up like that pretty often too way back when Twilight still ran this place. I always hated it when she gave me a sermon of ‘bEiNG A gOoD rOLe MOdeL tO tHe stUdENtS’ afterwards.” Rainbow chuckles at her moment of nostalgia, a fruitful smile plastering itself on her face. You’re sure she misses those times.  You, on the other hand, are just relieved that you’re not gonna get reprimanded for making a mistake like this. At least you managed to redeem yourself by getting them before the weekend ended.  “Thank you for understanding, Rainbow Dash.” you show her your gratitude. “Now hold on, big guy. I didn’t say you’d be off the hook just like that.”  Uh oh, an unforeseen consequence. You just hope it won’t be too bad.  “All you have to do for me is just one little thing. One...little...thing…” she accents her words, batting her eyelashes at you.  “A-and what exactly i-is that?” you ask shakily. You really really really hope it won’t be too terribly bad. “Play Hoofball with us!” Rainbow happily tells you. “I was just on my way to the field to help train the Hoofball varsity team. They practice early in the morning even on the weekends.”  You let out a sigh of relief. So it’s just that, huh? Well, unfortunately… “Sorry, Dash. I probably would, but I’ve already got plans for the day.” you excuse yourself. You’re not particularly excited about your date either, but you’ll need to bear with it for now. It’s not like you have anything better to do anyway.  “Whaaaat? Why don’t you cancel it instead to come play with us.” Rainbow jokingly suggests with a chuckle. “Well, I would, but…it’s kind of...a date…” “A DATE!?” Dash zooms in real close to your face, locking eye to eye with her in a serious atmosphere. “Well why the heck didn’t you say so, sport? Forget the Hoofball! Go go go and get ready for that lady, mister!” she enthusiastically cheers you on. What’s with the change of pace? She must’ve taken after her mother. “T-thanks, I guess.” her eager demeanor contrasts greatly with your lack of excitement.  “Wait, hmmmmm…” she eyes you up and down curiously, as if there’s something off about you, “Say, you don’t seem very gung ho about your date later, Anon.”  “I mean, I guess I’m looking forward to it. I’m just not that crazy about it.” you explain.  “That’s crazy! Young love is something worth crowing about! It’s beauty comes from the security of companionship. Despite of everything that might happen, you’ll always have a loved one by your side every morning you wake up. You gotta have a positive mental attitude about these kinds of things, Anon! Who knows? Maybe the next lady you’ll meet will be the lady you’ll spend the rest of your life with.” Rainbow scolds you with a PEP talk.  However, you’ll have to admit that her little speech rekindled a flame inside of you, even if it’s just a little bit. That fresh sense of romance blooms once more with the ideals of a life full of love. You don’t know how long it’ll last, but you’re certainly pumped up now for your date later.  “Holy smokes! Thanks, Rainbow! Now I feel like I can take on the world!” you shout at the top of your lungs, your booming voice echoing throughout the room. Hopefully, no one heard that.  “That’s the spirit! Now go and give that lady a good time!”  “Yes, ma’am!”  “Let’s see, Canterlot Museum of History?” you read the big words by the entrance. Sounds boring, but it looks like it’s the right place. Though there doesn’t seem to be that many visitors, even for a Sunday. Nevertheless, you step right in.  There are multiple different exhibits in the museum that you trot through; the civil war exhibit, the sports exhibit, the art exhibit. There’s a bunch more lame ones until you reach your destination, the marine biology exhibit.  Seeing the many different fossilized remains of the once great Gods of the sea, you settle for a rather large bone statue. You approach the bony statue, eyeing its structure all around. “Admiring our marine biology exhibit, ma’am?” a male Unicorn employee of the museum approaches you. Actually, now that you look at him, he’s probably the guy running this place. You peer at his name tag, confirming his position as the manager as clearly stated by the plate on his tuft. Almanac, huh? What a weird name. “This right here’s one of the earliest forms of the Scirrius Nautillus. A branch of sea mollusks that have slightly evolved over time by- hey! Hey!!!” during his proud, boring trivia of the specimens before you, you take one of the bones and begin to trot away. It’s no sea God’s bone, but it’ll do. Mission complete! “Ma’am! You can’t bring that with you!” Almanac plants himself in front of you, blocking your way. Okay, mission not so complete. “Sorry, buddy. I’m here on official business and I’m taking this bone to go.” you firmly stand your ground. “Please don’t make me call security, ma’am.” he warns, sounding like it’s your final warning. Good grief. You didn’t want to have to use this, but it looks like you’ll need to at this point. With determination and pride, you pull it out from your saddlepack. “T-That’s…!”  “A Catalyst Sigil.”  These crests bear the magical signature of Twilight. They practically make your words Twilight’s words.  Of course, not just any creature has them. There are incredibly few of them throughout the entirety of Equestria, given only to those that both require it and are trustworthy of handling such an item. The trustworthy part flatters you a lot, but you were only handed it because Twilight said you may need it in your time as your Lord’s companion. When that time ends, it’ll most definitely be revoked from you. She also said to only use it in case of emergencies. This is an emergency, right?  As Twilight told you, “The sigil is an overruling symbol meant to be used by the possessing individual to swiftly achieve a necessary and beneficial goal.”. Well, you really do need this bone right now, so… “Sorry mister, but I really need to have this bone.” you try to settle down the tension, despite your use of the Catalyst Sigil. “I-If I may ask, what do you need the bone for?” he queries you anxiously. Ah, right. Improper use of the Catalyst Sigil could still be reported to authorities for investigation. It wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened. You opt to tell him the truth, “It’s to comfort my Lord, Anonymous of Ponyville. He seems to have some sort of connection with this bone.”  You told him the truth. You told him YOUR truth.  “Wait, Anonymous? The foreign creature that showed up a while back?”  Stories of your Lord have been roaming around Equestria since his appearance. Many of his public breakdown, few of what he’s like, and everything in between.  Almanac closes his eyes for a second, rubbing his chin in deep thought.  “You’re protecting Anonymous under Princess Twilight’s order, aren’t you? And that’s why you have that Catalyst Sigil?” he couldn’t have worded it better. Well, maybe he could’ve. You wouldn’t know, you’re no English teacher. “That’s right! My duty is to bring my Lord at ease with his residence here. The unfamiliarity of our world has left him sorrowful as of late.” you haven’t even formally met him for a day yet, but the reports on him from Starlight indicated depressed behavior. You even saw it for yourself when you were spying on him. Your poor Lord drank his sorrows away. You’ll make right out of your Lord soon, it’s your duty as his designated companion! But, for now… “And I presume that’s why you need this bone. That Anonymous, he’s certainly an odd fellow, isn’t he? Needing a bone to quell his blue emotions.”  “Yeah, he even bought two ice creams and gave one of them to me, FOR FREE! What a weirdo, right?” you chuckle by yourself, the only response received from Almanac is a confused stare. Huh, maybe he’s a weirdo too. “A-anyway, it’s not my place to judge his customs and feelings. Equestria has been changing rapidly over the years after all. So, if it’s for your Lord, then I suppose I could let you have that bone.” Almanac finally lets up. “Really!? Ummmm, err- I mean, really?” you pipe down your surprise realizing that you’re still in a museum. You’re one step closer to fulfilling your Lord’s wish. This Almanac guy, he’s not so bad, especially for somepony from Canterlot. “Your reason seems just, if a little odd. Also, the bone of this species you’re taking isn’t extinct, nor is it endangered. I’ll have to pull a few strings, but I could get another bone like that before tomorrow, Monday.”  “Thank you!” you flash him a wide, blinding smile of gratitude. “S-sure thing.” he cheeks turn a tinge of crimson. You pull out a checklist from your saddlepack and write off the acquired bone. Only one thing left! You’re blasting through your list so fast! “What’s that?” Almanac asks curiously. “The list of things I need to ease my Lord.”  “Fish blood!?” he questions in shock. “Yes! Could you help me get some? And by some I mean a lot!”  “Fish blood huh? Hmmm...” he enters a state of thought once more. With a cheeky smile, you hold out the Catalyst Sigil in front of his face. With a sigh, he tells you, “I might have an idea. Hold on.”  You follow him, bone in hoof, as he goes to his office in the museum. Dialing a number on his phone, he waits patiently for the other line to pick up.  “Hey, Amazone? You up yet? Well, I guess you would be. You’re about to go to your Sunday-morning-grocery-shopping, right? Could you meet me there? I’ve...got a favor to ask. What!? Nonono! It’s not that kind of favor! Just...be there by the fountain!” he hangs up with his face almost as  red as the shiny rotary telephone.    You can’t help but smirk at his reaction. “C-c’mon, we’ve got someplace to be at.” he gradually brushes off his embarrassment.  “Yes, sir!” Boy oh boy do you have a pep to your step. After that little talk with Rainbow, you feel the flames of life within you. Maybe it’s even showing a little too much. “You sure seem cheery today. Anything new?” Starlight asks you from across the hallway in Twilight’s former castle.  “I just got out of a warm bath and I’m well dressed.”. That you are. You’re lookin’ real fresh with...the same clothes you’ve had since your stay here. You wash them everyday anyway, and Starlight helps you dry them fast. At least you’ll get some new stuff from Rarity soon, but you still feel like you’ve got a tuxedo on or something and you’re about to be give a lady the most based date she’ll ever have. “Aaaaaaand?” the curious mare asks in anticipation. “I’ve got a date in 20 minutes.” you smile so widely it’s almost blinding. “Again? You seem a little more...” “Chipper than usual? Well, I...ummm, had to do a thing at school earlier.” you catch yourself from telling the Head Principal/employer your mistake at your job. “What were you doing there so early on a Sunday?” she presses on. “Never mind that! But I came across Rainbow and she got me all motivated for my date.” you explain. “That’s great! I hope you have a blast today, Anon.”  “Me too, Starlight. Me too. Anyway, I’m gonna go. Don’t wanna be late for my big thing, you know? You take care while I’m gone.” you excuse yourself. “Wait, Anon!” she calls out to you just as you’re about to turn the corner in the hallway. “Yeah?”  “I almost forgot to ask you, but you’ve met Shade, right?” you could sense a hint of reluctance in her words. “Oh, right. Yeah, I did. She’s a bit of a weird one, but I kinda like her, in her own peculiar, bizarre way.” you forgot about her. You still have some questions to ask Starlight, and probably Twilight too, about her, but those can wait for now. “That’s nice, but do you know where she is?” she seems a little worried. “Oh, well…”  ~An excruciatingly-painful-storytelling-minute later~ “And then she just ran off like that?” you can almost feel her disbelief at the story you’d told.  “Relax. I’m sure she’ll be back soon.” you reassure Starlight. You don’t really see a good reason for her to just leave like that, so you’re not too distressed about it. Still, you do wonder what she’s doing right now.  “You’re...probably right. What did you ask for anyway?”  “Oh, nothing. Nothing big, really.” Now that you think about, could Shade really be trying to get you what you asked for. There’s no way she’ll actually just come back later and have it ready for you. “...I see…” Starlight’s suspicions are roused, but they remain idle for now, “Anyway, I do wonder where she is right now.” “...and that’s why I’ll never eat watermelons ever again.”  “That’s the third time you’ve told me that story in the last five minutes and I still don’t get it.”  The Sunday morning streets of Canterlot are pretty vacant, but the journey to the Bargain Market is a little long. Thankfully, the market isn’t too far from the castle, so you can get to work fast after acquiring your last ingredient. “Why are you still carrying that around anyway?” the big bone on your back does seem a bit...apparent. The odd stares you’ve been getting from the local residents wasn’t difficult to notice.  “Hmmm? It’s not that heavy.” it really isn’t.  “That’s not heavy? I suppose Royal Guards wouldn’t have a hard time carrying stuff like that around.” Both of you finally arrive at the Bargain Market, waiting by the fountain in the center. It wouldn’t be too hard to notice you two with such a large bone on your back. “How’d you know that?” you ponder. “Know what?” “That I’m part of the Royal Guard.” “Oh, that. I mean, you have a Catalyst Sigil and you’re serving under a Lord.” he points out to you. It hadn’t occurred to you that he already knows that much about you. Now that you think about it, you don’t know much about him either, apart from his first name and him being the museum’s manager  “Say, what’s your name?” he promptly asks you..  “My name?” the sudden nature of the question throws you off a little.    “Yeah, I realized we haven’t introduced ourselves to each other yet.” “Introductions? What for?” it’s not like you’ll be working with him for a while anyway.  Almanac turns a little sheepish from your question, “I-I don’t know. It just feels...right to do that, I guess?” Wait, could this be what Princess Twilight was telling you about? Friendship? You immediately prop up a salute, “I am Corporal Shade Fieldsworth, specialize in combat and reconnaissance! Currently, I am tasked as Lord Anonymous’ designated companion!”  Did you do that right? You feel like you did that right. “...And I’m Almanac Trivia. Good to see you.” he raises his hoof to you, to which you respond by staring at it. What’s he doing? Your intuition tells you to raise your hoof as well, to which you do. He lands his hoof on yours and begins to shake it up and down. What was that? “What was that?”  “A hoofshake?” Almanac asks, unsure himself of whether he’s asking you or telling you. “Yeah, that.” “...” “Well? What’s it for, mister?” The informational side of Almanac prompts him to answer you, even though he knows this kind of information is more akin to common sense than trivia, “...It’s...a polite way to introduce yourself to somecreature you’ve just met. By tradition, it’s the default greeting of peace, whether it’s towards an old friend or a stranger.” The only kind of greeting you know is a salute. But he did say It’s a greeting for friends. Maybe it’s a special kind of greeting to befriend others? “Have you no manners, Almanac? Gentlecolts introduce themselves to others before anything else, especially if it’s to a mare.” a voice from a mare teases, her words growing louder as she approaches the fountain. “Amazone!?” Almanac is startled by the sudden appearance of his Pegasus mare friend in casual clothing. “More so if it’s a mare this cute. Nice to meet you, dear. I’m Amazone Box. I certainly hope Almanac here hasn’t been a bother to you.” she raises her hoof to you. The hoofshake!  Instinctively, you salute back to her. Amazone’s puzzled stare pulls back your salute and raises your hoof to hers. With your inexperience, you freeze up as Amazone takes charge and shakes your hoof before giving you a genuine smile. “Amazone, you need stop creeping up behind ponies like that. You scared the Tartarus out of me.”  “Now now, Almanac. Introductions take priority. And besides, it’s a simple pleasure of mine. Let me have my cake and eat it, won’t you?” he just shrugs off her antics, probably him getting used to the dynamic they often have. They’re waiting for you, aren’t they? Looks like it’s your turn. You salute once more, “My name is-“ you cut yourself off. Wait, you don’t think you need to salute. Dropping your hoof to the ground, you start over, “I am Corporal Shade Fieldsworth, specialize in combat and reconnaissance! Currently, I am tasked as Lord Anonymous’ designated companion!” “I like this one.”  “Amazone. I need your help with delivering a bone to my museum.” Almanac brings Amazone up to speed with the situation, wasting no time at all.  “Is that all? How boring.” she hardly tries to curtain her dull expression, “But that big bone sure isn’t. I suppose that’s why we’re here today, right?” this bone escapes nocreature’s eyes. “About that...” Almanac starts. “Save me the story for another time, Almanac. There’s a super sale this morning and I don’t wanna miss it. Eggs don’t come cheap these days.” her casual attitude does intrigue you, you’ve never seen anything like it in Canterlot. Maybe not all nobles are stuck-ups. “Anyway, I can get some delivery ponies to help you with that, but our hooves are a little tied together right now. How’s tomorrow sound?”  “I don’t mind, but I’d really rather have it done as soon as possible. Is there some way you could get some ponies right away?” “Hmmm… I suppose I could get some buddies from the Pegasi Weather Association to help you with that, it might mess up the weather schedules of some areas though.” she suggests. “If it’s not too much trouble, then please do.” “Is that all? I’d stay and have a nice chat with you two but I’ve got places to be.” “Well, there’s one more thing...” Almanac trails off. “And what’s that?” “Here you go, dear. They were kind enough to hand us two containers of it.” Amazon returns from her regular grocer. There are only two containers, but they do seem large enough. “Thanks again, Amazone, and sorry for all this. I’ll make it up to you somehow as soon as I can.” “Telling me how all this came to be should be enough. I bet there’s a wild story behind all this.” her curiosity has been piqued higher than the heavens.  “There sure is. Is this all you need, Shade?” Almanac floats over the containers to you with his magic.  “Mhmm.” you speak up after being silent for a while.  The three of you simply stand there in awkward silence. You feel like you’re supposed to be saying something. Didn’t you hear your Lord say it this morning? Picking up the pace, you just go for it, “Thank...you?... Both...” Oh yeah, those are the words.  Quickly, you pick up the containers and start galloping towards the nearby Canterlot Castle. All that's left now is to start working on it. “Quite the odd one, isn’t she? I hope we’ll see her again.” “I kinda hope so too.”  “Oooh, into younger mares now, are we?” Amazone teases. “Shut it.”