> Logical Leap And The Murder Of Maids > by Sinful Gold > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Real Maid > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She was going to be a real maid! Logical Leap could barely contain her excitement. She bounced from one side of the carriage to the other, sticking nearly half her body out the windows on either side of her seat to ogle the passing countryside. She waved and called out at just about every farmpony she saw—of which there were many, and had been ever since leaving Equestrian borders—and when one of them finally looked up and gave her a little wave back, it made her heart soar. “Did you see that?” Leap fell back into her seat, hooves bouncing in place as she beamed at the thin-lipped mare sitting opposite her. “That one waved at me! They like me!” The other mare said nothing to this. She was wearing a plain, formal suit that was only slightly more serious than her expression, and kept her eyes fixed squarely on the book cradled in her hooves. Leap didn’t let the stony response get to her anymore than she had the last dozen times. She grinned as her horn glowed a soft azure, levitating a small slip of paper out of the saddlebag discarded beside her and reading it over for the hundredth time. She was going to be a real maid! She’d been a little nervous at first when the headmare at the University had called her in for a meeting, especially after the disaster of a chemistry lab she’d taken part in the week before, but it turned out there was nothing to worry about! Logical Leap had been selected to take part in a special exchange program set up between the Equestrian Education Association and Griffonstone, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to immerse herself in an exotic griffon culture. Better yet, the particular kingdom which she’d been invited to had been kind enough to give her a position as a maid to the prince himself! Well, to a prince, she reminded herself—but a prince was a prince! She clutched the letter close to her chest as she leaned back into the not-quite-cushioned seat, imagining herself playing the part of the heroine in some of her favorite literature. She’d get a maid outfit just like in all the pictures, and make best friends with all her fellow maids—except for her rival, whom she’d have to defeat in a dramatic face-off—until she was finally recognized by the prince as the greatest, most beautiful maid he’d ever had. It was perfect, and she couldn’t wait to finally arrive! Leap blinked as the carriage suddenly rocked to a stop, the wheels going silent for the first time in hours. Oh my gosh. Are we here? Is it time? She looked out the window again, green eyes wide behind her big, circular glasses, and suddenly found her excitement tinted with an edge of heart-pounding anxiety. The prince’s manor was huge! It was almost the size of her entire dorm all on its own, with a stern facade of brightly painted stone casting the carriage in its shadow and two statue-adorned wings curving inwards on either side like welcoming hooves. She gulped, hooves reflexively tugging at the sleeves of her sweater. The prince probably had dozens of maids at his call to clean a building that size, and she’d have to compete with all of them! Leap jumped at the sudden clearing of a throat beside her. She turned to see her chaperone regarding her with narrowed eyes. “We’ve arrived, Ms. Leap,” the mare said cooly, nodding towards the door. “O-oh, right!” Leap let out a nervous laugh. She reached a hoof towards the door. “So, uh, just like that? No paper signing, maybe an orientation, anything?” The mare rolled her eyes. “The University will send a representative to retrieve you at the end of the semester, Ms. Leap.” “Oh, good.” Leap let out a relieved sigh before opening the door, grabbing her saddlebags, and dropping down to the cobbles with a quiet grunt. She turned back to the carriage, smiling up at her chaperone, and opened her mouth to offer a farewell. Leap flinched as the door slammed shut. The wagon kicked up a thick cloud of dust as it sped into motion, and by the time she finished coughing and waving it away, it was already out of sight. “Uh.” Leap raised her voice, waving at the empty road. “See you in a couple months!” The road, of course, didn’t answer. She turned around with a sigh, taking a few seconds to look up at the manor and steel herself. So what if—at this point Leap realized that her chaperone had never actually given her name—her new friend wasn’t especially warm? Leap was sure that the mare would be more than interested in hearing all the stories of her time abroad once the exchange program came to its conclusion. Pausing to magically straighten out her skirt and tug at her sweater sleeves one more time, Leap started up the path. It was a short walk to the big double doors, the wood engraved with twin images of eagles with their beaks spread wide, and when she got there she found herself wishing it had been a little longer. She lifted her hoof to knock, but couldn’t bring herself to follow through. What would some important griffon prince want to do with a plain Equestrian college student like herself? She was just about to put her hoof down and go running back after the carriage when the click of the door caught her ear. She froze, caught between thoughts as the door swung open to reveal a pony in a prim, button-down shirt. “Good evening,” the mare said, fixing Leap with a pair of cool green eyes. “Are you the new maid?” The question, spoken so casually but in a voice smooth as silk, set Leap’s heart aflutter. The mare who’d answered the door carried herself with a casual confidence, her blonde mane worn in an elegant bob and her coat a smooth brown like milk chocolate. She wore a pristine black uniform—cap and collar with eagle symbol, long sleeves, and golden buttons running down her chest—and Leap suddenly found herself incapable of speech. “Hello?” the mare cocked her head. “Ms. Leap, right?” Leap gasped. She’d been staring! “Um, uh, that’s not necessary!” The mare blinked. “I mean, you d-don’t have to call me Ms. Leap.” The mare arched a brow. “What would you like me to call you, then?” “Oh, uh—” Leap blushed, looking away with a breathy laugh “—whatever you want.” Leap smiled in a way she hoped didn’t come off as desperate. The mare regarded her in silence. After an agonizing eternity, the mare nodded and turned around. “Follow me, Ms. Leap.” Ms. Leap. Leap’s heart soared at the sound of the honorific. She was just about to start following when she realized something new—in turning around, the striking other mare had revealed that her uniform stopped at the flanks, and she had her short tail tied up in a way that left everything between her legs completely bare. Leap’s mouth went dry, and even though she was wearing a long skirt and a pair of panties she found her tail self-consciously clamping down against herself. How can she stand to walk around like that? The mare paused, glancing back. “Are you coming, Ms. Leap?” “Y-y-yes! I’m coming!” Leap bit her tongue as she realized the potential double meaning, and for a moment opened her mouth to correct herself, but was wise enough to realize that doing as much would only reveal her own dirty thoughts. She shook her head, bounding forwards to walk at the beautiful mare’s side. “Um, what’s your name?” “Mirror Image. I’m the head house-maid here.” Mirror gave Leap a small, sideways smile. “You’ll be reporting to me during your stay.” “Oh. Great! That’s amazing!” Leap beamed back at Mirror as she followed her down a hall of polished wood decorated with landscape paintings. “I’m Logical Leap!” Mirror arched a brow, but said nothing as she turned her eyes forward once more. Inwardly, Leap cursed. Oh, calm down, Leap! Don’t embarrass yourself in front of the pretty mare. Just stop talking and do as she says. Mirror led her through the manor at a brisk pace, dipping her head to the other ponies they passed along the way. They all wore similar outfits to hers, though Leap noticed that the stallions had longer shirts that covered their flanks instead of the short, near-useless skirts of the mares, and proper bowties instead of collars. Curiously, she didn’t see any griffons. For a moment she debated asking Mirror about the strange absence, but quickly decided that she’d misspoke enough for the day already. She’d save her questions for later. The manor felt even bigger from the inside, and after several minutes of navigating stairways and halls, Mirror stopped next to a nondescript wooden door on the third floor. “Here’s your room,” she said, levitating a key out of her uniform and unlocking the door. It swung open with a loud creak. “You’re on night shift, which is twelve hours starting at midnight, so I recommend you stick to a regular sleeping schedule. Go on and put your things down.” Leap nodded eagerly as she stepped into the room, her smile faltering only slightly as she took in the spartan furnishings. A small bed with a thin mattress, a pillow missing half its stuffing, and a wardrobe made of thin, cheap wood. A single window in the far wall offered just enough sunlight to highlight the dust swirling through the air. “I’ll be back in a few minutes with your uniform, and some cleaning supplies,” Mirror said from out in the hall. “Your first job will be to clean your quarters, and then I’ll show you around the manor.” The door creaked again as it swung shut behind Leap, and she jumped at the bang of its closing. Her smile grew strained as she turned a slow circle, making sure she hadn’t missed any more subtle niceties in the room, and finally floated her saddlebags onto the floor next to the bed. There’s nothing to be disappointed about, she assured herself. It’s just a room! There’s plenty more to maid life than where you sleep. It’ll be fun! She closed her eyes and took a deep, calming breath—and then immediately began coughing as her body fought to expel all the dust she’d just sucked in. The first disappointment had been realizing that she wouldn’t get to wear a proper maid outfit. Maybe it had been a little silly of her to imagine herself prancing about in a frilly skirt and lacy blouse, dusting microscopic specks off priceless art pieces and admiring herself in the mirror. After all, all the other servants in the manor had been wearing the same, almost militant uniforms. When she’d received her own uniform, she’d felt a little silly for not having already realized it would be the same one everypony else was wearing. After the quick tour she’d been given on her first day, Leap’s second disappointment was realizing that being a maid involved a lot less exciting drama than she’d imagined, and a lot more scrubbing, dusting, sweeping, and sponging. It had been a week since her arrival, and she still took the time to inspect herself in the long mirror in the maid’s common room every day. It was still a little tight, even after all the snacks she’d skipped since her arrival, and she didn’t like how the short skirt attached to the bottom of the shirt left her entire rear exposed. She wasn’t sure about the little strap that ran from the undershirt to the socks on her hind legs either; on the one hoof, it was reassuring to be able to feel some clothing over her thighs. On the other, she was fairly certain that the strap was only there to accentuate the curve of her plot. At least she was allowed to wear her tail long. Leap had voiced her concerns over the revealing outfit when she’d first received it. “It’s demeaning,” she’d told Mirror, blushing fiercely just at the thought of wearing it. “Our bodies are more than just pretty toys for stallions to gawk at, and we shouldn’t be forced to dress like this.” “You volunteered for this position,” Mirror had reminded her. “And yes, it’s demeaning, but that’s how Master Gerrick likes us: pretty toys to look at when he’s about the house. That’s part of why you were chosen, you know. Now give me those panties.” Leap hadn’t been sure how to respond to that. Maybe Mirror just didn’t know any better? She was sure she’d be thankful once she saw what it was like in Equestria, but for now, Leap would play along. She’d remained quiet for most of the day after. At night, however… Leap would never admit it, but when she was alone, in the hours before midnight, lying in bed and listening to the distant sounds of the manor and waiting for her shift to start, she found herself actually getting excited at the idea that some handsome foreign prince had chosen her. He thought she was pretty! Leap never felt very pretty; she was too thick around the middle, and her big goofy glasses were always getting in the way, and she didn’t know how to wear her mane in any complex styles like other mares did. But Master Gerrick had chosen her to be one of his maids, and she had quickly learned that all of Master Gerrick’s maids were beautiful, especially Mirror Image. It was a shame that Mirror was forced to wear such a revealing outfit; did he force her to wear her tail short and high like that, too? Maybe if Leap was smart enough, she could convince Master Gerrick to send Mirror back to Equestria with her, and Leap could take her shopping on the Canterlot strip and buy her all sorts of cute clothes. Mirror would be so grateful, and they’d have a lovely wedding in the Canterlot Plaza, with ponies from all over the city coming to congratulate them. It shouldn’t be that hard, right? He’d chosen her, after all. At night she would bite her lip and imagine him sitting in some big, plush chair next to a fireplace, looking through photos of gorgeous mares from all across Equestria, and finally settling on her. “This one,” he would say in a deep, powerful voice, tapping his talon on that one picture Leap really liked—the one with her magenta sweater, on her first day at the University. “This is the most beautiful mare, and I must have her.” On most nights that was when Leap would squeeze her eyes shut, muffling herself into her pillow with one hoof tucked between her legs. She would imagine a soft knock at her door, and then—Mirror Image would slip inside, a confident smile on her lips and a mischievous twinkle in her eye, and the two would have a breathless, heart-pounding night together under her thin little blanket, whispering promises of devotion into each other’s ears. When she finally came down from her high and pulled her marecum-slicked hoof out from her panties, Leap’s mind would wander to the mystery of Master Gerrick himself. She’d still yet to even see the griffon she was supposed to be working for, let alone spoken to him, and she came up with all kinds of different ideas of what he might be like. There was so much work to do around the manor, most of it in out-of-the-way servant’s quarters or kitchens or closets, but even when Leap was able to find some time off-shift to loiter in the foyer or the dining room or any one of the studies, the griffon was nowhere to be seen. She’d seen some of the other mares bring him food—though she was beginning to suspect that “bringing Master Gerrick dinner” was some kind of euphemism, as half the time the mares entering his room didn’t even have any food with them. Leap had asked about being the one to bring him his breakfast a few times, but Mirror always turned her down. “You’re not ready yet,” the older mare would say. “You still need to work on your posture,” or, “You haven’t brushed all the knots out of your mane,” or once, “Did your mother never teach you how to sweep a floor?” Leap would always nod, blush, and do her best to improve. She wanted to be like Mirror. She wanted to be elegant and confident, and always awake and alert no matter the hour. Leap had never seen the head house-maid tired before, even though Mirror never seemed to sleep. She was always busy around the manor, and sometimes Leap would leave Mirror working on one side of the manor only to find her doing some completely different job on the other a few minutes later. But finally, after a week of trying, Leap got her chance. She was waiting in the garden just after the end of her shift, sitting on a stone bench with one of the books she had brought with her from Equestria, The Cursed Skunk of Killarney. It was a favorite of hers, well broken-in with little doodles along the margins, and she’d even tucked away a few sheets of rather breathless fanfiction in the back—her own work—but she wasn’t really focused on it. She’d heard that Master Gerrick would be going out on a trip today, and she was determined to catch a glimpse of him. So when she noticed one of the other maids struggling to load some luggage into the back of the carriage waiting on the driveway, she’d leapt at the opportunity to replace her. The luggage was heavy, but not overwhelmingly so for a talented unicorn such as herself. The noon sun had coaxed a small sheen of sweat from her brow as she worked, but she took it in stride. She kept her back to the manor, striking poses she hoped would be alluring while her magic hefted suitcases into the carriage. She was already getting a little flustered just thinking of her handsome griffon master stepping out from within, his breath taken away as he saw her, his chosen maid, her flank completely exposed but for the dangling hairs of her tail. Perhaps he would pause in the doorway, gather himself, and then finally come down to greet her with— “Mirror, who is this?” Logical Leap jumped so hard her magic sputtered out, and the suitcase she’d been levitating clattered to the ground with a sharp crack. She was already blushing as she turned. Master Gerrick towered head and shoulders above her, his plumage shimmering like gold under the sunlight and his fur shining like polished steel. His hard grey eyes, framed in sharply angled silver feathers, looked down on her with a distant curiosity, while the slight upwards curve of his long, hooked beak teased at deeper, mischievous thoughts hidden within. Leap could barely think. This was her master, the powerful griffon prince from abroad that had chosen her for her beauty, finally before her! And there was Mirror Image, frowning at her from his shoulder. “This is Logical Leap, sir. She’s the new maid.” “New maid?” Master Gerrick echoed. His eyes narrowed as he glanced down to Mirror, who seemed to shrink away ever so slightly. “To my memory, she was not present at last month’s shipment, nor the one before that. How have I not seen her until now?” Leap blinked. He… doesn’t recognize me? “She’s a surprise, sir.” Mirror turned to fully face the griffon before bowing her head low. “I volunteered us for the Equestrian Exchange Program. I was going to train her more before presenting her to you, sir. For your birthday.” “An Equestrian? Why would I want an Equestrian, Mirror?” Gerrick’s brow hardened as he shot a disdainful glance towards Leap. “Is there anything special about her, at least?” “Y-yes!” Leap blurted. Her heart stopped as she realized she had spoken out of turn, and now he was looking right at her, his eyes piercing into hers with a casual confidence that all at once made her ears droop and her hooves shiver. “I’m very special, sir! The University chose me specifically to be your maid, and—and I’m the m-most beautiful mare!” Oh, you idiot! What was she doing? She wasn’t the most beautiful mare anywhere, not by a long shot. And even if she was, she didn’t want her prince knowing her only for her body! Oh, Celestia, it’s all falling apart! “Mhm.” Gerrick turned back to Mirror, his voice taking on a dangerous edge. “Mirror, open your mouth.” “Y-yes, sir.” That caught Leap’s attention. Was that a stutter, coming from Mirror Image, the calm, confident head house-maid that always knew what to do and always carried herself with poise? Mirror was visibly shaking as Gerrick sat down on the cobbles, his tail flicking about sharply behind him, and slowly reached a talon out to wrap around the back of her head. Mirror didn’t put up any fight as he pulled her head down between his legs, and Gerrick only let out a quiet grunt as the mare began to lick at his balls. Leap’s mind blanked. Her tail clamped down hard over her rear as she looked around the garden. There were still other maids present, tending to the plants or sweeping out the porch, and yet they kept their eyes pointedly away from the illicit act occurring in the midst of them all. What was Leap supposed to do? This was supposed to be a private thing, and they were doing it right in front of her! Despite herself, Leap couldn’t resist the urge to watch, and she stiffened as she realized that Gerrick was staring right into her, sizing her up like a cat might watch a mouse. And all the while Mirror continued to service him, her pink tongue slipping out to caress the fuzzy grey orbs hanging between his legs. It wasn’t long before Gerrick’s shaft began to emerge. Leap whimpered, hiding her furious blush behind her forelegs and squeezing her eyes shut. What was happening? Why was her future wife tending to her prince right in front of her as casually as they might exchange greetings? She bit her lip, ears twitching at the sound of wet gagging coming from in front of her, her hind legs twitching as she felt her own heat beginning to rise between them. Taking a deep breath, Leap cracked an eye open and peeked between her hooves. Mirror had now taken Gerrick’s shaft into her mouth and begun bobbing her head in a smooth, rhythmic motion, letting out quiet gags as she pushed herself deeper every time. And still Gerrick kept his eyes fixed on Leap, giving no outwards sign that he had even noticed the act, let alone that he was enjoying it. “What’s your name, maid?” Leap squeaked. He was talking to her! What did she do? She closed her eyes again. “Maid!” Leap jumped. “Y-y-yes?” “You will address me as sir,” Gerrick ordered. “Tell me your name.” “L-Logical Leap, s-s-sir.” Leap’s whole body was shivering now. What if she was next? What would she do if he grabbed her head just like he’d done with Mirror and pulled her calmly, slowly down? If he made her wrap her lips around the hot, hard length between his legs and taste him? She was beginning to have a little trouble breathing. “Why are you here, Logical Leap?” The question was accented by a particularly hard retch from Mirror, and the sound of hooves scrabbling in the stone. “Because I w-w-wanted to b-be your maid.” Leap squirmed, rubbing her thighs together. When they parted, a sticky rope of arousal drooped between them. “My maid? Really?” Gerrick let out a thoughtful hum. “You’ve heard of me in Equestria?” Leap whimpered again. What did she say now? She didn’t know what he wanted! She wanted nothing more than to flee, racing up the stairs to her humble little room and slamming the door shut so she could throw herself into bed and jam a hoof between her legs. Breathing rapidly, she opened her eyes and risked another peek. Mirror was lying almost prone on the driveway, her eyes bulging and tears streaming down her cheeks as Gerrick’s talon held her effortlessly in place against his groin. He had begun to thrust into her with short, almost distracted motions, ignoring her obvious distress as her hooves dug shallow furrows around the cobbles. Despite this, Mirror’s tail was hiked even higher than it normally was, treating Leap to an unobstructed view of her winking marehood and the small puddle of arousal forming underneath it. And Gerrick had yet to look away. Leap grimaced, shaking her head. “I, um, I need to go! Sorry, sorry!” Mustering all her willpower, Leap finally managed to stand up, making as if to gallop around Gerrick and back into the manor—only for Gerrick to reach out with his other talon, bringing the sharp tips to rest gently against Leap’s chest. “Stay,” he commanded, and instantly Leap’s rear fell back to the ground. “You don’t leave until I tell you, understood?” “Y-yes, sir! I’m sorry, sir! P-please d-d-don’t do anything, um, unseemly to me!” Gerrick arched a brow at that, but didn’t comment on it. Instead he slid his hand up behind Leap’s head, sending a powerful shiver down her spine as he wrapped his talons firmly in her mane. Oh, here it comes! Leap clenched her jaw, heart pounding in her chest. Now he’s going to molest me! She wasn’t sure if she was disappointed when, instead of pushing her down to join Mirror, he merely angled her eyes down to watch. “Don’t look away.” He let go of her, but disobeying was the last thing on Leap’s mind. Mirror’s face had gone almost completely blue and her frantic struggles were beginning to weaken. The only resistance left was the abrupt jerking of her body, each limb twitching with its own macabre rhythm as the final desperate messages from her oxygen-deprived brain arrived. Her bloodshot eyes had rolled up into her skull, leaving only the ghostly whites behind. For a brief moment Leap’s mind—trapped between terror and denial—fantasized that the mare was some kind of life-like toy, a pony-sized doll with just enough magic inside it to spasm and retch when its owner buried his cock down its throat. But of course that wasn’t the case. Leap had spoken with Mirror dozens of times over the past week, stolen hungry glances after her when she thought the other mare wasn’t looking, and even fantasized about the amazing life they would have together once Leap took her back to Equestria. No matter how difficult it might be for her to accept, she couldn’t deny the truth.  As a last, terrified stream of urine splattered from Mirror’s lower lips and her body fell completely still, Leap could only watch through eyes blurred with tears. Mirror Image was dead. If Gerrick even noticed, he didn’t show it. He grunted, pulling on Mirror’s limp form so hard that his talons drew blood, and Mirror’s throat swelled as he pumped fresh cum down her muzzle. A thin trail of white dripped out past the corner of her lips.  The last thing Leap heard was the quiet squelching of Gerrick’s cock pulling out of Mirror’s lifeless throat, and then Leap’s body fell out from under her, and she surrendered to the calming oblivion of unconsciousness. > No Big Deal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Leap woke up again, she found herself in an unfamiliar room. It wasn’t her bedroom. No, this room was wide, with a high ceiling painted to look like the sky on a clear day and lavish furnishings everywhere she looked. A fire crackled in a hearth, working with the tall windows around the room to light the large space. Bookshelves stocked with beautifully bound texts, statues depicting mares in evocative poses, and thick rugs embroidered with elaborate patterns decorated the room, and with a start Leap realized that she was laying on a huge, four-post bed, her head propped up on a pillow nearly as large as she was. Leap took it all in with wide eyes, mouth agape in wonder, and then her gaze fell on the griffon watching her in silence from behind a mahogany desk, his talons clasped together under his beak. Leap blinked, her sluggish mind finally catching up, and she pushed herself back into the pillow with a strangled scream of, “Please don’t hurt me!” Master Gerrick cocked his head. “You fainted, maid. Are you well?” “I’m fine!” Leap blurted. “I won’t tell anypony what I saw, I swear! Just leave me alone!” Sweet Celestia, he killed her! And I watched it happen and I didn’t even do anything to help! Fresh tears formed in Leap’s eyes as she grabbed the pillow behind her and rolled underneath it, shivering like a leaf. What did she do now? Could she even go back to Equestria now? If anypony ever found out what had happened, what she’d done—or more accurately, not done—she’d be doomed! And that was assuming she could even get out of the manor alive. “Ms. Leap, please calm down. Master Gerrick wants to talk to you.” Leap froze. Could it be? Slowly she looked up, shaking her head in shock when she saw Mirror Image standing at the bedside with a small smile. “M-Mirror?” Leap shot a nervous glance towards Gerrick. “But… I saw him—he—on his—” “Shh.” Mirror reached out, gently hushing Leap with a brown-coated hoof. “She deserved it. She shouldn’t have upset Master Gerrick like that. I’m the new head house-maid now.” Leap struggled to parse the strange words, a task made more difficult by the alluring scent of citrus on Mirror’s hoof. Her fur was so soft! After a couple distracted seconds, Leap managed to pull the hoof away. “I—I don’t understand. You’re Mirror Image… right? You look just like her. I… I watched her die.” “She did die.” Gerrick spoke clearly, the masculine bass of his voice drawing the attention of both mares. “Mirror Image is my head house-maid, and has been since I first took her years ago. She knows me very well, and does a very good job.” He narrowed his eyes. “But sometimes she makes mistakes, and mistakes must be punished.” Gerrick stood, fluffing his wings before walking up to Mirror’s side and wrapping one feathered limb around her shoulders. Mirror stiffened at first, but then leaned into him with a soft blush as he continued speaking. “The Mirror Image you saw is dead. She was one of several copies, who all work together to ensure my house runs efficiently.” Leap frowned. “Copies?” Gerrick nodded, glancing down towards Mirror. “Show her.” Mirror’s horn glowed a soft green as she squeezed her eyes shut. The glow became brighter, and brighter still, until it was so harsh that Leap had no choice but to look away as the hum of magic filled the room. Finally the room dimmed, and when Leap looked back, still blinking the afterimage of Mirror and Gerrick from her vision, she was surprised to see two Mirror Images, standing across from each other like—well, like a mirror image. Although one of them, Leap noticed with a slight tinge of heat on her cheeks, wasn’t wearing any clothes. The clothed Mirror offered Leap a reassuring smile. “I’m the real Mirror Image. My special talent is making copies of myself, like the one that you watched Master Gerrick punish. I’m sorry if it frightened you, but there’s really nothing to worry about.” “But…” Leap groaned, rubbing a hoof at her forehead. “But she looked so scared. And she acted so real!” “She acted, yes.” Gerrick nodded, moving to stand next to the new, naked Mirror. “The copies are very realistic, but they’re still just copies. They aren’t real people.” As if to prove his point, he lifted a talon to the naked Mirror’s neck and—as casually as most ponies might pick up a newspaper from their driveway—slit her throat. The naked Mirror’s eyes shot wide open, and her forelegs flew up to the fresh wound as she toppled onto her side. Leap watched, entranced, as the dying mare spasmed, trying in vain to hold the precious blood inside, but her fate was already sealed. Within seconds she began to still, her body going limp even as yet more blood spurted out onto the carpet. Strangely, Leap didn’t feel the same mind-numbing panic as she had the last time she’d watched Mirror die. Maybe it was because she was still in shock from the fresh memory of the last time, or maybe it was because of the calm explanation she’d received to prepare her for it, or maybe it was just because of the way that everyone else seemed to watch the death with such nonchalance. Maybe it was just easier to believe that Leap hadn’t stood by and done nothing while her crush had died in front of her. It was just a copy, Leap told herself with a relieved smile. There’s nothing wrong with you. The real Mirror’s fine! “Mirror,” Gerrick said, nodding towards the fresh corpse. “Clean that up.” “Yes, sir.” Mirror moved without hesitation, levitating the twitching body off the carpet and pulling a bloodstained bucket out of some previously unnoticed corner to catch the excess blood. She trotted towards a door on the other side of the bed at a brisk pace, disappearing through it with body in tow. Leap stared after her with wide eyes, her fear already forgotten in the wake of a fresh surge of curiosity. “That’s… that’s incredible!” “Oh?” “Yes!” Leap looked to Gerrick with a wide grin, clapping her forehooves together. “The ability to make constructs with such life-like behavior, I mean—wow, I thought it was a real pony!” Leap laughed, maybe a little too hard. Gerrick smirked, looking her over. “An understandable mistake. You aren’t the first one to make it.” Leap blushed, looking away. He had seemed so cold and callous before, but now she saw that he had a softer side, too. How many of the other maids knew about it, she wondered? Maybe she was special after all, chosen to be privy to this secret, more sensitive side of the master of the house. She risked a glance back towards Gerrick, only to squeak and look away again when she saw him watching her intently. She wasn’t sure what to say next, and so the room lapsed into silence broken only by the crackle of the fire in the hearth. Leap’s mind wandered back to the surreal memories of watching Mirror’s copies die, of the way they had twitched and struggled. They felt so real, even if she knew better now. But just how real were they really, she wondered? “Can I… ask some questions, sir?” “You may.” Leap gulped, mustering the strength to meet his intense gaze once more. “The copies. How similar are they to a real pony?” “In body? In every way.” Gerrick turned towards a window, and Leap bit her lip at the way the sunlight highlighted his golden feathers. “They need to eat, drink, and sleep like any real pony, and relieve themselves as well. But it’s the mind where they differ.” He walked up to the bed, reaching a talon out to tap gently at the side of Leap’s head. “All the emotions you have in here? Fear, hope, lust? They can only simulate them. They do a fine job of it, but it’s only external; there’s nothing really there on the inside.” “Oh.” Leap found herself entranced by the cool grey of his eyes. “It just… I don’t know, it’s all so hard to accept.” Gerrick nodded. He traced his talon over the curve of her cheek, sending a shiver through her. “Don’t worry. I know how to help. Mirror!” There was a click as the door opened, and Mirror Image stepped back into the room. “Yes, sir?” Gerrick beckoned her over. “Are you a copy, or the original?” Mirror’s lips tightened, but she didn’t hesitate. “A copy, sir.” “Excellent. Stay here. Maid—Ms. Leap, was it?” Leap nodded, pleased by the sound of his voice speaking her name. “Y-yes, sir?” Gerrick nodded towards the Mirror. “What would you like to do to her?” Leap’s heart skipped a beat. “W-what?” “Don’t worry, she’s just a copy,” Gerrick assured her. “She can’t really feel any pain, fear, or shame. You can do anything you like without any repercussions. Isn’t that right, Mirror?” The Mirror gave a stiff nod, keeping her eyes straight ahead. “Yes, sir.” For a long moment, Leap could only look between Gerrick and the Mirror dumbfounded. Was he just messing with her? She could do anything she wanted? Admittedly, Leap had been fantasizing about Mirror for days now. She’d imagined kissing her, inviting her back to her bed, tasting her and exploring her. And now here she had this perfect opportunity to indulge in all those fantasies, and even a magnificent, massive bed to do it all in, and the real Mirror would never even have to know about it. Leap could order her to do things exactly as she imagined it in all her fantasies. She could already feel the heat rising under her tail. Leap licked her lips. “Come onto the bed.” The Mirror responded immediately, smoothly sliding forwards onto the bed. Leap couldn’t help but let out an excited squeal as she felt the softness of her crush’s coat brushing up against her own. Taking a moment to calm herself, Leap reached a hoof out and ran it through the other mare’s mane, marveling at the silky texture. The Mirror’s ear flicked, but she didn’t pull away. “Kiss me.” At first Leap didn’t realize the words had come from her own mouth, but then suddenly she was seeing her own stunned face reflected back in Mirror’s green eyes—and their lips connected. Leap’s eyes fluttered shut as she moaned into the other mare’s mouth, pushing up against her with a sudden surge of passion. Mirror allowed herself to be rolled onto her back, and Leap cradled her head between her hooves as she desperately pushed against her lips. It had been years since Leap had shared a kiss with anyone. She still remembered her first—and last—marefriend, a charming, petite pegasus she’d met during orientation week at her University. That little pegasus had shown Leap experiences she’d never even come close to since, and it was only now that she realized just how hungry she was to have that bond again. Leap pressed her body up against Mirror’s as she brushed her tongue over her lips, and to her pleasure Mirror opened her mouth wider, allowing Leap to slip inside. Excited shivers wracked her body as she tasted the inside of Mirror’s muzzle, breathing deeply of her scent.  But there was something wrong. Mirror wasn’t kissing back with nearly as much passion as Leap was; her motions were robotic and stilted, her hooves hanging limply at her sides instead of reaching out to caress Leap’s body. Leap pulled back with a gasp, breathing hard as she looked down at her partner. “What’s wrong?” she asked. “Nothing,” the Mirror said. Leap frowned. Something was wrong. This wasn’t like all her fantasies. “Let’s take our clothes off.” She’d all but forgotten about Gerrick watching in silence by the bed, so Leap didn’t waste any time in pulling her not-maid outfit off with a burst of magic and tossing it aside, leaving herself bare in a way she rarely did even when she was completely alone.  She didn’t wait for the Mirror to follow suit; with a wave of her horn, she ripped Mirror’s uniform away. “Kiss me!” Leap threw herself against Mirror, forcing her tongue into the other mare’s mouth and grinding their marehoods together. She moaned at the electric thrill of the wet friction against her, but no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t fully get into it. There was that nagging thought in the back of her head, incessant and maddening, that Mirror wasn’t enjoying it like she was. Leap broke the kiss again, glaring down at the impassive thing lying on the bed beneath her. “You have to kiss back.” “I am kissing back, Ms. Leap,” Mirror panted. “Is it not to your satisfaction?” “No! You’re not doing it right!” Leap let out a frustrated groan as she rolled off the mare. What was she thinking? Of course it wasn’t right! This wasn’t the real Mirror, after all. It was just a copy, a heartless imitation that could never hope to meet the passion that Leap had for the beautiful head house-maid. It was just an empty shell. Gerrick cleared his throat. “Upset?” Leap jumped, suddenly reminded of the griffon’s presence. She blushed furiously as she rolled onto her belly, tail curling around her rear, and met his cool gaze. “She isn’t doing it right, sir!” Gerrick nodded sagely. “I can see your frustration. Are you going to do anything about it?” Leap hesitated at that. “W-what do you mean?” “I think you know what I mean.” Gerrick gave the Mirror a sideways glance, the corner of his beak turning up into a dangerous grin. “Punish her.” “Oh. Right.” Leap looked to the Mirror with a nervous smile, and the Mirror looked back with an impassive, almost resigned expression. Punish her. She deserved it, didn’t she? She deserved it for being such a poor approximation of the real Mirror Image, and if Leap was being truly honest with herself, she was a little curious. Curious to see just how deep the illusion of a real mind went. Curious to see how the pony body would react. And maybe she was a little curious about how it would feel to be the one in charge for once, the one with all the confidence and the power, instead of the nervous, anxiety-stricken mare she normally was. Logical Leap licked her lips, nodding to herself. She could just try it out. It wasn’t really that big a deal. Her horn glowed, and a burst of azure energy leapt from its tip, striking the Mirror in the chest and drawing a strained grunt from her. Leap’s heart was pounding. Had she done too much? The Mirror had barely reacted, and even now the strike had had so little effect that Leap was almost wondering if she had just imagined it. Her marehood winked, hidden safely behind her tail, and she channeled more power through her horn. The blast struck Mirror in the face, and this time she fell backwards with a shrill yelp. That one had definitely had an effect. Leap could feel the wetness soaking into her tail as she stood up on the bed, towering over the shivering copy of Mirror, and prepared another spell. The fake mare screamed as azure lightning crackled over her body, throwing her limbs into wild spasms as she arched her back in agony. Leap didn’t hold back, instead pouring more energy into the spell, marveling at the way Mirror’s smooth voice became hoarse and dry. It all looked so real! The Mirror’s eyes stared back at her in terror as thin plumes of smoke began to swirl out of her from both ends, filling the room with the scent of cooked flesh and burnt hair, and still Leap went further. She wanted to see the pain in the mare’s eyes. She wanted it to make it pay for its inability to return her passions, and the louder it screamed, the more excited Leap became. The fake mare’s eyes popped as the smoke thickened, streaming out of her muzzle, her ears, her pussy and her plot. Blood burst from her muzzle as her tongue exploded next, the screams turning to frantic, dry moans. The moans began to quiet, and soon the false Mirror had fallen completely silent and still, its once-smooth coat charred and dry. Leap was breathing hard, taking it all in with wide eyes. Wow. She looked to Gerrick with an excited grin, almost like a filly stumbling into a candy store, and blushed as he gave her an approving nod. “That was very good,” he purred, stirring fresh butterflies in her belly. “How do you feel?” “I… I feel amazing,” Leap admitted. What a rush! She had been terrified of Gerrick before, but now she was beginning to understand why he did what he did. The Mirror clones weren’t real ponies, after all, and it just felt so wonderful to punish them for their mistakes. She felt as if she’d been brought into some secret club, a club with only three members: herself, Mirror Image, and Master Gerrick. We’re like kindred spirits, she thought, giggling to herself. I’m so glad I got to be his maid! Gerrick nodded, his eyes roaming over her body. “You’re excited.” “Oh! Well, um—” Leap shrugged, looking away again. The smell of burnt flesh lingered in her nose, sending twinges of lust through her as she remembered the experience. “I—I guess I’m still k-kinda worked up from… y’know.” When Leap looked up, Gerrick was suddenly much closer. He’d come right up to the edge of the bed, leaning over it, dwarfing her with his bulk. “Get on your back.” “Um.” Leap blinked, taken aback by the sudden request, but before she knew it she was doing as he said, rolling onto her back with her rear towards the edge of the bed. He looked her over like he might inspect a meal, causing her to fidget anxiously, and she jumped when he grabbed her hips and pulled her closer. Something hard and hot bumped up against her marehood. Leap shivered. Was she going to let this happen? She wasn’t really into stallions like that—but then Gerrick wasn’t a stallion, was he? And he wasn’t like any other male she’d met before, either. He was so confident, and he’d brought her in and showed her this special secret, and she was still really flustered from her brief interaction with the Mirror copy. Her pussy winked as if to answer for her, inviting him inside, and when Gerrick began to press against her she found the protest stuck in the back of her throat, unable to escape. She squealed as he slipped inside her in one body-shaking thrust, deeper than anything ever had. Gerrick immediately fell into a steady rhythm, letting out quiet grunts as he used her body. Leap was so embarrassed she couldn’t bring herself to look at him; instead she turned her head to the side, watching the lingering tendrils of smoke drift out of the corpse beside her as shocks of pleasure washed over her. She bit her lip, imagining the real Mirror in the bed beside her instead, alive and passionate and kissing her like a real mare should, and with that image in her head she threw herself into the experience with abandon. Leap had never been with a stallion like this before, and the sensation of his throbbing shaft pushing her apart, filling her so completely, and then the barbs around it scraping at her walls whenever he pulled out, left her breathless. Every time he left her she felt sad, as if she was suddenly left incomplete, but the sensation of loss was quickly replaced with fresh ecstasy when he thrust inside again, driving stifled moans from her lungs. His talons traced invisible paths over her body as he fucked her, sending shivers of pleasure up her spine. As time passed she began to forget her reservations, spreading her legs wide for him to take her, throwing her head back and letting her gasps of pleasure come freely. It was the most amazing thing Logical Leap had ever felt, the heat rising in her core and beginning to spread out to her limbs, pushed along with little waves of electricity that made her giggle and groan. How had she been so lucky as to find this place? At that moment, she never wanted to leave it. Gerrick’s talons began to travel up her chest, and finally she found the courage to turn and look him in the eyes. She immediately found herself mesmerized by the intensity of his gaze; he stared straight through her, those hard grey eyes glinting with something unknown, and she looked back up at him with a dopey smile, lips parting to give voice to her pleasure. He began to fuck her harder, his thrusts coming faster, his muted grunts turning to strained snorts. Leap squirmed under him, writhing as the bed rocked under her with the force of his thrusts. His groin slammed against her thighs with wet slaps, his balls kissing against her asshole and sending back-arching twitches of lightning through her. She held his gaze even as her cheeks grew flushed and her eyelids began to flutter and her mouth hung open, tongue lolling as he forced an unending stream of shuddering moans from her throat. He kept one talon wrapped firmly around her hips, pulling her back into him, but the other traveled up and curved around her neck, the sharp tip prodding at the soft flesh. A distant part of her thought back to how easily that same talon had slit a mare’s throat in this very room, but Leap wasn’t worried. She knew Gerrick wouldn’t hurt her. He didn’t hurt real ponies. He was like her; he only liked having a little fun with the fake ones. His grip around her throat tightened, making it hard to breathe. Leap grinned as she fell back into the sensation of floating on a sea of clouds, the pressure building in her body with every thrust of the hard length inside her. Her heart pounded in her chest like a drum, and she imagined it beating along in sympathy with the pulsing of Gerrick’s cock, their two bodies united in bliss. She giggled and gasped as the tingling that had started in her core stretched out towards the very tips of her hooves and the end of her muzzle, filling her in every way. Leap’s orgasm crashed onto her like an ocean wave. She cried out, her back arching as every muscle in her body tensed at once. Her pussy clamped down hungrily on Gerrick’s dick, beckoning it deeper within her, begging for his seed. He growled, scratching his talons down her belly as he hilted her with a savage slam, his balls tightening and his cock swelling, and her eyes rolled back into her head as she felt the volcanic rush of his cum surging inside her. He grunted, grinding his groin against her pussy as he pumped his load inside her, pressing almost painfully hard against her exposed clit. She let out a silent scream as he claimed her, unable to breathe at all past the tightening grip around her throat, but she didn’t need to breathe. She had his cock pulsing inside her, pushing out against the milking walls of her marehood, through the deluge of their mixed cum that splattered out past the seal of their bodies, and that was all she needed. The click of the door opening drew Leap’s attention. Through the fog of her asphyxiating mind she looked to the side and saw Mirror Image stepping into the room, the other mare pausing only briefly to note the fresh corpse still smoldering on the bed. Leap forced a smile past the unyielding grip on her throat, inviting her crush to join in the fun with her eyes. She wanted Mirror to snuggle her, to kiss her and lick her while she took Master’s amazing cock. Mirror said something, but Leap’s ears were ringing with a pleasure that made it impossible to discern. She felt more than heard the bass of Gerrick’s response, and the tips of Leap’s hooves tingled as she watched Mirror speak more. Then, with one final thrust, Gerrick released Leap’s neck. She gasped, sucking in a breath that she’d forgotten she needed. Her heart was pounding furiously against her chest, and as she lay there, dazed, feeling the cum drooling out of her cunt, she could do little more than let out quiet mewls of pleasure as the aftershocks of her orgasm washed over her. “Maid.” Leap blinked. Slowly she lifted her head and looked down at Gerrick, panting from his position between her legs. Mirror was already bobbing her head between his legs, cleaning his softening cock of marecum and spunk. The griffon jerked his head to the side, to the open door. “Back to your room. Mirror will bring you back to me later.” He ran a bloody claw over her pussy before lifting it up to his tongue, tasting her with a small nod of satisfaction. “I’ll have a new job for you then.” > Love And Murder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Logical Leap couldn’t sleep. How could she? The memory of killing Mirror’s copy was still fresh in her mind as she lay alone in her room. She revisited it over and over, one hoof buried between her legs and the other between her teeth, muffling her little squeaks of pleasure. Even just remembering the rush of power was enough to make her shiver. Worse still, she couldn’t get off. She squeezed her eyes shut tight, thinking back to the sensation of Gerrick’s cum flooding into her and kneading at her exposed clit, but no matter how hard she tried, the release she sought wouldn’t come. Leap slumped down with a frustrated sigh. What was wrong with her? If she could just relieve this burning under her tail then she could get the sleep she’d need for her next shift, but nothing worked! She idly lifted her hoof to her muzzle, sniffing at her scent before poking her tongue out to taste it. It didn’t taste as good as Mirror. Maybe a snack would help. Leap threw her thin blanket aside and rolled out of bed, quickly slipping into her uniform. She grimaced as she felt at the lingering stickiness between her legs; even if her tail obstructed the sight, anyone with a nose would be able to smell her distress! If only Mirror hadn’t taken all of the panties she’d brought over from Equestria, she’d be able to somewhat conceal herself, but there was nothing for it. It was mid-afternoon when Leap stepped out of her room and made for the servant's pantry. She passed a few other maids along the way, greeting them with demure smiles and nods, but didn't stop to talk. She hadn't been very successful at befriending them so far, but it didn't bother her anymore. They weren't close to Mirror Image or Master Gerrick like she was. It was just after lunch for the day shift, and there were only a few stragglers left in the pantry, rushing to finish their meals or clean their dishes. Leap kept her distance, cringing only slightly when she noticed a few stallions tracking her flank with their eyes. She filled a small bowl with dried flowers, seasoning it with a bit of dressing, and found herself a seat in the corner. She wasn't really hungry, but that had never stopped her from indulging in a little snacking before. She munched on the flowers absentmindedly, trying to ignore the itch between her legs. After the first bowl, she decided to go for another, and she thought the third one could use a little more dressing. Soon the servant's pantry was completely empty, leaving her and her fourth bowl alone at her little wooden table in the corner. Then the door opened, and Mirror Image trotted inside. Leap froze mid-chew. There she was, as beautiful and pristine as always, looking over the room with a cool gaze. Mirror's eyes fell on Leap, and the older mare offered a small, sideways smile in greeting. Leap crossed her hind legs with a quiet whimper, and prayed that Mirror didn't hear the wet sound that resulted. "Ms. Leap, shouldn't you be in bed? Your shift starts in six hours." “Um.” Leap should be in bed. She definitely shouldn’t be up stuffing herself with dried flowers drowning in dressing—as if she wasn’t chubby enough already—and she really needed to get the image of Mirror naked and smoldering on a lavish bed out of her head. A dozen different things to say raced through Leap’s head. Confident, suave, charming, romantic things. But the words she ended up speaking were, “Are you the original, or a copy?” Mirror didn’t answer right away. She glanced back towards the door and lifted a hoof, pursing her lips. “A copy.” Leap stood up, holding the copy’s gaze as she walked to block off the door. Now she knew what she needed. The heat dripping down her hind leg told her as much. She needed to experience that rush again, just a little bit of excitement to help her relax before bed. And even if Leap was just a maid, she was still a real pony, unlike Mirror’s copies. That meant they had to listen to her, right? And even if they didn’t… Well, she didn’t think anyone would miss a worthless non-pony. Leap gulped as she walked up to Mirror and extended a shaky hoof, grabbing the back of her head. Her heart thumped against her chest as she pulled Mirror’s head down, down, past the fluffy fur of her chest and the flared hem of her skirt, eyes widening as she realized that the other mare wasn’t doing anything to stop her. Finally Mirror’s muzzle bumped up against Leap’s aching marehood. For a long moment, Leap’s world slowed to a stop. Had she gone too far? A wet, warm tongue brushed across her lower lips, and Leap’s eyes fluttered as she let out a relieved moan. Leap couldn’t see much past the bulk of Mirror’s head, but she didn’t care. She leaned over the other mare, breath coming in short gasps, and pushed her down with both hooves, grinding her pussy against her muzzle. Mirror didn’t protest, dutifully tending to Leap with quick, rhythmic flicks of her tongue, and Leap bit her lip as the little splashes of pleasure swept over her, filling her body with heat. What did it matter if the copies couldn’t kiss with the passion of a real pony? They didn’t need passion to lick Leap’s cunt, and that was what she really needed right now. Leap pressed Mirror harder against her, letting out plaintive little whines as she tried to squeeze more pleasure out of her, but Mirror only continued to lick her at the same steady pace, with little variation in speed or target. Leap’s nostrils flared and her ears twitched, and she tried to guide Mirror by shifting her hips, pressing her nose up against where she wanted to be licked. It wasn’t enough. Leap cast a desperate glance around the room. She needed to cum! Her eyes alighted on a knife-holder, stocked with daily-sharpened knives of every variety needed for cooking. Her horn glowed, and a heavy chef’s knife floated free, wrapped in the azure twinkle of her magic. It spun lightly through the air before coming to a stop behind Mirror’s raised plot, the large knob at the base of the handle aimed for her exposed cunt. I just need to get her a little excited, Leap thought. Then she’ll get more into it! With a wave of her horn, the knife handle sunk into Mirror’s pussy. The mare stiffened for only a moment, letting out a sharp gasp, before pressing back into Leap once more. Leap licked her lips, grinding into Mirror’s muzzle as she began to fuck her with the knife handle. She could feel Mirror nosing aside the folds of her marehood and wrapping her clit in her soft lips, teasing it with her tongue and driving electric flashes of ecstasy up her spine, and she even saw Mirror begin to hump back against the knife. It was working! Leap laughed breathlessly, driving the knife’s handle into Mirror hard enough to rock the mare’s entire body as she felt her orgasm approaching. But something was holding her back. She came so close, right up to the edge, her whole body shuddering with need, only to fall short. “Fuck.” Leap groaned, muttering under her breath as she jammed the knife’s handle deep into Mirror’s dripping pussy. “Oh, please. Please, please, c’mon! I’m so close! Please, Mirror!” Leap continued to beg, pressing Mirror up against her with all her strength, even using the knife buried in her pussy to help. Why couldn’t she cum? What was she missing? She was so close! She just needed a little push. Leap gasped. I’ve got it! Focusing her magic, Leap pulled the knife out into the open, flipped it around, and jammed it back into Mirror’s cunt—blade-first. Mirror shrieked, trying to pull away, but Leap barely noticed over the orgasmic rush that flooded her senses. Instead she let out a long, guttural moan, flipping Mirror onto her back and pinning her between her legs, grinding herself against the panicking mare’s muzzle, eyes fluttering as her victim’s screams sent pleasurable vibrations into her clit.  She glanced down with a breathless grin, marveling at how Mirror’s eyes flinched and jerked in pain, muzzle hidden under the curve of her belly. The primal terror in her beautiful green eyes made Leap’s chest ache and her body shiver. She wanted—needed more of that. Biting her lip, Leap twisted her neck back so she could see Mirror’s bloody, mutilated cunt, the soft flesh now mangled into a jagged hole. The lips had been cut to shreds, with the exposed clit the only part still recognizable. Eyes lidded with lust, Leap pulled the knife back and adjusted the angle, slicing straight through the base of Mirror’s clit. Mirror screeched even louder, a long, shuddering wail straight into Leap’s swollen clit that finally pushed her over the edge. She continued to fuck Mirror with the blade as she came, ears filled with Mirror’s muffled crying and the grotesque sounds of the knife sinking into wet flesh. “Yes! Yes! Finally!” Leap arched her back, bathing Mirror’s face in her cum. This was what she needed! By the time Leap was able to think again, Mirror had fallen still and silent. She paused to catch her breath, chest heaving, before stumbling back to her hooves and looking back. Mirror’s limp corpse was splayed out on the floor, eyes frozen in terror, her face covered in marecum and tears and her tail soaked in a mixture of blood, arousal, and piss. “Phew.” Leap took a deep breath before turning and heading back to her room, relieved to finally have scratched her itch. Now she could get some sleep! Leap slept very well that day, and for several days after. Playing with one of Mirror’s copies became a regular part of her daily routine; she would wake about an hour before midnight, meet the original Mirror to receive her day’s work and eat breakfast, and eat a large lunch at about dawn. In the early afternoon, before settling in for bed, she would do a quick tour of the manor, searching for any sign of Mirror Image’s distinct milk chocolate-and-blonde colors. It was never hard to find one. She’d come to realize that Mirror usually had at least two copies running around at any given time, supervising important tasks or simply staying within earshot of Master Gerrick, though it was impossible for her to figure out exactly how many there were. She was discreet at first, still embarrassed of her new hobby and frightened of how the other maids would react. She’d lure the copies into quiet, out of the way rooms, force them to pleasure her, and then, as she reached the height of her lust—kill them. There were so, so many ways to kill a pony, Leap learned. It became like a game to her. She would spend every shift contemplating ideas for how to play with her toy mare after, and reminisce for hours afterward as she lay in bed, idly rubbing herself to sleep. She would cut off limbs, grinding herself against Mirror’s back as she tried desperately to drag herself away, slit her throat and masturbate with blood still carrying the heat of life, beat Mirror’s skull into a pulp with her own hooves, moaning with every speck of brain matter that splattered over her cheeks, throw her alive and struggling into the garbage incinerator in the basement, and sometimes just fall back on the old classic: zapping the helpless mare with powerful bolts of magic until she stopped screaming. After the first couple days, Leap realized that she could even threaten the Mirrors with beatings, and that really opened up her options. Even though they couldn’t feel any real pain, they’d still tie their own noose if Leap brandished a cast iron pan. Then she could hang them from the ceiling and watch them kick, or race to try and make them cum before they wet themselves in fear. How many stabs could a Mirror withstand before finally dying? How many body parts could one lose? Could she kill one without breaking her skin? And was it true that a unicorn could survive without their horn? Logical Leap had always had an interest in biology, but she’d never realized just how fun it could really be. About a week after developing her new hobby, Leap had gotten a little too eager, and been walked in on by one of the other maids. She’d froze, terrified by how the other pony might react, but to her surprise, all she did was sigh and walk away. So she stopped hiding herself. A month into her time as Gerrick’s maid, she could get around the manor without anyone to guide her. She knew all of the usual places where she could find a Mirror to play with, and had developed some favorite spots to take her. Sometimes Gerrick might even be nearby, and he’d join in, too. None of the other maids cared. They’d just look away or leave; Leap assumed they were jealous, and she didn’t blame them. Then, one day, Leap woke up to find Gerrick standing silently in her room. “Maid.” Leap woke with a start, tumbling out of her bed. “W-what?! Agh!” She yelped as she fell the short distance to the floor, tied up in her blanket, and banged her head against the floor. “Oww!” She held a hoof to her head, squinting through her blurry natural vision at the yellow-ish shape standing inside her room. “W-who are you?” Had she slept through her alarm? She hadn’t slept in ever since leaving the University! Maybe it hadn’t been a good idea to stay up late trying to get a spit to go in a Mirror’s pussy and out her mouth without poking out anywhere in between. The yellow shape shifted. “You don’t recognize your master?” Leap squeaked. Her horn glowed, picking her thick-rimmed glasses off the wardrobe where she kept them and securing them snugly on the bridge of her nose. All at once, the shape came into focus—Master Gerrick, frowning down at her in a way that made her tail twitch. “O-oh, I’m so sorry, sir! I—my glasses!” Leap laughed nervously as she struggled to free herself from her blanket. “I mean, um—I didn’t sleep in, did I? I have an alarm, somewhere in here.” Gerrick silenced her with a slight downwards quirk of his beak. “You’ve been given the night off.” “A night off?” Leap echoed. She didn’t even know that was an option. Did the manor have some kind of thirty on, one off schedule? What would she even do with all the time? Probably play with Mirror. Gerrick nodded. He walked up to her, stretching a talon out and effortlessly slicing her blanket open. “Come with me.” Leap blinked, mind still trying to catch up as Gerrick turned and stalked out into the hallway, leaving the door yawning behind him. Part of her was wondering if she would get a new blanket now that her current one had been cut in half. Another part pointed out that, if she really was getting a day off, then she really wasn’t obligated to listen to any orders Gerrick gave her. But even if she was a little slow to ponder these things, the total command in Gerrick’s voice was enough to push her body into motion. Within a minute she’d brushed her hair, donned her uniform, and followed her master out into the hall. She knew better than to ask what he wanted with her—and had been around long enough to know that, whatever it was, she’d probably like it anyway—so she followed him through the candlelit halls in silence. She couldn’t help but get a little excited just wondering where they were going; Master Gerrick had never come to her personally like this before! He would always interact with her in passing, as if he had something more important he should be doing. But tonight, as Leap followed him across the foyer and out into the garden, she felt like the more important thing was her. A wagon was waiting on the driveway, simple in design, but of obvious quality in build, with iron bands reinforcing the wood and cushioning on the driver’s seat. Gerrick pointed her towards the empty harness with a wingtip as he climbed into the seat. Leap’s ears drooped. He wanted her to pull a wagon for him? She tried to hide her disappointment as she slipped into place and fumbled with the straps, tongue sticking out with concentration as she tried to decipher the mechanism. Finally she had the thing secure around her barrel, and looked back at him curiously. Gerrick pointed a talon down the driveway. “Let’s go.” “Yes, sir.” Leap dipped her head before starting forwards. The wagon was heavier than she’d expected, and it took her a little bit to get it up to speed, but soon she was turning out past the spear-tipped walls of the manor and onto the dirt road outside it, tugging her master along at a steady trot. It was the first time she’d been off the property since her arrival, and Leap couldn’t help but cast nervous glances towards the shadowed woods on either side of the path. It was a cloudy night, making it difficult to see much beyond the flickering glow of the lantern swaying from the wagon’s side. As much as Leap had gawked and stared during the ride in, she hadn’t taken the time to actually pay attention to any landmarks or try to situate herself, and she only now realized that she had barely any idea about what the world outside the manor was actually like. She knew the little pocket of Canterlot around the University, the street she grew up on, and the halls of the manor. Everything in between was just unexplored wilderness. But she didn’t let her nerves get to her. She had Master Gerrick with her, and she knew he’d never let anything happen to her. Even if wagon-pulling wasn’t her first choice of task, she was pleased that he’d chosen her for it before anypony else. She didn’t know how long she followed the trail, or how far they traveled. At some point the trees gave way to dark-windowed farmhouses and plots of fenced in crops, and still they walked. Finally, as Leap was just starting to wonder what Gerrick would do if she told him she was getting tired, he spoke. “Stop here.” Leap sighed in relief as she obeyed, allowing the cart to roll to a stop along one side of the road. The wheels complained as Gerrick dropped down to the dirt, walking up to Leap’s side and looking down at her. He leaned in close, brushing his beak through her mane and breathing in her scent. She stiffened, looking away with a flustered giggle, and almost didn’t notice when he smoothly undid the strap securing her to the harness. He traced a talon around her chin, firmly guiding her head off to the side. “Do you see that?” Leap narrowed her eyes. There in the distance, like a neighboring island of light in a sea of night, a lantern illuminated a pair of ponies sitting in front of a broken wooden fence. It was too far to make out details, but Leap could see the open toolbox on the ground next to the lantern and a wheelbarrow carrying spare planks of wood. She nodded as best she could with Gerrick still holding her muzzle. “Yes, sir.” “Good.” Gerrick brought his beak to her ear, and she shivered at the tickle of his breath. “You’ve been having a great amount of fun with Mirror lately.” He spoke it as a statement of fact. Leap squirmed as he brought the exciting memories to the front of her mind. “Those two ponies there belong to me,” he continued. “We’re going to play with them tonight. You understand?” Leap blinked. He wanted to let these random ponies in on their special club? She tried to look up at him, but she was too weak to overpower his grip. “But, sir, Mirror isn’t here.” She gulped, briefly wondering whether he’d be angry if she questioned him. “How can we play without her to make toys for us?” “We don’t need her,” Gerrick whispered, caressing her cheek. “Those are the toys.” Leap’s brow furrowed in confusion. There were other ponies that could make toys like Mirror? Leap had thought that the beautiful head house-maid was unique, but what other explanation could there be? Maybe this was how all the boring, menial jobs got done; she’d often wondered why anypony would ever want to deal with all the dirt and sweat involved with farm work, but if everyone just had magic constructs to do it for them, that would explain it. And that had to be it, right? They couldn’t possibly be real ponies, because if they were, then Master Gerrick wouldn’t have brought her out here to play with them. He was kind and warm and smart, and he would never lead Leap astray or trick her into doing anything wrong. Even if she didn’t really understand all the details of it yet, she was sure there was a good explanation, and she didn’t want to look stupid in front of her master. She wanted to impress him, and be a good maid for him, and win his favor so she could take Mirror on the tour of Equestria she’d been planning. “I understand.” Leap nodded as best she could with Gerrick holding her. Butterflies fluttered in her chest as she realized that he’d brought her out here—not Mirror, and not any other pony—to play with his toys. He must really like her! “Good girl.” Gerrick’s low voice purring into her ear made Leap’s knees weak. He slid his hand back off her muzzle, down around her neck and the small of her back, and gave her a soft pat on her exposed flank. “You go first.” “Yes, sir!” Leap grinned, walking out of the little circle of light around the wagon open-mouthed, eyes fixed on her newest toys. The fence they were working on was on the far side of a plot filled with some kind of plant—Leap couldn’t recognize the crop, but she paid it little mind as she stepped over each row. As she came closer she began to pick out more details; the two ponies were both young earth pony mares, probably sisters if the similarly green-and-brown tones of their bodies was any indication. The older one, who had her mane tied up behind a polka-dotted blue kerchief, seemed to be doing most of the work. Meanwhile the younger sister, a blue ribbon tied at the base of her tail, sat and watched, lending what little help her sibling asked for. They were talking, and when Leap got just a couple dozen steps away, still safely hidden behind the low bushes of the field swathed in night, she crouched down to listen. “I can’t believe Pa has us out here so late,” Kerchief griped. “It’s just a stupid fence! There’s not even anything to hold in.” “You should take responsibility for your mistakes,” Ribbon said, smirking as her sister shot her a sideways glare. “Or at least be smart enough not to get caught.” “I didn’t even do anything wrong,” Kerchief grumbled. She sighed before grabbing a hammer in her muzzle, gesturing for Ribbon to secure a plank against the fence, and beating a nail into the wood. She spit the tool out with a grunt. “I’m not a filly anymore! I do half the foal-caring in this family anyways, so why can’t I have some of my own?” “Just give it some time.” Ribbon glanced to the side, where the glowing windows of a farmhouse could be seen some distance away. “I bet Lord Gerrick will take Ma away soon, and then you can go get knocked up all you want.” Kerchief gasped, looking to Ribbon with wide eyes. “You little brat!” She gave her sister a good-natured jab to the shoulder. “You shouldn’t talk like that! You’ll miss her when she’s gone.” Leap’s ears flicked as she took all this in. What were they talking about? Not that it mattered. She’d worked so hard to get to where she was, and she wasn’t going to disappoint Master Gerrick now. She straightened up, stepping out of the field and towards the edge of the sisters’ light, and only then did she realize that she wasn’t quite sure what to do next. She stood there in silence for a few seconds, wondering what she should say, but before she could figure it out, Ribbon turned and saw her. Leap jumped at the sound of the young mare’s yelp, and her eyes widened as she soon found herself the target of both sisters’ stunned stares. Kerchief was the first to talk. She straightened up, eyes taking in Leap’s maid uniform for only a moment. “What are you doing here?” Leap’s mouth opened, but no words came out. What did she say? Whenever she played with Mirror all she had to do was grab the mare and force her into position, or brandish some weapon and give an order, but these ponies weren’t acting like she did. The younger one was watching her with apprehension, but the elder one was glowering at her menacingly. Calm down, Leap. She took a deep breath, trying to focus. She had to impress Master Gerrick! Even if she wasn’t used to her toys being resistant, he was probably just testing her. “I asked you a question,” Kerchief said, taking a step forward. “Where’d you get that outfit? Snuffed some maid in an alley, and now you think you can do whatever you want? Get lost.” Leap’s eyes widened. The mare was threatening her! She glanced around nervously, spotting the hammer left discarded on the ground. The soft azure glow of Leap’s magic surrounded the hammer. Kerchief had just enough time to turn and spot the tool floating behind her before, with a wet crunch, the hard metal smacked into the side of her head. Ribbon gasped as the older mare dropped. “Sister!” Leap rushed forwards, blood rushing in her ears as she closed the gap and tackled the younger sister to the ground. Her victim’s shriek cut off abruptly as the breath was knocked out of her, and Leap could already feel her pussy winking as she pinned her prey down between her hooves. “W-what’re you doing?” Ribbon asked, squirming in the dirt. “Lemme go!” Leap ignored her protests, instead holding the mare close and grinding against her leg. She grinned as she levitated the hammer closer, slamming it into her victim’s muzzle and shivering at the sound of the bone collapsing. Ribbon wailed, trying to raise her forelegs to protect her face, but Leap kept them pinned in place. The hammer came down twice more, shattering Ribbon’s jaw, and Leap leaned in, shoving her tongue past her victim’s lips to taste the blood already welling inside. Leap's eyelids fluttered as she rubbed her clit against Ribbon’s shuddering body, each subsequent strike of the hammer driving another spike of euphoria into her mind. She loved the way the mare’s bones would resist before giving way, the sound of her strangled moans for help, the way her hooves pushed weakly back in a vain attempt at self-defense. She was so much more emotive than Mirror Image, and the harder she fought to survive, the wetter Leap became. Leap slid down Ribbon’s body, kissing at the soft fur of her chest and licking at the round flesh of her teats before reaching her snatch. Ribbon had pissed herself in terror, but Leap barely noticed. She buried her muzzle into her prey’s cunt, tasting her fear and her sweat, pushing her apart with her tongue and then feeling the way her tunnel clenched whenever she was struck by the hammer. Ribbon twitched and spasmed everytime the hammer broke a new bone, her screams now diminished to choked moans. Leap dug her forehooves between her legs, rubbing her burning pussy with wild fervor as she licked and chewed at Ribbon’s clit. She had her ass raised high, tail flagging vertical and drooping down onto her back, her hips swaying side to side with the rapid beating of her heart as she drove herself towards orgasm. She flipped the hammer around, brandishing the blunt edge of its claw, and sank it into the flesh above Ribbon’s pussy, making the mare squeal as fresh blood flooded down across Leap’s tongue. It was so hot that Leap could barely think. Her whole world was reduced to her burning pussy, the taste of blood, and the sound of her victim’s wails. When something suddenly came up behind her and shoved her into the dirt, she didn’t even stop masturbating. She looked up at her attacker with tongue lolling and chest heaving, both hooves still mashing into her clit. “You monster!” Kerchief glared down at Leap with murder in her eyes, a trail of blood dripping down the side of her head. “I’ll kill you!” “N-no.” Leap had just enough presence of mind to shake her head and lift one hoof in defense, the other still driving fresh pleasure into her clit. “Wait, s-stop. I’m r-real!” Kerchief ignored her, walking around to Leap’s head and raising one hind leg in preparation for a fatal buck to the skull. Leap stared up at her open-mouthed, too distracted by the fire in her loins to get out of the way, and idly marveled at the smooth skin of Kerchief’s marehood. A powerful gust of wind made Leap flinch, and suddenly Kerchief was gone. Leap had just enough presence of mind to frown in confusion. She rolled onto her side, one hoof still buried between her legs, and let out a flustered giggle at the sight of Master Gerrick pinning Kerchief into the dirt. He’d come to rescue her! Her attempts to thank him only came out in a husky moan, but he ignored her. He kept all his attention on Kerchief, lying stunned between his legs, his hard cock already dripping pre onto her belly. Kerchief blinked up at him in shock, her eyes still a little unfocused. “L-Lord Ger—” He moved so fast that Leap wasn’t even sure what happened at first. One second he was standing over the dazed mare, wings flared and eyes glinting with a feral energy she’d never seen in him before. Then suddenly he had his hooked beak buried in Kerchief’s throat, her words collapsing into wet gurgles, blood bubbling out into the dirt as he jerked his head ruthlessly side to side. There was a grotesque, wet, tearing sound, and when Gerrick lifted his head he had a ragged chunk of flesh dangling from his beak. He threw his head back, swallowing the chunk whole as Kerchief gagged and spasmed beneath him. He stepped up her body, grabbing her head in his talons and dragging it bodily up to his groin before sinking his length into the gaping wound of her throat. Kerchief’s eyes bulged as the head of his cock emerged from behind her lips, one hoof twitching up as if to push him away, but he slapped it away with a wing. He growled down at her, jerking her head over his length like a toy, her weak moans of protest drowned out by the wet, sucking squelch of him fucking her throat. Leap watched it all with mouth agape, lying on her side in the dirt with both hooves grinding against her marehood. She bit her lip and whined and moaned, left breathless by the ferocity with which he used his prey. He never fucked her or Mirror like that—it always felt like he was holding back a little, or imagining something else. She let out a shuddering groan as Kerchief’s neck, the wound mangled and torn by the force of his fucking, finally gave way, the corpse’s body thudding to the dirt while he continued to pound into her head. Why couldn’t Leap inspire that kind of passion in her master? She wanted him to fuck her with that look in his eyes, that wild, savage strength. She wanted to make him grunt and snort like he was doing now as he squeezed Kerchief’s lifeless head around himself, his balls tightening up against the still-bleeding neckhole as the head of his cock swelled just past her lips. With a sudden surge of energy, Leap scrambled up out of the dirt. She nearly tripped as she threw herself between her master’s legs, kissing hard against Kerchief’s muzzle and wrapping her lips around her master’s cock just in time to receive the first spurt of his cum. She screamed in pleasure, eyes rolling back as he dug his bloody talons into her mane, her own mind-shattering orgasm overwhelming her as the bitter tang of his seed and the coppery salt of Kerchief’s blood mixed together on her tongue, rocking her body with powerful convulsions. Leap held onto Kerchief’s head with her hooves, licking and sucking at her master’s cock, coaxing every drop of precious seed down her throat. Her hind legs gave out, her rear collapsing onto the dead mare’s headless corpse and squirting hot marecum over the gaping wound of her neck, the lingering heat of the blood still pumping out into the dirt only strengthening her orgasm as it rushed over her clit. It was the perfect moment, and she never wanted it to end. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with her head between her master’s legs, sucking blood and cum off his shaft and watching him snuff out the helpless lives of their toys. Leap’s heart ached. Three words repeated over and over in her head as her orgasm finally abated, leaving her tenderly licking at his softening flesh as he ran his talons through her mane. I love him. Gerrick’s grip on her mane tightened, and she flinched as he pulled her roughly off his cock. She fell onto the twitching corpse under him with a grunt, flinching as Kerchief’s cum-dripping head bounced off her chest, and looked up at him with wide eyes. He stepped back, breathing deeply and scanning their surroundings. He looked down at her in silence, his eyes roaming her body in a way that made her blush. She gulped. “D-did I do good?” A couple seconds passed before he finally nodded. “Did you have fun?” “Yeah.” Leap stood up on shaky hooves, adjusting her glasses with her magic. Specks of blood dripped down over the lens. She smiled up at him dreamily. “That was… the most perfect thing I’ve ever been part of.” He nodded, gesturing to the two motionless bodies with a wingtip. “Bring these back to the wagon. We’re taking them back home.” “Oh.” Leap bit her lip, wondering how he’d react to her questioning him. He seemed to be in a fairly good mood. “Could I ask why, sir?” He arched a brow, but his voice remained level. “Because I want them.” “R-right.” Leap’s horn glowed as she floated the bodies off the ground, screwing her muzzle up in concentration. They were pretty heavy, and she was still a little scatterbrained from her amazing orgasm. “Couldn’t they just make more copies for us to take home instead, sir?” Gerrick looked back at her, head cocked, and Leap was struck with the sudden sensation that she’d said something very stupid. “W-what?” She grimaced, shying away from him. She’d ruined it, hadn’t she? She’d shown how dumb she was, and now he wouldn’t like her anymore! “Ms. Leap, these ponies weren’t copies.” Leap’s heart skipped a beat. She kept her eyes on her hooves as she began to shiver. “W-what do you mean? If they w-weren’t copies, then… then how come we could play with them?” “Because they’re my property,” Gerrick explained. “Peasants. I cull them regularly, both for their taste and—” his voice took on a dark edge “—entertainment.” “But…” Leap thought back to the conversation the two mares had been having, the way they’d complained about their father and the remark the younger had made about Gerrick taking away their mother. “But they weren’t…” “They were real ponies, yes.” Leap flinched as Gerrick’s forelegs came into view in front of her. He lifted a talon to her chin, pushing her wide green eyes up to meet the hard steel of his own. “Is that a problem?” Leap stared up into her master’s eyes, mouth dry and ears drooping. She had killed two sisters. Two sisters with families that would mourn them, with hopes and dreams, that had tried to defend themselves from her and had cried out for each other when she struck them. She’d beaten a young mare to death with a hammer and drank blood from her bleeding marehood. She’d watched the older sibling—who’d only been trying to protect the younger—get her throat torn out and fucked, and had drank the cum of her murderer straight through her corpse. Am I a bad pony? By any standard Leap could think of, the answer was yes. She’d killed in a hot-blooded, erotic frenzy and then desecrated the bodies of her victims. Her lip began to quiver as she thought of what other ponies would say. Her parents had always taught her to be nice to other ponies, and Leap had thought of herself as a nice mare. She thought she was friendly. It was one of the few traits she took pride in; even if she wasn’t the smartest or the prettiest, at least she could say she was friendly. Friendly mares don’t rape other mares to death. Leap sniffled. Why was this happening to her? It had felt so good, so natural! She had thought they were just toys, like Mirror’s copies! It wasn’t fair! She could still feel the sticky wetness dripping down her hind legs. What did she do now? She definitely couldn’t go back to Equestria. Her whole life up to now was gone, tossed away in pursuit of her own lust. Her University, her friends back in Canterlot, her… Now that she thought of it, Leap didn’t really miss Canterlot that much. She hadn’t really been doing so well in class before she left on the exchange program, and a lot of times she had felt like her friends didn’t really care about her. They would let her come along on outings or join parties, but when was the last time they’d invited her? They didn’t care. She didn’t care. The month she’d had here with Master Gerrick and Mirror Image was the greatest month of her life. She’d felt so free, so powerful, in ways she never thought were possible until now. She felt happy. She felt loved. What did it matter if she was a bad pony? Being nice had never brought her anything; being bad had brought her happiness and companionship and the most wonderful orgasms. She didn’t want to go back. She didn’t care what anypony said. She only cared about what Gerrick and Mirror thought of her, and they liked her just as she was now—specks of fresh blood on her glasses, with dirt smudging her cheeks, arousal dripping down her legs, and the last dregs of her master’s slick cum sliding down her throat. This was where she belonged. It was a relief, coming to her decision. She looked up into her master’s eyes and smiled harder than she ever had before, so hard it made her cheeks hurt. She would do anything for him. She’d rape and kill as many ponies as he wanted, and she’d love it—and he’d love her, too. “No, sir,” she said, eyes shimmering with happy tears. “That’s not a problem at all.” “Good girl.” Gerrick stroked a talon along her cheek before turning away, his tail whipping through the air behind him. “Now bring those bodies. It’s time to go home.” > Her Last Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mirror Image opened her eyes. As usual, the first thing she saw was herself. She had thousands of memories like this, and she’d stopped keeping track years ago. She knew immediately that she wasn’t a copy, but the original—as much as that term had any meaning for her anymore. This came as some relief; she knew copies tended towards far shorter lifespans. She also knew that she had just made a copy—at the behest of Master Gerrick—for the express purpose of going to retrieve Logical Leap. She shared a brief, sympathetic smile with herself. They both knew it was very likely that any version of her sent to speak to the visiting Equestrian was unlikely to survive the encounter. As Mirror watched her copy bow, turn, and exit their master’s chambers, she could only be thankful that she wouldn’t be there to witness the pain herself. “Mirror.” Mirror’s ear twitched, and she turned to see Master Gerrick reclining in his favorite seat, legs spread lazily to reveal his sheath. He didn’t need to tell her what he wanted, and she didn’t need any encouragement to deliver. Serving him was what she lived—and often died—for, and so she promptly sat down in front of him and began to gently tease his balls with her nose. He ran a talon idly through her mane as she did so, spawning a content warmth in her breast. “I admit, the Equestrian has been a fine gift,” Gerrick said. Mirror flicked an ear to assure him she was listening. “She is charmingly gullible, and eager to please. I’m glad you convinced me not to kill her sooner.” Mirror hummed her appreciation for the praise into the base of his shaft as it began to slide from his sheath. She still remembered leaving the then-original Mirror at her master’s door while going to dispose of one of her bodies, and returning only to find the door unattended. When she’d entered, she’d been somewhat surprised by the smell of burning flesh—Master Gerrick tended to prefer his meat raw—and rather less so by the sight of her master in the midst of choking the young Equestrian maid to death. The foolish mare hadn’t even realized what was happening to her; no doubt she would’ve died with a dopey smile if Mirror hadn’t intervened. Mirror’s tongue slipped past her lips, wetting the head of her master’s emerging cock and coaxing it further out of its shaft. She hadn’t stopped him back then out of any affection for the Equestrian, nor out of some desire to cause her more suffering. Truthfully, Mirror had little opinion regarding Logical Leap. As a worker, she wasn’t worth the room she’d been granted. And although Mirror had heard extensively about Leap’s sadistic tortures of her many selves, sometimes watched them as they occurred, and often was the one to clean up her mangled bodies in the aftermath, she held no grudge. Mirror only ever remembered the experiences of whichever version of her lived to continue serving her master, after all; she’d died thousands of times, but thankfully could remember none of them. “She was quite entertaining when I took her out hunting last night,” Gerrick said. He shifted his hips, a motion that Mirror knew meant he wanted to use her throat, and after a brief moment to brace herself she obliged, skillfully sliding his cock deep into her muzzle. “She nearly got herself killed by a peasant mare. You should’ve seen her, lying in the dirt, too much of a whore to stop masturbating long enough to defend herself. I considered letting her die, but it would have been a waste to let someone else kill her. She was even smart enough to clean me after I finished with the corpses.” Mirror gagged as he pressed himself deep into her throat, and a brief thrill of fear ran through her as he held her head firm, preventing her from pulling back. Was he going to choke her on his cock again? She had many memories of walking back into his chambers only to find one of her corpses with its muzzle speared on his length and cum drooling from its lips. To her relief, he relaxed his grip a second later, letting her pull back ever so slightly while he continued speaking. “I think I’ll kill her tonight. As enticing as it was to watch her struggle to subdue lone peasants, it really only made me lust to do it myself. And the way she looked me.” He let out a low chuckle. “I wonder, do you think she’ll even fight back? That’s good for now, Mirror.” Mirror nodded, wrapping her lips tight around his cock and sucking it clean of excess saliva and pre as she pulled off. She looked up at him with a demure smile. “I’m glad my gift has pleased you, sir.” He smiled back, giving her a soft pat on the head, and she straightened up a little. She was the only one he ever looked at like that. “Once she gets here, you can help.” “Thank you, sir.” As if on cue, there was a knock at the door. “Master?” Logical Leap sounded a little breathless as she called out. Mirror stood back to her hooves, walking over and pulling the door open. “You may enter.” Leap greeted her with a giddy grin as she stepped through the door, the clean whites of her teeth marred by the fresh blood dripping down her face and across her lips. “Hi, Mirror! I kinda, uh, left one of your bodies in my room. I got a little excited when I heard Master Gerrick wanted me, and I didn’t think he’d want me to delay to clean it up, so...” “That’s fine.” Mirror looked back out into the hall, horn glowing, and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she was relieved to see she was still her original self. She nodded to the new copy standing in the hall before closing the door. It would take care of the mess. When Mirror turned back to the room, Leap had already come to a stop in front of Gerrick’s seat. She stood tall, eyeing his erect cock with open hunger. “You wanted to see me, Master?”  Her marehood, its glistening lips clearly visible with her tail already twitching upwards, winked with need. “I did.” Gerrick made a lazy gesture with one talon, and Leap immediately sat before him, gagging loudly as she forced his cock down her throat. She kept her adoring green eyes fixed on his face as he continued speaking. “I was very pleased with your performance last night. You’ve impressed me, and I’ve decided to reward you.” Although Leap’s fellatio technique was sloppy and crude by Mirror’s standards, she was at least well-educated enough to know not to stop sucking to speak. Instead she responded with a slight cock of her head, silently asking her master to explain. “Tonight you will have the pleasure of becoming my wife,” Gerrick said. He grinned as Leap suddenly retched in shock, sliding his cock out of her muzzle and coughing violently. “Oh, or would you prefer otherwise? I wasn’t aware the thought of wedding me would be so repulsive.” “No, no!” Leap shook her head frantically as she finally got her coughing under control. “I mean, yes! Yes, yes, yes!” She pranced in place, turning a small circle on the spot. “Oh, Celestia, yes! This is the greatest thing ever! When are we getting married? Can we do it now? Maybe we can just have a little ceremony now, and then a big one later? Oh, I have to write back home! I can invite my parents, and my—eep!” Gerrick shushed her with a talon. She sat down instantly, beaming up at him in silence, and opened her lips to suck gently on the razor sharp tip of his claw. “The ceremony is now,” Gerrick said. He jerked his head towards the bed. “Y-yes, sir!” Leap jumped onto the bed, rolling over onto her back with a girlish giggle. She already had her front hooves between her legs, holding the wet lips of her marehood open to reveal her swollen clit. Gerrick slid out of his seat, walking up to her and sliding a talon into her cunt. She bit her lip, pussy winking around him as if to suck him in deeper, and when he pulled his talon back a long string of arousal followed it out. He held the soaked talon out towards Mirror, beckoning her closer. She obeyed without hesitation, wrapping her lips around the wet digit and letting him smear Leap’s excitement over her tongue. She looked him in the eyes as she licked around his sharp claw. He scraped the claw lightly over her tongue as he pulled it out, then jerked his head towards Leap, who was watching with undisguised jealousy. “Entertain me.” “Yes, sir.” Mirror dipped her head before turning to the bed. She climbed sensually on top of Leap, brushing her body over every part of the other mare as she did so. She cradled Leap in her legs, hiking her tail high so her master could see their pussies pressing together. Leap shivered against Mirror as she looked up into her eyes. “Don’t worry,” she whispered, a patronizing smirk on her lips. “Once we’re married, I’ll get him to marry you too, and then I can show you Equestria.” Mirror didn’t dignify the pipe dream with a response. Instead she just smiled, leaned in, and pressed her lips against Leap’s. Leap let out a shivering moan as she wrapped her legs around Mirror, caressing her hooves over her flanks and pulling her close, and the two mares ground their bodies against each other, feeding the fire of their mutual lust. Mirror felt Gerrick knead at her flanks with his talons, sparking fluttering notes of pleasure in her chest. Without looking back she flicked her tail up, teasing it under his beak, and he responded by delivering a hard smack against her flank. She gasped, smiling into Leap’s mouth, and did it again. Gerrick spanked her again, and she grinned as he gripped her hips and slid his cock between her legs, nesting it between her and Leap’s pussies. Both mares moaned as the hard length rubbed against their clits, and they humped against each other, grinding their cunts around it and bathing it in their arousal. Gerrick kept going, the tip of his cock teasing at their sensitive teats every time he hilted between them, the sound of flesh against wet flesh filling the room. Without warning, Gerrick angled his cock upwards, driving it into Mirror’s pussy all at once. She flung her head back with a gasp, eyes widening at the unexpected penetration. His talon flashed out, wrapping around her raised neck and holding her head up as he began to pound into her savagely. Mirror could only lie there and moan, a thin line of drool trailing out the corner of her open mouth as he drove the breath out of her with every thrust, his other talon holding firm around her hip to pull her back into him and his balls slapping against her winking clit. One of his claws poked against the soft skin of her throat, and her senses suddenly came into sharp clarity as she realized he was pondering whether to kill her or not. The surge of adrenaline only made her hotter; her eyes fluttered back as she grinded back against him, feeling that claw press harder against her, just a single thought away from ripping her throat open. She knew her life was always at risk whenever she slept with Gerrick. She’d watched him kill other versions of her countless times, and whether she lived or died now was entirely up to his whims. As she arched her back, crying out in pleasure, she knew she was on the very precipice of death, an instant away from being left to bleed and sputter over the mare beneath her while her master ruthlessly fucked her twitching pussy. It was that rush of near-death that told Mirror she was alive. In a world where so many mares found fruitless ends at the claws of a perverted griffon, Mirror only ever remembered the times she survived, and it was those memories that she lived for—that she craved. But she wasn’t to die today. Gerrick pulled his talons away, instead wrapping it in Mirror’s mane and pulling hard, hilting inside her and grinding against her clit. Mirror squeezed her eyes shut tight and let out a long, hoarse moan as her climax hit her, sending powerful convulsions through her body as her cunt squeezed and milked her master’s cock—but in vain. Instead of filling her with his seed as she so desired, Gerrick shoved her head back down into Leap’s chest, tearing himself mercilessly out of Mirror’s swallowing cunt and leaving her to twitch and gasp without his warmth. Instead he sunk into Leap, who’d been whining plaintively under Mirror as she was forced to watch another mare receive the fucking she yearned for. Leap’s complaints cut off with a gasp, and she grinned and squeezed Mirror against her as she finally received her master’s cock. Mirror only lied limply atop her as she struggled to catch her breath, listening to Leap’s mewls of pleasure. “Isn’t he w-wonderful?” Leap cooed into Mirror’s ear, her words slurred with lust. “So handsome—ah!—so powerful—unf!—fuck! I love him!” She continued to ramble between her moans, muttering sweet words of adoration. For the first time since the new maid’s arrival, Mirror Image felt sorry for her. Poor girl, she thought. He could never love you back. Mirror yelped as Gerrick suddenly delivered another smack to her ass, leaving the flesh stinging in its wake. Her break was over. He wanted her to start playing again. Mirror obliged, as always. She pushed herself up, now straddling Leap’s chest cowpony-style, and slid forwards to silence Leap’s misguided mumbling with her pussy. Leap accepted the offer eagerly, grabbed Mirror’s flanks in her hooves, and buried her muzzle in her sopping cunt. She moaned into Mirror’s clit as she pushed her apart with her tongue, leaving only her eyes visible past Mirror’s mound. Mirror reached a hoof down to grab at Leap’s horn, using it to steer the pleasure-drunk mare towards her favorite spots. With Leap’s long blue mane splayed out behind her and her thick-rimmed glasses askew on her face, it occurred to Mirror that she had a certain endearing cuteness about her. She wasn’t unskilled with her tongue, either, the wet muscle sending electric shivers through Mirror that made her bite her lip and sway her hips. Perhaps in another life, if Mirror had been born an Equestrian, something could have happened between them. Leap’s horn glowed, and a short kitchen knife floated out of her maid outfit to hover in front of Mirror’s gut. Mirror noted it with idle curiosity. Had she taken to carrying a knife around now, or had she only grabbed it on her way here? Leap looked up at her with a mischievous glint in her eye, daring her to interfere, taunting her, but Mirror only continued to ride her muzzle. She knew her life was under her master’s control, and he would only let her die if he wanted her to. As if on cue, Gerrick grabbed Mirror’s mane and pulled her head roughly back. His breath was hot in her ear as he whispered into it, voice strained. “Her horn.” Mirror nodded, and he let her go. At the same time, Leap drew the knife back to stab. Mirror struck first. Her hoof slammed into Leap’s horn with a resounding crack, and Leap shrieked as a thin fracture appeared in its surface. Mirror gave her no time to recover; in an instant she had grabbed the knife in her own magic and brought it to the base of Leap’s horn, holding her head steady with a hoof wrapped around its tip. Leap’s eyes shot wide open. She shook her head frantically, slapping her hooves against Mirror’s flanks and screaming for help, but Mirror kept her muffled with her cunt. The knife began to saw. Leap screeched, forgetting her place and beginning to buck her whole body even while her master fucked her. Gerrick snarled, barking out a sharp, “Be still!”, and she restrained herself with shivering whimpers, crying out for him as the knife’s edge bit into her horn. The blade wasn’t made for sawing, and beyond that had been dulled from regular use, but all Leap could do was screw her eyes up and shudder as it made slow progress through the bone. Tears welled in her eyes, and she began to sob into Mirror’s pussy, shaking her head in denial. Mirror didn’t count how many times she drew the blade across Leap’s horn. The mare’s fight renewed in strength as the knife reached the core, where the most sensitive nerves were focused, but she stilled again at the sound of Gerrick’s frustrated growl. With a long, crackling snap that made Mirror’s guts churn, Logical Leap’s horn finally broke off. For a moment, the only sound was her muffled sobs and the lewd shlick of Gerrick’s cock stuffing her cunt. Gerrick shoved Mirror aside, throwing her to the bed and leaning over Leap in her place. He snaked a talon under her head, holding it up so he could look into her eyes. Leap wailed, looking up at Gerrick and clutching the stump of her horn with both hooves. He fucked her relentlessly as she spoke, making her voice stutter and hiccup. “M-Master! She c-cut off m-my horn!” Gerrick nodded, grinning down at her. “I saw.” Leap seemed confused by this. She looked from Gerrick, to Mirror, then back to him before pointing one hoof at the other mare. “P-punish her! She h-hurt me!” Gerrick slowed, brow furrowing down at Leap. After a moment of silence broken only by her quiet sniffles, he lashed out with a talon, and she screeched as his claws raked across her face, leaving three trails of blood. “You dare order me?!” he roared, making her flinch back. He grabbed her hips with both hands, claws sinking into her flesh and drawing even more blood, grunting as he pounded into her cunt with slow, painfully hard thrusts. “Stupid—bitch!” “M-Master, please!” Leap’s voice shot up an octave, one hoof pushing weakly against Gerrick’s belly as if to stop him. “Y-you’re hurting me! S-stop! I’m n-not having f-fun anymore!” “You think I care, little cunt?” Gerrick sneered down at her, raking one claw down her side and drawing a sobbing scream from her lips. “You’re my property! My toy! I’m going to kill you and fill your corpse with cum, and I’ll never spare another thought for you again!” Leap looked up at him with wide, distraught eyes, and Mirror felt some small sympathy for the girl. As painful as Master Gerrick’s claws could be, it was clear that his words had hurt her far, far more. “B-but—” Leap swallowed, her voice shaking. “I l-love you.” Gerrick laughed. He threw his head back, beak open wide, and cackled. “Y-you… d-don’t you l-love me too?” “Stupid fucking Equestrian,” Gerrick snarled. She yelped as he flipped her onto her belly, pushing her head down into the bed and leaning in close to hiss into her ear. “Don’t you get it? You’re my plaything. I let you fuck Mirror, led you into killing those mares, because it entertained me. But now I’m tired of your sappy looks and your desperate naivety. You can cry and plea all you want, but it’s only going to make me cum even harder.” Leap blinked. She stared straight forwards, eyes unfocused, completely limp as Gerrick rocked her body with his thrusts. “No.” She shook her head, trying to kick out with her hind legs. “No! That’s not fair!” Her voice broke as it rose into an anguished screech. “I love you! I finally found somewhere I belong! You can’t—you can’t just—” “Shut up!” Gerrick raked his claws across her legs, hamstringing her. Leap could only lie there and sob as he climbed onto the bed and lifted her ass up off the sheets, his balls slapping against her clit. “Mirror!” “Yes, sir.” Mirror knew what he wanted, and already had some ideas she thought he might like. Her pale green magic wrapped around the discarded tip of Leap’s horn, floating it up into the air and under Leap’s tail. A moment later, it jammed itself into the wailing mare’s asshole, the sharp tip ripping the flesh inside and lending new strength to her voice. Blood dripped down Leap’s legs, staining Gerrick’s cock red, but Mirror wasn’t done. She began to fuck Leap with the horn, tearing up her insides, pointedly ignoring her as she begged for mercy. “No, M-Mirror, please!” Tears streamed freely down Leap’s cheeks, staining the sheets along with her blood. “M-Mirror! It h-hurts! I wanted to t-take you home! I wanted to save you!” “Save me?” Mirror arched a brow, somewhat amused by the sentiment. She turned to meet Leap’s frantic eyes and gave her a small smile. “Ms. Leap, I’m in no need of saving. I am Master Gerrick’s head house-maid, and I do my job very well.” Then she turned, not bothering to listen to Leap’s babbled response, and delivered a sharp, one-legged buck to the side of the mare’s head. Leap’s sobs cut off abruptly as her glasses flew free. She groaned, and Mirror kicked her again, harder, and then a third time. When Mirror finally put her leg down and glanced back, Leap was lying dazed, thin trails of blood dripping out of her ear and her mouth. Gerrick grunted, his eyes rolling back as he began to lose his rhythm. “Fuck! Good girl, Mirror. Good girl!” After another trio of rough, body-rocking thrusts, he raked his claws across Leap’s flanks and hilted inside her. Mirror was quick to act, lowering her head between her master’s legs and suckling gently at his balls as they tightened against him. Gerrick panted and groaned as his balls churned inside her mouth, and an instant later his cock swelled as he pumped the first spurt of cum into Leap’s senseless body. Leap’s traitorous cunt winked around him, her clit poking out to kiss at Mirror’s cheek as it greedily swallowed up the cum of her future murderer. His claws sank deep into her flesh, driving down to the bone, and his legs shook as he continued to fill her with his seed, the overflow spilling out and mixing with her blood before dripping down her thighs in a thick, pink sludge. Finally, Gerrick shoved the worthless mare off his cock. She fell limply to the bed and curled up into a whimpering, shivering ball, cum dripping out of her cunt and blood drooling past the severed horn jammed into her ass. Long, jagged wounds marred her sides, the blood soaking into the dark fabric of her uniform, and her yellow-coated face was already going pale from blood loss. She was completely broken, both in body and mind. She didn’t put up any fight as Gerrick reached out and kicked her onto her back. All she did was blink up at him through her tears, sniffling quietly. “Well, Ms. Leap, I can say this for you,” Gerrick said as he walked around to her front end. “Your  pussy clenches quite nicely when you’re in pain.” Leap shook her head slowly, sniffling quietly. “P-please. I d-don’t want to die. I’m—” she hiccuped, her voice breaking down into sobs. “I’m a r-real pony!” Gerrick rolled his eyes. “So was everyone you ever killed.” He wrapped his talons around her muzzle, wrenching it open and jamming his blood-and-cum soaked cock down her throat. Her sobs were cut off with an abrupt gag, and she continued to spasm and retch as he cleaned himself with her mouth, her neck bulging out with his girth. Mirror watched impassively as Gerrick leaned down over the dying mare, nipping at her belly with his beak. She twitched as each little bite left another wound, and she shrieked around Gerrick’s cock as he traveled further down her body and tore savagely into her teats. He paused as he reached her pussy, his tongue slipping out to taste at her nectar. Mirror was watching Leap’s face. Leap looked back with the one eye she could see, pleading silently for mercy. Gerrick’s hooked beak sank into Leap’s marehood. With a quick jerk of his head, he tore her clit free. She shrieked, back arching, and with a swift, savage motion, Gerrick sliced straight up between her teats and halfway across her belly. Leap screamed in agony as he curled around almost double, digging his head up under her ribcage. Then, with a sudden spasm and one last gag, she fell silent. Gerrick straightened up, Leap’s heart still beating weakly in his mouth and spraying its last reservoirs of blood over its former owner’s corpse. He threw his head back, opening his beak wide, and swallowed it down with a satisfied sigh. For a moment, the room was quiet. Mirror watched as a stream of piss trickled out of Leap’s marehood. “Mirror.” She dipped her head. “Sir?” “Take the body to the kitchen. I think I’ll have the chef cook this one; I’m curious as to if Equestrians taste as special as they act.” “Yes, sir.” “And change the sheets, of course. Oh, and do see if we can get another from that exchange program. This whole affair has been so stimulating.” “Yes, sir.” “Oh, and one more thing, Mirror.” “Yes, sir?” Gerrick grinned, his tongue darting out to lick the blood off his beak. “Inform my steward that I’ll be needing him to watch the property, and pack our bags. I think I’ll take a tour of Equestria myself.” Leap’s corpse made a lewd sucking sound as he pulled his freshly cleaned, softening cock out of her muzzle and jumped off the bed. Mirror’s gaze lingered only for a moment, taking in the mix of horror and despair in her eyes. She knew when her master had developed a new taste. She expected Logical Leap would only be the first of many Equestrian mares that met their ends wrapped around his cock. “Yes, sir.”