> Culture Shock > by thathornypony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nick shuffled down the hallway, hugging the wall, trying not to stand out too much. Not that that was an option. Everyone else around was a horse, so the lone human was bound to get looks. How the hell was he supposed to deal with all this? The most he'd traveled before was that one summer his parents dragged him to the beach for a week. And now here he was, plopped down in the middle of an entirely different country. Not only that, but it wasn't even a human country! It was a whole kingdom of horses. They were unicorns, like his little sister used to draw, with big pointy horns on their heads. They wore clothes and talked like people (in English for some reason). He had spent most of the first night crying. It was all too much. He didn't know where he was, he didn't know anybody, he didn't know what he was going to do. He didn't even know how he'd gotten there. All he remembered was getting lunch after class one day. Then he had been curled up on the ground, dizzy and incredibly cold, awake enough to be aware of being picked up and taken to a bed, but not anything else. In between those two moments, there was nothing. Only a big hole in his memory. He was kind of glad for that, something inside him told him he didn't want to remember. The hall he was in was not special and did not lead anywhere particularly important; it was opulent. The floor was smooth, polished marble, so white it practically shone. That is, where it wasn't covered by the elaborately patterned carpet, miles of which stretched all throughout the castle. And that was just the floor. The walls and ceiling offered even more things for Nick to distract himself with. He needed it. Especially when he turned a corner into a busier section of the castle. The corridor he had been in was blissfully empty and perfect for brooding in. With all these ponies milling around he was even more out of his element. He wasn't a social guy at all, but at least back home he knew the basics of how to get along with people. But how the fuck did ponies work? He rubbed his hands together, trying to dry some of the sweat from his palms. He took a deep breath and reminded himself that they were nice, some of them, at least. They had taken him in and given him food and a place to stay. They had a society, they weren't just going to randomly kick him to death. Probably. They didn't act like it, but he had no way to be sure. Ponies were different from humans. Besides the whole horse thing, they came in all kinds of colors and sizes. He had no idea what any of it meant beyond vague guesses. About half of them seemed bigger than the other half. He wanted to say those were the men—or whatever the word for horse dudes was—but he couldn't tell. They mostly had longer hair, but he wasn't about to guess based on that, even if it was nice to think that suddenly his own long hair made him look manly here. It wasn't that he cared a lot about that, he was used to not feeling like a real man, it would just be nice to be one of the guys for once. He was kidding himself and he knew it. The big ponies all walked around so confidently. He didn't need to know much about pony culture or anatomy to figure out that however it worked, they were In Charge, dominant. And that just wasn't him. No, he was more like the littler ponies, meekly scurrying around. That was what he had done most of his life. Except in games, of course, but even then, he could never bring himself to play anything but the good route. He didn't even have that now. His hands balled into fists in his pockets. A little pony in a dress brushed passed him. Now that he thought about it, the small ones were the only ones he saw wearing clothes. That told him where he stood, he supposed. Maybe. Yeah, he was wearing clothes like the little ones but that didn't mean anything, right? God, he just wanted to know what the fuck was going on. This was his life now, didn't he have a right to know how it would be?  There were countless doors lining the hall. He didn't know what they were all for, or even why anyone would need so many, but he didn't care at the moment. He just needed to get out of the hall, away from all those ponies. The problem wasn't even that they were all staring at him—though many were—they were all just there. He ducked into a room at random. Anything to have a moment to himself and not be judged. With so many rooms, what were even the chances that anybody would be in there? Better than he thought, it turned out. He barged inside to come face to face with two ponies. It would have been one thing if they were sitting at desks, or cleaning, or doing some kind of work. A little embarrassing maybe, but something even he could handle. They were not doing work. They were on top of each other, disheveled, with flushed faces. The scent of sweat and cum was in the air.  He fled, making it out the door by the time the nature of the scene fully clicked. He didn't even bother to close the door behind him. He took off down the hallway. The bright side was that his anxiety was forgotten in the embarrassment. The catch was that the embarrassment was worse. So much so, in fact, that he tried the exact same strategy again to get out of sight of all the ponies who were now definitely staring at the sprinting, panicking human. He ran into another room. This one had a threesome going on. And these ponies did not let him interrupt them. They kept fucking, paying the intruder no heed. Nick sat in the room they were letting him stay in. He was huddled, sitting on the floor. There were no chairs, only big cushions scattered around rooms. It was barely past noon, and the day was a write-off. He'd been curious what the big palace was like, and the ponies too. But by that he meant, what the leaders were like, and how ponies lived. Lore shit like that. He had not been wondering how they had sex. Although now he knew that the big ponies have dicks, so that did answer his question of which were the dudes. He couldn't get the images out of his head. Or the noises. He wasn't traumatized by the sight, it was something else. He had been in Equestria for over a week. At first the adjustment had been utterly overwhelming, he couldn't think straight, he had barely eaten or slept. It was still overwhelming, but he was starting to acclimate. And along with his appetite, his libido was returning as well. There was no way in hell that he was going to jerk off to a bunch of horses fucking, but with no porn, he had to figure out some alternative fast. He took his dick out and closed his eyes and tried to imagine one of his crushes. The one girl in his classes, the chubby one with big boobs, always wearing a sweater no matter the weather.  They would get put together for a group project. The two of them would do the bulk of the work while the other members slacked off. They are in her dorm room late one night, putting the finishing touches on the project. They get everything done, and just sit together for a while. She tells him she's glad at least he works hard. She takes off her sweater and shirt. "Let me show you how grateful I am," she says and pushes herself on top of him. She grabs his head and kisses him; her hand reaches down and unzips his pants. She was the one who would graduate and get a job at Nintembo, unlike him. He let go of his dick. The mood was ruined. He was creeping on a girl he'd never even see again, how pathetic was that? It was all bullshit, the guilt was supposed to come after he jerked off, not just as he was getting started. He wasn't too keen on living in a society. Doubly so a horse society. And if he couldn't even jack off, what was the point? That was the painful thing, knowing he'd never be able to jerk it too his favorite porn stars again. For one, he didn't have any pictures or videos, but that didn't matter, because even just imagining them brought back painful memories of home, a world he was cut off from forever. It was a long, long afternoon, and just as long an evening. Nick was very happy when he finally fell asleep. He didn't quite remember his dreams, but he got the feeling that was a good thing. The next day he set about wandering the palace again. It was more for a lack of anything better to do than an expectation he'd find anything worthwhile. If there was a chance of going home, it all would have been very inspiring; he was able to pass a fair amount of time thinking about what kind of games he could set in a place like this. He'd have to ask and find out about the real lore behind all the art and suits of armor and whatnot. All manner of things were depicted in the windows, but invariably some of the ponies were shown with huge erect cocks. For a society where princesses ran everything, it seemed kind of weird. Telling what was and wasn't actually weird was getting harder though. With the majority of the ponies around him walking around naked, his own clothes were starting to feel strange. He could feel them encasing him, the drag they added to every motion. He wondered if any of them would care if he just stripped down and walked around naked. Not that he was about to do that—the staring was bad enough when they couldn't see his dong. He managed to walk in on yet another pair of ponies fucking as he explored. They didn't pay him any more mind than any of the ones the day before. He still minded, but as he sat against a wall afterward, waiting for the panic to settle down, he started to wonder if they just didn't care. They were mostly naked anyway, what if sex wasn't a big deal either? Running into that once was an accident, but this was the third time in two days. It was just his luck that he'd end up in a world like that, and nobody was human. He'd fapped to some shameful porn in his time, but he drew the line well before horses. Not that his dick seemed to care, despite his frustration with everything, it was happily getting stiff from the thoughts running through his head. His own body was a traitor. He stood up and set off again. He still didn't have anywhere to go, but sitting and moping was getting boring, even if he was in the mood for it. Ponies milled about, as always, busy with whatever business ponies did. There were so many of them that he had no idea if he had seen any before. The palace certainly seemed big enough that it could be filled with thousands and thousands of ponies. He was never, ever going to say it out loud, but he couldn't help but comment to himself that it felt kind of like the big Princess was compensating for something with all of it. Especially the tall, white towers visible from every window. It was well into the afternoon then. There was at least one part of his old life he could keep doing. He retraced his steps, heading back to his room like he used to do after class. The room was as lavishly furnished as the rest of the palace, and so was stocked with paper, pens, and pencils. He sat down and tried to draw, to settle back into his old habits. Old habits, he suddenly remembered, that included getting distracted after about fifteen minutes and taking a break to masturbate. Well, if this was the world he lived in now, and if it had as much pony sex as it seemed to, he figured he might as well get used to it. He thought back to the threesome he had walked in on the day before as he stroked himself. He imagined himself being serviced by those two petite ponies, that it was his cock they were rubbing their faces all over. After going without for so long, he came hard. His cum shot high into the air, splattering on the desk. He was breathing hard. His sketch might have been ruined, but God he needed that. He gingerly threw the stained piece of paper away and started working on a new one. It was time to figure how to draw pony asses. > Chapter 2 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------    Things were getting better. Nick was finally starting to get used to everything. He might not have been a real social guy, but he was satisfied with himself that at least he was a long way from going full hikikomori. Far from it, he got stir crazy fast when he was cooped up. His imagination went to not-so-great places when he didn't let it explore outside.    He also hoped that ponies would get used to the sight of him if he was out and about often. Maybe? He hoped. In any case, it was better than going insane in that room.     He was getting to the point where he had explored most of the main areas of the palace. But it was only in the sense that he had been in places, walked though. He still didn't know what this room or that hall were used for.    What he really needed to do was ask for a proper tour. In a place this big that had to be a thing. He just didn't know who to ask. The only pony he knew by name was Princess Celestia, and she obviously had better things to do than give tours.    He didn't know what it was that all the ponies milling around were doing, but he started keeping an eye out for any that looked like they definitely worked there. It was hard, since he didn't know what he was looking for, but hey, he was trying. And if nothing else, that felt good. He was Doing Something, finding his own way through this world. Sure he was just doing it by figuring out how to start the tutorial, but still.    So he felt pretty silly when he saw a pair of guards standing outside a door. How the hell had he not noticed the ponies covered in shiny armor? There was no time to worry about that—he had to make his move before he started worrying about talking to them.    Nick approached the smaller of the two. "Uh, excuse me. Hey there. Do you know if they do tours of this place?"    The guard stood as straight and tall as they could. Nick was surprised to hear a deep voice from—apparently—him. "Um, yeah. If you go to the main entrance hall—do you know where that is?—there are some really nice ponies who—"    His partner came over, cutting him off. "Don't worry, Poley, I'll handle this." Her voice was distinctively feminine. "You want to head to the visitor's desk for that. Here, let me escort you." There was something off in her tone, but Nick couldn't tell what.    He was relieved for the escort, he didn't trust himself to remember directions all that way. The guard set off down the hallway and Nick followed her.    "They briefed all of us about you, you know," the guard said. She had slowed down to let him walk alongside her. She kept glancing over to him. There was something strange in her eyes. He didn't have any idea what it was, just that it seemed off. Which, of course, was ridiculous. He was the exact opposite of an expert on ponies and how they looked at each other. He didn't even know what it was that he was noticing, just that he was noticing something. "They didn't mention that you were so... exotic." She drew the word out, almost into a purr. Was she part cat? Could ponies be part cat? So many mysteries.    "Uh, yeah. I guess that makes sense. I mean, I was pretty normal where I came from, and then you guys were all just, whoa. You know?"     "It must be so scary being stuck in a new place like this. Don't worry, you're in good hooves, we'll take care of you."    They reached the main hall. Now that he was looking for it, the desk with a big sign reading "VISITORS" was clearly visible. More than that, it actively stuck out, looking plopped down amidst all the open space.    "Tada," his guide announced. "Aw, don't feel bad about not finding it yourself, honey, it's a big castle."     Nick stepped forward and went to the desk. the helpful but strange guard didn't follow, but he could feel her eyes on him.        That was forgotten soon enough. "Hello," the pony at the desk said, "my name is Guided Tour. What can I do for you?"    The horse-lady there—he was assuming it was a she from the voice—made him reconsider the 'strange' part. She also looked at him in that intense way. What did it mean? Did it mean anything?        Anyway, the important part was that he managed to get a real tour set up, with maps, and explanations, and backstories. It was great.    He was proud of himself, he actually recognized some of the rooms they went through. The things he learned were interesting too, he was getting so many ideas from it.    Then, in a less crowded section of corridor, Guided suddenly stopped and started waving. "Sweet, hey Sweet, over here!"    A light red pony answered her call, coming over to them. "H-hello," they said, glancing over and Nick, but focusing on Guided.    "Dang, am I glad to see you. I really need a little—" Guided trailed off, staring at Nick. "Hang on a second.    "Hey Nick," she said. "I've got some needs I gotta get taken care of. You're a cool guy, right? Can you do me a favor and not tell anypony I'm doing this in the middle of a tour?"    Nick then found out that he had been wrong, and his guide was, in fact, a dude. Very much so. Assumptions and guesses based on voice were one thing. But that penis was quite another.    Guided sat down with his back against the wall and his legs spread wide. Horse balls were big. And fuzzy. Nick had never wondered about that, but now he knew. He had wondered a little bit why he didn't see dicks swinging around under everyone, and that was answered as his stiffy emerged from some kind of pocket that guys apparently had. Horse dicks had a blunt, flat tip, and a ring bulging out partway down the shaft. They were the same color as their owners, even if that color was green. These were things Nick knew now, and could never forget.    He was blushing, his face felt incredibly hot, his palms were soaked. Yet he could not move. He couldn't run away like the previous times he had run into ponies being intimate. This was his guide after all. But he found himself unable to even look away or close his eyes.    His friend happily started slurping, no hesitation. An impressive number of inches disappeared into their mouth.    Nick honestly had no idea whether he was watching a gay blowjob or not. He didn't really care, he was just trying to think about something other than Guided's moan or the way he was pressing his hoof against the back of Sweet's head.    He could hear every wet slurp, see the drool running down the shaft. It was mesmerizing in a way. He wished he knew what that felt like. It was frustrating being a virgin.    His worries about decency and whether it was gay to stare at a dick like this evaporated. He focused all his attention on what was in front of him, trying to keep back the flood of thoughts about home. That word 'virginity' was a little thread sticking out of him, and if he pulled on it, it would bring along memories of the girls he knew, and his friends, and his family, and more and more until he completely unraveled.    A horse blowjob was not what he would have chosen but it was real, solid. It was something to keep him anchored. And so he let it fill his mind because it was the only thing that could at that moment.  He fantasized about being part of the scene in front of him, not particularly worrying about which side that would be on, either was better than where he was sitting.    He had never paid too much attention to it in porn, but he could not ignore now all the details of a cock cumming. It twitched and pulsed.He could see Sweet gulping and moaning in satisfaction. Oh shit, if the dick was that big, how big was the load? Cum leaked through the seal of their lips.    "Whew!" Guided said, "I really needed that." He gave Sweet a few pats on the head. He released the petite pony from his crotch and stood up. "I tell ya, Sweet really knows how to handle a cock."    Nick nodded as he listened. This all may have been normal for Guided, as for himself there was a tension in the air. Maybe what he needed to do was try and push through to the other side? "Heh, Maybe I should take Sweet for a spin then." He tried to make himself look and sound like a guy who got his dick sucked a lot, whatever that was. He just felt kind of silly though. A feeling only intensified by Guided's reaction.    Guided practically flinched. "Whoa there. That's why you were looking at us like that? I thought you were a prude, not that kind of guy. Look, Sweet might be a slut, but he is not gay. Alright? I don't have anything against it, but just take that shit somewhere else."    "What!?" Nick said. "I didn't know that he was a he. I thought—hold on—what!?" He couldn't get any more words out. They all got jammed up in his throat. He covered his face with his hands. "Let's just forget about this and get on with the tour," he finally mumbled.    Nick needed a drink. He had never been much for bars, but he had still asked Guided and been told about the one he was sitting in.    That day alone would have been enough to drive him to drink, to say nothing of everything else. Mercifully for his liver, he hadn't had any place to get booze until now.    But it turned out there was a bar right on the castle grounds the whole time. All he had needed to do was ask.    He walked in, sat down, and ordered a beer. He felt as awkward as ever, but the funny thing was that he was kind of getting used to it. It had been so constant that he was beginning to just accept the feeling of everyone staring at him when he went into a room. Naturally, the feeling bothered him less still as the alcohol began to take hold.    He drank another pint.     Nick drank a fair bit but never quite stopped being thirsty. He hadn't been to many bars or taken much advantage of being twenty one.     The room swayed and his head spun. He felt great. Everybody was talking and chatting with each other, there was someone in the corner banging on a piano—how'd they even do that with hooves? But they made it work, good on them—it was some great noise. He felt alive, finally like a real man. No more of that moping crap for him. He was about to show ponyland who was boss.    He took a look around him. Sure, there were no human ladies, but that didn't matter. He slicked back his hair.    There was petite little pony with a light pink coat sitting near him. Now, he wasn't an expert on telling male and female ponies apart yet, but c'mon. This was an easy one.    He scooted his stool over to her. "Hey, how's your night going?" No hesitation. He was good at this. He needed to try getting smashed more often.    She looked over her shoulder at him. "I'm... doing alright." She gave a little smile, but didn't make eye contact. She was the shy sort then, that was cool. He could relate.    "Glad to hear it. My name's Nick. How about I make it even better for ya?" Smooth as fuck.    The pink pony looked away from him, seemed to be searching the room. "I'm sorry, but I'm not—uh, you're not really my type." there was a timid quaver in her voice, which was deep and husky—sexy.    Oh she was a shy one alright, plus she'd probably never seen a human before. But expanding her horizons wouldn't hurt anyone. "Aw c'mon. Have you ever even tried my type?" He put a hand on her back.    She flinched at the contact. Only a few seconds later there was a voice from behind. "Whoa there. Just what the hay kind of bar do you think this is?" Something invisible pulled Nick backwards out of his seat and tumbling to the floor. A tall pony loomed into view. "Can't you see the poor guy doesn't want anything to do with you. And just because I'm feeling nice, I'll let you know that this bar is full of off-duty guards, so maybe think twice before you go harassing any more stallions." There was a scowl on their face.    Nick staggered back to his feet. There had clearly been some kind of misunderstanding. But that wasn't his fault, he was a literal alien, how was he supposed to know stuff like this? "Look, you've got it all wrong. I'm not harassing her. I'm just—" He was trying to back away from the weirdly aggressive pony when he felt himself bump into something. There was a yelp and a crash behind him of someone falling off a stool.    The pony in front of him glowered even more. Off to the side, a second pony appeared, also big and muscular. It wasn't such a great time anymore.    They came menacingly forward. Someone yelled "fight!"    Mercifully, before things could go any further, one more pony stepped into the middle. This one was wearing the armor of a royal guard.    As quickly as it had arisen, the tension and danger in the air dissipated. The guard did not even need to say anything, only stand and look around sternly. At the formerly cheering ponies, at the two threatening him, and at Nick himself. It was easy to understand why all the ponies shut up so readily when his turn came under the steely eyes within that helmet.    "Come with me," the guard finally said to him, after a spell of eye contact that lasted far too long.    What could Nick do but obey? He certainly didn't want to stay with the ponies who were ready to attack him. He clumsily got up on his feet. It was more work than he was used to, being this drunk was rare for him. It did help that a wide empty space cleared out around him and his escort. None of the ponies seemed to want to mess with a guard who was on the job. Even in his inebriated state, Nick didn't have any notion of teasing them.    The guard (Nick figured he might as well just give up on trying to guess what gender ponies were) left the bar, with him following along like a dog. He wasn't a leader, okay? He was always happy to leave that shit to someone else, and this was no exception. He followed that guard into the castle and down a twisting sequence of corridors that he was pretty sure hadn't been part of the tour. Maybe. He wasn't exactly in a state to tell.    It was a very cozy room they went in to. Nick saw a big, soft looking couch and made a beeline for it. Standing and walking was hard. He sank into it so very gratefully. Maybe he should have asked first, but his guard didn't make any fuss about it. He, she, who even knew anymore looked him over to make sure he wasn't going anywhere, and then left for another room next door.    As the adrenaline drained from his body leaving only booze and the plush softness around him, it was suddenly hard to keep his eyes open. He had no intention of fighting it, he leaned back and waited for sleep to take him.    He heard a few noises. He cracked his eyes open long enough to see a big pink pony standing in front of him, whispering to someone. That was nice. Nick go sleep now.    Unfortunately, Nick woke up the next morning. His mouth was dry as a desert and his head was pounding. All through the rest of his body there was general discomfort. He groaned as he stirred, then curled himself up and tried to escape back into sleep and blissful unconsciousness.    That didn't work.    Instead he just lay on that couch aching. He heard noises and other people in the room, but he honestly didn't give a fuck. God, this was why he didn't usually drink.    The smell of coffee intruded his nose. Reluctantly he opened his eyes to sample the outside world. A maid was setting up a tray loaded with breakfast in front of him. They curtsied in front of him and said "I'll let the princess know you're awake."        So this was fun. Not only did he have a hangover, he'd fucked up enough to get hauled in front of the princess again. Then again, what had he expected? With everything else that had happened why was this a surprise?        Life had more surprises for Nick. It was not Celestia who came out and sat down in front of him. This pony towered over all the others and wore a crown like Celestia, but Celestia wasn't nearly so pink.        "Hello, Nick, I'm Princess Cadance," she said. "You look unwell. Let me help you." Her horn shimmered, and Nick felt the malaise of his hangover disappear. The world didn't seem like such a harsh place anymore.        He sat upright and faced her. He knew he wasn't off the hook that easily, but oh did he feel better. Not better enough to make eye contact, but he did mumble a "thanks."        "You're very welcome. You're not the first po—creature the guards have rescued from a spot of trouble in that bar, nor will you be the last." She took a sip from a cup of her own. "Though it's not usually—oh, how do I say this?" She thought for a moment. "I guess—you are a male, yes?"    He couldn't see what that had to do with the bar, but he nodded. "Yeah. I'm a man."    "Man. So that's the word. Anyway, my point is that it's not usually the males starting the trouble. Too often it's you poor things getting caught between two mares." She seemed to notice some hint of confusion in his face. "Female ponies, such as myself, are called mares. The male ones, 'men,' are called stallions."    "Oh okay, I was wondering what that word meant." He rubbed the back of his head. "And uh, also. How do I tell those apart? The whole time I've been here I've kind of been wondering."    Cadance took a breath. "That explains a lot. I wanted to have a chat with you anyway, but it's a good thing we're doing this before you get into any more trouble. I hope you don't mind, but we've been keeping an eye on you. Wouldn't want you to get hurt or lost."    Nick wasn't sure where to start, but it didn't seem like anywhere was not going to be some kind of uncomfortable. "Right, so that pony I was hitting on last night?" He cringed at the memories. It didn't really matter what the answer to that one was. Whether that had been a guy or not, he had made an ass of himself.    Sure enough, Cadance pursed her lips before she spoke. "The guard reported that the altercation started with your advances toward a stallion, a Mr.—"    "What? I swear I thought he was a mare. He was so small and girly looking."    "Most stallions are," Cadance said.    Well fuck. How was that supposed to make any sense? "So what are mares like then?"    "Physically, larger, stronger, though I am sort of an extreme case as far as that goes. And of course we have more dominant, logical personalities than stallions. You know, general masculine things." "That makes no sense," Nick blurted. "Females are masculine and males are feminine? Who came up with that!?" Cadance shrugged. "I didn't decide what the words meant, I learned them like everypony else. I'd have to ask Auntie Celestia... I think I will, now that you point it out it is odd. You're a clever little guy."    "Okay," Nick said, thinking back to all the suspicious things that had happened, "So you heard about the tour I went on too then. What about Guided? Are they a mare too!?"    "Of course. Miss Guided is quite good at her job." Cadance said.    "Bullshit! She has a dick. I saw it." He stopped just short of yelling.    Cadance just looked baffled. "I'm afraid I don't understand. What does her penis have to do with whether she's a mare or not?"    The confusion spread from her to Nick. "Well, you know..." He wasn't sure how to explain himself. It was one of those things that was so obvious he had never thought he would have to put it into words. "The last time I checked, males had penises, and females... didn't?"    Cadance blinked at him. "Whatever world you come from must be very strange. I'm very much a female and I have a penis. Most everypony does."    Nick stared. She had to be fucking with him.    "I'm curious, actually," Cadance said. "What sort of genitals do human females have then?"    Nick blushed. Despite the conversation already being in that territory, answering her question suddenly seemed awkward. "They have vaginas."    "I see. I think I'm beginning to understand your confusion. Mares do indeed have vaginas as well—which is a good thing, most stallions are too delicate for childbirth." She shifted in her seat. A strange look came over her face. "In fact, why don't I demonstrate? What a mare looks like, that is. I'm not going to have another kid for a good long while."    She stood and turned around, and flicked her tail to the side. Nick could see everything. It was most definitely an ass. At the base of her tail was what must have been her asshole. Below that was a thin slit that he could tell was a pussy despite it following the general theme of not looking like human bits. And, sure enough, below that hung a weighty pair of pink balls.    It was a lot of information—that Nick didn't really know what to do with. Too many things he had thought he knew turning out to be wrong. He could deal with his trouble telling mares and stallions apart, he was new to it. But he had never considered that it would be so different from how everything he knew worked. Everyone had dicks? Everyone? Yet he could see that she wasn't fucking with him.    "Like what you see?" she said sultrily. Then her face drooped ever so slightly. She chewed her lip, thinking about something. She turned back around and sat down; he could see her think pink dick stiffly swaying under her.    Dicks, dicks, dicks. It looked like he was going to have to get used to them if he didn't want to be alone forever.    "I'm sure this is a lot to take in," Cadance said, a warm smile returning to her face. "Why don't we take a break? I wouldn't want to overwhelm you. But I'd be happy to keep getting you acquainted with Equestrian culture.    "Bring me my schedule!" She called to somepony in an adjacent room. Her order was carried out by a short, deferential pony who came scurrying in carrying a little book. He must have been a stallion. Everything Nick had just heard said that, but his instincts hadn't gotten the message that the diminutive person in a dress could be a dude.    Across from him Cadance grumbled as she reviewed her schedule. "I had hoped to talk to you more tonight, but it looks like I can't. How about you come back tomorrow night and I can teach you some more."    Nick nodded mutely. He was too busy thinking to respond with words. He'd take her up, it wasn't like he had anything planned.    Cadance then got up and rather urgently scurried back through the door she had come through. He heard her yell "Shiny!" in the distance.    The "maid" who had brought the schedule took it upon himself to escort Nick back to his room.    He didn't know what to make of the answers Cadance had given him, but at least he had answers. > Chapter 3 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------    Nick kept thinking back to Cadance's maid, the stallion in the dress. Were these ponies expecting him to be like that too? How much allowance would they make for him being an alien?    It seemed that there were plenty who wouldn't take kindly to him acting like a real man, but then, he had never really been like that. All his attempts at it were just bravado, him trying to make himself more impressive than he really was. But these ponies didn't want that, they wanted the meek and girly version of him, that was the real Nick. No one had ever actively teased him about it growing up, but he knew they were still thinking it.    And now that everything was flipped around, he didn't know if he'd be able to unlearn that shame. Or if he even wanted to. Goddamn, it sucked living in a society.    He took out a piece of paper and sketched a little person, made it look kind of like himself. He drew the figure in a dress. He stared at the drawing. Next to it he added a horse with a big ol' penis. He tore the paper up and threw the pieces in the trash. It was hard to see himself like that. Even in private, he'd never had the balls to try his sister's skirts on. He'd thought about it a few times, though.    There was a lot of paper in the desk in the little room they'd given him. He guessed it made sense, since they didn't have computers. But he didn't let that stop him from taking out a couple more sheets, pushing the whole girly, sissy, whatever thing to the back of his mind, and drawing some of his ideas for games. That tour actually had been pretty cool, he'd gotten so many ideas from what he learned about Equestria.    For the first time since he had come there, he was able to lose himself in the flow of drawing and planning and writing. It was always satisfying to see things take shape on the page. Sure, he felt a twinge of disappointment that none of it would go anywhere until Equestria invented video games, but then he had notebooks full of ideas that had never gone anywhere for all kinds of other reasons.    It occurred to him that he probably had a decent shot at just being an artist here. There were probably plenty of ponies who would pay for pieces of human culture. It wasn't exactly what he had imagined doing with his life, but it wasn't too far from it either. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad after all.    It also occurred to him that he was hungry and that it was dark outside. The whole day had flown by. He stood up and started wondering where he would be able to get some food, when he spotted a tray that had appeared near the door at some point. Having servants all over the place was something he was never going to get used to. Not that he was complaining, it was good food.    He thought about drawing some more as he ate, but his mind had phased back into normal reality, and the effort of all that work made itself apparent. Tiredness came crashing down on him. "Tomorrow," he thought, and climbed into bed. In another first for his new life in Equestria, he didn't have to lie awake with his thoughts, but fell asleep instantly.    He dreamed. He was dressed like a girl, in a dress and high heels. A voice was calling him a faggot, jeering. He was laying on the ground, cringing. Suddenly there was someone standing over him, between him and the taunting voices. They reached out their hand, and helped him to his feet. Strong arms wrapped around his waist, holding him protectively. His vision filled with pink, then his mouth too.    It was still dark. There was a clock in the room, but he couldn't see it. Nick felt like he was awake, but he couldn't be sure that wasn't a dream too; he was floating in empty blackness. He could feel his body, feel the bed, but there was nothing else. He lay there for an undefinable time, replaying the hazy fragments of his dream. He was no psychologist, but he didn't need to be to see that it was telling him something. He still didn't know how he felt about the message, but if his own brain was telling him the same thing all these ponies were...    He woke up again and it was truly morning. Despite his strange dreams, he felt better rested than he had in a long time. He didn't even feel the temptation of his normal habit of staying in bed enjoying the warmth. He got up and paced around the room.    He surveyed everything he had done the day before, trying to remember exactly where he left off. This was interrupted by a gentle knocking at the door. A mare stood there when he answered. She had a light purple mane and was wearing a necklace with a blue heart on it. She actually bowed to him when he opened the door. It was a strange feeling, he'd never had anyone do that.    "Princess Cadance sent me to make sure you have a good morning," she said. She looked at him in that same strange way as the various other mares he'd run into, and he finally put the pieces together from what Cadance had told him and realized that she was thinking about whether or not she wanted to fuck him. While he was figuring that out she continued talking. "I've brought you breakfast," she levitated a tray piled with food into the room, "and a little present. The Princess noticed your habit of wearing clothes all the time, and thought you might like some new ones." That statement was followed by a package wrapped in tissue paper floating into his arms.    "Oh, uh, thank you," Nick said. He took the package, wondering where the hell she had gotten clothes that would fit him. She was right though, only having one outfit was starting to get a bit inconvenient.    "If you don't mind, may I see how you look in it? So I can tell the Princess? She's quite impatient for your meeting tonight."    More like she wanted to check him out in it. Damn, it felt good to have someone actually interested in him. Of course, there was a little nagging voice in the back of his mind reminding him exactly how she wanted to fuck him, but the sheer novelty of the feeling was so exciting that he ignored it. Besides, it wasn't like he was actually going to do anything with her. "Sure. Just, give me a second to get changed." He gently closed the door.    He walked over to the bed, put the package down, and tore it open. He lifted the clothes inside, holding them out at arms length to get a good view.    That was a dress.    It was yellow, with a flower pattern. He was holding a dress. And not somebody else's dress either, a dress meant for him.    He closed his eyes. This was just what guys wore here, it was normal. His clothes were getting dirtier by the day and he desperately needed new ones. It was a choice between wearing this and going naked. Still, he hesitated. Nick took a deep breath, stripped off his clothes, and slid the dress over his head. At least it wasn't pink. The yellow fabric came down to his knees. Somehow, it fit perfectly, at least the top part; he couldn't help but feel undressed without anything wrapping around his legs. It was going to take some getting used to, that was for sure.    He kept telling himself that, that he just had to get used to it as he went back to the door to show the pony who brought it. "Tada," he said weakly, opening the door.     She whistled when she saw him, looking him up and down. "You look good. It's too bad Cadance called first dibs on you, or I'd have some fun right now." She bit her lip, "I'd better leave before I lose control." She walked away stiffly; Nick got a glimpse of her boner.    He didn't pay much attention to that. He was more focused on the compliments she had given him. No one had ever said those kinds of things about him. It was so very satisfying. If the dress could do that, then maybe he could handle a dress.    He walked around the room a few times, acclimating to the feeling of it, and the idea of being pretty, wanted. It honestly wasn't bad, he got used to it faster than he was expecting. Of course, there was no one around to see him at the moment, so that helped.    That day passed productively as well, though a little less than the one before. Nick kept looking down at himself and his dress. As the afternoon went on, he felt himself getting nervous. Cadance had revealed a lot at their last meeting. He had no idea what the coming one might entail. He was ready for anything.    He jumped when the knock on the door finally came. The pony there told him the Princess was ready for him, and he dutifully followed. His palms were sweaty. One step at a time, he moved himself forward toward... whatever was waiting.    Ponies stared as they walked, that was nothing new. But there was something different about how they stared. It was even more predatory, a few even catcalled him. It was flattering to get so much attention, but he was still glad for the escort.    He didn't think he'd ever seen a smile as warm as the one Cadance greeted him with when he finally arrived.    "How's the new dress? I hope you like it, you look so pretty in it." She cooed at him.    Nick felt himself blush. "T-thank you. It's not what I normally wear, but I think I'm getting used to it." He didn't know what he would have told her if he didn't feel that way, but lying was something he was very happy to avoid.    "I'm glad to hear that. I know it's always refreshing for me to try out a new outfit.    "Now, why don't we move somewhere more comfortable for our chat? I plan to be more detailed than yesterday." There was the slightest of pauses in her last sentence. She motioned for him to follow her, and led him off from the room they had me in, and into a bedroom.    Cadance stepped up onto the enormous, luxurious bed and stretched herself out on it.    "Come on, join me," she said. But Nick couldn't manage more than to sit on the edge, his hands folded politely in his lap. She giggled at him.    She composed herself. "So, I am not just a Princess, I am the Princess of Love. Something I hope you will find here in Equestria. And so I want to make sure that you are prepared, know what is expected of you."    "In the bedroom?" Nick finished.    The look on her face answered his question well before she said "Yes."    "There's no need to worry. I'm doing this because I want to make sure you get a gentle introduction to pleasing mares. If you think you're ready, that is."    He nodded. His heart was pounding. Was he hearing her right? Were they about to have sex? "Yeah! That's—thank you."    "Wonderful. First, the most important part of a mare for you is her cock." Cadance rolled over and spread her legs to show him her own. It was only half erect, but still the size of his forearm. "Just touch mine, to start."    It was a dick—a lot more dick than he had expected his first time to involve. But somehow he didn't mind. Maybe he was just that desperate. Maybe her being a horse was enough to get past all his hangups. Maybe he just wasn't as straight as he thought he was, maybe Cadance was so alluring that that didn't matter. He reached out and grabbed her shaft. It quickly stiffened to it's full length and hardness in his hand.    He was familiar with the feel of his own dick, but this was something else. It wasn't just that it was bigger, there was a new dimension to the warmth of her flesh, the firmness. He did about the only thing he knew how to do with a cock and started stroking.    Cadance moaned. "Oh, those hands feel amazing. No wonder Twilight likes Spike so much."    That distracted him. "Who?"    "Just some relatives of mine. You'll meet them soon. Ungh, you're going to make a lot of friends with those hands. I'm tempted to let you make me cum just like this." Her tip glistened with precum already. "But, you don't want to be a one trick pony. How much experience do you have with blowjobs?"    "None." He had never thought about giving a blowjob before, but he suddenly felt embarrassed to say so.    "That's alright. We all have to start somewhere. Luckily for you, I'm one of the few straight mares who's actually sucked a dick other than her own, so I can coach you."    Was it his imagination, or did her dick look even bigger now that he thought about fitting in him? "I don't think it's going to fit."    "Just relax. Take it slow, I'm not expecting you to deepthroat me. Try just licking me. I promise I taste good~" Cadance reassured him.    It worked. Her voice was so calm and caring that the calmness passed into him. He felt protected around her.    There was a brief moment where he realized that he was taking a step down a path he could not turn back from. With Cadance watching over him, he felt no hesitation in taking that step. He leaned forward, and touched her dick to his lips. He kissed her on the tip of the cock, he licked up some of her pre. It all happened automatically, like he had been born for this. A heavy, heady scent of musk that he hadn't noticed before crept into his senses.    She had told him to lick, so he licked. All around her head. Then he started exploring down the shaft. She looked so proud of him—and so pleased. For his part, cock tasted so much better than he ever would have thought. He got more and more into it as he went on. He rubbed his whole face against her. His own cock was pitching a tent on his dress.    Her hoof tapped the back of his head. "You're doing very well, but it's time to make me cum." She guided him back up to her head. "Focus there. Put as much of it in your mouth as you can—but no teeth."    Simple enough instructions, but it still felt like a lot to take in to his dick-addled mind. He wrapped his lips around her, it was like trying to fit his fist in his mouth. The precum that had been flowing out of her coated his tongue in salty flavor. Oh God, he could feel her heartbeat through his lips. He slurped on her. His hands stayed below, working her shaft. He didn't think about what he was doing, he did what made her twitch, moan, her eyes twinkle.    "Ooooh, fuck. You're a natural." Cadance said. She said a lot of things, all of them compliments. His enthusiasm grew and grew. He wasn't even touching it, but he was sure his own cock was going to start blasting any second.    When she finally said "I'm going to cum. Nick, you're going to make me cum!" it sent a shiver through his body. Even with the warning he was taken off guard by how suddenly it Happened.    Her cock pulsed. A swell shot through his hands and mouth. And then the cum came. The first spurt filled his mouth and forced him to recoil, gagging, choking. But his hands held on, and so the rest covered his body, soaking through his dress, gluing it to his skin. There was never any thought of spitting out the portion in his mouth. Even though he was sputtering, he swallowed it down. It thickly coated his throat, making him thirsty for more to wash it down.    He fell back onto the bed, gasping. Everything was racing. He glanced over at Cadance. She didn't look as breathless as him, but she was panting a little, and had a relaxed, satisfied look on her face.    Their moment didn't last long. A new voice intruded. "Oh, this must be the human you were talking about." A white stallion stood in the doorway.    Nick was just starting to get used to the dress. But being in a dress and covered in cum in front of someone else was definitely out of his comfort zone. A wave of self-consciousness washed away all the horniness that had been propelling him.    "You're right. This is Nick. I was just teaching him a few things. Nick, this is my husband, Shining Armor," Cadance said.    That really didn't help matters. Nick's stomach dropped.    And yet Shining didn't look upset to find his wife getting blown by another man. He just looked concerned. "Is he alright?"    "Nick?" Cadance said.    "I-I uh, didn't know you were married." Nick stammered.    "Hmm? Oh, I get it." Cadance turned to Shining. "Don't worry about him. From what I've gathered humans tend to be prudish." Then she addressed Nick: "I don't know just how things work where you're from, but here, we recognize that mares have needs, and that doesn't stop when we get married. Isn't that right, Shiny."    "Oh yeah," Shining said. "It's a good thing too. No way I could handle her all by myself!" He laughed.    The panic left Nick, but it was replaced by jealousy at the look the two ponies shared. But then, that was why he was there: so Cadance could teach him about love. It was more than anybody else had done.    Cadance coughed to get his attention. "I know you're on the delicate side, so I wanted to start things off slow with you. But I'd like to give you a look at some more... experienced things. What do you say, Shiny? Do you want to see how well you can handle me now that he's got me warmed up?" She was grinning at her husband.    He returned the grin. "Bring it on." He joined the other two on the bed. Cadance kissed him, then maneuvered him into position with his ass up in the air, facing Nick.    The point was for him to get a good look, it seemed. Shining's cock and balls were noticeably smaller than Cadance's, though still larger than any human's. Nick had thought Cadance was turned on before, but the look on her face now was of absolute lust. She restrained herself only for his sake, and only barely.    "This is the essence of being a stallion. This is what you're for." Cadance mounted her husband and pushed her cock into his ass. Once it was situated in his hole, she thrust forward, sinking deep, deep, deep. Shining groaned in ecstasy as it filled him up. Precum dribbled from his dick.    Nick was scared. There was no way in hell his asshole could fit something that big. But more than scared, he realized he was disappointed by that fact. He was jealous of Shining, of how Cadance held him. He wanted someone—somepony to hold him like that, lovingly and protectively. He'd always imagined that it would be nice to have a girl cuddle him.    He hadn't imagined getting pounded in the ass, but Shining was doing a pretty good job of selling him on it. He looked like he was having a great time under Cadance. The sounds he made as her dick pumped in and out of his hole were of pure pleasure. Nick still had a boner, and this sight was keeping it going strong.    Porn had always been a little weird for Nick. He liked it, but his heart had never really been in it to imagine himself as the giant dude pounding a chick at a hundred miles an hour that it usually showed. But he could see himself in Shining's place much more easily.    Shining came. He gasped even harder than he already had been. As his load dribbled from his cock, Nick could tell it was being fucked out of him by Cadance more than squirted out by his own body. It looked like it felt amazing.    Cadance cooed at him, bent her head down to kiss him. She sped up her fucking even more, before letting out her own groan and hilting herself in her husband. Her balls rested on Shining's as she blew her load in him. If it was even half as big as the one still covering Nick, he was a very full stallion. If dudes could get pregnant, this was how it would happen.    She extracted herself from her husband's ass and dismounted; he collapsed to the bed, panting. Cadance was less winded, but still breathing a little heavily.    She turned to Nick. "Well, what do you think?" She gently stroked Shining's hair.    He was thinking about getting his own ass pounded. He was already reminiscing about the taste of Cadance's dick in his mouth. He was finally imagining not being someone's boyfriend and having to act all manly and other things he was not, but being the "girlfriend", the soft, cute one. It had never worked before, when that would have meant dating a man. But mares were not men, even if they were manly.  He was thinking that maybe this was the kind of life he had wanted all along, without even realizing it.