The Realm of Ponies and Magic

by Tomislavj5

First published

A Guardian of the Realms discovers an unfamiliar realm he knew nothing about. Now as one of many Realm Guardians of the multiverse its up to him to see what this world has to offer and to protect it from those that seek to destroy it

First of all I want to note that this is my first story and there will probably be grammar erros and mispells along the way since english isn't my first langauge. Feel free to point out flaws or some other things you wish to see in this story. Undertale tag because of the powers of my OC and other Undertale related stuff.

After a hard won battle againts one of his advesaries, Tomz discoveres a new realm that he didn't know of and he decides that he will enter that new world to see what it has to offer. Him being one of the Realm Guardians,it is his sole purpose to explore and protect all the realms in the Multiverse. But when he finds out this new world is one of talking tehnicolored ponies, magic and other magical creatures, he is in for one big treat. How will he make first contact. Wil the ponies see him as a friendly being or an evil creature who wants to bring death and destruction? There is only one way to find out .

A New World Chapter 1

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Somewhere in the Multiverse
Tomz POV

I dropped on the warm grassy ground as I let out a few harsh breaths to calm myself down. "Damn it Draegan, can't you just leave those realms alone? I know you hate them and want to erase all life as we know it but you're really giving me a workout here" Now your probably wondering who is this Draegan guy and who am I? Well allow me to introduce myself. Greetings, my name is Tomz and I'm one of the fellow Realm Guardians that guard and protect the realms in the multiverse from people like him and all other evil beings that wish to cause harm and suffering. I have brown hair and two different eyes. My left eye is black with a single yellow glowing pupil and my right eye is blue that has a heart-shaped pupil. I stand at 7" feet which my height if you didn't know. I have an average slim build.

I'm wearing a black turtleneck with a brown jacket that has one of those fluffy hoods, a long brown scarf that goes to my ankles, dark blue and black fingerless gloves, dark gray cargo shorts that go just below my knees, on my hips were two belts that were filled with color vials. On my feet I was wearing black and red boots. On my back were my weapons or tools if you will. I had a big paintbrush and a same-sized fountain pen that went across my entire back, like a two-handed greatsword. Now for my race, I'm a Nephilim, a union of angel and demon. Anyways I'm getting sidetracked, currently, I was laying on the ground exhausted from yet another hard-won battle against my adversary. As I was laying there I felt something. Like a sudden spike on the radar. I quickly stood up and looked around. I glanced at various floating screens that are in my realm and I see a new screen that just appeared and it was showing a green meadow and a row of apple trees. "Hmm that's new," I said as I walked closer to the floating screen. "What are you showing me?" I asked myself.

"I guess its better if I go and check it out" With that set in my mind, I took my paintbrush and moved it across the ground as it left a trail of yellow color. After that was done, I jumped in and I appeared in some kind of dense forest. The trees looked creepy and it looked more like some kind of swap than a forest. I shrugged and just picked a direction where to go, hoping to find an exit soon. I continued to walk through this creepy woods until I heard bushes move. I stopped walking and looked at the direction of the sound. The bushes rustled more until finally.....a small brown bunny hopped out of it. The bunny stood on its hind legs as it looked at me and sniffed the air. When it finally realized I wasn't a threat it hopped away. I just sighed "It was just a bunny...and I got my guard up for nothing" I continued to walk some more until I heard screaming for help.


"Somepony? Well that's a first" I ran the direction of screaming. Once I was close I saw...somekind of lion with bat wings and scorpion tail and three ponies? But they were wearing clothing and were walking on two legs. One was wearing a big red bowtie on the backside of her head, probably to hold her hair or mane in this case. She was wearing a brown T-shirt and blue overhalls and had cream like fur and red mane. The second one had white fur and a mix of pink and purple mane, she was wearing a pink dress, she also had a horn on her head. The third and final pony had orange fur and dark purple mane. She was wearing a cyan T-shirt along with black jacket and green shorts and had a pair of small wings on her back. It looks like they got cornered by the beast. What were they doing in the forest anyway? I saw the lion raised his paw and was about to land a strike.

3rd Person POV
The Manticore has raised its paw to land a strike on the little three ponies but suddenly a couple of bones burst through the ground in front of the fillies making a wall between them. The manticore was surprised as it took a couple of steps back. "You much as I would like to avoid combat and solve this with words, I don't speak lion and seeing that you were about to have these three ponies for lunch...I just can't let that slide." Tomz said as he finally revealed himself. His hands were safely tucked in his jacket pockets. Tomz looked at the three ponies as they stared at him with fear and awe. He brought his attention back at the manticore as it roared at him. It didn't like it some slim animal has interrupted his hunting. The two stared at each other for a while until the Manticore had enough of waiting and launched himself at Tomz with the intent to kill. Tomz on the other hand just rolled his eyes as he used his magic making another set of bones to erupt from the ground as they stabbed an inpailed the manticore killing the beast on the spot. He looked back at the three ponies as the wall of bones disappeared as he walked closer to them. They were shaking and hugging each other tight, once Tomz was in front of them they closed their eyes tight as they waited for the final blow.

Tomz POV
I walked towards the three ponies as they started to shake in fear. Once I was close enough they closed their eyes and I assume they waited for the final blow. "Relax you three, I'm not going to kill you if that's what you're worried about" I told them. The three slowly opened their eyes as they looked at me.

"R-really...your not going to hurt us" the orange one asked.

"well I did save you from that lion thing so, yes I'm not going to hurt you" I reassured them.

The orange one slowly nodded at my response.

"um..who...or what are you?" the pony with the red bowtie asked me.

"I'm Tomz. Tomz the Nephilim" I introduced myself to them. "What were you doing in these woods anyway.?"

This time the white pony answered me.

"We wanted to get our cutie marks for exploring but then that manticore ambushed us and started to chase us until he trapped us here."

I sighed. The kids and their curiosity. Now don't get me wrong. I have nothing against kids...I will just discipline them or scare them away if they annoy me too much.

"Alright listen up kiddos. How about you three go back to whatever town you came from and I'll accompany you so that you don't become some other's animal lunch." I told them as the three nodded and slowly stood up. Once they dusted their clothes I gestured with the hand to lead the way. If they are here that means there must be some kind of town nearby. The four of us started to walk through the woods once again as there was an awkward silence between us.

"So...." The orange one started. "How did you manage to do that?" She asked.

I lifted an eyebrow and asked back. "Do what?"

"You know that thing with bones back there...was that you?" The orange pony asked me.

"Yes that was me. Its simple magic that's all. What are your names anyway? I can't call you by your fur coats" I told them. I saw the three looked at each other and nodded as they faced back to me.

"My name is Applebloom," The one with the red bowtie said.

"I'm Sweetie Belle" The white one said.

"And I'm Scootalo" the orange one told me. Alright good. I know their names now.

"So according to you three, you went into these woods to earn your cutie marks...what are those?" I asked them. They all looked at me wide-eyed as Scootalo shouted.

"You don't know what are cutie marks?!" I just shrugged

"Should I?"

Scootalo responded "Cutie marks represent a pony's special talent" I nodded.

"Hmm I see. Well where I'm from we don't have those cutie marks of yours" I told them as we continued to walk.

"then how do you know whats your special talent?" Applebloom asked me.

"We don't, we just try everything until we find something we are good at" I responded. I don't have these cutie marks but I do have a mark of my race on my shoulders. As we walked I started to see a bit of clearing as the sun started to shine through the branches. Soon enough we were out of the woods and we came across a green meadow with a dirt road. The three small ponies grew big smiles on their faces as they looked at me.

Applebloom grabbed my hand as she started to pull me forward "C'mon we are almost to Ponyville"
She said to me and pulled me harder. I smiled at her as I pulled my hand back a little.

"Wow calm down there missy, I'm not going anywhere," I told her as I started to think about the whole situation. Usually, I wouldn't reveal myself so soon but given the situation I didn't exactly had a choice. Right now we were going to this town called Ponyville and I had to plan my next moves carefully. I don't want to look like some kind of as a scary evil monster to them...even though my appearance itself is frightening already. I just hope everything will go well. Another thing I was worried about was about this realms rulers..if it even had them. How will they react to my presence here? Once we were close to Ponyville I stopped walking as I pulled my hand back and put it back in my jacket pocket.

"Tomz, what's the matter?" Sweetie Belle asked me.

"I won't go any further girls, I don't want to cause mass panic in that little town of yours" I told them as they looked at each other then back at me.

" We know that your a strange-looking feller but I'm sure ponies will have nothing against you. They just have to warm up to you, that is all" Applebloom told me as she grabbed my hand again. I sighed as I nodded at her. Once we arrived at Ponyville, ponies looked at me as we walked by. I looked at them as they started to whisper amongst each other. I felt like some kind of animal in a zoo.

We continued our walk through the town until I heard someone calling the three ponies that were with me. "Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Applebloom"
I turned towards the voices and saw three older looking ponies running towards us. Now me being a 7-foot tall being would obviously be spotted right on the spot. So being the smart person I am, I jumped back and fell into the green color of the grass making a small splash.
I could still hear voices they were just muffled.

"Girls we were looking everywhere for you, where were you," One of them asked. She had a cyan fur and a rainbow main. Seriously what's up with this realm?

The three small ponies looked at each other as Applebloom stepped forward. "um...w-we were in the Everfree Forest."

The three older ponies went wide-eyed "Everfree Forest!? How many times did we tell you, girls, it's too dangerous for you three to go in there, what were you three thinking!?" The one whit the cowboy hat yelled at the three children.

"Everfree that's the name of the woods we were in...good to know" I thought to myself.

"We wanted to get cutie marks in exploring" Scootaloo told the three older ponies as she and her two friends looked sadly at the ground.

The older white pony with purple swirled mane let out a sigh. "Sweetie Belle I know you want to get your cutie mark so badly but please be careful next time and do not go into that scary forest again" The three small ponies nodded.

Then Scootaloo went wide-eyed. "wait that's it !" She exclaimed.

The one with the rainbow mane looked at her confused. "What is it'?" Scootaloo looked at her and started to tell her what happened.

"We went into the Everfree forest to get our cutie marks when we were ambushed by a manticore. It chased us until it had us cornered. Then all of a sudden bones came from the ground and made some kind of wall between us and the manticore. Then we heard someone speaking and it, we saw a creature that looked like a furless pony that was wearing clothes. The Manticore was angry that it interrupted his hunt and it attacked the creature. But the creature used its magic as it made another pair of bones erupt from the ground and it inpailed the manticore killing it on the spot. We asked it its name and it told us that its name was Tomz and it was actually a He."

Applebloom then continued. "Aha and then he told us he wasn't a furless pony but a Nephi...umm.Nehpiilin..wait.Nephilim. Yes! He is a Nephilim and he can also use magic. He has this big paintbrush and a big fountain pen on his back along with some kind of colors on his belts he carries on his hips. But the best part is that he was as tall as Princess Celestia !" The three older ponies looked at them strangely until the rainbow one talked.

"so let me get this straight. There is this strange creature that you met in the forest. It wears clothes, it can use magic and its tall as the Princess?" The Rainbow pony asked.

"YES!" The three little ponies shouted at the same time. Then the one with the cowboy hat spoke

" Listen I'm sure you are all tired from today's events so why don't you three go back to the farm and rest."

Sweetie Belle then protested "B-but we are telling the truth"

The cowboy pony then responded. "I'm sure you are sugar cube I just find that very hard to believe. Now go on." The three little ponies only nodded sadly as they started to walk away.

"Do you think they are telling the truth?" the rainbow pony asked the cowboy one.

" I'm afraid they are Rainbow Dash. We better go get Twilight and explain what has happened. I'm sure she can find something in those books of hers" the cowboy pony told her two friends.

"ahh so that's her name, fully noted," I told myself

"Well whatever it is. If it ever shows up in Ponyville I will kick its flank into the next week." The rainbow one told the two.

"let's not get ahead of ourselves darling, I'm sure whatever that creature, pony or not it had good intentions if it defended the crusaders. I'm just glad that my Sweetie Belle is safe" The white one said to her two pony friends.

"Let's go Rarity, we will talk about this tomorrow" Then all three of them went separate ways.

After the coast was clear rose back from the greeny colors of the grass back to the surface. I remember seeing an abandoned castle in that Everfree Forest as they call it. With that in mind I teleported to the abandoned castle and started to search around.

After a while I found what it looked like a library. "Oh perfect just what I need," I said as I started to search the books. "History of Equestria" I pulled out the book from the shelf and opened it and started to read it. After an hour or so I already had a couple of books next to me as I finished my last one.

"Okay so according to all the books I gathered. This realm is called Equestria. It is ruled over by two pony princess. One rules over a day and the other rules over the night. They can control the weather for some strange reason, they have magic which isn't surprising and on top of that they have these relics called The Elements of Harmony in which they use to defend their land." I sat there for a couple of moments before a yawn escaped my lips.

I stretched as I heard a couple of bones popping back in place as I stood up. I started to walk around until I came across a bedroom. The entire castle was abandoned yet this room looked..normal. It was still covered in dust and cobwebs but normal. I crushed down on the bed face first as I let out another yawn. "Tomorrow I gotta go to that Ponyville place and try and make contact. Let's hope I don't screw up." With that being said I closed my eyes as I slowly fell asleep.

Meeting the locals and a Welcoming Party Chapter 2

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Celestia's Sun was slowly starting to rise as the warm rays bathed the land in its warmth. Tomz was peacefully sleeping until the rays of the sun peaked through the windows of the old castle and started to poke his eyes telling him it was time to get up.

Tomz slowly opened his eyes as he blinked a couple of times to get the sleep out of his system. He sat up and stretched earning a couple of satisfying cracks. Once he was no longer tired and sleepy he stood up from the bed and yawned. "Alright, what's on the agenda today," He asked himself until it clicked
"Oh right..small pony town."

Tomz POV
I gotta say, I slept like a baby, that bed sure is something. I started to make my way to the castle's library to do a double-check and just to make sure I didn't miss anything. About 10 minutes later, I gathered everything I needed to know about this world. "Okay to review: Two pony princesses that can control the celestial bodies, ponies that can control the weather, Elements of Harmony and...I think that's pretty much it"

I started my journey as I left the castle and started following an old dirt road that was leading me to the exit of the Everfree Forest. As I was walking down the dirt path I noticed a sign to my right. It said: Welcome to Ponyville. Home of the Elements of Harmony.

"Huh...that wasn't here yesterday. Maybe Applebloom was pulling me to fast for me to see it?" I asked myself as I continued to walk. After a few more minutes I finally reached the town as I looked around and took a deep breath. 'Okay, here goes nothing' I thought to myself. With that said I entered Ponyville as once more I was the center of attention.
I heard a couple of whispers coming my way

"What is that?"

"What's with the paintbrush and fountain pen?"

"It looks weird"

I rolled my eyes as let out a quiet sigh. "Geez, guys thanks for the warm welcome" Now that I had a better look at this town. I saw ponies shopping for food or some other necessities. I continued to walk through the small town until I felt some kind of magical presence coming toward me at an alarming rate. I sidestepped just in time to see a rainbow blur flying past me. That rainbow blur turned out to be that rainbow pony from yesterday. She was wearing a white sleeveless shirt and a teared up blue jeans. I also saw she had a pair of wings on her back.

"What are you doing in Ponyville you monster and how did you do that!" She demanded.

I just gave her a warm smile "Easy dear, I just dodged your tackle by sidestepping."

She growled at me and spread her wings. She then launched herself at me to try and tackle me again but I just teleported behind her making her confused and angry.

"Look Miss we can do this all day or you can be a smart pony and calm down so we can discuss this like normal" Come on I do not wish to fight you but if you keep pushing my buttons I will fight back.

She took up a fighting stance as she glared at me.

"You still didn't answer my question, what are you doing in Ponyville," She asked me again though she was keeping her guard up

I looked at her and started to think of an answer. I know I'm here to make first contact but how do I make her believe me...hmm... You know what I'll just wing it and hope for the best.

"I woke up in that forest over there and once I realized I was lost, I started to search for some kind of civilization. It's nice to see that my search has been fruitful.
I know that my appearance is frightening and scary but I'm not a bad guy or some scary monster that wants to eat you and rule the world. I mean I saved those three fillies back there yesterday and escorted them here." Okay, now I told her half the truth. Let's just hope she will drop the whole fight thing so we can be civilized. To my surprise that did get a reaction from her. How do I know this pony is a

"Wait you're that Nephilim creature the crusaders talked about yesterday?"

I smile and nodded. "Pleasure meeting you sweetheart, quite a pleasure. Name's Tomz"

After a couple of more minutes, she finally relaxed and flew over to me.

"Thanks for that by the way...I didn't know what would I do if I lost Scootalo:" She told me to which I nodded once more

"So may I have your name dear?" I asked her

"Hmm oh right. I'm Rainbow Dash, the fastest pony in all of Equestria!" She proudly told me as she put a hand on her chest.
It looks like we got a pony with an ego.

I nodded at her. "well like I said before it is nice to meet you. So what kind of pony are you?"

"I'm a Pegasi. Don't you have ponies where you're from?" She asked me as she raised an eyebrow

"Well we do but...they don't fly..or talk...or have magic...or walk on two legs:" I answered. It took me some time but I figured that this was one of those Anthro realms where animals ear clothes and are more human-like in appearance. Like Sonic or those furries...hey I should visit Sonic to see how is he doing.

"That's strange. Oh since your already here, let me show you around. You will get a grand tour from one and only Rainbow Dash!" She exclaimed proudly.

"You know what, that's exactly what I wanted to ask you. Lead the way" I told her as I gestured with my hand.

With that Rainbow Dash started to show me around Ponyville. She showed me the Town Hall, then some kind of house-made entirely out of sweets by the name of Sugarcube Corner. She said that her friend Pinkie Pie works there. We walked passed a giant treehouse which was a library for some reason, a giant faires wheel, or something along those lines. She mentioned her friend by the name of Rarity works there and that she makes dresses along with other clothing.
I nodded and continued to listen. She then pointed to a direction outside of Ponyville and told me that there was an apple farm by the name of Sweet Apple Acers and that her friend Applejack along with her family works there. After a while, we finished our little tour as she looked at me.

"That's all of Ponyville for ya. I gotta run, I''m on weather patrol duty. It was nice meeting ya Tomz. See you later" She told me as she then flew away leaving a rainbow track behind her.

" Nice meeting ya as well Rainbow," I told her as I waved at her as she flew away. Hmmm...I guess I can explore more of this small town.

With that set in mind, I started to walk around and admire the place. I was still getting stares and glances from the ponies that passed by me but I didn't think much of it. At some point, I saw a giant castle that was attached to the side of the mountain. The hell? In what nine circles of hell can that castle stand at the side of the mountain? Unless it has some kind of support beams that hold it like that....but if there was an earthquake the whole city would fall on the ground below.
My head started to hurt as I tried to rationalize the logic of the mountain castle and I decided I will just leave it be. As I was walking something bumped into me as I heard a small "ouch". I looked down and I saw another pony....but she was pink. She had a pink fluffy mane and was wearing a blue shirt with yellow sleeves and a pink skirt that had three balloons on it. She also had blue eyes. The two of us were locked in a staring contest for a while until I decided to introduce myself.

"Um...Hello" I greeted her. She then jumped in the air as she gasped and ran to Asgore knows where leaving a trail of dust behind her.

"Huh...well that was something," I told myself as I continued to explore. I then heard someone was calling my name as I saw the three fillies from yesterday.

"Heya Kiddos, How's your day goin--OOF" I didn't get to finish as all three tackled me to the ground.

"I can't believe you came back !" Scootalo shouted as she squeezed me in a hug.

"Yeah well when you left me yesterday I just had to come back to see more of your lovely town," I told her as I patted her head. "um girls mind letting me go so I can stand up?"

"Oh right right," Applebloom said as all three of them let go of the dead hug and stood up along with me.

"What brings you to Ponyville?" Sweetie Belle asked me.

"well like I told Scootalo. When you three left I just had to come back to check out this town of yours."

"That's nice of you. Ponyville has a lot of things to offer. Come on let's show you around" Scootalo told me as she grabbed my hand again.

I smile at her "That won't be necessary girls. Rainbow Dash already showed me around town." Once I told her that her eyes changed into stars

"You know Rainbow Dash!?" She asked me with excitement as I nodded at her.

"Yeah, I met her when I entered the town. You know her?" I asked Scootalo back.

"Aha, she is the most awesome pony in all of Equestria!" Oh right that reminds me

"Rainbow Dash mentioned you, are you two related or something?" I asked the small orange pony

"Well we aren't blood-related but I see her as a big sister and she is awesome !" Scootalo answered me.

So they arent' blood related but they have a sister like bond with each other. That's nice to hear. They remind me of me and DeeDee. She is another Guardian like myself. She justs guards the Book Realms. The two of us have the same brother-sister bond. That does bring back memories.


"Tomz is that your sock on the ground?" DeeDee asked me as she pointed to the lone sock on the ground.

"yes" I simply responded back.

"well pick it up," She told me

"Ok" I responded back.


"Why is that sock still there, I told you to pick up," DeeDee asked me with a raised tone in her voice

"Ok" I simply responded back to her.

"When I get back, that sock better be in its rightful place," She told me before she left.

"Ok" I answered back.



"Ok" I responded


That sock is still on the floor to this day.


Those were the good times.

"Anyway's what can I do for you three?" I asked them as they started to think.

"Oh I know, we can show you our clubhouse?" I raised an eyebrow to that

"Clubhouse?" I asked

"Yes. Me, Scootalo, and Sweetie Belle are the Cutie Mark Crusaders and we are trying to get our cutie marks so that's why we have our little clubhouse.

I thought it wouldn't hurt so I nodded at their suggestion.

"Very well girls, let us go and check out that clubhouse of yours," I told them as they squeaked.

Scootalo grabbed my hand once more as she started to lead me to their clubhouse along with Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. While we were walking I realized we were leaving Ponyville and that our surroundings slowly started to be filled with rows and rows of apple trees. I looked down at Scootalo.

"Um, Scootalo...where are we?" I asked her as I looked around.

"We are entering Sweet Apple Acers. Our clubhouse is just behind the farm" Scootalo told me as I nodded.

"This is where me and my family work and live at. This is our farm." Applebloom told me which got my attention

"So you're telling me you and your family take care of the entire farm?" I asked her with a bit of disbelief

"Yep, the entire Apple Family takes care of the farm including me," Applebloom responded.

Huh well, I guess there's a first for everything.

After a while, we walked passed the big red barn, and soon we got to the small wooden house. The three ponies walked in as they gestured me to follow them. Though there was one problem. I don't think I'll fit in there, given my height. I walked up the stairs that the little clubhouse had and to my surprise, I fit in perfectly. Is this house one of those things that appear small on the outside but are actually big on the inside...kinda like The Doctor Who's Tardis. I started to feel a slight headache and I stopped thinking about it and decided to accept it. Once inside I saw the clubhouse had a decent setting. three small chairs and a table in the corner. One wall was filled with drawings that some were crossed so I decided to ask about them.

"Hey, Sweetie Belle, what's with those drawings. Some have a huge X over them.?" I asked as I pointed on them.

"Oh, those are all the ideas we have to get our cutie marks. The ones that are crossed didn't work."

Oh, I get it now. They did try a lot of them, and some of them were really dangerous if I can judge by the drawing. How are they still alive is beyond me.
The three of us continued to talk as they shared their cutie mark adventures. I noticed the sun was slowly starting to fall, then all of a sudden a growling was heard. The three ponies looked around until they noticed it was coming from me. I just chuckled.

"Yeah...I didn't eat anything since yesterday so I guess I'm hungry a little" I told them as I stood up.

"Oh let's go to Sugarcube Corner, if your hungry then that's the best place to get some food," Scootalo said as she looked up at me.

"Oh well if this Sugarcube Corner is getting such praise, I suppose we can go and grab a bite," I said as we started to leave the clubhouse and walk back towards Ponyville.

We reached Ponyville in a couple of minutes and we were walking towards the big house made out of sweets. I really wonder if those are edible, it really looks like it. One thing I noticed is that the whole town seemed deserted somehow. Where did everyone go? I didn't get to answer that question as we made our way towards the door. The girls gestured towards the door as we all entered the candy house. We found ourselves in the darkness. Nothing was on.

"Girls..where are the lights?" I asked them as I searched the walls for the light switch.



"HOLY MOTHER---!" I grabbed my chest as I jumped a little because of the jumpscare. But then I found out that they planned some kind of surprise party..but for who? The next thing I know all I see is pink.

"HI! I'm Pinkie PIe and I made this party just for you! Were you surprised? Huh? Huh? HUH?" The pink fluffy pony from before asked me as she was glued to my face.

"Um.." I began as I grabbed her and pulled her off me and put her back on the ground. "What is all this?" I asked

"Well duh this is your Welcome to Ponyville Suprise party." Pinkie told me with a bright smile on her face.

"Yea I can see that but I don't think all of this was necessary but thank you for the party none the less," I told her with a faint smile.

Pinkie Pie nodded. "Alright everypony, LETS PARTY!!" She shouted as the rest of the ponies cheered and started to dance to music

Now as for me....well let's just say that I still tried to get used to the whole situation. I looked around as I saw ponies dancing and singing, some were playing party games. Something then got my attention. Food. I saw a table that had cupcakes, punch, drinks. You know typical party food. Now given that I didn't eat anything since the day I arrived in this realm I decided it wouldn't hurt. I walked towards the table as I sat down at the available seats and took a single chocolate cupcake and took a bite...and oh boy was it a good cupcake. It was filled with cream and some other flavor that I couldn't pinpoint...easy to say that was one of the best cupcakes I ever had. I was looking at the various ponies having the time of their lives until I heard my name being called.

"Hey Tomz" Rainbow Dash called out to me as I turned towards her.

"Hello, Rainbow, fancy seeing you here. What's up?" I asked as I glanced beside her and I saw a couple of more ponies with her. I recognized the two from the day before. One had orange fur and a blond mane, she was wearing a green shirt with rolled-up sleeves and a blue skirt and she had a cowboy hat on her head. The other one had white fur and purple curly mane. She was wearing a light blue shirt that also had rolled up sleeves, dark blue skirt with three diamonds on it. She also had a horn on her head.

"I wanted to introduce you to my friends. This Is Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Twilight Sparkle"

"Howdy partner, name's Applejack" The cowboy pony introduced herself.

"Pleasure to meet you, acquaintance. I am Rarity and I must say that outfit looks dashing on your darling" The white one with curly mane introduced herself.

When I looked at her something just screamed "DIVA"

"HI!! I'm Pinkie Pie but you already know that! Do you like your party? Howarethecupcakesaretheygooddidyoutrythepunchwhatgamesdoyoulike mpmpmmphfhfmf" The pink pony began until Applejack covered her mouth with her hand.

"Sorry about that. Pinkie just loves meeting new ponies." Applejack told me to which I nodded with a smile.

"it's cool, don't worry about it" I answered her.

"Hi, my name is Twilight Sparkle and I 'm sorry for asking you this but what are you?" She asked me. She had lavender fur with a dark purple mane and a single pink streak that was running through it. She also had a horn on her head like Rarity. She was wearing a school uniform..or a librarian uniform...or something in between...I don't know.

"Pleasure meeting you Twilight. To answer your question, I'm a Nephilim." I told her as she pulled out a small notebook and quill and started to write the information I gave her.

"Fascinating. I have so many questions for you!" She gleamed.

I just chuckled. I then put my attention to the last pony. She was hiding behind Applejack. She had yellow fur, pink wavy mane, and a pair of wings on her back like Rainbow Dash. She was wearing a white sleeveless shirt with a green dress.

"What's your name dear?" I asked her as she flinched a little and hid behind her mane.

"'m...." She muttered the rest.

"Excuse me I didn't quite catch that," I told her

"Oh..uh...I'm Fluttershy," She told me a bit louder.

I smiled at her and greeted her back. "It is nice to meet you Fluttershy"

She gave me a small nod in response.

After that Pinkie grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the chair I was sitting on. "Come on, let's play pin the tail on the pony."

Once the girls saw my actual height their eyes grew wide and their jaw dropped a little. I saw Rainbow Dash crossed her arms and had a proud smirk on her face like she won a bet. All of them were around my chest height maybe a bit lower.

"Told ya, pay up" Rainbow Dash grinned proudly as Applejack murmured something and gave her a couple of golden coins.

"That must be their currency," I told myself as I was being led by pinkie to the center of the room.

"So how do you play this pin the tail on the pony game?" I asked the pink party pony.

"It's easy. We blindfold you and spin you around a little bit. The goal of the game is to pin this fake tail on the pony's backside while blindfolded" Pinkie explained the rules to me.

This seemed easy enough.

I put on the blindfold as Pinkie and the rest of her friends spun me around for a couple of moments. Once I felt their hands left me I started to walk in the direction as they guided me towards the pony poster. Once my hands reached the poster I pinned the tail and took off the blindfold. To my surprise, I put the tail right between the pony's eyes.

"Oh...well at least he has a good haircut now," I told as I heard Pinkie and her friends laugh at my failed attempt.

The next couple of hours we spend partying, drinking, eating, and telling jokes to each other. After a while, the party was reaching its end as ponies slowly started to go home. I along with Twilight and the rest of her friends decided to stay and help Pinkie clean up. Soon everything was tied up and clean.

"That was one of the best parties I had. Thanks for that Pinkie" I told her with a smile on my face.

"Aww don't mention it, Tomzy" She responded with my new nickname.

"Well, It was a lovely night darlings but I have to get home. I need my beauty sleep and I still have a couple of orders to finish. I'll see you tomorrow." Rarity told us as she gave as wave goodbye and left.

"That was one fun party, I'll see you, tomorrow girls. Those apples won't harvest themselves" Applejack told us as she left as well.

"Thanks for the party Pinkie." Rainbow then looked at me "I'll see you tomorrow big guy" After that she flew away.

"Um...I also have to get animal friends will get worried. It was nice to meet you Tomz" Fluttershy told me with that quiet and soft tone of her voice as she also flew back to her home.

Wait.....where the hell am I suppose to stay the night!? Well, there is also that old castle I can stay at.

"Hey, Twilight It just hit me that I don't have any place to stay"

Twilight looked at me with a smile. "You are more than welcome to stay at my library."

This took me by surprise "Really, are you sure? I don't want to impose or anything" I asked her.

"Oh nonsense Tomz. You are my friend and I don't leave my friends hanging." She responded back.

Wait...we are friends already? Who knew I only had to introduce myself to reach the Friend Zone.

After we said goodbye to Pinkie, Twilight and I walked back to her library home as she opened the front door as she let me in and closed the door behind me.

"Um I think it is the guy who is supposed to let the girl in first," I told her with a smirk.

Twilight giggled. "well aren't you a Gentlecolt. You can sleep on the couch tonight and I'll settle the guest room for you tomorrow." She told me as she handed me a pillow and a blanket.

"Thanks, Twilight but this is more than enough," I told her as she smiled at me.

"Well goodnight Tomz,I'll see you in the morning" She yawned and walked towards her room which was on the second floor judging by the stairs.

"Night Twilight." I bid her goodnight as I put the pillow on one end of the couch. I took off my jacket and put it on the floor beside the couch. I then sat down and took off my boots and place them beside my jacket. After that was done I finally lied down on the couch and covered myself with a blanket and drifted off to sleep.

Questions and Awnsers Chapter 3

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Twilights Library
Tomz POV

I slowly woke up as I opened my eyes and let out a small yawn. I sat up and stretched. I put on my boots and jacket as I glanced out of the window. The sun was barely out, it was just starting to peek below the horizon. Seeing that Twilight was still sleeping judging by the silence of her home I decided I will repay her by making breakfast. After I found the kitchen I opened the fridge and pulled out a carton of milk and a couple of eggs. I decided I was going to make pancakes so after I got a few more things I need like flour and some bowls. I glanced at the watch on the wall. It said it was around 6:30 in the morning. I looked at all the materials I need as I started to prepare the food. I noticed I was missing some things like syrup and butter. So I used my magic as I summoned two floating hands as they got the things I required. Soon the kitchen was starting to smell like pancakes as I heard shuffling upstares.

"Looks like Twilight woke up," I said to myself as I flipped a pancake and started to hum a tune to myself. Two of my summoned floating hands started to prepare the table while I put a new pancake to bake. I reached into the fridge as I pulled out a bottle of orange juice. I was so focused on the cooking I didn't see Twilight walk into the kitchen.

Twilight POV
I slowly woke up to the smell of something cooking. I sat up and yawned as I got out of my bed and walked into the bathroom to refresh and do my morning routine. After I was finished, I put on my clothes as I sniffed the air and sighed in bliss.

"Spike sure outdid himself this time judging by the lovely smell." I started to walk towards the door as I used my magic to make the bed. But to my surprise, Spike was still sleeping in his bed. "wait..if Spike is sleeping then who is cooking downstairs? I asked myself as I started to remember yesterday's events. We had a party for Tomz as I offered him a place to stay at my home. No he the one who is making breakfast down in the kitchen. I heard a yawn and I looked to see that Spike was slowly waking up.

"Morning Twilight." He told me as he stretched and yawned.

"Morning Spike, did you sleep well?" I asked as he nodded.

"Like a baby," He said as he put on his clothes. He was wearing a dark green T-shirt, purple hoodie and black shorts.

"So who's cooking? It smells delicious," He said as he lipped his lips.

"I think I know who, come on," I told him as we both left the room and started to walk towards the kitchen.

To my surprise that I was right, I saw Tomz in the kitchen making pancakes as I heard him humming a tune I wasn't familiar with. I also saw two hands that were floating around him grabbing some things he needed. What kind of magic was he using?

"Everyone knows the best place to hide is insanity" I heard him say as he continued to hum the strange tune or a song. I wasn't really sure.

I walked towards the kitchen as I knocked on the opened door beside me.

He looked up at me and smiled. "Oh Morning Twilight. Breakfast will be in a moment."

Tomz POV

I heard Twilight greet me as I turned to her with a smile. "Morning Twilight, breakfast will be in a moment," I told her as I glanced beside her and saw some kind of lizard. An Argonian maybe?.

"So who's your friend?" I asked as I flipped another pancake which was the last one.

"Oh, right I forgot to introduce you. Tomz, this is Spike. My friend and assistant" She said as she gestured towards the lizard beside her.

"Nice to meet you Tomz. I'm Spike. Twilight's number one assistant." He told me as he gave me a hand to shake. But since my hands were full at the moment, one of my floating hands that I summoned float over to him and shook it.

"It's nice to meet you as well Spike." I greeted him.

With that said I put the pancakes on the table along with the orange juice and three glasses. The rest was already prepared. I pulled up a chair for Twilight as my two floating hands pulled up a chair for Spike. Twilight smiled at me.

"Why thank you," She said as she let out a small giggle.

"Well, Bon appetit and dig in," I said as I also sat down across from them and took one pancake for myself.

Twilight and Spike took a few and put it on their plates. Twilight put a pice of the pancake in her mouth as she squeaked in delight.

"Wow, these are soooo good. They just melt in your mouth. These are the best pancakes I ever had. " Twilight told me with a bright smile on her face as she took another piece and ate it.

Spike had a similar reaction as well.

"I can't believe how good these pancakes taste. These even better than the ones I make. What's the special ingredient? He asked me with interest.

I just grinned "I ain't telling" I responded to him as I continued to eat. "Spike I have a question for you? What are you, some kind of lizard?"

"I'm not a lizard I'm a dragon" He responded as he took a sip of the orange juice.

I was a little surprised by that but I accepted it none the less. There are many dragons who don't have wings and judging by his appearance he is young.
As we were eating Twilight kept glancing at me every once a while, I glanced back at her as I smirked.

"See something you like?" I asked her as I leaned towards her.

She blushed a little but quickly shook it off.

"N-no it's just that I have so many questions to ask you. You look totally different from a pony and you have that strange magic radiating from you. I never felt anything like it." She explained as she looked at me with interest. You know the science kind of interest. I just kept my normal smile as I responded

"Well to answer your question. Yes, my magic is different from yours. But if you want you can gather your friends so we can have a Q and A session. How does that sound?" I asked her as she beamed a smile at me.

"Tomz that's a really good idea. We can have a little gathering and ask what we want to know. Does this afternoon sound good for you?" Twilight asked me as she once again pulled out a little notebook and a quill and wrote something in it.

I nodded. "This afternoon sounds perfect. I'll go take a walk around town to get more familiar with it. If that's okay." I asked her as I grabbed my empty plate and put it in the sink.

"That's fine. Oh, that reminds me, I have to get more ink and quills. You are more than welcome to come with me." Twilight told me as she was also finished with her food along with Spike. I saw her horn lit up as the dishes got surrounded by a violet glow and they flew towards the sink.

"You two can go on ahead. I will clean the dishes and I still have some other things I have to do around the library." Spike told us as he went into the kitchen and started to clean the dishes.

I and Twilight nodded as we left the library. I was walking beside Twilight as she took out some kind of list. Probably a list of all things she needed.

"Okay first on the list let see... new Ink and quills," Twilight told herself as she continued to walk alongside me.

It took a couple of minutes but we finally reached a shop surprisingly called Inks and Quills, the two of us entered the store as a little bell dinged as we opened the door. We walked inside as I was hit with a familiar scent of wet ink and paper. We heard shuffling in the room behind a counter until a pony with a horn exited the little room he was in. He had a grey mane, green fur, and orange eyes. He had a workers uniform and a stained apron. It looks like he was on the elderly side. Once he looked at us he gave us a small smile.

"Ahh, Twilight Sparkle, what can I get you today dear? Need more ink and quills I presume?" He asked the lavender pony

"It's nice to see you again Astral Shine. I'll have the usual as always" Twilight told him with a smile.

"Of course, be back in the moment," Astral told her as he walked back in his little room and soon exited carrying a small bag of inks bottles and quill boxes.
He handed them to Twilight as he took a glance at me while I was browsing his items.

"So who's your friend Twilight? A strange fellow if I might add" He asked her

"Oh, that's Tomz, he arrived in Ponyville yesterday and he is staying with me in the library for the time being," Twilight responded to the shopkeeper

"Is there anything I can do for you young man?" I heard him ask me while I continued to look at all the items he had.

"Oh no thanks, just browsing," I responded back.

"May I ask you what are those overgrown paintbrush and fountain pen for? The Shopkeeper asked me as I saw Twilight peaked at the question.

I just gave him a flashy smile. "Oh why those are my weapons and tools I use of course"

Twilight and Astral exchanged glances "Um what do you mean by weapons?" Twilight asked me as she lifted an eyebrow and gave the shopkeeper couple of those golden coins they use as currency. I should really ask how are they called.

I just grinned at her."Wouldnt' you like to know. It's a secret"

Twilight pouted cutely as I chuckled at her reaction. We then said our goodbyes as we left the shop and started to walk through Ponyville. I glanced at the scenery around me as Twilight was checking her list to see if she didn't miss anything. As we were making our way to the Ponyville Market I heard a yell from above. Once I looked up I saw a grey pony falling towards the ground at high speeds. It looks like she lost control of flying.

"LOOK OUT BELOW!" She yelled as she was getting closer to the ground.

Not wanting the poor dear to injure herself, I put out my hand towards her as I pointed a finger at her. A small heart flew out of her chest as it turned blue in color as she was floating in the air now. I slowly lowered my hand to the ground as she was following suit. Once she was safely on the ground I released my grip on her as the small heart disappeared. I walked towards her as I leaned down to her.

"You alright, my dear?" I asked her as she looked up at me. I could see her more clearly now. She had gray fur, blonde mane, golden eyes which were...pointing in various directions and she had a pair of wings on her back, which meant she was a pegasus. She was wearing a mailman's uniform.

She nodded at me as she stood up. "I am now sir. I lost control of my flying because of my eyes." She told me with a frown on her face.

I lifted her head so she could look up at me. "Smile my dear. You're never fully dressed without one"

She giggled a little and smiled after that. "My name is Derpy" She introduced herself

I snickered internally. "what kind of name is that?" I thought to myself but I kept a smile on my face.

"Well, it was nice meeting you Derpy. Careful how your flying next time, alright" I told her as she nodded at me. She then waved goodbye and flew away.

"That was really nice of you, usually nopony helps Derpy or is even hanging out with her because of her eyes," She said as she looked at me.

"Well I couldn't let her become a pony pancake now would I. That would be rude of me. Come now dear, judging by your list we still have a few things to get." I said as I looked at her "shopping list" She nodded as we continued to walk through the market.

We shopped for quite a while actually. We got some bread, milk, eggs, even a few gems for Spike since Twilight told me that was his favorite food and that dragons love eating gems. We bumped into Applejack and Rainbow Dash along the way as the cowboy pony happily gave us a few of her apples and apple juice. Twilight told them about our little Q and A session as they told us they will be there. Rainbow went to notify Fluttershy and Applejack said she we will get Rarity and Pinkie Pie. After our shopping for food and other things Twilight needed we got back to her library home. I helped her put away all the stuff we bought.
Soon enough there was a knock on the door. I decided to see who it is. So I went to the door and opened it.

"HI !" Pinkie shouted as she greeted me with a bright smile on her face as usual.

"Hello to you to Pinkie," I said as I stepped aside as I let her and the rest of Twilights friends in.

Once everyone was settled in, Me, Rainbow and Applejack sat on the couch I was using while Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie sat on another couch across from me. Fluttershy and Spike were sitting on the chair beside us.

"Alright I think the best way we can do this is for you to ask me questions and I will do my best to answer them," I told them as Twilight lifted her arm. Her horn was glowing as she pulled out her little notebook and prepared to take some notes.

"I would like to ask what kind of magic are you using. We use our magic by absorbing it from the atmosphere and reshaping it in the spell we would like to use." Twilight told me as she explained how magic works in this realm. I nodded at her answer.

"Right. To confirm yes, I use different magic then you do. Two different types of magic actually. One type of magic is called Magicka. I use it by using Mana which is generated throughout my body as I can tap into it and channel it into different parts of my body depending on the spell I want to use. The other type of magic I'm using is SOUL magic. SOUL magic works very similarly as Magicka does, the only difference is that SOUL magic is constantly flowing within my body. Think of it as a light switch or a campfire. It is constantly on and you can never turn it off. That way I can instantly channel it and use a spell of my choosing without having to focus on the spell before using." I explained as Twilight was writing all of it in her little notebook.

"Incredible. Your magic and our magic work completely differently, not to mention you are generating magic yourself and not tapping into as an outside source like we do !" She said with excitement as she looked at me again.

"But I'm still a little confused about the Soul magic part. Can you demonstrate so we can understand it better? Twilight asked me as I nodded.

"Of course. But before demonstrating, you have to know what a SOUL actually is." I told them as I put a hand on my chest and clenched it into a fist. I then pulled my hand back and put it in front of me as I opened my hand revealing a small floating glowing heart. The heart had a red outline and the inside was a mix of orange and blue.

The ponies' eyes grew wide as they leaned closer to it.

"Darling this is simply beautiful," Rarity told me as I chuckled

"So cool" Rainbow said in awe.

"Oh my..." Fluttershy said with that quiet tone of hers.

"So colorful" Pinkie said with a giggle.

"I've never seen anything like it," Applejack said as she leaned towards the small heart

Twilight quickly wrote something in her notes as she looked back at the heart. "Amazing," She said as she looked at the heart with interest. "Oh please continue," She told me as I nodded once more.

"See this heart? This heart is a SOUL. My SOUL to be exact. A SOUL is the very essence of one's being. The SOUL is categorized into seven different aspects along with them a unique color. Every color represents that SOUL's unique traits. The color RED represents the SOUL of DETERMINATION and that SOUL is the strongest of them all. The color ORANGE represents the SOUL of BRAVERY, The color YELLOW represents the SOUL of JUSTICE, The color GREEN represents the SOUL of KINDNESS, The color of LIGHT BLUE represents the SOUL of PATIENCE, The color BLUE represents the SOUL of INTEGRITY and finally, The color Purple represents the SOUL of PERSEVERANCE. Should one absorb all the Seven SOULS they would become a god and surpass death thus making them unkillable "

The ponies gasped as Twilight wrote things in her notebook "To think these souls hold that kind of power...but this got me thinking. These souls are kind of similar to The Elements of Harmony."

This piqued my interest as I remembered reading about them in the old castle so I decided to ask more about them.

"Say I remember reading about them in the old abandoned castle once I arrived here. Can you tell me more about them" I asked Twilight as she continued.

"Of course. The Elements of Harmony are magical artifacts that symbolize the magic of friendship. Generosity, Loyalty, Kindness, Honesty, Laughter, and Magic.
They are currently kept in the safe vault in Canterlot where only me and my friends, including the princesses, only have access" She explained.

"Hmm, I see. Would you like to ask me anything else?" I asked them as Rainbow raised her hand

"Shoot Dash, what can I do for ya," I said as the rainbow pegasus lowered her hand.

"You said that you're a Nephilim. What kind of race is that?" Rainbow Dash asked me as Twilight flipped a blank page to of her notebook

"Right. The Nephilim. They are a race of a union between an Angel and a Demon. The Nephilim are also called The Ancient Ones since they are the very first race that was born in or appeared in all of Creation." I explained as Twilight widen her eyes at me

"So--so you're telling us that your..." She began as I nodded.

"Yep. I am one of the oldest beings in all of Creation, pretty cool right" I told them with a wink and a smile

"B-b-but you look so young....wait that means your older than the Princesses !?" Twilight exclaimed in shock and awe.

"yes yes...I'm super old now come on who's next," I asked as Rarity raised her hand.

"I must say darling that your outfit simply looks amazing. Is the fashion similar to yours where you're from?" The pony fashionista asked me.

"Well, that depends on which realm you're in. But from the looks of it, it's not that different from the rest of the realms I visited " I answered as everyone looked at me confused.

"What do you mean other realms?" Applejack asked with a raised eyebrow.

I chuckled a little " This may shock you but I'm not from this world" When I told them that they looked at me weirdly until they realized what that means


"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?" They all yelled in shock while Twilight was trying to find a solution to this.

"N-N-N-Not from this world!? B-but that's impossible there must be an explanation for this" She said as she started to search her books for answers.

"Come on Twilight it's not that big of a deal," Rainbow said as she rolled her eyes. That action made Twilight grab Rainbow's shoulders as she looked into Rainbow's eyes.

"Not big of a deal..NOT BIG OF A DEAL!? Rainbow Dash if what he says its true then that means we are sitting in front of the OLDEST being in the entire Creation!
This could completely change the view we have on our Universe! He is speaking of other WORLDS and you think that's not big of a deal !?" Twilight shouted as Applejack quickly pulled her off of Rainbow.

"Easy there sugarcube, remember your breathing exercises," Applejack said as she handed Twilight an empty paper bag which she started to breathe in and out to calm herself down.

"I can say that Tomz is telling the truth. Now that we know who and what are you...let me ask you one question. Why are you here, in our world" Applejack asked me with a serious tone in her voice.

"I was just about to go on that. I'm a Realm Guardian meaning that I travel across the realms making sure the realms stay safe and that nobody harms it or destroys it. Because there has to be a balance in the Multiverse. While I and the rest of the Realm Guardians protect the said realms others want to see them destroyed. " I explained with a serious tone as all of them gave me a nod.

Once Twilight calmed down and we made sure she is okay we continued our little session. I saw Fluttershy raised her hand as I smiled at her

"What's your question Fluttershy?" I asked her

"Um..what kind of animals are there...? With so many worlds that must be different from our own then there must be a lot of animals that are different in all shapes and sizes." The shy butter furred pony asked me as I nodded.

"Right, now when it comes to animals and plant life I don't know that much but I can share somethings that I do know. Most realms have the same animals you have here. Cats, birds, dogs, wolves, and dragons. But there are some realms that alongside those animals, there are vampires, werewolves, draugrs, demons, angels, trolls, orcs, goblins, dwarves, elves, argonians, humans, ogres, khajits and the list goes on." I explained as Twilight filled another page of her notebook.

Rainbow once again lifted her arm as she asked me a question.

"Can you fly?" She asked me and lowered her arm.

"To be honest, I don't really know. I know I can float and glide with certain spells. I guess I'll just see what Creation has in store for me in the future. But enough of me can I ask you questions now.?" I asked them as the tables turned.

"Now I've read something about you ponies when I took shelter in the abandoned castle while I was in the Everfree forest. I know Rainbow and Fluttershy are Pegasi ponies but I have no idea what kind of ponies Twilight and Applejack are." I told them what I knew

"Right to start us off there are four species of ponies. Like you said yourself Rainbow and Fluttershy are Pegasi meaning they can fly and control the weather they are very good at agility and speed. Me and Rarity are Unicorns, meaning we are the best using magic with our horn as we are more connected to the magic itself. Finally, you have Applejack and Pinkie Pie who are earth ponies. They are more connected to the earth and they are stronger in terms of physical strength and are better at raising the crops. Then we have Alicorns who are the mix of all three races. Current Alicors are Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, including Princess Cadence who rules The Crystal Empire. You mentioned you found this information at the abandoned castle in the Everfree Forest. You were probably in the Castle Of The Two Sisters. That was Princesses' first home before they moved into Canterlot sometime in the future." Twilight explained as I soaked up the information like a sponge.

"Wow, that's some really interesting information you gave me. I think this world becomes more interesting then it already is." I told Twilight as she looked at me with a smile.

The girls asked me a couple of more questions regarding other realms and myself. Like what kind of food I like and what kind of diet I have. When I told them that I'm an omnivore, they were surprised once more since apparently there were no omnivore species in Equestria...well there weren't any sapient or sentient beings that were omnivores which makes me the very first one. After that, the girls left but not before Twilight told Spike to wrote a letter about me and send it to the princesses.

"Tomz, follow me, I'll show you to the guest room," Twilight told me as she motioned for me to follow her.

She leads me to the second floor of her library house and pointed to a room right across from hers.

"Well, here it is," Twilight said as she leads me inside. The room had a closet, a desk, and a bed surprisingly big enough for my size.

"Wow, thanks Twilight. It really means a lot" I told her as I turned towards her and gave her a hug of gratitude.

She let out a little "eep" but returned the hug. Once we pulled away she had to look up at me due to our height differences. She had a faint blush on her cheeks.

"Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. You really made my day. I never knew there were other worlds let alone creatures who are as old the creation or maybe even time itself." Twilight told me with a small giggle. "well good night Tomz, I'll see you in the morning." She told me, but before she left she asked me one question. "hey um..can you make pancakes again tomorrow morning? Your pancakes have completely different tastes and are much more juicy and sweeter, unlike Spike's pancakes"

I gave her one of my signature smiles "Of course dear"

Twilight nodded with a slightly bigger blush on her face and went into her room.

With that done, I closed the door as I took off my jacket and put it in on the chair that was next to my desk. I took of my boots and put them next to the bed. After I looked around the room more, I flopped down on the bed once more. As I tucked myself in one of the vials on my belts glowed and soon a small blue heart flew towards me.

"You know I don't think I have ever seen you this happy before. the little blue heart told with a female voice.

Well, there's a voice I haven't heard in a long time and I mean really long time.

"Nice to see you again as well Ashly. How come you didn't show up until now" I asked the little blue heart

"Well I would show myself earlier but that fight with Draegan really took a toll on me and others. We needed time to recover. But now that I woke up, I have a question. Dear Tomz, what in Asgore's name have you been doing all this time "

"Oh you know exploring a new realm is all nothing special," I told the small blue heart

I could just feel she was smirking at me

"sooo...did anyone of the ponies caught your eye" The small blue heart asked.

I lifted an eyebrow at her. "Excuse me? What was that young lady?"

But before a blue heart could answer my question, another vial glowed and a small orange heart appeared on the other side of my face

"Oh that's enough, both of you. Ashly leave the poor kid alone, and Tomz you know you can talk to us, right. "

"I know Sam, I know. Come you two, inside you, go" I told the two small glowing hearts as they disappeared inside their vials once more.

Now I know what your thinking. Why do I have The Seven Human Souls when I just explained to the girls that if one would absorb them, they would become a good and surpass death thus making them unkillable. Well, let me explain. It all began a few thousand years ago...


I was back in my Realm as I was looking at the various screens making sure the realms and their Alternative Timelines were safe. I felt a presence behind me as I turned around. I smiled as I saw a really old friend of mine. His Name was Core! Frisk. He had black hair, black empty eyes, and grey skin. He was wearing a gray striped long-sleeved shirt and black shorts along with black boots. Core! Frisk had the appearance of a human child that was around 10 years old.

"Core, what brings you here?" I asked him as I walked towards the boy.

Core looked at me as he raised a hand as seven containers holding The Seven Human Souls appeared.

"I came here to bring you these. These are your gift. Take them. They will give you strength, help you on your journey" Core told me as he sat down across from me.

"Core, I don't understand? On top of that, how did you get them!?" I asked in shock

"I managed to save them from a Timeline collapse. Look Tomz" he sighed. "We both know that your realm travel takes a heavy toll on your body. So not only will these Souls help you keep your body stable when you will be "Realm Leaping" but they will also give you stronger magical and physical abilities you need to protect the Multiverse from Draegan and others. Your my friend Tomz and I don't want to see your body collapse on itself once you decide to head into a new realm. Besides, you will finally have some company." Core Frisk told me as I slowly nodded knowing he was right.

"Alright. I trust you." I told him as Core opened the containers as the Seven Human Souls flew out of them and flew right into my chest.

At first, I felt nothing but then the pain hit. It hurt yes but nothing I couldn't handle. I was feeling hot and cold at the same time as my body was lifted in the air and there was a flash of bright light. Once the flash was over, I was laying on the ground as I let out a groan and slowly stood up. One thing was certain. I felt great...I felt more than great. I felt a lot more powerful than before.

"How are you feeling?" Core asked as he walked towards me.

"well, I feel good and strange at the same time," I told him as I described the feeling.

"Good. Your body will have to adjust to the new magical source as well as the Souls to their new Host. I want to mention a couple of things before I leave. The good thing is that you are still you. You may have more magical power than before and that magical power will rise day by day without stopping. You didn't become a God by absorbing them. The Timeline the SOULS were from was already corrupted enough thus making them a bit weaker then they should be. I hope you will use them well and smart. Remember With Great Power,Comes Great Responsibility" Core told me as he opened a white portal before him.

I lifted an eyebrow "Did you just quote Spider-Man?"

He smirked. "Maybe, I'll see you soon Guardian" With that, he walked into the portal and disappeared.

In the first few months, I had to get used to the seven new voices in my head. It took some time but finally, I managed to get used to them as I didn't jump every time someone would tell me or ask me something. I noticed that three voices were male and four voices were female. I asked them what were their names as they eventually introduced themselves as Ashly, Charlie, Frisk, and Emily. Those were the female voices. The male voices introduced themselves as Sam, David, and Jack. After that a couple of days later I attempted to enter a realm to see if they will really help. To my surprise they really did help. I no longer felt nauseous and heavyweight on my body. In fact, I felt nothing at all just like Realm traveling was supposed to feel. Soon the eight of us became best friends, partners, and teammates.


And there you go. The real reason why I absorbed The Seven Human Souls. It wasn't for power but to help me control my realm traveling and to help me better guard the realms. in the multiverse. I looked at the clock on the wall as I saw it was close to three in the morning. I let out a yawn as I turned on my side and covered myself with a blanket.

"Goodnight guys," I said as I closed my eyes. Before I fell asleep I heard a reply inside my head


This brought a smile on my face as I haven't heard from them in a while. I'm really glad they were okay that they recovered. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

Encounter with Royalty Chapter 4

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The sun slowly started to rise as it enveloped the land in its warmth. On a certain Mountain Castle that goes by the name of Canterlot, a young white alicorn with a cutie mark of a sun yawned as she finished raising the sun. This pony was no other than Princess Celestia herself. A pony in charge of raising and lowering the sun. She slowly got out of her pajamas and got dressed in a lovely white dress along with her crown and other regalia.

She left her sleeping chambers and walked towards the dining room where she met her younger sister Princess Luna. Princess Luna had dark blue fur as her mane was waving in an invisible breeze. Celestia smiled at her younger sister as she bid her good morning.

"Morning Lulu, did the night court go well?" Celestia asked her younger sister.

"It was deserted as an always dear sister. So We moved on to guard the dreams of our little ponies." Luna responded as she took a sip from her morning tea.

"Though something felt strange this time" Luna continued with a thinking expression.

"What's the matter? Did something happened?" Celestia asked with interest and slight worry.

"We do not know. We have felt foreign magic in the dream realm, so we planned to investigate. You know that dreams are like doors for me to enter. So once we reached the source of the strange magic that dream looked odd. It was something We've never seen before. More importantly, when I tried to enter the dream it pushed me away. So We tried to use our magic to enter, the power was so strong that it kicked us out of the dream realm" Luna explained to her sister.

This got Celestia thinking. What kind of magic was strong enough to cause something like that? Before she could answer a scroll popped up in front of her in a green flash. This brought a smile on her face. This scroll only meant one thing. Her student Twilight Sparkle has sent her a letter.

"Ah, it seemed young Twilight has sent you another letter. What does it say?" Luna asked as Celestia opened the letter and started to read it.

Dear Princess Celestia

I'm writing you this letter to share some exciting news. Earlier today the Element of Loyalty Rainbow Dash has come to me and told me she met someone interesting. She also said that the pony she met was not a pony but a creature called a Nephilim. The same creature who rescued The Cutie Marks Crusaders from the Everfree Forest two days ago. Later that day we had a party for the said creature. He introduced himself as Tomz. We had a Q and A session along with my friends. He told me that he is using two types of magic. Magicka and something called Soul Magic. The fun part is that he is generating magic himself and not tapping into it as we do. Also according to him, he is one of the oldest beings in the entire creation! Not only that but he is something known as the Realm Guardian. He travels across the realms making sure everything runs smoothly. Can you believe it!?He can travel to other worlds! This changes everything we know on our universe. But I'm getting off-topic. I would like to know what to do next. He is currently staying in my library for the time being.

Your faithful student Twilight Sparkle

"This is quite interesting Tia. I never knew such beings exist. But now I'm certain that the dream from last night belonged to that Tomz creature young Twilight speaks off." Luna told Celestia as she finished her tea and stood up from the table.

"What do thou think we should do?" Luna asked her sister.

"Hmm...I would most certainly want to meet this Tomz creature she speaks off. I will send her a letter to come to canterlot this afternoon." Celestia told Luna as she wrote a reply and send it away.

"I would recommend you go and get some rest, Lulu. You have to be well-rested for this afternoon" Celestia told Luna with a smile on her face.

Luna nodded "of course Tia. I will come to the throne room once they Twilight and her friends visit Canterlot today" The Night Princess responded and left the dining room.

Celestia then had a short breakfast. Simple oatmeal and some waffles. Once she was done she walked to the throne room and prepared for the day court.

Twilight's Library
Tomz POV

I woke up to a warm sun beaming in my face.
I slowly open my eyes and sat up and stretch. After putting on my clothes I walked downstairs to the kitchen to once again prepare pancakes as Twilight asked of me last night. I quickly got all the things I need and started to bake. Once more there was shuffling upstairs which meant Twilight has woken up. Soon enough Twilight and Spike have walked into the kitchen and sat down on near the table. When the pancakes were done I once again put them on the table as we began eating.

"Oh, Twilight I wanted to ask you, what kind of currency do you use?" I asked the lavender pony.

"We are using Bits. They are little gold coins." Twilight responded as she showed me the gold coin in question. "So what do you have anything planned for today?" Twilight asked me.

I shrugged "No, not really. But I'll think I'll look into your books to get more familiar with this Realm if that's okay." I asked her as I took a sip of orange juice.

"Why of course. You're more than welcome to search the books for information. If you need help just ask" Twilight responded with a smile.

As we were eating, Spike suddenly burped as a smoke formed into a scroll.

"Twilight it's the letter from the Princess," Spike said as Twilight enveloped the letter in her magic, opened it and began to read

Dear Twilight Sparkle

First I want to know that I'm glad the Cutie Mark Crusaders returned to Ponyville without harm. Second I am quite interested in this Tomz you speak off. I and my sister would like to meet him personally, therefore, I am inviting you and you're friends to Canterlot later this afternoon. We have much to discuss. Though I have to say that his magic interests me the most. I'll see you later today

Princess Celestia

Twilight beamed at the response.

"Oh, this is perfect! Tomz the Princesses would like to meet you in person later today. Is that okay with you?" The lavender unicorn asked me.

I just smiled at her like always. "Of course Twilight. I'm fine with it. But it seems you and your friends will go with me"

"Of course, I guess the more the merrier as they say," Twilight told me as she finished her breakfast and floated her plate in the sink.

After we were done Twilight and Spike went outside to do some shopping and to meet up with the rest of her friends. I, on the other hand, stayed inside and explored the books she had. I read a little bit about their history. It seemed they had quite a few villans. Nightmare Moon, King Sombra, Discord, and the list goes on. I read a couple of spellbooks and tried to do a couple of spells using my Magicka but it didn't work, I then tried using Soul Magic but only got the same result.

"What are you reading?"
Frisk asked as I heard her voice inside my head

"What does it look like? I'm catching up on some reading. The more I understand this Realm the better." I responded

"Are you excited about the meetup today? I wonder what the princesses are like. The only royalty you know are The Dreemurs so this will be a nice change of pace" Frisk told me.

"Well, I can see you are excited. How are the others doing?" I asked as I flipped a page and continued to read.

"Why are you asking me, if you can ask them yourself?"
Frisk responded.

I chuckled "Touche Frisk," I told her as I closed the book and put it on the small table in the living room. Once I decided I got nothing better to do I left the library and started to walk around town. I walked passed a small school as I saw the crusaders playing in the school park. I waved at them as they waved back with bright smiles on their faces. They wanted to come and talk but I guess the teacher told all of them to go back to class. Once she saw me she gave me a small wave as I nodded back to her.

After a while Twilight came to me and told me its time to go to Canterlot. The two of us walked towards the train station meeting the rest of Twilight's friends.

"Heya girls, you ready?" I asked them as I gave them a friendly wave.

"Hey big guy, you ready to meet the Princesses?" Rainbow asked me as she walked towards me.

"Of course. One part of me can't wait" I chuckled as we all entered the train and Twilight handed each of us a train ticket

We took our seats, I and Rainbow were in one seat, while Rarity and Applejack were in a seat across from us. Twilight and Fluttershy were seating beside us while Spike and Pinkie across from them.

"So how long until we reach Canterlot," I asked looking outside the window.

"Well we should be reaching Canterlot in an hour or so," Twilight told me as I nodded to her answer.

Soon enough we all heard a whistle from a conductor as a train suddenly turned and slowly started moving as it was increasing its speed. Now we were on our way to Canterlot as the girls were chatting amongst themselves.

"Hey Tomz, can I see that huge paintbrush of yours?" Rainbow asked me as she looked at me.

I thought about it and agreed "Sure" I then grinned "If you can hold it that is" I told her as I reached for my back and took my paintbrush and handed it to her. The minute her hands grabbed it, the mere weight of the whole thing proceeded to knock her off her seat.

"What the buck?" Rainbow said confused. She then tried to lift it up but to her suprise the paintbrush wouldnt even budge.

"Hey...hnngg what g-gives nnnhgh" Rainbow groaned in the effort as she tried to lift up my paintbrush.

"What's the matter Rainbow....having trouble?" I taunted her as she tightens her grip on my weapon/tool.

"W-who me... no of c-course not. Hnnnngh come on you stupid b-bucking thing aaghhh!!" She answered as she tried to lift it up will all her might. I even saw veins in her hands were starting to form from the effort she was putting in.

"What's going on here Rainbow?" Applejack asked as she looked at me.

"Well Rainbow over here asked me if she could see my paintbrush and I agreed. What you see here is her effort to pick it up and actually hold it" I answered the cowgirl pony.

"Rainbow you better stop until you sprain something," Applejack told her Rainbow friend but knowing how stubborn Rainbow can didn't work.

"Back off AJ, this... aaghh... pai-paintbrush....hnnngh is mineeee...ggghnn..aghh..come on!!!" Rainbow Dash responded as she put all of her efforts into it until she finally gave up and fell on her ass beside me as she panted with a little sweat forming on her brow.

"No do you make it look so easy?" Rainbow asked me as she panted

Before I could answer her, Applejack interrupted me.

"Now hold on just a minute. Let me show you Dash how it's done" Applejack told her as she grabbed my weapon, gripped it tightly, and pulled up....only to find the paintbrush still on the floor, in the same position.

"What in tarnation?" Applejack asked herself as she stared at the paintbrush on the ground. She then walked around it and grabbed the very end of it and pulled up. The paintbrush didn't even budge.

"What's wrong AJ? I thought you will show me how a real mare does it?" Rainbow taunted the farm pony.

"And I I manage to pick it upppp" Applejack groaned as she tried to lift it up only to fail. Finally, she too gave up and sat down on her seat.

"Okay, I want to know too. How do you do it?" Applejack asked me as now Rainbow was also looking at me.

"The answer is simple." I began as I took my paintbrush from the ground and put it back across my back. "You're just not worthy"

"Worthy? Worthy of what?" Rainbow asked as she lifted her eyebrow.

"You are not worthy of being a Realm Guardian, that's all" I simply responded to them.

Applejack nodded in understanding while Rainbow crossed her arms angrily and pouted

"That's not fair" She muttered quietly.

After a while we finally reached Canterlot and now that I was actually closer to the mountain city. It looked breathtaking. The only thing that was bothering me is that the city was on the side of the mountain. I just hope one day the support beams that hold this city won't crumble and all of these ponies fall to their deaths.

After a while, we reached the castle, as we entered the castle the two guards by the door crossed their spears just before I managed to enter.

"Halt! State your business!" One of the guards asked me in a demanding tone.

Luckily for me, Twilight came back and explained the situation.

"Its okay Sharp Sight, he's with us. We have an audience with the Princesses" Twilight explained.

The guard known as Sharp Sight was eyeing me for a few seconds until he pulled his spear back.

"Very well. You may enter" He told me as I nodded at him.

"Sorry about that, the guards are taking their job very seriously," Twilight told me as she apologized for them.

"It's fine dear, no harm done," I said as we joined with the others.

Twilight nodded as she blushed slightly. We then reached a big double gate. The guards opened them to reveal a throne room. At the far end of the room were the thrones. On those thrones were two ponies. One was alabaster white while the other was midnight blue. Their both manes were waving in a non-existent breeze. They also had horns on the top of their heads and big wings on their back.
We walked closer as the guards closed the door behind us. Once we reached the thrones, Twilight, along with her friends bowed while I just gave them a short friendly wave and a nod of my head.

"Twilight I would like to welcome you to Canterlot along with you and your friends. Did the trip go well?" The alabaster white pony asked her.

"The trip went fine Princess. We came just as you said in the letter you sent me this morning. Oh I almost forgot. Princess Celestia, this is Tomz. The Nephilim I told you about"
Twilight said as she gestured to me with a hand.

"Pleasure meeting you darling" I greeted the pony I now know as Celestia.

Everyone gasped as Twilight pulled on my sleeve.

"What are you doing!?" She whispers shouted as she looked at me in shock.

"What do you think? I'm greeting the Princess." I explained as I smiled at her.

"I can see that! But you cant greet Princess Celestia like that!" She whispers shouted again as she looked back at Celestia.

"I'm really sorry Princess! You see he's not from our world and he didnt mean to greet you like that and...and--" Twilight started to apologize in my favor but she stopped once she saw Celestia giggle.

"Oh its fine Twilight. No harm done" Celestia told the lavander pony as she looked at me now. She along with the other midnight blue pony walked towards me. I was suprised she was as tall as I am. But her horn gave her the height advantage.

"Greetings, Tomz. I am Princess Celestia and this is my younger sister Princess Luna. We are the rulers of Equestria and we welcome you to our world." Celestia greeted me as I nodded at her.

"Well thank you very much, Princess. Twilight told me that you and your sister wanted to speak with me?" I asked her.

"We did yes. I am Princess Luna. Tis also a pleasure to meet thee Tomz, Guardian of realms." Luna greeted me. It seems Twilight told them what I do.

"It's nice to meet you as well dear. Well If you want to know more about me. I'm happy to tell you what I know." I told the midnight pony.

"But of course. You must be hungry, come let us head to the dining room" Celestia told us as we all agreed. At that moment my stomach growled a little as everyone giggled.

"Hehehe looks like somepony is hungry. What is thou diet Tomz? Luna asked me as she looked at me.

"I'm an omnivore and before you even ask no I won't eat any of your subjects" I answered them as the two princesses nodded.

We reached a dining room to reveal a big table surrounded by chairs. Celestia and Luna sat at the head of a table while the rest of us sat just like we did on the train. I saw another empty seat at the other end of a table so I decided to ask.

"Who seats over there?" I asked as I pointed at the empty chair.

But before Celestia could answer the door of the dining room burst open to reveal a white-furred unicorn stallion with a short blonde mane and white expensive suit. He was walking like he owned the place with his head held high.

"Auntie Celestia, I still do not understand why you won't let me attend the meeting in Saddle Arabia!" The unicorn stallion asked her

I turned my attention to both Celestia and Luna. I saw both of them tried to keep themselves calm. Celestia took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Like I told you last time Blueblood. You weren't invited and it's a royal business only."
Celestia answered him with a stern face and a glare. "Do I make myself clear?"

The pony I now know as Blueblood nodded to her with a scuff and sat down in the empty chair. He then looked at us.

"Twilight" He greeted her.

"Blueblood" Twilight greeted him through her teeth.

"Elements" He greeted the rest of Twilights friends who only nodded at him with small glares pointed his way.

"Miss Rarity" Blueblood greeted Rarity who to my surprise turned her head away from him and crossed her arms. She looked angry. seems they don't like him too much.

"So...who's the blonde, white and spoiled over there?" I whispered to Rainbow.

"That's Princ Blueblood, The Princesses Nephew" Rainbow answered me as she glared daggers at him.

Blueblood then let out a girlish scream as he pointed at me.

"Ahhh!!! Auntie, what kind of monstrosity is that!?" Blueblood shouted. "Why didnt you threw it in the dungeon where it belongs!"

"Blueblood, this is Tomz, he is a guest and a friend to Twilight and the Elements," Celestia told him as I saw she tried her best to keep her composure.

"What!? You would invite a beast into the castle and even befriend one! Surely you jest Auntie!" Blueblood said in shock as he pointed at me.

I took this time to introduce myself as I grinned at him

"Greetings Blueblood. My name is--"

"That's Princ Blueblood to you foul beast. I'm a Princ and I will be treated with respect." He said as he cut me off.

I glanced at Luna and saw she was close to blowing a fuse. The doors of the kitchen soon opened as maids brought us our food. The ponies had some vegetarian-based meal while I had, to my surprise spaghetti with meatballs.

I was about to start eating but Blueblood started shouting again.

"This Monster eats meat!!? You would invite a carnivore to our castle!?"

"Im an Omnivore, actually. So calm yourself" I told him as I took the utensils and sliced the meatballs to smaller peaces.

One maid brought Blueblood his food but the snob princ took the food and smashed into the maid's face. The poor girl fell on the ground as her uniform was now stained from the soup she was giving.

"You dare bring me this filth of a soup! While this monstrosity seats and dines with us!?
Blueblood shouted at the maid. The poor girl could only put her face in her hands as she started crying.

I had enough of this. I stood up walked to Blueblood grabbed his head with one hand and slammed it into the table, while I held his arm above his head and slowly applied pressure.

"Now you listen to me very carefully." I started to speak as I got close to his face. My voice then becomes dark and disoriented

"If I see you do something like that again, to anyone else. No matter who they are, I will rip off your dick and shove it so far up your ass you'll be coughing cum for weeks!!"

Blue blood started to nod rapidly as he looked at me in fear.

"O-okay, okay!! I won't do anything like that again! I promise." Blueblood begged me

If your lying I'll break the other one"

"The other one----"


"AGHHH!!!" Blueblood shouted in agony as I broke his wrist. He fell out of the chair as I saw a small puddle forming underneath him. The guy peed himself. He then stood up and ran out of the dining room.

I walked towards the maid as Iean down towards her.

"Its okay dear. He's gone. Can you tell me your name, darling" I asked her.

The pony had brown fur with a white mane. She had green eyes and a pair of wings on her back. She slowly looked up at me and slowly nodded.

"M-my name is S-Sugar Rain s-sir." He told me as she sniffed.

I whipped away her tears as I looked at her.

"Alright Sugar, I want you to wash up and change and go home for the rest of the day, okay sweetheart?"

She looked at me wide-eyed "B-But sir only the Princesses can-" She started but I stopped her.

"I don't want to hear it. You deserve it. Now run along dear" I told her as I grabbed her hand and lifted her up.

She looked at me and slowly nodded. She then gave me a quick hug. "T-thank you, sir" She then bowed to the princesses and left the room

Once I turned around and I saw everyone looking at me in shock and wide-eyed.

"That...was...Awesome!!!" Rainbow exclaimed as she cheered.

"Woah nelly you sure did show him," Applejack said surprised.

"While I disagree with violence, I must say that you really did...let us say kick his flank," Rarity told me as I sat back down in my seat.

"You know injuring royalty is a crime correct?" Celestia told me as she leaned closer to the table.

"Hey don't give me that. The guy deserved it with his spoiled behavior. If he is a prince he should know better" I answered Celestia as I took a bite out of my spaghetti.

"Usually I would arrest you but since Blueblood had this coming I can let it slide this time. Oh and please dont be so rough on anypony else." Celestia told me.

I raised my hands in the air. "No promises"

With that, we finally started eating our food. I asked Celestia where did she get the meat from and she told me that they have a griffin chef just in case an ambassador from another country who is a carnivore comes to Equestria.

I was pleased with this answer as I sucked up the information. After the food, Celestia offered us all guest bedrooms to stay for the night. I thanked her as I went into my assigned bedroom and flopped on the bed.

"I see you showed him who's boss" I heard Sam told me.

"I didnt showed him anything. All I did was gave him a lecture and a warning" I responded

"It looked like it work. I never really seen you that mad before. You gave Charlie quite a scare" Sam told me as I sighed.

"I did? Ohhhh now I feel bad. Thanks for ruining the mood Sam." I told him

"Hey, doing okay? I'm sorry if I scared you" I apologized to her

"I-Its okay, Tomz. I-I just didnt expect that. Charlie told me with that shy voice of hers.

"You sure you're doing okay?" I asked with worry. I never wanted to scare her.

Its okay Tomz, I'm fine. Don't worry about me" Charlie responded to me as I nodded in understanding

I looked out of the window as I see the moon slowly rise in the sky.

"Celestia and Luna said they wanted to talk to me about something. I'll guess I'll find out tomorrow" I thought to myself as I layed down on the bed and fell asleep

A Duel and The Wonderbolts Chapter 5

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It Canterlot Castle
Tomz POV

I slowly woke up once more to a sun beaming in my face. I let out a low groan as I covered my head with a blanket. I wasn't planning to get out of bed anytime soon. Unfortunately, Lady Luck had other plans as there was a knock on the door.

I groaned again as I sat up. "Who is it?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes to wake myself up.

"The Princesses request your presence, sir," Said a female voice on the other side of the door.

"Alright, I'll be there in a few" I answered as I got out of bed and went to get my clothes.

"Very well. Sir, I'm coming in to make your bed" The female voice asked as the door of my room opened.

"No, wait--!" I started but it was too late.

There at the door was no other than Sugar Rain. A maid I helped yesterday after the whole Blueblood fiasco. The two of us were staring at each other. I was only dressed in my cargo shorts and boots which left my bare chased exposed to the world.

Sugar Rain was still staring with a deep blush on her face and I could even see she was drooling a little. Once I decided she had enough eye-candy I struck a pose as I grinned at her.

" do I look?" I asked the maid that was at my door of a room.

That seemed to get her out of the hypnotized state as she went red-faced and bowed.

"I'-I'm terribly sorry s-sir. I-I'll come back l-later" with that she slammed the door shut as I burst in laughter.

Once I calmed myself down I put on the rest of my clothing along with my paintbrush and fountain pen. I left my room to find blushing Sugar Rain by my door.

"T-this way s-sir" She stuttered out as I chuckled.

I nodded at her as she showed me the way to the dining room. I thanked her as she bowed with a faint blush still on her cheeks. With that, I entered the dining room to see Twilight, her friends, and both of the princesses.

Celestia smiled at my presence as she greeted me.

"Morning Tomz. I take it you slept well?" She asked me as I took a seat beside Rainbow who's mane was an absolute mess.

"I slept fine. A maid told me you wanted to see me? If this is about Blueblood yesterday I already told you I ain't making any promises"
I told her as she nodded.

"Its not about that. I wanted to speak to you about your magic. Me and my sister I would want to know more about how you use it. Twilight told me you use two kinds of magic if I'm correct?" Celestia asked me as I nodded at her answer.

"Yes, that's right. I use Magicka and Soul Magic." I answered as Celestia looked at her sister.

"Can thou explain how thee uses it?" Luna asked me this time.

"Of course. Magicka is generated by my body and I use it by focusing on what we call Mana. Mana is the primary energy that my body generates and from that point on its up to me on how much and on what spell I should use my Mana on. Soul Magic is different yet similar. Soul Magic is generated and created by my Soul and is flowing throughout all of my body. Now unlike Mana that I have a limited pool of and is re-charging over time when I use it, Soul Magic is constantly on and it never fully drains out since when I use it,it begins to recharge as well. The big difference between this two is that Magicka uses Spells you learn in books or in school, while Soul Magic runs entirely on my imagination. For instance, I want to conjure an endless deep pocket, I can do that. Create a portal to take me on the other side of the world, go for it. Usually, Soul Magic is also limited on how many spells one can do but given that I'm a Realm Guardian, you could say I'm an exception"
I said as I explained how does my magic work. I see Twilight writing all the information in her notebook.

"Wow and to think two different kinds of magic work so differently yet are so similar to one another." The purple unicorn said as she finished writing the information I gave her.

"You mentioned that your a..Realm Guardian. What do you mean by that and are there more of you?" Luna asked me as I looked at her.

"Right. Yes, I'm a Realm Guardian, which means I travel across the Multiverse guarding and protecting realms from evil beings who want to destroy it or harm it. There are more of us, yes but how many, I do not know. I only know five of them personally since we are all good friends with each other."
I answered as Twilight once again wrote everything in her notebook.

"I see and since Equis is also part of the multiverse it's only your duty to protect it."
Celestia said as she looked at me with a smile.

"Just one more question. What's with those paintbrush and fountain pen on your back. Are you also an artist?" Luna asked as I looked at her and grinned.

"While I can use them to paint as well yes, they are my weapons," I answered the midnight pony.

"Weapons? But I don't see how could you use them in combat?" Celestia asked as she looked at them.

"Ever heard a phrase don't judge a book by its cover? My weapons are like that. They may look harmless but in the end, they get the job done." I answered Celestia as she nodded once more.

Then a door of the dining room opened again, at first I thought it was Blueblood but I seem to be wrong as two ponies walked in.

One had white fur, dark blue mane, and had a horn on his head. He was wearing some kind of military uniform. The other pony had pink fur, a mix of pink, yellow, and white mane. She had a horn and wings on her back just like Celestia and Luna. She was wearing a pink dress of sorts.

"Twilight !" The white stallion called out to her.

"Shiny!" Twilight called out as she got out of her chair and hugged him. She then looked beside her to greet the pink pony with wings and horn as well.

"Cadence!" The two of them hugged and they started to do a little dance.

"Sunshine, Sunshine. Ladybugs awake, clap your hands and do a little shake!"

That tugged at my heartstrings because it was so cute.

"Celestia, who are they?" I asked the sun pony.

"That's Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence. They run the Crystal Empire." Celestia answered me as I looked back at her.

"We heard of a new creature in Equestria so we decided to pay a visit." The white unicorn I presume is Shining Armor.

I stood up from my chair as I walked towards him. "Well you wanted to meet me, here I am."

"You must be the creature Celestia told us about. My name is Prince Shining Armor and this gorgeous pony on my side is my wife Princess Cadence" Shining introduced himself as I nodded.

"Pleasure meeting you Shining" I then looked at Cadence. "And its a pleasure meeting you as well sweetheart," I told them.

The mare in question giggled while Shining glared at me. I just kept that sharp teeth smile on my face.

"Well its nice to meet you too. What is your name, if I may ask" Cadence asked me.

"I'm Tomz. Tomz the Nephilim." I introduced myself to them.

"Wait if you two are married..then why did you hug Twilight?" I asked confused

"Twilight is my younger sister," Shining told me as I looked at the violet unicorn.

"You have a brother? I didn't know that" I told her.

Twilight blushed in emmberasment as she rubbed her cheek. "Sorry..forgot to mention that"

"It's fine darling, no problem," I told Twilight as her blush grew a bit.

Shining then took note of my paintbrush and fountain pen on my back.

"Are you an artist? That paintbrush looks ridiculously too big" Shining asked. I grinned as I glanced at my weapon.

"While I can use it to paint yes, those are my weapons," I told him as he looked at me confused.

"Weapons? You must be joking. There's no way that can injure someone"

"Well, you'd be surprised at what these two weapons can do" I replied to his question.

Shining then smirked at me. "Well if you think your good at wielding them. How about a little sparring match against me"

I smirked back at him. "I accept your challenge. Oh and also you've lost before you even picked this fight"

"Finally we got to see some action!!" Rainbow cheered as she rose her fist in the air

"I'll make you eat those words" Shining told me with confidence.

"If you'll please follow me" Shining said as he lead all of us to a dueling room of sorts.

Celestia and Luna along with the others were sitting in the bleachers while Me and Shining were standing across one another

"GO BIG GUY!" Rainbow cheered me on.

"Show him how its done Shinning!!" Cadence cheered on her husband.


"Match between Tomz and Shining Armor will now begin. The rules are simple. You may use all of your weapons and skills in combat, magic included. The winner will be chosen once the opponent can no longer fight or gives up. Are the combatants ready?" Celestia announced

The two of us nodded.

"You may begin!"

As soon as those words left Celestia's lips, Shining charged at Tomz as he slashed his sword horizontally. Tomz just appeared beside Shining with his hands in his pockets while he still wore that sharp tooth grin.

"What? You thought I was just gonna stand there and take it?" Tomz told Shining.

Shining then continued to slash at Tomz in various directions while the Nephilim just dodged, ducked and evaded with ease. While Tomz was dodging Shining's attacks, the Nephilim would wink, shrugged, or just blew Shining a raspberry. Shining then slashed at Tomz only to see he hit nothing. The prince looked around himself until he looked up. Once he did his eyes widen. There in the air was Tomz. He was floating in the air surrounded by spades and bones. Tomz then threw his hand forward as the bones at spades came flying at Shining.

The prince did his best to block or evade Tomz's attacks but he still got grazed by some of the bones. Once Shining got some breathing room he found Tomz right infront of him. Shining then took a different approach. He started using blasts on Tomz as well. Tomz just evaded or teleported away if the blasts got too close too him.

On the bleachers, the ponies were wide-eyed.

"I never knew Tomz possessed such strange magic," Celestia said shocked.

"Looks like Shining underestimated him," Luna commented.

"THIS IS AWESOME!!" Rainbow and Pinkie exclaimed in unison.

Back at the match, Shining was breathing heavily as he whipped some sweat off his brow,while Tomz wasn't even winded.
Shining took another approach as he charged at Tomz and started to hack and slash at him. But Tomz once again dodged, evaded, or teleported away if the sword got close to him. Tomz's arms were still safely tucked in his jacket pockets while he was wearing that grin on his face.

"Huh...I was wondering why people never use their strongest attack first" Tomz told Shining as he shrugged with his arms.

Tomz took this opportunity to attack as he sent another wave of bones at Shining. The prince once again started to block or dodge Tomz's attack. While he was dodging, he trippied causing him to drop his sword as it rolled on the ground.

Shining looked around himself to see the attacks have stopped. He then ran to get his sword but just before he could grab it he felt heavier and frozen in place. Shining looked down and saw a small blue heart in front of his chest.

"Ah-ah-ah like I would give you the opportunity to recover" Tomz said as he swung his hand behind him which made Shining follow the direction. Shining went flying beside Tomz as he hit the wall. He yelped in pain as he fell to the ground.

Back on the bleachers, the ponies were once again surprised and shocked at what's happening.

"Looks like Tomz has the ability to control other ponies' Soul. He also isn't letting Shining to recover because he knows he will need to go on the defensive again." Twilight explained.

"I feel bad for poor Shining. He is doing his best while Tomz isn't even trying by the looks of it." Rarity commented.

Back to the match, Shining slowly stood up as he felt a stinging sensation on the side of his face. He touched it as he winced. He found blood on his fingers as his eyes widen.

"You gave me quite a cut there Tomz. But watch it. I'll put everything I have in this attack" Shining shouted at Tomz as he took a battle stance.

Tomz chuckled "Your welcome to try" He told Shining.

Shining's horn glowed as he casted a spell. Now Shining was a lot faster and more agile. Shining then charged at Tomz a lot faster then before. He appeared before Tomz which took the Guardian off guard,and then he cast a teleportation spell as he appeared behind Tomz and slashed his back as he thought he finally landed a hit. But Shining was wrong once more as he felt heavy and frozen in place again. He saw his sword was a few centimeters from Tomz's shirt as Tomz breathed heavily. The prince saw a familiar little blue heart in front of his chest.

"Your smart. I'm impressed. But lose this fight" Tomz said as he moved his arm a little to the left. Shining's arms followed his movements as the sword was pointing away from Tomz's chest. Tomz then walked past Shining to a safe distance while he still had Shining in his magic grip. Tomz then turned back towards Shining as he swinged his arm up,down,up, down,up and finally slammed his arm downwards. Poor Shining followed his hands movement as he hit the ceiling, the ground, the ceiling, the ground, the ceiling, and finally ground once more.

( from 1:50 to 2:07)

Once Shining hit the ground, blue bones burst from the ground and went right through Shining making him unable to move.

"I-I can't move!! What did you do?" Shining yelled surprised

"Shining Armor is immobilized. Tomz wins the match!!" Celestia shouted from the bleachers.


I walked towards Shining as my blue bones went back in the ground. "You did good Shining." I offered him a hand to which he took as I lifted him up.

"You never used those weapons of yours. Why is that?" Shining asked as he was holding his side.

"Because I didnt need need them to defeat you. I use my weapons only if I have too. The rest of time I'm fighting the way I did againts you" I responded to him.

Me and Shining went back to the bleachers as everyone walked towards us.

"That was so awesome!! You were like bam, phewshh, and his like whoa, crash!!" Pinkie told us as we all laughed.

"You fought well for someone who wasn't using any weapons," Celestia told me.

"Well like I told Shining. I only use my weapons when I have too." I answered the sun pony.

"You were so awesome. I mean not as awesome as me but still" Rainbow told me as she looked at me.

"Can you train me?" Rainbow asked me.

I raised an eyebrow at that. "You want to train you?" I asked the rainbow maned pegasus.

"Aha. I want to move as you do! You must have trained hard to do all those moves." Rainbow asked me as she got close to me and pressed her chest against me.

"Well sorry to burst your bubble Rainbow. But I never trained." I told her as everyone looked at me in shock.

"Your joking right? You're telling me you never at all?"

"You're correct Rainbow. I never moved a finger in the training department"

"Then...then...then how did you do all that!?" Rainbow shouted as she pointed at the ruined dueling room.

I just shrugged and grinned. "Life experience I guess. But back to the point. I'm not much of a training type. But I'll think about it." I told her as Rainbow nodded at my answer.

"Also..." I started as I lowered my head next to her ear. "Might letting me go sweetheart?" I whispered into her ear as I grinned.

Rainbow looked at me weirdly until she realized what was I talking about. She immediately let me go as her face turned red.

"T-this doesn't mean I l-like you or anything!!" Rainbow exclaimed red-faced as she flew out of the room.

"Well, it was nice meeting you Shining. I want to explore a bit of Canterlot before nightfall. Oh before I go." I said as I turned towards him. I pointed my arm at him as my hand started to glow in golden energy, at the same time Shining got enveloped in the same golden energy glow as his wounds were all healed up.

Once more everyone's jaw dropped at my performance.

"I..I can't feel any pain anymore. What did you do?" Shining asked me as he patted his sides.

"That was a simple adept restoration healing spell. No need to thank me" I answered him as I left the room.

I teleported outside of the castle as I found myself at the still busy streets of Canterlot City.
I started to explore as I looked at the scenery around me. I've seen a couple of bars, bakeries, clothing shopes, and so on. As I walked once again someone bumped into me again. I looked down and saw a unicorn mare with white fur and wavy pink mane. She was wearing a fancy dress.

"Oh I'm sorry dear. I was deep in thought. Let me help you get up" I said as I lifted the mare up.

"It's fine, sir. No harm was done, I guess I should also apologize on my behalf." The mare told me. She then looked at me and her eyes widen in surprise.

"Oh my! Forgive me for asking, but who and what are you, sir." She asked.

"Name's Tomz. Tomz the Nephilim, and who do I have a pleasure meeting?" I asked as I introduced myself

"My name is Fleur De Lis. It is nice to meet you as well sir. You must be that nephilim creature we keep hearing about." She told me as I look at her.

"You've heard of me?" I ask

"Why of course. You'd be suprised on how fast the news travel around here. What brings you to Canterlot?" Fleur asked me.

"Oh, I was invited by Celestia to come here. She along with her sister Luna wanted to meet me in person."

Fleur smiled "Why that's nice of them." She told me as she smiled

I then heard another voice and soon saw another pony walked towards Fleur. He was a white unicorn stallion. He had a blue mane, a monocle on his left eye, and a mustache. He also wore a fancy suit.

"I'm terribly sorry for being late honey. There was a big crowd at the store." The stallion then took a notice of me.

"Fleur,love who is this?" He asked.

"Let me introduce you, honey. Tomz, this is my husband Fancy Pants. Fancy this Tomz. He's that Nephilim we heard about." Fleur introduced us both.

"Well I'll be...who knew I would meet the very rumor himself. Well Tomz, its nice to meet you. What brings you here?" Fancy asked me as I told him that the Princesses invited me here.

"Well Tomz, any friend of the Princesses is a friend of ours. Tell you what, later today there's this wonderbolts show here in Canterlot. So it would be our honor if you could join us." Fancy told me as I thought about it.

"Well if you insist, then I'll join you two" I told them as I smiled.

"Excellent!" Exclaimed Fancy Pants as he clapped his hands. "The show starts at 5:30 in the afternoon. Dont be late, oh and mind saying hello to Rarity for me."

"Of course Fancy Pants see you at the show and I'll tell Rarity, I said Hi." I told his as he nodded and left with Fleur.

I teleported back to the castle as I met Twilight and the girls along the way.

"Hello, girls, what brings you here?" I greeted them.

"Oh hello Tomz, darling. I see you came back from your walk in canterlot. Did you enjoy?"
Rarity asked me.

"It was nice. This city is way bigger when your inside of it then when your viewing it from Ponyville. Oh before I forget. Some pony by the name of Fancy Pants said Hi." I told Rarity as she gasped quickly walked towards me and squished my cheeks it both of her hands.

"You know Sir Fancy Pants!?" She exclaimed loudly.

"I know his wife too" as soon as I said that she increased her grip on my cheeks.

"She bumped into me while I was walking and she introduced me to them. We had a little chat until Fancy Pants invited me to see this Wonderbolts show." I told Rarity.

As soon as the word Wonderbolts left my mouth, Rainbow came zooming in, pushing Rarity out of the way as she was now squishing my cheeks as she glued her face to mine.


"Um yes...who are they?" I asked Rainbow....I shouldn't ask her that.

"YOU DONT KNOW WHO ARE THE WONDERBOLTS!?" Her grip on my face increased.

"Not from this realm remember" I told Rainbow.

"Oh...right. Anyway, The Wonderbolts are the most, awesome, cool, and amazing flying group ever!!! That's why I'm always practicing my flying stunts so I can get recruited." Rainbow told me as she was still holding on to my face.

"Rainbow, dear. I think you can let go of me know" I told the rainbow pegasus.

She looked at me as she grew red-faced once more and immediately let me go.

"I...It's not what it looks like!!" She shouted at me, blushing red as she flew out of the hallway.

I chuckled. "Oh since we are in the castle. Why do you all hate Blueblood so much?" I asked them

"Blueblood holds a huge grudge against us Pegasi." Fluttershy said angry with a glare.

"He said my apple treats and pastries are nothin but garbage!" Applejack said

"He treated me unlady like. He took a pillow for himself, A rose for himself, forced me to open the doors for him, use my beloved dress to walk over a puddle, and used me as a shield to protect himself from a falling cake." Rarity said really irritated.

"While I was living here in Canterlot, before I met my friends, he was trying to make me his mare, and he peeped on me when I wasn't looking. He's not only a snob but a huge pervert!" Twilight growled madly.

I was surprised and shocked at the same time as I heard what Blueblood did to Twilight and her friends. "Is that so" I grinned madly as my sharp teeth were showing as I knew I had to pay Blueblood a visit.

"Well, I'm sorry you all went through that. I believe it will be lunch soon so why don't we go-ahead and you girls can show me the way towards the stadium afterward." I said as the girls nodded.

We reached the dining hall as Celestia was sitting with Luna at the end of a table. We sat as we did before as maids brought us food. The girls had once again some vegetarian-based meals while I had simple vegetable soup. Soon enough Blueblood himself entered the room with clean clothes and a bandage around his left hand. He sat down as he glared at Twilight and the girls. He then looked at me as his glare turned into one of pure fear as he started to shake in his seat. I was looking at him with my head tilted sideways and with that grin on my face.

(Like this)

"What's the matter Blueblood, you seem pale?"
I asked the spoiled prince as he shook in his chair.

"I--I ain't afraid of you..y-you monster" Blueblood stuttered out.

"You know... girls told me what you did before I arrived here and I have to say..." I leaned closer to him. "You are on a very...very thin ice with me."
I told him as I leaned back into my chair as I continued to eat my soup

After we all had our fill I decided I would explore the castle some more so I can get familiar with the place. I reach into my pocket and checked my phone to see what time is it. I saw I still had about an hour and a half before the show and yes I do have a phone.
With nothing else in mind, I started to walk around the castle. I walked passed the Royal Garden, both Celestia and Luna's rooms.
As I walked I heard grunting and yelling. I decided to follow the voice as I soon found myself in a gym of sorts. What I found surprised me. There were both Rainbow and Applejack punching and kicking the punching bag like there's no tomorrow.

"Hello you two" I greeted them as both ponies stopped and looked at me.

"Oh hey big guy, what brings you here" Rainbow asked me as she whiped a sweat off her brow with a towel.

"Nothing...just exploring the castle thats all. I heard noises and decided to follow them and now I'm here" I told them as I sat on a bench near a wall.

"Go on, you two can continue. Dont let me stop you" I said as I then layed on the bench and relaxed.

"Do you wanna train with us?" Applejack asked me as she walked towards me.

"No thanks. I'm busy" I replied with my eyes closed.

Rainbow flew over. "Busy? Your not busy, you're just laying here, doing nothing" Rainbow told me as she took a few sips of water.

"Of course I'm busy Rainbow. I'm busy turning oxygen into carbon dioxide." I replied back to the rainbow pegasus.

"Oh come on! You're just lazy. Please... just do one set with me and Applejack" Rainbow begged.

"Rainbow..." I started. "I haven't picked up my own sock from the floor in the last 12 years. If you think you can make me train with you then your mighty wrong. Besides, I'm just here to kill time."

"So what your saying is..." Apple jack started. "You are so lazy that you haven't pick up your own sock in 12 years!?" Cowpony asked in shock.

"Yep...annnd that sock is still there if my memory serves me right" I simply replied back.

"How lazy can you get!?" Rainbow asked in shock.

"Tomz you are lazier then a sloth" Applejack commented.

"Well, you know...I aim to please" I told them.

Rainbow groaned and walked back to the punching back as Applejack continued to do her own set.

After a while, the two girls were finished as they picked up their stuff and walked towards me.

"Great job on working so hard. You didn't even need my help. Which is great, cuze I love to do absolutely nothing" I told them as I got up from the bench.

Yep, you heard me right. I was laying on that bench for an hour doing absolutely nothing.

"We're finished for today. Come on, me and Applejack will show you towards the stadium." Rainbow said as I got up from the bench.

"Very well darling. Lead the way." I said to Rainbow as she crossed her arms and pouted cutely.

After they took a shower and were dressed in clean and fresh clothes we started to make our way towards the stadium. Once we were at the stadium I saw there was a large crowd of ponies.

"Well there's something you don't see everyday" I turned towards Rainbow and Applejack. "Thanks for showing me the way. I'll come back to the castle once this show is over" I told them as they nodded.

"Very well sugarcube. I think we are coming back to Ponyville tonight anyway" Applejack told me as she grabbed Rainbow by the hand.

"Lets go Rainbow" She told her as she dragged her away.

"Wait Applejack!! I wanna see the wonderbolts up close. Let me take a peek please!!" Rainbow begged as she struggled againts Applejack's strong grip but it seemed useless.

"See you later Tomz, let's go Rainbow," Applejack said her goodbye and dragged Rainbow away.

"Noooooooo" I heard Rainbow yelling in the distance.

I chuckled at her reaction as I turned towards a large crowd of ponies.

"Ah Tomz, excellent. You arrived just on time" I heard a voice to my right as I see Fancy Pants walking towards me

"Oh hello, Fancy. I came as you told me too. I think the show will start soon" I told him as Fancy looked at his pocket watch.

"So it would seem. Follow me, your sitting with us. We have a VIP spot" Fancy told me as I followed him to a balcony of sorts.

"Ahh Tomz, dear. I'm so glad you could make it!" Fleur exclaimed proudly as I sat beside her.

"Of course dear, I wouldn't miss it." I responded to her as I nodded.

Soon we've heard that the show was about to start. It looks like they will race againts each other. The ponies we're all pegasai and we're wearing some kind of spandex uniform.

"Files and Gentlecolts, welcome to the fourth race of The wonderbolts!! I hope your excited as I am! Please welcome the one and only The Wonderbolts!" The show host said in the microphone as the ponies clapped and cheered. "Take your positions!"

The ponies I persume who are The Wonderbolts all got ready on the start line.

"Ready, set, Go!!" The show leader shouted in the microphone.

After he said that the wonderbolts rocketed off the start line as they all left an electrified smoke. They competed for the first place as the crowd cheered. The bright orange pegasus was in the lead as she crossed the finish line.

"And Spitfire wins!!!" The show host shouted once more in his microphone.

The ponies cheered as they all clapped and whistled.

"Well, that sure was something. Is this like an everyday thing for you ponies? Organizing races like this?" I asked Fancy Pants.

"Well not really. We usually organize races to raise charity for certain hospitals that need better equipment or renovate an orphanage"
Fancy Pants explained as I nodded to his answer.

"Well it's getting late, I have to get back to the castle since apparently, I'm going back to ponyville tonight," I tell Fancy as he nods at my answer.

"Alright Tomz. I'm glad I met you today. I wish you the best of luck." Fancy told me as he waved at me.

Fancy then left along with his wife, Fleur as I started my way back to the castle. I then hear some commotion as I look to the side. I see paparazzi chasing the bright orange pegasus from before. Looks like they want an interview from her. I chuckle as they finally lost her in an ally. I shrugged my arms as I continued to make my way towards the castle.

The sunset slowly got replaced by a beautiful moon as I took in the scenery of it. Once I was back at the castle I made my way to my room and I take off my boots, my jacket, and shirt leaving only my cargo shorts. I flopped on the bed as I stare at the moon.

Beautiful, is it not?" I heard a familiar voice inside my head as I smiled.

"Jack, haven't heard from you in a while. You were quiet until now" I said as I asked him.

""I know. I was still wrapping my head around being in a world filled with ponies. You seem to enjoy yourself"
Jack told me with a sigh

"You still can't believe it huh? Well, get comfortable. Seems like we will be in this realm for quite a while." I told him as I felt him nod.

"It seems so. Just be careful, okay? Oh and good job on scaring Blueblood. I laughed my ass off once I saw he peed himself" . Sam told me as he laughed.

I chuckled. "Heh heh...yeah...I warned him and I hope he will keep his promise" I told him as I yawned and turned to my side. "Good night Jack"

Good Night Tomz. All of us will see you in the morning"
Jack told me as he disappierd.

With that done I have to say I had quite a day. I disciplined Blueblood, met both princesses, watched a race and I teased Sugar Rain.
I closed my eyes and let sleep take me.

Equestria's Alternative Timeline Chapter 6

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Canterlot Castle

I was sleeping peacefully as I was covered with a warm and comfortable blanket. Nothing could absolutely ruin this moment.

"Tomz, wake up!!!"
Frisk yelled inside my head.

"Whoa!!!" I got up suddenly as I fell off the bed and groaned.

"Frisk...why did you woke me up so suddenly?" I asked him as I looked out of the window seeing it's still dark out.

"Dont you remember? Your going back to Ponyville with the others"
Frisk told me as I recalled Applejack telling me, we were going back to Ponyville tonight.

"Aww hell.." I immediately got off the ground and put on my clothes, made the bed, and finally put on my paintbrush and fountain pen on my back.

Your going to be late, Tomz hurry up. The girls must be waiting for you in the throne room already"
Sam told me as I was running through the halls and soon enough I reached the throne room as all the girls were waiting for me.

"There you are! Where were you? We were waiting for you forever" Rainbow asked me as she flew over to me.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Once I came back from the stadium, I went to my room and fell asleep on the bed..." I answered Rainbow as I rubbed my neck.

"Its okay, Tomz. No need to apologize. If we are all ready we can head to the train station" Twilight told us as we all nodded.

"Celestia, Luna. It was nice meeting you and thanks for the hospitality" I told them as they smiled at me.

"You dont have to thank us Tomz. You are more then welcome to visit when you feel like it." Celestia told me as I nodded to her.

"Very well dear, I'll take you up on that offer." I said as they smiled back.

With that me and the girls left the throne room as we started making our way back to the train station. Celestia and Luna were watching us leave as Luna looked at her sister.

"You felt how much power he has" Luna told Celestia as her older sister nodded.

"Indeed I did. I'm just glad he is on the good side. But I never thought a being such as him excisted." Celestia said.

"But remember he said there were others who destroy and harm the realms as well." Luna remained Celestia.

"I remember yes. Let's just hope that one of these Realm destroyers won't come to Equestria." Celestia said as Luna nodded.

All of us returned to Ponyville as the girls got home along with me. I was still staying at Twilight's place but I should be able to buy myself a house if I conjure up enough money...or I could get a job....I'l figure that out later. Once I reached Twilight's library I bid the violet unicorn goodnight as I went to my room and layed on the bed, going back to sleep.

In the morning I woke up refreshed as I got out of bed, put on my clothes,put my weapons on my back and left the room. I walked downstairs to the living room as I saw Spike making breakfast this time.

"Morning Spike." I greeted the young dragon as he looked at me and waved.

"Oh Morning Tomz. I'm making waffles today. Let's see if your pancakes can beat my waffles" Spike told me as he put one waffle on the plate. "Mind waking up Twilight for me?" He asked.

"She ain't up yet? I thought I would hear shuffling from upstairs by now." I ask him as I look at the stairs leading to her room.

"She would be up, yes but she did some late-night reading again," Spike told me as he flipped a waffle.

"Fine, I'll see what I can do," I told Spike as I walked to Twilights' room and opened the door, and there she was. The violet cute unicorn mare dressed in her pajamas sprayed out on the entire bed, drooling on her pillow.

I grinned as an idea popped into my head. I walked towards her bed as I leaned closer to her. "Twilight dear, its time to wake up" I gently told her as she groans a bit and turned in her sleep.

"Twilight honey, breakfast is done," I told her as I shook her gently.

"Five more minutes" She whined and stirred in her sleep again.

I then climbed on the bed and got on top of her. If this doesn't work then I can only open up blinds. The rudest wake-up call ever.

I lowered my head towards her as I started to nibble on her ear.

Twilight stirred as she started to moan slightly.
I continued to nibble on her ear as I licked it playfully. Twilight moaned more as she opened her eyes and saw me on top of her.

"Good morning sleepy beauty" I grinned at her.

Twilight blushed deeply as she pushed me off of her and started to shout at me.

"T-Tomz...w-what are you doing in my r-r-room and w-what were you d-doing in my b-bed!?"
Twilight shouted at me all flustered.

"Spike told me to wake you up. Seeing you wouldn't budge the first two times, I only got that option left." I told her as I chuckled.

"So you decided to nibble on my ear!? Usually, ponies only do that we are mating." Twilight told me all flustered and embarrassed.

"Get dressed and come down for breakfest or I'm selling all your books" I told her as I joked and closed the door.

I came back in the living room as the waffles were done and were all set on the table. Spike came from the kitchen as he put a bottle of Applejack's apple juice. He sat down on one of the chairs as he looked at me.

"I heard you woke up Twilight. That's a strange approach you've taken." Spike told me as he looked at me.

"Yeah well I tried two different approaches and it didn't work," I answered the young dragon as I heard hoofsteps behind me.

I turned and saw a fully dressed Twilight with a light blush on her cheeks as she sat down beside me.

"Morning everypony" Twilight greeted us as she sat down beside me.

"Morning Twilight. Did you sleep well?" I asked with a grin.

Twilight's blush grew deeper. "I-I slept fine. Thank you for asking. Spike your waffles are great and I think they are just as tasty as Tomz's pancakes." The purple unicorn told Spike as he looked at me.

"Well well did you hear that. My waffles are just as tasty as your pancakes" Spike told me with a confident look on his face.

"Do you have plans for today Tomz?" Twilight asked me as she took a bite from her waffle.

"I think I'll read on your books a bit more if you dont mind," I told Twilight as I finish up my waffle and drink my apple juice.

"I and spike and the rest of the girls were planning to help Applejack on the farm. So if you need us, we'll be at Sweet Apple Acres." Twilight said as she and spike finished eating. They waved goodbye as they left the library.

I once again started to read the books as I learned that unlike in other realms, the ponies here actually are changing the weather as the seasons come at go. They have this event called winter wrap up where they literally bring the spring season back instead of waiting for nature to do it itself. It's kinda strange but I guess that's how things work around here. As I was reading I felt a massive impulse of energy hit me. Kind if similar to the radar spike. I quickly stood up as I took my paintbrush.

I swung the paintbrush across the wall as a familiar floating screen appeared.

"What are we looking at Tomz?" Frisk asked me.

"It looks like an alternative timeline of this realm," I told Frisk as the screen showed a human.

He was wearing a red T-shirt with a leather black jacket. The rest of his attire consisted of red and black shoes, black fingerless gloves, and a pair of red jeans. On his left cheek, there was a scar. And finally around his neck was a golden pendant. He was also wearing a sword on his back. A katana by the looks of it. He looked young. Probably late teens, early twenties. He was in the Everfree forest by the looks of it. Once he got up from the ground he took his backpack and his sword that was beside him.

"so what do you think? Should we investigate?" Frisk asked me.

"No, not yet. I want to observe him. The more I know about him the better." I told Frisk as I continued to observe the human.

The human was walking through Everfree for a while now. Suddenly he started running through the bushes and trees until he reached a bit it off clearing maybe. There were four wolves made our of wood cornering a small pony. The pony was wearing a red and white striped shirt and jeans. He had white fur with a few brown spots on him and had a brown mane and tail. He had a lot of cuts and bruises on his arms and face.

One of the wooden wolves pounced on him but before he could sink his teeth into the little guy, the human was faster as it delivered a kick across its snout. The pony looked scared as he shook in his spot until he passed out. The human, on the other hand, took a stance as he equipped his sword. The sword was made with some kind of crystal and black rock. A diamond and obsidian maybe? I didn't know. The wooden wolves attacked him as he slashed at them. He took the three wolves down as they exploded in sticks and twigs. He injured the last wolf and....he let the injured wolf escape.

I sighed. "He already made the first mistake. You never let your enemy escape. The wolf was injured, the human should finish it off." I told myself.

The human then got to the little pony as he picked him up. The human was covered in sap like blood as he started to walk once more. The little pony and the human exchanged a couple of words as the human finally left the Everfree and started to make his way towards Ponyville.

""Oh I hope the pony will be okay. He is just a kid" Another familiar voice said.

" David? Wow, I haven't heard from you in forever" I responded in surprise.

""I know...I'm sorry. I'm also adjusting to the whole pony world thing"

"It's all good David. These things take time." I told him as kept looking at the screen.

Looks like the human reached Ponyville. He then got attacked by Rainbow and the others which made him drop the little pony he was carrying. The human fought back against Rainbow until she stepped on his pedant and broke it. The human then had a small breakdown as he roared in anger and started to beat Rainbow Dash with great force.
Luckily the rest of her friends came by and helped her up. Then all of them talked about something until the human took his backpack and sword and ran back in the Everfree.

"This guy has anger issues and on top of that he gave up that easily. He could just agree to go with them so he can explain what happened." I tell myself.

"Maybe they didn't let him explain?" Sam said.

"I don't know, maybe. Still, If I were him. I would try to calm down the situation first." I responded back.

The human was back in the Everfree as he met Spike. The two seemed to chat about something until Spike mentioned something which took the Human by surprise. As they talked the human started to cough blood.

"Oh...that isn't good. Probably the aftermath of the fight against Rainbow" I told myself.

Soon enough, Rainbow and the others came across him and Spike. The girls along with spike wanted to help him and get him to the hospital but the human kept refusing their help as his condition has worsen. Finally the human seemed to have enough as he equipped his sword and started to threaten them until he ran deeper into the Everfree.

My eye started to switch. "This guy is an absolute idiot. Cant, he see that they are trying to help him. If he's smart he will turn back at let them take him to the hospital."

"Maybe he holds a grudge against them?" Frisk asked.

"How can he hold a grudge against someone who he just met. I mean, yeah they fought against one another but this is serious.
You don't just ran away from someone who is offering you their help" I said as I kept track of what was happening. I swear I was so close to entering that Alternative Timeline and drag him to the hospital myself.

The girls seemed to give up as they started to walk back towards ponyville but they got ambushed by three lions with wings and scorpion tale. Luckily for them, the human seemed to hear their call for help as he once again equipped his sword and entered a battle stance. The girls hid in the bushes as they watched the human fought. He seemed to struggle against them as he got hit with claws a few times. As he fought, one of the lions struck him with his stinger as the human screamed in pain.

"Well if he won't accept help now then he's done for," I said. I took interest in this human. He can fight I will give him that but...but his swordplay felt...wrong. Like he knows what he's doing but he seems to lack something.

The human continued to fight despite being injured, he killed the two lions and he turned his attention towards the last one. The human kept falling but he seemed to get up every time. Finally, the human disappeared as he appeared in front twilight and her friends as he had his back turned towards the lion. He said something as he sheathed his sword and the lion roared in pain and fell dead to the ground.

"Huh...he's fast but I can easily keep up with him," I told myself.

"Wow, he's strong" Emily said.

"He's strong yes but if he almost got bested by the three flying poisoned lions then he either isn't strong enough or he never was in a real battle. But I'm just guessing here" I said as I lean on my paintbrush.

After the whole fight, the human started to cough blood violently as he fell to the ground and fainted. Luckily for him, Twilight and the others teleported him and themselves to hospital.

"If he dies then that's on him. He refused help so he only has himself to blame. But he should pull through." I said as I reached into my pocket and pulled out a carton of chocolate milk and started to sip it through the straw.

Once the human came too he looked around and realized he was in a hospital. Then a nurse came and she checked his vitals. They chatted a bit and soon Twilight and the rest of her friends came in. He introduced himself to them as Twilight stared at him in shock...then she went all sciency on him asking him some things he couldn't quite catch up. Then he met the rest of the girls. Soon enough he left the hospital with Twilight and the rest.

" now he's willing to listen. Maybe he got reminded he isn't invincible in that flying scorpion lion fight. Gosh, I should really learn how are they called." I said as I took another slurp from the chocolate milk I had.

Twilight returned the human's now fixed pedant as he gave her a hug and he....cried? Wow, he's really attached to that thing. The gang along with the human started to show him around ponyville as they were walking through Ponyville. He rescued Derpy from falling by offering himself as a cushion. He seemed to ask if she was okay as be commented on something which made her eyes widen as he gave him a big hug and started crying into his shoulder,

"Words of encouragement, I presume," I told myself as I threw now empty carton in the trash can and continue to watch the floating screen.

Derpy said goodbye to the human as she flew away. Twilight told something to the human. She probably thanked him for whatever he said. Since there isn't any sound coming from these "Multiverse Screens" I can only guess by their actions what are they doing. They started to walk again until a mint colored unicorn tackled the human to the ground and started to observe him and had a crazy grin on her face. The human was dazed for a little while until he found out he was laying on the ground with the mint unicorn on top of him. The mint unicorn in question got off of him and apologized after she got scolded by Twilight.
They all soon reached the library as Twilight arranged some seats for them as she told Spike something. Spike agreed and went to the kitchen and came back carrying a tray of cups that were filled with something. The dragon set the tray on the small table in the middle. Twilight then prepared a quill and empty scroll.
She then told human something as the human rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Alright, guys, its time to move," I told the human souls as I heard they all agreed. I once again took my paintbrush as I left a trail of deep purple color and jumped into it making a small splash. I appeared behind Sugar Cube Corner.


I took a few looks around to see if the coast was clear and I quickly made my towards Twilight's library as I jumped into the bush that was next to an open window. I then peaked inside as I started to spy and eavesdrop on their conversation. I was also interested on what this human has to say.

"My first question is what is the diet of your species?" Twilight asked, having her quill at the ready.

The human took some time to respond as he swallowed and forcefully answered "Well, the answer to that is humans are omnivores."

They all had cringed faces after he spoke.

"You eat meat?" Twilight asked scribbling what he was saying down on her empty parchment.

The human nodded, "Yeah. We, humans, eat meat in order to get the kind of protein we need in order to survive and help our bodies grow. However, there are some humans who find eating meat wrong and turn vegan. They don’t eat anything animal-related and get their protein from some various vegetables." He explained, "Even though I'm gonna be missing some of the protein I need for my body, I can still try to get the protein I need from eggs or fish if that's allowed that is."

"Eating eggs and fish is totally allowed, though ponies don't eat fish." Twilight explained, finishing her notes on his diet.

The human once again nodded, happy to hear this information. "Understandable."

"What kind of meat do humans eat?" Lyra asked, seeming to be on the edge of her seat the whole time.

"Humans profoundly go for meat that comes from cows, pigs, and chicken, but some humans in different parts of the world prefer other animals to eat," He explained while shivering at the idea of some of those animals being a common source of meat.

"Like what?" Twilight asked.

"Other than the animals I said that we humans eat most of the time, some humans eat off of different animals such as Dolphins, Sharks, and other creatures that live in the wilderness," I explained. I looked and saw that Fluttershy shaking violently by my explanation about the diet of my race.

"Your kind eats one of the fiercest predators of the ocean?" Lyra asked, skeptical of the idea.

"Yeah, I actually saw a lot of sharks where I lived. My home was near the coast in a state called Florida." The human replied, smiling a little.

I kept listening to their conversation. "okay now from this I know that this human was originally from Earth. But if did he get transported here?" I asked myself as I continued to spy and eavesdrop.

They all looked at him enthusiastically, wanting to know more about his home. The human continued, "Even though I never really ventured out far into the ocean, I've seen a lot of it and the aquatic animals from the shoreline." Twilight continued to document everything he said as he continued to describe his experience with the ocean.

"How come you really never explored the ocean, darling?" Rarity asked.

The human frowned a little. "Because even though the ocean is beautiful, Rarity, it is also very dangerous..." He stated.

"How so?" The little pony asked

"Because sharks were quite common around my home, and that being the case made beaches dangerous if one wasn’t careful," The human explained.

“That can’t be right, though sharks are dangerous, they’re unlikely to attack a pony.” Fluttershy’s voice spoke up. Once she focused on him again, her confident demeanor vanished. “But I guess you aren’t exactly a pony…”

The human laughed lightly at Fluttershy’s reaction, shaking his head at her. “No, Fluttershy, you’re quite right on that! The main reason sharks have ever attacked another human is because they either look like a seal or on a rarer occasion, curiosity.” But then his face darkened again. “That being said, when they do attack someone, it’s not a fun experience…”

"Well of course being attacked wouldn’t be fun!" Rainbow said with a roll of her eyes.

The human stood silent for a few seconds, until he spoke again, "Well, from personal experience, I know that first hand." He said.

"WHAT!?" They all asked in shock.

The Human once again nodded and lifted the right side of his shirt, revealing a large bite, like scar on his side. The human was starting to trust these ponies a little more now. "I was taking a calm walk one day near the edge of the ocean, when three boys named Tom, Chuck, and Will pushed me into the ocean over the edge. I was about to yell at them when I resurfaced when something brushed against my foot. Then, something clamped down on my side and dragged me down back into the water. I opened my eyes and saw it was a Great White Shark. I began panicking until I started punching it in the eyes." The human explained.

"Wow, the guy was attacked by a shark after some idiots pushed him off the cliff. Sounds like he knows them personally." I'm thinking to myself as I continue to listen. It's a good thing the guy survived and he kept all of his body parts.

"Why the eyes?" Twilight asked.

"It’s the only real weak spot a person can easily hit when that close and in that kind of situation." The human explained, "After I hit it in the eyes a few times, the Shark released me and swam off. When I reached the surface again, someone saw me and helped me out of the water. As they were pulling me out of the water, they noticed my wound and were able to get me to the hospital in time.” The human shivered at the memory “After that, I just avoided the ocean.”

"Golly never knew ya went through all that Daniel." Applejack said, waling over to the human and giving him a firm, yet comforting pat on the back.

The human nodded and reached into his pocket and pulled out a shark tooth necklace, "This tooth was left behind after the Great White released me. My grandfather wanted me to keep it so I can remember to stay strong and remember the bravery I showed when I fought for my life." he said, as his expression got brighter.

“Mind if I have a closer look at that tooth?" Twilight asked, eyeing it curiously.

The human nodded once more and handed the tooth to her. She examined the tooth from top to bottom and was fascinated by it, "The tooth looks a lot more different than any k-nine I've ever seen. It has jagged ends and looks pretty big." She said looking at it. “I’ve actually never had the chance to look at a shark’s tooth.”

Twilight then handed the necklace back over to him As the human put it back in his pocket, The human then noticed the pages of notes Twilight had seemed to have taken during their chat. "You seem to be paying really close attention to all this," he said to Twilight, giving her a friendly smirk.

Twilight looked up at him and smiled enthusiastically, "Of course I am! Knowing about Earth and your race is very interesting to know about AND important." She said.

"That's Twilight for ya, the biggest egghead of all time," Rainbow said. Twilight blushed in embarrassment, knowing she was right.

The human simply smiled at her, "Being intelligent isn't bad at all. Having a gift like that can make a huge difference in one's life and affect our lives for different and better ways." He said.

Twilight seemed to take his compliment well, because her blush increased and she smiled at me, "Thank you, Daniel."

The human smiled back, "Anytime. Now then, do any of you have any other questions?"

"OH! OH! OH! OH! MEMEMEMEMEMEME!" Pinkie said raising her hand up while bouncing up and down in her seat.

The human simply chuckled while shaking my head, "Alright Pinkie, what's your question?"

"Whatkindofsweetsdoesyouracemakewhatkindofflavorsdidtheycreatewhatkindpastriesdotheyknowwhatingredientsdothey-mmmmph!" He quickly placed his hand over Pinkie’s mouth, stopping her.

"Woah, Woah, slow down Pinkie! One question at a time. Now, I'm gonna withdraw my hand, and when I do, ask only one question slowly. Understand?" The human said to the hyper pink pony. Pinkie nodded happily, and he slowly withdrew his hand.

"Looks like he is tariffed of the ocean now. But if he will want to concur that fear he'll have to go swim in the ocean the first chance he gets." I tell myself.

"He survived a shark attack and he fought back a shark? Wow that guy has balls to do something like that"
Sam said as I chuckled at his comment.

"yea it seems so. It's a good thing he survived too" I say quietly so I don't get caught. I continued to listen.

"What kind of sweets do humans like?" Pinkie asked slowly, which the human was happy about.

"Well from what I could guess, it’d be different for most people. But the sweets from my world don’t seem to be different than what you have here." He said.

"*GAAAAASP* THEN YOU LIKE CAKE!?" She asked while shouting in pure joy. Pinkie then proceeded to pull a large cake out of nowhere with Welcome To Ponyville! written on it in the frosting.

The human stared at the cake, dumbfounded. “How...did you-”

Before he could finish his question, Rainbow cut him off with a hand over his mouth. “Don’t ask.” She stated flatly. It seemed she knew better so the human followed her advice.

“Here, try some!”

Before the human could answer, Pinkie shoved a forkful of it down into his mouth. The human chewed on it for a second until he swallowed it, letting it slowly glide down his throat.

"If this was his first Pinkie cake then his taste buds are having a party right about now," I say once again quietly.

“Wow. That was incredible Pinkie. I never knew you could make such amazing sweets.” The human said impressed.

“Thank you, Danny, I love baking sweets!” Pinkie chirped as her smile grew from the compliment.

“I also know a few recipes myself, and I’ll be more than happy to share them with you if you want.” The human offered smiling.

"*GAAAASP* You would really do that!? YAY! You’ll have to show me and the Cakes what you know. It'll be super duper awesome!" Pinkie then gasped deeply again, "IalmostforgotIstillhavetosetyourwelcometoponyvillepartygottagobye!" She then zipped out of the library, leaving behind a puff of pink smoke behind.

I was completely surprised by how she practically disappeared. Especially by how she left a little puff of pink smoke where she was sitting.

The human turned to Twilight with utter confusion, while she just giggled. "That's just Pinkie being Pinkie. You'll get used to it eventually." She answered, only making him even more confused.

"Ooookay then. Well, do any of you have other questions?" The human asked changing the subject.

"I do. What kind of major accomplishments have humans achieved?" Twilight asked again.

"Hmmm...Oh. One achievement we humans accomplished is going to the moon." Human responded.

They all looked at him with utter shock.

"Your race really went to the moon!?" Twilight asked, her mouth hanging agape.

The human nodded, "Mhm. We created a space shuttle that allowed us to travel in space for only far enough as the moon. We also created space suits that allowed us to breathe in space, but for only a short time, while also protecting us from things like radiation and so forth. A team called NASA were the ones who took the first step on the moon.” He paused for a moment and the next thing that came to mind was flight as he caught Rainbow give her wings a quick flutter. “another achievement we accomplished was inventing something we call airplanes, thanks to the Wright Brothers." The human explained.

""He blew their little minds" Frisk commented as I chuckled quietly at their reaction.

"What are airplanes?" Rainbow asked, curious about airplanes.

"Planes are machinery that can allow us, humans, to fly. Other flying machines we created were known as jets, which can fly at really high speeds." The human said.

"How fast are we talking about?" Rainbow asked now, more interested in jets and planes when flight speed was brought up.

The human grinned as he answered her question, "A fighter Jet can reach supersonic Speed and break the sound barrier."

"Really!? That's so cool! I can’t believe you guys made a machine that could make a Sonic Rainboom!" Rainbow said, totally surprised a machine could fly as fast as her, if not faster.

"At least you pegasus can fly anytime you want since you have wings. Using an airplane or jet is so expensive for a single short flight. I wish I had a pair of wings, it’d be pretty cool to fly around with them." The human said looking at Rainbow's wings.

"Hehe, a lot of ponies wish they had these bad boys," Rainbow said proudly flapping her cyan wings a little.

The human chuckled and rolled his eyes, "Anypony else have a question?"

"I do darling, what is human fashion like?" Rarity asked.

The human simply laughed at that, "Sadly Rarity, much like sweets, I don’t see too many differences yet. What all of you are wearing is quite similar to what most people wear back in my world, but I haven’t been here long enough to know more than that." He explained with a shrug.

"Well, as one can see from your clothes you arrived in, human fashion must be just fascinating." Rarity stated happily. “And speaking of your clothes, I simply adore your sense of fashion!”

He looked at Rarity with a smile at her compliment, "Well I appreciate the compliment Rarity but your sense of fashion is way better than mine! From what I can see, your dress is truly amazing and obviously tailored to match you personally. The pearl necklace goes well with the dress, showing off your true beauty, along with your white coat. Not to mention your baby blue eye shadow. It goes really well with bringing attention to your eyes since it is the location of most of your color. And speaking of your eyes they look like they're made of Sapphires, that shine, and glitter in the sun or moonlight. Your mane is also quite attractive since it's purple curls are expertly styled to give it a lush and sophisticated look. I can tell nopony can easily match your kind of beauty." The human told her, not wanting to be outdone.

The girls were really awestruck, especially Rarity who had the largest blush I’d ever seen, from the compliment he just gave her.

I felt my eye started to twitch. This guy is a fIirter, I'm not quite sure what is his goal here. He said too much to be a simple compliment. If this was his chance of getting in her pants then I'll jump him and maybe...make him sterile. That's if he is lucky if not...then I'm ripping his entire dick off. I took a few breaths to calm myself down to calm down. Once I calmed down I continued to spy and eavesdrop once more.

"Hey don't jump to conclusions Tomz. Maybe he's gay. Ashly told me.

"He's either gay or a fashion designer himself," I answer back quietly.

Rarity then smiled and had her eyelids closed halfway as she gazed at him, "My, my, aren't you such a gentle colt. You really know how to compliment a lady right. I really like that. You’ll have to tell me more later on…~" She said, giving the human a wink.

The human blushed a little at that and smiled shyly. Spike, on the other hand, seemed pissed as he snarled green flames from his nose. What's wrong with him?
Maybe he has a crush on the fashionista. Hell if I know.

"Anyways, any of you girls have other questions?" The human asked.

"Umm..I-I do," Fluttershy said above a whisper.

"Okay then, what's your question?" he asked.

"Umm...w-w-what kind of...animals does...Earth have...i-i-if you don't mind me asking?" She asked very nervously.

The human gave her a warm smile. He then answered, "Well, Earth has many beautiful and majestic animals, many of which I’ve seen in that forest nearby. Once again that’s another question for later, once I see and learn more of your world."

"O-okay, well, do animals then?" Fluttershy asked him in a little more of a higher voice.

"I love animals. They're amazing creatures that I’ve always enjoyed the company of, especially if I’m feeling a little down." The human answered.

"Humans keep animals as pets too?" Fluttershy asked again, this time managing not to stutter.

"Yep. The most common pets are dogs, cats, or fish. Though I don’t really have a preference, I’d prefer a cat or dog over a fish. You just can’t interact with a fish the way you can with a dog or cat!" He said.

"Wow. All this information about your race is so amazing! Are there any problems your race has to deal with?" Twilight said to the human while adding her next question.

The human's smile vanished, Looks like he hadn’t been prepared to tell them anything about the problems that had occurred in the past and so forth in the human race."What's wrong Daniel?" The small pony asked him, nothing but concern in his expression.

"Ahhhh so that's his name. Daniel.... welp seems you and me will have lots of things to talk about." I said quietly as I grinned.

Daniel looked at the little pony and sighed, "To be honest to you all.." Daniel looked back at the girls, "Humans have gone through major problems through many years. My race hasn’t been as kind or caring for one another as yours seems to be..."

"What do you mean by that Daniel?" Applejack asked.

Daniel stayed silent while he had his eyes closed until he gathered his thoughts and the courage to speak again, "Our history and lives have and will always be plagued by war… You’d think we’d learn from our mistakes, but no matter what there is always at least one person that will always take advantage of others for themselves." Daniel explained sadly.”There are so many that are just out there in the world for themselves, others just get in their way or become another step in their personal journey.”

The group looked at him in shock. "That' horrible," Twilight mumbled sadly by what Daniel had said.

Daniel nodded in agreement, "I know what you mean. Not every human has a kind heart like many of the other people I knew..." He then clenched his fist as I saw a few tears escape his eyes. "Oh for the love of...." I took a deep breath to calm myself down again.

Daniel quickly wiped his tears and took a huge breath to calm himself. He then looked back up at the girls, who were worried about him.

"Is everything alright Daniel?" Twilight asked me again.

"Y-yeah. Everything's cool." Daniel plainly said.

"Well, okay. If you ever need to talk, we're here for you." She said, smiling sadly.

Daniel smiled back at her "Umm, do any of you have other questions?" Daniel asked the girls.

They all looked at one another and then shook their heads, telling him they had nothing left.

"Okay then." Daniel then looked over at Lyra, who was blushing a little and twiddling with her thumbs.

"Lyra. Is something bothering you?" Daniel asked the mint unicorn.

Lyra snapped her head up while her blush deepened, "Oh! Umm...I was any chance?" She asked curiously, almost with a hint of hope in her voice.

Daniel arched a brow, "Special somepony?"

“Another pony that’s your significant other or is one that’s special and dear to you, that kind of thing.." Twilight explained.

"Oooh, you mean like a girlfriend. Well...I would say no. I didn’t have a girlfriend during my life back on Earth, so I would say I'm single still." I said.

I looked at the girls. Some of them such as Rarity, Twilight, and Lyra were giving Daniel toothy their eyes sparkled a little. Daniel looked at the clock and saw it was around 5:30 pm.

"Oh god...they are lusting after him," I say quietly as I continue to watch what will happen next.

"Wow. Time sure flies when asking and answering questions." Daniel said.

They all looked at the clock as well after he said that, seeing what time it was themselves.

Suddenly, Daniel's stomach went off with a loud growl. He blushed in embarrassment and some of the girls giggled at his expense.

"Sounds like somepony's hungry!~" Twilight sang in a sing-song voice.

Daniel chuckled sheepishly, "Guess you're right. Do any of you know where we can get a bite to eat?"

"There's a little shop called Sugar Cube Corner. We can go there." Twilight suggested.

"Sure. Let's get going." Daniel got up from the couch, grabbed his bag and sword, and walked to the door, with Spike, the little pony with brown spots, Lyra, and the others following right behind him.

Daniel stopped at the door, however, stepping to the side for Twilight to take the lead. " about you lead Twilight because I have no idea where this Sugarcube corner is," He said sheepishly. Since I was still new to this town, I had no freakin clue where this Sugarcube corner was.

Twilight simply giggled at me, "Alright then. Follow me."

Daniel and the gang started to leave the library and were making their way towards Sugar Cube Corner. I was quietly following them sticking to rooftops and alleyways. Once they reached the Sugar Cube Corner I hid behind a house as I continued to monitor them.

"We're here everypony." Twilight called out as they arrived at their destination.

Daniel was snapped out of his train of thought and looked up…..He just kept staring at the giant house that looked like it was made from candy and other sweets mixed together that looked like a gingerbread house.

"Well, I certainly wasn’t expecting this kind of decor." Daniel chuckled a little as the idea of a building like this existing back home came up.

"What makes you say that?" Lyra asked as she followed the rest of the group to the building's entrance.

"Well, usually if something was decorated like this I would see it in a big city, not a small rural town like this," Daniel explained.

"Oh, I see," Lyra said in understanding. “Well, the Cakes are very passionate about their business, especially with Pinkie Pie’s help nowadays.”

"Come on everypony, I’m starving!" Twilight said, licking her lips as she pushed the door open.

They then entered as the door closed behind them. I quickly made my way towards a window as I heard a big "SUPRISE" from the ponies. Daniel yelled "JESUS" in surprise as he fell on his ass. I had to put my hands on my mouth not to burst in laughter cause that would give away my location. While everyone had their attention on Daniel I slipped through the window and quickly ran into the wall as it made a small splash. Now I get to see everything that's going on without fearing I would be discovered. Basically I was a hidden security camera of sorts.

While Daniel regained his composure and breath from the surprise, he looked around the room. The room was filled with many ponies, along with a banner that said 'Welcome to Ponyville Daniel Blaze'. There were balloons, streamers, and confetti everywhere, along with a table filled with sweets and a punch bowl.

"HI DANNY!" Suddenly Pinkie’s face was mere inches from his own, expressing one of the biggest smiles he'd ever seen, "So Danny, were you surprised!? Huh? Huh? HUH!?" She asked excitedly.

"Did...did you do all this….for me?" Daniel asked, still stunned by the turn of events.

"Of course I did silly willy! Nopony should live without a party here in Ponyville!" She explained happily, bouncing in place happily.

"Danny?" Pinkie asked, snapping the human out of his thoughts with her voice, "You okay?"

"Yeah, why you ask?" Daniel asked wondering why she suddenly seemed so worried.

"You're not smiling and just staring at everything" She answered as her mane seemed to deflate, "Do your party?" She asked nervously.

Daniel smiled warmly at her and then pulled her into a tight hug, making her gasp in surprise. "I love my party Pinkie. I’m still just a little stunned by the act, but I AM overjoyed with this!." The human explained while he tightened his embrace a little to enforce my explanation.

Pinkie then smiled as she hugged him back happy that he likes her party.

"I'm glad you love it Danny Wanny." She whispered.

Daniel simply chuckled at his new nickname.

Pinkie broke from their embrace and turned to the ponies in front of them "Come on everypony! LET'S PARTY!" She yelled this to them, getting everypony else to cheer in agreement. She quickly disappeared into the party beginning around them.

After the initial surprise and greetings, the party quickly went into full swing. Pinkie had really gone all out, she had a DJ by the name of PON-3 who was spectacular. Daniel then started to dance and have fun along with other ponies. Soon he ran out of steam as he made his way towards the table with the party food and sat down on one of the chairs. I moved closer so I could inspect him better.

"Brings back memories huh?" That voice took me by surprise.

"Charlie!? Where were you until now. I was worried." I asked her with worry.

"hehe sorry about worrying you so much. Out of all the Souls, that fight with Draegan took a big chunk of magic out of me." Charlie told me as I felt she was giving me a hug.

"Well, I'm glad you're doing okay. Just give me a warning next time okay." I tell Charlie as she giggles.

"heh sure Tomz." Charlie responded.

I turn my attention back towards Daniel as I still remain hidden in the paint of the nearby wall.

Daniel was enjoying a cupcake and a glass of punch. He then heard Twilight calling him as he turned towards her.

"Hey Daniel!" The human looked up and saw Twilight coming up to him, "You enjoying the party?"

Daniel nodded, "I am. It’s been too long since the last time I was at a party like this." He said with a big smile.

Twilight smiled back, "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, and that you're happy." She then took a closer look at him and began to giggle a little. “And I believe you since you seem to be drenched in sweat!”

Daniel laughed at her comment, looking at the state of his own shirt. “Yeah, I’m definitely gonna need a shower after this!”

"What is it you wanted to show me Lyra?" Asked a female voice.

Twilight, Daniel along with myself looked around at the sound of the voice. Eventually, we found the source to be that of a mare being pulled by her arm towards Daniel by an excited Lyra.

The mare who had a dark blue and light pink striped mane and tail. She had light blue eyes and a light yellow colored coat. She was wearing a yellow t-shirt, jeans and had yellow shoes.

Lyra pulled her towards Daniel and Twilight, her smile never faltering "I want to show you that humans actually exist Bon Bon!"

"Lyra, how many times do I have to point it out to you, Humans don't-" She stopped speaking when she saw Daniel. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

Daniel smiled and offered his hand to her, "Nice to meet you, Miss. I'm Daniel Blaze."

Bon Bon, if that's her name, slowly raised her hand and gently shook his hand. "This...this is impossible. Humans can't be real." Her expression of shock never leaving her face.

Daniel chuckled at her reaction, "Well, I'm very real."

"It seems humans were a myth in this timeline" Frisk told me.

I nodded as I continued to watch as I was still hidden inside the paint. "So it would seem" I simply responded back.

"Daniel, this is Bon Bon, my roommate. Bon Bon, this is Daniel, the human." Lyra said to Twilight and Daniel, getting introductions out of the way.

Daniel smiled and nodded to her while Bon Bon was still awestruck.

"You enjoying the party Daniel?" Lyra asked the human

He nodded, "Enjoying it very well thank you for asking!"

"Glad to hear that. Well, me and Bon Bon are gonna go on the dance floor now. We'll see you later! Come on Bon Bon." She grabbed Bon Bon's hand and dragged her away while she continued to stare at the human in shock.

"I think I broke her." Daniel joked to Twilight.

Twilight laughed, covering her mouth with a hand. "I believe you did!"

Suddenly another voice spoke up. "Hey Daniel!" Daniel looked up and saw Rainbow flying above him

"Hey Rainbow what's up?" He asked.

"Not much, you lovin the party?" She asked.

The human nodded again, "Yep. I can tell you're enjoying yourself as well."

"Sure am, just got done on the dance floor!" She answered.

As she hovered there Daniel looked at her tattoo on her arm, which was a cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt on it. Curiosity getting the best of him, the human asked Twilight, "Hey Twilight, what's up with the marks on everypony's arms?"

She looked at him confused until she realized what he was saying. "Oh, these are called cutie marks." She answered, showcasing her own which was some sort of diamond in the shape of a six-pointed star.

He snickered a little at the name of the tattoos, "Cutie Marks?" I asked.

"They symbolize the talent of that pony and only appear when that pony finds his or her talent." She explained.

"Oh, that makes sense, but how do they just appear?" Daniel said understanding the concept, but not how they came to exist.

"Well, it’s not really well known, other than the fact it’s due to some sort of magic. However, it appears in two locations, one on our arm as you can see." She said showing her mark again, "And one on our...ummm…*Cough*...flanks." she answered blushing a little.

Daniel blushed a little as well due to her mark being on her...' flank'.

"Right. So, what does your mark mean?" The human asked, trying to get on a less embarrassing topic.

"Mine talent is magic in general and spell casting," Twilight answered.

"Mines being the fastest flyer in all of Equestria!" Rainbow said proudly as she flapped a little more energetically at the bold statement.

"Those are some interesting talents you two have," Daniel said, finding the concept of cutie marks interesting.

"What about humans? Do they get Cutie marks?" Twilight asked.

Daniel shook his head, "No, humans don't get those Cutie marks. We really don’t have any specific special talents that show like that." He explained. “But of course there are people who’ll be really good at specific things or multiple things, but that is seen through your work, not by a mark on their body.”

"Really!? That sucks that you don’t get any cool Cutie Marks" Rainbow said amazed, "But what kind of things are you good at Daniel?"

" skills with wielding my grandfather’s sword and martial skills, I'm good with singing and playing the guitar. I also know a lot about Earth's early history but that’s more of just an interest than a talent." I explained.

"You can sing and play the guitar? Awesome! You have to play a song for us!" Rainbow begged.

"I'm interested in seeing you perform as well," Twilight added with a smile.

"Well...I suppose I can play a song, but I don't have a-" Daniel was cut off when Pinkie appeared with a black-red streaked guitar in her hands, "Guitar? Where did you get this, and where did you come from?" The human asked Pinkie.

"I come from everywhere." Pinkie answered happily and bounced back into the crowd, disappearing yet again.

The human turned to the two, and they both had faces saying "don't ask". Daniel then got off his seat and walked up to the stage and saw the DJ Pony, but this time he got a real good look at her. She was wearing a white shirt, had a blue lightning colored mane, and was wearing a pair of purple shades.

"Excuse me!" Daniel called out, making her look up at me as I walked up to her.

"Hey, glad to meet ya! The names PON-3, but everypony calls me Vinyl Scratch." She greeted holding her hand out.

Daniel smiled and shook it, "Glad to meet you. My name is Daniel. If you don't mind, I would like to play a song tonight." he said, gesturing the instrument held in his other hand.

She gave a big smile and said, "Sure thing! Let me get set up first real quick." She stopped the music, adjusted some things with her equipment, and pulled out a mic. "Attention Everypony!"

All the ponies looked up at the two once they heard Vinyl call out.

"Tonight, our guest known as Daniel will be playing a song for all of us! What do you all think of that!?"

The ponies cheered while Vinyl gave me the Mic.

"Huh looks like he will sing." I move a bit closer so I can see him better. "He said that his talents are wielding his grandfather's sword. Did his grandfather give it to him? It sounds more like a family heirloom to me." I say quietly as I looked at the human who was on the stage now and was about to sing a song of some kind.

I wonder what song will he sing" Emily asked as I shrugged.

" I guess we will just have to wait and see" I say to her.

Daniel stepped into the center of the stage, placing the mic in a conveniently placed stand Pinkie managed to materialize before him. After ensuring it was adjusted comfortably and effectively for him, He spoke. "Good evening everypony! Tonight, since I’m not from here, I’d play one of my favorite songs from back home.. This one is called 'Rebirthing' by Skillet." He then prepared himself for the song and signaled Vinyl with a thumbs up.

She nodded and turned the volume of the speakers up and adjusted the lights so he was in a spotlight of sorts. Daniel then started playing the guitar, filling the building with its music. All the ponies were awestruck by his guitar play but were even more awestruck when he started singing.
The ponies danced to the beat as they were having fun. Some of the ponies were shaking their heads along with the beat and were having the time of their lives.
The longer the human sang the more fun the ponies were having. Once he finished singing ponies began to cheer at his performance as he placed the guitar down on the ground and walked off the stage as Twilight along with her friends walked towards him. I as well moved closer to him so hear what are they talking about. I was still hidden and it was working like a charm.

"I never knew you had such talent vocally or with an instrument Daniel," Twilight said while finishing her small, ecstatic clapping for his performance.

"What can I say, I'm full of surprises," Daniel said shrugging while smiling.

"That was so AWESOME!" Rainbow squealed as she flew circles above us in excitement.

The human just simply chuckled at her, finding her reaction adorable.

"I must say, darling, that was truly something." Rarity said, holding her composure better than the rest.

"Thanks, Rarity." Daniel thanked her in response to her compliment.

"Daniel!" He turned, looking for the source of the voice and saw Derpy smiling at him from a little ways away.

Daniel smiled and walked up to her, "Hey Derpy, how are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm doing okay. I loved your singing tonight!" She said excitedly.

Daniel smiled, "Thanks Derpy."

Derpy then smiled shyly while looking away, a small blush appearing on her cheeks.

"You doing okay?" He asked her, confused with her change in demeanor.

She looked up at him and smiled warmly, "I am, I just wanted to thank you for how you treated me earlier today."

He smiled back and pulled her into a friendly embrace, "No problem at all, It's what friends are for!"

Daniel and Derpy were in each other's embrace for a few moments until they let go of each other.

~I'm so proud of you my son.~

"What the...?" I say as I look around. "You guys heard it too right?"

"I heard it" Frisk told me.

"I heard that loud and clear" David said.

"heard it clear as day" Sam answered as well.

Daniel snapped his head up at the sudden voice. He must have heard it as well.

"What's wrong Daniel?" Derpy asked Daniel as he frantically looked around the room.

~Never give up and keep helping those in need.~

"There it is again," I say as I start to pay attention to my surroundings.

"Over there near the door!!" Frisk yelled as I felt her point me in the direction.

Daniel then saw a small ball of light near the door. He immediately ran for the door, as I was following him close behind. Daniel followed the light as he went outside. As he made it outside with me still hidden in the green color of the grass. Daniel saw the Moon high up in the sky. He was stunned and saw the sky with so much awe and beauty. There were thousands of stars everywhere, and they looked so big and gave off an amazing shine. The moon was also big as well.

~I love you, my son. Always follow your heart.~

Tomz, to your right!! Charlie shouted as I quickly looked to my right seeing a ball of light a few meters away from me.

Daniel snapped his head to the right and saw the ball of light a few meters away from him.

"M...Mother?" Daniel asked in a shaky voice.

~I'll always be in your heart Daniel, and I'll always watch over you.~

"Mother? Looks like his mom died. But if she died out of old age or disease I do not know" I think to myself.

Wait...if that's the spirit of his mother...then where is she if she could make such contact?" Sam asked.

"My best guess...she is where everyone else goes after they die. She's currently residing in the Dead Kingdom or a Realm of the Dead so to speak. She's probably in the Well of Souls waiting to be reborn." I tell the Souls as they accept my answer. I then looked over at Daniel and I could see by the look of his face he was questioning himself if he went mad or not. The ball of light slowly began to fade away as it did, Daniel just stood there as he reached for his pendant and grasped it, gently rubbing with his thumb. He then started shedding silent tears.

"Poor guy" I heard Frisk say.

I sighed "I know it must be hard for him but he has to get over her death. He can't keep clinging to his past memories. As soon as he gets over her death he will feel much better. He has to let her go."

As Daniel was crying silently, Twilight and the others came up to him as Twilight put a hand on his shoulder as she and her friends look at him worried more then before.

"Daniel, what's wrong?" Twilight asked him. The hand that had rested on his shoulder belonged to her and it was not moving away.

Daniel simply returned his attention to where the strange spirit of his mother once resided. “I’m not sure…for a second I thought I had heard my mother's voice and seen her spirit.” Daniel slowly wiped away the tears that had formed and flowed freely down his face. “The memories that experience made resurface just made me a little sad, I’m fine.”

As he sat there, trying to regain his composure, everyone began to slowly surround him in a giant group hug. Daniel did nothing to stop them and accepted it happily. After enough time has passed for Daniel to calm down he gently broke the group hug.

"Thanks, everypony," The human said.

Derpy stepped up to him, her face filled with nothing but worry. “Will you be alright?”

Daniel smiled and put my hand on her shoulder. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.”

Daniel looked down at his pendant and smiled at it, Then, something clicked in his head, as he looked at Twilight
"Hey Twilight, where will I be spending the night?" He asked.

"You're more than welcome to stay at the library with me and Spike." Twilight offered.

The human smiled, "Thank you Twilight."

"Come on Everypony, there's still a lot of partying to finish!" Pinkie cheered.

Daniel along with Twilight and the others walked back into the building as Daniel stopped at the doorway and gazed at where the spirit of his mother had vanished. Eventually, like all parties, it came time for it to end. Twilight, Spike, and Daniel said their goodbyes to the others and the three of them walked back to the library. While walking back, Daniel continued looking up at the night sky, admiring the beauty.

I was still following them by hiding in the alleyways and on the rooftops never letting Daniel out my sight.

"Is something on your mind Daniel? Twilight asked the human, making him look at her.

Daniel smiled and shook his head, "No. I'm just enjoying the beauty of the night sky." He said looking back up.

"You love the night sky?" Twilight asked him

"I really love it. During my time back on Earth, My mother and I would go outside and watch the stars come out, along with admiring the beauty of the stars and the moon. Sadly, from where we lived it was hard to really see anything that spectacular, but this is truly breathtaking. I've never seen such a clear sky with every star shining so prominently. It’s beautiful!" Daniel explained, turning his attention back to gazing at the sky above.

He looked back at Twilight, who was looking at him with a smile, "I'm glad you care for the night so much. And I'm sure I know somepony who will truly appreciate that."

"Who?" Daniel asked as this mysterious pony spiked his curiosity.

Twilight simply chuckled in response, "You'll find out soon enough."

The human shrugged and rolled his eyes, Turning his attention back to the night sky. The three of them eventually made it to the Library and entered.

"You'll have to take the couch tonight Daniel. I'll work on getting you a bed tomorrow." Twilight said.

Daniel nodded, "Alright, and thank you again for all of this Twilight." He then smiled at her, "I'm glad to call you a friend."

Twilight blushed, but smiled in return at the praise, "Me too Daniel, we're all glad to have you as a friend."

Twilight then walked upstairs with Spike following her. After a short period of time Twilight then came back down with a pillow and set of sheets for him to use.

"Thank you Twilight." Daniel thanked her, grabbing the sheets and pillow, arranging them on the couch.

Twilight nodded to him, "You're welcome Daniel. I'll see you in the morning."

“Alright. Night Twilight." Daniel wished Twilight goodnight as they both started to prepare themselves for the night.

"Goodnight Daniel." As Twilight left she turned off the lights..

Daniel yawned and stretched as he began to get comfortable. He took of his shirt and jacket and folded them up and placed them on the side of the couch. He then took off his shoes and socks and laid down on the couch. He pulled the sheets over himself and shifted until he got warm and comfortable. Daniel slowly closed his eyes and let sleep take hold of him. Now that I seen enough I appeared beside the library as I took my painbrush and left a trail of red color and jumped in making a splash.

I appeared back in Twilight's library as I sat down on the couch.

"Okay, what did we learn?" I asked.

"well I have been taking notes ever since we entered Daniel's realm---" Charlie began as I cut her off.

"Wait you have been taking notes?" I ask her as I raised my eyebrow.

"I'm always taking notes you dolt !! Charlie yelled me as I felt she pouted.

I chuckled "Okay, okay. So what tell me what you gathered."

"Well other then he is a human somewhere in his late teens to early twenties. He is a decent fighter when it comes to swordplay. He seems to sort out fights with words if he can. At least that's what it appeared to me. Now on how he commented on Rarity's dress. He's either a fashion designer himself, homosexual or he was just trying to get into her pants. He seems to be very attached to his mother so we can use that against him if we ever have to fight him. Charlie explained.

"What do you mean to use it against him?" I ask her.

Well we make fun of his mom so that anger will cloud his judgment. Fight,fight, we win" Charlie said.

"We won't make fun of his mother!!" David responded back.

"But we could !! Sam joined in on the conversation.

" You guys are awful" Frisk commented.

I sighed. "All of you calm down. We won't be making fun out of anybody........unless if we absolutely have to." I said as I look at the floating screen once more seeing Daniel deep in his sleep as he stirred.

"What else you got?" I asked Charlie once more.

"Well he seems genuinely friendly for the most part. He could become an ally. But we will have to observe him further. Twilight and others kept their personalities. Other than that...everything else seems normal to me. But this is only the first Alternative Timeline you found so far so better be on the lookout for more. I recommend you observe him longer until making direct contact. Charlie explained as I nodded to her.

"I see. Well, we will do as you said." I tell her as I walk to the balcony of Twilight's library and look at the sunset.

Soon enough, the door opened downstairs as Twilight and Spike walked in and put bottles of apple juice and a few apple pies on the table.

"Tomz, we're home!" Twilight called out.

I walked down the stairs as I entered the living room.

"Ahhh Twilight, my dear! How was at the farm" I ask her as I take the apple juices and put it in the fridge.

"Oh you don't know the half of it." Twilight responded to me as she flopped on the couch and let out a moan of pleasure.

"Ohhhhhh finally home," Twilight said as she let out a happy sigh.

"So how was your day Tomz?" Spike asked me.

I smiled " It was great Spike. I learned a lot from these books" I told him.

"Well that's great now if you'll excuse me" Spike told me as he flopped down on the couch as well and also let out a happy sigh.

"I missed you, couch," He said as I chuckled.

I smiled at them both as I sat down between them. Both Twilight and Spike snuggled into me as they let out a happy and relaxed sigh. Before I knew what was happening I heard both of them lightly snore.

" must have worked pretty hard on the farm today," I commented as I pet their heads. "Feel free to rest, both of you two earned it."

With that done I looked throughout the window as I watched the sun slowly start to set. I then stirred in my seat a bit to get comfortable as I close my eyes and let sleep take me. As I slowly started to doze off I wondered what will tomorrow bring.

Settling in and Defending Ponyville Chapter 7

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I slowly awoke with a yawn as I rubbed my eyes to get the sleep out of my system. I got off the couch as I stretched. I then looked back seeing Twilight and Spike still sleeping. I chuckle as I made my way towards the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast. I decided we will have something easy on the stomach so I just settled for sandwiches and oatmeal. As I was making breakfast, I heard a yawn coming from the living room as I leaned back and gazed at the couch. Twilight woke up as she yawned and stretched.

"Morning Twilight" I greeted her.

The violet unicorn only sends me a lazy wave as she dragged herself up the stairs and into the shower as I could hear the rush of water. I chuckled once more as I started to prepare the table with spoons and bowls of oatmeal and a plate full of sandwiches. Since the ponies didn't eat meat the sandwiches were made out of cheese, lettuce, and sliced tomato. I would put some mayo in there as well but it seems mayo doesn't exist here.

"You know your quote the host Tomz. Even though this isn't your home" Frisk told me.

"yeah well, since I'm staying with Twilight for the time being at least I want to help around the house" I responded as I heard hoofsteps and see Twilight walking down the stairs refreshed. She then greeted me with a big smile on her face.

"Oh good morning Tomz. I'm sorry about yesterday. I was just so exhausted from the work at the farm that I just couldn't stay up any longer." Twilight said as she sat down on the table.

"No pancakes or waffles today?" She asked.

"Nope. I decided we will have something easy today. I hope you don't mind dear" I tell Twilight who shooks her head.

"Its completely fine Tomz." She told me as she took a sandwich and started to eat.

"Spike isn't up yet?" I asked Twilight as I grab a bowl of oatmeal for myself.

"No. I will let him sleep in today. He earned after all the hard work on the farm yesterday." Twilight told me as I nodded in understanding.

As we ate my mind went back to Daniel's Equestria. The human was strange, to say the least. From what charlie recorded in her notes, he's friendly and from his actions, I can tell he's a good guy to hang out with. The only thing that was bothering me is that he would start to cry out of nowhere. Now I didn't know why was he like that. Maybe something happened to him that made him like that or he has depression. But one thing was certain. I will have to make more trips into his realm and find out more about him. Once I decide that the time is right I will meet him in person. I then remembered that to stay here I have to get my own place to live if I ever visit this realm in the future.

"Hey, Twilight do you know some houses that are on sale right now? I would like to get my own place so that I can get out of your hair." I asked Twilight as she swallowed her bite and looked at me.

"I think there are a few houses up for sale, but we will have to visit the City Hall about that. But don't you like it here? I mean I told you can stay with me" Twilight told me as she finished her sandwich.

"Don't get me wrong. I like being here but I think I already imposed long enough. Plus I'm used to living by myself." I answered the unicorn pony.

Twilight nodded. "If that's what you think is best, then I won't argue with you. But it was nice to have your company" Twilight then pouted. "I'll miss your delicious pancakes."

I laughed as I patted her head. "Its fine Twilight dear. If you ever wish to have my pancakes all you have to do is ask" I said as I finished my oatmeal.

The two of us then left the library as we started to walk towards the city hall. The ponies smiled and waved at us as we returned the gesture. Soon enough we entered the city hall as we approached the pony at the desk. She was a unicorn pony with a blue fur, red and green striped mane and tail, and blue eyes. The pony was wearing an office suit. We walked towards her as Twilight started to talk with her.

"Hello" Twilight greeted the pony sitting behind the desk.

The pony lifted her gaze and started to talk.

"Oh hello, Twilight, what brings you here today?" She asked.

Twilight smiled back. "My friend here is looking for a place of his own so I was wondering if Mayor Mare is available"

The pony behind the desk looked at me as she flashed me a smile.

"Oh hello. My name is Emerald Shadow. I'm Mayor Mare's secretary." She introduced herself.

"Tomz. Tomz the Nephilim." I greeted her back.

"It's nice to meet you Tomz. I believe the mayor is free right now." Emerald told us a she got up from her chair and walked through the door.

Seconds later a mare walked out. She had cream light brown fur, wavy gray mane, blue eyes, and was wearing glasses. She also wore a business suit.

"Ah Twilight, hello. Emerald told me that your friend is looking for a place to settle?" The mare in question said.

"Yes. Mayor mare this is Tomz. A friend of mine. He was staying with me in the library until now." Twilight introduced me.

"Pleasure sweetheart" I greeted back.

The Mayor giggled. "well aren't you a charmer. Come with me, I believe we have a few houses up for sale. What kind of house were you looking to buy it anyway?" She asked.

"I was hoping if you had some house that's on the outskirts of town. I'm used to living by myself soo..." I told her as we entered her office.

The Mayor put a hand under her chin. "I believe we have one house that's on sale and it's on the outskirts like you requested." She told me as she pulled up a folder from her desk drawer.

She put the folder on her desk in front of me and twilight. I took the folder and opened it. Inside it, there were a couple of pictures of each room. It was a two-story house it had a living room, kitchen, front porch, a master bedroom, two guest rooms along with a bathroom and a storage room. The prize below was 450, 000 Bits, furniture, attic, and basement included. From the looks of it, the house looked semi-modern. I smiled and reached into my pulled out a coin purse that I may or may not conjure up and paid. Twilight stared at me in shock as her jaw was hanging. She must have wondered where did I get such money. The mayor accepted the coin purse as she handed me some papers.

"I need you to sign these papers about the insurance along with the bill. Once you signed that I will show you to your house" Mayor mare told me as I reached into my jacket and pulled out a pencil and signed the papers which the Mayor mare took and sealed then she put the papers back its file case and handed it to Emerald.

"Now with that taken care of, please follow me," Mayor mare told me and Twilight.

We left the City hall as we were starting to follow Mayor mare through the ponyville as we were walking Twilight pulled on my sleeve hard as she looked at me dead in the eyes.

"Where did you get such money !?" She asked me as her eyes still widened in shock.

I laughed a little. "That my little pony friend is a secret" I answered her.

Twilight once again pouted as she started to beg me to tell her how I did it but I kept refusing until she gave up. Now we were entering the outskirts of ponyville following a dirt road until we walked up the house I bought. The house looked nice. It had a big front porch with double doors to enter and a single door to the side. The second floor had three windows which I guess where the three bedrooms. Mayor Mare lead us inside as I started to look around. It had a big living room that was connected to the kitchen. The living room had a small table with two couches and an armchair. To the side was the chimney. I then walked into the kitchen. The kitchen was a medium-sized that also had a kitchen island. Stove, fridge, sink, and cabinets. I walked back to the main hallway as at the far end was the bathroom and across from that was the storage room that also had the entrance to the basement. I climbed the stairs to the second floor. The hall had three doors to the left one door to the right. The one on the right was labeled "Attic". I then started to explore the three bedrooms. Each had a bed with a closet, a desk, and a window. I walked back to the hallway and entered the door that leads to the attic as I was climbing up the stairs once more. The attic was quite big and of course empty. The attic had a single-window as well. Once I explored the attic I teleported back to the main hallway as I entered the door in the right that was labeled "Storage/Basement". The storage room was also a decent size as I opened the door of the basement and climbed down a set of stairs again. The basement was in the dark until I found a light switch and flipped it on. The basement was also a decently big with a few cabinets and small windows.
With my exploration over I teleported back to the main hallway once more as Twilight and Mayor Mare were waiting for me.

"So what do you think? Do you like it?" Mayor asked me as I nodded to her with a big smile on my face.

"Its perfect Mayor. Thank you." I responded to her as I once again left the house as I looked at it again.

(this is how the house looks like)

Mayor Mare smiled "Well its a pleasure doing business with you Tomz. You can call me Mayor Mare." The mayor told me as she finally introduced herself.
After that, we started making our way back to Ponyville. Once we were back in town, Pinkie threw me a "Congratulations on buying a house" party which in my opinion was ridiculous but I let her have her fun as in the end all of us had a great time. After the party ended we all said our goodbyes as the girls gave me a group hug. As I was walking back to the house that I finally bought, Rainbow flew over to me and asked me one question I still didn't have an answer for.

"Hey, Tomz. So have you decided yet? She asked me.

I looked at her confused. "Have I decided on....what?" I asked the rainbow pegasus pony.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "You said that you will think about training me."

"Ohhhh....she was asking me about that....okay let's layout my options here. She could get faster at her flying and agility....but...then I would actually have to do something...which I don't like." I thought to myself.

" Oh come on! Give the girl a try. Besides, you could use all the free time when you're not reading or observing Daniel" Frisk told me.

"Yeah! Besides its not like she can hit you. Your still way faster then her" Jack told me.

"And on top of that you will have fun!!" Emily exclaimed with joy.

I sighed "Alright fine. If you guys think that's the best. Then who am I to say no." I respond back in my mind.

I then look at Rainbow with one of my grins plastered on my face. "Alright Rainbow I will train you"

Rainbow clenched her fist and rose her hand in the air " YES!!!"

My grin then widen. "IF you will able to land a hit on me"

All excitement that Rainbow currently had disappeared as she was looking at me with eyes widened in shock and disbelief at the trick I just pulled of.

"WHAT!!? But that's not fair!!! After I saw your fight with Shining at Canterlot there is no way I can land a solid hit on you." Rainbow shouted.

"Hey, you're the one who asked me to train you. My training my rules" I told her as I kept that sharp tooth grin on my face.

Rainbow crossed her arms as she smirked at me "Challange accepted"

I nodded to her as she told me she had to practice on her stunts and flew away leaving a rainbow trail, I continued to make my way towards my house. Once inside I explored the house once more just to get familiar with the place. With that, I pulled out a sheet of paper and a pencil as I started to make a shopping list off all the food and groceries I need. After I was done I stuck the paper on the fridge. I looked outside seeing it was still mid-day. I sat down in the armchair as I started to think about what can I do to pass time.

"Wanna check up on Daniel?" David questioned.

"You know what...I was just about to do that" I answered back to David.

I took my paintbrush as I left a trail of red color and jumped in making a splash. But this time I appeared in one of many alleyways of Ponyvile.


"New day, new adventures. Let's see what our Human Daniel is up to today" I told myself as I looked around to see if the coast is clear.

Speaking of our human, there he is now" Charlie said as I felt her point at Daniel's direction.

I quickly hid as I saw him walk by. Not wanting him to get out of my sight I quickly followed sticking to the alleys and rooftops. I kept following the young human as he pulled out his phone and a pair of earphones as he put them in his ears and started to listen to music. He was making his way towards Sugarcube corner. Once he was in front of the giant gingerbread house he pushed the door open making the small bell at the top jingle. Acting quickly I dashed into the gingerbread's house wall making a small splash of color wall's colors as I was once again hidden inside the colors of the gingerbread house. I saw Daniel walk to the earth pony mare who had blue fur, pink and white swirled hair that looked oddly like Ice cream. She was wearing a white apron, wearing pink orb earrings, and had pink eyes.

"Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner," The blue mare said as she turned to Daniel

"Thank you. My name is Daniel Blaze, ma'am." Daniel greeted holding his hand out.

The blue mare smiled and shook his hand, "So you're the human I heard about! It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Mrs. Cake." She greeted.

"A fitting name for you since you're working in an amazing place like this," Daniel commented.

"Thank you, dear. Now, is there anything I can do for you?" Mrs. Cake asked.

"Actually, I was wondering if you're hiring for the moment since I don't have a job," Daniel explained.

Mrs.Cake smiled and nodded, "I see. Do you have experience working in a kitchen and know-how to bake pastries?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am," Daniel replied nodding his head.

"Alright then. Let me see how well you are when it comes to baking sweets. Please come into the kitchen." Mrs.Cake said waving her hand to make the human follow. Daniel was a little surprised that she wants to see what he is capable of when it comes to baking. He took one of his earphones out and placed his phone in his bag and walked towards a kitchen with Mrs. Cake. I was quick on my feet as I followed them in the kitchen still hiding in the colors.

"Bake me something you know, and we'll go from there." Mrs. Cakesaid.

Daniel nodded, he placed his bag and sword down and washed his hands before he started. Daniel went into the fridge and took out some eggs, butter, and milk. He then into the pantry and took out flour, vanilla sugar, and other ingredients. The human then started pouring some flour, eggs sugar, vanilla, and so forth and mixed them all in. After the batter was finished, he placed it into a baking sheet and placed it in the oven. Daniel then started on the next step in his baking processes. He made a thin sheet of dough and watered it a little. After around 5 minutes the sponge cake in the oven was done. Daniel then allowed caking to cool off for a minute until he took it off the baking sheet and placed the sponge cake in the mixing bowl.

"What do you think he's making?" I asked the souls.

"I don't know a cupcake?" Frisk asked

"Cookies then?" Sam questioned right after.

Mrs. Cake was eyeing Daniel with interest to what he was doing.

Daniel placed more sugar and a few other ingredients in the mixing bowl and started mixing until a soft gripping dough formed. He washed his hands again before he started grabbing handfuls of the caking dough. After a few good hand scoops and after placing it on the dough, Daniel put the cake back in the oven and waited.

"This is really an interesting recipe you're making Daniel. I've never seen anypony make something like this before." Mrs. Cake said.

Daniel smiled and chuckled softly, "Just wait until you try it. You'll die to have more of this special cake I'm making."

"DANNY!" Daniel and I turned and saw Pinkie Pie smiling at the human with a huge smile, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see if I can get a job here. I'm baking a special cake, and it's almost done. It's a recipe I recently made back on Earth." Daniel explained.

Pinkie gasped "Why didn't you tell me about this!? I could've been here!" The pink party pony said.

Daniel simply chuckled, "Well, you win some, you lose some."

DING The oven dinged.

The cake was done. Daniel took some oven mitts, put them on and pulled the cake out

"OOOH! It smells good!" Pinkie chirped.

"Thanks, but there's one last ingredient to add," The human said.

"What would that be?" Pinkie asked.

Daniel smiled and answered, "Powdered sugar. A lot."

Daniel grabbed the bag of powdered sugar and poured some of it on the cake

"And done! Ladies, this special pastry is called the crumb cake." Daniel announced, holding the cake out.

" A NEW BAKE RIVAL" David Shouted while I continued to watch.

"It looks really good! Not to mention mouth-watering." Pinkie said drooling a little.

Daniel chuckled and placed it on the counter. He then grabbed a knife and cut the crumb cake into small squares. He placed a square on a plate each and gave one to Mrs. Cake and Pinkie, and took one for himself

"Take a bite while it's still hot," The human said.

Pinkie took the crumb cake and immediately took the whole thing in her mouth.

I looked at her wide-eyed. "How did she do that?" I asked myself.

Daniel lifted his own and took a bit as well. He then looked up and saw Mrs. Cake and Pinkie Pie with shocked faces.

"You two okay?" Daniel asked.

"Okay?" Pinkie asked, and then burst a huge smile, "THIS IS THE BEST THING I'VE EVER HAD!"

Daniel laughed, glad that she enjoyed the crumb cake.

"This is fantastic dear." Mrs. Cake said taking another bite of her slice, "I never knew you would be so gifted with baking goods and sweets."

He smiled and blushed a little, "Well, my mother taught me a long time ago, and still have the recipe."

"Well, your mother taught you well." She said smiling warmly at me.

"We're still stealing that recipe!!! David shouted once more.

"No we're not" Frisk answered.

"But we must have it! David argued.

" We're not stealing anything. Now be quiet Jack commented.

Pinkie gasped once more. "We need to introduce this pastry to the bakery, Mrs. Cake!" Pinkie said suddenly.

"Well, this is Daniel’s recipe, so it's up to him to decide." Mrs. Cake said.

Daniel smiled and nodded, "I'd be more than happy to give you the Crumb cake recipe, Mrs. Cake." He reached into his pocket and took out a piece of paper and a pen. He scribbled down the recipe and the instructions. He then handed the paper to Mrs. Cake, "Here you are."

Mrs. Cake smiled and took it, "Thank you, Daniel! Let me give you something for your trouble." Mrs. Cake then left the kitchen and left me and Pinkie for a second.

"You’ll have to tell me the other recipes, you know. Your crumb cake is sooooo good!" Pinkie said.

Daniel chuckled, "We'll see if I can get a job here that is." He explained.

Mrs. Cake came back into the kitchen with a brown sack and gave it to him, "Take this please."

Daniel took the brown sack and opened it. He was shocked by what he saw. Inside the bag were small gold coins.

"Huh so she paid him for making that little cake," I said quietly.

"But why?" Ashly asked

"Token of gratitude maybe?" I responded back quietly as I continued to watch.

"Are you sure you want to give me this?" Daniel asked, hoping this is a mistake.

"I want you to take these bits, a little thank you for sharing your recipe on your delicious crumb cake, and for the recipe." Mrs.Cake explained.

Daniel looked back into the sack, then back at her, "You sure?" He asked before taking it.

"I'm sure." She answered.

Daniel smiled and closed the sack, "Thank you, Mrs. Cake. Also, does this mean I get the job?"

"We'll see. I need to see if we can have you available on some of the days. I'll let Pinkie know and she'll tell you. You have her number right?" Mrs. Cake asked.

Daniel nodded, "Yep. Twilight gave me her number this morning." The human said.

Mrs.Cake smiled and nodded, "Alright then. Thank you for coming by Daniel, and we hope you can work here for us."

Daniel smiled and nodded back, "Thank you, Mrs. Cake, I'll see you later. Bye Pinkie!" He waved goodbye as he left Sugarcube Corner.

"BYE DANNY!" Pinkie shouted while waving goodbye.

As Daniel was leaving Sugar Cube Corner I was quick to follow him as I exited the color of the Sugar Cube Corner's outside walls and once again continue to follow the human as I was hidden in alleyways. Daniel was now making his way to the outskirts of Ponyville. Soon enough he reached Sweet Apple, Acres, as his jaw dropped once he saw rows of Apple trees. Now since we were no longer in town I was hidden on top of a branch of many apple trees looking down at Daniel.
The human then stopped in his tracks as he heard barking. He turned around and saw a dog. The dog had brown fur, a white underbelly, and wore a red collar. The dog curiously walked up to him and started sniffing his ankles, while circling him.

Daniel looked at the dog carefully and knew this dog was a female. He smiled and kneeled down to the dog’s level, while she backed up a little.

"Hey girl, my name is Daniel." The human greeted.

"Did he just....introduced himself to a dog? Sam questioned.

"It appears so" I answered with the same confusion in my voice. Why would he introduce himself to dog...unless he has the ability to talk to animals which I highly doubt? The dog looked at him for a bit, cocking her head with curiosity. The dog then slowly walked up to him, while Daniel slowly held his hand out. The dog started sniffing his hand for a second...until the dog barked happily and lunged at him, licking his face in the process.

"Hahahaha! Down girl! Hahahaha! Stop that tickles!"Daniel giggled while petting the dog while trying to keep the dog calm.

Someone whistled not too far from where Daniel and I were. "Winona! Where are ya girl!?"Called out a familiar voice.

The dog barked happily, signaling the mare to where she was.

Daniel turned his head and saw Applejack, carrying a bucket full of apples.

"There ya are! Oh, howdy Daniel!" Applejack greeted.

Daniel chuckled and stroked Winona's fur, "Hey Applejack. How you doing?"

The cowgirl chuckled as well, "Doing fine. I see ya got acquainted with Winona."

The human smiled and scratched under her chin, making her kick her leg a little. Daniel and Applejack chuckled by this, "I guess you can say that." He stopped scratching her and stood up.

"So, what brings ya to the farm?" Applejack asked.

"I'm looking for a job, and Twilight said you might be hiring for the moment," Daniel explained.

"Hmm...I think we can get ya a job here, but it takes a lot of work if you're up for it." Applejack said.

"Well, I'll need some details as to what you and the others do on the farm," The human replied.

Applejack arched a brow, "Others?"

"Yeah, you know, the other ponies that work here," Daniel explained.

"Actually partner, me and my family work on our own, though we do get some help from Twi and the others from time to time." Applejack explained.

Daniel's eyes widened like dinner plates and his jaw dropped, "You're….serious right? Are. You. Serious!?" He asked in disbelief.

"Umm, yeah, me, my older brother, younger sister, and my granny work on the farm. We also live here." The cowpony explained.

Daniel laughed, "Oh my god. You ponies are ones full of surprises. I can't believe you and your family run the orchard alone, and did all this." He said holding his hand out to all the trees and apples around, "Not even my own people can do all this on their own, let alone being their families running an orchard on their own. I have to say, I'm really impressed."

Applejack smiled while her cheeks turned slightly pink, "Thank ya kindly, Daniel! Now then, how about we get back to the farm?" Applejack asked.

Daniel nodded, "Sounds good."

They started walking back to the farm as I followed hidden amongst the branches of appletrees

Applejack, Winona, and Daniel walked back to the farm, "So anyway, what is it you all do around here?" He asked to make the time pass.

"My family and I pick apples, take care of the pigs, sheep, bail hay, and keep the farm clean. Nothin that big, but we always work at the crack of dawn." Applejack explained.

"Wait they are ponies and yet they take care of pigs and sheep?" I ask confused.

"Maybe they are sending the pigs to other countries that have carnivorous populous" Jack answered.

"It could be. But we can only guess" I responded.

Daniel shrugged, "I can handle that. I've worked at other jobs and had to get up early before the sun rises, so this will be a no brainer." Daniel replied.

Applejack smiled, "That's the spirit sugarcube!"

Daniel blushed a little when Applejack called him sugarcube.

Daniel and Applejack along with me still hidden amongst the branches made back to the farm as Applejack put down the bucket of apples she was caring.
Daniel looked at the house next to the farm and saw an old mare rocking in her chair sleeping. She had a frizzy white mane and tail, wore a brown dress with a white apron, had wrinkled green fur, and had an apple pie cutie mark on her arm.

"Hey Applejack, who's that over there?" Daniel asked, pointing to the mare in the rocking chair.

"Oh, that's Granny Smith, she mah Granny." Applejack said, "You wanna meet her?"

The human smiled, "I don't see why not?"

Applejack and Daniel walked over to Granny Smith, and Applejack started shaking her shoulder softly, "Up and atam Granny Smith, we have a guest."

"Huh..oh wa?" The old mare opened her eyes, which were an amber-like color, "Oh, hello Applejack." She then looked at Daniel, "Oh, and who might be this young whippersnapper?"

"Granny Smith, this is Daniel Blaze, Daniel, this is Granny Smith." Applejack said.

Daniel smiled and held his hand out to her, "A pleasure to meet you, Miss Smith." He greeted politely.

"My, My, aren't you the gentle colt. It's nice ta meet you as well sonny, and you can just call me Granny Smith." The old mare said smiling while shaking his hand.

"Granny, Daniel here needs a job, and I think he might be the person to do the job." Applejack said.

Just as I was gonna move closer to listen there was a sharp tingle in my brain. As soon as I felt that I took my paintbrush and left a trail of orange color on the ground and before I jumped in I heard Emily asking...

"What's wrong?" Emily asked me concerned.

"Trouble" I simply responded back as I jumped in the orange color making a splash.

TOMZ'S EQUESTRIA ( A few minutes earlier)

Ponies were having a normal day as usual. They were hanging out with their friends and family. Children were in schools and so on. Twilight was in her library reading a book. Then suddenly the ground shook as a loud explosion could be heard.

"What was that!?" The violet unicorn screamed as she bolted out of the library only to see Ponyville being attacked by some large beings in black armor and large swords. They destroying houses as ponies ran for their lives. In the air was a large airship floating above Ponyville as rays of energy were shooting at the houses below.

( These are the beings)

(this is the airship)

As the large beings were destroying Ponyville, Twilight took action and started the evacuation getting ponies out of the harm's way. While Rainbow Dash and Applejack were fighting back. Rainbow flew to one of the large beings in armor as she thew a right hook at its face only to scream in pain.

"AHH!" Rainbow yelled as she held her hand. She felt her hand to see if it was broken. Luckily the bone was still intact but a large bruise soon formed across her knuckles.

Meanwhile, in the airship, a being laughed evilly as he moved the levers and pushed buttons at the head of the ship. This being was named General Xane. He was wearing silver armor along with a helmet. He had a red cape and a sword striped on his hip.

(General Xane)

"HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAA" Xane laughed evilly "Those are the cowardly creatures dare not hinder my territorial takeover. A wise decision. The power of my machines are unmatched !!! No other Shadow can compare to the likes of I ! Xane boasted.

"Gee that was pretty swelled, boss." One the shadow minions told him.

"Yeah!" Another shadow minion exclaimed.

"You really showed them what for. I liked it when you shot them with your ray gun" One shadow minion told him.

That comment only earned him a fist to the face from Xane.

" I'd wish he'd shoot me with his ray gun," One of the minions said as he was patted on the head by another minion.

Xane rolled his eyes as he turned his attention back to the board with levers and buttons as he pressed a few.

"At this rate, I will cease control of the entire west side of this world by days end and nothing not a single creature of this bright and peaceful land will be able to take back this kingdom from my conservative grasp!" Xane said as he smashed a head of one of his minions.

His minions started to cheer as one of the minions opened champagne as the plug went flying right into Xane's face. Xane gave his minion a deadly glare.

"This Realm will be mine and everyone will know the name of General Xa---" He got interrupted by someone yelling an insult at him.

"Pardon, who said that?" Xane asked. The General then turned to two of his minions.

"What did you just say to me you fried chicken fetuses!? SPEAK UP!! Xane yelled at them.

"That wasn't us mister bossman" The minion responded as he shook in fear.

Something then when flying through the window of the airship breaking it. Xane and his minions looked at it seeing it was a ball of magic. The ball of magic then exploded as it filled the room with smoke making Xane cough. Just then Rainbow Dash flew through the broken window as she entered a stance.

"You looking for a fight, you evil monster" Rainbow Dash taunted Xane.

"Why don't you get little airship along with your army out of my town before I smash your airship--" one part of the airship broke as it fell on the minion. "--more" Rainbow Dash said to Xane as she was holding a ball of magic in her hands. That ball of magic was actually compressed thunder.

"Oh? You wanna go, missy? Well, I'm happy to oblige. HA HA HAAA!!" Xane said as he equipped his sword as well as the minions equipping their own weapons.

Thinking fast Rainbow flew out of the broken window but was followed by Xane as he jumped out of the window after her. Once both hit the ground, Rainbow and Xane started to fight each other. Rainbow was throwing fast punches, jabs and kicks while Xane dodgem or block them. Xane then started to attack Rainbow Dash as the Shadow General swung his sword at Rainbow. Luckily Rainbow Dash also managed to dodge the strikes but she still earned a few cuts on her arms and torso making her wince in pain. As they were fighting Rainbow tripped and fell on her back as Xane put a leg on her chest pinning her down. Xane raised his sword was about to stab Rainbow but a good aim kick from Applejack knocked Xane off Rainbow as he fell on the ground. Xane groaned in anger as he stood up.

"You whores have no class! in war, the side remembered is the side with the most style!" Xane said as he fixed his cape.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack got into a stance. "Why are you attacking Ponyville" Rainbow Dash demanded.

"That's none of your goddamn business" Xane replied.

Xane then got hit by a beam of magic as he screamed in pain and flew into the ground. He shook his head and looked at Twilight as her horn glowed.
Xane got up quickly as he pointed a sword at the lavender unicorn pony.

"I'm going to cut you to bits !!" Xane said to Twilight as he came running at her with the sword in hand.

"Oh no, you don't !!" Rainbow said as she flew at Xane with her arm at the ready. She swung her right arm only to Xane to grab it and flipped her over him and smashing her into the ground making Rainbow scream in pain as she felt her wing dislocate.

"Not so cocky now, are we ?" Xane said as he leaned towards Rainbow.

"Rainbow!!" The rest of her friends shouted seeing her hurt.

Xane then grabbed Rainbow by the collar of her shirt and threw her in the wall of the house as Rainbow screamed once more and fell to the ground.

The rest of the girls were doing their best to keep Xane at bay until The princesses arrive. Fluttershy was still busy with evacuating ponies while Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie were busy fighting Xane.

"Where's Tomz !?" Twilight asked as she fired a spell at Xane who deflect with his sword.

As if her prayer was answered as soon as she mentioned Tomz one of the large Shadows that were wearing armor roared in pain as bones burst from the ground impaling it and killing it on the spot. Then two floating dragon-like skulls appeared as they opened their mouths and fired a beam of magical energy at another Shadow who had a pony pinned to the wall vaporizing it. Then from there, all hell broke loose. All shadows were still destroying and gaining on the ponies were either impaled by the bones or were vaporized once the dragon-like skulls appeared and shot a beam of magic at them and vaporizing them on the spot. The shadows were getting slaughtered one by one until only Xane was left.

"Sorry, I'm late girls...I came as soon as I felt something was wrong. Fear not ponies. Hope has arrived. Because I am here." Tomz said as he walked past the girls. Then the bones once again burst from the ground as it made a line between Tomz and the girls. Once Xane saw who came to the rescue he grinned under his helmet.

"Well well well. Look who it is harboring the artist freak. We met yet again Tomz !! " Xane told Tomz as he clenched his fist at the Nephilim.

"Do I know you?" Tomz grinned as he tilted his head.

Xane growled as he teleported back in his airship and took a sit in front of the board. "Oh yes you do, and this time I have the element of SUPRISE!!" Xane then pulled a lever as cannon opened which was pointing at Tomz and starting to power up.

"HA HA HA HAA, I'M SO EVIL, HA HA HA HAA!!" Xane laughed evilly.

But before the cannon could power up Tomz snapped his fingers as a bunch of spaces, bones, dragon-like skulls surrounded him. Even all of his seven floating hands appeared above him. The bones and spades flew towards the airship as they smashed the hull. At the same time, dragon liked skulls shot a magical beam at the airship as the parts of the airship caught on fire and explode and finally his floating hands charged up and shot a big beam at the center of the airship causing the entire airship to explode. All of the ponies stared at Tomz in shock as he defeated an army and its general along with his ship.
Everyone was silent until ponies began to cheer at Tomz's victory.


After I defeat...whoever he was. The ponies cheered at my victory. I turned back towards Twilight and the others looked at me in shock and awe.
I walked up to them with worry but I still kept a grin on my face.

"You girls doing okay?" I asked them. Twilight could just nod at what she just witnessed. I nodded back at them as I walked towards Rainbow who was laying on the ground and groaning in pain.

"Rainbow, dear, talk to me," I asked her as I gently lifted her up.

Rainbow slowly opened her eyes as she looked at me. She coughed a bit. "H-Hey big guy...y-you really showed them, h-huh," The rainbow pegasus told me as I looked at her wing. The wind was under a bad angle but it wasn't broken. I layed her back on the ground as my hands glow in golden white magic. I started to use the Adept healing spell as I heard her groan in pain as her wing was slowly getting back its rightful position. Rainbow then opened her eyes once more and slowly sat up.

"Hey...the pain is gone" She then looked at her wing and she saw it was fixed. "and my wing is okay." She gave her wings a few flaps "And they are like new" Rainbow looked at me and before I could react she hugged me tightly. I just smiled as I started to pet her head. I then picked her up bride style but unlike in Canterlot she didn't run away and she let me carried her. I'm guessing she was just too tired to care right now.

I started walking towards the girls as they were still staring at me in shock. I chuckle at their reaction. "Come, darlings. Everyone could use a rest after this." I told them which got them out of their state of shock. After we checked on ponies and made sure everyone was okay. All of us decided that we will rest and once we were rested that all of us will help rebuild the town. Speaking of resting I could use rest the most. I felt drained after that attack but nothing major. After I somehow managed to get to my new home I made my way towards my room which was a room in the middle on the second floor I just crashed on the bed and fell in deep sleep the minute my body touched the comfy mattresses. I was lucky I made it in time and I got to observe Daniel a bit as well. Welp...tomorrow is another day and with another new day comes a new adventure.

Trip to the past Chapter 8 Part 1

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Long one of the many realms in the multiverse...a realm of floating islands, waterfalls, and floating screens showing all other realms that existed at the same time. Showing different timelines. Some good....some bad...some neutral. In that realm, a single boy has formed from the boiling color of the green grass. The small boy didn't know who he is or what he is. He looked around as he was sitting on the ground. He then stood up as he looked at himself.

"Where am I?...wait...who am I?" The little boy asked himself.

His gaze was suddenly drawn to the many floating screens that were spreading far and white. His eyes sparkled as he walked closer to one of the screens.
The screen showed a human child with a striped shirt and two skeletons. One short wearing a blue jacket, shorts, and pink sleepers and the other was tall wearing a red scarf and some kind of battle armor. They seemed to be having a fun time together. He glanced at the other screen which showed the same thing as the first but unlike at the first screen....unlike the human, the two skeletons looked...really edgy. A single butterfly flew in front of the small boy who quickly lost his interest in the floating screens as he started to chase it as he laughed. As he was chasing he tripped over something and fell to the ground face first. He yelped as he hit his head. The boy then sat up as he rubbed the spot he hit.

"What did I trip on?" The boy asked himself.

He looked behind himself as he found a paintbrush laying on the ground. The boy's eyes started to sparkle once more as he quickly grabbed the paintbrush and lifted it up. He gazed at it with a big smile on his face as he giggled since this paintbrush obviously too large for him as it was the same size as him. But the boy didn't mind. He took it regardless and put it on his back. The small boy started running around as he laughed. But he soon realized....he was alone. The boy frowned as he sat back on the ground as he leaned his back against a lone tree. A sudden shuffle got his attention as he looked to his left and found an empty paper. He grabbed the paper as another paper but this one had a drawing on it. It featured a small blue slime. He looked up as he saw that it was snowing drawings. This brought a bright smile on his face as his eyes sparkled. The boy once again started to run around laughing. He didn't know what was going on but for some reason, it brought joy to him. He then heard something was dripping. He tried to locate the source until he realized it was coming from him. He looked at this paintbrush as he saw the paintbrush was dripping with random colors. The boy took his oversized paintbrush as one of the colors dripped from it and fell on one of the drawings. The drawing started to glow white as it flew in the air and soon formed into one of the floating screens that showed giant mechs fighting monsters in the ocean. The boy smiled wide as he took his paintbrush and stared run from drawing to drawing that was laying on the ground.

"You get your color and you as well. Oh! You can have some too!" The boy exclaimed happily as he continued to run through the grass as he let his paintbrush do its thing. The drawings that were touched by his paintbrush once again glowed white as they flew in the air and formed into one of many floating screens. One screen showed a human dressed in a blue shirt, blue shorts, black shoes. He had a green backpack and a weird white hat, next to him was an orange dog. Another Screen showed a human with a weird watch on his left hand. There was a flash of green light as the human transformed into a red creature with a white shirt and four arms and four eyes. Accompanying him was a girl with orange hair, a blue shirt with a cat's face, and blue pants. Next to them was an older man wearing a red shirt with flower patterns, blue jeans, and brown boots. As he was running around a white light started to glow behind him. He turned his attention as he looked at it with interest. When the bright light shimmered down a beautiful young woman was taking its place. The woman had white hair, bright blue eyes and she was wearing a golden chest plate that seemed to connect to her dress and golden boots with heels.

The little boy ran towards her with a bright smile on his face and stars in his eyes. The woman giggled at his reaction as she kneeled down to his hight.

"Well hello" The woman greeted "and who might you be?" The woman asked the little boy.

The little boy started to think as he shrugged. "I don't know who I am"

The woman giggled. "It's alright child. My name is Elysia"

The boy beamed at her name. And so the boy and the woman started to hang out with each other as they soon made a bond. The woman known as Elysia started to care for the young boy like a mother would. She would bath him, feed him, kiss his boo-boos if he would hurt himself. They were happy together. They played together, sang together, and did much more. One day Elysia asked the boy as she giggled.

"So child what's your name," She asked him.

"My name...?" The boy asked.

Then something tingled at his brain. He started to concentrate on that tingle as if someone was trying to tell him something.


"My name is...." The boy concentrated harder


Until suddenly.....


The boy gave Elysia a bright smile

"My TOMZ" The boy finally introduced himself to her.


But all good times don't last forever. One day without any warning Elysia disappeared and was never seen again...

"Miss Elysia?" Tomz called out to her as he wandered on one of many floating islands.

"Miss Elysia?" The little boy called out once more.

"Miss Elysia where are you?" He yelled this time.

The boy then started to feel something inside his chest. He felt something new but he didn't like this feeling. He was.....sad. So sad that he started to cry as he ran around desperately trying to find the young woman who took such care good care of him. She played with him, drawn with him. He wanted to see her again...


The boy didn't know what to do anymore. He sat on the ground as he started to sob and cry calling out her name and beg her to come back. He continued to cry until there were no tears left to shed. All that remained were his sniffs and hiccups. As he sat there all alone what seemed like hours or even years. He felt something as he gasped. Someone was petting him.

"Miss Elysia" The boy quickly turned around but his eyes went wide. The person he saw wasn't Elysia. It was...someone else. This person was a skeleton. He had black eyesockets with tiny white dots in them that were his eyes. He was wearing a white turtleneck with a black suit. His skull also seemed to be cracked. His hands had holes in his palms.

"Why are you crying child?" The person asked.

Tomz sniffed as he looked at him "I---I can't find Miss Elysia"

The person then asked. "And who is this...Miss Elysia"

"She's the nice lady who's taking care of me." The boy replied.

"I see...and where is she now?" The person asked.

"I...I don't know" Tomz replied as he sniffed.

The person then started to pet his head again.

"What's your name child." He asked the boy.

"I'm Tomz sir." He sniffed. "Tomz the Nephilim."

"It's nice to meet you Tomz. You can call me Doctor Gaster." The skeleton known as Gaster introduced himself. He then offered the boy a hand.

"Come I want to show you something," Gaster told him as Tomz took his hand.

Soon after Tomz started to spend more time with the strange Skeleton. He thought him how to read, write, and do the math. Unlike Elysia, Gaster seemed to stick a lot longer with the boy with the exception he would come and go as he pleased. Tomz didn't mind that. All that mattered to him was that Gaster kept coming back to him every once a while. One day Tomz was walking through the green grass as he saw something in the grass laying next to a tree. He ran towards it with curiosity as he gasped. There in the grass was a fountain pen which was big like him. This brought a smile on his face as he immediately grabbed it and put it next to his paintbrush which was on his back. As days past he noticed Gaster only stopping by to bring him food and to ask him how's he doing. Once again Tomz didn't mind. All he cared about was that Gaster was stopping by. As the boy grew so did the paintbrush and the fountain pen grow with him.

The boy was now bigger maybe around 10 years old. He was laying on the ground bored out of his mind.

"I'm bored!" The boy exclaimed. He then sat up as he walked towards one of the screens as he looked at it leaning on his paintbrush. He yawned out of boredom but as if he had a stroke of bad luck he leaned too much forward as he lost his footing and fell into the screen he was watching as his vision got enveloped in white light. He was woken up by excruciating pain. The boy moaned in pain as he slowly opened his eyes. He slowly sat up. He looked around himself as he found out he was in an alleyway of some sort. Tomz slowly stood up as he got his footing.

"Where am I?" The small boy asked himself as he walked out of the alleyway. He was in some kind of town. The city was filled with people and cars. He felt is tears coming out as he quickly wiped them. Gaster told him he was a big boy now and that big boys don't cry. He gathered all the strength he had and walked out of the alleyway into the busy streets of the city. Tomz just started to walk into the random direction as he walked passed a store that was named "Dust till dawn". As he was walking he started to get stares from the people around him. That made him very uncomfortable as he tried his best to ignore them.
His stomach let out a growl as he put his hands on his belly. But he continued to walk anyways. He wasn't paying attention where he was going as he bumped into someone and fell on his butt. He looked up seeing a group of four girls. One had short black hair with red tips, she was wearing a black combat skirt, black boots with red accents, and silver eyes. The other girl had blonde hair, purple eyes, brown short jacket that showed her tummy, black pants, and brown boots. The girl next to her was dressed in all white. She had white hair, silver eyes, a white dress, and a short white jacket, and white boots with heels. The final girl had black hair, orange eyes, black shirt with separate black sleeves, white shorts and black leggings and black boots, and a small bow on her head.

"Oh I'm sorry...are you okay?" The girl with red tips asked him.

Tomz rubbed his butt a bit. "I'm fine miss" He responded to her as he stood up

"What's are you doing here all alone? Where are your parents?" The blonde girl asked him as she lowered down to his height.

"Um...I woke up in that alleyway....and I don't know where I am. Can you help me please?" Tomz asked him as he looked up at the blonde girl sadly.

"You're in the Kingdom of Vale." The hair with the bow answered.

"But you still didn't' tell us where are your parents." The girl in white asked him.

Tomz leaned his head to the side in confusion. "What are.....parents? Is that food?" He asked them in confusion,

The boy didn't know what parents mean. He only knew Miss Elysia and Doctor Gaster.

The girls looked at him in surprise.

"You know parents. Mom and Dad. The people who take care of you." The girl with red tips answered him.

That Tomz knew as he answered. "Oh, do you mean Miss Elysia and Doctor Gaster?" He questioned.

The girls exchanged glances with each other.

"Um...if those are your parents, do you know where they are." The girl in white asked him.

Tomz frowned as he shook his head. "I don't know where they are. Miss Elysia just disappeared one day and Doctor Gaster comes and goes when he wants to. He usually just brings me food and to check up on me and then he leaves...the rest of the time I'm all alone." He looked up at them. "But I don't mind that!"

The girls once again exchanged glances between each other.

"What's your name." The girl with red tips asked him.

"I'm Tomz. Tomz the Nephilim" He answered.

The girl with red tips smiled widely. "Hi, Tomz. I'm Ruby!"

" nice to meet you" Tomz shily responded.

The girl now known as Ruby started to introduce her friends.

"This is my team. Yang, my sister."

"Hello, kiddo," The blond girl said,

"Weiss" Ruby continued.

"Hey" The girl in white greeted.

"and Blake" Ruby introduced her last friend and teammate.

"It's nice to meet you" Blake replied.

The boy nodded as he looked around in embarrassment, he was about to ask them if they could help him but his stomach growled loudly drawing the girl's eyes onto him.

"Awwww you're hungry," Ruby said as she pats him on the head. The girl then took his hand as she turned to her sister.

"Yang, can we take him back to Beacon? Pleaseeeeee" Ruby begged her sister.

"Well, I don't see why not. Besides we can ask Ozpin if he knows of his family whereabouts." The hot blond replied.

"YES!!" Ruby cheered "Let's go little guy." She told the boy as all four of them started to walk towards Beacon.

Ruby was leading the group as the three girls were a little behind quietly talking to each other.

"He said he was a...nephilim. Is that some kind of faunas?" Yang asked Blake.

"I don't know. I never heard of such faunas before." Blake replied.

"His eyes are weird" Weiss quietly said.

"Weiss!" Yang scolded her "Give the little guy a break. Faunas or not we have to help him." The blonde girl said to her snowy friend.

And so the girls along with the young boy were walking through Vale until they reached a Bullhead which took them back to Beacon. They introduced him to the headmaster of the school by the name of Ozpin as he offered Tomz a place amongst his students until they found him a way home. Tomz hearing this happily accepted his offer. The next two years Tomz spend with them. Ruby told him that their Team name is named RWBY and that they are friends along with the Team JNPR. One day, Tomz figured out how he could leave this realm he was stuck in. He shared the news with the girls who were sad to see him go, Ruby most of all who sobbed as she was holding him begging him to stay. Tomz gently hugged her back as he promised he would visit whenever he could. Ozpin of course allowed that. After a big group hug and a kiss on a cheek from Yang cause, she said she will miss a cutie such as him, the boy took his paintbrush as he left a mark on the ground as he waved them goodbye. He jumped in as he made a splash of color.


Tomz was now a teen around 15 of least that's what he thought. He once again found himself in an unfamiliar world that appeared to be a desert land... He started to walk trying to find any sign of civilization. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months until finally...Tomz found something. A giant dome that was floating above the ground. Seeing he actually managed to find something, he burst into a sprint as he was getting near the dome. All of a sudden, the earth beneath him started to shake as a giant robotic-like dinosaur burst from the ground. Tomz was quick on his feet as he evaded the falling pieces of earth.
The robotic beast then charged at the floating dome trying to destroy it. Tomz seeing this quickly charged into action as he teleported into the air. He then summoned his dragon-like skulls which Gaster told him they are actually called Gaster Blasters. So he called the GBs for short. The blasters shot at the giant robotic creature as it roared in pain and swiped its tail at Tomz. Luckily Tomz teleported away. Then lion-like mech charged at the robotic dinosaur. The lion jumped on it as it bit into the robotic flesh drawing blue blood. The robotic beast shook it off as opened its mouth and fired a beam from the cannon that was inside its mouth. The beam hit right into the chest of the mech lion as the mech was launched into the dome. Tomz wanting to see if anyone is hurt he quickly teleport to the unmoving lion mech. The door on the side opened as the man fell to the floor with a breather's mask over his mouth, Tomz quickly shook him trying to see if he's alive.

"Forget about him, he's a goner." A female's voice caught his attention.

Tomz looked up as he saw a girl dressed in a red skintight suit, green eyes, long pink hair, and small red horns on her head. She seemed okay but there was a big gash on her head as her face was stained with blood.

"Who are you'?" Tomz asked the girl

"I could ask you the same thing." The girl replied with a small smile.

Just then the dome shook once more as the robotic beast shot another beam at it. Tomz nearly lost his footing but he was fine. The girl, on the other hand, turned back and was going to enter the lion mech again.

"I gotta go," The pink-haired girl said.

Tomz went wide-eyed. "Woah Woah...wait what are you thinking!? You can't fight that thing by yourself !" He shouted at her as he grabbed her hand

"Let go of me!" She yelled smacking his hand away.

"You can't go alone," Tomz said to her as he tried to reason with her.

"I'm always alone, Its been like that forever....I'm used to it" She replied

"You're going to die if you go out there," Tomz said to her.

"So what? I'm not afraid of death, sooner or later that thing will start moving again and when it does....everyone is going to die. But I'm not afraid of death, even if I were...I still have a job to do. Now if you'll excuse me." The pink-haired girl said as she stumbled into the lion mech again.

Tomz smiled faintly. "Heh...Your kind of like me then...No one is ever there to help you or assist you with something. You have to do everything by yourself." He told her. While it was half true, Tomz was still all alone most of the time. Gaster stopped visiting him for some unknown reason and so he was once again all alone.

"Let me help you fight this thing. I won't let you do this alone" The boy told her.

"Oh? And are you prepared to die? She asked Tomz.

Tomz looked up at her once more as he saw her face was right above his.

"I'm not afraid of dying. Not even sure if I can die to be honest. The Realms need me and it's my duty to protect them." Tomz responded to her.

The girl smiled at him. " I guess you right, we are very similar. I haven't seen anyone like you for a long time.

She then reached over caressed his cheek

"I like the look in your makes my heart race. Now come to me" The girl said as she reached her hand out to Tomz.

Tomz accepted it as she pulled with him into the lion mech with quite a strength, she was pulling him towards a seat that was inside it.

"Let me get a taste of you.....You are now my Darling!" The girl yelled as she smashed her lips against his.

After that happened Tomz blacked out. But he could still feel. He felt something strong...something new. He felt...the bloodlust. The urge to kill and rip the parts of that robotic beast. It deserved to die. He liked that feeling. He wanted to feel it more...there was also...something else. When the girl pulled him into the kiss, his chest felt tight but it felt really....really good. He wanted to feel more of that.

Tomz woke up in a hospital bed as he looked around. He seemed to be in a hospital bed as a doctor came into his room. Alongside him were three people. A woman and two men, from which one was older and one half of his face was robotic. He also had a robot arm.

"How are you feeling?" The doctor asked him.

Tomz looked at him as he grinned, his sharp teeth showing. The grins and smiles he continues to carry until this day.

"I feel really well dear," Tomz responded. He then glanced at the three people besides the doctor.

"And who are they?" The boy asked.

"I'm Dr. Franxx and these are Nana and Hachi." The old man introduced himself and his colleagues.

"Pleasure meeting you" Tomz replied.

"Now can you tell us your code?" The woman known as Nana asked him as he was holding a clipboard with some papers on it.

"My code?" Tomz questioned. "Sweetheart I have no code."

The three exchanged glances.

"Then from what plantation did you come from?" Hachi asked.

Tomz's grin widens. "I didn't come from any plantation. I'm coming from another realm. I'm here to check if everything runs by the book as they say."

"Well, parasite or not. We will have to keep you here for further testing. Your blood count and other tests showed a very abnormal count of your blood cells and white cells. On top of that we also got some strange readings we cant' explain and you have no yellow blood cells in your body." Dr. Franxx explained.

"Of course the machines will show it like. Since I'm not human. You cant run tests on a Nephilim dear. Now if you'll excuse me." Tomz said as he got out of bed, yanked out all the wires that were connecting to him, and started to leave the room.

"We can't allow you to do that. Your nothing like we have ever seen before. Please you must let us run more tests on you. Maybe with your help, the Klaxosaurs can finally--" Dr. Franxx began but was stopped by Tomz.

"Listen old timer...I don't run by your rules. I can help you yes...but I won't be tested on. Am I clear? Tomz said as his voice became distorted.

Dr. Franxx sighed. "FIne. But you will be staying at the boarding house. Nana, I'm assigning him to Squad 13 along with Zero Two."

The girl known as Nana nodded as she started to lead Tomz towards his "boarding house" where he is supposed to stay at. Soon enough they reached a house that was surrounded by a glass dome. Which to Tomz seemed like a cage. He didn't like this realm so much....he just wanted to bolt out of here as soon as he could. But he had a job to do. Stay a couple of weeks, maybe months, and then leave. They got towards this boarding house as Nana let him inside and called a meeting with this Squad 13. Once everyone was there. A girl with short blue hair walked up to Tomz.

" I'm Ichigo, code 015. As a leader of the squad, I welcome you to our home." Ichigo greeted the boy.

"Of course dear, its nice to meet you too" Tomz replied back.

Ichigo blushed "D-D-D-D-Dear !? Y-Y-You can't call me that. Only Ichigo!" She yelled at the boy all flustered and embarrassed.

Tomz laughed as he pets her head which makes Ichigo more flustered.

"Darling!" A female voice called out as a pinked hair girl jumped on Tomz from behind. She was wearing a red jacket, black leggings, and shoes.

"A hello to you too dear" Tomz exclaimed as the pink-haired girl was clinging to him.

"Zero Two!" The Itchigo yelled. "You can't behave like that. Just because he is going to be staying with us, you can't just call him like that!" She scolded

"But he's is my Darling and mine only. which means I can do whatever I want with him" The girl known as Zero Two answered as she caressed Tomz's cheek and licked his lips playfully. Tomz didn't mind it at all. He just kept that sharp tooth grin on his face.

"Well if you want to hang out with him so bad then maybe you should show him around the place," Itchigo said jealously.

That only seemed to make Zero Two happier as she grabbed Tomz's hand and started to drag him around the place. "Let's go, Darling!" She started to show him around as she showed him to the rooms, bathrooms, cafeteria, the main hall, and the outside as well. He got acquainted with the rest of the team. The boys were Hiro, Goro, Zorome. Mitsuru and Futoshi and the girls were Ichigo, Miku, Kokoro, Ikuno, and Naomi Soon night fell as everyone went to sleep. Tomz was sleeping with the boys as they added another bed. In the middle of the night, Tomz felt his covers shift as he opened one of his eyes only to see a naked Zero Two with an opened up jacket got into his bed as she snuggled into him.

"hmm Zero Two, dear...why are you in my bed" Tomz tiredly asked as he pulled her closer.

"I was lonely and I wanted to cuddle with you, Darling." She responded as she put her head into a crook of his neck as Tomz pulled the covers over them.

"Sleep well, dear." Tomz lazily said as he yawned and pulled Zero Two deeper into the hug only for Zero Two to start kissing him.

"Darling...I want to taste you more, come on" Zero Two said as she nibbled on his neck.

Tomz quietly chuckles... "Heh...alright then Dear." He then covered them both over their heads as the night was filled with quiet kissing noises.

The night passed pretty quickly as the kids started to wake up. The boy's reaction in the morning when they found naked Zero Two cuddling with Tomz was priceless. They demanded why is Zero Two in their room since she was "breaking the rules" that they set up apparently. Zero Two's only answer was
"I wanted to sleep with Darling" as she hugged Tomz's head and pushed him into her chest. Once again days passed as Tomz went to the missions with them. Apparently they were killing these klaxauruses since they were threatening their survival. Tomz, along with Zero Two were piloting a mech called Strelitzia.
They didn't exactly stick to the orders Ichigo played out but everything worked out in the end. Unknown to them Dr. Franxx was watching Tomz with great interest. Right now he was in front of several screens as old man was talking to several people who were wearing golden masks.

"So what can you tell me about this....Tomz. I want to know his personality." One of them asked.

"Of course Papa. From the observation, I gathered during his Piloting with Zero Two and while he's with hanging out with the other parasites of Squad 13 he is always smiling and acts politely. He never stops smiling because he believes it shows power and dominance. If a rival were to frown, he would see them as weak.
He is narcissistic, not seeing many people quite up to his level. However, that does not make him reckless. Tomz also seems to have a moral compass against the sexual and bestraddled society which is actually "not normal". However, he has been noted to be quite sadistic and to have masochistic tendencies. Tomz possesses a Transatlantic accent, which was common for American newscasters in the 1920's as it was a combination of a regular American accent and the Received Pronunciation accent used by the British Broadcasting Corporation in their "World Service" radio news and he may be ambidextrous. That's all I gathered so far." Dr. Franxx explained

"hmmm, and you think he can help us with klaxauruses?" One of the people with golden mask asked.

"Well, his sadistic side surely helps when he's out in the field. It's also a miracle that he can pilot a Franxx despite not having any yellow blood cells in his body." Dr. Franxx stated.

"Keep watching him and notify us if something changes." One of the people told Dr. Franxx.

"of course" Dr. Franxx replied.

Once again it was time for Tomz to leave. He explained to Zero Two and the others what he's actually doing here. Zero Two didn't want him to leave her but when she received a big hug and a deep kiss with a little bit of tongue play from Tomz, she promised that she is going to save herself for him until he comes back to visit. Tomz then said goodbye to them as he jumped into the red color he left previously with his paintbrush.

Now Tomz was around 17 as he was once again in another realm. Currently, he was in a manga store browsing random mangas. He heard screaming and gunfire coming from behind him. He glanced behind his shoulder as he saw orcs taking hostages...though they looked more like piggs.

"Okay everyone listens up. This store is now under our control! We demand that all human main characters are swapped with orcs. We also demand new genres like Orc x Princess, Orc x Little Sister, Orc x Teacher, whatever we can get !!" The leader demanded.

"What kind of demands are that" Tomz rolled his eyes as he felt a barrel of a gun pressed against his temple but he kept reading regardless

"Didn't you hear what we said? All hostages must be brought to the main lobby!" One of the orcs demanded as he cocked his gun.

"if you don't remove that gun from my head you're losing your arm," Tomz said as he continued to read a random manga he found.

The orc looked at him in confusion until he laughed. "Hahahaha!!! Your kidding. In case you didn't know. Humans can't hurt demi-humans. It says so in the law of Interspecies Exchange Bi---AHHHHH!!!" The orc started to explain only to scream in pain as a bone burst through the ground and through his elbow.

The orc fell to his knees as he was holding his arm in pain. He then saw a shadow leaning over him as he looked up only to see Tomz with a familiar grin on his face.

( like that)

"Well you see there's a little thing they do not know about," Tomz said as he leaned in closer. "I'm not a human...I'm a Nephilim therefore...I can hurt you however I like.

The orc is question started to shake in fear as he pleaded for mercy only for Tomz to activate his Soul grab and threw him out of the window in front of the rows of cops and swat teams. That got the attention of other orcs as they all pointed their guns at Tomz. They were about to shoot until they got surrounded by some girls in yellow clothing. On their backs it spelled MON. What that meant Tomz didn't know. They seemed to get a hold of the situation really quickly. After the orcs were all arrested the attention of the MON squad was on him. The MON squad consisted of five girls. A cyclops, a zombie, an ogre, a dark-skinned naked girl whose private parts were only covered by her hair and a human woman with shades and a business suit. The women in question walked up to him.

"My name is Agent Smith. I'm an Interspecies Exchange Bill coordinator and the leader of the MON squad. We've seen what you did from outside and from the looks of it you're a demi-human. Can you tell us what kind of demi-human you are where is your host family?" The woman with shades and a business suit asked Tomz.

Tomz looked at her as he smiled. "I'm Tomz. Tomz the Nephilim as for this host family you speak off...I don't have one."

The girls dressed in yellow uniforms gasped "You're a Nephilim!? But they are an extremely rare species!" A zombie girl asked him.

Tomz just chuckled. "What can I say, dear. I'm full of surprises hahaha!" The Nephilim laughed.

Smith then handed him a small paper with an address written on it "Go to this address. The man living there will be your new host family. I'll stop by once I make you your documents." She told him as she winked at him.

"Very well. See you then dear." Tomz told her as he left the manga store and used his phone's GPS to find the addresses the woman gave him. He walked for a while until he came up to a big two-story house and a balcony. He grinned as he leaned his head to the side before he started to make his way towards the door.

( the house)

(like so)

He walked towards the big as he knocked on the door. His knocks booming throughout the house. There was shuffling on the other side until the door opened revealing a small girl with talons for legs and wings for arms. She was short as Tomz was easily towering over her. The girl was wearing black tank top and light brown shorts.

The girl looked him from bottom to top until she saw his wide grin on his face.

( like this)

"Hel--" The girl smashed the door closed...until she opened it again. "--lo" The girl smashed the door closed once more.

There was the sound of voices on the other side until the door opened once more revealing a red-haired head girl wearing a yellow t-shirt, blue skirt and she had a bottom part of a snake.

"May I speak now?" Tomz asked as the two girls exchanged glances.

"You may" The snake girl replied.

Tomz's smile beamed. "Tomz! Pleasure meeting you sweetheart, quite a pleasure. Excuse my sudden visit--" Tomz walked into the house."-- but a woman by the name of Agent Smith sent me. She said that this will be my new host family. Now...where is your family host." Tomz asked as he leaned towards the snake girl.

"um...he the living room," The snake girl said as she slithered in the room. "Darling, Smith sent someone new.! "

There were a couple of voices exclaiming a loud "WHAT!" as soon everyone gathered in the hallway. There was a blonde centaur, a mermaid in a wheelchair, a Dullahan, arachnid spider lady, a girl slime with a yellow raincoat, and a human male who looked pretty plain along with the snake girl and bird girl. The human walked up to Tomz as he introduced himself.

"Hello. I'm Kimihito. I heard from Miia that Smith has sent you here."

Tomz still kept his smile. "Yeah. She said that you will be family and that she will drop by to hand me my documents since I don't have any."

Everyone then exchanged glances as the centaur girl asked Tomz. "What kind of Demi-human are you."

"Name's Tomz. Tomz the Nephilim." Tomz replied as everyone once again gasped in shock.

"You're a Nephilim. But they are very rare species." A mermaid said.

"Oh let me introduce you." Kimihito started.

He pointed to the snake girl. "This is Miia, she's a lamia and my very first exchange student who came here."

Miia stared daggers at Tomz as he just kept that smile on his face.

Kimihito pointed to the short bluebird girl. "This is Papy the harpy"

Papy sent a shy wave.

"Centorea, She's a centaur." KImihito pointed to the blonde centaur girl.

"It's nice to meet you" She then unsheathed her sword as she pointed it at Tomz who still had a large grin on his face.

(like this)

"I'm watching you. You better not hurt our Master." She said as she sheathed her sword.

"Then we have Meroune or Mero for short. She's a mermaid" KImihito said as he pointed at the girl in question.

"it's a pleasure to meet such a rare species," Mero said to Tomz.

"Its fine dear." Tomz simply replied.

"Then we have Suu the slime" The Slime girl just nodded as she was smiling as well.

"This spider over here is Rachnera Arachnera" Kimihito introcued the big spider lady.

"Nice to meet you but you better not hurt Honey!" She introduced herself as he warned Tomz who kept a smile on his face.

" And finally we have Lala the Dullahan" He pointed to the girl who was holding her own head.

"Pleasure," She told Tomz.

"Come on let me show you around," Kimihito told Tomz as the Nephilim nodded.

As Kimihito was showing him around, Tomz could hear Miia shouting something about a new romantic rival to which he didn't know what was that about. The house was pretty big. Even bigger than the ones he bought in some of the realms he visited so he could have a place to stay. After the tour, Tomz thanked Kimihito as soon enough Smith dropped by with Tomz's own ID and some other papers he needs to sign. After they all had dinner, Tomz went to the balcony as he watched the sunset in peace. He then started to remember all the good times he had and all the friends he made. He, of course, wanted to keep his promises of coming back to visit. After the sun was replaced by a crescent room, Tomz walked back towards the living room where Kimihito offered him a place to sleep until his own room has been made. Tomz thanked the human as he lied on the couch and covered himself with a blanket and slowly fell asleep.

Trip to the past Chapter 9 part 2

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The scene opens up with Tomz inside his realm, watching the many floating screens. He was now around the age of 17. He sighed in boredom as he sat down on the ground. He pulled out a couple of pencils and a sheet of paper and started to draw to pass time. He visited many realms but for some reason, the realm travel was taking a hard toll on his body. Every time he would travel to a realm, he would feel excruciating pain. He didn't know why that was happening but he wanted it to stop. He could bare the pain but only so much. Right now he was finished with his drawing as then layed on his back looking at the sky filled with even more floating screens. Once he figured out he had nothing better to do he stood up and walked towards a screen showing a medieval town. Since he was bored out of his mind he steeled himself for the pain that was about to come as he took his paintbrush, left a mark of a purple color, and jumped as he appeared outside of the town. Then the pain came as Tomz gritted his teeth. Once the pain subdued, he slowly stood up.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that" Tomz told himself as he dusted his clothes and entered the town. He was looking around at various shops and houses that he passed by. First, he needed a source of income, so he can by himself a house if he ever wants to visit this realm again sometime in the future. Eventually, he reached a big house with banners and flags. "This must be the Adventurers Guild of this town," Tomz said as he entered the building.

Once inside he could see that the building was indeed an Adventurers Guild with many people that were ranging from Humans all the way to dwarfs. Tomz then walked towards the booth where a blonde woman was sitting. "Um excuse me, dear, I would like to register as an Adventurer" Tomz greeted the woman behind the desk.

The woman in question nodded with a smile. "Of course. Please hold out your hand above the orb and we will start right up."

Tomz obliged as he put his hand above the orb as the orb started to glow and the mechanics around turned in various directions. Underneath the orb was a paper or an ID card of sorts. The orb that was glowing shoot a beam at the ID card as the beam started to write letters on it. Once that was over the Guild lady picked up the ID card and looked it over.

"Let's see....your name is Tomz.....magical abilities..."She then gasped. "Oh my! Your magic is off the charts! It's even higher than one of the adventurers here. In fact, all of your stats are off the charts. Not only can you become an adventurer you can be anything you want with these stats you have" The Guild Lady told the Realm Guardian.

"Huh...I guess being a Realm Guardian pays off." Tomz muttered to himself.

"Well sir, here is your ID and welcome to the Adventurers Guild," Guild Lady said to Tomz who smiled back at her.

"Thank you, Darling. I bid you a good day." Tomz told her as he walked towards a board with various requests. He found a post that said they were searching for party members. The boy read a couple of reviews that were on the paper saying how good and precious a girl by the name of Aqua is. He just shrugged as he looked around and found the party in question. The party was consisting of three girls and one boy. One girl has a slim figure with ample breasts, long legs, and blue waist-long hair that is partially tied into a loop with a water-molecule shaped clip. Her clothes carry a blue color scheme, with her ordinary attire consisting of a vest, detached sleeves, thigh-high boots, an extremely short miniskirt, and a transparent underskirt. The other girl was a tall, beautiful young woman, She gave the appearance of a cool beauty. She is well-endowed and also has light blue eyes and straight, long blonde hair, kept in a ponytail tied with a braid and red hair clips secured on both sides of her bangs. She is wearing a clad in black, white, and yellow armor, with a metal shoulder plate on her left side, and a wing-like cloth perched upon her right shoulder. Next to her was a young girl with shoulder-length dark brown hair and crimson-colored eyes. She wears a classical witch attire such as a black cloak with gold border, choker, wizard's hat, fingerless gloves, and carries a black staff. Finally, there was the boy who was short and he had slightly spiky chestnut-brown hair and green eyes His outfit consists of a gold-trimmed green mantle, white shirt, pants, and leather boots.

Tomz then walked towards their table as he introduced himself to his new party

"Greetings! I would like to join your party" Tomz said as he slid into the seat beside the girl with a wizard's hat.

The party exchanged glances with each other.

"You would like to what?" The boy asked him.

"I would like to join your party." Tomz then glanced around the room. "Seeing that your party isn't that popular I want to help you with that." He said with a grin on his face.

The brown-haired boy had raised an eyebrow. " can join our party but what can you do? Don't get me wrong but this party is lame and stupid. We have a useless goddess who can only whine and drink" He pointed to the blue-haired girl. " A crusader who is a heavy masochist who can't hit a single target" He pointed to the blonde in armor. "And an arch wizard who can only do one magic spell a day" He pointed to a young girl who was wearing a wizard hat.

Tomz laughed "ohohoho...your gonna need more than that if you want your party to be successful. Luckily for you, that's why I am here. Now as for what I can do." Tomz grinned widely his sharp teeth on display. "I can teleport to other worlds, destroy monsters with little to no effort, and of course. I can control other people's souls"

The girl with blue hair had a wide smile on her face as she grabbed Tomz's hand and started to rapidly shake it. "Welcome to our party. I'm the leader of the party." She then pointed at herself. "You are in the presence of Aqua the Water Goddess. Here have a cookie!" She then shoved a cookie in Tomz's mouth.

Tomz lifted a finger as he pulled the cookie out of his mouth. "Umm pleasure to meet your acquaintance dear."

"What's your name by the way." The boy asked.

"My name is Tomz, friend" The Realm Guardian introduced himself.

"Alright um...Tomz-sama. Welcome to our party. I'm Kazuma" The boy now know as Kazuma

The blonde girl next to him dressed in armor then introduced herself. "My name is Darkness and I'm a crusader." She said to him as she then looked into his eyes, then at his paintbrush and his fountain pen and then all of a sudden she...moaned and started to breathe heavily

"Are you going to use me as your personal plaything while repeatedly beating me with that huge paintbrush of yours, while telling me that I was a bad girl." Darkness told Tomz as she got into his face. "Please look at me like that more. Your gaze is sending me shivers down my spine and please sink those sharp teeth inside---" Darkness started only for Kazuma to pull her hair and slam her head against the table which resulted in Darkness to moan even louder " yes Kazuma hurt me more!!!!"

"As you can see, she is a heavy pervert and a masochist," Kazuma told Tomz while Darkness was still panting with a huge blush on her face.

Tomz was still grinning like crazy. "I see." He then turned his attention to the wizard girl beside him. "Who are you dear?"

The girl in question climbed on the table and struck a pose, while her cape floating in an invisible wind.

"My name is Megumin! My calling is that of an arch wizard, one who controls explosion magic, the strongest of all offensive magic! Show me thine resolve to peer into the ultimate abyss with me. When the man stares in the abyss the abyss stares back. I have anxiously awaited the arrival of those such as yourself." She then struck another pose. "My explosion magic demolishes mountains, smashes boulders and my magic is the best offensive magic in the world!!" Megumin told Tomz as she sat back down next to him. Tomz then saw she was wearing an eye patch on her left eye so he decided to ask.

"So what's with the eyepatch then?"

Megumin grew a smug grin. "This is the magic item that suppresses my mighty magical power. If I ever were to ever take it off, a great catastrophe would befall this world..."

"So its a seal of some kind?" Tomz asked to which Megumin replied.

"Well that was a lie, I just wear it for looks"


Tomz grabbed the eye patch and started to pull it in which Megumin started to beg and apologize.

"I'm sorry !! Don't pull on it! Stop...stop it !! Please cut it out, actually, it will hurt if you just let it go, so just slowly put it back where it was. That's right, slowly, slowly..."


Tomz let go of the eye resulting in the eye patch to smack Megumin in her eye with full force.

"OW!! My eye!!!" Megumin screamed in pain

"You look young. What are your parent's names?

Megumin rubbed her eye a bit and after the pain went away, she answered with another pose strike.

"My mother is Yuiyui and my father is Hyoizaburo!"

"Those are some...interesting names," Tomz said as he now decided to change the topic.

"So now that I'm a member of your party, do you have anything in mind?"

Kazuma put a quest in front of the boy.

"We are planning to go to the cursed valley and kill some of the two-horned wolves. It says here that we have to collect the horns since some college needs them for their experiments." Kazuma said.

"Great! Once you are all ready, we shall depart" Tomz exclaimed to his new party.

Sometime later they left the town and started to make their way towards the cursed valley. It took a while but they made it to their destination. It was close to noon now as the party was walking on the dirt road. As they were walking, Tomz kept glancing at Darkness with his usual sharp grin in which made the blonde crusader pant and moan in ecstasy. That only made Kazuma slap her in the face which only resulted in turning on Darkness even more.

"You guys are hopeless...but your party is just the kind of party I like. Weird and random" Tomz said as he chuckled.

"Of course...he's another are party is officially complete." Kazuma thought to himself.

There was the sound of growls as the party turned towards the noise seeing the horned wolves growling and slowly making their way towards them. The party draws their weapons out as Aqua charged and she started to chant a spell.

"Have a taste of my god power. This spell vaporizes all that get in contact with it. God Blow!!" Aqua shouted as her fist was covered in bright orange and blue magic as she punched the wolf....making zero damage what's so ever...and the wolf to pounce on her and as the animal tried to stab her with its horn and bite her. At that moment Aqua did what she does best.

She started to whine, shed tears, and call for help.

"Kazuma!! Kazuma, please help me!!!" Aqua yelled for help as she did her best to keep the jaws of the wolf away from her throat.

"Oh, those sharp teeth, and sharp horns. How I wished I was in Aqua's place right now!" Darkness commented with a huge blush on her face as she panted heavily

Megumin was munching on some cookies and Kazuma...Kazuma had the expression that basically said that he gives up life.

As for Tomz..he was looking at the struggling Aqua as other wolves pounced on her as well. The boy turned towards his party.

"So should we help her or are we just going to stand there and watch her getting eaten?" Tomz asked.

Kazuma shrugged. "We could....but she is a member of our party though. "

"Kazuma!!!! OW !!! Kazuma they are chewing on my butt!!" Aqua called out in pain.

Kazuma let out a sigh. "As much as I would love to see her get eaten..." He pulled out his sword. "I can't believe I have to save her....again"

Kazuma then charged at the wolves and started to attack them, in which Darkness also joined in except she missed every target and used her own body as a shield...and she enjoyed it...

Tomz sweatdropped and he shrugged.

"Welp...I guess I better join the party then." Tomz said as he casually walked closer to the wolves. He then used his magic as bones appeared beside and were sent flying towards the animals impaling then face-first into the ground thus freeing useless water goddess.

Kazuma walked towards the Realm Guardian. He put his arm on his shoulder with tears in the corner of Kazuma's eyes.

"Finally....your the only one who isn't completely useless and your powers are strong enough not to struggle with quests," Kazuma told Tomz

Then came Aqua crawling towards Tomz all slimy and filled with scratches and of course...still sobbing her eyes out.

"Thank you, Thank you, Tomz," Aqua said as she pulled on Tomz's jacket still on her knees. "Thanks for saving me! Wehhhh!! "


And then she continued to cry for no reason.

Tomz sighed internally but still kept that smile on his face. He then picked up still sobbing Aqua and the party started their walk back towards the town as Tomz was piggybacking Aqua.

"She smells like dog breath," Tomz thought to himself.


Soon the party came back to town and earned their reward for the quest. The sun was going down as they along with Tomz started to walk once more and soon came to some sort of mansion to which Darkness told Tomz it was gifted to them by the Adventurers Guild. Once back home they had a large dinner which was apparently all of it was sent by Darkness's parents since they were pretty wealthy and were in some hand a royalty in their own right. Of course, Aqua got wasted as soon as she got her hands on a bottle of booze. Megumin was a little tipsy even though Darkness did her best to prevent her from didn't really work that well. Tomz learned in his adventures that many worlds of this type that he was currently in. The law states that you are officially an adult by the age of 15. It was strange...but to the Realm, Guardian...that was pretty much normal to this point. They had a small feast of various food ranging from japanize style foods all the way to a roasted lobster. All curtsy of Darkness's parents. After that, they all went to bed. Kazuma had to drag wasted Aqua to her room while Tomz piggybacked tipsy Megumin to her own room. Once the little arch wizard was tucked in, Tomz left her room and entered his own. He looked out of the window to see the full moon with bright stars in the sky as he chuckled.

"This sure is getting interesting " Tomz said to himself.

After that, he went to his bed, turned off the candles that served as a light source since there weren't' any lamps in this world nor the technology was that advanced. With a few more glances around the room, he closed his eyes and let the sleep take hold of him.