Anidate me please

by CaioCoia

First published

Spike is a famous animator of Metube, and he is being followed by a stalker, he planned to confront his stalker but ended up with him being forced to have a date with her. It ends in the way you expect.

Spike is a famous animator of Metube, and he is being followed by a stalker, he planned to confront his stalker but ended up with him being forced to have a date with her. It ends in the way you expect.


Cover art is not related to the fiction but is like a reference over Spike's animation he is doing.


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Humdrum, after finally getting past his fight against mane-iac, now had to deal with one of the most problematic enemies he had faced since his childhood. The traumas and psychological pressure he had endured daily since he was a kid. He learned that his friends were hiding information from him. The Power Ponies' actual leader, Masked Matter Horn, wasn’t the real leader, but Humdrum, who was told that he was an orphan, actually discovered that his own father had started the Power Ponies. And upon knowing this information, the world’s weight was on his shoulders… Because now many things began to make sense to him now.

All the team he knew, actually were expecting so much about him. After learning all the information about his father, their expectations about him raised even more than it should.

Later, he discovered old enemies who were his uncles and aunties actually and came back to Maretropolis to destroy everything in revenge for what the leader of the Power Ponies did to them. Without knowing, in fact, their enemy was their brother.

And every fight the power ponies had, Humdrum had to find a way to end the conflict by explaining that it was their brother they were fighting, and everything was just a misunderstanding.

After months of battle, Humdrum noticed his father was fleeing from his relatives because he feared them for the decisions he made. After he died, it was now his own burden to take care of.

Humdrum was so stressed out and broken, from all the bones until his mind was traumatically hurt, he couldn’t take it anymore. It took just a simple discussion to make him snap.

Humdrum… decided to leave the Power Ponies squad, to first go to a psychologist, and then protect the city as a solo hero, he couldn’t trust his own friends, who in fact lied so much to him. And after all the secrets and lies, everything blew up in him. He couldn’t deal with that anymore. He wanted to be different from his friends, and especially his father. He just wished he knew everything before that.

“Huh…Hello?” The lonely hero turned around to find what would be the most impossible thing he would ever see…“My name is Humdrum, could you be me from the future?”

There he is, a little kid who was dressed as the same sidekick clothes he wore when he was a child and enjoyed being part of the power ponies.

To be continued…

“Hey everyone, Spike’s here, thanks so much for watching, I want to give you a special thanks to everyone who donated on this little project I started with a few sketches a year ago, and now looks like finally, it paid off greatly. I want you all to comment and give a great emoji for the people who supported this project, and for those who didn’t, your like and subscription helped all the same. So, thank you so much. You’re the best. Thank you so much for helping me with this little dream of mine. So, I have something to tell you all about the convention this year. I got invited to be part of the Power Ponies panel, and I even got offered a chance to meet my idol, Flank Morrison. So, I thank all of you for giving me your support. So, after telling you so much, I just wanted to tell you, thanks for watching and have a nice day.” I turned off my microphone while I finally edited the video and published it on the Metube.

Chapter 1

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Do you know when you get that feeling that someone is watching you? The same feeling that people in tv shows and movies get so often, that it's seen as another cliché trope? It's not cliché for me, because,

"There has been a freaking stalker in a hoodie watching me since last week!" I scream so loud that Rainbow, Sunset, and Twilight cringed backward. I turned my attention towards the stalker; after hearing my outburst, they had run away.

The cafe area of the park, where we would usually have our picnics or drink coffee, was now compromised by the stalker following me. I couldn't even eat my sandwich and drink my coffee in peace, why is this happening to me?

"Sheesh, Spike. Wanna be louder next time? I can still hear out of one ear." Dash said as she stuck her finger in her ear, trying to stop the ringing. "Besides, we know that a stalker is stalking you. You've been telling us since day one."

"Yeah, but until today nothing I did ever helped! I've changed my route to school, like five different times, and I still don't know how the stalker managed to find me after I did." I had become increasingly annoyed after having confronted my stalker multiple times, and each time they would turn and run away, leaving me alone on shouting down the street like a crazy person.

I slammed my head against the table, this entire situation was taking the energy out of me and making me insanely tired. It was frustrating having someone following you every day, each step of the way. I felt like I didn't have any privacy anymore, I just wanted to know who this stalker was so I could just ask to stop.

I looked up to Sunset and Twilight, both giving me a knowing look. I raised my brow that usually meant that they had some sort of plan.

"Twi, Sunset, please tell me you two have a plan." I was begging to the skies above that my two sisters had a plan to help me. To finally deal with this stalker, I don't know who they were, but it was driving me crazy. It could have possibly been a fan, but if it were, they would have at least talked to me or given me a message. Or at least say hi and don't give me nightmares.

I could see the grinning face that Sunset was giving me, while a happy smile was coming from Twilight. Hope was beginning to return to me.

"Well, Spike. It's a plan we saw in a movie; you know what a bait and switch is?" Twilight asked me, while I just stared at her.

"Don't those traps usually end badly in a majority of those movies?" I asked in return; usually, these types of plans have many flaws, how would we manage to catch the stalker if they saw through the plan?

"Well, yeah, but we're not in a movie. So that means we can at least try it." Sunset said while she placed her hand on my shoulder, reassuring me that everything would be alright. "Don't you worry, Spike. Everything is going to be alright; we got you."

"Yeah, and don't sweat it, Spike. The moment we find out who this stalker is that's giving you trouble, we're going to make them pay." Rainbow assured him while she cracked her knuckles and neck, making her sound even more threatening.

"That sounds reasonable, but I don't think that will work. Twilight, are you certain this plan is going to work?" I asked. The reason why I was so apprehensive of this plan of theirs that I was going to have to be the bait. Alone.

"I don't know, Spike. If this stalker is a terrible person or some kind of serial killer, they've been following you for a week; if we don't do anything, the least we need to do is tell mom or Celestia." Twilight had raised a good point, but telling mom or my step-mother about this could make things escalate drastically. I didn't want my stalker to end up in jail, but I wanted to know at least why they were following me. I want to make it stop, not send someone to prison.

But actually, being bait? Just to imagine the stalker and I being alone is freaking me out. I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling about this.

I sighed in my chair while I had my head in my hands, thinking about what I should do. After taking a minute to think with my eyes closed and calm breaths, I opened my eyes and looked towards my two sisters, who were giving me a hopeful smile, and Rainbow Dash, who was grinning in her chair like she was trying to reassure me that everything would be okay. I should try it, I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

Everything went wrong, dammit dammit, I knew it. I freaking knew it!

With a huge headache, I opened my eyes. While I had blurred vision, I could tell that I wasn't on the street, I was in a living room, but the problem is, I don't know whose house it was.

After some minutes of waiting until I could see better, I could tell I was in what looked like an expensive house. I could see many things crafted out of marble, a clean red velvet carpet, and a large array of expensive paintings hung on the walls, along with photographs. What the hell is this place?

"Oh, it seems that our Sleeping Beauty has woken up." I heard a tender voice call out, making my spine shiver. That voice? Where have I heard it before?

I tried to move my body but wait... Am I...stuck? Oh, I'm tied up.

Alright, Spike, this isn't a time for panic.

Then a face appeared in front of me. It was Adagio Dazzle?

"You're Adagio Dazzle?!" I screamed out in surprise, what was a pop-star doing here? And why am I near her, was I dreaming?

"Oh, it looks like you're a fan, wow, you're good looking, and have a cute voice. Seems my sister was right. She really caught a big fish." I shivered at the sound of her smooth and seductive voice. Making my face flush and my sweat drip down quickly. All while she laughed, breaking me away from my thoughts. "Aria, are you ready?"

"Yeah, I'm almost done." I heard another, rougher voice, and the moment I turned my head, I saw what was a giant bucket of ice being held by another pop-star, Aria Blaze was. Her flaming green and purple straps were always one of the reasons my sister liked her most. She was always the tough one, the one that makes people tremble in her presence, but why was she holding the ice bucket with protective gloves?

"So, you're Spike, right?" She asked me while I was sweating in place. She grinned like she was going to enjoy this. How could this dream have turned into a nightmare?

"Yes. ma'am." I tried to be polite, but my voice was cracking. I don't know what's going on.

"Please, dude. I'm not Dagi, but it seems like you know who I am. And you're tense, don't sweat too much. I don't bite...hard." Her voice was filled with so much determination; it made my pupils shrink and made me gulp hard. What should I do?

"What's going on?" I asked while I heard Adagio walk in circles around me, looking at me with desire in her eyes. It made me even more uncomfortable.

"Well, how about we put it this way. We kidnapped you." The moment Adagio said that my heart dropped, and I began to hyperventilate.

"What, why?! What did I do to you to make you do this? I'm not a very important person." I tried to explain how two pop-stars kidnapping me would be impossible. I'm not even a celebrity.

"Oh, that's where you're wrong, Spike. You did something we never imagined someone would do." Adagio smiled at me while she took a glass and added three ice cubes to it. "You made our sister fall in love with you..."

Huh? What does she mean by that? I was so confused and too scared to ask about it.

"We are a trio. Me, Aria, and our little sister, Sonata Dusk. You may have watched her on television, but you know what's funny?" Adagio smiled while she poured a liquid into the glass and took a sip of it. It looked like pink lemonade. "She wanted to stop singing and start acting in shows and videogames."

Okay? That didn't explain what this has to do with me...

"And she has been watching a lot of MeTube videos, and she found an animation..." The moment Adagio said that things started to click into place in my mind.

"So, she..."

"Yes, she found the Power Ponies series animations. And there is one series she is so fond of. Guess which one it was." I gulped and looked to Aria, who was nodding at me.

"So, she's the stalker who's been me?" I said with a tired voice. Well, I'm bucked, I'm doomed. Two pop-stars kidnapped me all because their sister enjoys my animations? Oh life, why did you have to be so cruel to me?

"Yep, and now we have a favor to ask of you." Aria dropped the ice bucket near me and took a handful of ice. Staring at me, as if daring me to refuse it. "Would you like to take our dear sister out on a date?"



Chapter 2

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I was in shock from the sudden question that was asked. I raised my eyebrows in surprise, thinking it was a prank.

"I'm sorry, what did you ask?" I looked to Adagio, who giggled. She approached me just to make sure I heard what she was saying.

"I know what you're thinking 'What? Is this a dream?' No, my little boy. We are actually forcing you to take our sister on a date." She winked at me, while Aria released her hand of ice in my neck and back, making me yell in surprise.

"This is the best way for you to realize you're not dreaming, lover boy." Aria smiled, causing me to yelp once more.

"Why?! Why do you want me to go on a date with your sister?" I shriveled from the ice on my back. I didn't follow their logic; why did they involve me in this? They kidnapped me so that I could go on a date with my stalker?

Adagio giggled maliciously, making me sweat. I definitely didn't like that.

"Well, you see, Spike. We love our sister from the very depths of our hearts. And, while she doesn't understand the concept of dating. Both me and Aria do our best to make certain she has a great time on her dates."

"By kidnapping and threatening the people who date her?!" I shouted in rage and disbelief. Both the pop stars simply shrugged their shoulders and nodded. I could feel my eyes beginning to twitch. How does doing that help anyone?

"Well, it would have been simple if you didn't try to ambush our sister." Adagio glared at me and pointed at me like I was the villain.

"She's been following me for a week. She was freaking me out." I was getting angry at all of this nonsense.

"Well, you could have just ignored her. Usually, famous people do like that. I have at least twenty stalkers, and I don't mind at all." Adagio pointed out to me like it was nothing at all. Of course, it was nothing to them; they were famous pop-stars.

"Well, I beat five of mine, but I didn't need to ambush them." And with Aria telling me that, not just me, but Adagio, looked at her with our brows raised. "What? I didn't need to corner them to beat them up. I just raised my voice, and they ran away."

"Of course, Aria, of course." Adagio scoffed while she started to untie me. "Looking at you, Spike. It seems that this is your first stalker, so I don't blame you for panicking because of my sister. But you're famous too."

"What do you mean, I'm famous? I don't even have ten-thousand subscribers." There were a lot of MeTubers who have more than 500 thousand subs and don't even consider themselves famous. Only people with more than 1 million could make such claims.

"Well, not in Sonata's eyes, it seems to her, you are famous. So if she is famous, and thinks that you're famous. Guess what, lover boy? It was just a question of time for you to reach more than 2 million subscribers." Aria smiled at me, she said that like it was the most normal thing in the world, but that didn't sound right to me.

"But that's using her, why are you suggesting this to me if she is your sister?" I raised my eyebrows, wondering just what the hell she was saying to me.

"Well, you see, Spike. Many people would love to use a famous name to get credit for their future projects; people like Aria and me were used that way. It's nothing compared to what we can do as well. Usually, we date CEO's to receive sponsors while we create good PR for their products."

"This is maddening. Why would people do that to others? That sounds so awful in so many ways." I looked to both of the sisters, who were silent from my response. Use a relationship to get sponsored? "To be used like that...It's sad."

Why would people do that? If someone's famous, would they really be the type of person who would use their relationships to create a name for themselves? Or to invest in their companies in exchange for products and sponsors? I remember when a girl had to break up with her boyfriend because her sponsor wanted her to.

I felt a hand on my shoulder; I looked to see who it was and was met with Aria, an honest smile adorning her face.

"Good thinking, Spike. It seems our sister really chose well." She said while Adagio smiled in relief.

"And here I was thinking about the possibility of what happened with Rara." She looked at me while she took off the last tie, allowing me to get out of the chair. She helped me up and dusted off my shoulders and fixed my crinkled shirt.

"Yeah, thankfully Spike isn't like what her ex was." Aria dropped the ice bucket onto the floor while she exited through the door again.

"I don't understand." I was still confused, only having woken up about five minutes ago.

"Well, Spike, while my sister and I don't know much about MeTube. We know about the gossip from Rara, and we even went to talk to her about it." When Adagio said this, it was like a bomb had dropped on me. I remembered the gossip; it was the same time that I had only one-thousand subscribers. I had seen a video on MeTube about a celebrity who went on MeTube with her boyfriend. It turned out that he was using her for clickbait, and had promised that she would be in all of his videos.

He got almost 2 million views in mere minutes when he had been cheating on her over the internet in reality. It was a great cataclysm, not just for him, but for Rara, who is a famous singer. In the end, while the MeTuber received thousands of critics, he still became famous while Rara wouldn't be the same after knowing about everything that happened to her.

"That was until Applejack went to his apartment and beat the crap out of him on his own livestream." I thought out loud. Adagio stood there with a shocked look on her face. Oops, I forgot she was here.

"Wait, what?" She asked while she attempted to maintain her composure, but failed miserably.

"Eh, sorry, I was thinking out loud. Well, Applejack is her cousin, so I remember she went viral when she went to his apartment and beat the shit out of him on a public livestream." I still remember when he threatened to call the cops on AJ, but she said he could call the cops because his house was a place where many crimes had happened. She never told me all the details because she didn't want anyone else involved in it, just the Apple family, my brother Shining Armor, and Rara.

I asked Shining once, and he told me it was a mess when he went there and told me not to ask about it anymore.

Surprisingly, Adagio started to laugh. It seemed that she hadn't known about this fact until I told her just now.

"So that's why Rara was in a much better mood last week. She told us once her family was a bunch of crazy people, but I didn't know they were capable of doing something like that."

"That's AJ for you. She takes the pain of her family very seriously. Try to mess with one Apple, and you mess with the entire orchard." I quoted the same words Applejack spoke to me when I wanted to help her, and a bunch of rabid dogs attacked us. Big Mac went with a shovel and drove the dogs away with their tails between their legs.

"Interesting. Well, Spike. Knowing you now, it seems we started on the wrong foot. But I'm glad I got to know you truly, you sound like the videos Sonata shows us every day." She smiled at me while I looked at her in disbelief.

"She really likes my videos that much?" It was a question that is still stuck in my head. While I was happy to have a lot of comments about my improved art skills, even when my art was cringy in my first two years when I had started MeTube, I knew it wouldn't be that special. Especially to a famous singer like the Dazzlings.

"Oh, Spike. You have no idea; if you come to this place again, I'll show you to her bedroom. She has all the fanart of Humdrum from your videos." When she said that, I couldn't help but smile. I was kind of glad that I had reached people, but never in my dreams would I have thought I'd have a stalker.

"Wow, well... Would it sound bad if I said that really flatters me?" I had to ask. This was the first time anyone seemed to know about me and share the love of my projects.

"Trust me, Spike. That wouldn't offend us. You would be surprised how many people have posters and even have arts of me on many websites." Adagio smiled at me while walking out the door.

When we left the room, I was surprised to see Aria Blaze with a full suitcase and my sisters, Twilight and Sunset Shimmer, on the couch lying unconscious while Rainbow Dash was on the floor.

"What happened?!" I asked worriedly.

"Well, you're not the only one who was knocked out from the ambush, so I made sure to make them comfortable. But that rainbow-haired girl is hefty, what does she eat?" Aria murmured, annoyed by the fact the girls were still there.

Then she walked to me and gave me the suitcase.

"Here's what you'll wear. Sonata is working today, so she doesn't have any idea what we did. We want you to show up tomorrow by 5 P.M. and take her out to dinner. You'll pay, of course~" She finished in a sing-songy voice, grinning wickedly at me. My eyes were wide with shock; they'd not only knocked out my sisters and me but also Dash. And now I had to pay for a dinner date that I didn't want to go on.

I sighed in defeat, "What does she like to eat?" I asked I had to be sure to choose a fitting place for our date. I wasn't exactly rolling in money.

"Tacos." The sisters said in unison, making my jaw drop. "Yeah, we know. But if you don't like Mexican, pizza would be the next best thing."

The way they looked at me, it seems that they knew I wouldn't need a lot of money to take their sister on a date, tacos aren't that expensive after all. That's one thing less to worry about.

"Well, alright. It seems fine to me, but how will I manage to bring my sisters back home?" I couldn't move all of them on my own, and I didn't have a car to help me with that.

"Don't worry, our chauffeur will take all of you home, and the only thing you need to do is put them into their beds." Adagio paused, "and find a great excuse for when they eventually wake up. They'll be out for a few more hours at least. You'd be surprised what tranquilizer pills do to celebrities when they have insomnia." She giggled and clapped her hands. Three people in suits rushed into the room, "Guys, can you help Mr. Sparkle, his sisters, and his friend get home?"

"Yes, Miss Dazzle." They said in unison, while they led me out—Twilight, Sunset, and Dash in tow.

Alright, this day cannot get any weirder...

Chapter 3 - The Coconut?

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I never for once walked by a limousine, it was an amazing experience, inside of it has a huge Frigobar with candies and soda, and they even have tv inside of it? It was amazing… But this excitement couldn’t last forever because I’m in a deep dilemma, my sisters are by my side sleeping with their heads in my lap, while Rainbow Dash was on the other assent on the other side of the limousine.

How can I tell them we are kidnapped and I have a date with a pop star and she is my stalker without making my sisters and my best friend freakout and going on revenge or being too overly protective over me?

“What should I do? If I tell them the truth I know Sunset would try to be my bodyguard and would try to attack Sonata for sure… Twilight would call Shining Armor and he would have to take a trip from Crystal City to here just to be sure I will be okay while he will contact the police… and if moms discover it…” My eyes shrink with this thought… what would happen if my mother Celestia and my stepmother Twilight Velvet discovered it… The doom would happen… “It’s settled then… I must lie.”

But… What lie could explain what happened today?

I decided in my mind, there was no way this day could be even worse or weirder than already is to me…

Until I look at my cell phone…

(5 calls missed - CMom … 5 calls missed TVmom)

My heart stopped… then I heard a drum, I looked closer at my cellphone… 5 calls missed - CMom, then I heard a stronger drum, 5 calls missed TVmom then again another drum…

That drum… was my heart almost having a heart attack…


“Oh, God, OH GOD, OH GOD. I’m dead, I’m dead…” Anxious wasn’t the feeling I was having at the moment… it was pure DESPAIR. 10 calls missed? If you missed 2 or 3 from a mother without a good reason to answer her, you would be grounded for life that’s for sure. 4 it was a warning of a death sentence, 5 it was death for sure. That’s coming from 1 mother, and I have a mother and a stepmother with 5 lost calls of each one? I’m dead, I’m dead for sure.

Why, why does that have to happen before I get 2 thousand subscribers on Metube or even have my first kiss? Now I will be dead before I kiss a girl.

I decided to accept my fate as a forever grounded boy, and decided to call home, well there is a quote I still remember from my brother Shining…

“Spike, my brother, let me give you some advice. When a girl you love and respect decided to call you and suddenly you missed at least 3 calls, at the moment you noticed you screwed up, there is just one thing you can do at the moment. You must call her right at that instant because at the moment the time passes, it will only get worse if you know you missed the calls. Trust me… it’s the only way to survive.” It was the last thing Shining Armor said before Cadance broke a plate on his face making him unconscious.

I’m almost pissing myself, but I decided to have the courage to call one of my mothers.

The sound of the waiting line still makes me sweaty and my heart races like a Nascar car.

Until I heard a voice.


I gulped at the moment, so I decided to go smoothly.

“Hey mom, it’s me…” I tried to be brief and prayed to her not to be angry.

“Oh, hey honey, I was cleaning the house until you call, are you going home?” To my surprise, it seemed my prayers worked, because I never thought my mom, who usually gets berserk if one of us forgets to call her, telling where we are going or even ignoring her calls, it seems she looked like nothing happened.


I should have been reprimanded by her right now.


“Oops, sorry mom my cellphone dropped for a few seconds, yeah, I and the girls are going back home.”

“Oh that’s wonderful, your friend was a sweetheart to pass over here to bring your stuff before going back to work, I hope you have enjoyed the afternoon with her sisters.” At the moment she said that my brain stopped working, so… wait, she passed over my house and talked to my mother while we were kidnapped? Well, at least she saved me from being grounded for life.

“Yeah, it was amazing, they have a huge mansion and it seems the girls are so tired they are sleeping while we are going back home.” Well for the time I have at least my mother not angry with me is a big safe. Now what I should do with my sisters.

“They woke up? She told me they were knocked out by coconuts which fell from the roof and they were recovering inside her home.” I have to admit, while many friends of mine say my mom as a Principal usually don’t believe in almost any lies of the kids who talk to her… But…

WHAT? COCONUTS? And she believed?

Well, at least I have a little foundation lie to trust.

“Oh… sorry mom, I didn’t want to make you worried, but how can anybody plant a coconut tree over a roof?” I asked, trying to carry on with the lie.

“That’s what I asked… Surprisingly she showed a picture over the roof with a coconut tree and it seems while Canterlot doesn’t have many coconuts, it seems they were brought from Brazil and are kinda special kind of coconut so it was approved to be planted by the laws…” My mouth dropped at the moment she said that.


“Well mom, soon me and the girls will be there, and it seems I have a date tomorrow.” At least the worst has already passed, so now I have to say before it happens something.

“Awww, look at you… Receiving the first date, I have to say Spike is a sweetheart. Go for it.” Hearing these words made me blush while I still remembered the kidnapping…

Yeah, so sweet it breaks the teeth...

“MOOOM.” I said aloud while receiving a chuckle from her and turning off the cellphone.

“Well, the dinner will be at 7, later you can tell me how you met the famous pop star Sonata Dusk… Yeah, I know the famous teen bands because I’m principal and I know what you are thinking Spike Solaris Drake Sparkle… Now I have to turn off the telephone. Kisses.”

“For you to mom, love you,” I said that while I turned off the cellphone, well at least I have a lie, it wasn’t too relatable but still was a fundamental lie. So it was okay to make the girls believe in that, I hope so.”

Chapter 4 - Talk with Adms

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The animation flaws over the sketch were being replaced by the same redo tool I always use while I try to make the sketches of my future episodes. Still, the frustration of my day made my handshake a bit further than usual, while my mind tried to process everything that happened.

I was looking at the chat messages from the administrators of my channel on Metube, and some of them were on conference calls with me, usually, it’s just me using the voice channel while they are there listening and writing text messages to me while I work.

“And not just that, but it was a miracle the lie of the coconut worked so well on my stepmom, even she and my mother convinced Twilight and Sunset about it. How that absurd lie would have worked so well like that?” I was in disbelief, and I was venting to my best friends which were my admin on my channel.

(Trust me, bringing Coconut from Brazil is really expensive, and even has some weird laws with it. You would be surprised by how coincidence happened.) - Maneiac-769 message made my eyebrow wide open.

“Really?” I asked while I tried to fix the mistake of the little Humdrum looking happy to the old version of himself. “Because now I have a date with her and I think I won’t need to tell her because her sisters maybe already did that to me. Can you believe it? I was kidnapped by someone who was freaking me out for weeks, and now I have to date her?”

(Well celebrities sometimes tend to have some eccentricities, maybe she is so naive she actually didn’t think you were freaking out, and now her sisters had to do it. What was the best for her, so maybe you should give a try…?) - FillySecondSD message made me rethink about the day, while I was held captive, they actually have a point, curiously I was being stalked by a famous and that wasn’t that bad.

(Dude you met 2 pop stars singers and you are going to date one, what a guy wouldn’t wish to have your position.) -HumdrumIsMe message actually showed a voice deep inside my head who was thinking this same question.

“But still I’m not saying I wouldn’t enjoy it. But damn I was kidnapped, I just hope she wouldn’t freak me out and decide to go on gore on me.” I joked while I could see a message from my adms giving a LOL typing.

(Well, now you are in a corner without a way to get out, the best you can do is go on a date, and see how it goes, but please, be yourself Spike. You are always a kind guy and we already have many jerks going on celebrities.) MaskedJr.MatterHorn message made me roll my eyes. Since Rara’s incident, she has been pissed by that Metuber because Rara is her idol, I cannot imagine someone being a huge fangirl as MaskedJrMatterHorn.

(I have to go with Masked this time dude. I wouldn’t like to hear her complaining about that for another week.) -HumdrumlsMe message made me chuckle, he was despaired to make her stop complaining at the chat, it seems she had a big discussion with him and he was slamming his head on his desk all the time when the subject is talked.

“Alright, I will be myself, can’t we just focus on the video, please? I’m thinking to ask my sister dub MaskedMatterHorn again because while she is not as great as the original, her voice would be fitting a bit on my videos. And what do you guys think about the plot?” I asked while I could see all my amidst typing at the same time.

(It is really promising, I have to say, making the time travel to the future being a huge dropped message to his younger self, it would be like traumatizing him forever, but it would make him think through all the problems and be ahead of all the sentimental problems he would have.) - Maneiac-769 gave a thoughtful emoji making a good approbation from her, usually, when I have some flaws in my animation she would really criticize harshly but when I got something right she would compliment me really well. She does have good constructive critics but always depends on her humor. When she is angry I would hate to let her see my work.

“Oh, I’m really glad you enjoyed Maneiac. It will surely create a huge plot from the past again. I was thinking of calling the plot: Rewrite. Like it was Humdrum going to Rewrite himself and doesn’t want to himself get so betrayed and hurt as he is right now.” I always imagine how Humdrum would react after all the tragedy he suffered through the series I’ve been working on so long.

(I’m still shocked on how you make Humdrum’s family, they seem really like dictators, but in the end they still care about his family. But I can imagine everytime Power Ponies see Humdrum again or his family, a war will start as soon as possible. But I’m really disappointed by Masked Matterhorn, she was the one who Humdrum trusted more, and she kept so many secrets from him, and now all the chain effect is by her own fault. I would hate to be on her skin right now.) -HumdrumIsMe message while making me thoughtful as well. I actually didn’t want to make Masked a bad girl but sometimes friendship crumbles because of lack of information and secrets.

(Emoji with a conflicted face) Was sent by MaskedJr.MatterHorn. She must feel terrible about what happened with Masked, since she is her favorite character as her nickname.

“I know it will look harsh and terrible to Masked, but Humdrum must know the truth of himself, and his friendship with the Power Ponies usually was lacking honesty over the series after season 5. Ten episodes they were negligent Humdrum, I know they still value him. But something tells me. Friendship when it has such deep secrets would make their relationship crumble so hard, it would be incapable to recover it. And that’s my plan for all my Alternative Universe.” I explained again, while I always give the credits to their creators, I hope maybe someday they would enjoy my little project of animation.

(You must have been thinking about showing to the panel? I want to see their reaction when you take a picture of your fans looking at the cover art.) FillySecondSD gave me a message with a smiling emoji while making me chuckle.

“While that sounds a good idea, I fear that would just make me lose face, so I was thinking of publishing the animation a day before going to the panel, and the cover art is almost ready. But I don’t want to be that kind of fan who would jump to my hero, Flank Morisson. I just want to say hello to him and say how much his story changed my life.” I said while I corrected some poses about the little Humdrum which shocked me. I decided to make a little joke on the script which will be commented a lot on the comments.

“Anyway, my idea is to make this little project be a future arc when Humdrum comes to the past again, and how he changed a lot. I was thinking of making a little animated comic about this arc.”

(That’s really ambitious, and little by little you have been doing well. But you need to take a rest. You are still a student, you must focus on studying while you still have your projects.) Maneiac-769 once more showed me, I must focus on my studies. She even told me I must graduate before going to have a specialization in animation. She even gave me points on how to do it. She seems to really care about me.

“Alright Maneiac, I already have 2 moms doing that, I don’t need to have another mom to remind me about it.” I snarky commented while making all the others send me LOL comments.

(Good. That means you are being raised well. I can’t wait to see what you are planning) She gave me a smile grin emoji which makes me think she actually is grinning at me evilly. And that makes my spine shrive, such troublesome.

“Alright, let's talk and more animating. Let’s enjoy our time before I go to sleep, tomorrow I have a big date. And I hope everything is gonna be alright.” I prayed to all the beings in the universe, hoping so. But I don’t know why, but it seems like the universe is making a prank on me. Who knows?

I have nothing to lose. I hope so.

Chapter 5 - Checkmate

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If I tell you I'm not nervous today, please give me a kick in my nuts, because I can swear I can taste my own fear.

I give my best to look casual but at the same time to make a good impression to a pop star who actually was my stalker. How cannot I be nervous about that?

Thinking about what happened yesterday, at least was better than I was expecting actually. I thought my stalker would be someone who wanted to kill me, but at least she is a pop star, but I cannot say the same of her sisters... They still creep me out.

I took a long shower to make sure I was clean, washed my hair twice, and I even passed cologne to make sure I could smell good. A good deodorant to make sure. And then my clothes.

I looked at the mirror and I wasn't sure if was the best choice... I'm wearing a black T-Shirt with a purple Jacket with green color inside and a dark green pants with white shoes. I looked at myself and I think it was the best choice I could have at the moment.

"Oh hello handsome." That moment I was nervous at the mirror, I saw the reflection of someone who made me turn to see who was.
A mature woman of gray and purple strap hair smiled at me...
She is my step mother, who came near me and with her hair brush started to help me to fix my hair while using a cream to make it look stylish.

“Spike remember, when you meet a girl, you should always be educate with her, be kind, but not force too much. Be yourself but not jump on her on the first date.” She gave me the advice while she helped me to get ready to my date.

“I know mother, please, I know you are excited to know about my date, I’m excited as well, but I’m really nervous.” I couldn’t tell another lie to Twilight Velvet. I’m glad she believed in the coconut lie because my mom Celestia showed her a picture, even Twilight and Sunset didn’t believed until they were show a picture of their heads with coconuts on their side.

How that lie could be so believable? I still don’t know, but that was for the best. But it seems even my step mother is kinda of fan of the dazzlings, which surprised me. But telling her I was kidnapped by them? That was a big nop.

“Trust me Spike, you are a lovely boy, the girls over this neighborhood don't understand your character, but I have to say… I was even praying for you to have a lovely girl to hock up. Because you are a lovely little candy.”

“MOOOTHEEEERRRR” I couldn’t hid my blush from her sweet talk and Kiss in my check. That made me look like a little kid of 3 years old... But in the other hand, that was the little confidence I needed to try today. I smiled to her. “Love you mother.”

“Ohhhh? Saying you Love me suddenly? Celestia Will be jealous if she knows that.” My stepmother always like to tease and be such competitive with my own mother. I remember like they competing once per year who is the mom of the year.

“Oh stop that. I just wish mom could be here to see me or even give me more pointers with you.” I gave a sigh, sadly today was parent's meeting on the school, so my mom Celestia would be at the school all day long. That's why my step mom had to take a day off of her job to give me a hand on my date... I didn't ask for help but I cannot say no to her... not after yesterday. 5 calls, and I would be dead. “Mother, how do I look?”

“Hmm…” She gave a deep look in me. “I say, you look you are going to the mall, while you have the hair which means you are going to eat outside, not fancy to eat in a restaurant, but not dressed like you are going to watch a soccer play. 7 of 10”

“Perfect, which means it’s okay for a taco restaurant.” I hugged my step mother while I ran away from my room getting ready to leave the front door. Until I saw Sunset waiting near the door. “Oh hey Sunset.”

“Spike.” She give a deep look in me, while she smiled and took something from her pocket. “50 bucks, spent wisely.”

My eyes went wide open.

“But I already was going to pay for the meal. You don’t need to lend me money.” I tried to refuse but suddenly I saw the glimpse of her eyes sparkling and her evil grin… Oh no. “Please don’t tell them.”

She smiled even wider.

“I have to say Spike, the coconut lie almost got me, and I have to say it got Twilight and our moms, so that means that lie was perfect, but you did a little mistake.” She approached me while giving me the 50 bucks. “Next time you start a videocall please don’t make the messages notifications go to my email. It showed a video about you talking to them.”

I facepalmed while I mumbled how stupid I was… I forgot I created my email linked to her because we both shared an email account for good reasons.

“What do you want?” That was a question I feared to ask, because now she has a weapon she can use the worst creatures over earth, our moms and Shining Armor…

“I was thinking carefully about what happened to us, so I was thinking in punching a celebrity would be a good idea, but then I decided to forget it because would great a tension between us, and now we found out you have a date with your stalker, that’s not what we want right?” One trick my sister does all the time, when she says we don’t want that, it means she really wanted to do that, but she is remaining calm and I have to offer a choice to make her not do that.

When she plays chess, she always do that to keep the players in check, both metaphoric and literally.

“I curse the day Twilight taught you chess…” She smiles widely because she knew I’m admitting defeat. I took a card of the place I was going. “You can go there to watch us, but please don’t interrupt our table and don’t scare her.”

“What can I do? I have to protect my baby brother.” She giggled while I sigh in defeat. She does that a lot. But it’s kinda of the way she says she loves me.

I opened the door, while surpringly I found a limousine waiting for me and a girl who was waving to me.

“Hey Spike, ready to go? Ops… Hello, I’m Sonata, err. Ready to go?” The girl who was waiting called me, but then she nervously changed her tone and was looking even more nervous than me.

I decided to walk at her.

“So… you are Sonata?” I asked while inside myself I facepalm hard, really? That’s the best I could offer?

“Yeah, I mean, Yes... hm... Sure? Oh sorry. I’m really nervous.” She said while she was shaking my hand really quickly and wasn’t letting go.

“Yes, I understand.” I kinda feel nervous as well. So maybe this could work for the best.

She opened the door for me, while I gladly went inside and she followed me.

“So where are we going?” She asked me while I thought about it.

“I don’t know much about Taco palaces, but my brother said one he think was the best was Chirrierito.”

“Oh, near across the 7th street. I know the place. Speedy Vegas, Chirrierito please.” She happily called her driver which with a nod replied.

“Understood Maam.” The last thing I saw was the smiling wave my sister Sunset Shimmer and my step mother Twilight Velvet were giving.

Chapter 6 - My eye spy.

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You must understand one thing Spike, if you have to go on a date, and decided to plan everything since from the morning until the end of the day, scheduled and all... You need to understand one thing… Never happens the way you plan or think.

I remember my sister in law explaining this to me once, when I was asking about Sunset’s date with Flash Sentry and in the end of the day, they were covered with mud and they were dirty, but they seemed really happy because they were laughing since the end of the day. Even when Sunset talks about her date, she laughs like it was a good night...

“Spike, nobody expects a date to be always perfect, sometimes depends by luck. But to make sure you enjoy yourself and the person you invited even in the worst case scenarios it's something everyone must know and learn.” She patted my head and shaking my hair, while I was still too young to understand something.

“Are you still mad with Shining?” I asked while looking at her innocently.

“Hahahahaha. Of course not little Spike, he and I are perfect fine.” I heard Cadance laughing while I looked at outside of the window and I saw my brother sleeping at the dog house.

I still don’t know why…

Yeah, maybe Shining really messed up by not picking the phone. I still don’t understand the girls…

I watched the famous pop star who was looking in awe everything her limousine passed by, while she really is excited to show me everything.

“Look, this is the place where Aria once punched a paparazzi in his face because his camera was looking at somewhere he shouldn’t. That guy learned to not mess up with her after she broke the camera with his face.” The famous Sonata, pop star and one of the most iconic singers over Canterlot High, excitedly described one scene I couldn’t help but gulp in front of her. How can she say that in such smiling face?

“R…Really?” I asked while she still smiling at me nodding really fast.

Well she seemed a bit nervous a few minutes ago, but now she seems like she can be herself.

“Yep, Adagio even had to give some autographs to people around to make sure to not being witness of the punch bag of that paparazzi.” How can she say something so awful in this cheerful tone?

Okay… maybe having Sunset as body guard doesn’t sound a bad idea after all.

Sunset Shimmer Pov:

I’m vigilant, I’m always vigilant when it comes about my little brother. I couldn’t let anyone hurt him, even if was someone who has a freaking crush on him.

I used my bicycle to cross around the streets and with many shortcuts I managed to be in front of the restaurant with time before the limousine approach the street.

I was holding my binoculars borrowed by Twilight while I watched in silence the duo go inside of the Mexican Taco restaurant.

My first judgments? She is too stupid or she is too excited about meeting Spike. Maybe she is too childish to be understood by me. But why Spike is the one who make this naive pop star to fall for him?

I keep my watch while they were still talking outside of the restaurant. I wish I could have borrowed a better equipment from Twilight, she has some spy stuff… she and her stupid movie hobbies…

Something strange passed over the street… A purple van with some parabolic antennae moving like crazy… It passed slowly in the street until stopped in the corner of the street. That was something I would get suspicious first, but I just shrugged off, and kept looking at the restaurant.

It didn’t took long to make me turn my eyes at the van again, because a sudden shout came from inside of the van, taking off my concentration and making me curious of what was inside of the van. But I didn’t need to approach the van to discovered who was inside of the van.

But a sound of the door slamming shut make my eyes open wide to know who was outside of the van.

“What the?” I said while I could see, it was nobody other than one of the sisters who kidnapped me and my brothers on that day.

“I can’t believe it Adagio cough… cough… cough… You had to pass the air spray in my face? Damn, why?” The purple haired girl was coughing while shouting angrily at the van…

I couldn’t hear what the other person inside of the van was saying. But I couldn’t waste an opportunity like that, I smiled with a new idea in my mind.

I approached the van without wasting time, I knocked the door trying to take their attention.

“Who is it?” I heard someone asking me while I have one thought inside my mind.

Too easy. I smiled at myself while I made a deep voice.

“Food service delivery. I’m here with an order made by Adagio Dazzle.”

The moment I said that I heard a muffling conversation inside.

(See? I told you 25 minutes or the order will be free. Ha)

(I can’t believe it, this app is amazing… I should invest on this company.)

The moment the door was open I was smiling waiting for the right moment. The moment the door went open, I saw the face of Adagio who seemed surprised and confuse.

“Wait, you are not…” I didn’t let her finish, I jump straight to her and started to punch her. “Oww, stop it. Hey.”

I wasn’t listening I just kept beating them and pulling her hair, until a voice made me turn my head to look.

“HEY” I heard the other girl looking angrily at me. “What the heck are you doing? Wait… Hold on, you are the girl who was with that boy Spike.”

I didn’t answer that, I went straightly at her to punch her as well, and she knowing I was approaching her she kicked me in the face, while I was launched at the bottom of the van. OH SHE IS DEAD.

I got up and jumped straightly while me and the middle sister went fighting punching each other. That was my payback. Until a scream stopped us.

“WAIT.” The elder sister Adagio came between me and Aria making us stop in our places. “I know both of you want to start a fight, but not on this van, it’s a rented van and we shouldn’t break something inside. Let’s be reasonable and talk about this.”

While I really wanted to beat the crap of them, the elder sister convinced me to stop it, because maybe fighting inside of a van wasn’t a good idea after all. Maybe some expensive stuff would be destroyed.

While I was still angry with both of them, I decided to calm down, at least I beat a bit of them, and that was good enough for me. But damn, that Aria has a good kicking. My face still felt that.

While I looked at the stronger girl over the van, she nodded to her elder sister, making herself to sit in one of the sits inside of the van.

The elder sister Adagio, did the same, and using her finger, gestured to me to take a sit as well. I hesitantly followed her instruction while I still glared daggers at them, but still the fight was over…

We remained in silence until Adagio gave a displeased sigh making me and her sister look at her.

“Okay, let’s not beat around the bush and take care of this elephant inside of the van. We are here because we want to spy our siblings…” Adagio seemed to capture not just my ideals but it seems they are having the same reason of why we are here… Well, they actually brought a van which looks like a FBI one if I look a bit better of inside of this van. “I will offer a bail of what happened a few days ago if you help us… giving information about your brother, and help us to spy this couple and see how this date will leads.”

I raised my eyebrow, and looking at their equipment… cameras, voice recorders, and microphones around the restaurant was being show inside of the van. Well, they have better equipment, and being honest, having to spy them by myself looks really boring to not have anyone to talk about opinions of the matter… Having nothing better to do… Well the choice was a bit obvious.

“Okay, I accept the offer.” I decided to let it go my anger, and I took a sit while looking at the camera with the girls.

“Good… I just hope this ends well…” The elder sister, who was looking at the cameras, gave a quietly pray, it seems she was hopping her sister would have a good time…

“Yeah, me too.” I have to admit, they really made me mad, but I don’t want to Spike feel hurt, I hope he has a good time. “Spike I hope you enjoy your time.”

That’s we have in common, pray for something good happens to our siblings.

Chapter 7 - Why me?

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Entering inside of Chirrierito, it was exaclty what a normal Mexican restaurant would be, customers making their orders, attendants taking the orders correctly, some families enjoying their tacos. Nothing out of ordinary... That's until I noticed Sonata calling the names of all employees of the establishment.

"Hi Gabriel, how is your day? How is it your wife? Diego como vai ustedes? How is your cousin? Doing great? Awesome. Juan my man, how are you? Still having problems with your brother? Yeah, I thought soo. Mirella, bff. How is your grandma? She still healthy as a bull? Man I envy her healthy. Say her I said hi. Kiss to your family as well. Florinda, how is it your boy? I hope he still is studying a lot. Ñoño how are you? Still working to have money for college? Awesome. Where is Chavo? Oh he is at the bathroom? Alright. Hehe." That was the display of the most quickly greetings and waving I ever saw in my whole life. And what was strange, everyone over the restaurant was just waving and replied quickly the same way as Sonata called. It was weird but yet amazing.

And the way they greet her was like they were used by her, like they already know her during a long time.

We walked to a balcony to find a lovely woman in the mid age. Like she was 40 years old, but she had some white hair, but she looked like an elegant lady.

"Sonata my hija, how are you?" The lovely lady greeted at the balcony, while Sonata went there and gave a hug at the lady which she accepted and gave a hug as well.

"Clotilde, how are you? I'm fine." She then proceed to go over the lady's ear, and whispers something while the look over the lady looking elegant but at the same time I could see her smile wide.

"Oh that's wonderful Sonata, well, why not you both take a sit? Chavo will attend you when he gets out?" The lady then looked at me and she smiled in a way which made me sweat, but she looked so sweet, that I decided to ignore that.

Then I felt Sonata grabbing my hand and pulled us in the place she decided to sit.

"You will love this place Spike." Sonata smiled cheerfully, while she took some of the napkins and decided to make some origami with it.

"Er... you know quite a lot of people over here." I said while I looked at her nod her head while she still concentrates on her origami.

"Yeah, usually I know all the employees of at least 3 famous taco restaurants, and 2 pizza restaurants as well. Because well... I go there at least once per week in all the places." She said while making my mouth ring out of his place.

"What?" I asked confused on the way she said it.

"Well in resume... I kinda became sponsor of some of the most knows pizzerias and Mexican restaurants over this town. So I'm sponsor of 5 places which I like to eat." The moment she said that , I was in shock, well she is a pop star, it wouldn't be actually a surprise if a celebrity would do that...

At the moment I was going to say something, a boy with a green hat and a T-Shirt with stripes came in our direction. He then has his eyes wide open and then his smile became wide.

"SONATA." His shout was clear on how happy he was to see Sonata, who just has her wide smile on her face as well.

"CHAVO" She then went to hug him which he gladly accepted making like 2 best friends who didn't talk for a while. "How have you been? Still studying at the college with Ñoño?"

"Tell me about it." Chavo rolled his eyes while he smiled at us, while he took a little notebook with a pencil. "Are you ready to order? The usual?"

Sonata shook her head while she pulled my arm and hugged me.

"This time I'm with a company..." The momment she said that, he then looked at me surprised. A few minutes of silence then he whistled happy. "Man, finally. Sonata found someone. Now I can stop teasing her for being single. Patty will love to hear that."

The moment he said that, I could see clearly the face of Sonata having a bit of shades of purple.

"CHAVO." She shouted in outrage, while the boy chuckled.

"Anyway, what can I do for both of you?" The boy then proceed to ignores Sonata mumbling, while she took the menu.

"Alright, we will have the especial of 10 tacos, and for desert a sunday with cookies." Sonata said while I could see at Chavo's eye he was flinching.

"Well Sonata, we don't have cookies anymore." Chavo said while he was writing down one part of the order, while I could see something he didn't see... Sonata was giving me an evil smile.

"Okay, then we will have the soup... with cookies." I saw Sonata saying while she was looking at the menu, and then I saw Chavo who was writing in the middle of the order, then he stopped and looked at Sonata again.

"We don't have cookies Sonata." Chavo said again while I could see he was more firm on this time.

"Seriously? Alright, then we will have a cake of 3 lettches... with cookies." I clearly saw the vein pumping in Chavo's face while he held his pen tight.

"We don't have cookies." Chavo said like he was annoyed by to say it again, but this time I saw Sonata really annoyed.

"Oh come on, alright just give me the cookies and we are done." Sonata said giving up from her desert, just to say that.

Oh my God, the look on Chavo's face, I'm trying so much to not laugh, but it was really difficult. He then proceed to get out with our order.

"Sonata that was mean." I said while I laughed after he left. My God that was to make anyone angry.

"Yep, this time he will learns to not tease me. But I just need one more flicker." Sonata got up from his sit and shouted. "ALRIGHT CHAVO, I CHANGE MY MIND, GIVE ME THE CAKE... WITH COOKIES."

"WE DON'T HAVE COOKIES." Chavo's shout was so loud that all the restaurant was able to hear, and it was so funny that I, Sonata, and all the employees started to laugh from this boy's unfortunate.

She then winked at me, while we started to talk.

"So that's what you do every time you go to this restaurant?" I asked while she nodded and finished to make an eagle of origami of napkin.

"Yep, when it comes about this people, you will never get bored. Every day is out of ordinary. Just like their neighborhood. " Sonata said excitedly about their daily activities, while I couldn't help but chuckle from some of their stories.

After passing 20 minutes, we saw Chavo again with the plates of 10 tacos and a 10 tiny cups around the tray, he looked really calm, while he laid down the tray with food.

"Enjoy your meal." Chavo seemed he really took his steam off. I thought he would try something on the food, while Sonata smiled and thanked him, while I looked at the food.

"Thanks Chavo, say Mr. Belly I said hi when you see him okay?" She waved while Chavo didn't look back while he went at the kitchen but still having problems to pass the balcony while breaking a few glasses. "Oh Chavo, boy with a great heart but clumsy as always."

Sonata said while she giggled on her place.

While we both appreciated that moment of someone clumsy, it was the best to eat the food since it was hot and looking appetizing.

It was delicious, all kind of flavors over the sauces, and the different textures from all kind of tacos, it was mind-blowing. I never thought Mexican food would be so fun to eat.

But there was something making the tension akward between me and the pop star who was in front of me eating... We aren't talking or making a conversation...

"Er..." I tried to find a topic over my head to say something, but without looking stupid...

"Do you have questions don't you Spike?" Sonata said while she stopped eating and noticing my voice reach her ears... "Because if I was in your position I would feel the same way as you."

The moment she said that I knew the tension was awkward between us and there wasn't a way to avoid that, it was a topic I must know.

"Why me? I mean... you are a great popstar singer, you are famous, while I understand you somehow became my fan. I just don't understand how did you become my fan and since when... but mostly important, why me from all the people over Metube and the world." I had that question since I was kidnapped. Heck, since the day she started stalking me, I just want to know it...

"Oh, we already went on this question... wow, it was so quick..." Sonata said in defeat, and sighed trying to remain calm. "Well Spike, I became your fan 2 years ago, when you started your channel... And I could give you many reasons about why I have failing to you since from 2 years ago, about your qualities, about the way you talk... But. Well if you want to know the truth... you actually changed my life Spike. You made my dream become true..."

The silence between us was intense, but it feel so touching to me. I made her achieve her dream? What kind of dream? And how did I do that? The moment she said that I couldn't help but ask.

"But how? How did I even made you know me?"

"Well, you see... 2 years ago, I was still a success as pop star with my sisters. However there was something I wanted to do since I was kid." Sonata smiled weakly while she hold her fist tight. "I wanted to be a voice actress. I wanted to be the voice of princess singing at the cartoons and movies."

While I listened to her, I waited for her to keep going, because I know there was a whole story behind of it.

"The moment I told my sisters about this dream, they actually weren't receptive, because truth to be told, neither of us knew how to be actress or even voice act. But I knew from the news about celebrities going on movies and make voices of the shows all the time. So I thought it was possible." Sonata smile's from telling her dream dropped. "Then it came the auditions. I thought just being there and trying my best would be enough... But... I never felt so defeated when it came about my audition."

"What happened?"

"The people judging the audition gave me the most brutal judgment I ever received in my life. Tell told me, "That's the problem of singers who thinks they can do whatever they want on the movies. Their voices never were correct and they are too stupid and inexperience to admit they want to learn. And you are just a kid, just because you have a carrier on singing, doesn't mean you have the guts to do whatever you want on my studio. GET OUT OF HERE." And me having 14 years old just proved the fact they were telling the truth. But for me, nobody ever judged me in that way... And when I came back home, I did my best to do a fake smile and not cry in front of my sisters." Sonata sighed deeply while she tried to remain control of her tears, but almost in vain since I could see a glimpse of a tear on her eye. "I thought it was just one audition, maybe another one would be the best luck for me... but from the first audition, it made so insecure of myself, that I gave up 3 other auditions because I feared the same judgment. Because let me tell you one thing Spike. Auditions usually are brutal and heartless... They would destroy your hopes and expectations. And since I was giving up 3 auditions, I was thinking to let my dream die..."

I was in shock from sudden decision, but I have one more question...

"What made you to change your mind?"

"At the night I was deciding to quit, I was tired and sad, and was trying to find funny videos to cheer me up at night. Until by some kind of coincidence the Metube gave me a recommendation video... It was an introduction video... about a little sidekick making kicks movements." Sonata suddenly smiled while my eyes went wide open. "From a channel which only had 5 followers, and many of his videos had 20 down-votes and 3 up-votes."

My mouth went wide open while she continued.

"It was a video of some sketches you did on your first animation. While it looked clumsy and with some glitches and mistakes... I still remember the narrative." Sonata smiled this time weakly but smiling at herself. "Hello everybody, my name is Spike, and I want to be honest with all of you. I'm still new over this platform of videos, and for me I have a dream. To become a great animator, so I know it may harsh to look and it will be there many mistakes. But I want you to give me a chance. Not by this moment, but the future moment. I know it looks awful, but I'm 14 years old. I will study many ways of art and animation by myself. And time is my ally, a dream will never die until I give the towel, and when you have a dream, your life has a meaning. So I will not give up my dream. Just give me one chance, and I will surprise you... And if you want to criticize me, please give me points on where I should improve, because I want to achieve my dreams, and I know I can do better... but I just don't know where. Until there I expect some of you have at least faith on me, because I want to surprise everyone who believes in me. Until the next time. "

She quote all the words I said on that video, but the most amazing thing... She was imitating my own voice from the video, that was unbelievable.

"I watched that video repetitively all night long. You don't know how such words gave me strength and made me believe in myself. The firstly thing I did at the morning..." She confidently raised her finger while she looked radiant with her smile. "Was to take a long sleep because I was exhausted watching the video all night long."

From the way she drops down her finger made me laugh aloud, while she giggled with me.

"Then I hired an agent to help me to seek another big audience. But this time I went with a different mind."

"You tried again?" I asked surprised, receiving a nod from her.

"This time when I went at the audition the first thing I did was... to ask where people usually learn about acting and voice acting. Then after I received the answer I did quit the test."

I was drinking soda at the moment she said that and choked from the sudden news. She gasped in shock while she went behind my back and slapped my back a few times.

"Are you okay?" She asked me while I let it out my breath and take deep breath again.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but I can't believe in this. You went to an audition again just to ask where you learn to act and then dropped the test right away?" I couldn't help but ask about this absurd.

"Well, if you want to learn the right place, ask the great people who know what they are doing, who would be better to ask where to act than the director and the ones who want a specific kind of actor or actress in one specific type of character?" That point was indeed a good one, she made me think about it, she was lacking skills, so she went to the producers and even the director and asked right away the points on where she should go to learn these skills... "And they really gave me a good place to learn. I went to acting school since from that day. My agent was freaking out, but I told him he needs to understand 1... I was paying his salary, 2... I was needing to learn and not to be ashamed of myself knowing I could be better, and 3... I asked him to find low kinds of papers or dubs while I was at the acting school... "

If what she said was correct, she was doing exactly what I was thinking...

"Because if you want to learn from the school, you shouldn't try to make big roles over the industries, or you would just make yourself down again in comparison of the other people who has more experience than you..." I concluded while she smiled wide and nodded her head.

"BINGO DINGO." She nodded while I kinda understand her uniqueness changes, she usually is clumsy, but she is serious sometimes and even a bit of a shy one when she is nervous. She is having this 3 roles in just 20 minutes... What a strange girl. "And I have to say, it was a harsh process to make, practice, practice, and more practice, voice skills, learn ways to remember scripts, knowing improvisation lines, training stamina to say the same line, over and over again but with different kind of voices, learn how to control all the fiber of your own voice. There was times I was even without voice... I even went on medic 3 times."

My eyes went wide open, while she waved her hand while she giggled with herself.

"My doctor told me to have a diet based on products to make my throat sore or lose my voice after long periods of time." Sonata massaged her throat while she ate another taco while she looked at me. "And step by step it the solidification of my dream. And from that video I watched before, I was a follower during all that time. I watched all your videos. And noticed step by step, I wasn't the only one who was improving. I have the privilege to witness your channel getting follower after follower."

"Yeah, this 2 years may have been crazy for both of us. But I'm glad we could at least improve ourselves and we are in our way to achieve our dreams. If you watched my last video, you noticed I'm going to meet my hero Flank Morrison, and you are finally taking papers in the voice acting, right?" I couldn't help but be happy for her and for me, we both actually crossed difficulties and obstacles in our way, and thinking about it. Yeah, all of our effort and sweat really paid off.

Which she gladly nodded her head.

"Yeah, from the start I went into the low papers, like a chorus singer which went to a soap dingle and after that I went to be a npc village from a game for cellphone, it wasn't great papers, but they were my start... I remember when I showed the soap commercial to my sisters. They looked really proud of me, they even went and bought 2 months of the said soap to our mansion." Sonata giggled while I couldn't help but chuckle from my sit, I can relate that as well... When I received my 1 thousand followers on metube, my sisters wore a T-Shirt with bold letters. "My brother is famous while your's is not. " It was a cringing feeling, but I have a bit of proud of it.

Then she said something to took my interest.

"And then it started... a year after I went on school, February of last year..." She smiled like a good nostalgic memory. "I was being known into a few minor roles while my teacher said she was proud of me and my skills were in the most fineness way I could do, she told me it was my time to shine... At that moment, I knew I was ready, but I had one focus in my mind..."

I raised my eyebrow while I took a bite of food, while I couldn't help but ask.

"What was it?"

She smiled like she was determined while she went to my face.

"I went to my agent and I told him. If you find a major role in Power Ponies, make me do the part of the audition, I want to try all the papers. But I must be part of the cast." She said that while my mouth dropped hard.


"Yeah, my agent told me it would have been an opportunity in the future a cast of the cartoon show of power ponies would be on air. So I told him to make me be part of all cast if possible, I wanted to try all the papers of the major characters, and I wouldn't want to be out." Sonata told me one thing I would never imagine...

"But why?" I couldn't help but ask, she is a huge fan of power ponies to make sure to be part of the cast with that determination? "And how it went?"

"Well Spike, before I tell you why, it would be the best to tell how it went... It was an audition and many people would be there... But I wanted to be part of the cast, and specially one paper I really wanted to have, even if I had to use all my voice to achieve it..."

"Who? Marevelous? MaskedMatterhorn?" I asked while I couldn't help but feel curious about who until she said it.

"Filly Second." And then she said it... Filly Second? Why would she wanted... wait... February from last year? Nooo...

"Noooo... Seriously?" I couldn't help but feel touched. She nodded to me... February was a bit dark month to me... it was the month where a fire started over my house, and all my equipments were destroyed, even the story boards of all my projects... I was so depressed but I needed to try to keep on track... So I decided to make a kick starter... Named... "Protocol..."

"Fylling alone." She finished my saying while she smiled at me. "I was devastated of what happened to your house, and then you showed a story board about Filly Second in finding the truth about the project Alone... Humdrum would be devastated the moment he know... Filly Second didn't think twice, she went straight to Masked Matter Horn and gave a warning to her, knowing the imminent problems the future would happen, and while Masked Ignored her, Filly screamed in rage one of the most amazing speeches I ever heard in my own life. I wanted to be her... well... actually I'm her." Sonata smiled while my eyes went wide open.

"Seriously?" She nodded while I couldn't help but cheer for her. "That's awesome, I can't believe it. How did you manage that?"

"Well, I watched all your videos and interpretations of all the cast, and I focused so much on Filly Second, then..." Sonata gasped while she opened her mouth and I couldn't help but feel goosebumps on the way she said. "Now I have this voice like I always talk to like that to my friends of the cast, but I couldn't help but imagine eating candy, and more candy and more candy. I have to spend a night in the house of a crazy girl who has pink hair which she strangely accepted my way to study voices while I was with her at her work, at her bathroom, at her house, at her bedroom, and at her couch..."

She was talking so fast... it was like Pinkie Pie but with a pitch voice mixed with it. It was so quickly I couldn't understand much about what she said, so I just nodded my head and said.

"Aham. Okay."

Then Sonata stopped talking, while she corrected her voice again. For my own fortunate.

"I wanted so much to help you, that the moment I took the paper. I decided to help the kick-starter, I even donated 5000 dollars." She said it while my taco went to the floor.

5000 dollars? Wait... one of my adms of my channel was the one who donated such amount...

"Wait... You was the one who donated 5 k? Does that mean?"

"Yep? Well Spike, I'm soooooooooooo sorry about what my sisters did to you and to your sisters, I didn't know they would be trying that. I'm sorry, so sorry, with a piece of Sunday and with Chantilly over the top and with a cherry over the top as well?"

"FillySecondSD?" Asked in shock while I could see her nervous laugh while she was sweating in front of me.

"Hehehe, surprise..." She said in a weak cheerful tone making me look at her in shock...

What in tartarus...

Chapter 8 -In another point-view

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Sunset Pov 1-hour earlier:

After finally sitting in a place over the van, I kept myself watching the screen at the side of the Dazzlings sisters, both sisters and I watched calmly at the entrance of the restaurant while both Spike and Sonata got inside... One thing I was shocked was the fact Sonata knew the names of all the employees and the way she talks with them. She seemed like someone who has been at the restaurant a long time.

"Wow, how does she know about that?" I asked while I heard a giggling comming from both sisters on my side.

"Oh that's easy, Sonata knows all the names and the personal lives of many restaurants over this city, especially the ones who she visits a lot, like this one. But I have to admit, it's surprising he chooses this one over many taco restaurants. How did you know this one is one of her favorite places to go?" The elder sister glanced at me with her eyebrow raised and her tone showing a deep surprise, while asking me the reason behind the choice.

"I don't know, Spike said the one who recommend this place was our brother Shining Armor. And..." At the moment I was talking suddenly the door of the van was knocked. Making both of us glance at it.

"Who is it?" Adagio asked aloud while Aria looked at me while I can imagine a question over her mind.

"No, I didn't bring anyone else, it's just me." I whispered making Aria nod and then look at the door.

" It's from Tokyo Roll, we brought the order made by Adagio Dazzle. Delivery by app FastEating." The voice comming from the outside made both stomachs of Adagio and Aria grumble. Adagio looked at her cellphone, while she smuggling showed to her sister.

"See? 20 minutes." Adagio opened the door, to talk with the deliver of the food.

"Okay, I will invest a good money, they indeed proved their valor..." Aria said while she took her cellphone and tapped a few things. Then she glanced at me. "Maybe I should ask them to make some security protocols to the clients."

I decided to ignore her, while I looked at the screen showing Sonata hugging someone.

"Who is he?" I asked while I could see Aria looking at the screen, then she waved her hand.

"Oh, that's just Chavo, he is an old friend of ours," Aria said while she watched with a grin on her face. Looking at the way Chavo made Sonata blush angrily. "He has a great sharping tongue. He even made me lose face once."

I looked at Aria with a raised eyebrow, why does she look so happy about telling that?

"What did he said to you?" I asked while she just laughed.

"He said I'm a narcissist and a huge gorilla." Aria sounded so proud about the little insult he said to her, for me it wasn't surprising. "And I said to him he was just a starving boy..."

Then she looked at me holding her laughter.

"Then he looked at me and said... but for me, it can be fixed just by eating." The moment she said that I felt the burn the boy released on her, wow, that was sharp. Aria laughed aloud. "After that, we started to hang over the restaurant he worked at before this one. I think the manager of this taco restaurant was the owner of the last restaurant Chavo worked."

Wow, I was surprised by how well Aria was having the thoughts of being insulted.

Then suddenly when I looked around I found it was with 7 boxes of japanese food inside of it.

"What the..." I said while Adagio sat down at the chair, while she opened a box of sushi.

"Let's focus on eating and watch the screen, later we can discuss about this." Adagio took some of her sashimis and started eating piece by piece.

"Great, I was starving." Aria decided to grab a box and proceeded to eat the food inside of it. "Man, I can't believe they came from other side of the city in less than 25 minutes."

"I told you they were good." Adagio smiled while she looked at the screen... She then looked at me, and inclined her head indicating I should eat as well.

I couldn't help it since they were eating and enjoying their meals, and we proceed to hear the most funny conversation in our lives.

"we will have the especial of 10 tacos, and for dessert a sunday with cookies."

"we don't have cookies anymore."

"Oh oh, Chavo is doomed." Aria started to chuckle while Adagio tried to hold her giggling, while me I was confused about what they are talking about.

"WE DON'T HAVE COOKIES." The sound of the speaker of the van was loud enough to make us hear his screaming, while I and the girls who were inside of the van laughed so hard that we couldn't even breathe from the scene.

"Hahahahah, my God, that was evil. How is someone looking so innocent as her could do something so evil to the boy?" I was taking time to take my breath back, while Sonata's sisters were laughing hard as well. It took a few more minutes for us to get ourselves recovered.

After a few minutes, we found the boy who walked with the trails of tacos and sauces.

"He looked calmer than before, did he do something with the food?" I couldn't help but ask in worry, but to my surprise, both of the girls just waved their hands.

"Oh, don't worry, Chavo is a guy who forgives fast, he is not someone to take a grudge," Adagio said while she opened a can of soda while she was eating fried sushi.

"Say Mr. Belly I said hi when you see him okay?"

"Who?" I asked trying to understand the context.

"Mr. Belly & Heavy, he is the owner of the taco restaurant and he is the father of Ñoño and adoptive father of Chavo." Aria said while she was taking another piece of sushi, but her answer gave me more questions than answers.

"Who would be named Mr. Belly and Heavy? It would be like to invite the others to mess with your weight, but so he adopted Chavo and has a son who is working with him at the restaurant?" I asked while both girls glanced at me.

Which to my surprise I heard Adagio sighing.

"Listen Sunset, Chavo's story of childhood is something you would need to be ready to understand, because his past was sad... but the thing we must focus now is... Chavo is now better, he has a good family and that's enough to know." Adagio gave me a look like pleeding to just move on.

"Alright..." I don't know about Chavo's past, but it seems something that the dazzlings take that as personal to them and wanted to him be happy the way he is.

"Why me? I mean... you are a great popstar singer, you are famous, while I understand you somehow became my fan. I just don't understand how did you become my fan and since when... but mostly important, why me from all the people over Metube and the world."

Aria glanced at me.

"Your brother has a bit of problems of confidence." Oh that gorilla, she didn't say what I think she just said.

"Well, wouldn't you be the same if you were in the same position as him? Someone who was stalked during weeks and then kidnapped at the day?" I glared at her and said coldly, but it seems she didn't even look at me.

"Fair enough." She just shrugged and left me in my own thoughts, while I glanced at the screen one more time.

"Well if you want to know the truth... you actually changed my life Spike. You made my dream become true..."

My eyes went wide open, the way she was telling, it seems she was honestly speaking the truth. Which made me surprised and curious about how that happened.

"I wanted to be a voice actress. I wanted to be the voice of a princess singing at the cartoons and movies.The moment I told my sisters about this dream, they actually weren't receptive, because truth to be told, neither of us knew how to be actress or even voice act. But I knew from the news about celebrities going on movies and make voices of the shows all the time. So I thought it was possible."

I was surprised about her dream, while I heard a sad mumbling by my side, which were Sonata's sisters.

"Maybe we should have been more supportive." Adagio looked at her sister and then to me.

"Nah, we did our best, she did that by herself, so she must receive all the compliments because of that."Aria said while me was surprised about the next sentence.


"Their voices never were correct and they are too stupid and inexperience to admit they want to learn. And you are just a kid, just because you have a carrier on singing, doesn't mean you have the guts to do whatever you want on my studio. GET OUT OF HERE."

I felt the tension inside of the van while I looked at Aria Blaze and Adagio Dazzle in their worse look, they were with bloodshot eyes.

"He said WHAT?" Both of the girls looked they wanted to kill someone, the producer who screamed with Sonata, made them really angry.

I gulped while I decided to listen to the rest of the conversation.

And me having 14 years old just proved the fact they were telling the truth. But for me, nobody ever judged me in that way... And when I came back home, I did my best to do a fake smile and not cry in front of my sisters.

At that momment I could see both of their eyes wide open in shock, while they looked at the screen wanting to hear the rest.

"And since I was giving up 3 auditions, I was thinking to let my dream die..."

"No way. Sonata you are better than that." I heard Aria shouting angrily at the screen, while I touched her shoulder.

"Aria, stop, Sonata is telling how my brother helped her." I pointed out the fact she had said a few minutes ago.

Adagio and Aria nodded while they kept sat down while we proceeded to keep eating.

"And time is my ally, a dream will never die until I give the towel, and when you have a dream, your life has a meaning. So I will not give up my dream. Just give me one chance, and I will surprise you... And if you want to criticize me, please give me points on where I should improve, because I want to achieve my dreams, and I know I can do better... but I just don't know where. Until there I expect some of you have at least faith on me, because I want to surprise everyone who believes in me. Until the next time. "

"WHAT? HER VOICE, IT SOUNDS LIKE SPIKE." I shouted surprised, someone like her copied perfectly the sound of the voice of my own brother. It was so perfect it even looked creepy.

"I watched that video repetitively all night long. You don't know how such words gave me strength and made me believe in myself." Hearing that made me smile, it seems she needed a miracle, and hearing my brother gave the miracle she needed. Maybe that's why she wanted to meet him so badly. "The firstly thing I did at the morning...Was to take a long sleep because I was exhausted watching the video all night long."

Adagio let it out a loud laugh, while me and Aria looked at her strangely.

"Ah, so that's why she slept until 6 p.m of the next day. I thought she went so in her audition which makes her without strength during a whole day."


"Then after I received the answer I did quit the test." This time I watched a colletive of facepalm from the sudden decision, while I could see what it was crossing on their minds.

"Sonata, just you would pull something crazy like that." Adagio mumbled while Aria groaned from knowing now about why Sonata's agent was face slamming his face on the table on that day.

"Maybe she has a good reason for that." I tried to defend their sister, which made them look at me.

"Well, if you want to learn the right place, ask the great people who know what they are doing, who would be better to ask where to act than the director and the ones who want a specific kind of actor or actress in one specific type of character?" Both of our eyes went wide open, and Adagio's mouth the same as Aria dropped while they took a momment of silence.

"Well, that's a reasonable idea." Adagio said while she tapped her chin with her finger while thinking about the idea being actually a good one.

"See?" I smiled while both of sisters nodded to each and other and decided to keep watching the screen.

"And I have to say, it was a harsh process to make, practice, practice, and more practice, voice skills, learn ways to remember scripts, knowing improvisation lines, training stamina to say the same line, over and over again but with different kind of voices, learn how to control all the fiber of your own voice. There was times I was even without voice... I even went on medic 3 times." My eyes went wide open, while both sisters looked at each and other in understatement.

"Yeah, I actually never saw Sonata focusing in our songs more than 2 times, but when it comes about the voice acting course, she gave it all of herself on it. I think if she focused on singing the same way she did that, we could have been even more famous. Heck. I would actually would love to be a chorus background while she was the lead singer." Aria said, while I could see a glimpse of pride coming from her tone of voice. This family is actually a bit unorthodox but a good family in my book.

"I watched all your videos. And noticed step by step, I wasn't the only one who was improving. I have the privilege to witness your channel getting follower after follower."

"Wow, so she is one of the veterans. It's interesting to know this." I said aloud, which both girls looked at me. "What? Every follower was important to Spike, specially the ones who remained from the start. When he achieved 1 thousand followers, me and my sister passed an entire day at school wearing a T-shirt saying our brother is famous while their is not."

Both girls tried to both of their laughs, but failed at the same moment. I know I supposed to be ashamed, but come on, that day was special to Spike so Twilight and I were proud of him, heck, even our brother was wearing the T-shirt at work.

"Well Sunset, while I can understand your support, it would be really cringy to do that to someone to your family, me and Aria would never try something cringy like that." Adagio gave me a smug smile but it dropped from the next audio from the screen.

"Yeah, from the start I went into the low papers, like a chorus singer which went to a soap dingle and after that I went to be a npc village from a game for cellphone, it wasn't great papers, but they were my start... I remember when I showed the soap commercial to my sisters. They looked really proud of me, they even went and bought 2 months of the said soap to our mansion."

"Oh look, the pot calling kettle black." I said while Adagio blushed angrily.

"Shut up, it's not our fault if the soap was actually great to clean our skin and even give a good smell even if you wash your hair with it." Adagio looked away while I looked at Aria.

"Is that the only reason you bought the soap?" I raised my eyebrow, while Aria shook her head while Adagio blushed even more.

I giggled, while we decided to keep watching the screen. While I keep eating one of the boxes of japanese food.

Then Sonata started talking about her audition after knowing the Power Ponies show would be on air and they would need voices for their characters. Which I'm kinda surprised, she really wanted to be at least one of the cast, and making a bold move to try all voices.

Then she said the name of the character she wanted most. And the name of a project my eyes opened wide open in shock.


"Fylling Alone"

"OH SNAP." I cried out loud, making both sisters look at me in surprise. "This is the project my brother did to raise funds to recover his bedroom, after a damaged wires created a fire at our house."

"Really?" Both Adagio and Aria asked while feeling a bit sad about what happened to our house, but that just made sense...

Someone like Sonata who watched Spike's video since from the beginning. And then wanting to be the cast of Power Ponies? She really did helped Spike in her own way.

"I was devastated of what happened to your house, and then you showed a story board about Filly Second in finding the truth about the project Alone... Humdrum would be devastated the moment he know... Filly Second didn't think twice, she went straight to Masked Matter Horn and gave a warning to her, knowing the imminent problems the future would happen, and while Masked Ignored her, Filly screamed in rage one of the most amazing speeches I ever heard in my own life. I wanted to be her... well... actually I'm her."

"Oh so she received the paper she wanted most, that's great to hear." I said while Aria smiled proudly and Adagio finished another box of food.

"I have to spend a night in the house of a crazy girl who has pink hair which she strangely accepted my way to study voices while I was with her at her work, at her bathroom, at her house, at her bedroom, and at her couch..." While Aria and Adagio had their mouth opened in shock, I facepalmed myself.

"Pinkie Pie, of course." I said aloud while receiving a glance from the girls by my side. "It's a friend of mine, so Sonata learned how to make the character's voice based on my friend. That's great to know."

"I wanted so much to help you, that the moment I took the paper. I decided to help the kick-starter, I even donated 5000 dollars. " Hearing that made my mouth drop in shock, while on the next second, I whistled.

"Wow, she really helped him..." I said smiling, but then something took my eyes, Spike looked shocked... but not kind of shocked, but a terrified and with a thought he was not believing he was seeing.

"Wait... You was the one who donated 5 k? Does that mean?"

"Yep? Well Spike, I'm soooooooooooo sorry about what my sisters did to you and to your sisters, I didn't know they would be trying that. I'm sorry, so sorry, with a piece of Sunday and with Chantilly over the top and with a cherry over the top as well?"

"FillySecondSD?" The moment Spike said that, my eyes looked wide open.

Isn't that the name of one of Spike's adms of Metube?

"Hehehe, surprise..." Sonata looked so sheepishly and nervous about this revelation.

"OH MY GOD." I shouted aloud, making both girls look at me. "She is one of the adm of Metube Spike has, and now everything makes sense."

Chapter 9 - The taste of sugar.

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"I can't believe it. FillySecondSD. Wait a second... Filly Second. SD? Sonata Dusk? Oh my God." I said while I facepalm myself while she still was giving me an apologetic face.

"I know, I know. My sister Aria reacted the same, but that's not important anyway, I'm so sorry about the coconut lie... I WAS IN PANIC." Sonata hold her hands together and with an extreme apologetic face she said to me, to be honest she saying she was in panic and said the first lie over her mind it was a fact many people would. "It was pure luck that there was indeed a Brazillian coconut tree over the roof, it was a miracle we didn't need to go the police."

"So you didn't actually put a coconut tree over their roof?" I asked while she looked at me like I said an absurd, which thinking about it, or even in the situation of what happened on that day was indeed an absurd.

"Are you crazy? Do you know the bureaucracy you would need just to bring a foreign tree from other country? Adagio signed a 70 pages paperwork just to bring 3 trees from Brazil. Not only the process would take a looooong time. It would have be a waste to bring a tree just to place on that roof." Sonata showed me good points on how absurd would be, not because the sound itself it was a crazy idea, but the process itself would be more absurd than already stated. "Even if we have 4 coconut trees, 4 guarana trees, 3 Brazillian chestnut tree, and 3 Açaí trees, we would never give up one of our trees just to place over a roof. Tell me about a waste."

After hearing that, I raised my eyebrow while I couldn't help but ask.

"So do you have these trees?" I asked while she just shrugged.

"Trust me, Aria loves her guaraná more than energetic drinks, she say's it's a natural energy drink so it was healthy for her. And trust me, don't ever tell Adagio açaí has taste of earth, because she would eat your hand if you tell something about her favorite dessert." Sonata said like it was an ordinary day on her life. While me is surprising about the new things you can learn about celebrities.

"So about the coconut tree over the roof?" I decided to go back to the main topic.

"It was pure luck, some people say I'm a lucky person, but that was the first time I witness something on this level of luck. Specially knowing the stories I heard about your mothers." Sonata sounded afraid, I wouldn't blame her, from what I told my adms from Metube, they are indeed scaring people, which I'm glad everything worked out.

We talked a few more minutes until Chavo came with a tray of a cake over it. While he looked surprisingly calm. It seems he really got over that. At the moment he stepped on my left he left the tray of cake over there.

While at moment I was excited to taste the cake, suddenly Chavo gasped.

"Oh no, I did it again." The moment I was going to take a piece of the cake, Chavo took the try of the table.

"Hey what the hell?" I said while I looked at Chavo who went from my left and walked by my right and then laid the trey over the table.

"I always forget it was supposed to laid the trey by the right and take of by the left. Sorry." Chavo said sheepishly while my eyes were twitching, while Sonata was giggling on her place.

"That's alright Chavo, thank you for your assistance, say to Patty I said hi." After saying that, Chavo walked over the other tables while Sonata was admiring the cake. "Oh my God, I can't wait to eat the cake."

"Hello kids." Then a voice coming from my right made me and Sonata look at the person beside us. It was an elegant blond lady which seemed to be a domestic ma'am but has the empowerment of an independent woman. Oh my god I think she is the kind of person my mothers would be friends with. "Do you want some coffee?"

Usually I'm not a big fan of coffee, but seeing Sonata so excited to see the lady, maybe she knows about her.

"Hey Florinda, thank you for making the cake, and yes we would love to take your coffee." Sonata smiled at me like saying, 'trust me, you will love it.' look.

Which I couldn't help but accept the offer, and the lady beside us smiled while she fulfilled 2 cups with her coffee.

"Thank you Florinda, tell Kiko and the teacher Girafales I said hi to them." Sonata said while I looked at the gleam over Florinda's eyes, while she smiled while she went back to the kitchen. "Spike you gotta taste this coffee, from what Chavo told me this coffee was so good that one teacher married her."

That really surprised me, which made me look at Sonata in awe. Then I looked at the coffee, which looked interesting after hearing that.

"Oh yeah by the way." Sonata told me while she was adding a spoon of sugar over her coffee. "Soon me and the voice acting cast will make a pizza dinner on a restaurant. And for making out the problems you passed with me stalking you and my sisters kidnapping you... and your sisters... and your friend. Could you go with me? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaassseeeeeee?"

Wait, wait, wait. Hold up.

"Are you asking me to meet the Power Ponies's cast with you? While going to a pizza dinner with you?" I asked in astonishment while she nodded to me. But wait... I was looking at Sonata's hand, she was still adding more sugar over her coffee cup... Then she mixed up.

"Yeah, would you go with me?" Her voice snapped from my thoughts while I couldn't help but smile widely at her and nod to her. "YEAH. I mean, thank you so much Spike."

I decided to ignore her cheering, while I suddenly I looked at my shoes, it was with loose knot, I went my body down to tied the knot firmly. When I got up I looked at Sonata who was sweating and with a forced smile.

"What happened?" I asked unsure.

"Nothing, it's just maybe it was too hot over here. Hahaha." She laughed forcefully, which made me raise my eyebrow.

I decided to ignore that and then taste my coffee... I tasted it, and by my surprise it was with little sweet, but the bitter taste overworked the coffee... I felt the tingling in my mouth, then I decided to add more 3 spoons of sugar over the coffee...

And after tasting again, man that coffee tasted good, wow, now I understand why a teacher married her. While I savored the taste of coffee, I looked at Sonata who was looking at me in disbelief and shocked.

"What? What's the matter?" I saw her eyes twitching, while she shook her head.

"Nothing, just ignore me. I will take my coffee too." Sonata them gulped from her cup, which made me look at her in surprise, how can someone drink a cup with a lot of sugar inside of a cup with the coffee?

"Okay, so tell me more about yourself and your sister Sonata." I decided to carry on a bit more with the conversation while I took a piece of cake for me to eat.

She smiled at me and then we started to talk.


Pov Sunset: few minutes ago.

Watching my brother breaking down at the revelation of Sonata being one of his Admin of Metube was something I suspected he would do, and then face-palming himself from the obvious nickname of the girl in front of him was something I wouldn't blame him in doing it.

"Yeah, I reacted the same way, but I can say, ignorance is a blessing, since nobody noticed that even today." Aria Blaze shrugged while she started drinking a brown-yellow liquid, while she smiled after tasting. "Ah, the taste of heaven."

My eyebrow raised from such statement, what she was drinking anyway? Well, not my problem. I already finished eating 2 boxes of sushi and one of yakisoba, I'm already full of food, but it seems this 2 girls eat a lot, since they ketp eating like it was nothing, and Adagio was the only one who took from the fridge a huge cup of what would be a deep purple gelato, but it doesn't look like one.

I have nothing else to do than just keep looking at the screen.

" I'm so sorry about the coconut lie... I WAS IN PANIC. It was pure luck that there was indeed a Brazillian coconut tree over the roof, it was a miracle we didn't need to go the police."

I looked at the girls in disbelief. Which them nodded to me like they wouldn't believe it too, and they were even there,

"So you didn't actually put a coconut tree over their roof?"

"Ha, if you think I would bring a coconut tree from Brazil and sign a pile of paperwork just for the kidnapping? No thank you." Adagio scoffed like she wasn't even thinking about doing something absurd like that.

I was curious about what she meant about it.

"Are you crazy? Do you know the bureaucracy you would need just to bring a foreign tree from other country? Adagio signed a 70 pages paperwork just to bring 3 trees from Brazil. Not only the process would take a looooong time. It would have be a waste to bring a tree just to place on that roof."

Okay never mind, knowing this of course would be a pain in the butt to bring a tree from other country, but now I have a question.

"So you know the process?" I asked while she shrived from remembering that.

"The paperwork, it seems it wasn't going to end... I passed the entire day reading and signing, I promised myself to never bring more than 1 tree per opportunity. It would just be a headache without end." Adagio massaged her nose, trying to calm herself down.

"Even if we have 4 coconut trees, 4 guarana trees, 3 Brazillian chestnut tree, and 3 Açaí trees, we would never give up one of our trees just to place over a roof. Tell me about a waste."

The moment she said that, Adagio and Aria nodded in approval of what she said.

"That's true, I wouldn't give my Guaraná stock to no one." Aria said while she drank another glass of the liquid, it seems it was the fruit of the tree she was proud of.

"Yeah, if someone would take my dessert, I would give the beat of his life, imagine trying to take my tree. And giving our tree to a stranger? No freaking way." Adagio said while she smiled at eating more of her purple frozen dessert.

"Trust me, Aria loves her guaraná more than energetic drinks, she say's it's a natural energy drink so it was healthy for her."

"That's true." Aria said while burping from her drink. "One fruit like that could be equal in energy as coffee and still be sweat as soda. It's a great fruit."

"And trust me, don't ever tell Adagio açaí has taste of earth, because she would eat your hand if you tell something about her favorite dessert."

"HEY, THAT HAPPENED JUST ONCE." Adagio blushed while she screamed in outrage. While Aria laughed.

"She is never gonna let you go from this. Hahaha," Aria smirked while Adagio grumbled something I couldn't hear.


"Please, don't ask." Adagio blushed furiously while Aria giggled.

"Okay." I decided to drop this topic, it seems something I wouldn't want to know.

After a while we saw Chavo passing through them with a cake on his tray, I saw Adagio and Aria grinning evilly.

"Which side do you think it will be?" Aria asked.

"Left, he always go to the left when it comes about the dessert." Adagio said while she watched Chavo take away the tray from the table on Spike's side, leaving him outraged. And making both sisters laugh, while making me look at them weird. "Man Florinda really made his mind when it comes about serving. Hahaha."

"I always forget it was supposed to laid the trey by the right and take of by the left. Sorry."

Oh, that makes more sense now... While I watched my little brother having a twitching eye, we couldn't help but giggle from his suffering.

After Chavo got out from the way, one woman appeared with a pot of coffee on her hands, she looked what I would say my mother, she looked strong but elegant as well. Even offering coffee, Spike spoke like if he was replying to someone like mom. Yeah, if I met her I would do the same.

"Who is she?" I asked curious, while I saw Adagio and Aria looking at Florinda like they admire her.

"Oh, that's Florinda." Aria said while she checked her cellphone. "Man, she is one of the few people which I would like to challenge to a fight. I remember she once broke all the bones of a man. That woman really deserves respect."

At the moment she went back to the kitchen, I watched Sonata started talking while she didn't stop pouring sugar over her cup. I watched that scene in disbelief while I prefer to give my attention of the conversation.

"Stupid." I heard Aria grumble while Adagio shook her head, while we heard Sonata talking.

"Soon me and the voice acting cast will make a pizza dinner on a restaurant. And for making out the problems you passed with me stalking you and my sisters kidnapping you... and your sisters... and your friend. Could you go with me? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaassseeeeeee?"

That moment I saw Spike's mouth drop, while even I have to confess I wasn't expecting that. Spike was going to the convention to meet the creator of power ponies. It was his dream since he was a child. And from all the troubles he passed during days ago. He wouldn't be stupid to refuse the invitation, after today's date looked it went really well.

He even asked if she really mean it, and she did, well my brother of course would accept. But then I saw he went to tied his knot on shoes. And while Spike went to tied his knot, I saw Sonata taking a gulp of coffee, and make an awful face... Of course, adding too much sugar on coffee would do that.

Then something irate me.

"What the hell?" I shouted while Sonata decided to change the cups of coffee between her and Spike, leaving him with the one with too much sugar.

The moment I saw Spike getting up, and making a question, she looked awfully nervous... Oh come on Spike, you wouldn't be stupid to fall for that.

"He is gonna drink, doesn't he?" Adagio asked, while I saw Aria nodding her head.

And then he went, he took a gulp from the coffee, which made him have a bitter face, which I sighed in disappointment, then something weird passed over the screen... Spike added 3 more spoons of sugar over the too much sugar coffee... Making me, Adagio, and Aria look at the screen in disbelief.

After taking another gulp. I saw Spike looking really satisfied with the flavor, while my brain, as the same as Aria, Adagio and even Sonata in front of him stopped working.

Yeah Spike, you outdid yourself again...

(Bonus chapter after date.) Humdrum Rewrite video.

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Humdrum looked at what would be something he never thought would be in his whole life... a tiny kid with green hair wearing a tiny cape and simple uniform... His kid version of the past.

"Past me?" Humdrum who was wearing a purple costume combined with black looked at his own kid version in fear and disbelief. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh yeah." The little Humdrum said after remembering the reason he was there. He then brought up from his pocket what would be a tiny clock. "You know about the hourglass prototype right? I asked it to take me to meet my future self when I'm big and strong!"

The little kid admired the version of his older self as he looked in concern of how the boy would view him, Humdrum from the actual days had to wear a lot over his arms, since there were many scars around his body, since the fight against the Blacktorching family, his own family against Power Ponies. He tried to hide his arms while the boy looked at him as an idol of a movie.

"Gosh, I must've been taking far! How old are you?" The boy of 8 years old looked like the actual Humdrum who seemed to be from a future of 20 or 30 years old in the future, never thought his older self was merely...

"Uh... 16." Humdrum as nervous decided to say his age, leaving the little boy in thoughts... as the boy hummed as thinking.

"...hmm... So this is puberty hu?." Humdrum asked but the older version of himself decided to not continue the conversation with him.

"Listen, little me. This isn't a good time. You need to go back. You will see for yourself how-." As Humdrum decided to advise the kid of the past, Humdrum dragon scar on his neck got showed and at the moment the kid noticed that couldn't help but point it.

"Wait... what's up with your neck?"

The future Humdrum stopped talking, as he tried to look at his neck.

"My... neck?" Humdrum asked as he was fearful of what was over there, and his worst traumas attached his mind as the point of the little Humdrum to him.

"It looks like a dragon?" The little boy didn't imagine the story behind the mark on the neck of his future self, and at the moment he said that Humdrum became in panic as many thoughts appeared on his mind as the little kid asked more questions. "Is that a new power? It makes you transform into a dragon? Can you shot flames right now? That would be so awesome."

"D...dragon?" Humdrum pressed the scar as he tried to remain in control as the little boy looked at his future self in concern.

"Big me... are you okay?" At the question, he said that Humdrum released his hand and put his hands over the little version of himself of the past.

"Humdrum, listen carefully. This isn't what you want. This isn't a GOOD FUTURE. But maybe you can stop this. Or at least make it hurt less." Humdrum from the future pressed his hand over the little boy as he looked deep in his eyes and warned the kid of himself who seemed so confused and scared.


"Power Ponies wasn't lead by Masked Matterhorn, our father Iron Hooves was the one who created the power ponies. But he isn't what he seems to be... He was a villain named the Manerin Blacktorching whose family is a group of tyrannical villains who only care about one thing... family... The Maretropolist Kidnap, the bone bomb, the Kraken virus... You need to befriend Scale Blacktorching, he is our cousin who we can trust our lives on him... You need to save Tails Flame when she appears for the first time, you will meet her and you will know what to do when you find her. YOU NEED TO TALK FILLY SECOND ABOUT YOU KNOW THE TRUTH, she is the only Power Pony who wanted to tell us the truth. TELL MASKED MATTERHORN YOU KNOW ABOUT FATHER'S SECRET OKAY?" As the future version of himself shouts the instructions, the little version of himself looked so surprised and without a reaction as he listened to everything without understanding what he said, but from the tone of his own voice, he looked like he was despairingly giving him the instructions. As he did his best to understand the words given to him.

"Wake up metal stallion. He is jailed in the maretropolist headquarters V sleeping from an attack of our father, oh and find Blublegum, he was the friend of our father when he was still a villain but the only thing he needs now is a friend to give him a hug, he is located into an unknown island where our uncle Doctor Edgard Brainstruck knows, please to make him listen to you, you must make him hear you say you want to make an appointment with the doctor as a psychologist... Because we needed it. And I still need, please tell him about everything, even if he is a villain when you tell him about you and dad... He will protect you and treats you as his family as we always were."

"You need to convince our uncles and aunties to stop their conquest over the world or just the future nations near maretropolis and stop the war against Power Ponies as 20 years ago. I... I don't know how to warn you about Grandpa...But it will be okay... I think."

As the future version of Humdrum kept saying instructions, the little kid was sweating as he looked confuse and scared of what happened during 8 years to make himself look like that.

As the little boy was proceeding to understand the instructions, the clock on his pocket started to shine strongly as it was angrily from sudden spoilers of the future events.

The future version of himself looked at the boy who was looking at the clock, the future Humdrum smiled tiredly.

"Of course, looks like it doesn't like me messing with your timeline. Time's almost up." The Humdrum tears started to appear as he gave a final smile to his kid version. "I know it's a lot. But... I believe in you Humdrum. You can fix it. All of it. Better than I could. And... maybe afterward, you'll have a better chance of fixing yourself."

The boy looked confused...

"I- wait. I don't understand-" Humdrum was still trying to find words to say his thoughts, but he felt the warm hug of his future version, as all the weight over the shoulders of the old self he has been carrying for 8 years, was finally getting loosen up for a few minutes, as he hugged tightly at the little boy.

"It's alright. Just start with Filly Second and Masked Matterhorn. It will work out. I promise." The old version smiled as he cried as he remained hugging.

"Wait. What about?" The kid tried to ask as he was cut from his future self.

"Oh, right, don't forget to live your life as a child Humdrum... You are still a kid, and you must have a normal life when you want to enjoy your childhood. You are still a human Humdrum. No matter what."

"But... what about." The kid once again tried to ask, as his older self interrupted him, as he looked at him tiredly.

"Am I forgetting something? Maybe you should have saved that..." The older self of Humdrum was trying to remember as he talked, but then the little kid Humdrum shouted out.



"BUT WHAT ABOUT YOU?"!" Humdrum's tears appeared behind the little mask who seemed totally impacted by everything he heard, from all the problems there was just one focus on his mind, he was worried about his future self. "I'M WORRIED."

The Humdrum of the future once again put his hand over the arms of the little Humdrum as he smiled peacefully as the little kid has many tears crossing through his face.

"Hehe... sniff...Don't worry about me. Time for you to go." As the little Humdrum started to glow before go back to the past,.

"I..." Humdrum started crying but his face looked of determination. "I BELIEVE IN YOU TOO! WE'RE THE SAME PERSON. SO IF I CAN DO IT, YOU CAN TOO. HUMDRUM PLEASE!"

The river of tears crossed the face of the kid as he finally vanished back to his time, leaving a smiling broken teenager who finally felt the hope and the relief of open himself.

"Take care of them Humdrum. Better than I could. I believe in you..." As Humdrum took his mask off to clean his tears, he looked at the city who seemed ready to one more night as a vigilant who does save the day without help... "Focus... time to save the night."

The piano still playing as the black curtain appeared finishing the animation.

“Hey everyone, Spike’s here, thanks so much for watching, I want to give you a special thanks to everyone who donated to this little project as it's finally here, this little dream project who started with a few sketches a year ago, as a little child I have the proud to announce Power Ponies Humdrum Rewrite project is here. I want you all to comment and give a great emoji to the people who supported this project, to all the admins who helped me to take care of this channel... It's been a long journey, I have nothing to say than... You made this dream become true... And words cannot describe how proud I'm of this child who finally can walk. So, thank you so much. You’re the best. Thank you so much for helping me with this little dream of mine. Spike Out... See you at the convention..."

Moms know best

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The sky was black tranquility married to a poetry of stars. It was the softness that called the body and brain to rest and let the heart go to its steady rhythm. Night came as a reward of sorts, a restfulness above to calm the soul. The gentle breeze blew across the open field of golden grass, the wheat stood short to the sight of it’s viewer. No words were spoken within this golden sea, the waves of King Midas curse flowed through and through. The song of mother earth breathes into the ears of sin, her angel vocal cords springed water of unholy tears from his eyes. Standing above all with no ground to feel the comfort of motherly love. The man who viewed and heard the song of pure couldn’t enjoy the satisfying jouissance in his soul. He stood above the golden sea as gravity had no hold on him, letting him stand freely on air. The breeze brushed agents the wheat, pushing it back mildly for it to bounce right back.

"Oh, Celly, are you reading the book I gave you yesterday?" A voice whose someone familiar and dear to me asked as I closed the book as I took off my reading glasses, and gave my dear spouse a smile as a signal of agreement. As she went to by my side and decided to sit on my lap as we looked at the window in front of our house. As I waited for 5 seconds before she would start the conversation... 5,4,3,2,1. "Sunset told you where she went? Twilight was looking for her as crazy."

I smiled as a signal of everything was in acceptation, since I took my cellphone and showed the text message from Sunset Shimmer at noon.

"She said she was going to hang out with her new friends, the family of that girl Sonata." I gave her the proof, one signal of how a good child should act in case before leaving the house, always communicating with us. "Nothing to worry about Velvy?"

"Oh? Is that so...?" Knowing the tone of voice of her, she wasn't done about our conversation, and that was perfectly fine, since she was accommodating herself on my lap, and I looked patiently as she gave me a cup of tea. "Knowing her, she is spying Spike..."

I nodded satisfied as I sip a good taste of tea, as we both were wearing our casual clothing in the afternoon. I wanted to get out of school so bad, I lost my son going on his first date, but I wouldn't lose the comeback of my house, not even if that could kill me... Who needs soap operas if the lives of our children are more entertaining than television.

"Celly? Celly? Are you monologuing again? Really? Are you really that bored with the meeting of parents and teachers today?" Velvet caressed my face as I snapped from my thoughts and letting out my frustrations with a sigh.

"Velvy, you know me, If it wasn't for the fact I'm the principal of the school, I could have broken some bones from some parents over there," I said as I cracked my knuckles as Velvet giggled from my anger.

"Well, you always the patient one, different of you... I wouldn't have warned..." From her tone of voice, I knew she wasn't kidding, but I cannot help but confess that this was one part of me who loves her for the deepest of my heart. As I proceeded to give her a peek on her cheek and was ready to give a kiss enjoying the love we still have, the sound of a motor was enough to make both of us alert and look at the window...

The limo of the famous artist was the signal Spike finally got back from his date. As I looked at the clock... 6 p.m...

"He is on time, he always knows the time limit... And this girl seems to respect that... She got a point in my concept." Velvet smiled satisfied, as I gave a good smile of satisfaction as well...

The rules of my house. You can go on date if you come back at 6 if you have 14... and 7 p.m if you have 16. If you are at the marked hour in my property, you are safe to stay how much time you want... with me and Velvet watching of course... but the later rule just me and her know.

I could see the little girl getting out clumsy as Spike gave her his hand to help.

I looked at Velvet who seemed to have her notepad in her hands, as me I took my glasses and I decided to make the signal.

"And... Thank you for this wonderful night, Spike, I hope you have enjoyed it the same way as me." I decided to read her lips and synchronize with Velvet as she wrote down on the notepad. "You don't know how much that means to me."

I decided to give a look at my son who seemed still fascinated and with a face like he had the best day of his life.

"Actually Sonata, many things happened so much on this week, that I'm still thinking this is a dream," I replied to the quote of Spike as I noticed Velvet smiling as she was a fan girl of her own step son.

"Oh, Spike. You are such a gentleman." Velvet said as I looked at her, as she gave a raspberry to me, making me gasp in shock.

"Oh how dare you," I said, as she pointed at the couple while making me humph and decided to continue the interpretation of their lips. "Oh no... Spike turned his back in the window."

"Alright, just tell me what this girl Sonata will say." Velvet seemed so assured of herself that I decided to continue reading.

"As, a lovable experience we had. I hope everything happened in the way you wanted." I imitated the girl, as Velvet then decided to say.

"Don't worry about it, I actually wanted to make sure you would enjoy the day the same way as me." I looked surprised at Velvet who seemed smiling smugly at me. "I worked 8 years with child psychology, and Spike was with me during most part of his life. I know how he thinks."

I looked at the girl Sonata who seemed so happy.

"I really loved this experience, and I'm sure when the cast of the show meet you at the pizza restaurant Saturday Night, they will like you from the way you are," I said surprised... "Wow, Spike is going to meet a group into a pizzeria?"

Velvet thought a few minutes then she gasped.

"Saturday Night? Wasn't our monthly channel meeting to discuss our future progress?" I looked at Velvet who pointed at the calendar on her cellphone showing the date so Spike would take most time inside of his room, the night he would expend with his projects on Metube.

"How did you know this? I thought I was the only one." I felt surprised because I was his mother and he always told me in confidence. And even if he doesn't. Sunset Shimmer would say it to me...

"Well, honey. I know Spike's reasons, and I'm one of the followers of his channel... I always watched his videos..." Velvet said as she was proud of herself and then she looked at me and just waved her hands. "To see if he is creating good content for the children... Yeah, that..."

I raised my eyebrow and decided to keep looking at the conversation... Waiting for what my partner would say... it didn't take long until she sighed in defeat.

"Alright, I watched because I enjoyed Power Ponies since it was my dream to become a superhero in my childhood... Sue me." Twilight Velvet looked away as she blushed angrily, making me chuckle from her reaction.

"I don't think of you any lower my dear," I said as I looked at Sonata talking, and from this little conversation I lost some words of what she said, but I still could read her lips. "I know you are going to be fine. Again, don't worry about it, they will understand."

"I hope so." Twilight Velvet said both on her context and on Spike's behave as well. Since she lost the concept of a few words.

"Oh, so... er... Oh, my cellphone." I said as the sudden change of tones, Sonata was going to say something but she was nervous about it, but for her rescue suddenly something vibrated as she gasped in surprise. "Yes? Oh, okay. I will be their ma'am."

As she turns her phone off, I could see her face with relief but with a few glimpses of sadness. Like the feeling of wanting to be there but having to go...

"Interesting..." I said as I took my glass off until saw something which made me smile cheekily... "Oh, you silly but clever girl."

"What happened?" Twilight Velvet said as Sonata Dusk ran inside the limo as she departed, leaving Spike in a state of shock.

"She got so quick, she gave a peek on his cheek and left like a rocket as she blushed like a tomato," I said as my mate got straight up and looking at the window in disbelief.

"Seriously? And I lost it? That's not fair." She looked annoyed at me.

My response was actually to chuckle at her, as I gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"Don't worry Velvy, it was just a kiss on the cheek, it doesn't count..." I lied for me it does count much, I have withness his first kiss on the cheek by a girl, something I have and Velvy not.

"Celestia, you are doing the face again... You are a terrible liar." Velvet facepalmed as me I smiled at her.

"Guilty, well. In the future when she finally kisses him again, you will be there... so better to be ready." I smiled at her, as she raised her eyebrows and grinned at me.

"Oh, I will." She said after she winked at me.

As I was going to say something, Spike finally opened the door and met me and Velvet looking at him as we drink tea.

"Oh hey, mom, hey, mother." Spike looked sheepishly as he sweats...

"Hello, sweetie." I and Velvet said at the same time as we looked at him as he is freaking out on the inside. "How was the date?"

" Why are you talking in synchrony?" Spike looked around as we just smiled at him... As he looked nervous, he decided to let a sigh, and then smiled widely. "Wow, it was perfect... I never thought I would have enjoyed so much a date."

As he walked to our side, he took a chair as he decided to enjoy explain all the details of his date... Well, I never thought I could see my baby boy be so happy as to find a girl... Well, maybe miracles indeed do exist.

As an hour passed like a flash. I and Velvet enjoyed seeing our son happily chatting about how his date went. From explaining the part of his possible "girlfriend" not just is a pop star, she was the CEO of the companies of pizzeria and Tacos restaurants. Which both surprised me and Velvet... The boy who he meets at the restaurant and how funny and a great family-friendly environment he was, indeed tempted me to go to take Sunset, Twilight, Spike, and Velvet to pass a lunch over there and meet the employees of that establishment. Since the quote there is a ma'am who would become great friends of me and Velvet. Which I could take an interest in to see how good would be that place.

Spike even told us about the dream he helped the pop star to achieve because of him, and for that reason, she knew Spike from the first place. It was a great love story, which Velvet hugged and gave a few kisses, embarrassing him... But I couldn't help but do the same, making him blush even more and annoyed but enjoying the experience. We know he had a great day, and meeting someone who he was destined to meet to achieve his own dreams... It was sure, that Spike had the charisma who would make everyone around him enjoy him... It's just some people don't understand his charms... And thank goodness someone finally noticed his qualities as he deserved to show. He needed someone to help him to achieve his own dreams...

I couldn't be more proud of my own baby. He went so far, and he now is becoming a little man, which would make me feel so happy.

"So Celly, what do you think the name of their daughter would be?" Velvet asked me as she drank a cup of coffee, making me raise my eyebrow at her suspicious.

"What gave you the reason of guess they will have a daughter? We already have a granddaughter... I want a boy." I said as she smiled at me knowing she would have guessed.

"Well, maybe Sunset and Twilight would have, but I'm sure Spike will have a daughter..." She smiled at me as challenging me to say the opposite.

Oh so she wanted to make a bet? Is she testing me?

"Nonsense. It will be a boy. But let's continue this discussion at the day they will marry..." I decided to conclude this silly discussion because I know I'm right. Even more about my own genes.

"On 3rd July," We both said at the same time. Making both of us giggle as we agreed the day of marriage would be this one. Making a good signal on how amazing the future of my boy will be.

"Err... Are you sure that's a good idea to discuss Spike's marriage behind his back even if he isn't officially become her boyfriend?" A voice made both me and Velvet look behind, as we saw Sunset walking inside the kitchen exhausted and really full like she had eaten for hours.

"Oh... can you tell me where you went little girl?" Velvet said coldly as Sunset took her cellphone off to show the messages.

"Sorry mother, but I was hanging out with Sonata's sisters while Spike was on his date. And we kinda ate a lot. I cannot eat more by the day, because I'm full. And I will be sick if I eat more." Velvet took a look at the messages looking by me as I gave her a nod to which she was free from any accusation.

"So, how was to hang out with her sisters?" I asked as Velvet took another cup of coffee.

"They are great girls, indeed wanting to protect their sister in any coast. Even paying a secret FBI van just to spy on her sister on a date... Which they are a great person to share a place with me to spy Spike." Sunset shrugged me and Velvet nodded in acceptance.

"Well, as you enjoyed your day. There is one thing I must tell you. Twilight was freaking out looking for you. Today was the slumber Party of Pinkie Pie and they were looking for you." The moment Velvet said those words. I could see my own daughter's eyes shrink as she decided to run upstairs.

"OH MY GOSH, I FORGOT, I FORGOT. I FOOOORRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTT.... MOM, PLEASE CALL THEM, TELL THEM I'M COMING." We heard Sunset through the next floor, as Velvet shakes her head in disapproval.

"Oh, teenagers. Why tell always make such drama? Well, I guess I gotta take her to Pinkie's house. I will change myself." Velvet gave me a kiss on the lips, while I smiled at her.

"Well, go safe," I said as she nodded to me before leaving to change herself.

As the night looked deeply dark and without a moon to guide the place. I knew the light of the stars with the light over the streets would create such unique view. Something we usually don't see... Sometimes taking a look over the window can make you relax as you enjoy a great cup of tea or coffee... The satisfaction of the little things...

The door knocked as minutes after Velvet and Sunset went upstairs. As a surprise of who could be over the night. I couldn't help but be curious to see who could be. As I walked beside the door. I couldn't help but hear familiar sounds which made my night even better... Who knew from a terrible morning I had, a great night was indeed going to happen to me and my family.

I opened the door as I smiled wide at my family.

"Lulu, Cadance, Shining, Blueblood, welcome..." Yep, this day couldn't be better than already is, but tomorrow will be a great time to pass with the family... I have to say, I have a loveable wife, 3 great kids, and parents to make my weekend better, a good book, and a nice cup of tea and coffee... Well, my life is perfect... I smiled as I allowed them to get inside my house and closed the door... Enjoying the time with my family.

A family time

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At the moment I opened the door. I knew this weekend couldn't be better... Because now everything I want at the moment happened in front of me.

"Oh look at that. Flurry heart grew up so much." I played with my grand-niece as she giggled at me making raspberry on her belly. "Pffff... pfff."

"Mother, you just went to our apartment last month." I heard Shining Armor complain as he drank a cup of soda with Cadence on his side, as she smiled at me playing with my grand-niece. "Anyway, where is mom?"

"Oh, Velvet is taking Sunset to the slumber party with Twilight, soon she will be here, you should have called us to say you are going to spend the weekend with us, that would have made us ready to buy groceries and make a good dinner tonight," I said as I looked at the baby who made my entire day of work looks like nothing... "But this can be fixed tomorrow."

"Well, we wanted to make a surprise... So aunty, can you tell me how have you been?" Candance said as she and Blueblood sat beside us near the table with a soda bottle. "Something happened while we were out of the town?"

I smiled at her, as I handed the little angel to my son-in-law.

"Oh Cadance, nothing much happened... Just having a boredom parents and teachers meeting today... And Spike is dating a pop star... Nothing too much..." I waved my hand.

"Oh, that just sucks, parents meeting is..."Cadance was talking as she paused promptly as her eyes went wide open and her mouth froze in place... "Excuse me... can you repeat the last sentence?"

"Nothing too much," I said as I smiled, noticing Cadance looking at Shining Armor who was in shock the same way as her, as he shrugged with both his arms like he doesn't know anything.

"No aunty, she meant about Spike." Blueblood who seemed shocked as well decided to ask me. I smiled as I looked around to see if Spike was near.

"Spike went to a date with a pop star... Sonata Dusk is her name... I know about my students telling about her and her sisters the dazzlings." I said while I heard Cadance gasp in surprise, as Shining Armor too. Blueblood raised his eyebrow surprised.

"Wow, but how?" Cadance suddenly her face was showing the same smile as Velvet and I when we discovered Spike having a good potential girlfriend. "Tell me everything. I want to know about her likes, dislikes, what you saw on her and your opinion about her... What she was wearing? What Spike was wearing? Where they went? I want to know every single detail."

I giggled at her reaction. Knowing Cadance she always loved to know about the love interests of her own cousins. As I was going to answer her questions, Blueblood and Shining Armor decided to leave both of us.

"Aunty, we are going to stay with Spike, tell us when dinner is ready alright?"

"Okay," I said as I could see Cadance so happy... Well, who wouldn't be? I and Velvy have been this excited after knowing about this bomb for 2 days... Spike and a girl who likes him? That's something we must be proud of. "Okay, so from what Spike told me, everything happened when..."

I couldn't be more excited to tell them about how interesting things happened to him a few days ago.


As I was laying down at my own bed, I didn't have any more forces for today, the day was amazing but still exhaustive. Much revelations. And after everything, I ate today. I'm just glad I will have a good night of peace and ...

"FBI OPEN UP" Loud knocks from my door made me fall from my bed in such a hurry. My eyes went wide open as such a shout made my heartbeat like a machine. At the moment I recovered from having a panic attack, I calmed myself using deep breaths.

My eyes narrowed as I walked stomping at the floor angrily, opening my door to 2 adults who were smiling like devious kids. They were holding their laughs as I was looking at them with both anger and unsurprised.

"That's not funny," I said unamused as my eyes narrowed from their chuckling.

"Oh come on Spike? You know this is hilarious." Shining Armor gave me a hug which I reluctantly answered.

"Yeah. On the first 3 times... now it lost the comedy." I said annoyed, looking at my cousin Blueblood hugging me which I accepted. "It's been so long guys. How have you been?"

Blueblood went to my chair beside my computer and turn on as we talked...

"Well the usual, soon my college will be in recess and I will be free to enjoy my free time away from the law."

I chuckled from his vent... he usually works hard but complains like a champion as well.

"That's the way of the lawyers, if you want to be one, you should know the laws first," I said as Shining Armor followed me after closing the door. "So, you are going to pass the weekend here?"

"Yep, you better believe it." Both said in unison which made my smile grow wide.

"Then we gotta lot work to do guys," I said after seeing their smiles grew wide as mine. I went to my computer and I started the program of animation. "So guys, how do you think the voice of Humdrum should be?"

Blueblood took a look at the script over my table and started reading aloud.

"Humdrum, listen carefully. This isn't what you want. This isn't a GOOD FUTURE. But maybe you can stop this. Or at least make it hurt less. Humdrum from the future pressed his hand over the little boy as he looked deep in his eyes and warned the kid of himself who seemed so confused and scared." Blueblood then remained quiet as Shining Armor took a glance at the script over the table and read it quietly.

I waited anxious about their reaction, as both then with their eyes wide open looked at me.

"Brother, I told you to make them feel pain... not to destroy their souls... this is going to make people cry, for sure..." Shining Armor said as he laid down the script over my table.

"Okay, Spike confess... when you planned this script? Because that must have taken much effort to plan this." Blueblood sat on my chair and looked in disbelief.

"Well good point Bluey, I've been planning this since from the start of the protocol Fillying alone." As I said, both Shining and Blueblood winced from my words.

"Dude, I'm still trying to overcome the protocol Fillying Alone. That just destroyed me..." Blueblood said as he looked at the script again. "I never felt so much hatred to someone than the grandfather of Blacktorching and especially the Iron Hooves... It was messed up..."

"Well to be fair, that was the greatest development of Filly Second, and one of the reasons she was the most badass of the power ponies." Shining Armor showed his point as I nodded to him.

"Yeah, and the protocol was the reason why Sonata Dusk became the voice actress of Filly Second of the TV series," I said as I opened the frame I have stopped a few days ago, and without noticing I let it out that little fact, which a few minutes later the silence remained in my room... strangely quiet... "Guys?"

I turned around and I saw both my brother and cousin remained on their spots... frozen...

"Shining, Blueblood? Are you alright?" I asked with my eyebrow raised and in concern...

"Sonata Dusk? The same pop star girl who you were dating? Is she the Filly Second's voice actress?" Shining Armor asked, leaving me sheepishly...

"Oh... yeah... mom may have told you about that. Well yeah, Sonata Dusk is the one I went on the date today, and to my surprise... my videos are what make her no give up on her dreams, and with the Protocol Fillying Alone, she was so inspired and determined to take Filly Second paper..." I smiled at them as I remembered how well went my date. "Oh, by the way Bluey, you will not believe it... She is FillySecondSD."

"The Metube Admin?" Blueblood looked at me surprised and in disbelief. "Wow, never thought about someone as the admin would be a pop star, let alone be one of the voice actress of the power ponies."

"Yeah, tell me about it... Now that makes sense on how she knew were I live, I've told my admins in some of their questions, and maybe Sonata wanted to visit me." I said after having thought about how my stalker have been knowing where I was all the time... now that I think about it, I should not tell much people where I live...

"Spike?" Then a voice made me snap from my thoughts and it was Shining Armor who was snapping his fingers in front of me. "Hello, earth to Spike."

I shook my head as I looked at my brother who seemed with his eyebrow raised.

"Sorry Shining I didn't hear, can you tell me again what you said?" I kinda felt bad for ignoring my brother as he seemed to just shrugged and sit on my bed.

"So, tell me how she is... describe me her profile." Shining Armor closed his eyes as I rolled mine.

"Seriously? You want to act as a cop now?" I asked but it seems my question was ignored by him... I looked at Blueblood, who seemed so focused on reading the script that even he ignored what I have said... "Alright, she is hyper-active, nice, clumsy, and the most clueless person I have ever met... actually no, she is tied with Pinkie Pie, she is one palm higher than me, she uses a long blue and fuchsia ponytail."

Shining Armor then gave a snort as he got up from my bed who seemed satisfied with the profile.

"You've gotten good on making profiles bro. Who taught you that?" Shining Armor smiled proudly and with a cocky attitude, which I'm more than help it to crush it...

"Mom Velvet taught me." I said which made he look at me in disbelief.

"WHAT? NO." He shouted in disbelief, as I shrugged my arms and dropped my head to side as shaking.

"Sorry bro, but that's the truth, she wrote a famous criminal novel and it was such joy that I even learn some good parts on how to make a profile..." I said as I grinned like a devil, making him sigh in disappointment... "Alright, let's stop wasting time. Let's focus on work, and later I will tell you about everything."

Shining Armor nodded to me as he walked at the table to take a look once more at the script.

"Okay, do you need some background music?" He asked as he took a paper and a pencil.

"Yeah, I want something deep and heartful, sad but beautiful at the same time," I explained. As shining armor decided to go to the keyboard and started writing the partiture. "I want to make people cry."

" Yeah, I noticed," Shining said as he smiled at me. "I don't know how you sleep at night Spike, but this will attract everyone after watching the animation."

"I know... but I think that's a good way to make something for the fans before going to the convention." I wasn't going to tell them about the pizza night because I want to focus on the now. "Blue do you have some ideas?"

Blueblood remained reading the script and then after closing his eyes he took a deep breath...

"Alright, I'm ready." Blueblood's voice changed 2 tones high sounding like a teenager who seemed to have toned down his voice to make a serious remark of his past... "I think that's how Humdrum should sound on this script."

"Perfect, you really sound like him. I will try to use the voice program to make a more juvenile version of your voice to make the little Humdrum, and this way we can already start recording." I said as I took my microphone and lend to Bluey who seemed ready as I made sure to make not a sound and thankfully my bedroom is with sound-proof walls, to make a good time to voice record in some of my comic dubs and animations. "Guys, I have to say... thank you for helping me out with this project... I know you have been busy with your daily lives, but I promise this will be one of my best projects... I swear..."

Both Shining and Blueblood nodded happily as they felt the pride in themselves at the moment I was thankful... They were the first people who gave their support when I said I wanted to start animating... heck, they even gave me their free time to listen to my ideas and even be here to help me from the beginning... We are family, and if wasn't for their support maybe I would have given up a long time ago... and doing that... Sonata couldn't have taken the paper...

"Guys, this time I will not just do this for me... I inspired someone who gave her best to follow her dreams... If I made her not give up and I changed her life in such a way, who knows what other lives I have changed from my effort. So this time, I want to give more than my all... I want to surpass my limits, and I want you both to give me your all as well... Because of this prologue... Will be something they will never imagine it will be... This will be a start of a new universe... LET'S START THE REWRITE... IN 3, 2, 1. ACTION." I pressed the start of the voice recording...

This will be my best work, I know it will...

Slumber Party

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It didn't take long for mom Velvet to finally brought me to Pinkie Pie's house. I just hope that she didn't receive any tickets from going so fast on the street. Thank goodness I'm addicted to speed, but that was ridiculous.

I looked at my stepmother, who seemed to smile sweetly at me as I open the door.

"And remember to call for us in the morning after you pack your stuff. One call and we will take you in the next 15 minutes." She instructed me as I smiled sheepishly.

"Okay mom, thanks for bringing me." I closed the door and didn't waste time as went directly to the door as I heard the car driving away not before she honks 2 times quickly. "Love you too".

I smiled knowing she would be fine... I walked directly at the door, and knocked a few times, waiting for the door to open and get inside of the house...

After one minute of waiting, I got surprised by a pink blur who just not took me and my stuff, but carried me so quickly like I thought she was Filly Second on the first season... Oh my God... I'm becoming addicted to Power Ponies the same way as Spike and Shining...

As I have a mental breakdown, I was surprised by the warm hug of the girls.

"SUNSET." The warming shout from my friends before hugging me. It feels great to be treated this way.

"Hey, girls, sorry for being late," I said, after breaking out the hug from the girls around me.

"Well at least later than never." Applejack said after punching slightly at my arm... While I could see not just her, but Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie were smiling as they nod to Applejack, however... My step-sister Twilight wasn't even tiny happy to see me...

Twilight must have been really worried at me.

"Sunset, you don't know how worried you left me today, I tried to find you everywhere, and even I tried to call on your cellphone, where the heck was you?" Twilight obviously was stressed from her tone of voice, she seemed that she literally tried to find me... But, I wasn't in the mod to create a false drama of soap operas, so I just said, while my grin remained on my face.

"Girls, you are not going to believe the story I have this morning."


"And Cut," I said after I stop the recording on the computer, as Blueblood remained with his eyes closed but trying to hide a few tears on his face. Shining Armor was with some tissues of paper as he doesn't stop crying on his spot after finishing playing. "Guys we did it... The primary recording is done with success."

I made sure to save the voice recording into 3 different files as 3 kinds of backup, just in case any of them becomes corrupted. I have to say, this was what I dreamed of the moment I started doing my fan animations on Metube, I wanted to show how deep and important Humdrum has passed the entire life without help. And if we all could just watch ourselves from the past and have just 3 minutes to tell to our past, about how we felt, our mistakes and how much we wanted to avoid being hurt.

The silence of good work was made, but the impact on our feelings was the comfortable environment I wanted... I kept a look on Blueblood and Shining Armor still feeling the impact but composing themselves.

"At least..." Blueblood said as he took another gulp from the water bottle in my room. "This is a start of a whole new universe. Thank goodness the company responsible for Power Ponies gave you a green light to do this."

I couldn't help but nod my head in agreement.

"Yeah, I never thought after so many years of effort, they told me they would not give me a copyright strike if I do a project like that, thanks goodness you helped me to make a good introduction letter, that helped me a lot Bluey." I really mean it, Blueblood asked all his teachers the good ways to make a good proposition letter as giving the rights for the company while I receive in exchange is permitted to make the videos without copyright issues. Who knows how many nights without sleep Bluey was as he tried to make the most formal letter possible. "I don't know what I could have done without you."

"Well, still making live streams with animations as people see you improving your drawing?" Shining Armor passed by me as he shrugged to me, while Blueblood nodded his finger in agreement. "Just the project Fillying Alone gave you the money needed to fix your bedroom and all your equipment... And you aren't stupid to forget all your archives were on the cloud, heck you always saved 3 files over the cloud."

"I have to agree with Shining on this one Spike," Blueblood said as he pointed to me. "Sometimes people don't see, but I already know how hardworking you are when it comes to animating. The ants are jealous of your hard work after making the writing, and the animation of this entire franchise."

"Guys, stop flattering me. It's strange you tell the same things like Twilight and Sunset." I said as I shook my head while sounding annoyed... I understand that everything is happening now it's the fruits of my effort which I did so much to finally accomplish my dream... Meet the one who made me follow my dreams... "It's just... everything is so unreal, it's like a dream and I could wake up in any second."

I could see both Shining and Blueblood rolled their eyes, as the sound of knock was enough for us to look at the door.

"Spike, I'm respecting your privacy by knocking. But asserting my authority as your sister-in-law by coming in anyways." My eyes went wide open at the next second my door was bust open and broken by a huge pillar of marble with a grinning crazy woman which made me look at my broken door in disbelief.

"MY DOOR," I shouted in disbelief and annoyed, but the next second I saw my sister-in-law Cadance uses both of her hands and pressed my cheeks... in the face, as she looked at me like a crazy woman wanting to know the ending of a good novel in her hands.

"The door can be paid up, but now I want the details of your date, and I will not accept a no as your answer..." She was so determined that I was thinking about my response... Since I was sitting on my chair and saw the wrecked door on my floor, I decided to go up and walked around the bedroom while humming... After looking at Blueblood and Shining Armor looking at themselves trying to see what I'm about to do... I decided to walk to the exit of my bedroom... I saw the expectantly look at Cadance.

After the next 10 seconds in silence, my mind has decided into my next words...

"Hmm... Okay, I decided... my answer is no." I said before leaving my room, letting Cadance in shock for a few seconds to process what I said. I wish she didn't wreck my door, so I could slam on her face but since she broke it and get inside of my bedroom like that, so I decided to give the best answer I could... say no anyway.

I started stretching, to make sure I'm ready for some exercises in...3,2,1.

"SPIKE" The shouting voice was my cue to ran down over the stars and go directly to the main room which should be my lucky day since I could see both my mothers getting ready to get out with the little baby in their hands.

"Hey mom, where are you going?" I said in a hurried tone, which both of them glanced at me. Showing a good smile they opened the door as they were heading outside.

"We are going to take Flurry Heart to the pizzeria and bring the dinner for us." My stepmother said as she held tightly at Flurry Heart as she madly giggles in response, making me smile happily.

"Awesome, mind if I join you as well? " I looked at them expectancy since Cadance might want to kill me for running away, but since I use the strategy evade, was good enough to make her crazy.

I could see their glance as trying to understand the meaning behind my words, but after them hearing a growling from upstairs, they raised their eyebrows at me as I just narrowed my eyes.

"She broke my door, I will not let her satisfaction destroy my stuff because of my date..." I said quickly since I knew they would tell Cadance about me and Sonata, but going to my room and destroy my door? No, I don't have any remorse for what I did.

"Hmm..." My mother Celestia tapped her chin, but with her smile, she grabbed her car keys. "Let's go."

"Awesome," I said after I left the house while leaving 2 responsible adults trying to calm down a crazy woman who wants gossip... Well, just another day like the week.


"Wait wait wait... Hold on, are you telling me, that the girl who has been stalking Spike all these weeks was the pop star Sonata Dusk?" Rainbow Dash interrupted my story, but the look on her face showed total disbelief but confusion as well, which made me nod to her in response.

"The same girl who stopped being a singer, to be the cartoon voice actress like Ah see Apple Bloom watches after school?" Applejack asked, receiving a nod from me in response confirming her doubts.

"But she failed in reaching her dream after receiving a mean and cruel judgment from the auditions." The soft voice from Fluttershy made us look at her which she was with tears on her eyes, while remaining strong enough, I slowly nodded to her confirming what she said.

"And when she was starting to get into a depression she saw Spike firstly videos which led to us today." Pinkie Pie continued following the logic as I pointed my finger to the tip of my nose and another to her indicating a Bingo gesture.

"Which she fell in love with Spike, since she was going to give up from her dreams but after watching Spike's video she passed through all her sadness, desiring to improve herself into becoming a voice actress in the way she always dreamed," Twilight said as she corrected the position of her glasses as she tried to understand more about the story while making me nod to her.

"Which she became so focused that she went to a voice acting school after smartly asked one audition director where she could learn?" Rainbow Dash asked while I looked at her again and nodded to her one more time.

"Which she studied so hard that she went from little papers to actual the show she is voice acting now... The same show that is the most favorites comics that Spike always Spike focused most of his videos on?" Rarity this time asked as her eyes were sparkling excited, which made me nod to her but she seemed so focused that she interrupted Applejack when it was her turn to ask. "Which she gave thousands of dollars to help Spike to remake his bedroom after such disaster happens to him, and then she became one of the most trustful persons on Spike channel since she was one of the moderators and she always kept in contact with Spike."

And before anyone else was going to ask. I decided to put an end to this.

"Which lead us today, since after that stalker thing happened by accident, Spike went and meet Sonata for the first time, I was a good big sister went there to spy their date to see if she was a good person to my little brother... Come on guys, I already told you the story, why did you make these questions if I already told you everything?" I have to say, it was annoying to hear a resume since I told the girls about everything. After waiting a few seconds, I heard them giggling which made me facepalm, annoyed as ever.

"Well, Ah gotta confess that's indeed an interesting story." Applejack said after taking a good portion of popcorn before offering me, which I refused immediately, I already ate much such and have a dose of the Brazilian frozen fruit. I cannot have anything more tonight...

"Oh yes, that's so romantic, a love between a girl with shattered dreams but founding an unknown person who made her keep trying and finally achieving her dreams, and being the biggest supporter at the boy who didn't know his friend was in fact the love on his life. A perfect resume of a movie which I would pay good money to watch." Rarity said while she was dreaming awake, leaving all her friends and even I look at her with our eyebrows raised.

"Well, at least we know that strange person isn't someone dangerous who could leave Spike in danger... just someone who doesn't know how to approach him... But that leaves us with one question... what about the coconut?" Rainbow Dash suddenly took from her backpack what would be a green coconut...

"Do you still have it?" I asked surprised by Rainbow Dash who seemed so focused on the coconut who was supposed to be the one who hit her in the head since that day.

"Yep, I still don't get it how... How a coconut of this durability is capable to knock out every one of us and doesn't even break it." Rainbow Dash said as she tried so hard to press the coconut trying to open it, however, she didn't have enough strength for that.

"Well, Rainbow Dash has a point," Twilight said as she suddenly took from her pajamas a notebook and a pen as she started to make some notes as she looked at the coconut. "From the aerodynamics of the coconut and the durability, calculating from the possible force of the wind and the angle of the tree it comes from, the results would be potential death if that coconut would hit in our heads."

I blinked my eyes as I saw Twilight pressed her notebook with the bold letters Eminent Death over some math calculus. Which made me roll my eyes.

"Twilight, last week you tried to follow Pinkie Pie to study her combos... And a freaking Piano hit you from 10 feet tall... and you survived... with a broken arm nothing less..." I said shrugging my arms, actually, I don't even know how Twilight was alive when that happened...

I cannot lie seeing Twilight blushes as the reminding of her stubbornness on science leading her into catastrophes with miracles saves was something worth blackmail. And this way Spike's lie would remain.

"Alright, I got your point, anyway so tell me, how was the date anyway. Since you spied both of them, tells us about them." Rainbow Dash decided to launch the coconut away, leaving that question unanswered...

As I saw the other girls gathered together, as I smiled at them.

"Alright, girls, catch the popcorn and soda because this is where the part gets interesting." I grinned as I started telling how Spike's date really went. Yeah, this will be a topic for us to discuss for weeks. I smiled imagining what would be their reaction if I tell them Spike already kissed her without knowing.

One week later

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One week has passed after what would have been one of the best days of my life. Knowing that Filly Second SD was Sonata Dusk, everything made more sense. And now that I have more free contact with her, I passed the time chatting with my Moderators from Metube and her as I edited the video.

(Spike, don't forget that we are going to have a pizza meeting with the cast tonight, I will be really, really, really happy if you go there to meet my friends.) - FillySecondSD gave me a private message. Making me look over the clock and see it was 8 a.m, giving me a good time to prepare myself for that night, and give a surprise to my friends today since the video is almost done...

"Don't worry Sonata, I will be there, but first things first. I'm going to surprise the mods as I already finished the video editing. This way I can make them not be bothered about after canceling the meeting. They will be busy checking the updates and the reviews of the video. This way we can make a meeting next week." I replied as I already gave her my strategy, this way we can make the admin not disappointed from not receiving a scheduled meeting, and making them busy as there would be some complications of the video reviews like always does.

(Oh yeah... I can't wait to see it. Are you planning to publish live?) FillySecondSD once again asked me, which for me I just gave a thumbs up, receiving a filly second grinning emoticon... I have to say to MaskedJr.MatterHorn once again that her emoticons were a treasure since she is great at doing it.

As I closed the private chat with Sonata, I started to give my final touches and this time without sharing my screen. I wanted to make a surprise for my friends. As I can see their messages debating about the video before I even get to announce. So I started to rub my hands excitedly and my smile became bigger.

The video was ready... It was time for me to get to see their reaction. I pressed the live video plugin, making it I was making an announcement of a live video. The thumbnail was the poster I created for the new universe I created... It was time... 1:30 seconds of waiting.

The reactions of the moderators were everything I expected.

(What the...) -HumdrumIsMe was the first one to react to countdown.

(Wait, there is a live today? The video's ready?) MaskedJr.MatterHorn was asking as she gave some masked Matterhorn shocked emoticons.

(Hmm...interesting...) - Maneiac-769 acted mysterious and interested which makes me relieved, I was waiting for their reactions to it.

(Oh OH OH, LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO.) FillySecondSD screamed excited as she was excited as the countdown was at 10 to 0...


The mansion gets bored after you went on a world tour in 3 days and you make all the butlers have a day off, sometimes I just wanted to go to the spa and enjoy my own rest, but I'm so bored... Ugh, why can't I enjoy simple things like a job like Sonata? Well, maybe I will ask her if she wants to go somewhere... Wait... Ugh, today is her meeting with her workmates... Oh yes, she will bring Spike with her...

Should I spy again?... Maybe not, I think that would break the trust I have with her, once was good enough... Oh yeah, maybe I should hang out with his sister, she looked cool enough...

I crossed over the rooms, as I heard the sniffs and sobs of someone I know... Sonata.

What heck happened? I went directly to the door which Sonata's room, if that little piece of stupid boy did something with her I swear I will destroy his entire life.

I opened the door, as I watch in disbelief, Sonata using paper tissues as she watched an animation of a boy and an adult from the same show she works... I looked stupid as I could see she was sniffing and using the paper to blows her nose on the paper. I rolled my eyes and facepalmed myself.

I'm just glad it wasn't something to worry about. I started to leave the room quietly until I heard Sonata mumbling.

"I love you too Aria. I'm fine." She said quietly but I could hear her away, but her comment made me smile.

It seems it was all in my mind. Well, I will go to the arcade, maybe at that place I will not get bored.


At the moment the livestream ended, I already let open the chat waiting for my moderators appear which would happen in any second.

(You hearthless and lovely cretin.*Humdrum crying face* *Humdrum crying face*) HumdrumIsMe wrote as he made a lot of flood with the little sidekick emotional emoticons.

(I hate you, but I love you, but I hate you again, but I love you again... HOW DARE YOU TO PLAY WITH MY FEELINGS LIKE THAT?) FillySecondSD wrote as I couldn't help but chuckle from her reaction.

(I need to retouch my makeup again. It was indeed emotional Spike, it was well executed. And in good timing, I'm impressed. You are really improving Spike.) Maneiac-769 wrote which made me smile proud of myself.

(Was your cousin who voiced Humdrum right? Because I have to say how much he is passionate about his character. *Hands-down emoticon*) HumdrumIsMe praised as me I remembered how much effort he did on voicing grow up Humdrum.

(I liked the silly comment from Humdrum, Is it the puberty they talk about? I laughed but the moment I saw him talking about the tattoo I screamed OH SHOT.) MaskedJr.MatterHorn finally allowed her presence and made me smile from her comments.

(So this is it... the start of a new universe.) HumdrumIsMe said as the others agreed with emoticons of nodding their heads...

(Humdrum must have felt broken at the moment he got back from the future... Oh my God, after such trauma many things will change.) FillySecondSD said making me nod my head.

(I doubt it, there is no way Humdrum could remember all his warnings from the future, even if he had traumatic info, he will not remember everything. He is just a kid.) MaskedJr.MatterHorn was already refuting, she was using her emoticons to express her thoughts.

(Unless Humdrum uses the room simulator where all the scans crossed from their memories would make them repeat the events many times.) Maneiac-769 knowing all the lore of power ponies gave a theory which made not just be surprised, but all the other moderators as well.

(OH YEAH, I FORGOT ABOUT IT.) HumdrumIsMe wrote as he gave thumbs up.

(If that's the case, yeah, Humdrum will be possible to remember all the warnings from his future self, not just him, but FillySecond can be there as a witness. Oh my God, I want to see her reaction about Humdrum knowing about the project Fillying Alone.) MaskedJr.MatterHorn said as she could help her excitation...

I have to confess I wasn't even thinking about it, but this idea actually brought a bunch of new ideas... I will write for a few seconds before taking a bath.

"Guys, thank you all for enjoying and helping me to take care of the chat. You always took care of my community, and words cannot express how much I love you guys. One day I will make a fanart of us together at the moment I meet you." I said receiving a thumbs up from all the moderators. "Sadly guys, I have to inform you that we cannot make the meeting today since I have to meet Sonata and her coworkers today. I promise I will make up with you guys."

(Seriously? Damn, I forgot I have compromise as well, at least I feel relief that I will not be the only one missing this meeting.) HumdrumIsMe a comment, but I felt a shrive in my spine on the next comment.

(Oh you will be part of this meeting TH, I will make sure to make it happen, and you Spike, you don't need to worry about it... Since we will make the meeting today, you don't have to worry about us... *Evil grin emoji*) Maneiac-769 comment made not just me afraid but I can imagine True Humdrum whimpering in fear. Oh, poor soul...

(Yes ma'am. *Humdrum sadly face*) It's awful that I laughed at HumdrumIsMe response, but what can I say? Maneiac-769 scares the hell of us all the time. I will be just glad that she compliments my video and move on.

"Well, guys. Gotta go, today I have a great day, meet you later to tell you how it went." I said before leaving my friends talking among themselves.

Today it's the day, time to meet my heroes and enjoy a good time with them... I got so many questions... whoa, calm down Spike, you cannot overreact like Twilight meeting Starswirl the writer, compose yourself, you need to make sure to be yourself, remember what mom says... Be yourself, and if people like you, good... If not, it's their problem.

Alright, here goes nothing. I left my room and started to prepare myself for the best day of my life... I hope...

It's finally the day.

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As I was looking myself in the mirror, I was having one of the most difficult decisions I would ever make in my entire life... Which clothing I should go to the pizzeria? One thing was taking a pop star into dating... But now I will meet the cast of my favorite show, and the voice actors of the characters I worked so hard to draw and replicate into my videos...

I remained looking at myself as I was fixing my hair, what was supposed I to do? Keep casual? Be formal? What kinda clothing should I do? As I trying to burn my brain thinking I heard a knock on my door which thank you brother, it was fixed.

"It's open," I said as my way to allow the others to come. As the door opened, I finally could let out a sigh of relief since my 2 best judges can help me to solve this case. "Hey, moms."

"Hello, sweetie." Both my mothers replied as mom Celestia walked inside of the room first, as she proceeds to walk looking at me. "Getting ready for the date today?"

I nodded to her as I looked at my stepmother which would be something that I feared that she was holding. A cellphone.

"Please tell me that you are not recording this." My panic raised as she smiled wide indicating that she was in fact saving this for future events. "Mother please, don't do this to me."

"Oh sweetie, you know the rules. Since we couldn't take pictures of you last week, this time we will save this for future meetings and use this against you. So now be cute and smile." My stepmother smiled as she saved the photos on her most secret file, which even the best hackers of our school couldn't find it.

"I'm doomed." I couldn't help but accept my humiliation since both my mothers are both my salvation and my condemnation for this date... "Anyway, can you two help me?"

As my mother Celestia looked at me, knowing that I'm not showing such enthusiasm I knew she would know that maybe something was going on...

"Of course sweetie, is it something wrong?" She asked as my stepmother placed her cellphone on her pocket, making me look at them and being serious.

"I just don't know what to dress... I want to look casual but the entire cast of power ponies voice actors will be there, and I want to create a good impression. But I don't want to look too formal since it will be into a pizzeria." I have been staring in front of the mirror for more than 30 minutes. These little details are what would make a good impression turn into a horrible experience. And I fear that something like that would happen to me today. But two hands touched in each side of my shoulder, the warm hands of my parents.

"Don't tell more, we will do the rest." My stepmother Velvet smiled at me as she opened my wardrobe as all my clothes came out from it. I cringed as I heard all my clothes coming out of the wardrobe. The silence between me and my mothers was awkward, and deep inside of me I knew I made an awful mistake.

I saw the shadow on their faces. And the calm before the storm...

"Spike..." The quiet voice of my mother was the only thing that made my spine shrive. "Maybe it's time for me and you to have a talk about organization. Isn't that right Velvy?"

I gulped as I felt the same warm hand on my back become cold like ice and made me have goosebumps around my body, as I saw the evil glare from her eyes.

Maybe I should have used a simple T-shirt and black pants, that would have saved me from them.

Someone, please save me.

I know it wouldn't be needed to someone drive me to Pizzeria, but after the mess on my wardrobe, and the full hour organizing and cleaning. I needed to make sure that both my mothers would release a bit of my leash, I'm walking on thin ice now.

I can't deny that I'm anxious about this day more than anyone else. I felt the heartbeats from my chest being so loud that I keep hearing instead of the song playing on the radio. My stepmother seemed to move her head from side to side as my mother nodded her head as she looked at me. Even after the stupid decision to ask them to help me to choose my clothes, it was worth it, since now I'm feeling fine with what I'm dressing. A white shirt with a green blazer is something simple that could be elegant and stylish. And using social pants, it would be fitting to meet the entire group of Power Ponies and still be elegant to have a date with Sonata.

"Thanks, moms, for helping me to choose this. Now I'm feeling confident and ready for today." I said as both of then glanced at me, showing a kind of indifference, but after calming their minds, they managed to giggle, with made me relax.

"You look lovely, Spike, I know for a fact that even if the other group will not talk to you, at least you and Sonata will pass a good time together." The voice of my mother Celestia in some way made me realize she was right, Sonata enjoyed passing time with me the same way I did to her. "Remember, be polite but enjoy yourself as much as you want. You already received their permission for your videos. Remember to be grateful but be yourself."

"Oh Tia, don't be so much drama queen. Spike honey, focus on enjoying your time, be yourself, you even have a girlfriend who liked you from the way you are, just make her happy and be happy as well, this way the dinner will be fun." My stepmother reassured me but I could see my mother giving her a glare, which made my stepmother roll her eyes. "Seriously Tia, you need to relax as well. Everything is fine. Spike is ready..."

"Well, I..." At the moment my mother Celestia was going to say something, a ringtone appeared from a familiar cellphone, her own cellphone was receiving a call... Stopping the car was a signal as she clicked the button and started talking. "Hello? Yes?..."

At the moment she was talking, I knew it was my time to leave, but spikes of doubt were still remaining in my mind, and the fear of receiving rejection was indeed making me feel anxious. But the sudden voice made me snap from my thoughts.

"Spike, whatever is going to happen, whatever they are going to say to you... This will not change who you are... I just want you to be happy and enjoy yourself." My stepmother said as she smiled at me.

I smiled at the reassuring words from her, she was right, I worked so much hard during years, and lucky lady was on my side disguised as a creepy person, but knowing all the circumstances and how much paranoic I was being, it seems all the stress was making everything awful to me... Why shouldn't I just enjoy my time? Yeah, whatever is going to happen inside of this place. I know I'm ready.

"Thanks, mommy, and you too momma. I love you... Wish me luck." I waved as the car started moving away.

I looked around as the many cars crossed over the street, as I could see the pizzeria in front of me, a big named company of pizza who have made a name over the entire state, was something I've always wanted to try with my family. I heard their menu is something creative and crazy if possible.

I didn't waste time and went inside already, as to my surprise the entire establishment was completely empty. But there were at least 4 tables connecting with each other with sits, and when I thought I was alone...

"SPIKE" A familiar voice shouted behind me, making me jump in surprise, and almost have a heart attack. When I looked who was, it was nobody less than the cheerful girl who has been stalking me for so long, and one of the friends of my channel.

"Sonata. How are you?" I tried to recover from the jump scare of the girl who seemed excited to see me.

"I'm doing fine, thank you for asking me," Sonata said before she gave me a big hug on me. "But I'm glad you are here. OH MY GOD SPIKE, YOU SURPASSED YOURSELF."

Sonata's sudden shout as she hugged me, made my ears ring from her loud voice, but suddenly she released me as she kept smiling. How she can be this dense? It's like rollercoaster ups and downs. Just accept the compliment Spike, it's better for you.

"Thanks, Sonata, but you know it wasn't just me, Blueblood really used all his voice and kept the true feelings from Humdrum. And my brother Shining Armor made a perfect music soundtrack to make sure the feels crossed over the entire video." I cannot deny the fact, it wasn't for my family's support I wouldn't have been here today.

"Oh yeah, hey, isn't Blueblood a lawyer?" Sonata asked as I nodded to her question. "He has a big talent for doing voice acting, I would like to make some collaboration with him if you don't mind."

"Seriously?" I asked surprised, her smile already confirmed the answer to my question. "I think he will like this idea, maybe we could make some silly collaboration if you have time... A bit of interaction with Filly second and Humdrum would be good to break the ice."

I could see that happen, Blueblood would love to receive a collab, I think even Shining Armor would enjoy making some songs with Sonata singing too... Wait, Spike, maybe you are going too far, you should ask her first...

"Sonata if you don't... hmm?" The shock came in front of me, like a lightning hitting my body, my lips... were touching hers... As she remained with eyes closed, and my heartbeats were making a rhythm of a machine gun, the sound of a xylophone, a saxophone, and a bass crossing deep inside of my mind... How many seconds? 1? 10? 20? 40? The time must have stopped around me, as the sudden music played inside of my head, and then she opened her eyes.

Looking at me as her face was covered in the purple of blush, I couldn't find my voice...

"Sorry, sorry, I'm really so sorry... but I couldn't take out of my mind the end of our date, and I wanted so much to give you a goodnight kiss... Even if was my first one." Sonata sheepishly scratched her head, which made my eyes wide open.

"You..." I couldn't help but gag because of my lack of words. It was her first kiss...But so do was mine. "I...I..."

"I'm sorry." Sonata still blushing crazily, she must have thought that I didn't like it.

"No, it's just... You surprised me." I said aloud which startle her, and now I'm starting to feel panic. "I liked it, it was my first kiss too, please don't take it that I didn't like it."

As my panic was not helping my case. I knew that maybe not just me but both of us screwed up. Oh my God, what I'm going to do.

"Can you both be quiet for a minute? I'm finishing an important scene of the book I've been trying to read for 5 days, and just now I have free time to do it." Suddenly a voice made not just me, but Sonata turns our backs and see that one of the chairs was occupied by a woman who appear to be on her 25, with her elegant blue jacket showing a good lighting symbol and an emblem of a woman known as the princess of Maskguard. Her hair was a mixed color of silver strips and night blue hair.

"Oh, sorry Fancy Bolt." Sonata suddenly stopped blushing, as she immediately took my har and moved me with her to the table.

We took one of the tables we started to sit in front of each other. As we looked in silence the woman who seemed so concentrated to be reading her book. We would start talking but we didn't want to disturb her or anything.

After 5 minutes of silence, the woman closed her book.

"Finally. 10 days reading this trash. And now I know the assassin is the daughter. What a waste of time." Fancy took her best aim and launched from far away from the book, leading directly at the trash can. "SCORE."

The woman raised her fist in a victory pose.

"Ehhhhhhhhh." Sonata starts cheering with both of her hands on her mouth creating a full stadium effect. Which made Fancy raises her hand like a great athlete.

"Thank you, thank you, you are all so kind." The woman looked at Sonata who seemed happy to help, then she looked at me. "Oh, so you are the one which has the Metube channel."

"Yes ma'am," I said in a response that made the woman scoff at her place.

"Ma'am? Please, call me Fancy Bolt, or just Bolt for my closest friends, but we are not there yet." Fancy Bolt said as she looked carefully at me. "I have to confess that you have guts to ask permission to use our company show to make content on your channel... Mostly metubers don't ask permission."

"Well, I didn't want to have legal problems, and I really wanted to make the best of my work for the thing I loved most, so I wanted to make sure that I would help the company if they give me their permission." I had to be honest with them. I'm grateful for all the permissions they gave me.

"Yeah, it was the first time that I've seen someone doing it properly. Maybe that's why our director gave the permission right away." Fancy admitted as she placed both her feet over the table, with looked like 2 leather boots.

Okay, she looks a bit similar to Rainbow Dash in some way, but she looked more polite and mature. Maybe that's how RD will be in the future?

"I thank you for the opportunity. I really do." I said in gratitude, which made Fancy nod her head.

"Of course you do. And what you did with your channel was indeed prodigious work. From the script to the animation. All the work you've been doing was something that caught out attention." Fancy smiled as she pointed her index thinger to me. "I have to confess... Making the nation of Maskguard and the Blacktorch empire war foes during 2 centuries was an idea of genius. And princess Aurora swears at the deathbed of Iron Hooves that she would protect Humdrum was something touching and good character development."

"So you are the voice of Zapp?" I asked surprised which made her open her blouse which revealed a standard T-Shirt with a pose of Zap using her relic summoning lightning. It was amazing.

"Sure do boy. We've been keeping track of your videos with our specialists, and from their experience, the views were giving a good boost to both your channel and our community.

"Oh..." I said disappointed, she seemed to didn't actually see it the episodes. "So you didn't see it."

"Don't let her mislead you." Then another voice came from the door. Which showed a young woman who seemed to be in her 20s, she was wearing a dark green jacket with dark grey straps and some flowers. And her dark brown long hair took my attention as she seemed to not have shown any kind of emotion. "She cried for 2 hours after watching your video yesterday."

"EMERALD GUST." Fancy raised from her position outraged at the moment that she heard such words. "THAT'S A LIE."

"Oh yeah?" The cute tone of voice of the woman terrifies me, but it seems that it was her personality since I cannot understand what tone of voice she was doing or which emotion she was showing at the moment. It seems I was seeing the daughter of Maud Pie with Fluttershy... A combination that I didn't think it would be real. "Please Humdrum listen to yourself. The past is so messed up. You need to save everyone."

I turned my head to Fancy who seemed to be sweating and her head was becoming red in shame.

"I WAS DRUNK." She then shouted making me look at the new visitor who seemed to be satisfied with the answer.

"I'm glad you admitted you have a problem because you get crazy when it's after work and sometimes you make all of us lose progress when you drink in the middle of work." Emerald Gust said as she sat on Sonata's side, which replied with a quick fist bump on her. And we both watched Fancy slam her head on the table annoyed.

"Ughhhh." Fancy groaned in pain as I tried to hold my laugh, but Emerald makes it worse.

"Oh my, you already drank again? Are you having a hangover? Why did you drink on this important day? Nusk, Nusk, Nusk." Emerald Gust sassily snapped her tongue as she decided to the day of Fancy even worse. And I could see Sonata starting to laugh, and I couldn't help but laugh as well.

Well, I can't wait to meet the rest of the cast.

Double Date (Valentine's Day Special) Pt.1/3

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As the day of romance paired in the air, into the most knowledge of the city. A couple of owners of the bakery decided to think about what would be the best way to attract more clientele at the start of June.

"Honey I know it can be difficult, but we need to find ways to raise funds over this month since most of the kids will be on vacations on the beaches." The female blue skin woman said as her husband made sure to check their funds for new projects and ideas. As the sound of babies were laughing as their employee was playing with them.

"Yeah, but I'm struggling to find something that would help us on this occasion. We must have some kind of a way to attract people, maybe it wasn't for kids, we must try something that most people didn't try before. I mean It's the 06th of June we have something to try on." The yellow-skinned man who wears the apron said as he sighed while giving some calculus on their budget. Thinking hard, Carrot Cake couldn't find an idea and decided to almost give up, but he glanced at the teenager playing horse with his kids which made him look curious at his employee. "Pinkie Pie. Do you have some idea for what we could do at Sugar Cube Corner this month to attract clients?"

"Oh, you mean like Valentine's day?" Pinkie Pie asked back, which made a vinyl scratch sound over their minds and made both adults look at the silly pink girl with their eyebrows raised.

"Err... Pinkie sweetie... Valentine's day already happened in February." Miss Cake smiled forcedly at her helper, but when she said that Pinkie Pie started giggling.

"Oh, I know that silly. But when I said Valentine's day, I mean quote "Couple's day" or Dia dos Namorados, which happens in Brazil. My brother Octavio Pie told me." Pinkie Pie patted the head of her boss which made both owners of the bakery's eyes go wide open.

"It could be?" Miss Cake looked at her husband, which made him tap his chin as he thinks.

"Yeah, that can work. The couples who couldn't make a good gift and dinner for their lovely ones, or who forgot about that day. It can be their redemption day. And Vallentine's day this year was a huge success... Yeah, why we couldn't think about it? Pinkie Pie you deserve a raise for that." Carrot Cake smiled as he made Pinkie Pie stop her tracks.

"I get paid?" Pinkie Pie ask curiously, which made both couples nod their heads.

"Yeah, but at the moment you receive your payment, you already spent on the bakery and buy many of the products you can buy." Miss Cake says as Pinkie Pie has a huge gasp.

"Oh yeah." Pinkie Pie slapped her forehead as looked at a cupcake with a pink frost with springles. "Why are you so tasty? You have been taking all my payments. Nhm Nhmm"

Both bakers watched the silly girl eats happily her desert, as they shrugged and decided to make the idea for their weekend for couples work.

"Are you sure that it's fine Spike?" Sonata said as they see the banner prepared for a romantic time in the bakery. "I mean, I always love to pass time with you, but isn't that a bit stranger. A special date in the afternoon in a bakery with a theme of couples... and we aren't in Brazil to celebrate it."

"Well, Pinkie Pie said it was a good time for couples who didn't manage to get their time in Vallentine's day in February, and since it has been a month we are together. I hoped we could celebrate this date since you didn't tell me you want to date me in the chat." Spike answered as Sonata sheepishly scratched the back of her head. Which made both chuckles and accept their first Valentine's day in June.

As they get inside Sugarcube Corner, there was indeed the romance in the air, since it was fulfilled with couples around the bakery, at the tables, there were couples who were sharing with each other desserts and milkshakes. If wasn't for the fact that they were in June, it would seem to be a genuinely Valentine's day from February. As the decorations seemed to be still with heart-shaped chocolates and many good variances of red, pink, and white colors around the decorations.

"Wow. I have to confess they really went hard on this time." Spike said as he looked around and found some friends he meet at the school, Button Mash was hanging out with Diamond Tiara, and Snips was hanging out with a girl from his class. As Snails was in love with the shy gothic girl who seemed to hide a smile as well. A weird combination but earned a respect from him.

"SPIKE." Suddenly a shout made him jump from his place and found his pink friend who seemed to grin like having a dose of caffeine mixed with 10 spoons of sugar.

"12 spoons actually." Pinkie Pie said, which made Spike blink at her.

"What?" Spike asked in confusion which received obviously another question from her.

"What?" Pinkie Pie feigned ignorance as she suddenly gave a hug to him. And she was so energic that even hugging she was smiling at his girlfriend. "I'm so glad that you are here. Hey Sonata."

"Hey Pinkie." Both Sonata waved happily at her and gave a hug with Spike in the middle, and gave a sandwich hug which is suffocating him.

"Girls... air..." Spike felt his skin becoming blue as both gasped and released him from their hug. Making him take his breath back. "Ahhhhhh. Finally breath."

As Spike stretched his neck the girls were hugging each other since they have seen each other for a while.

"I'm so glad to see you again Sonata, how has been the work?" Pinkie Pie said as she smiled widely which made her friend smile as well and close her eyes.

"It's fantastic, my and my team are actually planning to do a few filler episodes, which would make something silly that Filly Second would actually do," Sonata said as she patted the head of her friend who has been giggling a lot, and giving enough time to Spike to recover from being suffocated.

"Well, it's great to know, welcome to Sugar Cube Corner guys. Today is the special of dia dos namorados, or like Brazillian Valentine's day. So we thought it would be a good idea to make a day in June for couples to share a date, but I didn't think it would be that successful. So do you mind sharing a table with another couple?" Pinkie Pie said as the duo looked around and found it was indeed a lot of people around there, and both Sonata looked at each other and giving shrugged together.

As the couple walked around, Spike noticed a familiar green hat over the tables. And at the moment Spike was going to open his mouth he was interrupted abruptly.

"CHAVO." Sonata shouted which made every couple look at her, especially the boy who was eating with his girlfriend, and from recognizing the voice the boy got up and went to hug the duo.

"Sonata, Spike." The boy with a new set of clothes, but still using the same stripe shirt, and green hat, was maybe the signature of his favorite part of his clothing which he still uses at the day. "How you guys have been? What you are doing here?"

"We are here to date, and it seems that the bakery is full," Spike said as he scratched the back of his head. And Chavo who seemed surprised to see them both, he couldn't help but keep his smile.

"So why not join us?" Chavo smiled as he dragged both Spike and Sonata who didn't even have time to react, as the energic young man made them sit with him.

After managing to sit at the table, Spike noticed that Chavo wasn't alone over his table there was a girl who has a combination of brown hair with straps of black hair, long enough just to touch her shoulders, and her green mint blouse was with what would be a pink flower on her hair. And at the table next to her there was another couple who was still looking at each other enamored. Spike noticed in 10 seconds that the woman over there was actually the owner of the Taco Restaurant, Miss Florinda. And by her side was a long tall man, who was nothing more than a grey suit and a fedora on his head. With a good mustache, and eyes that could resemble both kindness and wisdom.

"Oh hey, Sonata." The girl who noticed the couple appearing next to Chavo, smiled as the duo decided to sit next to them.

"Hey Patty, sorry to disturb your date," Sonata said as she sheepishly smiled which made both Patty and Chavo scoff.

"Ah don't worry, we already know you. And Patty, meet Spike. Sonata's girlfriend." Chavo smiled as he touched the back of the boy who seemed nervous as well.

"Oh really? Now we can finally have a double date." Patty smiled as she saw the boy who seemed familiar to her. "Wait for a second... so he is the boy you said you were stalking?"

"I told you that I wasn't stalking him." Sonata hissed, as both Chavo and Spike held their laugh and decided to sit at the same time. And knowing that she was the only one without sitting decided to sit while sighing. "Whatever."

As the duo sat next to each other. Chavo smiled at the love of his life. In the same way, Spike and Sonata blushed as sitting next to each other.

"Hello, lovers. Do you want to order at this moment?" At the next second, the owner of the establishment smiled as he took a notepad and waited for the orders of the couples Chavo and Patty, and Spike and Sonata.

"Well... Please bring 3 chocolate milkshakes, 1 vanilla milkshake, 4 red velvet with dark chocolate ganache, 4 Romeo and Juliet cheesecakes, and 4 cupcakes of explosive chocolate." Chavo already ordered, which made both Spike and Sonata look at each other, seemed surprised that Chavo already ordered them, but the next question made them dumbfounded. "And what you guys are going to ask?"

Spike's jaw dropped at the table, as Sonata facepalmed herself.

"Of course, he would do that," Sonata said to herself, as she looked at Spike and snapped her finger at him a few times making him recover from his shock, at the moment he was going to question the boy, Sonata pointed to the owner who seemed to be taking the order.

"Oh right. Mr. Carrot Cake, me, and Sonata will have the special of the day, with 2 cookie mint explosive strawberry milkshakes. And the classic pepper and chocolate cupcakes." Spike knowing full well the recipes, since Spike passed most of his afternoon after school on Sugarcube Corner, made Sonata look surprised at him.

"Okay, I will bring your order the soon as possible, please enjoy your stay and have some romantic time." At the moment Mr. Cake left the couple, Spike looked weirdly at the boy who was still smiling at his own girlfriend.

"Chavo, you sometimes are impossible." Sonata sighed as she looked at her boyfriend and understood his confusion. "If there is one thing I know for sure Spike, is the fact that Chavo loves food. He would eat a lot of everything he could."

"Wow, I never thought I could see somebody being capable of that," Spike said surprised, as Chavo glanced at him, and before he could reply, a voice came near them.

"That's because Chavo has suffered from hunger most of the time of his childhood." A male and mature voice made Spike's eyes go wide open and made a look to his side and found the tall man who was looking at the boy with a resolute face of both respect and friendship.

"And whenever he had an opportunity of food in front of him, he would eat it, everything he could to fulfill his stomach." Then, Miss Florinda who sat beside her lovely company, she smiled at the young love between the couples around them.

"Miss Florinda, professor Sausage." Both Chavo, Patty, and Sonata greeted at the same time, and Spike who was surprised, then stop his tracks as he noticed the name of the old man.

Not just Spike, but the professor who was smiling, suddenly stop his smile and it turned into a deep frown.

"ta, ta, ta, taaaaaaa, TA." The authoritative voice of the professor not just made the trio cringe, but Spike had a shrive on his own spine as he looked at the teacher in respect.

"Sorry professor Girafales." The trio said as they actually stretched the back of their heads sheepishly.

Spike noticed that the teacher seemed to be used by the slips provocations like that, but he then felt the glance of the big professor who seemed to smile as he look at Sonata.

"I'm glad the young Chavo is growing up with more friends, it seems that whenever we go problems would come for us." Professor Girafales actually chuckled, as he could see their desserts were being served as the lovely woman smiled kindly at him. "Oh, it would just end this day perfectly if."

"Don't you want to go home and have one more cup of coffee?" Miss Florinda said as she looked at him with hearts in her eyes.

"If that wouldn't intrude too much." Professor Girafales said as he kissed the hands of Miss Florinda who seemed so happy to be with him.

"Of course not." She smiled, as both of them seemed to be in deep love.

As the professor and the restaurant owner seemed to remain in their seats and in deep love. The 2 couples next to them watched their interaction in silence.

"That's..." Chavo said as he looked at Patty. "It's the dream I think about us... for 10 years, professor Girafales and Miss Florinda have done this interaction from every moment they have to meet each other."

"I feel you, bro." Spike had to confess, that man was a legend, to be capable of court and stay with her with the same love for 10 years, was really admirable. He looked at Sonata, and he wishes that if he had half of the same energy as Girafales to show love to the girl in front of him, he would be happy.

Giggling from the way both boys talked, Sonata and Patty kissed their cheeks, making both blush like tomatoes.

"OUCH, OUCH, OUCH, OUCH." Suddenly a shout came from beside a few tables behind them, they turned their backs, and to Spike's surprise, he found Rainbow Dash as he was on a date with one of her soccer teammates, she felt like being beaten with a... paper bag? By a grizzled old man? "Cut it out, man, what is in that bag?"

"It's your not damn busyness. I'm here to make sure that your leg fracture wouldn't get any worse." The old man, said as he touched his glasses, while the rainbow-haired girl rolled her eyes.

"Well, of course, you would doc... But I'm fine, I just need to be here for to eat something neat, then stay at home during the day, tomorrow will be fine." Rainbow Dash, smiled like she already guessed she wouldn't be like that too long.

"If you think that, then maybe you should get ready to have patience, because the time your fracture would be cured, actually it's for... 2 months." The doctor said the final words, as she was with her closed eyes and then her eyes went wide open as her own mind shattered like glass, which made her look panic.

"WOA, WOA, WOA, WOA. What do you mean 2 months? Doc, don't you have any kind of medicine which could fix my leg or something like that?" Rainbow Dash couldn't help but made the worst decision of her life. "I mean, the science has developed a lot after a century you were alive..."

As the doctor was happy, suddenly his face turned into a deep frown, and he uttered just one question.

"Are you insuniating that I'm old?" Doctor Chapatin has just one that he hates in his entire life.

"No, no, no... I'm an educated person... But I think at the time you cured your medicines, you actually used stones and bones as tools. HAHAHAHAHAH." Rainbow Dash used the perfect moment to make a joke, but sooner she regretted it as she feared the power of the paper bag being hit on her face. "OUCH, OUCH, OUCH, SORRY, SORRY, MY BAD, MY BAAAAADD"

Spike at that moment, noticed, that his day wasn't going to be any normal.