> A Day at the Beach > by Wing Dancer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Aeria and the Sea > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The birdie alarm clock to my left was tick tocking silently, counting down the last minutes to seven in the morning. I had my eyes closed and didn’t move. Mr. Snugglebears got all grumpy if I ever woke him before the alarm sounded off. Puffy didn’t mind though, I don’t think he slept at all. After all, he was now the keeper of the new birdie clock, since the old one got thrown away. Five…four…three. Two. Aaaand. *click* I pushed the beak of the birdie as it begun to chirp. Usually I’d squirm a little in bed before turning it off, listening to the song the clock would sing to me. I loved it, it reminded me of mommy when she cooked something good for us. Always smiling, always singing to the food. That was probably why it tasted so good. Today I didn’t have time to listen to the clock’s song. I wanted to leave for school extra early! Why? Well, today was special. Not Daddy-takes-me-to-the-factory-and-gives-me-Puffy special, no. A bit less special, but still pretty great! We were going on a field trip! To the ground! To the beach! Since I was a Pegasus, and a filly at that, I rarely put my hooves on solid ground. I mean, yeah, Granny and Grandpa lived in an Old Pony’s Retirement Home in a town called Ponyville, and we sometimes came to visit. All the elder ponies said I was a cutie and that I would grow up to be an awesome mare. I knew that already, but I was glad that they knew that too. Everypony knew that I was adorable and always smiling. I looked around my still dark room. Magenta the Owly was still snoozing in her cage. I made sure her food and water containers were full. I cared for her very much, and we even practiced flying together! Magenta was better at that than me. Then again, she was lighter and had bigger wings. Daddy told me that owls learn how to fly fast, but that Pegasi were the only rulers of the skies. As if that wasn’t obvious. Can owls make rainbows? Can they spread color in the skies, so vibrant and shiny that it makes your muzzle smile? No, owls can’t, but daddy sure can! Puffy was swirling in his container, happy to see me awake on time for a change. I blushed a bit. Not that I was constantly late or anything, I just liked to hear the birdie song. And if I let it play for a long time, mommy would come to my room and wake me up. I’d then pretend to not want to get up and cross my hooves until she leaned in to wake me up with kisses and a big, flower scented hugsy. She usually did that, unless she was in the mood for pranks. Then I had to suffer tickling. She wasn’t as good as daddy was, because he was the Tickle Master, not her. But I could tell she was learning from him. Mr. Snugglebears didn’t even budge. Now that one was a constant dreamer. Always tired, always sleeping! Lazy bear. But he was my best and very first friend that I got from daddy. Just today, I decided to let him sleep in. He would be less grumpy when I came back and we would play together with Magenta and Puffy. I placed a light kiss on his bushy forehead, flicking away some of his unruly hair. Speaking of hair, I felt mine was a total mess. I kept my mane short, but it always managed to get it my eyes or look like I jumped on too many storm clouds and got zapped in the morning. Quietly, I trotted to my dresser and climbed on it with my forehooves to look at the mirror on top. Yep, a severe case of bedmane. Gosh, how was it even possible to have it so spiky without gel or something? Some of the colts in my class would probably die for those spikes. At least mine didn’t look like a bucket of grease had been splattered over them. I poked around the drawers looking for a brush. I had to wade through puzzles, some toys and costumes for Mr. Snugglebears before I found it. Now, it would be very hard to brush my mane by myself. Mommy told me that Unicorns could do it with magic. Ponies like me or those that lived on the ground had to use special stands to brush against. Or have their wonderful mommy style it for them! As quickly and quietly as I could I headed for my room’s door. I took a last look at my bed. “See you later, friends. I’ll bring you back a seashell, one for each of you,” I whispered. I could smell pancakes in the corridor. Yay, mommy was cooking up something special! I really loved the meals she made. And while daddy was the best Tickle Master, mommy was the Princess of the Kitchen. I mean, there wasn’t a thing she couldn’t cook! Cakes, cupcakes, pancakes, hayfries, salads, even simple sandwiches – they all tasted so good it made your stomach squeal in delight! “Oh, there’s my little rainbow! I was just going to get you,” said mommy, turning away from the steaming pans and giving me a wonderful smile. “Fi mmy!” Darn brush! I spat it out onto the table and trotted to her, tackling her hind legs. “Morning mommy! What’cha cooking?” I asked, my eyes as wide as the pancakes I saw on the burners. “Can you guess?” she teased, flipping the golden treat with ease. Wow. She was amazing. I once tried flipping a pancake, but it was stuck. I waved the pan around a bit too much and…well, Wing Dancer didn’t speak to me that day. Mommy had to cut out some of his mane and coat to get rid of the burnt ‘pancakes’. “Pancakes! Pancakes!” I squealed excitedly, earning a hoof that pet me on the head. “Now! Now! Pancakes!” “Haha, okay, settle down my little flier. Remember patience? You’ll get some once they’re done,” she smiled, again flipping those mouthwatering pancakes. I’d already located a stack of them to her right side and couldn’t wait to dig in. “Curious hair-style, dear. Since when do you wear your mane spiky?” Oh, right. I had spiky hair. The sight of the golden, soft, smooth circles totally took over my mind. And that smell…. “Mommy, can you brush me? Pweaaaase?” I begged, snuggling up to her side. She put a wing over me and I felt the warmth of her skin on my face. Her coat was tickling my muzzle and I could take a better look at her cutie mark. One day, I’d get one just as awesome as hers. “Of course dear. Where’s your brush?” she asked, putting away her glove and turning down the fire. She knew where it was, but was probably too lazy to get it. She would be forgiven if the pancakes were even half as good as they looked. Or smelled. I took the brush and gave it to her, raising my head slightly and closing my eyes. After a short while, just long enough to make me think she was teasing me again, I felt it – the gentle stroke to the left, then to the right. The brush wasn’t special at all, just a regular brown handle with some cream, stiff hair. But the way mommy used it, the long and tender strokes against the skin on my head…mommy knew how to send shivers down the spine. I was totally submerged in her delicate care, wishing that my unruly mane would perk up time and time again. But it didn’t. Mommy was done fast. I frowned a bit and was about to open my eyes when I felt the last stroke. From the base of my head, gently and slowly across my back. I arched it like a cat, giving into the relaxing feel. It was as if electricity ran through your entire body. Not the storm-kicky type, the…the mommy-brushes-you-ooohhhh kind. I couldn’t help but smile as she went down all the way to my flank. It was wonderful, so tender. I loved my mommy. I could feel her love too, seeping through the strands of the brush’s hair. “Mmmm,” I purred, pressing my bent back against her forelegs, hoping for another round of pleasure. I felt like a cat now. “My little angel,” hummed mommy, gently touching my side with the brush and guiding it ever so softly along an invisible line on my body. I knew quite a lot of words now that I was seven, but the things I felt when mommy tended to me were indescribable. It was pure affection, expressed through something as simple as a brush. “Whoa, what do we have here, hmm? My two beautiful mares hugging in the kitchen? Is there any room left for me, hm?” I opened my eyes and caught sight of daddy in the doorframe. He was wearing that silly grin of his. I could tell he was jealous. I knew mommy loved daddy and me equally, but I was the adorable filly, and he was just a grown up stallion. There was no comparison. “Daddy!” I squeaked, ungluing myself from mommy and tackling daddy instead. He fell to the floor, placing me in his forehooves and lifting me into the air. I spread my wings and balanced my body, beaming at him. I was getting good at this, to the point where I wouldn't fall even if he was only using one hoof to support me. “There’s my little flier!” he giggled and crushed me in a hug. Yep, Octupus Hugger Daddy was wide awake. But so was Ear Hunter Aeria! I nibbled at his ear and laughed as he tried to push me down. He always did that, he never learned I was faster than him! And that there was no mercy, not until he would say the magic word! “I give up! I give up!” he yelled. He put up quite a fight and lasted long, but the victor would always be me, Aeria, Ear Hunter. With pride written all over my muzzle, I jumped down from my prey and checked if my mane was messed up. As fun as playing with daddy was, he would often ruffle up my mane. Unfortunately, it was more or less okay now. No more excuses to get mommy to brush me. Oh well. “Morning sweetheart. Lost again?” laughed mommy, pecking daddy on the lips and helping him up. “Aye, unfortunately. I told you your father’s blood runs in our little devil’s veins.” I gave daddy a predatory stare. “I meant, our little angel! The best flier in Equestria.” Better. Daddy needed to know where the line was. He always gave me nicknames, and some of them I didn’t like. I was his rainbow, his little angel, the best flier in Equestria and sometimes little princess or cloud puff. I was not a little devil, a mascot, a filly (I’m a mare now, I’m seven!) or a bubble. “Did Wing Dancer leave without breakfast again?” asked mommy, splitting the pancakes between three dishes. “I think so. His room was empty when I checked,” replied daddy, helping me get onto the high chair and taking a seat next to me. My eyes got wide yet again as a stack of these mouthwatering golden treasures landed in front of my muzzle. I was ecstatic as mommy popped open a bottle of maple syrup and poured generously on my share of pancakes. It looked like a giant waterfall, slowly oozing down my food. I was strong. I waited. Pancakes were special. Mommy said that we would start eating as soon as everypony sat. Daddy was sitting. Mommy was bringing her chair to the table. She bent over. She lowered her flank. Three…two-one! * * * Wing Dancer didn’t walk me to school today. He sometimes did, but as of late he left early for school and didn’t even eat breakfast with us. He was stupid. Who wouldn’t want to eat pancakes made by mommy? I mean, my dish was crystal clean before daddy even got through half of his portion. I even managed to stare at him long enough for him to leave me one of his pancakes with some syrup on it. He earned a snuggle and kiss, and probably one less sneak ear-licking attack in the evening. There were still the two others I had planned. My way to school was pretty simple and empty at this hour, save for the other foals that had early morning classes. This part of Cloudsdale was silent, away from the Cloud Coliseum where Wonderbolt races were. I could see daddy’s Rainbow Factory in the distance, the full spectrum of colors lingering in one of the many exhaust pipes. I could feel under my skin that we would see a rainbow today. One that daddy would make just for me! I picked up the pace when I saw my classmates standing at the entrance to our school. I guess that our morning meal kind of stretched or I lost track of time while mommy brushed me. Geez, I’ll have to ask her real nice to do it when I come back too. It just felt too good to pass up! “Alright little ones! Please don’t wander off, our wagon will arrive in less than ten minutes!” said Ms. Sunshine, our teacher. She was the best teacher in the world. She always encouraged me to draw rainbows, and said I had talent! Thanks to her, math was a breeze and I could already count all the numbers, although Ms. Sunshine said that there was an infinite number of numbers. That sounded silly, because there was no need for numbers to be so big, but she was the teacher, and I was only a talented student. I trotted up to the other girls and listened to their conversation. One of them, Windy Smile, was bragging about her dad making it big in the flight entertainment. He wasn’t a Wonderbolt, so it wasn’t a big deal to me. I didn’t feel like telling everypony that my dad was the coolest, they knew that already. I mean, what can be better than making rainbows? Nothing, because rainbows are the coolest. Time passed surprisingly fast and before I knew it, Ms. Sunshine was guiding us to a large wagon, four big Pegasus stallions acting as drivers. They were very muscular types, not lean and handsome like daddy, but I guess that in their line of work muscle was very important. “Hold on tight class, we’re lifting off,” called out our teacher, counting us silently. She seemed satisfied with the result and gave us an excited smile. “Alright, we’ll be at the beach in around half an hour. Please, no standing up or walking around. Please don’t lean out of your seats.” I was so excited I actually kept quiet and didn’t fidget around in my seat. I just looked at the clouds and land below zooming past. We would be at the beach near Las Pegasus in a matter of minutes! * * * “Class! Form pairs please! Yes, you too Siskin! Now, nice and slow, don’t get lost! One behind the other!” ordered Ms. Sunshine. There was a large crowd on the beach today, so it was understandable she needed to yell like that. I was a good mare and stood perfectly in line. I made sure my saddlebags had all the stuff I packed into them this morning – towel, sunscreen powder, glasses, inflatable ducky and a bottle of water. Yep, everything was in place! We trotted along the coast for some time, looking for enough room for us all. I watched all the mares and stallions sunbathing or splashing in the water, having fun and enjoying themselves. In the distance, the great pillar-like buildings of Las Pegasus stood. Some of them had clouds instead of roofs. Speaking of clouds, I barely saw a few of them in the skies. I heard that Las Pegasus was sunny and warm most of the year, and that Winter Wrap Up never happened here. While it sounded exciting to never have to stay indoors due to the cold and harsh winds, I think I wouldn’t trade this hot sun for the hot cocoa me and mommy and daddy would drink, wrapped up in soft sheets and in each other’s hooves. I snapped out of my thoughts as everypony stopped and Ms. Sunshine told us to unpack on a patch of sand that had only a few ponies on it. They looked curiously at us as we set our umbrellas, towels, some sand digging accessories and refreshments. I picked a spot close to the water, where a gentle breeze swept over my hot skin. I waited patiently while our teacher helped the others unpack their stuff or apply sunscreen. “Hello Aeria. How do you like it here, hm?” asked Ms. Sunshine, opening my tube of sunscreen and sprinkling me with the powder. “It’s warm and the water looks really nice, Ms. Sunshine,” I said, keeping my balance while she rubbed the stuff into my coat. Once it got under my fur, it was barely visible and would protect me from any nasty sunburn. My muzzle and ears got special attention, and it tickled a lot as my tummy got sunscreen all over it. “Alright, you have fun now! Remember, don’t go too deep into the water and if you’ll need help, I’ll be right there,” she said, pointing to a large pink umbrella at the center of our little camp. “Yes, Ms. Sunshine! Thank you! Have a nice day!” I replied, looking forward to finally getting into the water. * * * The fun has begun. Some of my classmates decided to make castles in the sand while others played in the water. A few tried to have fun by jumping high up and diving into the constructions other made, but Ms. Sunshine scolded them right away and kept the meanies close to her. I was running along the border where water met sand, splashing the cool liquid around. I ran back and forth as waves tried to catch me, but I was too fast! I giggled at their silly attempts at wetting me. While I was at it, I tried to glide over the water a bit, closing my eyes and focusing on the wind blowing from the sea. I was getting better and better at flying, and daddy said that soon I’d be zipping around the house without a sweat! Unluckily, my imagination tricked me. I was seeing myself as a Wonderbolt, their captain and leader, and that broke my focus and tipped me backwards. I landed on my back straight into an incoming wave. Water poured into my nose and that wasn’t a fun feeling. I coughed and flailed my hooves around, my wings mauling the water. I couldn’t open my eyes in the water and fright overtook me – which way was up? Was I drowning? Help! I tried to open my mouth, but that wasn’t a good idea either. I gulped down some water before I felt something bite me in the neck. Did a fish think I was food or something?! No! I didn’t want to be eaten by a fish! Who would take care of mommy and daddy! And Magenta! And Puffy, and…and.… I felt sand scrape against my flank, forming mud piles on my coat. I popped open one eye, still coughing from the salty water. The wet muzzle of Ms. Sunshine stared at me with concern. “Aeria, are you alright?” she asked, inspecting me carefully. “Khe, khe! I- Yes, khe!” I managed, spitting out a ton of water. After a while I finally got everything out and took a few deep breaths, shrinking a bit under my teacher’s gaze. “I’m sorry, Ms. Sunshine. It was an accident.” She just smiled and nuzzled me. “It’s alright, what matters is that you are okay. You should lie down now, dry yourself up. You gave us all quite a scare when you dropped down into the water like that.” I felt stupid. I never liked making Ms. Sunshine worry about me. I still remembered how she cheered me up when I was down on my seventh birthday. She is the kindest teacher a filly could have. “Okay, I will Ms. Sunshine. Thank you,” I whispered, gathering myself up from the sand. It all stuck to my coat, scratching and feeling heavy. The wind felt cold now, but the sun above dried my up quite fast. I extended my muzzle towards it, soaking up the heat and just listening. Above the sounds of foals playing, grown-ups talking or splashing in the water, I could hear the gulls, high up in the air. The sea hummed in its own rhythm, wave after wave reaching out into the sand and retreating, as if shying away from the sunbathing ponies. It felt peaceful. I nearly drowned and all, but it was my fault I got so carried away and wasn’t paying attention. The water was calm, as was the wind blowing from faraway lands. It carried the smell of some spice I didn’t recognize. My mind flared with images of black and white striped ponies, dancing around fires, mixing herbs, looking to the skies. They looked friendly, blowing scented pollens into the air towards us, so we can feel for at least a little while the way they feel. * * * My second attempt at approaching the water was carefully observed by Ms. Sunshine. I blushed heavily, splashing in the shallow water and throwing water with my wings at my school friends. I even tried to swim a little, bending my knees and mauling furiously. I didn’t know what to do with my wings so I just kept them spread just above the surface. This way of travelling was more tiring than flying, so I just stood up and started trotting again. I quickly inflated my ducky and put it around my waist. I jumped into the water, feeling the air-filled support push me to the surface. I was safe in my ducky and could use my wings to propel myself around. This was much more fun! The girls caught up on the idea and pretty soon we were zipping around in our crocodiles, hippos and other blown animals. A bunch of boys was playing nearby, so we darted past them and splashed them with a big wave of water. They were totally soaked, their manes covering their faces like seaweed. Wait, one of them had seaweed on his face! We giggled as they tried to catch up to us, but they were no match for the Cutie Pirates! We just zipped around them, assaulting them with water, seaweed and sometimes tackling them to fall with a splash. I managed to trip a colt that was bigger than me when he tried to sink my ducky. Serves him right for touching without permission! Boys were always such jerks. Eventually, we got tired and ran out of the water. The boys caught up before we got onto our towels and we got dunked in sand, head to hoof, by the giggling brutes. We complained to Ms. Sunshine, but we knew she wouldn’t punish them for real. I mean, it was all just fun and games. Nonetheless, she was a responsible teacher, and she gave them a lecture about how mares should be treated. She smiled a lot while scolding them. * * * It was getting late and I finally decided to stop playing and get down to work. The seashells for my friends wouldn’t find themselves! Very carefully and slowly I went along the brown, wet sand. There were a few stones here and there, some shells that were broken or not suitable for presents and seaweed. Lots of it. Mommy said that someday she would cook some for me, although I didn’t know if I would eat it. I mean, some ponies eat it, but it didn’t look too tasty lying in the sand like octopuses. A glint in the water caught my eye. I came closer and saw a pebble, just like any other. It was brown and would be uninteresting if it wasn’t for the way it reflected light. Some other pebbles in the vicinity were shiny too, but this one looked almost transparent. I held my breath and dove my muzzle in the shallow water. Carefully, I scooped the thing with my mouth. It was as hard as any other pebble. I couldn’t tell how it tasted though, as salt totally overpowered my tongue. “Ms. Shunshine,” I called, almost spitting my discovery away. The mare somehow heard me and trotted over, looking at the stone I had in my mouth. “Aeria, what do you have here, hmm? Oh, is it amber?” she asked, examining the thing. I spat it out on my hoof and looked at it. It was pretty, now that it was out of the water. Shiny. “Amber? You mean, the amber that was once an old tree?” “Yes, exactly that kind of amber. It is usually found near the sea.” “Wow,” I mused, watching as the sun’s rays danced in my tiny piece of amber. I looked up at my teacher, giving her my irresistible puppy eyes. “Can I keep it? Please? Pretty please?” “Of course you can,” she chuckled. “Really? Won’t anypony miss it?” I asked. It was always safe to make sure. Making somepony sad because they lost their amber wasn’t my intention. “Of course. Ambers are scattered across the globe. They are beautiful, and very old, sometimes used in jewelry. You were lucky enough to find one,” she winked and smiled. “Wow. Thank you!” I squeaked, rushing to my towel. I had to hide this little amber before anypony else saw it. Deep into my saddlebag. Under the sunscreen. * * * I resumed my search for seashells, this time paying extra attention to the water. I found some interesting souvenirs for my friends, but no shining amber in the water. Too bad, I wish I could find more. For mommy and daddy. I wanted to give this little treasure to them, but I had only one. Would it be okay if they shared? Well, they had to share me, and they were okay with it. So maybe they can share the amber too? “Alright children, time to pack up. It’s getting late and we need to get you home before dinner!” called out Ms. Sunshine. Already? Everypony groaned and complained, but our teacher would have none of that. I felt kind of sad that we had to go already, but on the other hoof I was really tired. I ran, I swam, I even drowned! There was so much to tell mommy and daddy. Yeah, it would probably be enough to last until the Dinky and Winky cartoons I wonder what will be for dinner. We had pancakes in the morning…what could possibly top that? * * * Daddy picked me up from school today. He even let me ride on his back, asking me how my day was. I wouldn’t tell him, because then I would have to tell mommy again, and I wanted to give them the amber after I was finished. Daddy kept prying, so all I did was giggle and threaten him to pounce his now vulnerable ears if he didn’t stop asking. That worked, but something in his smirk told me I’d get the Octopus later for that. The trip was relatively short and soon I was home, sniffing the air carefully, trying to pick up what we would be having for dinner. I didn’t recognize the smell, but it somehow reminded me of the sea. Wait. No! “Mommy!” I said, rushing into the kitchen. It was as I had feared. Sitting on the pan, sizzling in the heat were seaweed rolls. Inside I saw some rice and herbs, but it was seaweed. Somefish probably nibbled that stuff before mommy bought it. Ewww! “Now now, Aeria, don’t frown until you try it. Just a nibble, okay?” asked mommy. I pouted and sniffed the air again. The smell was nice and I knew mommy never made a bad dish in my life. Still, maybe I could bargain for eating the stuff? “Just a teeny nibble for mommy? And daddy?” she added, lowering a steaming piece of the green goo in front of me. I pressed my lips together and closed my eyes. Well, almost closed them – I needed one to see what mommy was doing. I could tell she was smiling. “Okay, Aeria. If you try this, mommy will take you to her room.” The spoon got a bit closer. “Then, she will take out her soft, Manticore hair brush.” It was really close now, I could smell the herbs and sea. I swear I heard seagulls somewhere above. “And then, she will give her little, brave, seaweed eating filly a good, looong brushie wushieee.” The spoon was admitted entry into my slightly opened mouth. I refused to let it go though, poking the stuff with my tongue. It wasn’t that bad… With a plop the utensil exited my mouth as I began to chew on the stuff. It was moist and gooey, almost like toffee. It wasn’t bad, and the herbs with rice actually made it bearable. Yeah, I even liked it. I opened one eye and looked at my mom before gulping. I grinned a little and again slightly opened my muzzle. Both mommy and daddy chuckled. * ** Dinner was delicious! I guess it was one of those things that grew on you. I mean, it looked like it would start crawling if I waited too long, but once it got into your mouth, it was like a story was being told to your tongue! First, the seaweed spreads over your tongue, telling you of the sea, the depths that housed many creatures and gave life to our lands. Then, the rice emerged, displaying the soggy fields of plants in a faraway land. The herbs took you deeper still, to the home of monochromatic striped ponies, telling tales of old and singing songs in a melodic dialect. When you gulped it down, you just wanted to feel the story again. And you did, dumpling after dumpling, each slightly different. I was the fastest again, and since Wing Dancer was eating in his room, daddy had to bear my stare. He was tough. Was. He shared his story-filled dumpling with me for a kiss. Two kisses to be exact, because he felt that the first one was half-hearted. After we finished, I gathered mom and dad in the living room and told them my story. They gasped when I was drowning, laughed when I was roaming the sea with the girls and sighed at the image of the faraway lands that I constantly felt that day. As I was nearing the end, I stopped and trotted into my room. Mr. Snugglebears was admiring his seashell, as were the rest of my friends. I pet Magenta on her tiny head. The birdie tried to eat the shell and I had to put hers away for a while. I would tell her what a seashell was later, after mommy and daddy got their present. With the help of my wings I managed to get into the living room, keeping the speck of amber between my hooves. Mommy and daddy looked interested, trying to peek. But I wouldn’t let them. “And while I was looking for my seashells, I found this. An Amber!” I said, showing them my little treasure. They sighed and marveled at the sight, unable to say anything. Just as I planned. “And I want you to have it,” I said, laying it on the table in front of them. I crawled between them, feeling warm and cozy as their hooves and wings embraced me. “This is a big treasure, and it is old. It is very rare. You are my treasures too, mommy and daddy. And you are rare too. So it is alright that you get something that is similar to you,” I said, reciting the line I’ve been pondering on the wagon back to school. They looked away from the bit of shining amber and hugged me. It was a warm hug, and daddy didn’t even strangle me this time. This was almost as good as being brushed with mommy’s brush, the one she got from her Great Grandma. It was a good thing I was still so little that I could fit between them. I mean, I am a big mare now, being seven and all. But for them, I wish I never grew even an inch more. This was just right – I could snuggle up beneath daddy’s chin and tickle his tummy, and mommy could take me on her lap and brush my whole back. * * * Mommy kept her word and retrieved her special brush from the cabinet. We had all the time in the world since there was no homework to do, so I asked her if we could do it extra slow and then we would switch. She smiled and said yes, applying the first back-arching stroke. I swear that she should have a brush cutie mark, not the one she has now. Or even better, a brush crossed with a kitchen blade! I couldn’t help but fall forward as she reached my flank. I could hear giggling, but it didn’t matter. My tail was slowly wagging left and right, pure bliss spreading in waves over my body. It felt so nice, so relaxing…a yawn escaped my mouth. I felt sleepy. I did a lot today, and mommy was so good. Up and down, slowly, Manticore hair against my own coat. She left shivers in her wake, ones that when brushed again melted away under the skin, loosening me up even more. So sleepy…maybe I should switch places now…before…be-before…