Rarity Belle

by RarityBelleStories

First published

When Rarity lets a cold and ailing middle-aged woman into her house, she expects little to happen. Little does she know, however, what events are about to unfold…

Rarity Belle is the epitome of beauty, grace, and most importantly: generosity. When a middle-aged and fragile looking woman knocks on her door late in the night, she takes pity on her, and extends to her the same hand of generosity she would to anyone. Little does she know, however, that her night is about to be much more interesting than she had originally planned for…

Contains: non-consensual sex, embarrassment, and domination.

A huge thanks to ValenDart for proof-reading and editing. Without you, this story would not have been possible.

The cover artist is devinian.

A Night to be Remembered...

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As the clock struck ten in the evening, Ms. Rarity Belle let out a long but satisfied sigh. Her day had been one filled with frantic designing, stitching, weaving, sewing, designing again, and gem-searching... and had been for all intents and purposes, horribly busy. Her once perfect hair was now frazzled and unkempt; her once perfect outfit now looked as though she had slept in it, and her once perfect posture had completely gone to the wayside as she finally slumped over onto her design table. The once perfect-looking lady did not fret, however--for with every imperfection she saw in her look, she took pride in knowing that it meant one less imperfection in every article of clothing she had worked with today. The fashionista’s muscles cried out both in pain and relief simultaneously--such was the degree to which they had been worked. It made her hardly even bat an eye at the idea that she was very likely covering the spot in which she laid sweat, for relaxation was the most pressing matter on her mind--relaxation, and some well-deserved rest.

In due time, Rarity rose from the position in which she had been laying with several ugly-sounding pops sounding from all over her body. She could not help but cringe as she heard the sounds (they were just so dreadfully loud), but even a lady as proper and sophisticated as she could not deny that they felt simply divine. With one last look all around her room, she nodded with self-approval at all she had managed to accomplish in only the span of a single day. Silky, elaborately-designed dresses with expensive lacing and beautiful colors, and smart, rugged-looking tuxedos and suits with handsome gradients and soft materials lined the mannequins all around her, and it was with sparkling eyes that she gazed upon all of it.

“At this rate, I will have Lord and Lady Haliflanks’ order ready in no time at all!” she thought to herself gleefully, unable to stop herself from jumping up and down with pure and unadulterated joy.

It was not long after she had risen that she had exited her design room. As she traveled down the stairs, she could not help but listen to the soothing pattering of the rain outside as she let her mind wander to how she was going to spend the rest of her night. A nice, hot shower… a refreshing, smooth glass of wine… a good, riveting novel… all of it was just waiting for her! She had her evening all planned out…

Until she heard a knock at the door.

“Hello? Is anyone home? ...Please?”

The knocking itself had been enough to make the violet-haired fashionista jump, but the words that followed suit had made her cock her head in confusion. “Who could possibly be here at this hour?” she wondered, carefully stepping up to the peephole of the entrance. “It doesn’t SOUND like anyone I know…”

Another series of knocks. As Rarity looked through the tiny window in her door, she saw what appeared to be a middle-aged woman draped in rags- all alone and out in the rain no less! She threw open the door as soon as her mind had processed what she was seeing, and--all things considered--she probably could not have opened it faster if she tried, how seriously she did want to give shelter to this poor soul who so desperately needed it!

“Oh thank Celestia!” The woman cried as the door swung open.

“Darling! Please, please come in! It is simply unthinkable for you to be out in this awful rain with not even so much as an umbrella!” Rarity exclaimed as she whisked the woman inside. As the wind howled and whined, the woman gave a shiver--it was obvious that she had been out in the storm for quite a time.

Caring not as the lady trailed water and mud alike into her home, the young dressmaker quickly began to think of ways to set about making her new guest comfortable, and gingerly did she begin to move to perform them. “Please wait here, darling, while I go and fetch you a towel and a change of clothes! After that, I will go right on ahead and brew some hot tea for the both of us!”

“You are far too kind, Miss…” the woman paused as she looked to the disheveled designer.

“Rarity. Rarity Belle. Pleased to meet you!” she answered. “And you are…?”

“Scarlet--Miss Scarlet Sash. Thank you so much, Miss Belle… I had been walking home, when all of a sudden, this dreadful storm came about!” The woman, who had now been named, explained as she huddled close with herself.

“You poor thing…” Rarity crooned. “I simply cannot imagine how dreadful it truly must have been… I will be right back!”

And so, the violet-haired fashionista set about traveling around her house in search of that which could comfort her guest. She could not remember a time that she had retrieved a few towels or assembled an outfit as quickly as she did--she had not even done it this quickly when she had found that Opal had vomited all over Sweetie Belle! Much to Rarity’s relief, however, her little sister was spending the night at the Apple Family Barn along with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo--leaving the house all to herself.

It truly was a spacious house, though--such a fact was apparent as even the young and fit dressmaker struggled to keep pace the entire time as she marched quickly from room to room, gathering clothing, towels, heating pads, and more for the lady who had come to her.

When she finally returned, Rarity draped one of the towels around the shoulders of the raggedly-clothed woman, and quickly brought her into the living room.

“Here are the fresh clothes as well, darling,” Rarity said as she placed another towel on the seat of a nearby armchair. “Have a seat here, and let me get a fire going. After that, I will prepare some tea for the both of us to enjoy! If you feel like talking, I would love to chat with you as well!”

“Oh my goodness, dear, thank you for all of this!” Scarlet gushed. “Some tea sounds lovely, and I would be more than happy to chat with you a little! Goodness, I feel like I would be obliged to anyway; you’ve just been so generous!”

Rarity giggled at the thanks and praise, cutely raising a hand to her mouth. “One does not become the Element of Generosity without being willing to do this for anyone and everyone, darling! Now sit tight, and let me get the fire going!”

Over the next twenty minutes, Rarity had a roaring fire going in the fireplace, and a warm pot of tea brewed. She could not help but smile widely and warmly as she worked, even in spite of her ever-protesting muscles. In fact, as she performed every task, she could hardly hear their dull cries at all. With everything she did, she felt absolutely reinvigorated, and it was a feeling she would not have traded for anything at that moment.

When she returned, and Scarlet had been given her tea, she sat in the seat across from her guest ever so daintily, warming herself by the fire as she settled in.

“Well I must say, I do apologize for looking as ragged and unkempt as I do; I had just concluded my work day, and was getting ready to freshen up when you came!” Rarity explained, soon after taking a sip from her cup. It was a brew of jasmine tea… one of her favorites.

“Oh my word! I am so sorry then!” Scarlet apologized as her face adopted a look of concern. “Believe me, I would not have come here if I thought I was going to be able to make it home!”

“You are fine, darling!” Rarity tittered. “Besides… one cannot keep up a look of beauty for everyone, I suppose!”

The middle-aged woman only smiled at Rarity’s words. “Oh, sweetie… you look beautiful even when you’ve just finished working! I have met many women in my life who have to struggle and strive all day long to even look half as gorgeous as you do now--so please! Do not fret!”

“Oh, darling,” Rarity giggled even more. “You flatter me.”

“It’s the truth!” Scarlet exclaimed caringly. “I cannot remember the last time I met a girl with such natural good-looks! Well, other than me, of course…”

The room soon erupted in laughter between the two. “Oh, you charmer, you!” Rarity smiled with a deep breath, her mood rapidly improving even more at the light-hearted conversation.

“I have my moments…” Scarlet slyly winked. “So… tell me: I’ve heard many stories about a certain ‘Carousel Boutique--’ would this happen to be the place?”

“The one and only!” Rarity proudly affirmed, a feeling of pride welling in her chest.

“Oh my word! This place is simply legendary all across Central Equestria!” Scarlet’s face lit up as she spoke. “I--oh, do forgive me, I suppose I should explain. I’m from out of town--actually from Whinnysota, you see--and there are all of these fanciful tales that get told of the Carousel Boutique, and the skilled and talented mare who runs it! I never caught her name when people would speak of it, but I guess it’s you!”

Rarity couldn’t help but giggle as a small blush formed on her cheeks. “Why, yes, it is me! I’m… quite honestly at a loss for words! I didn’t know word had gotten that far!”

“Goodness, dear, I can’t tell you how many times I’d hear things like, ‘I hear she is the most beautiful woman for a thousand miles!’ Or, ‘I wish I could get a chance to meet her in person!’ You’re simply almost mythical in the fashion world of that area!” Scarlet continued to laud the designer with praise, causing her to feel a warmth even greater than the fire could provide.

“Gee, I just… thank you, darling… all of that is wonderfully encouraging to hear!” Rarity beamed.

“Oh, it’s nothing at all! I just-- AAAHHH!”

As Scarlet had begun to become more animated in her movements, Rarity watched on with horror as she spilled a part of her beverage upon herself, further soaking her already damp clothes.

“Oh goodness me, I am so sorry…” Scarlet frantically apologized. “I just… Argh… oh, that burns…”

“Oh my, darling! Are you alright?” Rarity asked with concern, placing her cup of tea upon a nearby coaster as she got up to assist her guest.

“Yes, I will certainly be fine, I just need to…” as the woman spoke, she quickly rose from her seat, removing her thin jacket, shirt, and also… her brassiere.

Rarity instinctively looked to the now exposed upper-body of the woman, where she saw a pair of round, rather perky breasts--a true sight to see given that this lady could not have been under forty-five years of age.

“...You don’t mind, do you?” Scarlet asked hesitantly as Rarity quickly tore her gaze away from her guest’s bosom. “I’m sorry, it was just so hot, and so wet, and disgusting-feeling, and…”

“It’s fine, darling,” Rarity said quickly as she sat down again. “We’re both girls here, aren’t we?”

“Yes… I suppose we are…”

Rarity, deciding that her guest was alright, turned to sit back down. When she had, she crossed her legs once more, and once again attempted to initiate conversation. “So… Miss Sash, you say you’re from Whinnysota. How are things over there?”

“I suppose they could be better, but they could also be much worse,” Scarlet mused, her gaze turning back to Rarity. “We’ve recently run into a little bit of trouble, actually. Although I have never seen it happen myself, there have been numerous reports of dark magic being practiced over there by what local media can only describe as ‘witches.’ The whole thing got bad enough, actually, that there’s a Royal Guard detachment that’s been sent to investigate the whole thing. It’s had the city in a panic for the last couple of days…”

“Well I would imagine so!” Rarity exclaimed in between sips of tea. “Dark magic is not something to mess around with! I was given all kinds of stern warnings in school to never even read spell-books that contained anything that dealt with it!”

“Did they really?” Scarlet cocked an eyebrow.

“Well… yes, of course they did! I thought it was mandatory that schools instruct their magically-adept students to never dabble in anything of the sort!” Rarity explained as she adopted a look of confusion on her face.

“Hmm… I guess that’s an edict that got passed after I had graduated,” Scarlet shrugged. “I mean, I understand it, but… wouldn’t you think that would only make some students want to look into it more?”

“I… suppose, yes, but I think it’s quite honestly a healthy dose of fear,” Rarity stated, placing her teacup onto a coaster on the table right beside her. “If students aren’t told of its dangers and warned that practicing it could mean serious trouble for them, then I would think that far more magic students would want to… experiment, as it were, than if they were never told such at all.”

“Perhaps,” Scarlet nodded. “I just want the whole thing to be over… I wasn’t there when it began, but they’re not letting anyone in or out of the city now because of it! I came here just shy of a week ago to visit, and now… well, I’m here until further notice…”

“You poor, poor thing…” Rarity cooed. “I promise to take good care of you tonight; you’ve been simply a pleasure to have over!”

As Rarity uttered her praise, she suddenly felt an extreme burning sensation--one that seemed to cover her entire upper body! She cried out in pain as she quickly jumped up, only to then quickly hear the shattering of a cup at her feet. Looking down, she found that her blouse had been simply covered in the extraordinarily hot liquid--a sight that was none too pleasing to see.

“Oh dear!” Scarlet placed a hand over her mouth. “Are alright, Miss Belle?”

“Ahh… ohh, that burns…” Rarity lamented as she looked down at her now scalded and wet clothing.

A pregnant pause filled the air as Rarity simply stood there, breathing in sharply every now and again as she cast a few spells to ease the pain. It felt like an eternity had passed of simply standing, breathing, and quietly groaning before Scarlet spoke up once more. “You know, Miss Belle… if you need to do the same thing I did, and… well, remove your top, I wouldn’t be the least bit offended…”

A blush rapidly formed on Rarity’s face at the suggestion, followed closely by a nervous giggle. “No... no, that’s alright… I’m actually quite shy about my body, you see. I don’t really like being naked around anyone--not even my cat, Opal.”

Rarity could have sworn she saw disappointment on the woman’s face before that same, warm smile returned. “You have a cat? And that’s quite alright, dear. But I promise it wouldn’t bother me at all: I have the same parts you do, after all.”

Rarity only nodded as her blush deepened. “Yes, I do! I haven’t the slightest clue where she is at the moment, though. She likes to hide during thunderstorms, only to re-emerge at the most inopportune moment possible…”

“Could she… no. Bad Rarity. She couldn’t be pining after you… you just met her, for crying out loud!” The fashionista thought silently.

After a few more moments of silence, Rarity let out a sigh. “Well… if I didn’t need to before, now I seriously do need to shower. It’s getting quite late, too, in any case. However, I would be perfectly willing to let you go first, considering that you were out in the rain not but a mere half hour ago!”

“That would be very sweet of you, Miss Belle!” Scarlet happily chirped. “I would love to be able to clean myself off after everything… I don’t know about you, but being in the rain can just feel absolutely horrid...”

In seemingly no time at all, the two women doused the fire, ascended the stairs, and entered the master bedroom. Rarity let out a yawn as she flicked on the light, illuminating her large, expansive, and luxurious chambers. “The shower is just through that door over there,” the young dressmaker pointed. “Please take as much time as you need. I will wait outside the bedroom to give you absolute privacy, as well!”

“Oh deary me, there isn’t a need for that!” Scarlet smiled with a giggle. “This is your bedroom, in your house, after all! I’ll just change in the bathroom--and besides! I don’t mind you seeing me. I’m not shy about that kind of thing amongst other girls at all!”

Rarity cocked an eyebrow. “Well… but still, I shouldn’t be--”

Relax, Miss Belle,” Scarlet assured as she gestured to the bed. “Take some time to lie down and relax--after all, after the day you told me you had, you certainly need it!”

Rarity opened her mouth to protest more, but before she had time to, Scarlet had already entered the bathroom, and closed the door behind her. It wasn’t long before the sound of water running echoed throughout the bedroom, and it was with that, that Rarity sighed. Everything was fine--she was getting all worked up and flustered over nothing.

As she lay on the bed, she couldn’t help but tug at her blouse, not at all enjoying the icky wet sensation that seemed to cling to every inch of her upper body. Under normal circumstances, she would have discarded the garment long ago--but with a guest in the house, it was simply out of the question. For a person who adored working with the human body so much, Rarity had to admit that she hated the exposed feeling of nakedness--even while alone. She felt so vulnerable… a feeling that she hated far worse than the ickiness that clung to her.

When the water stopped, Rarity quickly sat up from her lying position on the bed. It was not long after that the bathroom door opened, and when it did, she rose to her feet, soon after beginning to travel to her closet to grab a change of clothes. However, when the door had opened fully… a sight befell her that made her gasp slightly, in addition to bringing the same blush from before back to her cheeks.

“...Is everything alright, dear?” A decidedly naked Scarlet Sash asked.

Rarity was at a loss for words. “Oh… um… why, yes! Everything is… everything is fine,” Rarity managed to stutter as she quickly grabbed her clothes. “Miss… Miss Sash, didn’t I give you a change of clothes?”

The middle-aged woman stopped as if to process what the designer had asked her, before looking as though a lightbulb had turned on in her head. “Oh! Why, yes, you did… my sincerest apologies, I even mentioned them before going into the bathroom! I left them on that chair right over there!” Scarlet pointed to a seat where Rarity could have sworn she had not seen anything just a few minutes prior.

“That’s… alright, darling,” Rarity smiled meekly. “I’m… going to go take my turn. I’ll be right back.”

And with that, the dressmaker slipped into the bathroom. As she closed the door, she could not shake the feeling that Scarlet’s eyes were staring at her body, making her hardly want to shed any of her outfit at all. She could not quite place her finger on why she could not get the terrible prospect out of her head, but she could not--and it was thus some time before Rarity mustered the courage to strip herself at all.

It took several moments, but eventually, Rarity finally began to shed her clothing, piece by piece. She could not help but shudder as her panties and brassiere slid off her, and it took much of her willpower to fight the urge to impulsively cover herself as she slid the glass door open to her shower.

The shower, although it felt wonderful, was plagued by the same horrible feelings of being totally, utterly exposed. She quickly lathered soap all over her body, paying special attention to cover her most scared of areas as much as she could. The fear of those eyes, which she once saw as warm, looking all over her body, and taking in every curve, every detail, made her shiver in the worst of ways. “Rarity… get ahold of yourself! You take this woman to be some kind of pervert, when she really just… probably has lived in an area with different social norms!” Although a somewhat valid justification, Rarity still could not shake that uneasy feeling… and she hated it.

When the shower came to its end, the violet-haired fashionista quickly dried off as she shivered once again--whether it be because of that ugly feeling she could not seem to shake, or being suddenly exposed to the comparatively colder air than what was present in her shower, she was not sure. In any case, however, she hung the towel back on its rack, and turned to grab the change of clothes she had brought.

...Except, when she turned around, her clothes were not there.

Rarity had to stifle a small scream as she looked everywhere around the large restroom for her clothes, absolutely dreading the thought of going out into her bedroom again without them. She looked on seats, in small cabinets, and even back in her shower, so desperate was she to find her coverings.

Except… they were simply nowhere to be found.

“Miss Sash?” She called.

“Yes, dear?” the woman’s voice called back, sending small shivers down Rarity’s spine.

“I… I appear to have made the same mistake of leaving my change of clothes outside of the bathroom as well… could you please cover your eyes while I come out to get them?”

“Of course, dear, but… I don’t think you need to worry so much! I--”

“Miss Sash, you might not see an issue, but I do!” Rarity said, a little harsher than she had intended. “I have informed you that I am very self-conscious about my body, and I would not like anyone other than myself to see me naked. Am I clear?”

An odd, prolonged silence filled the air after she finished. Rarity could not help but feel a twinge of guilt for snapping at her guest like that, but she also was quite frankly shocked that her guest had been so… comfortable with nudity around a complete stranger! “...Yes, Miss Belle. You are clear,” Scarlet’s voice said back.

A painstaking minute passed before Rarity creaked open the door, looking outside to see if she could find her houseguest. When she could not, she threw open the door with haste, covering her breasts with one arm, and her vulva with the other. When she stepped out, however, she saw Scarlet… completely naked, and with her eyes firmly on her.

Rarity let out a small, but audible “Eep!” as she saw the exact sight she had been hoping not to see. “Miss Sash!” She called nervously, hugging her breasts to her body tightly, and crossing her legs as much as she could. “Could… c-could you please turn around?”

“Miss Belle…” Scarlet said in a low, seemingly happy voice. “I really don’t think it necessary… after all, like you said… we’re both ladies here.”

“M-Miss Sash, I… please? I am so uncomfortable being seen naked, and I…” Rarity stopped as she saw the woman begin to saunter towards her.

“And why?” Scarlet cut the fashionista off. “Why don’t you want me to see you? Why do you hate that idea so much?”

With every word, Scarlet stepped ever closer. Rarity, now silently panicking, attempted to take a step back… but found herself frozen in fear. “Miss Sash… please… I’m begging you…”

“Rarity,” Scarlet said breathlessly. “Please… all of the women in my village claim that you are the most beautiful in all the land… could I please… have just one look?”

“No!” Rarity suddenly cried. “Y-You pervert! I should have never let you in! I have told you over and over, and yet still do you insist! D-Don’t make me summon the R-Royal Guard on you!”

Scarlet looked sad as she let out a long sigh. “I guess I’ll have to take what I want the hard way…”

The middle-aged woman quickly closed the distance between herself and the fashionista. Rarity closed her eyes, and attempted to jump back, but could not dodge the single touch to her forehead that Scarlet delivered.

When she opened her eyes, Rarity found herself still frozen… but this time, not out of fear. With every movement she tried to make, she found her body entirely unresponsive; the only part of herself she still seemed to be in control of being her eyes.

She wanted to scream. She wanted to flail and fight, and unleash every spell she knew to try and combat this wretched intruder who dared to push her like this! But alas… she found herself powerless to do anything at all--anything… but watch.

“I’m sorry, Rarity… but you were just too beautiful for me to let you say no to me,” Scarlet crooned. “I have to admit, I was afraid for a moment that my little slip on the story about the witches in Whinnysota would have given me away. But, for being one of Equestria’s most revered national heroes… you sure aren’t very intelligent…”

Scarlet placed the now petrified dressmaker on the large bed, removing her hands from covering herself any longer. Rarity could only watch in horror as the eyes of the witch lit up at the sight, a large, devious, evil smile forming on her lips. “Oh my… you may be stupid, but my are you ever gorgeous! I haven’t seen a body this pretty… this sexy in many, many moons!”

Scarlet climbed onto the bed as tears formed in Rarity’s eyes, her towering figure making Rarity feel utterly small… helpless… and worst of all… vulnerable. “Don’t worry… I’m more merciful than my sisters. You won’t be conscious for much of this… but, I feel it only right for me to tell you the truth…”

“...Tomorrow, you will awaken to a body that is no longer yours,” Scarlet began as she placed one hand on one of Rarity’s sizable, pillowy breasts. “Tonight, your body… your sex is mine.”

The witch began to trace her finger down from Rarity’s breasts to her stomach. “You may one day find a man you love, and both of you may, in time, consummate the love you share. But whenever he tries to claim you… to make you his in the truest sense… he will find himself unable to. You may try to cleanse yourself with every soap imaginable, or with as many trips to the spa as you can muster… but it will be no use. You will live the rest of your life knowing that your body belongs to Miss… Scarlet… Sash…”

Scarlet’s fingers went lower and lower, tracing along the very bottom of Rarity’s abdomen before they began to slip down ever-further, causing Rarity to scream with her mouth closed.

“Don’t worry, Rarity… it’s not as bad as you think. If you were smart, you might even try to enjoy yourself a little… this is your first time, after all,” Scarlet snickered evilly as she removed her fingers. “Poor girl… oh well. I think it’s time… that you… should sleep.”

In an instant, Rarity’s eyes rolled to the side as her eyelids were gently shut.

Scarlet could not help but giggle as she eyed her prize before her, licking her lips as she looked at a beautiful body… a beautiful body, that was now all hers. It was this thought that made her heart flutter as she leaned forward, and planted a long, wet kiss on Rarity’s moistened petals.