Sun Shower

by GroganDrago123

First published

Rain Shine was never one to let out her Nirik self. Especially with what she’s done. But what if someone unexpected came into her life to flip that upside down?...

There was more to Rain Shine than anyone can believe. Not even her closest knew of what she’s done in the past. The Curse of Silence she forced upon her people was only one of the bad choices she’s made in her life. But she’s too terrified of herself to reveal what she’s done and let go of the past. She’s even too scared to go Nirik. But why? What has she done to have all of this weight on her shoulders? No one may know... That is, until a certain blue ram comes into her life.
What will happen when the Demon of Tambelon is forced to stay with the Kirin Tribe? Will the Queen of Silence be able to see through the beast and find his broken heart? Or is she meant to fall deeper into the Lake of Misery along with the Father of Monsters?


Contains: Canon Divergence, Slow Burn, Elements of ASPD, Mentions of Blood, Gore, and Trauma

Cover Art made by Rockformed

Edit (5/21/20): Making some fixes and trying to get down the full story.

Prologue: The Past Niriks

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A long time ago, in a world away from Equestria, there lived a population of creatures. Back then, they were called the Kirins. But they were never went by that name. Why, they were always known as the Niriks. Why you may ask?

Well, these creatures weren’t always the kind and joyful creatures we known them as today. In Old Equestria, they proved to be deadly and destructive wherever they went. Everything they touched went up in flames. And they loved the sight of their flames causing disharmony.

They used to be very common in Old Equestria. Niriks were seen from Old Griffonstone to even Tambelon. They always travelled in packs. About 10-15 Niriks were in each of these packs. The more of these creatures there were, the more deadly they proved to be around others. Niriks, while they’re rarely not causing havoc, have strange rituals. For example, Niriks from the north had fire so intense it was able to melt the strongest steel to date back then. Those from the west had the least strongest, but the easiest to spread due to the high winds. Another example would be their appetites. Niriks, despite their killings and hunting down other creatures, are seen eating plants and fruits. They would choose the savage route at times and eat their kills. But that’s only for dire situations.

The most notable thing about Niriks were their leaders. These Nirik leaders were as tall as a tree, as thin as a vine, and as fast as a leaf flying in the wind. Ponies were able to find out which of them was a Nirik by their figures alone. While also seeing them with powerful wing-shaped fire on their backs. It wasn’t recorded if these wings could provide flight for these creatures, but it proved terrifying to their victims.

Nirik leaders were dead set on their legacy. To continue with their cold and horrifying leadership through their children. The leaders were eternal, but they were still vulnerable to fatal blows. Including drowning. These leaders would train their children to be resistant towards water and ice alike and teach them how to lead with an iron hoof. Many were reluctant to these conditions, while others chose death before dishonoring their family.

When the three pony tribes finally united, they all worked together to be rid of these Niriks. Who they believed to be soldiers of their former emperor. Despite the fact the creature didn’t even knew they existed before it arrived. The ponies took them down by either trapping them and killing them, or using these angry monsters for tourist attractions just to earn extra bits. Other ponies saw worth in the horns of Niriks, believing them to be full of magic that can heal the sickest. So the Niriks were also hunted down and stripped of their horns. Due to their horns connecting to their heads, it killed these Niriks quickly yet painfully.

The numbers of Niriks dropped as the decades to centuries. Nirik packs turned from rare to endangered to cautiously endangered. This was around the time Niriks started to become Kirins. Before the numbers dwindled, their lived a few rare groups of Kirins. Who were the sort of clean up crew for their Nirik counterparts. They helped ponies who lost their homes get back on their hooves, or help the wounded be healed from the terrible burns caused by their monstrous opposite. Back then, their were a small number of them. So they didn’t have much of a lasting impact. However, they saw how their numbers were dropping and began to help their opposites to become one of them. They believed if they turned good, no harm would come to them.

Eventually, more Kirins were seen than Niriks. Sadly, the creatures were still being hunted down for their horns. But that didn’t stop them from trying to stay exclusive from the rest of the world. As of recently, the Kirins were successful in hiding from everyone. But the numbers remained very small and placed the Kirins into the endangered list. Which was why Celestia passed the law of such huntings were illegal and any offender would be charged and sentenced to prison. Many of the Kirins left felt safe with this law. Still yet, some Kirins didn’t feel safe. Especially from themselves...

One Kirin leader despised her Nirik half. She hated having just an intense evil resign within herself and wished she could just blow it out of her body like a candle. But she knew it made her a Kirin. And she hated herself for it.

Despite it all, she loved her people and their home. She loved the ones she lead dearly and wished for the best for them. She may not be the best at providing the right answer. Yet what else can she do to protect them? The leader was told by her father how the stream of silence would always bring peace to those who walk through it. It did work for her when she was young. So she thought it would be a perfect way to bring peace to her people when they got angry.

One day, the spell casted upon her people was cured by two outsider ponies and Autumn Blaze, a Kirin she had helped raise when her parents went missing. She was worried if the remedy would bring the tribe back into chaos. But to her surprise, it only brought happiness to her people. She expressed her gratitude to the trio and even allowed Autumn to return to the tribe. She had only banished her due to her fear of Autumn causing havoc with her feelings and voice returning. It was hard a decision. Especially since she knew the young Kirin for so long. Yet, as a leader, she felt she had to put her people over her own feelings.

Which was why she kept lying to herself about accepting her anger. Yes she understood it was normal. But with her inner desire to see that deadly fire and her rage she felt in the past, the leader felt it was right to just force that smile and say what her people want to hear. That’s what you do as a leader. You make these hard decisions. Even if they go against your emotions.

Especially when it can put you in more pain.

Chapter 1: The Scent

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Despite the name, the Peaks of Peril were peaceful this spring day. The birds were chirping, the flowers were beginning to bloom, and love was flowing through the wind. The love in the air was coming from a pair walking down a dirt path of the peak’s forest. One of them was a pinkish-purple unicorn pony with lavender hair that matched her eyes. She was walking beside a Kirin who was covered in tan with a brown mane and mocha colored scales that covered her back and forehead to muzzle. The two lovebirds were side by side, seeming lost in conversation.

“I tell you, Amy.” The Kirin began with a smirk. “Their’s nothing like a musical compared to a normal play.” The unicorn rolled her eyes as she looked back to the Kirin.

“Don’t get me wrong, love. Musicals are lovely.” The unicorn commented. “But when their’s a song being sung every scene is so annoying.”

“I can understand that. Songs have to be placed on the right moments. Like ones that are supposed to make you feel a certain way. Maybe sadness or pure joy. I know I felt a sort of dread when I saw the tribe play out the Umbrum of the Opera.” The Kirin explained to her, which earned the unicorn a nod. She was there for that performance and she found it impressive how they played that scene pretty well. She could’ve sworn their voices matches their leader’s singing. At least that’s what Fern Flare says...

“How do you think the songs would sound if your leader sang them?” She asked Fern.

“Her?” She questioned as her eyebrows raised. How did she not even think of that? “Huh... Why, I’d think they’d sound absolutely wonderful!” Fern exclaimed with a hop of happiness. “Maybe I should ask her to sing for a musical. Maybe she’d like to play as that pony that makes those good pies in Mistress.”

The unicorn giggled at the idea. “I’d love to see that... Would you think she’d allow for me to have a spot in a show like that?”

“Oh of course! She’s all for creatures of different kinds working together.” Fern assures with a smile. “Besides, you’re Amethyst Star. No one can resist such a shining star like yourself.” Amethyst chuckled as she leaned over, nuzzling her muzzle with her own.

“You are such a flirt.” She commented as Fern nuzzled her back.

“Well, I can’t help it when I’m with you.” Fern flirted to her marefriend. The two were still for a moment until Fern had an idea.

“Say babe?” Fern started, gaining the unicorn’s attention once her eyes opened. “Have you noticed anything... off recently?”

“Me?” She questioned. “Not really. I mean, I’ve only been here for a few days.”

“That’s true. I guess I mean... Rain Shine. I have a feeling she’s been... not like her usual self lately.” Fern admitted as she moved her head away from her. She kept thinking about the times Rain would either be missing for hours or just seem more... reclusive towards her and the other Kirins.

“Really? I thought she was doing ok.” Amethyst admitted. She might’ve been with the Kirins for half a week. But that didn’t mean she didn’t know Rain Shine that well. Yeah she and Rain didn’t have a long drawn out conversation yet. But Rain proved to be a kind and caring leader ever since she began her stay with Fern Flare. Amethyst did worry she’d be like those strict leaders that are caring but pretty scary. Especially since Niriks are a thing for them. But Rain was the definite opposite when she welcomed her to the tribe. Amethyst just thought she was herself her whole stay... wasn’t she?

“I see. You haven’t been here long so I can understand.” Fern stated as she nodded her head. “Maybe I should just ask her.”

Amethyst nodded to her statement. “Surely if you show your concern, she’ll open up. Right?” Fern thought about it... Then soon nodded once again. “Right.”

Suddenly, like a passing wind breeze, she caught scent of something. Something strange. Strange and unfamiliar... Fern looked around to see where the source came from.

“Fern?” Amethyst asked, noticing her marefriend’s sudden look of confusion.

“Sorry babe. Just caught wind of something.” Fern explained, continuing to smell the air.

“What do you mean?”

Fern continued smelling something in the air. It wasn’t like the flowers or the bee’s honey she’d usually smell. Heck, it was a new sort of smell. Fern would only smell this when someone was hurt. Wait.... Is someone hurt?

Fern moved away from Amethyst to sniff the air. The unicorn looked to her Kirin marefriend in confusion. “Babe?”

“Don’t you smell that, Star?” Fern asked as she looked around. Amethyst only tilted her head to answer her.

(That’s right. Kirin’s have better sense of smell than normal ponies.) She thought to herself, feeling silly at the realization. But she shook her head as she continued to smell the air. It did smell like what she was thinking it was. But where was it coming from?...

“I think I smell blood.” Fern cleared up for her, holding her nose up to continue sniffing. Amethyst’s eyes widen slightly.

“Blood? Who’s hurt? Or is it from some animal?” She wondered. Amethyst didn’t see any of the Kirins wounded. She kinda hoped it was just some act of the food chain. It was better than any of her marefriend’s friends being hurt after all.

“It might be an animal.” Fern stated, trying to pinpoint the smell’s origin. “It doesn’t smell like the blood of a Kirin. Plus, it doesn’t smell like a rabbit, bird, or anything I’m familiar with.”

Amethyst looked around to see her surroundings. Besides the large trees and bushes that surrounded the dirt path they were on, she couldn’t find any sight of a body. Nor any sight of blood on the ground. She didn’t even see any evidence of anyone else being nearby. Surely it would be close of Fern can smell them. Right?

She suddenly felt her stomach churn at a sudden thought. If someone was hurt... can the perpetrator strike again? Maybe to someone close?... Fern noticeably flinched as she looked to Amethyst.

“We should have Rain look into this.” She stated as she walked back down the way they came from.

“Wait, why leave this to her? Can she get hurt if the perpetrator is close by?” Amethyst asked in slight worry.

“Don’t worry, babe. Rain Shine’s strong. If anything’s around here, she can scare them away... Plus, I don’t want to be this guy’s dinner.” Fern admitted as she continued down the path quickly.

(Fair point.) Amethyst quickly caught up to Fern to follow her marefriend back to the tribe.

Chapter 2: The Wounded Form

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The Kirin tribe was as peaceful as usual. But today, the Kirins were busy with preparing for some sort of event. On one side of the tribe were full of stands with different types of fruits, flowers, vegetables, and more. The Kirins behind each stand were sorting out their products by either color or size. While others were just placing their items without a care of organization. On the other side was a stage. Those on the stage were either painting, organizing props, or sewing up outfits. The tallest Kirin out of all of them were watching them set up the stage for the upcoming musical they were planning.

“Now, lets not forget the mask!” She exclaimed, one of the Kirins paused to lift up a paper mache mask. It was in the shape of a deer’s skull with sharp teeth and black eyes. The tall one nodded to them and the Kirin continued her work.

Rain Shine planned to create a different version of one of the musicals her friends have shown her. One known as Blood Sheers: The Monster Shaver of Feather Street. She once saw it with them and admired how dark it was. Yet it was also... romantic in some strange way. How the barber became a killer to avenge the death of his wife. Only to be revealed that she was still alive but was killed by her own husband tragically. How he killed the assistant for what she did out of her own love for the stallion.... Beautiful madness she’d describe it. Which was why she hoped to recreate it with her people. At least less gory than the actual showing was.

A mahogany colored Kirin suddenly approached her. She was holding a clipboard with an aura of pinkish red magic. “Rain?” She said to gain her leader’s attention. Rain looked over to see Mahogany Oak beside her.

“Yes my dear?” Rain questioned. Mahogany recognized her attention and looked back to the clipboard.

“I’ve checked the lighting and the sounds being used for tonight. They’re all set and prepared for the show.” Rain smiles down at her and nodded happily. “Perfect my dear. Now let’s prepare-“

“Hey Rain Shine!”

Rain and Mahogany turned to the voice and saw a certain mocha colored Kirin along with a magenta unicorn by her side. The two ran down the path that lead to the forest over to her. They quickly stopped in front of the leader and began to pant.

“My friends. Are you ok?” She asked in worry, turning to them along with Mahogany.

“I... W-we saw... I-I mean, smelled.... Smelled-“

“Someone’s hurt!” Amethyst exclaimed to her, falling on her flank from exhaustion.

“What? Who’s hurt?” Rain Shine asked, now her voice growing with worry.

“W-we don’t know.” Fern admitted, wiping her forehead with her hoof. “We-We kinda hoped you would find out...”

“I see... Mahogany, can you take the unicorn to Fern’s home?” Mahogany nodded as she motioned Amethyst to follow her. With some hesitation, she began to follow the Kirin away.

“Wait, why-“

“If you say someone’s hurt, then whoever caused their pain may be near. I fear they may harm her if she’s out there for longer.” She admitted her fear. Amethyst may not be one of them. But a friend to a Kirin is a friend to her.

“Wait, what about me?” Fern asked in fright.

“You may have to lead me to the wounded. If they’re still alive, we can save them before it can claim their life.” She explained to her.

“But- I-I- Eh....” Fern soon sighed. “Very well then Rain Shine.” She had a bad feeling about this...


Fern Flare and Rain Shine we’re walking down the dirt path as the sun began to set. Fern took lead of her leader to follow the scent of the blood with a lit lantern despite her obvious fear. The lantern was lit with the fire Niriks are usually seen surrounded with. Surprisingly, even if the flames are dangerous, they use the fire for their light source. Even if it’s hard to control.

Rain had an idea why her Kirin friend was looking so nervous. She couldn’t blame her for her rising fear. If their was someone out there to spill more blood, she would be fearing what could come up on them from their sides or from behind. But Rain knew she was strong enough to take care of what ever was out there. At least, without her Nirik side of course.

Rain was aware if she used her Nirik side, she would be more stronger against her opponents. But reminiscing on the past, she’d just lose her temper and go on a rampage. It seems the only thing she can do as that monster...

“I-I think we’re getting close.” Fern said through stutters. Rain turned to her Kirin friend. Fern was more shaken than a moment ago. Thinking about it, she took a sniff of the air and realized why: the smell of blood was much stronger. Either this person was more wounded or they were much closer. Rain looked back down to her fellow Kirin and asked, “Would you like for me to take lead-“

Fern Flare didn’t hesitate and suddenly dashed underneath Rain Shine’s body, accidentally dropping the lantern in a panic. Rain quickly caught the lantern with her magic which almost hit the dry ground.

“Y-yes please!” She exclaimed through stutters. Rain would’ve warned her about the danger of letting Nirik fire free. But she can tell her friend was clearly scared of what’s out there. So she held her tongue and began to walk again, Fern trying to stay close as possible to her. Rain stumbled a few times until Fern moved away from her. But kept her hoof and tail tangled around Rain’s fore hoof. Now it was less likely for the leader to fall due to her friend’s fear.

Eventually, Rain stopped as she sniffed the air. The smell of blood was too strong to ignore now. But she couldn’t see any sight of anyone or anything. Unless... She moved away from Fern’s grasp and began to walk away from the dirt path.

“Rain Shine!” Fern called out, suddenly covering her mouth with her hooves. She couldn’t risk anyone hearing her and try to harm her. But Rain Shine might get hurt on her watch... She sighed heavily in defeat as she tried to catch up to her leader. “Rain Shine, where are you going?”

“I think they’re around here?” She stated, looking around and passing by the trees and bushes.

“You mean the harmed or the causer of harm?” Fern asked, now very much terrified.

“Either. I just have to find who’s the source...” Rain stopped as she held her hoof in front of her. “Wait.” She turned to her leader as she walked ahead to a patch of bushes.

Rain Shine felt hesitant. What if their was a monster on the other side and she wasn’t ready to protect Fern Flare in time? But Rain never felt doubt for her natural abilities. Besides the Nirik side of course. She has proven she can protect her tribe in worse situations. So, this shouldn’t be a problem, right?.... She took a deep breath and looked through the bushes.

“... What?” She said in confusion. Fern turned to her leader in similar confusion. She couldn’t see through the bushes due to how thick they were mixed with Rain’s massive mane blocking any possibility of peeking through.

“What? What do you see?” Fern asked in curiosity. Rain moved to the side so she can see.

“It looks like... a goat.“

“A goat?” Fern questioned as she began to poke her head through the bushes. “What goat would even be seen around he-“ She paused.

Fern froze at the sight of what was in front of them. On the other side of the bushes was a small clearing free of tall grass, flowers, and more. Trees and bushes surrounded the small patch of land like it was some secret love spot for a couple. But this spot wouldn’t house a couple for now. Since what was filling that spot was one creature. A goat Rain Shine called it. But Fern Flare knee from Amethyst Star who and what that thing was. He wasn’t a goat. He was a ram. A blue ram to be exact. The ram, somehow, was covered in red. He had a large slash wound on his chest. One over his left eye, another on his left forehoof, another on his right hindleg, and a large scratch that also went down his left eye. Fern felt her blood freeze at the sight of the creature. It wasn’t meant to be here...



“Run away Rain!!” Fern yelled out as she suddenly grabbed Rain’s tail with her mouth and began to pull as hard as he could. Which failed due to Rain pulling away easily and walking over to the unconscious creature.

“Fern, we can’t run away.” She stated as she stopped by the ram’s side, examining his deep gashes. Those would definitely cause terrible damage. But if she hadn’t heard his labored breathing, she would’ve thought he was dead. “This creature is hurt. We must help them-“

“NO!!” Fern Flare yelled out as she hopped in between her and the ram. “Just leave him to die!”

“What? Fern Flare, this behavior’s unacceptable! We must help this creature before it’s too late!” Rain said sternly as she tried to get through Fern. Only to be blocked by Fern once again.

“Rain Shine, you have to understand! This beast is-“

“Listen to me, Fern Flare!” Rain Shine exclaimed, staring down at her mocha colored friend. “I will not let this creature die when I can do something to help them!” She suddenly lifted Fern with her magic as she placed them to the side. Fern tried to stop her but was held still by Rain’s aura of light red magic.

Rain Shine looked down to the ram, lifting the wounded creature with another aura of magic. She shuffled her pose so she was side by side with the animal. Rain lifted the ram onto her back. Her body flinched at the sudden heavy weight on her back. She was able to straighten herself and hold the wounded ram on her back without the need of her magic. Rain kept her magical grip on Fern as she dragged her back over.

“You will not try to worsen his wounds nor try to scare him away from the tribe. Understand?” Rain asked sternly, her eyes beginning glow. Fern quickly nodded as a response. The leader took the answer as she let go of her friend. Rain began to walk back to the dirt path, walking slowly to make sure the blue ram won’t fall off. With fear filling her heart, Fern Flare followed her leader from a distance. She stared into the ram’s closed eyes. Oh how Fern feared the possibly of his eyes suddenly opening...

Chapter 3: The Meeting

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The night was quiet. Too quiet.

The Kirins had went to sleep instead of continuing the preparations for the unknown festival. Rain Shine allowed them to do so. Or more so demanded them to stop them. She couldn’t take a chance of one of the other Kirins seeing her with the ram and start anything like Fern Flare did. She still couldn’t understand though. Why did Fern freak out at the sight of the animal? He was only a blue ram, right? What else was their to the creature that she didn’t know about?...

She had the unconscious ram in an unused room she had in her tree home. Rain meant to use the room for storage such as extra props for plays, outfits that she has no interest of, or anything else of the sort. But now, she fashioned the room into a homemade infirmary for the poor ram.

Rain Shine had already finished cleaning his wound and patching them up with the bandages laced with a healing elixir. The elixir was one of the few potions she made herself after the Curse of Silence was lifted. She told her people her potions were meant for them and the life around them. For example, one of the potions, which was a light green lotion, was meant for the plants around them. When placed on a tree or flower, the plant will be more stronger than it was before. Not even the strongest axes would be able to cut through them. Rain did hope the plant life would be more resistant towards fire. She would test it but was too scared of starting a forest fire again...

Her body suddenly froze at those words. Forest fire... She’d think of the one that burnt down her tribe after that argument. But she was thinking further back to... She placed a hoof on her pounding head.

“Keep it together Rain.” She said to herself, shutting her eyes tightly to stop from any wondering tears fall from her eyes. “It’s in the past. You can get through it.” She kept repeating this in her head. But she knew she was lying to herself. She still feared being the Nirik within herself. So what made her so sure she can get over what she’s done?...

If she had opened her eyes sooner, she would’ve seen the blue figure below her suddenly twitch.



Red was all he can see.

Was he dying? He couldn’t be. His blood was of an immortal demon. He could never die.

Maybe in pain? What was pain at this point? He didn’t even know what it felt to feel pain let alone anything. Although, it would be the reason why his body felt so numb.

Despite the numbness, he did feel something. Not mentally, but physically. At first, it was warm around his fur. But then it disappeared as soon as it surrounded him. For a short time, he felt the cool breeze hit his cold figure. The breeze also stung his wounds like salt. But it didn’t leave a lasting impression on his shell of a body.

He knew he was moving somehow. Maybe some ponies found his body and are bringing him to the princesses to receive judgement. At least that’s what his still functioning brain believed what was going to happen to his paralyzed body.

Soon enough, the wind stopped and he felt the warmth surround him again. What was happening to his demonic but bloody shape? He tried to open his eyes but felt something he never thought a monster like him would feel: weak. His body was weak. He had spilled too much of his own blood to even lift himself up. All because he wanted revenge...

He kept struggling to move. But his frozen form refused. He was determined to get up. He had to save himself from whatever was occurring around him.

Soon enough, he felt his foreleg twitch. The monster began to feel relief at the movement. Just a moment ago, he felt a strange touch on that same foreleg. Whatever it was, it seemed to help the creature move again. And he wasn’t going to waste his chance.

Slowly but surely, his body began to reclaim movement. He still felt numb to the pain that went through his body which made it easier for him to raise his head slowly.

“You’re awake!” A voice beside him called out.

He swiftly turned to the voice, shocked to see someone was even there.

It was a mare. A pale mare with a cyan colored mane with light streaks in them. A deep crimson horn peeked through her mane and a dark gold crown she wore on her head. He can even see a peek of her light pale scales on her back and a long, thin tail that whipped from side to side slightly. She wasn’t a creature he made. Let alone even seen. What was she?...


“How are you feeling?” The Kirin asked as she reached out a hoof to him. “Are you still hurt?”

She flinched as the ram slapped her hoof away with his own. Rain can feel his red eyes glare into her own.

“Do not dare touch me!” He growled to her. His voice was noticeably deep and scruffy. It reminded her of the previous leader’s voice but more... terrifying. But what did she have to fear? He was only a simple ram.

She cleared her throat as she looked to him with calm eyes. She can just have the breakdown she had before once he’s taken care of.

“Apologies.” She said with a her kind and soft voice. “I just wanted to be sure your eye patch was in place.”

“My eye-“ He stopped as he realized. He was able to see through his right eye. But what about his left?... He placed his hood over his left eye, touching it to feel something soft blocking his hoof to his eye.

“What did you do to my eye?” He demanded to know. Rain continued to look at him with her calm and collected eyes.

“Your eye was badly damaged. I tried to heal it with the best of my ability. But it seems whatever occurred to your eye might have some lasting effects.” She admitted sadly, the ram’s face scrunching up in frustration. Will this mean he will lose his eyesight in his demonic eye?

“Have you actually tried at all to prevent me from being blind?” He asked with venom in his voice. Rain sighed as she looked to him. She did hope he would have a better reaction to the news. (Well, it’s better than him freaking out) She thought to herself.

“With all that I have.” She stated to him, trying to assure him. “But it’s ok. It doesn’t mean you will lose all of your eyesight. Why, if I have enough time and ingredients, I might make something that will help you reclaim your eye’s full health.” Rain saw how the creature’s shoulders and face rested at the news. But his teeth kept peeking out through his dried lips. “Good.” He left the word slip out through his jagged teeth.

He couldn’t be sure if she was trying to lure him to a false sense of security with her words and actions or she actually meant to help him. But who would help a monster like him? Who would even be sitting by her side like this? He was surprised she hasn’t run away yet. She flinched before so he felt satisfied with that. Yet he was unsatisfied with everything else. Why was this... mare even being so calm and collected to him? Has his legacy dried up over the centuries and has left no lasting impression on the lives of ponies and non-ponies alike?

“So, what’s your name?” She asked him. The question ran through his cold skin like a needle threading through fabric. His name... She didn’t know his name? How does one not know his name? He was the Emperor of Equestria! The Father of Monsters! The Devil himself!

“... Grogar.” He spoke quietly, glaring at her with his remaining eye.

Rain felt a shiver run down her spine. The name... She had no recollection of that name. But why did it make her feel uneasy? The leader saw no reason to fear that name. With that, she smiled to the ram.

“Lovely name, Grogar. I am Rain Shine. Leader of the Kirins.” She introduced herself. Lovely?... Lovely?! He felt insulted by her comment. His name was not “lovely”, it was meant to be terrifying! Not thought as cute by some leader of the Kirins-... He paused at the thought. Kirins...

“Leader of the Niriks?” He asked, masking his anger towards the leader. Rain’s tail settled down at the mention of the Niriks, losing its motion. She felt her smile fall and fear build up in her heart at the mention of the worse of her kind. But, she couldn’t blame him from knowing them from that name. Kirins were more known as Niriks in the past after all. Still yet, she still despised how her species were remembered for what they’ve done.

“... In a sense, yes.” She stated, hiding her own feeling of being uncomfortable at the name. “We’re known as Kirins now.”

“I see...” He stated, feeling disappointed at her words. He remembered how tried recruit some Niriks into his cause many centuries ago. But they proved to be more deadly than he imagined...

“Your kind was more magnificent back then. It’s a shame you’re hiding it away and wasting such potential.” He said as he looked at the bandages on his foreleg. Rain felt her heart twinge at those words. He thought they were better as Niriks?... Who would love the Niriks over Kirins? A pyromaniac maybe.

“Well, some of us saw the light and changed our ways for the better.” She said, her voice starting to grow cold. Grogar huffed in disappointment as he looked back up at her.

“Such a waste of power. How do you not use your fire to lay waste towards your enemies or-“

“Do not lecture me on how to be what I am!” Rain suddenly spitted out. She suddenly realized what she said and covered her mouth with her hooves. Grogar’s still revealed eyebrow was raised in surprise. She just raised her voice at the Father of Monsters...

“You have the soul of one, girl.” He stated coldly, his glare returning to the now cowering leader. “No matter how much of a Kirin you are, you will always have the fire of a Nirik within you. And one day, it will explode through your fragile exterior and release the monster you try so hard to hide.” Rain felt her head begin to pound at what he was saying. She held her head down as she felt herself tremble. It wasn’t true. She can keep the monster within for as long as she lives. She’s done it ever since she was young. Surely she can keep the pyre at bay for much longer. No matter how much she feared it...

She suddenly got up onto her hooves and looked down to the ram.

“Do not try to leave. You’ll only make the bleeding worse.” She warned as she began to leave the room. The ram did feel disgusted with being forced to stay with her. But if she was able to heal him somehow, he was afraid he has no choice but to listen to the pathetic Kirin. But he still felt... glee. From seeing the leader tremble at what he said. Grogar watched her leave and gave a satisfied grin once she closed the door behind him.

Now that’s what he was looking for.