> Divine Punishment > by DHeroRedMagma > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > In the barracks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As an old saying goes never fly too close to the sun as you may get burned. A saying that Flash Sentry should have taken to heart but unfortunately he didn’t, for on this day he was prepared to do the unthinkable. It has long been foretold that the princesses have some of the best plush asses on the level of pornstar ponies or influencer ponies who just show a lot of ass usually. But long has it been rumored about the softness of a princesses bottom, yet no mortal pony has ever laid hands on it well, a guard pony that is. “I’m telling you I can do it!” Flash says cockily, positively sure he can win this bet. In the royal guards history no pony has ever tapped, slapped or spanked a princesses ass however Flash had a goal to finally break that and become a legend amongst the guards for generations. “Flash your crazy for thinking you can do that,” a fellow guard informs him. After all no pony would dare attempt what he was attempting to do to the pony he is supposed to guard. The most a guard ever did was steal Celestia’s and Luna’s panties and masturbate while smelling them or using them to masturbate with. “I tell ya I am gonna do it!” Flash booms puffing his chest out. “I am gonna spank Twilight’s fat princess ass!” he announces proudly. “Alright but how will we know you actually did it?” another guard questions. “Anypony can claim they did it,” he explains, which rings true after all he can easily get away with saying he did it. “Well… I can take a picture?” Flash suggests, knowing a camera with a timer wouldn’t be hard to get but he’d have to have a timer on it giving him a limited window to do so. The other guards look at each other before grumbling to each other. “Okay you sold us if you can do it,” a guard says, making him smile with a cocky grin at becoming a legend amongst the guards. While off duty he heads to a local camera studio to purchase a camera with a timer to shoot. “Uh hi I’m looking for a camera,” Flash says trying to talk to one of the camera operators. “Vat do you vant?” she says in an extremely thick accent. “You are how you zay in my light and running my zhot!” she complains mad that he is in her light. “I just need a timer camera,” he explains barely understanding her. She sighs before going to a table and shoving a camera in his hands. “Here now go go! I am trying to catch the magic!” she exclaims before going back to shooting. “Ooookay,” Flash says before awkwardly backing up and leaving. But at least he got the camera right? He heads back to his room in the barracks of the Canterlot castle to try and figure out how to work this camera, after all the worst thing to happen is he does it and he doesn’t get it captured. He presses down on the button that normally sets off the camera but nothing happens, he sets it down then suddenly a flash goes off and a photo is instantly developed out of it revealing an image of his wall with his dresser. “Huh?” he says examine it to find a turnable dial with some numbers written on it, currently it was set to five. He then changes the dial to ten before clicking once more and after ten seconds the camera goes off taking yet another picture of the wall. He fiddles with it and sets it to forty five seconds which seemed to bed the highest setting before grinning, he was ready now he just had to find a spot to place it and find where princess Twilight is. Twilight was visiting Canterlot Castle after attempting to seek answers for her ailment she had somehow contracted and had now gotten to the point of just accepting the damn thing and deal with it when it comes. But like she does on every trip to Canterlot castle she decides to pay the old royal library a visit, happily standing around alone reading old books and tomes. While wandering around Flash notices her and stops to make sure he is hidden and is happy to see she is absorbed in a book and as almost anypony knows when Twilight is reading she tends to… forget about everything else. He quickly finds a ladder and quietly climbs up opposite of where she was and sets the camera on one of the shelves knowing he only has forty five seconds to click it and spank her. After setting it at the right height and angle to capture the image, with a grin and a deep breath he clicked for the capture button before doing the most silent mad dash of his life. Counting down each second to make sure he would get there on time to record the spank and become a legend amongst his fellow guard ponies. As he rushes he counts down in his head until he is there with his hand ready for the spank at five seconds looking over at the camera as Twilight is absorbed in her book before bringing it down and connecting with her wobbly booty eliciting a surprised yelp from her and a big grin. Yes! Immortality was his forever in story! Or so he thought. The camera hadn’t gone off with it’s usual capture flash meaning he mistimed it while he was rushing. And before he even realizes it he has another problem. A sudden light purple hued force field bubble imprisons him, picks him up and floats him a few inches in the air. As he falls over and is upside down he sees a very embarrassed and angry looking Twilight. It is also at that time the camera does go off recording this very special regretful moment, allowing him to know that he was about five seconds off in his rush. Had he waited he’d be in the same fate but with some semblance of accomplishment, now he was just royally fucked with an embarrassing picture showing how he fucked up. “You have about five seconds to explain before I punish you,” Twilight informs him, causing his mind to race with what to say. Does he go with the truth and explain he did it solely to impress his fellow guard ponies? Or make up some sort of lie? “Would you believe me if I said it was to make all my fellow guards like me more?” he says with a smiling troublemaker's smile. “Oh dammit is this about the whole ‘no guard has ever felt a princesses butt legend’?” she asks. “You know about it!?” Flash questions both shocked at the fact Celestia’s pupil would know about it. “Hate to burst your bubble but that story isn’t true, Celestia and Luna have fucked guards but told them not to talk about it,” she informs him. “Hell my brother was guard captain and he is married to the Princess of Love doesn’t that mean he has tapped that ass six ways from sunday?” she points out to him to which he now is in a state of shock at this revelation. “Hell Celestia started that fake legend to see if any of her guards had the balls to do so which she would then usually have sex with,” Twilght mentions recounting how when she was still living in Canterlot and roaming the castle overhearing in many a moans in Celestia’s chambers. Flash doesn’t know what to say his whole world is shattered, what even is real anymore? Is the sky real? Is a dog real? “So now that were clear on this was a really dumb idea it’s punishment time for you,” she informs him to which he suddenly realized something. If Celestia and Luna usually fucked the ones that did this maybe that means he is going to get lucky? Maybe this isn’t so bad. “Oh please go easy on me,” he says in an obvious fake voice. “I am but a simple guard who didn’t know any better,” he goes on with terrible acting. Unfortunately he picked the wrong day to do this as Twilight was annoyed and fed up with a lot of things mainly her sudden big tiddy syndrome that is uncurable that not even Celestia and Luna know how to fix and now some cocky guard is spanking her ass? “Wow you suck at acting,” Twilight flatly says before lighting up her horn ready to enact his punishment, first by removing all his clothes and surrounding him in a purple aura. “Hey cut that out that tickles!” Flash exclaims in a more feminine voice which catches his attention. “Huh!?” she lets out as his proud pecker slowly recedes into his body before being replaced with a feminine slit. Next his chest expands and grows more sensitive nipples as he gasps becoming more and more as the tits reach a plump G cup. Lastly more junk is added to the trunk and Flash finds herself now with an ass as fat as Twilight’s which throws off his balance while his hips grow and his masculinity grows more faint and replaced with a more feminine body. Flash looks in horror at the changes to her body before feeling a sharp smack on her now jiggly rump. “And we're even on that,” Twilight says now leaving a Twilight handprint on Flash’s butt. “Change me back!” Flash cries angrily. “But we haven’t gotten to the fun,” Twilight warns him, pulling down her pants to reveal a surprise meant just for Flash. It wasn’t a nice wet pussy but rather a pulsating purple beast of a horse cock with two large cum factories churning with fresh princess spooge. The penis in question was about nineteen inches in length and three inches thick “Fuck me…” Flash says, now knowing what fate awaits him. “That’s the plan~” Twilight cheerily says, pushing flash down onto all fours before lining up that massive rod with her tight cunt. “W-wait can’t we talk about-” Flash pleads before Twilight rams that dick home. “THHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS!” Flash lets out instantly clamping down with her clam and orgasming in one go from the thick beast. “No talking!” Twilight booms emphasizing her point by giving a harsh smack on Flash’s rump. She does so each time she bottoms out alternating between cheeks until next to Flash’s cutie mark is a red Twilight shaped hand print. Twilight continues to sling her large woody in and out of the gushing cunny eager to stretch her out and teach her about spanking a royal bum. The princess of friendship goes hog wild on the booty she is now humping, filling this silent library with plapping sounds and lewd moans of pleasure from the two mares who are soaking each other’s genitals with their respective juices. Twilight’s purple meaty nuts quickly become soaked in vaginal secretions as they keep slapping into Flash’s snatch causing juices to spill out more and more. The library soon stinks of sex luckily no one will know since no pony has walked by or come to use the royal library today. So they can be as loud and as sloppy as they want with their debauchery, as Flash howls in orgasm once more however this time as she clamps down Twilight bites her lower lip in an attempt not to cum along to assert dominance her fingers digging into the fatty ass flesh of Flash as if gripping for dear life not to cum right there and now. Flash falls forward, her breaths becoming heavy, recovering as her orgasm subsides to which Twilight gives a few fast pumps of her hips before planting her pole as deep as she can in Flash’s pussy and letting loose a torrent of princess cum. The spooge comes in wave after wave soon bloating Flash’s belly from the sheer thickness and volume of cum Twilight is depositing inside her. Flash soon thinks back on this whole plan as her tummy grows to have a slight paunch now realizing that this was stupid, he should have just stayed in his room and masturbated or something instead she is got railed and use like a used condom for the princess of friendship cause she slapped her wobbly booty. Twilight sighs, finishes cumming and pulls out before using her magic to conjure a collar and leash around Flash’s neck. “Come along now we’re not done,” Twilight says to which Flash gulps in fear at what she plans. Twilight then puts her pants back on granted she now has a rather unlady like bulge in them and walks over to snatch the camera and photo before yanking on the collar to make Flash follow like a good puppy dog would. Twilight eventually leads Flash to a familiar place, the barracks where a lot of the guards are either playing cards or having a drink. “At attention!” Twilight booms, which causes all the hair on their manes to stand up along with their bodies as they get up and stand at attention. “I am very displeased with the lot of you,” Twilight says, making them nervous even more so as they catch a glimpse at a certain familiar looking pony on a leash. “Spreading rumors amongst yourselves and about us the very princesses you guard no less?” she continues before sighing, having them quaking in their own hooves. “So to teach you ponies better you will all drop your breeches and that’s an order!” she shouts to which they gulp before dropping them and revealing a wide variety of horse penises some small and big and even a few erect. “Now to teach you will be one of your own,” Twilight begins. “Flash Sentry here will suck you off until you either dump a load in her mouth, down her throat, on her face or on her tits. Do I make myself clear!?” she barks causing a surprised Flash to gulp and the guards to blink a few times. She wasn’t punishing them she was using them to punish Flash. The guards soon surround Flash and once shoves his meat in her mouth and two occupy her hands as she is soon fucked with a bunch of guards masturbating around her. And all the while Twilight with the camera is busy taking pictures to better capture the moment further for Flash to fully learn his lesson, princesses can be quite vengeful about being spanked by somepony out of the blue. The first guard soon cums in her mouth but pulls out to paint her face with his seed, and walks away after firing all his goo only for another from her handjob to take his place and another to be jerked off by the guard mare. The process repeats, granted this guard grabs Flash’s head pressing it to his crotch as he cums down her throat giving her a salty snack. This goes on for a while as all the guards, veterans and new recruits all get a turn with Flash and empty any cumbersome loads either on her or in her. Soon all the guards stand around and some even pull out a smoke feeling very satisfied and their morale at a sky high. “Excellent work stallions, dismissed!” Twilight says giving them a salute. “Come along Flash,” she says yanking at Flash’s collar drawing the attention of the cum covered mare. “We still got Luna’s guards who are in the western part of the castle and a few of the Wonderbolts and if I recall my brother is in town and you must pay respect to your former guard captain after all,” she informs her which leaves Flash dreading this. As it was the worst mistake a guard pony ever made.