> Just a Little Hot and Bothered > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Close Quarters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hello?!” Rainbow Dash repeated for the umpteenth time, pounding on the door. Butting her head against the obstinate slab of wood, she grimly muttered to herself. It was humiliating enough to find herself trapped in a broom closet at the Wonderbolts headquarters, having gone to fetch a towel for herself, but that was only one facet of her frustrations. She had been intending to take a shower, after some solo practice with the obstacle course; but, again, there were other elements at play. Normally lacking the motivation to push herself, without an audience or unless she was expected to perform, she opted to use exercise as a distraction. Suffering through estrus had never been easy for her and physical exertion was one of the perilously few diversions that actually put a dent on her impulsive and wholly unwanted thoughts. Long story short, being in heat was an absolute bitch. As if the involuntary winking and sticky loins weren’t bad enough, the mental anguish she put up with always made matters worse. Unless she kept herself occupied for the worst week of her cycle, she’d be inundated with mental images of studs and their long, hard stallionhoods, and their divine musky… “Grrrr,” Dash growled, willing herself to focus on anything but hot guys. Shuffling in a circle, bucking against the unyielding door, she tried fruitlessly to escape. Sadly, like all her previous attempts to break free, she failed. With a defeated sigh, she turned, slumped against the wall, and began fumbling with the zipper on her flight suit. The stupid uniform did its job, reducing wind sheer and insulating her on high altitude maneuvers, but the damn thing was hotter than Tartarus! After managing to get the bodysuit unzipped, she fidgeted and wormed her way out of the stifling article. Angrily tossing the garment atop a short stack of crated Wonderbolt merchandise, the cool air was a welcome, albeit small blessing. Resigning herself to wait, Dash hoped somepony would come along before too long. Considering it was the weekend and that her fellow Wonderbolts didn’t have any scheduled practice until Monday, there was a very real chance she might be stuck in the cramped room for a while. “Well,” she grumbled, surveying her surroundings, “at least I have some space…” A janitor’s wheeled cart and bucket rested in the corner, opposite of several stacked boxes of swag. Besides a case of sports drinks and a gym mat, there wasn’t much of anything else. The beverages would ensure she didn’t die of thirst, so there was that, although the prospect of using a bucket to relieve herself wasn’t all that appealing. After unfurling the mat and draping it over the crates, Dash made herself comfortable. There was just enough room for her to recline, while using a roll of paper towels as a makeshift pillow. Unfortunately, with so little to do, it wasn’t long before unsavory thoughts furtively crept to her mind. It started innocently enough, as she wondered what the rest of the Wonderbolts were up to. Spitfire was probably reading up on some sort of advanced aerial technique. She wouldn’t be surprised if Soarin was stuffing his face with some sort of confection. Thunderlane...Mmmph he was probably out on a jog, glistening in sweat, while his well toned muscles glided over that wondrously hot… “Stupid sexy pony!” Dash blurted, irately punching the wall. Though her mind had only wandered into lecherous waters for a fleeting moment, she could already feel a singular ache in her groin. Knitting her brow, while she lay on her back and stared at the ceiling, she ground her thighs together. It wasn’t her fault that her marehood practically demanded attention! Trapped as she was, away from prying eyes, she begrudgingly reached for her groin. Considering rubbing one out may offer some temporary relief, she saw no reason not to indulge herself. Closing her eyes, imagining some buff little stud muffin, she kneaded her hastily moistening loins. Using the soft, warm frog of her forehoof, she pawed at her clit. Sweet Celestia, what she wouldn’t give for a stallion to mount her and rut her into next week. A hoof was fine and would get the job done, but it didn’t hold a candle to the real deal - still, rubbing one out was better than nothing and would help to pass the time… Zephyr Breeze hummed to himself, navigating the corridors of the Wonderbolts headquarters. Though he’d only just been hired, he was totally stoked to get started. Sure, he’d have to pick up trash, mop the floors, and make sure the bathrooms were stocked; but he’d also get to be around the various athletic mares of the team including one Rainbow Dash. He was sure the prismatic pegasus would push him away, true, though he felt certain that she was just playing hard to get - after all, why else would she keep running into him?! In his heart of hearts, he knew they were meant to be together. Smugly laughing to himself, pondering on what pickup line he’d next use on her, he found his way to the janitor’s closet, opened the door, and peered inside. The stallion froze, as his mind grappled with the sight which awaited him. Rainbow Dash - the Rainbow Dash had cozied up in his storeroom, made a nest for herself, and was furiously masturbating on an improvised bed. It was a vision from heaven - surely a sign that he’d been destined to be with her. Swiftly stepping inside, he incidentally dropped his key in the hallway. “Well well we-hell! What do we have here?” he chuckled, eyeing his potential paramour. “Did you come all the way up here to get some alone time with me, Rainbows?” Too engrossed with sating her inner urges, Dash failed to hear the door open until it was too late. With all the speed and agility of a startled cat, she rolled to the floor and scrambled towards the exit; alas, she was a split second too late. The door swung closed, sealing her in the room once again - only this time it was far, far worse. Though she’d heard a voice, she hadn’t paid particular attention to whom had walked in on her. Honestly, it didn’t matter who had caught her getting off in a locked closet - at least, that’d been her thought. Angrily looking up to the nincompoop who’d confined her once again in the infernal prison, her pupils shrank to pinpricks. “Z...Zephyr? What the hay are you doing -” she was cut off, as a hoof gently pressed to her lips. “Sssssssh,” the stallion whispered, arrogantly smiling down at her. “It’s ok, Rainbows, ‘ol Zeph knows that you wanted to have me all to yourself for some sexy time...” A ceaseless barrage of questions assailed her, as she stared with wide eyed wonder at the lanky stallion. Why was he here? Had he actually noticed her masturbating? Did he really think she’d sequestered herself to ambush him for some - gah - sexy time. Nothing made sense, the world had gone mad, and she wouldn’t be surprised if Discord had something to do with all of it. The thought of being locked in a room with Zephyr, of all ponies, was beyond revolting, although perhaps there was still some hope. Turning to face him, Dash reached up and shook his shoulders. “Please, please tell me you have a key?’ Caught off guard by the question, Zephyr recoiled slightly. It was only at that moment that he realized that he must have dropped it before entering - seeing as how he’d been lured in by the angelic visage of his colthood sweetheart. Shrugging it off, he leaned in and brought his snout to her face. “Just means that neither of us have anything better to do until tomorrow…” In a quite literal sense, Dash found herself waging an internal war. Her higher functions wanted nothing more than to berate him and tell him that nopony, not a single one on Equestria, would ever want anything to do with him - that being said, her body didn’t seem to agree with that sentiment. The sight, sound, and scent of a virile stallion sent undesired sparks of arousal coursing through her. Faltering, taking a step back, her rear pressed against the heaped crates. Maybe she’d get lucky. Between the two of them, they may have enough muscle to bludgeon down the door and gain their freedom! If he was as dumb as she thought he was, he might not even notice.. Zephyr stiffened, his nose turning to the air. “What’s…” ‘Oh please no,’ Dash silently prayed. He sniffed, closing his eyes and fixating on a peculiar aroma. “Is that…” She gulped, shaking her head in denial ‘Anything but that. Celestia, please, I don’t deserve…’ The stallion’s eyes wandered to her face, as a haughty grin split his features. “Rainbows, are you in heat?” Dash went rigid, as the final nail was placed in her coffin. Not only was she in the midst of estrus and locked in a room with Zephyr, but her co-captor was aware of her condition. There was no retreat, nowhere to run, and her best and only bet of getting out required his assistance. Scrunching her snout in consternation, she leered up at him - even if she was in season, she didn’t have to openly admit it. “I can not believe you did all this for me! I mean, don’t get me wrong, I am flattered by the offer and everything, but is this some kind of kink? The lusty Wonderbolt luring the poor, charming janitor for some hot breeding!” Zephyr exclaimed, looking to the various nooks and crannies of the room. “You’re not making a porno for yourself, are you?” The notion that she’d seduce him, the most incorrigible flirt she’d ever met, was galling. Rearing back, pressing herself against the crates, her lip curled. “Wha...No! What the buck, Zeph? I’d never -” “Rainbows,” he interrupted, his muzzle shooting to her ear, “it’s ok, nopony would know…” “I...I…” she stammered, her mind going a mile a minute.  There was a certain truth to his words; there wasn’t another soul in the building and, so far as she knew, there’d be no evidence; nopony would believe him and she could thoroughly deny anything had ever happened. The most revolting facet was that some part of her was honestly considering the idea of - Ugh - doing something with him. She’d already had one passing thought about him, in the scant time she’d found herself in his company, and it would only be a matter of time until she had another. If there was some greater torture possible in all of Equestria, she couldn’t imagine it. Finding herself at a crossroads, struggling with the option to fend off his advances or to take him up on his offer, the answer came as he breathed hotly on her ear. She looked up, gazed into his brilliant cerise eyes, and lost herself. “Come on,” he purred, caressing her neck, “let me scratch that itch…” Zephyr could scarcely believe it, he’d struck the jackpot. The fact that she was into playing out some role-play fantasy was a little surprising, although it didn’t bother him much; if she wanted to pretend like it was all some act, it was fine with him. He relented, taking a small step back, as she unsteadily turned and faced away from him. Resting her chest on the boxes, to help steady herself, Dash reached back and lifted one hind leg. Her tail flicked to the side, exposing her sopping wet and engorged nethers. She dare not look at him, lest she feel more disgusted with herself than she already did, so she kept her eyes glued to the wall. Contrasting sharply against her self-loathing, her marehood winked in anticipation. She’d expected the stallion to set upon her like some randy schoolcolt, mounting her to hump away with reckless abandon, yet that wasn’t the case. She started, as what could only be the pouting lips of his snout pressed to her leg. His tongue crept up her inner thigh, cleaning the trail of nectar from her fur, as he closed on her sex. As Zephyr’s tongue grazed the meaty, succulent entrance of Dash’s loins, his stallionhood slipped from its sheath. Lapping at her snatch, coating his taste buds in the tangy flavor of her feminine juices, he inhaled her natural perfume. She was, without a doubt, the hottest mare he’d ever laid eyes upon and he was finally, after years of pursuing her, about to achieve what he’d dreamt of. Barely suppressing a shiver of delight, Dash rested her head on its side. She couldn’t remember the last time that somepony had eaten her out, so she wasn’t about to complain. Despite the rather nauseating partner of happenstance, there was no denying he knew how to put his mouth to good use. Arching her back, as he teased her clit, she pushed herself back onto his face. With her fragrance flooding his sinuses, it wasn’t long before Zephyr had reached full mast. Flexing his pelvic muscles, he slapped his turgid shaft against his belly; it wasn’t quite as good as a full fledged wing or hoof job, but it would do for the time being. Plunging his tongue into her, feeling her tremble slightly, his exhilaration soared. As the seconds dragged on, Dash’s patience began to wane. Oral was always a welcome bit of foreplay, yet she pined for something more. Taking a breath, hating herself for what she was about to say, she opened her eyes and looked over her shoulder. “Can we get on with it already?” she groaned, causing him to withdraw. The desperation in her voice was almost intoxicating. Monumentally pleased that she’d finally decided to ask, Zephyr shuffled back and swung his lower half to the side. He’d had every intention of showing off his goods, although he was suddenly stricken with an idea. Positioned as she was, bent over on the boxes of goods, he could easily give her an up close view. “W...what are you…” Dash trailed off, watching him draw nearer. The gangly pegasus moved to her side, placed his forehooves on the crate beside her head, and thrust his junk towards her face. Her eyelids fluttered and her heart skipped a beat, as she breathed in the earthy, pungent musk of his unwashed equipment. “There’s a good girl, just savor it,” Zephyr cooed, peering down at her. At a loss, feeling lightheaded from the smell alone, Dash’s face drifted towards his weighty nuts. Like being called by a siren’s song, she was drawn in. Glancing up at his equipment, realizing his endowment was above average, she cursed herself. Covered in dark sea green flesh, replete with a vein tracing along one side, the sight left her drooling from both ends. “Impressive, isn’t it?” he conceitedly asked, nudging her cheek with the tip of his length. Fighting the urge to give him a taste, Dash channeled her inner frustration. “Would you just buck me and get it over with?” she groused. It was bad enough that the odor had left her marehood aching, but she nearly felt woozy as well! “I see how it is,” Zephyr snickered, flapping his wings and effortlessly dismounting.  As he trotted around to her backside, eyeing her upturned rump, he licked the cloying residue of her essence from his lips. Rearing back onto his hind legs, he shuffled forward, locked his forehooves over her waist, and aligned himself with her entrance. Lacking any fanfare, yet with a tenderness belying the abruptness of the act, he drove himself into her. Lightning bolts of pure, unrefined bliss shot through Dash, as his shaft ground into her canal. The exquisite fullness he afforded, the sensation of the ridges around his battering ram-like glans scraping against her insides, and the weight upon her hips, it was just what the doctor ordered. Acting of its own volition, her body rocked back. “There’s what I like to see,” he hummed approvingly, continuing to sink into her depths. The sensation of her silken interior was heavenly; hot and snug, she clung to his shaft. Once roughly half of his cock had been buried within her, he paused. He thought it only fit to give them each a moment to adjust, even if she was as thirsty as she was. Extending his wings out and below himself, he affectionately caressed her flanks. Knowing she’d yet to be fully filled, Dash bucked back upon him. The primal portions of her brain wrestled control from her inhibitions, asserting their dominance in a show of force. Mercifully, he took note and reciprocated; with surprising gentleness, he started thrusting. Synchronizing her motions to his, feeling him questing deeper with every pistoning movement, her thighs quivered. Taking his time, Zephyr gradually picked up the pace. He was hardly the type to deny a mare of what she wanted, so he’d be remiss for not delivering his very best performance. Draping himself over her back, kissing and nibbling his way from her shoulder to her neck, he did what he could to elevate the experience for her - after all, she’d held herself back for ages and he wanted to make the moment as pleasurable as possible for her. “Feels good, doesn’t it?” he murmured. Trying and failing to roll her eyes, the most Dash could muster was a stifled whimper. It did feel good - no, it felt fantastic; but she’d damned if she was going to tell him that. Flipping her head to the other side, facing away from him, she closed her eyes and fixated on the contemptibly blissful physical sensations assailing her. “Come on, you can tell me…” he urged, softly biting her ear. Opening her mouth to speak, Dash barely caught herself. For buck’s sake, had he always sounded that fucking sexy?! It was like every sense she had was being besieged by his carnal might - sweet Tartarus, she could practically taste the sensual venom dripping from his words! Telling herself it was all worth it, she steadfastly focused on his ministrations - that was, until they ground to a halt. Just as quickly as he’d begun, he pushed himself up, stepped back, and unsheathed his magnificent stallionhood from her snatch. Winking at nothing, absolutely furious that it had nothing to milk upon, her marehood ineffectually clutched at the open air. Filled with righteous indignation, she whipped her head around and stared daggers at him. “It’s ok, I think I know exactly what you were really wanting,” Zephyr clucked. “Now, how about you be a good mare and hop that sexy little tush up onto those boxes…” Dash’s unchecked lust overrode her wrath, leaving her to hesitantly comply. Stepping up and onto the mat covered boxes, she rolled to her back. She’d honestly rather not have a direct view of him throughout the act, yet she’d crossed a line there was no going back from. Swearing she’d murder him once everything was said and done, she splayed her hind legs silently urged him to continue. “Atta girl,” he mused. Placing one forehoof to either side of her head, getting into position, his dick tauntingly glided over her sex. “Tell me how badly you want it…” The nerve of his request was almost enough to have her throw in the towel - almost. Refusing to meet his eyes, she swallowed hard. “I...I…” “Yes…?” he pressed, leaning in. “I...I want…” her heart thundered in her chest. “Want what…” he whispered, his breath tickling her nose. The heat of his throbbing stallionhood on her loins, his tone, how his wings danced over her, it was all too much to bear. Under the relentless assault, she broke. Staring up at him, caving to her licentious wants, she gave him what he asked for. “I want you to - Mmmph?!” her plea was cut woefully short, as he pressed his lips to hers and sank his cock into her needy cunt. The combination of kiss and intrusion nearly made her cum on the spot. She was putty in his hooves, no better than some lustful filly on prom night, and he knew it. Her reticence crumbled, her passion soared, and she locked her fetlocks around his waist. Buck it, if she was going to let the stud get away with it, for now, she was going to go all in. Lovingly making out with Dash, Zephyr pressed his tongue into her mouth. The vehemence of her words moved him, spurring him to plow her like a field in spring. Bracing his hind legs, pumping his waist forward and back, he slowly began picking up speed. Lurching with the impetus of his thrusts, deeply french kissing the stallion above her, Dash did what she could to repay his efforts. Rhythmically clamping down upon his divine tool, squeezing him on the backstrokes, she pawed at his back. Every plunge sent the head of his shaft crashing against her womb, sending sparks of ecstasy through her. It was, beyond all reasoning, the best fucking she’d ever received. “Sweet Celestia, Rainbows, you feel so good,” Zephyr admitted, giving himself a brief pause from the make-out session to amorously neck her. The comment, while sweet and profoundly arousing, was a momentary distraction for Dash. Clutching the sides of his head, bringing him back to her face, she stared into his bewitchingly alluring eyes. “H...harder,” she wheezed, before pulling him in to continue their kiss. Zephyr acquiesced, redoubling his efforts. Rutting her like the prized breeding stud he knew he was, his balls slapped against her sculpted glutes. Relishing her snug confines, his medial ring Popped in and out of her taut entrance. She was simply perfect, from the velvety embrace of her marehood to the way she bucked her waist to meet him. Save for the steady Plap Plap Plap of flesh upon flesh, and the muted groans of pleasure, the room was deathly silent. In a way, the sinful sounds were a perfect reflection of the scene. Two creatures, giving in to their lecherous cravings, sating one another like wild beasts. Pulling his head back, inadvertently undoing his well-kept mane, Zephyr reared back. After waiting so, so long for the opportunity to bed the mare of his dreams, his endurance was tested and found lacking. His lustrous, golden hair flowed around his face, as he peered at his pegasus paramour. “I...I’m not sure h...how much longer I can last…” he muttered, fighting valiantly against his impending release. Gazing up at him, Dash was granted a fleeting glimpse of paradise. She couldn’t recall ever seeing him with his hair down, but she quickly understood why. How his mane cascaded to either side of his adonic visage, the way his chest heaved with, the glistening sweat on his hide - it was like looking at an angel. The seraphic sight hammered the final blow, utterly undoing her. Every muscle about her frame seized, as she was wracked with the most cataclysmic orgasm she’d ever known. Her marehood convulsed, squirting a deluge of her nectar around the pulsing stallionhood jackhammering her. Slipping into the tempestuous sea of rapture, she howled out in bliss. Nothing could rival the nirvana she’d found - or so she thought. Dash’s symphony pushed Zephyr beyond the brink. Whether it was because of divine inspiration, keen instinct, or just dumb luck, he leapt into action. Pinning her forehooves to either side of her head, his face shot forward to give her one final kiss. As their tongues entwined, he rammed his hips forward and hilted. Enrapt by bliss, he grunted triumphantly into her mouth. Tears streamed down his face, a testament to the overwhelming joy which welled within him. As the veritable tsunami of cum surged through his shaft, his eyelids drifted closed. The flow of time itself slowed for Dash, as Zephyr flared within her. Locked against her cervix, pulsating violently, his stallionhood bathed her womb in his seed. The heat and pressure against her inner gate, coupled with the fact that she’d been pinned, caused her climax to redouble in strength. The total ruination of her senses, driven by an unfathomable amount of pleasure, left her on the cusp of blacking out. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of heaven, he moved his head to the side and rested on her shoulder. Beyond satisfied, it was all she could do to fitfully twitch and breathe. The two lay frozen, one on top of the other, as they slowly recovered. Gradually, a sublime post-coitus stupor settled over them. Done with its duty, Zephyr’s stallionhood softened and flopped from Dash’s abused and battered entrance. As if flopped free from her marehood, a deluge of spunk gushed to the hardwood floor below. “N...not too bad, huh?” he croaked, wearily glancing down at her. Offering a shuddering nod, Dash stared up at the ceiling. To think a stallion - let alone Zephyr, of all ponies - could deliver such physical joys was incomprehensible. It wasn’t long before the insidious notions of shame crept back to her thoughts, though they lacked the strength they once held. Pushing herself up, she unsteadily got to her hooves. “A...any bright ideas on how to get out?” she stuttered, hoping he wouldn’t ask for another immediate round. Nodding, Zephyr hopped from the crates and stood. Shambling to the exit, he reached out, turned the handle and pulled. The door swung inward, revealing the hallway outside and the keys he’d dropped before entering. One of Dash’s eyes twitched, as she peered through the open archway. Somehow, perhaps having presumed she was trapped, she’d failed to realize it was a one way door. Issuing an incomprehensible string of curses under her breath, with an unsteady gait, she trotted out. “Rainbows!” Zephyr called out, causing her pace to falter. As she turned, looking back at him, he held a hoof to the side of his head. ‘Call me,’ he silently mouthed, shooting her a wink. “Gah!” she bleated, breaking into a gallop and heading towards the closest fire escape. Shakily peeking over his shoulder, Zephyr’s eyes went alight. Something told him he’d be hearing from her again; but even if she didn’t, he’d have a memento. Moving back to the boxes of merchandise, he stooped down and retrieved her discarded uniform. Neatly stowing it on his custodial cart, before snatching up a mop resting in the corner, put readied to work. Yeah, taking the job at the Wondbolts headquarters was definitely the best decision he’d ever made…