> Friendship Is Magic > by Buttery Biscuit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Friendship is Magic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A purple alicorn flew through a small human town with a huge smile on her face. She stood in the middle of the street and using her magic levitated a nearby box to stand on. "Gather around every poney." She said, gesturing come over with her hooves. The humans looked at one another, it was like she was ripped straight from a cartoon. It was creepy the way her smile stretched across her face but they gathered around her anyway. She was interesting and maybe they'd get something cool out of it. "I'd like us all to be friends. Won't you accept my friendship? I promise it'll be worth it. You get to have magic." Her smile widened in length and width, and it covered all her face. While she was creepy there wasn't any other reason to deny her offer. "You can give us magic?" Asked a random woman from the crowd of humans. She made her way to the front of the group so she could talk to this...thing. "Yes I can, all you have to do is agree to be my friend," Twilight said, sticking her hoof out towards this random human woman. She looked back at her fellow humans. They nodded eagerly, they would get superpowers out of this. Maybe they'd be able to fly or turn invisible, anything was possible with magic. She took Twilight's hoof in her hand, “I’ll be your friend, my name is Hellen.” "No, no I need you all to agree to be my friend." She said pomfing out her pair of wings, she was so excited for what was to come. She couldn’t wait until they all said yes. "If you ALL agree I'll give you magic." The group nodded in agreement all at once. "Great, my name is Twilight Sparkle Princess of Friendship. You'll be my subjects now." She said, in tandem with a group of agonizing screams. Twilight watched as terror came across the human's faces, their fingers and toes started to retract into their hands and feet. She could see them trying to claw against the ground but with their hands now hooves they couldn’t grab much of anything. It was funny the way their bodies twisted with pain. She could hear their bones break and shatter into pieces as they reformed into their new shapes. Knees are now stifles, heels and ankles are now horse hocks. She watched their neck bones violently shatter only to reform and become crane-like. The bone's not needed by their new bodies were expelled out by force, tearing through muscle and skin wherever it could. They wouldn't be needing those anymore, no, not where she was taking them. Their bodies twitched and spasmed as their spine broke into three sections. The unneeded part pierced through the skin and muscle on their backs. Tears from the humans now mixed with the blood on the ground making it slightly more liquidy. See, their spines, they had to be shorter for this to work. Of course, it would work, Twilight was a genius. Oh the screams of agony, it hurt now but it wouldn't later, they would be just fine later. Twilight smiled to herself as she looked down at the blood and extra bones, maybe she could find something to do with the bones. Something nice, like some kind of wind chime, or maybe a sculpture of some sort. She watched the muscle start to shift into place, it should be over soon. She tapped her hooves on the ground, come on already, she thought to herself. She watched as clavicles softened into a soft tissue. Their hands and feet muscles started to harden inside them. They didn't need all that muscle there, what was needed was a sort of spring system made of tendons and ligaments. That's what they were going to get, and it would make them happy. Just a few more changes and they would be their true selves. The hair on their heads changed into mains of all colors and sizes. Skin hardened into hide and turned into bright pastel colors. A bright light covered their flanks cutie marks appearing onto them after. They all kept screaming, oh how they screamed, like that would help them now. Plus the screaming was a good sign, that means it's working. The humans...no the ponies. They are ponies now. The ponies started throwing up huge batches of blood the outside changed, it was time for the inside to change too. Their stomachs split into two, oh the sound it made. So odd, a muffled wet squish. It is much better than the shattering of bones. Their eyes rolled into the back of their heads as their vision shifted. Their eyes had to adjust of course, from predator to prey. Their vision now being able to complete an arch. Their hearts shifted inside them, growing a tad it would have to be able to beat about three hundred times per minute. Their lungs will also need to grow a bit, she could hear the sloshing of blood grow to an end, the organs had shifted into more appropriate places. Then it was over. Twilight approached what used to be Hellen, "what is your name?" "Oh, twilight you're so silly I'm Lyra, Lyra Heartstring." "Oh just teasing." She said as she started to cast the spells she had been working on. The ponies rose in a purple hue. "I want you to go around and ask every person you see to be your friend." See this spell would respond to acceptance. As soon as any human did it, the change would start. No one would remember a thing, except for her. It was a full proof plan. Somewhere there was a mirror to another world. It was to a barren wasteland, though it wasn’t always like that. It looked like it had died a long time ago, or something terrible had happened to it, Equestria was its name. I mean earth, that's earth, obviously. Who told you that was Equestria? This is Equestria, where we are now, is Equestria. It’s always been Equestria. There was no previous Equestria. "With the magic of friendship, Equestria will always exist. Always, and so will friendship. Isn't that right guys?" Twilight said, turning around towards Apple Jack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. Her friends smiled at her, alive and well. They were no longer dead. They were right here. With the magic of friendship, they will always be right here, with her. "Always." They said in unison smiling so wide it stretched to their ears. Always