The Rise of Vampire Sunset

by Brian Sheil

First published

A short story about how a gentle villager became a powerful vampire

Sunset Shimmer was thrown out of her village by paranoid villagers. She came to a strange looking mansion, and met a dreamy looking young man. Little does she know that he’s going to give her eternal life. Because, he’s a vampire!

How Vampire Sunset Came To Be

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In a strange mansion at the Everfree Forest, a lone figure stands at a balcony. It was a lovely young woman with wavy red hair with yellow streaks. She wore a beautlful long sleeve dark teal dress and black shoes. She looks up into the sky and sees the moon. As she smiled, two of her teeth are actually pointed fangs. Her name is Sunset Shimmer. And, she's a vampire.

"Sunset!" The voice of a young man said. "Where are you, my dear?"

"I'm at the balcony, Flash." Sunset replied.

Soon, a young yellow skinned man with blue hair and wearing a deep gray tuxedo walked up to Sunset. His name is Flash Sentry, the owner of the mansion. And, he's a vampire too.

"Looking at the full moon?" Flash asked.

"I hope you don't mind." Sunset replied. "It's such a beautiful night, I thought I could enjoy it."

Flash places his arm on top of her shoulder with admiration. "For beings like us, this is a moment of enjoyment."

The two vampires looked at the star filled sky, admiring the beauty of the atmosphere.

"A kind of night that takes you back to how it all began for you." Flash said, proudly.

"I agree." Sunset replied, feeling joy inside her soul. "I remember that night. It was about two months ago when I was forced to leave my home village."


Wearing a white button short sleeve shirt, purple skirt, and gray shoes, Sunset left her home village with tears in her eyes.

This is the worst nightmare ever suffered. Sunset thought. Where am I going to go?

As the morning turned into afternoon, Sunset wandered into the Everfree Forest for an hour. As she sat to catch her breath, she heard a growl from the trees in front of her. Sunset hid behind a tree and saw what was making the growl. It was a wooden beast called a timber wolf. Even though it's made of wood, it's still dangerous. Taking off her shoes, she moved quietly through the woods so that the timber wolf and other creatures don't hear her. After another thirty minutes, she soon sees a mansion. And, she got confused.

A mansion in the middle of the forest? Sunset thought in a confused manner. I must be getting sick.

Soon, she was approached by a young man wearing a midnight blue trenchcoat. It was Flash Sentry. He sees the wandering maiden, and got curious.

"Good afternoon." Flash greeted elegantly. "What's a charming looking lady like you doing in these dangerous woods?"

"I just ran away from a village far from here." Sunset sobbed. "I got kicked out of there by my parents. I can't believe that they would do this to me!"

Sunset cried as she fell to her knees. Flash decided to give her comfort. "Please, don't cry. Perhaps what you need is a place to live."

Wiping the tears from her eyes, Sunset soon got interested. "You know where I can go?"

"You probably saw that mansion over there."

Sunset saw that mansion, and nodded to the strange young man.

"I live in that mansion." Flash informed.

"Really?" Sunset said, feeling a little relief.

"Yes. I would like you to live with me for a while."

Smiling, Sunset followed the strange young man to the mansion. Inside, the maiden is impressed by the size of the place.

“Wow!” Sunset gasped, “This place is amazing.”

“This mansion has been in my family for generations.” Flash explained. “Sometimes, relatives come to visit. But, I do get lonely from time to time.”

Sunset feels sorry for her strange host. “So, you live here on your own. You must be lonely.” She pits her head on his shoulder. “I feel so bad for you.”

“Don’t feel bad for me, Miss Sunset. I have my servants to keep me company.” He looks at Sunset with interest. She feels bad for me? Hmm. There might be a place for her in my family.

She was then taken to a guest room by Moondancer, one of Flash Sentry’s servants.

“Make yourself at home.” Moondancer said elegantly.

“Thank you.” Sunset replied as she laid down on the bed. “Ah. This bed feels very good.”

“It’s not often my master had visitors.” Moondancer said as she leaves the room. “Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes.”

As the servant leaves the room, Sunset enjoys the atmosphere. This is a bit better than the bed back at my old home.

During dinner time, Flash Sentry enjoyed Sunset's company. He was eating a tender fillet mignon while Sunset ate a platter of roasted vegetables.

"Sorry that you're not a meat person." Flash said.

"Don't be." Sunset relied happily. "Where did you get these fresh vegetables anyway?"

"I make occasional visits to farmer's markets when I do my errands. You may not believe this. But, I am a very respectful person to many."

The maiden smiled, knowing she's in good company. Later that night, Sunset left the bathroom after brushing her teeth and showering up when she noticed a door open in the hallway. She peeked in, and saw Flash Sentry looking at the moon through the window. Suddenly, he turned around and hissed angrily. Sunset got startled. Especially when she saw his eyes glowing red and displayed two fangs. Soon, his fangs retracted and his eyes stopped glowing when he saw his visitor.

"Oh, Sunset." Flash realized. "I didn't know it was you."

"You-you-you're...a....a vampire." Sunset discovered.

"I'm afraid so." Flash felt bad about this moment. "I'm sorry you had to see me like this."

After calming down, Sunset got curious. "This is a confusing situation. If you're a vampire, how come you weren't affected by the daytime?"

Flash soon gave her an explanation. "I'm what you call a purebred vampire."

"A purebred?"

"Right. Unlike those old fashioned vampires, purebreds are not affected by sunlight. That's how it's been for my family."

"I get it." Sunset figured. "Purebreds can move about like regular people. It's probably at night where their true vampire powers come out."

"You catch on very quick." Flash replied, feeling relief. "Just don't spread the word around if you travel outside the mansion."

"Don't worry. You can trust me to keep a secret."

The next day, Flash left his mansion to walk about at a nearby town, wearing a blue business suit with a black tie and brown shoes. Sunset Shimmer walks with him. She wears an orange ruffled shirt, long red skirt and yellow shoes.

"Thanks for the new clothes." Sunset said with gratitude.

"You're welcome." Flash replied gratefully. "I figured that you can use some new clothes. Fortunately for me, one of my cousins gave me some clothes she doesn't wear anymore. This outfit looks good on you."

Sunset blushed, hearing that nice comment. At a table near a diner, the happy couple sat down and continued their talk.

"One thing that bothers me, Flash." Sunset wondered.

"And, what that may be, my friend?" Flash asked.

"Vampires usually attack people to suck their blood."

"That's true. However, for generations, no member of my family woud do such a thing. We are very respected by normal people."

This left Sunset confused. "If you're a vampire," she asked quietly, "where do you get your blood?"

Flash answered her just as quiet. "Blood is given to my family by hospitals and blood banks. I find their nutritional value most satisfactory. We do favors for the medical community so that we earn our blood."

This made Sunset feel a little better. Later that night, wearing the outfit she came in with, Sunset looked at the moon, and smiled. Suddenly, her door opened. She turned, and saw Flash wearing a tank top and dark gray sleep shorts.

"What brings you here, Flash?" Sunset asked.

Forgive me for this, Miss Shimmer. Flash thought. But, it's time for me to welcome you to my family, properly.

Flash slowly approached Sunset. She saw his eyes glowing red, and is looking like she's being hypnotized, He slowly slipped out of his tank top, exposing his bare chest.

Oh my. He's got a sturdy looking chest. Sunset thought, falling for his charm. He is so handsome. And, so trim.

Slowly, Sunset unzipped her purple skirt, and let it fall on the floor. Then, she unbuttoned her white shirt. Flash saw her in her red bra and panties, and is amazed.

She has a good looking body. Flash noticed to himself. Sunset, you're going to be in ecstasy.

The young maiden unhooked her bra, exposing her firm breasts. Flash looked at her lovingly.

"Are you ready, my love?" Flash asked seductively.

Sunset nodded in response. The two people soon embraced each other in a passionate kiss. Their tongues danced as their bodies rubbed against each other. Flash broke off the kiss as he kissed one of her breasts, sucking on the nipple. Sunset moaned passionately as he sticks his hand in her underpants, rubbing the area. She was gasping as he continued to love her. They resumed kissing each other. Flash soon brushed some of her hair from her neck. He then opened his mouth, exposing his fangs, and slowly clamped down on her neck. Sunset gasped in shock. Holding on to him, tears came down from Sunset's eyes as blood started to drip down from the holes made from Flash Sentry's fangs.

Sunset sat down on a chair, still partially naked, and still bleeding a little from the bite on her neck. Flash bit on his wrist, and sucked some of his own blood, but kept the blood in his mouth. He approached Sunset and kissed her passionately, transferring his blood into her body. She soon slowly opened her eyes, and noticed there was blood coming from her mouth. As she gasped in shock, two of her teeth became fangs as her eyes glowed red. She looked at Flash, who smiled proudly at her. "Welcome to my family." He said in a seductive mood.

Sunset was confused. But, she then smile wickedly. "Thank you, my love."

Flash and Sunset accepted each other on that day.

End of Flashback

"That was the moment that I became part of your family." Sunset said proudly. She looked at her lover. "I think you're the best thing that could've happened to me."

"Thank you, Sunset." Flash replied gratefully. "You and I make a great couple. And, we help others when danger threatens any innocent soul."

Suddenly, they hear a scream in the forest. Reacting, Sunset and Flash zipped down to the ground and head for the forest. They saw a young girl with blond hair and wobbly eyes. Sunset recognizes her.

"Hey, that's Derpy Hooves." Sunset realized. "She's one of the people from my old home who's a true friend."

Behind the girl, were three maidens wearing crimson gowns. Flash recognizes them. "It's the Siren Trio. Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk, and Aria Blaze. Those three like to bewitch their victims." Flash prepared for battle. "Come on, Sunset. Let's stop those despicable dames!"

The three evil Sirens have Derpy cornered. The helpless girl got scared.

"There's no way out." Adagio said wickedly. "Now, all Aria has to do is to summon a timber wolf."

"It'll be my pleasure." Aria agreed.

As Aria starts to growl, Flash and Sunset stepped in to save Derpy.

"Flash Sentry!" Sonata screamed. "A member of that purebred vampire family!"

"Leave that girl alone!" Flash demanded.

"Or what?" Adagio said sarcastically. "One vampire doesn't stand a chance against the three of us."

Sunset steps in to join Flash. Her eyes glowed red as she speaks to the trio. "How about two?"

"Su-Su-Sunset Shimmer?" Derpy said nervously. "Is that you?"

"That's right, Derpy. Don't panic. We can handle these three."

The Sirens look at the vampire couple. Then, they realize that they may be outmatched.

"Maybe we better leave for now." Adagio suggested. "I got a feeling this new vampire might be trouble."

The Sirens then left the area. The vampire couple and Derpy felt a little relief. Later, a horse driven cart came. A doctor lead Derpy, who was strapped into a straitjacket, into the cart.

"Those blasted Sirens are always known to leave their victims in a rattled state." The doctor said. "Two days at our facility will calm you down. Then, you'll be taken back to your home village."

"Thank you, doctor." Derpy said with a little relief.

The doctor then took Derpy to the next town, and to a mental facility. Flash and Sunset look on with relief.

"The doctor was grateful that we were there to help my old friend." Sunset said happily.

"I told you my family gained respect from others." Flash indicated. "Now, you're part of my clan."

The two vampires hugged each other, grateful for a moment like this.