> Maid For Pleasure > by FreeFire242 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Three Mares & One Lucky Stallion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bright glow of Celestia's sun filled the horizon and cast a golden light over the valley below as it crested the large mountain range in the distance. Another beautiful day of life was beginning in the valley where the small town of Ponyville sat. Birds sang and various creatures awoke from their nightly slumbers as the cool evening surrendered to the warming radiance of day. Ponies awoke and began their morning routines as the warming light of the sun washed over the small town and signaled the start of a new day. Soon, the streets were alive with activity as ponies greeted one another and went about their daily business. Truly, another wonderful day had begun for many creatures in the valley. A single beam of sunlight managed to angle its way past the thick curtains which covered the large windows of Silver Dawn's bedroom. The stallion groaned and shifted a bit in bed as the shaft of light fell upon his face and slowly awoke him from a deep sleep. With a yawn, Dawn opened his eyes and looked around the room before casting his gaze upon the clock which sat on the nightstand next to his bed. The white, glowing numbers on the clock's face told Dawn that it was 7 AM which meant that it was time for him to get up. A blue magical aura gripped the top of the covers and pulled them back before Dawn's hooves hit the floor, echoing in the large room. The mirror which hung on the wall across the room reflected back the image of a unicorn stallion with white fur and a dark black mane. A tired sigh left the stallion's mouth as he opened up the curtains in his room with his magic before heading to the bathroom to get ready for the day. As usual, he had a lot of work to get to. Silver Dawn was a hard working stallion who started and founded a successful tech company which produced magic powered communication technology for both the Equestrian military as well as the public sector. The staple item which had propelled his company forward into great success was known as the Electronic Channel Honing Oracle or ECHO device. These devices fit well on most ponies and worked as a communication device and mobile computer. Needless to say, they were a big hit across Equestria and Dawn had come to profit greatly from their development. With his newly earned wealth, Silver Dawn had commissioned a mansion to be built on the northern side of Ponyville where he would be close enough to town while still maintaining some privacy. For a while, Silver Dawn was happy with his fortune and the large home which he had built but as time went on he began to realize that it was all a bit much for one pony. Keeping such a home clean was a challenge for one pony who was busy most days and Dawn felt that it would be nice to have some additional company. So, with that plan in mind, Dawn had placed an ad in the Ponyville newspaper (three days prior) stating that he was looking for three capable mares that would be willing to work as maids in his home. It was 11 AM and Dawn was working in his home office when he heard the doorbell give off a loud chime. Wondering who it could be, Dawn stood to his hooves and made his way down the stairs to answer the door. "This had better not be one of those damn traveling salesponies again..." Silver said aloud as he reached the base of the stairs and headed for the door. After a few moments the large door of the mansion slowly opened inward before Dawn looked outside to see who was there and why they had called him away from his work. The sight of three rather attractive mares caught the unicorn's attention first before he noticed one of the mares carrying a newspaper clipping of his ad with her magic. The largest mare in the group, a red earth pony mare, was the first to speak up. "Hello! My friends and I saw your ad in the paper and we thought it would be the perfect opportunity for all of us to work together. Are you still looking for three maids?" The other two mares, a green unicorn and a purple pegasus, looked at Silver Dawn with hopeful gazes while waiting for his answer. "Well, you three are in luck," Dawn stated with a smile "The job is still open and all positions are available for you three if you're interested." All three mares beamed with excitement and nodded enthusiastically as they looked at the stallion standing in front of them. With a single hoof gesture and a few words, Silver Dawn invited the trio into his home before shutting the door. Over the course of a few months, all three mares had proven their worth by keeping the mansion clean and in order while also acting as companions for Silver Dawn. The red earth pony mare, Swoon Song, had been happy to work for Silver and introduce him to her two friends. Fond Feather, the pegasus in the group, was a rather shy mare who enjoyed gardening and nature. Naturally, she had been the one to work on the landscaping around Dawn's home. The last mare in the group whom Dawn had gotten to know well was a green unicorn by the name of Dear Darling. She would usually assist Swoon Song in cleaning different parts of the house but her clear passion and talent was for cooking. All-in-all, Silver Dawn's home life had improved leagues since before he had met the trio and he was happy to continue paying each of them. One thing which Silver Dawn didn't know was that the mares which he had hired weren't just in it for the money. The three of them had moved to Ponyville in hopes of finding a suitable stallion or multiple stallions in the best case. Unfortunately, they found out too late that Ponyville was a town of mostly mares with very few suitable bachelors around. That was until they had come across Silver's ad in the paper and decided to do some research into who the stallion was. Much to their surprise and joy, the three ponies found out that Silver was a successful stallion who did not have a partner. So, like sharks smelling blood in the water, the trio of thirsty mares had made their move. The problem which Swoon Song and her two friends had come across while working for Dawn was the fact that he wasn't an easy to read stallion. Even though the unicorn stallion was a good looking gentlecolt who could hold a conversation, he wasn't very public with his personal interests or desires. The other problem was the fact that he wasn't good at telling when he was being flirted with. Song, Feather, and Darling had all tried doing it in indirect ways but the colt just didn't seem to notice. Faced with these problems, the three mares decided to step their game up in getting Dawn to fall for them. As fate would have it, they would soon find their stallion's desire. The day had started out like any other with all three mares waking up, washing, and getting dressed in their maid outfits before going about their respective duties around the house. Swoon Song cleaned up around the mansion, Fond Feather tended to the garden outside, and Dear Darling assisted her earth pony friend before making some lunch. Silver Dawn was out at work and so the three mares ate lunch together and chatted while enjoying their break. What the three didn't know was that the food which Darling had cooked up would give them some rather bad gas. By the time Dawn arrived back at his home, Song and her friends were feeling the rather unpleasant effects of their lunch which had partially digested and built up as quite a bit of gas. Silver Dawn walked through the front door of the house and sighed happily as he made his way over to the living room. After a long day, he just wanted to relax on the couch and read a book while his three maids went about their business. After grabbing a book and sitting down, Dawn watched as Fond Feather dusted off some of the tables in the living room. The maid uniforms which the mares wore happened to be rather tight and form fitting with the skirt portion really doing a good job at showing off each mare's plot. Now, even though Dawn was a professional stallion he was still a stallion and would sometimes catch himself staring at one of the three mare's plots. At this point in time, Silver Dawn was enjoying the view of Ms. Feather's plot while she dusted off a book shelf near him. Just as Dawn had tilted his head down to look at the book that he intended to read, he heard a rather strange sound come from Fond Feather's direction. Psssssssfffffft~ A faint pop followed by a soft hissing sound like air being let out of a tire caught Dawn's attention. It only lasted about four seconds but that was enough time for him to look over and identify where the noise was coming from. Much to his surprise, Fond Feather's tail was raised and her tight plothole was partially opened as she vented a small portion of the painful pressure in her stomach. Before Dawn could think too much about it, the smell hit him next. An odor of decomposing grass quickly began to smell faintly more like rotten veggies as Feather blushed and swished her tail behind her plot to try and fan away some of her smelly gas. What the purple pegasus mare didn't know was that in doing this, she was fanning some of her flatulence right towards Dawn. "Um... Mr. Dawn are you okay?" The soft, silky voice of Fond Feather broke Dawn from his partially entranced state which had him staring right at Feather's plot. A blush quickly swept up across the unicorn's face and he quickly clamored for words in his mind before speaking. "Oh...uh....yeah just make sure you get all that gas off the table. I mean dust!" Silver Dawn facehoofed internally with the force of 1000 suns as he realized what he just said. Fond Feather simply blushed a bit and nodded as she turned and went back to cleaning. Plaaaarrrppt! No more than ten seconds later another sound caught Dawn's attention as he opened his book. The unmistakable sound of flatulence came from a room somewhere up on the second story of the mansion. A new wave of surprise and arousal shot through the stallion as he saw Swoon Song descend the stairs a few seconds later. The mare clearly hadn't noticed that Dawn was back home yet and she let out a sigh before speaking. "Ugh... I'm telling you Fond, whatever Darling made us for lunch is giving me the worst gas." A sharp gasp came from the red earth pony mare who raised a hoof to her mouth in shock as she looked down and saw both her friend and her boss looking up at her. If Swoon wasn't colored red naturally then she would have been blushing enough to turn her whole face red. By this point, Silver Dawn was using every tactic that he could to try and suppress his arousal as he had now witnessed and heard two mares rip flank. "It's fine Swoon, don't even worry about it," said Dawn as calmly as he could while trying to fight back his growing arousal. The strong musk of Silver Dawn's arousal began to fill the air around him as the flared head of his stallionhood started to emerge from its sheathe. Fond Feather, who was standing closest to the stallion, picked up on his scent first before turning her head. With a quick glance, she caught sight of Dawn's emerging member which both confused and aroused her. Then, that was when it hit her, Dawn had only gotten really aroused recently due to the fact that both Swoon and herself had farted. A faint smile spread across Feather's muzzle as she planned to confirm her little theory first before telling her friends. "Would you mind if I cleaned off the coffee table here sir? It's looking a little dusty," said Fond Feather as she walked over to the table in front of Dawn. The stallion was still a bit flustered and simply told the pegasus mare to "go right ahead," before he placed his book back on his lap. Fond Feather smiled and swished her tail before walking right in front of Dawn and bending down to clean the table. She soon felt her stomach grumble as more gas made its way towards her rear. Dawn couldn't help but look at Feather's plot which was practically right in his face as she dusted off the table in front of him. With enough gas finally built up, Fond Feather relaxed and let loose a virtually silent stream of stinky flatulence right next to Dawn's face. Plurffffsssssssssssstttt Within the first half second of Fond Feather's fart, Dawn felt his sense of smell invaded by a far more pungent odor than he had experienced earlier. The air behind the pegasus mare's skirt-clad plot began to turn warm and become saturated with the pungent scent of rotten veggies as she continued to slowly release the foul air from her plothole. After about six seconds of sustained flatulence, Fond Feather sighed happily let her tail fall back down before she finished up "dusting off the table." Fond then blushed and trotted away happily, leaving behind a very dense cloud of stinky pony gas and an incredibly aroused stallion. Silver Dawn could no longer contain his arousal as he felt his large stallion cock slide out of its sheathe the rest of the way. With his member out in the open and the musky scent of his arousal sure to catch the attention of any nearby mare, Dawn quietly excused himself and went back to his room. He wasn't quite sure if any of the mares had noticed how aroused he had become from their antics but he hoped that everything would be normal the next day. Little did he know; Fond Feather was already revealing her rather interesting findings with her two friends who all giggled and made plans for the next day. > Chapter 2: Let the Fun Begin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One lucky stallion's life had changed for the better since he had decided to hire three rather attractive mares as live-in maids for his estate. For many months things had gone normally for Silver Dawn but that all had changed one day when his very private kink had been discovered by a rather curious pegasus mare named Fond Feather. The very night of that same day, she had revealed it to her two friends who all had a laugh about it until they realized that Ms. Feather was serious. That night, Dawn tried to get some rest and forget the fact that he may have just revealed a rather private and (from what he believed) shameful part of his life to a mare that he cared about. However, for the first few hours of the night, peaceful rest was anything that he got. The loud sounds of flatulence being expelled from three mare's plots echoed throughout the mansion and made its way to Dawn's ears. This rather smelly performance continued on and off for around two hours until each of the three had gone off to bed for the evening. Seeing as he wouldn't be getting any rest if he just tried to hold his arousal in, Dawn pleasured himself to the mares before heading off to bed. Morning came early the next day for Swoon Song, Fond Feather and Dear Darling as they had decided to wake up before their master in order to make a special meal for themselves. The beans which the three had eaten the prior day was added to the rest of the little breakfast meal which Darling happily made in the kitchen. After about half an hour the three were done eating and they decided to go about their daily chores and wait for Darling's cooking to work its magic. It didn't take too long and before the mares knew it, a rather large amount of hot and uncomfortable pressure had built up in their stomachs. By the time Dawn awoke, it was 8 AM and the sun was once again shining into his room. The stallion glanced at the clock once and then looked over at his door only to see that it was open. Just as he started to removed the covers from his body he heard faint humming and the sound of running water coming from the large bathroom which was connected to his room. As Dawn's hooves met the floor, a loud sound broke him from his inquisitive concentration. BLLRRRRAAAABBBLPLPLTTT! The unmistakable sound of a very wet and bassy fart reverberated throughout the bathroom and Dawn's master bedroom for around 5 seconds. What followed this sound was a feminine sigh of relief before a green unicorn mare wearing a maid outfit came into view. "Darling what wa-" was all that Dawn got out of his mouth before the unicorn mare in front of him yelped in surprise before dropping most of the used towels that she had balanced on her back. The white unicorn stallion backed up in surprise and raised a front hoof to his chest instinctively as Dear Darling fell down to the bedroom floor on her side. "Woah...are you okay Ms. Darling?" Dawn asked with a concerned look on his face as he glanced back over towards the bathroom before leaning down and helping her up. The mare in front of him was an embarrassed, blushy mess but she managed to reply, "Oh, I'm so sorry about that Master Dawn. I just didn't think you would be up yet and it startled me to see you all the sudden." Dawn replied that it was okay before asking what the loud sound was that he heard in the bathroom. "Oh that...um...I uh...dropped some bottles of shampoo on the floor and my hoof slipped," said Dear Darling with a not-so-convincing liars smile. Silver Dawn could easily tell that the mare was lying but he already had a pretty good idea what she had done. So, after asking Darling if his bath was ready he headed into the bathroom as she finished picking up the towels. He turned his head back as he heard the door close to his room before taking two more steps into the now steamy and humid bathroom environment. That was when the smell hit the stallion in the nose like a ton of bricks. The overwhelming stench of rotten and digested vegetables hung in the air like a heavy cloud and was made worse by the humid environment. Two things began to happen as the stallion waved a hoof through the air to try and fan away some of Darling's incredibly pungent gas. First, Dawn felt his stallionhood begin to slide from its sheath once again as blood rushed down to his nether region. The second thing which happened involved Dawn wondering how such a cute and attractive mare could produce such a sound and nasty smell from her plot. He had watched Dear Darling clean before and noticed that she was quite the attractive mare with a really nice plot. Never did he expect that she had the ability to rip flank like a full grown horse. The unicorn stallion shook the thoughts from his head as he climbed into the warm bath and relaxed. If this was the only incident that happened today then he wouldn't have to worry. About 30 minutes later, Dawn had dried off and gotten his mane presentable before he headed out of his room to get some breakfast. Fond Feather was at the door taking some mail from Derpy who had come by to drop some off for both Silver and the mares living with him. He didn't pay too much mind to it and thus didn't noticed as the purple pegasus mare took a larger package from Derpy before shutting the door and heading back to her room to put it away. Meanwhile, Dawn had made his way into the kitchen where Dear Darling was finishing up making his breakfast. He smiled and took a seat at the table before turning on the screen of his ECHO device to check some messages. A few moments later, Darling turned around and brought Silver Dawn his breakfast and some coffee to go with it. Dawn smiled and took a sip of the coffee before speaking to Darling saying, "Hey, Darling, sorry about startling you this morning. Just didn't know who was in my bathroom." Darling smiled and replied, "Oh it's alright Master Dawn. I'll wake you up next time I come in to ready your bath." He gave a nod and thanked her for breakfast before digging in on his food. While Dawn enjoyed his meal, Swoon Song and her other two friends met up in Fond Feather's room. Feather had already unboxed the package and taken out its contents which were three black chokers, 12 leg socks, and three tail binding bands. The three mares smirked at one another as they looked over the naughty lingerie spread out on the bed in front of them. Since it was their master's day off, they had the entire rest of the morning and afternoon to get him nice and ready for when their plan would be put into action. After putting the items away, the trio headed out of Feather's room and back into the living room. By the time the group had come out of the room, Dawn had finished up his meal and was reading the last of the messages on his hoof-mounted device. Swoon Song had a plan for how to get Silver Dawn and everypony else all in one place. Seeing as the mares had already completed all of their duties as maids for this part of the day, Swoon planned on asking her master if they could watch the new Daring Do movie which Darling had gotten in the mail from her parents as a gift. The red earth pony mare made her way over to the table just as Dawn shut off the screen on his ECHO device and looked up at her. She smiled sweetly before saying, "Oh, Master Dawn, I was wondering if since its your day off you would be willing to allow us to watch a movie. The girls and I have worked very hard this morning and would love to watch the new Daring Do movie with you." The white unicorn smirked and leaned back in his chair before pondering his answer for a few moments. Mere moments felt like an eternity to the red mare standing in front of him and she shifted on her hooves nervously before receiving her answer. "You know what, why not? We've all been working hard and I suppose taking some time to watch a movie might be nice," Silver Dawn stated with a benevolent smile. Swoon Song 'squeed' in happiness and rushed over to tell her friends the good news. As she walked away a sly grin crossed her muzzle; the plan was now in action. This stallion was theirs. Ten minutes later, everypony was upstairs in the movie room of Dawn's home. As the movie started, the lights dimmed and Dawn relaxed on nice full length couch which took up a good portion of the room. Since it was Fall and the weather was rather cold, each of the mares had an excuse to get nice and cozy with Dawn. If there was any doubt in Dawn's mind that these mares only viewed him as their boss then it was starting to erode away. Silver Dawn sat against the couch upright with Fond Feather and Dear Darling on each side of him, their warm plots pressing up against his flanks despite their maid skirts. Since the plan was Swoon Song's idea, she got the pleasure of sitting right in front of the stallion with her plot pressed right up against his crotch. Dawn didn't protest cause he was sure as hell enjoying it. Pretty soon the movie started and got right into the main story, as the movie's music played over the speakers Swoon looked at both her friends and thought, "let the fun begin.~" A few minutes into the movie all three mares were really feeling the pain from the gas that they were all trying to hold in. Each was a bit nervous about farting this close to their master as they were relying on the assumption and word of their pegasus friend. Who would be the first to rip flank right on Dawn? This question was soon answered as the sour odor of pony gas filled the air around the group. Ssssssssfffffffttt~ Dawn's eyes went wide as he felt a growing warmth against his left flank. The stallion spared a glance over at the small purple mare that it was coming from but she didn't seem to pay him any mind in return. A wave of arousal shot through Dawn's body and manifested in the form of his shaft once more coming out of its grey sheath. Swoon song placed a hoof over her mouth and 'eeped' quietly as she felt the flared head of Dawn's rather impressive cock pressing up against her rear. She worked to control her own arousal as the scent of stallion musk filled the air and mixed with the pungent odor of Fond Feather's flatulence. Soon, an action scene started which gave Darling the chance of release that she was looking for. With a small, mare-like grunt, the sexy unicorn released some of her gas. Bblllaaaaaarrrrrrpppt! The sudden warmth and vibrations generated from Dear Darling's less than lady-like fart made Dawn shudder in pleasure as he felt her pungent gas singe into his white fur. Within seconds, the very stinky smell of the unicorn mare's gas filled the air with an odor like a barrel full of rotten cabbage and broccoli that had been left out in the sun. Dawn let out an inaudible moan and shut his eyes as his member became harder and longer within seconds. Once again, Swoon Song fought to contain her urge to moan as she lifted up her plot slightly and let her master's long, hard cock slide up under her. The next sensation which Dawn experienced was the feeling of Swoon's warm plothole and rather wet marehood pressing up against the length of his shaft. At this point, any doubt of the three mare's feelings towards him had been obliterated and replaced with rather lewd thoughts on what they might be wanting him to do with them. Just as Dawn was thinking about this he was shocked back to reality as a very intense action scene started. Daring Do was being chased by a gang of rogue griffins with the boss wielding a large rocket launcher. "Wait-" thought the stallion, "last time there was a loud action scene Darling let loose on me...so that must mean.." The unicorn stallion didn't get the chance to complete his thought as the scene played out how it expected it would. The boss griffin shot the rocket launcher at Daring Do just as she jumped out of a window with the prized artifact. The resulting explosion of noise from the scene brought about a different explosion which vibrated and warmed Dawn's crotch intensely as Swoon Song let loose a bassy fart. Fssssshew!, Crash!, BOOOOOM!!! BBBBRRRRRRVVVRRRMMMAAAPT! Dawn shut his eyes once again and poorly stifled a moan as Swoon Song let rip with a special "song" of her own right on his throbbing stallionhood. Being so close, only Dawn was able to distinguish the sound of the explosion of gas from the rocket explosion in the movie. Next, the concentrated odor of the earth pony mare's fart filled Dawn's nostrils since she was sitting so close to him. Swoon knew what she was doing and shifted around on her plot to let out more of the concentrated flatus trapped under her plump rump. A heavy, earthy smell like decomposing grass, rotten veggies, and manure filled the air and soon spread over to the two nearby mares who proceeded to cover their muzzles with their hooves. To put it bluntly, the room absolutely reeked of rotten veggie scented pony gas by this point and for anypony else other than those present it would have been gag-worthy. Swoon Song slowly leaned back and let her back rest against her stallion's chest before she looked back up at him with an alluring expression which said, "I know what I just did, now do something about it.~" Whether it was hormones or his own subconscious, what Dawn did next even surprised him to a degree. The larger unicorn leaned in and planted a kiss on Swoon's soft, fuzzy neck before giving her a light love bite. A gasp of pleasure got the attention of the two other mares on each side of the couple who proceeded to shift their focus from the movie towards Silver Dawn. The next 30 minutes of the movie was a storm of kissing, grinding, rubbing, and moaning as the group of mares pleasured their sexy stud. Silver Dawn had completely thrown reservation and modesty out the window as he rubbed the length of his shaft up against the wet lips of Swoon's marehood while making out with Darling and pleasuring Feather with his magic. Before everyone knew it, the movie was over and the end credits were rolling. Fond Feather smirked as she felt another gas bubble make its way from her stomach to her plot. The pretty pegasus mare pushed her plot up against her stallion's side before letting rip. PRRRRAMMMPFFFSssss~ A satisfied (and maybe exaggerated) sigh left her lips as the smell of pungent, digested veggies filled the still very smelly room. She pulled her plot off of him and swished her tail before Dear Darling spoke up. "Oh, that was fun....but it really stinks in here now. Maybe we can take this downstairs and show Dawn our little surprise.~" Swoon Song broke the kiss she had going with Dawn, a string of saliva bridging the two ponies mouths before falling. The red mare nodded and replied with a soft, "Y-yeah...that sounds good. Then we can get to the real fun. I'm sure our stinky stallion here wants to punish us for being such naughty mares.~" With all parties agreeing on the next set of actions, everyone got up and made their way back down the stairs to the living room. Dawn's still very erect and rock-hard cock bounced and swayed under him as he made his way down the stairs with Fond Feather giving his hefty balls a lick. Everything around Dawn felt surreal in the moment and he wondered for a moment if this was all a dream. Thankfully, as his front hooves clopped against the hard wood of the first floor he knew that this was all very real. With a satisfied sigh, Dawn sat down on the large couch in the living room and leaned back like a king on his throne. He honestly felt like a king in the moment and chuckled as he remembered back to his school colt days when he had been told that he would never be able to find a mare for himself. Now he had three who were heading back to a room in his mansion get changed into new attire for his pleasure. "Oh how wrong they were Silver, how wrong they were," said the stallion with a smile as he closed his eyes and waited for his harem to return. Stay tuned for the third and final chapter~ > Chapter 3: Good Times & Gorgeous Mares > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Dawn sat on the couch in his living room, passively stroking his now fully erect stallionhood as he waited for his sexy trio of mares to return. He didn't have to wait long as the sound of the door to Fond Feather's bedroom opening once again tipped him off to the fact that they had changed and were ready to have some fun. Each mare appeared from around the corner and walked over to the middle of the room so that they could show off their new, sexy apparel to their master. Swoon Song, Fond Feather and Dear Darling had ditched their maid outfits and changed into something a bit sexier. Each mare wore lacy, black stockings, choker-collars, and tail bows which bound their tails up in such a way that Dawn would have better access to their pussies. Needless to say, this display greatly pleased the unicorn stallion who sat on the couch with a seductive smirk. Swoon Song and her two friends approached Dawn before sitting down on the couch with him. While Fond Feather and Darling pleasured their master's plump, warm balls and throbbing cock, Swoon Song leaned in and planted a passionate kiss on the stallion's lips before whispering, "So how does this big, bad stallion plan to punish his mares for being so naughty with him?~" Silver Dawn smirked back at the sexy earth pony mare and nuzzled her neck before whispering back, "How about we take this upstairs to my bedroom and you'll find out.~" A blush formed on her face and she nodded before letting her two preoccupied friends know what the plan was. Without a word, Dear Darling hovered a pouch over from a table across the room before opening it and producing three leashes. Dawn couldn't believe what he was seeing (but he sure as hell liked it) as each of the three mares attached a leash to their respective choker-collar before giving them over to him. The next thing Dawn knew, he was heading up the stairs while pulling three mares along by their leashes which were firmly held in his magical grip. Using a hoof, Dawn opened the door to his master bedroom before his harem of kinky mares followed him in. With a sexy smirk, Dawn got up onto the bed and laid back against the decorative display of pillows behind himself. With a tug on each leash the stallion beckoned each mare up onto the bed who all laid down on their stomachs facing him. "Now, before I get to pleasing you three I need you to do something for me first. I want you to push those sexy plots of yours right up against my shaft on all sides and grind against it. I'll let you know what to do next.~" The trio of mares in front of Dawn smirked and all stood up before moving over to where he was. Fond Feather shot the stallion a very sensual look as she bit her bottom lip and laid down on his right side while Dear Darling moved over to his left before laying down. Swoon Song laid down right in front of Dawn with her plot facing him which gave the unicorn an exceptional view of her winking marehood and plothole. Without a word, each mare scooted back until their master's cock was firmly wedged in between each of their pump plots. "Well, lets not keep our master waiting,~" said Swoon Song in a sultry voice before she and her two friends began to grind their sexy asses up and down the full length of Silver's shaft. All of the grinding began to arouse each mare even more as Dawn's rock-hard cock parted the wet lips of their pussies and brushed up against their sensitive clits. Dear Darling moaned like a slut and began to grind up against Dawn's shaft harder which only encouraged the other two mares to do the same as their lewd moans soon filled the room. The stallion under them let this continue for a few minutes before raising a hoof casually and announcing for the three of them to stop. Fond Feather let out a frustrated whimper as she begrudgingly ceased grinding up against her master's cock. An aura of blue magic surrounded each collar before the leash bit was removed and laid off to the side of the bed. "Now, I want all of you to rip flank as hard as you can against my shaft. The mare that impresses and arouses me the most will be the one that I breed first. So, show me what you can do.~" All three mares were still quite gassy since they had been holding back from fully letting loose in the closed off space of the movie room. Swoon song began using a hoof to massage her stomach to help push down more gas. Her friends took notice and began to do the same. While the three of them did this, Dawn continued to pleasure each pony as he used his magic to stimulate their warm and wet marehoods. After about two minutes Dawn heart a grumble coming from each mare's stomach as they held in their gas to let it build up. "Swoony, my love," said the unicorn stallion with a smirk, "Start us off and show me just how hard a sexy earth pony mare like you can fart.~" "Mmmnnf~ Careful what you ask for stud," said Swoon Song as she looked back behind herself at her master. "Earth ponies already can fart pretty loud and hard normally, buuuut~ I'm guessing you want to feel this one in your bones. Heh~ Allow me to oblige." The red, earth pony mare shut her eyes in concentration and grunted before loosening the grip on her plothole. BBBBBBBVVVVVRRRRRRMMMMAAAAAAAAPPPPTTTssssss-fffffrrrraaAAAAPPPPP!!! An unbelievably loud and violent explosion of hot, steamy flatulence blasted out of Swoon Song's plothole for around 17 seconds with all the force of a rocket lifting off. Silver Dawn knew that this mare could rip flank hard but this was on a whole different level! The stallion's entire cock shook like a vibrator up against the two other mares who looked on in disbelief as their friend let rip with a fart that could put a yak to shame. A warm cloud of very stinky pony gas surrounded Dawn's shaft with such density and thickness that small particles of Swoon's digested meal could be seen floating in the air. Finally, as she finished, the smell of Swoon's gas broke the group of ponies from their trance as an odor similar to a room full of decomposing grass and rotten vegetables invaded their nostrils without mercy. Both Fond Feather and Dear Darling covered their noses with their hooves and moaned in consternation as the smell slowly spread out from the group. In order to keep the group on the bed, Dawn used a minor wind spell to blow away the lingering cloud of gas to the middle of the room. Swoon Song giggled and blushed heavily as she looked back at her master. "S-sorry...did I overdo it?" Swoon asked with a sheepish grin as she used her shortened tail to brush off some of the "fart flakes" that had been practically singed onto Dawn's shaft. "That...was honestly amazing my dear. I don't think I've ever heard anypony fart like that. I'm impressed!" said Silver with a smirk as he looked at the other two mares. "Think you can top that?" he asked as he looked at both Fond Feather and Darling. "I'm pretty sure I can," said Fond Feather as she looked at the stallion with lust in her eyes. "I might not be able to fart as loud or hard as Swoon did but I can keep it going for a lot longer," she said with a smirk. Dawn chuckled and looked at the other two mares before replying "Well alright then Fond. Show me what you can do.~" The smaller, purple pegasus mare adjusted her position so that her plothole was pressed further down on the length of Dawn's stallionhood before she closed her eyes and let out a cute grunt. PLLLRRRRAAAAAPTPTPTPPPFFF!-ffffllllaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrtttsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss~ A loud, wet blast of pungent gas broke the silence as Fond Feather concentrated on pushing as much of the uncomfortable pressure out of her plot as she could. The gassy release sustained its sound for around six seconds before it tapered off into a quieter noise which was still audible up until the end. The first thing aside from the increasingly sour and stinky rotten veggie smell growing in the air was the fact that Fond Feather's flatus was very hot in temperature. At the beginning it felt like somepony breathing warmly on his shaft but by the end it was like a small hair dryer set on high heat was being held right against his cock. After nearly 35 seconds of sustained flatulence, Fond Feather sighed and rested her head against the bed before giggling cutely and flapping her wings to fan away some of the gas that hung in the air. Silver Dawn let out a soft moan of pleasure as Fond Feather finished before sniffing the air and taking in the scent of her gas. He felt his needy stallionhood throb and knew that he could handle Dear Darling indulging his fetish before he would be ready to rut the mares. With a seductive smirk, Dawn shifted his attention over to the green unicorn mare who already knew what to do. "Well, looks like I have to top those two now. I'm not sure my gas will be as loud or long but you are definitely going to want to use that wind spell in a minute." Dear Darling shot her stallion a mischievous smile and a wink before she looked at her plot, closed her eyes, and grunted. BBBBLLLLLLAAAAAARRRRRRRAAAAAAPPPPPFFFFFSSSSPTP! Compared to the farts of the other two mares at first glance, Dear Darling's performance was less than impressive. However, as promised, what everypony was not prepared for was the foul odor which would fill the air. Within the first few seconds of her flatulent release, the air around Darling's plot began to grow humid and sour with the smell of rotten grass and digested veggies. By the time she had been farting for around 10 seconds however, the smell became truly horrible. Both Swoon and Fond's senses of smell were invaded by an odor similar to a mountain of rotten cabbage, broccoli, and other expired veggies. As Dawn moaned and ground his cock up against Darling's plot, he too found his nose hit with a smell of rotten veggies so pungent that it actually burned his nostrils to sniff it. By the time the sexy, mint green unicorn mare finished farting, the air was warm and saturated with a smell that brought tears to her friends eyes. As promised, Dawn was forced to use his magic to dispel most of the gas but a stinky odor still lingered in the air after. "All three of you impressed me quite a bit but I'd have to say that Swoon Song truthfully won this little competition," said Dawn as he looked at each of the three. Both Fond Feather and Dear Darling looked a bit disappointed but their master held up a hoof before speaking again. "However, since all three of you lovely ladies did so well I'm prepared to pleasure all of you at once," the stallion said as he shifted a bit. Silver Dawn proceeded to tell the mares how things would go. Swoon Song would get to ride his cock while Darling would sit on Silver's face while he at her out. Fond Feather would sit on the stallion's chest where he would used his hooves to pleasure the pegasus mare. Each mare looked pleased with the decision and began moving to get into their respective positions. The first sensation which Dawn felt was Fond Feather straddling his chest before sitting down on it, facing towards him. Her warm plothole was pressed right into his coat as she angled herself in such a way that would give him better access to her marehood. Next, the unicorn stallion's vision was eclipsed as Dear Darling moved her plump plot right in his face before sitting down on him. He could smell the arousal coming off the mare as she shifted around a bit before finally coming to rest with her pussy over his mouth and her plothole pressed right against his right nostril. Finally, an immensely pleasurable sensation gripped Silver Dawn as he felt Swoon Song press the wet lips of her slit against the flared head of his stallionhood before lowering herself down onto his member. Her warm and tight walls gripped onto his long, hard cock as both ponies moaned out at around the same time. Soon, the fun had begun. The passionate, lewd sounds of sex echoed throughout the large bedroom as each of the three mares was pleasured by their master. Swoon Song bounced up and down on Dawn's shaft as the stallion bucked his hips and made the earth pony mare moan like a slut. Fond Feather panted and moaned out as Dawn used the side of his hoof to massage her marehood and sensitive clit. The green unicorn mare on Dawn's face was having the time of her life as the stallion expertly used his tongue to pleasure the inside of her pussy. While doing this, Dear Darling felt a pocket of gas move from her stomach and make its way down to her plothole. With a devious grin, she tightened her abdominal muscles and pushed a pungent blast of gas right out of her plothole into her master's nose. Pfffffrrrrrrummmmpppt! Dawn moaned out under the mare in both pleasure and a bit of pain as his nasal cavity was filled by a blast of very stinky gas which reeked of rotten veggies. Once again, the sour smell of the unicorn mare's gas burned his nose a bit but Dawn didn't mind too much. He actually found it quite arousing which only motivated him to buck his hips harder and pleasure each mare with greater passion. After about 20 minutes of this, each mare had came, including Dawn himself. Swoon Song's legs shook as she lifted herself off of his cock and slumped to the bed with her master's fertile seed slowly leaking out of her marehood. Darling was the next pony to move; laying down beside her stallion before kissing him passionately on the lips as she rubbed her horn up against his. Just as Feather was about to get off her master's chest she looked back at him and grinned before giving a soft grunt. Bbrrraaammpph! A warmth quickly spread across the Dawn's chest as Fond let rip on him before giggling like a school filly. The cute pegasus lifted her plot up off of her master's chest and flicked her tail, wafting some of her stinky gas towards the stallion in the process. Dear Darling broke the kiss and sniffed the air before making a face. "Phew, you're quite the smelly stallion now master. I think you're going to be needing a bath to wash the smell of our farts out of your coat," said the minty green mare as she ran a hoof down Dawn's side. He chuckled and nodded before replying, "Yeah I'm definitely going to be needing a good wash. How about you three join me." This statement got the attention of each mare who quickly looked at Dawn and nodded happily. After drawing a bath and filling it with two pleasantly scented bath bombs, Dawn and his harem of mares got into the tub and relaxed. Of course, each of the three mares were practically sitting right on Dawn since they just hadn't gotten enough of their favorite stallion yet. Fond Feather sat in the middle with her plothole and pussy pressed right up against Dawn's shaft while Swoon and Darling sat off to each side. Each of the mares began to hum a similar tune as they washed their master's body with their hooves while using the pleasantly scented soap and water. Silver was happy to show his appreciation for this by using his magic to pleasure both mares off to his sides while grinding up against Ms. Feather. After a few minutes of shared affection Dawn opened his eyes and looked at each mare before speaking. "Hey, I just want to let each of you know that I'm so happy to have you in my life. Before you three came along I had money and material but I didn't have meaning or love. You all should know that I care deeply about each of you and want to show my love in so many ways." All three mares, swooning over their stallion, leaned in and pressed their bodies up against his as they kissed him. Truly, they were in love with this stallion. Just as things were all cute and lovey-dovey, a groaning sound broke the silence. As if on cue, each mare's stomach had groaned at once, letting them know that they still needed to vent the last of their gas. "Hey," said Swoon as she looked over at her two friends, "One more for the road?" Each mare nodded and pressed their plots up against Dawn under the water before grunting softly. It didn't take too much effort for each mare to free the last of her gas and in an instance the area around Dawn became a Jacuzzi. BBBBUUUUWWWWPPPPP! FRRROOOOOOOOWWWPP! RRRUUUUUOOOAWWPPP! Each of their gas bubbles broke on the surface of the water before releasing their various pungent odors into the humid bath air. The air behind each sexy mare grew sour and quite stinky with the smell of rotten veggies batting to overtake the pleasant flowery scent from the shampoo and bath bombs. In a way, Dawn quite enjoyed the way that the smells mixed and he felt himself grow even more aroused than he already had been. With a smile, the unicorn stallion spoke up and said, "You know, I still have three more rounds left in me. How about after this I show you what a real stallion can do.~" Swoon, Darling, and Fond Feather all leaned back against Silver Dawn and nodded happily. They were more than happy to be bred by such a sexy, successful stallion. And so, for the rest of that afternoon and evening, Dawn made sweet love to each mare again and again until everypony present was quite tired and satisfied. Peacefully, Dawn drifted off to sleep that night surrounded by his trio of kinky mares that loved him very much. Silver Dawn was indeed, one lucky stallion. The End