> Arbitrary Quarantine Week > by darf > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: The Setup > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadance's pile of suitcases, in a matching array of pink, purple, and gold highlights, were lumped together outside the castle door as she waited for her carriage to arrive. Shining Armor was fussing around the luggage pile, flitting about as though he had a small but persistent bee buzzing around in his non-existent bonnet. "Why did you have to pick the start of Arbitrary Quarantine Week to take your trip?" Shining asked. He nudged one of the suitcases that was bulging ominously, as though it might burst open at any moment. "It's really inconvenient timing, is all I mean." "Oh, Shiny, it's just a coincidence. Flurry's already at his aunt Celestia's, I needed some time away from the house, and you needed some time to reconnect with your sister—" "I specifically asked her not to come over during Arbitrary Quarantine Week." Shining lowered his eyebrows. "I put in the header and the post-script of my last letter, DEAR TWILIGHT, PLEASE DO NOT COME OVER DURING ARBITRARY QUARANTINE WEEK." "And yet she was still able to get time away from her royal duties to see you at the start of the holiday? What a dear!" Cadance smiled and began levitating her procession of tightly-packed suitcases into the air, as the carriage had arrived and was waiting with two guards, muttering and sharing a cigarette, eager to get back on the move. "I'm sleeping on the couch while she takes the bedroom," Shining said, putting a hand to his forehead and sighing. "And after the lock-down is over, she's going back home." "You don't suppose she could stay for an extra day so we could catch up on sister stuff before she goes?" Cadance threw in the last of her suitcases, which teetered precariously several feet above the already spacious maximum clearance of the royal carriage. The two guards eyed the teetering tower uneasily, but pointedly ignored it, which was what they were being paid to do anyway. Shining sighed. "I really don't think you get it. My sister and I do not get along well in the same house. For... reasons. Various in nature." "I'm sure you'll be able to figure something out. It's only a week after all." Cadance got in the carriage and shut the door behind her. The frame looked oddly like an ornate metal pumpkin. She blew a kiss at Shining Armor out the window and winked at him. "Promise you won't miss me too much?" "I really would prefer if you didn't go at all actually, I think I've said several times, in fact—" "Bye bye dear! Love you!~" Cadance blew extra kisses and waved a hand out the carriage window as it pulled away, tower of suitcases somehow remaining precariously balanced in the rear as it flew up and away towards the setting sun. Shining sighed again, one of what felt like an infinite series of tiny, invisible depressions. Miniature hurdles he would clear every day, staring forward lest his missing blinders let him trip on the scenery. Seven days with Twilight. Seven days with his sister. Seven days of being constantly and permanently aware of the fact that she was a girl, and he was a guy1, and the concrete differences between them amounted to a list of things that, had they not known each other, or, more particularly, not known each other in quite the same way, would have been the absolute most fun to do ever. And he had a list of all of those things, crossed out, because of the aforementioned reason. Because of 'sister'. And 'brother'. It felt like stopping a breaking dam with masking tape2. The sound of bells brought him back to concrete reality. Substances and bits and pieces moving around in tangible ways again. Another carriage was pulling up. It was even fancier than the last, with stars and shimmering gold trim and, frankly, a bit too much if he was being totally honest. But it all matched the occupant—and there she was. Smiling at him and waving, the same as Cadance, minus the kisses—oh. And there was one of those two, blown through the air and landing with a tiny magical flutter on his cheek. He touched his hand to it, and felt the warmth of blush beginning under his skin. It was Twilight. She'd brought a library with her, by the looks of it—but only one suitcase. Did she have pajamas in there? "Hi, BBBFF!" Twilight giggled as she sprang out of the carriage and ran up to her brother, instantly wrapping both her arms around him and squeezing him tight against her chest. Her chest which was a low-cut, black and violet school-girl number that matched her hair perfectly. She held herself against Shining Armor and smooshed her breasts up against him like body-pillows, and Shining stared pointedly in the opposite direction for the duration of the hug. "Hey, Twily... good to see you." "It's great to see you too!" Twilight finally relinquished her hug-hold and bounced up and down a few times, giggling and making an unavoidable visual attraction out of her bobbing breasts. Shining caught himself staring for just a second, then away again, wondering what he could pretend to be occupied with that happened to be floating by in an empty sky. "Do you need any help with your things?" Shining asked. Twilight shook her head. "No thanks! The guards will help me out. They're really strong too." Twilight turned to look at the guards, who, per expectation, had already moved around to the back of the carriage and were unloading the boxes of books and accompanying book-cases Twilight had insisted on bringing for the only-seven-day's stay. "Oh, thanks!" she said, giving them a smile and a nod. They nodded back, but didn't smile. Twilight turned back to her brother and beamed at him. "This is so awesome. Arbitrary Quarantine Week is gonna be so much fun, isn't it?" Yeah. Fun. It wasn't so much that Twilight was a girl. Quite a girl, as it happened to be, although what that meant beyond sexual attraction Shining Armor didn't understand at any intellectual level. He imagined there was something more delicate involved, some kind of social conditioning laid over-top of reality like a thin, translucent fabric. It was everyone, anyway. All the differences he couldn't help but notice. It was like markers, little signals that his brain picked up and threw directly to his penis. That's a girl. She has tits. Her tits are nice. That's a girl. She has a vagina. You could fuck it. That's a girl. Look at her ass. Why do you like her ass? That's a girl. Etcetera. Shining Armor wondered sometimes if he had a problem. Or if he'd gotten lucky by stumbling into Cadance's approving embrace so early on, and leaving him with no time to experiment but his wife's tacit permission to do so regardless. She was always the one to suggest trying new things, and he still had that 'Free Pass' from his birthday in the bedside dresser drawer, which, it reminded him, he should hide from Twilight if she was going to be using the bedroom... He felt stupid and horny and overall useless. It hadn't always been like this. Sometime after Twilight had gone away to school and he'd joined the Royal Guard, Shining had 'woken up', if that's what you could call it, and only by miracle managed to avoid waking up covered in pussy, mostly due to a commitment to an overly-strenuous training regimen and no social experience from home to help him out. Twilight certainly wasn't the ideal practice partner for social interactions. But it was just a week. Seven days. A series of twenty-four hour periods that he could slice into sections, and apportion just-so as to avoid seeing his sister more often than necessary. Or in any situations that might result in a compromised resolve. Pajamas. Twilight was already getting her things unpacked in the bedroom. Shining made sure to knock loudly three times before cracking the door. "Twily? Can I come in for a sec?" "Sure!" Twilight's bubbly voice bounded out of the only-partly-open door, and after a second she opened it herself, smiling at her brother. Wearing her pajamas at four PM. Pajamas... They clung to her like a yoga outfit. He could see curves a sculptor would have been fired for portraying too accurately. He could see the soft, miniature outline right beneath her waist... And the shirt was just as tight. No bra, from the looks of things. Celestia, be merciful. "Do you think Cadance would mind if I moved this dresser?" Twilight asked, and turned around to examine the dresser in question, bending over and tilting her pajama-clad butt in Shining's direction. "I don't think Cadance would mind," Shining said, his voice almost cracking on his wife's name. "I just need more room for my bookcases," Twilight said. She turned back to Shining and bit her bottom lip, then smiled. "Oh, it's so good to see you!" "Likewise." Shining grit his teeth. "Isn't it a bit early to be getting ready for bed though?" "Huh?" Twilight stopped studying the room for book-storage dimensions and seemed suddenly to notice her choice of apparel. She giggled and pinched a bit of the semi-transparent white-blue fabric between her fingers. Miniature stars and swirls dotted over in a repeating print. "Oh, these. I just figured I'd get comfortable, and since we're not going out anywhere today..." Twilight giggled and stuck out her tongue. "Arbitrary Quarantine Week, remember?" Shining sighed. "Right. Don't remind me." "Just let me finish unpacking my books, and then we can have dinner or something." Twilight lifted up a stack of seemingly identical red-covered ancient volumes and began fitting them carefully into an empty shelf. "I'll make pasta, if you want." "It's okay. I need something to do anyway. I'll get something started for later." "Thanks, Shiny!" Twilight waved and smiled before returning to her books, bending over to reach the low shelf and putting her camel-toe and the outlines of her butt-cheeks on display again. Shining turned away like he was avoiding the glare from an eclipse, but still noticed a twitch in his jeans and the sudden urge to unzip them to be more comfortable. Seven days. Just seven days. > Day One: Swimming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The situation was more or less like this. If you woke up next to Cadance, you could roll over and curl up behind her and tuck your body perfectly against hers. You could kiss the back of her neck and smell her hair and whisper 'good morning' into her ear, and she would shiver and giggle and kick at you playfully under the blankets. And maybe, if it was that special kind of day, you could get a little hard, and things might progress from there. Otherwise, you got up. When Cadance was around the house, you didn't notice her all that often. You noticed her, but only inasmuch as you might notice a roommate, and you could joke with her and laugh when you passed in the hallway, and cuddle together on the couch after work and watch movies and share microwave popcorn. And if she decided to wear something sexy, it was just an accent around a set of curves you'd already navigated, and while they were exciting, they weren't ever really on display, and that was what it felt like most of the time, anyway. You knew, but you didn't know. You had blinders on, maybe. When Twilight was around, or maybe, more when he was around any other girl, anyone besides the one he'd slept next to every day for the past few years. Girls wore shorts and tank-tops and just all looked different. Shining would ask Cadance sometimes if he was a pervert, and she would laugh and shake her head before getting out the gag and handcuffs and snaking herself towards him languidly, already wet and begging to be tied up and teased until she couldn't take it anymore. Shining wondered sometimes whether or not she was always honest with him. On day one, Twilight wanted to go swimming. They had a pool. It would be a shame not to use it. Right? Riiiight? Uh... I dunno, Twily. Something something social distancing something something... Oh come on, silly! That's only for people out in public. We're already inside. Safe and secure in our Arbitrary Quarantine Week stronghold. Now get into your trunks and come have a swim with your sister! So they had swim. It was a complicated mix of overlapping emotions. Firstly, Shining had half-expected Twilight to come out fully nude, maybe carrying a towel if fates were generous. Instead, she had actually decided on a suit, but— "I totally forgot to bring something, but I found this old thing left from when I was in school. I think it still fits, right?" Twilight spun one-eighty and creened her head over her neck to try and make out the outline of her own butt, and how much of it was covered by the straining, undersize suit. She looked up at her brother and made sure to point her entire backside in his direction as well. "What do you think, big bro?" "I think I'm going to a place even more special that Celestia's private dungeon." "Huh?" Shining shook his head and put a hand to his forehead. His spiked blue hair was already damp with sweat, barely any of it sourced from the beaming sun overhead. "Nevermind. You look, uh... 'Fine', Twily." "'Fine'? What does that mean? Oh my gosh, is my butt totally hanging out or something?" Lie. Lie. Lie through your teeth you rat bastard. "No. It's fine. You look... It's good. Don't worry about it." Twilight sighed and spun back around, leaning forward and putting over-stuffed bathing top on display, bulging and threatening to burst from the size of the its two occupants. "Alright, if you say so. Let's get wet then!" Twilight ran and jumped towards the pool. She took hold of her legs in front of her chest and shouted joyfully as she hit the water like a sexy cannonball, showering Shining in a splash of pool-water spray. Shining stood stolidly as the water dripped down his hair and face and dripped onto the carved stone ground. Six more days... just six more days... > Day Two: Shower > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day two. Shining told himself if he just stayed avoided Twilight, as rude as that might be, he could survive the remainder of the week with his morality and relative chastity intact. Even masturbating felt weird while he was sleeping on the couch. Twilight liked to get up in the middle of the night or early morning for water, and make a lot of noise stumbling to the kitchen and back to her bedroom, all while wearing those form hugging PJs. Shining was thankful for the abundance of blankets to hide himself under when Twilight walked by. As few giveaways as possible would keep everything prim and proper. Of course, halfway through the day, Twilight had gone on a mission to track him down, and found his hiding place in the garage, where he'd been pretending to organize boxes but actually was instead desperately looking for the remainders of a cigarette left-over from his years-old habit that had been abandoned only after a month of Cadance's move-in. Even a little stub would do. Anything in his brain besides the thought of Twilight's bathing suit, the way she jiggled and bounced as she bobbed in the air towards the pool, or pushed up against him, giggling and splashing her own makeshift waves... "There you are, Shiny! I've been looking for you everywhere!" Twilight let herself into the garage through the main-house exit, while Shining had snuck in through the garage door itself, letting himself out the front door and vanishing when Twilight was still tucked safely away in the bedroom. Twilight walked over to her brother, who was hunched over in a corner, scrabbling for shreds of nicotine but now intensely fascinating himself with the label on a box of old camping equipment. Yep. It sure did say 'CAMPING EQUIPMENT'. In sharpie. Where someone had written. Yep. "Oh," Shining said, pulling himself away from his deep label scrutiny and 'suddenly' noticing Twilight behind him. "Hey, Twilight. Sorry, I just came in here to sort through some old things..." "Does that box say 'SEX SWING' on it?" "Uh... no." Shining jerked to the side and knocked the hefty box in question off its shelf, and it tumbled behind onto the dusty floor with a loud 'thump'. "It says, uh... SIX... WINGS. That's the place we used to get takeout from. Cadance loves her wings. Heh." "Did you just say 'heh' out loud?" Twilight narrowed her eyes and peered at her brother as though she was trying to break an illusion. "Uh... no?" Twilight shook her head and her hair tumbled from side-to-side, framing her pale pink face in the dim light of the single garage bulb. Even in the dingy, warm glow, she still practically sparkled1. "Alright. Anyway, that's not what I came in here to ask you. I was actually wondering—" Twilight tucked her hands together and shuffled her feet awkwardly. "—can I borrow your towel? I forgot to pack one of those too, and I really need a shower to get all that chlorine out of my hair..." Twilight kicked at the ground, and moved her hands lower, for the first time covering Shining's unabated view of the outline of her pussy. She shivered slightly, as though a cool breeze had blown through the garage, when, in fact, it was quite warm. Shining sighed. "Why wouldn't I let you borrow my towel?" "I don't know!" Twilight huffed and crossed her arms in front of her buoyant chest. "You were the one who was weird about distancing yesterday. I didn't want to get an earful again." "You can go ahead and use my towel. It's fine." "Thanks, big bro!" Twilight smiled broadly and opened her arms as if to hug Shining tightly, then seemed suddenly to notice something, and reached down to cover below her waist again, blocking the area from view with both hands. "The shower in the master bedroom is fine too?" Shining raised an eyebrow. Chlorine scent was one thing, that familiar taste in the back of your nose that said 'I'm a kid having fun on a Sunday'. But that was a different smell. The same one he savoured when he and Cadance had finished the evening tumble in the hay and lay together in the tangled sheets, avoiding the wet-spots wherever they had emerged, usually prodigious, thanks to Cadance's proclivity for gushing like a dam when she came. And true to his word, Shining hadn't touched himself since Cadance had left, not that he'd given his word to anyone other than himself. So where was that smell coming from? "Yeah," Shining said. "That's fine too. Use whatever conditioner or shampoo you need too. Cadance has a kiwi-scented one that's pretty nice." "Awesome. I'm gonna go get squeaky clean!" Twilight beamed and bounced off to her shower, leaving Shining with a few-from-behind of her tight-clinging pajama-bottoms. Even though he was sure it was a trick of the light, as he stared at Twilight's butt and long, luscious legs, he did, he was sure of it, distinctly notice a damp, wet-looking trail starting just between Twilight's legs and trickling down the insides of her pajama bottoms a bit. An overnight accident, a spilled morning tea, or... Twilight gave Shining one last giggling wave before she vanished around the corner and towards the master bedroom, leaving the door to the garage wide open, and Shining's jeans feeling distinctly uncomfortable. No cigarettes anywhere in the garage, but now the whole place smelled of... Okay. We got through today. All we have to do is recreate today's performance the next day. And the next day. And the next day. And the next day. And the next day... > Day Three: Board Games > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day three. Twilight was waiting for him at the foot of the couch when he woke up, and he pinched himself a second time to make sure there would be no repeats of the dreams he couldn't control and which seemed confidently set to send him spiraling into an aetherscape of depravity and reversed roles where Cadance would return home overjoyed that he'd manage to add his sister to his 'fuck-it list'. Though maybe that last part was semi-accurate. "Hi, Shiny! Let's play a board game today!" "Board games make you bored," Shining retorted, huddling up in his collection of blankets to hide his morning wood. He looked around the living room as though someone might emerge from the corner to offer a distraction and allow him to run to the bathroom and calmly ease his soldier down from attention. Instead, he was trapped with Twilight, who didn't seem interested in letting him up until he'd agreed to spending more time with her. Time spent next to her, looking at her, hearing her, breathing the same air, feeling the hitches in her breath the same times as his... "What about Ponopoly?" Twilight asked, holding the board up and shaking the pieces inside. "Sucks with two people. And capitalism is a terror inflicted on the working class by opulent masters." "Croup?" "You always just guess Hoofington Honeymustard in the Stable with the Horsehoe and then ask to restart when you don't get it. Over and over again." "It's optimal!" Twilight shouted. She grabbed a throw-pillow from the end of the couch and threw it at her brother. It bounced off his head harmlessly and landed on the ground with a feeble 'pap'. Shining raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. Hands still tucked in his blankets, covering his erection. "Pony Risk, then?" "You cheat. And why are all your games pony-related, anyway?" Twilight shrugged and laid back on the couch, lounging her head over the back and kicked her feet absentmindedly. "I dunno. I just think they're cute, I guess." Shining sighed. "I'll play a board game with you, but can I at least get up and have some breakfast first?" "I already made breakfast!" Twilight yanked a plate out from the aether, or maybe just below the table where Shining couldn't see, and presented a happy-face of bacon accompanied by two over-easy eggs and a slice of what looked like sourdough toast. Since when did they have sourdough? "Oh... thanks. I guess I'll just... eat that here then. Without getting up." "Okay!" Twilight sat and smiled as her brother silently at his breakfast. He chewed quietly on the crunchy bacon pieces and wondered what kind of signal it would take to tell his penis it was finally time to calm down because no, sorry, they would not be getting any action today, no matter how nice Twilight's tits looked in that blouse or how close she was sitting to almost being on our lap, bouncing up and down on us instead of just the couch cushions... Ahh. Cut it out. "Ooh, I know! What about Body-Tangle-Tornado?" Twilight leaned toward her brother and squished her breasts into his legs, whether or not she was aware of it, rubbing the two fleshy pillows up and down just below his concealed hard-on. Shining gulped down his last piece of bacon nervously. "Uh... isn't that just a knock-off of Twister1? And, isn't Twister, uh, that game where you, uh, you know..." Twilight rolled her eyes. "Who cares if it's a knock-off? It'll be fun! Come on, Shiny, you haven't wanted to do anything during my visit so far." "That's not true. I wanted to sort things in the garage, and you could have done that with me. I just didn't tell you or ask you for any help." Shining Armor put his unfinished plate back onto the living room table, leaving one egg and half a piece of toast he somehow couldn't take a bite of without thinking of Twilight's ass in his face, bent over to pick up something or other, or maybe just purposefully squishing both cheeks into him, letting him get a deep sniff of how wet she'd become underneath her panties... Focus. Four more days. You can do this. Shining gulped. "Alright, fine. We'll play... Body-Mangle... whatever. Just lemme use the bathroom and uh... brush my teeth, okay?" "Okay!" Twilight beamed and hugged her brother. Her breasts squished even harder into his chest than they had his leg, and he swore he felt to little pointed bumps rub up against him through her shirt. But before he could be sure, Twilight was off him, and running to the bedroom with her stack of board-games, ostensibly to set up the evening's temptation in colorful play-mat form. In the bathroom, Shining splashed his face with cold water a few times before finally convincing his hard-on to go down. After that, he took a nice long piss, because he needed to, and because it was impossible to think about Twilight's ass while he was doing so. As soon as he finished, the pajama pants came back—but the momentary respite was nice, almost necessary. How are we going to do this? Just don't think about it too much. Go in there, play one round with her, and if things get out of hand, remember your wedding vows... I, Shining Armor, vow to fuck my sister during Arbitrary Quarantine Week until she's dripping my cum out of her pussy, and to pound her over the kitchen table on the day my wife comes back so she can walk in and cheer us on... "Shining, are you ready? I have the game all set up!" Twilight shouted from the other room, her voice loud and carrying down the hallway and through the communal bathroom door. As ready as I'll ever be. "Yeah, I'm... ready. Be there in a minute, okay?" "Okay!" Shining splashed his face with an extra large handful of cold water and toweled his face off before exiting the bathroom. Then down the hall and to the master bedroom, where his sister's pajamas were still lying somewhere from the night before... How do you play anyway? Isn't it just an excuse to mash your face into someone else's crotch while touching a colorful circle? "Left foot blue!" Twilight said, letting the spinner land in place and grinning before it had even settled. "Come on, Shiny. This'll be fun!" Shining put his right foot on the blue circle, then remembered his directions and adjusted accordingly. Up and right were even hard to remember lately, it seemed. "You spin next." Twilight offered the spinner forward and smiled. Shining attempted his best fake grin and flicked the spinner, watching it as it turned over the wheel of colors and finally landed on... "Right hand pink!" Twilight said, announcing like she was programmed along with the spinner. "I can read, you know." Twilight giggled. "I know, but it's more fun if you say it out loud. Like the commercial!" "What kind of books have you been reading lately anyway?" Shining Armor asked. He searched around the mat for a pink circle and found the only unoccupied one directly across from Twilight, overlapping her like an 'x' in tic-tac-toe. Shining could see her stomach peeking out from underneath her blouse, her belly-button and taught skin leading away and underneath her tight-fitting jeans. Shining wiped a bead of sweat off his forehead with his spare hand. "Seems like you're way more peppy than usual. Romance novels that good?" Twilight rolled her eyes and flicked the spinner. "Ha ha, very funny. I've actually been reading a biographical historical volume of Equestrian genealogy. Some of the ancient lineages are really fascinating..." I wonder if there's a branch missing in our family tree somewhere there. Maybe we could break it off and not have any more bothersome questions. "Right foot green!" Shining scanned the play-mat again. Plastic was already slipping underneath his feet, wiggling him closer to the only other player on the board. His right foot found the green circle, and now he was practically mounting her. His crotch was inches away from Twilight's butt, squished into what seemed to be another perpetually under-sized piece of clothing. Twilight was staring at the wall, which meant, before he caught himself, Shining could leer continuously at her backside, imagining sliding just a little further forward and squishing his rapidly-hardening cock in-between her cheeks... Without warning, Twilight had completed the fantasy, smooshing her butt backwards under the pretense of stumbling toward the reach of the spinner. Her jeans rubbed up and down on Shining's dick underneath his pants, instantly making him hard and further complicating the prospect of further gameplay. Twilight picked herself up after a few seconds sprawled out, but the damage was done. She looked like she'd gone spread-eagle just to push her butt up into the air... "That's it," Shining said. "I'm tired. Time for bed." "But it's four-thirty in the afternoon!" Twilight whined. She picked up the digital clock on the bedside table and pointed at it with an exaggerated look on her face. "See?" "Yeah, well, all this staying inside doing nothing has really got me beat. I'll see you in the morning." Twilight huffed and crossed her arms across her chest as Shining left the room. She began packing up the plastic mat after a minute or two, grumbling under her breath. > Day Four: Movie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Can we have a movie night tonight?" Twilight had spent most of the day in her room, whether she was up to some below-the-board shenanigans or just avoiding giving her brother a mirror of his own avoidance remained to be determined. Shining, after finding the remainder of the house surprisingly empty on waking up, had instead occupied the living room, sitting on the couch with his blankets and flipping through television channels, searching for something soul-filling but eventually just settling on the Food Network as usual. Berry Punch was showing the culinary applications of vodka in a three part special, and he managed to tune in just as it started. Not that they had any alcohol in the house besides whiskey. The only one he and Cadance could agree on. She still picked up coolers occasional. Let him stick with the usual. Still, he'd known she'd emerge some time. He'd prepared himself by thinking of the stash of cleaning supplies under his bathroom sink and repeating the image of it like a mantra in his mind any time thoughts of pajamas or hindquarters arose. Any time something purple, usually. It wasn't much effect. Twilight still smelled like her own distinctive mix of special shampoo scent (evidently she wasn't using Cadance's kiwi) and 'little sister', which was an aroma that might not have existed at all but permeated Shining's nostrils nonetheless. It made the hair on the back of his neck stand up, and every thing else as a matter of fact as well. There was, underneath the flat-screen that took up the majority of the wall opposite the couch, a set of wooden shelves stack with discs in their cases, alphabetized and probably amounting to about two-hundred titles in total. Shining stared at the shelves for a moment, then at the pile of blankets bunched up at the end of the couch. Then at his hands, which were bunched into fists. He relaxed them, slightly. Then at Twilight, who was staring at him, her eyebrows raised. "Well?" she said. "I don't think we have anything to watch," Shining said, deadpan. Twilight smiled. "That's okay. I brought one of my favorites from home. We can watch that!" Of course she did. Tomorrow morning, are we going to wake up and just find her naked and on top of us? Well, to be honest, that would save a lot of work... "What's it about?" Shining asked, raising an eyebrow cautiously. "If it's another pony thing..." "No ponies this time." Twilight shook her head and grabbed onto the couch's arm-rest, peeking up from over it like she was a kid peering over a candy counter. "Just time travel. Ooh, and space-fighting. That's just fighting, but in space." "Right." "I'll go get it out of my suit-case," Twilight said. She jumped up from the end of the couch, her tits struggling to bounce under her sweater but succeeding nonetheless, and probably continuing as she bounded away to the bedroom and excavated the movie from wherever it was lodge in the detritus of her belongings. It's gonna have sex scenes in it. You can practically guarantee it. Well, we can just skip those, can't we? If you're brave enough to ask for the remote, so am I. Good luck. Shining took the opportunity of Twilight's absence from the room to grab some of the blankets from the end of the couch and throw them over his legs, hiding any erstwhile evidence that might incriminate him or otherwise interrupt the movie viewing. In a best case scenario, he could stay relatively still and distant from Twilight for about two hours, and even get up to 'go to the bathroom' if he needed a breather. This would be totally easy. Very doable. "Oh, shoot," Twilight said. She was coming down the hall with a disc in its case, the title The Flowers of Time1 just barely visible on its edge-label. As was the 'unrated' sticker beside it. "I think I brought the collector's edition with the bonus scenes and extra material..." "Does that mean it's longer?" Shining shuffled underneath the blankets, preemptively covering the outline of his cock underneath his jeans, if it was there already. Twilight nodded. "Uh-huh. By about half an hour. But all the added stuff is... kinda weird." "What do you mean by weird?" Twilight knelt down next to the T.V.'s disc-player and inserted the movie sideways, straight-up as it was designed, no latch or door. Just a smooth insert to a vertical socket. After a few seconds, the T.V. blinked to life and displayed an ornate title screen with falling flower petals and a soft music loop with bells and the sound of wind swooshing in the background. "Well... it's all, like, not really related to the plot." Twilight stood up and put the disc case on the living room table, then sat down next to her brother, taking up all of the space on the couch next to him and completely ignoring the empty bit of room available at the end, as well as the blanket. She immediately snuggled up to her brother's chest and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "Some stuff happens at the beginning with the main character, she's the daughter of this scientist... well, just watch and you'll see what I mean." Shining looked forward as directed to a dark screen, barely lit by a single dim bulb shining out of view of the camera. It was illuminating what at first to be an empty chair, but then panned to reveal the outline of an occupant: a slender, naked girl, wearing a dark, black, studded collar around her neck. Her hair was brown and short-cut, just below her ears. And she was blind-folded. Gagged. And whimpering. This is it. She's gone nuclear. "So there's this thing with her and the villain—he shows up in a bit—that got completely cut out of the theatrical release. She's in a Master-slave relationship with him, and even though a lot of people feel like it's just gratuitous fetish fulfillment, I think it actually adds a lot of really dark and mature subtext to their on-screen interactions once you've seen them fool around together—" "Okay Twilight, that's it. I just remembered I have to call Cadance and confess my undying devotion to her over and over again for the next two hours, so I won't be able to watch a movie with you." Shining leaped up from the couch, pulling the blankets with him and dislodging Twilight with a spinning motion, letting her tumble a few times around before finally landing oomphily on the couch. Twilight took a few seconds to adjust to the sudden increase and displacement in velocity, and by the time she'd gotten around to 'Hey!' and sitting up, her brother was gone. She checked the bathroom, the garage, and every room of the house, including the bedroom she was using, but found no sign of her brother, until finally he returned just before midnight, said nothing, and went straight to the couch to sleep. > Day Five: It Happens > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, before Twilight woke up, Shining went to the kitchen and took the bottle of Firehoof whiskey out of the freezer. He took a small, clear glass from the cupboard, filled it up until the whiskey was almost overflowing the edge of the glass, and then downed the whole thing in one gulp. He shuddered as the cold fire coursed through him, warming up his bones and parts of his body next to his bones he didn't know he could even feel warmth in. Most of all, his head felt fuzzy and electric. He knew he could say what he needed to say now. It was the first thing out of his mouth when Twilight opened her door. "Twilight—" "Shining—" She opened her mouth at the same time. They both paused for a moment, caught on each other's words, then blurted it out at the same time. "We can't have sex!" "We have to have sex!" The two stared at each other, mutually dumbfounded. The echo of their words reverberating through the hall, their ears, and then perpetually, their heads, eventually blended into silence, save the pair's soft breathing, each standing with hands held to their sides. "What are you talking about?" Shining asked. His face twisted, approximating its best 'horrified', and then wondering if it was too much, and dialing it back a little, now looking kind of like he'd just smelled something underneath his shoe. He settled on a dejected looking deadpan, because anything he didn't orchestrate and plan very carefully at this point was likely to get him in trouble. Who gets the key to a new car and then throws it away? It's like ordering steak and then eating the pepper packets. Shut up. We're doing the right thing. Cadance would want— "We have to have sex, Shiny. I can't take it anymore!" Twilight ran towards her brother with her arms outstretched and pulled him into a tight, squishy hug before he could move away. "Cadance told me how bad you wanted to do it, and I've had a thing for you for soooo long, since we were kids, and it's just such a perfect opportunity and you never seem to want me and SHINING JUST HAVE SEX WITH ME FOR CELESTIA'S SAKE!" Shining looked down at his sister, the few inches between them somehow making her seem just as small and vulnerable as she had when the age difference had highlighted their difference in proportions. Her eyes were wide, almost tearful, and she was frowning, looking back up at him, not begging, but pleading, throwing her final assault against the already flimsy wall of his moral standards. But what was that about... "Cadance told you?" Shining asked. His mind flashed to a vision of his wife, her hair flowing over her shoulders as she tossed her hips forward and back, bouncing up and down on top of him and then leaning forward to nibble on his earlobe. 'Tell me your naughtiest fantasy,' she'd said, giving the inside of his ear a forceful lick before righting herself and returning to her rhythmic slamming up and down onto his cock. It was one of their first nights together after being married, long before the toy closet, long before the swing and handcuffs and any other dark threads had wormed their way out of their two brains and tangled together. He'd bit his tongue, literally, to keep from saying it, because it was very hard not to do everything a pony working your cock like that asked. Eventually, as he was about to cum, she'd leaned in again and whispered the same question, and that had worked the answer out of him just as much as she'd worked the load out of his balls. 'Twilight,' was all he whispered back, and then groaned wordlessly as he pumped one of many of that night's raw loads into his wife's pussy. 'Twilight?', she'd said back to him, grinning wickedly, and then growling like a feral animal. She'd pounced on him again, and from there the night had spiraled into so many deviations and diversions it had set the course for the next few years of their sexual adventures and then some. Cadance had been, to put it bluntly, overjoyed. Why didn't you tell me, did you ever try anything when you were kids, that' sort of thing. I don't know, no, Shining found it hard to talk about. But once the shell had been cracked open, Cadance was sure to keep prying, insatiably hungry for the pearl inside. So she must have told his sister. And if she'd told her, even though Shining was adamant their roleplay with Twilight's name at night was purely in the realm of fantasy... that was as much approval as he needed. But it was still wrong, wasn't it? "I know what you're going to say," Twilight said, sniffling a little and finally releasing her brother from her strangle-hold hug. "And I knew you'd be mad that Cadance told me. But look! In Equestria, there's a precedent for incest, dating as far back as Star-Swirl the Bearded. And it's not like we'd have to tell anyone. Besides Cadance, of course, she already knows..." "Of course she does. Why didn't I guess that the two of you set this up from the start." Shining looked suddenly towards the window, expecting to see some sort of parade or celebration going on outside on the front lawn. Then he looked back to Twilight. "Is Arbitrary Quarantine Week even real?" "Oh, come on," Twilight said, rolling her eyes. "Even we wouldn't be silly enough to come up with that. It's real. As real as the Equestrian government, anyway." "Not very then." "Shining!" "Sorry." So it was the two of them in the living room, couch with scattered blankets, and Shining's mind half-blank, half-on-fire from his glass of whiskey. And there was Twilight, predictably still in her PJs, only inches in front of him, hands behind her back now, kicking the ground like a little schoolgirl, which she would have looked even more like in her schoolgirl outfit, which wasn't to diminish the pajamas, that was... "So do you wanna do it or not?" Twilight asked. She spun a strand of hair around her finger, tucking the purple and pink into a tight spiral and bringing it up to her mouth. "With you?" "Yes, dummy!" "Oh. Right." Shining looked around the living room. "I mean, not here. But Twilight, look, even if Cadance says it's okay—" "Haven't you ever done anything fun in your life?" Twilight asked, standing suddenly closer and shoving her nose in her brother's face, smooshing it up to his. "You don't wanna keep a secret and be my BBBFF and pound your little sister's pussy so hard your wife can hear it while she's on vacation?" "You know I do. But it's not that simple." Twilight kissed him and grabbed his dick through his jeans with one hand. She squeezed it under her fingers, massaging it in her grip until only a few seconds later, it started to get hard in her hand. Then she switched to rubbing up and down, her palm flat over her brother's jeans, her tongue tangling with his in his mouth and dribbling saliva down both their chins. When she was happy with the level of hardness underneath her hand, which was sure to leave her brother's jeans tight and more than uncomfortable, Twilight pulled down the zipper between her fingers and reached her hand inside the new entrance. Shining was done objecting. His mouth was doing one thing, and his brain had left the building to watch from the bleachers. Twilight's hand was on his cock through his boxers, now she was searching through those too, undoing the tiny button, reaching in and pulling his whole length out, out of his boxers, out of his jeans, eight inches hard and hanging out in front of his sister. "Let's go to the bedroom at least," Twilight said, licking her lips and staring at her brother's cock. "I don't wanna make a mess on the couch." Twilight took her brother's hand and led him wordlessly down the hall, back to the bedroom he'd abandoned for the last five days. The room looked mostly the same, minus the addition of several stuffed-full bookcases and pieces of Twilight's clothes littering the bed. Even the restrains fastened to the headboards seem to have fit nicely in place after someone took them out from wait a minute... "Twilight, did you put those—" "Cadance said you could teach me about some of this stuff," Twilight said, her voice fast and enthusiastic, her cheeks flushing red with blush. "Like that movie last night, um, I was kinda sorta hinting I might—" "You wanted to try something like that?" Shining looked around the room for any other signs of the toy-chest being opened. No handcuffs yet. No blindfold. But how much had Cadance told her? "Cadance said you're really good at, uh... Dom... stuff..." Twilight looked down to the ground, a rare crack in her so far embarrassment-proof veneer. Shining Armor raised an eyebrow. "Did she now?" Maybe time to have a talk with the wifey on return about 'privacy standards'... Naw, we'll just give her the belt and make her count the strokes until's begging to be let go and can't sit for a week straight. She knows what happens to bad girls. "What exactly do you want to know?" "Well, um, I've always want to, uh, try, kind of like, uh, you know... stuff that, uh... jeez, it's hard to say all of a sudden, for some reason." Twilight bit her lower lip and looked at her brother with deep, sorrowful eyes. "It's okay. We'll start from the beginning." Shining knelt down next to the bed and looked underneath for a small basket. It was full of fashion accessories, from goggles and glasses to more than a few necklaces, ear-rings, and collars. Shining shuffled through them before selecting a small, plain black collar, and stuffing the basket back underneath the bed. "Here," he said, offering the collar forward to let Twilight see it for a moment, then pointing down to the ground. "If you kneel, I'll put this on. It'll signify that we're starting to play, and anything from here-on-after is part of the 'scene' we're doing together. If you take it off, I'll go back to treating you like my sister Twily, okay?" "But I still want you to treat me like your sister Twily," Twilight said, grinning as she turned and knelt in front of her brother. "Just your naughty, obedient little sex sister." "Aren't obedient and naughty a contradiction?" Shining checked the tightness of the collar with his finger between the material and Twilight's neck, making sure it wouldn't strain, but would still stay snug enough not to toss and annoy her on moving. He fastened it behind Twilight's neck, and tucked it behind her hair, leaving on the front visible as she turned around smiling. "How do I look?" she asked, her eyes wide. "You look... good. Ready." Twilight gulped nervously, but nodded, her eyes taking on a familiar steely resilience. "I am ready." "Good. Now we need a safeword. Something you can say at any moment to end the scene and go back to reassurance and safety." "Can't I just take the collar off?" Shining smirked at her. "You might not be able to use your hands." "Oh." Twilight's mouth scrunched together, her eyebrows furrowing as her thoughts deepened. Her cheeks were still flushed red, and she'd been unable to contain a tiny giggle as the scenario Shining had placed in her head had danced by in the corner of her mind's eye, something like her, face down, ass up on the bed, her hands tied behind her back and her brother's big, muscular frame getting ready to mount and fuck her like a wild stallion... "How about cardamom?" Twilight said, the light-bulb suddenly flickering on. "Cardamom?" Shining's tongue seemed to trip over the syllables. He was checking a few things in the bed-side table, lubricant, check, whip, check, belt, check, nipple-clamps, check... not to say everything would get used tonight. But Twilight was nothing if not an eager student. "Yeah. It's a good word. I like it." "Sounds good to me." Shining picked up the belt and stretched it between his hands, checking the firmness and finding it just a little bit lighter than his preference. Still, probably better to start extra small with the newbie. "So... what now?" "Let's start by seeing how you take orders." Shining was still hanging out of his jeans, a situation he hadn't adjusted since the living room, and his cock was still rock-hard, standing up straight and teasing Twilight with the engorged tip which had already begun to leak a small bit of precum. Twilight licked her lips again at the sight of it. "First, get on your knees and service your... Master's cock." Twilight's eyes gleamed brilliantly, desperate and innocent. Slowly, shaking a little, she got to her knees in front of her brother again, this time facing towards him. His hard cock twitched in front of her face as she raised a hand up to it, wrapping her fingers around the base of the shaft and only covering half the length of the girthy thing. Twilight moaned quietly to herself as she felt the soft-but-hard fleshy texture of her brother's dick underneath her fingers. "Yes... Master." Twilight took one last deep breath before leaning forward and taking the tip of her brother's cock in her mouth. Immediately, as though she'd been waiting, or trained for the moment, her tongue sprang into action, circling around the base of Shining's cock-head and lapping at the tip to get a taste of his dripping precum. Finally through the door. Hope Princess Celestia doesn't find out about this. Shut up or you'll get the belt too. Yessir. Already, Twilight's mouth was a distinctly different experience than his wife's. Where Cadance's attentions were diligent, dutiful, almost like a servant, Twilight had begun going to town on Shining's cock like it was the last on earth, the only satiation for a fantasy that had been burning over a decade, the last morsel of sustenance under a blackened sky. Her tongue was as wild as her eyes, swirling around his head and shaft as she sucked. Her spit was everywhere, drooling and coating her lips, chin, every inch of his cock, and dribbling down to his balls as well. Twilight wasn't able to take the full length of his cock—not at first, anyway—but even as she warmed up to it, her hands were at the base of his shaft, both sides, pumping up and down to cover the few inches she wasn't able to ram inside her mouth. And then, as Shining watched, his star pupil grew before his very eyes, steeling herself with a look of horny determination and working down Shining's cock, half-inch by half-inch, until just a few fingers were left at the base, and then her lips pressed all the way to the bottom, her tongue licking at Shining's balls as she rocked her head up and down, gag-free, on all eight inches. She even started to find a rhythm, and play with Shining's balls with a free hand while she continued milking his cock with her mouth and tongue. Once he was at maximum hardness1 and fully satisfied with Twilight's eager demonstration, Shining placed his hand on Twilight's head and took a hold of her hair. He pulled her head up gently, not jerking, but still eliciting a small whimper as Twilight removed her lips from her brother's cock, spit dangling between them, her lips frowning as she stared helplessly at her brother's cock. "You want more?" Shining asked, his grip tight on a bundle of Twilight's purple-streaked strands. Twilight nodded hungrily, her tongue hanging out a little at the side of her mouth, making her look a bit like a helpless puppy. "Yes," she said, and looked up at Shining, her eyes glimmering brightly. "'Yes, Sir'," Shining corrected with a short tug on Twilight's hair, which elicited a tiny panicked yelp, though it was barely painful, by Shining's estimation. "Or 'Yes, Master', if that's easier." "Yes... Sir..." Twilight seemed to smart extra from the tug on her hair, and her pouty frown looked extra bratty as she glared up at her brother, his cock still dangling hard and spit-covered in front of her face. "Lose your clothes then. And turn around," Shining said, finally releasing his hold on Twilight's hair. "On your hands and knees. We'll see how you handle the belt." "Did I do something wrong?" Twilight asked. She began to remove her clothes regardless, seemingly eager to finally get them off, springing out of her shirt and jeans with relative ease but struggling at little with the clasps on the back of her bra, suddenly stubborn under her over-urgent fingers. Finally, after a half-minute struggle, the thing came loose, and Shining Armor got his first full look at his sister's naked, gorgeous breasts, in all their heaving size and glorious beauty. When Twilight bent over to slide her panties down to her ankles, and then flung them to a corner of the room with a distinct wet-patch in the center, Shining knew he'd made a good decision at some point in his life, whether that had been marrying Cadance or believing her when she'd told him his little sister fantasies would never leave the privacy of their bedroom. With them in it, at least, anyway. "No," he said. "You haven't done anything wrong. But you need to be introduced to pain if you want to play. Not just because I enjoy it, of course..." Twilight took her position, turned around on her hands and knees, spreading her legs slightly to give a good view of her dripping wet pussy to her brother, and waggling her hips from side to side for good measure. She looked at him over her shoulder with puppy-dog eyes still in place, ever his younger-sister pleading with him for protection. "You like hurting me?" Twilight asked, her eyes more innocent than they'd been since the start of her dick-sucking. "I mean... you like the idea of hurting... your little sister?" Twilight made her eyes extra wide, extra precious, and bit her lower lip, shaking her hips again to punctuate her sentence. "Yesss," Shining groaned. He licked his lips, staring at his sister's bobbing butt and pussy for a moment before kneeling and again reaching below the bed, this time for a simpler implement. The one in the bedside table was too thick, certainly. And there were reams of them scattered about the room, probably, he had such a collection he was always losing them... There. The thin one. That won't be too bad, will it? We'll have to wait and see. "Turn your head," Shining instructed, testing the belt with a stretch and finding it firm, flexible, and rather thin, probably not much thicker than a folded stack of paper. Wouldn't sting too much, hopefully. He folded it once over and took the clasp and buckle in his hand, always the perfect hand-hold. Once he was sure Twilight's head was turned, and she was staring at either the floor or the opposite wall, he pulled the ends tight suddenly and snapped the belt together for good measure, which made Twilight yelp and jolt suddenly on all fours. But she didn't turn her head. Good girl. "What was that?" Twilight asked. Her hips shook again, this time with nervous energy, all her willpower fixated on keeping her head from turning around. "Just a belt. A small one. We'll start with five and see how you do." "Five?" Twilight bit her bottom lip and tensed her butt, imagining the force of impact and the mark it might leave afterwards. It already seemed to sting. Shining nodded, mostly to himself. "Mhm-hmm. Five. And I want you to count out loud after each one. That's to keep you focused on the pain, to keep from distracting yourself. Make sense?" "Yes," Twilight said through clenched teeth. She had already been formulating visuals and bits of sentences she could assail herself with to keep her mind away from the belt... but now that was going to be much more difficult. "Good. Try not to tense yourself too much. Just relax and breathe. And remember to count." Twilight nodded and closed her eyes, lowering her head almost all the way down to the floor. When Shining pressed the belt to her back-side, it felt cold, but not like steel or ice. Just... colder, as though her brother's touch had been separated somehow, and only half an inch was left between the contact of skin on skin. Shining pulled the belt up above Twilight's butt and let it rest in the air for a moment, squaring the distance and force of blow. When he swung, the belt made a soft 'swoosh' as it cut through the air, and a sound so similar to a hand on Twilight's ass you could mistake it by catching it through the wrong ear. Twilight, surprisingly, was almost silent, simply gritting her teeth and letting out a barely-more-than-inaudible grunt, rocking forward a bit and curling her fingers into the bedroom carpet. Shining waited a few seconds to let Twilight collect herself, then another few seconds to see if she had remembered her duty. Her cleared his throat in a loud and purposeful manner. "Ahem," he said, snapping the belt quietly between his hands. "Oh," Twilight said. "Fuck. Sorry... sorry, Sir," she corrected her self. Her fingers dug in extra hard to the carpet. "One." She might tear that up after four more. It's fine. It's an ugly carpet anyway. "Ready for the next one?" "Are you going to ask that every time?" Twilight dared a glance over her shoulder, brattiness bubbling up and making her stick out her tongue for extra sass. When she noticed her brother's hard, unchanging expression, she followed up to his eyes, which were deeper and colder than ice could have dreamed of being. He stared at her, unblinking, until she turned her head away, back down to the floor, her cheeks flushed. "Sorry... Sir," she said, after a few more seconds. "Forgiven. Are you ready for the next one?" "Yes, Sir." There was no anticipation this time. Shining rose the belt and lowered it in the same swift motion, lashing the thin black strip over Twilight's exposed butt, the left cheek this time, instead of the right. Where there'd been a dim, single-line glow before, this strike left an angry, red patch, blossoming out from where the point of contact had stung the most. Again, Twilight rocked forward with the impact, grunting, loud enough to hear, louder than last time. She gritted her teeth and released her hold on the carpet, then reassumed it on a different patch. She groaned and rubbed her legs together, and a dripping, clear line of her wetness began to dribble from her pussy down to the carpet below. "Two," she said, her voice high and strained, panting through her attempts to collect her breath. It was best to give her time to breathe, after all. Shining allowed a full minute for Twilight to gather her senses and deal with the feeling of her brother slamming her ass with what felt like a white-hot brand. The feeling was new, and it was a combination of lusts, two worlds unlocked for the price of one and both overflowing and flooding her before she'd had time to even walk through one of them. But she was clearly enjoying herself. There was that familiar smell again, once more like Cadance, but different. Shining wondered if he'd explored more before settling down if he'd have collected a fragrance encyclopedia, distinctions and deviations between the many mares that had attempted to solicit his attention before Cadance had entered his life. What if he'd gotten a taste of Twilight much earlier? It would certainly have curved his palette, so to speak. "Aren't you gonna hit me again... um, Sir?" Twilight's voice was perpetually innocent, not so much in the sense that she'd never thought of sex or even imagined it before, but that no matter how much she'd dreamed, every experience was now genuine and real and new to her, impossible to distance from, tingling through every inch of her skin like swallowed lightning. It was impossible to put in the words the way the tingling felt. Every time she found one way to say it, to describe her pussy quivering, or gushing, or her nipples aching and then screaming with joy as she pinched them, or even her mouth, finally getting to taste her brother's tongue, and how her panties had become soaked almost instantly the moment their mouths had met... It was all a secret. From everyone and the world. Well... except for Cadance. Eventually. "Just wanted to make sure you were ready," Shining said, smiling at his sister behind her waiting and double-red buttocks. "Remember to breathe. And your safe word is 'cardamom', okay?" Say it and we'll stop no matter what." Twilight nodded. She turned her head and smiled at her brother, a devilish gleam in her eyes and her tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth just a bit. "Don't worry. I can take it... big brother." Shining returned the smirk, and his cock twitched, still gleaming with the leftovers of Twilight's sloppy blowjob. "We'll see what you can take in a bit. Number three, coming up." Shining waited until Twilight's head was dutifully turned before delivering the third strike, this one again on the right cheek, but down a little further, neighbouring Twilight's exposed, dripping pussy, and maybe even giving it a little tiny slap with the tip, the way it was aligned at a diagonal just so. There was no holding back this time. Twilight let out a loud, shocked-sounding gasp, and her whole body shuddered, this time not just forward, but all at once and all in place, her limbs shaking as she struggled to keep her balance, her pussy squeezing and gripping at nothing but the air as the sharp lightning spread from between her legs all the way up to her nipples, ostensibly clouding somewhere in her brain as well. Her mouth felt like she'd chewed on a battery, and her tongue wanted no part of making words. When she remembered to breathe, Twilight gulped the air down in large gasps, filling her lungs to the brim before finally letting the air back out. Every limb seemed to be used for balance. And her hips waggled, no longer shaking, but bobbing slowly from side to side, as though she was following the rhythm of some invisible line, rocking her body back and forth on it like massaging her pussy on a balance beam. "Fuck," she said simply. Then, "Th... three. Sir." "Very good. That's a very good girl." "Call me Twily," she asked, her voice half-moaning, desperate. "Please." "Ready four number four, Twily?" Shining asked. He raised his belt-free hand to Twilight's butt and squeezed her left cheek, the one that had been half-spared from the assault so far. He kneaded and squished the dough-like flesh of Twily's enormous ass in his hand for a good while before slipping his thumb down to between his sister's legs and running along the full length of her gushing slit. Twilight gasped, and jerked her hips towards her brother instinctively, but as soon as it had come, his thumb was gone, as was his hand, the first time he'd touched her naked like this, unless you counted the belt as an extension of his body. Twilight's mind was on fire. It was a mountain to climb not to turn herself around and dive on her brother's cock this instant. But she held fast. Head forward. Then down. Hands on the carpet. Feet touching the floor. Wiggle your toes. There you go. "I'm ready," she said, her breathing loose and punctuated with intermittent groans and clenching together of her legs. "I mean... I'm ready, Sir." "You don't need a 'Sir' every time," Shining said. He smacked the belt down over Twilight's left cheek, higher up, this time leaving her pussy alone but also casting a bordering red mark alongside the first on Twilight's left side. Twilight hissed through her teeth and tensed her body tightly, squeezing her butt-cheeks together and her legs as well, rubbing them against each other and whining as the small amount of friction cause her pussy to drip another clear strand of girl-juice onto the bedroom floor. "Four," she said, loud, like she could barely yell the word out through the hail of blazing fire running through her body. "Please, Master, one more, then let me touch you, I want to touch you so bad..." "Patience, Twily," Shining said. Twilight groaned at the sound of her pet-name, her pussy again squeezing the air like it was Shining's cock, her lips wet and puffy as they reached for the shaft that wasn't yet there. "It's not becoming to beg like that. Behave yourself and you'll be rewarded. Understood?" "Yes Sir!" Twilight moaned. She shook her hips up at her brother and reached her hands behind to spread herself even wider, giving a peek at the pink inside of her pussy and the hole that she wanted Shining Armor to fill. "Good. Then here's the last one. Get ready..." Shining held the belt in the air for a while, considering it like a whip, so generic as an implement in general, and now not useful for keeping anyone's pants on at all. Twilight's hips waggled back and forth as she waited, moaning and whining under her breath into the carpet, her pussy getting wetter with each second that passed without impact. After what felt like an eternity, which was an amount of time only relative to how long Twilight had waited to be naked with her brother in the first place, Shining brought the belt down for the fifth and final time. He hit both of Twilight's cheeks, overlapping where they joined together like halves of a peach, and hard enough to leave a mark for today, tomorrow, and maybe bruises for a while after that. Twilight, unsurprisingly, groaned and rocked forward as the belt slapped across her ass. But this time her hand shot between her legs and rubbed, and within seconds of the sensation of Shining's smallest belt bruising her with raw force, she was cumming, soaking her fingers in girlcum and moaning incoherently as she came, save the few mentions of her brother's name. "Shiny! Shiny, I'm... fuck, fuck, fuck..." Oh, and the swearing too. Twilight had a filthy mouth in more way than one, it seemed. To watch Twilight shake and shudder in the throes of her orgasm on all fours, while he stood behind her with belt in hand and knew they'd stepped only a foot into an enormous field with expanses further away than the horizon? It was a special privilege. Shining crossed his arms over his chest, still for some reason wearing a shirt, but feeling like the Captain of the Royal Guard was a paltry title in comparison to the power he really commanded, here, in the bedroom. And when Cadance got back... "When you're finished, you can get on the bed," Shining said. He tucked his arms in and pulled his t-shirt off over his head, then threw it towards the laundry basket, which, he noticed, was overflowing still with Cadance's clothes, his, and now, Twilight's. Apparently he'd forgotten to do the laundry at all this week. Though avoiding the bedroom on a permanent basis could do that to someone... "Yes, Sir," Twilight said. She got up and made her way to the bed almost immediately, only pausing right before she got on to let a shiver run through her body, and then to take her hand to her mouth as though she'd suddenly realized how wet her fingers were, and licking them off one by one, lingering each time at the tip until she'd cleaned them completely. She looked back at her brother with a smirk and a giggle, then got onto the bed, and laid down on her back, facing up at Shining, her legs spread and feet already lifted up to her head. "Like this, right?" she said. "I saw it in a picture once and I've always wanted to try it." "That should be fine," Shining said. It was amazing what years of reclusive schooling and an apparently prodigious porn collection to do to someone's ability to navigate sex. Even if you didn't have any idea what you were doing, you could imitate porn until you got it mostly right. Or, Celestia forbid, communicate with your partner. "How do you feel about choking?" Shining asked as he got onto the bed. He took his spot between Twilight's legs and drank in the sight of his exposed little sister like an aged wine. It had been aging, certainly, since their adolescence, when Twilight's sisterly crushes were innocent and neither of them had suspected what a week in confinement could do to supposedly natural and healthy hormones bouncing around with fantasies of incest in your head. Now he had given his little sister five marks she would remember, and tickled her pussy with his hand regardless. He had watched her cum all over his bedroom floor. "I've never done it before," Twilight said, her voice briefly timid, but quickly regaining its determined tone. "But I wanna try it. With you... Sir." "Twilight?" "Oh... yes, Shining?" "I'm gonna fuck you so hard you might pass out." "Oh, Shining... I mean, Sir..." "Either one is fine," Shining said. He wrapped a hand around his cock and lined it up with his sister's entrance, already moist and dripping, quivering as his head touched against the lips, then poked inside just a bit, parting his sister wide with just the head of his cock. "Are you new to... well, to everything?" Shining asked. He didn't want to push further with his cock until he was absolutely certain what kind of resistance he'd be encountering. But Twilight looked up at him with eager eyes and shook her head from left to right, her hair glittering, flowing in long, delicate strands over her arms and shoulders, tinged ever-so-slightly with sweat. "No," she said. "I've done plenty on my own, and Spike and I fooled around one summer when we were at research camp together. Ugh. Don't remind me though." "You and Spike..." Shining trailed off, imagining his sister's hapless green-haired assistant following her around with persistent focus, usually carrying an armful of books. Was the kid even legal? Are you going to fuss about off-screen love-making legalities or are you going to jam your cock into your little sister's waiting pussy? If she's waited this long, she can wait a second longer. But, it was a good point. If Twilight was ready, and Shining Armour was ready, no reason not to... go ahead with things. By which Shining meant he could now slide the whole head of his cock into his sister's moist slit, and then start going even further, pushing his hips forward and burying four, five, more than half, then almost all the way, until finally it seemed Twilight was at her limit, just an inch before the base of Shining's cock had reached her eager pussy-lips. Twilight looked down between the two of them and licked her lips, swallowing in the sight of her brother's eight-inch member finally slid inside her. Just one more inch and she could say she'd taken the whole thing. Twilight grit her teeth and furrowed her eyebrows as she squinted with focus, staring at her brother's cock as she forced her hips up, forced herself, even though she felt full, to take the last inch, to bury her brother's cock all the way inside her, and feel his head pressed up against the very limits of her pussy. Twilight let out a long, throaty moan, and couldn't help herself from drooling a little onto her chin and chest. It felt even better than she'd ever dreamed. Then there was Shining's hand at her throat, just above the collar, his firm, masculine fingers wrapping around her flesh but not tightening. Just yet. Even before he'd begun to choke her, Shining could feel Twilight's nervous energy threatening to overflow. She was bucking her hips up at him even though he hadn't yet begun to move, and her eyes were wild and panicked, darting from side to side and then settling occasionally on the base of Shining's cock smacked up against Twilight's pussy-lips. "Do you need to me to stop?" Shining asked. He loosened his grip even more, barely letting his fingers rest on Twilight's pale, vulnerable neck. Twilight shook her head rapidly. "N-no, I just... I think I'm going to cum soon, Shiny..." "It's traditional not to cum without your Master's permission, you know." Twilight squealed and her pussy clenched around her brother's dick, squeezing it extra hard and eliciting a low groan from Shining. "Ooh, of course, that makes... that makes sense," Twilight said, managing to fit the words in between the unconscious motion of her hips, up and down, rocking back and forth the almost-inch she could get with her own motion. There was no space left, her brother had pushed so far into her, and he was so big inside her... "Do you want to cum?" Shining asked. He made to withdraw his hand from Twilight's neck, but she grabbed him with both of her hands and pulled him back, placing his fingers firmly again around her soft, nubile throat. "Please," she said. "I was so close, when you... when you put your h-hand, around my neck..." "Like this?" Shining tightened his grip for the first time, and felt a jolt run through Twilight's body under his fingertips, causing her to practically jump up from the bed and slam herself into him again. "Yes!" Twilight gasped, not hurting for oxygen in the slightest, but simply overcome by the sensation of her brother's masculine hand tightening over her precious airway. The way he could clench so quickly and wring her out like a helpless doll... it thrilled her from her head down to her pussy. Especially her pussy. "Don't cum yet," Shining said with an instructional tone, commanding and firm, but sympathetic. He could tell from Twilight's response in whimpers that he'd ask for no simple feat, but Twilight's look of determination returned as it always did, and she bit her lower lip at him to show off her staunchness. "Okay," she said. But her eyes gave her away. They kept darting down to her brother's cock buried inside her, and each time they did, she would moan desperately, rocking her hips even harder than she already had been, begging for just the tiniest thrust, just even one quick slam... "Don't cum yet," Shining said. He drew back his hips slowly, letting his sister watch every glistening inch of his shaft as it came into view, and giving her a few seconds to admire it before slamming back in so hard it caused the headboard to slam against the wall, and jostled Twilight on the bed besides. Twilight moaned like she was in heat2. She looked at her brother with the most desperate, needy eyes she could conjure, and found the word on her tongue as though it had been prepared. "Please," she said, half-muttering it, half-forcing it through another high-pitched moan. The instant Shining had bottomed out inside her again, her pussy had begun to squeeze his cock and wouldn't stop, like it was forcing her to remain on the edge of a cliff hanging by only her fingers. "Shining, please, I need to cum, I can't hold it much—" "Don't cum," Shining interjected. He tightened his grip around Twilight's neck even further, cutting off a tiny bit of her air supply for the first time, and sending the hints of glimmering stars into the corner of her eyes. With his other hand, he reached down between Twilight's legs and began to rub her clit with his thumb, gathering up plenty of Twilight's dripping moisture and moving in small, gentle circles around, and sometimes over, Twilight's clit. "PLEASE," Twilight begged. She shut her eyes tightly and began to breathe in short, tight bursts, sectioned off with each repetition of her brother's thumb circling around her love-button. "Shining, I can't hold it anymore, I'm gonna cum, please, please let me—" Shining withdrew his thumb from his sister's clit and shoved it in her mouth. With his fingers firm around her neck, he made his sister lick her own girl-juice off. "Cum for me," he said. He leaned forward to kiss her, taken without question the same way she had kissed him. Twilight's eyes shut. Her head spun. Her brother's tongue danced in her mouth like a wily serpent, and his cock pistoned in and out of her pussy so rapidly it continued to shake the bed, and bounce Twilight's plump ass over and over up and down on the cushioned mattress. She could barely breathe. But still she found the strength to utter the words into her big brother's mouth. I'm cumming for you, Shining. At least, that was what it mostly sounded like. It was hard to tell, being so muffled. Shining didn't wait for his sister to ride down the throes of her orgasm before relaxing his grip on her throat. No matter how enthusiastic she was, overdoing it on a first day of studies was a Twilight Sparkle tradition, and Shining Armor wanted no part in explaining to his wife why his sister had passed out on their bed the first night Shining had finally abandoned his internal sense of morality. Twilight continued to buck wildly against her brother's hips, jerking back and forth on the bed and squeezing Shining Armor's cock like she was milking it with both hands. Twilight's pussy lips were damp and swollen, and her hips continued to shake when she finally stopped cumming, collapsing into a shuddering, post-orgasmic mess onto the bed again. Her legs no longer strong enough to stay up near her head, Twilight lowered them to the end of the bed, her feet dangling off, with purple-and-pink polish on her nails. Shining was still hard, but he didn't move for a bit. Just watched his sister breathe, recover from the first of what might become a lifelong series of over-the-top sexual adventures. Although, she might also be thinking, if this was the intro course, what's next on the menu... "Aren't you gonna cum too?" Twilight asked, panting between breaths. She leaned up from the bed, her pussy still squeezing her brother's cock, and looked at him with a playful expression, her tongue sticking out the corner of her smiling mouth. "Don't you wanna shoot a big load in your little sister's pussy?" "You know I do," Shining Armor said. "But I think you should take this one on your face instead. Finish me off with your mouth and get a nice warm facial to end your lesson." "Aw, no way! I think I should be allowed to choose where you cum, after all that... I mean, um, Sir." Shining Armor pondered for a moment, never withdrawing his consistently-hard cock from his sister's quiver hole. Twilight even moaned a few times just from clenching around the size of him while she waited. "How about this," he said. "If you can manage not to cum again before I do, you get to have a load in your pussy." Shining smirked at his sister. "But if you cum again before I do, I get to spray your face with jizz. Sound good?" "Sounds good to me, Mr. Shining, Master Sir." Twilight giggled and reached down to spread her pussy even wider, giving her brother as much room as he could to squeeze his girthy shaft inside all the way to the bottom. "Hey, don't get carried away with that." Shining Armor reached up to grab one of his sister's gargantuan tits, which had until now remained without attention, bobbing up and down on her chest with every thrust of his cock. The two melons were luscious, like ripe fruits, and Shining Armor almost wanted to stop thrusting and give all his attention to licking and sucking at his sister's boobs. But there was still the whole main course, and a bet was a bet, even if was with a sassy little sister training to be your sex-pet. Still... it didn't seem Shining would have to work very hard at this one. The second he'd started fondling his sister's tits, that is to say, squeezing them and kneading them and twisting and pinching her nipples between his fingers, and alternating from breast to breast to make sure neither side felt left out... well, throughout all that, Twilight had been moaning just as loud as when she'd cum last time, maybe now just because something inside her was unlocked and she'd accessed a higher tier of pleasure all together. There was no need for her brother's hand on her throat, because her brother was touching her, just touching her, and his big, meaty cock was still slamming in and out of her cute little pussy, grabbing him tight each time like a vice. But, it was a clear indicator—Twilight Sparkle was close already. And she was no good at hiding it. For one thing, she started to swear under her breath. It seemed like a new mantra, but maybe it had just been buried in the overwhelming number of new sensations before, and was now finally bubbling to the surface like a customary battle-cry. "Fuck," she said, murmuring it to herself, though it was more than loud enough for Shining to hear, and to consider a reward for his efforts each time he thrust a little harder into his sister's pussy. "Fuck," she said as her brother slammed himself in again, rocking her hips with the force of the impact. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." "Don't tell me you're getting close already," Shining teased, joining his verbal poke with a few of his fingers to both of Twilight's nipples, giving her breast's double attention and eliciting a long, close-sounding moan from Twilight. "Fuck... Yes... I am, I don't want to, but I am..." Twilight strained to keep herself still with her brother's thrusts, but couldn't help her hips regardless, rocking up each time, her breasts bouncing under her brother's hands. "You don't need my permission this time. You can cum whenever you want." As though it was a signal, Twilight wrapped her legs around her brother's waist and clenched down hard on his cock. Her pussy gushed girl-cum as her body began to rock and seize in frantic spasms, cradling her brother's shaft over and over again as she slammed together with him in a desperate rhythm. "Fuuuuck," Twilight said. She rolled her head back and moaned so loud it reverberated through the walls, luckily finding no one else in the house to alarm. "Fuck, Shining, I'm cuuummiiing..." She drawled the last word out long and slow, as it seemed to signal the final stage of her release, her pussy giving one last squeeze to her brother's cock and then finally releasing it, or at least relaxing around it, as Shining remained all eight-inches deep inside for the time being. When Twilight had caught her breath from another overwhelming orgasm, she looked up to find her brother smirking at her. "That means I get to cover your face," Shining said. "Come finish me off with that filthy mouth of yours." "Next time I want it in my pussy," Twilight insisted as she sat up on the bed, then laid forward to put her face right next to her brother's pussy-juice covered hard-on. She sucked the tip into her mouth immediately and ran her tongue along the underside of her brother's cock-head, hearing him moan and taking it to be a good sign. Next, it was now somehow easy to plunge forward and take all eight inches of her brother's shaft down her throat, swirling her tongue around and occasionally licking his balls without so much as gagging. Shining, it seemed, liked this maneuver a lot, and groaned extra loud when Twilight would nuzzle her nose into the base of his cock and fondle his balls with her free hand. "That's a good girl. If you keep doing that, you're gonna get sticky in no time." Mhmm, mm-mmm! Twilight moaned incoherently with her mouth still around half of her brother's cock, and didn't bother to correct herself with anything comprehensible. She just went back to slurping and slobbering on her brother's erect penis, licking up the sides and cradling it with her hand whenever her mouth wasn't there, like a gentle creature that she refused to let out of her sight. It only took a few minutes of Twilight's amateurish but enthusiastic bobbing and sucking to bring Shining to his limit. He'd been technically near his limit for a long time, but needed to renegotiate exactly what that limit was at some point soon. "Close," he said simply, placing his hand in Twilight's hair and pulling her gently backwards as secondary signal. "Get your face ready." Twilight moaned and sorrowfully withdrew her mouth from her brother's cock, but immediately switched to the perfect facial position, eyes wide, mouth open, tongue hanging out like she was desperate to catch and swallow as much of the impending load as possible. Twilight even managed to sneak in a cheeky, naughty smile and wink before opening her mouth again, and rubbing her own nipples with both hands, hips bucking and body shuddering as she waited for her brother to jerk his cum onto her face. "Here it comes," Shining said, and with a grunt, unleashed the stored up result of five days repressed incest fantasies in cum form—that is to say, a lot of cum—all over Twilight's face. Twilight did her best to catch it with an expertly air, but failed after the second shot landed in a brilliant white streak across her forehead and hair, and instead settled just for catching any amount she could, and keeping her face in one place so Shining could aim better as he stroked the whole load out of his shaft. With each shot, Shining gave another grunt, and soon Twilight's face was dripping from top to bottom in sticky white liquid. It dribbled down from her forehead over her eyes, which she'd closed quickly, and all over her cheeks and lips and chin as well... some had dribbled down by now to her tits, where it was pooling between them, and some had gone above her hair and landed on the bedspread, which was already more than in need of a wash from Twilight's constant dripping and squirting... Shining rang out the last dribble of cum onto Twilight's perky, bulging tits, and she giggled as the tiny trickle joined the rest of the puddle. "Good girl," Shining said breathlessly, before collapsing on the bed next to Twilight. "Scene over. Let's take a breather." "Okay," Twilight said. She spun around and hugged her brother, unperturbed by the load of sticky cum dribbling down her face, and apparently not bothering her brother either, who hugged her back, though he wiped off his face and hands on a nearby blanket afterwards. "But I wanna go again soon," Twilight said. "I didn't want this long just to fuck you once and then call it a day." "We've got all the rest of Arbitrary Quarantine Week though," Shining Armor said, gesturing to a conveniently place calendar with the date marked on it in red pen. "Just two more days of you and me, free to fuck and frolic however we want. That's all before Cadance comes back. So even if we don't fuck a ton more today—" "We'd better!" "—we still should be fine." Shining looked at his sister with a wide, brimming grin that caused his eyes to narrow. "Really. What could possibly go wrong?" Bam. The front door. Opening. And the jangle of the only other set of keys. "You-hoo, Shining, honey, I'm home early... did you miss me?"