> Spike's New Assistant Position > by nobody495 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Different kind of "Job" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What a bothersome situation. Well, that was to put it mildly for a certain dragon. He was a simple younger brother, working alongside the esteemed Twilight Sparkle to tend to her various needs. However, at some point he decided that he needed a proper job himself. He was feeling kind of useless just tagging along Twilight for a while. So, he began applying himself. Thankfully, a while ago Spike, via Twilight, was able to get in contact with an older dragoness, a blue scaled lady working in an office. This was a fairly well known dragon known as Ember, and, with Twilight’s recommendation, he’d be able to get a position. At least, that’s what they’d called it. He made sure to dress up nice, and came to the location, a very gray and featureless building, one of those that seem to host multiple companies in them at once. He’d march up the stairs and towards the appropriate hallway, and would progress through it. He’d show to the front desk, manned by a dragoness, that he was allowed in, though would’ve noticed a slight mirthful grin on her face. Not one of warmth or greeting, one that one’d have as if they were trying to hold back their laughter. Spike didn’t realize it at the time, but in retrospect that was definitely laughter behind that mouth. He’d soon arrive in Ember’s office, a whole room dedicated to her, boasting beige carpeting, gray walls, and cyan curtains. In the middle of the room is a very strange-looking desk. It was gray and cast iron, and looked more block-like than the average desk should, boasting a metal sheet guarding her lower half. It also had five holes in it, the kind that seemed like you’d feed a power cord through them. However, the five were spaced strangely, three away from the seat, and two about in the middle of it. Ember herself, meanwhile, wore a classic office suit, black coat and white undershirt, though with a very noticeable window to her cleavage, and also wore tight, black pantyhose. Upon seeing Spike, she kept a cold, steely gaze. She remarked that he was early, he’d tell her he didn’t want to disappoint. After all, he was kind of her assistant now. She led him deeper in, and Spike would wonder what his first order was. He realized things were weird when she ordered him to strip. He got all defensive, but Ember had dragged him away from the door, and dangerously close to her side. In a quick motion, she was able to tear his clothing off, rendering him naked in the middle of her office. He tried to cover up, only for her to snatch him up. She popped open the desk, revealing a series of restraints within. He was set in, locked up, and would find his limbs fed through the holes, them holding him in place. His feet were right in front of the seat area, his head and hands were towards the front of the desk, and his torso and waist were under the desk, all very naked. Ember would sit back down, a few inches away from Spike’s feet, up in the air. That was how all of this started, and all throughout, the smaller dragon would shake about, trying to find some weakness in the restraints. “Ugh, you can’t do this!” Spike shouted out. “Y-you’ve gotta have guys coming into your office, they’ll see me and accost you!” “Maybe. However, I’ve got my claws in this company,” she assured. “It’s standing high and mighty all because of me. And it can go down all because of me. Those guys’ll know when to shut up.” Spike’d continue to thrash about. “Ngh! W-why me? Why’d you hire me just to lock me up!” Spike pleaded. “Well, I found out that you were a good little servant,” Ember explained. “Twilight told me you were such a good little boy, I couldn’t help but get a few ideas.” Spike’d keep on thrashing, banging against the desk and trying to pull his limbs through the holes, though each hand, foot, and his head were incapable of popping through the holes. He’d thrash harder and harder, and Ember would take in a deep breath as she looked over his thrashing body. Specifically, those feet just in front of her. She reached over, and picked up a pen, before bringing both hands towards the feet before her. She’d start by clasping around his ankles and bringing her thumbs up, having them hover centimeters away from his soles. Immediately, there was a jolt through Spike’s system, the dragon’s eyes widening. “Wh-what are you…?” Spike muttered. Ember, meanwhile, adopted a sort of malicious aura. She carefully worked her shoes off, exposing her pantyhose-wrapped feet, her toes wriggling in anticipation. And then, her thumbs bore down, gliding over his feet. “A-agh-ha-ha-ha-ha!” Spike squealed, thrashing about as his captor suddenly tickled him. He writhed about, banging against the desk holding him captive. Ember, meanwhile, shuddered a little, rubbing her thighs together a little. Her thumbs would make a simple brushing moment, before she eventually decided to get a more creative with the tickling motion. She’d graduated from simply brushing, to instead tracing the alphabet on his soles. She’d draw an A, B, C, and so on, which got Spike’s toes to clench up as he bellowed out another laugh. She herself was starting to feel a little tickled, not that she’d let herself show it. Though, there was only so much she could do with just this guy’s feet. Spike, meanwhile, blushed deeply, feeling super dirty. He was horribly trapped, stuck in some strange desk trap and left to endure this lady’s very weird attacks. He had no idea why she’d go about tickling him, it was such a weird thing for one dragon to want to do to another, especially one as old as her. Though as strange as the situation was, he could only lie there and take it. Even his voice would fail him, as any attempts at asking further questions would be replaced by yet another bout of laughter, drawn out by his captor’s digits. Meanwhile, Ember himself is slowly but surely feeling more daring. Eventually, she’d bring her tickling to a stop, allowing Spike a moment of reprieve. He’d be left blushing there, his thrashing come to a stop as he can only lie there in the grip of this bizarre desk trap. He couldn’t hope to go limp and relax, however, the holes merely keeping his limbs restrained. The dragoness could see him trying to lie his arms and legs down, though the desk wouldn’t let him. However, in what Spike figured was his moment of freedom, he’d instead feel something poking his torso. He’d raise a brow and try to peek down, regardless of the fact that everything below those holes were out of Spike’s view. Below, Ember’s slick, pantyhose-covered feet were up, her toes poking at Spike’s belly. “N-ngh… Wh-what are you doing?” Spike asked in concern. “Just helping myself,” Ember assured, a sort of hunger dripping from her voice. With that, she’d go from poking his belly, to instead reaching up and rubbing her feet and toes over his sides. She made sure her toes would press down just right, striking Spike with a similar tickling sensation. However, instead of laughter, the dragon’s built-up nervousness would instead come out as a yelp of discomfort, him wriggling more and more. “M-Ms. Ember-!” Spike stuttered out. “Shhhhhh…” Ember said. She couldn’t help but raise a cheek as she kept on stroking his sides, triggering more of those jolts through his poor form. He banged against his restraints, assailed by her wicked feet. In the meantime, her hands held the dragon’s feet with an almost hungry edge, as if she was planning to indulge herself in those whenever she’d decide to. Her feet stroked and stroked, before deciding to instead wrap around his hips. Spike groaned and wriggled about, feeling unease as those feet held him there. “Ember, what are you…?” Spike started, feeling unsure. His heart was pounding now, and his body was quaking with worry. Especially as her feet held tighter and she tightened her grip on his feet. Then, she slowly drew her feet around his waist, and between his legs. And there, he’d suddenly become intimately aware of her tight pantyhose. One foot poked and prodded right at his balls, while another rubbed the toes up and down his shaft, teasingly poking his tip. He shuddered and blushed deeply as she abused his poor, captured body. He panted and panted, shuddering in her grip. “A-ah~ Ember~!” he gasped. The dragoness was not swayed by his pleas. In fact, they almost seemed to spur her on, almost as if he was challenging her or something. Whatever the case, the stroking foot seemed to increase in pace, at which point she chose to slot his shaft right between her big toe and the one next to it. She simply waved her foot up and down, her two toes wrapped tightly around him as he was forced to endure the woman’s teasing rubs. “P-please no-!” “You are making for quite the assistant,” Ember said. “You’re almost like a stress ball. I’ve dealt with a lot of lame brains around here, and it gets exhausting. But I must admit, your body and squeals do give me some sense of satisfaction. I’d be ever so glad to have you around here long term.” “N-no way!” Spike shouted. He tried to shake his hips, hoping to pull his cock out of her domineering grip. However, that was met with Ember maneuvering her other foot, using her toes to curl around his balls and squeeze threateningly tight, Spike’s eyes widening. “Oh, that’s unfortunate,” she remarked. “However, I’m kind of your boss now. And, considering how close I am to Twilight, I’ll probably have to tell her about your… performance. After all, she’ll have to know why you were fired, won’t she?” Spike squirmed uncomfortably as she held him tightly, though felt more and more worry fill him as she explained his situation. Spending the rest of his time so close to Twilight after she learns what happens to him? That’d be, unbelievable awkward. “So, are you sure about never returning here?” Ember asked. “N-no, I’m not sure-“ Spike tried to say. However, he was met with a few more rubs of Ember’s foot. “You don’t sound certain,” Ember said. “Tell me, employee, will I see you tomorrow?” “A-ah~!” Spike moaned as his captor rubbed him. “Y-yes, Ms. Ember! I-I will!” “Of course you will,” Ember said. She rubbed and rubbed and rubbed, before sliding her toes off, now maneuvering her foot to sandwich his cock between his belly and her sole. She could feel him tremble, his cock throbbing to Ember’s foot. Her other foot, meanwhile, eased off on his balls, simply tickling it with a toe. “Ngah! Ember!” The mistress began blushing now, still pounding the boy with sheer pleasure. She could see his dorky expressions and see his purple face go red with embarrassment. After a while, she decided that she needed to mess him up a little more. So, her hands came up, and assailed his feet with each finger, brushing his soles wickedly fast. That got him to gasp out and laugh a little, although his giggles would get caught in his throat as a moan would instead usher out through his throat. Ember felt almost like she was playing some sort of instrument. Not a particularly good, instrument, mind you. The way he was choking and gasping, he sounded kinda like a dying animal, after all. However, she felt a sort of power as she squeezed him and brushed his feet this way and that way, ushering a sound just right like she were hitting the right keys on a piano. And Spike provided his own percussion in the form of bashing against the bindings around him. Eventually, Ember would begin to notice a certain something. Specifically, a newly-formed layer of stickiness dripping onto her foot. She freed the boy’s balls, only to bring the other foot forwards, using both feet to grab his dick from either side. With it snug in place, Spike moaned and shuddered, rocking the desk around him. “A-ah! Ember! Please-!” Spike pleaded. “Don’t worry, your break is coming~” Ember said. She was stroking Spike, making sure his cock was pointed down and towards the floor to make for an easier angle to jerk him off from. Meanwhile, she had plenty of time to toy with Spike’s feet. She knew just what caused the most damage, or at the very least what caused the loudest reaction from him. Her thumbs hovered over the middle of his soles, and Ember began smirking hungrily as they loomed over them. “But first, I wanna hear you scream!” Her thumbs came down, almost stabbing into the middle of his feet and ushering forth the strongest jolt through his mind. His jaw dropped, his eyes clenched shut, and he bellowed out a powerful squeal, all in tune for his little friend’s reaction. Ember could feel his cock surge, blasting his shame out onto her soles and all over the floor. She seemed to smirk, before bringing her feet down. At that, Spike’d went limp, or as limp as the desk device would let him. He panted and panted, shaking in the grip, feeling so used and dirty… “Yeah, you’ll make a nice assistant,” Ember remarked. She took an unused sheet of paper and scrubbed it over her feet, cleaning off the residue, before throwing it away. “You recuperate now. I’ll be back.” “H-hm?” Spike asked. Ember stood up, her shoes back on, and she began walking towards the door out. “I’ve got a meeting about now, just wanted to vent before I got all frustrated in there,” she explained. She was out of the door, before glancing towards him. “I’ll be back. And when I do… you better hope you’ve got all of your strength back.” At that threat, Spike’s eyes widened. Before he could speak out to beg her to reconsider, the dragoness shut the door behind her.