> War for Equestria > by Pegasus-skip > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Story > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity was sat in the alcove sedately watching the celebrations as Spike And Pinkie Pie waltzed about the dance floor. She couldn’t help but smile at the memory of the crush the young Drake had on her in his teens. Now though, the young man had spent the last two years courting Pinkie Pie, and earlier that day married her. Twilight unfortunately had bowed out the celebrations earlier. Chuckling she remembered how literal that was, the poor mare simply could not hold her wine. Holding up her own glass with an elegant hand she brought the sweet white to her lips and drank, glancing up to the direction Elements’ rooms at Canterlot Castle. Princess Cadence had with her Husband’s help half carried half dragged Twilight out the room when her head had hit the table with a loud thud and it hadn’t woke her up. The flash of pink caught her eye and she looked once more to Pinkie Pie. The poor mare had been in a right state leading up to the big day. She’d been terrified she’d mess this up, or get too excited and send Spike running. Now in his arms as she was taken about the dance floor in her pale pink dress, a dress that shimmered in the light, with a low scooped back held together with delicate string crisscrossing her back, her considerable cleavage had led to the design to be honest. Had she gone the strap instead of bustier route Rarity knew they would have pushed the dress out, giving Pinkie the appearance of being overweight when nothing could be further from the truth. Spike had been really easy to make his clothes for him, he was wearing a wonderful three piece white suit with boots. Sweeping across the hall she spied Applejack in her red dress, this was another work of art Rarity thought when she’d seen Applejack's design. It had a single shoulder strap before coming down to wrap tightly about her body, leading to the skirt that was trimmed at an angle, leading from knee to calf height, with delicate crimping and ruffles about the edges. The only pony she hadn’t done a dress for was Rainbow Dash, glancing up she smiled, the woman was up above the ballroom floor doing the Pegasus windWaltz with her husband of a year Soarin’. Just as at her wedding, Rainbow was in full Dress Uniform from the Wonderbolts, her husband following suit in his Dress Uniform. She closed her eyes with a pained memory spotting the one medal, it was the Flight of Gallantry, awarded to Rainbow after a brutal battle against the Gryffon Forces when they’d declared war on Equestria. Although she had survived the battle, she’d received a vicious scar down her face, cutting over her eye, she’d been lucky not to lose it. Even now the war raged on, and Rarity dreaded when her three days leave were up, Rarity’s passion had become a hobby and she was herself now a Major of the fifth battalion. She’d barely had time to make these dresses, and now she’d even received her orders and had held back a shudder. Her unit along with the 9th flight were going to try to retake Hells Peak, doing so while under cover of darkness. Should they succeed the Medical brigade under Fluttershy’s lead would move in and tend the wounded, if they failed, her unit would be the rearguard, letting Fluttershy’s non-combatants escape first. The Gryphon’s had no morals, no care of the international treatise that even in war the Dragons honoured, medical, Non-combatants and civilians were not to be targeted. She shuddered as she remembered the one village they had liberated eight years ago, having stormed it quickly with no warning the Gryphon’s had no chance. What she’d found there charging into the village had enraged her, it had been the first but not the last time she’d given the orders ‘no quarter’ Seeing the gryphon’s dining on roasted ponies, with the rest of the village in a locked cage. Feeling the tears rising once more she got up and headed outside gripping the rail of the balcony as her body shook with the sobs running through her. She had at one time been the diva, the genteel pony, but now all that was left was this thin veneer. Inside she was the warrior, steel forged in the fires of battle. Oh how she wished the war had never happened, she had been so innocent back then. Lifting her eyes she gazed towards the east, towards the front lines. How many more horrors would she face before Wars End or her death? It was her own choked sobs that hid the approach of the one pony she hadn’t yet spotted in the ballroom. Fluttershy, stood next to her, bringing her arm to rest across her shoulders, and wing stretching across her back. “You’re thinking about the war again?” Fluttershy asked quietly. Rarity couldn’t do much more than nod. “Come here,” Fluttershy said gently guiding her away from the doors and into the garden, settling her at a bench before pulling her in, gently resting Rarity’s head on her shoulder as she held the sobbing unicorn. Fluttershy knew the reason for Rarity’s tears weren’t just for the past, but how many under her command she would lose. In battle Rarity became as hard as the diamonds that made her cutie-mark, yet was still a genteel soul inside, albeit one that no longer minded a little dirt and hardship, often forgoing her own comforts for that of one of those in her command, but had become ruthless by necessity to her enemies. To the Gryphons she was known as the Diamond Major, if her standard was now seen on the battlefield, some Gryphons would always run. That Rarity’s hands once so adept at holding a needle could now deal death by broken neck with one arm while impaling her sword into another without even blinking at the blood splash was something they all knew the Rarity of ten years ago would never be able to do. A decade of war changed you. As the white unicorn settled she didn’t notice that a set of guards had blocked the view, preserving her dignity. They had recognised her for who she was, one of the most respected Majors in the ranks, as she would often lead the charge, putting her life ahead of those in her unit instead of like the Majors that held back. The only ones they’d let past were the Mane 6 and Spike. Even Twilight was there, having obviously used a sobriety spell on herself. They shared a bond that no one could describe, it was moments like this that it came to the fore, she was hurting and even on her wedding day, Pinkie was here for her, It had been the same with Rainbow two years ago when Twilight had broken down. Two days before that wedding Twilight’s unit had been ambushed, and out of the 250 strong force, only 20 had escaped. Briefly her horn illuminated wiping the traces of her tears as she stood. Taking a deep breath she smiled her thanks, a little surprised however when Fluttershy kept hold of her arm. “Thank you girls, now Pinkie Darling, you must be sure to enjoy your honeymoon okay?” Pinkie nodded with a big smile as she and Spike were going the other side of the continent from the fighting, and spending three weeks at a theme park much to the others' amusement. Even though Pinkie was as ruthless as Rarity in battle now, she still managed to hold on to that childlike spark other times that made her Pinkie Pie. “Come on, let’s get back to the dance.” Rarity said with a smile, letting it linger on Fluttershy as she continued. “Care to join me?” She asked as they walked. Fluttershy no longer the chronically shy pony simply nodded with a small smile. She herself had seen different horrors from the war, tending those wounded after battle, sometimes having to be the one to grant a merciful death, other times to be the executioner when they had a gryphon prisoner. She wasn’t a frontline fighter, but she could take care of herself, more than once she’d seen Fluttershy fly into battle with the Rescue Flight, putting her own life on the line while retrieving wounded while dodging Gryphon’s arrows and occasionally having to fight them herself, even though she was technically a non-combatant. She just hoped their battle in three days was a success. -o.O.O.o- Three days on, and overnight the forces had gotten in position. Fluttershy scanned the sky and ground, her sight like that of all Pegasi was enhanced to the point if she wanted she could see things over a mile away. Her wingpower was no longer a measly 2.8 but a powerful 28, making her one of the fastest fliers in the medical corp. She saw Rarity’s standard moving forwards and held a small, grim smile as she saw at least four lines of the back of the gryphon forces suddenly take wing and leave. To the right was the Solar standard as Celestia herself led another 250 strong force out of the woods. Rainbow’s unit were overhead circling wide. Keeping her eyes focused she watched as the Gryphon’s broke first and surged forwards. She held her arm up ready as she and the Rescue Flight formed up, watching as she picked her moment, waiting until the lines clashed… wait until they split… wait until it becomes a pitched battle… NOW! Her arm dropped as she shot forwards at treetop height, staying low, her unit behind spreading out in a giant V. As the battlefield came into view she spied her first rescue, the downed Earth Pony was being protected by Rarity, who had just finished throwing a gryphon to the ground, her sword relieving it of his head, a second in a headlock that with a quick twist, broken neck, the third already dead her foot having crushed it’s windpipe. Fluttershy landed hard, moving to lift the pony before she was gone again. Flying back she heard the tell-tale whistle of a gryphon arrow and rolled just as one sang past where she’d been flying. Glancing back she spied a gryphon on her tail, and a trail of blood leaving her leg. She didn’t even feel the arrow graze her. The Pony in her arms tightened the grip he had on her as she sped through the skies, before approaching the medical encampment. As she shot over she shouted out. “UNDER PURSUIT!” And before the gryphon even came into sight a squad was in the air, moving to intercept. Landing hard outside the triage area she passed the pony onto the doctor there before returning to the skies. Returning to the battlefield she scanned it, dodging aerial fire as she went, when a scream of agony came to her ears. Flipping in the air to face the sound she felt the colour drain from her face. Rarity had been separated from her unit and was pinned to the ground, a spear through her shoulder, five gryphons about her. Fluttershy blasted forwards drawing the sword all medics were given and flew into them hard, her sword impaling two at once. Wrenching the sword she span low and removed one of the birdlike mens leg, carrying the sweep up slitting the fourths throat, even as a thrown knife from the downed Rarity sunk into the eye socket of the fifth. Fluttershy turned to the downed Gryphon to end him only to see he’d died of bloodloss anyway. She ran to Rarity and immediately began assessing the wound. “I’m going to have to do some treatment here. I’m sorry, it’ll hurt.” She warned Rarity who nodded just as another medic landed along with two Pegasi from Rarity’s unit. “ThunderlAAAR-STARBLADES BEARD!” Rarity screamed as the new medic held her shoulder immobilised as Fluttershy tore out the spear from the ground then out Rarity’s shoulder. “Thunder… Lane… Take… Command.” Rarity gasped. “P – push the fifth ARGH!” Another scream as Fluttershy poured in the potion developed by Twilight to seal and cleanse a wound. Problem being the sealing was by Acidic Cauterisation. “T – take the knoll m – meet Celestia’s … DAMIT!” She cried as Fluttershy poured in the second potion to expel foreign bodies. “Meet Celestia’s forces… Follow her orders as… as if they were mine.” Her second in command nodded before he took to the sky after a simple “Cloudkicker see them to the edge of the battlefield then meet up.” “Aye Sir.” Cloudkicker said as he took off. “Okay Rares, I’ve got to carry you back.” Rarity grimaced a nod as Fluttershy went to pick the downed unicorn up when she was stopped. Letting out a squeal of agony she fell backwards, looking down she spotted a black crossbow bolt embedded in her chest. “FLUTTERSHY!” Rarity’s voice called out in a panic. Grunting with the pain searing through her as she realised her lung had been punctured she looked to Cloudkicker. “C – change of orders, G – get these two to Medic B – ba –“ With that she blacked out. -o.O.O.o- “FLUTTERSHY! NOOOO!” Rarity called trying to get to the now silent downed Pegasus. The other medic had picked her up as Cloudkicker looked on with tears in her eyes as she knelt next to Fluttershy checking her pulse before bowing her head. “It’s no good,” She said struggling around the tears for her fellow Ponyville residents. “Sh- sh- she’s d – d” Rarity could see it in Cloudkickers eyes. “NO! NONONO!” She cried even as the medic took off with the injured Major screaming hysterically, drawing her blade cloudkicker swore she would find the Black Gryphon and he would pay. Too many times his bolts had taken her friends, with that she blasted to the air, escorting the medic until he was in ‘safe’ territory before turning and returning to the front lines. Never knowing had she kept her finger on the pulse one second longer she’d have felt the faint beat of Fluttershy’s heart. -o.O.O.o- Fluttershy looked up as the cage door opened and sighed. Ever since she’d become a prisoner she had expected to become part of some gryphon’s dinner. Instead she had been healed enough to survive, sent to the capital Gryphonia, stripped, tail removed, sold and thrown into this cage with other mares that were for Gryphons entertainment. They never knew which one of them would be taken to sate a gryphon's need until he had chosen, it was for this reason their tails were taken, to keep them out the way. Sometimes they took them there in the cage, other times dragging them to their room, some of the mares didn’t cope all that well and their minds soon broke but there were the few, like herself who had gone the other route, they had come to if not enjoy, not actively dislike what they went through. She wondered what this would mean if they ever escaped. She knew that with this mindset that ponies could and did after freedom develop a craving for pleasure, she also knew she and the other mares here would never be able to bear the touch of clothing again, having it whipped into you that you’re not worth them made some lessons stick to hard. “My sweet stars!” A voice she hadn’t heard in 3 long years came to her ears, looking up she saw Rarity. “RARITY!” She cried crashing into the now Colonel from her insignia on her armour. “F – Fluttershy?” Rarity gasped bringing her arms about the canary Pegasus, when her hands came up her back to two stumps where her wings used to be. Fluttershy cried harsh sobs into Rarity, whether of relief or some other emotion she didn’t know. “I – I thought – you died on – Oh Fluttershy!” Rarity cried. Since that battle Rarity’s reputation as merciless to the gryphons had increased tenfold, she had often heard commanders threatening their soldiers with postings to the frontlines against Belle’s Blades. “Y- you’re here? Y – you’re real?” Fluttershy sobbed. “Yes Fluttershy we’re here, the wars are over. Come on, let's get you out of here.” She said quietly, leading Fluttershy out the cage, other medics streaming in to help the mares in there. Fluttershy blinked as a blanket was thrown over her at the same time as the mares and her fears became all too real as she threw the blanket away with a shouted “NO! NO WHIP!” Her arms clinging on to Rarity as she remembered the weekly lesson. Clothes and blankets led to the whip. “Oh god Fluttershy, what did they do to you?” Rarity’s choked voice asked as she led the exodus of medics with trembling mares out of the dungeons. As they hit the site of the battle Fluttershy looked up straight into Rainbow Dash’s heavily scarred face, who was looking back to her in shock, before she whirled and her fist collided with a mare that Fluttershy somewhat recalled from Ponyville. “You said she was dead! You promised me you checked, made sure she wouldn’t be captured! Stay the fuck away from me!” She screamed before rushing over to Fluttershy. Come on, let's get you to the medic tents, it's just a small flight th-“ Her words cut off as Fluttershy turned into Rarity sobbing some more revealing the stumps from where her lovely golden wings used to be. “What the fuck?” Rainbow breathed even as Fluttershy got lost in memory. -flashback- Three months after her capture and she had just finished being used, being dragged back to the cage she spied the window above was open.  Willing to risk even death to escape the torture here she spread her wings and bolted for the window, nearly getting there before a net caught her sending her crashing to the ground. As she hit the net was pulled from her and she found herself being dragged not to the Cage, but to the Discipline room.  “No! I’m sorry! Please! Nonono! Don’t whip me! Please!!” The Gryphon with her gave her a hard look before backhanding her across the face. “Silence Pony! You’re not going to get the lash!” He said with what appeared to be cold amusement. “I – I’m not?” She asked with a rising hope even as they entered the room. Slamming the door shut behind them he dragged her over to the table, forcing her to bend over it.  At first she sighed in relief, he was only going to take his pleasure in punishing her. That was until he bound her arms out in front of her, lashing her hands together. “Wh – what?” “You tried to fly away! Can’t have that can we?” She felt him stretching her left wing out before it was clamped into something keeping it at full extension no matter how hard she pulled.  She struggled as he clamped her right wing to no avail. Dropping her head she succumbed to the knowledge her feathers would forever be trimmed from her wings.  Hoping to stop it happening she kept apologising over and over. “Apologies won’t do you any good Pony. You tried to fly, so you lose your wings.” “WHAT! NO PLEASE NO!!” Fluttershy cried as her head shot up to where she could see him heating a blade.  “Please! You’re a flyer too! Don’t do this!” “Keep begging Pony, it won’t do you any good.” He said harshly. “Please I’ll do anything! Just don’t take my wings!” Fluttershy pleaded, eyes streaming. With a cruel smile he lifted the now red hot blade as he spoke. “Let me think – should I spare your grounding for life, in return for all the pleasure I can get from you? Hang on.” Here his cruel smile turned positively evil. “Hang on, I can get that from you anyway!” With that he swung his blade and her back erupted in fiery agony. She looked up her eyes streaming to see him now holding her two golden wings before with a final sneer he threw them in the fire. “I’ll be back in an hour, that’s how long they take to fully burn. Enjoy the show Pony.” -End Flashback- Fluttershy had been led by Rarity to the medical tent and gently lay on the cot there on her front. “I’ll be back soon Fluttershy, I just need to deal with the provisions for the prisoners.” “Kill them.” Fluttershy said quietly. “Fluttershy?” Turning her head so she was looking into Rarity her tears falling as she spoke. “I have been used by every Gryphon stationed in this posting since I was sold here, as have all the mares. We were called Pony, no name or number, tortured, forced to do the most depraved acts on them you can think of, I know we’ve been used by them all as if you can’t use a pony, you’re thrown out the guard here. We were used for relief, as rewards, anything. Do you know what it’s like to be forced to please someone under a table while another repeatedly kicks you simply for being a Pony? They deserve no Kindness from me or any Pony.” Rarity’s normally soft blue eyes that were once kind and generous had hardened to agates throughout the war, now as Fluttershy spoke into the quiet of the medical tent they seemed to become transmuted to steel, blue steel, but steel all the same. Unknown to them Celestia and Luna had entered and heard every word. “Colonel Belle. Have them given a last meal consisting of the best they ever gave their captives, I will execute them at Sundown.” Celestia said; her eyes on fire as she swept from the tent. Gently Rarity rested a hand lightly on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “Rest now, you’re safe.” She said quietly before trying to leave, Fluttershy’s hand shot out to capture hers, eyes wide as she spoke. “P – please don’t leave me alone.” She asked quietly. Sitting on the bed Rarity nodded removing her helm shocking Fluttershy at the sight, gone was the wealth of purple hair, it was now a one inch wide strip leading from her brow back to a hand span long thin pleat, a scar running diagonally across one ear, while the other had a notch that looked bitten out. “I – I don’t want to be alone again.” Fluttershy cried surging up and wrapping her arms about Rarity once more sobbing, words pouring out her mouth. “I – I l – love you.” She whimpered. -o.O.O.o- “I – I l – Love you.” Fluttershy’s barely audible sentence seemed to completely still the Colonel that was Rarity Diamond Belle. Ever since she’d seen Fluttershy ‘Die’ in front of her, her heart had hardened to all but friendship; the only one she would ever let herself feel love for was the memory of Fluttershy. And here she was, broken, needing her, but loving her in return. “Oh Fluttershy, I love you too.” Rarity whispered causing the weeping Fluttershy to look up in shock. Not caring about anything other than this moment, Rarity pressed her lips to Fluttershy’s, their eye’s closing as she finally kissed the mare she’d loved for over a decade, but never told. Gently their kiss broke and she looked down to a watery smiling Fluttershy as she spoke. “Now I am really sorry, but I must see to the details of my orders, I promise I’ll return shortly, until then, Lance Corporal Belle will watch over you. Here Rarity looked up as Sweetie Belle, who had sacrificed her singing career when the war started and enlisted stepped forwards. She too was in the medical corp, having even done some of her training with Fluttershy. Kneeling down the young mare took Fluttershy’s hand as Rarity left the tent. “Sweetie?” Fluttershy whispered. “Yes?” Sweetie asked quietly. “Sing me a song, one of peace, please?” Before long the only sound in the tent was Sweetie’s voice, her singing a comfort to more than Fluttershy. -o.O.O.o- Rarity strode over to the temporary prison where the Gryphon guards were all kept and roughly pitched one out of the tent before moving to glare down at him, her rage near overflowing as she drew her blade. “Tell me the truth. What did you feed you captives if they were good?” The Gryphon started to sneer as he was about to answer when he saw just which Colonel was standing in front of them. Her insignia shining on the rank patch between her armoured breasts, two crossed swords overlayed by three diamonds. “B – bread with b – butter and j – jam, w – with a g – glass of m – milk.” He stuttered. Nodding harshly she pointed back to the tent she’d thrown him out of, getting the message he scurried back inside. ‘By the stars I hate Gryphons’ Rarity thought as she turned to the Private and spoke to him. “See they each get one round of bread with jam and a glass of milk, then at 1900 line them up outside. These filth have earned the… pleasure of a Solar Execution.” There were very few things that would earn them such a fate, and the guards eyes hardened. “I’ll see to it personally Ma’am.” Rarity sighed as she headed to the command tent, on the way she heard a mare sobbing and went to investigate. Pushing through the bushes, there at the edge of a pond was Cloudkicker, she’d lost both her friend and sister in the last year, Derpy had taken a javelin for her, while Cloudancer had stayed behind on a bridge so the other 150 left after an ambush could escape. Rarity knew it would be so, so easy to hate this Pegasus, because of her she’d left Fluttershy on the battlefield, yet even in her hysterics at the time she had seen Cloudkicker wait the required 15 seconds to feel a pulse. Sitting down next to her she spoke. “Do you want to talk about it dear?” At the first sound of her voice Cloudkicker flinched expecting her to be the target of hate. “I – I it’s my fault! F – Fluttershy… what she’s … oh god It’s my fault!” She wailed, collapsing against Rarity as she sobbed. “There now, you know that’s not true, we were trying to retake Hells Peak remember? It was on a battlefield, not only did you have to check her pulse, but you had to avoid the same fate. And remember, you avenged her when you earned the scars on your back and abdomen, you took out the Black Gryphon.” Cloudkicker looked up to Rarity shocked as she carried on speaking. “War is never, ever good, it brings out the worst in us. Know this,” Rarity said looking to Cloudkickers eyes. “Every time Fluttershy flew onto any battlefield she knew it may be her last moments. What’s more, we knew about them capturing our mares, remember it was a group of escaped mares from the border that told us what was happening. She knew the risks and chose to join up anyway. Can you honestly say if not at Hells Peak she might not have been captured or killed elsewhere? You know the answer. Just as I’m sure Rainbow Dash behind you does, she doesn’t really blame you.” Cloudkicker whipped her head around to where Rainbow had landed silently, pulling away, obviously expecting a beating when Rainbow knelt down in front of her. “I’m sorry Kicks, I was just so, so angry when I saw the state Fluttershy was in.” Cloudkicker looked up to the widow holding her arms out from where she had curled up arms around her pulled up legs. With a silent sob Cloudkicker fell into Rainbows arms. Rarity nodded before she spoke. “Solar execution at 1900 – Fluttershy was one of their repeaters.” Cloudkicker didn’t seem to notice, but Rainbow nodded as she spoke. “I’ll make sure the Rangers are in attendance.” She said quietly having taken command of them the day after her husband had been shot from the sky. After that battles victory, Rainbow had been the one to find his body, and now, just like Belle’s Blades on the ground, Rainbow’s Rangers were the most feared in the sky. Cloudkickers battle with the Black Gryphon six months ago was a case in point. -flashback- Cloudkicker was taking a quick flight between the front base and basecamp when her eyes spotted something higher than her. Looking closer she let her vision tunnel in before a wave of red washed over her vision. The Black Gryphon. Twice since the day he’d killed Fluttershy he’d escaped her, it had become common knowledge he was hers to kill or be killed by among both armies. Powerful beats of her wings shot her skywards until she was travelling at over Mach 3, colliding with him and taking him off guard. That he was three times the size of her didn’t phase the short Pegasus. Her fist rammed into his flexible beak snapping his head back. She thought she had the upper hand with her surprise attack until she felt fire on her stomach. Glancing down as she tumbled out his reach in the air she grimaced, his claws had scored deep into her abdomen. Drawing her scythes she charged, him meeting her with his own blades, a twist lost her a blade tumbling to the floor, his sword following. -o.O.O.o- A sword and scythe landed point down into the ground in front of Rainbow and Spitfire as they were walking, both looking up they saw the battle raging ahead, Gryphon and Pegasus slicing into each other. “RANGERS/SIRENS ALOFT!” Rainbow and Spitfire called out the emergency launch blasting to the skies, 38 of the two elite unit’s behind her, all converging on one of their own in trouble. -o.O.O.o- His sword bit into her back as she lunged forwards as she threw her off hand into his kidney, short dagger going in as he let out a piercing shriek, other Gryphons higher than him coming into sight diving through the clouds. -o.O.O.o- Rainbows eyes widened as she saw the gryphon force come into view as she drew her blades, Pegasi forming up as Derpy shot ahead, flying deliberately straight and true into the path of a javelin thrown at Cloudkicker, impaling her in the back she fell. She was the first casualty.  Gryphons falling, Pegasi rising the two forces crashed into each other, the sounds of battle echoing above.  After rolling over one gryphon and slicing deep into his side killing him she caught sight of Rescue Flyers and their escorts flying up towards the battle, since the loss of Fluttershy, they all had an assigned guard.  She saw they had already caught Derpy and Spitfire who’d fallen. As per Standard Procedure though they left falling Gryphons to their deaths, tumbling in the air she barely dodged a sword thrust to her face, turning it into a slice across it earning her another scar as she swept her sword, amputating the hand holding it, thrusting her second blade forwards through the Gryphons chest.  The face she saw momentarily shocked her into immobility, She was looking at Gilda. “Guess you’re the best after all Dash…” She sighed as she slid off Rainbow's blade spiralling to the floor already dead.  The scream was what shook her of her shock, looking up she saw the Black Gryphon had scored some deep scratches into Cloudkicker, and like others in her unit, she’d screamed but still fought on. This was why the Rangers were feared by Gryphons, no matter how badly injured they fought on, their unit motto was ‘Fight to the end and beyond’ So fast she didn’t see how it happened, Cloudkicker managed to get above him before the point of her sword went through the top of his skull, exiting out his mouth, a second later and the most feared Gryphon Warrior was no more.  A blur of orange and purple shot up and caught Cloudkicker as she started to fall, Scootaloo and her escort getting Cloudkicker down safely as the battle above raged on.  In the end the other 16 Rangers and 19 sirens fought off a concerted 50 wing strong Gryphon attack. -End Flashback- Rarity walked away from the two Pegasi, she wouldn’t be at all surprised to find them in each other's bed again, since the loss of Soarin’ Rainbow had been seeking Cloudkickers company more and more. Stepping into the command tent where Princesses Celestia, Luna and Twilight were all bent over a table, faces all a mixture of rage. Going up to the table she looked down to see they were interviews from the Mares that were willing to talk. From what she read, impossible as it seemed, Fluttershy had not told her the worst of what she suffered! Every mare was regularly taken to the town square and left tied there to a post for anyone! With a narrowing gaze Rarity spoke. “Burn it to the ground.” She whispered. That none of the princesses disagreed with her was evidence of the horror they were feeling. Any Gryphlet/Pony cross born was immediately destroyed. “I swear Gryphons will forever remember my fury!” Celestia swore as the clock chimed 18:50 “It’s time.” Rarity said her voice deadening with hate, those who hurt her Fluttershy were about to pay. Celestia nodded and the three Princesses stood fixing their helmets, Rarity leading the way to where the prisoners were kept, just as the Rangers flew in. “Gryphons, you have taken My Little Ponies, Murdered, eaten, used and abused them for your sick and twisted entertainment, and for that you are about to pay. I give you these last few minutes to pray to your deity before your punishment. As the clock ticked down, Rarity wondered how history would remember them, but put the brief thought aside, each one of these had taken part in the torture of those of her race. Rarity from before the war was one who preached second chances and forgiveness, was generous enough to believe the best even of her enemies. She had been so naïve. As the clock started tolling 1900 Celestia stepped forwards, her horn lighting up as her eyes became brilliant white orbs glowing with power. As she looked to the Gryphon soldiers this was their last chance. Rarity knew when she used the Sunstare that Celestia could see into the soul of any being, see if they truly regretted any actions, were coerced in any fashion. The downside was if the magic of the spell decided they were guilty Celestia had to witness their crimes from their point of view. This was why it was so rare the Solar Princess used this spell, the last time four years ago had caused her to retreat from public view for a month, and the screams as she cried out in the night still haunted those who heard them. As the spell ran its cause Rarity’s eyes widened as every Gryphon erupted in flames so hot and strong that they wouldn’t even feel the pain of their death. Not a single one was innocent, forced, they had all willingly done acts that warranted their deaths. Turning to Celestia she saw her stood as still as a statue, her magenta eyes betraying her as they held the sight of one whom had seen true horrors as tears continued to slip from her eyes until she did the one thing nopony expected collapsing to her knees letting out cries of despair, only those close enough could hear her whispered “My ponies, my poor little ponies,” repeating litany. Luna raced to her dropping next to her pulling her into her arms as the immortal princess clung to her sister crying into her shoulder. Knowing what Fluttershy had described would only be a small taste of what she’d endured had Rarity worried, for the princess to react like the first eye view from the attackers points of view they must have been even more horrific than she thought. Though the Gryphon’s were now broken and subjugated to Equestrian forces, Not to mention the Gryphlets all under the age of 12 had run to the armies of Equestria for protection as they invaded. Rarity once again had the thought of wondering what Gryphlets were put through to see an invading force as better than their home-lives. She had in her care two 3 year old Gryphlets herself now, having found them a year after the ‘loss’ of Fluttershy on a reconnaissance mission, seeing their mother beating them for not fighting for the meat. She had completed her mission, assessed the forces, and was returning to camp to report what she’d seen. -Flashback- She and Octavia were creeping back past enemy lines when the two heard squeals of pain from what could only be gryphlets way too young. She and Octavia moved towards the sounds coming to a small clearing where they saw a female gryphon sergeant as she kicked a baby gryphlet away from another. “No! Don’t share! You will fight for the meat” She screamed, grabbing the second gryphlet and throwing it at the first. Rarity may have come to hate gryphons, but only those that were old enough to fight them and that did so. She’d lost count the number of times juveniles had ran from a town they were besieging screaming for help and protection from their own race. That there was a second Gryphon there wasn’t a problem, she signalled Octavia to circle around as the former cellist nodded, her hands once able to wring the most melodic songs from her cello had become adept at the art of the silent kill of wringing necks, Rarity had to use her whole arm strength to break a gryphons neck, while Octavia could do it with a quick twist with her hands. Rarity had to force herself to stay still with the fury running through her as she saw the female start to use a whip, constantly roaring at the Gryphlets to fight even as the two seemed desperate to protect the other. She knew Gryphons matured faster and that a 1 year old Gryphon had the same mentality as a 5 year old pony, and from a more peaceful time could clearly see the bond of friendship between the two. As soon as she saw Octavia signalled ready from a tree above her target Rarity nodded, slowly drawing one of the blades her unit was famous for, recurved with a guard over the fingers that was as sharp as the blade of the sword, so even a single face smash could, and did kill. She saw Octavia crouch ready, her arms in position to grab ‘n’ snap as the cellist called it.  She signalled the attack. Rushing out from cover she went to decapitate the gryphon only for the enemy to drop and roll away, coming up to face her. “Major Belle…” The Gryphon whispered, fear in her eyes even as she drew her own blade and charged. Rarity brought her blade up deflecting the blow as the blade bit deep into her ear instead of face. Ignoring the pain she kicked her away before trying to get a punch in, the Gryphon grabbed her arm and yanked her forwards, their blades locking, knocking her helmet free.  Rarity cursed her vanity as the helmet would have sat more snugly without all the hair beneath it when her other ear exploded in pain. Managing to kick the gryphon away again she saw a part of her own ear disappearing into her beak as she swallowed. “Hmm, tastes… Nice!” The gryphon charged as Rarity span bringing the point of her blade down, slamming into its shoulder and pinning them to the ground.  Less than a second later Rarity was knelt on the Gryphon’s back, hand under the beak wrenching her head skywards, as in her other she whipped her dagger out and sliced it’s throat open, cutting almost to the vertebrae.  As soon as she stood she turned to see Octavia on the ground throwing up next to the other dead gryphon. Rushing over she knelt next to the former musician. “It’s.. Alright. Solid kick… to stomach… see to gryphlets.” Rarity nodded, thankful for their protective armour, yes a gryphons kicks could force you to return your meals, but without their talons would, and did, disembowel their opponents. She carefully approached the two terrified gryphlets and let the tiny bit of the old Rarity show. “It’s alright little dears, I’m not going to hurt you…” She was interrupted when the two slammed into her holding on tightly. “Take with you?” She heard the little female ask/beg. “yes dears, if that’s what you want.” The two nodded frantically as Octavia came over. “Okay now I need you two to be very quiet, my camp is still a bit of a walk, I want one of you to climb onto my back, the other onto Miss Octavia here, we’ll run you to safety.” The little female immediately clambered around to her back, arms around her neck as the short legs clamped to her barrel, with the female went and did the same with Octavia. “Double time run.” Rarity whispered. Octavia nodded as the two stood, gathering their bearings before disappearing into the trees, all that was left in the clearing were two dead gryphon body’s and a very badly damaged pony helmet with Rarity’s insignia, leading to the belief she had single handedly killed them both, adding to the fear of her in their ranks… -End Flashback- After organising squads of 20 to search every house and retrieve any youngsters Rarity headed back to the medical tent where the sight that met her almost broke her. Fluttershy in only her fine pelt of fur shivering, even as the unicorns  kept refreshing the warming spells on the tents. Sitting on the cot next to her Rarity gently touched the mare’s shoulder causing Fluttershy’s eyes to snap open as she screamed out. “NOT THE POST!” Carefully gathering the terrified Pegasus in her arms Rarity spoke. “Shh, it’s alright, you’re safe now, you’re safe.” As sense returned to Fluttershy’s eyes she collapsed into Rarity sobbing. “I’ll never… be tied… centre town…” Rarity’s eyes flashed in rage as she spoke. “No Fluttershy, never, ever again. I promise.” Fluttershy pulled back as the beautiful aqua eyes met Rarity’s blue and she could see the desperation in Fluttershy’s eyes. “Oh my Flutters, don’t you worry, I’ll make sure of it.” Rarity said quietly initially leaning down to kiss Fluttershy’s forehead when Fluttershy lifted it a little and their lips met for another short, but sweet kiss. “Now, we’ll get you some clothes sor-“ “NO!” Fluttershy seemed to shrink on herself as she whispered. “Clothes lead to whips, no clothes…” Rarity’s eyes misted over as she pulled Fluttershy close gently rocking her until the canary Pegasus slipped back to sleep. Having recognised the conditioned reaction for what it was, and knowing that Fluttershy and other mares like her would never be able to bear the touch of clothes or blankets again broke her a little more inside even as she sent the silent report spell that would tell the Princesses as she gently lay Fluttershy back on the cot, renewing the warmth charm about her. Standing she headed out to the main area where the squad leaders had all returned. “All buildings thoroughly checked, and resistance put down.” She nodded to Thunderlane’s report as she went to give the order to the ballista. By morning this city would be burned to the ground. On her way she passed her tent when the two gryphlet’s she had care of burst out. “Mama Rare!” Jenni called flapping her small wings to give her enough lift to crash into her torso. Deftly catching her as Jamie wrapped himself about her leg. Smiling, she looked down tothem. “Now what are you two darlings doing?” She asked with a smile. “We wanted hugs!” Jamie said. Chuckling she knelt down and pulled him into her arms as well. “Oh you two are so precious, now go on back to the tent, Mommy’s still got some work to do.” The gryphlets hugged her tight before racing back inside. Standing she felt a tall armoured presence next to her. “You do very well with them,” She looked up to the tormented eyes of the celestial ruler. “I try, but they can be a handful at times, it makes sweeties Cutie Mark Crusader days feel like a mere warm up.” She said with a rueful smile as she made her way with the solar diarch. “I take it you are about to give the order?” Rarity nodded. “I wonder how history will remember this day…” Celestia said, her eyes full of torment. Rarity lay a hand on her shoulder as she turned Celestia to look down to her face. “Let history take care of itself, I have done many things that would be considered atrocities, but remember, all of them pale to what they did.” Celestia nodded with a sigh as they got to the lined up ballista. Standing at the end Rarity turned and roared out her commands. “Set Light to the Ammunition!” Torches were plunged into the baskets lighting the mixed pitch and naptha containers. “Burn it to the ground! Do not cease fire until it is gone!” The sound was tremendous as 100 ballistae all launched their flaming package to the air into the city. Celestia herself took to the sky, her eyes blazing as her horn lit, and from the sun pure beams of incineration started striking the city as Rarity stood and watched it burn. -o.O.O.o- Two weeks on and the main frontline troops had been given two months leave, and Fluttershy was sat next to Rarity in the airship to Ponyville shivering slightly as she passed over Hell’s Peak. Here was where the old Fluttershy died, and the new one born. Even now she had to fight herself, her fears of mares being desperate to seek pleasure had become realised and many of the captured had paired off or formed little herds. She had been one of the few to force themselves to hold back, reuniting with their loved ones. Rarity came up alongside her, resting an arm over her shoulder as Fluttershy rested her head on the colonel's shoulder. “It isn’t truly over is it?” Fluttershy asked as tears slowly slid down her face. “No,” Rarity sighed as the two gryphlets came up to them, Fluttershy picking Jenni up as Rarity picked up Jamie. “The main war is won, but…” “But now you’ve got the guerrilla’s and other gryphon forces to fight, the ones that’ll never surrender.” Rarity nodded gently kissing the top of Jamie’s head as the little Gryphon was dozing off in her arms. Fluttershy looked down into the wide innocent eyes of Jenni, and although a gryphon, she couldn’t hate her, she’d had no choice in her treatment, just like Fluttershy hadn’t. “Sleep little one, by tomorrow we’ll nearly be home.” Jenni nodded. “I haven’t seen Ponyville si *yawn* since I was 2” Jenni muttered as she fell asleep in Fluttershy’s arms. It was as they were stood watching that Rarity’s battle-hardened reflexes came into play, her horn lighting up as a solid shield snapped about them as crossbow bolts hit. “AMBUSH! FLIERS TO THE AIR!” Rarity ordered, nearly throwing a terrified Jamie into Fluttershy’s arms. “Take the young ones to our quarters. There’s a dagger on the side, you know what to do.” Fluttershy nodded. Should the Gryphons take the ship and all was lost, use the blade on the Gryphlets and then herself. “Don’t let it happen.” Was all she said before kissing Rarity hard and running for the stairs, ducking and dodging bolts. -o.O.O.o- “AMBUSH! FLIERS TO THE AIR!” Rarity’s voice rang out hitting Rainbows ears on the ship one over. “RANGERS ALOFT!” She cried, snapping her wings open as she and the rest of her unit took to the skies, shooting through the clouds her eyes widened as they came through. The Red Squadron, the Gryphon elite were attacking. Whipping out her scythes she spun in the air dodging bolts even as she saw one embedded into cloudkicker’s leg. The Pegasus simply swiped her blade down, shearing the bolt to flush with her skin, ignoring it otherwise. Arrows came from behind her as she saw Spitfires Sirens loosing arrow after arrow, Medi-Rescue teams standing by behind. They hadn’t been called Wonderbolts since just after the battle for the Burning Pass. Rainbow herself had been a Siren until given her own unit command. She dodged a falling gryphon with an arrow through its throat before battle was joined. Sirens and rangers fighting side by side against the one unit that was their equal. She slashed a throat open even as another blade bit into her shoulder, rolling forwards in the air, she stabbed her blade up between her legs into a Gryphons abdomen, using her momentum to finish and throw the dying enemy into another one off her scythe. -o.O.O.o- Rarity stood on the deck sword drawn even as her blades flooded it, there were far too many Gryphons for the fliers alone, as they descended, bolts from horns and crossbow loosed as Gryphons landed on the deck, she brought her two swords up and charged, blades locking with another. “Get. Off. My. SHIP!” She screamed, raising her metal clad knee into the Gryphon’s groin causing him to collapse as she beheaded him, spinning to slash another down the back as she leapt. On the battle raged on the decks and in the air. As she fought on a medic landed on the deck next to her, bolt through the shoulder. “SWEETIE!” Rarity roared coming to stand over her downed sister as another medic ran up and started tending to her as Rarity covered for them. “RARES ABOVE!” Sweetie called out as her short throwing knife whizzed past Rarity’s ear. Looking up she brought her blades up to impale the diving gryphon and throw him over the edge of the ship. “Thanks!” She called as she continued to cover, ignoring Sweetie’s cries of pain, knowing it simply meant she was being tended to. An hour later and the battle was over. She stumbled down to her quarters and opened the door. “MAMA!” the gryphlets cried looking at her blood soaked fur. “It’s alright, it’s not mine.” She said as she cleaned and sheathed her blades heading straight to the bathroom. “Flutters, can you get the catches on my back, it’s too slippery for me.” Fluttershy put the dagger away and came up behind her undoing the armour locks, helping Rarity to remove the moulded torso piece before surprising her and kneeling down to unlace her shin guards and boots, then standing and turning her to help her with her forearm guards, leaving her in her leather under jerkin and kilt with reinforced strips about it. The canary hands came up to undo the ties on the front of the jerkin pushing it from Rarity’s now topless body before helping pull her kilt and sword belt off. Standing in front of the blood spattered nude Rarity, she leaned in to give her a quick kiss as she spoke. “Thank you for keeping us safe. Now go clean up.” Rarity nodded as she whispered. “Anytime.” Before going into the attached bathroom. Fluttershy turned to start cleaning the armour only to find the adopted pair had beaten her to it, leaving her with just the leathers to sort. Having being used as a slave force for everything Fluttershy knew exactly what to do and spent the next 15 minutes getting everything ready as Rarity came back out wrapped in a towel, going straight to her clothes chest and pulling a black set of leather trousers and tight tank top out and getting dressed before pulling on a pair of boots and coming over to sit next to Fluttershy as she started working. “Fluttershy darling, you don’t need to do this.” She said quietly. Fluttershy smiled up to her as she spoke. “It’s because I don’t need to do it, that I want to, the little tykes got to your armour before I could.” Rarity smiled as she looked to the Gryphlets working hard at making sure her armour was – in their words – super-shiny-pretty. She stayed there gently running her hand through Fluttershy’s mane looking to the stub of her wings and tail and swore from now on Fluttershy’s life would be better, she had lost so much due to the war. An hour later the Gryphlets had curled up in their basket, in the little room that was theirs in the quarters, point blank refusing beds, as Fluttershy lay in Rarity’s bed and arms trembling again. “Fluttershy dear, are you cold?” Rarity asked quietly. Fluttershy looked up to her as she spoke. “N – no, it’s just s – some of us – to cope, we let ourselves… e – enjoy the p – pleasure that can c – come with Mating.” Rarity closed her eyes so as not to let Fluttershy see the horror in her eyes at what the Pegasus had needed to do just to survive. “A – and some, like me – we… oh Rarity it’s horrible… I keep feeling the need for sex, but I don’t want to push you… but it’s burning me up inside… what do I dooo!” She cried out burying her face into Rarity’s shoulder as she cried. Rarity simply held her, whispering it was okay, she was safe, here in her arms. When she pulled away Rarity spoke quietly. “Fluttershy, what do you need?” Rarity said quietly letting Fluttershy see it in her gaze that Rarity was willing to help. “I – I want – I want to feel loved…” Rarity carefully, slowly pulled Fluttershy’s head down to hers, gently letting her lips connect with Fluttershy’s, glad the Gryphlets would now be asleep until morning. -o.O.O.o- Two days later and they were walking through Ponyville, Fluttershy had been surprised at the large military base there so far into ‘Safe Territory’ Rarity gave a grim smile as she spoke. “During the war after you were captured, the Gryphons changed tactics in a way. They sent suicide squads full of steroids to keep them going to randomly attack places, Ponyville was hit 4 times in the last year alone. Fluttershy sighed as she nodded, the two Gryphlets were walking near them when a Pegasus stallion walking past spat on one of them. Before Fluttershy could react the Stallion found himself swung to the floor, arms lifted behind his back with Rarity’s knee in between his shoulder blades as she spoke. “That is my child you just did that to! Why?!” “They’re gryphons!” The Stallion said, his voice breaking telling them that he was young. Fluttershy had gathered the Gryphlets up and reached into Rarity’s bag for a cloth helping wipe the little one clean. “Let him up, but hold him.” Fluttershy said. Rarity simply picked him up keeping his arms pinned. “Now young one, I’m sure you recognise me?” Fluttershy demanded. “Y – Yes Ma’am.” He stuttered. “And you’ve read the news stories of what was done to Mares not eaten?” Swallowing he nodded. “Then you know I have more reason than most to hate all Gryphons?” Another nod. “Well let me tell you now – I don’t, these two little’s behind me didn’t do anything to me – they’re innocent. You will find that every mare that was used will say the same. We have just finished a war over that sort of thinking you just displayed. I don’t care who you are, who your parents are, treat any baby gryphon too young to have fought in the war like that again and I’ll let Rarity finish what she started!” “The wars over?” He asked, seemingly disappointed. “Yes.” Fluttershy said. “Aw man – now where am I going to get glory, I was going to be one of the best in battle!” Fluttershy sighed looking about and spotting Rainbow on the sidelines watching just in case. “You want to see what glory looks like?” Fluttershy asked sweetly. “It’s fighting and defeating your enemies in the heat of battle! Leading the charge, sunlight gleaming off your armour.” He said almost reverently. “You remember Rainbow Dash right?” He nodded. Fluttershy waved Rainbow over. “You’ve read about her ‘glorious triumphs’ – now meet her.” Rainbow came around so he could see her scarred face causing him to pale. “That’s right kiddo, take a look, I refuse to wear any o’ my medals as these scars are them, this is what battle looks like. I have fought in the sky yes, I also had to continue as I watched my Husband die, my friends? Dead. People under my command? Crippled for life. War is not glorious, war is not valiant. It is ugly, brutal and unforgiving. I will not sleep right now for the rest of my life. I will relive horrors you could only imagine, horrors I had to do to save ponies, and young gryphons.” She took a deep breath as she continued. “When we invaded those places the young ones ran towards us for protection, and now you treat them as a Gryphon acts? I would be ashamed to be in the same unit as you.” She finished causing his eyes to widen, his expression horrified. “Bu – but you’re the Ranger, I’ve practiced so hard like you used to! You’re my hero!” Rainbow looked at him disgusted. “Well you need to learn one thing fast – I treat others as they have me, I do not take the crimes of the parents and blame the Orphans. Like you and Gryphons do. Rarity let him go – I’ll take him to the wall’ Rarity paled. R – rainbow…” She nodded. “I know, I haven’t been since it was unveiled, but I think it’s necessary.” Rarity nodded before letting the adolescent go, the two taking off. “Mama?” An upset Jenni called from behind Fluttershy. Rarity knelt down holding her arms open and the Gryphlet ran into her arms. “It’s alright Jenni, Mama won’t let no more bad ponies or gryphons hurt you.” She whispered, her horn lighting as she cleaned Jenni’s feathers for her. Jamie tugged on Fluttershy’s hand holding his arms up. She knelt down and lifted him as she stood. “Are you my new Mama Fluts?” Feeling the emotions well up within her she glanced to Rarity for the answer, hoping it would be yes. When she nodded Fluttershy turned back to Jamie as she spoke, “Yes Jamie, I’ll be your Mama Fluts with your Mama Rarity if you want. Jamie wrapped his arms about her neck holding her tight, refusing to be let down as they made their way to what used to be Carousel Boutique. Going in Fluttershy looked around. In place of fashion designs, across the walls were different campaign maps, where bolts of fabric used to be stored were what looked like more rolled up maps. Her cloth making equipment was gone, and in its place various pieces of broken armour. On the Mannequins were other complete pieces that Fluttershy recognised were no longer used by Rarity as the rankings on them were too low. She was hit with the memory of the last time she saw her on the battlefield with one. There it was, her Major’s Armour still with the hole from where she’d been shot. Letting Jamie down, she went over to it and rested her hand on the burnished metal. “You never had it fixed?” She said quietly as she heard the little ones running upstairs while Rarity’s arms came about her waist. “No – I was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel the next day. I kept it to remember you – remember the day, seeing how b – brave you w – wer…” Rarity started trembling behind her and Fluttershy turned in her arms and pulled her close as Rarity buried her head in her shoulder sobbing. “Shh, I’m here, I’m alright, I’m here.” Fluttershy said, guiding her to the couch. After a while she calmed down and pulled back. “F – Fluttershy,” Rarity said quietly. “Yes Rarity?” “Marry me?” Fluttershy didn’t answer in words, in fact they didn’t speak for over an hour, but she thought her actions answered enough for her. Fin.