> Disco Suit Feather II: Lust is a Real Page-Turner > by BrawnyBold > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Starting Plot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was nighttime and Feather Bangs wore his white, linen bathrobes while laying on his comfy bed. He was in the middle of reading what looked like a novel. The novel's cover showed an image of a buff stallion wearing gladiator armor and around his hooves was a mare dressed like a Romarian princess. Both of them were in front of what looked like a beach with the sun setting. The title of the novel said Commander of Love. This novel was the third installment to Feather's all time favorite book series: Romarian Romances. It's about forbidden romances that took place during ancient times, specifically when mythical creatures and spirits were running amuck more than usual. Feather remembered the night when he started reading the first novel. Not So Long Ago Feather was first introduced to this series when he noticed some cute mares were reading the books. He thought that reading those books could help him research more about what mares enjoy. Feather also needed to occupy himself as he hasn't had any sexual action with any mare ever since he went to Foalrida. His fanmares have things to do things out of town; so Feather thought that option was out. Feather held a copy of the first volume of the Romarian Romances series: Demi Love. 'You can do this, Feather.' Feather said in his mind as he prepared to read the book. He felt hesitant about reading a book that was targeted for mares who were desperate for love. He only read books about poetry and classic fairy tale stories. The only worst case scenario he could think of would be that he would be so confused from reading that he will give up. Feather took a deep breath before he opened his book and began reading the first page. The Next Day Feather didn't get a wink of sleep last night as he was so fixated on reading his book. Wads of tissues were everywhere on Feather's floor as he had to release some tension in his dick while reading the steamy parts. When Feather finished reading the first book, he became completely addicted to the Romarian Romances series. Present Day Feather was finally done reading Commander of Love and placed his book down. He felt so happy that the third book didn't disappoint and he couldn't wait for the fourth installment to the Romarian Romances series. He also wished that he could meet the author of Romarian Romances, Stringed Faith. Feather didn't know who this mare looked like as her picture wasn't included in any of her books. This was because Stringed Faith was just a pen name and nopony knows the true identity of the novelist. 'Even though Stringed Faith is a pen name, it just drives me more crazy and I want to know who she truly is more than ever!' Feather thought as he rolled around on his bed while hugging a pillow. He finally stopped and just stared at his ceiling. Feather began to doubt that he will meet Stringed Faith as most ponies don't know where she would usually live. It would make sense as authors need the privacy to get away from the demanding public and to concentrate more on writing. Feather decided to call it a night and went into a deep slumber. Feather dreamt he was inside of a large room with a long, spiral staircase at the center. The staircase was completely made out of gold. Feather looked around to see that the room was also decorated with golden objects that looked like they were worth a lot of bits. Feather heard hoof steps coming down the steps and a mare appeared on the upper part of the stairs. "Feather, it's so great to finally meet you!" The mare called out. She spoke in a sensual way that made Feather's heart instantly throb. She was a pure white unicorn mare with long ,golden manes that shined with light. Her physique was similar to a supermodel mare. Her eyes were crystal blue and her eyelashes fluttered with sparkles. She wore a dress that made herself look like a beautiful goddess. Feather just looked at her with a goofy expression before he quickly shook off from his daze. "Y-you have heard of me?" Feather said confusingly. "Of course, I always get letters from you about my book." The mare said as she levitated some letters to Feather. Feather read some of them to notice that he had sent these letters to the book company that publishes Romarian Romances. Feather began to shake with nervousness. "T-then you're-" "Stringed Faith, at your service." The mare said while bowing her head. "N-no no! The pleasure is all mine!" Feather stuttered as he completely bowed down to Stringed Faith. "It is an honor to finally meet you!" Stringed Faith giggled from Feather's reactions. "There's no need to be so flustered." Stringed assured. "It's always nice to see my fans enjoying what I write." Feather tried his best to stay cool and collected. "So why did you want to see me?" Feather asked. Stringed formed a smile and her eyes became lidded. She sashayed down the stairs while causing her rump to bounce in a sexy manner. Feather's heart beat faster as she got closer to him. "Isn't it obvious, Feather?" Stringed Faith whispered. "I...want...you." Feather's jaw dropped from hearing what his favorite author said. "Writing all of these romance novels has made me crave to fulfill my own sexual desires." Stringed Faith began to wrap her hooves around Feather's neck. "I've been saving myself until I found the perfect stallion and I think you're him." She sealed things with a kiss on Feather's lips. Her tongue began to wrap around Feather's while Stringed Faith kissed him. Feather helped moved his tongue all around Stringed Faith's to add more pleasure. Stringed Faith broke off the kiss and her face showed complete satisfaction. "You're such a good kisser, Feather." Stringed Faith said before she noticed Feather's penis has formed a large erection. "Even from a kiss, you can get really hard. How about I help you release some loads in my room?" Stringed said before her horn glowed with white aura and both of them were teleported into Stringed's bedroom. Stringed sat on top of Feather while he was laying on her bed. The author used her magic to undo her dress and she stripped down until she was completely naked. Although Feather knew that ponies don't normally wear clothes, he thought Stringed was more erotic in the buff. She began to stroke Feather's hard with both of her hooves. Feather moaned as he could feel the stimulus rising in his penis. Stringed used her tongue to lick all over Feather's penis and even sucked on the whole thing. She kept sucking and let Feather's penis go deep within her throat. Feather could feel himself getting ready to cum thanks to Stringed's constant sucking. "Stringed, I'm about to blow!" Feather warned. Stringed nodded and began to suck at a faster pace. Feather finally climaxed and released his seeds inside of Stringed's mouth. She continued to suck on Feather's penis and drink his cum like it was a milkshake. Stringed made a pop sound when she removed her mouth from Feather's penis. "You're so delicious," Stringed claimed as she licked her lips. She started to move herself into a position where her marehood was just on top of Feather's tip. "Now I want your dick inside of me." Stringed demanded as she immediately inserted Feather's penis inside of her. She moaned loudly as she felt how tight Feather's dick was as it was getting deeper within her marehood. Stringed started to thrust herself and made Feather's dick move all around her insides. Sweat started to pour from Stringed's head to all over her body. It made her thrusts faster and easier to do. Feather stared at his favorite author being in such a slutty state. He was getting ready to release another load from his penis. "Yes Feather! Release your load!" Stringed hollered before she screamed with delight as her marehood was completely filled up with Feather's cum. For some unknown reason, pink flowers also started to explode out of Feather's penis and it completely covered his vision. Feather suddenly woke up to find himself laying on his bed and it was already morning. He looked down to see that he was using his hoof to rub his penis until he released a few loads from his morning wood. Feather felt disappointed that he woke up from an amazing wet dream and he ended up pleasuring himself. Feather got up and stretched before he began his morning preparations. He was in the middle of eating a bowl of oat squares cereal when he heard some knocks from his door. Feather opened the door to see Derpy in her mail pony uniform. "Here's your mail!" Derpy said as she offered some envelopes to Feather. As the mail pony trotted to the next house, Feather glanced at Derpy's flank and imagined what would it be like if he groped it. 'Maybe someday,' Feather thought as he closed the door and took a look at his mail. Most of the mail was junk mail and one letter was from his parents. Feather noticed there was a flier that was in his mail and he took a closer look at it. It was covered with a bunch of red hearts and the letters were written in cursive. Feather did his best to mentally decipher what the cursive words read: Come to this year's EROCON! A convention that has everything involving romance novels. - Buy some limited edition novels or merchandises - Get autographs from famous novelists - Attend Q&As given by famous novelists - Special guests may include the author of the Romarian Romances book series, Stringed Faith! Along with other well-known romance novelists. EROCON will take place at the Golden Crown Hotel at Baltimare. Come down to EROCON to feel the love! Feather stood still as he tried to process what he just read. He actually has a chance to meet the mare of his dreams at this romance novel convention. Feather thought he would be like a little colt in a candy store as EROCON will be full of mares who really want to find the love of their lives. Feather looked at the flier again to see that EROCON will happen very soon. This allowed Feather to begin making preparations for his upcoming stay at the Golden Crown Hotel. As he began packing up his suitcase with books he wanted to get signed and clothing, he realized something. 'I can't believe I almost forgot to bring my most important treasure!' Feather thought as he made his way to his closet. He opened it to reveal his white disco suit hanging on a single hanger. Feather brought it out and he decided to put it on once again. He took one look at himself through a mirror and he felt more confident than usual. "Look out Equestria, Feather Bangs is going to EROCON!" Feather claimed. > Cheerilee > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feather woke up and got out of bed. He looked around in his tiny hotel room at the Golden Crown Hotel. Feather was lucky as he not only was able to make a room reservation before EROCON, he was also able to get a room that was affordable. EROCON was a week long convention and Feather wasn't going to miss a single day of attendance. Although Feather's room wasn't as standard as where most ponies would stay in, he was just glad he was able to get a room. Feather got up to go into his bathroom and cleaned himself up. Feather then got dressed in his disco suit and took one last look in the mirror. He then put his first three Romarian Romance novels into his jacket pocket. Feather hoped that he will get his books signed by Stringed Faith. 'Time to find some love.' Feather thought as he exited his room and made his way to get some breakfast. Feather stood in the middle of the large convention hall where EROCON was taking place. It was made up of many booths and displays involving romance novels. A lot of mares and some stallions were trotting everywhere in the convention while carrying large bags of books or other merchandises. Feather felt like he was in paradise as he saw the many hot mares who were attending the convention. 'I can't wait to find Stringed Faith,' Feather thought before he formed a sly smirk on his face. 'and maybe fulfill some mares' deepest fantasies while I'm at it.' Feather trotted down the alley of booths while carrying a complimentary EROCON bag that was given to him before entering the convention. He looked around until he spotted another room with a small sign at the front door. It read: Room Reserved for Romarian Romance Panel 4 Days Until Open "The panel won't open for four more days?!" Feather said in disappointment. "It would be the end of the con by then!" "Sorry, but it's true." A mare's voice said from behind. Feather turned to see a dark pink earth pony mare with fluffy pink manes. Her eyes were green and her cutie mark were three smiling flowers. Feather was in awe from how beautiful the mare looked. "The main panels are always taking place at the end of EROCON." Feather shook from his daze. "Have you been to this con?" Feather asked. The mare began to blush. "You can say that," The mare replied. "I actually been going here ever since I was a foal." "Really?" Feather said in disbelief. "Yeah, I would go here with my mother as she was a huge romance novel fanatic. She even buys me some romantic books that were for fillies." The mare said as she offered a hoof. "I'm Cheerilee, by the way." "I'm Feather; Feather Bangs." Feather said as he shook Cheerilee's hoof. He turned to look at the reserved room. "I guess I'll have to wait a few more days until I can meet Stringed Faith." "It's alright, this may give you more time to explore other things EROCON has to offer." Cheerilee reminded. Feather suddenly came up with an idea and turned back to Cheerilee. "Say, is it alright that you show me around EROCON?" Feather requested. "I prefer to be lead by an expert and you're practically a regular attendant for this convention." Cheerilee took a moment to think about Feather's suggestion. "In return of helping little old me, how about I treat you to lunch?" "Alright, I guess I could show you around while I take care of things here." Cheerilee accepted. "Thank you so much Ms. Cheerilee!" Feather did a small bow. "Lead the way!" The time went on with Feather following Cheerilee while she showed him all of the amazing spots in EROCON. They were able to look at some new books that were being sold exclusively at EROCON. Feather even took the liberty to help Cheerilee find some of the new books that she really wanted to buy in the convention. Cheerilee and Feather went on to mingle with some of the attendees who were cosplaying as certain characters from different romance novels. Feather helped Cheerilee by taking pictures of her with some of the attendees who cosplayed as characters from Cheerilee's favorite romance novels. Feather noticed that most of the cosplayers Cheerilee took photos with were all hunky farm stallions or muscle-bound cowboys. 'I guess Cheerilee has a thing for farm stallions,' Feather thought as he continued to take photos. Just as Feather promise, he took out Cheerilee to lunch. They stopped at a local cafe that was outside of the Golden Crown Hotel. While Feather and Cheerilee waited for their orders, they got to know each other. "So what do you do for a living?" Feather asked. "I work as a school teacher in Ponyville." Cheerilee answered. Feather was baffled when he heard Cheerilee's reply. "Wait, you're from Ponyville?" Feather asked. "Yeah, is that a problem?" Cheerilee asked in confusion. "It's just that I keep hearing stories of how crazy things keep happening in Ponyville." Feather explained. "Well, you tend to get used to it when you live in Ponyville for a long time." Cheerilee said. "That still didn't stop me from working on my teaching career. I just love to teach young foals!" Both Feather and Cheerilee chuckled as they were enjoying their time together. When their laughing died down, Feather noticed that Cheerliee formed a sad expression on her face. "Is there something wrong?" Feather asked in concern. "Huh? Oh, it's nothing." Cheerilee pretended before she sighed. "It's just that I haven't had this much quality time with a stallion in a long time." "Really?" Feather said in surprise. "I thought some stallions in your town would probably ask you on a date or two." "I would normally be too busy taking care of teaching matters such as grading papers. The closest time I ever went on a date would be when I spent some time with one of my students' big brother during Hearts and Hooves Day." Cheerilee stopped when she was about to talk about another stallion with another stallion. "You can continue, we're just having lunch." Feather assured. Cheerliee smiled from Feather's acceptance. She continued on with her story. "We were having a small picnic and we had a good time together." Cheerilee said before she frowned. "A part of me was hoping that the connection between the two of us would blossom into something better. Unfortunately, my teaching career kept me busy and the next thing I knew, the stallion I was seeing found another mare to date." Cheerilee started to form tears in her eyes which she quickly wiped off with a napkin. Feather felt devastated from hearing Cheerilee's story. "I'm so sorry you had to go through with that." Feather apologized. "It's alright," Cheerilee sniffed. "It felt good to talk about it. I usually deal with it by doing more teaching stuff to keep me busy. If anything, I should be thanking you." "For what?" Feather asked. "You're the first stallion who listened to me without feeling uncomfortable. I usually talk about this kind of subject with my mare friends but they always say to find somepony else." "I guess I'm a special case?" Feather guessed and both of them chuckled once again. After Feather and Cheerliee's lunch, they continued on with attending EROCON and even attended some of the panels. Feather enjoyed listening to the authors answer fans' questions even though none of them weren't Stringed Faith. The first day of EROCON had come to an end and everypony left. "That was an amazing day at EROCON!" Feather claimed as he and Cheerliee trotted. "I say today was good as I was able to get a lot of goods." Cheerliee said as she held up a bag full of bought merchandises. "Welp, I better head back to my room and get some sleep. There are still some parts of EROCON I haven't seen yet." Feather was about to leave before Cheerliee grabbed his hoof. "I actually got a better idea, Feather." Cheerliee said before she leaned in to Feather's ear. "How about you come over to my room and we could enjoy some alone time with just the two of us?" Feather formed a wide grin as he knew where this was going. Before Feather could reply, Cheerilee wrote something down on a scroll and gave it to Feather. "We're going to need a few things before we get started. I'll be waiting." Cheerliee winked before she galloped happily to the elevator. Feather was extremely excited as he will get some mare action on his very first night at EROCON. He looked at the list to read what he needed. Feather then made his way to get Cheerilee's items. Feather's first stop was at a supply closet near one of the hotel's restrooms. Feather opened the door to see that no janitor was in there, much to Feather's relief. He looked around inside until he found what he was looking for, a large blue pair of overalls that were probably worn by the janitor. Feather removed the overalls from the hangar and tucked them inside of his magical suit pocket. Feather's next destination was at a small coffee place inside of the hotel. He looked around until he spotted a hat pole that would usually hang some of the customers' hats. Feather looked closer until he found a strawy hat. He took it and put it in his pocket. Feather trotted to a small vase that was placed near a large couch. He plucked out a piece of hay and put that in his pocket. Feather was excited as that was the last item on Cheerliee's list. He entered the elevator and pressed the button to Cheerliee's floor. Feather remembered Cheerliee's room number as he spotted it on Cheerliee's list. When Feather arrived to Cheerliee's door, he quickly knocked on it a few times. "Who is it?" Cheerliee's voice said from behind the door. "It's Feather; Feather Bangs." Feather responded. He waited for a moment until he heard a click from the door. "Come in!" Cheerliee responded. Feather took a deep breath before he slowly opened the door. As he entered the room, he noticed that the lights were dimmed enough to make the scenery look really romantic. Feather spotted something strange around the room. It had several stacks of hay lying around and it even scattered to the floor. He also noticed that Cheerliee wasn't anywhere in the hotel room. "Cheerliee?" Feather called out in attempt to locate the mare. "I'm inside the bathroom." Cheerliee answered. "Just take those stuff you brought and put them on." Feather was sort of confused until he realized what was up. He pulled out stuff from the list and he took off his disco suit. Feather started with putting on the overalls and then put the straw hat on his head. For the finishing touch, he put the piece of hay on the side of his hat. Feather went to the closet's mirror to take a good look at himself. He looked like a colt who spent most of his time doing chores at a barn. Feather wouldn't exactly where this look out in public, but he will make an exception as it was for Cheerliee. "Hey there, honey." Cheerliee said from behind. Feather turned to see Cheerilee all dressed up with a very small, red flannel shirt and short jean shorts. Her manes were tied into pigtails and her cheeks had pink freckles on them. Cheerliee's look reminded Feather of those farmers' daughters. Cheerliee began to strut seductively while shaking her hips towards Feather. She then wrapped her hooves around Feather's neck so both of them could see each other muzzle to muzzle. "I'm so glad that you spent your time off from working to see me." Cheerliee spoke in a country accent. "Cheerliee-" Feather was interrupted when Cheerilee placed her hoof on his lips. "The name's Cheer Daisy as that was what my pa named me." Cheerliee informed. Feather then realized that Cheerliee must be doing some kind of role play. He decided to play along with it. "My apologies, Cheer. I'm just so ready to roll in the hay with you." Feather replied while he also spoke in a country accent. "Then what are we waiting for?" Cheerliee said as she sashayed to the bed and laid on her back. "Let's get right to it." Feather hopped on to the bed and both of them began to make out. They moaned while using their tongues to feel every spot in each other's mouths. Cheerliee felt almost overwhelmed from how experienced Feather was in making out. Feather used his hooves to feel up Cheerliee on all parts of her body. It wasn't long until he began to undo her jean shorts by unbuttoning it first. "Yes, Feather!" Cheerliee whispered. "Strip me down and get a taste of me!" Feather completely pulled down Cheerliee's shorts to reveal that she was wearing a red, skimpy g-string that showed off both of her flank cheeks. Feather decided to spice things up by using just his teeth to pull down Cheerliee's undies. As Feather pulled down Cheerliee's undies, he became aroused as he took a whiff of Cheerliee's marehood. Feather then used his hooves to toss away Cheerliee's panties and lifted Cheerliee's hindlegs in an upward position. He moved his head closer to rub his muzzle on Cheerliee's clit to make Cheerliee moan from the constant rubbing. Feather started licking on Cheerliee's marehood and she continued to moan and call out Feather's name. It was thanks to Feather's past experiences with his fan mares that he was able to be such an expert in licking mares' marehoods. As Feather continued to lick, he also rubbed Cheerliee's smooth hindlegs to give her a nice massage. This didn't bother Cheerliee as she enjoyed the warm feeling of being rubbed on. After about twenty licking sessions, Cheerliee felt her marehood getting ready to climax from all of her arousal getting built up. "Feather, I'm getting ready to blow!" Cheerliee warned. Feather nodded and he increased his licking. Cheerliee continued to moan and gasped until she was finally ready to release her load. "I'm...going...to...cum!" Cheerliee hollered before she actually shot some of her liquid on to Feather's face. Some of her liquid also squirt all around her thighs and flank, making Cheerliee's nether regions look like a complete mess. Feather didn't feel bothered as he licked some of Cheerliee's cum off from his face and he also licked Cheerliee's leftover cum off from her marehood. Feather placed Cheerliee's hindlegs down so she could rest. He watched as Cheerliee breathed heavily after an amazing climax she had experienced. "T-Thank you, Feather." Cheerliee whispered while she panted. "It was no problem," Feather replied. "both of us needed to release our stresses from workin' so hard on the farms." Feather laid next to Cheerliee to also get some rest. After ten minutes had pasted, Cheerliee felt refreshed from resting and began to climb on top of Feather. "Now it's my turn to undress you." Cheerliee said as she undid Feather's overall straps and carefully pulled down the whole overalls to reveal Feather's fully erected penis. "Hmm, that is one huge and tasty looking corn cob you got there, Feather." Cheerliee cooed as she moved her head closer to it. "Mind if I get a taste it?" Feather nodded in excitement. Cheerliee began to use her tongue to lick all over Feather's penis to glaze it with her saliva. When that was done, Cheerliee started to kiss it at certain spots to make Feather shiver from the feeling. While Cheerliee kept kissing Feather's hard penis, she even kissed Feather's tip at some occasions and that made him moan for a bit. Cheerliee then moved to Feather's testes to suck on both of his balls. This increased Feather's arousal through the roof and he felt like he could release his load at any given moment. Cheerliee used her hooves to stroke Feather's shaft to make more pleasure into Feather. To Cheerliee, Feather's penis felt like a long tube of toothpaste that was ready to squirt out its' contents. "Cheer! My cob is about to creme out its' corn!" Feather warned as he gritted his teeth. "Yes Feather! Let it all out on me!" Cheerliee encouraged. Feather did what she said and let out streams of cum from his penis. Cheerliee took the opportunity to implant her mouth on to Feather's tip so she could suck most of Feather's load. After some sucking, Cheerliee removed her mouth and panted from how amazing Feather's white liquid tasted. She even licked some of Feather's leftover load on his penis to make it completely clean. Feather's face showed extreme pleasure as he enjoyed every moment of his blowjob. "Your cob's creme was delicious." Cheerliee licked her lips. She noticed that Feather's penis was still erected. Cheerliee grinned Feather's penis didn't limp like most normal stallions would. "Looks like your little buddy really wants more." Cheerliee then moved up to position herself so her marehood was just touching Feather's tip. "Allow me to give you more pleasure." Cheerliee rubbed her marehood on Feather's tip to give him a little teasing. Feather grumbled a bit as he really wanted his dick to be inside of Cheerliee. It was then Feather got his wish when Cheerliee slowly inserted Feather's dick into her chambers. Cheerliee could feel Feather's hard on getting tight inside of her. Feather's dick made its' way deep inside Cheerliee until the entire shaft was completely inside. Cheerliee started to thrust Feather's dick within herself to create a constant motion. Feather felt the delightful pleasures of getting fucked by Cheerliee. Cheerliee smirked as she was able having the time of her life while conquering her stallion. Feather's dick started to feel twitchy to indicate that it was ready to erupt another load of cum. Feather could already feel the pressure building up. "Here comes another one!" Feather warned. "Go on! Fill me up with your hot seed!" Cheerliee claimed as the both of them moaned as they climaxed once again. Cheerliee's marehood was already leaking out the mixture of her and Feather's seeds. Cheerliee panted while slowly removing herself from Feather's dick. She then repositioned herself as if she was ready to be mounted. "One more load, please! But this time, insert that big cob into my sexy plot!" Cheerliee said as she shook her flank in a hypnotic motion. Feather was a bit surprised to see Cheerilee ready for some more action even though they both let out a large amount of juices from their bodies. Feather felt his dick can still release one more load before it goes limp. He carefully grabbed Cheerliee's flank and readied his dick to be inserted into Cheerliee's other hole. Feather quickly inserted his dick into Cheerliee's flank hole and began to thrust at a fast pace. Cheerliee's flank bounced from every time Feather reinserts his dick. Cheerliee let out screams of pleasure as she was getting pounded by Feather's still hard dick. Cheerliee thought that Big Mac would have made more pleasure to her if they continued dating. But Feather was the actual first stallion to have not only listened to her distress, but also made her want to bed him. Cheerliee actually felt glad that Feather was taking her first time. Those thoughts vanished when Cheerliee felt like she was ready to release her load. "I'm ready, sweetie!" Cheerliee hollered before she finally felt her orgasm and Feather's cum overflowed inside of her plot. Feather slowly removed his dick and it was still covered with leftover cum. The both of the ponies finally collapsed on the bed as they didn't have any energy left for sex. Cheerliee turned to Feather to give him a tender smile. "Thank you so much for being my first, Feather." "Thank you for showing me a great time inside and outside of EROCON." Feather said before he received a big kiss from Cheerliee. They used the last of their stamina to kiss each other before falling asleep. > Lyra and Bon Bon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feather was making his way down a row full of booths that sold more romance novels and merchandises. Feather had an extra spring in his steps as he was able to pleasure himself with a lovely mare on his first day at EROCON. 'Not too bad, Feather. Not too bad.' Feather said in his mind. He noticed that the room reserved for the Romarian Romance panel was still closed until the last day of the convention. A part of Feather was still bummed that he had to wait a little longer to see Stringed Faith. 'I guess I'll have to keep on waiting.' Feather thought as he made his way to other parts of the convention. He looked around until he accidentally bumped into another pony and both of them fell to the ground. "Ow, that hurt." Feather complained while rubbing his head. "I'm so sorry!" A mare's voice said. Feather looked up to see a mint green unicorn mare standing in front of him. Her manes were grayish green with white streaks. The mare's yellow eyes showed worry as she thought that she hurt Feather. "I was so distracted from looking at the map that I didn't see where I was going!" Feather immediately lost all traces of anger as he thought the mare was really hot. "It's alright, I wasn't going to get angry." Feather said as he got up and smiled at the mare. "Accidents do tend to happen." "Tell me about it." The mare sighed. "I've been trying to find my way around this place and I still get lost! What's worse, I can't find all of the right booths so I could buy all of the good stuff here!" The mare grumbled as she was overwhelmed with stress. Feather felt really bad for the mare and spoke up: "How about I help you find what you're looking for?" Feather asked. The mare looked up to Feather. "Really?" Lyra asked with hope. "Yeah, I've been here for a while and I know where certain booths would be located. I could even help you get all of the merchandises you want from EROCON." The mare gave Feather a very tight hug that was causing him to lose oxygen. "Thank you so much, sir!" The mare said before she let go of Feather who was catching his breath. "I'm Lyra Heartstrings, if you were wondering." The mare introduced herself. "I'm Feather; Feather Bangs. And I'm always willing to help out a damsel in distress." Feather said as he bowed, causing Lyra to blush a bit. Unknown to the two of the ponies, they were being watched by a particular figure standing at a far distant from them. When Lyra led Feather to another part of the convention, a dark figure followed in pursuit. Feather's and Lyra's first stop was at one booth that hosted a book signing. Feather looked at one of the nearby signs to find out who was the author was. "Who's Berry Love?" Feather asked Lyra. "She's a well-known author who has written some of the newest bestselling novels of the year!" Lyra said as she pulled out some of Berry's books. "Berry has written novels such as: Love with Pride, Lavender Falls, and even Mares in Waiting!" Feather looked at the books' covers to notice something particular on some of them. Some of the covers showed pictures of mares either looking at each other tenderly or embracing each other in a romantic way. Feather looked up to see that the line was almost made up of mares with the exception of him. At an instant, Feather realized what kind of romance novels Berry Love writes. "Feather, are you okay?" Lyra asked with concern. "I'm alright!" Feather said nervously. "It's just that I wasn't familiar with Berry Love's work." Feather scratched his head nervously. "I guess that makes sense." Lyra replied. "Most of her work involves romances with just mares. It's quite rare for stories like these to be published as a majority of ponies would prefer read muscular stallions being loved by distressed mares. The Romarian Romances series is a prime example of such clique romance novels." Lyra said the last sentence with some disgust in her voice. "Yeah, hehe, so clique." Feather laughed nervously as he didn't want to be attack by Lyra for being the fan of the very book series she despised. "But Berry's stories actually help strengthen the lesson that there is nothing wrong with a mare loving another mare. As long as both mares are happy with each other, then that's all that matters." Lyra said with passion. Feather felt impressed to see Lyra defend her favorite stories in such a way. 'I should start reading Berry's stories when all of this is over.' Feather thought. The mare in front of Feather and Lyra left the line, indicating that the couple was to meet Berry Love. When Feather and Lyra reached the booth, they got a good look at Berry Love. She was dark pink, earth pony mare with straight red manes. Her blue eyes were covered with a pair of red glasses. Feather then heard Lyra squealing as she was meeting her all time favorite author. "It's such an honor to meet you, Ms. Love!" Lyra said while hopping in excitement. "Please, Ms. Love is too formal." Berry winked. "Call me Berry." This made Lyra squeal and bounce some more. Lyra used her magic to bring out some of Berry's novels to have sign. "And who am I signing these out to?" Berry asked while holding a pen with her hoof. "You can write these out to Lyra Heartstrings." Lyra answered. Berry jotted down her signatures on each of Lyra's novels. When Berry was done, her face lit up as she realized something. "Heartstrings? I believe I have read one of your fan mails you've sent me. The one with the lyra picture on the paper." Berry mentioned. "Yes! That's the one!" Lyra squealed. "Well, thanks for your support." Berry smiled. She then turned to notice Feather standing besides Lyra. "Are you with Lyra?" Berry asked Feather. "Yes I am, I'm Feather; Feather Bangs." Feather introduced himself. Berry showed a confused look when she turned to Lyra. "I could've sworn that Lyra was seeing a mare by the name of-" Berry was cut off when Lyra quickly levitated her books back into her saddlebag and grabbed Feather's hoof. "Oh sorry, I just remembered that we need to go to other booths. It's was nice meeting you, Berry!" Lyra said as she pulled Feather away in a hurry. Feather was a bit concerned with Lyra's sudden reaction of Berry mentioning of another mare Lyra knew. "Um, Lyra. Are you alright?" "Never been better, Feather." Lyra said while laughing nervously. "Are you sure? Because you looked like you wanted to get out of there the moment Berry mentioned something about another mare you know. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Lyra turned to Feather to see that his face showed some concerns towards her. Lyra sighed in defeat. "It's a bit complicated." Soon, Lyra and Feather decided to sit down at a local cafe while they talked. "The truth is, I didn't come to EROCON alone." Lyra explained. "I came here with my best friend to help her relax from her job." "I guess that makes sense." Feather replied. "You were simply trying to keep her mind off of her work." "I wished that was the case, but lately she keeps getting called up from her workplace and she says that there was nothing she could do as her 'job' was more important. After that, we ended up getting into a huge argument and my best friend just stormed off. I haven't seen her since then." Lyra looked down with sadness. "I came to EROCON to keep my mind off of that whole mess." Feather placed his hoof on Lyra's. "It's alright, Lyra. At least you're not completely alone right now." Lyra couldn't help but smile. "Thanks, Feather. I appreciate your support. You're a real stand up stallion, you know that?" After Lyra and Feather talked, they got up and resumed their walk through EROCON. From a far distance, the dark figure continued to follow the couple while glaring at Feather with anger. The next booth Feather and Lyra visited was selling cookies in the shape of hearts. Being the gentlecolt, Feather bought two bags of cookies for him and Lyra. He put his bag of cookies into his jacket pocket to save for later. "Wow, these cookies really taste good!" Lyra said while munching on her cookies. She used her magic to levitate one towards Feather's mouth. "Open up and say 'ah'!" Lyra requested. Feather blushed a bit as Lyra was practically feeding him similar to a mare feeding her coltfriend. Feather took a bite and he felt delighted from the taste. Lyra giggled, "You're so cute when you eat, Feather." Feather grinned as not only a pretty mare complimented him, but also because Lyra was not so sad from coming to the convention alone. This little moment was interrupted when Feather spotted some of the heart-shaped cookies fly towards him like shurikens. Out of instincts, Feather tackled Lyra to the ground so she doesn't get hit by the thrown cookies. Some of the ponies nearby panicked from the sudden attack. "What was that?!" Lyra asked in panic. "It looked like somepony forgot that its' improper to play with food." Feather said as he looked down at the cookies to notice that they were sharpened enough to get stuck on the floor. Feather looked up to spot a pony shaped shadow was running away from the scene. Feather grew suspicious as most ponies wouldn't run away unless he or she did something. Feather was more cautious now as he realized that somepony was purposely trying to hurt him. Feather wasn't sure who would want to hurt him as he doesn't make enemies who would try to get rid of him. He then turned to Lyra as he thought of a possibility that maybe Lyra was the one being targeted. 'Whether this stranger wants rid me or Lyra, I got to watch out and protect Lyra.' Feather thought. "Hey Feather, look over there!" Lyra said as she pointed at one direction. Feather looked to see a crowd of ponies gathered around a small area. The center of the audience was a pony dressed in white armor holding his blade against another pony wearing black armor. "You will never win, Sir Dark!" The white knight hollered. "I, Sir North Star, will defeat you!" The two knights began to clashed with swords. "What is this?" Feather asked curiously. "It's one of those role play reenactments." One of the nearby ponies said. "Those two are just acting out particular scenes from a certain novel." Feather turned to resume watching the two knights fight each other. 'These two must have put a lot of commitment into this scene.' Feather thought. As the two knights clashed again, Sir Dark began to turn towards Feather's direction. Feather was confused as he wasn't sure if Sir Dark was looking directly at him or another pony. Sir Dark pushed away Sir North Star and raised his to a halt. Sir North Star and the crowd was confused from the black knight's action. "What is it, Sir Dark?" Sir North Star asked. Sir Dark then raised his sword to point at the spot where Feather was standing. Sir North Star noticed where Sir Dark was pointing and he realized it. "I see," Sir North Star nodded as he turned to the crowd. "It has seems that Sir Dark would like to duel a new opponent! Step forward, you, the stallion wearing the obviously outdated leisure suit." Sir North Star said while pointing at Feather. Feather was felt a bit nervous as he had no idea if he should go up to the center of the crowd. He turned to Lyra who gave an encouraging smile. "Just go on, I think it would be cool if you were part of the action." Lyra said. Feather took a deep breath before he trotted towards the center of the crowd while acting brave. "What is your name, young stallion?" Sir North Star asked. "I'm Feather; Feather Bangs." Feather responded nervously. "Well young Feather, it seems that Sir Dark would like to challenge you to a sword fight. But fear not!" Sir North Star pulled out his sword and held it out towards Feather. "Take this sword and do battle with my nemesis. If you succeed, I will dub you an official knight!" The crowd cheered as they really wanted to see Feather fight Sir Dark. Feather grew more nervous as he didn't know how to sword fight and he really didn't want to. "It's okay, dude." Sir North Star whispered in a normal voice. "Both my sword and that other guy's sword are just props. You won't get hurt." This made Feather a bit better as he reached with his hoof to grab Sir North Star's sword. The sword wasn't as heavy as Feather thought, but he still had to repositioned himself so he could hold the sword with one hoof while his other three hooves were on the ground. "It seems that our brave knight is ready for battle!" Sir North Star hollered in his acting tone. Sir Dark positioned himself in a battle stance while holding his sword up. "Begin!" Sir North Star cried out. Feather began to move carefully to the side while Sir Dark did so as well. Feather's fears grew as he had no idea if Sir Dark will strike first or not. Sir Dark indeed went first by charging at Feather while ready to swing his sword. Feather responded by quickly positioned his sword to block Sir Dark's attack. The clash made both Feather and Sir Dark bounce back from the impact. The crowd were in awe from how fast Feather protected himself. "I believe in you, Feather!" Lyra yelled to Feather. Feather couldn't help but blush from feeling so flattered by Lyra's cheering. Feather suddenly heard Sir Dark growl and the knight charged at Feather another attack. This time, Feather simply dodged Sir Dark's sword swing. Before Feather could think of something, he dodged again as Sir Dark was fast. The battle ended up with just Feather trying to avoid getting hit by Sir Dark. 'Although the swords are fake, that Sir Dark can be really lethal with his prop.' Feather thought as he attempted to block with his sword again. Unfortunately, this caused Feather's sword's blade to break off and fly far away in the distance. Feather was now terrified as he was now holding a broken sword's grip to fight against Sir Dark. 'I got to use something to fight against Sir Dark!' Feather said in his thoughts. He suddenly came up with an idea and put one hoof inside of his jacket pocket. Feather tried his best to dodge Sir Dark's attacks while rummaging in his pocket. It took a few seconds before Feather pulled out the bag of cookies that was now crumbled up into dust thanks to his hoof breaking them. Feather took a grip of cookie dust and charged at Sir Dark. Sir Dark tried to swing at Feather, but the poet stallion was able to dodge. This gave Feather the opportunity to open up his hoof and blow on the cookie dust. The crumbles flew into Sir Dark's helmet, causing the knight to cough and choke from the small crumbs getting into his eyes. Feather took the opportunity to use his sword handle to bang on Sir Dark's head few times to cause vibrations on the knight's helmet. As Sir Dark was getting dizzy from the ringing of his helmet, Feather tackled the knight to make him fall over. Sir Dark made a loud crash on to the floor and he stopped moving. The crowd cheered as they concluded that Feather was the winner. Feather smiled while lifting one hoof in victory. Sir North Star approached Feather and the knight patted him on the back. "It has seem that Sir Dark was bested by our little champion. Let's hear it for our winner, Sir Feather Bangs!" The crowd cheered louder as the knight requested. Lyra clapped her hooves to Feather for being so brave against Sir Dark. She looked away to notice that Sir Dark was getting up. Sir Dark positioned himself to prepare a full charge at Feather. "Feather, look out!" Lyra yelled as she galloped towards Feather. She jumped in front of Feather to grab one of Sir Dark's hooves and performed a judo throw to make the black knight fly towards one of the booths. Feather and everypony else were completely silent as they were shocked that Lyra was able to toss Sir Dark like garbage. "Whoa, that was surprising." Feather claimed. "It's nothing," Lyra said while blushing. "I learned that move a long time ago." "Oww," A mare's voice said. Lyra and Feather made their way to where Sir Dark landed. They were both shocked to see that Sir Dark's helmet fell off to reveal who was under the armor. It was a yellowish white earth pony mare with pink and dark blue manes. She was rubbing her head as it felt pain from her landing. "Was Sir Dark suppose to be a mare?" Feather asked in confusion. "Bon Bon?!" Lyra yelled in shock. Bon Bon looked up to see a very peeved Lyra looking at her. "H-Hey Lyra," Bon Bon said while giving an awkward smile. Before Lyra could say anything, Bon Bon pulled out a small ball and threw it on the ground. This caused a puff of smoke to appear. Lyra and Feather coughed while the smoked cleared, revealing that Bon Bon vanished without a trace. "Do you know that mare, Lyra?" Feather asked. Lyra looked down shamefully. "Unfortunately," Lyra replied. "Do you remember when Berry mentioned about a mare I was seeing." Feather didn't need Lyra to say another word as he knew who Bon Bon was. "Oh," Feather responded. It was around the evening time when Feather and Lyra left the convention center. There was silence between them as they processed what had happened recently. Lyra sighed as turned to Feather, "I'm so sorry for Bon Bon trying to kill you." Lyra said. "It's alright, it wasn't your fault." Feather said while waving a hoof. "I should've known Bon Bon would have pulled stunts like this," Lyra muttered under her breath. "I guess those are signs that she cares about you." Feather joked while laughing nervously. Lyra continued to sulk some more. Feather felt bad for Lyra as she was just in the middle of the whole mess to begin with. "Well, the night's still young." Feather said as he offered a hoof to Lyra. "Do you want to do something else?" "Thanks, but I'll head back to my room and just rest." Lyra went up to kiss Feather on his cheek. "Enjoy the rest of EROCON, Feather." Lyra trotted away, leaving Feather a bit down as he had to see a mare leave in disappointment. But he shrugged it off and made his way back to his hotel room. Little did Feather knew, Bon Bon wasn't too far behind him. Back in his hotel room, Feather laid on his bed while thinking about Lyra. He thought Lyra was a sweet mare even though she has feelings for this Bon Bon mare. 'Lyra had such a great time in EROCON,' Feather thought. 'Too bad I couldn't make her feel any better.' Feather was about to doze off into slumber until he heard knocking from his door. He got up to open the door to be surprised to see Lyra standing outside. "Lyra! What are you doing here?" Feather asked in surprise. "I took some time to myself and...I couldn't stop thinking about you." Lyra said as she moved closer to Feather. "When we first met and you offered to help me navigate through EROCON, a part of me was afraid that you might do something to me. But it wasn't until later on that I came to realize that you're way different from most stallions." At that moment, Lyra's face was just close enough to Feather's so their muzzles were touching. "You're such a gentlecolt that I've fallen for you." Lyra then gave Feather a kiss on the lips that took him completely by surprise. Feather soon felt more comfortable with the kiss and started to enjoy it. Before long, Lyra pushed Feather inside of his room and shut the door. Feather laid on to his bed while Lyra landed right on top of him. "How about we start with some bondage?" Lyra said as she pulled out some rope out of nowhere and began to tie up Feather's hooves on to the bed. A part of Feather was a bit uncomfortable about him being tied up for sex. Then again, he dealt with worse while having sex with mares. Once all four of Feather's hooves were tied up, Lyra formed an evil grin on her face. "Let's get started," Lyra said as she pulled out what looked like an electric taser. "L-Lyra, you should know that I have a terrible fear of things that shoot out electrical charges!" Feather said in fear. "Oh, don't be such a foal, Feather." Lyra said as she brought the taser closer to Feather. "This is the kind of kinkiness I love!" Lyra laughed manically as she was about to taser Feather on his stomach. Before the taser could touch Feather, the door burst open to reveal another Lyra standing there. "L-Lyra?!" Feather said in shock as he saw two Lyras in the same room. "I'm the real Lyra, Feather." The Lyra at the door said as she entered the room. "This Lyra on the other hoof is an imposter, or should I say...Bon Bon!" Lyra used her magic to pull the other Lyra's face off to reveal that it was Bon Bon. "L-Lyra, I can explain!" Bon Bon said in desperation. "No Bon Bon, you can't!" Lyra said harshly. "You went as far as disguising yourself as me to get rid of Feather!" Bon Bon's eyes watered up before she broke down and cried. "I'm so sorry, Lyra!" Bon Bon waled as she collapsed to the ground while dropping the taser to the floor. "I-I just wanted to make things right with you!" Lyra didn't say a word as she trotted closer to Bon Bon and placed a hoof on Bon Bon's shoulder. "Then you should've just came to me and apologize. Not follow Feather and try to kill him." "When I saw you with him, a part of me got worried and I followed both of you." Bon Bon explained. "I wasn't sure if Feather was really nice or was just trying to get in bed with you." "Hello, I'm right here." Feather said while feeling a bit offended. Bon Bon ignored Feather by continuing with her explanation. "I soon got angry when you and Feather were having fun together. I wanted to take him out of the picture so I could comfort you afterwards." "And look where it got you, Bon Bon." Lyra stated. Bon Bon only looked down in shame. "Is this means we're over?" Lyra stayed silent for a moment as she thought about it. "I'm willing to take you back. If, you learn to take time off from work." "I will, Lyra!" Bon Bon said desperately. "There's another thing you must do," Lyra said while pointing at the tied up Feather. "You have to help me pleasure Feather." "What?!" Bon Bon and Feather said at the same time. "I've got to know more about Feather while hanging out with him. I have to say that he's a nice stallion who I couldn't help but be fond of. You taking part in this could be compensation for nearly putting his life at risk." Lyra turned to Feather. "That is, if Feather wants to." Feather felt some pressure as he wasn't sure if this was right. But another part of him really wanted to get a chance to be pleasured by not one, but two mares. "Sure, I think this will make things right." Lyra smiled, "Good, let's start with some kissing." Lyra took a seat on top of Feather to give him a nice kiss on the lips. Both Lyra and Feather's tongues glazed each other as they made out. They moaned in response to the nice feeling of each others' lips. This made Feather form a hard on that Lyra noticed. She removed her lips from Feather to turn around so she was face to face with Feather's erection. She then moved down to start kissing certain parts of Feather's dick so he could feel the sweet sensation of the kisses. Bon Bon blushed as she was both envious and startled to see Lyra act this way towards a stallion. Lyra lifted her head to look at Bon Bon. "What are you waiting for, Bon Bon? Come and help me out." Bon Bon grew nervous as she moved closer to get a better look at Feather's dick. Never in Bon Bon's life she has been up close to look at a stallion's cock. From Bon Bon's point of view, Feather's dick looked larger than she had imagined. Bon Bon wanted to start off small, so she began with kissing Feather's shaft which made Feather shutter from the feeling. She gave pecks to all parts of the shaft until she went on with kissing Feather's tip. Feather only reacted through moans as he enjoyed getting his dick licked and kissed by mares. Lyra began to feel left out and joined Bon Bon on kissing the dick. Both mares kissed at different spots on Feather's dick and even gave kisses to each other on some occasions. Lyra decided to change things up and gripped on Feather's shaft to stroke it at a slow pace. Lyra took her time as she wanted to feel every part of Feather's hard on. "Mind lending me a hoof, Bon Bon?" Lyra asked her friend. Bon Bon nodded as she used one of her hooves to take hold of the lower part of Feather's shaft and stroked that part. Bon Bon was not only impressed from the size of Feather's hard on, she was also impressed by how solid it felt when touched. Soon, Feather felt different kinds of warmth from the mares' hoofjobs. As Feather was getting the hang of the two mares touching him, he felt his dick getting warmer as Lyra was increasing her stroke pacing. Bon Bon noticed this and decided to increase her stocking speed as well. Pleasure increased in Feather as he felt how fast the mares were rubbing him. Feather then began to feel his dick was getting ready to shoot its' load. "Girls, I'm about to let it out!" Feather warned. "Go for it, Feather!" Lyra encouraged. With that said, Feather released his load and it shot out long streams of cum into the air. Lyra and Bon Bon watched in amazement from how much semen was shooting out form Feather. Lyra took this opportunity by leaving her mouth to get a taste of Feather's load. "Mmm! You taste good, Feather!" Lyra claimed as she inserted Feather's dick into her mouth to suck on the remaining cum. After some sucks, Lyra removed her mouth and moved Feather's tip closer to Bon Bon. "Try some, Bon Bon. I promise that it's delicious!" Bon Bon followed what Lyra said and started sucking on Feather's dick. Bon Bon thought Feather's cum tasted sweet and bitter at the same time. She took a moment to savor her tongue licking all over Feather's shaft. A few more sucks were made before Bon Bon removed her mouth from Feather's dick. "So, was it good?" Lyra asked in anticipation. "Yes it was," Bon Bon admitted as she licked her lips. "Good, now let's move on with something more fun!" Lyra said as she climbed back on to Feather and began to grid her hips on the side of his shaft. "Oh, this feels so amazing!" Lyra claimed as she moaned while still moving. "Come and join me, Bon Bon!" Bon Bon slowly got on to Feather and looked nervously at Lyra who was still grinding on the dick. "It's fine, Bon Bon. Just imagine it's us doing our usual scissoring. The only difference is that there's a big dick between our marehood!" Bon Bon took Lyra's suggestion and tried to picture that it was their night of pleasure. Bon Bon spread her hindhooves and allowed her marehood to come into contact with the other side of Feather's shaft. She then moved her lower region in the same pace as Lyra. "Now there's the Bon Bon I've had sex with!" Lyra said as she continued with her grinding. Feather was amazed to see how skilled the two mares were with moving their marehoods to stoke his shaft. He also wondered how two mares would usual pleasure each other if none of them don't have penises. That didn't matter to Feather at the moment as he was too busy having fun with getting pleasured by Lyra and Bon Bon. Feather was given a few more grinds until he felt his dick getting ready to shoot some more loads. As much as Feather wanted this to never end, he had a hard time controlling his dick into holding out a little longer. "Come on you two," Lyra said. "Let's all climax at the same time!" Lyra, Bon Bon, and Feather cried out as they let out their loads. The mares' cum released and splattered on the sides of Feather's dick. Like last time, Feather let his load out in the air. All three of the ponies collapsed in exhaustion from their love making. "This felt way better than when it was just me and Lyra having sex." Bon Bon said while panting. "First time for everything, Bon Bon." Lyra said as she used her magic to pull her and Bon Bon closer to Feather so they could perform a three-way make out session before they fell asleep.