> Of Geeks & Giggles > by Midknight_Stardust > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Party of Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmers Apartment Sunset Shimmer had always fancied herself as a girl who knew what she wanted and why she wanted it or at the very least she had begun to see herself that way in the past decade since her reformation. Long gone was the petty, bratty, stuck up princess wannabe that was the Sunset Shimmer who had first arrived in Canterlot and had taken Canterlot High School as her pseudo castle. Sure, Sunset still had her temper, she could be a bit of a brat still but in an endearing sort of way, she was only petty towards people she REALLY didn't like or who threatened her friends and she was widely regarded to be a sort of princess among the Canterlot community now so everything checked out. She had learned the true magic of friendship on that night where she had lost all semblance of control and power to the six magical girls she now called her friends. Even though she didn't get to visit Princess Twilight much these days what with her being the new grand ruler of Equestria with the retirement of Celestia and Luna; she still wrote the princess of friendship every single day. Whenever she had the time she would hop through the portal and visit Ponyville as well as travel to Canterlot to see Twilight herself and the rest of her friends on the other side of the mirror. She always enjoyed her visits home as it was nice to be in her natural body every once in awhile even though she honestly much preferred her human form now thanks to having adapted to so much time in it. 'I'm so thankful for all the friendships I've made in the past ten years even after we graduated I still haven't stopped making friends...so why the Hell do I feel so lonely right now?' Sunset thought to herself as she was even currently playing a game online with two of her friends right at this very moment. Maybe it was because her friends weren't physically sitting next to her but it didn't quite fit. No she felt lonely for a different reason but couldn't quite place why. Although she wasn't gonna let those random thoughts distract her from the game at hand as she kept a firm grip on her controller and her eyes glued to her plasma screen television. She was currently dressed in red short shorts, no socks, a black t-shirt that read 'Best Girl' on it that she won back in Highschool before graduating when she was voted best girl of senior year. Sitting with her legs crossed on her couch she vigorously mashed the buttons on her controller as the sounds of gunfire and explosions went off in her ears through the headset she was wearing. Currently she was playing Daring Do 4: Thieves Requiem with Rainbow Dash and Sci-Twi and they were both trying to cover and help Twilight who was new to playing the game having never been much of a gamer herself but she wanted to try playing games other than chess or Tetris. She was a big fan of the Daring Do books and movies and so when she had discovered there was a popular video game series that somehow flew over her head? She was quick to buy a system and a copy of the game eager to play the story all the way through first as that was the selling point of the game and it went without saying that the nerdy girl fell in love with the game after binge playing the entire saga of games in just a few days. Not to say she was that good at the game since her aim needed some work however even for a beginner playing in team deathmatch? Twilight was doing alright for herself and that made Sunset proud that her geeky friend was having fun and breaking out of her shell more and more. Rainbow Dash was more of a loner type player who often tried to assist everyone so long as they were pulling their weight and they were loyal teammates, so as expected she was running around the map with a special speed mod she'd earned from hours of gameplay just racking up kill streaks left and right. "Sheesh, Dash leave some enemies for us will ya; Twi is trying to raise her K.D. ratio so she can level up." Sunset teased as she sniped an opponent from across the map to save Twilight from getting snuck from behind by an approaching enemy. "Thank me later Twi~" "Gyah! Crap baskets I didn't see that guy! Ugh it's so hard to tell when some people are coming, how do they keep sneaking up on me? Is that a mod?" Twilight asked in her usual geeky tone albeit more flustered than usual as she was trying to cover ground and take out as many enemies as she could without constantly being killed. So far she sat at a 8 kill to 6 death ratio and for the ever studious and perfectionist Twilight? That would not do! "Yeah it's called sneak step, its unlocked at level 12 and it allows you to sneak up on any opponent when your within at least 2 feet of them and it silently charges their grapple hook melee so you gotta be careful." Rainbow Dash replied as she controlled her character running to help support Twilight since she clearly was in need of it. "Oh well no wonder I haven't gotten it yet I'm only level 10. Ugh grinding for XP in this multiplayer is annoyingly tedious!" Twilight huffed as she hid behind cover and yelped when she noticed a landmine was hidden where she took cover and her character was now downed and in need of aid. "OH C'MON!" "Don't worry Twi I'm on my way with a med pack" Sunset said as she rushed to go help her friend. "We told you to always check cover for mines Egghead." Rainbow sassed. "I did! There wasn't a mine planted there a moment ago when I checked this area for enemies!" Twilight whined as she waited to get revived. How could she have possibly missed it?! She was being so careful! "Someone probably used the mine launcher then. Thing is broken so it's probably being used by some elite player...that isn't me." Rainbow boasted with a grin as she kept racking up her kill count. "Gotcha Twi." Sunset stated as she got within range to throw a fast healing medic pack at Twilight whose character stood up and this also replenished her ammo. "Thanks Sunny. Oh just wait until I can pull the rapid fire shotgun from the heavy menu!" Twilight snapped with a little magic echo in her voice as she managed to impressively down and kill three enemies first with a well placed grenade and then finishing them with her normal Spaz-12 shotgun. "Ha! Suck it elitists!" "Hehehe careful Sparky; Midnight is showing. But nice kill though! Triple threat; Nice." Sunset semi warned but also praised Twilight. The girl still had a little trouble balancing out her brilliance with the raw power of Midnight Sparkle and sometimes that side of her manifested when she got really excited or upset. Sunset herself had a similar issue only it was double for her since she had her demon half and her angelic half to contend with. "Sorry but those three have been hunting and killing me the entire match! Who are they anyway!?" Twilight asked demanding to know who the jerks were that kept trying to kill her on the opposing team. It was almost like they had a grudge. "I'unno. You're only level 10 so maybe they just like fresh meat. Elite players can be assholes." Rainbow said as she took a sniper post across the map in a crows nest. "Heh you would know." Sunset sassed as she ran to Twilight's side. "Suck my dick sun-butt" Rainbow said nonchalantly. "Didn't know you had one; thought AJ was the group dick-girl?" Sunset snarked back. Rainbow had not been ready for the response because at the moment of hearing that she was drinking a soda and she spat it out as she sputtered, coughed and laughed. "F-Fuck you!" "Sure c'mon over if you want" Sunset kept teased adding a playful bit of kinkiness to her voice as she made it sound like she was touching herself to mess with Rainbow. "I'm like mmmmm so ready if you really wanna come over and mash my button for the high score." Rainbow semi groaned and laughed. "You're almost as bad as Pinkie with your puns I swear." "Oh my..." Twilight said over her headset clearly blushed and flustered by Sunset more than Rainbow was. "Hehehe sorry Twi; I couldn't help it. I'm a baaaaad little pony." Sunset laughed as she kicked her feet playfully as she turned over on her couch now laying on her breasts and stomach as she looked at her TV as they continued the match and tried to finish it. "And as such you should get a spanking but my magic can't reach that far." Twilight teased back in a rare show of confidence. It wasn't often she 'fought back' in a sense against the girls teasing whenever they would poke fun at her nerdy tendencies or her ability to be easily flustered but when she did? Sunset took every chance to enjoy it. Smirking to herself she decided to play along. "Oh? Pft well I bet you wouldn't even spank me if you WERE here." Twilight scoffed and could almost be heard adjusting her glasses. "Is that a challenge?" Sunset smirked to herself still and licked her lips too liking where this was apparently going. "You accepting?" "Oh just fuck already! Seriously how in the fuck aren't you two dating yet?!" Rainbow felt like she had to say it, the tension between these two was hot enough to melt a hole in the fabric of the universe and she couldn't take them not being together anymore. Rarity had AJ, She had Shy; Pinkie was single and so were the eggheads. That changed today so help her God. There was a long pause as the game continued on and each of them kept controlling their characters without saying a word. Twilight and Sunset obviously thinking this over probably following a similar line of thinking to Rainbow Dash. Why HADN'T they tried dating each other? And why up till now had they waited so long to consider it? It was very clear and obvious the two had strong feelings for one another that could easily push past friendship. So why hadn't that push been made? As the match continued and finally finished with their teaming the taking the win reaching the kill goal of 60 within the 10 minute timeframe. After the match was over and they all returned to their private game lobby it was Twilight who would speak up first and she had a sheepish tone in her voice. "Um I suppose after Timber and I broke up after what happened-" She didn't like to talk about it, both because it was embarrassing and the memory of it and the thought of it possibly happening again frightened her. "Yeah gotta say it sucks that you were really about to get on it but he got scared off by-" Rainbow was about to address what had happened but Twilight quickly cut her off. "I KNOW...what happened. and it's because of that I am scared to get to intimate with anyone again. Sure it was a few years ago now but..." "Dash? Could you give me and Twi the party please. We need to have a talk." Sunset used her polite serious tone letting Rainbow know that she needed to speak to Twilight privately. Knowing the tone in which she spoke and the implications of it, she gave what sounded like a relived sigh. "Right, we can play again another time. I'm gonna hit up Scoots and hit the skate park anyway. Peace girls." "See ya Dash, tell Scoots I said hi and that I'll do that spray paint job on her scooter later this week." Sunset said in a kind tone reminding Rainbow Dash to pass a message along to Scootaloo. "Gotcha, see ya Twi. Chin up alright? Sunny's gotcha. Don't ya?" Rainbow said knowing what Sunset's answer would be. "You bet I do." "Okay. Bye Dash." -Dashie_Rainboom has Left the Party- Sunset would take a moment to gather herself, sitting up straight in a more relaxed position so she could speak to Twilight. "So...we have some stuff to talk about." Twilight gulped a little. "Y-Yes. we do. um..." Sunset giggled just a little, Twilight's nervousness was so cute. "First off? Let's just clear the air. How do we feel about each other? Lets just lay it all out on the table. It can stay a secret between just us." Twilight on the other end was silent for a moment or two and then spoke. "I-I can't...it's...there's too much to say...c-can I come over? I think I have an idea but um...can you promise me something?" "Sure Twi, what is it?" "That no matter what you see, that you'll still be my best friend. There...there are things I want to say...things I want you to know...but...I can't say them out loud..." Sunset knew or liked to think she knew Twilight Sparkle of this world better than anyone possibly excluding her parents, Cadence and her brother. Sunset and Twilight spent a lot of time together, any time the Rainbooms were not together as a group of seven, it was usually herself and Twilight to hang out and ever since the friendship games they'd grown ever closer. However of course it was only natural for Twilight to keep certain things to herself and Sunset had a pretty good idea how Twilight wished to reveal what she wanted. She smiled and though Twilight couldn't see her, she knew she could feel her intent when she said the following. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. I pinkie promise, no matter what I see when you get here? We'll still be besties." Twilight sniffled and wiped her eyes, a small giggle snort coming out of her that she didn't try and hide. Sunset always said her giggle snort was cute. she was one of the few besides her family who ever called it that and that made her feel special. "Thanks Sunny; I'll be over soon. I should walk Spike and change my clothes." Sunset nodded and smiled to herself, Twilight was always adorable whenever she would giggle snort like she did. It meant she was truly happy and something truly and really made her laugh. Twilight had a habit of holding back her laughter due to finding her laugh and giggle both embarrassing and haunting because of Midnight Sparkle. Sunset knew what that was like, for a long time she avoided laughing all together because she felt she had no reason or right to laugh after having caused so much pain and misery. Though fortunately for them both? A certain pink party girl changed that up real fast. "Sure no problem Twi, c'mon over and we can talk. As a matter a fact; are you busy tonight?" Sunset asked getting an idea. "No not really, I was really just going to stay home and read a few books and watch a couple movies." "Wanna have a slumber party?" Sunset asked with a giddy smile. "R-Really? You're still into doing those?" Twilight sounded genuinely surprised. "Well duh; it's a Rainboom tradition! C'mon it'll be fun." "Did someone say fun?!" Pinkie popped into the lobby. -PartyPrincessPinkie has joined the party!- "Gyah! Pinkie?! How in the-" Sunset looked to see the party was not set to private and she facepalmed but was relived Pinkie only seemed to have joined a moment ago. "Pinkie sense! Wiggly butt cheek, twitchy ear, flappy foot, stiff left nipple. That means friends wanna have fun! I wanna have fun! I'm soooooo bored! Maud is away at college now, Lime and Marble are in high school and its my day off from sugarcube corner today!" Pinkie said she was bored however she sounded as peppy and cheery as ever. Sunset chuckled at that and knew full well not to question the pinkie sense. "Heh well we BOTH learned the hard way your pinkie sense is never wrong-" "I would still like to run some extra tests..." Twilight tried to interject. "It's NEVER wrong; anyway, we were just planning a slumber party." "Heheheh silly, two people only makes a sleepover, three or more people makes a slumber party!" Pinkie said with excited childish glee as usual. She was the official on party's so she knew what she was talking about. Thinking about it that was Sunset found that made a lot of sense and at this point she found it best not to question Pinkie too much. The girl was one of life's unsolvable enigma's and she just had to learn to live with that. "Can't argue with that logic even though we know Twi will try anyway." "Oh ha, ha. very funny." Twilight added with a dry tone. "I'll be here all week; tip your waitress and try the salad!" Sunset retorted which got a laugh out of Pinkie and Twilight "Heheheh your so silly sunny buns! Anywhoozle! How's about I c'mon over? I can help set up the party! I upgraded my party cannon! It's super portable now!" "Just promise not to blow any holes in my apartment" Sunset said half serious but with a small chuckle remembering what happened when Pinkie tested the second model of her party canon at school and accidently blew a hole in the gym. "I pinkie promise! I've been running a buncha tests on it aaaaaand I might have skipped over to Equestria to get some help from pony me; please don't be mad!" Sunset found it hard to ever really be mad at Pinkie Pie. Annoyed sure, overwhelmed absolutely. However in getting to know Pinkie Pie over the years, knowing what makes her tick(sort of), what made her happy, what made her sad and that she always had good natured intent in her actions? She came to accept the way she did things. Shrugging it off she smiled knowing Pinkie could sense that. "It's fine Pinks. Just try and tell me next time kay? Princess Twi is a busy mare these days running Equestria and Pony Pinkie has her own life to attend to, alright?" Pinkie smiled in return giggling. "Hehe I know silly, I only pop over for super duper ubber emergencies! I wanted to see about getting a special magic book like you have but Pony Twi wasn't around to make one for me so I'll have to wait but no biggie wiggie!" "Well if you like Pinkie we can help you optimize your cannon a bit." Twilight offered, frankly surprised Pinkie had not asked them to help improve her cannon first. Then again Pinkie had her own method to her madness and Pinkie was certainly a special kind of mad. "Yeah I'm sure with a couple design tweaks we could really do something cool." Sunset offered as well, she and Twilight were the gearheads and nerds of the group so building and modifying things was in their nature. Sunset had several self built and modified action figures on her display shelf and the game system she had was technically three systems and a PC fused into one machine which was only possible thanks to Twilight's coding genius. "Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you girls! I'll be over in a bit! I'll bring snacks, drinks and all the fun stuff you need for a party!" Pinkie said with total glee before leaving the party likely to go pack up and get ready to come over which knowing Pinkie; would be anywhere from a few seconds to a couple minutes. -PartyPrincessPinkie has left the party- "Hehe good ole Pinkie; anyway Twi you get ready too and c'mon over so we can talk a little and then we can all have some fun!" Sunset said with her usual upbeat attitude and confidence that this was going to be a fun night for everyone involved. She hadn't had a slumber party with any of her friends in quite a little while and she felt they were due for one even if it was just three of them. Twilight smiled happily and nodded. "Okay, I'll see you soon Sunny...and thanks." "what for?" Twilight smiled. "For being my #1 best friend." Sunset playfully gasped and smiled to herself. "Why Twilight Sparkle are you playing favorites? I am flattered but what would our friends think?" Adjusting her glasses again Twilight spoke with more confidence than she ever heard she speak. "I'm sure they would tell us to do what Rainbow told us to do...but I guess we can talk about that when I see you. See ya soon Sunny" Twilight ended off with a giggle that sounded almost devious in nature and she left the party. Sci-Twi The Sparkly has left the party Sunset smirked to herself as she stretched a bit. "Heh yeah, see ya soon Twi. Well, looks like I'm about to have company. This oughta be VERY fun." With any luck she would have more than a few laughs tonight and that thought brought a playful smile to Sunset's lips. Pinkie was always more fun and expressive when she was around them and so having her here tonight would certainly make for one helluva party. > I wanna see you smile > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie's House Pinkie Pie was and always would be a party girl and a goofball through and through. It was in her nature to make people smile and laugh, to see others happy, to see their faces light up with hope and glee; she loved that feeling. It's what drove her to be the kind of girl she was and is what made her the embodiment of laughter bearing its element in her soul thanks to the magic of friendship. It still made her giggle and smile with absolutely glee each time the thought crossed her mind; she was a magical girl and she had a magical pony counterpart on the other side of a magic mirror! How much more whacky and awesometacular could you get?! Her life as the schools premier, number one party girl and class clown was already pretty sweet; but then to add ACTUAL MAGIC on top of it!? Pinkie felt she had no reason not to smile ever! She even had the best friends the universe could give any girl and she loved each and every one of them from the bottom of her heart. Well not LOVE, love; Pinkie loved lots and lots of people and things from her friends and family to parties and having fun, she found a way to find love in everything she did in life so she could always keep smiling. And yet? Among all the Rainbooms, the hyperactive, pink party princess didn't have a person to LOVE and it often baffled many of her friends, her family not so much except Maud who always said: 'You have too much love for one single person' Which lead to Pinkie more or less showing love and affection to everyone in the hopes that someone, anyone would take notice of her and give her a chance. And sure there were a few in high school like Cheese Sandwich who was a transfer student from Manehatten but he wasn't around long, though she would always remember that goof off for the rest of her life. Fun on that level was enough to make a girl creampie herself and if there was one thing Pinkie Pie was turned on by? It was creampies, she was weird that way. She was weird in a lot of ways but that didn't make her bad, she was good weird and her friends liked her for that. They loved her for the silly, goofy, 4th wall and physics breaking ball of pink energy that she was and always told her she never had to change for them even if her antics did become a bit much at times. She just wanted to make people smile and she felt bad if she didn't do good at it, she had gotten better at dealing with this after a nice talk over cupcakes with her Equestrian doppelgänger. Pony Pinkie told her of times when she would get super mopey dopey and in the dumps whenever she felt her friends weren't happy with her or if somepony didn't like a party she planned or didn't like it as much as she had hoped. Pinkie got that way sometimes too like if she made a joke and no one laughed or if she tried to be funny and only got laughed at instead of with. That was something Pinkie DIDN'T like, people laughing AT her and mocking her; it may have sounded hypocritical coming from a girl who could find humor and laughter in most anything but that was far from the case. It was true there was a lot Pinkie found funny, but deep down? She didn't like that she found certain things funny and it bothered her. Pony Pinkie said that was normal but she still had a hard time accepting that but she didn't let it show. 'No matter what happens, I need to smile for my friends. They all like it when I smile and I like seeing them smile.' Pinkie was widely regarded to be the most childish out of the seven Rainbooms, the one with the best sense of humor and the one who saw the world most innocently and purely out of them all. She was the one who would always be a bright light in a dark situation, whenever things looked bleak she would always try and use her near endless amounts of energy to brighten things up and find a reason to smile. A good smile always made everything better in her opinion even if the effects were immediate. It was why she valued it so much, the joy of seeing someone smile and letting all their problems wash away was what Pinkie Pie lived for. 'I'll never stop wanting to see them smile. They all count on me to be the fun one and I can't let them down! So lets go out there and make some smiles!' Pinkie often talked to herself, ever since she was a little girl she had done so much to the ire and irritation of her parents. Having grown up in a very strict and religious household Pinkie was often viewed as the odd one out. Having been born a vibrant pink instead of a dull or mute grey like her three sisters. Papa said she got that from his side of the family but she had her mama's eyes and it was a surprise to find out that before getting married, Cloudy Quartz was more like Pinkie in her youth albeit less energetic but then again it was close to impossible for anyone to match Pinkie in energy. When she was really little she had trouble making friends because other kids thought she was weird and so she decided to make up her own friends; ones who wouldn't laugh at her for just being who she was. As she continued her internal monologue she heard the house front door open and perking up her ears she could hear her little sisters coming in. Pinkie was one of the few of the Rainbooms who still lived at home with their parents with Applejack being the other and Sci-Twi being the last. After graduation Applejack decided to work full time on the family farm due to the rapid decline of Granny Smith's physical health which confined the elderly woman to a wheel chair which caused her to have to pick up extra work even though her little sister Apple Bloom was old enough to begin working, Applejack still had her stubborn streak and tried at first to do the work alone but was quickly convinced to let her sister help. Sci-Twi was mostly comfortable at home and while she had the option to go to any public or private college of her choice? She opted to take advanced classes at Everton and was coming close to completing her course which Pinkie of course had a party planned for. She had a party planned for many different things and she knew graduating from the Everton program would be a big deal for Twilight. Twilight was always so cute when she was happy, the way she smiled and the dimples formed in her face, the way she giggle snorted much like Pinkie herself when she was happy, how smart and inventive she was. Not to mention Sci-Twi had a really, really nice bubbly purple butt that Pinkie just wanted to shove her face in and... -Intense motorboating- As those thoughts began to skip through her mind a small blush would take Pinkie's cheeks though it was hard to notice thanks to her pink skin. She shook her head to get those thoughts out of her mind, she knew full well how close Twi and Sunny were and she wouldn't not be the iceberg that sunk their ship. It wouldn't be fair, no matter how much she wanted to have Twi sit on her face and make it hard for her to breath. As she continued to pack her things she blushed as she felt her hand touch to one of her 'party of one' toys she had under her pillow, thinking for a moment she stuffed it in her bag. 'I might need to pop my party favor later if I keep thinking like that' She sighed and pouted her lips a little with a huff, it was strange having such strong affections for her friends some times. Especially when each of them were as cute and sexy as her friends were! Pinkie was bisexual but leaned more on the female side and it wasn't hard to see why. Applejack was jacked, Rainbow was ripped, Rarity was like a super model, Fluttershy was oppai and kawaii, Sci-Twi was adorkable and Sunset was waifu material! She was super duper happy that Rarity and AJ were together and the same was true of Shy and Dashie and her Pinkie senses told her that Twi and Sunny were totes next! That just left lonely ole Pinkie Pie and her whack sex toys and weird fetishes to love herself when the night came and it was time for bed. Out of all the girls she was also the only other virgin; Sunset admittedly losing her virginity to Adagio Dazzle during a heated night of passion whilst the siren was going through her redemption phase. Leaving herself and Sci-Twi as the only 'pure' ones in the group, even Fluttershy got laid before them...FLUTTERSHY! It both funny and embarrassing at the same time, which for some reason just made it funnier to Pinkie Pie causing her to giggle to herself as she finished packing her things. Pulling a clipboard out of her hair with a pen she looked over her checklist. "Jammies, check. party cannon MK7, check. pillows, check. toothbrush and bathroom stuff, check-a-roo. special toys, check-a-dee-doo-da. Junk food to keep us up for hours...low on supply..." Pinkie looks at her slightly inflated belly and muffin top but shrugs giggling it off. "worth it. no biggie wiggie; I have some still stashed downstairs. I can just get more later." Pinkie would turn to leave her room, she was barely dressed but thankfully Ma and Pa weren't home to complain about that. With them both being very strict it was a struggle being herself at home but she managed just fine, it was why she had so much energy while she was out and about, because she had to bottle most of it up at home. Luckily for her; Ma and Pa were both working double shifts today! They both worked a lot, her Pa as a miner and her mother as a secretary in the city. So they weren't home a whole lot which usually left Maud to take care of them however now with Maud off at college studying Geology, Pinkie assumed the role of 'the adult' even though Lime constantly tried to insist she was in charge. Pinkie had her hair in its usual style having not done anything fancy with it like put it in pigtails like she'd been doing lately. Sunset said her hair looked really cute in pigtails or the style she wore during their camping trip and she got stuck in that time loop! That was a whacky weekend! She had on her white socks and a pair of panties that bore three balloons on them with a baggy shirt going over it that read Cutie-Pie on it that was made for her by Rarity. As she came skipping down the hall with her head in the clouds she bumped into her younger sister Limestone who seemed grumpier than usual and was muttering to herself. "Stupid Luna...stupid celestia...stupid co-Ow! Watch it Pinkamena!" Lime snarled as she rubbed her nose having bumped into her sisters big stupid boobs. Pinkie shrugged off her sister calling her by her full name even though she HATED being called by that name not just because it was so dry and boring but because Pinkamena and Pinkie were fundamentally two different people in Pinkie's mind and point of view. Hugging her sister into her bouncy breasts she smiled happily anyway. "Welcome home grumpy pants! How was school? You didn't give Mrs. Celestia trouble again didja?" Pinkie raised an eyebrow. She was still so giddy to call Celestia 'Mrs. Celestia' ever since she got married last Summer. Lime scoffed and rolled her eyes adverting them from her sister. "Tch no..." Pinkie felt her left toe twitch, her left middle finger twitch, her left eye twitch and her right butt cheek tighten. Limestone was lying, hugging her sister closer she looked at her now with a half smile. "C'mon you can tell me. I promise I won't be mad Limey." Limestone tried to shove her sister off, shoving her hands in her pockets. A crumbling sound was heard. "It's nothing! Lemme go, I need ta go and study for a-" Pinkie let her smile drop and it was not a disappointed pout. "Limena Stone Pie...." Pinkie said using Limestone's full name letting her words hang like a monkey in a tree. Limestone frowned at the use of her full name and tears began stinging at her eyes corners as she choked out. "Just leave me alone Pinkie..." "What happened? Just tell me. I won't be mad. Pinkie Promise." Pinkie said holding out her pinky finger to her sister, her expression softening and her smile coming back but in a more big sister sort of way, something she learned from Maud. Limestone knew Pinkie wouldn't stop until she relented and she knew that at the very least she wouldn't tell Ma and Pa or Maud...well, maybe Maud. With a sigh she locked her pinky finger with her sister and pulled out the disciplinary note from Vice Principal Luna. Pinkie would know the significance and severity of this upon seeing the color of the note: White was a basic write up and note home; a slap on the wrist. Yellow was a conference with a parent or guardian. Red was suspension from school for a set amount of time. Limes note was red. With a weary sigh she hugged Limestone closer. "Tell me what happened." Limestone clutched the paper and looked away. "I...got into a fight...b-but it was for a good reason this time! I swear!" "Go on" "Okay well see there's this new girl named Cozy Glow and she's like...the worst thing ever. But because her dad is the superintendent she gets to basically do whatever she wants and all the cool or rich kicks do what she wants like Diamond Tiara and she just makes life shitty for us. Usually I can just brush it off but she went too far today!" "What did she do?" "she was bullying Marbles friend and making her cry. Marble tried to stop her but well...you know how sensitive she is. So I stepped in" "And what did you do?" Blushes sheepishly and rubs the back of her head chuckling a bit as it was pretty funny when the girls head snapped back when she nailed her with that rock. "I hit her with a rock" Pinkie frowned at that. "Lime!" "It was just a small rock! Honest! It didn't knock her out or anything." Lime winced at her sister raising her voice "That's not the point!" pinkie sighed and shook her head. "I'm happy you defended Marble and her friend but you didn't have to do that, people are gonna think you're a meanie pie!" Limestone scoffed and pushed off her sister and crossed her arms. "So the fuck what?! They already do! Everyone calls me mean and a bitch and an asshole and a rock loving cu-" Pinkie would flick Lime on the forehead and wag her finger. "Watch your potty mouth" "Shut up! You're not ma or pa! You're not Maud! Stop acting like such a grown up!" Lime shouted and stomped her foot, vein popping in her forehead. Pinkie frowned at that and crossed her arms now. "I am too!" Lime began shouting louder. "Are not! You're an airhead who thinks everything is all sunshine and rainbows and unicorns! Just cause you have that freaky horse magic doesn't mean I do! I can't make my problems magically go away by smiling and acting like shit isn't wrong! Why am I even saying anything!? You don't care! You'll just laugh this off I bet! Well go on and laugh! I don't care!" Lime shoved away from Pinkie and tried to advance to her bedroom but she was stopped in her tracks, looking her her entire demeanor changed when she heard an audible deflation of air and saw her sisters hair fall flat against her head. She couldn't move an inch as the girls grip was ironclad. "Pinkamena let me g-" "You think I find my sisters unhappiness funny? Is that what you think? That any time I see you or Marble sad that I just laugh it off and leave it alone?" Pinkie sounded genuinely hurt that her sister thought this of her. "Well yeah! That's what you always do! Laugh and tell us we are being silly and to just 'smile and it'll all be okay' big talk coming from the family clown!" Lime snapped doing a cruel impression of her sister, now letting her anger and emotions run her mouth and that usually ended up getting her in trouble. Pinkie frowned. "I just want to see my family and friends happy. Why do you always have to be such a sourpuss?" Lime ripped herself away from her sister and stomped off to her room. "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SUCH A FREAK!?" Slams her door. Pinkie Pie stood there now no longer so Pinkie; now she was slipping into Pinkamena. The side of her that was gloomy, moody, frowny and also a bit coo-coo crazy...well more so than usual and in a disturbing way. Tears stinging at her eyes she was about to just head back to her bedroom and call her friends and tell them the party was off and that she couldn't come. She was sure they would understand, its not like they needed her around; they would have plenty of fun together and she had a feeling they would be together, together come the morning. Which was good for them, but it still made Pinkie feel lonely. As tears well in her eyes she began walking but then felt something stop her advance, someone roughly her size hugging her from behind, nuzzling the small of her back and not letting her move. "Are you okay Pinkie?" Marble asked sweetly, she could tell her sister needed her; it was a twin thing. Pinkie sniffled and looked over her shoulder to see her little twin sister hugging her from behind and looking up at her with those adorable purple eyes of hers. Pinkie did her best to smile in the presence of her little sister but it was forced and unnatural. "Mhmm." Marble frowned at that, she could tell Pinkie was upset but she wouldn't say why although she had a good idea as to why. Marble had been outside the last few minutes talking to a friend of hers from school, the one whom she was protecting from Cozy Glow and her bullying taunts and teases. She did her best to stand up for her but Cozy was especially intimidating and Marble cowered beneath her that is until Lime showed up and told her off...and then she hit her with a rock. She was happy that Ocellus was okay but she didn't like the fact that Lime had to get violent to do it. Having come in the house at the tail end of hearing Lime screaming at Pinkie she was worried about her twin sister and wanted to make sure she was okay. She didn't like seeing her not smile, Pinkie had such a precious smile and Marble wanted to protect that. She could tell the smile she was putting on now wasn't genuine and she wished to correct that in the only way she knew how. To make Pinkie laugh. With a smile similar to that of her twin sister she put her thumb in her mouth and blew into it and an audible inflation of air could be heard. She giggled when Pinkie looked down at her in surprise at her. Marble smiled more and extended her fingers up around Pinkie's abdomen and began tickling her. As her twin sister she knew all her weaknesses and this was the one that made her laugh the most. "Twiny Tickles!" Marble said in a cute bubbly tone that made her sound almost exactly like Pinkie albeit a younger version as she tickled her big sister in the hopes of seeing her smile and hearing her laugh again. Pinkie attempted to stop her laughing but it slowly broke through as her giggling ramped up more and more and more until finally her gloomies vanished and she was giggling madly in her sister grip, her hair returning to its poofy wild state as she giggled and laughed. Pinkie was of course ticklish however one needed to be careful because Pinkie had a tickling fetish and one wrong(or right) move and she would 'pop'. "Hehehehehehehehehehe M-Marbie! heheh qu-it hahahahahahaahaha quit it!!!" Pinkie tried to escape her little sister but she wouldn't relent, she taught her so well! "Are you back to being happy pinkie now?" Marble asked only ceasing her tickling for a moment. Pinkie genuinely smiled and nodded "Mhmm!" Marble smiled and let out a sigh of relief as she hugged her big sister. "Good, I don't like seeing you sad and I'm sure you're friends wouldn't want you sad before a slumber party right?" Pinkie's eyes widened. "How did you-?" Marble smiled. "Twin sense" Pinkie giggled. "Heheh right. Thanks for cheering me up Marbie. Um you might wanna talk to Limey...she's pretty torn up about what happened at school. I won't ground her too bad but she needs to learn to control her anger better being my sisters doesn't get you special treatment okay?" Marble nodded in understanding. "I know. I'll talk to her." Pinkie smiled and hugged Marble and kissed her forehead. "Goodie! I'll order you girls a pizza-" "I WANT MUSHROOMS!" Lime shouted. "Ewwww" Marble made a face. "I'll order you both your own pizza from Flames. We will talk about this later Limestone!" Pinkie said knowing her little sister could hear her over the heavy death metal blasting through the speakers in her room. "I'll talk to her; you go and have fun with your friends" Marble said with a smile mirroring Pinkie's perfectly. Pinkie smiled back, a few tears in her eyes as she wiped them away and hugged her little sister. She was so proud of her. "Thanks sis, you're a good girl. Have a fun night too, you deserve it." Pinkie said with a smile as she pat her sister on the head and went off to go downstairs but before that she turned around smirking at her sister. "And stop copying my hairdo!" Marble smiled in a rare bit of sisterly sass and playfully flipped her hair. "You're just a jelly belly because it looks cuter on me!" Pinkie scoffed. "Is not!" "Is too!" "Is not!" "Is too!" "Not!" "Too!" "Not!" "Too!" "Too!" "Not!!" "It does too!!" "NO IT DOESN'T AND THAT'S FI-oohohoh you little stinker!" Marble started going back and forth with Pinkie only to realize she just pulled an old cartoon trick on her. How did she do that!? Pinkie smiled like her usual goofy self and said. "Ain't I? Hehehe thanks for making me smile again Marbie!" Pinkie said gleefully as she got the pep back in her step as she head downstairs to grab a couple things from the kitchen. Looking on the fridge she smiled seeing the couple of old kindergarten drawings still hanging on the door, most of them were her's sure but there was one that belong to Lime that was dear to her heart and it was one of the four pie sisters standing together in a field of rocks, smiling. She knew her sister just needed some time to cool off and eventually she would say sorry for being so mean. "Heheh she's so tsundre. Maybe she and Aria can be friends?" Pinkie thought out loud as she rummaged through the fridge for the items she was looking for which was fizzy cider, candy,whipped cream, ice cream and stuff to make sundaes as well as a couple of bags of chips. Why keep chips in the fridge? It helped keep them crispy! People told her she was crazy but she knew the truth! After gathering the desired junk foods she went back upstairs and packed the remaining items into her pink backpack that bore her three balloon logo or as pony pinkie and Sunset called it her cutie mark. Once she was good and ready she would send a text message to Sunset and Twi via group chat letting them know she was about to be on her way after a quick shower. Got everything ready for a slumber party! Gonna get squeaky clean and be over soon! Pinkie smiled when two replies came back saying. 'Can't wait for the fun to begin ;D' 'See you soon Pinkie' Pinkie Pie smiled and her body began to shudder and tingle, her nipples got hard, her toes curled, her stomach felt bubbly and her love button was twitchy. That combo meant tonight was gonna be a doozy and Pinkie could never accurately predict those...which only made them more fun. Deciding to be a little of a Kinkie Pie she slipped off her panties and tossed them in her hamper, changing into a pair of hot pink yoga pants that hugged her shapely legs and bubbly behind, making her fun box cameltoe against the fabric, the back of them sporting the same tri-balloon stamp. She then slipped on a new shirt that read "The Party starts when I walk in" and this one was a little more low cut and showed off her tummy a little, sure she was beginning to pudge out a little but that didn't bug her like it did Rarity. Tying up her hair into two pigtails with a blue bow on each she smiled at herself in the mirror and gave a little giggle. "Call me cutie pie cause golly gosh do I look yummy! Badum-tst!" Pinkie said giggling and doing a quick rim-shot on the drum-set in her room. Having a quick laugh at that she slipped on her sneakers and grabbed her bag, heading out of her room she passed by Limestone's room which had ceased its blasting of death metal and she instead looked in to see Marble and Lime sitting on the girls bed while Marble painted Limestone's finger nails. Smiling she skipped ahead and went downstairs, all the while using an app on her phone to order them both a personal pizza and paying for it with her phone as well. With that said and done Pinkie left the Pie house to venture over to Sunset Shimmer's for a party she was sure was going to be a doozy! > Long Time Cumming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle's House Taking time to breath in and out, in and out, she would try and calm her frazzled nerves. She was going to go over to Sunset's and confess her feelings. All of them. In a way where nothing would be secret and all her emotions involving their friendship would be laid bare. She had faith Sunset wouldn't reject her yet something still nagged at the back of her mind which frazzled her further. "You can do this, you can do this, you can do this....I can't do this!" Twilight was trying hard to hype herself up but she was failing miserably at it. "You're worrying too much, you like her don't you?" Spike asked as she scratched his ear with his back paw. Twilight pouted her lips and sat in her rolling chair with her arms crossed over her breasts. "Yes. Very much so." "So whats the big deal? Just go over there, let her see into her mind and get it on. Easy if ya ask me." Spike said nonchalantly with a smug grin on his face. Twilight rolled her eyes and pouted. "You are not gonna let me live this down until I get laid are you?" Spike chuckled at that. "Nope; it says a lot if your dog can get some tail before you." Twilight rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Oh please Ember and Smolder were both in heat around the same time, you got lucky!" Spike smirked still wagging his tail. "If luck gets me tail? Then call me Lucky the talking dog." Twilight groaned and pulled at her hair in frustation. "Aaaargh you are no help! I'm trying here Spike! But you know I have trouble getting across deep and passionate feelings like that, I've never been good at it and ever since what happened with Moon Dancer and with Timber recently I just-" Spike nuzzled Twilight's leg affectionately "Hey, Moon Dancer was your first crush and she just wasn't into girls. That isn't your fault and she didn't have to be so mean when she rejected you and how those crystal prep girls treated you for wanting to experiment wasn't cool." Twilight sniffled a little and wiped a tear. Spike continued to speak. "As for Timber? He just couldn't handle all that pent up sexual aggression you've got locked up and you felt you were too much for him just being a normal guy. You were being safe and that doesn't make you a bad person Twi." Twilight smiled a little more and nodded in agreement with Spike. "I know. I know that I do it's just...what if Sunny doesn't think we are ready to date? Or what if-?" "If you spend time worrying about the what if's you'll never get to know what is sweetie." Cadence said with a smile as she stood in Twilight's doorway. "Gyah! C-Cady what're you do-" Cadence giggled. "Call it sister in-law sense; plus you weren't exactly quiet sweetie. Try keeping the freak out volume low, Flurry is taking a nap." Cadence whispered slightly. Twilight blushed and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry. I'm just nervous about letting Sunset know how I really feel about her and well...everything. Plus if things do go how I think I'm scared of what might happen if Sunny and I decide to get...intimate." Cadence nodded in understanding and she took a seat next to Twilight. "The midnight issue yes?" Twilight nodded and pressed a hand to her breast. "Every time I feel...excited or angry or really high emotions, parts of her personality seep through. She's...wild, unpredictable...sexy...dangerous...everything I'm not. I...I don't know what to think about it or what to do Cady. I don't wanna lose Sunset too." Cadence smiled and brought Twilight into a hug and kissed her on the forehead. "Aww Twily dear you worry far to much but I understand your fears in way. Every woman, magic powers or not; has a tigress deep inside, a sexual desire so ravanish and hungry that it sometimes takes a form and personality all its own. For you it just happens to be quite literal, so if you want my advice sweetie? When the time comes, don't fight it for it control, let things happen and allow control to come to you. Don't let your mind do what your heart is supposed to do." Thinking about it in that way it made a lot of sense. Her mind was always her go to method for figuring out any and all problems, she wasn't as good as the other rainbooms using her heart to solve problems. The one who was the best at that was Pinkie Pie and she admired the party girl greatly for that ability if not envied her for it. Twilight would take this advice and run with it as best she could and following that she got an idea. With a blush she hugged herself into Cadence. "Thanks Cady...um can you do me a favor?" Twilight asked with a pink blush on her purple cheeks. "Sure thing sweetie; name it." "Can you do my hair and loan me some cute clothes? You still have some of your old High School and college stuff right?" Cadence nodded and smiled, giggling to herself as she remembered just what she used to wear back in the day. "Oohoh my oh my! Little Twily really does want her little pony doesn't she?" Twilight squeaked embarrassed but nodded. "Yes and my heart is telling me if I want her? I have to show & tell as Rarity likes to say" "Hehehe well she is your group shipper and romance official so I trust her judgement! Spike? Be a dear and leave us girls to it! I have to make Twily Sparkle!" Both Twilight and Spike groaned at her use of that pun but Cadence couldn't stop giggling like a dolt to herself. "You're almost as bad as Pinkie with puns." "I take that as a compliment! Pinkie is a delightful little goofball is she not?" Twilight smiled as she sat on her bed and allowed Cadence to begin tending to her hair as she thought about the upcoming evening at Sunset's house and the fun that was certain to ensue. With any luck tonight would be the night Twilight Sparkle lost her virginity to the one person she has truly had her eye on for the past 2 years. As she looked in the mirror across from her as Cadence did her hair, she could see her reflection smirking back at her almost seductively and it spoke only so that Twilight could see and hear. "Ready or not little pony, here comes Sparky." Sunset Shimmer's Apartment "Okay, okay, okay. No pressure; Twi is coming over, so is Pinkie. Two girls I am best friends with and have total crushes on in the same place, just us, drinks and high emotions because Twi has something to show and tell me. Totally not freaking out..." Sunset let out a brief laugh as she scampered around her room looking for something cute but not skimpy but just skimpy enough to wear. "Who am I kidding? I'M TOTALLY FREAKING OUT?! What am I gonna do?! I didn't plan on having them both here! Ugh but I can't say no to Pinkie. I just can't..." Sunset imagined Pinkie's face frowning if she told her she only wanted to see Twilight tonight and shook that image from her mind. No, must always protect that smile. No matter what. "No biggie, I'll just take Twi to my room and we can talk in private. I mean I have an actual room with a door now so it shouldn't be a big deal." Sunset said to no one in particular. Well...not exactly anyway. 'So which of 'em are you gonna rut first? I say go for the goofy pink one, she looks like she's a kinky one' A voice similar to her own spoke but it was more mischievous in nature. 'Twilight is far more deserving of her love and affection, they are connected on a spiritual level after all' Another voice similar to her's but more benevolent and calm. They appeared on her shoulders some times, floated around her head other times, sometimes they would just come around and stir up talk to be either annoying or entertaining. In this moment though they were being VERY annoying. Sunset sighed as she slumped onto her bedroom floor, clothes all over the place as she failed to make a choice of what to wear. Then again it wasn't just that either, she couldn't decide between Twilight or Pinkie; how ironic she had a pink shirt in one hand and a purple shirt in the other. "Ugh why is this so hard!? Why can't I just pick?!" 'I mean the pink shirt is cute and shows your belly but personally the purple one is better cause it shows more chest' "Not the shirt you idiot! I mean Twi and Pinkie!" 'Oh. Well that's easy, pick Pinkie.' The demon form of Sunset said as she appeared floating next to Sunset above her left shoulder. She was dressed in a punk rocker like outfit that made her look really edgy. "It's not that easy!" Sunset retorted. 'Pft sure it is. She's funny, she's adorable, has endless energy, her sisters all like you, you've know her longer; not to mention she was the first one besides Fluttershy to give you a chance at redemption even after the whole April Fools thing we pulled.' Sunset sighed as that painful and shameful memory played out in her mind briefly. "Yeah don't remind me. You know how much Pinkie hates getting laughed at." 'Exactly, so what better way to make it up to her than to give her something real to smile about? Pinkie has always been one to give her love out to everyone around her but maybe its about time you focused some of that. It could do wonders for the girl.' Sunset pondered that for a moment. She did admire Pinkie and her ability to always see the bright side, her smile was like a treasure and she was deadly levels of cute on par with Fluttershy if not beating her out sometimes with how expressive and even cartoonish she could be which always made Sunset laugh which was a big bonus. One key trait she sought in a mate was someone who could match her in wit as well as humor and Pinkie was a master at matching humor. She knew exactly what made Sunset laugh and what offended her and always did her best to make Sunset smile and laugh because for a long time; Sunset did neither of those and whenever she did, it was with ill intention. Pinkie Pie changed that about her. Sure of course she would still find humor in others humiliating themselves as most people did however she could find humor in it and also empathize with it as was the nature of her element. 'Plus? She is DAMN cute. And thiccer than a bowl of ice cream. Have you SEEN her butt?' The demon fanned herself. Sunset couldn't argue with that at all. Pinkie Pie did in fact have a damn nice butt and she was SUPER cute and adorable. Pinkie had the special talent of being able to be sexy and cute at the same time and it was a odd balance not a lot of people could achieve and she did it effortlessly which was a feat in of itself. When she weighed it out like that; Pinkie did seem like the best option for her. However that's when the opposite to the demon would speak up. 'While Pinkie is a true delight, I would argue that Twilight Sparkle is the best...neigh...perfect fit for us. She's smart, resourceful, her energy might not be as endless as Pinkie's but her love and affection and care for YOU in particular is. She cares about you so much, prioritizes you over anyone and everything else, not to mention she has been totally checking us out these past few months so its clear she wants us too.' The angelic friendship power version of Sunset spoke now, dressed more elegantly and like a princess. Thinking about it? She had a point; she and Twilight had been through so much together and they were so similar it was almost scary. Their lives growing up, their likes and dislikes, their passions and ambitions, their fears; Hell even their names in certain translation meant the same thing. It was as if destiny and fate deemed them to be together and Sunset certainly found appeal in that; it was because of Twilight Sparkle albeit the pony version that she was able to gain her second chance. So why not take a chance at happiness with Sci-Twi? 'I will also say in my personal opinion Twilight's adorkableness is far cuter than Ms. Pie's cartoony antics; Sunset has always found nerds sexy even for as much as she made fun of them when she was a bully.' "Can't argue with that." 'Pft oh please Pinkie totally beats out that little geek' 'Twilight is far superior to that pink clown' "Both of you shut up! I will think about who I wanna date and who gets me to spread my legs in this bed; got it!?" Sunset snapped at them both. 'Yeesh; sorry.' 'Apologies Sunset, we only wish to see you happy.' "I know alright; but look I can do this, really. I'm sure I can decide, I am just thinking about it too much. Besides I'm sure Pinkie knows that Twi has a thing for me so if anything Pinkie is just gonna be pushing us together all night. But overall the goal is to just have fun tonight." 'Sounds good ta me' 'I concur' "Good, now can you both please just chill inside my psyche for the night?" 'Alright, we will give ya some privacy bacon head. holler if ya need me' 'Ugh you are so uncouth' 'Eat red demon ass raccoon face!' Sunset giggled to herself. She wondered if Pinkie ever had these kinds of interactions with herself but then she remembered this was Pinkie she was thinking about and she giggled even more thinking of all the funny and whacky talks Pinkie would have with herself on a daily basis. She remembered that one time she did a ventriloquist comedy act for the school talent show and she busted a gut laughing every time she watched it. As she got up from her floor that was covered in her clothes she finally made a choice of what to wear and she opted to put on a different pair of red shorts that hugged her butt and her thighs showing off her legs, no socks, an all black shirt and no bra because she never wore one of those annoying chest chokers. As she finished putting her clothes on she heard her doorbell ring, heading out of her room she looked out of the peephole and smiled to see Twilight right outside. Opening the door up and welcomed the nerdy girl inside and took a moment to soak in what she was wearing. "Whoa-ho hellooooooo Sparky." "Heheh h-hi sunny. Um yeah Cady let me borrow some clothes...its uh...not too much is it? Or I guess too little in this case..." Twilight always dressed the most conservatively of the Rainbooms, even Rarity wasn't afraid to show skin and flaunt her body but Twilight had always been shy about doing so. She didn't believe people when they said she had an amazing body and she had no idea why everyone kept saying she had a nice rear. She didn't find it to be more shapely or plump than the average girl her age but according to Cadence and testimony from MANY onlookers? Twilight Sparkle had a bubble-butt and there was no denying it. Twilight was wearing one of Cadences old college dorm room outfits, something she would wear around her room whenever she was just lounging around with her roommates. Her hair was tied up into that dorky science bun she liked, a short cut light blue top that read 'Adorkable Cutie' on it, tight white shorts that showed off her legs and thighs and a pair of purple and black sneakers. She ever had her nails fixed up a little and some cute gloss applied to her lips. Clearly Twilight was ready for something big and that brought a smile to Sunset's face. "Heh nah it's just right. You look HOT Twi, adorkable doesn't do it justice this time." Twilight blushed and twirls a lock of her hair on her finger. "Thanks. Is Pinkie here yet?" "Nope. I imagine she will show up soon though, hows about we go inside and have a little chat?" Sunset said ushering the purple girl inside with a knowing smile. "You and I have some things to discuss Sparky." Twilight nodded and blushed still as she walked inside, doing as Cadence said and adding a little swing to her hips as she walked right past Sunset giving her a good view of her bubbly behind and if Sunset looked close enough? She'd noticed the skimpy pair of underwear Cadence also loaned her riding up the back of her butt. Sure enough Sunset did notice as she gave Twilight a playful smack to the butt as she walked inside making her let out a delightful squeak. Twilight jumped and yelped in delighted glee as Sunset patted her on the butt making her blush as she walked into her apartment. "Hehe yes. Yes we do." Sunset smiled to herself as she watched Twilight round purple bubbly butt walk into her apartment and she gave a small fist pump when she reacted well to her smacking her on the butt. "Thank you Celestia" Sunset Shimmer's Bedroom Sitting on the edge of Sunset's bed in her room she looked around the survey her surroundings if only to distract from the constant nervousness clinging to her heart as she waited for Sunset to come back into the room. She said she had to take care of something first before they had their talk and if she had to guess from what little she could hear from sunset down the hall? It would seem she was on the phone with Rarity trying to hype herself up for this given she was probably just as nervous as Twilight. 'Okay Twi you can do this, just relax like Cady said. Feel and act, don't think too much.' Twilight repeated to herself over and over in order to get ready for what she was about to do and experience. Her heart pounded madly in her chest With a deep calming breath as well as the hand motion technique that Cadence taught her, she was able to calm down just enough. As Sunset would come back through the door she smiled at her as she walked over, red empathy geode hanging around her neck just over her supple breasts. Blushing Twilight tried not to look directly at her friends boobs but it was really tough with them being so perky and round and soft and- "Twi? You alright? Hehe my eyes are up here." Sunset teased in order to break the tension a little. Twilight blushed madly and shook her head out of her daydreaming. "Huh? what oh um...sorry..." Sunset giggled and winked at her shy best friend. "S'alright Twi, nothing you haven't seen before right? We had gym together so it isn't like we don't know what each others boobs look like; hehe just be thankful yours didn't used to be in the same area as your pussy. Y'know how weird that is?" Twilight giggle snorted as she tried to hold back a great amount of laughter at how random and silly her friend was being in this moment even though she was completely correct. She often forgot at times Sunset used to be a pony meaning her anatomy was different at one point and if it was as close to that of a mare in the human world? It would be super weird having breasts near your vagina. "Hehehe I would imagine its quite strange, thankfully as a human I don't have to worry about such issues. Nope; I just get to painfully bleed out of my vagina every month. Oh joyous trade off." Twilight said with a scoff and roll of her eyes but she smiled when she heard Sunset begin to laugh at her joke. "Heheh yeah I totally prefer getting so horny that I feel like I could get fucked by a horse...not in this body though cause like...ew. But you get the idea." Twilight smiled giggling still as she sat next to her friend and they shared a smile and a laugh. "Yeah I get it...so um...I guess we should start that 'chat' now." Sunset allowed the humor to die down a little and she smiled calmly and gently at Twilight, touching her hand but not activating her magic just yet. "I still hold to my promise. No matter what I see in your mind or in your soul, you'll still be my bestie." Twilight smiled and nodded as she took Sunset's hand and gripped it firmly. "Thank you Sunny. For everything...okay...I'm ready." Sunset firmly and comfortingly gripped Twilight's hand and activated her magic, her eyes flashing white as all time around them seemingly stopped as she began to peer deep into Twilight's heart, mind and soul. Bypassing all her barriers and mental blocks, going around all the shyness and social awkwardness and she was able to see the girls true feelings on full display. Starting from the moment they met, their clashes at the friendship games, their up's and down's, all the fun and loving moments they shared. Sunset was able to see and feel Twilight's emotions in each of those moments, even moments when she was with Timber; she wished she was with Sunset. 'I would trade all the magic and knowledge in the world for a chance to be with her.' In the reverse sense Twilight saw past all of Sunset's barriers and blocks, she saw everything the girl had to offer in her heart for her. She saw how much she admired her mind and her looks, how she desired to be with her, how she wished to have her to herself, the hot and erotic things she wanted to do. All of it. Both of them shared in these emotions and they flooded them both in a matter of real time second. As those seconds passed, the two gripped hands tighter, hugged closer together and eventually? All forms of resistance and denial were tossed to the wayside. They knew what they wanted to do and they were going to do it. Twilight acted on instincts first, her pent up sexual frustrations boiling to the surface quickly as she pressed Sunset down on the bed, her lips kissing at every spot on the girls face she could reach. Her lips, her cheek, her jaw, her neck; she suckled and bit down on the pony girls neck making her give a cute whinnying moan as she kept a hand locked with Twilight, while the other explored the geeks body. Reaching her ass she grabbed it playfully and delighted in the moan Twilight made as she grabbed hold of the plushie flesh. Giving her a good spank on the right cheek she giggled when she heard Twilight gasp in pleasure. "S-Sunny I-" "I know; here lets take these off~" Sunset said with a seductive almost succubus like sneer on her lips as she flipped their positioning and Twilight Sparkle was beneath her. She reached her hand down and pulled the girls shirt up revealing her breasts which were now officially bigger than Rarity's who had the 4th biggest breasts in the group with herself at number 3 Pinkie at number 2 and Fluttershy at number 1. It still baffled her to this day how FLUTTERSHY of all of them ended up with the biggest tits. Twilight squeaked as the cool air of the room hit her breasts even though she wore a bra Cadence loaned out to her. One that was pink and had cute frills on it and was easily removed once Sunset reached for the clasp, undoing it in one swift motion and allowing Twilight's breasts to pop out with a satisfying bouncy effect to them. Taking one into her hand she fondled it playfully and delighted in the cute faces Twilight made as she toyed with her. "Hows that feel Twi?" Sunset asked with a Cheshire smile. "D-Don't...tease...me..." Twilight said with shaky confidence in her tone as she used her own magic to guide Sunset Shimmer's hand down towards her inner thigh, resting it just around her crotch where a great amount of heat was building. Sunset knew that heat well and she couldn't wait for her to finally claim and quell it. "Awww but I like teasing you. It's so much fun y'know. Seeing you get all flustered and blushing and giggling like a giddy schoolgirl. Heheh you really are just the most adorklable little geek aren't you Twi?" Twilight blushed largely at the praise and compliments she was getting. She didn't know how to reply and so for some reason the inner weeb inside her would take hold and give a very hentai esque response. "D-Don't say things like that...b-baka..." Sunset couldn't help but laugh at that but in a good natured kind of way. Twilight was so precious and cute, able to be a nerd and a geek in almost any instance no matter what it was. Sunset knew personally that Twilight had a hentai fetish as she was the groups second biggest weeb next to Fluttershy and Rainbow who counted as one super weeb together. Smiling to herself she pinched Twilight's puffy aureole and teasingly rubbed her other hand on the girls inner thigh. "Oh you are just too cute y'know that?" Twilight smiled, a more lewd and almost devious one as her eyes flashed a familiar icy blue and she said. "Little pony; I'm adorkable." "Oh that does it" Sunset was done teasing, Twilight wanted her? She would have her. Reaching her hand up she undid the buttons of the girls shorts and slid the fabric off her bubbly behind and down her shapely legs revealing that goodie two shoes Twilight Sparkle; was wearing a thong! A skimpy pink laced one that read 'Remove when wet' on them and Sunset's grin was all succubus like now; a smile this full of lust would make Adagio proud. "Mmmm ara,ara; lookie what we have here" Sunset said with a teasing sense of lust in her voice using a classical Japanese term in sexual context to get a reaction out of Twilight and based on the girls shivering and quivering under her touch added with the blissful look on her face; she was doing something right. Good. "T-Thank Cady...s-she gave it to me." "Awww how sweet; well as much as I can appreciate a good gift? I want a different kinda prize right now. So lets get rid of these." Sunset said as she leaned in, grabbing the string of the thong with her teeth and with a single yank, she pulled them off Twilight and exposed the girls cleanly shaved and drenched pussy that lay behind them. Twilight gasped as she felt the air hit her pussy and her face exploded with a blush as she was now exposed to Sunset, everything was laid to bare. Her body was here, laid out on Sunset's bed, her body ready to be taken. She even shaved and played with herself just a little bit before getting here so that she was ready for this and by the Gods was she ready. She was soaking wet even though she only stroked clit a little before leaving home after Cadence did her hair and nails. "Mmm look at how wet you are Twi; been waiting for this long as I have huh?" Sunset asked cutely as she loomed over Twilight and examined her wet snatch. "Y-Yes...p-please...take me...i-i want it~" "Mmm well since you asked me so nicely, guess I can do that for ya. what're friends for right?" Sunset sad with a giggle as she kissed Twilight again on the lips, then her cheek, then her jawline, then her neck, her breasts, her navel. She felt up her legs and spread them just enough so she'd have enough room when she made her way down further south. As she got there she peered in as Twilight's scared wet spot and was thanking Celestia a million times and more in her head for this chance. Sticking out her tongue she swiped at Twilight's wet love button and without missing a beat? Twilight moaned and fell back on the bed, her legs wrapping around Sunset head and pulling her in as she grabbed a fistful of her hair and looked at her with vicious lust in her now glowing eyes. "M-Make us cum; eat us now! Do it!" Twilight's voice echoed as if doubled as she kept the pony girls face between her legs. This must be what Twilight had been talking about with what happened to Timber however luckily for her? She had her own way with magic and she didn't get scared so easily. Smirking she dove her face between the girls legs and she rapidly moved her tongue around her clit, suckling and flicking it wildly with her wet pink muscle. Meanwhile her fingers worked to pump the girls tight virgin walls which would make it easier to use toys later if she desired. The shlicking of the girls wet walls made sunset so horny and the taste of Twilight Sparkle was nothing short of intoxicating. She stayed in like for a few minutes, moaning into Twilight's wetness like mad as she pumped her wet walls for all they were worth and could handle. She had incredibly fast and flexible fingers and so as she pounded Twilight in and out, over and over again she kept flexing her fingers to try and find every single last sweet spot inside Twilight Sparkle she could find but she was especially looking for that ONE spot. That ONE spot that would drive any woman to sexual madness and it was a challenge to find but she would get it eventually and that was a challenge she always welcomed. As she continued to eat out her now girlfriend, she kept her other hand that wasn't fucking her pussy busy by rubbing her own pussy through her shorts as she lay on her hands and knees eating Twilight's pussy like it was going to be her last meal and she was a crook on death row. She was so delicious she didn't want this to stop. As she kept going Twilight's moans for her got louder and more frequent and it was music to sunset shimmer's ears. She finally had Twilight Sparkle and was giving her some of the most mind blowing oral she'd ever had; life was good when you were on the side of friendship. As her moans raised in pitch Twilight's hips bucked more and more, she was so close. So very, very close. She could feel it coming, she was finally going to cum. Right in Sunset's face, in her apartment; she was going to finally cement their union and nothing was going to stop... *Knock Knock & Ding dong* Sunset had almost forgotten about Pinkie Pie but she wasn't going to be cruel and not finish Twilight off. That would be rude. She didn't want it to end this quickly but it would be rude to make Pinkie wait. So removing her fingers she threw her lips at the girls clit and sucked it wildly and flicked it around with her tongue and the resulting combo made Twilight Sparkle squirt and cum right in Sunset's face. Her girlish and lewd moans covered up by her two hands as to not alert Pinkie to what they were doing inside. As her orgasm began to die off, her legs unclenched and she lay slack on the bed panting and covered in sweat whereas Sunset had her face plastered with dripping with girl cum which she didn't seem to mind much. Smiling she licked her stained lips lewdly and winked at Twilight as she blew a kiss. "Yummy; totally gonna have to have you do that again later when Pinkie falls asleep" Twilight giggled to herself and sat up on her elbows still wobbly from how intense her first orgasm from sunset was. "Happily. Sweet Starswirls beard that was amazing." "Heheh watching a lot of hentai helps. You turned me onto a few y'know." Sunset winked reminding Twilight that she did in fact know and remember her little fetish that she found out about during a game of truth or dare. "Heh pretty sure in this moment all I did was turn you on" Twilight giggled to herself. "True, true. C'mon and lets clean up and let Pinkie in; don't wanna make it TOO obvious we just fucked." Sunset chuckled as she got off the bed and helped Twilight up. Upon trying to stand Twilight found her legs felt like noodles and she almost fell but Sunset kept her up. Smiling she went and picked up Twilight's clothes and put them in a hamper and then handed her some spare clothes she wasn't wearing at the moment as to not be wearing clothes that smelled like sex after a shower. With a sweet smile Twilight kissed Sunset before heading to wash up. "Thanks Sunny." Twilight said as she went into the bathroom to hop inside the shower. "No problem Twi. Alright time to go let Pinkie in. Should probably wash her cum off first." sunset said with a laugh as she went to rinse her face off in the sink now that Pinkie arrived. Now the REAL party was about to begin and she couldn't wait to see how much fun it was going to be for everyone involved. > Giggling in the Sunlight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her Pinkie senses were going bonkers! Her nipples were stiff, her pussy was wet, her thighs kept shaking, her heart was pounding like crazy. It didn't help that as she got right outside of Sunset's apartment that she could hear Twilight moan like she just popped because that's probably exactly what happened. Pinkie Pie was smiling like a giddy loon as she was SO happy for Sci-Twi if not also a little jelly because she wished it was her. She's seen how fast Sunset's fingers are and wowziers she wanted her to pound her pie. She had to resist dipping her fingers into her yoga pants as she stood waiting for Sunset to come to the door and luckily for her Sunset came to the door a few moments after Twilight came as Pinkie could feel her own senses beginning to calm down. A part of her magic of laughter was that she gained energy from the joy and happiness of others and with Twilight's magic amplifying hers? Any time Twi had an orgasm it drove Pinkie nuts! This was a thing that happened with each of her friends really and she had different reactions to each of them. However when it came to Twilight and Sunset? Those reactions were the strongest and by far her favorites. So much so she couldn't pick which turned her on and made her happy down below the most! Twilight was fresh and open to experimenting but Sunset Shimmer had experience. Plus she didn't have the downside of having a leaky red vagina every month like she and the other girls did which Pinkie was admittedly jealous of. She did remember one time she experienced pony estrus while she was in Equestria for her 'time of the month' but she didn't get laid because she wanted to save herself but goodness was that a fun night for her toy collection. As she stood outside the door and the feeling started to ebb away slowly she did her best to put on a straight face or as straight as she could manage given she was usually always smiling and had a goofy expression. Hearing footsteps inside she eventually saw Sunset open the door and she smiled at her happy to see her friend at last. "Hiya Sunny-Buns!" "Hey Pinks, c'mon in. Twi came not too long ago." 'Very poor choice of words Sun-butt' demon sunset said from the left shoulder. "Hehehe I know silly; I could hear her from outside!" Pinkie giggled with a devious smirk making it clear she heard Twilight cum while she was waiting outside. Sunset stopped in her tracks as Pinkie skipped past her and she cursed under her breath and blushed. "Damn...uh heheh surprise?" "Surprise indeedy! I am so, so, so, soooooo happy for you two! Sooooo what did she taste like?" Pinkie teased Sunset with a playful nudge. Sunset blushed more as she closed the door to her apartment and followed Pinkie back inside. Hearing the party girl ask such a question knowing she knew that she and Twilight just had sex she saw no reason to hide the truth from her friend. "Sweet...very, very, sweet" Pinkie visibly licked her lips at that playfully but almost seductively if one paid enough attention. "Oooooh yummy; guess you really do have a sweet tooth eh?" Sunset rolled her eyes and playfully shoved Pinkie with a laugh. "Ahaha oh shut up you goofball, I bet you taste sweeter only because you eat so much candy!" Pinkie smiled still and stuck out her tongue at Sunset. "Well I never hear you or the girls complain whenever you grab my party balloons!" Pinkie said in reference to her busty balloon like chest. Sunset shrugged and smirked. "What can I say? They're called fun-bags for a reason." Pinkie giggle snorted at that in her normal childish manner and this made Sunset smile. She LOVED hear Pinkie Pie laugh and seeing her smile, it was one of the precious things she held near and dear to her heart. The generosity of Rarity, Fluttershy's kindness, Rainbow's loyalty, Applejack's honesty, Twilight's magic and Pinkie's laughter; she valued all of these things more than anything in the world and so seeing and hearing Pinkie laugh always brought a smile to her face. "Heheheh good one Sunny-Butt! My fun-bags are super duper fun...surprise booby hug!" Pinkie said spontaneously as she leaped at Sunset and tackled her onto the couch making the pony girl yelp and flail in a fit of laughter as she pinned her down under her busty chest, her large balloons directly in Sunset's face. "Gyahhahammph!" Sunset laughed as she got tackled to the couch and landed on her back with Pinkie laying on top of her with her large balloon like tits right in her face but Sunset didn't seem to mind and Pinkie was alright with that. However Sunset would not be beaten and so smiling beneath her friends boobs she squeezed them with her hands which made Pinkie gasp and lift herself just enough so that Sunset could move her head and then? She began motorboating her pink friend making Pinkie laugh a lot. "Eeeeeehhahahahahahhaahhahahahahaha s-u-n-hahahahahahahaha" pinkie laughed and shouted flailing in a vain attempt to 'escape' her friends motorboating but truth was she didn't want to. She loved it when her friends did this to her and sure only Rainbow and Sunset did it but she loved it whenever they did cause it made her laugh. Pinkie never really had a problem with her friends touching her body because she knew they wouldn't violate her or make her feel icky. Sunset wouldn't cease her assault and kept moving her face back and forth between the party girls big bouncy boobs. She could tell Pinkie wasn't wearing a bra and feeling the pink girl sitting in her lap, she could feel her crotch pushed up against her leg area and with enough contact she could tell Pinkie wasn't wearing any panties. Based off that alone she could tell Pinkie wasn't just here to party like the good ole days; no Pinkie Pie was here to PARTY. It was then she heard a voice speak from behind them. "Having fun?" "Hehehehe hiiii Sci-Twi!" Pinkie said turning her head and smiling at the nerdy purple girl who stood behind them watching as Sunset motorboated Pinkie's tits. "Heheh hi Pinkie; try not to suffocate her too much will you? Can't date her if she can't breath" Twilight said with a small giggle as she adjusted her glasses. "Okie Dokie Lokie!" Pinkie said with a smile as she released Sunset Shimmer from the confines of her booby trap. Sunset came up for air, her hair a frazzled mess but still a goofy smile plastered on her face as she looked at Twilight. "I swear if your tits ever get this big I am gonna be doing this to you all the time." Twilight pouted and placed a hand on her hip. "Oh so my butt isn't good enough for you to motorboat then? Hmph why I never!" "Hey, hey, hey now I never said that. I just said your tits could use a little work; then again compared to Pinkie and Shy? All of us could use some work." Sunset said with a little bit of salt in her tone at the fact Pinkie and Fluttershy had bigger tits than her. "Hehehe you're just a jelly belly bean because my fun bags are bigger!" Pinkie teased with her tongue stuck out. "Only because your sugar consumption is borderline inhuman!" Twilight retorted as she took her place on the couch now. "Heh though I gotta say you should hit the gym a little pinks, getting a little muffin top there. Heh pretty soon we are gonna have to start calling you pudgy pie." "Heheh well if I do get more of a muffin top maybe Derpy might ask me out...or she would if she didn't get with Time Turner." Pinkie said with a slight pout. "Oh well that's great for Derpy, after all the crap I gave her for being autistic and having a lazy eye she deserves some happiness. Plus her muffins are like...the best. Sorry Pinks" Pinkie giggled and smiled not taking offense to that at all. "No biggie wiggly! I know Derpy has the best muffins, a good baker knows her limits and no ones is perfect! I'm a queen of cupcakes and pie; Derpy is the princess of muffins! So it's okay!" Twilight smiled in earnest. "Yes well I still would proclaim I have the title of princess of pancakes." Sunset smirked and put an arm around Twilight. "I'unno Twi; my pancake recipes I learned from the princess are legendary." Twilight pouted a little. "That's no fair; she's had at least 1000 years to perfect her recipe!" Sunset giggled and shrugged. "Hey practice makes perfect and Celestia had plenty of time; but enough about all that. Pinkie? I do believe your here for a party but I think we might need to switch it up a wee little bit. Heheh it's a special occasion tonight." Pinkie's face lit up and her high levels of happiness caused her hair to pony up and get a bit longer along with adding her pony ears. Her face was adorned with a adorable smile as she spoke. "Just say the word! I've got my new and improved party cannon MK-7 with me!" Twilight's face lit up upon hearing Pinkie had a piece of technology that she had been waiting to see and work on again ever since the Friendship games. "I would very much like to see the upgrades made, to see if there is any optimization that can be done." "Neeeeeeeeerd" Sunset and Pinkie teased Twilight at the same time. "Nyeeeeeeh! Pppppbt!" Twilight stuck her tongue out at them and blew a raspberry. "Anywhoozle! Let's get this party started!" Pinkie said pushing a button on the side of her backpack and it shook shuddered and transformed into her party cannon which was looking more streamlined and compact than before. Pinkie must've spent a pretty penny on it to make it this way. When it was ready and sitting on the floor pinkie turned a dial on its side setting it to: Slumber party. The pressing a button with a plus sign on it she then began typing something into a small keypad on the back of the device. Once finished a big pink button would appear on the top of the cannon. "IT'S PARTY TIME!" Pinkie shouted as she smashed the pink button down and the cannon shuddered and shook and fired off a stream of pink, blue and yellow energy that blanketed the room and after a minute or two the entire room was decorated and items were set up for the optimal slumber party. There was a pillow fort, a mani-pedi station, junk food area and of course a banner that said 'The ship has sailed!' on it showing Twilight and Sunset's cutie marks combined. "Ta-da!! Pretty cool right?" Pinkie said with a smile as she watched her two friends looking on with shock and awe. "Okay normally I would try and go into some deep scientific meltdown about how this makes no sense at all but given I know magic is a thing and that Pinkie's is the manifestation of 'fun' I am gonna just accept it. It's magic, I don't have to explain anything." Sunset was so proud Twilight FINALLY learned that lesson. Smiling she kissed the girl on the cheek. "Good job Twi. Gotta say you've outdone yourself Pinkie. You said Princess Twi and pony Pinkie helped you upgrade it right?" "Mhmmm! Pony Pinkie and Twi said that it runs off my internal magic energy and maintains physical form based on the amounts of magic energy present and since we are all super duper magical girls? It ever stronger whenever I throw a party for us!" "Amazing, I imagine finding the right kind of crystal to focus the energy was pretty tough; then again I am betting Rarity probably helped with that party." Pinkie smiled a little sheepish. "Yeah it was pretty hard but we managed to get one. Rarity even managed to cut it in the shape of my balloon cutie mark." Twilight was in amazement, she had no idea that Equestrian technology could be so advanced. The entire room was decorated to fit the theme of a slumber party perfectly and there were even a couple extra touches specifically there for Sunset and Twilight in particular since this was a big night for them. Smiling she hugged Pinkie and even gave her an affection kiss on the cheek for good measure. "Thanks Pinkie; this means a lot. Really it does." Pinkie blushed and smiled a lopsided goofy grin when Twilight's lips made contact with her cheek. She giggled in response and waved a hand. "Awww shucks anything for my friends! You two are like SO totes adorbs! I can't even contain it! Hehehe wait till the girls hear about this!" "Well we can tell them all in due time; right now? It's time for fun! What should we do first? I'unno about you girls but my fingers are itching to grab at the controller right now" Sunset stated with a excited smile. "Among other things too I am sure." Twilight said with a smirk of her own. "Heheh guilty as charged. Oh! We should probably order some food too; hows pizza sound? I'll buy" Sunset said as she pulled out her phone to order a pizza. "Sounds good to me; Flames Pizza is holding a special deal today since they had to cancel pie day on the 14th." Twilight said sounding incredibly salty about that. March 14th was one of her favorite days of the year because it translated out to 3.14 which was the starting number for pie and being such a math and science geek she wanted so badly to get a free pizza pie from Flames Pizza that day but it had to be cancelled due to a cheese shortage. "I was so sad when they had to cancel that! All that free pizza; wasted! It was the worst. possible. thing!!" Pinkie exclaimed in a dramatic Rarity esque fashion. Sunset snickered as she dialed in the kind of pizza that they would get on her phone and then completed the order. "Yeah but that pie fight we had at school that one year was fun though. Totally worth a months detention. Best. Prank. Ever." Sunset laughed now fully remembering that prank from back in high school after she was redeemed. It was pie day that day too and pie was being served in the cafe along with pizza since it was a Friday however it all soon devolved into an all out food fight after Pinkie 'tripped' and hit Rainbow in the face with a pie. It was also that day Pinkie found out Rainbow didn't like pie at all which was the catalyst for the entire event. "Even though Dashie still doesn't like pie it was still super fun! Heehehe even Celestia and Luna joined in on it for a little until we all stopped." Pinkie said gleefully as she recalled the entire event which always made her laugh. "I still think that big snowball fight we had last year was crazier. It was outside we had at least 3 feet of snow and it was a snow-day. Worth it getting sick for a week afterwards." Twilight said playfully nudging Sunset. "Hehe oh c'mon I said I was sorry about hitting you in the face so many times with snowballs, you should have dodged!" Sunset exclaimed laughing still. "You know I suck at dodgeball!" Twilight defended. "It was a snowball fight! Totally different; besides you could've used your magic but noooooooo" Sunset rolled her eyes. "I didn't wanna cheat unlike SOME people" Twilight said shooting a look at Pinkie who simply shrugged and laughed it off. "No one said I COULDN'T put sprinkles on my snowballs to make them explode on impact." Pinkie replied with a grin. "Oh you think your being cute?!" Twilight semi-snapped but in a cute kind of way. "I'm adorable!" Pinkie instantly replied with a smug grin. "Oh why you....you..." Twilight huffed and puffed out her cheeks. Looking to the side of the room where the pillow fort lay she turned her pout into a devious smirk. "Fine; you know what? I have an idea what we can do first." Sunset smirked as she had an idea where this was going. "Oh yeah?" Pinkie grinned as she was getting the same idea. "You won't" "Oh yeah?!" Twilight said with her magic coming to life in her hand and she snatched a pillow from the fort and she lunged at Pinkie. "Them's fightin' words!" "This means war!!" Pinkie Pie said leaping and backflipping off the couch and landing behind the pillow fort and when she reemerged she was dressed in cute army camouflage pajamas that were colored pink to match her skin tone and she had 'war paint' on her face which was just normal finger paint. "Wolverines!!!!" Pinkie shouted as she pulled out what looked like a bazooka that had throw pillows in it. "Say hello to my little friend!" Twilight's eyes widened "Oh c'mon! That doesn't even make sense!" Pinkie smirked and cocked the bazooka. "Where's the fun in making sense? You'd better run, cause its time for fun!!" Pinkie smirked and took aim at Twilight and Sunset, firing off a pillow that was pretty small but plushie, it was covered in a couple sprinkles so that when the pillows made impact they would give off a small explosion. Nothing damaging since Pinkie learned to control the power output but still enough to send someone on their butt. The pillow flew at them and hit them knocking them both off the couch leaving Pinkie giggling like a super villain. "Hahahahahahahah! The war has begun and I stand at the top! Let the battle begin!!" "Oh you're going down!" Twilight said using her magic to gather up as many pillows as she could hold at once and she grinned. "Lets do this Sunset!" "Ohoho this is gonna be fuuuuuun" Sunset said with an equally devious smile as she grabbed what throw pillows she had on her couch and she got next to Twilight ready to do battle with the undisputed champion of pillow fighting. Ordinarily it would be Sunset and Twilight vs Pinkie and Rainbow usually with Applejack acting as a ref and Rarity and Fluttershy sitting out due to not being a fan of roughhousing but there was the few times when all seven girls engaged in a pillow fight and it was glorious. Even in their twenties they managed to find a way to keep that childlike innocence about them, especially Pinkie Pie who was basically a child at heart with an adults body. Pinkie lived and loved to make people laugh and smile which often led to people thinking she was the least mature of the group but that was far from the case and anyone who knew Pinkie Pie well enough knew that. As the two friend got their pillows, Pinkie fired off another which they would dodge, then she fired another one and Twilight used her magic to fling it back at Pinkie like she was a video game boss. Seeing Twilight take this method had Sunset visualize the events playing out right now as a video game with Twilight and Sunset being the players and Pinkie Pie being the level boss. Pinkie took the pillow head on and staggered a bit and that was when she would get grabbed by Twilight's magic and planted down into the pillow fort so she couldn't move. "Get her Sunny!" "Praise the Sun!!" Sunset shouted as she leaped up and began attacking Pinkie, bashing her over the head and body with the pillow she took from her couch laughing along with Pinkie all the while. "Heeheheheheh n-evevevevevhahahaha never! This is the kingdom of laughter! I'm princess here!" Pinkie said in giggling defiance as she struggled to move out of Twilight's magic grip but no luck. That is until she got a naughty idea, relenting her attack for a moment she allowed sunset to keep trying to hit her until she found an opening and she reached her fingers up just enough and smirked looking at Twilight. "Release me or I start tickling!" Pinkie warned Sunset and Twilight, knowing full well that Sunset had a more sensative body and so unlike the rest of the girls she was MASSIVELY ticklish especially around her belly button area which happened to be exposed just enough thanks to the shirt she was wearing. "Y-You wouldn't dare!" Sunset exclaimed knowing full well Pinkie would do it. "Go ahead, I bet Sunset can handle it." Twilight said with a devious smirk sort of wanting Pinkie to start tickling Sunset just to see it for herself. "Traitor!" Sunset said looking back at Twilight with a playful hurt expression. "Tickle Time!" Pinkie said as she raised her hand up dropping the pillozooka and her fingers began wiggling and tickling Sunset Shimmer to which the former pony began laughing uncontrollably as she flailed and wiggled around eventually falling off Pinkie onto the floor behind the pillow fort. It was then Pinkie lunged behind the fort on top of Sunset, sitting on her with her butt facing towards Sunset face she giggled as she kept tickling her. "Coochy coochy coo!"Pinkie said with a childish gleeful smile as her fingers rapidly wiggled around Sunset's belly which according to her was the most ticklish part of her. How did she know this? Truth or dare of course! During a slumber party not long after Sunset stopped being a meanie they were playing truth or dare and the subject was brought up of if Sunset was ticklish or not and then Rainbow dared her to get tickled by Pinkie. Sunset had never laughed so hard in her entire life and she would never forget it. Twilight sat and watched her now girlfriend get tickled by one of her best friends. A smile was tugged at her lips however she couldn't help but feel left out if not a tiny bit jealous. Was this what it was like to be in love? To have your crush finally notice you and your affections? It must be because the more she witnessed Pinkie touching all over Sunset, the more she wished that she was touching Sunset or at the very least Pinkie was tickling them both! A blush came over her at that thought as she shook her head to get those thoughts out of her head. 'Don't be silly Twilight, polygamy isn't even legal. Still; a girl can dream right?' "Twihaahahahahahlight! Heheheheheheeheeeeeeelp!" Sunset called out for her girlfriend to help her defeat the tickling pink menace. Hearing her girlfriend call out for help she jumped up and leaped over to Sunset and Pinkie almost flying through the air using her magic as she came down with a pillow. "Have no fear! Why? Because I am here!" "Get 'er Sparky!" Sunset said through her laughter. "Nani!?!" Pinkie exclaimed not even attempting to dodge now. "Go beyond!!! Plus! Ultra!!!" Twilight shouted as she came down on top of them both crashing them all to ground laughing as she landed on top of her girlfriend and her friend in a pile of pillows. "Hehehehe that was fun! Good one Twiggles!" Pinkie giggled giving Twilight a cute new nickname as she tended to do with all her friends if one came to mind that she liked and found endearing. Twilight was often referred to as Twi, Twily, Sparky and Sparks, but Twiggles was certainly a new one. Sunset giggled at that silly nickname and found it instantly cute. "Heheh 'Twiggles' " *Knock, Knock, Knock.* "Pizza Delivery!" "Coming!" Pinkie said with a smile as she jumped up, her hair and clothes frazzled and her nipples was slightly poking from behind her shirt after having had so much fun. Pinkie would open the door to see a familiar face and she would smile widely at him. "HI CHEESY!" "Heya Pinkie; long time no see. Havin' a good ole fashion slumber party huh?" Cheese Sandwich said with a smile as he stood in the doorway dressed in his delivery boy outfit holding a large pizza. Pinkie nodded and smiled. "Yupperonni! You got here pretty fast!" Cheese gave a proud and charming smile of his own. "Well I am the top delivery boy for Flames and I got a reputation to upkeep." "Didja move back to Canterlot?" Pinkie asked smiling gleefully. Maybe now she finally had a chance to get a boyfriend! Cheese chuckled and nodded. "Yup; moved in with my girlfriend a few weeks ago and just trying to pull my weight, Surprise was so happy when I said yes to moving in with her after she got her own place, I just had to." Pinkie felt her smile drop just a wee bit as she didn't wish to fully show her disappointment that he was taken on her face. She knew Surprise quite well, she was her party rival long before Cheese showed up however Surprise attended Crystal Prep at the time so Cheese and her didn't get to date for long. However now that would seem to have changed and while Pinkie was a little jealous; she was still happy for her friend. "Oh well that's super duper! We'll have to party it up some time!" Pinkie said still smiling. "Totally! Anyway here ya go, one large extra cheese pizza. Who paid?" he asked as he handed over the pizza to Pinkie Pie. "That'd be me; I used my phone for the payment." Sunset stated as she got up and walked over to him to sign for the food. Doing that she also tipped him $10 for making it there so fast. "Oh thanks Sunset!" Cheese said with a kind smile. "No problem Cheese. Keep up the good work alright? And tell surprise we said hi." Sunset replied with a smile. "Can do! Also? Congrats!" Cheese stated with a chuckle and knowing smile. "Uh on what?" Twilight asked as she got up from the floor as well now. "On you two becoming a couple of course; party senses never lie." Cheese said as he turned to leave. "See ya around girls; enjoy the pizza!" "Byeeeeee cheesy!" Pinkie said as she closed the door and turned to go inside to set the pizza down as her stomach began to grumble. Though before she could move to set it down she felt a hand placed on her shoulder. "You alright Pinks?" Sunset asked with genuine concern. She could tell Cheese showing up and mentioning he was not just dating Surprise but had now moved in with her was bothering her even if she didn't want to show it. Pinkie put on a brave and happy smile. "Totes, I'm just happy Cheesy is happy! Surprise is super duper nice and funny and cute and...and..."Pinkie was trying to remain positive but the more and more she thought about just how single and alone she was, the more and more of her energy began to leave her and her smile began to drop. She put the pizza down on the kitchen counter and once she did she turned around and hugged herself into Sunset's chest. "I-It's no fa-fair...I-I wanna love someone too...why does everyone else get a special someone and not Pinkie? Am I too Pinkie for people? Doesn't anyone love me?" Pinkie asked beginning to sob into Sunset Shimmer's chest as Twilight watched frowning at the state of her usually peppy and bubbly friend. Her hair deflated and fell flat against her head and her body even began a lesser shade of pink. Sunset felt her heart drop in her chest and her eyes water at the sight of seeing the normally upbeat Pinkie Pie sobbing into her chest after basically having her biggest crush tell her she didn't have a shot because he was with her rival. That had to hurt on a level Sunset couldn't quite understand but she certainly had a way to understand. Hugging Pinkie close she used her magic and as she held the pink girl images upon images flashed within her mind however it wasn't a chaotic wonderland like it was the first time she read her mind. "Shhhh, shhhh. It's okay Pinkie. Let it all out." This time it was more or less like it was for everyone else. She could sense Pinkie's emotions, all of them and she could empathize and understand them all in a matter of second. Seeing each image fly by she realized that Pinkie was much more deep and even conflicted than she ever fathomed to imagine. She loved many but felt directly and personally LOVED by no one, she has dozens if not hundreds maybe even thousands of friends but she still felt lonely when it was time to go to bed. Sunset could relate to that and as she held Pinkie with no intent to let her go she continued to stroke her fingers through her hair. "N-no one l-loves m-e...th-ey..a.a...ll think I...I'm just aj...jooohohohooke" Pinkie said through her weeps and sobs into her friends chest as she let out all her pent up emotions at once. As Twilight looked on in shock she felt her own heart begin to break as she watched Pinkie Pie, the spirit and manifestation of laughter break down and become a shadow of her former self. How could anyone ever dare to do that to Pinkie? All she wanted was love to match what she gave out! Sure it would be hard for one single person to do but if Pinkie had so much love then why couldn't anyone return it how she wanted? It baffled Twilight and she wracked her brain for a answer as she always did. "That's not true Pinkie. We love-" "N-No you do-nt!" Pinkie shouted almost angry. "What?" Sunset asked now confused. "Y-You just say that cause we're friends! But you don't really LOVE me! You love her! Admit it!" Pinkie said pointing a finger at Twilight without looking at her, she couldn't bare to let Twilight see her face looking so pathetic. Though without her happy go lucky attitude to hide the jealousy it was all boiling to the surface with no filter. Sunset and Twilight stood there completely stunned. They hadn't expected Pinkie to be so direct and forward with expressing that she was jealous of their relationship. She would continue her depressed ramblings despite this though. "You are so friggin' clueless! Both of you! It's taken you both so damn long to get to this point when it didn't have to! You both don't ever try and get anyone to like you! They just do! Sunset is a former villain turned good! Everyone's a sucker for those! The same with Twilight! Difference is she has a fucking goddess as a proxy on the other side of the mirror and over here she's a genius who can have anyone she wants by just looking cute! But wheres that leave me huh?! I try so hard! I try so damn hard to get people to like me and to laugh and to maybe, just MAYBE feel the same love I give back but I never do! Everyone always gets the girl but me! It's just not fa-!" Sunset and Twilight had heard enough. Twilight using her magic pinched Pinkie's lips shut and focused her attention as she walked up closer to her and Sunset. Sunset kept a firm but comforting grip on Pinkie Pie and refused to let go of her, wrapping her arms around her and nuzzling her face into her bosom. Twilight then came up and pulled everyone into a group hug and when she joined hands with Sunset Shimmer everyone began sharing memories and emotions. At this point nothing was hidden from anyone. Pinkie would see into Sunset's mind and would be shocked to see that she was dangerously close to choosing Pinkie Pie as a lover which at first made Pinkie feel even more jealous she picked Twilight but then she saw more recent thoughts being added and they melded with shared thoughts from Twilight. It showed images of the three of them all together, cuddled up in Sunset Shimmer's bed, smiling and very naked. Pinkie saw other images too like of them kissing, holding hands, watching anime together, working on science projects, planning parties and even getting married. As the memories and magic ceased, Pinkie Pie looked up, tears still flowing but her smile returned just a little as she sniffled and looked at Sunset and Twilight. "Y...You really do love me?" Sunset nodded and blushed as she held Pinkie and Twilight close. "I love you both. So much, you both have things I look for in a lover but I can't decide between you both. It wouldn't be fair for me to make one of you feel unloved, so screw it. We are doing this Equestrian style." Pinkie blushed and looked rather unsure. "Twilight?" Twilight blushed as well and adjusted her glasses and gave Pinkie a small smile. "I'm a scientist. Experimenting is what I live for and this is one experiment I am very interested in seeing where it goes." Pinkie was beside herself or she would be if she had a clone. Was this really happening? It had to be a joke right? Looking at Twilight and Sunset with hope in her blue eyes she asked. "Y-You're not joking...are you?" Twilight and Sunset looked at each other and smiled. Then they smiled at Pinkie as Sunset sneakily snuck her fingers around Pinkie's tummy and started to tickle her as she stood up. This of course got some wiggles and giggles out of Pinkie but it was when Twilight leaned in and blew raspberries on her tummy that she finally gave in. With her hair poofing back to normal the once giggly Pinkie Pie returned in full vigor as she laughed and laughed, her pony powers sparking up as she flailed in the grips of her two best friends...no...her girlfriends. "Coochy coochy coo; does it look like we're joking to you?" Sunset teased and whispered into Pinkie's ear as she tickled her. "Hehehehehahahahahahah nooohohohohohohahahahah no! Hehehhee I believeveeeheheheheve you!" Pinkie shouted as she giggled like a mad woman. "Good! Now no more frowns tonight alright?" Sunset said with a smile as she smooched Pinkie on the cheek. Pinkie smiled and nodded happily. "Hehe right, no more pouty mopey dopey jelly belly Pinkie Pie." "Speaking of pie, we've got a pizza to devour! Dibs on the big slice!" Sunset said as she released Pinkie and dashed over to grab her slice first. Twilight and Pinkie would follow close behind and each of them would grab two slices. Sunset would look in her fridge for Cinder but sighed when she found none. "Crap I forgot to buy Cider." "I brought some in my bag!" "Oh I'll get it for you Pinkie" Twilight said going over to Pinkie's bag where she could see one of the can's sticking out and oddly something else. Getting closer to the bag she blushed and then turned her lips into a teasing smile. "Hey Pinkie, you sure you ONLY came here for a friendly party tonight? Or were you planning on having a little fun without us?" Twilight asked as she brought the girls bag over clearly showing she noticed the large dildo that Pinkie stuffed into her bag. Pinkie blushed big over this as she totally forgot she packed that in there earlier. "Uh ehehe well um...I uh..." Sunset smiled and nudged Pinkie. "Oooh wonder if you used it before you came inside. Hehe is that why your legs were so wobbly when you came in?" "N-No! I didn't but well...I wanted to i-if you girls didn't mind..." Pinkie said sheepish sounding a little like Fluttershy. "Oh yeah this is turning into one helluva party just like I thought it would. So how's about we go to my room and have some REAL fun?" Sunset smirked as she looked into Pinkie's bag to see what she brought and with how kinky Sunset could think and with how creative Pinkie was she knew this was gonna be fun for everyone. "I could go for some fun. How about you Pinkie?" Twilight asked as she stood next to Sunset holding her hand and she held out her other hand for Pinkie to take. Pinkie looked at her two best friends who were now BOTH her girlfriends and she sniffled and wiped an emotional tear away and she leaned forward and hugged them both smiling. "You know what this calls for?" "A party?" Sunset and Twilight asked. "Not just any kinda party...A Kinkie Pie Party" Pinkie lowered her voice into a seductive and sultry octave, one neither Twilight or Sunset thought possible from the party girl but then again she was FULL of surprises. Sunset could feel the raw intense sexual energy leaking off Pinkie and it was A LOT which was good because Sunset was on her cycle right now and she didn't get her chance to start or finish when she was eating out Twilight earlier. She was dying to know just how flexible Pinkie's tongue was and tonight she would finally find out. Grabbing both her new girlfriends by the ass Sunset motioned them to her bedroom. "Let's get this party started." > Sexy Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was finally happening! Her biggest dream besides becoming a fully licensed party planner was coming true! She had not one but two of her besties in love with her! Her heart and soul felt lighter than a balloon full of helium and she felt like singing but no words, no song could properly describe how she felt right now and so she was content being snuggled up on one side of Sunset Shimmer, looking up lovingly at her with a big dopey smile. On the other side of Sunset was Sci-Twi, smiling much the same as she was though she could imagine it was for a slightly different reason. After all she lost her virginity not even a few hours ago and the experience was still fresh in her mind. Pinkie giggled to herself which got her a side eye from Sunset who smiled back at her with that cocksure smirk she was famous for. "What're you gigglin' at goofy?" Sunset said giving pinkie a light tickle to the tummy having had her hand rested on her muffin top this entire time while they were watching a movie. "Hehehe the tickling, the movie and you of course" Pinkie replied with another giggle. "Oh? What's so funny about me huh?" Sunset asked in a snarky manner that was completely playful. "Besides these big ole bacon bits? Lots!" Pinkie giggled and nuzzled her head against Sunset's breasts and hugged herself closer to her. "Hey, don't go hogging them all to yourself" Twilight in return nuzzled Sunset's other breast which had the fiery haired former unicorn blushing and wiggling in place. "Hmph, oh I see, you both only love me for my big unicorn tits!" Sunset replied dramatically, reaching down and pulling her top up and off she would bring them both closer into her bare chest. "Well here! Have a face full!" Her two girlfriends weren't prepared as Sunset shoved their faces into her boobs, it was a bit hot in the room and so she was a little sweaty but she didn't care nor did Twilight or Pinkie for that matter as they both gleefully assaulted her chest with their hands. Pinkie took a firm handful of Sunset's left breast and squeezed it as she nuzzled her face back and forth against it, meanwhile Twilight flicked and pinched her nipple on her right breast which caused Sunset to yelp and squeak in pleasure under the both. After about a minute or two of that, Sunset lay back on the couch, hair frazzled, face flushed and chest heaving as Twilight and Pinkie loomed over her smiling widely. "Say Pinkie, how about we play a little game?" Twilight asked to Pinkie with a devious twinkle in her eye. "Hehehe I DO love games and Sunny looks like she wants to have some more fun!" Pinkie said taking notice of the wet spot between Sunset's legs, her red shorts making it clear she was hot, wet and SO fucking ready. "Mmm yeah and I think its only fair you get to play with her first this time; we had our fun before you got here after all." Twilight responded as she got behind Pinkie and grabbed her breasts and fiddled with her nipples like she did with Sunset and was surprised to see they reacted similar. "Ohoho so Sunset isn't the only one with sensitive fun bags huh?" Pinkie giggled and moaned lightly biting her lip. She was incredibly sensitive and that combined with being ticklish to the point of it making her horny, that only made Pinkie's smile wider as she giggle snorted and fidgeted in Twilight's grip. Twilight giggled and leaned in to whisper in Pinkie Pie's ear, her voice far more seductive than Pinkie could've imagined. "Ready to have some fun Pinkie?" "Y-Yeah, what did ya have in mind twiggles?" Pinkie asked through her moaning/giggling, having stuck with that cute nickname for Twilight just as Sunset had taken to calling her Goofy. "Hm that all depends on how you answer my little pop quiz question. You wanna take a seat or have a treat?" Thinking about it for a moment and looking down upon Sunset's waiting body, her panting, the lust in her eyes, her stiff nipples and dripping pussy all ready to be taken the moment Pinkie or Twilight wanted her. Pinkie watched Sunset pant, licking her lips in anticipation and Pinkie herself had been DRENCHED since she arrived, time for the little pony to take responsibility. With a lewd grin that Sunset and Twilight had only ever seen a couple of times while Pinkie had a little to much to drink, Pinkie reached around her waist and began wiggling out of her shorts, her panties coming swiftly along with them as she sauntered over to Sunset, turned around and plopped her caked up pink ass down on the unicorn girls face and wiggled in place to get a good seat. "Ah, best seat in the house!" Pinkie giggled and reached her hands forward and grabbed Sunset's large breasts and pinched her nipples to see how she'd react and sure enough she got the reaction she wanted when she felt Sunset's dexterous tongue lashing at her pretty pink pussy lips and seeking out her funny button. "Mmmmmmm ohohohohoo s-sunny r-r-r-r-really likes s-s-strawberry cake huh? Mmmmm sloppy eater much?" Pinkie teased and bounced her large ass in Sunset's face and playfully tickled her nipples with the tips of her nails which only made Sunset eat her more vigorously. "Well while she has her snack? I'm gonna have one of my own~" Twilight said with a devious smile as she used her magic to remove Sunset's short, no panties it seemed which made Twilight and Pinkie giggle. "Oooooh naughty little pony!" Pinkie said playfully giving Sunset's nipples a little twist. "Isn't she? I think we need to properly tame her wouldn't you agree Pinkie?" Twilight said as she spread Sunset's legs though Sunset seemed to be eagerly doing it for her, both her hands gripped Sunset's thighs and gazed in awe at her prize, Sunset was certainly an exotic creature from head to toe. Her pussy was soaking wet and begged for attention and release, Twilight would inch forward and exhale her breath onto her lovers waiting core and she could see her shudder. Without wasting time on teasing her, Twilight dove face first between Sunset's legs and her lips attacked, her tongue spearheading the assault by splitting apart Sunset's wet walls and her clit made an attempt to hide but Twilight quickly found it and latched her lips onto it sucking like a hummingbird. The response from Sunset was to mimic what Twilight had done earlier before Pinkie came along, strong and powerful legs wrapped around Twilight's head and pulled her in as deep as she could, Sunset's pussy leaking even more unicorn love nectar onto Twilight's tongue. 'She wants this badly...no she NEEDS this' Twilight could feel Sunset's emotions resonating through their magic, Pinkie's as well. She could feel and sense their joy and lust, synched in perfect harmony as Pinkie rode Sunset's face and moaned/laughed in delight that she was finally having her dream made a reality. Meanwhile Pinkie was on cloud 9, 10, 11, 12 and every other number that came after! Her Pinkie senses had no idea how to react and were firing on all cylinders! Curled toes, dripping pussy, perky nipples, butterflies in her tummy, so many different doozies shooting off all at once and she was LOVING IT. She didn't want it to stop and she wanted Sunset to pop her party favor so badly! The way she was lashing her funny button was driving her crazy and this was the kinda crazy Pinkie LOVED! The kinky, sexy, oh my God I can't stop moaning, cross eyes, hentai levels of crazy! With all her work and looking after her sisters, she hadn't properly climaxed in a good while and that just meant the treat Sunset was about to get was going to be truly sweet. Sunset was working double time, trying her best not to cum before Pinkie because she wanted to get her funny girlfriend off first since she had done so for Twilight beforehand but with Twilight eating her out so skillfully?! It was hard to resist but she held fast, she held strong and she kept her lips latched onto Pinkie pretty pink clit and refused to let it go, slurping on it and swirling it like crazy with her tongue. She knew Pinkie was close but how to make her 'pop'? That was when Sunset got an idea, her hand would spank Pinkie's large ass to get her attention. Pinkie would stop gyrating her hips for a moment when Sunset slapped her bubbly butt and she lifted herself just a bit to hear what Sunny had to say, she giggled at the sight of her former bully now drenched in her love juice and was desperate for more. "Turn around balloon butt" Pinkie said, her voice dominant and teasing, balloon butt having been a teasing nickname used when she was still a bully. Pinkie had a phat ass even back then but even when Sunset was bullying her? She had never once claimed that to be a bad thing. Pinkie bit her lip and nodded, she loved it when Sunset got that dominant look in her eye. Turning around and facing Sunset now, she sat back down and watched Sunset continue to eat her out but then Sunset did something that made Pinkie want to cum that instant. She made the sexiest ahegao face she had EVER seen, eyes crossing in a silly but sexy manner as she lashed her tongue wildly at Pinkie's clit. "Give it to me Goofy~" "F-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-fuuuuuuuuuuuck!" Pop goes the Pinkie! Pinkie kept her eyes on Sunset as she fully sat on her face and tongue, her hand gripping the front of Sunset's hair and pulling her into her pink pussy as she squirted right in her mouth, a lewd almost maniacal grin on her face as she giggled and moaned in sweet release. She couldn't and wouldn't take her eyes off Sunset's face, it was the smile. Panting and gushing like crazy, Pinkie felt her party favor pop and it popped harder than she had ever done on her own, once she was done she collapsed into a panting heap on the couch Sunset sucked and slurped down every last little bit of VERY sweet nectar that came out of Pinkie Pie, it was almost addictive with how sweet it was, only natural for the element of laughter. Letting Pinkie ride out her climax, Sunset had also reached her own, squirting right in Twilight's face who just like herself, drank with vigorous lust and greed. Once Pinkie had come down off cloud 9 and fell to the side, Sunset's moans could finally be heard as she reached her climax. Twilight meanwhile as the fun had gone on, had used her magic to grab hold of the special toy Pinkie had brought with her and was fucking herself with it using her magic to operate it hands free while she tended to her girlfriends needs and by the time she was finished? She had also reached her second climax of the evening but still had enough energy left in her for one more round. After Sunset's thighs unlocked and release her, allowing herself to slump back and relax a little, Twilight crawled up to her and locked lips with her, sharing in the sweetness that was Pinkie Pie even though Sunset tried to greedily keep it to herself. "Mmmm I wonder who you think tastes sweeter, her or me?" Twilight said in a sultry whisper to her panting little pony. "Sweet....Celestia...I'm...in heaven" Sunset exclaimed through her panting, her arm covering her eyes as her chest rose and fell trying to capture more air and gain more energy, the dopey and lewd smile on her face having not faded at all. "B-B-Best...pa-party...ever...m-m-my legs feel like jelly" Pinkie giggled through her panting as she tried to move her legs and stand up only to flop back down onto Sunset tits first, that only led Sunset to lock lips with the goofy party girl, her energy seeming to return as she did so. Sunset's hands gripped firmly on that bubbly pink butt and squeezed as she broke the kiss and looked Pinkie in her loving blue eyes. "Mmm the party is only just getting started balloon butt, Twilight got to taste a unicorn, seems only fair you get a turn now." Pinkie put on a very lewd and seductive smile as she felt Sunset grab and spank her again. "I think it's about time I take you for a ride little pony"