Through the Magic Door

by King Westonian

First published

Twilight and Rainbow Dash are summoned to another world due to an ancient prophecy of that world.

Twilight Sparkle was doing some science experiments at the castle day but Rainbow Dash was getting bored and she accidentally opened a portal to another world called Sirenia. They go on lots of adventures and meet lots of new friends......But also many enemies. Will they save Sirenia? Will they ever make it home safely? Read to find out!

Chapter 1: Rainbow's Discovery

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One day in the town of Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle was doing some science experiments and trying to make cures for illnesses such as pony pox, poison joke, and blue flu. All of a sudden Rainbow Dash flew like lightning into the room and started bugging Twilight about stuff.

"So Twilight Sparkle, what kind of egghead stuff are you working on today?" Rainbow eagerly asked.

"It's not egghead stuff it's science!" Twilight retorted.

"Whatever, same thing" Rainbow replied.

Twilight kept trying to concentrate when Rainbow Dash knocked over some of Twilight Sparkle's test tubes and spilled the stuff everywhere. When the fluids mixed we see them form a crystalline material, then Rainbow Dash tries to grab it, and breaks a piece off, causing a big hole appear in the air and it sucked Twilight and Rainbow inside and closed up. Twilight Sparkle was very scared and was quite upset with Rainbow Dash. As they were flying through different dimensions trying to find their way home, they suddenly stopped and just started falling.

They were so nervous and they thought they were going to die, but then they fell right on top of an evil Princess named Cake Grathmc. She was just about to smack the king over the head with her cane, but then Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle fell on top of her and knocked over a large boiling pot of vegetable soup. All the veggies ran away and King Westonian saved them (his full name being Westonian Drofflic Redsand). King Westonian explained to Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle that they had just saved him, and that his veggie friends would have otherwise been eaten. Then he got really excited and told them of a prophecy waiting to be fulfilled where two ponies from a world called Equestria would come and save everyone from the cruelty of the Grathmc's, and how the villain they were facing was very powerful, but she had two sisters who were even more powerful, and how King Westonian had fought their father a thousand years ago and trapped him in a statue.

"You're crazy, we just want to get back to our home. We have family and friends there." Said Twilight.

"I'll explain everything at my castle." said King Westonian.

Chapter 2: The Biggest Slice

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In a large brick building, filled with machines and boxes, there’s a fat middle aged man sitting in a big comforter chair behind a desk. The desk is piled high with paperwork that needs to be done, and the computer has so many notifications that they’re blocking half the screen : Bob remember to send me file 685, Bob remember to send me file 755, Bob remember to send me file 983, Bob there’s a gas leak and we don’t know where it is get out of the building, Bob remember to send me file 846, Bob remember to send me file 439… And then, with what appeared to take a supreme effort, he lifted his colossal hand to the mouse, and… began clicking the close icon on all the notifications one by one until the screen was blank. He then opened the “Little Sorcerers Pizza” website, and placed an order for an extra large, mega pizza, with two of everything, three extra large soda bottles, and ten side dishes.

“BOB!” came the voice of a rather angry old woman yelling from down the hall “Where is your report on order 226-9?! It was supposed to be on my desk by 8:00 this morning!” the woman now standing across his desk, she towered over him, standing at about ten feet tall.

“Well boss Sharon, I, um, well… I already did it! I gave it to you last night.” Bob replied frantically.

“No you didn’t!” Sharon replied.

“Well, since you weren't in your office when I got there I slid it under your door.” Bob said gleaming with accomplishment.

“I was just in my office and I didn’t see anything, quit lying to me!” she replied, her anger growing more intense.

“Not your office door, your bedroom door, or at least I think it was your bedroom. You’ve got a really nice house by the way, kind of empty though almost like-”

“YOU SNUCK INTO MY HOUSE?!” Sharon screamed.

“Well you said you wanted it as soon as possible.” Complained Bob

“We have to find it!” She yelled.

“You don’t know where you’re house is?” Bob asked.

“Bob! My house is everywhere, and every moment in time, the doors are enchanted, they can go anywhere! We need to get there now, hold still!” Then Sharon teleported them into her house (which is really more like a grand castle).

Once there, she asked him

“Which door did you put it through?”

“Hmmm, I don’t remember, I’ll have to take a look around again.” Bob casually replied.

“Fine, just make it quick.” She said.

Then Bob began to wander through the halls on his comforter chair with an engine and wheels, opening door after door, each marked with a number, though they weren’t in any order. "Door one hundred twelve” was next to “door ninety four million, four hundred sixty thousand, three hundred seventy four”, and across the hall was “door negative forty five B”. Some of the doors led to completely normal rooms. Some were just empty, and some just opened into solid wall, but others led to amazing and distant lands. One led to the bottom of the ocean, but the water didn’t come through, upon seeing this Bob simply replied

` “I think your bathtub is full.”

Not in a sarcastic way, he just genuinely didn’t comprehend his unusual circumstance. In another, there was a construction site, swarmed with workers, the door opening between a couple of metal beams, and Bob asked a worker

"Excuse me, is this the bedroom?” to which the astonished worker replied

“This is gonna be the Empire State Building, where’d you come from?” the worker then stepped through the door, emerging in Sharon’s chateau, “What’s going on here?”

Sharon then replied to him “Well that’s up to you, either you just came through a magical portal to the other side of the country and 87 years into the future, or you ate some bad food for lunch and you’re hallucinating. Both are possible, but if it is the latter you had better go home and get some rest.” to which he inquired

“And if it’s the first one?”

“Then you should be thoroughly shocked, and it’s dreadfully unsafe to be working on such a sensitive and dangerous project while you’re in shock, so good day sir!” she replied shoving him back through the door, and closed it, sealing the portal.

Then she realized that Bob wasn’t there.

“Bob, where are you?!”

“I’m up here.” he said from up the stairs.

“How did you even get up the stairs?” she asked

“Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagic...” said Bob, then boss Sharon looks over and sees that there’s a ramp. “I found the room, I’m sure this time, but it’s still locked.”

Then Sharon pushed past him to access the door, “Move out of the way, I can open any door here.”

“How, do you have a key or something?” He asked.

“No Bob, I have something even better.... And that you’ll never have… MAGIC!” said Sharon as she reached for the handle and opened the door. When she opened it they could see space, and they were very close to a star.

“OK, let’s get the envelope!” said Bob triumphantly.

“Are you insane?! That door leads to space, do you know what would happen to you if you went out there?!”

“I’d get superpowers?!” he asked excitedly.

“No. You’d have all the air burst out of your lungs at such a force that it would cause internal bruising, your blood would broil, your skin would freeze, you’d throw up and maybe pass out from the sudden lack of gravity, and then you’d hurtle down into the blazing inferno of that star where you’d incinerate and be crushed by it’s gravity, thus turning your remains into a pile of diamond dust which would then broil into a vapor.” to which Bob just stared blankly. “And your chair would break.”


Then Sharon took out her phone and dialed in a number

“Who ya gonna call?” asked Bob

“An old friend.” answered Sharon. “Barbra? Yes, it’s Sharon. Umm, well, about that, I need your help. I’m in my mansion. Yes, I’m near a door. It’s closed. It’s number eight thousand four hundred seventy six. Oh, she hung up.” Then the space door opened and a tall young woman with brown hair wearing an expensive dress came through

“What was it you needed again Shar?” asked the woman.

“I needed to know where this door has opened to lately, and if an envelope has gone through it.” Sharon replied.

“Who are you?” asked Bob

“You got that, right John?” asked the woman, completely ignoring Bob. Then Sharon said to Bob

“Bob, this is Barbra, she’s even more powerful than me, so try not to annoy her.”

“Annoy her, since when am I ever annoying?” asked Bob. Then Bob looked into the door and saw the inside of a small room, in it was an intercom, a staircase leading up, a door leading out, and a man sitting at a computer with half a pizza. Bob started to slowly move his chair, trying to sneak in and steal the pizza, until a moment later the man said

“Don’t even think about it Bob.” in a calm voice without looking at him, not allowing his focus to falter.

“Who are you?” asked Bob.

“I’m an all powerful, pandimensional, most-knowing, time traveling, cosmic being, but you can call me John.” said the man. Then Bob began to approach the door again

“Bob, stay on your side of the door, this isn’t a playground.”

“A playground?! I’m a grown man, I don’t go to playgrounds, and I don’t have to listen to you!” he said as he got even closer to the door.

“If you come another inch closer Bob, I will tear the motor out of your chair.” John said. However, Bob came even closer, entering the room. At that moment John moved so fast that he became a blur, and tore the motor out of Bob’s chair, then shoved it back an inch, thus putting him back on his own side.

“Here you go Sharie.” said John, as he handed her a piece of paper with some strange coordinates on it.

“Thanks John.” said Sharon, “But could you repair Bob’s chair before you go?”

“I already did.” he answered, gesturing at the chair that seems to have fixed itself. “And here’s that pizza you wanted Bob, it’s from another dimension, much better than any pizza around here. But give it a few minutes to cool down.”

“Alright then Shar, we’ll see you later. Bye!” said Barbara as she and John went back through the door and closed it behind them.

“Alright Bob, let’s go.” said Sharon

“Go where?” asked Bob.

“I don’t know.” said Sharon. “Door. Open at the following coordinates in relation to my current point: four thousand five hundred seventy nine realms up, eighty two point seven kilometers east, ninety four point thirty one kilometers south, time current and frozen, open at nearest safe point.” Then she reached for the door, and when it opened she found herself in a stone hallway. “Come on Bob, let’s go…” she said as she entered the door...

Chapter 3: Discord's Messenger

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Meanwhile in Ponyville, Starlight Glimmer saw that Twilight wasn’t there. Then she saw the crystal that had opened the portal, and when she touched it, another portal began to open, but she just ran away and escaped. She said to herself “I’ve got to tell the town!” and began running towards the city. When she arrived, there was a town hall meeting in progress, and she ran in and exclaimed “Twilight Sparkle’s lab has an unstable crystal in it, and it opens dangerous unstable portals, and-”

“We know.” interrupted Mayor Mare, “That’s what we’re here to discuss, Rainbow Dash is gone too.”

“You mean they fell into that death trap?!” Yelled Starlight.

Then as the large doors came flying open a loud booming voice came through saying

“Don’t worry, they’re fine. They seem to have fallen into another world…” said Discord as he entered. “I saw the whole thing through my mirror…”

At the same time, Boss Sharon and Magic Bob fell into a door that led to King Westonian's land while they were looking for the envelope of report order 226-9. Sharon’s teleporting magic would not work as well in that world. So she started talking to king Westonian.

“We can’t go through the mirror, but I could send a clone of myself as a messenger.” said Discord, as he performed a spell to do so.

As soon as Discord's clone got there, the evil Princess Cake started to awaken after being passed out, and he ran away.
She laughed and asked

“Well, who are all these worthless animals? Are they helping hide MY veggies?” she said while laughing. “Well I’m in control and you fools are not going to live one more second and-” she just stopped talking and froze, thanks to Sharon’s magic. Everyone was silent. Then finally Twilight Sparkle stepped up and shouted

“I’m NOT AFRAID OF YOU!” then the magic started to wear off and Sharon had no more of that magic. Neither did Twilight Sparkle. Cake viciously got up and started swinging her sword while she grabbed Bob out of his chair and sliced it up and tore out the motor looking for veggies. Bob started screaming bloody murder and Sharon just sighed and fixed his chair with… MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC!!!!!!

“What do you want?” asked boss Sharon. Cake quickly replied

“You know exactly what I want! The VEGGIE-WEDGIES!” She screamed in anger.

“I’m pretty sure it’s pronounced veggies.” said Westonian, making fun of her anger.

“Hey! Don’t correct the Princesses grammar!” She violently shrieked

Westonian just giggled which made Cake really mad and she started yelling. While they were fighting about grammar, Rainbow Dash noticed a bright shining light coming from Cake’s necklace. She looked closer to discover that it was a special diamond jewel that looked very powerful.

“I bet if we can get that jewel from her she’ll lose her powers and we can stop her.” said Rainbow Dash to her allies.

So while they were fighting, Sharon tried to sneakily take it out of her pocket, when Bob saw it and yelled

“Is that glowing candy in Princess Cake’s pocket? Can I have some Boss Sharon?”

Instantly Cake turned around and everyone was vulnerable to her attack. Then everything went blank.

Later they started waking up in prison. Cake walks in and states

“Good evening everyone, as soon as I find all the veggies, I might spare you. But you will all be turned to my minions once they are found. Oh, And by the way, was this what you wanted?” she said as she grabbed a jewel that looked very much like a shiny piece of candy indeed. “Well I’ve used this to confiscate all of Sharon’s magic. And as for those ¨PONIES¨, h hey wait… Where are they!? NNNNNNOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! THEY HAVE POWERFUL MAGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR AT LEAST TWILIGHT DOES. I must find them AND THE VEGGIE-WEDGIES at ONCE!!!!” she screamed

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle , and Discord’s messenger were planning how to save everyone from prison (and yes, they had the veggies, and they were protecting them. They were hiding in Westonian’s castle.)