> Minty's Delightful Discovery > by RoyalBardofCanterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Razaroo stepped out into a delightful day. She had just gotten out of her speech therapy class, yes, yes, yes. She happily pranced down the street. A butterfly floated on the breeze and the long grass blew in a gentle warm wind. Razaroo watched the pale, pink butterfly as it floated along. Prancing and giggling, she darted after the hapless insect. She jumped along the street, but the wind carried the butterfly ever further away. Giving a frustrated groan she sped up, racing along, the cottages going by in a blur. Stopping in the center of town, she decided to lay down on the grass. The blades tickled against her fur, but after a while she began feeling the urge to move again. As she lifted up, something collided against her rump. She gasped. At first, she did not register exactly what it was she was feeling. It was a tingle running up from her pee-hole, but she didn't have to pee. "I am so sorry!" A familiar voice blurted out. "M-Minty?" Razaroo's voice came out in a strangled gasp. Minty galloped around to face her friend. "Are you alright? I didn't mean to put my nose in your no-no zone!" Razaroo blinked, took a few moments to recover. She had never felt anything like that. It felt...she wasn't sure what it felt like. But she'd kind of like to feel it again. "M-Minty...could you do that again?" Minty stared at her, a blank expression on her face. Wait, she always looked like that. "But why Razaroo?" "Cause it felt good, yes." She bit her lip. "It felt really good, yes, yes, yes." She paused. "Damn it." Minty reached out and patted her cheek. "Oh, Razaroo. One day those speech therapy classes will pay off." Razaroo nodded. "Right. Could you do that again?" "Pat your cheek?" "No. Could you..." She blushed. "Put your head against my no-no place." Minty drew back shocked. "But that's your no-no place!" "I know...and no one else is allowed to touch it except me..." Razaroo shuffled her hoof at that admission. Her friend blushed though she didn't know why. "You touch yourself down there?" "There's nothing bad about it!" She whined. "J-just when I'm in the bathroom. But I've never been touched like that by somebody else. It felt really good." Minty noted that her friend had said that repeatedly. Though Razaroo did that and nobody could explain why. What made her current linguistic fixation different was the nearly frightening glint in her eye. Being bumped in your no-no place must feel really good. Minty's throat suddenly felt dry. "Alright, Razaroo. I'll do it. But only if you do it first." Razaroo pouted slightly. "Alright." Minty turned around and lifted her tail. The last time she'd been in this position it'd been for a spanking. That thought following it's natural conclusion, she laid her chest down and lifted her rump. It would make it easier for Razaroo to access her no-no place. As a foal, this position had been followed by the hard smack of a paddle across her bottom. Razaroo reported that the sensations to follow would be quite the opposite from those painful moments. While she had expected pleasure from Razaroo's reports, the moment her friend's head grazed against her slit, a powerful sensation of pure bliss exploded inside of her, eliciting a gasp. Razaroo drew back. "Did I hurt you?" Minty panted. "Again! Please!" Razaroo went back down, nuzzling her friend's most intimate place, listening to her gasps and whines of pleasure. Out of curiosity, she stuck out her tongue, pressed it to the slit. Minty squealed, ecstasy surging through her every pore. Razaroo giggled. "Wow, it sounds fun. I want to try it too." Minty panted, a line of drool coming down her cheek. "O-Okay." Her legs were trembling, but she managed to move around Razaroo who had similarly lifted up her hindquarters. Minty giggled. "You look like a bad filly at school." She lightly slapped Razaroo's butt, making her giggle from the light tingle the hoof swat had left. She swatted Razaroo's rump again, fascinated by the way it jiggled. Razaroo blushed and shook her tail. "Minty, what are you doing? Don't make me get my manebrush." The green pony snorted, then kissed where she had slapped. "I'm sorry, Razaroo. That was mean of me." Razaroo rested her face in the cool grass. "It wasn't so bad. Felt kinda tingly." Minty extended her tongue and carefully licked Razaroo's no-no spot. The taste was strange, kind of salty. Razaroo nearly bucked, stopping before she could hurt Minty. Jolts of pure sensation were running up and down her spine with each lick of her tongue. Each tingle of bliss felt like it was building up to something and soon she found herself grinding her rump against Minty's face. "YES, YES, YES!" Razaroo screamed, caught up in ecstasy, her mind drowning as waves of pleasure crashed away her conscious mind so the only thing she could feel was the joy of Minty's silken tongue. "Um, excuse me." Both turned around. Pinkie Pie was staring at them. "Just what are you two doing on my front lawn?" Razaroo took a few moment to get her breath back. "Minty found out it feels really good when someone puts their tongue in your no-no place." Pinkie blinked. "Alright. Alright then." She began to slowly back up towards her house. "I'm going to go inside now and do something else until you finish...whatever this is." Walking into the house, she closed the door. Minty pranced in place. "It's my turn, Raz!" A giggle came from Razaroo's lips, happy that her friend was happy. "Alright, Minty." Minty lifted back up her rump and Razaroo took her time slowly drawing her tongue along Minty's no-no zone, getting used to the taste and smell. When she felt wetness on her tongue, she was at first afraid Minty had peed on her by accident-or she certainly hoped by accident-but it didn't smell like pee. Or anything really. She explored each one of Minty's folds, delighting in the delight her friend was clearly experiencing from her gasps and whines of pleasure. Suddenly, she buried her face in Minty's intimates, feeling a warm feeling in her heart as Minty vocally declared her enjoyment. Minty collapsed into the grass and Razaroo laid beside her. "Are you alright?" Minty smiled and nuzzled her, affection Razaroo returned. They snuggled into each other, side-by-side, so close their fur touched. Razaroo licked Minty's face. "Minty, why don't we keep this our own special thing?" Minty smiled, her normally green face slightly pink. She leaned on Razaroo's shoulder. "I'd like that. I'd like that a whole lot."