> Curing the Troll > by AthiyahTA > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Meet the Sex-crazed Troll > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: Meet the sex-crazed troll Author's note: You have been warned-Contains mild Cloppery. Oh, and a few OCs. Enjoy. "Oh, princess...please...oh...not...too hard...OH!" lusted the unicorn from her sister's private boudoir. Not that private, of course, with with some worthy strays brought into it every day. Luna rolled her eyes, as she walked passed the sex-scented room, the stench of it building up higher and higher, emitting out of the half-closed room. "Ugh, she couldn't even close the door." thought the midnight blue alicorn. She unwillingly peeped through the rather exposing crack of the half-closed door, shutting her eyes tight, not wanting to look upon the lustful scene. "Celestia, it's time for your weekly Royal Court Meeting! And I am NOT going to fill you in again!" shouted Luna, hoping to be not in need to use her Royal Canterlot Voice, shuddering at the thought of bringing down her own sister's bedroom. She knew her sister did not give a flying feather about incest, and she would be...punished severely. "Oh, for...oh...goodness sake, Luna, can't you...oh...pos...pone it?" cried out Celestia, obviously in the middle of a climax. Luna rolled her eyes, half-opening in subconscious curiosity. She quickly shut them again, knowing her sister was using spells on her, daring her, making her fall into her trap, like any...troll would. "Celes, stop using spells on me, you are not going to troll me again. And if that is Quillivia, I swear...I am never going to fill in for your schedules again." said Luna, exhausted from trying to block her sister's impending spells, with the constant worry of whether it was her precious student or not, that was victim to the frequent molesting-addict. "Ugh, don't you dare call me that in front of my subjects! Or...your, subjects. Either way, it wasn't you darling Quillivia's fault. She thinks it's you." smirked the pure-white alicorn. Luna's eyes widened at her sister's statement, hoping that it was another troll, and it was just another of her sister's disgusting collection of ponies undergoing orgasms. But of course, that would mean she knew what went on between her and Quillivia... Luna snapped out of her thought, to see a rather disgusting and painful scene. Celestia was no more her, but an exact replica of Luna, with Quillivia Papyrus, her dear student-in-training nuzzling by her side, having done with all the...riding. Rage swelled through the veins of the grey-blue-green eyed pony. "HATH THOU NO SHAME? HATH THOU HAVE NO DESIRE OF RESPECT? THOUST ROYAL COURT AWAITS! LEAVE OUR SCHOLAR TO BE!" raged the Princess of The Night, as loud as she could scream in her Royal Canterlot Voice, reverting to the 'ye olde' way of speech. The immense force that emitted from her speech broke the Disguise Spell that encased the trolling sex-addict, revealing her multi-coloured mane once again. The roar, of course, woke up Quillivia Papyrus, with somewhat of the small tingling sound a spell-break occurring near her ears. "The Tympanic Membrane Disruptor Spell. Should have known." mummered Luna, under bated breath. The slowly pink-fur changing alicorn smirked to herself, enjoying both Luna's disgust-filled face and extreme shock covering Quillivia's face. Looking upon the change, Luna turned from sheer disgust to pure fear. "Quillivia! Behind me, now!" commanded the fear-filled princess. Quillivia obeyed her dear mentor and ran out of the room, hiding behind her, noticing the queer amount of shuddering and shaking that overpowered the once responsible and serious alicorn to a mere frightened filly. Celestia soon turned completely pink, with only her toothpaste mane remaining unchanged. "My dearest student, this would be a life lesson to you. Do NOT, I say again, do NOT be under the presence of Princess Celestia while she undergoes her seemingly rapid Dissociative Identity Disorder epilepsy." stuttered Luna, preparing for any of...Trollestia's outbursts. "Note taken, my dear princess." stuttered Quillivia, somehow making a connection with the current identity: Trollestia with one of Celestia's other identities...Molestia. "Membrane, Shmembrane...I prefer to call it my...Partial Eardrum Annihilator. What a useful spell Twilight came up with. Your dear student sure did think that it was you all along." smirked the identity. Quillivia tried her best to hide her extreme embarrassment behind her mentor, blaming herself immensely for not seeing through the disguise. Luna ran a quick recent mind-read spell in her mind, after sensing a rather strong psychic waver in her emotions. "Quillivia, it's alright. Celestia and her other identities are so strong, that it could surpass anypony's natural mind frame. For n-" whispered Luna, only to be interrupted by Trollestia. "Oh, Lulu, you and your constant blabber with your immense knowledge in all that nerdy stuff. Is that because I stuck you on the moon for a thousand years? Don't worry, I don't think you would mind another few hundred." said Trollestia, ever so slyly. Luna gave a small, unnoticeable smirk, here secret plan starting to fall in place. "I prefer 'Geek of the 21st Century with a small touch of nerdism', thank you very much. And don't you dare call me...that in front of my subject." snarled the Princess of the Night. Trollestia gave a small little charming smile just to irritate Luna further, and then proceed with her big statement. "Look, Lulu, I will stop call you Lulu when you stop calling me Celes. But of course, there is always another option..." said Trollestia, slowly changing back to her pure white fur, though her mane was taking a uniform colour... "Molestia." whispered Quillivia, with a small nod of approval by Luna. A few memories with the encounter of the very identity encased Quillivia's mind, finally revealing itself to her, as the Selective Memory wipe spell broke through her conscious mind. Luna noticed as such, and smiled slightly, knowing that she didn't need to go through the painful ordeal of explaining who Molestia was, a rather touchy subject to the rather Victorian minded pony. "Molestia, you know I would never submit to such incest. And no, not another round at my subject. I would rather you turn back into Celestia, and go for your Royal Court Meeting. It's regarding complaints of your subjects being sent to the moon." smirked Luna, walking away with shuddering Quillivia from the scene. Molestia smirked, slowly turning back into Trollestia, just as Luna suspected. "And, yes, I am NEVER going to call you Celes again...'Tia" said Luna cheekily, as the Princess of the Sun suddenly turned back into Celestia by the clop of two hooves. Luna took a run for it, with Quillivia following behind, smiling to see her own mentor outsmarting the out-smarter. She knew the Princess of the Dark was quite good at such, but never thought she would be that good, that too, dawning a cheeky look upon her, not something anyone probably has seen in a millennium. The mentor-student duo arrived back at the new Special Teacher's Stable Stall, specially designed for Luna and her subject to teach, study and learn in. The newly renovated room with braised with soft tones of midnight blue and purple, with a hint of grayish-bluish-green. If you listened really hard, you could hear soft smooth jazz flowing through the wall, dimly lit with a few yellow and red lights. You could almost imagine it was a jazz pub, only that there was a practical students' table and chair set, directly opposite a practical teacher's table and chair set, with a few residing typewriters and a huge stack of parchment, quills and ink pots. No drinks, of course, unless they were getting a little cozy with each other, those very rare nights. Quillivia stared upon a red light, that almost was the same colour of her bright red eyes. Luna cast a questioning look upon her, knowing that 'Quilly' was in a very deep thinking mode, and the most genius ideas were about to overflow her mind. Luna smiled as she sat down, waiting patiently for what brilliant answer might flow from her blessed lips. Luna tried to snap out of any further thoughts before anything went...the other way round. "My dear princess, do you remember the recent random-subject mentor-student assignment you have placed on my hooves with? I have finally come to a certain subject that you yourself have a long history with. I would like to go on the subject of Ponyological Ailments, Dissociative Identity Disorder." said Quillivia, with a rather solemn look on her face, seeming to be hiding a wide smile, knowing of her mentor's next reaction. The pride-filled Princess suddenly changed her expression to a rather horror-filled one. Quillivia tried to contain her giggles, waiting for the famous shock-filled line. "You...you don't mean..." stuttered Luna, giving Quillivia exactly what she wanted. "Yes, I mean it. We are going to be Curing the Troll." said Quillivia, satisfied with the result on Luna's face. ................................................................................................................................................................................................. Author's Note: DUN DUN DUN!!! Sho, how did you like it? I hope you did, this would be my most researched-upon story yet. I hope my hard work will not all go to waste. > In The View of a Sister > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: In The View of a Sister "So, Quillivia, how do you plan to carry such a...feat?" asked Luna. Quillivia smiled, finally gaining to strength and overwhelming the urge to stay and got off the midnight blue, silky and warm bed. Luna smiled after her, letting her head rest upon her pillow, as she finally found her moon tiara. She made it sit on her large lock of a fringe, behind her horn, once again. She watch as the unicorn righted her curly mess of her hair into her normal, natural curls, letting her hair rest to the right of her blood-orange face once again. The unicorn's ruby necklace was encased with a reddish glow, levitated, and places upon the pony's neck once again. The Love Ruby shone in the dark, giving a red-orange aura to the room. The midnight pony remembered the time when she fist gave the pony the very treasure, as a sign of her love. That was years ago. But it still shone like it was just cut a day ago. A nagging and a very, very important thought entered her mind, but she dismissed it for later, for she was far too interested in what the pony would say. "SImple. We start with some research. I plan to research first upon Celestia's doings, beginning of such doings, so and so. And in fear of one of her dangerous personas acting up when asked on the touchy subject, I need someone close to her. And the closest connection she has, is well...you, my dear princess," said the Canterlot unicorn. Luna raised her eyebrows, not quite sure on how to react. Quillivia had always been a great, great student in many ways, but the touchdown on the certain subject was rather...well, surprising. The unicorn's concerns always shift towards economical and political problems, but in ponyology...she never given it much of a thought. But, then again, being a rather bright student, with the most formal but liliting un-snob-like Canterlot accent ever, she always had enough room in her brilliant mind to cram on knowledge of any kind, and now, she was using it. Luna say no other reason than the sheer wanting to do something practical with her knowledge was driving her towards the crazy assumption that she could make the Sun Princessess' sister from a trolling sex-addict to a normal, Fair and Just Ruler of Equestria, just like how many other ponies around Equestria, out of the Canterlot Palace, knew her to be. But she put all her trust into her, as her student, and a lover, that she might be able to grasp hold of the thought well enough to actually make the very notion happen. Till then, she decided to simply play along, for the over-looming thought of failure in the unicorn's eyes was too heart-breaking for the alicorn to see, for she surely knew that the impossible feat could never be done. "I suppose we could start with a scrumptious meal, shan't we, my dear princess?" asked the unicorn, smiling at her lover. She always made sure that she would always call her mentor with the three magic words : 'My Dear Princess', for she knew the midnight blue pony could never get enough of it. She stared longingly at the alicorn's eyes, wondering at how it changed colour in different lights. In the dark, it would be soft turquoise, it the light it would be grayish blue, and on harsh lighting, you could see taints of purple in dark turquoise in her blessed eyes. She remembered the time she first met her mentor. She was stricter then, but her eyes, filled with...loneliness. Ever since the very confession by the mentor herself, those eyes were filled with...sheer happiness and fulfillment in life. That was what made her stay. Making her dearest princess happy. She never fought, she always understood, and she never, ever, left her. Forever loyal, forever happy. A nagging and a very, very important thought entered her mind, but she dismissed it for later, for she was very hungry, and waiting for a reply from her dearest princess. "Yes, lets." ***~~~~--------~~~~*** They sat it the private Lunar dining room, finishing their meal. It was more of an early dinner to Quillivia, and a late breakfast to Luna. Knowing that she had to rise the moon anytime soon and start on the Royal Lunar Court, the alicorn knew that she had to be done with the deal, fast. "My dear princess, may I ask, when did the symptoms start?" asked the blood-orange coated unicorn. Luna pondered over the very question carefully, thinking back to when it ever started. "I suppose her 'Molestia' persona had started when she first attained...womanhood, which is, for an alicorn, around 40-50 years old. And, as science of now describes it...hormonal changes, or simply...sexual phases. But apparently, she had been stuck in the very sexual phase long enough for her to change into the very persona. Luckily, she somehow grasped to her normal self, and she had then first started developing her Dissociative Identity Disorder. Trollestia came along when...well, I had played a trick on her," said Luna, whom hung her head in shame for developing the very persona. "Wait, my dear princess, you actually developed the trolling persona?" asked Quillivia, in full shock. "Well, I suppose, yes..." mumbled the lunar princess. Quillivia face suddenly changed from extreme shock to absolute elation. "My dear princess, this is good news! Usually, we takle a problem through the root cause. You might be the very key to send Trollestia back into perdition!" sang the unicorn. Luna was slightly taken aback from the unicorn's sudden outburst, but she once again reassured herself and smiled. Quillivia was getting a few leads, she, as a mentor, might as well just calm down. "Let us not jump into the action plan first. So, yes, I was the cause. We were only around 70 to 80 years old, around 16 to 17 for mortals. I pranked her by adding food colouring to her body soap. Her pure white coat had become quite the spectacle of bright, hot pink," said Luna finding herself giggling away. Quillivia smiled in a rather surprised amusement, never had she ever known that her dear princess, or in this case, her lover, would ever react to a certain memory like some teenage filly. "Oh you should have seen her face! It would flush into the most darkest shade of pink whenever ever she became angry, or was beng a spoilt brat!" laughed away the lunar princess. The unicorn burst out laughing, imagining a teenage Trollestia with the most cutest, but angriest face. "Oh yes, where was I. Yes, the Trollestia Persona," continued the laughing alicorn, whom was struggling to surpress her laughter. "Since then, the persona of Trollestia began, and became quite the scary persona. She would go as far as releasing her own subjects to the moon with her moon canon, as a payback towards me. To be honest, thanks to her deeds, I was never really lonely on the moon." finished the midnight blue princess. Quillivia pondered about on the certain facts she was provided with, and then looked at the time. "Oh dear, my dear princess, it's time for the royal court! You don't want to miss it..." said Quillivia, in the most mysterious way. Luna became rather confused on the sudden behaviour. Suddenly, the Identity Spell broke. "Oh, my darling Lulu, you got it all right! But you haven't scrapped the bottom of the barrel...yet..." said the pink coated alicorn. Luna opened her eyes wide in both shock, and fury. Trollestia soon changed into Molestia, with a rather mysterious grin to her face. "Oh, looks like I settled with you in the other option, didn't I? My, my, Luna, I love how you take charge! And, by the way, sexual phases? Oh, it was definitely more than that. Chaos, Luna, chaos." said the pink-maned pony. Before Luna could respond, everything blacked out. Luna woke up, drenched in sweat, shining midnight blue in the evening light. Quillivia jolted awake from her peaceful slumber, concerned to what her dear princess had violently woken up to. "My dear princess, what is wrong?" asked the concerned unicorn. The lunar princess looked at her lover, confused as to what had just happened. She ran a quick identity spell, which reassured the fact that Quillivia was...well...Quillivia. The pure-black maned pony looked even more confused at the midnight blue pony, sensing the identification spell. Luna dropped her head once again back onto her pillow, and looked over and the blood-orange coated pony. She smiled, and drew herself closer to her lover. "You will never leave me, will you?" asked the alicorn. Quillivia gave a reassuring smile back. "I will never leave you. Ever." said the unicorn. Not able to contain their sudden surge of love and passion, they slowly caressed, as the sun started to lower. Luna saw the very sign, and drew away from her lover. She smiled and quickly got ready to raise the moon. Quillivia smiled back, as sleep overwhelmed her leaving the words "Just...five...more...minutes..." away from her beautiful lips. Luna smiled a knowing smile. "No, you would sleep an hour. I'll...wake you up 30 minutes. We have work to do. You hear me?" asked the princess of the night. Quillivia, being only half awake, smiled and nodded her head, along with a few weird noises. "I'll take that as a yes," whispered Luna, as she trotted to the Lunar Balcony, after taking one long look at Quillivia. She took a deep breath, and slowly spread her wings. "Tonight. Full moon. Alright then..." she thought, thinking of the visual map of the placement of the moon, the shades and blankets of the night, and the map of constellations that would appear in the particular night. She focused all her passion and feelings onto the moon, emotions being the only thing that could ever lift the entire moon, along with bringing upon the darkness, and her large array of stars. Every bit of emotion in her was focused solely upon the gargantuan lunar rock. She slowly lifted the moon, along with the night sky, slowly but surely. A bluish purple aura surrounded her as she slowly flapped her wings. She lifted of from the ground, the moon following behind. She rose, slowly but surely, eyes closed, feelings focused. Thoughts of the good times she ever had filled her mind. Once, those thoughts were her sister and her as a filly, playing together, being happy, were then replaced with emotions of being with Quillivia, her complete happiness she shared with her. All those good times, tracked down to the day she declared her love to the unicorn. The Love Ruby necklace then entered her mind, with Quillivia wearing it, oh so very happy, crying in joy, and bringing the Lunar princess' head down for their first kiss. With that very final thought, she finally reached the Lunar Point, and placed the moon in its rightful place. The Lunar Princess, satisfied with the moon's position, and the colour scheme for the very night, decided to check once-over at the constellations, to see if she got it right. "Andromeda, check, Perseus, check, Hydra, check...alright, every constellation is in. Alright let me ju-wait a second, is that...?" Luna widened her eyes as she looked upon the dragon-like constellation. The forgotten constellation. The constellation of the most deadly of the sins itself. The constellation of Draconequus. The seven most prominent and the most deadly of stars shone in it's respective colour representations. But apart from them all, a single, large, black star shone the brightest in it's dark glory. The forgotten sin. The Eighth Sin. Chaos. FIlled with extreme shock, she stumbled off the Lunar Point. Within the blink of an eye, Luna found herself falling so fast that her wings could not even stretch one bit, making the cause of saving herself with her wings hopeless. She tred her best to flip over in mid air, so she could a least land hoof-first. After many attempts, she finally did, only to find herself falling towards a large, black hole beneath her. "No, not again!" wailed the lunar princess, closing her eyes and hoping for the best. ***~~~~--------~~~~*** Author's Note: Oh my, what now? What will happen to Luna? How will Quillivia react? What in the name of perdition does that constellation mean? Most important of all, how will they ever going to go about Curing the Troll? Tune in to the next chapter coming soon! P.S. Don't you love some drama? P.P.S. Picture is credited to Princess Trollestia's Tumblr > The Forbidden Constellation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: The Forbidden Constellation There lay the lunar princess, finally gaining her consciousness. She felt her back against something soft, yet prickly. Foreign to the feeling for a very long time, she started to get rather uncomfortable on it. Her eyes soon fluttered open, light finally glaring into her dark-ridden eyes. She slowly looked towards her right, to see pastures and pastures of grass. She got up on her hooves, and all she could actually see was just pastures of grass. Probably a meadow. Either way, it somehow rang a bell in the midnight blue pony's head, though she could not exactly put a hoof on it. Suddenly, she saw a pink maned, white coated pre-teen-looking alicorn frolicking around the meadow. Following behind would be an even smaller alicorn, with a lighter shade of blue for her mane compared to her coat, a darker degree of blue. Just at one look at the alicorns, she immediately knew whom they were. She stumbled back, onto her haunches, shocked at what she was seeing with her own two eyes. "Lulu! Want another round from here to the waterhole?" asked the pink maned pre-teen alicorn. Although Luna knew what they were talking about, what seemed peculiar was the fact that her mouth did not exactly follow her words. This puzzled the adult alicorn greatly. "But 'Tia, we are way off our playground limits! And look at your sun! It's starting to dip low from it's rightful place! We ought to go. Now." said the blue alicorn. Luna chuckled a little, remembering how bossy she used to be over her elder sister. "Oh, come on...I so want to see our subjects-to-be! Do we have to return to the palace now?" whined pre-teen Celestia. Both filly Luna and adult Luna rolled their eyes at the whine, and raised their right eyebrows. "Alright fine, but at least, can we run back?" pleaded the pre-teen alicorn. Filly Luna sighed, giving the 'you know better than to say that' face. "Celestia. Sometimes I cannot fathom how you are supposed to be more mature than me, via age. You should know very well that we will never get home that fast by simply running. We have to fly. Now." sternly said filly Luna. Pre-teen Celestia finally gave up, and pouted as she lazily lifted herself up in the air. Luna spread her wings out with an air of dignity, and quickly flied up into the air. "Lulu, you're the more responsible and royal sister between us both. I guess the prophecy might be right. The Lunar Republic will reign. I'm pretty okay with that. But I have an impending question." asked the sudden solemn pink-maned alicorn. Tears struck upon adult Luna's face, remembering exactly what pre-teen Celestia had asked. She looked upon her younger self, whom was looking slightly puzzled. The filly flew over towards her elder sister with a smile. "Celes, you know that you can ask me anything." said filly Luna. Adult Luna braced herself, knowing what was coming. "Lulu-no, Luna, will you...still love me? As a sister? Forever?" asked the white-coated alicorn. Filly Luna smiled even broader, with a reassuring look. "Of course, 'Tia. You will always be my sister, and I will always love you." said filly Luna, as she hugged her with her right wing. Celestia smiled back, as they continued on, leaving a tear-stricken Adult Luna. She looked towards the sky in ultimate pain and agony. "Alright, so a promise was broken. Boo. Hoo." rang out a familiar voice. I voice she thought she would never hear again. "...Discord?" cried out the shocked alicorn. The Draconequus smiled, enjoying the shock in Luna's face. "Ah, sister. How long has it been since we met? About, a few millenium?" said Discord. Luna took away her shocked face, to replace it with a sly smile. "It is good to see you, brother. Attacking personal memories again? I heard about the grand break-out you had. Hope you had fun." said Luna, maintaining a little sarcasm in her voice, though she was sincere about her feelings on meeting her brother again. "Ah, all in a day's work, thanks to Trollestia. Great fun she was. Not saying that you are not a whole lot more fun than your serious sister of yours." smirked Discord. Luna raised her eyebrows at Discord, surprised that she was actually still good in his books. "Of course, brother, I was the only one who would even go near you, that too, play with you. But imagine if Trollestia was there instead of Celestia. The Chaos you both would reign," smirked The alicorn. The draconequus lowered his head and smiled, nodding his head. "Oh, and talking about Chaos, might telling me about the Draconequus Constellation that appeared that night?" asked Luna. Discord raised his head and gave a knowing look. "Oh, yes, that. Honestly, no idea. Although I'm inclined that it could be quite the opportunity for me to reign over with Chaos, but then again...I'm getting rather bored of the whole Chaos plan. And besides..." Discord said as the smile on his face started to look even more sincere, "I owe you. For all that you have done. I really do." said Discord. Luna, taken aback from the sudden kindness, stumbled onto her haunches. She then got up again, and stared at Discord, trying to find at least a glimpse of treachery in his eyes. "I'm telling the truth. And besides, you very well know that I am only one of the entire pack of Draconequus out there. And I'm your only chance of beating the seven sins that have been released." said Discord. Luna widened her eyes at the very statement, taken aback. "Oh, Luna, Luna, Luna...how I enjoy all that shock in your little blue face!" grinned Discord. Luna, relieved that her brother was finally back to his chaotic self, smiled back in defeat towards her brother. "Ah, you got me. But...seven sins? Why would they be released oh so very suddenly? And what about...the Eight Forgotten Sin?" asked Luna. The smile on Discord's face disappeared quickly, becoming the rather serious self of him he hated so much. "The seven sins are here to prepare the world, especially Equestria. For Chaos. Not my kind of fun chaos. Extreme, painful, apocalyptic-size Chaos. Truthfully, though I never really am, I don't like this one bit. The seven sins will soon start shopping for reliable hosts before they start. Keep those dearest to you safe and sound. I'm sure you know your Devil's Traps. Hope the angels are by your side. And, whatever you do, keep Celestia intact. Protect her well. Try your best not to get to her other personas. A war is coming." said Discord, in the most serious tone he could muster. Luna nodded her head, in the most positive mode she could muster through the current situation. Discord nodded his goodbyes, and started to walk away. He suddenly then stopped, and turned his head a little towards Luna. "Oh, and one more thing. The prophecy must come true." said Discord mysteriously, as he vanished into thin air. Confused Luna wailed out to call her brother's name, only to find her voice missing. Her body started to ache terribly. As if she had fallen three floors-worth of a height onto the cold, wet grass of the Canterlot Palace grounds. ***~~~~--------~~~~*** The midnight blue alicorn slowly opened her eyes, adjusting to the sudden bright light entering her eyes. Her eyes finally adjusted, to see a worried Quillivia and a very anxious Celestia by a certain hospital bed the injured alicorn was resting upon. "Luna? Oh, thank the Sun, she is awake!" wailed Celestia. Quillivia blinked away her tears and smiled, knowing her lover was safe and sound, moreover, awake, though having a severely injured right wing, a painful crack to the side of her skull, a slightly cracked horn, a few seriously screwed ankles, a swollen eye, a gashed right cheek and a well broken left fore-knee. Luna smiled back at the unicorn, reassuring her, as she thought of the recent memory that was pounding in her severely injured head. She turned to look at her tear-stricken sister. She gave a reassuring smile, hoping that the tears streaming down her face would stop soon, for she could no more bear the sight of such just after a major concussion, and a week full of coma. "Oh, my dear sister, I am well. And you? I doubt so." said Luna. A tiny tinge of a muscle near the white alicorn's mouth moved upwards, signaling a sign of withdrawn approval. Luna could see the distinctive pinkish panda eyes around her violet eyes, seeming to have made home for a week or so. Celestia, realising what her sister was looking at, gave a knowing smile. "Luna, it is you in pain. You know that I am able to last weeks without sleep. What concerns me more than the development of Panda eyes is your safety and well being." said the white alicorn, impressing Luna at how long Celestia stayed...Celestia. Luna then looked towards Quillivia , trying to put a hoof up to comfort her, only resulting in a sharp and sudden pain travelling through her hoof. Quillivia realised what happened and immediately moved her cheek to her right hoof, letting Luna caress her cheek. The red eyed unicorn smiled sweetly at Luna, seemingly being abnormally quiet than her usual self. Luna smiled back lovingly, trying her best the stroke her lovers cheek through her sprained ankle. Celestia noticed the exchange of looks, and smiled cheekily. "I guess I'll leave you two to be." said Celestia as casual as she could be, as she walked out of the royal hospital room, along with the doctors and nurses. Luna watched her sister as she walked out, and looked back at Quillivia, with billions of questions in mind. "How long?" croaked out Luna, as a sudden dehydration occured in her throat. Quillivia immediately fetched a glass of water and slowly aided her in drinking it. "A week, my dear princess. Entirely. No close encounters to changing, no nothing. It almost seems like your'e her weak spot, my dear princess." said Quillivia, as she finished aiding her in drinking her water, and put down the glass. "You know what I really need now?" asked Luna. Quillivia raised her right eyebrow, slightly confused, slightly amused. "What is it, my dear princess?" asked Quillivia. "A good blend of Hynotiq, Blue Curacao, Baja Luna Black Raspberry Tequila and Schweppes Tonic Water. Might as well make it my personal cocktail. Lunar Vision. A good name for a cocktail, don't you think?" "Yes, it is, my dear princess." "Quillivia, I have a secret to tell you. Promise you won't tell anyone." "You know you can trust me, my dear princess." "When I was young, I was told that I would be the reigning sister. The Lunar Republic. And so I was told as such for years to come, till I came of age, and I was to be crowned. But I could not do as such. I just couldn't. I couldn't bear to see my elder sister sitting beneath me on a co-ruler's throne, looking at high and mighty me making all her decisions, practically controlling her life. So I found a spell, so powerful, that it could reverse the very decision towards Celestia in every pony's mind, so she could reign as a Fair and Just ruler. From then onwards, I had a slight disadvantage in my magic, thus using my feelings as I connection towards my moon to rise it, without using plain magic. And, to be honest, if I were to go back in time, I would never, ever, change my decision. Ever." finally said Luna, as her eyes started to grow sleepy. Quillivia, while sucking back her tears, closed the Lunar Princess' eyes, as she settled back onto her haunches. " Carry on, my wayward son, There will be peace when are done, Lay your weary head to rest, Don't you cry no more. " sang Quillivia, as Luna slowly fell into deep slumber. ***~~~~--------~~~~*** And there lay crying a white alicorn by the doorstep of the royal hospital room, whom quickly got up and ran towards her private boudoir, never looking back, but regretting as if she let hell loose. Only did she know, that hell was certainly loose, and she was about to be in deep, great danger. ***~~~~--------~~~~*** Author's Note: Whoa. Did not see that coming, did you? Well, I surely didn't. I thought it was going to be another mundane fic on curing Celestia from her personas. Oh well. the more the merrier! P.S. It's Kansas, people! Carry On My Wayward Son. P.S.S. I got that wicked concoction from here: link. Enjoy. > As She Lay > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4: As She Lay A few days had passed, and with the amazingly fast and miraculous immune system of an alicorn, Luna healed back to her normal self, though a whole lot of security bandages stayed at the most vulnerable areas, that were damaged in the supposedly 'Most Dramatic Fall of the Season', reaching to many newspapers, magazines, newspaper radios, so and so forth, and that she still had the inability to trot properly, moreover, royally, thus, against her will, had to rest upon a wheelchair that wasn't even close to comfy. Luna had confined herself in her own private boudoir, trying to avoid any paparazzi trying to squeeze out a picture with their dear lunar princess in casts. Only Celestia and Quillivia were permitted into the room, with Quillivia always by her side, as if she was actually staying in there. Even doctors were not allowed in, incase they were nosy journalists in disguise, asking over her symptoms just to spill it over some famous newspaper company. This then led Quillivia to use her vast medical knowledge to help her lover in anyway possible, thus helping her study as she cared for her beloved. And through all of it, whenever the white alicorn found free time, she would rush over to see her dear sister and care for her, seeming to be staying in her natural form for days to come, not once having changed to her other personas. This delighted the midnight alicorn greatly, for she could once more trust her sister to not become a monster or another from time to time, to have a decent chat without a hint of troll or molestation. But what troubled Luna greatly that her brother had not communicated with her, at least even in dreams. She desperately needed to get to Discord fast, to tell the good news of Celestia, and how she was pleasantly under control. She knew of many Draconequus summoning spells, but afraid to spill the secret of her brother's appearance under listening walls, she could not do more than wait for him to communicate. And such happened on a cool, breezy Saturday night, with Quillivia sound asleep next to the lunar mare, and Celestia long from reach, handling the Royal Night Court. Luna found it hard to sleep, that night, her sleeping pills not taking much of an effect. The clock soon struck 11:59. A sudden surge of sleepiness endowed her, causing her to fall asleep. Luna suddenly found herself lying upon cold, marble floor. She slowly rose up, to find herself out of the wheelchair, out of casts, and trotting as per normal. Elated at the discovery, she found herself horsing around the room, oblivious to what was around her. Suddenly, a wooden, creaky door the the room opened. It creaked strangely, in a sort of creak that was rather familiar to the midnight alicorn. She quickly sung around to look at the golden embroidered window. The moon was out. Full moon. Cold, seemingly windy. But what was the most surprising thing out was the thick, sparkly whitish pink fog that only encased the ancient Palace of The Two Sisters. Luna spun back towards the room, finally recognising it. It was the very night. The most worst and regrettable night ever. Pre-teen Luna busted back-first through the creaky door, stumbling to get up. Following her, would be Cele-no, Molestia, with her sparkly, whitish pink mane flowing constantly, giving a rather lustful air, her majorly contracted violet pupils and pedofile-like smile giving the very essence of molestia. Pre-teen Luna, wide-eyed at and terrified, tried to plead her sister to stop, but the voice-box constricting spell cast on her stopped her from any plea or cry coming out of her mouth. "Sister, please, no!" finally wailed out Luna, breaking through the spell. Molestia smiled wickedly back, pupils contracting even further. "I see you've broken through the spell. Good. I like it when they scream." said Molestia, as she picked up Pre-teen Luna with impossibly strong magic, and slammed her onto the pink-and-white bed, that had a large, central image of a sun, just like Celestia's Cutie Mark. And that was what differentiated Celestia from Molestia. Why? Well, because, when you look carefully at the molesting alicorn's cutie mark, it would have a sparkly whitish pink hue surrounding the sun. Molestia then slowly climbed on top of dazed, injured and completely terrified Pre-Teen Luna, as she licked her lips. Adult Luna, not wanting to see anymore of the horrifying scene, turned her back at them, closing her eyes. But when she opened them, she saw herself in a blank, white space, filled with nothing but her. Confused, she turned around, about 180º, still nothing. But when she turned back, there was the conniving brother, standing at a few muzzle's distance. Luna, disgusted, stepped back a few hooves, gesturing Discord to do the same. Discord rolled his eyes, and stepped back a few hooves. Luna looked sternly at the Draconequus, whom stared back in a more confused way, bu then finally realising what he had done. He smiled in his own little chaotic way, that was actually meant to be an apology. Used to his chaotic little expressions, Luna recognised the smile as an apology, and smiled in approval of it. This maintained for a few seconds. "Awwkkkkwaaarrrddd..." sang Discord, trying to break through the current senario. Luna grinned to that, but still gave a demanding look for a reason for what he had done. "Alright, alright, stop it, would you! My, my, you can be so demanding. Look, I can only peek through the most prominent, important or life-changing dreams, mostly associated with Chaos. I'm not like you, I have no association to the moon, thus I can't Dream Hop like you can, with all that moony stuff, alright?" excused Discord. "Alright, fine, I get you. Just...avoid those that really need a mature tag." said Luna. "But we are certified adults." "Don't matter. I feel rather uncomfortable with it." "Ugh, fine, mom, whatever you say. Alright, I have something rather important to tell you. About the seven sins." "I do have a rather important news too. About Celestia." "Has she turned into a Jefferson Starship yet?" "Jefferson-what? No! She's completely fine. Hasn't changed for quite the while. Most likely because of my fall." "Well, some good news, for once. Keep her that way. Prolong the heal-time of the injury from your fall. Fake it if you have to. She must stay as such at all cost." "Ooh, I get all tingly when you ge all serious like that, Discord." "Shut up. I don't get all serious for nothing." "Yes, I realised that a long time ago. That is why I know very well that whatever is going to happen, it is going to be very scary, and very, very dangerous." "Luna, luna, luna, I doubt that you really understand what is going on." "Wha...what do you mean?" by then Luna was starting to get a little scared of the very answer, for she had an impending hunch of what it would be. "I know you know. It's written all over your sweet little face. Equestria is coming to an end. The Apocalypse is here." finally said Discord, as he vanished without notice. Luna sighed at the action, cursing under her breath. "Them Draconequus..." she finally cursed. She then thought over Discord's statement, hoping that Discord was simply playing around. But he never did get serious when he was playing around. Who does get serious when they are playing around? She found herself walking towards a certain direction, out of the room. She tried to stop, but her legs did not respond to her. She started to panic, not sure what was going on. She started to hear voices, some completely off the hook, some just downright scary. Either way, she was quite in the state of panic, her mind aware, her body seemingly belonging to the dimension of Dream Land. She found herself walking straight into a big, black hole. She recognised it from the fall, and tried to stop herself from going in. But with no will with her body, she went straight in. Everything turned pitch black, as the alicorn lost consciousness to everything, or what should be said, anything, around her. "My dear princess! Please! Do you hear me? My dear Princess!" Luna heard Quillivia shout out at the top of her voice. Luna suddenly jolted awake, unaware of her surroundings. A sweaty and weary looking Quillivia stopped her worried screams immediately, half relaxed that Luna was finally out of her sudden fits, half scared at the sudden jolt. Luna then looked at Quillivia, and rested her head onto her pillow once again. "Quillivia?" croaked out the weary princess of the night. "Yes, my dear princess?" answered Quillivia, at the verge of passing out. "Promise me one thing." "And what would that be my dear princess?" "A war is coming. And I want you beside me. Forever. At least till it is all over. Promise me that?" "Of course, my dear princess. You know that I will never leave you, till my reaper comes after me." "Oh, and one more thing. We need to cure Princess Celestia. At all costs." "Of course, my dear princess." answered back Quillivia, quietly tearing away. Luna, finally at peace, once again fell back into deep sleep, with Quillivia by her side. "And possibly, after my reaper comes for me." said Quillivia faintly, as she rested her head on the lunar princess' chest, as a part of her started to fade and crackle. Author's Note: Sorry for thine short chapter! I have my exams coming up in a week, and I have been busy with studies. But longer chapters await! > The Impossible Cure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few days had past, and Luna was finally up on four hooves once again, the only bandages on her would be wrapped around her head, for simply a small safety reason. Once Luna got off the wheelchair, she felt a moment of bliss, relief from the fact that she didn't need support to do something as simply taking a trot for at least a metre. Quillivia herself was relieved that she didn't have to exercise upon the same area of study/work for a long time, and could finally keep her eyes away from the subject of medicine. Discord had finally showed up after a few days, in fact, the very day Luna was hopping off her wheel chair. Surprisingly, Discord didn't enter through an important memory. "Can't you dismiss yourself from my dream without throwing me into Oblivion?" shouted Luna, visibly irritated. "I think I found a cure for that dear little Celestia." said the sly draconequus, ignoring the lament. Luna, taken aback by what her brother was saying, let her mouth hang open slightly, her ears pointed up, and one single eyebrow lifted up, urging the Spirit of Chaos to continue. "Oh, don't look like an Earthquake hit Ponypore. Really, I'm quite irritated by the fact that there is such an existing cure. But then again, Apocalypse. I like Equestria much more better than our home land. In fact many of the remaining draconequus like the peace and serenity in here. They not only like it, they find it a beautiful land. To wreck into Chaos." scoffed Discord. This put off Luna's initial expression, only to put on a bitch face, with crossed fore hooves. "But we can keep the land for later, of course." quickly answered Discord, hoping the horrid scowl would go away. It didn't. Luna scowled more, her face scrunching up, as if sucking on a lemon. "OK! I won't attack Canterlot. Promise." shouted out Discord. The bitch face remained. "ALRIGHT! The entire Equestria!" finally said the draconequus, raising his lion paw and talon in defeat. The bitch face was finally put away, to be replaced by a victorious smile. The draconequus could finally relax, for the dreadful face was put away. "The cure lays in the abandoned royal pharmacy's 12-lock special medication room, in the ancient Palace of The Two Sisters. The cure itself has a few more locks to get through, but being a hoity toity alicorn, you have quite a bit of an advantage. The first six tests are pretty basic, but later, it's nothing but logic and puzzles, for which Miss Blue Smarty Pants here could easily ace, if I'm not mistaken. The tests on the cure itself is not defined, it makes its own randomly-generated tests, and are under 10, in the number of locks, mostly to do with the physical side. I wonder, can Miss Blue Clumsy Pants bring herself up to complete these challenges? Or will she fall into Oblivion, once again?" said Discord, slyly, yet seemingly bored beyond means. Luna just stood aghast, looking over the entire statement, double checking it to see if she heard it right. "Well...urm...what-wait...what? Me? No-wait a minute, I've got a long-term promise with Quillivi-" stuttered the lunar princess. Discord shook his head in dismay, and silently muzzle-clawed. He was knew that he had to knock some sense into his sister. "So, your dear Quillivia won't be finding the cure, Boo Hoo! It's more important, at least to you and your order-filled kingdom that the Apocalypse isn't going to reign over this dear pony continent you love so much-Equestria!" Discord pointed out. This stunned Luna for awhile. Discord realised what he had done, and regained his composure. "Luna. You've got to get a grip of yourself. The eight sins are coming. We need to cure that sister of yours fast, before it's too late. Only an alicorn can get through these locks. Putting a normal, mortal pony, even if it’s your own disciple, would just be too risky. In fact, even having information about the hidden Please, if not for Equestria, do it for that lover of yours.” reassured Discord. Luna looked up in shock, not knowing how to react. That skeptical, but reassuring voice. All of a sudden, the grown-up, chaotic Draconequus appeared as the cute little 'Dissy' that she once knew. That sweet, crooked smile. That lovely, unbroken, lilting voice. Tears slowly escaped her eyes, dripping onto the floor, and formed star after star after star. Discord, not knowing the reason behind the alicorn's tears, shrugged his shoulders, turned one of Luna's pillows from blue to pink, and smiled. "Dissy," mumbled Luna, the word feeling strange on her tongue. "Don't call me that!" said Discord, abashed. He glared at the Princess of the Night at the sound of the hated nickname. "I'm gonna do it. I'll save Equestria. Even if it means breaking a promise, I'll save Equestria. Even if it means taking someone's meaning of life away, I'll save Equestria." said the midnight blue alicorn, filled with motivation, as she walked out of the room. Discord smiled slyly in relief, and De-materialised from the room. But just as he did, a look of realisation came to him, and he muttered just one word, "Oops." ***~~~~--------~~~~*** "DISCORD!!!" screamed Luna, as she fell into a dark, bottomless pit once again. ***~~~~--------~~~~*** "My dear princess, is everything alright?" said a familiar voice. Sweat formed beads on her forehead and dripped off, onto her mid-night blue bedsheets. "Quillivia. I have something to tell you." began Luna, still gasping for breath. She knew that she had to get this over with as quickly as possible. "My dear princess, you have been having a whole lot of nightmares! You must rest, at least a bit, before you speak!" said the concerned, ruby-eyed unicorn. She had enough of waking up to her beloved princess in fits, and was extremely worried, wondering if there was something that she was not telling her student. "No, this is important. You can't find the cure. You mustn't." said Luna breifly, glad to take that off her chest. She struggled to get back onto her four hooves. "Wh-what do you m-mean, my dear princess?" stuttered Quillivia, completely taken aback, her brows furrowing in confusion. "You mustn't. No matter what. I'll postpone the test. You won't do it. Not that subject, at least. It's my responsibility. My sister. You must not butt in. No matter WHAT!" spoke the blue alicorn harshly. The blood-orange unicorn fell off the bed, in surprise. "B-but princess! Y-you know how important this exam is to me! And you know I have less than 6 months left before I'm taken back, forever, if I don't excel in this exam!" Quillivia tried to reason, something she had never done before to her beloved princess. "QUILLIVIA! WE DEMAND YOU TO NEVER SPEAK OF THIS AGAIN! IF YOU DO, WE WILL HAUL YOU BACK IN THERE BEFORE YOU HAVE THE CHANCE OF TAKING THE EXAM EVER AGAIN!" shouted Luna in her Royal Canterlot Voice. Quillivia, tear stricken, bowed her head in shame, and hobbled her way out of the bedroom. Luna, realising what she had done, and called after her lover. There was no response. She knew that is was wrong to use the Royal Canterlot voice on her lover, but she was too frustrated, too emotionally drained, to think straight. The Princess of the Night collapsed onto her bed, wetting it with her tears. She focused all her anger on her mirror, looking at her sorry reflection as she threw every possible thing she could find on the exact same spot where her image was. "I will stop at nothing to take the lives of those who have done this to me! I will get out of here, and I'll get them, I swear!" little Quillivia's voice echoed in her head. Completely out of a fit of rage, she buried her face in the pink pillow, and asked herself in a small voice, "What's wrong with me?". ***~~~~--------~~~~*** Quillivia Papyrus, personal student of Luna, The Princess of the Night, could be seen hanging her head in sorrow, moping around. Tears slowly and quietly escaped her eyes, her heart was racing and her head was spinning like she was on some kind of a mindless, endless ride on an amusement park roller coaster that just made her want to throw up. She fell onto the floor, and cried out loud. She cried for the fact that in less than 6 months, she could never see her lover again. She cried for the fact that the pony she knew as her 'dear princess', wasn't herself. She cried for a promise that seemed to get closer and closer to being fulfilled, yet thrown away at a moment's notice. "Quillivia, eh? Don't worry. I'll help you. You'll be safe. You won't need to stay in here forever. I promise." echoed Luna's sweet voice in the unicorn's head. "You promised. You promised you'll help me. You promised that I would be safe. You promised that I would not need to go back there again, as long as I succeeded. YOU PROMISED!!!" cried out Quillivia, feeling the sadness in her heart being replaced with anger. "You-no, I promised, that I will always be by your side, forever. I'm...I'M SO, SO SORRY, MY DEAR PRINCESS!" screamed Quillivia, as she galloped her way back to Luna's private boudoir, needing to apologise. But once she reached there, the princess was no where in sight. She saw the broken mirror. she saw broken and bent objects all over the place. She collapsed onto the floor, trying to wipe her tears away. Her thoughts were too muddled up, and she wondered if a pony could die, in her case, all over again, from too much heartbreak. She looked up, her face glistening with tears, and whispered out two words, only to be caught by the wind, before she faded away, into nothingness. “I’m sorry.”. > Hunt for the Cure (Part One) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The midnight blue alicorn lay sprawling over her messy, tear-wetted bed. Slowly becoming overcome by fatigue, she tried to clear her mind of her troubles. Once she cleared her mind, the only thing she could think of was the cure. She quickly assembled things she needed for a trip to The Palace of The Two Sisters. She continually ticked off her list one by one at lightning speed, trying her best not to think about the situation that happened earlier. However, the thought still lingered in her mind, no matter how hard she tried to force it out. "No! Stop! Don't! Please! Don't!" she would yell, entangling her mane and pulling it with her hooves whenever her mind would refuse to co-operate with her and not think of the tragedy that happened before. If someone had overheard and seen what she did and said, they would think that their dear princess had gone mad, for not only because of her actions, but the smile that creeped into her face, the smile that would make one get the shivers from the back and up, the smile that would convince anyone that their dear princess was no more. In fact, enough to convince one, that she was someone else. Something else. Wrath itself. ***~~~~--------~~~~*** Luna immediately shook herself free of the slime and grime off her, as she came out of the sewers of Canterlot, that led to the outside world. Outside Equestria. In other words, in the middle of nowhere. Not only that, but but in the middle of the air. Literally. Lucky for her, her large, long and powerful wings helps her cruise along the light of the night, the night of which the moon refused to shine, the night that would be darker than the other nights, a night of sorrow, a night of suffering, a night on which people may ponder, "Why couldn't the moon be out tonight?" Luna's face wore nothing but sorrow and regret, not a bit of determination, not a bit of excitement, none that would show any sign of what she was going to do. It was like going on an Indiana Jones Adventure, but without the excitement. Without the joy. Nothing but looking back at the past to see what you had done, what promise you made, and whose heart you broke. But of course, none of that could be seen on the Alicorn's face, as it was masked by the darkness of the night. The Princess continued to fly, at what seemed like a slow speed to her, was truly half the speed of sound. She flew on, over the dark, elusive Everfree forest. ***~~~~--------~~~~*** "Sister, you don't need to dote on me. I know what to do." lamented Luna, irritated. "Is that so? Fine, I'll leave you to be. Please be careful. These criminals of yours seem to like breaking the court rules." said Celestia, as she trotted away. However, The look of genuine concern did not leave her face. Luna quickly trotted over to the Night Court as soon as she could. It was less than a year since the NightMare Moon incident, and she was settling in quite well. She finally felt at home. Though the guards make look at her strangely, though some ponies casted her the evil eye, ones piecing like daggers, as long as her sister felt no remorse for her, as long as she didn't turn into a monster or molester, she felt fine. As the princess of the night spaced out, she didn't seemed to notice the little foal that stood in front of her. That was, until this happened. "Oi! Oi, princess! What kind of a fair princess are you, if you believe in some wierdos that I killed my parents?" shouted the voice of a little filly. Luna, not knowing where it came from, whipped her head from side to side, trying to locate the source of the noise. "Oi! I'm down here!" yelled the little filly. Luna finally found the blood-orange pony, and took a step back, shocked to have not felt her magical presence. "I will stop at nothing to take the lives of those who have done this to me! I will get out of here, and I'll get them, I swear!" shouted the filly unicorn. Luna raised her brows. The filly was hardly half her height, and look very young. Yet, her eyes shone like rubies, filled with determination and justice. The guards immediately restrained her, and the filly began to struggle out, however the guard’s iron grip prevented her from doing so. Before they could do further more, the taken-aback princess regained her composure. "Who may this child be?" the princess asked the one of the guards, curious, jabbing a hoof at the filly’s direction. "A suspect for killing both her parents, m-my dear princess. Strong evidence against her. Her magical aura was all over the murder weapons. Has several motives. Currently residing in the Canterlot Jail." said the guard, who stuttered as he spoke, eyeing the filly wearily, who was still flailing her limbs to get out of the guard’s grip. "Can the child use magic?" Luna questioned. The guards, stumped by the question, responded with a shrug. Sighing, the princess ordered the filly to perform a certain task. "Levitate a bit of our hair. Let us see if you can perform magic." asked the princess, using her hoof to gesture to her mane. "I'm afraid, even if I used magic, I cannot do as such." said the filly unicorn, straightening up, suddenly becoming polite. Luna raised her eyebrow. "And why is that?" asked the slightly interested alicorn. "If I read right, the mane of the Princess of the Night represents the many stars and galaxies in this universe. I doubt that any magic user, apart from you, will be able to lift the weight of thousands of galaxies and big exploding balls of Helium and Hydrogen, otherwise known as stars. In other-words, no, I cannot use magic. I was never thought how to." said the unicorn. Luna smiled. That big, bold attitude. Knowing not when to stick up to herself, and when to just flee. Such cheek. Such bravery. Such fearlessness. Yet, such immense knowledge. She seemed almost identical to her bigger sister. The big sister she knew when they where just little fillies. "State your name." ordered Luna. "Quillivia Papyrus." said the little filly, seeming downcast, yet not the slightest bit daunted. Luna knew that her big sister has a personal student. Perhaps... "Quillivia, eh? Don't worry. I'll help you. You'll be safe. You won't need to stay in here forever. I promise." whispered the midnight blue alicorn to Quillivia's little ears. The unicorn's red eyes broadened. A smile crept into her face. But then, it suddenly disappeared and a look of realization dawned upon her, to be replaced by a frown. "How am I supposed to do that? I'm still the prime suspect! And I have no lawyer!" exclaimed Quillivia. Luna grinned, knowing exactly what she would do. "I will be your lawyer." These few words sparked joy into the little unicorn, as she jumped up to hug the alicorn. Asking the guards to stay back, she hugged her back, the lovely sense of joy filling her heart through the warmth of the little filly. Although the filly was unsure of how Luna could get her out of her sentence, she stared into cyan eyes of the night princess and decided that she would trust her. ***~~~~--------~~~~*** "Is that truly how it all began?" asked the sly draconequus, covering his mouth with his lion paw, giving the Princess a mock yawn. Luna frowned, trying to get up from her initial position of her sprawling over the overgrown grass of the Everfree forest. She eyed the floating draconequus in disgust. "Sure, you can't let yourself out of my dream without throwing me into a big, black hole." the irritated pony said sarcastically, rolling her eyes in annoyance. "I'm here in draconequus-or should I say, pony, now. You won't need to fall into a dark, bottomless, endless pit ever again. For now at least." cheekily said Discord. Luna was taken aback by what her brother said, ignoring the bad pun remarks. "You? Here? In pony? How is that-" "-Possible? How do you think? Trollestia? Molestia? Squabbling ponies? No. The Eight Sin. It set me free. Finally. No more thought projections. Though getting around is a bit more difficult, now. Had to sneak around the garden. Quite a bit of fun, really. Nice dream, though. One of the best GPS tracking dreams I have ever received." said the Draconequus, as he checked out his talons. Luna gave an even more confused expression. "Too bad, we can't hang out in this wondrous forest. Quite a wreck off a place, really. Come on. An even more wrecked up wreck is less than a kilometre away." said Discord, ignoring Luna's face, as he floated towards the Palace of the Two Sisters. Luna followed behind her brother, still shocked. Her own brother. In flesh, skin, blood, feathers and scales. A smile crept up on Luna's face, a smile that covered over all her previous sorrow, her pain, and her broken lifelong promise. Her brother was finally free. Finally unchaotic. Finally the 'Dissy' she once knew. Her smile got bigger and brighter, as good memories of them two siblings together filled her with joy. But of course, those feelings of joy were only to be broken by the horrendous, painful memories of The Palace of the Two Sisters, which stood in front of the Pony and Draconequus in its wrecked, mossy, crumbling, yet towering state. "You ready, Miss. Blue Clumsy-I mean, Smarty Pants?" asked Discord, seemingly slightly excited. Discord turned to the dark blue alicorn, waiting for her response. Luna took a deep breath and sighed. The abandoned royal pharmacy. Of course. The cause of one of Trollestia's persona started around there. "So, what are we in for?" said Luna, filling her mind with determination, courage, a newfound will to go on, to fight. She did not give this all up for nothing. And she was going to get the cure once and for all, no matter what, even if it may kill her. For Celestia. For her. For Quillivia. > Hunt for the Cure (Part Two) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ruined castle towered in the middle of the forest. The castle seems to be towering above all, declaring it absolute rule into the Everfree forest. Luna slightly trembled at the sight of the cursed castle, though she put on a brave face. The very castle, that she must conquer, in order to save Equestria. Strong winds blew against her starry, starry mane, the determination on her face slowly building up. Most of the palace was in crumbles, after going through generation after generation of the wild nature of the Everfree forest. It was in a terrible state of decay. Moss and fern covered the palace, that took on a very, very dark, royal purple-like tinge. The only structure that a sturdy Earth pony could trot in, was the main tower. And right in the heart of the Tower was where the abandoned royal pharmacy lay. It was the first pharmacy that was ever built in the tower, before it was infested by parasprites, due to the abundance of herbal and food medicine of that time. The case was also applied to the royal kitchen. Another royal pharmacy was built in a separate place from the tower, far as possible from the parasprites, till the pest infestation was controlled. Yet, since the makeshift pharmacy was better of outside the valleys that is now the Everfree forest, the original pharmacy was abandoned, forever. But of course, she heard stories of unknown ponies going in there, from time to time, some of them to be trusted healers and wizards, others complete strangers. But she simply took them as rumors, and went on with her life. Perhaps her blissful ignorance was a blessing in disguise? She just had to find out. "So, what are we in for?" asked Luna, needing to know every bit of information she could gather about the tests. "Another briefing? Fine, fine. There's a dozen locks for the chamber built inside that pharmacy. First six ones are dead easy. Well, at least for Miss Forgetful Woona here. The other 6 are full of those puzzly, abstract stuff. Mhmm. If I were you, I would excel at them. There nice and abstract. You then might get 1-9 randomly generated tests, if your unlucky as you are now, you may get nine. They may be randomly generated, yet most of them seem to be on the physical side. Let's see if you can get your lazy fat arse over this course!" said Discord, seemingly excited. A question lingered in Luna's mind. "How do yo-" she began to question, but the question absented itself from her mind, and immediately swerved her attention back to the ancient palace. She took a few steps forwards, and heaved a big sigh. The last time she was here, things weren't quite pretty. But she had to carry on. Perhaps this was redemption for all that she had done in her past. She wrecked Equestria in that palace. She was now going to save Equestria from a future possessed tyrant in the very same palace. "Agh, my time's up. Too bad. I didn't have much of a chance to spread chaos all over the known universe. Perhaps the unknown universe, too. That would be fun. Cheerio!" said Discord, as he froze. A blinding light emitted from him, as he slowly turned back into stone. Luna rushed towards him, shocked. "Well...this, was unexpected." thought Luna. She knew, by the likes of Discord, he would immediately whine about his apparent time limit. Why didn't he tell about it? Was he trying to be brave? To prove himself trustworthy? Or perhaps...was he trying to make Luna rush forward as quick as she could? She decided to entrust herself on her last reasoning, and carried on with her mission. The approached the large hole in the wall, where once a door lay. But as soon as she put a hoof onto the wrecked stone grounds, sparks started flying. Blue, quick and deadly sparks. A humongous rune glowed on the ground. She spread her majestic, blue wings out, and she rose into the air, as quick as she could. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, there are Lightning Runes all over the place, even in the air. Some kind of recent addition. Tread or bump on any more of them, and you'll get even bluer than you already are!" smirked Discord's voice in her head. Confused, Luna stumbled. Of course. The turning into stone was just some dramatic scene to make her confused little mare, and expose that gullible side of her. In other words, Discord wanted her to do this on her own. But why? Luna looked around for another way in. She tried to think as hard as she could-how would she evade the invisible traps? How can anypony possibly evade what they cannot see? "Help me out here, Dissy." smirked Luna, frustrated. She could almost picture Discord scowling away at her. "Don't call me that, Lulu! Oh, and-sorry, can't do anything. I'm a statue, remember?" said Discord cheekily. Luna, frustrated, threw her head up in the air, only to find something at the corner of her eye. The entrance to this wretched place. Luna headed to the window of the third level of the main tower. Behind the window was where was the pharmacy lay. Hopefully, the whole thing would work, and her sister would turn back to normal. She flew up to the window, that was strangely quite intact and unusually opaque. Taking the factors into consideration, Luna tried to open it with her magic. Strangely, no matter how much magic and effort she put into opening it, it didn't work. A purple aura glistened around the window, seemingly absorbing any magic that came into contact with it. She jerked back, surprised. After realising what happened, she proceeded to use her wings and hooves to, rather awkwardly, open the window, but of course, but no avail. With little options left, Luna sighed. "Lazy bum's not going to help me, huh." thought Luna. As her frustration grew, an idea popped into her head. A ludicrous, desperate, stupid yet brilliant idea. Luna flew back quite a bit, taking a few short breaths. Suddenly, she flew, more like darted herself towards the window, eyebrows furrowing. She streamlined her body, her long, blue horn completely parallel to ground below her. She easily fought against the wind resistance. The window became clearer and clearer, as Luna got closer. The fog slowly cleared. Everything around her was thrown into oblivion. The glass panes shined slightly, as a bit of light shot towards it. A blue, magnificent bright light. The princess of the night's mane shone a little bit, shining upon Luna's pearly, pure white teeth, as she smiled. Luna's horn made contact with the window. Time slowed down, as if a Slow Time spell was cast. The window shattered into millions of pieces, erupting in crystal showers, each glistening like purple-tinted, deadly-sharp jewels from the brilliance that shone from the princess' mane. A few pieces of sharp glass lodged itself into the princess' midnight blue skin and horn. Her lips were badly cut, gashes and streaks of cuts covered her body, and a large piece of sharp glass made home on her left scapula. Blood oozed out of her at an alarming rate. Her teeth was stained crimson red, a few of her gums burst. "Darn it. Forgot to close my mouth." exasperated Luna, frustrated with herself, as she muzzle-hoofed. She had completely forgotten the factor that she would get hurt. Why did she do such a stupid act? Before she could wonder anymore, the importance of removing the shards of glass out of her clouded her mind, as she immediately located every single shard and pulled it out with her magic. Her horn started to hurt, for crashing into the window had rendered her horn slightly impaired, yet able to dispell half-charged spells. She then immediately put in a Healing spell over her afflicted areas, unable to put the more advanced spell 'Fast Healing' and sighed. The pain from her left scapula just wouldn't stop, no matter how much she improved on the painkiller factor of her spell, which wasn't much to begin with. She gave up on it, and she used her left wing to balance herself as she walked into the abandoned pharmacy. The room was consumed with darkness, a plume of dark currents swirling around the princess of the night. Luna's pupils widened by quite a bit, yet she couldn't see the contents that laid about in the darkness. Just as she started to contract her pupils back, A blinding, white light shot through the still darkness, almost rendering her eyes useless. The light lasted for less than a second, not enough time for Luna to see anything at all. Luna recovered gradually, the darkness easing her way back to the sense of sight. Just as Luna recovered, the light struck again, this time, it was much dimmer, but enough to see the contents in the room-a maze, with a button at the end of the maze, that had only white light over it. Strangely, the area where Luna stood, and the inner perimeter of the room wasn't illuminated. A second went by, and the light disappeared again. Luna waited impatiently for the lights to come back on, for she wasn't able to cast a Magelight spell, and a Candlelight spell was a waste of time. The light shot out again-this time, permanent. It was now a shade of amber that was more towards the yellow side, and the occasional white popping out here and there. The inner perimeter stayed pitch black. Luna's eyebrows furrowed, an expression best explained as 'Are you kidding me' formed on her face. "Darn, they must think I'm stupid." thought Luna, as she flew through the dark perimeter, and dipped down to the white light and touched the button. Luna raised her eyebrow and smiled slightly, as the floor opened beneath her, remebering how Discord described the first six tests to be 'Dead Easy'. "Yay, you're through the first test. The next test is pretty easy too, if you know what to do." smirked Discord's voice. Luna simply rolled her eyes and flew down into the dark hole. It suddenly focused a huge amount of gravit at Luna, rendering her unable to fly, and causing her to fall into oblivion. Luna, recognising the bottomless, endless pit all too well, knitted her eyebrows and shook her head. "Oh great." she muttered, as she fell into the darkness.