> Unleash the Magic - Nightmare Night: Temptations and Transformations > by Firesight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Postal Passions: 1 - Night Owl > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been an enjoyable Nightmare Night for the earth griffon eagless named Owlia Accipiter. But now duty called and she headed for her job under suddenly stormy weather, attired no longer in her Nightmare Night costume but wearing a work vest which marked her as a liaison to the Ponyville Post Office for the Griffon Express delivery service.  Though somewhat surprised at the thunderhead overspreading the town—there were spooky skies but no rain scheduled that night that she knew—she shrugged it off, chalking it up to an overzealous pegasus weather team as she felt the cool breeze that preceded the first drops of rain ruffle her head feathers; the mild smell of ozone from an electrically-charged atmosphere and something else she couldn’t identify quickly bringing her back to wakefulness. She found it strangely invigorating, which she didn’t consider a bad thing given she was now operating on just two hours of sleep. She’d stayed up well past her normal bedtime to participate in the pony Nightmare Night holiday festival, which she found the idea of a bit bemusing but fun all the same. She’d taken part by donning the guise of a soldier belonging to the Gryphon Empire of yore—having commissioned Rarity for the uniform and Pinkie Pie to make the weapons and armor.  The latter had happened after Owlia visited Sugar Cube Corner one weekend and ended up chatting with the hyperactive pink earth pony, who let slip that she was an excellent metalworker who made blades in her basement. Surprised but skeptical, the eagless requested to see them; Pinkie had then shown her some surprisingly high-quality and stylized weapons. But when an impressed Owlia had asked the overly-bubbly mare where she’d learned such unusual arts? “Shop class and online videos! Duh!” she replied as if it was self-evident. Knowing better than to ask her to explain such a nonsensical statement further, the 28-year old eagless had then paid Pinkie well to recreate the ancient armor and back-sheathed scimitar of an Imperial Talon, deciding she’d show up her equine coworkers and the residents of Ponyville in general by beating them at their own costume contest in a callback to the great Pony/Griffon conflict of yore.  Pinkie Pie had delivered in fine fashion, and her coworkers had indeed been impressed, attired themselves in anything from animal outfits to the dark bodysuit and utility belt of an ancient Equestrian assassin known as a Black Lance. Owlia couldn’t help but chuckle at that. It sometimes surprised the more martial griffons that ponies had their own warrior traditions and a time when the fighting and killing arts were valued, but the eagless had learned quickly that despite their airs of peace and harmony, they weren’t as far removed from it as the average griffon might think. She’d learned firstwing that ponies were in fact quite capable of combat when their friends or family were threatened; she’d seen two mares fight each other savagely over perceived mistreatment of a stallion and even found herself knocked hard on her flank with a broken rib when she tried to pull the pair of them apart. It was a lesson, she reflected as she had posed in her costume hours earlier with a unicorn mare wearing a related and equally accurate period costume of a pony soldier from the same era, that her race had learned all too well and to their great cost seven centuries past. And for it, she did accord the ponies much more honor and respect than many of her homeland brethren did, even going so far as to participate in their local customs and holidays with her Post Office coworkers, finding them often fun and interesting if occasionally inane. Guess I’m going native, she chuckled mildly as she glanced up at the overhead thundercloud, which was crackling with lightning and rumbling constantly; she swore the bolts were a more violet color than usual but decided it was just some special pegasus treatment to make the scene more menacing and eerie.  I’ll give the weather teams due credit, that really DOES look dangerous! she granted them with her thoughts as she saw and heard a particularly sharp flash and boom, deciding it would be best to keep below the level of the highest buildings on her flight. Pony structures were magically protected against lightning strikes as a matter of course by building codes, providing a cone of protection around them, but that cone didn’t reach above them. Her precaution meant she wasn’t worried about being hit. Nevertheless, she could again sense an odd electricity in the air that went far beyond a simple storm. Is that part of the Nightmare Night backdrop too? she considered in some unease, wondering why they hadn’t done it at the start and why the storm hadn’t been scheduled. She also felt a sudden shiver as the first mist-like drops of rain hit her back and head with an odd tingling sensation as she took flight for the Post Office from her balcony, barely two minutes away from her top-floor apartment by air.  The drops didn’t feel particularly cold, but her body reacted as if they were not simple raindrops but the deliciously icy flakes of driven snow she’d enjoyed the feel of in her northern Aresian homeland; her skin beneath her moistening fur and feathers tightening and tingling while her wings began to stiffen, the flow of blood into them increasing as an equal warmth began building in her loins. Huh. That’s weird… She blinked as she reduced her flapping and the rain began to fall a bit heavier, seeping into her fur and feathers. For the first time, she felt the definite pangs of sexual arousal, even finding the four teats on her belly begin to grow erect and tighten like the last time she’d entered estrus, confusing her further.  The latter was a twice-a-year event for eaglesses, but she wasn’t due to have one for several months. And although griffons could and did mate outside of them when procreation wasn’t a priority, she’d had no interest in such things given she was around only ponies. Aside, that was, from the odd G-E eagless or tiercel who came into town on their pickup or delivery runs; she was heading to the Post Office to receive an expected delivery from one that night.  Going native did not extend to becoming a colt-crusher, as her race disfavorably called such things; though they were willing to fight in defense of others, ponies simply weren’t willing to engage in the ritual tests of strength and combat worthiness that griffons did before initiating intimacies. In fairness, a couple of G-E couriers she’d received had suggested a quick mating round during their stops in Ponyville, but she wasn’t keen on younger sky griffon tiercels that she could tell couldn’t give her—a stronger and more experienced earth griffon—a good fight.  And she certainly wasn’t interested in eaglesses, let alone mares, though she sometimes admitted she had been turned on after the fact by the earth pony mare named Golden Harvest, who had overpowered her and then won the fight with Berry Punch she’d been having. You know, she was kinda cute and had an interesting accent. She fights well, too! So maybe I could find her and… the thought crossed her mind, unbidden, causing her to blink hard.  She shook her head sharply. Okay, maybe I got too little sleep or had too much of that Apple family special reserve cider… she decided even though she’d only had a mug of the latter out of not wanting a hangover on a worknight, rubbing her eyes with her talons lightly as she flew.  Though you know, Postage Due is pretty cute too… she suddenly remembered one of her coworkers; a middle-aged pegasus mare who had taken the eagless under her wing upon arrival and helped her settle in, even finding some fish for her to eat when she had a craving for meat. In fact, most of her coworkers had welcomed and helped her, making her transition to Ponyville life that much less difficult; she greatly liked all of them and had hung out with them during the Nightmare Night festival.  Sure wish there was some way to pay them all back… she licked her lips as some sudden—and shockingly sensual—ideas of how she might do so ran through her head, imagining herself sexually servicing each of them in turn, orally stimulating both mares and stallions alike. Her beak fell open at where her thoughts and fantasies were going. Okay, ENOUGH! She told herself, vowing to stay away from the cider and party punch next time, certain they’d been magically spiked somehow. If this is a joke, it isn’t FUNNY! she tried to work up some anger at the culprit, but the heat in her body continued to grow, making her feel like she was a young teenage eagless in season for the first time again, leaving her praying she could quash it before her post office coworkers sensed it. She tried to shake it off as the rain picked up, rapidly accelerating into a torrent, but her inexplicable arousal rose to match with equal speed. To her shock, it was quickly becoming all-consuming and unbearable as visions of rutting and the accompanying rapture it could bring became prominent in her thoughts; her wings stiffened to the point that they could barely flap enough to fly, while the desire to dig her talons deep within her abruptly engorged eagless opening was overwhelming.  “What... is… this…?” she just managed through her gritted avian teeth as she finally gave into it, slowing to a hover barely a hundred yards from the Post Office and thirty feet overhead. She ran her talons hard through her own fur and feathers, leaving one set on her chest trying to undo the buttons of her suddenly hot and uncomfortable vest while reaching low to find her feminine lips with the other and spreading them wide, attempting to release the building heat and hunger within.  The stimulation of her exquisitely sensitive flesh alone caused her to release a sudden squawk of pleasure. Her beak fell open as, suddenly feeling she was overheating even as a sudden flood of fluid drooled out of her stretched and sodden sex, she ripped off her vest hard and threw back her head to drink in the cool rain only to find that, far from quenching her surging desires, it only added to them, making her tongue tingle.  Owlia moaned and began to pleasure herself in earnest from her hover, heedless of being seen even though she was right over a major thoroughfare; fully visible from ground level in the glow of a street lamp and occasional lightning bolt, right through the rain. Even knowing there could be ponies watching, she dug one, then two talons into herself with wet squishing sounds while caressing her chest and belly with her other set, only to find after a minute that her own efforts, no matter how frantic or practiced, could not bring relief—she needed another’s touch!  She needed a partner!  She needed to be rutted!  She needed a large lionhood within her! She needed it badly! And she needed it right now! Her glazed and desperate green eagle eyes scanned the air and ground around her through the heavy rain, only to come up empty to her great agony, leaving her whimpering in frustrated desire as she felt herself starting to descend. It wasn’t by choice; she would have been happy to remain in the air and let everypony observe her if it would attract one of them as a mate.  But her earth griffon wings could simply no longer maintain her hover—the appendages and their attached feathers had rigidly splayed to the point they could no longer move; her flight muscles equally tense for it and all but begging to be groped and fondled. It was then she caught movement out of the corner of her eye, and in the light of a fresh flash of lightning, she saw the form of her salvation: Her postal manager staring up at her from the exit of an alley, the unicorn stallion wide-eyed and fully aroused as he sat soaked by the rain, sitting back against the wall of the building and magically stroking his eight-inch equine erection to the sight of her. > Postal Passions: 2 - Certified Male > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been an early night for Certified Mail, the third-shift manager of the Ponyville Post Office. Having decided long before then that he was too old for foal games and candy, he’d retired early after the office Nightmare Night party, knowing he’d have to show up early the next morning to supervise the sorting of the next day’s mail and receive pre-dawn deliveries from other non-postal courier services.  Discarding his cardboard costume which a coworker’s foals had made for him and crawling into bed, the middle-aged unicorn stallion had been rousted not long after midnight by a loud clap of thunder, which rattled his windows. Confused and unable to sleep—why hadn’t it been scheduled? Was it wild weather off the Everfree the Ponyville weather teams had failed to stop because they were lying drunk on a cloud?—he’d decided to head for the Post Office early, both to beat the storm in and to get a head start on his duties, hoping he could finish them and then get a few winks in his office after the storm passed. A unicorn stallion and a longtime bachelor—an oddity in a culture and community where the skewed gender ratios meant available males tended to be snapped up quickly—he’d headed off through the partygoers collecting in pubs to continue the festivities, though at one point he’d heard some claims of Timberwolf howls coming from Town Hall. He rolled his eyes at that—this is why I don’t drink alcohol or whatever the hay that special reserve cider of AJ’s is made of! he thought in some derision as he observed a drunken mare slobbering over a stallion not of her herd while her herdmates fumed.  And THAT is why I never married! he further observed, finding he liked his solitude and being able to do whatever he wanted, when he wanted, having few friends and preferring it that way. Guess I’m just not a pony person. Besides, no mare ever did it for me anyway… He’d nearly made it to the Post Office by the time the rain was ready to fall; the thunder that preceded it quickly clearing the streets of passersby. The third mail shift was already present, sorting and prepping the next day’s mail deliveries; among other things they were expecting a single courier from the Griffon Express to arrive before dawn, meaning that their resident G-E liaison, Owlia Accipiter, would need to be present to receive him.  At least I can always count on her! he granted somewhat grudgingly with his thoughts, which was more than he could say for some of his equine subordinates. Though leery of her at first—like so many other residents of Ponyville, his only experience with griffons before her had been Rainbow Dash’s bullying ex-friend Gilda, after all—he’d quickly learned that the eagless was not even remotely like her; warm and friendly despite her predatory appearance and penchant for meat-eating. She’d also been perfectly willing to pitch in on regular mail duties, helping to sort and even taking over for sick delivery mares and front desk agents when needed. Fine, I’ll say it—as a worker, she’s a keeper, he further allowed as he passed under the overhang outside the post office, a particular loud clap of thunder startling him, sending a sharp shiver down his spine. He made it inside just as the first drops of rain began to fall. Not that I’d want to lay her or anything... “Happy Nightmare Night, Certified Mail!” Postage Due called to him jovially to his mild annoyance. A middle-aged pegasus mare with a postage stamp cutie mark who enjoyed teasing him, she was still dressed in her barn owl outfit; the holiday night festivities were perfect for her given she slept during the day, allowing her to entertain her foals, send them off to bed, party with the adults, sober up, and then come to work. “Did you enjoy the costume my fillies made for you?” She winked. He blushed at that, having been forced to wear an eagle outfit made of cardboard and colored with crayon; it had been decided by the foals of the Postal Worker parents during a tour of the facility the previous week that everypony who worked there should dress up as a different kind of bird. And worse, that the foals themselves should be allowed to make them.  “Immensely…” he gave her a halfhearted glower, even if they’d won best costume theme (out of sympathy given the crude costumes, he suspected) before he’d went to bed. “So did I miss anything after I left the festival?” “Oh nothing much…” she began mildly. “There was a Timberwolf howl heard from Town Hall that had everyone a little freaked—nothing was found, so it was probably just one of Rainbow Dash’s and Pinkie Pie’s pranks. And oh yes—Fluttershy got drunk and went down on Princess Twilight’s horn right in front of everypony!” she said with a gleefully evil grin, causing his cheeks to instantly flush. “I did not need to know that, Postage Due!” he told her angrily, knowing full well he was only encouraging her. “Oh, you should have been there, C-M—she even got her off! Her horn eruption was spectacular! Princess Twilight certainly sparkled!” she laughed while all he could do was squirm, having a hard time purging the unwelcome image from his head. “Enjoying yourself?” he asked her, cursing the heat of his cheeks. It wasn’t because he found it at all titillating—he simply didn’t get off on the idea of two mares getting it on, and found the image of it cringeworthy. Then again, he’d never been able to figure out what he got off on, and he now rarely tried, finding even self-stimulation more frustrating than invigorating. “Immensely.” She repeated his own word evenly with a wink, knowing full his proclivities, or lack of them, and taking great delight in teasing him for it. “And don’t worry, boss—inventory and mail sorting is well underway. We may be a little hungover tonight, but we’ll still be ready for the morning mail runs!” she promised with a glance over her shoulder at the backroom, where Priority Parcel, Courier Six, Express Shipment and Derpy Hooves were hard at work, though he found the latter’s help to be of questionable value at times. “Good,” he grated out as he heard the rain start to fall hard enough to be heard against the roof. “We’re supposed to get a courier in from the Griffon Express late tonight, so we’ll need Owlia here. This weather may delay them, though. And speaking of which, what the hay are the weather teams playing at? It wasn’t supposed to rain tonight!” he groused as he took off his jacket and hung it on his office door hook with his magic, pulling on and buttoning up his postal worker manager’s vest in its place. “You got me!” Postage Due shrugged as there was another bright flash followed by a sharp boom of thunder, causing them both to glance outside. “It blew up all of a sudden not long before midnight. My guess? They’re just trying to provide a little additional Nightmare Night backdrop. Have to admit, those purple and orange clouds were a pretty spooky sight.” “A backdrop… by raining out the midnight part of the festival and driving everypony inside?” Certified Mail paraphrased derisively, suddenly wondering if the pub owners had bribed the weather teams to make the storm in order to increase their business, which he was certain was now booming as partygoers flocked to their establishments out of the rain.  Yet another reason I don’t like most ponies… “Whatever. And where’s Owlia, anyway?” he glanced over at the wall clock which showed it was five minutes past 1am; he hadn’t heard the chime of the big Town Hall clock over the storm. “She’s one of the most conscientious employees I’ve ever known. It’s not like her to be late.” “Dunno. Maybe she’s waiting out the storm?” Postage Due suggested. “Couldn’t blame her if she was.” He didn’t get a chance to answer before Derpy came out of the backroom, scanning around until her left eye finally locked on him. “Oh, uh… hey, Mister Mail! Sorry, but I really need to get home!” Certified Mail raised an eyeridge at her. “Right at the start of shift?” “You need to get home? Through that?” Postage Due added with a nod out the back door window, a look of concern on her face. “Derpy, it’s storming!” “Exactly! And my poor Dinky is terrified of storms! I wouldn’t have left her alone if I knew it was coming! Please, Mister Mail! This is serious!” she said as a fresh strike of lightning rattled the floorboards around them. “She needs her mommy! I promise to be back later to help out!” Certified Mail rubbed his eyes at that. Unlike most of his subordinates, who he politely tolerated for the most part, he did have a soft spot for Derpy, finding her a well-meaning mare who made some mistakes but ultimately wanted to do right by other ponies, including and especially her daughter, who she doted on. Well, she’s a good enough mail carrier, but she’s usually as much hindrance as help at sorting duties anyway… he ultimately decided. “Fine. But come back after the storm passes!” he directed, to which she thanked him profusely, coming up to give him a sharp hug and kiss, to the postal manager’s great surprise and Postage Due’s great amusement—the skew-eyed mare also had no conception of boundaries or personal space. She then opened the back door and flew out it without closing it behind her, allowing some wind and mist in, which promptly blew in Certified Mail’s suddenly hot face as Postage Due giggled. He sighed at that—no matter how many times he tried to tell her to close doors behind her, she rarely remembered, yet he still couldn’t work up much annoyance at her for it—his horn flaring to slam the door shut and lock it, though he had to push back harder than usual against the wind. The outside breeze was cool and yet the heat of his cheeks remained as he summoned a towel from his office to dry his fur, the skin beneath it beginning to mildly tingle. “Oooo… an actual kiss from her! Was it good for you, boss?” Postage Due asked with a smirk. “Who asked you?” he growled as he magically swatted at her with the towel, only to watch her dodge it with a giggle. He felt suddenly lightheaded, Derpy’s kiss strangely lingering on his cheek as he found his eyes suddenly tugged to Postage Due’s middle-aged flank. “And don’t you have some boxes of mail to sort?” He looked away sharply at that, trying to hide the still-growing heat of his cheeks. “Yes, sir!” She threw him a mock salute before heading to her station; he turned to watch her leave and had to suddenly catch himself from reaching out for her with his unicorn aura, his eyes tracing the outline of her hindquarters before trying to get a glimpse of what lay beneath her tail. “What the…” he blinked, then realized to his horror that he was quickly growing aroused; his rarely-seen stallionhood having poked free of its sheath and already hanging halfway to the ground, rapidly engorging and lengthening. “S-stop! Go away!” he told it as if it were subordinate he could instruct, only for it to quickly lose its remaining flaccidity and surge to full erection before his eyes, the warmth that had been present on his face rapidly overspreading his body, finding focus in his long-neglected loins.  “Urg…” He grimaced at the suddenly heavy feeling beneath his lower belly, feeling the breeze keenly as his newly erect organ swung freely beneath him, seemingly soaking up every air current in the room and only getting even harder for it. Desperate for it to go down, he tried an old trick he knew of counting and doing math in his head, focusing on the month-end numbers he had to report to headquarters within the next two days. But his thoughts were clouded and quickly scattered by the increasing throbbing and tingling of his swollen stallionhood; no matter how hard he tried, his attention got quickly pulled back to his arousal and the best means to relieve it.  Which, to his horror, were his own subordinates in the other room. He recoiled hard at that, the fantasies as unwelcome as they were insistent—they were not friends but mere underlings to him! He wanted nothing to do with any of them socially, let alone sexually!  He swallowed hard as the urges to relieve himself using them only grew more intense. He was alone for the moment, but with a backroom full of ponies to pass to reach the privacy of his office where he might be able to get himself off, the chances he could pass unnoticed in that state was nil. But would that be so bad? he suddenly wondered. I could just grab one of them and— he couldn’t finish the thought as his jaw fell open anew from what he’d been thinking. They’re not attractive to me! I didn’t even like the mares I tried DATING! he reminded himself sharply of his many failed attempts from two decades earlier, having no idea where his desires were coming from or how to stop them. But the sudden throbbing of his malehood at the idea of burying himself to the hilt within one of them made clear his need to rut one of them was real.  Did… did Derpy’s kiss do it? Have I been THAT hard up? he asked himself frantically as his unicorn mating aura involuntarily activated and his horn glow began to take on a pinkish cast; an even more visible sign of his excitement that could be seen—and worse, could be sensed. Can’t let them see me like this… don’t DARE go in… what do I do? “Hey boss! You coming?” Postage Due called back, causing him to start. “C-coming?” he echoed in a shaky voice, his rigid shaft twitching hard at the accidental entendre and spurting a small amount of clear fluid onto the floor; he quickly grabbed at his towel to mop it up, only to fumble the fabric repeatedly; all his magic suddenly going into his strengthening mating aura, which was designed to excite and arouse potential mates. “Yeah! If we’re shorthooved without Derpy and Owlia, then we need you back here as well!” “I-I, uh…” he began to trot forward before he realized what was happening, his aura ready to all but fling the door open and bathe all his coworkers in the light of his brightly glowing horn. It took all his will to stop himself from doing so. Not good... need to get away… need to find another outlet… a better outlet…? the odd thought crossed his mind, not knowing what would be better for him—he’d learned long before that he just wasn’t into mares, and he certainly wasn’t into stallions!  So what’s left…? Nothing but my own hoof! I need a cold SHOWER! was all he could think of as a wave of panic started to overtake him, the latest thunderclap reminding him that one was, in fact, available in the pouring rain outside. “I’ll, uh… be back in a minute!” he told them shakily, turning and awkwardly running towards the rear service entrance Derpy had departed through, his own erect organ slowing him down as it swung heavily from side to side. “What do you mean you’ll—” Postage Due began, only to look up and see that Certified Mail had already departed out the back door into the raging storm. * * * * * The rain didn’t make things better for the Post Office Night shift manager. To his shock, it made them exponentially worse. As the cool rain and wind soaked into him, he felt the heat of his loins only grow further; his desires rising to heights unimaginable to him before that, leaving him desperate for any form of relief. He stumbled down the alley hard, occasionally leaning on the brick wall for support, his horn brightly glowing, visible even through the wind-driven downpour. Unbidden, his aura reached for his rigid shaft and began stroking it of its own accord, finally forming a makeshift marehood he could thrust into in a trick he’d learned during his teenage years but hadn’t used in decades. But even that brought no respite; no matter how pleasurable it felt—and even his own touch was far better than anything he’d experienced before—it just wasn’t enough! He needed a mare, and he needed one now!  “What… is… happening to me?” he asked again as he mentally discarded his construct and continued to stumble forward toward the thoroughfare in front of the Post Office, finding his eyes scanning the street desperately—and futilely, he was only too certain—for any option other than ponies, realizing with a stifled sob that in the state he was in, if he saw one first, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from forcibly taking them. Though not a believer in higher powers, he sank hard against the side of the building just around the corner from the entrance and prayed to the Sun and Moon goddess for deliverance from his unholy urges—or failing that, a way to relieve them. He had no sooner done so than a half-strangled squawk of pure pleasure drew his eyes upward. And there, in the light of a streetlamp, like an answered prayer, he the silhouette of a griffon eagless. She was hovering upright, her wings only barely moving, standing so stiff and rigid out to her sides he was surprised they could still keep her aloft. She had one set of talons digging deep into her chest feathers while the other was plunged hard between her legs, pleasuring herself frantically; he couldn’t see her efforts but could just make out the telltale squishing sounds of a very aroused eagless over the pouring rain, who was whimpering almost as much as he had been in the alley. In a fresh flash of the lightning that lit up the scene completely, he realized she was in fact Owlia Accipiter, his own G-E liaison, as he’d never known or seen her before… Beautiful. Powerful. Sensual. Sexual. To his eyes, she was a most magnificent, exotic, and erotic creature he’d ever seen; a fur-and-feather-covered goddess whose attractiveness was only accentuated by the rain that fell hard on her, matting and coating her fur, accentuating her powerful griffon musculature and causing her well-oiled feathers to all but glisten. “Owlia…” he called out quietly to the vision of the eagless enchantress before him. In awe of the sight of her, he slipped around the corner of the building and sank to the ground with his back against it, his eyes never leaving her feminine form, so deliciously unlike a pony mare. He began stroking himself to the sight of her, wondering what he’d done to be rewarded with such an incredible vision of sheer seductive splendor.  A vision that was only enhanced as she abruptly threw her head back and arched her spine, opening her beak to drink in the rain just as more lightning flashed, giving him a spectacular view of her visibly flushed and swollen eagless marehood—he called it for lack of a better term —as her talons briefly slipped out, causing her to moan in audible frustration at the loss of intimate contact. She then cast her eyes about the empty street in what he sensed was the same sensual distress as him as she started to descend, her broad and beautiful wings no longer able to sustain her flight for being unable to flap. And then her hungry and desperate gaze locked on him. > Postal Passions: 3 - Rainfall Rapture > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owlia’s pounding heart leapt in her chest as she sighted Certified Mail, who was staring up at her in an expression of utter awe from the corner of the post office building. Her eyes locked instantly on not just him, but on the large and exquisitely rigid equine lionhood pointing up from his lap at her in what she took as an open invitation, devouring its deliciously different shape and size with her sharp eagless eyes. At that moment, he was aroused, available… and the most beautiful creature she had ever seen. “C-M…” she called to the post office manager, reaching for him like the offered lifeline he was. “Help… me…” She tried hard to fly towards him but her flared and incredibly aroused wings wouldn’t budge, leaving her whimpering in frustration and only able to glide unsteadily in the rapidly shifting and gusting storm winds to the cobblestone street.  The instant her hind paws touched down she scrambled hard against the wet stone road with her rear feline claws, trying desperately to get enough purchase on the hard and slippery surface to push towards him. Her efforts only met with frustration as she slipped and fell repeatedly, to her increasing agony as Certified Mail could only stare transfixed at her as she raised her head and pulled herself up again. “So hot… so horny… can’t stand it… I need you…” she told him with a lustful growl, her tail twitching hard in extreme arousal and agitation behind her as she finally found enough footing to begin awkwardly approach him, finding herself unusually clumsy and slipping anew with each step, unable to properly balance her normally sure and graceful form between her stiff wings and the pure passion burning between her hind legs; her thighs slickened with not just the rain but the freely flowing nectar of her eagless sex. “Need… me?” Certified Mail found himself praying he hadn’t misheard her over the driving rain, his shaft flaring hard in his lap with the sudden surge of blood her words induced.  “Yes! You! Now! Touch me! Tuck me!” she implored him in pleading tones, flaring her head crest and displaying her wings in eagless enticement, having learned the various pony slang terms for rutting long before. “Please…” she added as she struggled again to stand before him. She was rewarded by a visible shiver and single shuddering gasp from the entranced unicorn male, whose eyes went wide and cheeks burned hotter. “Touch you…” he repeatedly almost numbly, his horn flaring even brighter with mating magic. “Yes…” he licked his lips lightly as the invitation and the thought of running his aura all over her—a griffon!—nearly caused him to climax on the spot. But with great effort, he held it off, not knowing where his improbable excitement or desire for her was coming from but also not wanting to end it so soon! Not when he had waited his entire life for a female to finally turn him on! Not when he had the creature of his dreams and previously untapped fantasies standing before him, begging for his touch and attention! “Owlia…” he called to her like a long-lost lover as his horn ignited again, not just with mating magic but with levitation and tactile spells that would not just make his magic more tangible to its target, but allow his aura to feed his senses as if he was touching her directly with his hooves. “I’ll help you…” he promised as he willed his aura towards her, a visible tendril of pink and purple glow stretching out for her wet and quavering form. She saw it approach and her entire body stiffened in anticipation, ready and to receive its rapture. She watched it near, trying to will it closer until it stood just inches before her, pausing as if to gather itself. And then it crossed the rest of the distance for her. And then it touched her! The long-awaited contact nearly made her collapse and climax on the spot, leaving it all she could do to remain on all fours, her eyes closed tightly shut and legs trembling as her equine mate began to explore her eagless body in earnest. Shaking and all but whimpering, she stood still as best she could as his aura felt her up from back to belly, beak to tail, running through her headfeathers to her hindquarter fur and back like a set of exquisite talons, the unicorn male magically caressing every inch of her in turn. His aura completely occupied with exploring the contours with her exotic and gorgeous half-eagle, half-feline form, Certified Mail did something he hadn’t in a very long time, since he was in his early teens—stroked himself with a simple hoof, his eyes and magic feeding everything they saw and sensed directly into his overheating mind and organ. The postal manager’s aura sparked onto the pavement below, wrapped in layers of overglow as he soaked up her sensual signals. He could feel the heat of her body, the texture of her fur and feathers, and the power of the predatory muscles that lay beneath them. He could feel the almost unbearable ecstasy he—he!—was giving her from the quivering of her skin and sinew, which all but melted beneath his efforts, reducing her to a toy for his pleasure by his simple touch. As he continued, slowly getting bolder in his efforts as his aura inched closer to her more intimate areas, he couldn’t believe it—she was like no mare or pony he’d ever known! So beautiful and sensual! So receptive! So erotic and arousing! He loved everything about her! He couldn’t get enough of her exotic form and body! And she, in turn, couldn’t get enough of him! Is… is SHE what I was always missing? What I always needed? The fevered thought passed briefly through Certified Mail’s mind. Back when I was trying to date ponies, was I looking in the wrong place all ALONG? he wondered further, only for the troubling but titillating notion to be quickly subsumed as he turned his aura’s attention to her large wings next, which were flared so grandly and gorgeously before him. As he ran his magic through her fine feathers, he was amazed to feel the individual pinions so stiff they actually vibrated as he ran his aura through them and tweaked each one in turn, the burst of pure passion and pleasure each brief tug on them generated finally driving her to her knees with a series of squawking gasps, causing her to dig at the wet ground with her talons, as if trying to brace herself. Her cries sounded almost pained and he worried briefly he was somehow hurting her until—“M-more…” she called to him as she sensed his efforts briefly slacken. “Don’t stop! More!” she pleaded through labored breaths as she pushed her wings harder into his aura, urging and inviting his touch.. He instantly and delightedly obliged her, watching until finally, her shaking legs could no longer support her until she collapsed completely against the stone street. She tried to roll over only for her erect wings to defeat the effort to her visible frustration; he realized instinctively that she wished to bare the erogenous zones on her belly and points further back to him. So he picked her up bodily in his unusually strong aura and turned her over, gently setting her down on her back with her hindquarters facing him. “Owlia…” he called out to her as he finally saw her full feminine glory up close and turned the entirity of his efforts on the area in turn, running his magic all over her belly as she clutched at his ethereal aura like they were groping talons, trying to push it deeper. Her head raised weakly to watch as she felt it working its way down her belly further, where it finally found and began groping the soft mounds of her mammaries. She has… FOUR of them! He realized giddily that she was deliciously endowed with double the number that mares possessed, the additional set only adding even further to her desirability. Now fully into her, he felt up and fondled each in turn, paying particular attention to the large teat that capped each, tweaking them as he had her feathers, earning a fresh series of avian gasps. “C-M…” she called him passionately again as he continued to pleasure her in a form of foreplay she’d never even imagined, let alone experienced—no griffon mating round had ever been like this! “Feels… so… good… Ah!” she barely got out before his aura passed within a feathersbreadth of her eagless sex for the first time, causing it to swell and tingle, the automatic contraction of her muscles making it wink hard like a marehood towards him. She heard his lustful growl—an almost predatory sound!—and sensing the effect she was having on him, she encouraged it further, spreading her legs apart further as she lay on her back, a mere body length away. Sensing the time was right—and his fiery loins all but demanding he do so anyway—he focused his magic on her griffon marehood, prying her lips apart as he’d seen her do with her talons. She took another shuddering breath as her leonine lips were parted; her hind claws splaying and her front talons, which had been propping up her upper body, dug hard into the ground as her innermost sanctum was explored by the magnificent magic of the exquisite equine stallion before her. “And you’re so… beautiful…” was all he could think to say in response as he kept his eyes and aura focused on her intimate areas, leaving her collapsing back to the ground and pawing at the air weakly with her talons and paws alike. “You’re everything I ever wanted… everything I ever needed…” he told her shakily, scarcely able to believe what he was saying, and how badly he meant it. “You… you’re what was missing in my life!”  H-he wants me… a-and he NEEDS me! The thought brought a fierce rush of warmth to the young eagless, who found herself serviced and stimulated far beyond what any griffon tiercel could do for her by the attentive stallion’s aura, feeling her love and need for him grow in return.  “Th-thank you…” she just barely managed in reply before her thoughts were again scattered. Being not just pleasured but utterly worshipped like this was an experience both unique and mystical to the young eagless, and for it, she found herself feeling a fierce pang of regret. All this time in Equestria… why did I have to go without sex and rutting for so long? Why couldn’t I have been with him from the START? Why didn’t I know about what a pony could do for me BEFORE? she thought forlornly even as his wonderful aura began to probe inside her, the glow of his magic illuminating her from within, showing him her inner walls and ridges, causing his breath—and hers—to catch, her body shifting from side to side as far as her erect wings would allow in an effort to allow the magic in deeper, the heavy rain and glow of the overhead street lamp bathing her in warm light and cool wetness that only added to her excitement. He leaned forward for a closer look despite his erection and his hoof that remained on it, stroking himself frantically to the sight of her but finding himself either unable or unwilling to climax. Unable or unwilling to end the most magical and erotic experience he’d ever had in his entire life, with a partner whose passions and pure sensual splendor went far beyond any pony he’d ever known! Pushing off the wall he’d been propping himself against, with one hoof continuing to stroke his stallionhood while leaving only its opposite member to support him, he leaned so forward that his free hoof slipped on the rain slickened surface, causing him to lose sight of her and focus for a moment as he fell to the ground. His aura abruptly dissipated at that, leaving her feeling empty after having been so close to climax. “Wh-what…?” She looked around in confusion as he tried to pull himself back up and failed, leaving only her still-intense desires and the glow of his mating aura only stoking them further while denying her its further stimulation. “S-sorry…” he managed, frantically trying to reestablish his magical focus in the face of his fall and his own nearness to orgasm. But the moment broken, he found it not at all easy. “J-just give me a—” At that moment, something primal and powerful erupted within her. “Stop… teasing me!” she said through tears as she struggled to roll herself forward to right herself but failed, falling backwards. “E-enough foreplay, C-M! Y-you win the round! You win me! Now rut me!” she pleaded as she thrust herself towards him on her back as best she could, only dimly aware that she was in fact offering to be taken in a very submissive and taboo manner, using a belly-to-belly posture on her back—something neither she nor any griffon who fought for dominance in a mating round would normally ever consider, as it represented abject surrender—total anathema to griffons. “Please!” she reached down with her talons to spread her eagless lips for him in what she hoped was further enticement. “Rut… you…” he echoed, his organ visibly twitching in his lap as he pulled himself up and to her great relief, began approaching her, his eyes fixed on her, his erect and rain-soaked organ hanging beneath him as he stepped over her and moved far enough forward that the partially flared head of his over nine-inch equine lionhood—significantly larger and longer than most griffon ones—was within an inch of her eagless opening, which wept openly, its heat and heady odor calling to him even through the rain, which seemed to do anything but cool them off. “Yes…” he agreed as he stared down at her in sheer worship and wonder while lowering himself against her, his aura working slightly blind along with her talons to find the purchase needed to guide himself in. “My beloved Owlia…” he told her as she reached up to grasp the back of his head and pull it to her feathered chest just as he found her opening and, with the help of his mate, pushed the head of his organ in. “Ah!” they both called out, one in a squawking tone and one in a nickering one, Owlia splaying her hind claws. “So big…” Owlia licked her beak as the pair paused briefly to gather themselves, savoring the initial sensations of their first-ever rut. “So thick. So good…” she shivered beneath him, feeling safe and serviced even as she lay on the street, being rutted in the open. “So hot. So tight… so right…” he rejoined as he buried his muzzle in her chestfeathers and began to thrust into her with all his strength and power. His intense and incredibly enhanced mating magic somehow smoothed the way for both of them, allowing him to push deeper and deeper, finding her inner walls clamping on him, milking him. “Hey, boss? Where’d ya go?” Owlia abruptly heard Postage Due’s voice call out from around the back, just audible through the rain, wind, and her own pounding heart. “This isn’t funny! If I made you uncomfortable with that joke about Derpy, I’m sorry, but you shouldn’t be out in this! So why don’t you—” her voice trailed off as she rounded the corner and beheld them, her eyes locking on them and jaw falling open at the scene she beheld before her. The umbrella she’d been holding fell from her hoof, allowing the rain to reach her as she saw Certified Mail mounting Owlia Accitier openly on the street in front of her, the griffon eagless on her back and her stallion manager having already sunk the first four inches of himself within her. > Postal Passions: 4 - Eagless Eros > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of all the things Postage Due, middle-aged pegasus mare, herdmate of three and a mother of two, thought she might see upon exiting the Post Office to search for her suddenly missing manager, the inconceivable sight before her never entered her mind. Suddenly and sorely aroused, she staggered back at the unlikely image of the two engaged in one of the most passionate and intimate embraces she’d ever seen; the larger and stronger eagless on the ground and lying on her back as the smaller stallion took her, hopelessly excited and all but begging to be filled by her manager’s—Certified Mail’s!—stallion shaft. Even with much of his length hidden inside the excited and submissive eagless, whose leonine femininity he continued to pound his organ into despite Postage Due’s presence, the pegasus mare could see he was surprisingly well-endowed, having at least two inches on length and girth on her own stallion, a pegasus who had never taken her on her back! And he’d certainly never pleasured her with a magical aura that relentlessly molested her from nose to tail, massaging the griffon female’s flight muscles to the point that both they and the wings that attached to them were quivering, leaving her moaning in helpless pleasure. The sight was so intense and unexpected that the umbrella she’d been holding fell from her suddenly shaking hoof, allowing the heavy rain to pelt her. But… that’s…! She staggered back against the front wall of the post office and slowly slumped against it, keeping her eyes fixed on the incredibly unlikely pairing. So… HOT! She just managed to finish her own thought as the rain soaked into her and the sudden heat in marehood grew. She could only watch and listen in rapt attention as Owlia called Certified Mail’s initials repeatedly, all but begging him for more as she lay supine with her legs spread wide, pinned in place by his magic and stallionhood, trapped between him and the cobblestone street by her passion-paralyzed wings which were splayed hard to either side of her in a glorious display. But the amorous eagless seemed anything but inclined to move or shift, lost in the embrace of her stallion lover. She stayed put except for occasionally twisting her sinuous body as much as her wings would allow to work her unicorn mate in deeper, clutching him to her body with her talons as he frantically kissed and licked the water off her feathered chest, panting hard with her head bent backwards, her beak wide open and tongue hanging halfway out of it. They weren’t the same size; his head only came up to the middle of her neck while lying on her, taking her in a pose straight out of the kinkiest pages Postage Due recalled from the once-read and dimly-remembered Pony Sutra. But to listen to her squawks and other cries of griffon pleasure, he was more than enough for her just then. And for Postage Due herself, as she found her own excitement quickly soaring, her wings growing stiff and hoof starting to reach between her legs for the first time. She knew she shouldn’t be there. She knew she shouldn’t intrude on such a private moment, even in such a public space. She knew also the two had seen her—she saw Owlia’s eyes lock with hers for just a brief moment as she’d rounded the corner calling for Certified Mail. But the eagless’s only immediate reaction was to stare at her while getting even more flushed; as Postage Due watched raptly, her hind claws splayed hard and began pinwheeling in the air, searching for purchase that wasn’t present as she was held in place only by his lighter weight and the sheer strength of his aura, which the magical awareness of the pegasus mare told her was uncommonly intense. His mating aura alone was making her feel very hot, the torrential rain that fell on her somehow only adding fuel to her internal fire, spiking her desires even higher. Violent lightning flashed overhead again, illuminating the scene fully for a second. It cast a purplish hue over both of them, showing clearly the most erotic sight Postage Due had ever witnessed, causing her to take an involuntary step forward, trying to get a closer look. Wh… where did this COME from? C-M never showed interest in ANY mare before this! Let alone rutting one in the OPEN! she mildly protested even as she began pleasuring herself in earnest, feeling surprisingly forlorn and forgotten given he ignored her teases but had then turned around and given in to an eagless! And wh-why am I getting turned on by this? She tried again to tear her eyes away only to fail, finding herself mentally cataloging every thrust and every feather of the mating griffon/pony pair. She mentally urged them on, wanting to step or fly ever closer but finding she was afraid to, terrified they would either object or worse, stop their lovemaking. Why should THIS affect me? She’d likewise never been into anything interspecies aside from some drunken and barely remembered experimentation with an adolescent donkey in her long-before youth; the kinkiest thing she’d ever done was perform oral on her stallion—which they hadn’t tried again because she’d been uncertain and unable to perform the act properly, ending up accidentally hurting him with her teeth. She knew roughly the relative size of pony and griffon endowments, and had such an encounter been suggested to her beforehoof, she would have worried that his larger size would hurt an eagless. But the evidence to the contrary was there before her as she had a spectacular view of his stallionhood plunged deep into her, withdrawing partway only to slam forward again, a little deeper each time, until finally he’d sank himself all the way to his medial ridge. It was then the pair found they encountered some resistance and Owlia began moaning in frustration. “More in me! Want more…” the eagless implored her stallion mate in clipped tones as she continued clutching him, her eyes squeezed tightly shut. “I want it all!” Her hind leonine hooves began pinwheeling in the air again as her tail lashed back and forth in extreme need and agitation. “I’m t-trying…” Certified Mail got out shakily, but he found himself thwarted from fulfilling her will by his lack of leverage and the simple limitations of her body. As if in response to their mutual need, his mating aura intensified again, focusing on her loins; causing her to squawk in pleasure as her already incredible sensitivity was increased even further. Postage Due could sense that either by instinct or design, his magic was trying to loosen her up further; widen her opening. But to the immense frustration of all, including their audience of a single pegasus mare, his medial ring couldn’t pass her tight and swollen leonine lips, which formed a perfect ring and seal around the girth of his shaft. “M-my love, I c-can’t—” Postage Due felt her heart sink at that as they reached the apparent limits of their bodies. Please… they need this! She found herself praying to the Sun Goddess herself. They need it… and I need to SEE it! she felt compelled to amend her own thought. “C-can’t?” He didn’t get a chance to finish as Owlia growled the word in frustration. Mustering all her strength, she wrapped her hind legs tightly around Certified Mail’s form to hold him in place inside her as she curled her front half up over him, clutching him to him, and then used her earth griffon strength to roll backwards sharply in a quick reverse somersault that got around her arousal-frozen wings and flipped the pair over entirely, leaving Certified Mail on his back and Owlia straddling him from above, her wings flared hard to either side and her green eyes filled with sexual fire. “I want… it… all!” she said with a near-snarl as she took the dominant position and began using her weight to sink further down on him, reaching down to spread her lips even wider, her four teats and visibly swollen leonine clit suddenly very prominent to Postage Due’s wide eyes as an equally desperate Certified Mail tugged her down with his aura from above, while still working to loosen her further from below. Their combined efforts finally succeeded in getting her past the seemingly insurmountable barrier of his medial ridge with a sudden wet slurp; Postage Due leaned so far forward towards them in anticipation of it happening that she nearly fell over, slipping hard when she heard the slick sucking sound of it and saw another inch of his organ disappear inside her; her opening visibly widening for a moment to permit the passage.. They both gasped and gaped; the sound Owlia made was a half-lion, half-avian squeal while Certified Mail groaned at her intense heat and delicious tightness; her eagless sex holding and working his equine organ for everything it was worth. “More…” And yet, she still wasn’t satisfied, finding herself four inches short of taking his full length, and neither was Postage Due, who found herself drifting even closer to the pair. Her eyes locked with Owlia’s again briefly, who held her gaze as she leaned back and began working her own teats, tweaking and pinching them with her talons while beginning to piston her hips up and down on her stallion lover; she might have lost her balance but his aura was there to keep her steady and hold her in place, automatically assisting in her efforts while using the unheard-of mating position. “By Celestia’s eighteen inches…” Postage Due felt her heart race and desires surge anew at the display, even as she slightly feverishly noted Owlia’s interest in her. Is… is she getting off on me WATCHING? was all the pegasus mare could think as she intensified her efforts, running one set of talons through her chest feathers while the other reached low to attempt to help his stallionhood deeper, grasping the base of his organ and finding it had gotten so large she could barely circle it. At her additional touch, his hips bucked hard beneath her, enough to significantly rock her even with her greater weight. Despite that, she got another half inch into her before she met additional resistance, this time from further up her body. She had already taken more of him than either Postage Due or Certified Mail himself had thought possible, and yet, it still wasn’t enough for either of them! “More…” Certified Mail moaned as his aura struggled to get her body to accommodate him deeper and she began slamming her hips down harder, trying to force her internal entrance to give way. “More!” Owlia likewise demanded of her body yet again, and to the immense surprise of their one-mare audience…  It obeyed! The eagless gave one final downthrust to meet Certified Mail’s most powerful upwards one yet. There was an audible pop! as the gateway to her inner nest gave way and she abruptly sank the rest of the way onto him, her eagless sex swallowing the entire length of his stallion organ and even his very sheath! “By my ancestors!” Owlia Accipiter all but sang in joy as she found herself filled to the brim, reaching down to run her talons through her belly fur, trying to feel from the outside the enormous equine organ deep within her, its partially flared head now resting in her very happy womb. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” she called in joy into the storm night as she now rode him freely and with abandon from above. “By Luna’s Moon!” Certified Mail called out in equal rapture as he realized what had happened and where his stallionhood’s head now resided; the thought alone as euphoric as the sensation of her eagless sex and sanctum completely enclosing him, letting him feel every ridge and ripple of her internal walls and muscles. “By Celestia’s sun…” was all Postage Due could whisper shakily in response as she fell to her knees before the pair, reaching desperately between her legs as she witnessed the impossible feat.  She sank back on her hindquarters again, clopping freely to the passionate pair from just a few feet away as Owlia noticed her once more, seemingly putting on a show as much for her as her stallion suitor as she relentlessly milked him and pleasured herself, her paws briefly digging into her sides to massage her own flight muscles before she fell forward slightly, forced to brace herself with her forelegs to either side of his head.  “Owlia, that’s so hot…” Postage Due called to her.  “Hot…” Owlia repeated the word with a lick of her muzzle. “I’m so… hot…” she echoed again surprisingly softly, giving the pegasus mare the impression she was tasting the words and realizing she very much liked them as she began tracing the outlines of her body teasingly with a Talon, suddenly trying to entice Postage Due as much as her stallion mate. “Owlia…” Certified Mail called out from below her, his voice sounding very labored as his body tensed and aura intensified for the penultimate time, announcing his imminent climax. “I’m going to—” “Do it!” she half-ordered, half-pleaded through a clenched beak. “You already won me! So claim me fully! Take me! Seed me! Make me come! Make… me… YOOOOURRRRSSSS!” her voice escalated to an eagle shriek as her entire body went taut and her back arched hard, throwing back her head to bare her face and neck to the storm above. As if in recognition of her display, a series of lightning bolts illuminated the scene with alternately orange and purple glow as Certified Mail’s hips bucked beneath her the final time. She felt his head flare deep within her, expanding to reach the very walls of her womb, and then an eruption of magical sparkles from his horn nearly blinded her as a flood of hot stallion seed filled her; in her fevered mind, he was fertilizing her from within. “Owlia!” Certified Mail shouted as he felt his horn and apples erupt, the latter deep within her, and then said the words he never dreamt he would say—and mean--of any female. “I love you!” he proclaimed to the joy of both of them as his magical climax shattered the lightpost firegem above them and bowled Postage Due backwards, causing the scene to go dark around them when the gem and the lightning faded. The magical overload even managed to knock out surrounding lights without destroying them, including adjacent street lamps and storefronts, leaving them completely in the dark. Knocked hard on her back and finding it hard to rise through her stiff wings, a dazed Postage Due wasn’t immediately sure what had happened to them at first. The storm seemed to slacken for a minute as she saw Owlia fall forward over Certified Mail and the pony-griffon pair faded into shadow; within seconds she could no longer see Owlia’s light-hued head and chest. “G-guys…?” she called out tentatively when she heard their panting cease, trying but failing to stand around the flared wings that pinned her to the ground. She was still incredibly turned on by what she’d seen, her marehood facing the scene and drooling a steady stream of honey onto the cobblestones below, wanting desperately to see more but also worried for the pair when she could no longer detect movement or hear their breathing. And then abruptly, a large shadow rose from where they’d lay, far larger than Owlia’s form had been before. There was a low growl and a sound like the unfurling of sails and as the more distant lights re-ignited after shaking off the magical climax, the postal worker and middle-aged pegasus mare saw something that made her blood freeze. A silhouette of massive bat-wings bracketing a dark and ominous avian form whose slitted eagle eyes glowed orange in the dark. Eyes that were fixed directly on her. > Postal Passions: 5 - Special Delivery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lying on her back soaked by both the storm and her own seemingly unending sexual secretions, Postage Due was aroused beyond all measure. And terrified beyond belief. Bowled backwards by the massive magical force of the unicorn climax, which had been somehow strong enough to knock out or even outright destroy the firegem lights within fifty yards of them, she found her body tingling fiercely, echoing with the same orgasmic pleasure she could only guess that Certified Mail himself had experienced. She even swore she had a male organ for a moment, buried impossibly deep within his eagless lover, wrapped tightly by her inner walls whose movements she could feel quite keenly as the contents of his apples were emptied within her. It was like nothing she’d ever felt or dreamed she could feel, and it had happened all by accident! Is… THAT what it feels like for guys…? she thought in great wonder as her senses gradually returned and the sensations slowly dissipated, to her great disappointment, leaving her grasping at a nonexistent stallionhood that her overloaded senses told her had been there. She’d heard of such things happening in rare instances—unicorns involuntarily broadcasting their sexual pleasure to others, making nearby ponies feel everything they did. But by all accounts, it was an exceptionally uncommon event; something that only happened for extremely passionate encounters that boosted their mating magic far beyond anything they were normally capable of. Such thoughts only dimly registered on her mind, however, as she basked in their borrowed afterglow for a moment, magic still all but radiating off the pair like a slowly fading ember. She’d just seen Owlia start to fall over before the lights went out and she got knocked on her back, and for a moment, she couldn’t see or hear anything from them as the storm picked up again, the wind and rain increasing. “G-guys…?” she called out tentatively through it, trying but failing to stand around the flared wings that pinned her to the ground. Between the falling rain, which seemed to do anything but cool her off, and after all she had just experienced, she was still incredibly turned on, her marehood facing the scene and drooling a steady stream of honey onto the cobblestones below. She even worried her own stallion would never be good enough for her again after the interspecies encounter she’d just witnessed; finding herself with an enormous interest in griffons for how passionate and powerful Owlia was. M-maybe I could bed one of the Griffon Express couriers…? The disjointed thought crossed her mind despite the fact she was happily in a herd, only for the idea to be cut short by a low and dangerous growl ; a predatory sound that froze her very blood as she watched the shadowy form of Owlia Accipiter rise anew, pushing up off the ground. At that moment, the storefront lights across the street flickered back on, followed by the next-nearest street lamps, slowly shaking off the magical surge which had disrupted them. And in their low light, Postage Due saw not the familiar form of her griffon friend, or the feathered wings of an eagless. She instead saw the ominous outline of two enormous bat-wings flared to either side of a pitch-black creature at least a third larger than Owlia, visible only as a silhouette with two large cat-slitted eyes, the orange-glowing gaze boring directly into hers, something both hungry and heady in her gaze. “So, did you like what you saw, Postage Due?” A voice that was Owlia’s but not rumbled huskily; the pegasus mare could just make out the glimmer of a long, wet tongue as it licked around her longer beak and a glint of something long pointed directly at her. “You know, it seems a shame for you to just lie there watching… wouldn’t you say, C-M?” Lightning flashed again at just that moment, illuminating her bat-winged form fully for a bare second, showing that Owlia’s formerly brown-and-white coat was now head-to-toe dark, as she still sat straddled atop Certified Mail, his stallionhood now hanging in front of her in a heavily altered form, looking not just longer but far more tapered with an odd bulge at its base. The front office lights of the post office then clicked back on, and Postage Due gasped and gaped as she realized her perspective was completely wrong, both her fear and excitement growing exponentially for it. For she could see in the added light that Owlia was in fact stroking a massive griffon lionhood of her own, its tapered tip standing rigid over Certified Male’s chest and pointed right at her! Owlia’s senses returned to her slowly, still feeling echoes of the pure rutting rapture she had just experienced. Everything had gone topsy-turvy, as she’d heard ponies put it, the moment she had hit climax; one far more powerful than anything she had ever experienced in her life. None of the mating rounds she’d had in the past came even close to comparing to both it and the afterglow as she felt a massive wave of magic overtake her, transforming from her within. She didn’t recognize the magic, nor immediately the form it imparted her as she slumped forward over Certified Mail; the only stallion of either species who had ever so turned her on. But she didn’t fight it either as she felt her body remake itself from the inside out even as it continued to be wracked by wave of wave of sheer pleasure. In the throes of her seemingly endless orgasm, she didn’t wish it to end, and she welcomed anything that added to it. It was an effect she soon realized wasn’t limited to her as she felt the stallion shaft so deliciously deep inside her lengthening and expanding further, filling the increased space of her eagless opening and inner nest just as quickly as it was created. Her spine stretched, her limbs lengthened, and even her claws and talons suddenly turned more predatory as she regained just enough of her senses to push back up off the ground, opening her eyes to see them. She only barely bit back a gasp at what she beheld; long dark-feathered limbs that trailed off into gleaming black talons. In fact, she could see everything clearly in the near-pitch blackness that Certified Mail’s climax had left the street in, including the gaping form of Postage Due, who was lying on her back ten feet away. “G-guys?” she called out tentatively, both her fear and her ongoing excitement obvious to Owlia from her pair of very hard teats and the thicker fluid that coated her hoof and marehood, matting her inner thighs and tail. Still trying to gather herself, Owlia didn’t respond right away. Her wings had finally gone slack, but as sexual excitement swiftly reclaimed her again—Certified Mail hadn’t softened at all inside of her; she didn’t feel complete without him filling her now!—and even stronger than before, her slightly slackened wings quickly flared back to their full dimensions. It was only then the former griffon eagless noted her newly night-blue headfeathers and large bat-wings; her fur turned equally dark on her hindquarters. And that was to say nothing of the large lionhood and pair of equally impressive supporting seed-producing orbs in her lap, resting on Certified Mail’s belly. The latter quickly engorged; she could all but feel them swelling with seed while the former quickly surged to full erection for the first time. It rapidly reached dimensions far beyond anything she’d seen from a griffon before, surpassing eight, then ten, then even fourteen inches in length! At first, Owlia could only stare at her new male attribute in wonder. This… is... MINE…? She reached down to grasp the unfamiliar organ and begin stroking it with a low growl of pleasure, amazed at the surge of sensations that flowed from the male shaft, admiring its form, from the vaselike bulb at its base—typical of her race—to the more tapered feline tip that should instantly sensed would allow her to quickly and easily penetrate any partner, gaining initial entry and probing their depths while her bulb pried them open more fully. It was beautiful. Her wings and new form were beautiful. And he was beautiful to her, her eyes recognizing his newly thestral features and longer horn, bracketed by two tufted ears. He didn’t have wings, but she didn’t care—his horn, his love, and his stallion shaft were all she needed from him. Which was not to say there weren’t other things she wanted, she realized as she turned her gaze on their audience, suddenly sizing her up as both prey and a new target of her passions. “So, did you like what you saw, Postage Due?” she asked with a suggestive growl as her new eyes devoured the pegasus mare’s furred and feathered form. She gave her beak a languid lick with her longer tongue—which her beak had apparently lengthened as well to accommodate—as she wondered what scent and flavor her coworker’s marehood was. “Seems a shame for you to just lie there watching … wouldn’t you say, C-M?” She milked her own shaft to watch the other mare’s reaction, seeing clearly her eyes go wider as the lights from the post office entry came on again, at least partially illuminating them enough for Postage Due to realize what she had and what she was doing; her breath catching at the sight and her eyes suddenly fixed on it, taking in its exotic shape and impressive size. But Certified Mail, as he always had, showed no interest in his subordinate, keeping his eyes fixed on Owlia, drinking in her altered form and new male attributes, which he shortly started to stroke with his reactivated aura. “She ain’t my type—only you are, Owlia! But still, I can hardly blame her—I might have accidentally broadcast what I was feeling to her, just to let her know what she and other mares never did for me!” he explained with a smirk from his back as his enhanced horn reignited to begin stimulating her, not even remotely troubled that he was caressing and manipulating a male organ. He’d never been into stallions or stallionhoods, but the fact that this one belonged to her changed everything! “Oh, really?” Owlia said in amusement as she began to lightly piston her hips again on top of him, feeling a renewed surge of sensations start to return at double even the incredible intensity of before, the pumping action of her hindquarters working some spunk out of the tip of her new lionhood for the first time. “I’m flattered. And honored!” she offered between fresh pants in return as she offered her new organ to him fully, arching her back again with a startled hiss—a thestral sound—as he began to lick it, sampling its seed and licking his muzzle happily at the taste. “You should be, my beloved Owlia. You’re like no female I’ve ever known! Still, as far as Postage Due goes, she never did have any respect for personal boundaries… and some disciplinary action must be taken!” He got an evil grin as his mating aura reactivated at triple its previous strength, bathing the peagsus mare and half the otherwise storm-emptied street in its brilliance. Postage Due instantly responded with flushed cheeks and a fresh surge of blood to her flight anatomy and femininity. “B-but…” she protested mildly as her wings splayed harder and hoof migrated towards her marehood again as she found her gaze this time fixed on him; his larger size and longer horn making him look like—and perhaps even as powerful as—the Highborne thestralcorn priests of old. “Pl-please…” she begged as she began grinding her hoof into her overheating marehood only to find her own efforts could grant her no relief. “So was it good for you, Postage Due?” he repeated her words to him from earlier that night as he magically lowered Owlia’s organ to his lips and began laying a fresh trail of licks and kisses on it, causing her to throw back her head and moan, rewarded by the bat-eagless beginning to work her hips up and down on him harder. “Not that anyone asked you…” “I’m asking…” Owlia corrected breathlessly, her bat-wings growing rigid to the point that the membrane between her wing digits audibly stretched, sending a ripple of pure rapture through her. “Sh-she was watching us the whole time! And I loved it!” “So I noticed…” Certified Mail turned breathless again as he began thrusting up to meet her, the base of his organ just visible as he accented his physical efforts by lifting her up magically, then pulling her back down on him, causing her new lionhood to visibly pulse with each effort. It drizzled a steady stream of her new seed onto his muzzle, which he lapped up eagerly, working lovingly on the head of her new shaft with his mouth and magic. “But like I said, she never respects privacy or personal boundaries! I meant what I said about punishing her! So…” His horn flared anew with an additional spell, and suddenly Postage Due found herself feeling all he did again, but with a far stronger effect as he broadcast his sexual pleasure to her deliberately this time! “W-wha?” she called out in shock as Certified Mail’s magic forcibly fed her a steady stream of his own sensations as he took the half-thestral eagless again from below, letting her ride him while sitting over him, orally and magically pleasuring the last half of her new lionhood for good measure. “But… that’s…” Postage Due whimpered helplessly at the sensations he was feeding her, letting her know directly how incredibly good it felt for a stallion to take an eagless; his sensual spellcasting so powerful and thorough it made her feel that she was him! And yet, far from cathartic, it was near-torture to her as she repeatedly grasped futily at the phantom organ she could feel between her legs, desperate to feel it; to stroke it—to help relieve the fire and fullness she felt within it! But despite all her senses telling her it was there, and despite all her instinctive attempts to thrust it deeper into the exquisite eagless she could feel straddling her, the mare’s bucking hips had no effect. And worse, she continually grasped only air when she tried to touch it and found herself a helpless slave to Certified Mail’s pleasure for it, leaving her only wanting to curl into a fetal position and clop, keeping her eyes tightly shut to try to restrict her stimulation. But her flared and arousal-paralyzed wings would not allow her to do so, keeping her on her back, and what self-stimulation she could manage brought her no relief. She could feel every inch of his now-sixteen inch organ sunk to the hilt within Owlia and feel his flaring head once again invading her very womb; feel her muscles milking him expertly, massaging and stimulating him to the point that she thought she might go mad if the pure passion and pleasure she felt from him got any stronger. But heedless to her limits and tearful pleas to let her go, it did, leaving her ever-more desperate for a release only the rutting half-thestral pony/griffon pair could now grant. Whatever nightmare-fueled sexual creatures the two had become, they were now able to reach levels of sheer sensual bliss and ecstasy far beyond anything Postage Due had ever experienced or even thought possible. She could only writhe on the ground before them, all but sobbing at the intense elation and pure rapture she was being forcibly fed. Her aching sex and very psyche wracked by the borrowed bliss, she realized then that neither her stallion nor her herd mares would ever be able to satisfy her afer this. That indeed, no pony at all would ever be good enough for her again! There’s nopony left for me now… except THESE two! Lost in pure lust and the unending assault on her senses and sanity from their lovemaking, she considered leaving her stallion and marrying Certified Mail and Owlia Accipiter instead, hoping and praying the powerful and incredibly beautiful and desirable bat-eagless would be willing to join a pony herd. Please, C-M! Accept me! TAKE me! She silently begged him, praying Certified Mail could hear the thoughts she was then incapable of voicing. I’ll do whatever you WANT! You can have me whenever YOU want! I’ll have your foals—and HERS! she offered to him desperately, suddenly imagining her eagless stallionhood—an idea she never even dreamt was possible!—driven deep within her. She had no idea if he had heard her, finding her eyes opening again to take in the mating pair to whom she was now irrevocably joined and bound with, wondering when her sensual torment would finally end even as she prayed it wouldn’t. “My love?” Certified Mail spoke up after what seemed like a small eternity. “I’m close again…” he announced as Postage Due felt magic and energy surging to his horn and stallionhood; his apples starting to retract to release their precious cargo and his body tensing like an ocean wave drawing in before breaking. “Me too…” Owlia confirmed as Postage Due prayed the coming climax wouldn’t break her, watching the eagless now feverishly stroking herself with both sets of talons. “Give it all to me! And to her!” she hastily added as she set her glazed but slitted orange-glowing eyes on Postage Due yet again, aiming her new organ right at her as her body tensed hard. “Here it comes, marefriend! Special Delivery from the Griffon... Express...!” Owlia’s words escalated to halfway between a lion roar and an avian shriek as her leonine stallionhood erupted hard, showering the pegasus mare with her newly minted seed. The first bursts hit her chest and head, her muzzle automatically falling open to receive it just as Certified Mail’s own climax hit, the fed orgasm triggering the pegasus mare’s in turn. “Ah! Yes! Yes! Take it ALL, my exotic and erotic eagless!” Postage Due exactly echoed Certified Mail’s climactic shout, involuntarily bucking her hips again in time with his as she felt him deliver his stallion seed deep into her beautiful and blissful bat-eagless body once more. Her connection to him was so complete she stretched out her neck as if to help release the accumulated mating magic from her nonexistent horn, which she also felt erupt with a series of extraordinarily powerful and enjoyable orgasmic pulses that wracked her overtaxed mind and marehood. Lost in the release of both his body and her own, she only dimly felt the splash of Owlia’s seed against her face, her chest, and then progressively further down her body, calling C-M’s name over and over. Despite that, the eagless retained enough awareness to shift her aim to Postage Due’s erogenous zones, coating her belly, teats and marehood in turn; even sparing a couple heavy spurts for her wings and flight muscles. They tingled heavily with their new luster, twitching with fresh warmth and pure pleasure as Postage Due began to directly absorb the energy of the corruptive curse they contained. The sheer amount Owlia generated was incredible, leaving it dripping off the pegasus mare; the magic it contained soaking quickly into her body from every point and angle as Postage Due collapsed to the ground in a daze. She could only lick weakly at her muzzle and paw feebly at her marehood as the imparted male climax--and her own--finally let go of her. But its effects were just beginning, leaving her mind and body irrevocably altered as the exotic magics the curse contained began to take hold of her, causing her to grow fractionally and her senses to immediately enhance. As her eyes flickered back open, she could suddenly see and smell far more; every detail of their altered forms was now apparent to her newly slitted eyes even in the near-darkness while her nose twitched, picking up both the individual scents of her new lovers as well as the smell of the exotic eagless seed(!) that still covered her. Her body involuntarily stretched to help the changes progress; her clit doubling in size and mammaries and marehood swelling; all her erogenous areas becoming far more sensitive as she gained two inches in height and a full stone of weight. Her wings also expanded, her flight muscles quivering as they added more sinew to accommodate their larger wingspan. But from the outside, the changes were minor and she did not otherwise lose her pegasus form except for new cat-eyes, finally focusing them with great difficulty to find herself looking up into the altered, dark-feathered face of Owlia Accipiter, who was standing over her, staring down at her in happiness and hunger like the smaller female was both a partner and captured prey. “Enjoy yourself, P-D?” she asked as Postage Due could only moan weakly, the rain only slowly washing off the residue of her love. “I’d think so…” A smirking Certified Mail appeared at her side, rubbing shoulders with the large eagless and exchanging nips and nuzzles with her happily, his own enhanced features very much in evidence from his larger body to his longer horn to the tufted bat-ears. “She was begging us in her thoughts to herd her! Said she wanted my foals—and yours!” “Oh really?” Owlia grinned as Postage Due could only reach weakly for them with a hoof. “Well, I guess we better get started, then!” she announced as she positioned herself before the mare, the tapered head of her new leonine stallionhood shortly pressing against her fellow mail worker’s wet, wide and very receptive opening. She paused there to savor the moment, leaving a trembling Postage Due aware of its presence and anticipating its entry. “Pl-please…” she plead again, biting her lip hard. “Need this… need you!” she just managed to add. Owlia smiled at that, licking her beak again. “Then you can have me, P-D. Both for being such a good friend and having asked me so nicely!” the bat-eagless announced as, helpfully guided by Certified Mail’s magic, she shifted forward and began to push her long lionhood inside. > Postal Passions: 6 - Package Handler > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postage Due was a longtime mail worker; a happily married middle-aged mare. She was wed to a good, if unimaginative stallion whose herd consisted of two other mares, and the mother of four teenage fillies she adored despite the fact they drove her crazy at times. And yet, for all she had just experienced and witnessed, she found herself ready to throw it all away to not just be with her manager and griffon coworker, but to belong to them body and soul; surrender herself to not only them, but the exotic and incredible mating magic within them that had brought her to heights of arousal and ecstasy she had never dreamt existed. “Pl-please…” the pegasus mare begged again unsteadily, biting her lip hard as the beautiful and sensual Owlia moved to straddle her as she lay pinned by her own passion-paralyzed wings on her back. The bat-eagless planted her talons on either side of Postage Due’s torso, moving up just enough that the narrow head of her dangling half-lion, half-avian stallionhood brushed against the pegasus mare’s wet and winking lips. But to her great frustration, Owlia did not immediately push in to her prone form, but left it hanging there teasingly, letting her keenly feel its heat and the steady drip of her griffon seed against the lower half of her lips. “N-no more teasing! N-need this… n-need you!” she pushed off the street cobblestones beneath her with her tail and thrust her hips towards the large and lustful leonine, trying to press more of her equine marehood against her exquisite and exotic eagless organ. And how strange—to say nothing of supremely sensual and exciting—was that to even think? The idea of a stallion-equipped eagless might have given her more pause if she wasn’t about to be pierced by her, and if she didn’t so desperately want it within her; want to be the first female she used her new male attribute on. For there was no denying the incredible allure of Owlia at that moment to Postage Due as she lay in the street, soaked through her fur by the rain that only seemed to increase her already sky-high desire to rut, to say nothing of her own sensual juices. No denying the incredible enticement of simply surrendering herself to the predatory griffon female and her equally mighty unicorn mate; the pair having conquered her with little more than a masterful magical spell coupled with their own irresistibly passionate performance. Unaware of her coworker-turned-quarry’s thoughts, Owlia smiled at her longtime friend with equal measures of love and lust, licking her avian muzzle again with her sinuous tongue, showing it was double its previous length by wrapping it twice around her own beak.  “Then you can have me, P-D. Both for being such a good friend since I’ve been here, and for having asked me so nicely!” the bat-eagless announced as, to Postage Due’s great joy and helpfully guided by Certified Mail’s magic, she stepped forward fractionally and began to push the tapered tip of her long and bulbous lionhood inside the mare’s needy lips. Both females took a shuddering breath as the intrusion registered on their alternately enhanced and overstimulated senses. “Oooohhhh….” Postage Due called out as she felt her marehood lips part with surprising ease to admit the large griffon lionhood—that was their name for it, wasn’t it?—well-lubed and supremely swollen as her opening was, quivering with the entry.  Despite her redoubled desires and pure pleasure at its penetration, part of her protested weakly that she was happily married and this was wrong. But her doubts were quickly subsumed by her own all-consuming heat and hunger. By the overwhelming need to submit and be bred by the pair; keeping her promise to bear their foals and cubs. B-but what would our offspring even BE? Postage Due couldn’t help but wonder as her eyes closed tightly shut to savor the sensation of the eagless organ slipping into her inch by wonderful inch, its surprisingly rough head scraping and stimulating the ridges of her inner walls as it went, causing her to tremble and her hooves to wave weakly at the air. Wh-what happens when a griffon and a pony combine? She didn’t know, but fervently hoped to find out as the first six inches of the enormous eagless erection disappeared inside her with wet sliding sounds. She tried desperately to prop herself up further to admit more of her lover’s massive leonine erection, only to find her tail was rapidly tiring and her elevated hindquarters were starting to sink. To her great relief and gratitude, both Owlia and Certified Mail noticed; the former immediately taking action. “Come here, fillyfriend…” the bat-eagless called out as she put a large set of talons under her pegasus friend’s back and lifted her up effortlessly, holding her against her belly; causing Postage Due to sigh in relief and fresh pleasure as she found her erect and exquisitely sensitive teats rubbing against the much larger and more swollen set of the eagless.  She was surprised to feel additional magical mating energy flowing from them directly into hers, making them swell and tingle further; she swore she could feel them growing larger with each rub against their eagless equivalents! “Mmmm…” Owlia also closed her eyes and licked her lips again at the incredible sensation of their mammaries grinding together, feeling each tweak of her four teats from the Postage Due’s two in turn as she began to slowly thrust into her promised pegasus broodmare, having already sunk half her fourteen-inch length within her—easily double what even the most well-endowed tiercels could manage, she noted in no small amount of satisfaction.  The deeper she thrust, the wider her shaft became as it pushed into her, its girth growing only gradually at first but soon reaching the top of the vase-like bulb that was a distinctive feature of griffon lionhoods. At two-thirds deep, it progressively pried her pony lover more open to a deliciously silken sound of stretched and swollen flesh even as the head of her organ reached the mare’s own inner opening, probing and pushing against it. Owlia didn’t know what ponies called it and didn’t particularly care, but she very desperately wanted to pierce it; invade the mare’s deepest recesses and breed her from as deep as possible. “So good…” the breathless bat-eagless said with a fresh lick of her beak as Postage Due could only moan, burying her face in the larger female’s dark blue chestfeathers.  “So deep. But want more…” She began to buck her hips harder only to find the angle awkward; she could hold the mare up easily enough by the back with her talons using her enhanced earth griffon strength, but couldn’t easily hold her still to push deeper inside. “Then allow me…” Certified Mail rumbled lustfully, his eyes wide as he watched the scene. Adding a new spell on top of his mating aura, he held Postage Due up and magically anchored her against in place against Owlia’s belly, allowing his eagless mate to drop her talons and begin thrusting with more force. “Better?” “Yes!” Owlia granted as her hips began pistoning harder, earning a fresh gasp from her pony lover as, either by effort or additional mating magic, her inner barrier began to yield, loosening automatically to both accommodate and invite the promised intrusion, leaving both females trembling with anticipation. But to the frustration of both, it did not give way immediately. “By my ancestors, she’s so hot… she so tight…” the bat-eagless felt compelled as the first third of her bulb disappeared inside the smaller mare, suddenly sitting back on her haunches and pulling Postage Due up into her lap with the help of her mate’s magic, using the pegasus mare’s weight to assist the effort as she again held her in place with a set of talons that ran lewdly all over the pegasus mare’s back and wings, groping them freely as Postage Due could only gasp and whimper.  An effort that was quickly assisted as Certified Mail shifted his magic to keep them both propped up, giving them a pair of magical barriers against their backs to allow them to push back against and gain further leverage, allowing Owlia to free both sets of talons to caress and cuddle her pegasus mate. Through it all, Postage Due could only accept and savor her sensual torment, sensing the griffon female’s intent as the tip of her organ began to pry her very womb open, mentally begging the Sun and Moon goddess again to let her body give way and allow the amorous eagless to claim and plant her seed in the deepest part of her being. Thoughts of her current herd faded with each eagless thrust and each inch her oversized tiercel organ advanced, prying her open and filling her further, leaving her feeling more fulfilled than she could ever remember before!  She helped the effort as best she could by duplicating Owlia’s own efforts with Certified Mail, trying to ride the rutting and meet her thrusts with downward ones from her hips what little mobility she had from her wings as she was taken in full view of her own manager in an unusual and very erotic upright manner, his mating magic acting to arouse and loosen her further. Her body eagerly soaked in his aura and all the mating magic the pair were generating, until the entrance finally gave way with a sharp gasp from both females as the tapered head of her eagless organ slipped through, followed by the sudden entry of half her bulb into Postage Due’s hungry marehood. “Yes! Yes! That’s my little pony!” Owlia called out happily as she reached down with her beak to lick the top of the mare’s head, holding her affectionately to her dark-feathered chest with one set of talons while relentlessly molesting her friend’s wings and flight muscles with the other, gratified by their twitches and her increasingly weak and desperate squeaks.  “So is it good for you, too, Postage Due?” she rumbled lustfully with another lick of an ear, to which the pegasus mare could only whimper again and clutch her bat-griffon lover as she sank herself even deeper. She found her greatest fantasy fulfilled as the entirety of Owlia’s eagless bulb and organ disappeared within her, its head now ensconced firmly in her very willing womb. “I’d say it is…” Certified Mail spoke up in arousal and amusement, not participating directly outside of his intense mating aura except to prop them up and help smooth their ways. “I’d say you’re blowing her mind, Owlia!” “I’ll take that as a compliment. But you know, there’s room behind her! Sure you don’t want to take her tail, C-M?” Owlia asked, dropping her lower talons to the mare’s flank to squeeze it and pull a cheek aside to reveal her upper orifice, causing an elated and delirious Postage Due to immediately flag her tail hard at him in enticement, desperate to be simultaneously claimed by his magnificent magic and stallionhood as well. “Y-yes…” she begged weakly as she eagerly anticipated him taking her in a place she’d never tried before and would never even have considered before that moment, not even with her own stallion had he ever suggested it! But with so many other barriers, both physical and mental already shattered for her, she found she wanted them all obliterated and every entry to her body claimed! “T-take my tail… take me!” But to her immense agony, Certified Mail declined. “Nah. No offense, Postage Due, but mares have just never done it for me,” he apologized but kept bathing them in his mating aura while he continued to stroke himself to the sight of his eagless mate claiming his subordinate, watching her squirm in helpless pleasure while she weakly pawed with her hooves at the much larger leonine eagless. “Griffons, on the other hoof…” He began clopping again, harder at the sight of Owlia buried deliciously deep within the much smaller mare.  “Pity…” Owlia offered as she took it upon herself to lube up a talon with mare nectar and insert it beneath her tail, causing Postage Due to stiffen and squirm as she worked it slowly inside. “You may not like mares, but I sure do if they’re all this eager!” “Only eager for you, my sweet,” Certified Mail rejoined reverently. “I don’t think there’s a single pony in all Equestria who could resist your beauty and charms now!” She rumbled happily at that, closing her eyes to savor not just her first-ever mating in the role of a male, but the love and flattery of her chosen equine mate—nobody had ever called her beautiful before, and she found she loved the taste and feel of it! A feeling so good, in fact, that she felt herself rapidly rising to climax again, but this time in an unfamiliar sensation focused initially on her massive orange-sized orbs as they drew back into her body and she felt her entire form tense with their imminent release, her body readying to deliver one final, penultimate thrust. “Here it comes, marefriend…” she whispered huskily into Postage Due’s ear as she felt the pegasus mare likewise tense in anticipation, already driven well beyond the point of no return, awaiting only the release that Owlia herself could provide.  “You want my cubs? Here… you… GO!” She threw back her head and gave a half-eagle, half-thestral shriek of pleasure as her new apples emptied themselves; the precious seed surging up through her new eagless organ and into her pegasus mate. Postage Due also cried out as she felt a massive wave of warmth erupt within her, filling and fertilizing her from within. The very knowledge she had just been bred was enough to send her crashing over the edge she’d been teetering on for several minutes as her body was wracked by wave after wave of glorious pleasure, leaving her aware of every pulse, every spurt, and ever inner crevice she had coated in precious eagless seed. “By the sun!” she called out once before she could no longer speak again, feeling her mind and body not just claimed, but remade at that moment; a massive wave of wild magic consuming her as her climax eventually ebbed and she felt a change both fiery and frightening take hold, altering her from the inside out. “It’s okay, marefriend. I got you…” Owlia promised as she felt her shiver, holding her tight while still buried deep within her, still feeling the final pulses of her own organ and all but floating for it. “I’m right here, Postage. I’m not going anywhere. Just let go. Just let it happen…” she all but purred, and, feeling loved and safe in the eagless’s embrace… Postage Due did just that, surrendering herself to the transformation that overtook her. She felt her consciousness ebb for a moment as all her senses scrambled, and an unknown amount of time elapsed during which time she could only drift in a haze of pure pleasure and afterglow, waiting to return, aware at that moment only of Owlia’s embrace and whispered reassurance.  She clung to it like a lifeline as her transformation completed, remaking her from within, and when her eyes finally fluttered open again, the first thing she saw was Certified Mail staring at her in awe. “P-D!” he called out in amazement. “You’re…” Instead of finishing, he magically summoned a vanity mirror from his home and turned it to face her. She looked at her reflection and gaped at what she saw; her features perfectly clear even in the low illumination of the storefront lights. “A… beak?” She realized in both surprise and delight as she saw her reflection for the first time. She thought for a moment she’d been turned into a griffon, as her forehooves seemed to have moved halfway to eagless talons as well. But a flick of an ear revealed they were still present and even larger than before with tufted tips, while her mane and tail had become longer and more lustrous, if in a slightly lighter hue than the deep indigo her fur was now colored. Her lower legs were shaggier, her wings had enlarged and become batlike, just as Owlia’s had, and her bright blue eyes had turned slitted like thestrals, giving her superlative night vision.  She recognized her new form from barely remembered books, but still couldn’t believe it. “Wait… you mean… I’m now a—” “Hippogriff!” they all chorused as Owlia looked at her in amazement, finding her much larger in her grasp than before. And that was to say nothing of the new male organ she was sporting, which the eagless reached down to grasp and stroke, causing a startled gasp from the former pegasus mare at the unexpected sensation, who looked down and gawked at it.  “I have a stallionhood?” she realized in wonder, then reached down with her new hoof to touch it, quickly confirming it was indeed a part of her being as the merest brush of her altered hoof sent a ripple of pleasure through it and traveling right up her spine. “I love it!” “That’s not the only thing! You’ve got more mammaries now, too!” Certified Mail noted with a pointed hoof, at which point Postage Due noticed she’d gained a second set further up her belly, just as griffons had, their bulges and protruding teats much fuller and firmer than before! “I don’t believe it… you’ve got a beak, and a stallionhood and a mane and the bat wings and the extra teats and…” he didn’t finish before he could no longer restrain himself, his visibly throbbing organ announcing his enthusiastic approval of her new form.  Postage Due stared at it—and then at him—in desperate hope. “Y-you mean you like me now—” She didn’t get a chance to finish before he all but attacked her, kissing her aggressively beak-to-muzzle and gently pushing the pair of females on their backs with his magic to leave Owlia on the bottom, taking her plumped and prominent marehood while the bat-eagless’s renewed erection slowly worked its way beneath her hippogriff tail. “C-M?” a surprised but overjoyed Postage Due called out again as she felt the dual-entry of her new half-thestral pony and griffon lovers and didn’t fight it, welcoming them into her lief and body with all her being. “You really—?” “I really want you…” he confirmed with a low growl as he laid a line of kisses down her neck and magically massaged her larger wings and flight muscles, causing her to give an avian squawk of ecstasy as the two quickly sank half their considerable lengths into her and began to thrust in tandem, redoubling her already sky-high emotions and sensations; the latter at levels that far exceeded anything her old form could have experienced before.  “Maybe I’m just into beaks for beauty. Or maybe I’m just a sucker for bat-wings. But either way…” Certified Mail expressed his feelings by sinking his medial ridge into with a wet slurp as Owlia’s bulb began pushing in as well, her body easily giving way to accommodate both as she was officially and fully accepted by the pair. * * * * * Five minutes later, the three had come yet again, after breeding Postage Due for a second time.  Reluctantly disentangling themselves as the storm picked up again, Certified Mail’s second climax had combined with a fresh strike of lightning to knock the street and storefront lights out completely, shattering all their gems. But they could still see each other clearly with their new thestral eyes, as they stepped back to take in themselves—and each other—fully. A few more gropes and kisses were exchanged before Owlia studied her reflection in the mirror after its surface had been cleared by a magical wipe, then smiled. “Well. I guess if we’re going to be in a herd, as you ponies call it, we should take some new names for our new forms,” she mused.  “Agreed! Owlia just doesn’t seem to suit you now. So what would you like to be called?” Certified Mail asked eagerly. “Night Owl,” the bat-eagless decided at some length. “Might not be the most suggestive surname, but with these new colors and wings? It’s definitely me!” She flared her bat-wings in demonstration; her large wingspan easily encompassing the other two as she embraced the pair using them. “I love it!” Certified Mail praised as he magically stimulated their membrane surfaces, causing them to go taut again; the flexible surface audibly coming under tension once more as Postage Due shivered in sympathy. “And as for me? I’m not changing my name—just the spelling! I’m now Certified Male!” He showed off his long horn and stallionhood, easily the biggest of the three. “Because you made me feel like the ultimate stallion, my love.” He kissed Night Owl again. “Because as far as this eagless is concerned, you are!” She all but purred her reply, rubbing cheeks with him in a leonine fashion before exchanging a fresh kiss with him as Postage Due watched longingly but didn’t interrupt. She was rewarded when the pair turned their attention back on her, opening their embrace for her as well, holding out a hoof and set of talons in invitation. Tears glimmering in her thestral hippogriff eyes, she took it instantly, all but leaping into their hug, sniffling softly at their acceptance of not just her, but her new half-thestral hippogriff form. She found herself marveling anew at her enhanced sight and hearing as well as the dexterity of her new beak, which she found both solid yet surprisingly malleable, able to conform in shape to both Night Owl’s larger griffon one and Certified Mail’s muzzle. “Mmmm… never made out with a hippogriff mare before,” Night Owl noted between licks and nips. “I like!” “Me too! Can’t wait to try oral like this…” Postage Due gave a sound halfway between a squawk and a nicker. “But I want you to make more hippogriffs first!” “Seconded!” Certified Male said. “We need to expand our new herd, and I think I know just where to get some new members! But before we do—what’s your new name?” he turned to Postage Due next. In response, she reached one long griffon bat-wing below Certified Male’s tail to grasp a cantaloupe-sized apple with her new thestral wingtalons, then did the same with her right set to his still-erect shaft, gently squeezing and milking both, to be immediately rewarded by him closing his eyes in pleasure and gently thrusting into her pleasuring wingpaw.  “Just call me… Package Handler.” “Perfect,” Certified Male grinned as he stood still to accept her efforts but then turned mock-stern again. “But don’t think you’re off the hook with me for all your shenanigans, P-H! You might be part of my new griffon and hippogriff herd, but I still expect you to be on time for work and carry out your postal duties properly!” He poked her warningly in the chest. “And if I don’t…?” she asked sultrily, increasing the pace of her efforts, to which he simply transmitted his pleasure to her again, causing her to instantly gasp and release him, which he followed up by producing an exact construct of her marehood and thrusting into it while she could only whimper, pushing back against an organ that wasn’t actually there even though her lips parted as if it was, stretching to accommodate him until her insides were visible all the way to her inner opening, which threatened to give way again under his-now incredibly potent and practiced mating magic. “Then you’ll be disciplined!” he warned with a toothy grin before releasing her, leaving her breathing hard and staring at him in love and awe. “Now take my hoof, both of you. Or just hold onto my shaft, whichever you prefer!” he offered with a wry grin. “We’ve got mail to sort and a post office full of ponies to process! Though I think for once, we’ll do pleasure before business,” he added with a sly smile, to which both Night Owl and Package Handler’s grins turned evil. “So let’s make a proper entrance by teleporting in, and then convert us some mail carriers!” “Love to! But I thought the security enchantments on the building prevented teleports inside it?” Night Owl pointed out. “With as strong as my magic now is, do you think that matters to me?” Certified Male raised his gaze and nodded his head up towards the large horn on his forehead, igniting his aura, letting them feel it brimming with power. “So grasp my hoof, both of you, and we’ll be off!” He offered it and as they eagerly did so, laying hippogriff hoof and griffon talons over his. With that, the three disappeared off the stormy street in a fresh flash of purple light. > Postal Passions: 7 - Male Call > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The early morning shift at the Ponyville Post Office had been slow to start, but was finally beginning to pick up steam. The mail workers were all a little hungover after the Nightmare Night celebration, which as a rule, included a few too many ciders in addition to some exotic drinks of questionable origin and legality, including a smuggled drum full of buffalo whiskey, unlabeled flasks of Lunar moonshine, and even some griffon rum that G-E couriers had snuck past customs to offer their favorite ponies. And that was to say nothing of the Sweet Apple Acres Special Reserve Cider that didn’t seem to be alcoholic but cast a warm glow over everything, making socializing—and occasionally more!—far easier with just a single downed mug. It had been a fun evening, but there was a price to be paid for postal workers; the Ponyville Post Office never closed for Nightmare Night as mail deliveries had to resume early the next day. They were all a bit bleary-eyed and sipping water to try and stave off the hangover that was trying to claim them after a raucous festival—one that had included an unexpectedly adult show in the form of a visibly inebriated Fluttershy going down on Twilight Sparkle’s horn, causing her to climax in front of everypony with an explosion of magical sparkles. All of which was forgotten at that moment as they tried to ready the next day’s mail shorthooved. “So first Derpy disappears, then Certified Mail runs out into the rain, and now Postage Due is gone too?” Priority Parcel groused as a wet spot in the ceiling grew over his head, courtesy of a wind-loosened roofing shingle they’d been waiting on funds from the Postmare General in Canterlot to fix. His horn glowed as he swiftly organized and slotted a large stack of outgoing scrolls, envelopes, and smaller packages into various buckets and mailbags, rejecting one for insufficient postage and another for being improperly wrapped. “What is with everypony tonight?” Before he could get an answer, a fresh boom of lightning shook the building, causing a few drops of water from the roof leak to fall on the table in front of him. One hit his muzzle with what felt like a noticeable chill; he swore for a moment that it had been magically charged only for the feeling to pass quickly, leaving nothing more than a spot of wetness where it sat. “And then there’s this storm nopony bothered to tell us about!” He looked up at the ceiling in annoyance, and then zapped the area with a waterproof barrier spell in hopes it would hold until morning, wiping the wetness on his nose and the table up with a paper towel before magically crumpling it up and throwing it away. Courier Six sighed and gave a pitying shake of her head, pressing down on the wide brim of her stetson out of habit. “Spoken like a true city pony. Back when I was working for the Moojave Express you didn’t complain about the odd rain shower, you know! You were expected to deliver the mail through storms and hostile territory! And it didn’t matter if you were sick or injured! Remind me to tell you the story of when I was late and had to make up time by taking a shortcut through sacred Buffalo stampeding grounds.” “Let me guess—you got shot through the head with a Buffalo arrow?” Priority Parcel rolled his eyes. “Only once, but the game had been rigged from the start.” Courier’s expression grew cold and distant before pulling herself out of her reverie. “So in the immortal words of C-M: Suck it up and deal with it! We’ve worked with fewer than this after outbreaks of the feather flu, and still got the mail out on time.” “Yeah, well, C-M isn’t here now, is he?” the young unicorn stallion further grumbled, his mind a mixture of headache and horniness. The latter was hardly unusual for him given his youth, looks and virility; he was courted constantly by mares looking to land him as their herd stallion, and he took full advantage of it—and of them—for it. He wasn’t interested in settling down, but he loved a good rut, and eligible bachelor that he was, he had no shortage of opportunities to indulge himself. “No, but I am!” Express Shipment reminded him sharply. “If he’s not here, I’m in charge. And as acting manager, I’m telling you to shut your pie hole and get back to work!” “Bucking boss mare…” he muttered under his breath as he resumed sorting, finding himself with a sudden fantasy of silencing her with a muzzle full of his stallion meat.  The image caused him to blink hard. Huh? Where THAT’D come from? he wondered. A confirmed bachelor and lady’s stallion, he immensely enjoyed having his pick of the prettiest mares—which neither she nor Courier Six was in his eyes for being middle-aged—but he’d actually failed to score that night because he wasn’t able to hit the much more mature midnight festival, having been ordered by Certified Mail to show up early. Retaliation, he was sure, for openly flouting his many conquests in front of him at work by depriving him of a golden opportunity for a new one. “Fine time to leave us hanging,” he grumbled as he felt his unsated stallionhood begin to poke free of its sheath. Yeah, I know what YOU want. Too bad it’ll have to wait for after shift and somepony a bit better LOOKING! he told his own organ, swearing not for the first time that it had both a mind of its own and a will to defy him as he felt it engorge further, already hanging halfway to the tiled floor. “Doesn’t matter,” Express Shipment informed him irritably, unaware of his growing arousal. “He’s the boss. You aren’t. He signs your performance appraisals and stamps your paychecks. We’ve got a ton of mail to get through and only half the ponies we need, so quit complaining and sort!” “Whatever.” Priority Parcel found himself blaming Certified Mail for both his state and the fact he was now actively fantasizing about his much older coworkers. It’s not MY fault you can’t get laid, you impotent excuse for a STALLION! Sorry no mare will have you, but don’t take it out on ME!  he told his unicorn manager with the thoughts he would never voice out loud—at least, not until he moved to Manehattan the following spring to work for a private shipping company, at which point he was planning to tell his overbearing boss off upon departure. Hay, I wish I could do it right NOW! he grimaced as he felt his unmet urges intensify; his shaft reaching full rigidity and beginning to throb fiercely. In fact, why WAIT? If he fired me now, I could head out to a pub and pick out a prettier piece of plot than THESE two! Celestia knows I’d REALLY been looking forward to being apples deep in some mare… he mused, his mind flashing back unbidden to the surprise scene of a drunken Fluttershy going down on Princess Twilight’s horn again. It had been a very hot display in his mind, and one the young stallion planned to fantasize to later, once he got off shift. Finding himself unable to wait, his sorting slowed as he found himself beginning to do just that, closing his eyes and smiling for a moment as his organ twitched and tingled appreciatively, if out of sight behind his table. Lucky filly… guess she’s been pretty hard-up for being a Princess and not being able to court males? Hey, I’d be HAPPY to give her what she needs! He mentally inserted himself in the public scene between the two mares, mounting Twilight while Fluttershy went down on his horn, his efforts leaving the former screaming his name and the latter with a mouthful of mating magic that addicted her to his aura.  Just doing my duty to crown and country! he envisioned telling the Princess as he closed his eyes and began rocking his hips forward in imagined thrusts into her, causing his erection to begin slapping lightly beneath his belly. Yeah… that’s the stuff… he licked his lips as he further fantasized that the Princess and her pegasus friend was so taken with him that they  fell to their knees before him and began worshipping his masculine essence orally, laying licks and kisses all over his apples before making their way down his swollen sheath onto his shaft.  “Oh yeah…” he called out softly. He then felt a surge of magic towards his horn, threatening to ignite his mating aura— “Stop daydreaming and start sorting!” Express Shipment called out to him, breaking the mood and the moment, causing his urges and incipient mating magic to briefly recede. “You’re at the Post Office, not a pub! So whatever mare you’re thinking about screaming your name, save it!” she ordered imperiously as Courier Six only smirked. “Yes ma’am…” Priority Parcel growled as his fragile fantasy was shattered. But within seconds, he found himself thinking anew about mounting her instead; the little of his erection he had lost instantly restoring itself at the idea. Only briefly thwarted, his increasingly mating-fevered mind quickly swapped Twilight and Fluttershy in his fantasy scene for Express Shipment and Courier Six—with one notable change: Shippy’s married, so I bet she hasn’t had anything but standard sex for years! I bet if I took her tail instead of her marehood, she’d be BEGGING for more! The thought caused him to blink hard again despite the intensified and appreciative throbbing of his organ at the idea, which he swore felt much fuller and bigger than it had ever been before. The movement of his hips caused its head to hit at least an inch further up his belly than previously, leaving a wet spot on the fabric of his uniform vest that had previously been just out of reach of his erection.  It was only at that moment he understood how incredibly engorged it was and how turned on he was, finding himself increasingly at the mercy of an all-consuming desire to tuck. Still, longtime standards were not so easily tossed aside. You want THOSE two? Seriously…? he asked his own organ, which only answered with another fierce rush of blood, stretching his sensitive shaft further and sending a ripple of pleasure of his spine.  But, increasingly aroused and finding no other immediate outlets, he decided to go with it even though the pair of mares were far older than the females he usually went for, and Express Shipment was even herded with foals. Well, there’s something to be said for experience, right? he reasoned with a smile as he cast an appraising eye over them and found them not without charms, his organ twitching appreciatively again at the idea of being in them apples deep. Any port in a storm, I guess!  “I’d still like to know why Certy just ran out like that,” Express Shipment wondered aloud as Priority Parcel found himself shifting focus from her to Courier Six, going through the mental motions of undressing them both of their uniform vests with his aura followed by magically stimulating their teats and marehoods—two things he’d gotten very good at over the past two years and were the main reasons mares kept coming back to him even after they knew they couldn’t land him. Unaware of his thoughts, Courier Six gave a heavy sigh. “Look, you heard Postage Due—she teased C-M over Derpy kissing him, and he took it badly. Who knows—maybe he got turned on by it and didn’t want to show it?” she suggested with a smirk as she brought out some fresh mail cartons by balancing them on her back, her name coming from the fact that she was the sixth foal of two mail carrier parents and because ‘after the first five, they were too lazy to think of another name,’ as she told the story. “Certified Mail turned on? And by Derpy of all ponies?” Express Shipment scoffed as she worked on another outgoing mail pile, wondering what they were teaching in schools given she found a letter by a foal addressed to a griffon friend in “London, England.” It’s called LOONDON, EAGLELAND! She rolled her eyes at the multiple misspellings. She found herself tempted to reject the letter for that alone, though she relented when she found that at least the postal code was correct. “That would be the day!” “Well, do you have a better explanation?” Courier Six asked irritably as she dumped the next carton of small incoming mail items on the table in front of her and began sorting through them with her aura, not noticing Priority Parcel’s gaze fixed on her. “He probably got turned on and didn’t know how to deal with it, so he bolted.” “You really think so?” Express Shipment asked dubiously. “I do! I mean, think about it—why else would he just flee into the storm like that? He was probably showing and didn’t want us to see it!” she snickered as Priority Parcel shifted uncomfortably, his cheeks increasingly warm and having just enough restraint left to keep carefully out of sight behind his work table even as he couldn’t tear his gaze away from the pair, his eyes devouring them as his throbbing organ impossibly gained another inch of girth. “Lousy time for it, though. We’re now three down without him.” “Make that four down. So where’s Owlia?” Express Shipment wondered aloud as thunder boomed again; the lights flickered and she swore for a moment she heard a raucous cry over its din. “There’s a G-E courier coming into Ponyville tonight, so we’ll need her for more than just sorting duties. And it’s not like her to be late, anyway.” “So she probably already found Certified Mail and now she’s sleeping with him,” Priority Parcel snickered, amazed he could sound so calm even as his loins and aura felt increasingly ready to explode; it was all he could do not to pick the pair up bodily with his aura and pull them to him while bathing them in his mating magic. “Or who knows? Maybe our eagless friend is finding out what a real male is and getting drilled by some stud of a stallion.” To his surprise, he imagined it was him, leaving him briefly wondering if there was anypony he wouldn’t rut at that moment. “Some stud like you?” Courier Six instantly picked up on the implication, rolling her eyes while Express Shipment just snorted. “You know how griffons rut, right, Priority Parcel? She’d tear you up in a mating round!” “And since your fragile flank couldn’t even fight to begin with, she wouldn’t be turned on by you at all!” Express Shipment teased. “But then again, she’d hardly be alone in that—neither are we!” She exchanged a high hoof with Courier Six. Priority Parcel smirked as the insult registered, more determined than ever to show the two mares how wrong they were by seducing them right then and there! “Now them’s fighting words! You know, I bet I could have you both begging for me in a matter of minutes.” Courier Six and Express Shipment gave him a look of pure disdain. “You’re not the stud you think you are, Priority Parcel,” the former stated, having gotten well-used to his suggestive behavior and innuendoes long before, having politely tolerated them for his youth and usefulness in his job. “Just because you get a few desperate mares looking for suitable stallions doesn’t mean we’re your own personal breeding racks!” He shortly took his flirtatious behavior to a whole different level, however, throwing caution and common sense completely to the wind. “Only because you haven’t tried me yet!” He stepped out behind his counter to show off his pride and joy in the form of his impressive nine inch erection, stretching out his hindquarters in display. “So step right up, fillies! We’ve got a few minutes before the boss comes back, so I’d be happy to do you both!” They stared at him in disbelief, the pair instantly recognizing that it was very brazen behavior, even for him! “Put that away before C-M sees you, Priority Parcel,” Courier Six was annoyed while an unimpressed Express Shipment just rolled her eyes. “You’re not my type. Or even my preferred gender.” “Oh, you think so? I’ll take that bet!” he offered eagerly, getting steadily bolder as he began stroking himself openly with his magic, even finally allowing his mating aura to ignite as the final threads of his badly frayed sense of restraint were snipped. But a surprised Courier Six instantly blocked it with her own magic, shielding herself and Express Shipment from the effects. “Turn off the tuck light, Priority Parcel. I’m immune,” she announced in growing anger. “I don’t appreciate it. I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but you’re really starting to push it with me!” “Oh yeah? And how do you know you aren’t into guys if you haven’t had them?” he tried again. “Don’t fight it, C-S. You know you want yourself some stallion.” his voice was half-boasting, half pleading as he found his normally-potent mating magic neutralized by the older and more magically experienced mare. Courier Six exchanged another eyeroll with her earth pony friend, but then gave her fellow mare a wink as she got a very evil grin. “Well, I guess I can’t argue with your logic, double-P. So I tell you what: I’ll try a stallion—if you do as well!” She grinned evilly, causing his expression to instantly drop as the import of the statement registered. “Wh-what?” he protested even as his aura suddenly intensified further and his erect organ stiffened further at the idea, causing him to gape at his own reaction. A reaction that was not lost on Courier Six, who immediately and quite gleefully drove her horn deeper. “You heard me. And since you want me to be mounted by a stallion, it’s only fair that you get mounted by one first!” “Seconded!” Express Shipment raised a hoof, greatly enjoying seeing Priority Parcel squirm. “I admit, I’d love to see your purple plot plugged by some ‘stud of a stallion’, Priority Parcel! In fact, I’d pay good bits to watch it!” She bared her teeth with her grin as she saw his cheeks flush further. “N-now wait just a moon minute! I’m no colt-cuddler!” he stammered, trying desperately to suppress a sudden—and very visible—surge of his arousal and mating aura, finally retreating back behind the table to hide the hardness he was previously only too proud to show. He tried to shift his thoughts and fantasies back to mares but suddenly stallions were all he could think of. “Could’ve fooled us!” Courier Six mocked with a nod at his brightly glowing horn while maintaining her own barrier against its effects, surprised at the younger stallion’s strength of aura but having no problem countering it. “Looks like somepony’s got a quiet case of the gay to me!” “B-but…” For once, Priority Parcel was at a complete loss, sitting back to clutch his own head. Wh-where did this COME from? I’ve NEVER had a gay thought in my LIFE! It was only then he remembered flipping through a Playmare magazine once as a teen and slamming it shut when he got turned on; it had taken him weeks to stop dreaming about the chiseled and well-hung stallions he saw in it afterwards. “He’s a cert, alright; definitely a full-blown shaft-sucker. I knew a few back in the day. So don’t fight it, double-P. You know you want yourself some stallion.” Express Shipment threw his own words back in his face. “You said it, fillyfriend! But you know, if he is gonna get mounted, we should charge other mares for the show!” Courier Six suggested. “Sh-show?” his stubborn stallionhood twitched even harder at the idea of being observed by all the ponies he had ever bedded. “I like that! Considering how many mares he rutted and then jilted, I bet we’d make a mint! And don’t forget his muzzle!” Courier Six licked her lips lewdly at him. “I bet sucking on some juicy stallion shaft would shut up his boasting for a bit!” “N-No!” he shouted even as his muzzle began to water and his hips bucked once, knocking over the table to reveal his enormous erection, at least two inches longer than previously. “Ooo… look at that, C6—he wants it bad!” Express Shipment stepped forward for a closer look while Priority Parcel could only back into the corner, trapped by the two mares turning his own taunts and teases back on him. “You got that right! He’s a Colt-Cuddler if I ever saw one!” Courier Six made a show of licking her muzzle and activating her own mating aura, though she kept it under control enough to prevent it from affecting her earth pony friend. She also materialized a magical construct to make a show of pleasuring herself to the idea, though she turned enough to keep her hindquarters out of sight of him, letting him guess what she was doing without directly seeing it, frustrating him further. “Well, I guess you were right, double-P—you did turn me on!” she mocked as she began openly pleasuring herself. “You know, I’ve heard rumors about Thunderlane and Soarin! The Wonderbolts are scheduled for a show in Ponyville this weekend, so, should we schedule your tucking from them the evening after…?” “Wha—? NO!” He flinched at the image of the two Wonderbolts mounting him from both ends as his erection impossibly got even larger for it, leaving him wondering if it would ever go down! “Okay, buck the both of you!” he announced haughtily even as his shaft drizzled steadily on the floor beneath him, preparing to storm out and head down the nearest pub even if it cost him his job. “Only in your dreams, Parcel. Or are they filled with pony phalluses now?” A triumphant Courier Six landed the finishing blow. Before the flustered and improbably aroused Priority Parcel could answer, there was another thunderous strike of lightning that shook the building, coincidental with a massive magical surge all present felt, causing the firegem lights to shatter throughout the post office and rain down from the ceiling on them with a series of sparks and crystal shards. The surge overwhelmed Courier Six’s shield and sent a pulse of sensual feedback down her horn, knocking her to the ground, leaving her feeling not unlike she’d just climaxed—hard! “What the hay…?” Though lacking a horn, Express Shipment could feel the tingling aftereffects of the surge herself, leaving her feeling like she’d just shared somepony’s sexual pleasure. “That was mating magic! What did you do, double-P?” she demanded to know, suddenly and very strongly turned on despite all her best efforts, finding her thoughts turning quickly not to Priority Parcel or even her own stallion, but to Courier Six beside her! “Nothing!” the sorely aroused unicorn stallion insisted through gritted teeth, now trying desperately to suppress the same-sex fantasies that were still clawing at him; his entire aura momentarily extinguished by the feedback of the massive magical surge. Worse, the disruption of his magic left him with no way to relieve his redoubled need for relief short of manual manipulation, which he wasn’t at all good at. “That wasn’t me!” he said as he found himself rolling over on his back to fumble at himself with his hooves. “He’s not lying…” A shaky Courier Six confirmed in the dark as she tried to pull herself up on the table, only to falter again, falling to her side, resisting the fierce urge to dig a hoof into her marehood in the sudden absence of her own magic. “That wasn’t his magic! I don’t know of any unicorn who could climax so strongly—not even Princess Twilight!” She laid still, trying to gather herself, only to feel her entire body tingling fiercely with the caster’s residual pleasure. “Whose, then?”  a dazed Express Shipment asked, only to receive the answer in the form of a bright flash of light in the middle of the darkened room, causing them to look away. “Wha—?” she started to speak again as she blinked the spots in her vision away, only to be caught short by the sudden sight of three sets of glowing slitted cat-eyes, all staring hungrily at them, the powerful and predatory presences behind them freezing her words in her throat. “So, I see you all are goofing off again…” Certified Mail’s ominous and unusually deep voice broke the darkened silence except for what sounded like the rippling of fabric and the licking of lips. “But maybe I’ve been working you too hard lately. It is Nightmare Night, after all. So I’ll be a kind boss for once—and throw you all an office party!” With those words, he ignited his enormously powerful mating aura, causing their fur and flesh to burn with intense sensual fire. > Postal Passions: 8 - Pony Sexpress > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Priority Parcel, Express Shipment and Courier Six were still reeling from what the two unicorns of the group had instantly recognized as a climactic release of massively powerful mating magic. One immense enough to destroy the lights and shatter their own innate magical defenses, sending a sharp wave of sexual feedback down their horns and directly into their heads and bodies. The blinding flash of light in front of them that Express Shipment dimly recognized as a teleport—a feat that shouldn’t even have been possible given the Post Office’s anti-intrusion enchantments and suppression fields that prevented unicorn intruders from winking in—shortly resolved into three large and menacing shadowy forms, just visible against the nearly continuous lightning flashes out the window. “So, I see you all are goofing off again…” Certified Mail’s ominous and unusually deep voice broke the darkened silence except for what sounded like the rippling of fabric and the licking of lips as one of the figures flared what looked to Courier Six to be a massive pair of bat wings, reaching from nearly one side of the room to the other! “But you know, maybe I’ve been working you too hard lately. It is Nightmare Night, after all! So I’ll be a kind boss for once—and throw you all an office party!” With those words, he ignited his horn and began emitting an enormously powerful mating aura, causing their fur and flesh to burn with intense sensual fire. “C-M! What are you...?” Courier Six found her voice first even as she found her excitement surging further along with her two coworkers, only to trail off as the mating magic flowed back down her horn directly into her forehead. It then spread out through the rest of her, quickly filling her to the brim with it, leaving her aware of little else except her own raging instincts to rut her equally turned on coworkers. They all initially recoiled from the mating magic as if it was intense heat—one that imparted passion and pleasure instead of pain—only to find there was no escape from it; every surface of the room became so quickly and heavily infused with their manager’s mating magic that they began to reradiate it with a soft but slowly growing violet glow, offering no respite anywhere and causing every touch with every surface to result in an intense tingling sensation. “I… this…” Express Shipment just barely managed through suddenly dry lips as her marehood quickly moistened and the nub at its base engorged, becoming quite prominent as she could see the same happening to Courier Six in front of her, whose tail involuntarily flagged and marehood began frantically winking. Either by accident or design, it was pointed right at her and barely a leg’s length away; a scent of desert sagebrush quickly saturated her nose and turned her head towards it. “Just relax…” Certified Male told them with a smirk that was just visible in the low light as he intensified his mating aura further, to the immense satisfaction of the altered mare and griffon eagless, flanking him, who were holding toe claws and rubbing their bat wings together lightly at the sight. “And don’t worry, I’m not going to touch any of you. Night Owl and Package Handler here might, but I won’t. At least, not until you transform!” “Trans… form?” a dazed Express Shipment managed as she found her hooves soaking up the magic from the tiled floor like a sponge and finding her forehoof drawn to her own marehood like a magnet, snaking down between her legs. “What do you—Ah!” Courier Six likewise cried out as she made first contact with her femininity; the magic stored in her forehoof flowing just as quickly into the sensitive surface with an overpowering sensual pleasure that made her legs buckle and finally collapse to the floor, pushing her lower belly into contact with the strangely warm and magically charged surface, obeying the instinct to soak up as much of the strange energy as she could. “What’s… happening?” Express Shipment asked in a shaky voice as she, too, began clopping helplessly alongside her nearby coworker, instinctively rolling over on her back to give easier access. Her teats quickly hardened with a deliciously sharp tingling sensation as the flesh around them began to swell on her belly before her eyes, seemingly fed by several streams of visible magical energy coming off the glowing floor around her! “Don’t fight it, girls,” Package Handler advised with what sounded like a lick of her lips accompanied by an odd clicking sound. “You can’t, and why would you want to? So just accept it. Enjoy it! Even you, Priority Parcel! Just sit tight and we’ll tuck you later—after all your innuendos and endless bragging about your exploits, I’m pretty sure everypony here will want a piece of your tail! “Tuck me…?” an unsteady and barely mobile Priority Parcel asked as, despite his half-hearted and increasingly feeble efforts to block it, visible concentrations of mating magic began collecting at points near him like table corners and even the former firegem socket of a shattered desk lamp, visible as an enhanced purple glow that felt both cool and hot to stand near. The gathered glow slowly stretched out in a series of thin tendrils from their sources to his body favoring the more sensitive and magically conductive surfaces, including his horn and intimate areas. They infused both steadily, charging him with more and more magic. “Tuck you, lover-colt!” Owlia’s voice confirmed as she exchanged a quick kiss with Certified Male, the latter sparing a tendril of aura to tease her marehood, eliciting an odd non-griffon hiss of pleasure. “But since you never bothered me, I’ll leave that to the others, then!” she said with what he had a dim sense was a nod towards Express Shipment and Courier Six, whose attentions were slowly but surely turning to each other. “But I’m not…” He was unable to finish the sentence as a series of lurid images flashed through his fevered thoughts, each more heady than last and each involving him being dominated, claimed and filled by multiple stallion shafts, starting with that of Certified Mail himself! And worse, his arousal only accelerated with every fresh same-sex fantasy; his apples felt increasingly large and seed-laden as they soaked up the alien energy like a sponge, while his organ throbbed hard as its size and already-exquisitely keen sensitivity grew further, soaking up the corruptive sexual magic from his surroundings. “Well, look at that, Night Owl! I think he likes the idea!” Package Handler noted in some glee, reaching beneath her belly to stroke her new organ in the relative darkness with some wet sliding sounds from her still-soaked wings. “Oh! So you mean that after all his bragging about the mares he’s bedded, he’s actually a tiercel tucker?” Night Owl teased as well, causing a shiver to pass through the sorely aroused stallion as the gryphon version of colt-cuddler registered. “It explains a lot!” “Never fails. It’s always the colts who boast the most about their mares!” Certified Male said in some contempt as he kept his mating aura at maximum, giving his often-annoying subordinate no respite, deliberately addicting him to it—and to him!—even though he had no intention of indulging him in his current form. “So we’re seeing your true colors now, Priority Parcel!  “Guess I’ll have to report on your performance appraisal to the Postmare General that you’re not reliable in work or in rutting!” He grinned toothfully, his thestral fangs glowing brightly against the darker backdrop of the room. His horn’s enhanced mating aura cast what appeared to the unconverted to be a blacklight over everything, causing the more magically conductive surfaces in the room to also fluoresce, including the hooves and intimate areas of the unconverted ponies present; horns and erogenous zones soon glowing brightly with reflected and reradiated sexual light. “Stop… it…” Priority Parcel tried to crawl away from the teasing words; the inescapable stimulation and unnaturally arousing emissions only for fresh concentrations of mating aura to form near him wherever he went and reach out for him anew. The irresistible sexual energy flowed freely into his flesh and soon even directly into his body through his muzzle and anal orifices, causing his same-sex fantasies to flare anew as the both ends of him became deliciously sensitive—and worse, very receptive to rutting! “Stop it!” he begged his manager again, sitting back and clutching his head while trying to both tug his uniform shirt down over his rapt and rock-hard shaft while also erecting a shield around him, only to fail at both as his horn could only throw off a few sensual sparks. “I don’t… I’m not a…” Thwarted, he tugged desperately at his shirt tail with a hoof, trying to hide the evidence of his excitement. “Yes, he is!” Courier Six spoke up as she crawled over to Express Shipment and began making out with her as they both worked their marehoods frantically. “But he’s so insecure about it he tried to seduce us both before you came here! Even me, an avowed filly-fooler!” she said in some disgust that was quickly overshadowed by her actions as she grasped hooves with her earth pony coworker, who was bent over in a fetal position on the floor, moaning as she dug her hoof hard between her thighs. “Or m-me, a married mare!” Express Shipment noted unsteadily as Courier Six began expertly stimulating her with her aura, climbing on top of her and laying belly to belly with her as she pressed her swollen, nearly-melon sized mammaries capped with rigid two-inch long teats into those of her earth pony friend.  They then began grinding them together to mutual enjoyment and soon outright ecstasy; the latter’s nectar drooling downwards from her wet and winking marehood onto—and into!—the equally hot and humid opening of her coworker as twin aura constructs shortly thrust into them both in an alternating pistoning manner; one that suggested to a dazed Express Shipment that her frontier friend had done such things with mares before! “B-but he didn’t care! Even g-gave me—uh!—lip when I told him to—ah!—get back to work!” she added in a halting manner, trying to focus around her intense and growing rapture, having never felt anything so strong or sensual before! “I see… is that all?” Certified Male asked in a gruff voice, even as he focused his mating aura fully on them for a few seconds, driving their arousal yet higher while making their efforts to relieve it even more frantic. The pair instinctively and automatically turned their marehoods towards the source of the sensual flames consuming them, trying to drink up even more of it. “N-no! He even C-called me a boss mare under his breath and then he mmPPPH!” Her voice was silenced as Courier Six’s darting and tasty tongue invaded her muzzle, performing a very practiced dance with her own, leaving her wondering why she’d ever stayed with her stallion if all she ever wanted or needed was now lying on top of her!. “Traitor!” Priority Parcel accused even as he found himself backed into a corner of the sorting room, loudly tripping over a trash can and then finding himself flat on his flank with his apples already the size of oranges and growing even larger as they came into contact with the glowing crystal veins in the granite floor tile, which immediately began feeding him more corruptive mating magic. His body all but inhaled it through his anal orifice, immersing his insides in it and leaving it difficult from him to move as he suddenly felt hot and very heavy.  He tried to think of something else—tried even to focus on the incredibly unlikely and lurid scene of mating mares in front of him only to find he couldn’t enjoy it. Not when all he could think of at that moment were stallions in general and his manager in particular, improbably wanting not a mare to mount, but to take the role of a mare himself!   “Please, C-M! Turn the tuck light off!” he begged his manager in a quavering voice as the head of his slowly lengthening organ began to produce a rapidly growing wet spot against his uniform shirt where it held it captive against his upper belly, well above his navel. His plea only resulted in a series of snickers and sensual slurmps as they recognized his state. “So now you know what it’s like, Double-P!” an unsympathetic Courier Six called out. “So… insubordination and sexual harassment of your superiors?” Certified Male noted with a growl as he advanced fractionally on his stumbling subordinate, who was badly flushed and now fighting a losing battle to hide his enormous and obvious erection within the bottom of his uniform shirt, which didn’t quite cover it as he struggled to hold it down over it with what few shreds of control he had left over his own aura. “N-not my fault… c-couldn’t help it…” he protested shakily, not denying it. “Had t-to… rut…” “I don’t want your excuses! I warned you before to keep it in your sheath, but you wouldn’t listen! And I won’t stand for it, Priority Parcel! You’ll have to be disciplined!” Certified male announced with a barely mock glower, though there was an evil gleam in his newly glowing  cat eyes as he zapped his subordinate’s uniform, enchanting it to start unraveling itself from the bottom up, progressively baring more of the erect organ he’d been trying so hard to hide. “Wha—no!” Priority Parcel shouted but couldn’t come up with a counter-spell or enough magic to power it as first his medial ridge became visible and shortly the entire shaft bounced free. It produced a sudden spray of clear but sticky fluid from the tip as pressure was relieved on the partially flared head, which he then tried to cover with his hooves. But the freed threads then respun themselves into ropes and wrapped around his limbs before stretching out to anchor themselves to nearby furniture, pulling his fore and hind legs apart to display him fully. “Not bad…” Postage Due’s voice admitted. “That’s a pretty good size for being unaltered. Guess he wasn’t completely full of himself.” “Still nothing compared to us, though!” Owlia’s voice rejoined, causing his eyes to dart between their respective silhouettes, not understanding why they appeared to be shadows except for their eyes while everything else was lit up to varying degrees by the blacklight-like mating aura. “So what are we gonna do with him? Discipline him?” her teeth suddenly glowed bright white; some even appeared to be pointed! “Oh, I could think of a few ways to do that!” Owlia suggested mildly. “But since his affront was to them, I think they should be the ones to tuck him!” She nodded back towards Express Shipment and Courier Six, who were now rolling back and forth over each other in their passion, the latter losing her Stetson hat in the process, revealing a long flowing mane except for a small bare area in front of her left ear with a rather ugly scar. They only stopped when Courier Six ended up on her back and Express Shipment began going down on her brightly glowing horn, which she began kissing and nibbling at. “W-wait—th-this isn’t cheating, is it…?” The latter suddenly wondered between licks even as she continued to grind her large and laden belly breasts into her friend’s, wondering why they hadn’t done this before. “Not in my book—ah!” Courier Six assured her somewhat frantically and breathlessly as she trembled visibly and then cried out under the direct stimulation of her horn, her eyes squeezed tightly shut as her marehood emitted a quick squirt of sagebrush-scented fluid onto the floor in front of her, causing even more mating magic to collect around it. “L-like I learned in the Moojave Express, you take what opportunities for rest and relaxation you get, whether with the local donkey judys or trading gems for fun with diamond dog dams! Or put another way—any port in a storm!” she said as a loud clap of thunder sounded outside for emphasis. “Aw… look at that. They really do make a cute couple,” Night Owl admitted as she briefly groomed her new bat-wings, cleaning each membrane surface between her new wingfingers in turn. “If you say so,” Certified Male shrugged. “As long as they’re mares, I’m just not interested.” “Well, I can fix that!” Night Owl said as she stepped forward towards them. “How about it, fillies? Want some eagless action? Or maybe a tiercel tuck instead?” she asked as she flared her wings hard, causing confusion in a frozen and fearful Priority Parcel as he again saw what did not look like feathered wings, but increasingly looked like something out of a vampony horror novel he’d once read where even gryphons were converted to blood-sucking undead beasts. “Huh?” Express Shipment stared at her in some daze over Courier Six’s horn, as Courier Six herself opened her glazed eyes and focused through the darkness with some difficulty. “Eagless… sure… but tiercel?” She blinked. “Ah, right. Guess you can’t see me yet. Then if you wouldn’t mind, C-M?” she requested with a deferential baring of her throat to him.  “My pleasure.” He released a glowing ball that floated to the top of the ceiling and then burned bright, illuminating her like a spotlight, leading to gasps of excitement and fear as they beheld her new features. “Owlia!” an agape Express Shipment began. “You’re a… bat-gryphon?” Courier Six didn’t know what else to call her but was surprised to feel a fresh surge of blood into her intimate areas as she imagined making love to such a exotic and incredible female specimen. “It’s Night Owl now… but sure am! And that’s not all!” She then reared up to her full height to show off a massive griffon lionhood bracketed by four equally oversized teats. “So how about it, fillies! Want to share me? Take a drink or a tuck from this, and it’ll give you a beak and wings! To say nothing of a set of male equipment that’ll put anything Priority Parcel said he has to shame!” “Wow… really?” Express Shipment wasn’t sure why she believed it, let alone why she was so turned on by it, but she did and she was! “You know, I could deliver a lot faster with wings…” Courier Six admitted as for the first time she found herself with eyes for male attributes, tracing the exotic and oversized griffon organ’s impressive dimensions and noting the bulblike bulge near its base. “I’d never have to worry about navigating canyon cliffs or belligerent buffalo tribes ever again! You can really… change us?” she barely dared hope. “Yep! Just like Package Handler here…” She nodded over to the side, inviting the former Postage Due to step forward, which she did quite happily, revealing her Hippogriff features. “Holy…” Priority Parcel felt on the verge of fainting as he beheld her new form, sporting both male and female equipment as well as a sharp beak, tufted ears and bat wings, the throbbing of his own untouched and unmolested shaft only getting worse as he imagined them taking him from in front and behind; the thought causing both his muzzle and nearly-fully flared head to drool. His reaction did not go unnoticed. “Oh, like you deserve her or Night Owl, Priority Parcel!” Certified Male sneered as he stepped into the light himself, showing off his darker coat and longer horn as well as his own enormous organ, easily the largest of the three. “But don’t worry—we’ll get to you eventually, but we’ll let you ripen a little more first! In the meantime, enjoy the show! I know I will, my darling Night Owl…” He gave her another tease with his aura. “Mmmm…” she drank up the magical contact for a moment with closed eyes before opening them again and turning her gaze back on the two unaltered mares before her. “So how ‘bout it, fillies? Want me? Want this?” she offered up her new eaglehood again, to which the two mail workers looked at it, and then at each other. And then they shifted fractionally off each other, inviting their longtime griffon colleague to place it between their bellies where it could be pillowed completely by their large and laden mammaries. > Postal Passions: 9 - Courier Sex > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A heady and hopelessly aroused Courier Six realized two things as she separated slightly from her longtime and long-married coworker, who, even if they’d been friends, had never shown the slightest interest in her or mares in general before. One was that her belly breasts were now far larger than they’d been; two massive melon-sized mammaries that wobbled happily as they were pulled back from the equally engorged pair belonging to Express Shipment, the four mounds between them each topped by a single tight and fiercely tingling teat.  The other was that past proclivities suddenly no longer mattered to her as she found herself hungrily eyeing the large eagless organ offered to her—and how strange was that to even think, let alone behold?—not caring in the slightest that it was in fact a male organ that she would have considered utter anathema to even touch, let alone allow entry to her, but minutes earlier. But none of it mattered then; not even her beloved Stetson hat falling off her head to bare her arrow scar—she’d swapped some stories with Applejack over the former; the farmer mare was the only other pony who could understand her attachment to it. All that did matter for all her unbearable arousal was to watch the griffon stallionhood approach.  To drink in its fine form with her eyes.  To feel it nestle between their bellies, pillowed by their massive milk producers in an act she’d never even heard of, let alone thought of before! To worship its impressive length with her muzzle while drinking down as much eagless seed as she could from the griffon she’d liked and related to so well, for their shared pasts as couriers to isolated and even hostile realms. To finally take it all into her and to allow herself to be claimed by it. To be bred by it! To be remade by it! She exchanged a glance with Express Shipment, whose cheeks and body looked every bit as flushed and fertile as her, ready and eager to be rutted by their good griffon friend. Even as she awaited Owlia’s advance, she found herself wondering why she hadn’t tried to seduce the other mare before this; suddenly rueing all the time they could have spent doing the swirl on the backroom floor. Her horn still tingled fiercely from the oral attention it had received, now emitting her own, far weaker mating aura; one that was dwarfed by the sheer amount of sexual magic that Certified Mail—Certified Mail!—was giving off. “Well! That’s quite an invitation, you two!” Owlia—or “Night Owl” as she now called herself in her new and undeniably alluring bat-griffon form—took a moment to savor the offer and pose they were presenting to her; her exotic eagless lionhood engorging even further under their hungry gazes while her slitted and glowing eyes flicked back and forth between their monumental mammaries and frantically winking marehoods.  “But you know, I’d hate to break Postal Service fraternization rules without permission! They’re your underlings and I’m just a lowly G-E rep assigned here, C-M! So can I convert them?” She turned to him, giving him a very affectionate and very feline rub of her cheek. “By all means.” He returned the gesture with a smile. His pointed thestral teeth all but glowed in the blacklight mating aura emitted by his horn, which was now being reradiated by every quartz vein in the granite floor and the shards of shattered firegem lights that littered the room. “I’ll set my fraternization rules aside this once. After all, the sooner you change them, the sooner I can do them!” “Huh? You mean you don’t want us… now?” Express Shipment sounded hurt as she stared in awe and frustrated desire at him, noting his enormous equine erection and impressively large thestralcorn form. He lacked wings, but had their eyes, darker coat and a longer horn, allowing him to both see and hide in darkness while broadcasting a powerful brand of mating magic unlike anything a mere unicorn could possess—one that not only turned them on so badly they were willing to tuck anything that moved, but even made them desire him! “We want her, but we want you too, C-M!” Courier Six agreed somewhat frantically, winking her marehood at him repeatedly and trying to give him a tug with her unfocused aura. “You’ve always been fair to us, so you know we’ll treat you right!” He offered the pair of lovelorn mares a nod of acknowledgment but nothing more. “Appreciate the offer. And I know you would. But sorry, not now. Or I should say, not yet!” He dropped his gruff manner for just a moment and his normally stern expression softened at their crestfallen faces. “No offense girls, but mares—or stallions, before you ask—never did it for me and Night Owl here finally showed me why—it turns out I’d been looking in the wrong places all along! “Instead of hooves and horns, I needed wings and beaks and tasseled tails! Needed four teats and feathered chests!” He gave each eagless attribute his magical attention in turn, reverently caressing them, then gave Package Handler the same treatment to her hippogriff features as the two females stood flanking him, each closing their slitted eyes in deep pleasure to drink in his deliciously tingling touch and favor. To the envy of the two unaltered mares and the shock of Priority Parcel, they allowed him to do whatever he wished to them, as Certified Male noticed the agape gaze of the latter and turned to him with a smirk. “That’s right—they’re mine! So eat your heart out, double-P!” “Wha? Y-You tucked Postage Due? Even tucked Owlia?” Priority Parcel asked in a shaky voice as he lay helpless. He was still bound to the floor while his stallionhood stood rigid above his prone body, so stiff it was only able to wobble slightly as it left a steady stream of seed drooling onto his bare belly and matting his fur down. “Yeah. Got a problem with that, colt-cuddler?” Certified Male was instantly back in his manager mode. He took great glee in Priority Parcel’s reaction as simply hearing the phrase caused the former self-described lady’s stallion to take a ragged breath; his prominent organ twitching hard as it gained another inch of girth, visibly pulsing as his body in general and sexual organs in particular continued to visibly absorb more and more magic from the environment around him. “Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about you! Give me a minute, and I’ll find somepony to tuck your tight little tail!” Certified Male’s evil grin grew more pronounced as he watched the formerly boastful stallion’s body betray him, his organ squirting a small amount of seed and a tortured moan escaping his lips as his tail involuntarily flagged for a moment like a mare’s before he caught himself.  He then bit off his moan and tried to use his tail to cover his swelling apples along with the lower half of his equally unhideable erection, but that only lasted until his former manager enchanted another piece of his uniform to unravel and wrap around his tail, holding it away from his body to display his undeniable arousal for all to see. “Well, I can’t say you’ll impress many mares like that, double-P! But I imagine you’ll find some lucky stallion to make a mare out of you!” Certified Male went for the kill. “Stop it… stop it!” Priority Parcel begged from his bound state as he felt himself going faint from the fantasies being forcibly fed him. “Stop what? Stop revealing your true colt-cuddler self? Stop being the mare magnet you claim you were?” Certified Male further mocked him; Priority Parcel could only watch in disbelief as he magically felt up a very happy Owlia and Postage Due again, who responded with great and clearly unexaggerated enjoyment while on the floor before him, Courier Six and Express Shipment ignored their stallion coworker completely to look upon the scene longingly, all the while winking their marehoods in desperate enticement at the objects of their affection—their manager and his already-accepted herdmates. “C-M? We love you!” Express Shipment told him, wishing she had the griffon or hippogriff features he so loved to offer him. “And we want you!” Courier Six added without a hint of hesitation for her formerly fillyfooler ways, reaching down with her aura to spread their lips wider in open invitation. “So many mares… so little time!” Certified Male sighed heavily in direct imitation and mockery of Priority Parcel, rubbing it in further as he then drove his point home by rearing up to mount Owlia directly. His entry elicited a sound that was half-hiss, half-squawk of pleasure as she immediately and eagerly accepted him, pushing back hard against him until he’d improbably sank himself in her to the hilt! The three unaltered male workers looked upon the scene in both shock and awe as he began thrusting into her happily. His enormous apples slapped loudly against her slightly smaller ones while her wings went rigid in a visible sign of her enjoyment. Package Handler watched the scene giddily as she slowly stroked herself to the sight. “Breed her, C-M…” she murmured to herself. “And then breed me!” “And don’t forget us!” Express Shipment reminded him, her pose still one of open display and invitation with her mammaries partially pressed against Courier Six’s, her eyes shifting rapidly between the incredibly erotic interspecies display and the large organ wobbling and occasionally weakly spurting beneath Owlia’s belly, frustratingly out of reach. “I haven’t!” he promised as he continued to thrust, who had used that line just days earlier and all but whimpered as he watched. “Though Night Owl here gets you first! And I’m really sorry to interrupt her, but those feline flanks of hers are just too tempting! But don’t worry—I’m a generous boss! I wouldn’t want to keep her from you, especially since she’s going to transform you!” He licked her lips and then his horn glow brightened as he fed it a new spell, this one improbably self-levitating both himself and his eagless lover as one—a magical feat, Courier Six instantly knew, that was almost impossible to perform with your own weight, let alone with another, much larger and heavier being in tow!  For him to accomplish it meant he was now an incredibly powerful unicorn—thestralcorn, she instantly corrected herself—watching in spellbound amazement as he floated himself and Owlia a few feet over to straddle the two mares, settling her and her enticing eagless organ gently between them even as he continued to happily thrust into her, so deep in her he had to be pushing past her inner opening to be claiming her very womb! His latest display of magical prowess only making them desire him further, both Courier Six and Express Shipment instantly moaned and pressed themselves into the offered gryphon stallionhood from both sides, eliciting another happy thestral hiss from her as she began thrusting gently between their prominent mounds of mammary flesh. The repeated passage of her shaft slickened and stimulated their surfaces with her seed and the rougher edges of her tapered head before she stepped forward slightly, pushing more of her shaft between them. She soon had the middle third of its length nestled snugly between their teats, which only grew further as they absorbed more arousal and alteration magic from her soaking seed, allowing them to pillow even more of the exotic and enormous gryphon shaft between them. They resumed their make-out session as they did so with a series of moans and increasingly frantic kisses, enjoying not just the feel of the half-eagle, half-leonine organ against their full belly breasts, but the friction of the top of the gently sloped bulb at its base pressed into their lower marehoods. It found and ground hard against each of their throbbing nubs at its base, sending a series of sensual shocks like erotic electricity through them that caused them to shudder with each thrust. Through it all, their remaining unbound audience watched with keen interest and longing. Package Handler tried to remain politely silent as Certified Male was now both her boss and her stallion, but she could finally restrain herself no longer. “C-can I join in, too, C-M?” the former pegasus asked in a pleading tone. “Please…?” He gave her a stern look belied by a wink. “Well, since you’ve been so punctual and efficient in your duties of late… I guess so!” he invited in mock gruffness from atop Night Owl’s back, holding his tail in her muzzle as he continued to claim her griffon marehood, then smirked.  “I’ll overlook the egregious violation of my no personal business during working hours policy just this once! And probably every time after…” he chuckled to himself as he exchanged a deep beak-to-muzzle kiss with his new hippogriff mare, enjoying the flagged-tail view of her as she departed, drinking in both her male and female attributes from behind. “Thanks, C-M! So, is there room for one more?” Package Handler asked hopefully as she went to the other end of the two mares, rearing up slightly and flaring her wings for balance as she offered up her own hybrid and half-avian stallionhood to them.  “Huh…?” “How about wha—?” the sorely dazed and sensually distracted pair started to inquire before they noticed the drooling shaft hanging in front of their noses. The mixture of male musk and feminine scent instantly attracted their attention, causing their muzzles to water. “There is from me!” Night Owl managed between grunts as her long tongue repeatedly licked her lengthened beak, even wrapping around it at times as she savored the feel of soft and yielding feminine flesh pillowed around the middle of her organ; its head spurting slightly with each fresh thrust of her equine stallion behind her. “And C-M? If you’re worried about this being fraternization or personal business, we’ll just call it… a team-building exercise!” “That works!” Certified Male confirmed with a grin as off to the side, Priority Parcel continued to watch in disbelief, less over the incredibly unlikely scene than finding himself not with eyes for all the varied female attributes in evidence, but the male ones! “Never let it be said I never did anything for team morale!” “Then join in, Package Handler! Looks like the duty roster has a spot for you to fill in front…” A breathless Night Owl offered, immensely enjoying both the substantial stallion meat filling her all the way to her inner nest as her own malehood lay neatly nestled between the two mares below, who worshipped it with their twin teats—how odd that they only had two instead of four! She’d have to change that—and further ground their bellies into the head of her griffon lionhood as they clutched each other in shared passion and pleasure. They barely even heard the exchange above them as they began to nuzzle and lick the hybrid hippogriff shaft dangling before them, immediately drawing Package Handler further forward with a pleasured hiss as her tapered head disappeared inside Express Shipment’s muzzle with a impassioned moan. It was an act she’d never performed before, even on her own herd stallion, as it was something normally only associated with colt-cuddlers. But now? But now, she found herself addicted to the act, wanting to see how much of its glorious girth she could accommodate in her muzzle. With every loving lick, she urged forth the future flood of seed she awaited from its already-drizzling tip; the incredibly potent and magically-charged male essence causing her very tongue to tingle fiercely as it absorbed the transformative magic within it and began to lengthen towards thestral dimensions within her muzzle. For her part, Courier Six couldn’t believe what she was doing as she savored the smell and taste of the shaft a little further back, waiting her turn to sample the seed dripping from its tip—finding herself enjoying not one but two male organs at once, each belonging to her female coworkers, who’d been somehow magically altered and enhanced!—but she found she didn’t care in the least.  All that mattered to her was accepting the sensual gifts offered her; repaying the bonds of friendship she’d forged with her coworkers over the past year of Ponyville Post Office service, where she’d been taking a much needed break from the often-exhilarating but also exhausting and occasionally hazardous duties of the Moojave Express. They were duties she very much wanted to go back to eventually, as she’d enjoyed frontier life and had an appetite for both exotic encounters and occasionally exploring dangerous lands. But were she to gain wings, she’d be able to do both much more efficiently; able to reach places and escape danger in ways she couldn’t now! In the end, she found she wanted to rut not just to consummate the bonds of friendship she had forged with her new friends, not caring in the least about their forms or gender, but gain the bat-wings of her already-converted coworkers. And she somehow knew beyond all doubt that rutting them, even in ways she’d never rutted anypony—or any other creature!—before was the way to do it! “M-my turn… l-let me taste it…” she begged Express Shipment, who mmphed around her mouthful but reluctantly gave up her hold of it in order to share with her friend, a string of drool leaving her connected to its tip even as Courier Six took her place. “S-sorry girls…” Package Handler apologized from above them with a shaky voice. The two mares then heard a soft clicking of beaks above them as the former Owlia and Postage Due began exchanging their own unique kisses—the latter having at least a little problem with it, unused to having a beak until Owlia showed her the proper technique. “O-only got the one…” “Just one, eh?” Certified Male spoke up from behind them as he began to pick up the pace of his thrusts. “You know, rutting with a single organ may be standard postal procedure, but I’m always in favor of whatever increases staff efficiency! So…” His horn glowed again as yet another spell was cast, this one causing a second organ to slowly sprout from beneath a surprised Package Handler’s belly—an identical twin to the first one as it rapidly assumed the dimensions of the original shaft, settling into a side-by-side configuration with it! She moaned and shivered from head to toe, her ears and tail flicking frantically as she felt it deliciously stretch and grow. The new nerve endings all fired off at once as they announced their existence to her, leaving her with redoubled pleasure and a second shaft to offer her hungry colleagues. They didn’t question it but immediately availed themselves of the newly twinned pair, each taking a single organ for their own, working progressively more of it down their respective throats with fresh moans and nickers. “Th-thanks, C-M!” Package Handler managed, barely even able to marvel anew at the incredible spellcasting prowess Certified Male suddenly showed. “My pleasure. But I wouldn’t want to forget you, my sweet! I want you to transform them both at once! So…” He cast the same spell on Night Owl, whose eyes snapped open in surprise but shortly closed in deep pleasure just as Package Handler’s had, growling low in her throat as she felt exquisitely the second half-avian, half leonine organ materialize and grow. “Wow… a two-for-one special!” the eagless G-E representative marveled as well once the process was complete as she backed off slightly from the two mares to reposition her second organ between them, but still couldn’t resist a tease. “But I thought you hated sales gimmicks like that, C-M!” “Y-yeah… you wouldn’t even let us sell stamps at below face value! Not even when the Postmare General said to!” Package Handle piled on as she felt more of her newly twinned organs disappear down the throats of Express Shipment and Courier Six, eliciting a sudden churring sound from her hippogriff beak she’d never made before. “Because I don’t believe in devaluing perfectly good stamps or other postal supplies! Deflowering, on the other hoof…” He then cast the same spell on himself, with one slight modification, causing his second organ to grow above the first one instead of beside it; its lengthening tip soon pressing against—and into!—the as-yet unused and untaken orifice that existed beneath Night Owl’s upraised tail.  Her eyes snapped open and she took a shuddering breath as she felt the swelling head push against it, almost instantly overcoming the initial resistance to slip inside her, pushing steadily deeper as it grew to reach the dimensions of its older brother, filling her in a whole new way. “You’re determined to conquer me in every way imaginable, aren’t you, my fine and fertile stallion?” She licked her lips again at the illicit intrusion, shivering even as it warmed her further from within. “Just as you are going to now conquer them!” he rejoined as he resumed thrusting with both organs now, somehow finding enough additional power and focus to levitate himself and his eagless mate backwards. He picked her up and then set her down further back to position her side-by-side griffon stallionhoods at the entrances of the two mares, magically yanking pillows and cushions out of the nearby employee lounge to scoot them under their flanks and prop them up. “After so many years of being a bachelor, I finally want a herd—not of pony mares, but of griffon and hippogriff ones! So give me more mates, my delicious and darling Night Owl! I wish to spread your gifts to many!” he told her reverently. “Now how could I refuse an offer like that…?” she asked almost rhetorically as Express Shipment and Courier Six clutched each other in renewed anticipation, their necks still stretched out to accept Package Handler’s full fourteen inches, slurping and sucking hungrily on them. “Of course, my mighty male!” she said as she moved forward, her tapered tips finding their openings and pushing inside with a series of shivers and very needy moans from the two mares, ones Package Handler could keenly feel on her own orally stimulated organs. “So w-we will be a postal herd?” Package Handler asked as she repositioned her head to resume kissing Night Owl over them as she slowly moved forward, pushing progressively deeper into them until the beginnings of her bulbs were pressing against their glittering, grasping marehoods. ‘D-do we at least get discounts on supplies and services?” “Certainly not!” Certified Male said emphatically even as he felt his climax start to build. “This is still a business, not a charity, after all! And all employees are expected to meet certain standards! Even you, Priority Parcel!” he proclaimed as he took a final, shuddering breath. “I’ve had quite enough of your loafing and backtalk, so just hang out for a minute while I finish business here—not that you have... a... choice!” he noted as he slammed his hips forward one final time to deliver a fresh duel-load of seed into his eagless lover, who climaxed herself with a very leonine roar. A massive wave of corrupted mating magic erupted outwards from Certified Male’s horn along with a storm of deep purple and indigo sparkles. They settled like snow on the floor around them as Express Shipment and Courier Six cried out around a massive mouthful of Package Handler’s shafts and its subsequent eruption of very succulent seed, filling them from in front as well as behind.  Their bodies convulsed in pure orgasmic rapture as they began to acquire both thestral and griffon features, sprouting bat-wings and a second pair of equally large teats further up their bellies as their eyes turned slitted and muzzles swiftly transitioned into hippogriff beaks.  Their new hybrid bodies were further augmented by gaining an impressive set of male equipment that quickly grew to rival their already-converted colleagues, while Priority Parcel could only watch in equal parts helpless desire and terror, the sheer power of Certified Male’s magical climax having nearly triggered his own. The fivesome slumped slightly when it was done, panting and leaning on each other heavily, exchanging a fresh round of gropes and kisses as the two newest members of Certified Male’s self-proclaimed herd inspected their new feminine and masculine attributes to his great appreciation, the stallion granting them his first affectionate kiss. And then they all turned their newly glowing thestral eyes on a shaking, shivering Priority Parcel, a desire for payback and his very plot apparent in their predatory gazes. > Postal Passions: 10 - Office Orgasms > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As he lay bound and helpless on the floor of the mail sorting room, trapped by the unraveled threads of his own uniform which were enchanted to hold his limbs apart, Priority Parcel watched the lurid scene unfold before him with a mixture of intense desire and dread. As he beheld the sexual submission and subsequent transformation of his coworkers into what he could only describe as hyper-endowed and very alluring bat-pony/hippogriff hybrids—all of whom had previously been about the least kinky or desirable individuals he could imagine!—he found himself wanting desperately to join in even as he feared the effects, not just on his body but his reeling psyche. Instead of his attention fixing on the many feminine attributes present, his wide eyes flitted from one large and exotic male organ to another. He watched with a shiver as phallus after phallus parted and pleasured the marehoods and muzzles of the previously unaltered Courier Six and Express Shipment, disappearing into them with a series of wet slurps and subsequent smacking sounds from being buried to the hilt in them, producing visible bulges in the bodies they filled. Shivering even harder at the thoughts of those organs filling him! “No…” he whimpered to himself as his impossibly rigid stallionhood hung high over his belly, pulsing hard with each beat of his pounding heart as more and more mating magic from Certified Mail’s seemingly inexhaustible supply flowed into it and his equally engorged apples, leaving him increasingly desperate for release.  His horn unusable except to act as a magnet for ever more of the corruptive energy, which flowed directly into his brain to stoke the fires of his unmet arousal ever-higher, he felt himself already starting to change as his intimate areas swelled to surprising new stature, still growing by the minute the longer he stayed bathed in whatever corruptive magic had already claimed his coworkers. He would normally have been delighted by his new size and phenomenal fertility, but now his exquisitely erect stallionhood was a flag of surrender; an announced to all of how unbearably aroused and desperate for release he was. An announcement of how badly he wanted it from all of them! “St-ay back…” he managed weakly as they turned to him following their unlikely orgy, their now-dual organs still wet and glistening from their previous locations, buried deep inside muzzles and marehoods. “Don’t c-come any closer!” He tried a defensive spell again only for it to fizzle with nothing more than a few weak sparks off his horn. “Or you’ll what?” Certified Male asked on behalf of all of them as they slowly moved up to circle him, standing just out of reach but saturating his senses with their sexual scents and pheromones. “Resign your post? Complain to the Postmare General? Or maybe wave that wet noodle at us?” he mocked. “You’re going nowhere, Priority Parcel! Not until you’ve been disciplined for insubordination and harassing your coworkers!” he announced with an evil gleam. “Sounds good to me! So what are we gonna do with him, boss?” Courier Six devoured Priority Parcel’s bound and helpless form with her newly predatory cat eyes, flexing and flapping her new large bat-wings repeatedly. She took off into a short hover for a moment to test them before bumping into the ceiling, deciding her first flight was best saved for outside. “After what he tried earlier, I could think of a few things!”  “Me too. But let’s start with... this!” Express Shipment turned up her own strengthened mating aura to its maximum intensity and focusing it on him, causing a sheen of sweat to break out on his overheated body and the crystal shards to start glowing brighter again with reradiated mating magic around him. “So what do you think, gang? After all his boasting, I say we give him a bad case of the gay!” “He’s already got it!” Courier Six recalled with a grin, stepping up beside her. “But is it gay if we do him?” “Why not? We got the equipment!” Express Shipment suggested with a knowing smirk and sneer. “We’d be getting back at him for every mare he ever rutted and ran from!” “Oh, come on. He wasn’t that bad!” Package Handler offered on his behalf. “Maybe he was a bit of a braggart, but not without reason. All the mares I talked to said he left them wanting more!” “Yeah! That’s right!” he pleaded to her, only to find his eyes darting beneath her belly again to catalog the long phallic forms present there, wondering if he could take both at once! “I made sure they enjoyed themselves! And that’s a lot more than most stallions do!”  “Speak for yourself!” Certified Male answered angrily, his glowing eyes flashing. “You used them, double-P!” Express Shipment corrected in disgust. “I talked to plenty of mares you were with too! You had your fun and got their hopes up before moving on to the next mare, leaving them broken-hearted! So tempting though it is to tuck you, it would almost be more appropriate to just leave you hanging here. Walk out and leave the door open to let some lucky stud of a stallion find you!” she suggested with a malicious grin. His eyes went wide and organ visibly twitched again, his mind reeling less from the horror of the suggestion than the idea that they might leave him there untouched and unsated instead of taking him. Tucking him. Filling him with their phalluses! Then creaming all over and inside him! “N-no…” he squeezed his eyes tightly closed, as the idea and image of servicing so many stallionhoods at once continued to assault his battered psyche. “I’m not a—” “Sure you’re not,” Certified Male said in contempt, then cast a fresh spell Express Shipment dimly recognized as some exotic form of memory reading magic. He closed his eyes and concentrated for a few moments, then smirked. “Well, well. Maybe it’s because I’m part bat-pony now—it’s said they all have an instinctive ability to scry thoughts and dreams—but I can see your thoughts and desires clearly. And they tell me you’re a colt-cuddler to the core! In fact... that’s the real reason you were always sleeping around!” he realized as he probed deeper, easily turning aside his subordinate’s feeble efforts to block him. “No!” Priority Parcel exclaimed more loudly this time, even as his cheeks burned and stallionhood throbbed with the undeniable truth. “Yes! Never mind your image; you were trying to prove to yourself that you weren’t even remotely gay, so you did as many mares as you could!” he finished, extinguishing his horn except for his mating aura. “But since they always left you unfulfilled, you moved on, hoping the next one would do it for you! But they never did!” he informed the entire office as Priority Parcel could only gape, sensing the truth of his words.  But then, to the surprise of all, his manager’s expression softened. “Pity. I never liked you, Priority Parcel, but seeing you now? I almost feel sorry for you. All this time, you were in deep denial and taking it out on the mares around you, including your coworkers! Turns out you want a stallion to dominate you and you want it bad!” he told them all, earning a fresh round of snickers and a half-stilfled urk! from Priority Parcel himself, whose tail twitched hard again in a flagging motion that drew all eyes to the underside of his apples along with his exposed and inviting orifice. His reaction was not lost on Certified Male either, whose grin grew broader. “Well, guess what? Today’s your lucky day! I’d tuck you myself, but unlike you, pony stallions don’t do it for me. Guess we’ll have to find out if a hippogriff one does!” He bared his teeth, which glowed brightly in the re-radiated blacklight of his horn before he quite deliberately turned away. “So, ladies... he’s all yours! I leave his colt-cuddler conversion up to all of you!” “Wow, thanks, boss! But what would you call a male hippogriff? Or a gay one?” Package Handler wondered aloud. “What does it matter?” Courier Six replied with a leer. “So let’s break him in! If not C-M, who gets him first?” “Good question!” Express Shipment agreed with a low and lustful growl. “After that little stunt he pulled earlier, I think we both got a claim to his hot little hiney at this point, fillyfriend!” She reached down to stroke her new stallionhood in full view of him, causing Priority Parcel to squirm and lick his muzzle. “Oh, you want this? Where?” she asked him derisively, watching his reaction carefully. Everywhere! He just barely kept himself from exclaiming, a fresh but very vivid image of the varied pony and griffon organs erupting all over him flashing through his mind. But his enlarged shaft answered for him, twitching hard yet again at the fantasy and spitting a single glob of his own seed right onto his face, which he immediately and instinctively lapped up, to the laughter of all. “You know, tempting though it is, maybe Night Owl should take him!” Courier Six decided with a playful nudge of her eagless friend and newest lover, the remembered and treasured feel of the larger female’s tapered griffon shaft filling her marehood and piercing her very womb still very much with her. “I think he deserves you.” “Me?” Night Owl blinked, her twin tiercelhoods rapidly re-engorging at the thought, causing Priority Parcel to go lightheaded and dry-mouthed as he heard the suggestion and saw them grow further. “Not that I’d object, fillies, but I’ve already had most of you first! And as much as I’ve enjoyed it, I don’t want to be greedy! If he was harassing you, then why not do him yourselves?”   “Oh, don’t get me wrong--we would, but I was just thinking,” Courier Six began musing out loud. “Double-P was saying before you arrived that maybe you were out there in the rain discovering what a real male was. And getting drilled by some ‘stud of a stallion’ in the process!”  “Oh?” A smile bloomed on Night Owl’s beak. “Wha—? No, I d-didn’t—” he tried weakly as Night Owl appraised him anew. She was easily the largest of the group both in size and endowment, with sweet-and-sage scented mare juices still dripping off her newly twinned organs as their tips hung just a few inches off the ground, the slow drizzle of seed they released glowing weakly in the dark. “The hay you didn’t! In fact, Night Owl, he then said that you just needed a real male... like him!” Courier Six announced with great glee. “Traitors!” Priority Parcel shouted again, his cheeks red and organ throbbing even harder. “Oh, really?” Night Owl got a lopsided but very predatory grin that caused the bound stallion’s heart to freeze. Her evil expression was only accentuated by her new nightmare features, including her glowing eyes and enormous bat-wings as she visibly appraised him, sizing him up like she would a crippled and cornered flying boar on the hunt. “Sorry to disappoint, but for once, you were right, Priority Parcel—I did find a real male! And for conquering my body and soul, he’s the only one who has the right to rut me as a female!” She turned and rubbed cheeks with Certified Male again, draping an affectionate bat-wing over his back to hug him to her.  “Unless you can fight and beat me in a mating round—unlikely, to say the least!—I can promise you’re not doing me. But that doesn’t mean I can’t do you.” She licked her elongated beak slowly with her equally lengthened tongue as she devoured his prone and helpless form with her eyes again, causing Priority Parcel to feel faint. Sensing the effect she was having on him, she stretched out to display her large and exotic eagless shaft before him, causing him to tremble as he imagined its entire length within him. “So what do you say, C-M? You’re my boss and my stallion, so should I take that tempting tail?” she moved up a few paces, stopping just short of straddling him but leaving him staring at her approaching form over his swollen apple orbs, his view occasionally blocked by his own swaying organ, which continued to slowly grow, now reaching nearly a foot in length instead of the eight inches it had been previously. “As much as I’d love to see it, not quite yet.” He grinned. “If he’s going to service us and become the colt-cuddler he aspires to be, he needs some practice, first! So…” His horn glowed again as he added a new layer of enchantment to Priority Parcel’s tattered uniform threads, causing the ones on his legs to lift up his hindquarters and pull his rear legs towards his head, curling his body over completely until he found himself staring his own lengthened organ in the face, its drooling tip poised before his lips. Before he could object, an extra spell cast on his organ by Certified Male both lengthened it further and increased his sensitivity, causing it to grow until it pushed between his suddenly slack jaws and inside his waiting muzzle. His hips bucked at the contact, straining as much as he could against his bonds and the air itself as he found himself struggling to get more of his phallus into his mouth, finding himself soon bobbing up and down on his own organ, his senses and psyche reeling hard again as he stimulated his stallionhood and tasted his own seed, managing to take the first five inches of it into himself, no longer caring that his hindquarters were still high in the air, displaying his bare flanks above his flagged tail in invitation. “Whoa, look at him go…” Package Handler marveled, beginning to stroke her male attributes at the sight while Courier Six did the same with her feminine ones. “He’s finally in his natural state,” Express Shipment pronounced breathlessly, sitting bolt upright as she watched, reaching down to grasp her new stallionhood with her bat-wing fingers; she would have marveled at their utility if she wasn’t so enrapt. “We were just teasing before, but he really is a colt-cuddler to go down on himself like that!” Colt-Cuddler… Priority Parcel’s thoughts locked onto the phrase even as he closed his eyes tightly shut to savor his own flavor and the illicit act that had been forced upon him, along with the increasingly heady and undeniable truth. I… am… A—! He couldn’t finish the thought before his own shaft erupted into his muzzle, forcing him to swallow his own seed, his apples visibly contracting as they emptied themselves with more force and fluid than he could ever remember.  He gulped it down hungrily but found his arousal and excitement only grew from the feedback loop, with none of the mating magic he’d absorbed being discharged so much as redistributed, making not just his organ but his entire body tingle intensely with the promise of even more pleasure. He felt his body alter and realized his eyes had developed thestral slits, allowing him to  see much more clearly in the dark. And yet, he knew his transformation was incomplete —that his claiming and conquest was not yet finished! And the only way to do so… “M-more…” He told them all as his reinvigorated aura finally found some purchase, reaching out of its own accord this time to tug Night Owl towards him. Trying to guide her twin organs into him! “More!” “Well, I think he’s ready, girls,” she announced in a tone both aroused and amused even as she didn’t let herself move forward, teasing him further. “Shall I give it to him?” “After that show? Yeah, I’d say he’s earned it,” Courier Six admitted, grasping wings and rubbing flanks with Express Shipment as they discovered how deliciously sensitive their new flight muscles were.  “Oh, please do him!” Package Handler all but begged from her hover, wringing her hooves together in excitement and worry. “I hate seeing a stallion suffer, C-M!” He gave a heavy sigh. “Fine. I guess I really am getting soft. Figuratively if not literally!” he hastened to add with a glance below his belly where his vertically aligned organs were the largest of the group. “If you want these, double-P, you have to transform first! And that means that Night Owl here has to do you!” “Y-yes…” To the surprise of all, a magical surge went through him so strong it dragged Night Owl forward towards him until the tip of her rightmost organ was poised at his anal opening and already being pulled inside; his horn now glowing brightly with a slightly bluer mating aura as he struggled to admit her. “Well. If you’re going to ask so nicely, double-P… she said with a half-griffon, half thestral growl of sexual hunger, moving up to straddle him fully; even grasping his right hind leg to turn him more on his side, holding him up effortlessly.  “Do it…” he begged her. “Take me! Tuck me! Make me a mare!” He bared his throat at her as he’d seen griffons do as a gesture of supplication, earning another lustful snarl from the predatory eagless. “As you wish…” she informed him. “Then here… we… go!” she shouted as she pistoned her hips forward and drove the tapered head of her rightmost eagless organ into him, earning a startled gasp from both. “He’s… so… tight...” she hissed out the words through a clenched beak and squeezed-shut eyes, causing the others to take an involuntary step closer to the scene. “He feels so… good.” She drove another several inches of her phallic flesh into him, moving further up his body, less from her own powerful muscles then the increasingly insistent magical tug on her lionhood, pulling her deeper into him. The magical grasp and rhythmic pressure of his inner walls elicited a labored gasp from both as her leftmost organ soon lay alongside his, its tapered head rubbing against his medial ring as Courier Six reached out with her own aura to press them together and help prop the pair up, squeezing and stroking the mismatched malehoods as one. “Holy…” was all Package Handler could say as she clutched onto Certified Male, who watched the scene in keen interest but made no move to take part except to keep his mating aura at maximum intensity, focusing it on the interface of eagless organ and stallion orifice to smooth the way and increase their mutual pleasure. Night Owl’s wings quickly stiffened, standing out erect to the sides in a very visible sign of her enjoyment as Priority Parcel had soon taken her all the way up to the top of her bulb, which also began to push inside as he loosened up further, each thrust of her powerful hips rocking him back and prying him open even wider! “Yeah… take him, Night Owl…” Express Shipment urged, staring transfixed as she fanned herself with her new left wing while clutching Courier Six to her with her right. Their twin shafts stood out rigidly sixteen inches in front of her while their nearest pair rubbed heads so hard their seed mingled and slickened each other’s shaft, drooling into a single puddle on the tiled floor. “Take him to the hilt!” Priority Parcel was only dimly aware of their words as his world was reduced to the massive eagless organ claiming him, not just filling but fulfilling him in a way no mare ever had! His muzzle drooled as his bound arms waved helplessly, wanting desperately to reach down to stroke himself—and her!—but he was still held fast. He writhed. He groaned. He tried desperately to work the exotic male intruder in deeper, feeling its rough half-feline surfaces stimulate his inner walls, pushing ever deeper until he finally felt and heard the first wet slaps of her enormous eagless apples against his own, still-smaller ones.  The contact added a whole new layer of conquest as the widest part of her bulb began to enter him, stretching his sphincter to what he would have thought were its limits. But there was no discomfort as either from the corruptive energies of whatever had overtaken them or his own heightened mating magic, his body seemingly automatically altered to accommodate it, able to take her so deeply it felt as if his entire body was but a sleeve to her exquisite eagless stallionhood.   As his orgasm quickly approached, finding himself playing not the role of the stallion but the mare, he felt no shame or pain, only intense, lingering pleasure; passion-fed rapture at finally finding peace with his place and purpose at last.  His acceptance of himself granting him the power and focus he’d been missing before, he unleashed all the mating magic he’d been absorbing over the past twenty minutes all at once. It manifested as a series of spells that freed his limbs and then picked up and pulled the others forward to a series of startled squawks and grunts, until they and their many male organs were pressed close against him from all angles, in easy reach of both hoof and aura. Even Certified Male was affected; before he could so much as offer an objection or counterspell he found his lower organ inside Priority Parcel’s muzzle while the latter bent his head backwards to take it, his previously detested subordinate caressing and worshipping every inch of its length with his tongue and throat!  He might have protested that he wasn’t interested in Priority Parcel as a pony stallion, but the words were quickly silenced by the incredible velvety feel of his maw and magic, earning a ragged breath followed by a rapid series of thrusts; his topmost organ rubbing along the length of the other male’s chin and neck.  “Uff! You—this—! Ah!” was all he could manage as his own mating magic was turned on him and the others were likewise helpless to resist as Priority Parcel grasped their half-avian, half-pony phalluses in his hooves and aura and began stroking them, his love for their male attributes rapidly registering on their owners as he threw a series of enhancement and sensitivity spells he’d previously used on himself to pleasure mares on top of his purely physical efforts.  The others were equally agape at what was happening, but didn’t fight it, sensing a fresh and very powerful climax collectively rising within them as they prepared to convert their final unaltered coworker, injecting and showering him with their seed. “Here it comes…” Night Owl warned through tightly shut eyes and a gritted beak, feeling compelled to repeat a variation of her earlier line as she felt the wave rise within her, her hips slamming forward for the final time. “Special delivery for Priority Parcel… courtesy and compliments of the Griffon Express!” she announced as she erupted hard within him, claiming him for herself, her race, and most importantly of all, her new stallion as her pony colleagues likewise climaxed with a series of pleasured pony and thestral cries, covering every inch of Priority Parcel with their male seed. Certified Male also couldn’t stop from adding his own dual load to the mix, finding every drop of seed milked from his lower shaft as his upper one coated his subordinate’s chest and belly, stray fire from the other mares finding his chest and legs. He felt Priority Parcel’s mouth morph around his organ, turning quickly into a beak as his body likewise expanded and altered, sprouting a pair of bat wings as his previously tawny colors turned not darker but lighter, becoming more pale.  His apples expanded and his still-single organ went mottled, turning midnight blue with large white splotches but also lengthened to match the dimensions of his coworkers, who came for the better part of a minute before finally collapsing on top of him, snuggling up against him without any care of the fact that he—and they—were now covered with copious amounts of each other’s seed. It was a half-hour before any of them moved again, only rousted by a fresh boom of lightning that rattled the building. But when they did, they lovingly and quite happily cleaned each other up with tongue and beak, enjoying and reliving the experience they’d shared. An experience they now very much wanted to share with others, discussing where they might go next as Nightmare Night still had several hours left, and the local establishments were open all night for it. “So, then… before we find some new fun, what are your new names?” Night Owl asked the others, her wings wrapped around Express Shipment and Courier Six while she spooned Certified Male, who was likewise snuggling with Package Handler and Priority Parcel; the former nuzzling his neck and the latter, his impressive apples. “Just call me the Pony Sexpress!” Express Shipment grinned as she massaged the larger eagless’s flight muscles with a hoof, earning a happy groan in reply as she reached down her belly to explore and tweak the second pair of teats that she only then realized had sprouted there, bracketing her new male organs further up her belly. “I’ll deliver the mail, and do all the males!” “Not during work hours, you don’t! Unless it’s me,” Certified Male reminded her sharply, receiving an eager nod in return. “So how about you, Courier Six? “Well, my new name’s easy enough.” Courier Six reached out with her wing fingers to pick up and place her discarded stetson hat back on her head, using her magic to adjust the fit for her newly lengthened and tufted thestral ears. “Courier Sex. Emissary of the Erotic and Mistress of the Moojave! Delivering mail and converting mares are my specialties!” “Not bad. Well, all that leaves is you, Priority Parcel! Have to admit, I can’t think of a good play on your old moniker, given Package Handler already took the best P-name,” Pony Sexpress admitted. But Priority Parcel only smiled, his beak still buried happily in the space between Certified Male’s sheath and apples. “Doesn’t matter. I finally accept what I am, and what I want to be. I denied it all this time, but now? Since Certified Male finally showed me the truth with a little tough love, I’ll take after him. My new name is… Male Call!” He licked and kissed Certified Male’s seed sack lovingly, who made a show of barely tolerating it even as his eyes closed and apples visibly contracted in visible enjoyment. “And with his help, I’ll sort letters and make Colt-Cuddlers out of every stallion I see!” “Good. Down, lover-bird! Now that that’s settled… enough downtime; we’ve got a job to do! So get back to your stations! We got a lot of mail to sort through, and only a couple hours to do it in!” That elicited a round of groans and crestfallen expressions. “Aw, come on, C-M! You want us to take care of the mail now? The Night’s still young and there are plenty of unconverted ponies still out there! We wanna go paint the town red!” Pony Sexpress protested. “Yeah, I wanna take Night Owl back to meet my herd!” Package Handler pleaded. “And I wanna go to the pub with you so we can seduce every stallion there!” Male Call added, trying to entice him with another affectionate nuzzle of his enormous applesack. “Not until we take care of the mail!” Certified Male ordered emphatically, standing up and igniting his aura, his magic acting to clean up the mess they’d left behind, levitation spells swiftly righting tables, chairs and bins; his most powerful reconstitution spell even causing the shards of firegems to fly back into their sockets and reform themselves, turning solid again and shortly back aglow. “We’ve had our fun, but we still have a job to do! The mail’s waiting, and we’re way behind schedule! So speaking as not just your boss but your stallion, get back to work, the lot of you, or I swear I’ll—!” “I’m back, everypony!” A new voice was heard as a familiar but strangely altered pony flew in a shattered window, earning immediate gapes from all present. She was a pegasus mare, but barely recognizable beneath the metallic gleam of her coat and crisscrossing electronic circuitry evident all over her body, as well as the digital displays that flashed over her misaligned eyes.  “Just like I promised, C-M! Oh, I see you guys had a good time too! And I missed it? Aw! But that’s okay!” she said as she scanned each of them in turn with some kind of flat energy beam. Her voice sounded to Night Owl like it was being spoken through one of Vinyl Scratch’s microphones, but it was still quite recognizable, and her jaw dropped open to behold her altered form. “Wha… Derpy?” Package Handler spoke up for all of them, her beak likewise agape. “Is that you?” “Oh! Hey, Postage Due! Nice new look! For you too, Owlia! But my designation is Digiderpy now!” she announced as she surveyed the scene and then used her misdirected eyes to seemingly look in two directions at once. “I got really horny on the way home and ran into some cyberponies! They made me one of them, and I had a great time! So what are your new designations?” she asked earnestly. Though they exchanged a series of confused glances, they told her their new names. “Got it! Updating data registry!” the strangely cybernetic mare announced jovially as a series of flowing letters and numbers flashed across her eyes, though they appeared to be backwards from the outside. “There we go! I won’t ever forget what to call you now!” “Uh… good. But I’m still surprised you came back. I thought you said Dinky was afraid of lightning!” Certified Male reminded her as the storm outside reintensified, perhaps in part due to a massive discharge of competing magic spells he could sense coming from the direction of the Friendship Castle. “Not anymore, Mister Male! She’s fine now!” Digiderpy said happily. “I just installed a new weather app into her operating system that explains to her how lightning works! Now that she knows what it is and can adjust her aural sensors to filter out loud noises, she’s a lot less afraid of it! I also subscribed her to the soothing music channel and had her run it as a background process while she sleeps! It worked like a charm!” She sounded very pleased with herself.  “She’s sleeping like a foal now! And since I can monitor her vitals constantly through our encrypted data link, I’ll know instantly if she has any nightmares and can just call her over our new private video messaging service!” “Did you understand any of that?” Night Owl asked in a low voice to Courier Sex. “Not a word,” she admitted, still staring at their longtime coworker. “But I guess she’s okay?” “Better than ever! All health checks show green across the board! My systems are fully functional and—” she tried to flip in midair but bumped into a column “—Well, okay, maybe my flight and balance subroutines still need some debugging. But I’m here and ready to work, C-M!” She landed before him and presented herself, not bothered in the least by his larger stature, new equipment or bat-pony attributes. “So where do you need me?” Though he was sorely tempted to say under him, finding herself feeling genuine warmth and affection for her as she declared herself fit and ready to do her postal duties, Certified Male held back. “Just take your usual station, Digiderpy,” he just barely remembered to use her new name. “Now get to it, everypony—er, everygriff? The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can have more fun!” “But the pubs’ll close soon!” Priority Parcel whined even as he submissively moved to obey. “And that’s where the biggest group of stallions will be!” He licked his lips and his newly puffy tailhole winked automatically at the idea of being filled repeatedly by several stallionhoods. “And I want to take Night Owl to my old herd before anypony else converts them first!” Package Handler said forlornly. “Same with mine and Courier Sex here, but they’ll be at the pub, too!” Pony Sexpress agreed eagerly. “Come on, C-M! You want to make more hippogriffs and add them to your new herd, right?” That gave Certified Male pause, but only for a moment. “Yes, of course, but even now, the Mail always comes first! We’ve never missed delivery for anything from Ursa Minor rampages to Tirek’s return, and I’ll be damned if we start now! We have a job to do, so stop your whining and—!” “Oh, you guys wanna go out and convert more ponies? Then don’t worry—I got this!” Digiderpy announced. “No, really—it’s easy for me now! So if you wanna go enjoy yourselves, I can take care of all the morning mail sorting and delivery routes myself!” She sprouted odd tendrils from her back and began plucking up discarded letters and packages, swiftly sorting them into slots and boxes at speeds far faster than any of them could, even in their altered forms. “I’ll have it done before dawn and even calculate the most efficient route to get all the mail into pony mailboxes before breakfast!” “Uh… great!” Certified Male offered, not initially believing her but quickly changing his mind as he watched her work with uncanny speed and precision, her two eyes and various appendages seemingly operating independently of each other to quickly sort through an entire box of mail and move on to the next. When she reached one letter, she paused and squinted at it. “Whoa! ‘London, England?’ Talk about misdirected mail! I guess Pinkie got her pen pals mixed up! I’ll have to save that one to take across the portal!” She shrugged and stowed it in a separate compartment in her back. “Oh! Don’t forget we have a Griffon Express courier coming in at 5 AM, Derp—er, Digiderpy!” she quickly corrected herself, wondering if she’d ever get used to it and why it was so disconcerting to her even after her own transformation. But even as eager as she was to go visit Package Handler’s herd, duty called. “I’ll need to be here to… receive him.” She found herself experiencing some surprisingly lurid thoughts for the expected courier; a young griffon tiercel named Peregrine Pacil whom she’d liked and even considered inviting for a mating round when he was older. “Yep-yep! Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it! Since I’ve got the G-E protocols manual as well as the Equestrian Postal Service Procedures guide cached in local memory, I’ll do everything by the book! So you have fun too, Night Owl! But come by and visit Digidinky soon, okay? She misses her ‘griffie mommy’!” “I’ll be sure…” The bat-eagless continued to stare at her in amazement as she swiftly did her work. “But call me if you need me, okay?” “And me!” Certified Male hastened to add even as he found himself feeling a great surge of warmth towards her, admiring her newly android features. “I’ll see to it you get a raise and a commendation for this, Digiderpy! So, uh, come to my office when I’m back and we’ll… discuss it.” Even after all that had happened, he couldn’t help but blush, unsure if he was more attracted to her for her devotion to duty or her oddly alluring android features. “Wow, thanks, C-M! And love to!” She paused her efforts long enough to give him another deep kiss to his visible surprise and enjoyment, eliciting some smiles and giggling from their audience. Derpy broke it first, more figures and data flashing across her eyes, including what looked like an annotated diagram of his muzzle. “Wow, I love the new tongue! Can’t wait to try out my sensual subroutines on your new equipment, too! But like you always told me, business before pleasure!” She resumed her work, giving him a brief but tantalizing look at her rear. A speechless Certified Male could only stare after her, once again very rigidly erect. “So I did…” “Come on, stud…” An amused Courier Sex pulled him away. “She’ll still be here later. We all got plans, remember? Places to go, and ponies to do! And I’m with Male Call here—I wanna start at the pub! You boys can have the stallions, but me and Pony Sexpress here will make proper fillyfoolers out of all the mares!” She bumped flanks with her friend. “Starting with her herd! And once we’re done, we’ll screw the stallions along with you, and you’ll get your pick of all of them, C-M!” “Right…” he said through a dry mouth, his tongue still tingling from the low-level current Digiderpy had run through it when they kissed. “Sounds good! The bigger my new postal herd, the better! Let’s go, then!” he said, making a show of leading them out the door. “So, was it good for you too, C-M?” Package Handler teased in the exact same tone she had an hour earlier as they exited the post office into the rain, the magic-charged downpour quickly rekindling their mating desires. “Who asked you?” he groused back with a twinkle. “So you and Night Owl are going to visit your old herd while the rest of us will raise the roof at the pub. Meet back here at daybreak, then?” he suggested. “It’s a date!” Package Handler promised, waiting until Night Owl had kissed him lovingly before she did so as well. “But when you get to the pub, don’t be too hard on them, guys! Stallion flanks are so fragile...”