> Unearthed: Curse Of The Undying > by Talion The DARKandBRIGHT > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Whispers in the dark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details *Thoughts* ~Mental speaking~ "Normal speaking" ~"Mental and normal speaking"~ Songs ... (Radio static)... *Time.* *I am lost to it.* Thought the alicorn of the night as she lay in one of the many craters on the moon. It was coming up on her one thousandth year on the rock orbiting 238,900 miles away from the Earth. And yet as the moon drifted above the nation of Equestria, on the continent of Equss, she looked to her home. *Home.* She thought, as tears filled her eyes. How she longed to walk there again. To feel, hear, taste and experience the life she once had. For longer than she could remember, she has drifted from sanity, to insanity and back again. With the never ending pain of hunger and thirst. The endless silence of the void and only her own screaming thoughts for company. Yet now, it has all been numbed by the passing of time. Time, who is unaware of its passenger. After what seemed like an eternity of crying, she breathed back the tears and her eyes drifting once again to her home. It wouldn't be long now before Equestria drifts beyond the horizon of her view once again. She longed for it. Oh, how much she longed to be home and to be able to talk to someone again. But she knew better than to hope. *Hope.* She thought. How long she has hoped for this fate worse than death to end. For every day that has passed, she has searched for death, yet could not find it. Now as her tears dried up and the moon drifted towards its midnight, her breathing started to become heavy as she felt herself falling back into insanity. After a long last look at Equestria, she closed her eyes and waited for the madness of her mind to take her again. ~"They say no one ever really knows themselves... until their freedoms been taken away."~ Her eyes shot wide open and her breath had caught in her throat, as for the first time since her imprisonment, the endless silence of the void was broken by an unknown voice. She had forgotten a long time ago the many different types of sounds she had once experienced. But she could never forget the sound of a voice. ~"I wonder... how well do you know yourself?"~ She quickly moved to stand up. The fatigue and pain in her body all but forgotten. Her eyes scanning the surrounding area in search of the voice she heard. Yet she found herself still alone. Not finding anyone or anything, she started to wonder if she had really heard a voice or if it had been in her head. ~"Nightmare Moon."~ No. This voice is to real too be an illusion of her mind. Yet still, she could not locate its source. It sounded male, dark and ancient. It seemed to echo in her ears and head. ~"Princess of the night."~ As the voice continued, the princess started to shake. This voice was unknown to her. As well as its intentions. She has never encountered anything like this before and it scared her. She hasn't felt any other emotion other than anger, grief, sadness and despair, in centuries. But now, she felt fear. *I am not alone.* She thought. ~"Traitor... Tyrant... Murderer."~ That word. Above all the others, it was that word that stung the most. Murderer. She looked down in shame. The princess knew what she was and what she has done. She was guilty of all those things. As she lowered her gaze, she noticed a dim blue circle was surrounding her. it was slowly getting brighter and moon dust had started to slowly blow around her like a tornado. *True magic?* She thought. Then her fear and curiosity became dread. *My judgment has come.* Her body started to tremble as fear drove her to try and escape from whatever this being was going to do to her. Yet she found herself unable to move her legs. Darkness started to surround her and she begun to believe her end has come. But what the voice said next shocked the alicorn to her core. ~"Today you go free."~ Her eyes widened and her body froze. Her mind was blank. Words could not express what was going through her head in that instant. *Free?* She thought. She had forgotten what freedom was. What it felt like. What it meant to be free. But she could not for the life of her comprehend why? Why would anyone set her free? ~"But... as you will soon learn."~ Her fear started to pick up again as the wind became more fierce. ~"Even freedom, has a price."~ In an instant beams of light struck her from the now brightly glowing magic circle and for the first time in a millennium, she screamed in pain as what felt like thousands of volts of electricity flowed through her entire body. As true magic poured into the alicorn, sabatons started to form on her feet and continued up creating cuisses for her legs. As a fauld and a plackart formed around her waist and stomach, two gauntlets and vambraces, formed on her hands and arms. Then lastly two shoulder pads and a breastplate formed on her shoulders and across her torso. Just when she thought she couldn't take the pain anymore, it started to fade away and she felt strength and power from so long ago return to her. The beams of light dissipated and a Shockwave of magical energy, exploded outward from her. As a final arc of energy surged through the alicorn, a helm formed on her head and she fell to her knees. She quickly started breathing in heavily, trying to get air back into her lungs. Then she heard the voice speak. ~"You'll carry your prison with you. Your mind, will be your new cell."~ The wind ceased, her breathing calmed and the alicorn opened her eyes. Which now glowed bright with blue fire. ~"Make no mistake."~ She stood up. ~"War is coming."~ Her horn lit up. ~"With all its glory."~ She spread her wings. ~"And all its horror."~ Then lastly a great sword formed in her hands. ~"Princess Luna... your freedom awaits."~ The wind returned and the blue magic circle shined brighter than before. Nightmare Moon felt herself being lifted up by an unknown source then suddenly the magic circle shot a bright blue beam of light, along with Luna, towards Equss and into Equestria. Inside an ancient castle, deep within the Everfree forest, a bright beam of light came down from the heavens. When the light finally disappeared, Nightmare Moon found herself standing in a ruined ancient throne room, alone. She waited and listened for a moment. She was worried for a moment that this was all just a dream. Nothing. She heard nothing and was still in the castle. She looked around the old hall yet also found nothing. After checking her surroundings, she stepped towards a nearby window, overlooking the Everfree forest. It was dark out. Somewhere around midnight. The stars shined brightly in the sky, with the moon directly overhead. Home. She was home. Nightmare Moon stared in awe at the castle that had once been her home and after a few minutes of staring into the forest, she looked down at the great sword in her hands. Everything had happened so fast, she hadn't paid attention to it and had forgotten she was even carrying the weapon. The whole weapon seemed to shine brightly, yet also glowed darkly in her grasp. *Dark and Bright as the day and night.* Nightmare Moon thought to herself. Finished with her examination of her new weapon, her gaze drifted up to the window again. She looked towards the direction of the mountains that held Canterlot high above the valleys, forests and hills and a single thought entered her mind. *Celestia.* Celestia was there. She knew it. She could feel it. Nightmare Moon then smiled and spoke for the first time in a millennium. "Finally...All shall fear me and rejoice." "AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" > Chapter 1: Memories of a forgotten soldier > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details *Thoughts* ~Mental speaking~ "Normal speaking" ~"Mental and normal speaking"~ Songs ... (Radio static)... A shockwave from an explosion knocked me off the ground suddenly. As I was thrown through the air with debris from the blast, I was temporarily blinded. Unable to see where I was going to land, all I could do was pray to God that I would not fly off the side of the cliff. In less than a second I felt my body impact against the ground. My uniform and the flesh of my back were ripped open as I rolled across the rocky surface. My rolling came to a sudden stop when I crashed into a bolder. The explosion had already knocked the air out of my lungs. The sudden impact against the large stone knocked me out. I don't know how long I was unconscious. The first thing I felt was the numbness across my whole body and loud ringing in my ears. I held my head as I opened my eyes and found myself lying on my side with my back against the bolder that had stopped me from tumbling off the cliff. After catching my breath I examined my surroundings, trying to locate my battle buddy. I did not have to search long as I found him lying face down near the cliffs edge, with a leg and chunk of his abdomen missing. The bodies of our enemies littered the area around the both of us. Most of them were missing limbs. Many of them were missing much more. Before I could even throw up whatever was left in my stomach, I screamed as pain shot up through my back and legs. Looking down, I saw shrapnel lodged into my legs and blood everywhere. The pain was unbearable. I still don't know how I stayed conscious, but despite the pain, I rolled myself onto my stomach and slowly, painfully, pulled myself over to my friend's body. My breath was labored and heavy as pain and fatigue plagued my body. When I neared him, I heard the partly destroyed radio on his back come to life and heard my CO's voice on the other side. ..."Do you read?... I say again: Do you read?... How copy over?" As I came side by side with Brian's corpse, I continued a little past him and pulled my self up to the edge of the cliff. ..."Are you clear?" ..."I say again: Are you clear?" Ignoring him, I looked down the cliff overlooking the Japanese POW camp, Fukuoka. My gaze shifted to the airfield a quarter of a mile away from the camp. Scanning the airstrip, I smiled and breathed a sigh of relief as I saw the three Showa/Nakajima carrying the POWs take off. I must have been unconscious long past the rendezvous time for pickup. But it didn't matter to me. They were safe now and that was all that mattered. I watched as the hijacked Japanese aircraft gained altitude and turned east towards friendly airspace. Then something else up there caught my attention. I looked up and saw a few miles above them, what looked like a lone American B-29 super flying fortress, heading towards the Japanese city of Nagasaki. The radio came to life again and I heard my CO speak in a slightly lower voice. ..."Talion, the bombs on its way. Are you clear?" I turned away from the cliff and rolled onto my back. Grunting in pain as I turned to face the sky. Still breathing heavily, I reached down and grabbed the phone piece and slowly brought it to my head. I closed my eyes and with a shaky voice finally answered. "We're clear." I opened my eyes and stared up at the stone roof over me. Sleep still tugging at my mind. After letting the rest of my body wake up, I turned my head to the side towards one of the windows of the old tower I was staying in. The sun had not yet rise as it was still dark out. *Old habits.* I thought to myself. It has been a very long time since I have slept. Let alone dreamed. I have only been in this strange land for a few days and yet this place is affecting me in strange ways. I can't even remember the last time I've slept. I've nearly forgotten how good it felt to rest like that. But I had forgotten about the kind of nightmares I get that stopped me from sleeping in the first place. Out of all the horrific memories I have of every war I ever fought in, my mind always seems to go back to that day. August 9th, 1945. But I couldn't think about any of that. Not now. Not again. Despite my body's protests, I lifted myself into a sitting position on the bed. The bed, if you could call it that, was little more than an old torn up bed frame I had piled dead leaves on. The forest floor was covered by the decaying plant matter. It must have been some time during autumn. After getting my bearings, I pulled myself off the bed. Doing a few quick stretches in the process, then went to get my effects. After putting my clothes on, I glanced over to a nearby large cracked mirror leaning against the wall, to check my appearance. What stared back at me was a six foot five, tall man, who looked to be in his mid thirties with light tanned skin, a medium sized beard, black medium length hair and gray eyes. A few scars ran across my face. One of them over my right eye and across the same cheek. I wore thick black ankle length leather boots and black jeans. A light gray longsleave shirt under a dark gray button up vest. Over all of these was a long black trench coat, with silver trimmings and a high neck collar. Finding everything in order, I walked over to a large window and examined the landscape before me. A large lush dark forest that went on for miles. I could see just a hint of light from the sun's rays over the eastern horizon underneath the clouds. It would be a few hours before the sun comes up and disappeared behind them again. It would probably rain later today, but I had a mission. This land was uncharted territory for me and I needed to find out more about this new world. Turning away from the window, I made my way towards the exit and grabbed my staff on the way out. It was a simple hard oak wood hiking staff I had made when I woke up in this strange land, because it would seem I will be doing a lot of traveling off road here. Making my way down the stairs of this crumbling castle, I arrived at a long hallway that went two ways. Taking the path on the right, my steps echoed in the long empty hall. Soon I passed what seemed to be an old kitchen and banquet hall. The latter of which still had its old rotting wood tables and chairs. Continuing down the hall past many corridors, I arrived in what was once a throne room. But instead of one throne, this room had two. One with a sun, the other with a moon. Though this whole castle was in ruin and falling apart, the two royal seats looked barely touched by time. I stopped and stared at the two thrones for a few minutes, wondering who may have ruled here and how long ago. I had arrived in this world at night. How I got here is still a mystery to me. When I woke up in this castle, I had first believed that I was still on earth. It wasn't till I had tried to use the star constellations I was familiar with that I learned I wasn't on earth anymore. My first day here I searched the entire castle in hopes of finding anything that might tell me where I am and how I got here. But my search had turned up with nothing to explain my presence in this unfamiliar land. So now I would need to find out more about this place the old fashioned way. Exploring. The second day of my stay here was a little more reveling. I made a large sweep around the castle searching for any signs of people or animal activity in the area. As I suspected, there was no signs of human activity or any other living being. The plant growth around the ruins was evident of that. But the animals I had found were bizarre beyond reason. I had encountered what seemed to be wolves, whose outer skin and fur seemed to be made out of wood. But much like wolves back home, It wasn't hard for me to drive them away. I did learn from them a little more about this forest. Like the different types of predators and prey they encountered. What I had learned from those wolves had shocked me. Through their minds I saw many types of animals I was familiar with, but also many more I had never seen before. Creatures and animals from myths, legends and nightmares infest the forest surrounding the castle. Yet none of which ever set foot near or into. But despite these revelations, I still needed to find out where I was and what kind of civilization existed here. Leaving the castle, I ventured out into the Everfree forest for the third time, northward. The clouds in the north were large and dark, preventing me from seeing the tops of the mountains. Signs of a storm. Still, I pressed on. I had no fear of the weather. Nor the forest and its inhabitants. The forest, I noticed, was unlike any others I have seen. The very air itself seemed to be filled with illusion, as if this forest was enchanted. But I cared little for whatever made this forest so strange. To the common eyes, this forest could easily deceive them. But not mine. I saw through the lies of this forest as I made my way through it. After over two hours of walking, I came upon claw marks across some of the old towering trees. Looking down I realized that I was standing in a large claw/paw depression in the dirt. Leaning down I traced the claw/paw print. *Manticore*. I thought standing back up. *Just what I'm looking for.* I was close to their den. I followed the memories of the wood wolves and continued into manticore territory. I did not have to wait long to catch the attention of these powerful predators. Already I could feel their presence behind the brush all around me as I entered their borders. Taking a brief look around, I noticed the lack of sound and stopped. There was a single Manticore hidden in the brush a few dozen feet ahead of me. The beast had probably intended to surprise attack me. But unfortunately for it and its kin, you cannot hide your spirit. Not from me, as I stared right at it. The manticore seeing it has lost the element of surprise, slowly stepped out of the bushes, growling. As the beast came out of its cover, it noticed my lack of fear and started to circle me, low to the ground. Putting my staff away on my back, I started to circle the manticore too. From what I learned from the wood wolves, in doing this, you are challenging the manticore, one on one. It's other kin seeing me do this, also came out and surrounded us. But did not attack me. Despite being out numbered, I still showed no fear. The manticore inside the circle was studying me. As I was also studying it. It looked like a giant grizzly bear sized lion, with bat like wings and a scorpion tail. This was my first encounter with the wild animal of ancient Greek myth, but I have seen far too many real horrors to be scared of this thing. While I was internally shocked at seeing such an unnatural creature in front of me, I was really more fascinated than scared or concerned. Finished with my examination of the manticore, I stopped moving and it pounced towards me, swinging its right claw at me, as I had expected. In a single instant I took a step to my right, uppercuted its wrist with my left arm and drove a heavy right hook into its now unprotected chest. The manticore, still carrying the momentum of its leap, crashed and tumbled across the ground to my left, slightly stunned by the blow I delivered to its chest. The other manticores ceased all movement and sound after they witnessed one of their kin get knocked to the side like a rag doll, but my opponent quickly got back up and turned towards me again. It's face now displaying burning rage, but I still held my ground. It started to approach me, slowly speeding up until it leaped at me again. This time with both claws. I smiled, reaching up with both hands and grabbed its claws. This move visibly shocked it. As I skid backwards, still holding onto the manticore, I turned my upper body and threw it at a nearby tree. Once again using its momentum against it. As the manticore struggled to get back up and tried to shake itself out of its daze, I walked towards it. Seeing me coming, the manticore attempted to swing at me with its left claw. Not even stopping, I punched it's claw away with my left arm, knocking it off balance. The manticore then reared its head back preparing an attempt to bite me, but before it brought its head down, I grabbed it with my right hand and my whole body became like a shadow as my eyes started glowing brightly with blue flames. The manticore froze and it's eyes burst into blue fire as I forced my will into its mind. It would seem I was in luck, as I learned that manticores have a slightly greater intelligence than the other animals of this forest. This meant more information. But it was still just an animal. It would not be able to help me discover where I was, but it might be able to show me beings that could. Moving past its surface thoughts, I quickly delve into its memories in search of any civilized race's it might have encountered. It only took a few seconds as the manticore showed me a race of beings who looked like anthromorphic horses or ponies. I was internally shocked at first, but could not afford to think about it right now. So, putting my new found information temporarily to the back of my mind, I spoke into the manticores mind. ~I will leave. You will let me go.~ The manticore did not respond or do anything as I let go of its head. It's eyes still glowing, the manticore just stood still, not even moving a muscle. I turned around to face the other manticores and found them a little closer but seemed too scared to attack me. I stepped forward and some of them backed away but a few held their ground. I stopped, as some of them stood in my path. ~"Out of my way."~ My voice echoing in their heads as well. The manticores instantly lowered their heads and backed away from me with their tails between their legs. My path no longer obstructed, I left the manticores lair. As I left, the manticore I fought returned back to normal. But greatly terrified of what just happened. None of the manticores followed me afterward. I had sought out the manticores because, as a predator, the chances of them having encountered intelligent life is greater than that of prey animals who would have run from such people. But now I knew what kind of people existed here and I knew where. The wind started to pickup and the clouds to the north seemed to have turned into a storm. Soon the sun passed behind the thunderhead as I made my way north. > Chapter 2: Innocents and instinct > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details *Thoughts* ~Mental speaking~ "Normal speaking" ~"Mental and normal speaking"~ Songs ... (Radio static)... INNOCENCE The state, quality, or virtue of being innocent. INSTINCT A powerful motivation or impulse. A flash of light was swiftly followed by the sound of an explosion in the clouds above. I watched the sky as thunder flashed and danced across it. Earlier I had thought I saw some type of birds flying through the clouds as a flash of lighting lit up the sky. But it was hard to tell, as I only had a brief glimpse of them. Whatever they were, I would have to discover another time. Turning back I continued on my path through the forest, which just seemed to keep on going for miles in all directions. And because of the storm and the lack of any kind of landmarks, I didn't know if I was still heading north. All I could do was press on as I have been doing for the past four hours or so. Another hour into my journey the rain had let up a bit. But I still haven't found any sign of civilization. I hadn't really encountered anything since the manticores and I was beginning to wonder if I would encounter anything other than normal animals. No sooner than that thought came into my head, my mind had begun to sense something coming my way. I don't think it was a animal. Not with what I sensed from it. Fear. I sensed fear. Now all creatures feel fear, but animals lack all manner of sense and reason. They only have instinct. This means they only feel instinct fear, which tells them when something is dangerous to them. People however feel emotional fear. Whether it be out of fear of loss, pain, death or of something like spiders. When you can sense fear and know how to distinguish it from different types, you'll know what you are dealing with. This is how I could tell the difference. Flipping my staff around in my hand, I willed it to change shape. Shadowy mist begun to cover the staff in the process. The part I was holding onto changed into a hilt and cross guard. The rest became wide and sharp. Then as the shadowy mist left the object, it revealed a great sword. The sword was a five foot five, long double edged blade that shined with a bright blue glow, as if enchanted with magical ice. The cross guard had two jagged ends that bent upward like spikes. It's center had a diamond shape with a small round white gem embedded into it. The hilt had a swirling pattern with silver trimmings that ended in a diamond tip end. From guard to pummel, it was made out of dark steel. Holding the weapon in my right hand, I knelt down and placed my left one on the ground. A surge of energy flowed from me and echoed across the forest floor in all directions. A few seconds later, my echo location found the source of the fear I sensed. Just as I thought, it wasn't an animal. But it was being chased by three of those wood wolves. Because of my first encounter with them, I'm now able to distinguish their life forms from others. They were all fast approaching roughly in my direction, so I walked towards the direction where I would come into their path. A few moments later, I could hear them coming. Slowly, I stepped out from behind a tree and turned to face the four beings. When I came into view of them, I saw the three wood wolves chasing what seemed to be a young pony. Much like the ones I saw from the manticore's memories, only smaller with different colors and clothing. As soon as they saw me, the three wood wolves stopped. The pony however had been looking behind itself at them and hadn't noticed me until it turned its head to look forward again. The pony looked up at me with shock at first, then fear. As I was still walking towards it, sword in hand, the pony quickly tried to stop. But because of the wet ground from the rain, it slipped and fell on its rear, screaming a bit. It then just stared up at me in horror as I stood in front of it. My face absent of any emotion, I stood still for a moment, studying the pony as it stared up at me with dread. It was small. Only coming up just over my hip. It had light gray fur and a short silver mane and tail. Its large round eyes were a bright green. The pony wore a small brown coat over a white short sleeve shirt and blue jeans. It didn't seem to have any belongings on it other than it's cloths. But judging on its appearance, it seemed to be male. Finished with my examination, I leaned down and extended a hand to the young pony and his eyes widened in dread. "Come with me." I told him in a calm voice. The colt at first started to tremble when I leaned over him but relaxed a little when I spoke. He hesitated for a moment but managed to build up enough courage to trust me. With a trembling little hand, he grasped mine and I pulled him up before quickly standing in front of him. As I turned my focus onto the wood wolves, they all started to circle us both while growling. *Two in front, one behind.* I noted in my head. I raised and held my sword with both hands, getting into a fighting position and preparing for their attacks. I wasn't afraid of taking damage from these predators, but I did fear for the young pony holding onto my right leg. Then after a few seconds of waiting, the three wolves made their move. The one coming in on my left was the first to reach me. It leapt, baring it's claws and fangs, only to be met by my blade, in a single left downward swing. Instantly killing it as the sharp blade cut through its skull. I had also lowered myself with the swing, as I sensed the wolf from behind, leap at me. It sailed overhead missing me but landed on its feet. Quickly bringing myself up, I swung my blade at a right upward angle, slashing the chest and throat of the third wood wolf as it too, tried to leap at me. The second wood wolf, having quickly turned back around to face me, attempted to jump at me again. I waited for the right moment before simply thrusting my sword forward, into the wood wolves throat, allowing its own momentum to carry it to its own death. When the wood wolf ceased it's movement, I freed my sword from its mouth and watched it fall to the ground. I did a quick scan of the area, checking for more enemies. Seeing as it was clear, I looked behind me to check on the young colt, who had let go of my leg when the wood wolves attacked us. He was staring at me with wide eyes filled with aw as I approached him again. Kneeling down on one leg, I stabbed my sword into the ground and begun checking him for any injuries. Finding only a few scrapes and bruises, probably from running through the forest, I sighed in relief. "Are you alright?" He mealy nodded his head before speaking in a shaky voice. "Y-you k-k-killed them all. S-so fast." He wasn't cold. He was just nervous. "Yes." I responded in a calm voice. "They were trying to kill us. So I had to kill them." *They wouldn't have been able to kill me.* He didn't say anything else about it. He probably hasn't even seen death before and I had just killed three wood wolves in less than ten seconds in front of him. Attempting to get his mind off of death, I started to ask him some more questions. "What's your name young one?" He thought for a bit before responding. "Iron Hoof sir." I smiled. "Iron Hoof. That's a strong name. My name is Talion." I told him. He smiled a little too. "Thank you for saving me Sir Talion." "Sir Talion? I think you have me mistaken Iron Hoof. I am not a knight, but you're welcome." I told him. Iron Hoof tilted his head a little in confusion. "You're not? But you have a sword and you fight like them too. Only, you're not a pony." I chuckled a little before replying seriously. "Having a weapon and knowing how to use it doesn't give you a title. It's what you do with them, that does. Who you are and what you are, is of little consequence." Iron Hoof stared at me in wonder and amazement. He was completely relaxed now, but before he could ask any questions of his own, I needed to ask mine. "Iron Hoof I need to ask, what are you doing out here in these woods? Were you out here with family?" At the mention of family, his eyes widened and he gasped. "My mom and dad! Please Mr. Talion, you have to help them!" As he started panicking, I quickly grabbed his shoulders and attempted to calm him down. "Iron Hoof, calm down. I need you to tell me what happened." He calmed down just enough to explain what had happened to him. "My parents and I were traveling from Durasund, our old home town, to Ponyville for a better life. My dad was a stone mason back home, but he wanted to become an architect and build me and my mom a new home." He paused before continuing. "Because of the cold weather and my mom carrying my unborn brother or sister, we couldn't take the mountain road. So we had to go around the mountains and through the Everfree forest to get to Ponyville." His eyes started tearing up, but he finished. "We were just starting to pack up our camp when a pack of timber wolves attacked us. Dad was fighting them off and tried to get to me, but they cut him off. He then told me to run. So I did. But three of the timber wolves saw me and chased me... Then you found me." He looked back up at me with teary eyes. "Please help us, Talion." I looked him in the eyes before responding with a smile. "You don't have to ask for my help Iron Hoof. I give it freely." I then stood back up and lifted Iron Hoof up onto my shoulders. He yelped in surprise for a second. "Do you remember which way you came from?" I asked. He looked around for a second before answering, "That way!" Pointing in the direction he had come from. I then pulled my sword from the ground. "Hold on." Iron Hoof quickly wrapped his little hands and arms around my forehead as I started running in the direction of his parents. I ran for a bit, following the timber wolves tracks backwards, before I sent a surge of energy into the ground from my feet. A few seconds later, I located Iron Hoof's parents and thankfully, they were both still alive. I almost sighed in relief, until I sensed about a dozen of those timber wolves surrounding them. With this new revelation, I picked up my pace until I was almost gliding across the forest floor. Little Iron Hoof was surprised at my speed and held onto me tighter. The camp was just behind a small ledge ahead of us, so I slowed down and stopped on top of it to look over. I looked down and saw their camp in a small clearing, which was torn up and in disarray now. I did a quick scan over the camp and located the timber wolves and Iron Hoof's parents. They had been backed up into a corner against another stone ledge on the other side of the clearing. Iron Hoof's father was carrying a large two handed hammer to fend off the timber wolves. He was badly scratched up and was bleeding all over. His wife however seemed to be fine from what I could see from here. Finished assessing the situation, I lifted Iron Hoof up and placed him on the floor before speaking. "I will deal with the timber wolves. But I need you to get to your parents as soon as I get their attention. Do you understand?" He nodded while watching his parents with worry, then suddenly shouted. "Mom, dad!" I quickly looked back in their direction and saw a single timber wolf on top of the ledge standing over Iron Hoof's parents. His father didn't see it coming until it leapt at him. In an instant I raised my sword in both hands while my eyes burst into blue flames and I flashed in a blur of blue light towards the timber wolf. As soon as I reached it, I swung my blade and cleaved it in two, mid air. It briefly howled in pain before it fell to the ground dead in front of Iron Hoof's parents. I landed in front of them as well with my back facing the now nervous timber wolves who had halted their assault. Iron Hoof's father was still holding the hammer defensively, but I could tell he was terrified of me, his wife included. They both just stared at me in shock and fear as I spoke to them. "Get your wife and yourself to your son. I'll deal with the timber wolves." He nervously nodded his head before grabbing his wife's hand and guided her away from the timber wolves I turned to face. The timber wolves were pacing back and forth as they all kept their eyes on me. Out of the corner of my left eye, I saw Iron Hoof's parents rushing over to their son, who had climbed down from the ledge. Returning my focus on the timber wolves before me, I raised my sword in both hands, getting into a fighting stance and stood still. The timber wolves seeing me stand alone, decided to rush attack me. As the first three of the timber wolves got within range, I swung my blade in a left downward angle, slashing the chest of one. I then quickly raised my sword again and brought it down at a right angle onto the other, before quickly thrusting forward and stabbed a third one through its chest. I then ran towards three other timber wolves coming towards me. Two of them attempted to leap at me from both my sides. Seeing this, I lowered my sword down to my side before leaping into the air and doing a quick spin, slashing their throats mid air. I then raised my sword above me and swung it downward onto the third's head as I came down. I stood up straight raising my sword again as I stared at the remaining timber wolves. Their blood burning away on my blade. Only half of the timber wolf pack remained. The ones still alive had stopped their charge and were now shaking nervously. They seemed to be trying to decide whether to attack again or to retreat. Before they could decide though, I chose for them. ~"Leave. Now. Or die."~ My voice echoing darkly in their minds and ears. As soon as I spoke, they lowered their heads and started to back away with their tails between their legs. When they got to the edge of the clearing they quickly turned around and ran as fast as their legs could carry them. After watching them leave and checking for anymore threats, I lowered my sword and looked to find Iron Hoof and his parents standing next to their overturned carriage. They were all staring at me with awe, which swiftly became fear for Iron Hoof's parents when I started to walk towards them. To reduce tension, I placed my sword in its scabbard on my back. This action calmed the parents a little and the father lowered his hammer, but I could tell they were still nervous. As I approached them I was finally able to study Iron Hoof's parents. His father was a large dark gray stallion with a short charcoal black colored mane and tail. His eyes were blue, and he had what looked like a tattoo of a hammer and chisel against a stone block, on both of his exposed shoulders. He was tall and muscular. As can be expected from one who worked as a mason. I assumed the tattoo was the logo to some type of mining company. He wore thick gray cargo pants, a short sleeve blue shirt and a black sleeveless vest. All of which were torn up and bloodied. Iron Hoof's mother was a tall slim mare with a long gold colored mane and tail. Her eyes were also a gold color and her fur was a pure white. She wore a striped white and pink dress with short sleeves and a long skirt. Her dress shoulders had what looked like a paint brush and palette on them. *Strange.* I thought, before noticing she was holding her visibly pregnant stomach. *I had just saved four lives today.* I realized. When I had finished studying them both, I spoke to try and calm them. "It's okay. You're all safe now." As I spoke, they both seemed to relax. Then the father grunted and dropped his hammer while falling to his knees. I quickly grabbed him before he could fall on his face and gently laid him down on his back. Iron Hoof had gasped and grabbed onto his father, while his mother had cried out. "Stone Hoof!" Kneeling down beside the now identified Stone Hoof, I quickly pulled open his shirt to reveal his wounds. He was bleeding profusely from many different lacerations and bite wounds all over his upper body. As I examined the damage, I heard him speak to me in a weak voice. "Thank you so much, for saving my family." "Come on big guy. I just saved your life from the timber wolves too. Don't you die on me." I told him. "Please Mr. Talion." I heard Iron Hoof say. I looked at him and he continued with teary eyes. "Please don't let my father die." I looked him in the eyes before saying with a smile. "Do not worry Iron Hoof. He will live." I then raised my right hand and held it over Stone Hoof as it burst into blue flames. All three of them gasped and their eyes widened in shock as they saw this. I then looked back to Stone Hoof. "This won't kill you, but it's not going to tickle either." I then pressed my hand against his chest and sent energy coursing through his body. He briefly screamed in pain before settling down as the pain and wounds left his body. Iron Hoof and his mother simply watched in awe as Stone Hoof was healed completely in front of them. When the last of his wounds were healed and the power left his body, Stone Hoof began to examine himself while sitting up right. He was at a loss for words. Stone Hoof just sat there baffled. All his wounds were gone, as if they weren't even inflicted upon him in the first place. Stone Hoof then looked at me with shock and curiosity. "Who and what are you?" He asked me. I just stood up, letting out a sigh, before replying. "No one of consequence." > Chapter 3: A Promise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details *Thoughts* ~Mental speaking~ "Normal speaking" ~"Mental and normal speaking"~ Songs ... (Radio static)... "There you go! Lift now!" I shouted over to Stone Hoof as I pulled on two ropes attached to the side of the overturned carriage. Although I had the strength to lift the wagon by myself, doing so would have probably destroyed it, as I had no counter balance to help upright it. So here I was lifting it with ease as Stone Hoof helped guide it up. Soon we had it standing up and Stone Hoof made sure it wouldn't fall over again. As soon as it was in place, I let go of the ropes and walked over to Stone Hoof. "Thanks for the help! I don't know how I would have got the wagon back up alone." Stone Hoof said as I helped check the wagon. I smiled as I responded. "It's no problem Stone Hoof. I'm happy to help." He laughed before saying, "Come on now. I told you to just call me Stone. Using my full name makes me sound old." "But you are old dad." We both turned to see Iron Hoof coming our way. His mother, Lura, had cleaned him up of the dirt and blood from earlier this morning. Stone Hoof replied to his son. "I can still dream can't I?" Iron Hoof laughed a bit at his dad. "You know, I thought you were suppose to be helping your mother clean up our things." Stone told Iron Hoof. "I did. We finished!" Iron Hoof replied excitingly. Just as he told us, we saw Lura come over smiling, holding a bag in one of her arms. She too had cleaned herself up. "So are you two boys done playing around or can we finally get everything back into the wagon?" She said to her husband. "I'll have you know woman," Stone started putting on a sad drama act. "We... poor unfortunate souls have been laboring away our blood sweat and tears, to fix this heavy wagon that will carry our lives through these lands." He slipped one of his arms around his wife and pulled her close to him while continuing. "My body, though deprived of energy, presses on for my sweet love. Who I would honor a kiss, for strength and persistence to endure her husband's suffering." Finishing his little speech, he leaned in for a kiss as Lura chuckle. "I bet you would." She said before slipping out of his embrace and walking over to their wagon. Stone Hoof gasped and spoke in a shocked voice. "My own wife. She has forsaken me!?" He dramatically dropped to his knees and continued. "Is there no haven, no refuge of which a stallion shall build his castle of hope on?" He then looked to his side at Iron Hoof, then looked to me and said, "Oh but my son. My precious boy. I know in my heart I will always have him by my side and that I can always count on him to never abandon me." He reached over to grab his son, only to find him standing next to his mom, smiling. Seeing this, he then put his hands over his chest. "No... My own son too has left me to fend against the wolves of work and labor alone. Must I slave away day and night, rain or shine, to provide for my loved ones without aid?" "If you want dinner tonight, you will." Lura answered. "Alright then." He quickly dropped the act and stood up. Iron Hoof and I laughed and applauded his performance while he graciously bowed, and thanked us. "Oh please. Don't encourage him boys. He got enough of that back in Durasund." Lura shouted over to us. Stone Hoof then got up and walked over to me. "What a mare. I think she loves me." He laughed and went over to his wife and son. Stone was an interesting stallion. I had learned that he was born in a town called Birka, many miles south of Ponyville. He had moved southwest to Durasund near a place called the San Palomino Desert, for work during his young adult years and had spent nine years mining away stone from a quarry in the side of a red hill. Although he was only a simple stone mason, he had a skill for designing stone structures. He was hoping to improve that skill in Ponyville. Almost fifteen years ago, he met Lura and married her one day. Eventually they had their son Iron Hoof. When Iron Hoof reached the age of thirteen, Stone and Lura had learned they were having another child. With this revelation, Stone had decided that he wasn't going to raise a family in the scorching hot town of Durasund any longer. Eventually saving up enough money, he purchased a chunk of land on the outskirts of Ponyville. Now he was moving his family from the desert side town of Durasund, to Ponyville. Lura was a kind mare. She was an artist pony, born in Durasund and had spent her entire life in the hot town. When she had met Stone Hoof, she had instantly taken interested in him since he wasn't from around Durasund. After Stone and Lura were married and had a child together, with a second one on its way, Lura was very excited to move to Ponyville. Not just to provide a better life for her children, away from the industrial town of Durasund, but to finally be able to explore the world outside her home town. Even though I had refused to give any personal information in return for theirs, they simply accepted it. Yet still knowing next to nothing about me, they still treat me like an old friend. Perhaps it was because I had saved their lives. Or maybe people here were just that friendly. Never the less, they were all very grateful for my help. And I was happy to offer it. They had even offered me a reward for saving them, but I had simply told them, "I have no need for idle treasures. But let's just say for time being, your company shall be my payment." In staying with them for a while, I will be able to learn more about this magical world. They were all happy to welcome my company and my protection on their journey. Little Iron Hoof more so than his parents seemed to enjoy my company. It would seem that it was just their luck that I had gotten lost in the woods. Somehow I had ended up going west towards them instead of north. But now I had the company of a pony family who could give me more information about these lands. "Talion, you coming?" I pushed those thoughts to the back of my head as Stone Hoof called me over. We then started loading what few belongings they had brought with them, back into the wagon. They had lost a few things, but nothing that couldn't be replaced. It was already past mid day when we had finished. Stone Hoof was helping his wife onto the carriage while I strapped the last box down. "Why do you wear those black cloths?" Asked a curious Iron Hoof, who was sitting on the wagons edge staring at me. "So I can travel in the shadows unseen by my enemies." I answered. I moved to sit next to him and continued. "But I can tell you have a different question for me, other than my choice of fashion." He looked down for a second before speaking again. "When I saw you fighting those timber wolves to save us, you killed them when they attacked you. But when they stopped, you let them go." He paused to look back up at me. "Why didn't you kill the rest of them when they could still hurt sompony else?" He asked me. I looked down at him and answered. "Tell me Iron Hoof. What separates men from lesser men? The strong from the weak? Predators from prey?" He didn't answer so I continued. "Fear, Iron Hoof. Predators smell it, but walk away when they don't. When I engaged the timber wolves, my first objective was to secure you and your family's safety. My second, was to neutralize any hostile who posed a threat to your safety. And my third, was to secure that safety. How I went about doing so, was to break the timber wolves spirits and drive them off." I stood up before continuing with his gaze never leaving me. "What I'm saying is, when the timber wolves no longer posed any threat, there was no more need for their deaths." He frowned before slightly shouting. "But they almost killed me and my family! They're monsters and they deserved to die!" I knelt in front of him at his eye level before speaking in a calm voice. "No Iron Hoof. They are not monsters. Nor did they deserve to die." He looked at me in shock, then curiosity. "What do you mean? Why?" He asked me. "Because they are just animals Iron Hoof. They attacked your family out of instinct for food and survival. Not hate. They do not feel emotion. Only instinct, because they are just animals." I explained and looked Iron Hoof in the eyes as I continued. "Remember this Iron Hoof. Animals are not monsters. Monsters are people. And that is what's truly scary about them. Yes Iron Hoof. I killed many of them, but I only killed out of need. Not want. If ever there is a way to solve conflict peacefully, then I will fight for it." I finished and stood back up. "You will? Every fight?" He asked. I smilled at him. "Of course... I made a promise to fight for peace. Always." He stared at me in amazement as I finished. "Now come on up to the front. I think we're ready to leave." As we made our way to the front of the wagon, I thought about these ponies. A few things had surprised me about these Equestrians. Stone and Lura, had told me earlier about the four different types of ponies that exist. There are Pegasus, who can fly and manipulate the weather. They were also the figures I had seen flying in the storm above us. Unicorns who can use magic. Something I will need to study. Earth ponies, like Stone, Lura and Iron Hoof, who tend the land and posses incredible strength. As demonstrated with Stone Hoof as he pulled the wagon while wearing a harness around his torso. And lastly alicorns, who have all the traits of the others. As we set off, I checked the wagon to make sure it was stable. Lura and Iron Hoof were riding on the wagon while I walked along side them. "So tell me Talion, do you know any good traveling songs to lighten up the mood?" Asked Stone Hoof. "I do, but most of them require instruments." I replied. "Any that you can sing?" Iron Hoof asked. "Not particularly." I replied. He then went into the back of the wagon and came back out with a six stringed acoustic guitar. It looked to be in good condition. but probably hasn't been played for awhile. "My grandfather gave this to me when we left Durasund. Can you play it?" He asked me. "I can." I said with a smile and took it. I began plucking a few strings and tuning it. "Is your grandfather a guitarist?" "He is. One of the best in Durasund. He was never really fond of us leaving home, but he did give us his blessing and his first guitar as a fair well gift." Lura answered. Looking back to said instrument, I began thinking of a few songs to play. I can barely remember the last time I played a guitar. I browsed through the songs before choosing one to play. They all seemed to listen to my song intensively as I played the instrument. Like they were in a trance. In fact, the whole forest around us seemed to have gone silent to listen in as well. It was a strange feeling. We traveled east for awhile, but time seemed to have passed faster while I was playing music. As soon as I finished, Stone Lura and Iron Hoof, applauded and asked for more. So I continued to play for them as we continued up the road. Eventually the sun had begun to set behind the mountains and the clouds started to rain on us. So Stone Hoof pulled the wagon to the side of the road and extended its flaps to make a large tent. Lura and Iron Hoof had started preparing dinner while I collected additional wood for the fire. I had also decided to keep my sword with me while traveling with the Hoof family, should something else in this forest attempt to attack them. As I reached down to pick up another log, a pair of dog tags fell out of my coat pocket. In the blink of an eye, I dropped all the wood I had gathered and caught the tags before they could even touch the ground. I stood still holding the tags in an iron grip. Eventually I relaxed and opened my hand to look at the dog tags. Drust Talion R. 123 - 45 - 6789 RH - NULL Christian Drust Aden B. 123 - 45 - 6789 O - NEG Christian I quickly put them back in my coat. Leaning down, I picked up the logs I dropped and went back to camp. When I got back, Stone was just finishing up the tent, while Lura and Iron Hoof were cooking a delicious smelling stew. I put the logs down in a pile before sitting next to the fire. I then pulled my sword from its scabbard and began sharpening it with a wet stone. Iron Hoof came over and sat next to me, while admiring the blade. "How do you wield such a massive sword?" He asked me. "With honor and Justice." I answered with a smile. Stone came over and sat on a log of his own as he watched his wife cook, but listen in on the conversation. I looked at Iron Hoof. "You know, I can tell you have been wanting to ask me something." "Well... When You killed the wolves to save us, I saw how you fought them. Every time you swung your sword, you killed them in that one swing. None of them even touched you." He stared up at me. "How did you do it? How do you fight your enemies?" So that's why Iron Hoof is asking me so many questions. He was interested in fighting and wanted to learn about it. I looked over to Stone for permission and he nodded to me, so I turned back to face Iron Hoof and begun explaining. "When I first face an enemy I know nothing about, I treat it as if it could kill me. I let them attack me first while defensively holding my ground. I do this to study my opponent. Learning their strategy, locating its flaws and weaknesses. Then I use those flaws and weaknesses against my opponent. Swiftly and precisely, until the threat is neutralized. The timber wolves strategy of attack is to primarily leap at their prey first. However, in doing so, they leave themselves open to attacks with no way to dodge. I used that opening to kill them." I paused to put my sword away. "So when in combat, know your enemy. Do not underestimate them. Be patient and study their strategy. When you attack, do not stop until your enemy is defeated or dead and never give your enemy a chance to fight back. It can cost you greatly if you do. When you cannot defeat your enemy directly, use his lack of knowledge as your advantage. When you are far, make them think that you are near. When you are near, make them think that you are far. Attack when you're least expected to and hold your hand when you are most expected." I threw a few logs into the fire as I continued. "It comes down to this Iron Hoof, when it is your life and others that are on the line, you must do everything in your power to stop that threat. No matter what." I finished explaining and looked back at him. He had listened to everything I had said. "You... You're a soldier aren't you?" Stone Hoof asked me. I let out a sigh before answering. "I was... A very long time ago." "What happened?" Iron Hoof asked next. ..."Talion, Do you read?" I looked down and answered. "War... War happened." I looked over to Stone and Iron Hoof while smiling. "It's okay. The war is over and I am a free man. Free to explore this new land." Stone looked at me with sudden shock. "New land? You mean you had never been to Ponyville before? I was under the impression that you were leading us there." I was a little shocked at hearing this. "I was under the same impression about you, Stone. You purchased land up there so I would have assumed you've been to Ponyville." We stared at each other before bursting into laughter. Lura walked over with a few bowls of stew. "Does this mean we're lost Stone?" He paused his laughing long enough to answer. "What? No, no. We've been following a straight path. I'm sure that we're still on our way to Ponyville." He told her while grabbing a bowl from her. I suddenly ceased my laughing at hearing this. "Wait. We passed a cross road over nine hours ago. Did we even take the path to Ponyville?" "Uh... Did we take the north path?" Stone asked. "We're still going east." I told him. "Oh." He simply responded. "AHAHAHAHAHAH!" We both watched Lura and Iron Hoof laugh at Stone's misfortune. "Were you all really paying that much attention to my music?" I asked them as I grabbed a bowl of stew from Lura." "It was really beautiful music." Lura said sitting next to her husband. "Thank you." I said to her. "Well, it looks like we'll have a longer journey tomorrow." Stone commented before eating. I smirked and looked into the roaring fire. "So it would seem." After dinner and cleaning up, Lura went to tuck Iron Hoof in for the night and prepare herself for bed. We said goodnight. Stone was sitting by the fire while cleaning a few of his tools. I had decided to sit at the edge of the camp with my back to it, while I played the guitar Iron Hoof let me barrow. As the last string was plucked, I looked at my hands for a bit before reaching into my coat. I pulled out the dog tags from earlier and held them both in my hands as I slowly looked up. A battlefield laid before me in a snowy forest with bodies laying in trenches flooded with mud and blood. I stood surrounded by my allies and friends as snow slowly fell around us. I just stood still, gazing out into the woods. "Talion?" "Talion?" Hearing someone call my name, I was snapped out of my trance and looked to my side, to see my new CO walking towards me. I quickly saluted, acknowledging him. "Sir." I greeted him. "Edwards." He saluted back. "Come on. You'll miss all the fun." While we walked through the camp towards our destination, I looked around as soldiers walked passed us. A few soldiers were unloading boxes of ammo from a truck to my left. Looking to my right, a row of M4A2 tanks drove pass the forward defensives. Behind said defensives was a line of four M1A1 and M2 Long Toms, being loaded with 155mm shells. An officer began to give orders to the men operating them. "All artillery, FIRE!" Four deafening explosions sounded one after the other as the artillery fired their payload. Me and Edwards then had to stop for a truck carrying wounded. As it passed by, I looked at the nearly dead soldiers laying in it. A few of them looked back at me and I saw death in their eyes. "Talion, I'm not going to call you again." Edwards called out a bit ahead of me. I rushed back to his side as he started talking. "So I've been looking at your papers lately and I must say you are quite an interesting individual. A very important one too I imagine. Especially considering that the higher ups want me to write an extremely well detailed report on all of your performances in my squad." I kept looking straight as I spoke. "Don't worry about me sir. I'm willing to do my duty for America." "I have no doubt about that, Talion. But it's how you get your missions done that concerns me. Grab those would you." He gestured to a box of grenades. "But let me tell you something Talion." He started as he stood in front of me. "We here, we're a team. Which means we watch each other's backs. Fight together and get the mission done as a team. You're one of us now. So you'll do well to leave that lone wolf stuff behind and remember who your allies are. Understand?" "Yes sir." I answered with a straight face. "Good. Now, come and meet the rest of the team. Your new family." He said and continued on. We walked over to a small group of men sitting around a camp fire. "Found our new infiltrator boys." Edwards shouted over to the group of four men. I walked up to meet them after putting the box of grenades down. "Talion Drust." I introduced myself. One of them stood up and welcomed me. "Welcome to the team." He gestured to his friends and introduced them. "This is Brian Parish, our radio man. Gregory Lorne, our demo. Marcus Shade, our sniper. And you've already met Edwards Bishop, our intelligence officer." He shook my hand before introducing himself. "I'm Jacob Yanks. Team medic. I've heard a lot about you on the field from many of the survivors out there. Glad to have you with us." "Oh, of course you would be, Jacob." Gregory spoke up. "We've got the most dangerous man on our team to lead us through enemy territory. Are we in safe hands or what boys!?" Before any of us could respond, Edwards stepped in. "Settle down Greg. We're all in this together. Now everyone listen up." He rolled open a map on a wood table and continued. "Now, our mission is to sneak behind the enemy lines and get across the river, here." He pointed to a location on the map. "From there, we catch a ride to their base and take out their radio communication towers. Then we will be able to make our way to the town and destroy their artillery and ammo supplies. With no air or artillery support, our boys at the front will be able to push through their lines. Now." He reached down to pick up a box. "Here's your new uniforms men." He started handing us the uniforms while I studied the German outfit. Edwards then turned to me. "Here, grab a helmet and get dressed. We only have a quarter on the clock to move on out." I nodded and went over to a small tent to get dressed. After getting in our disguises, checking our weapons and gear, Edwards stepped in front of us again. "When we get behind the Nazi and Russian lines we will not be stopping for anything. Our boys at the front need that enemy air and artillery down to push through to the river and town. Everyone understand?" "Yes sir." We answered and he continued. "Now everyone remember your jobs, watch over each other and pray to God to see us through this. We'll get through this together, right boys?" "Sir yes sir!" We all shouted together. As I stood up, I dropped my dog tags. Leaning down, I picked them up and examined them. "Talion?" "Talion?" Someone shook me out of my trance. I quickly looked up to see Stone Hoof standing next to me with a look of concern on his face. "You had me worried there for a second. Are you alright?" "Ya... Yes I'm okay." I answered him. He didn't look convinced, but didn't press it further. Instead he moved to sit next to me. "You know, my son Iron Hoof has always been interested in fighting. Sometimes he would talk to the guards back in Durasund about different types of fighting techniques. He would also more than often get into fights at school, defending other kids from bullies." "Did he win any?" I asked. "Every single one." He answered with a pride filled smile. We both shared a laugh before Stone continued. "Ever since he met you, he has been asking you about fighting. Back in Durasund, that was all he asked the soldiers and that was all they ever taught him. But you however, you teach him so much more." He paused to look up at me. "You not only teach him how to fight, but you also teach him moral values to fighting. If fighting is his true talent and he wants to learn it, then I will not stop him from pursuing it... But I do pray that he will take your lessons to heart." I smiled and looked up into the forest. "You need not worry Stone... He already has." He looked at me in confusion. "How do you know?" "Just a feeling." I replied. Stone smiled an looked up at the stars. "Well, that's good... Thank you Talion." I nodded, as I picked the guitar back up and started playing the night away. > Chapter 4: Near death > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details *Thoughts* ~Mental speaking~ "Normal speaking" ~"Mental and normal speaking"~ Songs ... (Radio static)... "You teach me about fighting and yet you speak of peace. How do reconcile the two, Talion?" "It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war, Iron Hoof." *There's just never enough room in these things.* I thought to myself, as I packed my suitcase with a few cloths and other personal effects. When I managed to get the lid closed, I let out a sigh before sitting down on my bed. I looked around my small room before my eyes settled on an old picture of my dad, sitting on the dresser. I picked it up and looked at it for a bit. My dad, Aravel Drust, stood with a group of six other men. All but him wearing Great war British engineer uniforms, while my dad wore an American engineer uniform. They were all standing in front of a British mark V tank named The Red Dawn. I pulled the picture from its frame and slipped it into my shirt pocket. Standing up, I checked to make sure I had everything before I left. Finding everything in order, I grabbed my Holy Bible and my bag before leaving the room. I walked through the hallway until I got to the living room and made my way to the shoe closet, where I pulled out an old black leather coat that my father used to where. I was just putting it on when I heard someone behind me speak. "Where do you think you're going?" Turning around I saw my older brother Aden standing in the kitchen doorway. I turned back to finish putting my coat on before answering him. "To win a war... People are dying over there and I can't just sit here and listen to the radio all day." Aden walked into the room. "Talion, I promised mom that I would look after you when dad died. You know she would have never approved of you going to war like he did." "Well mom is not here anymore is she?" I asked frowning at him. "This isn't up for debate Aden. My mind is already made up." Just as I was about to grab the door handle, Aravel stepped in front of me. "Why Talion? Why are you so bent on going?" He asked. I let out a sigh before reaching into my shirt pocket and pulled out dad's old picture. I showed it to him before answering. "Because our dad fought for the same thing all those years ago. Because he sacrificed himself so that we could live freely. I have no right Aden, to do any less than him. Not when there are lives out there that I can save." Aden took the picture from my hand and looked down at it as I continued. "I asked him on the day of his deployment, the very same question Aden... Why? He told me that, when you have the power to stop evil yet choose to do nothing and others suffer for it, then it is your fault. I'm not doing this for me Aden. I'm doing this for him." I pointed at the picture he held. "And every life out there I can save." He sighed before responding. "I know you are Talion... That's why I'm coming with you." "Aden, don't try to sto-" I paused for a second. "Wait. You're doing what?" "I was already planning on going." He answered with a smile. "I wasn't going to stop you either. Honestly I thought you were the one who was going to try to stop me." I was stunned. "So I had practiced that speech all morning for nothing?" He laughed before replying. "No. It was a good speech. Nice and short too." "Did you make one too? I asked. "Sure did." He pulled a piece of paper out of his shirt pocket. "Though, it wasn't as good as yours." We both shared a laugh as Aden reached behind an arm chair and pulled up his bag. "And Talion, I'm glad that you're willing to fight, but I want you to remember something."Aden said as he slipped the picture back into my shirt pocket. "Remember, always, why you fight... Remember our fathers words and oaths you took. To fight for peace... Always." "I will, Aden. Always." I told him. He smiled then opened the door for me and we both left our old house. Neither of us knowing we would never return. I opened, my eyes to a dark clear sky. The sun still had yet to rise, but the edge of it's rays were visible. I let out a sigh as I gazed up at the fading stars. *Why are these memories coming back to me now?* I reached into my coat pocket and pulled out mine and my brother's dog tags. *Why did I fight Aden? What did I fight for?* I looked down and closed my eyes. *I'm so sorry Aden... I have forgotten my oaths... They are lost to me as I am to them.* Putting the dog tags away, I got up and began doing a few quick stretches to wake the rest of my body up. After putting on my trench coat and retrieving my sword, I looked around the camp. We were camped next to a small river near the side of the road. The storm from a few days earlier, caused the river to rise. A few trees at the edge of the river were being uprooted as the water rapidly flowed downstream. After we traveled back west on the road, we came upon the crossroads and made our way north towards Ponyville. We have been on this road for three days now. Stone had told me last night, that we would arrive at Ponyville by tomorrow afternoon. "You're up early again?" I heard Stone ask as he came out of his tent. "Always am. Old habit." I said. I looked towards the mountains up the road at the castle looming over the forests and valleys. The city of Canterlot. It was strange yet fascinating to see a city lodged into the side of a mountain. Stone told me it was perfectly stable. In the time that I have spent with the Hoof's, they had taught me a little of Equestria's history. From its founding, to Discord's reign and Nightmare Moon's banishment. As I have guessed earlier, this world though vastly different from my own, had seen its fair share of wars. But what they told me about the state of Equestria is that they have been at peace for nearly over a hundred years. I was in a land where war was nearly unheard of. Where peace and happiness was served to you on a silver platter. Equestria has made the greatest achievement of peace than any nation on Earth could ever hope to accomplish. And it shocked me to the core. I just couldn't understand how they could hold onto peace for so long. The only thing that shocked me the most, was learning that Equestria's princess had the power to move the sun and moon across the sky. It also explained why the moon and sun always stayed parallel to each other. But the fact that princess Celestia wields such power, greatly disturbed me though. Stone and Lura had assured me that Celestia was a good ruler and would never abuse her powers, but that's not just what had me worried. Celestia had painted a very large target on herself and Equestria's people. The amount of power that lived in this land would not go unnoticed by evil. They were all in danger. "Talion? You alright?" Stone asked. "Yes. Just thinking about Equestria." I answered. "You sure seem to do that a lot." He said as he started taking down the tent. Lura and Iron Hoof came out of the tent shortly after. Lura looked at me and smiled. "Good morning Talion. Did you sleep well?" "Better than four nights ago." I told her. "Well, I'm glad to finally see you rest, since you haven't done so for the past five days." She told me. "I don't need to rest Lura." I said. "Everyone needs to rest, Talion. You are of no exception." She told me. Stone Hoof spoke up when she finished. "Hey, I'll tell you what I need right now. Some coffee and breakfast." He said sarcastically. "Yes dear." Lura said with a smile while rolling her eyes. Iron Hoof then came over to stand next to me. I looked down to him, to see him beaming with excitement. "Are you that eager to continue your lessons? We haven't even had breakfast yet." I told him. "He's right Iron Hoof. You'll need to wait till after you eat." Lura called over. "Yes mom." Iron Hoof said a little disappointed. I had begun teaching him how to sword fight four days ago, in turn for him letting me play his guitar and teaching me about Equestria and its people. Iron Hoof had great potential in becoming an excellent swordsman. And even though I had only just started teaching him, he was a quick learner. After we had finished breakfast, we packed up the rest of the camp and set off to Ponyville again. So far for the past few days we haven't really encountered anything. In fact, the forest was a little quieter than yesterday. Stone and Lura credited the lack of predator sightings to me, but I couldn't get rid of the feeling that something else was causing it. It was approaching midday when we had decided to take a break from walking. When we stopped, I had resumed Iron Hoof's lessons, while Stone and Lura watched. "One, two, three, four, five. Again." I counted each time as I swung my tree branch for Iron Hoof to block with a wood sword I had made him. "One, two, three, four, five. Good work." "You look good Iron Hoof." Lura said. "Thanks mom." He replied. "Come on. Pay attention and move your feet. Now faster." I said as we began to speed up. After going at it a few more times, I had decided to move things along in his training. "Now remember, the secret to driving a strike. Focus the energy of your whole body here and here." I said as I pointed to his arms and hands. "And let it travel through to your blade as you swing or thrust it forward. Remember that it is a part of you, an extension of your arm. Empower it with your will and guide it to its target." I stepped to his side to give him space. "Now... Drive your strike." Iron Hoof compiled as he drove the wood sword forward into a tree. "Again. Drive a strike." I said. He swung at the tree again. "Again. Drive a strike." I said again. He swung again. "Excellent. Remember to relax your stance. Once more. Drive a strike." I told him. We continued like this for another hour before we had to head out again. Later during the evening, we had started to set up camp underneath a small cluster of trees. While Lura was cooking dinner and Stone was chopping wood, Iron Hoof sat next to me while I played the guitar as I have every night since he let me use it. "Who taught you how to sword fight Talion?" Iron Hoof asked me. I haven't really talked about myself throughout my time with them. Even though they have been nothing but kind to me since we met. I decided to answer his question. "My father. He was a practiced swordsman when I was about your age. He had taught me and my brother how to fight when we were young." "You had a brother?" He asked. The music suddenly stopped as I realized what I had just let slip out. Stone instantly noticing this, came over and spoke to his son. "Iron Hoof, you know not to ask him abou-" He didn't get to finish as I interrupted him. "No, it's okay." I let out a sigh before answering Iron Hoof's question. "Yes, Iron Hoof. I did... His name was Aden, my older brother." "What happened to him?" Iron Hoof asked. I looked down and closed my eyes before answering grimly. "We both left for war... Only I came back." Iron Hoof came over and hugged my side. I chuckled a little and placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. He got to be with the Lord first." Iron Hoof looked up at me in confusion. "The Lord? Who is that?" "The Lord Jesus Christ, our father in Heaven who created us all." I answered. "We have a father in Heaven?" I heard Lura ask. Hearing this I became a bit concerned for them. "Of course. He is the one that saves us from our sin and whoever believes in him as their savior, shall live with him for all of eternity. Do you not know him?" "Well, we know about heaven, but always believed people go there when they live a good life free of evil." Stone answered. "Do you read?" I asked him. "Of course." He answered. I reached into my coat and pulled out my Holy Bible. "You might want to read up on this." I said as I handed him the Bible. "What is this?"He asked. "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Start in the book of John." I told him. He raised a questioning brow before sitting on a log and started to read. It was a huge surprise for me to discover the existence of pony kind. It was an even bigger surprise when I discovered that they could speak and read English too. After dinner and answering a few questions from Stone Hoof, Lura began getting things cleaned up, while I sat next to the fire with Iron Hoof. "Talion?" Iron Hoof asked. "Yes?" I asked him. "Thank you for teaching me how to fight." He told me. I turned and smiled at him. "You're very welcome Iron Hoof." We sat in silence for a while. Watching the stars above or the cracking fire. "Stone are you ever going to take a break from reading that book?" Lura asked her husband. "When I finish this chapter." He replied. "You said that an hour ago, hun." She told him. Stone looked up. "Oh. Sorry honey. It's just an interesting book." He looked at me and reached over to give me back the Bible, but I held up a hand to stop him. "Keep it. I have another." I told him. He smiled in response. "Well thank you Talion. But I did want to ask, did all these things I'm reading about really happen?" "Yes they did. Over two thousand years ago." I answered. Iron Hoof stood up and stretched out his back. "Fascinating. It's a little hard to understand though. Sounds more like a fictional book than anything else." "I'm really glad you're interested in reading the Bible, Stone." I said. "And I'm glad you showed it to me... Hey where did these things happ-" He was about to ask, when I stood up suddenly. I had just started to sense a large amount of movement coming from the east. "What is it?" Iron Hoof asked a bit nervous. "There is a large number of animals heading this way. Something big is chasing them." I replied and just when I told them, the ground started to shake. "Stone, Lura get over to the wagon. Now!" I shouted as I picked up Iron Hoof. I ran over to the wagon and set Iron Hoof down next to it as Lura and Stone rushed over to stand next to me. Stone had picked up his sledge hammer and held it close, while I stood in front of them drawing my sword from its scabbard and holding it in front of me. A few moments later, many wild animals rushed out of the forest and ran across the road, paying little attention to us as they passed by. We had even seen a manticore and a pack of timber wolves run by. As the last of the animals passed us, we heard stomping from the east getting louder by the second. "Stone, get your family out of here. Right now." I told him. "What about you?" He asked. "Don't worry about me. Just run. Get out of here now!" I shouted. He grabbed Lura and Iron Hoof and rushed them up the road in the opposite direction of the stomping, which was still getting louder, but before they could get far we all heard a very loud roar. I looked up as trees were pushed to the side or knocked down by a very large hydra. I stared with wide eyes at the giant five headed lizard, as it came into the clearing. This was my first time seeing this kind of creature and I had been hoping not to encounter any of them. Even manticores stay clear of hydras in the east swamps, but every once in awhile, a hydra will go on a hunting raid through the Everfree forest. Even with this powerful beast in front of me, I felt no fear and held my ground. I had to buy time for Stone, Lura and Iron Hoof to get away. The hydra noticed me standing in its path and roared before charging. As the hydra lunged at me with one of its heads, I side stepped and slashed my sword across one of its left eyes, blinding it. The hydra reared its head back in pain as two more attempted to attack me. I ran towards the hydra's body and dodged the attacks. As soon as I came close to the hydra's chest, I drove my sword into it and twisted my blade. This effect caused the hydra to roar again as three of its heads breathed fire at me. I leaped backwards, pulling my sword out with me and slashed one of the necks of the hydra. But before I could prepare for another attack, one of the heads breathed fire at me again, causing me to jump out of the way towards two other heads. As one of them attempted to eat me, I ducked and stabbed my sword underneath it's chin all the way through to its brain. I then quickly tried to leap out of the way of the second head, but it managed to clamp down on my left arm. "Talion!" I heard Stone Hoof shout, but couldn't focus much on him. I yelled in pain as the hydra lifted me into the air, but before it could do anything else, I stabbed its right eye with my sword. The hydra roared in pain again and threw me to the ground, knocking the wind out of me. My back was on fire with pain from the impact. I tried to quickly get back up, but was suddenly hit in the front by the hydra's tail as it swung it's body around. I lost the grip on my sword as I was thrown into the air towards Stone, Lura and Iron Hoof, who had stayed against my wishes. When I finally fell back down, I rolled across the ground until I came to a stop in front of them. ~Talion.~ I laid on my back as I tried to get air back into my lungs. My vision was darkening and I could feel death coming for me again. *Not now! Not again! Get up and fight!* I tried to get up, but felt Stone and Lura stop me. I looked up at them both. "Let me go. The hydra is coming." I managed to cough out. "You're hurt badly Talion. You can't." Lura said. I pushed myself into a sitting position and saw the hydra turn in our direction and started walking towards us. Anger clear in its eyes. Looking down, I saw my sword embedded in the ground. Just a few feet in front of me. Iron Hoof turned in the direction I was looking and also saw the blade. As the hydra continued its slow approach, I tried to get up and retrieve my sword when suddenly, Iron Hoof bolted towards it. "Iron Hoof, no!" I cried, but it was too late as my protest fell on deaf ears. Iron Hoof reached out and grabbed a hold of my sword and pulled it out of the ground. As soon as he did, he screamed as his eyes and mine burst into blue flames. He was frozen on the spot as my power flowed through him and I felt his mind pass through me. Within an instant, I lived his memories. I felt his wants, hopes, fears and dreams. I couldn't stop this from happening. All I could do is see it through to the end. Stone and Lura could only watch and scream in terror as their son and I became like shadows. Then after what felt like hours, Iron Hoof and I stopped screaming. With the pain gone, I slowly stood up and walked over to Iron Hoof. The hydra had stopped during our screaming in confusion, before speeding up towards us. As I reached Iron Hoof, I stood at his side, but didn't look down to him. He was shaking and breathing heavily as his eyes still glowed with blue fire. "Stop. Breath in. Count to four. Breath out. Count to four. Repeat." I whispered to him. I watched the hydra get closer, as I listen to Iron Hoof steady his breathing. "Ready your stance." I told him and he raised my sword as he slightly couched. The weight and size of the weapon not seeming to effect him. "Steady your weapon." He pointed the sword forward. The hydra was almost on top of us now. Stone and Lura were screaming our names as we just stood still, not responding. "Focus all of your energy into the sword and guide it to its target." I continued as the hydra reared all of its heads back, preparing to attack as it reached us. "Drive your strike! NOW!" I finished. Iron Hoof suddenly flashed forward in a blur of blue light towards the hydra and drove the sword across its whole chest, creating a deep gash. He then landed in front of it and stood still. The attack was so unexpected to the hydra, it had stopped moving as its whole body was frozen in shock, before letting out a deafening roar and started to stumble backwards. The hydra then started tripping over itself and fell over. It's struggles and cries of pain soon became weak before quickly ceasing all together. Lowering my sword in his grasp, Iron Hoof slowly turned to face me. The fire in his eyes went out to reveal tears flowing freely down his cheeks. The shadows left his body and he returned back to normal as he dropped my sword and collapsed. I fell to my hands and knees as my body changed back as well. The injuries I had were all gone, but I haven't used that kind of power in so long, I was unprepared to connect with another mind. Especially, Iron Hoof. It was so very different than a humans mind. I hadn't entirely expected it to be possible. But there was no way for me to tell just what kind of after effects the connection will have on either of us. Stone and Lura were snapped out of their daze when they saw their son fall and quickly rushed over to him. "Oh God, please save him." Stone Hoof said as he and Lura cried. "He will live." I told them both as I attempted to stand up. "What happened to him!?" Lura shouted at me. I didn't answer her, but instead stood up and walked over to Iron Hoof and knelt next to him. I put my hand against his neck to check for a pulse. When I made contact with him, he breathed in sharply, getting air back into his lungs. Stone and Lura let out a cry of relief and hugged their son. "Lura, look." Stone said to his wife. Looking down we all saw a strange symbol or mark had appeared on Iron Hoof's shoulders. It looked like a sword with its blade embedded into a hill of blue fire, which became tree roots and was surrounded by a silver eight sided star in the background. "He found his cutiemark." Lura said in disbelief. After a few minutes, Iron Hoof's breathing steadied and he opened his eyes again. His parents gasped in shock at what they saw. I looked at his tear filled eyes and saw that they were no longer a bright green, but were now a deep teal. Almost as if they were electrified. "Iron, are you okay?" Lura asked him, but he didn't answer. His eyes fell on mine and I felt his thoughts enter my mind again. ~Talion, the bombs on its way. Are you clear?~ "Oh no." I said as tears started to fill my eyes as well. Stone looked at me in confusion and worry. "What do you mean?" He asked me before turning back to his son. "Iron Hoof, can you hear me? Are you alright?" Iron Hoof and I continued to cry as we both answered at the same time. "We're clear." > Chapter 5: A fate worse than death > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details *Thoughts* ~Mental speaking~ "Normal speaking" ~"Mental and normal speaking"~ Songs ... (Radio static)... "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." "And Talion, I'm glad that you're willing to fight, but I want you to remember something."Aden said as he slipped the picture back into my shirt pocket. "Remember, always, why you fight... Remember our fathers words and oaths you took. To fight for peace... Always." "I will, Aden. Always." I told him. I replayed the memory in my head again as I sat in front of a camp fire. I had tried so hard to forget everything about my past. Burying it underneath my dutie to protect people. For so long, I ran from the tragedy of my past life, only to face it all again as this strange and magical world digs it all back up. So here I sat, as the memories of a forgotten soldier comes back to haunt me. We had moved the camp away from the hydra, a few miles up the road, as its corpse would most likely attract other predators. I hadn't slept since last night's battle with the hydra. I don't even think Stone or Lura could either. So I just kept watch till the first rays of sunlight peaked over the horizon. Shortly after Iron Hoof spoke last night, he fell unconscious. His body and mind were not used to the amount of stress I had put him through so he collapsed. But despite Stone and Lura's concerns, I had assured them that Iron Hoof was okay, physically. But what I didn't tell them was that mentally he was changed forever. The great sword I had wielded during my time here, is actually a part of me. It was merely an extension of my mind and will made into physical form. So when Iron Hoof made contact with the blade, his mind and mine, merged for a single second. But within that second, I had unintentionally showed him one of my memories of the second world war. The bombing of Nagasaki. It was the first memory to have surfaced when I had arrived in this world and thankfully, was the only memory Iron Hoof had witnessed in my mind. But the damage had already been done. Iron Hoof would never be the same. Everything was happening the same way as it always did in the past. I tried to protect the innocent. I tried to save them, but in the end I had just caused everyone to suffer more. *Just like I had done to Aden.* I thought to myself. A single tear fell from my eye as I looked up towards the rising sun. I had taken a little bit of Iron Hoof's soul with me when our minds connected. I now had the memories of his life as if I had been there with him every day as he grew up. It was a strange feeling, to live through the life of another species, but they were very similar to humans. If a little more pleasant. Ponies like Iron Hoof, never grew up in a society where fathers abandoned their families. Where people hated each other simply because of who they were and differences of opinions. Where the rich stole from the poor and the innocent suffered. No. They lived in a society where happiness is shared with everyone. Where people can live in peace without fear of war and death. Where everyone is treated like friends and family, in a world where the sky was always blue and the hills were green. I learned from Iron Hoof just what kind of world ponykind lived in. It was nothing like mine. With these revelations, I finally had the answers to my questions. There is no place for me in Equestria. I do not belong here. "Talion! We think Iron Hoof is waking up!" I heard Stone call out from the tent. Hearing this, I rushed into the tent and saw Iron Hoof was indeed just waking up. "What happened? Where am I?" Iron Hoof asked in a tired voice. "It's okay Iron. Your safe now." Lura told him. Iron Hoof rubbed his eyes before looking around, but as soon as they landed on mine he started panicking. "Talion, the bomb! I didn't know! I didn't want to look, but the sky, it-! I saw fire! I-I saw-" I stopped his rambling by grabbing him by the shoulders. "Iron Hoof, stop... Breath in. Count to four. Breath out. Count to four. Repeat. Do it with me." He stopped struggling and slowed his breathing down as we both did the stress relief exercise. After a few more times, he stopped shaking and his breathing had calmed down. "Now, Iron Hoof, tell me, what did you see?" I asked him. "I-I saw y-you." He answered in a shaky voice. "Your legs w-were hurt and you were b-bleeding all over... Y-You were surrounded b-by death! Someone called you as you crawled towards the cliff and t-then the flying machines took off over the ocean." He paused as he started tearing up again. "T-The big one went over you a-and then... And then..." His voice trailed off as he tried to continue. "I saw fire... Fire that burned the whole sky... It was coming towards you, but you just laid still and smiled... and then everything went white." He looked up at me with teary eyes. "I'm so sorry, Talion. I'm so sorry for looking." He started crying. When he finished, I pulled him into a hug to comfort him. "No Iron. I'm the one who did this to you... It's my fault, not yours. I'm so sorry." Stone and Lura, joined in to comfort their son as well. We held Iron Hoof until he stopped crying. Iron Hoof then looked back up to me. "What happened to me, Talion." He asked me. I breathed in and let out a long sigh. This was the hard part. "My sword was not made from this world, Iron. I created it with my power, as an extension of my mind and will, made into physical form. You held a part of me in your hands when you lifted the sword, Iron Hoof, but I didn't sever my mental link from it, so it used your mind as a bridge to return to me." I paused for a moment before continuing. "In return for wielding a part of me Iron Hoof, you gave up a part of yourself and for a split second, your thoughts became mine, as mine became yours." I was silent as I waited for their reactions. Stone was the first to speak. "Y-You mean, you have Iron Hoof's memories and he has yours?" He asked me, a bit in shock. I shook my head. "Yes and no. Because, it was my power, my will and not Iron's, he only received a glimpse of a memory I had several days ago. I, on the other hand, received all of Iron Hoof's memories as my sword used him as a link to reconnect with me." They all we're silent for a moment before Lura spoke. "Will Iron Hoof be alright?" I nodded. "Yes, he will. My power left no permanent affects on him when I severed the link between us, other than the color of his eyes and those strange marks on his shoulders." "My shoulders?" He asked and looked at his shoulders. He gasped when he noticed what we were talking about. "I found my cutiemark!" He shouted excitingly before pausing. "I... I killed that hydra... didn't I, Talion?" He asked me. "Yes... It was trying to kill us." I answered. "So I had to kill it." He finished a little grimly. "We killed it Iron Hoof. It was my power that aided you." I told him. "How? What are you, Talion?" Iron Hoof asked. This was the question I was waiting for. The one that is most difficult to answer. I sighed again before answering him. "A long time ago I went to war, Iron Hoof. I went to fight for freedom and to save lives... All I wanted to do was my duty and fight for peace. That's all I wanted." I told him as I looked down at my hands. "What happened, Talion?" Iron Hoof asked me. "I gave my life away and died more than I could live." I answered as my whole body became covered in darkness and my eyes burst into blue flames as I revealed my wraith form to them. Stone Lura and Iron Hoof all gasped and backed away as I changed in front of them. ~"I am banished from death and bound to live an eternal life of never-ending death."~ I told them all, my voice echoing darkly in their ears and minds. My body slowly returned back to normal as I finished. "I am a cursed man... Neither among the living nor dead, I feel nothing, I fear nothing, because I am nothing." They all stared at me in shock and fear as I stood waiting for a response and after a long moment that felt like an eternity, Iron Hoof got out from his bed and approached me slowly as I watched him. "No Talion, you are something." He said before hugging me. I just stood still, completely shocked. He looked up at me again before finishing. "You're my friend." I started to tear up again when he finished. I have been alone for so long, I have forgotten what it was like to be called a friend. I returned the sign of affection and we held each other as I cried a little. Stone and Lura soon came over and joined in. "You're our friend too, Talion. You saved our lives and continued to protect us. You taught our son how to fight and helped him find his true talent. We will never forget that." Stone Hoof told me. "Thank you... All of you." I said to them before pulling away. I let out a sigh as I wiped away my tears. "Come on... The Sun has risen and we still have a little ways ahead of us to get to Ponyville. We should get moving again before midday. We might be able to make it there before the evening." I turned around and stepped out of the tent to let them get ready. "Talion." I heard Stone call me. Turning around, I saw him coming towards me. "Talion, I know we don't have a right to ask you of your past or of anything you've been through, but I want you to know that, we're here for you." I smiled warmly at him. "I know you are, Stone... Now let's get your family home" I turned back around and went to retrieve my things for the journey. After packing up the camp, we continued our journey to Ponyville. Strangely enough, Stone Lura and Iron Hoof all seemed to have accepted me as I truly was. While Stone and Lura had mostly moved past what happened earlier, little Iron Hoof was overly excited about it and the fact that he had found his true talent. He had found it because of me. Now he thinks of me as some kind of a big brother hero like figure. Even though I am far too old to be his sibling. "I still can't believe you helped me find my cutiemark!" He told me as we were traveling. "And the fact that I got it by killing a hydra! A hydra! And it was all because of you guiding me with your powers!" "Yes Iron Hoof, I know." I said with a smile as he continued. "No one's ever going to believe this! I've never even seen a cutiemark like mine!" He said as he looked at the marks on his shoulders. "Wait." I heard him pause. "Do you have a cutiemark, Talion?" "No. My kind don't get cutiemarks. We don't need them to discover our talents." I said. "No cutiemarks? But how do you or anyone else know what your talent is? He asked me. "Through the practice and demonstration of a talent or ability." I answered and began explaining. "We do not need any kind of marks to show off our talents to others. While many of us have the same abilities and talents, there are others who are far better at them, weather by training or constant practice of a talent. Therefore, you would go around not knowing what the people around you are capable of." I answered. Iron Hoof stared at me a little shocked. "That's so strange." I laughed a little before attempting to change the subject off of humanity. "So tell me Stone, what will you all do when you get to Ponyville?" He continued to look up the road as he answered. "Well the first thing we need to do is rent a room at an inn. The second is to refill all of our supplies and replace the ones we lost. Then lastly I can pull all of the money I saved from Durasund out of the bank so I can purchase the materials and equipment needed to build our new home." "Do you plan on constructing an entire house for you and your family alone?" I asked him. "What? Of course not! I'm going to see about hiring a few extra hands to help with the construction. All in all, it might take a little over a month or two. He Replied. "What are your plans for when we reach Ponyville, Talion?" Lura asked me as she drew in a sketchbook. "I honestly don't know. I haven't really thought about it." I lied. I looked to see what she was doing. "What are you drawing, Lura?" "Just sketching something I can use for future reference while painting and no, you cannot see it yet." She said with a smile. "Well, I guess I can wait for the finished product." I said to her and turned my attention back on the road ahead. As we continued up the road towards Ponyville, the trees were starting to thin out more and more to the point that they weren't constantly obscuring the sun. We were getting close to the end of this journey together. I sighed silently to myself as I knew I what I needed to do soon. After a few more minutes of walking, we were all finally able to see the end of the Everfree forest open up to grassy planes. A small village sat amongst the little hills in the distance past a river ahead of us. As soon as we reached the edge of the forest, I stopped walking. Stone had instantly noticed the lack of my company next to him and turned his head to see I had stopped moving. "Talion? What's wrong?" He asked as he stopped as well. I took a breath and exhaled before speaking. "This is it. This is as far as I can go." "What? What are you talking about, Talion?" Stone asked in confusion. "I'm not going with you to Ponyville." I told him. At this, Iron Hoof jumped off the wagon and rushed over to me. "What? No. Talion, you're not leaving us?" I knelt down to his level before replying. "I'm afraid this is the end of our fellowship, Iron Hoof... I cannot stay here in these lands." I told him. "Why? I don't understand, Talion." He asked me as his eyes started to tear up. "Because I don't belong here, Iron Hoof. There is no place for me in Ponyville or Equestria." I answered. Lura came over with Stone, who had taken off his harness. "Of course there's a place for you, Talion. I'm sure that when others see what kind of good person you are, they'll accept you despite what you truly are, just as we have." Lura said to me. I shook my head. "It's not that, Lura. Even if I was welcome in here, I could never stay." "Talion... I don't want you to leave us." Iron Hoof said. I sighed as I looked back to Iron Hoof. "I'm too broken Iron Hoof... I have no place among ponykind. I am a soldier, a man of war. I do not belong where there is peace." "Yes you do! Talion, the war is over." Iron Hoof almost shouted. "That's just it Iron Hoof. The war is never over... Not for me." He looked at me in confusion before I explained. "As long as there is war and suffering, I cannot not rest. I will not rest. I will go where I am needed to bring peace to others. Where there is chaos, lawlessness and injustice." I reached into my coat pocket and pulled out my dog tags and showed them to Iron Hoof. "I took an oath to fight for peace, Iron Hoof. Always... It is my duty. It is what I have been called for. I must answer." I told him. Iron Hoof cried as he looked up to me. "I don't want to lose you, Talion. You're my friend." He said. "And I will always be your friend. You'll still carry a part of me with you Iron Hoof. I will always be with you. Even if you cannot see me, know that I am with you, here." I pointed to his heart. With my other hand, I pulled from my belt a KA-BAR, Full Size USMC Straight Fighting Knife, in a black leather sheath. Grabbing his hand, I set the knife in his palm. I then reached over him and put my dog tags around his neck. "I want you to have these, Iron Hoof. Let them be a reminder of me and the lessons I taught you. As you are a lesson taught to me by God." I told him. After looking at my gifts in wonder, he looked back up to me. His eyes still filled with tears. "What do you mean?" I chuckled before answering. "Because of you and your family, I have remembered why I fight and what I fought for, so long ago." They all looked at me with curiosity. "What did you fight for?" Iron Hoof asked me. I smiled then turned to Stone and Lura as I reached out my hand to them. They had both been crying a little as well while they listened. They both walked over and took my hand as they held each other and Iron Hoof as well. I then stood up and turned them all to face the west, towards the direction of the setting sun. As I held them all, my eyes lightly glowed blue as I connected to their minds and showed them one of my memories. Their eyes widened and they all gasped as they saw in the distance at the edge of the horizon a shining city on a hill above an ocean. It was a magnificent sight for them to behold that left them awestruck. When they looked towards the ocean, they saw a small island with a giant statue on a pedestal, facing east towards the ocean with its back to the city. "A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame is the imprisoned lightning, stands on the horizon, at the edge of the sea and the setting sun. And her name; Mother of exiles. She lifts up her light beside the golden doors and says, "Give me your tired. Your poor. Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuge of your teeming shores. Send these. Your lost, homeless, tempest tossed, to me." As the vision faded away, Stone, Lura and Iron Hoof just stood there staring at the horizon, as if they could still see the Land Of The Free. After a few more moments of silence, they turned back to me. "W-What... was that beautiful place?" Lura asked me. A single tear fell from my eye as I answered her. "Home... That was my home." I breathed in and let out another sigh before turning to Stone Hoof. "Thank you Stone, for your kindness and trust. I wish you and your family all the luck in the world for your new home and life." He smiled at me before replying. "And I, you, wherever the road takes you. I hope and pray to God, that you'll find your peace out there, Talion. But, if you should find yourself near Ponyville, I want you to know that you are always welcome in our home." We both then shook each other's hands. "Thank you. Oh and as for my payment you offered me." I started. "Name it, Talion." He said. "Do you all remember when we first met?" I asked them. "Of course we do." Stone answered with a smile. "No you don't." I said in a serious voice. "What? Why?" Stone asked me in shock and confusion. "For the same reasons that I cannot go with you all to Ponyville. It is best that others do not learn of my existence here, otherwise I'd be putting many lives in danger. Please Stone, keep my secret within your family." I told him. He looked down for a moment, a little sad about having to keep the knowledge of my existence a secret, but he returned his gaze back to me with a smile. "You can trust us with your secret, Talion... All of us." He told me. "I appreciate that Stone. Thank you." I told him, then turned to Lura. "I'd like to thank you too, Lura, for welcoming me as a friend to you and your family. I hope for one day to see the works of art you will create." I said to her. "I hope to see you again too, Talion. You have done so much for us, I am so sad to see that you are not going to be a part of our lives... But I understand that you are needed elsewhere." She paused to hug me. "There are still others out there who need your help just as we needed you. I hope someday to meet you again, Talion. So please, come and visit us won't you?" She finished. "Of course, Lura. Someday we will meet again." I said to her. Finally I looked to Iron Hoof, who was slightly crying while looking down. "Iron Hoof." I said as I knelt down to him. "I'd like to thank you above all... You've reminded me of my duties and obligations to help and protect others. You've helped me feel alive again and for that, I can never repay you." I pulled him into a hug as he cried again. "Do not morn for me Iron Hoof. I have chosen my path to follow, but you still must find your own." "Will I ever see you again, Talion?" He asked me. "Yes, we will meet again. All of us. Either in this life, or the next, in the presence of our father." I held him for a bit longer in silence, before speaking again. "Remember what we fight for Iron Hoof. Remember why we fight." I whispered to him before pulling away and wiping the tears from his eyes. "Go now, Iron Hoof. Practice. Train your body and mind and always remember our lessons. Always focus on the quality of your training, not the quantity. Grow your abilities and always fight for peace." "I will, Talion. Always, as long as I shall live... I swear it." He told me with a smile. As he looked down at my dog tags, he suddenly turned and went into the wagon. He quickly came back out with his guitar and walked back up to me. "I want you to have this, Talion. So you can play your beautiful music and be reminded of us whenever you do." I reached down and accepted his gift. "Thank you Iron Hoof. This is a wonderful gift that I will forever cherish and I will always remember you all in my travels, wherever I go." We pulled each other into one last group hug and stayed that way for a little while. "Goodbye Stone, Lura and Iron Hoof. Fare thee well." I told them with a smile as we separated. "Goodbye Talion." They all said to me with teary eyes. Stone and Lura then turned and guided Iron Hoof back to the wagon as he watched me. When Lura and Iron Hoof were back in the wagon, Stone Hoof put his harness back on and began the trek to Ponyville. I remained at the edge of the Everfree forest as I watched them go. When they got a little up the road, they all turned in my direction and waved to me one last time. I smiled and waved back to them in a final farewell. I stayed for awhile longer as I watched them travel to Ponyville, until they passed beyond my sight. I let out a sigh and turned west while pulling out a map Stone had given me a few days ago. Now that I had a picture of the layout of the land, I had a much better sense of direction for my next journey. I would travel west for awhile, towards White Tail Woods. Then I could make my way northwest to the Smoky Mountains. From what I have heard from Stone Hoof, no one has lived in those mountains, other than dragons, for many years, but there are a few nearby settlements around them. I needed to leave Equestrian territory and I would be able to hide my presence from ponies and any other peaceful folk in the undiscovered west. Closing the map, I put it back into my coat and strapped Iron Hoof's guitar around my back next to my sword. I then took one last look towards Ponyville. The sun had finally set and the small town was lit up on the small hills. I smiled one last time at the beautiful sight before turning back to face the west and set off on my next journey. > Chapter 6: The lonely road > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details *Thoughts* ~Mental speaking~ "Normal speaking" ~"Mental and normal speaking"~ Songs ... (Radio static)... INNOCENCE AND INSTINCT "Monsters are not animals. Monsters are people, and that is what's truly scary about them." ..."Vulture, Cujo 5-1 checking in. Flight of two F35s, orbiting west, twenty miles, at Angels twelve. Ordinance to follow: Four lazer Mavericks, Two HARMs, Twenty five GBU12s, Six hundred rounds a piece. 0+40 Time on Station. Ready for tasking." ..."Cujo 5-1, this is Vulture. Solid copy on all. /Break/ Cujo 5-1, push in on target package Whiskey Hotel 01, at map grid: 257798. You are clear to proceed with "Hammerdown". Awaiting authorization till target approach. How copy?" ..."Vulture, solid copy. Pushing east to target package Whiskey Hotel 01, at map grid: 257798. Proceeding with "Hammerdown"." ..."Two minutes till weapons release." /Break/ ..."This is Cujo 5-1 to any friendly units in the area. "Hammerdown" is in effect. I repeat: "Hammerdown" is in effect. If you can receive this transmission, you are in a hardened high-value structure. Deploy green flares on the roof of this structure to indicate that you are still combat effective. We will abort our mission on direct visual contact with this counter-sign." ..."Ninety seconds till weapons release." ..."This is Cujo 5-1 to any friendly units in the area. "Hammerdown" is in effect. I repeat: "Hammerdown" is in effect. If you can receive this transmission, you are in a hardened high-value structure. Deploy green flares on the roof of this structure to indicate that you are still combat effective. We will abort our mission on direct visual contact with this counter-sign." ..."One minute till weapons release." ..."This is Cujo 5-1 to any friendly units in the area. "Hammerdown" is in effect. I repeat: "Hammerdown" is in effect. If you can receive this transmission, you are in a hardened high-value structure. Deploy green flares on the roof of this structure to indicate that you are still combat effective. We will abort our mission on direct visual contact with this counter-sign." ..."Thirty seconds till weapons release." ..."Stand by." ..."Vulture to Cujo 5-1, Target package Whiskey Hotel 01 has been authorized. Go to town." ..."Roger. Passing IP Buick... Stand by." ..."Bombs away, bombs away." "...Payload successfully delivered to target package Whiskey Hotel 01. Target is cleared. I say again: Target is cleared. Exiting east pass IP Buick. Ready for further tasking." I quickly opened my eyes as I woke up from another dream. I steadied my breathing as I tried to calm myself down. They were getting more and more frequent. Maybe it was because of the time I spent with the Hoof's. Or maybe it was just this world. *I need to stop sleeping. The war is over. Forget the past.* I told myself as I leaned up into a sitting position against a tree I had taken shelter under. It was early morning with the sun still under the horizon. The sky was filled with dark clouds, so It would most likely rain later in the day. I had arrived in the White Tail Woods, last night, after over a week of traveling west across vast plains that separate this forest from the Everfree. After the long trek, even if I didn't need to, I had desided to rest and somehow fell asleep. "Rest is for the living." I said to myself. I looked over to my left, to see Iron Hoof's guitar lying next to my sword. I reached over, picked up the instrument and set it down on my lap. Even though it was a gift from Iron Hoof, I still saw it as his. My hands brushed across the strings as I made sure it was turned. I then closed my eyes and smiled as I begun to play a short song to take my mind off dreams of war and death. I let out a sigh and opened my eyes as the music faded and looked up to the tree canopy above me. I saw many of the forest's inhabitants waking up for the morning. Some of them seemed to have been watching me as I played. The animals of Equestria were strange. While wild animals back home would usually run away in encountering any human beings, these animals seem to watch me in curiosity without fear. Some would even approach me to investigate up close themselves. It was almost as if they were sentient. But upon further investigation into their minds, I discovered that they were still just animals. They have just never seen a human before. I placed the guitar back next to my sword, before getting up and stretching. I then leaned down and picked up my sword and guitar, then strapped them both onto my back. I looked around for a bit before turning west and started walking. The White Tail Woods were quite different from the Everfree forest in terms of look and hostility. This place wasn't attempting to deceive my eyes at every corner I turn. It was actually quite a beautiful forest. Especially during this season, as the leaves fell around me. I haven't even encountered any ponies or hostile animals for days now. I was beginning to wonder if the Everfree forest was cursed, since it harbored many dangerous creatures and felt more enchanted than White Tail Woods. But it's no matter to concern myself over right now. What did concern me was figuring out how to keep myself hidden and unknown to ponykind. I suppose I would just have to start traveling during the night to reduce the chances of someone seeing me. But that could wait until I came near any type of pony settlement. So for now, I can travel freely. As I continued my journey through the woods, it was coming up on midday when I came across a road. There were no sign or sound of ponies, so I chose to investigate it. It went northwest from southeast and has definitely been used recently. But seeing as there was no one traveling it at this time, I desided to follow the road heading northwest. Now I probably could have made much more time on the road, but the chances of encountering ponies on the way was extremely high. So for now, I would be patient and use the cover provided off to the side of the road to stay hidden. After about seven hours of following the road, I started to see smoke a few miles up ahead. Seeing this, I lept up to the top of a tree, using its branches to get a better look at where it was coming from. As I looked in the direction of the smoke, I saw a town of some kind. The smoke was coming from the many chimneys on the rooftops of homes and other structures. It was less than six miles away, so I should be able to make it there before sunset. Dropping down from the eighty-seven foot tall tree, I made my way towards the town. I was probably halfway there when it started to rain. I let out a sigh before cloaking my body in shadows as I entered my wraith form. But this time I also masked myself so others would not be able to see, hear, touch or feel my presence. I continued up the road as rain fell around and through me. While in this form, I felt nothing. Even as I passed through objects and people, I moved through them as if they weren't there. Or I wasn't. Eventually, I made it to the town. It was a medium medieval styled town with structures made of wood, stone, clay and hay. As I stood in front of its wood gated entrance, I looked to my left to a sign nailed onto the wall of the gate. Welcome To Vingrid. There were two guardsponies outside the gate standing watch. One was an earth pony, while the other was a unicorn. They both wore medium chain steel plated armor, with a spear in each of there hands. There helmets had red feather like manes, similar to their own manes. I walked passed them into Vingrid and came to a stop in the middle of the street. Even though it was raining, there were still all sorts of ponies outside. Most of them were probably heading home from work for the day. I chuckled to myself as I watched the ponies around me. There were so many in such a wide variety of colors, it was almost disorienting. The whole town was bustling with activity, as ponies went about their daily lives. I even saw a large group of kids coming out of a school house and rushing home. From the looks of this town, I guess it was a lumber town. Evident of the large lumber mill near the gates. Probably one of the main importers of wood in this part of Equestria. I walked through the crowds of ponies, down the main road, towards a tavern. The Black Oak Inn. I walked through the door into a large well lit room, with a large roaring fire place at the end of the room. There were many round and square tables with groups of ponies eating, drinking, gambling and laughing, as they enjoyed themselves to the company of family and friends. I looked towards the end of the tavern and saw a lone unoccupied corner table near a window. It was slightly covered by the shadow of staircase leading to the inn's rooms on the second floor. Seeing as it was a good place to sit and observe the rest of the room, I walked over to the table and sat down, still cloaked from the ponies in the room. I had chosen to come here on my way westward, to see what I can learn about these lands. This way I can know what to expect while on my travels. From here I will make my way northwest towards the Smoky Mountains and then continuing westward from there. After about an hour of listening in on conversations, I concluded that I would have to search for information on the west, somewhere else. None of the ponies in this inn seemed to be travelers. The majority of the ponies around the room lived in this town and seldom travel away from Vingrid. A small town, I concluded. I had been hoping to find at least a few ponies who have traveled west. I suppose I'll need to look elsewhere. But I had desided to stay for a few minutes longer before leaving. When I was about ready to leave, I noticed an older looking pegasus stallion walking with a cane while being helped by a waitress as she guided him over to my table. "Here you are Mr. Mahgauve. You just take a seat and I will fix you up a nice hot meal." The waitress said to, the now identified stallion, Mahgauve. I studied him as he sat down. He wore a thick dark blue coat, that he set down on the bench chair next to him before sitting down. Underneath, he wore a green and black longsleave button up shirt with a small black t-shirt underneath it. On his legs, he wore a pair of long dark green winter pants His fur was a light cyan color. He also had a white colored mane and tail and his eyes were pale. *He's blind.* I thought to myself. When he sat himself down, he looked straight in my direction and tilted his head in confusion for a second. It was almost as if he could really see me. He sat there, not saying anything for a few moments before turning his head to the side and sneezing. "Ah. Hay fever?" I asked him, revealing myself only to him. "Ya." He answered with a small smile, before quickly turning in my direction with a startled look on his face. "Oh uh... I'm sorry. I didn't realize another pony had seated himself at my table." Mahgauve said to me. "I'm sorry for startling you sir. I can leave if you want me to." I told him. "No, that's quite alright. I would actually prefer some company if you don't mind staying." He told me. "Alright then. I am Drust. Talion Drust. Pleasure to meet you." I said and extended my hand over the table. "Dauntless Mahgauve. The pleasures all mine Talion." He reached over and shook my gloved hand. "You come here often Dauntless?" I asked. He laughed a little before answering. "Often, would be an understatement. Yes. I come here almost every day when I can. They have good food, music and every once in awhile some good company to talk to." "So you must know many folks around here, Mahgauve." I commented. "For those who I grew up with, yes. But unfortunately much of the younger generation tend to keep their distance from an old war stallion like me." He replied. "War stallion?" I asked him. "Yes... I was a captain back during the war with Saddle Arabia, almost thirty years ago. I was one of the youngest under my rank, but I proved capable of handling the responsibility." He explained. "Well, thank you for your service, Captain Mahgauve." I thanked him. "Please, call me Dauntless." He said. I smiled. "As you wish, Dauntless." "So your not from around here are you, Talion? He asked. "What gives you that impression?" I asked him. "Well, because if you were from around here, you would more than likely have already known of me. Most everypony knows each other here." He answered. *Small town.* I thought as he continued. Plus you're sitting at my personal table, yet didn't know it until just now, I assume." He answered with a smug smile. I chuckled before replying. "You assume correct, Dauntless. I have only just arrived in Vingrid a few hours ago." "Well, allow me to be the first to welcome you to my town, Talion. You here to stay or are you just passing through?" He welcomed me before asking. "Thank you and I'm just passing through. I thought I'd come here to see about acquiring some information for my journey." I answered. "A traveler huh. Its been awhile since any traveling pony has passed through here. Where are you off to?" He asked. "The Smoky Mountains. From there westward, to the undiscovered lands." I answered. "The Smoky Mountains? Are you serious?" He asked me a little concerned. "Quite." I answered. "Do you have a death wish, Talion? He asked. "Would I sound crazy if I answered yes to that question? I asked him, with a smile. "I don't know if you seek death, or are just insane!" He stated. "Would it be unreasonable to suggest I was both?" I asked him with an even bigger smile. "I-... I don't know how to respond to that." He said. I laughed for a bit. "I jest Dauntless. But, yes. I do seek to travel to the Smoky Mountains and the unexplored west." I told him. He leaned back in his chair before speaking. "Well still, you are either very brave or very foolish to seek adventure in those lands. And don't say you are both." "I don't suppose you can tell me anything about those lands?" I asked him. He chuckled before answering. "Well, if you're so bent on exploring those lands, I suppose I could lend you some information. What do you want to know?" "What can you tell me about the Smoky Mountains?" I asked him. "Well, the mountain range used to be the home of many dragons many years ago. It technical still is. Although not many dragons have chosen to live there since the old dragon tyrant Bahamut ruled those lands, it still is the second largest dragon homeland, beside the dragon Badlands to the southeast." The mountain range itself, although covered in a constant thick layer of smoke, is not volcanic." He finished explaining to me. "Bahamut. Who was he?" I asked him. "You haven't heard of him? What are they teaching you young ponies these days? He asked. I chuckled before replying. "I'm not that young Dauntless. But tell me about this old tyrant, Bahamut." He let out a sigh before starting. "Well let me see... It was somewhere around, oh... five hundred years ago when he ruled the west. He was a giant black dragon. A really giant, giant dragon. They say that he was over twice the size of a full adult dragon and his greed was tenfold of that. Bahamut is said to have been so gready, nothing was ever enough for him to take. He not only stole from other race's, but from his own kind too. He forced his rule and will on everyone and everything... He wanted it all. He needed it all. So one day, he left his lands to go on a conquest of Equestria and it's neighbors. No army formed against Bahamut, could stop him. He enslaved everyone who stood up against him. But when the nation's of Equestria realized the threat Bahamut posed to all of them, they put aside their differences and united. And together, they defeated the mad dragon king. Everyone he had enslaved, were finally set free, but the damage done to everyone, was so great. The war had cost the lives of hundreds of thousands. Many nations were left in ruin. Some of them are still trying to recover even today. But Princess Celestia has been leading the recovery effort of Equestria and it's neighbors eversince." He let out a sigh as he finished. "And the Smoky Mountains was where he was defeated?" I asked him. He noded before explaining. "When Bahamut was finally struck down by a final blow from Celestia, he fell into the mountain range and it collapsed over him, becoming his grave. No one really knows where the smoke comes from though. Most believe it is a curse left behind by Bahamut, as a reminder of his terrible rule." I thought about this new information for a bit before speaking again. "What happened to the dragons after Bahamut was defeated?" He let out a long sigh before answering. "We... drove them from our lands, along with every nation in Equestria. They were responsible for Bahamut's rise to power. While some of them had fought against Bahamut, the majority of the dragons willing served him. No nation or race, has ever forgiven the dragons since." "Why? Why would a race as prideful as the dragons, serve Bahamut?" I asked him. "While many believe that the dragon race is lawless, unjust and uncivilized, they do have some form of order. In their case, might equals right. And Bahamut was the mightiest of them all. In size, strength, greed and power." He answered. "So everyone blames the choices of a few dragons on the whole race? Now that is unjustice." I said. "Wait, you're defending the dragons?" He asked me. "No, I am not. But nor am I condoning the treatment of their race. You treat someone like an animal long enough, sooner or later they will start acting like one. And eventually lash out." I told him. I have seen it happen before. When the Germans lost WWI, they were treated harshly for a war they did not start. Eventually they lashed out and this time, starting a war themselves. I do not condone their actions, but I know what lead to them. Dauntless looked down as he thought for a moment, but before he could say anything else the waitress from earlier came over with a tray of food. It looked like bread, cheese, a small bowl of fruit and some vegetable salad. "Sorry for the wait Mr. Mahgauve. Here's your meal." She said, placing the wood tray in front of him. "Ah, thank you Mirra. This is my friend, Talion Drust." He said gestured in my direction, before speaking to me. "Can I get you anything Talion?" I stayed silent as the waitress Mirra, looked across the table in confusion. "Mr. Mahgauve, are you feeling alright?" She asked, sounding a little concerned, as she looked back to him. "What do you mean? Of course I'm fine. I just want to get something for my friend here." He told her. She looked a little worried as she spoke. "Mr. Mahgauve, there's no one else sitting at this table. You've been seated alone since you got here." "W-What? But-... I-I... Talion?" He stuttered before calling my name, but I stayed silent and hidden. "Mr. Mahgauve, are you okay?" She asked. "I don't know." He said with a shocked and confused look on his face. "Are you going to be alright?" She asked him. "Y-Ya... Ya, I'll be fine." He told her. She didn't look convinced, but didn't say anything else and went back to work, leaving us alone again. Dauntless, just sat there motionless for a bit. "It felt and sounded so real." He said to himself. "That's because it was, Dauntless." I said, revealing myself to him again. He almost jumped out of his seat at hearing the sound of my voice again. "My god. I've finally done it. I've gone mad." I laughed at his response. "No Dauntless, you are quite sane. So take comfort in knowing that the world is still crazier than you are." He had his mouth hanging open as he tried to comprehend what was happening. "What are you?" "No one of consequence." I answered. "Are you dead? A ghost?" He asked me. "Yes and no." I said. He tilted his head in confusion. "Who are you Talion? What is it you want from me?" I let out a sigh before answering. "Who and what I am is inconsequential. What I want however, you have already freely given to me." I told him. Hearing this, he started to shake in fear. "You need not fear me Dauntless. I am your friend, as you said." I told him. He seemed to have calmed down a little before speaking. "If I have already given you what you wanted, why are you still here?" "Because there is still something I need to ask you." I replied. He looked confused again. "What?" "I want to know why you fought, Dauntless... Why did you go to war?" I asked. He looked a little uncertain and confused, but answered my question, after looking down and letting out a sigh. "When I was young, me and my brother had joined the Equestrian army, as it had been our dream to serve. We worked together, trained together and fought together... But we did not die together." He paused for a moment before continuing. "We both were committed to our duty, to protect the people of Equestria. But neither of us truly knew why we wanted so badly to serve. One day though, I learned why. We both had been a part of an escort protecting a group of envoys on our way to Saddle Arabia. We were going to negotiate the ceasing of all hostile activities between our two kingdom's. All we wanted was peace. But they gave us war." He looked down again, as a few tears fell from his eyes. "When my brother died in my arms, I finally knew why I fought." He looked back up to me before finishing. "I fought for the innocent... For my brother... For peace. Weather I served Equestria or not, that is what I fought for." He breathed back his tears, as he sat awaiting my response. "Why did you ask me these things, Talion? Why?" I let out another sigh before answering. "Because I was a soldier too, Dauntless... And I know what it means to lose someone. I know what its like to sacrifice everything for your country, only for the people you fought to protect to treat you like a criminal." I told him. He sat still as I continued. "You fought for peace Dauntless. And dedicated your whole life to pursue it. Even though others will never understand that, I want you to know, I do." His eyes started tearing up again as he spoke. "Thank you, Talion." "No, thank you Dauntless, for showing me that I am not alone in this world. That the road I travel has been shared. I am sorry to have opened old wounds, Dauntless. But I needed to know what you stand for before I gave you a parting gift." I told him. "You don't need to give me anything, Talion. Having someone to talk to is a gift of its own." He said with a smile. "Well as much as I have enjoyed talking with you Dauntless, it is time for me to move on. Thank you for answering my questions. I hope for you the best, Dauntless." I said as I stood up from my seat. "It was my pleasure, Talion. Thank you for providing me with your company. I wish you luck for wherever your journey takes you." He said to me as he reached out his hand. I grabbed his hand and shook it, while sending a surge of energy through him. "Goodbye Dauntless." I said. "Goodbye Talion. And be safe out there." He said. As I started to walk away, I stopped and turned to look back at him. "Oh, and you might want to blink a few times." I told him before cloaking myself from him and walking towards the door. "Blink?" I heard him ask. When I reached the door, I turned and saw him standing up and looking around with wide eyes, which were now a bright blue. Mirra, noticed Dauntless standing up and rushed over to him. "Mr. Mahgauve? Whats wrong?" She asked approaching him before gasping when she saw his eyes were no longer pale. "I-I can see! I can see again!" He shouted in excitement and disbelief. His sudden outburst started drawing everyone's attention to him. I smiled before turning towards the door and passing through it. I let out a sigh as I stepped back out onto the busy streets of Vingrid. After looking around, I desided to explore the rest of the town. As I wandered the streets of the town, most of the ponies around had desided to head home for the night, leaving Vingrid dark and quite. I took a seat on a bench in the market place, as I thought about the information I had learned from Dauntless Mahgauve. Among these thoughts were, how I should appear to people, if I have to, as to keep my identity hidden. My thoughts drifted to Iron Hoof. When we had first met he called me a knight. That gave me an idea for how I shall appear to others. So I came up with a new appearance for myself. As I started the design in my head, I leaned back and watched the rain fall. "HELP!" I stood up suddenly when I heard someone shout in the distance. I looked up to a rooftop before flashing up to it and started running towards the direction of the scream. As I leaped across rooftops, I heard class break and boxes getting knocked over ahead of me. I jumped over a few more roofs before coming to a stop over a dark alleyway. I looked down and saw what looked like two zebras, one male, the other female, surrounded by six pony thugs. Four of them were in armor. "Why don't you all just go back to where you came from!?" One of the guards asked the zebras. "Our lands were destroyed. There is no where for us to go." The male zebra told them. "You two should have just left when we told you to." Another guard said. "We'll leave right now then!" The male zebra told them. "Oh, its to late for that. No, we're going to make sure you're gone permanently this time." The first guard said as he pulled out his sword. Seeing enough of this, I lept down from the roof changing into my armor and forming a polaxe in my hands. *Time to start a legend.* I thought to myself. As the guard approached the zebras, raising his sword, I stepped in between them and as soon as the guard swung his sword, I caught it with my left hand, while holding my polaxe in my right. The guard just stood still in shock. Before he could try to withdraw his sword though, I revealed myself to all of them. The guards all stepped back in fear as dark mist formed in front of them to reveal me. ~"I don't like the effect you're having on these people."~ I said to them in a deep dark voice and they started to tremble. I applied pressure to the sword I held until it shattered and fell to the ground. I then held my polaxe in both hands as I approached them, but instead of fleeing for their lives, they raised their weapons towards me. But I chose to attack first. I slashed my axe downward onto the first pony, knocking his sword out of his hands, then thrusting the spear tip of my weapon into his side. He screamed and fell down backwards. Two of the other guards and one of the thugs attempted to overwhelm me with their attacks. But their swords just bounced off my armor. I then raised my polaxe up over my right shoulder, before swinging it sideways through them. All three were cutdown as I cleaved through their weak armor. The last two guards were backing away in fear, before dropping their weapons and running out of the alley and screaming for help. As they ran away, I turned my attention back to the first pony I had stabbed in the side. He was laying on his back, pressing his hands against his wound as he stared up at me in dread. I slowly walked over to him and he started to panic. Before he could scream, I reached down, grabbed him by his neck and lifted him into the air. He struggled as I held him in the air by his throat. His struggling came to a halt as blue fire traveled from my arm, up to his head. He was about to scream when I forced my will into his mind. ~Show me your mind... Show me your master.~ I learned his name was Duel Edge. He and his friends were Vingrid guards. As I searched through his memories, I saw him and his friends watching the two zebras from earlier. They were talking about ways to get rid of them. I then saw them making threats to the zebra couple and pushing them around. Upon further investigation into his mind, I learned he and his friends have done this many times before. Even killed people who were not ponies. As I continued my search, I learned that there were more guards in Vingrid who were corrupt like him. While their small group would go out and murder foreigners, the officers would cover up the incident. I now had all the identities of the murderers. This murder spree comes to an end now. After leaving his mind I threw him to the ground and turned my head to the side and looked towards the zebra couple. They both looked the same. Besides gender, they both had the same white and black fur color and they both wore brown robes and coats. I then looked at the female zebra and saw she was pregnant. *It seems to becoming a habit of mine. Saving unborn children.* I thought to myself, before speaking to them. ~"Come with me and do not fall behind."~ They both nodded as they stared at me in fear. I then turned around and grabbed the guards shirt collar and started to drag him out of the alley, kicking and screaming. As I reached the end of the alleyway, I sensed that the zebra couple had not moved from their position. Without turning my head, I spoke. ~"I'm waiting."~ They quickly started to follow me out of the alley towards the town center. I then walked in front of the market place towards a center street sign, where I threw Duel Edge at it and formed a chain around his wrists. I tied the end to the sign post. I then turned around and waited, while the two zebras were standing off to the side and waited for something to happen. "W-What are you doing and why are we here?" The male zebra asked me. Without looking at them, I answered. ~"Holding a trial and waiting for the rest of the guilty to arrive. You two are my witnesses."~ They stayed silent and continued to stare at me in curiosity and fear. It didn't take long for the two guards who fled to return with the rest of their group. ~"Good. They all came."~ I said. Five earth ponies, two pegasus and four unicorns. Yep. There all here. Some of the civilians around us came out of their homes to see what the commotion was all about. When the guards finally stood in front of us, they pulled out their swords and spears and pointed them at me, before one of them spoke. "I am sergeant Shield Gate. You have attacked and killed our fellow guards and have taken one hostage. I order you to drop your weapons and release our guard or we will use force to subdue you." I just stood still in response. Shield Gate then noded to his men and the unicorns stepped forward, charging up their horns. I still didn't move as Shield Gate spoke again. "I say again: Drop your weapons and release your hostage." When I did not respond, he looked back to his men and raised his hand. "On him." The four unicorns then cast their magic and a colorful bubble appeared around me, but nothing else happened. The unicorns seemed to be struggling to do something though. I laughed on the inside as I realized that their magic was useless against me. I had thought, even hoped a little, that magic would be able to affect me. But it would seem whatever their trying to do wasn't working. It was strange though, I could see what looked like transparent colorful strings leading from their horns to me. I could actually feel the magical energy flowing through them. I smiled as an idea came to me. A weakness of theirs I can use. I raised my left hand and sent an ark of my power through the magical links. The effect was instant. When my power connected to the magic, it used the link like a power cord and traveled directly to the unicorns. Everyone could visibly see the energy as it struck the unicorn's horns and all four of them fell to their knees while grabbing their heads as they screamed in pain. As soon as they fell, the rest of the guards attempted to charge at me, but I raised my hand and threw blue glowing chain links at all of them, that formed from my hand. The chains wrapped around all of the guards hands and feet, forcing them all to drop their weapons. ~"On your knees!"~ I commanded and they all quickly obeyed. I then raised my polaxe and stabbed its shaft into the ground and tied the chain links to it. Turning around, I approached Duel Edge while drawing my sword. He screamed for help as he struggled in his chains. I then lifted him up and moved him foward onto his knees in front of the rest of his friends. They were all attempting to pull my polaxe down with their chains, while some of the civilians who had been spectating, were panicking. ~"SILENCE!"~ I shouted. Everyone froze and fell silent. I could see more town guards coming up the street along with what looked like a commanding officer, if his golden armor is any indication of his rank. So I waited until they pushed passed the crowd, before I spoke. ~"Stop."~ I told them and they halted their charge, right behind the murderers. ~"These soldiers are murderers, who have been killing foreigners for almost seven years. Tonight, they had just attempted to murder these people."~ I said before gesturing to the two zebras and their unborn. "It's liying captain! Stop it!" One of the murderers said. I then lowered my sword to Duel Edge, right above his throat. ~"Tell them. Now."~ I told him, but he didn't answer so I spoke again. ~"Tell them what you have done and I will be merciful... In how I kill you."~ I started applying preassure to his sholder. He screamed in pain and the guards tried to approach again, but stopped when I growled and my eyes glowed red through the visor of my helmet. ~"Tell them. Now. I won't say it again."~ I said to Duel Edge and squeezed harder. "We did it!" He finally screamed. ~"Tell them what you and your friends have done."~ I told him as I stopped squeezing his shoulder. "Duel Edge, don't!" Shield Gate, shouted as he continued to pull on his chains. Duel Edge, breathed in before speaking again. "W-We would find the foreigners and harass them for a bit. Then, if they didn't leave Vingrid, we would kill them and hide the bodies in the forest while Shield Gate would cover up the incident." He spilled out the truth as he cried. "We were going to do the same to them tonight." He pointed to the zebra couple. I spoke to the zebras as I faced the crowd. ~"Tell them what they did."~ It took a moment before the male zebra spoke. "W-We w-were just passing through Vingrid to get supplies, when they started to harass us at the market. They wanted us to leave today, but we had only just arrived s-so we choose to stay. But we had a hard time finding an inn to stay at and they found us still here." He paused for a moment before continuing. "They took us to an alley and were going to kill us, but then he appeared and saved us." He pointed at me as he finished telling the crowd. I then looked towards the captain. ~"Your soldiers are sworn to protect and serve, yet these one's,"~ I pointed with my sword to the murderers in chains. ~"Have abused their power to prey on those who they deem lesser than themselves."~ I tilted my head forward as I looked down at the captain. ~"How do you find them?"~ When I asked him, he turned around and looked at Shield Gate. "Is this true sergeant? Did you do all this?" He asked sternly. Shield Gate was looking down, but looked back up with his face covered in rage as he answered. "Yes we did it! The zebras and every other race that come into our lands are infecting our kingdom with their cultures! And since no one was willing to do anything about it, I was! We all were!" He shouted at his captain, who promptly punched him in the face when he finished. The captain then turned back to face me. "They are guilty, stranger." He said and stepped forward. "But I ask that you would allow me to deliver their sentence, Sir knight." I then lifted Duel Edge and threw him with his friends. ~"Because they are your soldiers, captain, I will allow you to sentence them."~ I then raised my hand and the chains holding the ponies, retracted back into my polaxe. I then pulled it out of the ground after I put my sword back in its scabbard. As soon as my chains vanished, the captain motioned for his men to arrest the murderers. As they were carried away, the captain approached me. "Thank you Sir knight, for exposing these murderers. On behalf of my town, I would like to express my gratitude." He held out his hand for me to shake. I took it and shook his hand. ~"Your people put their trust in you and your men to protect them from monsters like those murderers, captain. If you want to hold on to that trust, make sure they pay for what they've done."~ He looked at me with curiosity and noded before speaking again. "What are you, knight?" ~"I am the judge, jury and executioner to all those who prey on the weak and innocent."~ I told him before turning to face the zebras. They both stared at me in awe, as they slowly approached me. "Thank you, so much Sir. Knight. Thank you for saving us." The male zebra said to me. I noded my head to them before walking away from the staring crowd. "Wait! Who are you? What's your name?" The female zebra asked me. I stopped and looked back to them. I looked behind them and saw that Dauntless Mahgauve, was among the crowd watching me, with a smile. I then looked back to the zebras and finally answered. ~"No one of consequence."~ I told them and disappeared. > Chapter 7: Long journey > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details *Thoughts* ~Mental speaking~ "Normal speaking" ~"Mental and normal speaking"~ Songs ... (Radio static)... "Almost there." I said to myself, as I climbed up the side of a cliff. I reached over to grab the top of the ledge and pulled myself up. I then breathed in and dusted myself off of the dirt and rubble, before turning around to look at the forest below. The view was breath taking. As I gazed towards the mountains in the distance, I could see the sun almost peaking over the horizon. I took a seat on an old fallen tree log, near the cliff's edge. I then leaned back and breathed in the fresh air, as I waited for the sun to rise. While this world was relatively the same as Earth, it seemed a little more colorful. Making the night and day much more beautiful. It must have been what it was like on Earth, before the city lights and smog blocked out most of the stars and sun light. As I watched the sun finally peak over the horizon, I reached behind my back and pulled Iron Hoof's guitar over to my lap. I waited until the sun had passed over the mountains, before I begun playing to the beautiful sight. I closed my eyes and smiled as I focused on the song. The sound of birds singing and the morning breeze blended together with my song beautifully. While I played, it felt like the music was echoing around me. As if I had speakers sending my song across the mountains. Though I'm sure it was just my mind deeply focused on the song. As the last musical notes faded away, I opened my eyes to find myself surrounded by little animals. From birds, rabbits and squirrels, they all seemed to have been listening to my music. I chuckled and begun to pet a few of them. The animals here sure were friendly. Some of the birds even perched themselves on my shoulders and head. But unfortunately, I only have two hands to pet them with. As I continued to pet, scratch and rub the little animals around me, I felt in the back of my mind that I was being watched. It was small, so I can't tell if it was someone or something that was watching me. Whatever it is, it's to far away for me to locate it. So I simply kept my focus on the animals. I would have to try and locat it while I continued my clime. After a few more minutes, I slowly got up and stretched my arms before continuing my journey up the mountains. I had left Vingrid about six days ago, after exposing the murderers. I had stayed at the town for a day longer to learn of their sentences. Some of them received life in prison, while the others were given the death penalty. But I only stayed long enough to insure justice would be delivered. As for me, the whole town had heard of my appearance, the very next day. The zebras had told many of the ponies in Vingrid about how I appeared out of thin air and saved them. Much of the town believed that because of the many years of murders, the dead had called upon a vengeful spirit to enact their wrath and revenge upon their killers. Thus starting the title given to me, the Herald of Justice. It was a fitting name that I liked. Thankfully, Vingrid was a small town. Which means, I will remain a legend to the people of Vingrid, while a myth among rumors to ponies who pass through the town. After leaving Vingrid, I continued my journey towards the Smoky Mountains. Now, here I am, climbing past the foothills of these rocky slopes. From what I was able to learn about the Smoky Mountains, there is a large forest valley around a lake called White Pine, that runs across the whole inside of the mountain range. Because of some dragon activity in the area, no one around these mountains have attempted to venture west past them. Vingrid was one of the last pony settlements heading west. Meaning everything else was uncharted territory. At least to ponykind. I'm sure that the dragons in the west have explored those vast lands. And now, so will I. As long as I leave the dragons alone and stay away from their territory, then they should leave me alone as well. At least, I hope they will. I was able to walk up the mountain for a few hours until I had to start climbing again. Unfortunately because of the hight of the cliff, I could not simply flash to the top. So I just pulled myself up its side. Its no problem for me though. I could literally do this for hours, non stop. As I continued my climb, I felt the sensation of being watched again, but I couldn't locate it. I let out a sigh, and just kept moving. It was still to far for me to tell it apart from a person or an animal. So for now I would continue to pretend to be naive of its presence. It took me almost two hours to get to the top of the cliff. So by the time I made it up, it was almost midday. I took a seat on the ledge with my legs hanging over it and gazed over the landscape of Equestria. I could see Canterlot in the distance, along with many towns and villages. Including Vingrid in the White Tail Woods at the base of the Smoky Mountain's foothills. While I admired the view of Equestria, I also scanned the mountains around me in search of what ever was watching me. It was probably using the cover from the trees and low clouds to stay hidden. This means it could be a person up here who had seen me scaling the cliff side and had desided to watch me. *Maybe climbing up the side of a mountain without the cover of trees wasn't such a good way to go unnoticed up here.* I thought to myself. Well, might as well move on. Whoever it is, they can't really follow me up the mountain and I still had a ways to go before I could get to level ground. Strangely enough, I have yet to see any dragons flying around these mountains. I suppose they must stay within the mountain range, rather than outside of it. Dauntless Mahgauve, did say that the dragons were driven out of Equestria and many other nations, after Bahamut's fall. So it would make sense for the dragons in the west to stay clear of Equestria. It was still strange to be in a world where mythical beings existed. I was actually interested in meeting a dragon up close too. It would be an interesting encounter to see what they were capable of. Though that encounter will have to wait for some time in the future, as I still had to find a place to hide my presence. As I walked along the slopes of the mountain, I felt the wind suddenly push down against me. Looking up, I noticed a storm coming from the north over the mountains. "Well thats just great" I said to myself. Now I would have to climb faster, in order to beat the storm. I started running up the slope until I had to climb again. Because I have already climbed over halfway up the mountain, I would have to climb near vertical cliff faces. This would be so much easier if the weather hadn't picked up. Thankfully, there were small areas where the rocks stuck out from the cliff side. This would allow me to leap up the rock face, rather than slowed pulling myself up. I was able to make good progress climbing up. Soon I had reached the upper parts of the mountain. Scaling the mountain at this speed was also relatively easy, since I never grow tired or ware down. But before I could celebrate my achievement, it started to snow. This was probably the first snow storm of winter and it was starting to get heavy. So I quickly pushed forward up the mountain. I had to find some shelter or an overhanging rock on the side of the mountain before I get buried in snow. The wind and snow had slowed my progression significantly. I was now forced to walk nearly blind, as I pushed against the wind. As I approached another slope on the mountain, I suddenly lost my footing and slipped. I fell to my left and started stumbling down the mountain slope. I quickly tried to grab onto something, but soon found myself feeling weightless as I fell off the cliff I had scaled. As I fell towards the lower slopes of the mountain I started to hear beats in the wind, but before I could turn around I saw a large shadow looming over me. I then felt something wrap around my midsection and pull me up. Because of the wind against my face, I wasn't able to see what was carrying me. I was just about to reach out with my mind when we started slowing down. I looked down and saw us approaching a ledge on the side of the mountain, leading into a cave. As soon as we reached the ledge, I was dropped to the ground. I grunted from the impact and rolled a few times before coming to a stop in front of the cave. I shook my head and quickly turned around to see what had caught me. What I saw was the outline of a dragon flying away from me. I was stunned to see that a dragon had saved me from the fall, even though I would have survived, it had caught me and brought me to some shelter. Before the dragon flew to far, I reached out with my mind to it and was briefly able to touch it's mind before it flew out of range. Now that I have felt it's mind, I would be able to identify the dragon if it continues to watch me from afar. The mind was an interesting maze to explore. But not one mind of any person or animal, was the same. Every mind has different memories, experiences, wants, dislikes and fears. I can use just the surface of these things to identify anyone and anything with a mind. Including the dragon that caught me. I watched the dragon until it flew out of view before I turned and begun examining the cave in front of me. It wasn't big enough for the dragon to walk in, but it was perfect for my size. The cave was facing the southeast, so the wind did not blow directly into it. As I walked into the cave, I found that it didn't go too far into the mountain. It was far from cozy, but it would serve much better than sleeping in the snow. After sitting down against a wall, I pulled Iron Hoof's guitar to my front and checked it for damage. Other than a few scratches, it was fine. I sighed in relief at finding the instrument intact. Although I could easily repair it if needed, I would prefer to keep it in good condition. Using my power, I brushed my hand across the guitar and removed the scratches in the wood. I then made sure it was turned before setting it down in my lap. The instrument often reminded me of Stone, Lura and Iron Hoof. I wondered how they all were and what they were doing. If Iron Hoof continues to train what I had taught him, I'm sure he will become an excellent swordsman and a great warrior. Even though we had not been together for very long, I was glad to have been with the Hoof's, as I guided them to their new home. I looked down at the guitar in my lap and picked it up again. I then looked out of the cave and played a song while I watched the snow fall over the Smoky Mountains. After I finished the song, I sat in silence for a while as I watched the snow fall. I let out a sigh before turning away from the cave entrance and laying back against the stone wall. Against my better judgment, I closed my eyes and allowed sleep to take me again. Opening my eyes, I sat up on the park bench I had dozed off on. I looked down to my lap and saw my Bible still open. I closed the tear stained pages and put the book back into my briefcase and let out a sigh, before grabbing my coat and standing up. I looked around and found myself alone in front of a marble wall with many names etched into it. I stood still and stared at the list of names engraved across the wall before I took a deep breath and approached the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, slowly. When I reached it, I set my briefcase down to my side and looked at the names of my old friends. Tears started to fill my vision as I reached a trembling hand to their names. I had lost so many friends, in so many wars. But I still let myself get close to others. The endless death can never compare to the pain of loss. "I can't do it anymore Richard... I can't fight anymore. I have sacrificed everything and have died more than I could live, again and again." I said as I looked down and leaned against the wall with one hand. "People came from all over the world, thinking these wars would be our right of passage. Our grand adventure. But it was no adventure. New killing machines like the airplane and the tank, changed war forever. And yet, we still found more and more new ways to kill each other. Instead of adventure, we found fear. And in war, the only true equalizer is death, for all but me." I paused to breath. "I am doomed to fight and always lose. I will live on while everyone around me dies. And even though I cannot die, I still kill myself a little every day. I can't do it Richard. Not again. I can't..." "Yes you can Talion. I know you can, even if you don't." I heard Richard tell me. "They push, we push. Every once in awhile we push hard enough, that the light breaks through the clouds, so the world beyond the war glimmers. Just out of reach. Remember Talion, the war is the world and the world is the war. But behind every gun sight, is a human being. We are those people. We are the jaded and we are the naive. We are the honorable and the criminal. We are the bound for legend and the lost to history. We are the knights of the sky, the ghosts in the desert and the rats in the mud. We are soldiers." "I am a soldier in a war that never ends Richard." I told him as I held my head down and begun crying again. "No matter I hope, no matter I pray, my regret and my pain won't go away. And yet here I stand, waiting to fight. For my country and a war, with no end in sight. And no one remembers. No one knows me, you or any of us. Even as we fight, we are already forgotten." "No Talion." I heard Richard say to me. "One day, all this will be over and the war will be won, by one side or the other. Guns will rust, grass will grow and there will be nothing left of any of this. The land will heal itself, as everything does in the end. We'll be long gone by then. But maybe, just maybe, not forgotten. History only remembers one in a thousand of us. Then the future will be filled with stories of who we were and what we did. How we lived, how we fought and how we died. When this is all over and the war is won, they will remember us. But, until that day comes, we will stand, we will look death in the eye and We. Will. Fight. Always." I opened my eyes and looked up. "Always..." I said with a smile. I was suddenly shaken out of my thoughts, when someone grabbed my shoulder. "Talion. You alright, son?" I looked and saw my CO standing next to me. "Ya. I'm alright." He smiled at me as he reached his hand out. "You left this on the bench." He said as he handed me the picture of my dad. "Thank you sir." I said to him. "Come on Talion. Its almost over. Just one last time." He told me. I looked down at the picture and then back to the memorial. "One last time." I then leaned down and picked up my briefcase and coat, before turning around and walking with my friend, towards the White house. Tears fell freely from my eyes as I awoke from my dream. "Why is it all coming back to me now? It is over. The war is finished and I am free and yet I still search for meaning... Meaning for a weapon without a purpose." I then opened my eyes to see light outside. The storm had let up enough to let the morning sunlight to breach through the clouds. I let out a sigh before picking up the guitar in my lap again and begun to play a song, in memory of my fallen brothers. I remember Richard's words about war. He was a really good friend, one of the only ones to know what I truly am. But even in the midst of chaos and death, he always looked to the bright side of things and had a very poetic way of expressing them. Even in my darkness, he found light and brought it to the surface. When the song ended, I stood up and wiped the tears from my eyes. I then stretched my aching limbs, before picking up Iron Hoof's guitar and walking towards the exit of the cave. The sun had risen over the mountains in the east and was shining underneath the clouds as it snowed. It was an incredible sight. The snow itself seemed to glow in the morning rays, as if they were little specks of light covering the mountains. I instantly felt the cold air when I stepped out of the cave. It must have been somewhere around ten degrees out here. But it didn't bother me in the slightest. I loved the cold and hated the heat. Even if either didn't affect me anymore. It looked like the storm from last night was more wind than snow. As the mountains were only lightly covered in a layer of snow. The heavy wind seemed to have passed, for the most part. As I stepped over to the ledge, I instantly felt the familiar sence of being watched again. And it was from the same dragon that had brought me to this cave. I looked around the mountains, pretending not to know it was watching me. While looking around, I noticed the dragon had dropped me off near the upper slopes of the mountain. Weather the dragon had intended this or not, it had cut my traveling time down quite a bit. Though I wondered why a dragon had desided to help me, instead of attempting to kill me for trespassing on it's territory. If this mountain was it's territory, that is. If this dragon follows me all the way up the mountain, I may be able to meet it and ask these questions. If it is willing to talk. Nevertheless, despite the dragon watching me, I still had a little ways to go before I reached the Smoky Mountain valley. So without further delay, I turned around and continued my climb up. It was a little distracting to be constantly watched as I climbed. But it wasn't difficult to ignore the dragon's gaze. Every once in awhile, it's gaze would leave me for a few hours, before returning. It felt strange to have this much attention come from a dragon of all creatures. Whoever it was, the dragon must be really interested in me to be watching this long. The few times the dragon's gaze left me, I had used to flash farther up the mountain, as it was now getting a little more difficult to climb up its surface. I did not need to show the dragon what I was capable of, unless it became a threat. I was so focused on climbing and trying to ignore the dragon's stare that I had lost track of time. It wasn't until I had reached the top of the mountain, that I realized it had taken me nearly the entire day to climb the rest of the way up. The cliff had ended so abruptly that it suprised me when I realized I was standing on the peak of one of the many mountains in the Smoky Mountain range. The sun had once again shone beneath the clouds as it set over the horizon. The sight was beautiful. I wish I had a camera with me. Before the sun passed behind the horizon, I turned around to look back the way I came. I had finally made it to the border edge of Equestria. Even with the snow storm, the land was still untouched. Equestria glowed with many colors in the light from the setting sun. I could also still see Canterlot far on the horizon. This land was so beautiful. I was almost sad to have left it without exploring it's wonders. But I could never allow myself to stay there. As I gazed over the beautiful land of Equestria, I thought about Stone, Lura and Iron Hoof again. Throughout our time together, I had gotten close to them all. To close. Because of me not keeping myself distant from them, I had taken away Iron Hoof's innocence. The Hoof's had reminded me that I must always keep myself distant from others and never let them get close. But I will always strive to protect them. Even from myself. Although I had pulled my power out of Iron Hoof, we still had a small connection left behind. I believe I could use this connection to speak with Iron Hoof from a distance. I breathed in and closed my eyes before reaching out with my mind. *Iron Hoof, listen to the wind. Breath in. Count to four. Breath out. Count to four.* I mentally called out to him. *Can you hear me?* I waited for a minute, before I received a response. *I hear you Talion.* I heard Iron Hoof's voice in my head. I then smiled and used my power to create a new instrument. *Will you listen to me play, one last time?* I asked him. I then felt him smile too, before he answered. *One last time.* I opened my eyes and raised the bagpipes I made, to my lips and Played to him, one last song. As I played, the wind seemed to carry my song across the mountains and beyond. As if the mountains around me were amplifying the volume of the bagpipes. When the song ended I let the bagpipes fade away and smiled again. "Remember Iron Hoof... Always." "Goodbye Talion." He said. I closed my eyes as a single tear fell. "Goodbye Iron Hoof." After a moment I opened my eyes again and turned to face the setting sun. Letting out a sigh, I began the long trek down the mountain. > Chapter 8: A prison without walls > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details *Thoughts* ~Mental speaking~ "Normal speaking" ~"Mental and normal speaking"~ Songs ... (Radio static)... "Over there, over there, Send the word, send the word over there. That the Yanks are coming, the Yanks are coming, The drums rum-tumming everywhere. So prepare, say a prayer, Send the word, send the word to beware. We'll be over, we're coming over, And we won't come back till it's over, over there. Over there, over there, Send the word, send the word over there. That the Yanks are coming, the Yanks are coming, The drums rum-tumming everywhere. So prepare, say a prayer, Send the word, send the word to beware. We'll be over, we're coming over, And we won't come back till it's over, over there. And we won't come back till it's over, OVER THERE!" I sung the old war song as I was walking down a mountain slope, into the forest valley of the Smoky Mountains. I was able to make it to White Pine valley in a little over five days of walking and climbing through the Smoky Mountains. Other than being dragon owned lands, the Smoky Mountains were extremely hard to navigate through. With the constant thick smoke and fog, anyone could get lost in this mountain range. It was no wonder ponies have never ventured west past the Smoky Mountains. Not even I could tell where the smoke came from. Thankfully I was able to use the sun and moon to guide me west. But of course the dragons seemed to have no problem traveling these lands. Sometimes I wish I could fly like them too. Speaking of dragons, my mysterious hidden admirer has been following me for these past five days. At one point, I would have thought the dragon might eventually get bored of watching me and leave or even attempt to meet me. But instead, it has chosen to keep following me from a distance. It confused me to no end to consider why a dragon would follow and watch me for so long. I had thought by entering these lands, the dragon would finally reveal itself. Weather to attack me or introduce itself. But since the dragon would not reveal itself to me, I will do it myself. All I had to do was wait until I reached the White Pine valley. It was probably close to midnight, as I walked through a forest that seemed frozen in time and space. Black ice and snow had covered much of the forest. The smoke surrounding this valley turned the snow black as it fell around me. It reminded me of the ash that fell across the city of Manhattan when- I suddenly fell to my hands and knees as the memories of 9/11 flashed through my mind. My breathing became stressed and ragged as I tried to breath back the tears and push out the memories of that day. *Stop. Breath in. Count to four. Breath out. Count to four. Repeat.* I mentally told myself while stumbling to stand back up. I moved to lean against a nearby tree as I continued to steady my breathing. It was times like 9/11 that I wished for death the most. I pushed the memories out of my head and forced myself to continue moving. Thankfully the dragon following me hadn't been watching me at this time. An interesting thing about this dragon is that, even though it would not reveal itself to me, it has slowly been getting closer and closer as we traveled. I almost thought I could see a little bit of the dragon at one point, as it hid behind the trees around me a few times. While I was thinking about the dragon, as if on cue, I felt it's familiar gaze return to me. I just sighed and kept walking through the forest of White Pine. Another strange thing about this forest was the lack of any sound other than the occasional cold wind and the crunching of snow underneath my boots. It was quiet. Much like the silent hours before the Battle of the Bulge. Eventually the silence was broken by the sound of rushing water up ahead. Pushing past a few bushes and small trees, I came across a river flowing east. I scanned the area around the river as I approached it. It was medium sized river that flowed gently across rocks and ice. The water was crystal clear and seemed to reflect a little of the light from the stars above. I walked towards a fallen log a few feet from the riverbank and took a seat on it before closing my eyes. Without looking I reached behind me and pulled Iron Hoof's guitar onto my lap and begun tuning it. One of the things I noticed about this dragon was it's interest in my music. It always seemed to draw the dragon closer to me. This time I would play in a slightly lower volume to draw the dragon even closer to me. As soon as my hands started dancing across the strings, I felt the dragon start to slowly come closer. When the dragon got close enough, I started to pick up the paste a little. Eventually the dragon stood still as I lowered the pace of the song again. I could now feel the presence of it's mind brush up against mine as it moved a little closer. It was strange, almost as if the dragon was mesmerized by my music. If I turned around, I probably would be able to see the dragon behind the bushes and trees. It also surprised me how quiet the dragon was as it approached me. If it wasn't for my mental sense of the dragon, I probably wouldn't have noticed it. As the song slowed and eventually faded away into the night, I raised my head to look at the night sky before speaking. "I know you're there." I turned my head to the side. "Why do you linger in the shadows?" I could sense that the dragon was startled at me acknowledging it's presence. But it stayed still in it's crouched position behind the cover of the forest. "Come out... Please." I called out to the dragon. I sat and waited for what seemed like an hour before I heard the dragon slowly get up and walk out of it's cover. I sat still and watched as the dragon revealed itself to me. What stood before me was a large white dragon, about twelve ft. high and almost thirty ft. long from head to tail. The dragon had a slim build. Not as muscular as I imagined dragons would be. There were colorful spikes traveling from it's tail, up it's back and neck before ending at it's forehead between two horns that went backwards from the back of it's head. Although the dragon's scale color was predominantly white, there were small areas around it's whole body in colors of light purple, deep blue and teal. And it's wings were made up of all those colors giving off the illusion of the aurora borialis. Lastly, it's eyes were an icy blue and teal color. Similar to mine many years ago. Around them were scales made up of the same colors as it's wings and spikes. As I studied the dragon, it was also doing the same to me with a look of curiosity. But the dragon also looked a little uncertain as well. Nervous even. Especially when I looked directly in it's eyes and held my gaze on them. From what I could tell, the dragon was probably female. I was staring at the dragon in awe and wonder. It was an incredible creature of legend for me to see in person. It was hard to believe I was sitting in the presence of such a famous fantasy being. Finished with my examination of the dragon, I slowly turned my head back to face the river, pulling myself out of my internal awestruck. "Can you sit?" I asked her as I jestured to my right. Wordlessly, the dragon slowly and cautiously moved to my side before sitting down on her hind legs and wrapping her tail around them. She looked down at me as I gazed across the river. "Are you not afraid?" The dragon asked me in a young feminine voice, confirming that it was female. "Of what?" I asked her in a calm voice. "Of me." She replied back. "No, I'm not afraid of you." I answered. She sat there staring at me in a little shock and confusion. "Why?" "Why should I?" I asked her, still in a calm voice. She looked even more confused and curious at me now. "Because most people fear dragons." "Well, I'm not most people." I told her. She stayed silent for a bit before speaking again. "Who are you?" I looked up at her with a smile. "I am Talion. Talion Drust. May I ask you the same?" She raised her head a little before smiling as well. "My name is Anya... Anya Aurora." "You have a beautiful name, Anya." I complimented her. She seemed to slightly blush at my compliment. "Thank you Talion." Strange. Not the reaction I expected from a dragon. I didn't even think they could blush. I turned my head back to face the river again. "Thank you for saving me from falling, Anya." She looked shocked at this. "H-How did you know?" "The same way I knew you were here." I answered as I set the guitar down at my side. She stared at me in shock, but before she could speak, I continued. "Why have you been following me, Anya? Why are you here?" She looked a little uncertain. As if she was searching for the answer herself. "I... I don't really know." I remained silent and waited for her to continue. "I saw you when you had first started climbing up the lower slopes of the Smokey Mountains. I had thought you were just another Equestrian attempting to climb the mountain, but then I heard your music and I wanted to come closer to listen to it. So I desided to follow you for a little while... I had found it strange that a pony would attempt to scale cliff edges without the proper equipment. And I was fascinated by how well and fast you were able to do so." She paused for a moment before continuing. "It was when you had fallen during the storm that I saw how different you were. But I was really just going to see if you could make it to the top of the mountain and leave after. But when you played your music..." She paused again. "For some reason, I just felt the need to hear more. So when I caught you and learned that you weren't an Equestrian, it only fed my interest and need to learn more about you." She then lowered her head a little while looking down at me. "Since you were traveling into my homeland, I had desided to keep following you as well. And then maybe reveal myself to you, eventually." I stared at her for a few moments as I thought about what she had told me. It was strange to think that my music had been one of the things that caused Anya to want to follow me. "You had first saw me when I had climbed passed the Smokey Mountain foothills?" I asked her. "Yes." She answered. "If this valley and beyond is your homeland, why were you so far out near the edge of it's borders?" I asked her. She turned her head and let out a sigh before answering. "Every once in awhile I travel to the borders of the Smoky Mountains to watch the sun rise and set across the kingdom of Equestria. I also sometimes watch as ponies travel through the forest below the mountains... I just really enjoy watching the lands outside of my cage and often wonder what it would be like to explore the world around my home." "Cage? What do you mean Anya? You are free, are you not?" I asked her. She looked back down at me from the side. "Are we, Talion?" "What do you mean?" I asked her again. She frowned and lowered her head closer to me. "You should know what I mean, Talion. These lands are my cage. For me and all of my kind. We are all banished to the west, never to leave. You know why." She answered with a bit of anger and annoyance. I sat still, without fear. "Bahamut." She closed her eyes and lowered her body to lay down on stomach and then reopened them to look at me again. "He doomed our race to the persecution of others. So now we, a once mighty race who ruled the skies above and land below, hide behind invisible walls from those who once respected and feared us." I looked down at the ground as I thought about her words. "A prison without walls." She closed her eyes again and noded. "No one ever comes in and no dragon ever goes out... Except you, that is." We both stayed silent for a bit as we watched and listed to the river splash against the rocks. "What about you, Talion?" Anya asked, breaking the silence. "What about me?" I asked her. She turned her head to look at me again. "Why are you here, wandering these dangerous lands all alone?" I let out a sigh before answering. "I'm running from something." She tilted her head in confusion. "Running? What can you possibly be afraid of, if not dragons?" "My fleeing has nothing to do with fear, Anya." I told her. "Then what are you running from, Talion?" She asked. I looked down at my gloved hands before looking up towards the night sky. "Peace." She looked at me in confusion again. "Peace? What do you mean?" "Exactly what I said Anya. Peace." I told her. "Why?" She asked. I turned to look at her again. "Because there is no place for me in a world without war." She was taken aback from this. "You mean, you're a..." She started before her voice trailed off. "A soldier... Yes, I am. Or rather I was, a long time ago." I finshed as I looked away from her. She stayed silent for a bit before speaking again. "What happened Talion?" I breathed in and let out a sigh before answering and explaining. "When peace came and war ended, I was cast aside and forgotten. Everyone I fought for then tried so hard to forget everything I did for them, instead of learning from their mistakes and the sacrifices I made. Eventually I tried to forget too... I still try to sometimes. But what I learned from it was, for me, the war is never over. And never will be... If I ever forget that, then others will suffer for it. It is one of the few things that feed my fear and drive me away from the innocent." Anya lowered her head to my level and looked me in the eyes. "What are you afraid of, Talion?" She asked in a concerned voice. I looked back at her and answered. "Myself." She didn't say anything else or move. She just kept staring at me. While I had been talking, I hadn't realized Anya had wrapped her entire body around me. Her head and neck were now between me and the river. I wondered if this was a sign of comfort, affection or both. "Anya, what are doing?" I asked her. "Are you uncomfortable? Do you want me to move?" She asked me. "Well, no but-" I started before Anya interrupted me. "Good! Now relax." She said to me with a smile. I chuckled before leaning back against her side and gazing up at the stars. "Are all dragons like you this friendly to strangers?" "No, not really. Most just treat others as they have been treated themselves, while I try to be different." She told me. I smiled at her. "You are a strange dragon Anya. We have only just met in person and yet you are already treating me like a friend. Why, if I was blind I'd probably mistaken you for an Equestrian." "I could go back to treating you like a stranger or even as a trespasser, if you'd prefer." She sarcastically suggested. "I think we'll stick to this." I said and she chuckled a bit. While I was in this predicament, I took the opportunity to examine Anya up close. Her scales were a brilliant silver white, like diamonds with the colors of light purple, deep blue and teal blending together beautifully. I wondered how hard Anya's scales were. The ones on her stomach looked like they were much softer than the ones across the rest of her body. "What are you, Talion?" Anya asked. I turned my head back to find she was still staring at me. "I am a man. A human, for my race." I told her. She slightly tilted her head. "I've never heard of a human before. Where did you come from?" "A land far away from here." I replied. "How far?" She asked me. "Very far... Where are you from Anya?" I asked her, attempting to change the subject. "My home lies west from here, in the dead mountains. About two week's worth of flying for me. Maybe a few months worth of walking for you." She answered. "A few months worth? Were you planning on following me that long?" I asked her. She chuckled before answering. "Maybe... As I said, I might have eventually revealed myself to you during that time." "At least I know you would have revealed yourself to me weather I had known about you following me or not... But I'd enjoy the company rather than the silence alone." I told her. She smiled and moved her head a little closer to me. "And I'm glad to share my company with you, Talion." I reached over and placed a hand on the side of her face. "Do you not often share the company of others? I mean, there are other dragons out here, are there not?" She closed her eyes and let out a sigh. I couldn't tell if it was from my touch or my question. "Much of the time, I am alone. We dragons don't really get together all that often unless it involves finding a mate or securing each others lands from threats like giant frost worms, ursa minors or ursa majors. Though we haven't had to deal with the latter for centuries." "What is an ursa?" I asked while rubbing the side of her head. Anya reopened her eyes and stared at me in confusion. "You've never heard of an ursa?" "I'm afraid not." I answered. "You really must be from a far off land." She said before raising her head a little and explaining. "An ursa is a large ancient magical bear, with fur made to look like the night sky. There are two versions of them known to walk Equestria and beyond. An ursa minor and an ursa major. As you can probably guess, ursa minors are the young versions of an ursa, which stands at around twenty to thirty feet tall on all fours and twice of that on two. An ursa major is the adult version, standing at over one hundred and seventy to over two hundred feet tall on four legs and twice of that on two." She paused for me. "My God... their massive." I said. "Yes they are. They are also one of the few creatures in Equestria that pose a significant threat to dragon kind. While an ursa minor willl usually attack young dragons like me and seldom attack adults, a major will hunt the eldest and most powerful of us. But make no mistake, both are extremely deadly hunters. They can mask their presence from others while being able to see, hear, smell and sense their prey from miles away, before their even discovered." She finished explaining to me. I was silent for a bit as I tried to picture the size and power of these beings. From what Anya has just explained to me about these ursas was that they might even pose a threat to me. "How do you fight against such powerful predators?" I asked her. Anya scoffed and looked away before answering. "You don't." I stared at her in shock. "What?" She sighed and looked back to me again. "When an ursa minor attacks our lands, we fight back only to drive it away. When the minor flees from our lands, we too must also leave in case it or a major returns. One thing we dragons must never do is kill an ursa minor, else we invoke the wrath of a major. Because if you have made an enemy of one, it will not stop until you are dead. You and everyone you care about. An ursa major will chase you across the world and beyond to enact it's revenge. And it won't stop at your death." Anya explained. "No one, not even dragons can defeat a ursa major?" I asked her. She shook her head. "No one has ever bested or killed an ursa major... No one but Bahamut." She answered grimly. I look up at the sky again as Anya finshed. "That's one of the reasons why other dragons followed him, isn't it?" She lowered her head and closed her eyes again before explaining. "Yes... He was the mightiest of all dragons and was the first and most likely last to have defeated an ursa major, alone. But his rule drove our civilization into ruin and our race into chaos. It is because of Bahamut that the races of Equestria hate us so much and blame us for the death and destruction he caused. Much of our own kind also blame ourselves, even to this day. It is one of the many reasons why we are divided and leaderless." She paused to look back at me. "It is why I am alone, Talion." I placed my hand back on the side of her head and gently rubbed her cheek. "You're not alone Anya." She smiled at this and laid her head down close in front of me. I still wondered why Anya was showing me this much affection, since we have only just met. We had both desided to enjoy each others company in silence while watching the night sky. After awhile, the stars started to slowly fade as a dim glow lit up the horizon in the east. Anya and I watched and waited for the Sun to slowly rise over the snow covered mountains. "Talion?" Anya called me. "Yes Anya?" I asked looking back to her. "Would you play your instrument again?" She asked me. I smiled and pulled Iron Hoof's guitar over to my lap again. "Of course." I said and started playing as we both watched the Sun rise. As soon as the Sun peaked over the horizon, Anya's scales had begun to glow in the morning light. Anya closed her eyes and smiled while enjoying my music and the warmth from the sun, while I stared at her in awe at the sight of her shining with the morning sun. The colors of her scales seemed to come to life and dance across her whole body, as if the aurora borialis had been etched onto her. It was a beautiful sight. As my song slowly came to an end, Anya turned her head and opened her eyes to look at me. "Thank you for sharing your music with me, Talion. It made watching the sunrise much more beautiful." She said smiling at me. "You're welcome Anya... It is a beautiful sight." I said. We stayed and watched the sun rise over the mountains for a little while longer. "Well, as much as I have enjoyed watching this beautiful sight with you Anya, I think its time for me to start moving again." I said as I stood up. Anya uncoiled herself from around me and sat up. "Do you not rest Talion?" "While I can sleep, I do not need to." I explained to her. "Everyone needs to sleep, Talion. You are of no exception. Especially considering the mountains you have traveled over not to long ago." Anya told me. I chuckled at her response. "You're not the first to tell me that." "Good. That means I'm right." She told me with a smile. "Well, right or not, what I need right now is to continue my journey." I said, placing Iron Hoof's guitar on my back, next to my sword. "Where to, Talion? There isn't anything west from here other than my home, the Dead Mountains. And that place is the same home for many of the dragons in the west." She said. "I go wherever I am needed, Anya. And I care very little of anything or anyone that stands in my path." I told her. She looked down at me a little in concern. "Talion, the other dragons are not like me. Some of them may attack you, while others will definitely do so. They hate outsiders, especially other races." I laughed. "Will they can certainly try to kill me. I would be a little disappointed if they didn't." She was completed shocked by this. "Are you mad?!" "Would I sound crazy if I answered yes to that question?" I asked her in return with a big smile. She looked to be struggling to comprehend what I was saying. "Do not worry Anya. I have no current intentions of going towards the Dead Mountains." I reassured her and she let out a sigh. "But why are you so worried about me Anya?" "Because you could get killed wandering these lands! You are the first person in a long time to enter the west dragon kingdom and the first non dragon I have ever met in person. Other dragons will not take kindly to your presence around here." She answered. I stepped towards her. "I know all that, Anya. What I asked was why you care." "Because you're my friend and I-" She paused suddenly before finishing. "And I like you." "Like me? As a friend?" I asked her. She lowered her head towards me. "Of course... We are friends now, are we not?" She asked me, sounding a little hopeful. I smiled at her. "Well I suppose we are... I like you too, Anya." She smiled widely and raised her head back up. "So where are we off to, Talion?" "We?" I asked. "Yes, we. As a friend, I can't allow you to go wandering off around these dangerous lands alone without my protection. So I will be coming with you. We can discuss my payment for such protection later, of course." She explained. "Payment?" I asked as she continued with a big smile. "But for now, your company and music shall be my payment." She finished. I chuckled at her before turning around to face the west. "Well I suppose I can manage that. I would also enjoy some company on my journey for a change." I said to her and started following the river. Anya slowly walked next to me as she spoke. "That makes two of us. Do you travel often, Talion?" "Every day." I answered. "Why? Surely you can find a place to stay." She said. "No. I never stop traveling and I never stay in one place. I must keep moving, always."I told her. "How? Eventually you must stop to rest and eat." She said. "As I told you Anya, I don't need rest, food or water. Surely you have noticed this the past few days of watching me." I said. She looked at me in confusion. "I had thought that maybe you were similar to a dragon, in being able to go without rest or sustenance for about a week. And maybe you carried food with you or even hunted while I did. I wasn't really close enough to be able to tell." She explained. "Well, my body has the ability to sustain itself and produse everything it needs to operate on it's own. Rest, eating and drinking only adds a little bit of energy to that. So I usually only do those things as a luxury." I explained to her. She stared at me in awe. "That's incredible. But how is that possible?" I let out a sigh before answering. "I'd rather not talk about it." "I'm sorry. I didn't know." She told me, sounding a little worried. I smiled at her. "It's okay Anya. You didn't know." I told her and she relaxed again. We both walked in silence for a while until Anya let out a sigh in boredom. "Is this all you really do? Walk around in silence?" "Yes." I answered. "But it's so boring. Don't you do anything interesting to pass the time?" She asked me. "I do sometimes." I answered. "And that is?" She asked. I stopped walking and she did so as well. "I watch and listen to the world around me as I travel it." I said as I gestured to the forest around us. Anya looked around in silence and listened as the wind lightly brushed against the trees. "That's even more boring. Flying high above the mountains is more entertaining than this." She said looking back down to me with a bored expression. I chuckled and started walking again. "Yes well, you're sure to miss out on some amazing things down here if you're constantly flying over them." "I doubt that. There's nothing down here, that isn't more exciting and entertaining up there." She said. "Want to bet?" I asked her. She clearly hasn't spent much time traveling around on foot. "Try me." She said smugly with a smile. "You have spent time watching others, Anya. Now try to spend some of that time watching the world around us." I said as we continued to walk. She let out another sigh in boredom. "Do I not have wings but to soar the sky, Talion? I can gaze across the world around me just fine in the air." "Do you not have feet but to tread the earth, Anya? Try to take on the perspective of those who cannot see through a dragon's eye view." I told her. She stared at me for a bit before looking around us. After a while longer of walking in silence, Anya spoke up again. "I haven't seen anything of interest yet, Talion." "I don't think you're looking in the right places, Anya." I told her. "So I have to actively search for something now?" She asked me. "Not necessarily." I paused and stopped walking to look at her. "First listen. Then look." Anya looked at me in confusion. "What is that supposed to mean?" "You'll see soon." I said to her and continued walking. Anya and I had been following the river for about half the day as we continued to climb in elevation. The river itself was becoming more rapid as we continued to follow it and eventually the sound of crashing water became loader. I pushed passed some bushes in my way to find the source of the crashing waters. Anya gasped at the sight of the waterfall with the sun shinning behind it and I smiled at her reaction. "Have you really never taken the time to appreciate the beauty of the world around you from down here?" I asked her. She turned to me. "Of course I have. Just not from down here all that often." She said to me defensively. I laughed and took a seat on a near by bolder and we both sat and watched the beautiful sight for a bit. "You know, you never did tell me how you knew about me watching you or even where you're from, Talion." Anya told me. "Neither was a mistake on my part, Anya. I'm just not ready to talk to you about those things." I said as I crossed my arms. She looked at me curiously. "You are a strange person, Talion." "And you are a strange dragon, Anya." I said with a smile. "Do you always have a comeback saying in every discussion?" She asked me sarcastically. I laughed a little before returning my gaze to the waterfall. "Well as fun as this is, I think I'll go hunting for a bit while you enjoy the scenery, you land lover." Anya said sarcastically as she unfolded and stretched her wings. "Don't get lost now." I told her as she started walking away. She turned her head back to me and smiled. "Oh please. You're the one who would be lost without me." She said before turning back around and leaping into the air. I watched her fly around for a bit until she disappeared behind the trees. I let out a sigh before getting up and moving towards a small clearing near the edge of the riverbank. Anya is an interesting dragon. She had desided to follow me for a few days, simply because of my music and uniqueness as she puts it. But it felt strange to be treated kindly by her, since we have only just met today. I guess she was just that curious and friendly towards me. But I did wonder why she travels to the borders of the Smoky Mountains, just to watch others. *Maybe she was running from something too.* I thought to myself as I sat down against a tree after leaning my sword and guitar on it. I sat and watched the clouds roll by in the wind, while listening to the sound of rushing water. I sat in silence for awhile before I started whistling 'Hanging On The Old Barbed Wire', while remembering the words I heard from many of the veterans I met, a long time ago. "What is that song, Talion." I heard Anya ask from behind me. I quickly turned around to see her standing at the edge of the small clearing. "How long have you been standing there?" I asked her. "Long enough to hear the majority of that song. What was it, Talion?" She replied and asked again. I turned back around and let out a long sigh before answering. "The song is called, "Hanging On The Old Barbed Wire." It was a song made by soldiers in a war from many years ago, singing about the good lives of military leaders and the unfortunate fate of many regular soldier's... Like me." I explained to her. Anya walked over and laid down in front of me. "Whats wrong, Talion? She asked in a low concerned voice. I stared blankly pass Anya for a bit before turning to her. "You're not the only one trapped in a prison without walls, Anya... Mine is a prison of the mind." Anya just stared at me in silence for a bit. As if she was trying to read my thoughts. She then reached her head over to me before using her teeth to pick me up by my coat. "Anya, what are you doing?" I asked her a little concerned. She didn't answer, but instead chose to lay me down against her side and then preceded to wrap herself around me. "Anya, wha-" I didn't get to finish as Anya interrupted me. "Rest, Talion. Sleep and forget about your worries tonight." She said. I grunted as she forced me to lay down next to her. "Sleep is not something I need nor want, Anya. It only serves to give me nightmares and resurface bad memories." "Perhaps when you're alone. But right now you're in good company. So rest and take comfort in a friend's presence." Anya said as she draped one of her wings over me. I stopped trying to get up. "Why are you doing this, Anya? We have only officially met this morning and spent the day together. You don't owe me anything." "I know, Talion. I am doing this because I want to. Because even if we have only just met today, you are my friend." She told me softly. I leaned back and let out a sigh as Anya pulled me against her stomach. Not being able to do much else, I relaxed my body as I breathed in Anya's sent of pine and lavender. It was rather pleasant actually. "Thank you Anya." I said. "You're welcome Talion." She said. I then closed my eyes and allowed sleep to take me over again. > Chapter 9: A light in the darkness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details *Thoughts* ~Mental speaking~ "Normal speaking" ~"Mental and normal speaking"~ Songs ... (Radio static)... "One last time." I said to myself. I let out a long sigh before ascending the steps of the Memorial Amphitheater. My pace slowed with each step I took, but I eventually made it to the top where I stopped and stood still before the marble sarcophagus. After a few minutes of standing in front of the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier, I walked around it and watched the Tomb Guard march twenty one steps across a long black mat before stopping at the end. He turned to face the Tomb, clicking his heels together and waited for twenty one seconds before turning to face the way he came. After clicking his heels together again and placing his rifle on his other shoulder, he marched forward twenty one steps across the mat again. I watched him repeat this process a few more times until he stopped in front of me and the Tomb. He then turned to face me and the Tomb, clicking his heels together. We both saluted each other and held it for twenty one seconds. As we both stared at each other, I felt the sense that the guard was giving me a wordless thank you. The Tomb Guard then turned back around, clicking his heels together again and preceded to continue his march across the black mat. After watching him return to his duty, I turned around to face the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier again. I gave a salute and held it for twenty one seconds before I approached the Tomb and placed a single hand against it's smooth surface. "Hey dad... Its been awhile. Long time." I took a seat on a step next to the Tomb and set my briefcase down at my side. "How have you been?" I waited in silence for a response until I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Its good to see you again Talion. I'm glad you made it... I've missed you." I turned my head to the side to see my father, Aravel, standing next to me in his ceremonial uniform, smiling at me. "I've missed you too dad." I said as I placed a hand over my father's. Aravel took a seat next me. "I'm glad you're here Talion. How have you've been?" I looked down at my hands before answering. "It's hard, dad. Every day is a constant struggle... It never ends." I told him and felt my dad place a hand over my sholder again as I continued. "Sometimes I try to forget everything and leave it all behind me... The war, the pain and suffering... The death... All I want is a day without death. I'm fighting a losing battle here and I'm struggling to keep going." "I know it's not easy to keep fighting,Talion. I know it's hard going through all of this, over and over again. But I also know that you are strong enough to see this mission through." My dad told me. "I can't dad. I just can't keep fighting. I'm not as strong as you... I never was." I told him. My dad lightly chuckled before speaking again. "You are strong, Talion. Weather you know it or not, you're stronger than I ever was. You've always have been." I let out another sigh as I looked back up. "You guys are the lucky ones. The war ended for you and everyone here a long time ago. But not for me... I looked away from death and suffered for it. Now I look for him, but he never looks back... I am unknown to death, nor known to life." We were both silent for a bit until he spoke again. "Life and death walk side by side. They are partners in the cycle of existence. Two sides of the same coin, that in this life cannot exist without each other. There will always be death until the Lord returns. But there will always be life, now and forever. Just wait on the Lord, Talion. He is coming for us... Soon." I smiled as a single tear fell from my eye. "Soon." I breathed in and looked to my dad. "How's mom, dad?" He smiled at me before answering. "Good. She visits often. But it is a long way from here to Idaho, so she only comes here about every other week." "Is the traffic still that bad?" I asked my dad. "Well this is our nation's capital and it is tourist season, with summer vacation and all. Heck, we were lucky to even schedule this meeting here at this time." He answered. We laughed a little before he spoke again. "Maybe settling down on the east coast wasn't such a good retirement plan. I mean granted, it's an incredible neighborhood and I have amazing neighbors, but I do miss our old home town." "Well, it wasn't mine or Aden's idea to have you retire here. You'll have to talk to Edward Younger about that. But at least you're among good company." I said. We sat in silence for a bit as we watched the Sun close in on the horizon. "Why does time fly so fast, when you're not paying attention to it?" I asked standing up. "You know, your mother has been asking about you recently." Aravel told me. I looked down at the ground and sighed. "I know." My father stood up to speak. "Talion, what's done is done. You can't keep holding onto the past. Your mother forgave you a long time ago." "I know she did, dad. I know both of you have forgiven me for the things I have done... But no matter how much I try, I can never forgive myself. I abandoned her when we needed each other the most. I failed her... I failed you both and I failed God. I didn't know what I had, until I gave it all away." I told him. My father let out a sigh before replying. "Talion, the day you fail, is the day you give up. You haven't failed us, Talion. As long as you have the power to stop evil and continue to save lives, you will never fail. As long as you fight for peace, you will always achieve victory. Remember that, son." I then felt my dad put his hands on my sholders as he moved to stand in front of me. "Know this, Talion, even when we're gone and you can no longer see or hear us, we will always be with you... Always." Aravel pulled me into a hug as I let loose a few tears. "Thank you dad." I said as we both pulled away. I then reached down and picked up my briefcase and opened it. "I brought this to play for you, dad... One last time." I told him as I put together my bagpipes. "One last time." My dad said with a smile as he walked over to stand in front of the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier. I slowly brought the pipe to my lips and begun playing to him one last song. Tears had started flowing freely as I played for my father. The sun had finally set beyond the horizon as my song came to an end. I lowered my bagpipes and closed my eyes as I heard my father speak to me again. "Goodbye Talion. Until we meet again, in God's kingdom." I opened my tear filled eyes and he was gone. "Goodbye... Father." I leaned down to take apart my bagpipes and put it back into my briefcase. I then stood at attention and saluted my father's Tomb and held it for twenty one seconds. After which, I turned around and faced the Tomb Guard as he also turned to face me, clicking his heels together. We both saluted each other and held it for twenty one seconds. We then both turned, clicking our heels together and marched foward. But I kept going as the Tomb Guard turned to continue guarding the Tomb of my father. When I reached the edge of the courtyard, I turned back around to look at my father's grave one last time, until I heard someone walk up from behind me as I stood there. But I didn't need to look to know who it was. "Thank you, sir. For giving me the chance to come here." I said him. "You're welcome Talion. But I didn't do it for you. I made a promise son. I promised to one day reunite you two. He saved my life and many others during the Great War. Bringing you here was the least I could've done. I let out a sigh and turned around to face him. "I know, Patton. But because of you, I finally had the chance to bid my father farewell... One last time. Without you, I would have never known what happened to him... Thank you." I said and saluted him. "No Talion. Thank you." He said and returned the salute. I breathed in and yawned as I awoke from my dream. It was the first fond memory I had since my time with the Hoof's. It was a nice change of resurfacing memories. I slowly opened my eyes to find Anya staring down at me with a smile. "Good morning Talion. Sleep well?" "Are you seriously not going to tell me what you dreamed about?" Anya asked me from behind as we walked. "Not especially." I told her. She let out a sigh of annoyance. "Was it even a good dream?" I let out a sigh of my own before answering. "Yes... It was one of the few good dreams I've had in awhile." She smiled and walked up to my side. "I knew you would have a good dream in my presence, Talion." "Yes well, it wasn't needed... But thank you." I said to her. "You're welcome Talion. I'm sure you will continue to have plesent dreams when you sleep with me from now on." She said. I paused and raised an eyebrow as I registered what Anya just said to me. "Sleep with you?" She instantly stopped and her eyes widened when she realized what she had just said. "I mean sleep und- next to me!" She almost shouted as she looked down at me in embarrassment while blushing. I laughed at her response, which caused her to frown and growl at me. "Stop that. Its not funny." I calmed myself down and turned to continue walking through the forest. "Kinda tense aren't you? What's wrong?" "Nothing is wrong and I'm not tense." She answered. "Really? Cause you're acting like a nervous young girl standing in front of her crush." I told her. "No I'm not! I just haven't spent a night with a male like you before. And I'm not talking about the way you're thinking!" She told me. "You seemed to have been fine with it last night." I said. "That was to comfort you, Talion. Nothing more and nothing less." She said. I smiled and looked up at her. "Well if you don't want to spend any more nights with me, then you won't have to." "No, that's not it Talion. I just-" She paused for a second. "I liked spending the night with you, Talion. And I would like to spend more nights with you... If you want to." She finished with a light blush. I stared up at her for a bit before turning my head back. "I dreamt of my father last night." She tilted her head in curiosity. "Your father?" "Yes... It was the first time in years and it was a good memory of him. I do believe it was because of you." I explained. "Does that mean you would like to sleep with me again?" She asked still blushing. "Maybe." I said looking at her again. "Are you okay Anya?" I asked, noticing her nervousness. "Y-Yes. It's just like I said before. I have never spent a night sleeping with a male." She answered. "Have you never had a mate before? I thought for sure you would have drawn the attention of another dragon with your beauty." I said. Anya looked away as she started to blush madly at my compliment. "N-No I have never had a mate. We dragons don't ever just mate with anyone. We are patient and will wait to find the perfect one who we will spend our whole lives together with. Some dragons will even wait for many, many years just to find the perfect life mate. If they even find each other at all." She explained. "Interesting. I didn't think dragons married in that way." I said. "Of course we do! Despite what other race's may think they know about us, we are not animals who mate with as many others as they want. Mating is the ultimate act of love and dedication that dragons express to each others life mate. And no one else. We are nothing like the worms who call themselves dragons in the Badlands to the southeast of Equestria." She explained to me. "I didn't mean anything by it, Anya. I was just surprised dragon marriage is similar to ours, because we have a similar way of marriage too. For us, “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always preserves, always hopes." Anya looked surprised. "That's... a beautiful way to describe love... Do you have a mate, Talion?" She said before asking. I chuckled a bit. "No, I have never married or had any love interests. When I was young, I dedicated my whole life to fighting for my country. So I never really had time for women." I explained. "Interesting." Anya whispered to herself with a smile. "What about you, Anya?" I asked looking back up to her. "What about me?" She asked back. "Why have you never had a mate?" I asked her. She blushed again. "There have been suitors in the past, but nothing ever came out of those relationships. So for now, I have desided to wait." "Wait for what?" I asked her. She looked down to me. "The right partner." I smiled at her again. "Well don't worry, Anya. I'm sure that you will find the right man eventually." I told her and turned back towards the forest. "I'm sure I will find him too, Talion." She said while looking at me with a smile I didn't notice. After waking up early this morning, we continued following the river west towards White Pine lake. But apparently during my rest, Anya had desided to watch me while I slept for about a half hour before I woke up. It was a strange sight to wake up to. But Anya had provided me with a good night's rest, so I didn't mind to much. I won't lie. It was easier and much more pleasant for me to sleep in the company of friends than by myself. And Anya seems to have no problem with sharing her company with me. But it was a little strange the way she acted about it. Either way, I just hope to not receive any nightmares or terrible memories during these next few nights with her. "Talion?" Anya called me. "Yes Anya?" I said. "When we first met, why were you not afraid of me?" She asked. "I have been wondering about that all morning." "Because there was no reason for me to fear you." I answered. "No reason? Have you met another dragon before?" She asked. "No. Up until the time you caught me, I have never seen a dragon either." I explained to her. "What? If you have never met a dragon before and know what we are capable of, why are you without fear of us?" She asked me in confusion. "Because." I paused as I climbed over a fallen tree. "I have seen and experienced many things that are far more terrible and frightening, than standing in the presence of a dragon. Don't get me wrong, Anya. The intimidation factor of size or power of a creature I am seeing for the first time is still very shocking for me. But I've been through so much, that fear no longer really effects me." I explained. "You mean, you're fearless?" Anya asked in amazement. I lightly chuckled before answering. "No. Fearless is not living without fear. Fearless is living despite the things that you fear. There are many things that I fear in the world. I just chose not to give them power over me." I told her. "Wow. I never thought about fear like that." She responded. "That's probably because you have very little to fear, Anya. You are a dragon after all. One of the apex predators of this world." I said. "Well... That's not entirely true, Talion." She said looking down at her claws. I looked up at her a little in surprise. "What could you possibly be afraid of, Anya? Other than an ursa, but they haven't been seen around here for decades. You said it yourself." "Yes Talion. All dragons fear ursas. But what I fear comes not from an enemy. But from allies." She said. "I'm afraid I don't follow, Anya. What do you mean allies?" I asked. She turned her head away from me. "It's complicated... I don't want to talk about it." She said in a lower voice. "Very well. But if it's any comfort, know that I am here for you, Anya. As a friend." I said to her with a smile before returning my gaze foward. "Thank you Talion." I heard her say softly from behind me, before she walked up to my side and speaking again. "Know that I am here for you as well, Talion. As a friend." We walked for a few hours until we started to climb a little in elevation again. From what Anya has told me about this valley, Silver Pine lake should be just over this small slope. "Tell me Anya, if dragons have a strict rule of law about marriage or finding a mate, are there any other laws that your race strongly follow?" I asked, breaking the silence. "Yes there are. But not all dragons choose to follow them anymore." Anya began to explainin. "You see, we dragons were once a more civilized race centuries ago, before Bahamut's rule. But when he came to power, he abolished the rule of law and order among our race. He drove our kind back to it's old ways of being uncivilized and acting more like wild animals. He killed anyone who upheld dragon law and also attempted to destroy our history while hoarding all of our race's knowledge, wisdom and power to himself... He wanted it all." Anya told me. "He needed it all." I finshed. Anya lowered her head and noded before continuing. "Even though Bahamut's terrible rule came to an end over five hundred years ago, our race has never truly recovered from our kingdom's downfall. I don't think it ever will." "Does your kind not have a king anymore?" I asked her. She was silent for a moment before answering. "No, we have a king, but he doesn't really hold much power among other dragons. Only in matters of our law. There are a few who follow him though. Unlike the dragons in the Badlands, who continually choose to remain leaderless. But we haven't heard much from them for a few years now. I don't suspect much of anything has changed among them though." Anya explained. "Who is this dragon who calls himself your king?" I asked her. She closed her eyes and sighed before answering. "His name is Dolganath. His queen is Crystalia and their son is Velirin." "Do you know them personally?" I asked, noticing her expression. "Yes." She answered in a low voice. I remained silent for a bit, knowing not to press the matter any further. After a few more minutes of walking, we finally came over the small slope to see a large shining blue lake. From where we were at we could see the entire lake. From where another river fed water into it, coming down from the mountains via a waterfall. To its end, flowing down the river we had been following. The entire lake was surrounded by pine trees covered in snow and a little of the lake was frozen. I was suprised to see that the whole lake had not completely frozen over. But I suspect the entire lake will freeze over soon from the coming further temperature drops and snow storms. Suddenly Anya and I both heard thunder boom in the distance. Speaking of snow storms, I looked up to see a large one coming down from the north. Judging by its size, when it reaches us it will probably take a few days, maybe a week to pass over. The wind was starting to pick up slowly, so the storm might reach the valley by the end of the day. "It looks like where going to need to find some shelter from the storm and wait until it passes." I said turning to look at Anya, who was staring at the coming storm with a look of worry. "Anya?" I called her. "Yes... There's a cave not far from hear near the lake." She said looking back to me before continuing. "It's close by the water fall on the west side. I used to stay there during my travels through these mountains." "Are you okay Anya? You look a little worried." I asked. "Yes, I'm okay. Its just I'm not to fond of this kind of weather. But I will be fine, Talion." She answered. I nodded. "Well, we should hurry before the storm passes over the Sun. It doesn't look like we have long until then." I said before moving down towards the lake. As we both made our way towards the lake, I noticed Anya kept nervously looking up at the approaching storm, every so often. When the wind started to pickup and the clouds finally blocked out the setting sun, Anya looked more and more frightened. "Anya, are you alright?" I asked, but before she could answer, there was a sudden bright flash quickly followed by the loud sound of rolling thunder. The sudden flash and sound startled Anya, causing her to jump before she suddenly grabbed me with her claws and leaped into the air. With her size and weight, I was caught off guard by how fast she moved. "Anya! What are you doing!?" I shouted but she didn't answer. We both flew over the lake towards the waterfall. After quickly passing over it, we approached the entrance to a large cave with an overhang. Anya quickly slowed down and landed on three claws before gently setting me down. "What was that about, Anya?" I asked standing up as she entered the cave. "I'm sorry for not giving you a warning, Talion, but we had to get here before it started to get worse out there." She said looking back to me. "Are you scared of the storm, Anya?" I asked. She turned her head to the side and looked away before answering. "N-No. Not the storm in particular. But the thunder, yes. Most all dragons are afraid of those chaotic bursts of magic. Many have perished attempting to fly through them or getting caught out their without shelter." I raised an eyebrow and turned my head to look outside at the storm. "Magic? There is nothing magical about lightning, Anya." I said turning back to her and entering the cave. "What are you talking about Talion? Of course there is! Especially this one. The storms here are more chaotic because the pegasi are not here to tame the wild magic. All lands outside of Equestria suffer from unstable magic like this." She told me. I laughed a little at Anya's explanation. "Anya, there is nothing strange or unnatural about this storm or any other storms. Weather like this is natural to the world." "I don't know where you're from Talion, but there is nothing natural about these storms." She said, moving towards the back of the cave and laying down. I simply shook my head before leaning against a wall with my arms crossed as I watched the lightning danced across the clouds. I smiled at the amazing sight. "How can you just stand there watching the storm and those wild flashes of magic?" Anya asked me. I turned my head to look over to her and answered. "Because I have nothing to fear from the weather of the world. Honestly Anya, you flew through a light snow storm days ago to catch me. I would have thought that you were not afraid of a little thunderstorm like this." Just as I finished, the flashes of light and roaring thunder became more frequent and started to sound like explosions. The sound was so similar to that of artillery fire during the battle of- I quickly grabbed onto the wall I was leaning on for support to keep myself from falling. I held my head and started breathing heavily as my heart rate went up. "Talion? Whats wrong?" Anya almost got up as she asked in concern. I steadied my breathing and pushed the memories out of my head before speaking. "I'm ok... I'm alright." I told her. "I thought that you weren't afraid of thunder, Talion." She said. "Its not that Anya... Just a bad memory is all." I said. She continued to look at me with concern, but didn't say anything else about it. When I was able to relax again I turned to watch the storm again. The thunder kept growing louder as the storm finally passed overhead. But I was able to use the view as a distraction from my memories. I looked over to Anya to see she had curled herself into a ball and tucked her head underneath one of her wings. Every time thunder boomed overhead she would shake and quietly whimper. I walked over to her and placed a hand on her neck. She pulled her head out to look at me as I gently rubbed her neck. Without speaking, Anya lifted up her wing and made a space for me to sit next to her. "I know that the flashes of light and booming thunder might look and sound very frightening, but you really have nothing to fear from this storm, Anya." I told her as I sat down and leaned against her side. "I don't know how you can believe that, Talion. Any dragon wandering around outside during a storm like this can die from just a single strike of that magic." She said after wrapping herself around me. "Lightning has nothing to do with magic, Anya. It's just physics. Science." I told her. "Science? How does that work?" She asked me in curiosity. "Yes, science. It might be a little confusing for you, but..." I begun explaining. "You see, lightning begins as static charges in a rain cloud and winds inside the cloud are very turbulent. Water droplets in the bottom part of the cloud are caught in the updrafts and lifted to great heights where the much colder atmosphere freezes them. Meanwhile, downdrafts in the cloud push ice and hail down from the top of the cloud, where the ice going down meets the water coming up and the electrons are stripped off." "What is an electron?" Anya asked me. "An electron is a stable subatomic particle with a charge of negative electricity, found in all atoms and acting as the primary carrier of electricity in solids." I explained, but she just gave me a confused look. "What is an atom?" She asked me. "An atom is a fundamental piece of matter. Everything in the universe, except energy, is made of matter. And so everything in the universe is made of atoms. An atom itself is made up of three tiny kinds of particles called subatomic particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons." I explained. "Anyway, before I get sidetracked." I continued my explanation about lightning. "Often lightning occurs between clouds or inside a cloud. But the lightning we usually care about most is the lightning that goes from clouds to ground. As the storm moves over the ground, the strong negative charge in the clouds attract positive charges in the ground. These positive charges move up into the tallest objects like trees, houses and towers. Sometimes people, if you're standing in an empty field or if you're in a body of water. A "stepped leader" of negative charge descends from the cloud seeking out a path toward the ground. As the negative charge gets close to the ground, a positive charge called a streamer, reaches up to meet the negative charge. The channels connect and we see the lightning stroke. We may see several strokes using the same path, giving the lightning bolt a flickering appearance before the electrical discharge is complete. In a fraction of a second, lightning heats the air around it to incredible temperatures, as hot as 54,000 °F (30,000 °C). Which is about five times hotter than the surface of the Sun." "That's incredible! I didn't even think anything that hot could exist!" Anya said in amazement. "Yes. So now you can see why a lightning strike is truly dangerous to people. Not because of magic, but because the amount of energy given off in a single lightning strike is to much for any living being to safely conduct." I said before finishing my explanation. "The heated air expands explosively, creating a shockwave as the surrounding air is rapidly compressed. The air then contracts rapidly as it cools. This creates an initial CRACK sound, followed by rumbles as the column of air continues to vibrate. Thunder, basically. If we are watching the sky, we see the lightning before we hear the thunder. That is because light travels much faster than sound waves. But we can estimate the distance of the lightning by counting how many seconds it takes until we hear the thunder. It takes approximately five seconds for the sound to travel one mile. If the thunder follows the lightning almost instantly, you'll know the lightning is too close for comfort. So as you can now see, there is no magic involved. Just Physics." I finshed. Anya was staring at me in amazement as she took a few moments to think about what I had taught her. "Then if what you say is true, how am I supposed to not fear lightning even more, now that I know how much destructive power is behind a single lightning strike?" "Because now that you know what causes lightning, you'll know how to avoid any danger it could pose to you." I begun explaining. "If you can't find the shelter of a cave, do not take shelter under trees. Trees attract lightning. Put your feet as close together as possible and crouch down with your head as low as possible without touching the ground, you only want one contact point with the ground. Never lay down on the ground for the same reason; you never want the current to have the ability to pass through your body. And lastly, never swim in any bodies of water, because water is highly conductive to electricity." She seemed to have been paying attention very intensely. As if her life depended on this information. Which it could, should she find herself in the wrong place at the wrong time during a thunderstorm. "How... How do you know all of this?" She asked me. "It was something my people's ancestors discovered through experimentation. A man named Benjamin Franklin experimented with electricity and was greatly interested in lightning. He discovered many things about lightning. Many years ago, he was the first to show that a thunderstorm lets out electricity." I answered. "But why? Why did he do that?" She asked me. I chuckled a little before answering. "To learn. To discover the unknown. My kind lives to learn and discover. We need to know things just for the sake of knowing and to insure our own survival as a species." Anya stared at me for a few moments in silence before speaking. "What is your race, Talion? Please tell me." She asked. I let out a sigh and stayed silent for a bit before speaking again. "We are many things, Anya. Humankind is capable of many things. Both great... and terrible." I told her. She leaned her head closer to me. "Then just tell me about the great." I smiled and gazed over towards the cave entrance and watched the snow fall for a bit before I finally answered her. "We are the explorers... The inventors. The architects of change. The buiders of a better tomorrow. We strive. We dream. We aspire, always towards something greater. All the odds we defy, the risks we take, the challenges we endure only make us stronger. There's no end to our imagination. And no limit to our potential. Because it is the nature of mankind to push itself towards the horizon. We test our limits, we face our fears, we rise to the challenge and become something greater in ourselves. Progression, innovation, inspiration and exploration. It is these things that make us who we are. But we do not push ourselves to discover just to discover, alone. We also do it for survival. As a species, adapting through time is what secures our place in the world. That is what makes us human." I finshed and looked back to her. Anya was staring at me with wonder in her eyes and we both continued to stare at each other for a bit before I finally realized how close we were to each other. I moved to stand and Anya allowed me to get up. I walked towards the cave entrance and learned against a wall. "While there are many similarities from humans to other species, there is no other race like us." I explained to her as I walked over towards the cave entrance. "We do not have claws or fangs, so we forged them out of wood, stone and steel. We do on not possess magic of our own to aid us, so we used science and technology. We do not have great strength or speed, so we built machines of greater power. For everything we lack in, we find a solution. A better way to move pass the obstacles in our path forward. For all our short comings and failures, humanity always finds a way to overcome and rebuild. Because even when we hit rock bottom, we use it as foundation of which to build upon and achieve greatness again. For united, humanity is capable of many things. Both great and terrible." I finshed. Anya waited for a few minutes before speaking again. "And what about the terrible, Talion?" Anya asked me. I lowered my head and let out a long sigh before answering. "War... We bring war. There is no other race who knows it better than us. We have fought each other for so long and always found new ways to kill each other. Yet it was always war that pushed our race to advance more. And it is because of war that I am who you see me as now. A tired weapon without a purpose in a world without war as I run from peace and my bloodied past." We both were silent for awhile as we watched the snow and flashes of thunder. As I watched the storm outside, I heard Anya get up and slowly walked over to stand next to me. She sat down on her hind legs and wrapped her tail against her as she watched the storm as well. But even though Anya tried to watch the storm with me, it was clear on her face that she was still very scared of it. I looked up at her for a moment and saw her fear, so I turned and sat on a stone before pulling out Iron Hoof's guitar again. "Anya, listen and watch. Just relax." I told her and started lightly playing while lifting my voice in song. "I sit beside the fire and think of all that I have seen, Of meadow-flowers and butterflies in summers that have been; Of yellow leaves and gossamer in autumns that there were, With morning mist and silver sun and wind upon my hair." "I sit beside the fire and think of how the world will be, When winter comes without a spring that I shall ever see. For still there are so many things that I have never seen: In every wood in every spring there is a different green." "I sit beside the fire and think of people long ago, And people who will see a world that I shall never know. But all the while I sit and think of times there were before, I listen for returning feet and voices at the door." As I sung, Anya started to calm down and the storm outside seemed to do so as well. Eventually, Anya smiled and looked completely relaxed as she watched lightning dance across the sky. As if to my music. As my song came to an end, the thunder and harsh winds outside calmed down until it was just a gentle breeze blowing the snow across the lands. Anya turned her head and smiled widely at me. "That was beautiful, Talion. I didn't know that you could sing." I returned the smile and slung the guitar over to my back as I stood up. "I'm glad that you liked it Anya." "I loved it Talion." She told me. I chuckled and turned to watch the storm again. "So how did it feel to watch the storm in a different light, Anya?" "It was still slightly scarry at first, even though I knew that it couldn't hurt me." She began. "But when you started to play and sing, it... I don't know. It felt different. Almost calming to watch as I listened to you play and sing. And then suddenly, the storm wasn't scary anymore. But instead, it was almost beautiful. Like a haunting beauty in the sky." She finished. I smiled as we both continued to watch the snow gently fall in silence. Eventually, Anya grew tired and moved back to her spot to lay back down. But she didn't try to sleep just yet. She just held her head down and had a nervous look on her face. "It's okay Anya. You can sleep. I will watch over you tonight." I told her. "It's not that, Talion... I was just wondering if..." Her voice trailed off. "Yes Anya?" I asked for her to continue. She looked over to me and had a light blush on her face. "I was wondering... if you would like to sleep with me again... For tonight." "Are you sure, Anya?" I asked her. "Yes Talion. I find comfort in your company and I would like to rest with your presence near me." She answered while blushing a little more. I smiled and walked over to her. "Well I'd be lying if I said I didn't find your presence comforting too, Anya. I would be happy to rest with you again." I told her as I set my sword and guitar down against the cave wall. Anya looked greatly happy at my answer and made a space for me to lie down next to her. As soon as I sat down against her side, she wrapped her whole body around me and pulled me against her chest and stomach. I let out another sigh as Anya draped a wing over me. "Good night Anya." "Good night Talion. And thank you." She told me. "You're welcome, Anya." I replied. And with that, we both drifted off to sleep as the snow continued to fall across the valley. > Chapter 10: Faded light > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details *Thoughts* ~Mental speaking~ "Normal speaking" ~"Mental and normal speaking"~ Songs ... (Radio static)... "Talion Drust?" I heard someone call my name. I turned away from the poster covered wall to see the army enlister standing in the doorway of his office and holding a clipboard. "Sir." I said, approaching him. "Please, come in." He said and walked back into his office. I followed him in and took a seat on a chair in front of his desk. The recruiter set the clipboard on the desk and opened a file cabinet, where he pulled out a document labeled: TOP SECRET. He opened it and looked through it while picking up a pen. He then turned to my document and wrote something down before closing it. "Wait here please." He told me before stepping out of the office and leaving me alone. I desided to take this time to look around the office, although there really wasn't anything of interest in the boring windowless room. Nothing but the file of information they had on me, left on the desk. So finding nothing better to do and being driven by curiosity, I reached over to grab it. "I vouldn't touch zhat if I vere you. Not if you value your freedom and clean record." I heard someone say in a German accent, behind me. I quickly turned around and saw three men entering the room. The first was the recruiter, the second a MP. The last one an older man in his fifties, wearing glasses, a brown suit and he walked with a cane for support. The MP stood at attention next to the door, while the recruiter handed the older man the file labeled: TOP SECRET and left, closing the door behind him. I was about to get up when the older man spoke. "No, no. Please sit." He said while looking through the top secret document. "Your name iz Talion Rydik Drust, social 123-45-6789, age thirty and born in Coeur D'alene Idaho on November 24th 1909, correct?" He asked after he took a seat on the opposite side of the desk. "Yes sir." I said, a little uncertain about these questions. "Huh. A little old to be enlisting into zhe army, aren't you?" He asked me. "Last I checked sir, age restriction isn't a concern here." I told him. "No? A man like you ought to be vith a family. Raising children to become zhe next generation of freedom fighters. But here you are." He said. "Here I am. I have no family other than my older brother, Aden Drust, who has also enlisted and joined." I said before leaning foward a little. "So why are we here, sir? Who are you?" He smiled and also leaned foward a little. "I am doctor Lorentz Jürgen Giselher. Vhat you are here for iz further questioning, Talion." He answered. I raised an eyebrow. "Why?" I asked him, taking a quick glance at the MP. "Zhat I'm afraid Mr. Drust, I cannot answer. Not yet at least." He said and opened my file. "Talion Drust, son of Aravel Drust who served in the American Expeditionary Force tank corps, during zhe Great War. A highly decorated officer, who served alongside Captain George Patton, at zhe time. You must have alot to live up to, Mr. Talion." He said. "Is there a question sir?" I asked him,MN getting a little impatient. "Please, call me Lorentz or Giselher." He said. "Can you tell me vhy you're enlisting today, Talion?" He asked. "To join the army." I answered. "But of course to join zhe army. Vhat I mean iz why are you joining the fight? To serve your country? Revenge? To kill Germans, Russians and Japanese? Vhy do you vant to go to war, Talion? He asked. I wasn't really prepared to answer these type of questions. I was under the impression that they didn't care why anyone wanted to enlist. "It's okay, Mr. Drust. Zhere are no right or vrong answers. So take your time. I just vant to know vhy you vant to fight." He said. I let out a sigh and looked down at the desk before answering. "To win a war..." I answered. Lorentz waited silently for me to continue. "My father once told me that, when you have the power and the chance to stop evil, but choose to do nothing, then it is your fault when others suffer because of it. I'm not going to war for revenge or to kill Nazi's and Japanese. I'm going to fight every day, to save lives and fight for peace." I said looking back up. "All I want, is a day without death. And If I have to lay down my life for that day, then so be it. I will do my duty to protect others, until the day I die. Always." I finshed. "Vhy Talion?" He asked me. "Because no one else will. Men and women from all across America have taken a stand to take up arms and fight for freedom. But not many truly know why they fight." I answered. "And you do?" Lorentz asked me. "War is a tragedy faced by humanity every day, Mr. Giselher." I begun. "It takes ahold of every man woman and child from all walks of life in an attempt to destroy us. In war, no one is spared. It takes what it wants and destroys what it cannot have. Because of it, neighbors, friends and families are torn apart then turned on each other, in the name of their country. And what you're left with is another man who was selected to fight and die for a cause, weather he approved of his leaders decisions or not. Those of us who survive are left with nothing but the corpses of our enemies and brothers. Their sense of duty was no different than ours. Sometimes you'll wonder who they were and what their name was. Where they came from and what lies or threats had led them away from their homes. And if they truly were evil at heart. Maybe they would have stayed there... Stayed home." I paused and let outa a sigh before continuing. "I'm not going to pretend to know why others choose to follow and fight for tyrants, Mr. Giselher. But what I do know is that behind every gun sight, is a human being. And every single soldier, no matter what banner they follow, is life worth saving. Because no life is worth more than anothers." I finshed. Lorentz seemed to have been studying me as I spoke. He then turned to the MP behind me and noded to him and the MP left the room. "Vell, I am glad to hear zhat zhere are still people in zhis vorld who care about others, like you Mr. Drust. But I am sad to say zhat people like you are not enough to win zhis war alone." He paused to take off his glasses. "But, perhaps I can help you take zhe first step towards achieving your goals in a different vay." He finished. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "Vhat I mean iz, if you vere to go to war now, you vould most likely only be able to save a few live until you yourself may be killed in action. But vhat if I told you zhat zhere iz a vay and a chance for you to save every life?" He asked me. "Then I would say you're crazy. I know what I'm capable of Mr. Giselher. And no amount of training can help me or anyone else for that matter, save every single soldier on a battle field." I told him. "Maybe as you are now, but I am not just talking about training Mr. Drust, but also transformation." He said. I scoffed. "Whatever you're talking about is madness, doctor. It's absurd. Down right impossible to think that every life in a battle can be saved. I more than anyone wish to save every life out there, Mr. Giselher. But I also live in the real world and know what's possible and impossible. Saving everyone is impossible." I said standing up. "Do you know, Talion? Do you truly believe zhat?" He asked as I walked towards the door. But what he said next stopped me in my tracks. "Zhe scar on your vight wrist you've had since you vere five years old. You thought you could fly if you just vanted bad enough, so you jumped off zhe roof of your home. Your wrist was broken in five places." He finished. I turned back to face him with a shocked expression. "That's impossible... There is no way you could have known about that." I said. "Once you eliminate zhe impossible, vhatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be zhe truth." He quoted. I slowly walked back to the desk and sat back down. "And what is the truth, Mr. Giselher?" I asked. He leaned foward again. "Truth iz stranger zhan fiction, Talion. Anything iz possible." He answered. I looked at him with a questionable expression. "How?" I asked him. Instead of answering, he opened up my file and turned it to me before pointing at a square box on the paper with a few words that were underlined red. BLOOD TYPE: RH - NULL "Tell me, do you know vhat zhis is, Talion?" Lorentz asked. "I'm afraid not." I answered. "It iz your blood type. Rh - null or as ve doctors like to call it, "Golden blood"." "And why is that?" I asked him. "Tell me, vhen vas zhe last time you've ever been sick, Talion." He said. I leaned back into my chair. "I don't know... Somewhere around six years ago during winter when I was out to long in the cold." I answered. "Have you ever contracted any sicknesses growing up?" He asked me. I raised an eyebrow as I thought about it. "No, I haven't." I answered. "What does that have to do with my blood type?" I asked him. "Everything, Mr. Drust." He answered and put his glasses back on. "Your blood type is an extremely rare type. Less than fifty people around zhe whole vorld have "Golden Blood". Less than half of zhat know zhey even have it. You see, zhere are millions of different blood types out there. Each classified on a multitude of antigen combinations. But zhe reason why Rh - null is so rare is because, zhe RhD protein only refers to one of sixty-one potential proteins in the Rh system. Blood is considered Rh-null if it lacks all of zhe sixty-one possible antigens in zhe Rh system. Zhis not only makes it rare, but zhis also means it can be accepted by anyone with a rare blood type vithin the Rh system. Another interesting fact iz zhat zhe blood also provides increased resistance to foreign cells like poisons and unnatural growths, to zhe carrier." He finished explaining. "It iz vhy ve know so much about you, Talion. Ve have been vatching you since zhe day of zhat accident, because you and everyone vith zhis blood type are of great interest and value to zhe future of medical science." He told me. "So what are you saying? You want me to stay here and become a blood donor for the development of something like the cure to cancer?" I asked in annoyance. "Your blood izn't just zhe key to cure cancer, Mr. Drust. It iz zhe cure for everything." He said and removed his glasses again. "And I am not here to ask you to stay in America and become a blood donor. No. I am here to offer you a deal. A chance, if you vill, to become something greater zhan yourself. A vay to save countless lives in zhis war and possibly many others." He told me. "How?" I asked him. "In order for me to explain zhat in a vay you could even understand, vould take much more time zhan ve both currently have here. But I can tell, you really do not care how it vorks, Mr. Drust." He said. I leaned foward over the desk and spoke with determination. "You're right. I don't really care for how it works. But if there is a chance for me to save countless lives on a battlefield, I will take it, Mr. Giselher." I told him. "Zhen, ve have a deal, Mr. Drust?" He asked while standing up and holding out his hand, with a smile. "All I want to do is save lives, Lorentz. If you can help me save people from death, then we have a deal." I told him and stood up as well to shake his hand. "After all, what do I have to lose to save lives?" I asked him. "Everything, Talion. Now, allow me to be zhe first to velcome you into "Project: Wraith." "Talion?" I heard Anya call me. "Yes?" I asked her. "You dozed off for a bit there. I've called to you three times." She said while walking over to me. "Sorry. I was just thinking." I told her. "Are you alright?" She asked me. "Yes." I answered. "How was the hunt?" I asked her as she laid next to me in front of the lake. "It was fine. But the animals in this valley are becoming harder to find. Now that winter is here and all." She told me. "So what were you thinking of?" She asked me. "Days of long ago." I answered as I chucked a stone into the lake and watched it skip across the water. "You sure seem to do that alot." She said. "Yes well, when you have as much time as I do and live as long, sometimes all you can do to spend it is thinking." I told her and threw another stone across the lake. "What do you mean, live as long?" She asked me. "You don't look that old to me." I laughed. "You'd be surprised." I told her and took a seat on a bolder. "Are you forty?" She asked. "No." I said. "Sixty?" She asked again. "No." I said again. "Eighty?" She asked a third time but I didn't answer. "Well, you cannot be older than that unless..." Her voice trailed off and she suddenly looked suprised. I tilted my head to her and noded. "You're... immortal." She said. "I am one hundred and thirty years old. Yes Anya. Time has no effect on me." I told her. "Than that would mean you're much older than I am." Anya said. I turned to her in surprise. "What? How old are you?" I asked her. "I turned fifty last spring." She answered. "I was under the impression that you were decades older." I told her. "Excuse me?" She asked looking insulted. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. Its just, my kind doesn't know really much of anything about dragon kind. And for that matter, neither does any other race." I told her. "Well, I guess I don't know a whole lot about your race either. I didn't even think your kind could live as long as dragons." Anya said. "We usually don't, but there are a few exceptions like me." I told her and turned back towards the lake. Because of the storm, me and Anya had been forced to use the cave as shelter for a little over a week until it finally passed, leaving the valley covered in four feet of snow. During our time together, Anya and I had opened up a little more to each other. Although we haven't really said much of each others past, we seemed to have been content with what we knew and were really just glad to share each others company. For some reason though, Anya always attempted to pull a little more information out of me every day. But at times when we would come across subjects neither of us wanted to talk about, we were both quick to change the subject. Anya seemed to enjoy my presence around her all the time now. When ever she would go off to hunt, she would always hurry back and try to stay close to me as if she was scared to lose me. We both had also slept together for every night during the storm. Anya never seemed to want it any other way and she wasn't afraid to admit it anymore either. Speaking of Anya, she had been silent for a bit now. I turned to look at her and saw she was smiling at me. "What are you so happy about?" I asked her. "I'm just glad to know that you can live as long as I can." She answered. "Any particular reason why?" I asked her. "No." She answered still smiling. I turned back to look at the lake. "Well, at least you're happy about it." I said. "Are you not, Talion?" She asked. "You have the chance to live forever. Not many race's in the world have that privilege." "There is no privilege to watching your friends and family die to the passage of time, while you continue living on, Anya. And weather you can live an infinite number of years or not, never truly matters. Sooner or later, death comes to all." I said, grimly. *All but me.* I thought to myself. "You mean, not all humans live as long as you can?" She asked me. "No. Humans usually just live as long as ponies in Equestria do. We are not naturally immortal." I told her and explained. "Although many humans wish to live forever, most only just live as long as sixty to eighty years. Sometimes up to a hundred, but not really much longer than that. And it's a good thing too. "Lucky bastards." I whispered the last part to myself, but Anya heard it. "How could you say that about people, Talion!?" She asked in shock. I chuckled and shook my head before explaining. "Because they are lucky to even have the privilege of life and death. People have it set in their minds that immortality is this wonderful thing. That if you could live forever, you could do whatever you wanted. Go anywhere you please and live however you wanted to live. They believe immortality is this grand adventure where you can grow more wise, intelligent and do more than you could have if you were mortal. But they're all wrong. Even if you could live forever, you're still human and nothing else really changes. You can't go and do whatever you wish. Whenever you wish. Your skills and talents are still limited to what you can learn. And even if you have the chance to accomplish everything you ever wanted to, when it's all said and done, you'll lose the drive, the want and need to accomplish anything. You don't become more wise and intelligent with time. You just keep going on living, while those around you pass away to time." I paused and let out a sigh. "Its not just humans, Anya. People waist alot of time and then wish that they had more. More hours in their days. More days in their years. More years in their lives. But heres the thing about time though. If you can't learn to make the most out of every given moment, then you don't deserve a single extra second." I finshed. Anya was silent as she watched me in shock. "I don't understand, Talion." She said. "No, of course you wouldn't. Your whole race is blessed with immortality. You quite literally have all the time in the world. You don't have to live as one of the few ageless people in your own race... Like me." I told her. Anya looked down when I finished, for a moment. "But how is that possible, Talion? Why are your years extended and not others?" She asked. It was my turn to look down. "A long time ago, I gave away everything to fight for peace. Including my own life. Now, there is nothing left, Anya. Nothing but an empty soldier lost to time." I answered. We both watched the lake in silence for awhile, until Anya moved close and begun to nuzzle her head against me. "I do not believe that, Talion. You are so much more than what you believe." She told me. I let out a sigh and placed a hand on Anya's neck. "Getting affectionate again, are we?" I asked her. "Is it not preferable, Talion?" She asked. "Maybe." I said with a smile. "Maybe?" Anya asked, looking at me with a mischievous smile. "Well- hey!" I shouted as Anya suddenly knocked me off of the bolder and onto my back. Before I could move, Anya pinned me against her chest to the ground and continued to nuzzle me, affectionately. "Anya get off of me." I said while trying not to laugh. "Make me." Anya told me, playfully. "Well then, you asked for this." I told her before I reached my hands underneath her and started to tickle her chest. "Ah! Stop! What are you doing!?" Anya shouted before bursting into laughter. "AHAHAHAH! Okokok!" She said and quickly jumped off of me. "Don't say I didn't warn you." I told her as I stood up. *She sure has a talent for quickly changing the mood.* I thought. "You said that you wouldn't do that to me." She said. "Well, maybe you shouldn't have told me how sensitive your stomach scales can be to small things." I told her as I wiggled my fingers in front of her. "You were the one who tickled me in your sleep the other morning! How could I have kept it a secret after that!? Honestly, you're starting to move around at night alot more." She told me. "It was an accident. Besides, you didn't find it unpleasant then, so why now?" I asked her. "Because a mighty and beautiful dragoness such as myself shouldn't have such a weakness as silly as being tickled." She said walking over to the lake to drink from it. "Beautiful, yes. Mighty? I have yet to see you do anything worthy of that title." I said smiling at her. "You would call a dragon unworthy of a deserving title such as that?" She asked me with a shocked expression. "Titles are earned. Not given, Anya. Who you are and what you are, is of little consequence." I told her. She walked back over to me with a smile. "Than I guess that I will have to prove to you that I am worthy of being called mighty." She said and started lowering herself close to the ground. I noticed the look in her eyes and knew what she wanted. "I don't think fighting me is an ideal choice for proving that, Anya." I said. "Well, you showed me that you are strong. So let's see how strong." She said to me. "I'm really starting to regret opening up to you." I said sarcastically. "Oh please. You've barely told me anything about yourself for the past week." She told me. "That goes the same way for you, Anya." I told her. She chuckled. "Well then, how about whoever loses this fight, has to answer any questions the other has." She told me. I put a hand to my chin as I thought about it. "And if I say no?" I asked her before suddenly she leaped at me. I barely had a moment to duck as she missed me and flew over me. "Hey! You didn't even say start!" I shouted. "Start!" She shouted at me and charged again. "Aw, hell." I said and crouched while raising my fists. Anya wasn't really trying to hit me. More like trying to tackle me to the ground again. As soon as she leaped at me again, I did a back flip to stand on my hands and reared my legs back until Anya landed on them. As soon as she did, I used her momentum to launch her over me with my legs. She was visible shocked by this as she was flipped upside-down and landed on her back behind me. "If you're not going to try and attack me, then you might as well give up now." I told her and readied myself for another attack. I was actually interested in seeing what Anya was capable of. "Ha! Never. A dragon never backs down from a challenge." She said as she stood back up. "Well then, do not hold back. If you do not treat me as an enemy, you will not win." I told her. "What? No. I don't want to hurt you!" She said. "If only it was that easy." I said before suddenly lunging foward at her and delivered a punch to her chest. Because of how strong Anya's chest scales are, the blow wasn't enough to hurt her, but it did cause her to stumble backwards from the force behind my punch. I wasn't really intending to cause her any damage. So I just applied enough force to my attacks to knock Anya back. She looked completely shocked about how fast I moved and that I was actually able to forcibly reposition her. "Well come on now. Let's see how well you can fight. Don't tell me all that talk of strength and might was only just talk." I playfully teased her. Anya then suddenly leaped at me and swung her right claw at me. I punched it away with my right arm and spun around to kick Anya in the chest, before delivering another punch to her chest. Anya was once again knocked back, but this time I leaped to her side and kicked her front leg and punched her shoulder twice to knock her over. Anya quickly recovered by rolling over to stand back up. "Give up?" I asked her. "Never." She said, determined. Finally over her shock. "So then... Shall we begin?" I said and raised my fists again. With that, Anya leaped at me again, but this time she swung herself to the side and attempted to hit me with her tail. I leaped over it, but Anya had expected it and struck me with a claw, mid air. I yelled as I was thrown into a large pile of snow, which exploded when I landed in it. Anya suddenly realized what she had done. "Talion!" She yelled in worry. Anya rushed over to the pile and tried to search for me. But as she looked through the pile of snow, I had just quickly crawled out of, I punched a tree down towards her. Anya turned her head towards my direction just in time for the pine tree to hit her head. I then ran towards Anya and leaped up to kick her side with both my legs. "AHHHHH!" Anya screamed in surprise as she fell over on her. Before Anya could get up again, I jumped onto her chest and held her neck down with a leg. "Well, it looks like I have won." I said with a smile. Anya looked up at me in shock at first then frowned. "That's not fair. You cheated. I didn't know you were this strong." She said. "Do you think an enemy will be fair and give you a chance to fight back?" I asked her. "Expect the unexpected. Do not hesitate and do not hold back anything. Show your opponent no mercy until he is defeated. For you shall receive none yourself." I told her. "Well, if you want to put it that way..." Anya said with a smile before suddenly wrapping her tail around my waist and threw me off of her. I straightened myself as I spun through the air and landed on my feet. "Woah!" I shouted and ducked as Anya threw the knocked down tree at me. As it crashed behind me, Anya charged towards me and reared herself up to attack me with her front claws again. I smiled before jumping up and doing a back flip kick to her chin, causing Anya to yelp and stumbled backwards while she grabbed the side of her mouth with a claw. I landed on a bolder and was about to attack again when I noticed Anya was rubbing the side of her mouth before she suddenly spat out a tooth into the snow. We both stared at it in shock before Anya slowly turned to me with a look of anger. My shock became dread when I saw this. "I'm sorry." I whispered. Anya reared back her head before breathing a hail of ice towards me. I leaped backwards and ran behind trees and bolders as Anya froze over my cover. Anya suddenly leaped and landed in front of where I was running, forcing me to turn around and run the other way. She gave chase while swinging her claws and tail at me. I jumped up to the top of a large cluster of bolders and leaped off the top, doing a few front flips as I soured through the air towards a cliff overlooking the lake. As soon as I landed, the bolders behind me exploded as Anya smashed her way through them and begun looking around for me. "Talion!" I heard Anya call me as I quickly crawled away towards the cliff edge, while Anya searched for me. But apparently she didn't have to search long as I heard her land behind me. I quickly stood up and turned around to see Anya slowly walking towards me with a wide smile. "Now, there's no where else for you to run." She said. I looked behind me down the cliff and saw the lake around sixty feet below. Apparently, we had been climbing in elevation a little during the chase. I turned back to Anya and smiled. "Isn't there?" I asked her before I leaned backwards and fell over the cliff edge. Anya watched in shock before rushing over. "Talion!" She shouted and looked over the cliff edge only to see nothing but the lake below. "What the?" Anya asked as I quietly snuck behind her. "Surprise." I said before I kicked her legs. "AHHHHH!" Anya screamed as she tumbled over the edge. "HAHA! Victory is-" I was about to finish when I felt Anya's tail wrap around one of my legs. "Oh, come now." I said before I was pulled off over the cliff. Anya pulled me against her chest and wrapped her claws around me as we both fell towards the freezing lake. "Mine." I heard Anya say a second before we splashed into the water. Although neither the heat nor cold effected me much anymore, the water was still freezing. But I didn't stay in it for long as Anya swam up and continued to hold me against her chest as she floated on her back on the surface of the lake. I looked up to her and saw she was looking down at me with a smile. "Now, you are mine." She whispered with a half lided gaze. "What?" I asked her as I was shaking the water out of my ears. "Hehe. Nothing, Talion." Anya said as she shook her head. "Heh. Well, it looks like you've won. Congratulations." I told her. "Well thank you. It was really fun. But if you hadn't decided to hold back, that might have been a challenge." She said. "What are you talking about? You were also holding back." I said. "Of course I was. Why would I intentionally try to hurt you Talion?" She asked. "If only it was that easy." I repeated and started to rub Anya's stomach as I laid on top of her. She laid back and started humming at my touch. "I hope I didn't hurt you to much with the tooth." I said. "Believe it or not, that tooth had been irritating me for the past month. So you actually did me a favor by removing it." She told me. "Well, that's good." I said. "But I think you still owe me for that kick to the face. I bit my tongue because of that too." She said. "You were the one who threw a tree at me!" I told her. "Self defense." She said while smiling. "Self defense my- Damnit. Its impossible to get mad at you." I said. "Good! That means you won't complain about rubbing me for payment in turn for hitting me in the face." Anya said. "No, I suppose not." I said as I continued to rub her chest and stomach, while she hummed. We both stayed silent and enjoyed each others company as we slowly floated over to the shore. "Talion?" Anya called me. "Yes Anya?" I answered. "Thank you for staying with me." Anya said. "You're welcome Anya." I told her. "Now come on. Let's get back to dry land." Anya pushed us towards the shore and let me up when we reached it. Because of how cold it was, the water on both of us froze when we stepped out of the lake. I shook the ice off of me while Anya did the same and stretched her wings. "You missed a spot." I told her as she tried to get the ice off of her back. "Where?" She asked me. "Here, hold still. I'll get it." I told her and brushed the ice off of her shoulder. As I brushed the ice off of Anya's neck and shoulders she started humming again to my touch. Hearing this, I moved my hand under her neck and begun scratching her a litte, causing her to lean down farther and hum even more. "Humm. That feels wonderful, Talion." She said before closing her eyes and lowering her head to nuzzle against me. "Well, this is the least I could do for kicking your tooth out." I told her while she leaned in. But before Anya got to into the rubbing and scratching, I pulled away. "Why did you stop?" Anya whined. "Because if I didn't, you wouldn't let me stop until half the day has passed." I told her. She laughed at my answer. "Its not my fault that you have magic fingers." She said. "Well, come on. I need to go get my things before we start moving again." I told her and started walking back where we had camped out. "You know, I could always fly us around instead of us constantly walking a boring and slow pace." Anya told me. "While I am honored that you would allow me the privilege of flying with you Anya, I would much rather walk and enjoy the forest around us up close." I said. "What? I've just offered you chance to fly with me and you turn it down? Are you scared of heights?" She asked me in shock. "No, I'm not scared of heights, Anya. I've flown before." I told her. "You have?" She asked me in surprise. "Yes I have... A long time ago." I answered. ..."This is Cujo 5-1 to any friendly units in the area. "Hammerdown" is in effect. I repeat: "Hammerdown" is in effect... ...Thirty seconds till weapons release.... ...Bombs away, bombs away." "Talion? Are you dozing off again?" Anya asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Sorry about that. It's a force of habit of mine when I travel." I told her. "Speaking of which, why must you always travel? You don't even have a destination." Anya asked me. "Well, we could travel to your home in the Dead Mountains, but as you have told me, the dragons there would not take kindly to my presence here." I said. "No dragon would harm you while I protect you, Talion." She told me. "I don't think that would stop them from trying." I said. "Ha! Only over my dead body will they ever touch you." She declared. "They'd probably find that quite agreeable. But I am deeply flattered though, to know that you would go so far to protect me, Anya. But trust me when I say that you won't have to." I told her. "Maybe not. Especially since you are capable of fighting a dragon the way you did today." She said. I chuckled. "Either way, I do not go around searching for fights everywhere I go. If ever there is a way to solve conflict peacefully, then I will fight for it. Always." I told her. "I didn't know that about you, Talion." She said. "As well as a great deal of many other things." I told her. "For now perhaps." She said while smiling. "For now." I said. "Look, Anya I-" I quickly turned my head to the side as I heard a very low rumbling. "Do you hear that?" I asked her. "Hear what?" She asked me. Before I could tell her, the ground suddenly started to shake underneath us. "Anya, move now!" I shouted. We both had started running back towards the lake as the ground where we both stood suddenly exploded outward, knocking us both over. I rolled for a few seconds before I was able to skid to a halt, while Anya had fallen on her side as the ground around us continue to shake. "Anya, are you alright?" I asked as I rushed over to her side. She shook her head and and quickly got back up. "I'm fine. But what-" Anya suddenly paused when she looked up behind me. "Talion!" She screamed in fear. I quickly turned around and saw something large and white a few meters in front of me that was looming over us. I looked up and for the first time in a very long time, I felt fear. Real fear. It reared back it's head and let out a screech like roar at us. "Anya, fly now!" I shouted before turning around and leaping onto her back. Anya didn't even wait. As soon as I grabbed ahold of her neck, she leaped backwards into the air and breathed a cone of ice at the frost worm's head before turning around and flying in the opposite direction. The frost worm wasn't effected by the blast of ice at all. It mearly reared it's head back again and blew a breath of ice at us in return. Anya screamed as the ice shards struck her wings, causing her to lose control and start falling. I was thrown off Anya as we both crashed into a few trees and rolled across the ground before slowly coming to a halt near the lake. I slowly pushed myself up and crawled over to Anya, who was trying to get up. She was bleeding across her wings through small holes that were caused by the frost worm's ice breath. "Anya, don't move yet." I told her. The ground started shaking again as we both heard the worm rour. "Talion, we need to get out of here. We can't kill the frost worm alone." Anya said with a fear filled voice. I turned around and saw the worm slithering towards us. I stood up and walked forward a few steps towards it. "Talion, what are you doing?" She asked, worried. I turned my head to the side to look at her before I answered. "By my life, Anya, you shall not lose yours." I told her and then reached out my hand towards the forest. A blue flash of light shown in the forest before heading towards us. Anya gasped as the blue light flashed towards my out stretched hand. I grabbed onto the energy and the light dissipated to reveal a glowing blue spear I pulled back my arm and threw my new weapon at the frost worm. A sonic boom exploded outward from me as my spear seemed to flash in a blue blur towards the frost worm. In the instant my weapon pierced deep into the worms body, I flashed straight to it and grabbed onto the spear again. "Talion!" I heard Anya shout as I pulled my spear from the worm and begun slashing at it's body, leaving deep gashes across it. The worm stopped moving towards Anya and screeched as I attacked it. The worm then shook it's body to throw me off. As I fell back towards the ground, I thrust my spear foward and it's blade shot out, attached to a chain from the shaft, towards the worm and embedded itself into it. I swung on the chain and launched myself up towards the worm's head, where I then spun around mid air and rapidly slashed the side of the frost worms head. It roured and breathed ice at me, but as the hail of ice came towards me, I transformed into my wraith form and swung my spear hard across the worms open mouth. But I didn't stop there. After converting back into my physical form and falling towards the ground again, I continued to rapidly swing my spear across the worms whole body, all the way down. The worm finally having enough of my attacks, twirled and swung it's whole body around. Uplifting earth and trees, forcing me to jump away from it. Just when I was about to attack again, the worm threw it's whole body against the earth and flung a massive chuck of stone, dirt and snow towards me. I pulled back my spear and threw it towards the worm again. I flashed just in time before I was buried. I then continued to attack the frost worm as it repeatedly tried to get me off and was able to get on top of the worm to run across it while slashing all the way. Just as I approached it's head, the worm suddenly slammed it's own head against the ground, causing me to slip and fall over. But before I could fall off of the worm, it threw it's head up suddenly and smacked right into me. I only flew through the air for a few seconds before I met the earth again. "Why do my opponents always keep getting bigger?" I asked myself. I quickly stood up and turned around to face the frost worm again, which was now rushing towards me. I readied myself for another attack as the worm reared back it's head and lunged at me. I was about to throw my spear again when Anya suddenly flew in and tackled the side of the worm causing it to start thrashing about as Anya bit and scratched deep into it's body. I quickly rejoined the fight by throwing my spear at the worms head and flashing on top of it. I pulled out my spear only to stap it back in even farther, causing the frost worm to thrash around even more. As Anya and I continued attacking the worm, it suddenly roared and dived it's head towards the ground again, but this time it dug into the earth. Seeing this, Anya and I leaped off the worm as it dug it's way back underground. Anya rushed over to my side as we both watched the frost worm disappear. But I waited for the ground to stop shaking before I lowered my guard and turned to Anya, who was slightly panting. "Are you alright Anya? How badly are you hurt?" I asked, concerned. "I'll live. These wounds should heal without any problem. I hope." She reassured me. I sighed in relief. "Come on. We should get out of here in case it decides to-" Just as I was about to finish, the ground briefly shook before it exploded outward underneath us both. I was thrown across the ground as the frost worm reemerged and bit onto Anya, around her body. She roared in pain as the worm shook her around. "Anya!" I screamed as I pushed myself back up. Anya thrashed around in an attempt to pry herself out of the worms mouth and managed to bit and claw the side of the worm's mouth. The worm reared it's head back and threw Anya into the ground. It then reared it's head back again and lunged towards Anya. "NOOOOOOOOOO!" I roared as I reverted my spear back into a sword and flashed towards the frost worm. I swung with all my might and cut a deep gash into the worms body. It screeched and thrashed it's body backwards. I quickly rushed over to Anya's side. She was bleeding around her stomach and chest, where the frost worm had bit into her. Her wings were a torn and also bleeding. She was shaking and breathing heavily. "Anya..." I said. "Talion... I-I..." Anya stuttered. We both heard the worm rour behind us. I looked over my sholder and saw the worm turning in our direction. It had taken a lot of damage to itself and was bleeding blue blood across it's whole body. "Talion." I felt Anya press her head against me as she spoke. I looked back to see she was crying. "Thank you so much for staying with me." I placed my sword down next to me as I put a hand onto the side of Anya's head. I looked into her eyes and felt her fear. But I also felt the happiness she had in my presence. She was ready for death. But I wasn't. Never again... "Anya... I'm so sorry." I said before I grabbed her head with my other hand and forced my will and power into her. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" Anya screamed as her eyes burst into blue flames and her whole body became covered in shadows. I felt Anya's emotions and memories flow into me. But before I saw to much, I closed off my mind to her memories, so I didn't see everything she had seen and experienced. ~Anya, stop. Breath in. Count to four. Breath out. Count to four. Repeat.~ Anya stopped screaming as I mentally calmed her. Eventually her breathing steadied as I used my power to heal her wounds. ~"Anya, stand and fight with me again."~ I told her. She pushed herself up and turned to face the approaching frost worm with me. ~"Send this foul creature into the abyss!"~ I shouted when I raised my hand which burst into blue flames while Anya breathed in as she reared back her head. The frost worm rushed towards us both before it roured and lunged forward. ~"NOW!"~ I shouted and thrusted my hand forward at the same time Anya unleashed her breath weapon. A bright blue jet of fire and light blasted out from Anya's mouth, right into the frost worms mouth. The frost worm was thrown backwards and thrashed it's body around as it instantaneously burst into bright blue flames all over. It then tried to screech but was quickly silenced as it's whole body started to turn into ice. The blue fire across the worms body slowly died out, leaving the frozen body of the giant frost worm, which started to brake apart and shatter to the ground. I let out a sigh as I pulled my power out of Anya and we both reverted back to normal and the shadows left us. Anya then gasped and collapsed when she returned to normal. I quickly moved over to Anya and crouched next to her. "Talion... what... How?" Anya managed between breaths. "Shh. Don't worry about that now." I told her as I pulled her head into my lap and gently rubbed her neck. "The.. frost..." She said. "Its okay, Anya. It's dead now." I reassured her. She stayed silent for a bit as she tried to relax herself. "Thank you..." She finished as she closed her eyes and fell asleep from exhaustion. I let out a sigh as I closed my eyes as well and continued to rub her neck. "I'm here. Rest now... Princess Anya." > Chapter 11: In light and darkness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details *Thoughts* ~Mental speaking~ "Normal speaking" ~"Mental and normal speaking"~ Songs ... (Radio static)... "Where are you going?" "To seek the company of the only other person with a sense of reason around here." I answered. "And who is that?" "Myself of course!" I shouted. "Anya, you can't keep doing this. I promised mother and father that I would look after you." "Since when have you started to care about my well being, Velirin!?" I asked in anger. "I have always cared and looked after you Anya! But you're constantly searching for a way of life that doesn't exist anymore!" Velirin told me." "Is it so wrong of me to hope and wish for change? To pursue a better life for our people?" I asked my brother. "Of course not. But we will not gain anything by going to war with our neighbors." Velirin told me. "Do you really think all I want is war!?" I shouted at him. "I'm not asking that we declare war. All that I am asking is that we would stand up for ourselves and stop giving up what is rightfully ours! But if war is necessary to regain dragon freedom, then so be it!" Velirin looked both shocked and angry at me. "What you are suggesting is madness, Anya! Have the lessons of our parents eluded you? Our ancestors have fought, died and failed in every war against Equestria. We cannot nor will we ever be able to stand against them again!" "So what are we supposed to do, Velirin? Just let our enemy's slowly take more land from us until we are forced into the sea!? What, Velirin!?" I asked him. "Father has assured us, that will never happen. As long as we do not cause any trouble with the other kingdom's, then eventually they will leave us alone." He tried to assure me. I scoffed at him. "You know that's not true, Velirin. They will never leave us alone, so long as we are here in these lands they will never forgive us for the sins of our ancestors... Even then during their time, they tried to drive us away and they are doing so again. Nothing has changed." Velirin let out a sigh and walked up to my side before speaking to me in a softer voice. "Anya, there is nothing you, I or anyone can do about the past. But we can learn from it. Going to war is never the answer. It has many times almost wiped us out. We are no longer like the great dragons of old. Our kind has grown tired and weary of the constant never ending conflict with others... Those times are over. Now we must seek peace." I lowered my head and sighed. "You know, a few years ago you used to be on my side of this. Now you're starting to sound more like father." "Things change, Anya. But I have never left your side." Velirin said. "Then why are you against me, Velirin? Why have you given up on our dream to rebuild and reclaim our long lost glory?" I asked him. "I'm not against you Anya. But what I know now is, that dream was just a dream. The age of glory is gone and there is no going back. It is over Anya." He told me. I closed my eyes and turned away from Velirin. "No Velirin. Glory is never far from our reach. It is always there, calling to us. We have just forgotten where and how to find it." I said before turning back to him with a look of determination. "I am sorry Velirin. But this kind of peace is not a life I'm willing to submit to. Not when this so called peace will turn us into slaves or drives us from our own lands. If I must stand alone, then I will stand on my own." "Anya, you can't change the way things are! This is just how it has to be." Velirin told me. "No! You are wrong, Velirin! This is not how it has to be! We have just chosen to let all of these things happen!" I shouted while walking towards him. "You used to know that once... Now you have chosen to accept and believe in a lie of false peace and promises. But I will not give up nor give in to them. I am done. So let me tell you dear brother, we have all lived in constant oppression and abuse from others for far too long. I am done following a rule that does nothing but give in to our enemies demands. I am done hiding behind walls that do not exist!" I turned away from Velirin again as I continued. "Never again will I watch and do nothing while our race suffers. So if you, father and mother will continue to do nothing, then I will stand with you all no more." Just as I finished, I leaped up into the air and started flying away from Velirinand my home. "Anya! Anya, wait! Come back! Anya!" I ignored Velirin as I tried to fight back my own tears. The sound of my brothers voice slowly faded until the only thing that I heard was the sound of wind and radio static. ..."Do you read?" "Remember why you fight, Talion." ..."I say again: Do you read?" "Always." ..."How copy over?" "All I want is a day without death." ..."Are you clear?" "Anything iz possible, Mr. Drust." ..."I say again: Are you clear?" "We'll get through this together, right boys!?" ..."Talion, the bombs on its way." "Why did I fight?" ..."Are you clear?" "What did I fight for?" "A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame is the imprisoned lightning, stands on the horizon, at the edge of the sea and the setting sun. And her name; mother of exiles. She lifts up her light beside the golden doors and says, "Give me your tired. Your poor. Your huddled masses yearning to breath free. The wretched refuge of your teeming shores. Send these. Your lost, homeless, tempest tossed, to me." "We're clear." "NOOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed as I awoke from memories that were not my own. I held my eyes shut for a moment longer before opening them to allow my tears to fall freely. "Talion?" I called in a shaky voice as I started to search my surroundings for him. I found myself on top of what looked like a giant sled made out of pine tree logs inside of the cave Talion and I had been sharing for the past week. Looking over towards the entrance of the cave I noticed a trail in the snow that was most likely caused by the sled. "Talion?" I called again but still received no reply. Slowly, I stood up and started looking over myself to examine my wounds, but was suprised to find none. *How-* My eyes widened as yesterday's memories suddenly came back to me. I quickly turned towards the entrance and rushed out of the cave. I quickly started looking around for any trace of Talion, desperately trying to find him, when I noticed a large clear path leading down towards the lake. Many uprooted trees, stones and shrubs lined up the side of the trail, which looked to have been made from the giant sled I had woke up on. As my gaze followed the trail, I realized just how far it went. *He carried me all the way up here.* I thought to myself in shock. "Where do you think your going?" "To win a war..." I shook my head and looked back to the cave before I started walking down the path, following the footprints left in the snow. The forest around me was empty and quite. There was no sign nor sound of animals, on the ground or in the air. Not even the slightest sound of a small breeze graced my ears. White Pine valley was completely still. It was almost as if the whole forest had been frozen in time. After briefly examining the forest around me, I returned my attention to the path ahead. It lead me back to the lake where Talion and I fought the frost worm. "Animals are not monsters. Monsters are people. And that is what's truly scary about them." When I stepped out of the tree cover, I instantly saw the massive pile of ice that had once been the frost worm. Chunks of it's body were spread out across the clearing. It was almost hard to tell that the ice had once been the terrible subterranean monster Talion and I had defeated. And even though the worm was now dead, it still scared me. "I have seen and experienced many things that are far more terrible and frightening..." Turning away from my dead foe, I continued my search until the path came to an end. I started looking around the surrounding area for Talion but found no sign of him. I was beginning to worry that I was alone, but still continued my search for Talion. "Titles are earned. Not given, Anya. Who you are and what you are, is of little consequence." I walked up along the lake shore until I found the last place Talion and I had been. I looked down to the lake and listened to the gentle breeze of late autumn winds. Looking up, I could see the sun's rays climbing over the mountains in the east. I was alone. "Anya, watch and listen..." I lowered my head and closed my eyes as tears fell from my face. ~Please don't leave me, Talion... Not alone... Not again.~ I remained still for a few moments when I felt the wind change direction. ~I never left you Anya... And you are never alone.~ I gasped and opened my eyes when I heard Talion's voice in my mind. I turned my head towards the lake again and saw Talion standing near the cliff facing the lake. ++ I slowly turned my head to look at Anya and she stared back. She looked uncertain, almost scared even. Much like how she looked when we both had first met face to face. She hesitated for a second before slowly walking towards me. I continued to stare at Anya until she reached my side before I turned my gaze back to the lake. "It never changes... No matter how many times you experience it, nothing ever changes." I said. Anya sat down next to me and continued to watch me. "What never changes?" She asked me in a low voice. I let out a long sigh before answering. "Death... It's always the same. The same dark cold embrace. No matter how I die or how many times, it never changes... But I never get used to it." Anya closed her eyes for a moment as images of death briefly flashed through her mind. When she looked back to me, she noticed the rose I was holding. "How-... How many times have you died?" She asked me. "More than I could live." I answered. Anya slowly lowered herself and moved her head in front of me to look me in the eyes. "Are you dead?" She asked me. I closed my eyes and lowered my head. "Yes... And no." I answered. Anya looked sorrowful as she spoke in a low voice. "What more than that? What are you Talion?" I let out another sigh. "A dead man walking." I answered and looked back up at Anya. "And now I have shared my death and pain with another innocent, once again." I said as I placed a hand on the side of Anya's face. She closed her eyes again while leaning into my hand as tears fell from her eyes. "I-I... I thought I'd lost you... That you had left me alone. I-..." She opened her tear filled eyes. "Why did you hide from me Talion?" She asked. "I am sorry Anya. I just... Wanted protect you." I said. "From what?" She asked me. "Myself." I answered. Anya tilted her head slightly. "You would never hurt me." "Of course I wouldn't hurt you. Never intentionally. But I-... I already have hurt you Anya... You've seen." I said. Anya was silent for a moment before speaking again. "What happened to you, Talion? Who has done this to you?" She asked. "No one has done this to me, Anya. I am cursed of my own making. I willingly gave my life because I believed that I could save others from death. But I was only delaying the inevitable... Everyone dies." I told her. "In a life time. But endlessly dying over and over again?" Anya asked. "Everything has a price, Anya. But mine cannot be paid or counted for in lives lost. I knew what I was giving up." "But why? Why did you give up your whole life for others?" She asked me. I let out another sigh before I explained. "When I was young my father and many other men like him went to fight in a war to end all wars. Over forty million men women and children lost their lives because of it... My father was one of them. The war ended nothing. But it changed the world forever... My father's death tore my family apart, as well as countless others."I leaned against Anya a little as I continued. "Eventually war came upon us again and I knew it would be worse than the last. I knew many more lives would suffer for a war no one wanted. But I couldn't allow that. Never again... War destroyed my life, Anya. So I gave it to save others." I finshed. Anya was looking at me in disbelief by what I explained to her. "So many deaths... So many lives lost and yet... You died for them. All of them." She said. I nodded. "I tried to stop. I tried to leave everything behind... But war and death always had a way of finding me again. Even now I can hear their calls." I paused. That is why I'm running, Anya. I must not let anyone get close to me, else they suffer and share in my pain." I told her and looked down. "I only wanted to save lives... That's all I wanted." "A day without death." Anya said as tears filled her eyes again. "Talion..." "I never meant to hurt you Anya. But I-..." My words trailed off. Anya lowered her head and nuzzled against my chest. "Show me... Please." She said. I raised my head and looked at Anya for a moment before I looked down at the white rose I was holding and lifted it to my nose. I closed my eyes and inhaled the scent of the flower for a moment before I let out long exhale. Anya gasped as the rose decayed in my hand and my body changed into shadows. I reopened my eyes and looked back to Anya, who was now staring at me in complete shock and fear. "Death looked for me once and I looked away. Now I look for him, but he never looks back. I cannot die, Anya... But I kill myself a little every day." I said. Anya started to cry as her shock and fear became sorrow. I placed my hand on her cheek again which caused her to shiver at my touch. "Do not morn for me, Anya. I made my choice many years ago. What's done is done and I cannot change it. All I can do is continue to fight for peace and try to save lives." "But why? Why do you continue to fight?" Anya asked me. I reached into my coat pocket and pulled out my brother's dog tags. I looked down at them for a moment before I showed them to Anya. "Because I made a promise, Anya. I promised to always fight for peace and freedom. To always protect the innocent and the weak... As long as I walk this Earth, I will not stop. In life and death." I told her and changed myself back into physical form. Anya looked a little less tense when I returned back to normal. "Talion, the fight is over and the war is done. You don't need to run anymore." Anya said. "The war is never over, Anya... Not for me. Death follows wherever I go and is never far from me. So I must keep moving. If I don't, then those around me will suffer... Like you have." I told her. "Wha-... What did you do to me, Talion?" Anya asked. This was always a difficult questions to answer. "I-... I couldn't let you die, Anya. I wouldn't. I had to save you, so I... gave a part of myself to you while taking a part of you in return." I paused. "I sent my power through you and used it to amplifi your own powers so we could defeat the frost worm. At the same time I used the energy to heal you of your injuries. But... In return for merging our souls for a short time, we lived a small portion of each others lives." I finshed. "You saved my life... with your death?" Anya asked in shock. I closed my eyes and nodded. "What did you see?" She looked down as she spoke. "Not what. Who. I saw fire and death at an unimaginable scale and you were in the center of it all. I saw you fight on as others around you fell in battle and then-... I saw you... I saw fire... I-..." Anya looked back to me with tear filled eyes. "I saw your death." I lowered my head as tears filled my eyes. "I never wanted this for you... I never wanted any of this for you... I'm sorry, Anya... I'm so sorry." Anya wrapped herself around me and leaned her head against mine as she looked into my eyes. "I wasn't the first. You've done this before." "I knew eventually this might happen... But I had hoped that by some chance things might be different... That I wouldn't have to run and hide anymore. Even though it never changes, I still let myself get close to others and they suffer for it." I told her. "Then let me help you, Talion." She said. I looked at her a little taken back. "What?" "Let me help you. Let me ease your pain so you don't have to suffer alone anymore." She told me. I was a little taken aback from this. "You can't help me Anya. No one can." Any raised her head a little and spoke with determination. "Yes I can, Talion. You have been fighting your pain and sorrow alone for so long, but you don't have to anymore. You don't have to run anymore. I am here for you now. Please, let me in." I was shocked by what Anya was saying. My mouth hung slightly opened as I stared at Anya. Instead of wanting to leave me, she wanted to help me. I closed my mouth and eyes before letting out a sigh. "No." "What?" Anya asked taken aback from my answer. "No." I opened my eyes. "I can't let you in, Anya. I can't let anyone in. I won't." "Why? You don't need to do this alone, Talion. I want to help you." She told me. "Help me? You can't even help yourself. So how could you ever help me?" I asked her. Anya frowned at me. "You don't know me, Talion." "I know enough. I know why you're here. Why you left your home and family. You're running away too." I told her, raising my voice a little. Anya growled at me a little. "My family has nothing to do with this, Talion. I left them because they choose to do nothing as others take advantage over our people." "So you left chasing a dream. A dream that will only serve to bring further pain and suffering to your people." I said. Anya stood up and looked down at me. "I would rather die on my claws, than live on my knees! If my family will not stand with me, then I will stand alone." "If you choose to pursue a path of war, you will only bring death to everyone and loose those you hold dear! There is nothing to gain from war but death! And the war never ends! It only follows you home, takes what it wants and destroys what it cannot have. Because in the end, no one ever truly wins a war." "My kind will lose everything if we all continue to submit to our oppressors! No one, not even my family sees this!" She shouted at me. "At least you have a family!" I shouted back at her. She stared at me in silence for a bit before speaking again. "That's not fair, Talion." "Fair!?" I shouted in anger. "No you're right. I'm sorry for bringing them up. I'm sorry I had to remind you of your close, caring family." "Stop it." Anya growled as I continued. "And I'm so sorry that you have a father, a mother and a brother who love you and only want to protect their family and friends." "STOP IT!" Anya snapped at me. "Your family loves you princess Anya! Do they mean nothing to you!?" I shouted in anger. Anya was in raged. "They mean everything to me! That's why I left! I want nothing more than to help them! To free them! But right now I want to help you because I care about you, Talion. Do I mean nothing to you!?" "Your life means everything to me! That is why I can't let you see and experience the things I have! It is why we can't get any closer, no matter how much I care and feel about you!" I shouted in anger before mine and Anya's expressions went blank. I turned away from Anya. "Anya, you can't help me... I do care about you. That is why I can't let you." "Yes I can, Talion. I have seen. I understand." She said. I turned to face her again. "No you don't! No one understands me! What you saw isn't even a glimpse of the mountains of death and suffering I have gone through! So no! You don't know what it's like living a life of endless death. Always fighting alone, never settling down in peace, not belonging anywhere!" Anya remained silent for a long moment before looking down as well. "I'm sorry." I shook my head and looked back up to her. "No, it's true... I don't belong anywhere." I told her and looked towards the lake. We both stood in silence for a few moments before Anya slowly lowered herself in front of me and spoke in a soft voice. "You are right, Talion. I don't truly understand your pain and I don't know how you feel or what you're constantly going through. But I understand enough. I have seen enough to know who you truly are, Talion." She lowered her head and smiled. "A protector. A soldier. A defender of the weak and a herald of justice. But most of all, a man. A man who gave and still gives every part of his being to save others. You are much more than what you believe, Talion and you have shown me these things. That is why you are wrong, Talion... You belong with me." "What do you mean?" I asked, looking back to her. "I-I..." She started blushing. "I've... chosen you." "Wha-" I was about to ask when I realized what Anya meant. I was caught off guard by what she told me. "Anya, you-... I-" "Have you not also seen?" She asked me, still blushing. "I have." I said. "Then... You know how I feel, Talion... H-How I feel about you." She said as about she curled around me again and pressed her head against mine. *I want you.* I closed my eyes as I spoke. "Anya... What you want from me is dream. A life I cannot give you." Anya stared to blush even more as she spoke. "Dragons are magical beings in nature, Talion... My kind has the ability to couple w-with a few different species." I really wasn't expecting this from Anya. "Anya I-. You don't understand. I-" I started stuttering again before I breathed in and calmed myself. "I am deeply fond of you Anya, but I have nothing to give you. Only pain and death... I cannot return your feelings, Anya. My life is over, but you still have yours. Please, don't give it up for me." "Talion-" Anya started but I cut her off. "No, Anya. Life and death cannot co-exist together. You can't have me. You can't have me because you still have life. You still have friends and family who care for you and love you Anya. If you choose me... then they lose you." Anya stayed silent as she stared at me. "I'm sorry, Anya." "I do not care what you are, Talion. Human or not. Living or dead." Anya said as she leaned close to me. "You may have made your choice, Talion. But I have also made mine. You will never walk alone again because I am with you and I will follow you. Even through death, you may fight alone, but you will not die alone. Not anymore." I was struggling to comprehend what Anya was telling me. I never really had much experience with women in the past, so I was startled to learn of Anya's feelings towards me. How deeply she cares and wants to be with me. "Anya, why? We haven't spent more than two weeks together and yet you are already showing me affection." I said. "We dragons don't just ever choose any mate. We will wait until we find the perfect one. I have searched for many years, Talion. I have saught out the one who will end my loneliness. Who will care and protect me... You have done these things, Talion." Anya explained. "I'm not even a dragon, Anya. I-" Anya cut me off. "Time and species mean very little to dragons, Talion. Dragons can spend years together before they learn that they are meant for each other. Sometimes only days. For us, it is the value of ones soul that truly matters. Weather we have known each other for a lifetime or even a single moment." She started to rub her head against mine. "I know how suddenly I have expressed my feelings for you, Talion. But this is just how I feel about you. I cannot help but feel the need to get closer to you. To comfort and protect you as you have done so for me." I gently rubbed her neck as I spoke. "Anya... I don't know what to say... I am flattered that you feel so deeply for me, but...You also know how I feel. You know why I must fight alone." Anya moved closer again. "I know that you have no peace in your life, Talion. I know that you believe you must fight alone to protect others from yourself. That if you let someone in, then it would destroy them. But..." Anya nuzzled her head against mine. "You don't have to anymore... You are free now Talion. There is no more war and no more death. You don't need to fight alone now... I am here with you." "Anya..." I said. "Please, Talion. You have been fighting and running your whole life. Stop now. Rest and let me help you find peace." Anya said. I inhaled and sighed as I leaned against Anya. I then placed my hands on the sides of her head and looked her in the eyes. "Anya... I cannot express how touched I am by your words... But I'm not ready for peace. Not when evil still runs rampant. Not when there are still innocents who need me... I can't stop now... Not yet." Anya gave me a small smile. "Then I will wait and stay by your side until you are ready. No matter how long it takes... I will wait for you." She said and hugged me. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around Anya's neck to return her hug. Anya started humming as she nuzzled against me. "Will you stay with me, Talion?" "Yes... I will stay" I answered. "Thank you... Anya." I said as tears fell from my eyes. Anya closed her eyes as well. "Thank you... My mate." We stayed together like this for a while until Anya pulled away. "Come, Talion... let's go home." She said and moved away from the cliff. I turned to look at the rising sun one last time and smiled. "Home." I whispered before turning around and following Anya down the hill. > Chapter 12: Days of long ago > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details *Thoughts* ~Mental speaking~ "Normal speaking" ~"Mental and normal speaking"~ Songs ... (Radio static)... "I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none." "Conceal me what I am and be my aid. For such disguise as haply shall become the form of my intent." "Good morning sir. How may I help you?" I was greeted by a woman behind a desk. "Hello. I'm here to see Dr. Lorentz Giselher." I said. "Identification please." She said and I handed her my card. She typed something into her typewriter before handing me my card back and a security clearance tag to wear around my neck. "Welcome back Mr. Drust." She said and turned to press a button on the wall behind her, unlocking the double doors to my left. "Thank you." I told her and walked through. I was immediately greeted by three security officers standing next to a metal detector. I walked through the metel rectangle and heard the familiar beep of being cleared. I raised my arms over my head as one of the security officers patted me down, while the other hovored a hand held metal detector around me. When they finished, the third security officer pressed a few buttons on a keypad and unlocked the next set of double doors leading into a long hallway. "Head right on through sir." He told me. The steel doors closed and locked behind me when I entered the science facility. "Mr. Drust?" A young scientist with brown hair wearing glasses and carrying a large document walked towards me. "Morning James." I greeted him. "Come on. Dr. Giselher was expecting you over an hour ago. And I told you to call me Dr. Morgan, now. I'm not an intern anymore." He told me and began leading me through the complex. "Well, they seem to still have you doing jobs ment for an intern. Run over there, press that button and pull that lever. Turn that valve here and take notes. What idiot designed this and where's my mug of coffee with two sugars, no cream?" I said sarcastically. "Ha! Not anymore. As of today, I have been assigned to monitor your physical health and preparations for the up coming tests. Yep yep. Your going to be seeing alot more of me from now on." "So basically, you're still taking notes." I said to him. "Monitoring, Talion. Monitoring you." He told me. I chuckled. "Well Dr. Morgan, I can't tell you how happy I am to know that I have yet another set of eyes constantly watching me." I said. "Speaking of which, I will also be coming to monitor the rest of your basic training as well." He told me. "I thought the instructors had that covered." I said. "They do. I'm just going to watch your performance in the final tests." He told me. We both passed by a large office area and came up to a set of elevators. James pressed the button on one and turned to me. "You know, with everything your going and will be going through, I noticed you haven't asked many questions about the project." He said. "I don't particularly care for the technicality of the project, James. I don't need to know how it works. I only need to know if it works." I told him as the elevator doors opened and I stepped in. "So the faster we can get these tests done, the faster I can go save lives. I don't want to have to spend more time here than what is necessary to get everything done." James stepped into the elevator with me and pressed level 4. "Well, you don't need to worry about all that. I'm sure the project will be completed in time for you to go win the war." He assured me. "Well, I just hope-" ~Talion...~ I quickly turned my head to the side. "Did you hear that?" I asked James. "Hear what? He asked back. The elevator doors suddenly opened up. "Nothing. Never mind." I told him. We both came out to a lobby with four corridors that lead to different test labs throughout the building. We walked up to a round desk in the center, with a security officer behind it. Noticing us both he looked up from his desk and greeted me. "Morning Talion. Glad to see you finally made. Doc here has been stressing out all morning about how important today's tests will be. He was starting to worry that you wouldn't show up." "I wasn't stressing out." James protested. "No you're right. More like freaking out if you ask me." He said and laughed. "Good morning Fred. Good to see that you're in a good mood today." I said. He leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms. "Oh ya. Had a good dinner, a funny movie and a great night of sleep. Now I'm ready for a long day of work. Any who, Dr. Giselher wanted me to let you know to head on down to his office when you arrived. So you best get going Talion. You're late as it is." "See you later Fred." I said as I followed James down one of the hallways. We both passed by a few small labs until we came to another hall leading to the offices. There were paintings, posters and maps that lined up the walls. One such map was the U.S.A. I turned my head to a map of America and stopped walking. "Hey, theres something wrong with this map." I told him. He came over and looked at it as well. "What? I don't see what you mean." "You don't?" I asked him as I motioned my hand over the map. "What is it?" He asked me. "Wheres Hawaii, Northern Mexico, the Caribbeans, Greenland and Iceland?" I asked him. "Must be a misprint or someone was too lazy to print all seventy states. Now come on and stop stalling. I will get someone to fix it later." He told me. "I'm not stalling. I was jus-" I stopped as I noticed a shadowy figure out of the corner of my eyes. But I didn't see anyone else in the hallway when I turned to look around. "Just what, Talion? Are you okay?" James asked. "Ya. I'm fine. Just thought I saw something." I replied. "You seem kinda of jumpy today. Are sure you're alright?" He asked me. "Of course." I told him and continued on. After a short walk through the hall, we arrived at a door labeled: DR. LORENTZ JÜRGEN GISELHER. Just as James was about to knock, the door opened from another scientist in a lab coat. "Oh, freaking finally. Took you long enough. Good morning Mr. Drust. Dr. Giselher is waiting for you." He said to me while stepping out and looking over a small document in his hands. "What idiot designed this?" He asked himself before turning to James. "And where's my mug of coffee with two sugars, no cream?" He asked him. I almost burst into laughter at that. "Oh uh. I kind of got side tracked when I saw Talion-" He explained before the other scientist interrupted him. "Ah, forget it. We don't have time for that right now. I'll just get it on the way. Now come on. We need to finish preping the tests, now that Talion is finally here." He told James and started up the hallway. "Yes Dr. Chappell." James said. "See you in a few hours, Talion." He told me and followed Dr. Chappell back up the hall. "See you later James." I said and entered Dr. Giselher's office. "Ah. Mr. Drust! Zhere you are. So good to see zhat you made it. Ve vere beginning to wonder if you vere even coming." Lorentz said as he pulled a file out from a cabinet while putting another into it. "So sorry I'm late. The traffic on the way here was terrible this morning. I hope I didn't cause to much trouble with today's tests." I said to him. "No, you're fine. Zhe lab coats down stairs are just a little eager to get started on today's tests. Time iz of zhe essences vight now, so ve can't afford any mistakes or unnecessary delays. So next time ve have a test just come straight here." He told me and took a seat behind his desk. "It won't happen again, Lorentz. I just got a little side tracked this morning is all." I said. "I know. Don't vorry about it, Talion. You vill be able to join your brother over seas soon. Just try to make it here on time from now on. Ja?" He told me. "I will. Thank you Lorentz." I said. He walked over to his desk and took a seat. "After your procedure today ve shall begin zhe first stages of treatment to prepare you for your transformation. I must say, I am rather suprised zhat you have been completely calm and more zhan villing to commit your life to "Project: Wraith." Lorentz told me. "I am willing to do and give whatever it takes to save lives, Lorentz. Even sacrificing my own life." I told him. "Interesting... Zhat iz actually one of zhe reasons vhy I vanted to speak vith you before your procedure." He told me as he pulled out a notebook and pen. "Vhy are you so villing to give everything for others, Talion?" He asked. "Does it matter, Lorentz?" I asked. "It does to me." He replied. I leaned back in my chair as I let out a sigh. "I don't know. All I want to do is save others. That's all." Lorentz chuckled and shook his head. "Now ve both know zhat iz not entirely true." "Look, what difference does it make? I'm willing and commited to go through this project. What more do you want?" I asked defensively. Lorentz removed his glasses. "Vhat I vant iz to know vhy, Talion. You vill be giving up your entire life vith no hope of returning. Yet I have not seen any kind of uncertainty or concern from you." "Because I do not care what happens to me! As long as there is a chance, just a chance that I can save everyone from needlessly dying in this war, then whatever happens to me is inconsequential." I told him. "No one iz zhat dedicated to saving others, Talion." Lorentz stated. "Well I am! I am willing to do whatever it takes to prevent families from being torn apart from loss like mine was." I told him. "Like, your family was?" He asked, making me realize what I had let slip out. "Look, Lorentz, I just-" Lorentz cut me off before I could change the subject. "Talion, I understand zhat zhis iz a very difficult zhing for you to discuss. And I'm not asking you to tell me everything about your family. I just vish to understand your reasonings for vanting to help people so much." "How could you possibly understand me, Lorentz?" I asked him. "Because, Talion, I too have experienced loss from zhe war." He told me. I huffed and shook my head. I wasn't about to let him try to relate to me in an attempt to get me to tell my story. "I'd be surprised if you hadn't. So who did you lose, humm? A brother, a cousin, a father? Who?" I asked him. Lorentz stared at me with a blank expression for a moment before answering. "My vife, son and daughters" I instantly felt ashamed of my behavior. "Lorentz, I'm sorry. I didn't know-" Lorentz stopped me by raising a hand. "No, it's alright. You didn't know and I don't blame you for the vay you feel. Vhat's done is done and ve cannot change it. But ve can certainly learn from our past mistakes." "Did you ever get over it?" I asked him. He sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. "I have not had to... I don't zhink zhat anyone vealy does... Ve just learn to live vith it." "What about you, Talion?" He asked. ~Why do you fight?... What do you fight for?~ I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. "There are many things everyone wishes they could change in their pasts. But for me, the only thing I wish I could change is that I had gone to war with my father." Lorentz started taking notes as I explained. "When I was young my father and many other men like him went to fight in the war to end all wars. Over forty million men women and children, including my father, lost their lives because of it, yet the war ended nothing. But it changed the world forever... My father's death tore my family apart, as well as many countless others." I leaned forward against the desk. "And now war has come upon us again and I know this one will be far more worse than the last. Many more lives will suffer for this war. But by my life, I will not allow that to happen... Never again. I was to young to fight in the war then. So I will be damned if I am too old to fight now." I leaned back into my chair again. "What I'm doing, isn't about me, Lorentz. It's about those who are putting their lives on the line for their country, family and freedom. I have no right to do any less. So I'm doing this for them. War destroyed my life, Lorentz. So I give it freely that other's might have the life that I was denied. No matter where they come from and what they've done or which side they chose or were forced on... The Lord commands us to love our neighbors and pray for those who persecute us. I think that America has forgotten that. But I haven't. So there for; I will fight. I will endure and I will sacrifice everything, as if the very issue of this whole conflict depended on me. And me alone." I finished. "So there you have it... Now you know." For a few moments, Lorentz said nothing as he leaned back into his chair and put a hand to his chin. "I think finally I understand you, Talion." He said. We both shared a moment of silence until Lorentz spoke again. "Vell zhank you for telling me your story, Talion. And do not vorry. Zhis vill not effect your place in "Project: Wraith." "Then why did you need to know?" I asked him. "I can tell a lot about a person's character, Talion. I needed to understand who you vere, hidden underneath." He answered. I was a little stunned. "Wait, wait. This was a test? For what? I thought that I had already passed all the tests to be accepted into this project." "You have. But I needed to determine zhe state of your mind vith zhis final test, to insure zhat you are fit for the next stage and zhe information zhat comes vith it. So congratulations, Talion. You are ready." He told me with a big smile. I was a little confused. "But why?"I asked him. Lorentz chuckled. "Zhe vorld iz in short supply of good men, Talion. Most simply choose not to fight, vhile others are already doing so. I do not need a vengeful seeking soldier out for blood in zhis project. Vhat I need iz someone who can see zhe bigger picture in zhis war. Who understands zhe value of life and knows vhat it means to be and treat others human." "Then, why me, Lorentz?" I asked. He laughed for the first time I've heard from him. "Because, Talion, you do understand zhe value of life. And you've jumped." He motioned with his hand towards my wrist. "You believe so strongly zhat all men are created equal under God and are vorth your own life to save. No matter vhat zhey've done or vhich banner zhey march under. Zhat is vhy I chose you, Talion. Because you are not just a good man. But a great one." He finished, leaving me a little speechless. "I'm not a great man, Lorentz. I'm just a soldier fighting for something different." I told him. "That difference is vhat makes you great. Make no mistake, Talion, I myself too have done terrible things in my past zhat have cost me those I held closest. I do understand you." He told me. "What happened?" I asked him. ~Time.~ He leaned back and sighed again. "I vas like you once... At one time I held you're beliefs and faith. I too only vanted to save lives and fight for peace... Zhat's all I vanted." "What changed?" I asked him. He looked down in shame. "I believed in a lie... Zhat not everyone iz vorth saving. Zhat not all men can be saved." He answered and looked back up to me. "Don't become like me, Talion. Don't lose your faith and believe zhe old lie... No life is vorth less than another's." "I won't, Lorentz." I said. He looked me in the eyes with complete determination. "You must promise me, Talion. Promise me zhat you vill alvays fight for peace and to save lives. Alvays." I smiled at him and noded. "I promise, Lorentz... Always." ~Always.~ He smiled and relaxed back into his chair. "Zhank you, Talion... Now," He stood up and picked up his documents. "I zhink ve have lingered here long enough. Let's head on over to zhe medical vard for your procedure. Zhen after zhat, ve can begin zhe first stages of your transformation." I stood up and turned to open the door for Lorentz and I. "So, how will we know if this super soldier project even works?" I asked him. He explained as we both made our way through the hallway. "Vell, vith all zhe tests complete and if everything comes out in order, all should be vell and ve should start seeing results. Although ve can't be certain of zhe effects zhe change vill have on you, ve believe zhe project vill be a success zhis time." I paused. "Wait. This time? I thought you told me I was the first subject of this experiment. "Of zhis experiment, yes. Of zhe project, no." He began explaining. "There were others that you tested?" I asked him a bit shocked. "Yes and no. Zhere vere many others who vere tested under zhis project, but not by me. Not knowingly anyvay... You are my first true test subject." He answered. "You mean, you didn't create this project?" I asked. "Vell no. But I vas a part of it's beginning... Tell me, are you familiar vith zhe battle of Osoweic during zhe Great war?" He asked me. "I'm afraid not." I replied. "It vas a battle I fought in, back vhen I vas still a soldier in zhe Great War. I had already fought in many battles before, against zhe Russians and have seen much death and suffering. But it vas zhe battle of Osoweic vhere I learned zhe true meaning and difference between dead and alive." He started as we walked into the lobby. "Osoweic Fortress vas built in zhe Nineteenth Century by zhe Russian Empire; in vhat is today known as North Eastern Poland, to defend against Germany. During zhe war, Osoweic vas heavily contested by Russian defenders and us German attackers. Ve made our first attack on Osoweic in September; 1914, using large calibre artillery guns, bombarding zhe fortress for six days. After extensive shelling, ve confidently launched an attack on zhe fortress. However, Russian artillery and infantry counterattacks forced us back vith a quick vithdrawal." Lorentz paused as we both entered an elevator. He pressed level B-2 and continued his history lesson. "A second attack vas attempted in February to March; 1915. Ve vere again optimistic because of our new, heavy 1420mm calibre "Big Bertha" cannons. Ve bombed zhe fortress vith intensity from zhe ground and air; vhich our commanders persumed vould cause a quick surrender from zhe Russians defending it. But zhe Russian command also had a similar notion, in order zhat Osoweic be held just forty-eight hours after evacuation." The elevator doors opened up to reveal a small open room that went into a long hallway that curved inward in both directions. The hallway wall in front of us had many windows to reveal a very large cylinder room that went down ten levels. We were also able to see our destination on the other side of the room. But before I turned away, I saw a shadowy figure watching me from across the room. ~Where are you going?~ "Zhis vay, Talion." Lorentz called, pulling my attention away for a moment. When I looked back across the room, the figure was gone. "Something vrong, Talion?" Lorentz asked. I shook my head. "No. Please continue." I said. "Remarkable, even vith massive damage to zhe fortress and high Russian casualties, zhe defenders held Osoweic for months and forced us to again pull back. It vas in early July; 1915, vhen ve became under zhe command of field martial Paul Von Hindenberg, who began a new offensive attack." Lorentz looked uneasy and almost ashamed by what he was going to say next. "It vas a... special secret experimental project zhat vas authorized by Kaiser Wilhelm, himself. Hindenberg had brought vith him a new type of poison gas zhat ve vould use to achieve victory against zhe Russian defenders. Ve knew zhey had no gas masks to defend against zhe gas. Even if zhey did, it vouldn't have protected zhem. But at zhe time, neither us nor zhe Russians knew zhat. I listened intently to Lorentz as he told the next parts. Thirty heavy artillery and thirty gas batterys vere brought vithin range, and vith zhe vind in our favor; zhe gas vas launched at Osoweic on August sixth." Lorentz again paused and rubbed his face for a second before continuing. "Along vith zhe artillery bombardment, a dark green smog of chlorine and bromine moved towards zhe Russian positions. At least, zhat vas vhat vhey told us ve vere unleashing... Zhe grass turned black and zhe tree leaves turned yellow. Zhe Russian guns and shells, made vith copper, became covered in a green layer of chlorine oxide. It vas almost as if zhe gas vas vithering away everything it touched. Zhe Russian ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth vere all but annihilated in zhe gas coverage. Once zhe gas had cleared, fourteen of our battalions numbering around seven-thousand, moved in; to capture zhe burnt trenches. But as ve approached zhe positions ve encountered something... strange... Something unnatural..." Lorentz had to pause as we entered the medical ward. After passing through the double door entrance, we were greeted by long wide hallway with many rooms on either side. A few doctors and nurses were walking around; going on about their daily tasks. "Mr. Drust?" A young female nurse called me. "Yes." I replied. "Right this way please." She said. The nurse led us to a small doctors office. "Please, take a seat. Dr. Anna Aura will be with you shortly." She told me before leaving. I paused suddenly and turned to watch the nurse leave. "You alright, Talion?" He asked. "Ya, it's just that name sounded familiar some how." I told Lorentz and took a seat on a chair while he chose to stand for a bit. "So, what did you encounter, Lorentz... What did you see?" I asked him. Lorentz looked down and closed his eyes. "Dead men, Talion. Dead men fighting again... Remaining soldiers of zhe Russian eighth and thirteenth companies, who had come into contact vith zhe poison gas, counterattacked our forces vith all zhey had left. Zhe Russians soldiers had chemical burns on zheir faces vith zheir bodies wrapped up in rags, spitting out pieces of zheir lungs. Zhe sight vas... so horrific and terrifying zhat ve vent into a panic and attempted to retreat back to our own positions as zhe Russians gunned us down vith zheir rifles and artillery. I myself vas shot during zhe retreat." Lorentz paused to show me a bullet scar on his shoulder. He sighed and looked back to me. "Zhose of us who survived and made it back attempted to return fire to stop zhe charge. But our shock and fear became dread in realization zhat zhe dead Russian soldiers did not stop. Zhey simply charged on; even as zhey vere ment by a barrage of bullets and fire, ve couldn't stop zhem... And zhere vas no more zhan a hundred of zhem." "Then how did you defeat them?" I asked him. "I'm not entirely sure zhat ve did." Lorentz replied. "At zhe end of zhe battle, all of zhe Russian soldiers just seemed to collapse and die... again. Vhat vas more disturbing zhough vas zhe look in zheir eyes. It vas almost as if zhe vere still alive... Staring at us and asking; Vhy?" Lorentz took a seat on another chair as he signed. "I asked myself zhat same question too... I vas one of zhe soldiers who unleashed zhe gas on Osoweic...I vas one who gave zhem a fate vorse zhan death." I leaned back and took a moment to digest this new information. "And that gas. What was it truly?" I asked him. "Vhy, zhe project, Talion." He answered. "The project? "Project: Wraith?" I asked a little shocked. "Ja... Osoweic vas zhe first failed field test of "Project: Vraith." He answered. "Zhe project vas original an idea for improving zhe common soldier; created by Clara Immerwahr, Dr. James Franck, Wilhelm Wundt and Dr. Fritz Haber." "How did they even come up with the idea for the project?" I asked him. "Believe it or not, zhey veren't zhe ones who did." Lorentz replied. That caught me by surprise. "Wha- Okay, hold on. If you didn't invent the project or those four scientists; then who did?" Lorentz chuckled. "Zhe idea did not simply come from just one man or even a handfull, Talion. But hundreds of thousands, even millions across the course of centuries, all over zhe vorld." "Who has shared in this idea, Lorentz?" I asked him. Lorentz laughed again. "I zhink zhe proper question to ask iz; Who hasn't? Who hasn't zhought of zhe idea of immortality?" He leaned foward and returned to his seriousness. "For centuries, mankind has looked for immortality. From the heavens above, the Earth beneath and the waters below. Through religions of false gods, demons and idols, to black magics and sacrifices. Nation's throughout time have saught out vays to escape deaths cold embrace. From ancient Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Turkey, Persia, Mongolia, China, Japan, India and Indonesia. To Siberia, Ukraine, Polska, Germaine, France, Italy, Sicily, Portugal, England, Ireland, Scotland and Scandinavia. Even across zhe sea in zhe Americas before Christopher Columbus. Zhe Astec, Mayans, Sioux and zhe Iroquois. "Project: Vraith", it's idea is as old as zhe dawning of man, Talion. It just vasn't known by zhat name." I was at a loss for words at learning this. "Then how? How is that possible? If the project has existed since the stone age, how is it able to be accomplished now?" I asked him. "Vhy, through the means of technological advances, Talion." Lorentz started to explain. "Zhe people of ancient times believed zhat immortality vas an achievement zhey could reach by either sacrifices, objects of power or fountains of youth. One of zhe most popular vays vas zhe idea of bringing someone back from zhe dead. Zhere have been many failed attempts like zhose done to regain vhat Adam and Eve gave up. You see, zhe zhing zhey all had in common vas zhat zhey all believed zhis vorld ve inhabit is just a surface. Zhat zhere is another deeper level. An unobservable plain of existence." "The afterlife? And they all believed that they could gain access to it without dying?" I asked him. "Most did. Ancient religions believed zhat passages to zhe undervorld vere physical locations on Earth. Thus many had built zheir temples and other places of worship in key locations vhere zhey believed vere gatevays or portals to zhe next life. Like Stonehenge for instance." He told me. "Huh. They must have been really foolish to believe all that." I remarked. "Perhaps. Or perhaps not. Quantum physics affirms not just one dimension, but several exist. A few of zhe old religions somehow knew zhis. Even today. Some may have discovered how to gain limited access to zhem. But vhat all zhese religions and cults failed to understand is zhat zhere is only one vay a man can travel. Once death has you, only God can deliver you from it. Othervise zhis existence goes only one vay. You live and you die once. And only once in zhis life." Lorentz explained. "If all of that's true, Lorentz; then what makes this project any different from what other false beliefs have attempted to accomplish? " I asked. He chuckled. "Because ve are not attempting to find and gain access to a gate, Talion. But to create one." "What now?" I asked in confusion. He started to use his hands to help demonstrate. "Unlike other's past failed attempts, ve have learned zhat it iz possible to create a gate through an already existing link vith zhe soul instead of one vithout. In a sense, ve are actually building a bridge vith zhe soul. Vhat I am saying iz, ve have discovered a vay for man to be able to freely cross in and out between dimensions from zhe realms of life and death." "So basically, immortality?" I asked him. "In a manner of speaking, yes. But much more zhan zhat is gained." Lorentz replied. "What more?" I asked him. He smiled at me and stood up. "I'm afraid zhe answer to zhat question vill have to vait until later, Talion." Just as I was about to ask why, a knock on the door drew our attention away from the topic. The door was opened by a young woman in a doctor's coat, who looked to be in her early thirties and car "Good morning Talion. I'm Dr. Anna Aura." She introduced herself. "Good morning doctor." I greeted her and shook her hand. She looked over to Lorentz. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything." "No. I vas just about to head over to zhe labs anyvay. Ve're late as it iz vith today's tests. So I'll let you two get started." He said to Anna before turning back to me. "I apologize for having to cut zhe story short." "Hey, that's alright. You can tell me the rest over a drink." I told him. "Sounds like a plan. But uh, you vill be buying zhe first drink." He told me. I chuckled. "Me? If anything, you should pay for all the drinks. Heck, you could even buy the whole bar!" Lorentz laughed. "If I did, every guard vorking here might expect some discounts on bear prices. Especially James!" "Ya. God knows he needs a drink right about now." I joked. Lorentz reached over and shook my hand. "James will come over to bring you down vhen you are cleared up here." I chuckled at the mention of James. "Yep. Still doing an interns job. Thank you for the history lesson, Lorentz." "Zhank you for listening. I do certainly hope ve can continue zhis discussion in zhe future. In zhe mean time, I'll see you up ahead." He replied and made his way over to the door. "Me too, Lorentz. See you soon." I said. Just as he was about to leave, he turned back and reached over to hand me something. "Oh and I think you dropped this back near the lake during the fight." He said with a completely different sounding voice and accent. "Lake?" I asked him as he placed a set of dog tags in my hands. Drust Aden B. 123 - 45 - 6789 O POS Christian I looked back up and saw Lorentz just stepping out of the room. "Wait. What's going on here? Lorentz! Lorentz wait!" I shouted to him but he kept going. Something was wrong. I stood up and was about to pursue Lorentz when Anna stepped in front of me. "Time to wake up, Talion." She said and shined a small flashlight in my eyes. "Wait, stop! Turn off the light! Lorentz! " I shouted and rubbed my eyes from the blinding bright light. "What are you talking about? Talion, what's wrong?" I quickly sat up and looked around at my surroundings. "Talion, what's wrong?" Anya asked again in concern as she lowered her head in front of me. "Wha- I-I- Where?" I looked around and found myself lying next to Anya. We were both sitting in a small clearing overlooking the mountains. The sun was shining brightly over the land as it climbed over the mountain tops. "Talion, breath in. Count to four. Breath out. Count to four. Repeat." Anya instructed me calmly. I breathed in and exhaled a few times to calm myself down before speaking. "I'm fine, Anya. It was just a dream... Only a dream." Anya rubbed her head against me. "I know Talion. Just relax. I'm here for you." "Thank you." I told her and rubbed her head in return. Anya held me close for a bit longer before pulling away. "What did you dream of?" She asked me. I looked down at the my brother's dog tags in my hands for a moment before I then closed my eyes and let out a long sigh. "Days of long ago." > Chapter 13: Good company: Part I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details *Thoughts* ~Mental speaking~ "Normal speaking" ~"Mental and normal speaking"~ Songs ...(Radio static)... ..."This is Dropshot 0-4 to Vulture; We have confirmed visual contact with SSR ground units. Enemy armor and infantry have broken through HotBox 3-9 and are now moving past Whiskey Hotel 01 at map grid 257798 west towards Beta Point twelve. Escort composed of four T-14 Armata followed by seven squad infantry and APCs. How copy? Over." ..."All copy Dropshot. Stand by." /Break/ "Cujo 5-1, push in on target package Whiskey Hotel 01, at map grid: 257798. You are clear to proceed with "Hammerdown". Awaiting authorization till target approach. How copy?" ..."Vulture, solid copy. Pushing east to target package Whiskey Hotel 01, at map grid: 257798. Proceeding with "Hammerdown"." ..."Two minutes till weapons release." /Break/ ..."Dropshot 0-4 to Vulture; Our position has been compromised! I say again: Our position has been compromised! Over! ..."Vulture to Dropshot 0-4; status on fallback. 0+12 on station. Are you clear for return? Over." ..."Negative! Negative! We are taking fire on all sides and are pinned down over Eagle Eye 7! We are down to three men! I repeat: We are down to three men! Requesting Broken Ammo! How copy!? Over! ..."Dropshot 0-4 be advised; Cujo: 5-1, 5-2 are inbound at West Angels twelve. ETA two minutes. Awaiting authorization for weapons release till target package Whiskey Hotel 01 approach. Proceed with "Hunkerdown". How copy?" ..."With all do respect Vulture, I don't think we have two minutes! Over!" ..."Vulture to Dropshot 0-4; "Hammerdown" has been authorized. Thirty seconds till weapons release. Stand by." /Break/ ..."Vulture to Cujo 5-1, Target package Whiskey Hotel 01 has been authorized. Go to town." ..."Bombs away. Bombs away." ..."Vulture to Dropshot 0-4; We have confirmed hits on enemy ground. Whiskey Hotel 01 has been cleared. What's your status? Over. ... ..."I say again: Whiskey Hotel 01 has been cleared. How copy? Over." ... ..."Vulture to Dropshot; Do you read?" ... ..."No response from Dropshot 0-4. Awaiting further notice. Standing by." /Break/ I opened my eyes to the mountainous landscape that was the Smokey Mountains. I took in a long breath and watched it freeze as I exhaled the cold morning air. For once I was finally able to breathe without the taste and smell of smoke. With all the recent storm activity, the smoke from these lands have been carried East, which gave way for clear blue skies over the mountain range. Slowly, I pushed myself off the tree I was leaning against and walked closer to the cliff edge. I looked over the edge towards the forest below to see if I could spot Anya. She had gone off hunting earlier this morning in the lower parts of White Pine valley. Seeing no sign of her yet, I chose to resume my position against the tree. I then reached down to grab my guitar and begin tuning it in preparation for a song. As I'm sure Anya will ask me to play when the sun peaks over the horizon. ..."Talion, do you read?" I suddenly flicked a string out of tune and looked up. ..."Talion, the bombs on its way. Are you clear?" "We're clear." "What was that?" I heard Anya ask from behind. I turned to the side and saw her walking towards me. "Nothing. Just tuning." "What were you doing while I was away?" She asked. "Same thing as always. Thinking." I replied, facing the sunrise again. Anya laid herself next to me. "Something wrong, Talion?" I set the guitar down against the tree again "Somethings always wrong , Anya... I was remembering." "Remembering what?" Anya asked me. I sighed and looked up at the sky. ..."Bombs away. Bombs away." "War... and the mistakes I made." I answered. Anya moved closer to me. "Don't think about that now, Talion." "I know, Anya." I took a seat next to her. "But even though I leave my memories behind, sometimes they just have a way of coming back to me." Anya didn't say anything else for a bit, but instead chose to lightly nuzzle my side. I breathed in the cool air again and watched it freeze. "Ever the comforting one aren't you princess?" "I'll do what I can to reduce your stress level." Anya replied with a smile. "Well the peace and quiet sure help too." I said as the sunlight shined across the mountain tops. "Now that is an amazing sight." "It really is." Anya agreed. "It's almost hard for me to imagine that I've flown over these lands many times and have not noticed it's beauty before." "Heh. I knew you'd come to appreciate it sooner or later. All you needed was a different perspective." I told her. We both continued to watch and wait for the sunrise, just as we have done for the past weeks. I stretched my arms over my head and leaned back against Anya's side. "Look how far we've come." "Look how far we still have to go." Anya said. "Well, I'm in no rush. I'm enjoying every moment of exploring these lands." I told her. "What about you?" "I don't mind. Not as long as I'm with you." Anya said and nuzzled against me again. I was still uncertain about Anya's feelings towards me and of my feelings towards her. It has now been just over three weeks since I met her. And it was still a little strange to think about our journey together. I really didn't know how to think about Anya. "It looks like the Sun is almost on the horizon." Anya said, pulling me out of my thoughts. I smiled and pulled the guitar onto my lap. "So it is." I said and started to play. It has been like this almost every morning. We both would wake up early together and wait for the Sun to rise, where I would then play Iron Hoof's guitar as the land was lit up by the morning sun's rays. Anya would even start humming along to my songs while I whistled. Like we were both doing now. I watched the snow covered valley light up for half of the song and then I watched Anya as the light reflected off of her scales, making her glimmer and shine. When the song ended I placed the guitar off to the side and leaned back against Anya again. I thought about the days I have spent with Anya. I greatly enjoyed her company and I was more at peace in her presence. I could tell she was the same way. For some reason Anya would never leave me alone for very long. Her hunts are usually not very long and she always insists on us sleeping together. I can't complain much though. I've been less stressed because of her affection and interest towards me. However strange it may be and feel. "It never gets old." I commented. "The sunrise?" Anya asked me. "Ya... Even though you experience it everyday, this sight is always so beautiful." I replied. Anya laid her head in my lap and smiled up at me. "Yes. Celestia never ceases to grace the world with the Sun's beautiful light." "Ah yes. I had forgotten she is responsible for the Earth's orbital rotation." I said. Anya gave me a confused look. "Orbital what?" "Orbital rotation. The process of the Earth rotating while orbiting the Sun." I answered. "What are you talking about?" Anya asked me. I shook my head. "Oh that's right. I'm sorry. I've also forgotten that you don't have the same understanding of science and physics" "Well then, help me understand." Anya told me and then adjusted herself into a more comfortable laying position around me. "Well let me see how I can explain this to you." I moved to pick up a small stick and then used it to draw shapes into the snow. "Here's the Sun and here's the Earth." "Circles?" She asked me. "Yes circles. Or more precisely spheres." I replied. "Are you trying to tell me that the Earth is round?" Anya asked. "Well it's not entirely round. More like an uneven spherical shape." I replied. Anya looked even more baffled. "That can't be possible! If it was, people on the other side of the world would be walking upside down or even fly off!" I chuckled at her remark. "I can see where your confusion is coming from. My kind once also believed as you do. But no, that is not the case. People on the other side of the world walk and live the same way we do. The world is not flat and it does not go on forever nor does it abruptly end." "But how is that possible?" Anya asked me. "Tell me, what keeps you grounded to the Earth? Why is it that we fall? What pulls us down?" I asked her. "Our weight?" She replied. "Close. Weight is only a part of the reason." I told her. "Then what is it?" Anya asked me. "Gravity." I simply answered. "Gravity?" She repeated. "Yes. It was discovered by a man named Isacc Newton, many years ago." I then explained. "Gravitation, in mechanics, is the universal force of attraction acting between all matter. It is the weakest known force in nature and thus plays no role in determining the internal properties of everyday matter. On the other hand, through its long reach and universal action, it controls the trajectories of bodies in the solar system and elsewhere in the universe and the structures and evolution of stars, galaxies, and the whole cosmos." I demonstrated by drawing the Earth's orbit around the Sun in the snow. "How can one thing that we cannot see effect so much?" Anya asked in shock. "Because all things made of matter have mass which emit a gravitational pull." I explained. "The larger and denser the mass, the stronger gravity is. The smaller and less denser the mass, the weaker gravity is. Even we immit a gravitational pull. Although it's an extremely small amount. Less than a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percentage." "How can you tell?" Anya asked me. I started to explain. "Gravity is measured by the acceleration that it gives to freely falling objects. On Earth all bodies have a weight, or downward force of gravity, proportional to their mass, which Earth’s mass exerts on them. At Earth’s surface the acceleration of gravity is about nine point eight metres; thirty two feet per second. Thus, for every second an object is in free fall, it's speed is increases by about nine point eight metres per second." Anya took a moment to look at the circle of Earth's orbit. "Wait, the Sun doesn't go around the Earth?" "Of course not." I made the circle imprint of the Sun bigger. The Sun is far to massive and the Earth far to small for it to be able to pull anything bigger than the moon around itself. Anything as big as the Earth would cause both planets to orbit each other or collide. Anything bigger would make the Earth a moon itself." Anya looked at the drawings in the snow again. "How can a ball of light be so big and pull the Earth around it? You said the bigger the mass, the stronger the gravity. So unless you tell me otherwise, light has no mass." "That is true about light. But the Sun and stars are not made purely out of light. They merely emit it." I replied. "What?" Anya asked in confusion. "The Sun is a huge, glowing sphere of burning gas. Most of this gas is hydrogen; about seventy percent, and helium; about twenty-eight percent. Somewhere around those numbers anyway. Carbon, nitrogen and oxygen make up one point five percent and the other zero point five percent is made up of small amounts of many other elements such as neon, iron, silicon, magnesium and sulfur." "And how massive is the Sun?" Anya asked me. I paused for a moment to recall the exact numbers. "If I can recall correctly, I think that the estimate radius of the sun is 432,450 miles; 696,000 kilometers, which makes its diameter about 864,938 miles; 1.392,000,000 kilometers. The sun's circumference is about 2,713,406 miles; 4,366,813 kilometers. To put into perspective, Earth is about 24,901 miles; 40,075 kilometers. However, from pole to pole, the meridional circumference of Earth is only 24,860 miles; 40,008 kilometers around. You could line up one hundred and ten Earth’s across the Sun's surface." "I can't even begin to picture or understand those amounts of measurements!" Anya almost shouted. "How is it that you know all of these things?" "I have an extremely high and long lasting memory. These are things that I and many others learned as a child. It's really just basic knowledge where I'm from. Kind of like how I explained to you about electricity." I replied. "Basic Knowledge!? Not even the elder dragons have that level of knowledge! And you've been teaching me like how you were taught it as a hatchling!" Anya exclaimed. I chuckled at her response. "If I have seen farther than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants." "That's incredible. Your kingdom must be an amazing place for such an intelligent and advanced race." Anya said. I chuckled and shook my head. "Well actually, not everyone of my species have a massive level intelligence. There are incredible geniuses among us, but most just learn through freely given information. So while knowing and understanding how these things work may make you a genius here, back home would just make you a normal person there." "Still, it is an incredible thing." Anya said and laid her head back on my lap. "Sometimes it can be." I said. We both watched the landscape in silence for a little while longer before I stood up and stretched. "Come on. We still have a long ways to go." I told Anya while turning to face the west. Anya moved to stand up as well. "Must we leave now? I was enjoying the moment." "Not really. I just prefer that we did before the cold winds freeze us into the snow." I told her as I began brushing said snow off my coat and pants. "A little snow never hurt anyone. But I suppose you're right. We should get moving again." Anya said. I breathed in and took a moment to scan the horizon. "There it is. The Dead Mountains." I said. "(Sigh) They weren't original known by that name." Anya told me. "No, I guessed not. What was it's name before then?" I asked her. "Father once told me that his father called it the ancient dragon kingdom of Farlurdur. It was back during the golden age of my species. It was said to have been the greatest and most powerful of any other kingdom on the continent of Equss." Anya answered. I continued to scan the valley and skies. "Strange. I haven't seen or heard a trace of any other dragons yet." I said. "That's not surprising. We don't usually ever go this far outside of our lands anymore. Well... All except for me. Once we enter and pass through the Dead Mountain range however we will more than likely be spotted by scouts in the area instantly." Anya told me. "Are the Smokey Mountains not a part of your lands?" I asked her. "They were." Anya said and looked down. I reached up and rubbed her neck. "Are you alright, Anya?" "Yes. Let us move on." She said. "As you wish." I said and continued the walk down hill. It was times like these, where both of us knew not to continue the conversation. I guess there are wounds still to fresh to fully heal. (Click) I suddenly crouched close to the ground and grabbed the hilt of my sword. I quickly scanned my surroundings. "What is it, Talion?" I turned to Anya and saw she was also crouched down in preparation for danger. After realizing what I was doing, I stood back up. "I thought I heard a branch snap or something." I lied. "I didn't hear anything. If there was something or someone else out there, I think I would be the first to sense it." Anya said. "Maybe. I guess it was nothing then." I said and continued walking. It was a little passed midday when I started up conversation again. "So tell me about your kind, Anya. What mysterious secrets do dragons hold." "Heh. Mysterious. You'd probably be surprised to learn that my kind doesn't really have much of any secrets. Not anymore at least." Anya replied. "What do you mean? Surely dragonkind has some amount of knowledge and power that they keep from other races." I said. Anya closed her eyes and sighed. "Yes, we do have some secrets. But almost all of dragonkind's power and knowledge was first stolen by Bahamut. Then after his defeat, by the other kingdoms. Mainly Equestria." "How?" I asked her. "When Bahamut came to power, it was not the other races that had first suffered under his tyranny. But dragons... He had enslaved his own kind first before setting his eyes on others. With complete control over us, Bahamut took everything that made our kind great away for himself. He took from us our history, our knowledge, our power and our will. Everything that made us who we were was stolen and locked away in his accursed castle. Never to be seen again. Not even by us." I took a moment to think about this information. The way Bahamut conquered was almost exactly how a certain past enemy of mine conquered. They both started with their own people. "Bahamut had a castle?" I asked Anya. "Of course. It is where he kept all of his trophies and spoils of war. It is there he hoarded stolen knowledge and power." She answered. "How exactly did Bahamut enslave your race?" I asked. Anya sighed again. "He... When Bahamut defeated the Ursa major, over two thirds of dragonkind willingly followed him as their new king. Those who didn't Bahamut forced into submission through, suggestion, intimidation, violence and power over will." She paused for a moment. "I'm not exactly sure what powers Bahamut had achieved from the Ursa major, but with it he gained the ability to force his mind and will onto others. With every dragon following him without question, Bahamut burned our history. He stole our powers and killed anyone who stood against him, who thought differently and held onto free will. Then finally when there was no one left in his path and the younger more naive blindly followed him, he turned towards our neighbors." "He who controls the past, controls the young. He who controls the young, controls the future." I quoted. "What?" Anya asked. "That's what was said and done by a tyrant from my own kind almost a century ago." I replied. "Who was that?" She asked me and I stopped in my tracks. "Heil Hitler." "Heil Hitler!" Slowly my face became covered in anger. "Adolf Hitler." I answered with my voice full of malice. Anya paused. Noticing the rage in my voice. "Who was he?" "Adolf Hitler was a German politician and leader of the Nazi Party. He rose to power as the chancellor of the nation of Germany and then as Führer a year later. Hitler gained control over Germany in a very similar way to Bahamut. He was a very influential speeker, which gained him a large majority of support from the younger generation during his rise to power. Later he would use his power to gain complete control over Germany through intimidation and violence." I explained. Anya hesitated for a moment, almost scared to ask her next question. "What did he do when he gained his power?" I closed my eyes as I explained. "The same thing as Bahamut. Used it against the neighboring countries. He is responsible for the torture and deaths of over eleven million Jews. An ethnic group of humans his Nazi party committed genocide on simply because they deemed the Jewish people lesser than themselves. When in reality, it was just another attempt to annihilate God's people. No one was spared. Men, women and children. Young and old... The final solution." Anya was speechless. She couldn't believe the evil I had told her. Tears had formed in her eyes as I continued. "Together with the other leaders of the Axis party, Hitler led the campaign to conquer the free world." "Other leaders? You mean there were more?" Anya asked in more shock and disbelief. "Yes. Adolf Hitler was only one of four, although he was the main leader. The others were Benito Mussolini of Italy, Michinomiya Hirohito of the Japanese Empire and Joseph Stalin of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic of Russia. All of which led their own countries and armies, numbering in the millions." I explained. Anya was at a loss for words. "My God." I sighed again and continued moving. Seeing this, Anya began following me again. "And it was your country who stood against them, alone?" "No, not alone. My country, the United States of America was the main leader of the Allied Forces. Franklin Roosevelt of the United States of America, Winston Churchill of the British empire, Charles de Gaulle of the French empire and Chiang Kai-shek of China. We also received some help from the United States of Columbia, a nation south of mine. But they were mostly preoccupied with their own civil war." I explained. Anya was completely shocked by this. "So many nations and so many people. I can't believe our kind have never even seen or heard of any of them, let alone the wars." I scratched my head for a second. "Yes well, as I have said before, my country is in a very very far-off land. So there's no surprise in your kind's lack of knowledge of mankind and where we come from. We don't really know a whole lot about dragons either." "Then how does mankind know about dragonkind if neither of us have had any contact with each other's civilization? Are there dragons where you're from too?" Anya asked me. "No. What little knowledge we have of dragons is gained through rumors and stories from traders and travelers of my kind, like me or that of other nations." I said. Anya took a moment to think about what I told her before speaking again. "Was he defeated?" "Who?" I asked back. "Adolf Hitler." She replied. "Yes." I answered. "By you?" She asked. "No. Adolf Hitler was personally executed by U.S. Army five star General of the Armed Forces, George Smith Patton." I told her. "Big title." Anya commented. I chuckled. "A fitting one for him. He personally led many charges and assults on our nation's enemys. Breaking through enemy lines and driving them back for miles. Many times he would advance so far into enemy territory that he would have to wait for the rest of the U.S. army to catch up behind him." "Incredible. He must have been a great leader." Anya said. "He still is." I said with a smile. I hopped down from some large bolders that were lodged into the side of the hill, while Anya simply stepped over them. When I leaped over to another stone, I slipped on a layer of ice covering the top. As soon as I fell off balance, I felt a tug on my coat, stopping me from falling the rest of the way down. I turned my head to see Anya had stretched her neck down and grabbed onto the back of my coat with her teeth. She lifted me up and climbed down to the forest floor before setting me down. "Thanks Anya." I said as I straightened my coat. "Although you didn't have to worry. I would've been fine." "I know. But that doesn't mean I was just going to let you fall." She told me. I took a moment to observe the forest we were now standing in. The trees in this part of White Pine were taller and not as blackened by the smoke and ash. "What is it?" Anya asked me. "I just noticed how clearer the air is in this part of the forest." I told her. "Yes. The smoke will start to clear up more as we continue towards the Dead Mountains and the wind carries the dead air Eastward." She told me. "Good. I would love to enjoy some clear air for onc-" I quickly turned my head to the side. For a second, I'd thought I had felt the familiar sense of being watched. "Talion? What is it?" Anya asked me. "Nothing. It's nothing. I just thought I saw something." I told her. We both continued our walk through the forest. It has been mostly quite during our journey West. There have rarely been any sightings of animals or other creatures that live in this land. "What's your home like, Anya?" I asked breaking the silence. "Well... As we enter Tiliolüngel, the mountain range ahead, we will be met by an almost impenetrable wall of fog at it's base foothills. The thick fog will make it nearly impossible to navigate through." She explained. "Well I imagine you have no issues with that." I said. "Not if I'm flying over it." She replied and continued. "Once we pass through Tiliolüngel or fly over it, we will instantly be able to see Aön Karath Kul or The Dead City, in the distance. It's a massive towering castle atop a single massive spire in the center of a circular mountain valley named Vail Skía or the Valley of Stars." "Why do these places hold such titles?" I asked Anya. "Because, for the city, no dragon has ever set foot pass it's gates since before Bahamut's fall. But back then it was known as Aríth Ithalaíd. The City of Lights." She explained. "But why? Bahamut is dead. Why would dragonkind abandoned their own capital?" I asked. Anya seemed to hesitate for a moment. "Bahamut did something to Aríth Ithalaíd. It's... It is a cursed place now. Nothing dwells in that dark place... Nothing natural or alive." "I'm... sorry to hear that." I said. Anya sighed and shook her head. "You have nothing to be sorry for, Talion. You are not responsible for my kinds fall from grace." "Neither for that matter are you Anya. You need not hold yourself responsible for the mistakes of your ancestors." I told her. Anya looked down at me with a smile. "Thank you, Talion." I nodded. "So where does Vail Skía get it's name?" Anya smiled again. "It was given that name many centuries ago by my ancient ancestors when they discovered the unique properties of the valley. Especially at night." "And that is?" I asked. "The whole valley is filled with diamonds." Anya answered. I almost tripped over myself at that. "Diamonds? The whole valley?" Anya laughed a little at my shock. "Yes. The mountain range might have been volcanic at one point a very long time ago. Which left behind countless pure white diamonds in all shapes and sizes all across the valley. But what is really unique about them is that at night when the skies are clear, the diamonds light up the valley with a beautiful glow of magical star like light." "That's... incredible." I said." "Yes... It is." Anya said. "But how is that possible? Are the diamonds enchanted with magic?" I asked her. "In a way they are. The elder dragons believe that the whole valley is enchanted. From what little knowledge we have of our past, it is believed that Aríth Ithalaíd was built on top of a Vastíl. An ancient well of Deep Magic or True Magic, as the Equestrians like to call it. In nature, True Magic is greatly stronger than regular magic, but it can be far more chaotic, unstable and unpredictable. There are only a few creatures I know of that can wield it. Usually powerful races like ursas, alicorns and us dragons. I'm sure that there are others." "Interesting. And you say dragons can wield this True Magic as well?" I asked. Anya sighed. "Well, we used to. As I said before, Bahamut stole our kind's power and knowledge. It was also the knowledge of how to wield and control True Magic. You see, not just anyone can wield True Magic. It must be a part of you. Bound to your body and mind. Your whole being. Unfortunately, the method for how to control True Magic has been lost for centuries. Although the elder dragons have attempted to rediscover it, ultimately access to our ancient power might be forever lost." "Why do you say that?" I asked Anya. She closed her eyes for a moment. "Because if the council with all their wisdom and knowledge haven't yet learned how to regain control over our magic, they likely never will." She replied. "Have faith, Anya. No secret, no matter how far down it's berried, can stay hidden forever. Maybe one day your kind will find what was lost to you." I told her. Anya smiled at me. "Perhaps one day." We both started to hear the sound of flowing water a short distance up ahead. Anya walked up to the little river and sat down on her hind legs. I walked over to stand at her side as she looked into the stream. Anya continued to watch the flowing water as she spoke. "Sometimes, when I feel alone, I would soar high over Vail Skía in the evening when the valley becomes the night. I would fly for hours between two skies and imagine myself drifting into another world through the stars above and below. It is times like that where I feel at peace." She turned to look at me. "Where do you go to find peace, Talion? What dreams of wonder come to you when you're alone?" I smiled at her and looked towards the waterfall. "When I'm alone... I dream of a quiet place at the base of the mountains, where the forests are like oceans reaching beyond the horizon. Where the grass is green and soft. Where friends and family would gather together in fellowship and love... A place where a man can slow down to a walk and live a full meaningful life in peace. A little place called home... My home." Anya smiled and laid herself next to me. "I hope to see your home one day, Talion." I smiled up at her. "Perhaps one day. But dreams of home are for when I am alone... It is when I am with you that I truly dream of wonder." Anya paused for a moment and stared at me. I could see just the slightest hint of a blush forming on her face. She leaned her head closer to me. "W-What... What do you dream?" Slowly, I reached up and placed a hand on her cheek. "I dream of you." Anya began blushing at me. "Talion." She remained silent as we stared into each other's eyes for a very long moment. ~Talion.~ I suddenly turned my head to the side as I tried to locate the source of the voice. "Talion?" "It's nothing Anya. I'm fine." I said, trying to calm her worries. Anya shook her head, unconvinced. "But you're not fine, Talion. I can see it in your eyes. You've been getting more and more stressed out and paranoid. I know something is wrong." "Anya, I said that I-" Anya cut me off. "No Talion! You don't need to hide this from me. You don't have to run anymore because I'm here for you. So please, let me help you this time." I sighed and closed my eyes as I turned away from Anya. "I've... been having more dreams lately, of my past. But they... They're different... Something is always different in them." Anya looked worried and confused at me. "I'm sorry Anya. I couldn't tell you what I've been going through because I don't entirely understand it myself." I told her. "Are... you going mad?" Anya asked me. "What!?" I asked, taken aback by her question. "I'm sorry! I don't exactly know how else to ask you about the mental state of your mind." Anya told me defensively. I just shook my head and laughed. "Sometimes I wonder if I've already gone mad and this is just all in my head." Anya frowned at me. "That's not funny, Talion. I'm being serious." "So am I." I told Anya, causing her to look worried again. I rubbed her neck to calm her down. "Truth be told, Anya, I can't go mad... Although sometimes I wish I could." That caught Anya a little off guard. "What?" "Losing ones sanity is a restriction of the mind being incapable of making any reasonable and logical sense of something or when it experiences an overwhelming amount of stress, physical or psychological trauma. I have no such physical or mental restrictions, as I am not bound to a physical form." Anya was shocked by this. "I don't understand, Talion. What does all that mean for you? I closed my eyes and pointed to my head. "It means in here, I am both a king and a slave. A master and a prisoner. Doomed to suffer endlessly in shame and self pity." I opened my eyes again and looked at Anya. "I am my own enemy, Anya. I can never forget and I will never forgive myself." Anya didn't know what to say. "Talion..." I stopped her. "Don't Anya. You don't need to say anything. I did this to myself and now I'm paying for it. There is nothing that either of us can say or do to change it. I cannot save myself, Anya. So all I can do is fight and push forward to complete the mission." "What is the mission Talion?" She asked. "Freedom and to save lives. Always." I answered. Anya smiled at me. "You saved me, Talion. I will save you." I returned the smile and wrapped my arms around her neck. "Thank you Anya." I pulled away and sat back down next to Anya. We both watched the Sun as it slowly approached the horizon. When it finally touched the tips of the mountains, I reached behind me to grab my guitar. "Talion, wait." Anya stopped me. I paused and looked at Anya. "Yes Anya?" Anya paused for a moment and I noticed a blush on her cheeks. "Talion, you have been sharing your beautiful music with me for many days and nights now and I cannot express the joy it gives me. To close my eyes and drift into another world with you through your songs." Anya lowered her head closer to me. "I... want to do the same for you, Talion... Well you give me this night, so that I might share it with you?" I stared into Anya's eyes and smiled. "The dawn was never mine to keep, Anya. You are welcome to share it with me. You always are." She smiled fondly and nuzzled against me. "Lay all of your worries away tonight and dream of me." Anya pulled away and began softly humming her song. "Hearts call, hearts fall Swallowed in the rain Who knows, life grows Hollow and so vain? Wandering in the Winter Light The wicked and the sane Bear witness to salvation And life starts over again Now the clear sky is all around you Aah, aah Love's shadow will surround you All through the night Star glowing in the twilight Tell me true Hope whispers and I will follow 'Til you love me too Aah, aah, aah, aah Aah, aah, aah, aah Now the clear sky is all around you Aah, aah Love's shadow will surround you All through the night Star glowing in the twilight Tell me true Hope whispers and I will follow 'Til you love me too Aah, aah, aah, aah Aah, aah, aah, aah" The Sun had finally passed beyond the horizon just as Anya finished and I was in complete shock and aw at her. I had not known she had such a beautiful voice. "Anya... That was... beautiful." Anya blushed at my comment and nuzzled me again. "Thank you, Talion. I... have never really shared this part of me with others. I'm very happy that you enjoyed it. "I loved it Anya. You have an amazing gift." I told her. "As do you, Talion. I would love to hear you sing again." She told me. "Heh. Then maybe we can both start singing together." I suggested. "I would love to. Especially if to learn your songs." Anya said. "Well there are many, many songs that I know of." I told her. "Would... you teach them to me?" She asked. I began rubbing her neck again. "Yes, I will teach you." Anya wrapped her whole body around me as she continued to nuzzle me. "Thank you so much... My mate." I relaxed and leaned back against Anya as I stared at the night sky. "You're welcome... Princess Anya." We both watched the night sky in silence. Enjoying each other's company as we both slowly drifted into a peaceful sleep. On a hill top not to far away, a large lone figure stood watching. He looked up towards the sky for a moment before closing his eyes and bowing his head. "Welcome home... Anya." > Chapter 14: Good company: Part II > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details *Thoughts* ~Mental speaking~ "Normal speaking" ~"Mental and normal speaking"~ Songs ...(Radio static)... My Love "In my ear, I still hear you. In my heart, I still feel you. With each step, we still walk together. I love you, always and forever... Talion. " "Feuer!" "Contact! Get on the radio now!" "Zu deiner Linken! Zu deiner Linken! ~Talion.~ "We're surrounded! We have to hold this line!" "Amerikaner vor den Toren!" "Sergeant, where is our armor support!?" ~Talion.~ "Ziele bestätigt. Einsperren." "Get up now! Move! We are pulling out of here!" "Eingehend!" ~TALION!~ My eyes shot wide open as I gasped in pain. I started breathing heavily to get air back into my lungs. I was lying on my back on the snow covered forest floor. Gun fire and explosions sounded off in the distance all around. I quickly checked my surroundings to see if there were any other survivers from my squad. The bodies of my friends were lying in the mud and snow all around me. None of them were moving. I screamed as pain suddenly shot through my body again when I tried to move a little to adjust my position. I looked down over my body and saw a large wound on my right side and another on my upper left leg. The one on my side was still bleeding so I pressed a hand over the wound to try and stop the bleeding while I reached into my backpack for a bandage. I set the bandage next to me while I opened my shirt to reveal my side wound. I then grabbed my canteen, opened it and slowly pored water over my side. I did my best to tolerate the pain but ultimately failed and screamed. After putting my canteen away, I then tore off a large enough strip of bandage and wrapped it around my side. Unfortunately I didn't have any alcohol on me so cleaning the wounds would have to wait. I grunted in pain as I pushed myself up. It was hard but I managed to get into a sitting position against a fallen tree next to me. My leg wound was bleeding on both sides. Indicating that the bullet had passed all the way through. Interesting thing about getting shot is that, yes; it hurts incredibly. But it's cleaning the bullet wound that really hurts like hell. It would be awhile before my injuries healed themselves. After wrapping up my leg wound I leaned back against the tree to relax and breath. I closed my eyes as I tried to calm and clear my head. ~Breath in. Count to four. Breath out. Count to four. Repeat.~ A closer explosion quickly followed by rapid gun fire suddenly drew my attention away from my thoughts. It was too close. Gaining a sudden burst of adrenalin, I quickly pushed myself up off the tree and used it for support. I then quickly scanned my surroundings again for danger before I moved. It was then that I noticed my friend Brian lying face down in the snow a few feet away from me. I slowly limped my way towards the body of my friend. "Brian?... Brian?" I called as I reached over to shake him. I placed my hand over his neck to check for a pulse, but found none. "Oh God... I'm sorry, Brian." I bowed my head and closed my eyes to say a prayer. *My Lord. My God... Have mercy on his soul and lead him safely to your kingdom... Amen.* I turned to the radio next to Brian's corpse and grabbed the phone piece then raised it to my ear as I attempted to get a signal. After a few attempts I noticed a bullet hole on the radio's side. "Damnit." I silently cursed to myself. Another explosion in the distance alerted me of the danger I was still in, so I dropped the radio and started looking around for my weapon. I found it lying near the area I regained consciousness. I held my side and grunted in pain as Ieaned down to pick up my M1918 Browning automatic rifle and checked it for damage. Finding none, I replaced it's empty clip and quickly began making my way out of the forest. It was dark. I could barely see anything more than twenty feet ahead of me. But I still had to keep moving. Despite which direction I was going. If you stand still on the battlefield, you'll be the first to die. I wasn't sure what time it was, so I had no idea when the sun would rise. All I could do was hope and pray to God that I was heading back towards ally territory. The only real sense of direction I have right now is to move in the opposite direction of the artillery explosions. As I continued to limp through the forest, the sounds of distant battle slowly started fading while the dim light increased. Eventually I could see far enough to see a break through the trees where the faded light shown through just a little brighter. Seeing this, I limped a little faster until I finally came out of the forest. As soon as I pushed passed the foliage, I let out a sigh of relief and leaned against a tree for support. I was now standing at the edge of a forest clearing with a few small groups of trees spread out around the area. A thick layer of snow was covering the clearing. About a single foot. Scanning ahead to my right, I saw small amount of sun light beyond the horizon. Now I had a much better sense of direction. I pushed myself off of the tree and slung my rifle over my sholder. I then took in a long deep breath and began moving westward. All the while scanning the area for enemies. "Ah. My head." I grabbed my head in pain. There was a loud ringing in my ears and I felt like I was burning up, even though it was freezing. As I continued my slow trek through the snow, I felt sweat drip down on my forehead. I raised my hand too wipe my brow when I noticed that it was blood. *I need to stop.* I thought. ~Just a little farther, Talion.~ I took a glance around and saw a large lone oak tree in the field not to far ahead. Seeing as I was already walking towards it, I decided to take a rest there. My side and leg were on fire with pain. My ears were still ringing and I felt like I was about to pass out, but I still pressed on. It felt like forever, but I finally made it to the tree. I grabbed onto a low hanging branch for support just as my legs were about to give out. I let a long exhale as I leaned my back against the tree and relaxed. I hadn't even realized that I was holding my breath. But now I could rest. I reached up to take off my helmet and wipe the blood and sweat off of my forehead. I then briefly checked my wounds to make sure the bandages didn't come lose. Now finding everything okay, I finally closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the tree. My head was still aching and ringing, along with my wounds which were still burning. I was just about to sit down when- (Cough) My eyes shot open and the ringing in my head was suddenly gone. I turned my head to look over the side of the tree and saw a pair of uniformed legs lying in the snow. I turned back around, put my helmet back on and equipped my rifle. I took a few short breaths before I cautiously walked around the tree. When I rounded the corner I stood still in front of a German soldier, laying against the base of the oak tree. His helmet was lying next to his feet and he didn't seem to have any weapons on him. He was young. Probably no more than twenty two years old. It also looked like he had been shot on his right shoulder and side. Both of which were bandaged but still lightly bleeding. Wounded or not, he was still my enemy. I pointed my rifle at him and was prepared to pull the trigger when he slowly looked up at me. I froze. We both stared into each others eyes and what I saw in his was neither hate nor fear. But sorrow and regret. He held my gaze for a few moments before looking down as a few tears fell from his eyes. It was almost as if he was accepting his fate. That I was going to end his life. I followed his gaze down where he was holding a crucifix in a shaking hand. He was ready to die. My expression softened and I slowly lowered my rifle. I couldn't kill him. I wouldn't. As soon as I relaxed myself I instantly felt the pain in my side and leg return. I grabbed my side and slung my rifle over my shoulder again. I then grabbed onto the tree and lowered myself to the right of the German. ~Breath in. Count to four. Breath out. Count to four. Repeat.~ I calmed my breathing and mind as I tried to relax. From the corner of my eye, I saw the German pull out small flask and removed the cap to drink from it. He then slowly offered it to me, which I accepted. It tasted like a whiskey. Probably a German brand, but it was good. Sweet and soothing. I handed him back the flask and reached into my coat where I pulled out a cigarette case and lighter. I then pulled out one of the white rolls and lit it. All my life before the war I have never once smoked or drank. Never needed nor wanted to. But they were currently one of the few things that kept me calm now. I imagine it was the same way for many young men. I brought the cigarette to my lips and took in a long stroke of it. I then offered it to the German, which he also accepted. After passing me back the cigarette, we both relaxed more. I closed my eyes and took a second stroke of the cigarette before putting it out in the snow. (Click) My eyes quickly shot open again and my muscles tensed as I watched the German pull out a P08 Luger in his left hand. He looked at me for a moment before grabbing the barrel end of the pistol with his right hand and reaching it over to me. I hesitated for a moment before I grabbed it, but the German didn't let go. He instead guided the gun to his head and held it there as he began to breath more heavily. His eyes were starting to fill with tears again. I knew what he was wordlessly asking for. I held the pistol to his head, trying to decide what to do. "You must promise me, Talion. Promise me zhat you vill alvays fight for peace and to save lives. Alvays." My grip on the pistol tightened. "I promise Lorentz... Always." I couldn't do it. I would not do it. I lowered the Luger to my side and leaned my head back against the tree. I watched the night sky as it slowly changed colors on the horizon, where a glimmer of light passed through the clouds. "Cry with me heaven... For thy sons have fallen." I said. The German had closed his eyes and rested his head against the tree as well. His breathing became calm and steady as he drifted into unconsciousness. I was exhausted. My body felt numb and my mind foggy as my eyes closed on there own accord. Slowly I drifted into sleep, along with a man who was once my enemy, now my brother. Slowly, I opened my eyes, allowing my tears to freely fall. It was dark. The night sky above us was clear of clouds and shone brightly with stars. I took in a long deep breath and pushed myself up slowly as to not awaken Anya from her peaceful slumber. After freeing myself from Anya's embrace, I checked to make sure she was still asleep before I silently walked towards the river. I watched the water gently flow down stream for a few moments before I closed my eyes and let out a long sigh. "I know you're there... Why do you linger in my shadows?" I almost expected silence, but I heard the voice speak. ~Why do you, Talion?... Is it you lingering in your shadows... or are your shadows lingering in you?~ I opened my eyes. "Who are you?" I asked the voice. ~Who?... Who is but the form following the function of what and what I am is very much the same as you, Talion... No one of consequence... We are both ghosts of the past.~ I briefly looked around. "Where are you?" I asked. I was met with a moment of silence before the voice answered. ~Close... Come and find me... We are never far apart.~ I was about to ask what he met when I felt a sudden shift in the wind, blowing west. I looked behind me towards Anya for a moment before I turned and walked into the forest with the wind against my back. As I walked through the dark frozen forest, I felt the wind guide me. After a few minutes of silent walking, I sent out a physic echo location throughout the surrounding area, but sensed nothing but Anya, who was still asleep back at the clearing. ~You cannot find me that way, Talion... You are searching for something that you already have.~ "Then what I have is hidden from me. Either you are dead or I have finally gone insane." I said. ~No. You are quite sane, Talion.~ "Then... you are dead?" I asked. I was met with silence for a bit. ~If only it was that simple.~ I continued to walk through the dark forest in silence as the wind guided me up a hill. "Where are we going?" I asked the voice. ~You tell me Talion. You have already chosen the path I once followed... Where does it end?"~ (Sigh) "It doesn't." I replied. ~And why is that?~ I paused and closed my eyes. "Life and death walk side by side. They are partners in the cycle of existence. Two sides of the same coin that in this life cannot exist without the other. So as there is no end to life, there is no end to death and I will forever remain lost to both." ..."Talion, do you read?" I opened my eyes and looked around. "What is this? What's going on and what are you doing to me?" I asked the voice. ~I have done nothing, Talion... This is of your own making.~ "Enough of your riddles! I want answers!" I shouted and the wind against my back suddenly stopped. ~As.~ ~Do.~ ~I.~ Before I could speak, I started to hear a low whistling in the distance quickly getting louder in my direction. I quickly turned around. "INCOMING!" A shockwave from an explosion knocked me off the ground suddenly. I was temporarily blinded as I was thrown through the air with debris from the blast. Unable to see where I was going to land, all I could do was pray to God that I would not fly off the side of the cliff. In less than a second I felt my body impact against the ground. My uniform and the flesh of my back were ripped open as I rolled across the rocky surface. My rolling came to a sudden stop when I crashed into a bolder. The explosion had already knocked the air out of my lungs. The sudden impact against the large stone knocked me out. I don't know how long I was unconscious. The first thing I felt was the numbness across my whole body and loud ringing in my ears. I held my head as I opened my eyes and found myself lying on my side with my back against the bolder that had stopped me from tumbling off the cliff. After catching my breath I examined my surroundings, trying to locate my battle buddy. I did not have to search long as I found him lying face down near the cliffs edge, with a leg and chunk of his abdomen missing. The bodies of our enemies littered the area around the both of us. Most of them were missing limbs. Many of them were missing much more. *Not now... Not again.* Before I could even throw up whatever was left in my stomach, I screamed as pain shot up through my back and legs. Looking down, I saw shrapnel lodged into my legs and blood everywhere. The pain was unbearable. I don't know how I was able to stay conscious, but dispite the pain, I rolled myself onto my stomach and slowly, painfully pulled myself over to my friend's body. My breath was labored and heavy as pain and fatigue plagued my body. *No. Please... Don't make me do this again.* When I neared him, I heard the partly destroyed radio on his back come to life and heard my CO's voice on the other side. ~Talion.~ ..."Do you read?... I say again: Do you read?... How copy over? Over." As I came side by side with Brians corpse, I continued a little past him and pulled my self up to the edge of the cliff. ~Talion.~ ..."Are you clear? ...I say again: Are you clear?" Ignoring him, I looked down the cliff overlooking the Japanese POW camp, Fukuoka. My gaze shifted to the airfield a quarter of a mile away from the camp. Scanning the airstrip, I smiled and breathed a sigh of relief as I saw the three Showa/Nakajima carrying the POWs take off. I must have been unconscious long past the rendezvous time for pickup. But it didn't matter to me. They were safe now and that was all that mattered. I watched as the hijacked Japanese aircraft gained altitude and turned east towards friendly airspace. Then something else up there caught my attention. I looked up and saw a few miles above them, what looked like a lone American B-29 super flying fortress, heading towards the Japanese city of Nagasaki. The radio came to life again and I heard my CO speak in a slightly lower voice. ..."Talion, the bombs on its way. Are you clear?" I turned away from the cliff and rolled onto my back. Grunting in pain as I turned to face the sky. Still breathing heavily, I reached down and grabbed the phone piece and slowly brought it to my head. I closed my eyes and with a shaky voice, finally answered. "We're clear." ++ "NOOOOOOOOOO!" My eyes shot wide open at the sound of Talion's voice in the distance. I quickly pushed myself up and quickly looked around for any sign of him. A second later the sound of a falling tree in the distance drew my attention to the west of my current position. "Talion." Something was wrong. I became greatly worried by the sudden silence that followed so I pushed myself up and turned towards the west. "I'm coming my mate." ++ I swung my fist into a nearby tree, causing the trunk to explode into splinters and the tree to collapse in the opposite direction. It hit the ground with a very loud thud. I was sweating and breathing heavily as I stood still. My fist still hanging in the air. ~It is you who lingers in your shadows... As they linger in you.~ I lowered my arm and fell to my knees. My vision became blurred as tears filled my eyes. "I can't do this anymore... I can't." ~Then why do you still hold yourself to blame?~ I closed my eyes as the tears fell freely. "It's my fault... All of this is... I am the one who has caused all of this pain... I fought and I sacrificed everything for a people and a country that never knew me and have forgotten my name... But I never forgot... And I never forgave." There was a moment of silence before the voice spoke again. ~Talion, it is over. The war is over. You are not to blame for the suffering you could not end... They have forgiven you... He has forgiven you.~ I felt a hand on my shoulder. "It is time to forgive yourself." I opened my eyes but did not look up. "If only it was that simple." "The Lord has made it so that you can, Talion. He gave us all a second chance." He told me. "I... do not deserve it." I told him. "No one does, Talion. We have all fallen short of God's glory. That is why He sent His Son for us. And now we have something more than just a second chance. Just as you have been given in this world, as do all who have Jesus Christ in their heart." I felt him grab my arm and pull me up. "A fresh start... It is time to let the past remain the past." I closed my eyes again for a moment before I slowly turned around to face my visitor. What stood before me was a cloaked figure who's face I could not see, even with my eyes, which surprised me a little. He wore a long dark red cloak that almost entirely concealed hid body. He wore white and silver coat underneath his cloak along with a pair of gray gloves adorning his hands. Unfortunately I wasn't able to see any other features because of the cloak he wore. We both stared at each other, unmoving and even though I could not see his face, I knew he was also studying me. After a few more moments of silence, I finally decided to speak. "Why have you hidden from me?" "I have never hidden from you, Talion. I have always been with you. You've just never searched for me, until now.... It has been you who had been running and hiding from me, Talion. But you don't have to... Not anymore." He replied. I stared where I guessed his eyes were. "Who are you?" At first, he didn't respond, but then I heard him sigh and tilt his head downward where he then grabbed the hood of his cloak with both of his hands and slowly removed it. As soon as he revealed himself to me, my eyes widened in shock and I slightly stumbled a few steps back as the figure looked back up at me. "Just a friend... A good friend." He replied with a kind smile as he removed his cloak. He was an alicorn. As tall as I. His fur was a pure white like the snow around us, while his beard, tail and short mane were blonde. His eyes were a pale silver blue color. His wings were large and lean. While they shared the same pure white color as his fur, his feathers were like white and blue crystals that glowed. The most fascinating thing about this alicorn was his horn. It was a crystal horn. Much like the feathers of his wings, it glowed with a magical white light. The last details I noticed about this alicorn were the scars across his face. Dispite my clear shock and withdrawal, he still held a kind smile towards me. "Now you have found me... It is so good to finally meet you in person... Talion." I was left speechless as I gazed upon him. "That's impossible." The alicorn gave me an even wider smile. "Hehahahaha. You more than anyone should know what is possible, Talion. After all; Once you eliminate zhe impossible, vhatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be zhe truth." He quoted the last part with an all to familiar accent. I was startled by the words he spoke. He sounded exactly like Lorentz. "It... It was you... It has always been you in my dreams. The voice." "Yes... I was there with you in your dreams... Your memories." ~Where are you going?~ ~Talion.~ ~One last time.~ ~Always.~ "But not just them." He placed a hand on my shoulder. "I have been with you for a very long time. Longer than either of us can remember through countless lives and deaths... You were never truly alone." I couldn't believe it. "It can't be... How? How is that possible?" I asked him. His smile faded and he looked down. "A long time ago I sacrificed everything for something I believed in... Someone I believed in. And like you, suffered for it." He looked back up to me. "I do not know how and I do not know why, but... somehow I am here with you. Dead and alive." I looked down for a moment as I knew exactly how he felt. "Please tell me." I looked back up to him. "What is your name?" He smiled again and turned around. "Walk with me. Please." The alicorn began walking up the rest of the way up the hill and I followed him. "Although my memory is foggy and fragmented, I still remember who I was alive. In another life before death on this world, I was a husband. A father and a grandfather... I lead and I ruled over a people and a kingdom... I was a king... A great king of old." He paused and turned to me. "I am Diaphanous... King Diaphanous Cephieuos." I was even more surprised than before. "If you are a king, then where is your crown?" Diaphanous closed his eyes and sighed as he ran a hand over a scar on his face. "I was a king." Hearing this, I didn't ask anymore on the topic. Diaphanous continued on our walk up the hill and I followed at his side. After a few more moments of silence, I decidedto speak again. "Why are we here?" "This is where our journey has led us, Talion. It is the path you have chosen." Diaphanous replied. I shook my head. "No. Why are we here? Where are we going?" Diaphanous stopped and stood still. "There is something that we need to do... Something that has been put off for far to long." He turned his head to the side to look at me. "Just as we have been forgotten, we have forgotten the dead." I moved to stand in front of him. "What do you mean?" Instead of answering me, Diaphanous motioned with his hand behind me. I turned around and saw light from the Sun shinning over the top of the hill. I turned back to Diaphanous and he reached into his cloak for something. "It is time to remember them again, Talion." He pulled out of his cloak a silver trumpet and held it before me in both hands. "It is time to let the dead bury the dead." "Why now? Why must it be now?" I asked him. "I have fought so hard to leave it all behind and forget these things... I can't do this anymore." "You must Talion. No one else will." He said and placed the trumpet in my hands. "For your friends. For your father... For your brother." I stared at the trumpet in my hands for a moment before looking back to Diaphanous. "Why are you doing this for me, Diaphanous?" He gave me a warm smile again. "Because no one else will, Talion." "I don't know you." I said. "I do know you." He said. "I need to know more than that, Diaphanous. I just don't understand." I said. Diaphanous smiled at me again. "I know, Talion. I know you don't understand but trust that you will soon... You must be patient and wait, Talion. Wait until you find peace. Because in finding peace, you may know me as I know you." I closed my eyes and sighed. "Peace... It is always far from my reach... and it always will be." Diaphanous placed a hand on my shoulder again. "No Talion. Now more than ever, peace is within your grasp. You just don't know it yet... It starts with you, here." He pointed to the trumpet in my hands. "And finishes with you, here." He then pointed to my heart. "But you must take the first step. You won't forget, so try to forgive... Are you ready, Talion?" I looked Diaphanous in the eyes. I don't know him or why hes here and where he came from, but there was no deception in his eyes. Nor anger or fear. Only compassion. He truly did want to help me. "I don't know if I'm ready... I can't do this alone." I told him. "You won't have to, Talion. I am here. Let me help you make this first step to peace." He told me and reached out his hand. I hesitated for a moment before I grabbed it and his smile widened. "Go and honor them... One last time." "Talion?" I quickly turned around at the sound of my name being called and saw Anya approaching me from down the hill. She looked very worried. I turned back to face Diaphanous only to find that he was gone. "Talion, what are you doing up here? What's wrong?" Anya asked in concern. "I'm sorry Anya. I didn't want to awaken you." I said. "What happened?" She asked me. I looked down at the trumpet in my hands again. "I... There's something I need to do... Something that has been put off for far too long." Anya slowly walked over to me. "What is it, Talion?" I looked up at her for a moment before looking up towards the top of the hill. (Sigh) "Come with me." Wordlessly, Anya began following me up the rest of the hill. She looked greatly uncertain and nervous, but choose to remain quiet as we both walked. The sky was already starting to light up the horizon and clouds, Indicating that the Sun would soon rise. When we both made it to the top of the small hill, I walked to the opposite end facing the sunrise, with Anya close behind me. We both stayed silent for a short while until Anya choose to speak. "Why are we here, Talion?" "I am sorry for bringing you out here like this, but... this was just something I needed to do." I said and looked down. Anya sat next to me and lowered her head. "What is it, Talion? Please tell me." For a moment, I didn't answer her. "Honoring... Honoring the fallen." Just as I told her, I closed my eyes and mentally reached out to her mind. Anya gasped as her vision started to fog and everything around her changed. The snow melted into bright clean cut green grass. The pines and mountains vanished along with the sound of wind and rushing water. The sounds of birds singing soon filled Anya's ears as strange and unfamiliar structures, walls and statues appeared around her. To the right of the rising Sun was a very tall obelisk with many tall flag polls in a circle around it with flags of red white and blue. Anya looked down at me and her eyes widened again as she saw me for the first time in my ceremonial uniform. "One last time." I whispered and slowly brought the silver trumpet to my lips. Tears had started to fall from Anya's eyes as she watched and listened. This was the very first time she had seen me this way. This was the first time she had seen the true Talion. The soldier. Slowly, the vision started to fade away along with the sounds of birds. The buildings and monuments around us were once again replaced with a scene of snow covered mountains and an ocean of trees. As soon as the vision left, I fell to my knees and began to cry. I have stumbled, failed and fallen so much. I have fought so hard to forget my pain that I had also forgotten everyone I have ever knew and loved. But much worse, I have been running from God. I brought both of my hands to my face as I pored out my tears. "Oh God, please forgive me... I'm so sorry Lord... Please forgive me of my failures and my sins...I can't run from you anymore... Forgive me Jesus." Anya was also crying as she watched me pray. Now she sees me for what I really was. A broken soldier who ran from God. Anya lowered her head down to me and nuzzled my shoulder as I continued to cry. I turned to her and wrapped my arms around her neck and she wrapped herself around me in comfort. We both stayed like this for what seemed like hours. After a while, Anya pulled away and lightly nuzzled the side of my face. "I'm here for you, Talion. Always." I smiled at her and placed a hand on her cheek. "Thank you Anya... Thank you." Anya pulled away a little to look at me. "Talion?" I placed a hand on her neck. "It's okay... I'm alright now. I just... I've been running for so long... I just can't run anymore, Anya." "I know, Talion. You don't have to because you are not alone anymore. I am here with you now." She told me. "I know you are." I smiled and looked up at the clear blue sky. "Now I am free." ~Now we are free.~ "What?" Anya asked me. My smile widened. "I am free... I don't have to run anymore. I am forgiven." Anya tilted her head. "Talion?" I looked towards down to the mountains that were now lit up by the risen Sun. "Hehehahahahah!" I began laughing. "Hahahahaha!" Anya just stared at me for a moment before smiling and laughing as well. "Heheh. Hahahahaha! Hahahahahaha! We both began laughing in joy and I jumped around Anya causing her to also do the same. "I'm free, Anya! I'm free!" I shouted. After a few more minutes of joyful laughter, I was able to calm down long enough to talk again. "It's over, Anya. I've finally found peace." I told her. "How did you do it?" She asked me. I looked down at my brothers dog tags and smiled. "With the help of a good friend. " I looked back up to Anya as I continued. "For a long time I have blamed myself for all the pain and suffering I couldn't stop. I... Even though I am forgiven... I couldn't forgive myself... I wouldn't." "What changed, Talion?" She asked. "Throughout my time here I have only been running, trying hide from everyone so that I couldn't hurt them, but... I didn't realize that now I am free. That the fight is over and there's no more war to go back to. It is over.. It's all over." I told her. Anya smiled at me as I finished. "It's all over... You are free, Talion... Free, with me." She then looked down for a moment before speaking again. "Talion... are... Are you going to leave me?" I was surprised by her question. I walked over to her and reached up to rub the side of her face. "No Anya... I'm going to stay with you... Just as you have been here for me, I will be there for you. Always." Anya smiled widely at me again and leaned down to hug me. "Thank you." I hugged Anya again as she hummed to my touch. Anya suddenly stood up and walked around me towards the edge of the hill before crouching down and turning to me. "Fly with me, Talion." She said and lowered her neck. I was a little shocked by Anya's offer in allowing me to fly with her. Even though I had shortly flown with her during our fight with the frost worm, this time was completely different. I knew Anya was offering me something more this time. Wordlessly, I walked over to Anya. She smiled then turned her head and allowed me to climb up onto her back. I lowered myself onto the bridge of her shoulders and neck while minding her spines. As soon as I got comfortable, Anya pushed herself up and turned her head to look at me for a moment before facing the edge of the hill. She then took a few steps back before suddenly sprinting forward, causing me to wrap both of my arms around her neck just as she then leaped into the air and spread her wings. I tightly held onto Anya as she beat her wings against the wind, ascending us farther into the air. The wind against my eyes was so strong that I had to hold them shut for a moment. After several more minutes of flying up, I finally felt us level out and Anya's wing beats become slower. Slowly, I opened my eyes to the beautiful mountainous landscape that was the Smokey Mountains. I smiled widely as I gazed around the land Anya and I have been traveling through. We were flying over a mile above the valley below. Right above the first layer of clouds. And it was beautiful. I inhaled the very cold air as we soured across the sky. "Amazing." I said. Anya smiled and straightened her wings so that we were now gliding. She then closed her eyes for a moment before she began humming. I turned my attention to Anya and listened to her as she begun to sing. "The road now leads onward As far as can be Winding lanes And hedgerows in threes By purple mountains And round every bend All roads lead to you There is no journey's end Here is my heart and I give it to you Take me with you across this land These are my dreams, so simple and few Dreams we hold in the palm of our hands Deep in the winter Amidst falling snow High in the air Where the bells they all toll And now all around me I feel you still here Such is the journey No mystery to fear Here is my heart and I give it to you Take me with you across this land These are my dreams, so simple and few Dreams we hold in the palm of our hands The road now leads onward And I know not where I feel in my heart That you will be there Whenever a storm comes Whatever our fears The journey goes on As your love ever nears Here is my heart and I give it to you Take me with you across this land These are my dreams, so simple and few Dreams we hold in the palm of our hands" Once again I was amazed and aw struck by Anya's beautiful voice and the song she sung. I couldn't express in words the joy I was feeling from Anya, knowing how she felt about me. I was deeply touched. I smiled and leaned forward against Anya's neck and gently rubbed her, causing her to hum again in response. We both stayed like this as we slowly descended until we finally approached the hill we had taken off on. Anya angled her wings upward to slow our descent where she then reared back her head as we gently landed. Anya crouched and laid down as I climbed down from her shoulders. "Anya, that was... absolutely beautiful... You were beautiful." I said to her. Anya smiled and blushed deeply from my comment. "T-Thank you, Talion... It was for you." I smiled and hugged her neck as she leaned in to nuzzle me. "I'm happy to be with you, Anya... You've changed my life." "As you have also changed mine." She said and moved her head beside mine. "Talion... I..." She closed her eyes. ~Love you.~ I closed my eyes and smiled as I leaned in against her. ~I love you too... My mate.~ We both held each other in silence as it slowly began to snow all around us. Eventually, we both pulled away from each other. I was still smiling as I stared up at her as she did so for me. "Come on, Anya... Let's go home." I said and walked towards the edge of the hill top. "Home." Anya said and began to follow me. "Home?" We both stopped suddenly at the sound of someone else's voice. I quickly grabbed onto the hilt of my sword and began looking around for the source of the voice, but I didn't have to look long. "I am surprised to find that you can still call this land your home... None the less, it is very good to see you again, Anya... Welcome home." We both turned around to see who was speaking and Anya gasped. "Velirin." > Chapter 15: Cold welcome > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details *Thoughts* ~Mental speaking~ "Normal speaking" ~"Mental and normal speaking"~ Songs ...(Radio static)... I was shocked, but I did well to hide it. Somehow Anya's brother had managed to sneak up on us. I was angry at myself for letting my guard down. I had gotten too comfortable and allowed him to go unnoticed by my own safe guards. Although I wasn't expecting to meet Anya's brother this way, I wasn't entirely caught off guard by this. We were really close to the Dead Mountains now. Seeing as he wasn't attempting to attack me right away, I lowered my sword back into it's scabbard and moved to stand next to Anya as I studied her brother. The first striking thing about Velirin was the deep dark blue scales across his whole body, except for his stomach scales which transitioned into a very light sky blue color. He had many spikes across the back of his head that led down along his spin all the way to his tail, becoming a thick cluster of spikes which kind of resembled a porcupine. There was also smaller clusters of spikes on the elbows of his forearms, all of which were an icy blue color along with his claws. Velirin was tall. Almost three feet taller and longer than Anya and his body was a more bulky build. The last thing I noticed was the color of Velirin's eyes. They were a dim amber color that stood out among his blue scales. "Velirin?" Anya asked in shock. "Anya." Velirin replied. Anya didn't know what to say. "Velirin... I-" "Are you that suprised to see me, Anya?" He asked her. "How... Why... are you here?" She asked him. Velirin walked towards Anya. "I should be asking you the same, Anya... I must say that I am greatly surprised to see you return." He said and smiled at her. "But I am very happy to see you again... Collais i chi." ("I missed you.") Anya looked down when her brother stood in front of her. "Collais i chi hefyd, Velirin." ("I missed you too, Velirin.") I raised an eyebrow as I listened to them speak in what I assume is their own language. Velirin leaned in and hugged Anya, which she returned. "Rwy'n falch eich bod chi'n ddiogel, Anya ... roeddwn i'n poeni amdanoch chi." ("I'm glad you're safe, Anya... I was worried about you.") Anya smiled as she pulled away from him. "Thank you Velirin, but you need not have worried. I am capable of taking care of myself." "We're family Anya. I will always worry about you." He told her. "Thank you." She said with a smile. That language. It sounded so familiar to me, but that shouldn't be possible. Velirin then turned to me. We both stared at each other with blank expressions. Neither of us blinking or moving a muscle as we studied each other. It was a little difficult for me to read the emotions in his eyes. But even though he was trying to hide it, I was able to tell that he was greatly curious about me. I did also sense that he felt somewhat threatened by me. Anya noticing the tension rising from our staring contest, attempted to speak. "Velirin-" "What are you?" Velirin asked me, interrupting Anya. "I am a man." I replied. Velirin raised a brow and tilted his head slightly. "A man?" Anya moved to stand next to me as she spoke. "Velirin, this is Talion Drust. My... friend." Velirin looked at Anya. "Your friend?" "Yes Velirin. My friend." She replied. Velirin turned back and walked over to me. I stood still as he leaned down a little. "I have never seen or heard of your species before. You look so similar to Equestrians and yet so very different... You are not from anywhere near these lands or their's are you?" "No. I am a stranger to your kind and these lands." I replied. "Then, where are you from?" He asked me. I hesitated for a moment. I could instantly tell his intentions of trying to get answers from me. "A land farther than your mountains can see and your oceans reach." He seemed unsatisfied with my answer. "Why are you here, Talion? What has brought you to our lands?" "Solitude." I simply answered. I could tell he wanted to know more but seeing as he wasn't getting anything out of me, he signed and dropped the questions for now. "It would seem that these lands are where most would find it. Solitude always seems to draw us to the Smoky Mountains." Velirin said. "Velirin, is that why you're here? So far from home?" Anya asked. He turned to her. "Nid chi yw'r unig un sy'n dod yma yn ceisio'r distawrwydd, Anya." ("You're not the only one who comes here seeking the silence, Anya.") "I came out here many times before in search of you and to bring you home. But..." "But?" Anya asked. Velirin smiled. "I grew to enjoy the quiet, the peace I felt away from the dead mountains. So I started coming here just as often as you did." Anya smiled at him. "I am happy to hear that I wasn't alone out here all along. I just wish you would have told me sooner than have remained silent." "So do I." He said. "Velirin, if you were always out here with me, why did you never reveal yourself to me?" Anya asked. He sighed. "Because out here, alone, you were at peace. I didn't want to take away that peace... Not after the way I've treated you." Anya leaned her head against Velirin's. "You're my brother Velirin. You would never have taken away my happiness. You would have only added to it." Velirin looked down. "I was going to follow you... I would have followed you, but... I was scared that I had finally drove you away." "You were always welcome to join me, Velirin... You still are." She told him. Velirin looked back up to her. "I'm glad to know it... I was afraid that you wouldn't return." Anya briefly turned to look at me for a moment before facing Velirin again. "I've come home now, Velirin. I'm done running... I'm done trying to fight for something that I already have." Velirin looked a little surprised at her and turned to me. "Talion, did you have anything to do with bringing my sister home? "Hehahaha. It is more like Anya is the one bringing me home." I replied, causing Anya to blush. "But yes. I showed Anya what she had before it was lost to her." Velirin smiled at me. "Thank you Talion. "Not to sound disrespectful, but I didn't do it for you or me. I did it for her. She had something to lose." I told him. He stared at me in surprise for a moment, but smiled again. "Either way Talion, you brought her home. Something that I doubt I would have been able to do. You have my gratitude." He bowed his head lightly to me. I returned his smile and gave a small bow of my own. "You are very welcome." Velirin looked back to Anya and she smiled as well. "Come on. Let's get out of this storm." He told us and turned around. Anya tilted her head in confusion. "Storm? What sto-" Just as she asked there was a flash of light quickly followed by the distant sound of thunder over head. We both looked up and saw a large storm that was coming in from the north. It was just starting to cover the Sun and the winds were now picking up. "Ah. That storm." Anya said. I was a little surprised that the storm had made it overhead so soon. I was at least expecting it no sooner than later in the afternoon. Guess the winds picked up faster. "Come on you two. I have a cave not so far from here." Velirin called over. I walked over to Anya and she lowered herself to the ground, allowing me to climb up on her back. After I got in place, Anya stood up and began following Velirin, who gave us a curious look but continued on ahead in silence. I tilted my head a bit as I observed his walk. It was slow and a bit uneven on his right. Almost strained. And his wings were pressed against his side instead of relaxed like Anya's were. *He's hiding something. His silence shows it.* ~Sometimes, silence is loud.~ I turned my head to the side in surprise. ~Diaphanous?~ ~Listen closely and watch carefully.~ Diaphanous told me. ~Velirin?~ I mentally asked him. ~Their eyes were on the boy...now they see you... Tred carefully, for they are near.~ He said. ~What? Who Diaphanous?~ I asked him. "Talion?" Anya pulled me away from my thoughts. "Yes?" I replied. "Are you alright?" She asked. "Of course. Why do you ask?" I quickly replied. "Well, you haven't really said much since you met Velirin." She told me. "Sorry... I've just been thinking about you and your family. This is the first time I met a relative of yours." I told her. "What do you think about my brother?" She asked me. I thought for a moment. "He's an interesting dragon... I'm really surprised that he was able to sneak up on us. Especially considering his size." I said. Anya smiled. "Heh. Yes, Velirin has always been faster and better at hiding than me. Guess it would also explain why I never saw or encountered him out here before." I smiled as well. "It would also explain why I was able to find you so quickly when we first met." "Hey, to be fair, it was only because I caught you during your climb that you discovered me." She told me. "To be fair, I discovered you way before that." I told her. "What!? Now I know I'm not that bad at hiding!" Anya exclaimed. "Again, to be fair, I didn't first find you with my eyes, but with my mind." She turned her head to look at me. "So I was never truly hidden to you?" "No, you weren't. But don't feel bad. Had it been any other being, you more than likely would have gone undetected. It is very hard for anything or anyone to stay hidden from me, however." I explained. Anya turned back and continued following Velirin in silence again. I looked back over to said dragon and thought about Diaphanous's warning. *Listen closely and watch carefully.* I took in a deep breath before closing my eyes and sending out an echo psychic wave towards Velirin. I did well to avoid his mind as I was sure he would be able to sense my intrusion. As I scanned over his body, I sensed how tense he was. His body language spoke of nervousness and fear? Of what? I continued to search when I felt something else. He was injured. I reopened my eyes and looked to Anya. I was about to tell her when I noticed that there was something on her mind. "Anya, are you alright?" I asked. She looked up ahead to Velirin for a moment before replying. "Yes, I'm... just a little worried." "About?" I asked her. "About Velirin... and my parents." She answered and looked down. I began rubbing her neck to comfort her. From what I have seen in Anya's memories and what little she has told me of her family, I understood what she was feeling right now. Perhaps it was best I not tell her of Velirin yet. "I abandoned them, Talion. I left them behind to chase after an impossible dream... I was so angry at them, even though they were only trying to protect and take care of me." Anya told me. "Anya-" She interrupted me before I could start. "Don't Talion... Please don't tell me that everything is alright. That it will be fine when it won't... I hurt them Talion. I hurt those closest to me." I leaned forward against Anya's neck. "I'm here for you Anya. I always am." Anya stopped walking and closed her eyes as they filled with tears. "The last thing that I said to my mother and father was 'I hate you...It is unforgivable, Talion... I am unforgivable." "No Anya. You are wrong. No one, no matter who they are or what they did is ever beyond redemption. Forgiveness is given to us all." I told her. Anya looked at me again. "By your God?" "If you ask it of Him." I replied. Anya scoffed. "Why? Why would He? I'm a dragon, not a human. He doesn't know me nor do I know Him." "My God doesn't care what you are, only who you are. And He does know you Anya. He knows you more than you know yourself." I told her. "Then He knows what kind of person I am and what I've done. I am not worth forgiving." Anya said. "You are to him. We all are... That is why He sent His Son to die for us so that we could all be freely forgiven." I told her. Anya looked surprised. "But why?" I smiled at her. "Because, He is our father in heaven, who loves us so much that he made a way that we might spend eternity with Him." I reached into my coat and pulled out Aden's dog tags. I held them for a moment before putting them around my neck. "He forgave me, Anya. He will forgive you. All you must do is ask it of Him." Anya looked down and closed her eyes. "I... I would like that very much... to be forgiven." "As would I." We both looked up and saw Velirin standing in front of us. He really is good at being quite. "Velirin I... How long were you listening?" Anya asked. He smiled softly at her. "Long enough." Tears had started to fall from Anya's eyes again as she spoke to him. "Velirin... I'm so sorry for what I've done to you... for everything." Velirin leaned his head against Anya's. "Please forgive me, Velirin." Velirin nuzzled against her and smiled. "You are forgiven, Anya." Anya closed her eyes and smiled in relief. I felt her mind and body ease as she leaned more into her brother and I smiled as I watched them both. Snow had started to lightly fall around us as the storm finally made it overhead. After a short while longer, Velirin and Anya pulled away from each other. "Thank you so much, Velirin." Anya said. "Did you really believe that I wouldn't forgive you, Anya?" He asked. Anya looked down. "I... I did. I was so scared that I wouldn't have been welcomed home... By you, mother or father." Velirin pulled away and looked down at Anya. "Anya." "I want to forgive them... I want them to forgive me." She said. "Shhh... Not now, Anya. Not here." Velirin turned and motioned towards a cave a few yards to our left. "Come." He said and walked towards the cave. Anya lingered for a moment so I reached up to rub her neck. She turned to me and gave me a small smile before following her brother into the cave. As soon as we entered the cave, I hopped down from Anya's back and began examining it. The cave opened up from the entrance into a surprisingly large wide space. Easily big enough to house three dragons about Velirin and Anya's size. The roof seemed to rise up at a steady angle before vertically dropping towards the back of the cave. I noticed that towards the back of the cave the stone was a rusty looking red. Probably a natural iron deposit. The last thing I noticed was a large pile of snow and different plants, that I assume, Velirin has been using as a nest. Another cluster of bushes and small trees laid against the wall. Velirin had made his way towards the plants and began moving them around to make another nest. "How long have you stayed here, Velirin?" Anya asked. Velirin paused his work and looked down for a moment. "Since you've been away... I never returned home. Not after-..." He didn't finish. Anya approached her brother. "You've been out here alone, waiting for me?" "Yes... I just... couldn't return home... I needed to find you. To know that you were safe." He answered. "Velirin I-" He interrupted her. "It's okay Anya. I'm okay now that you're here... Now that you've returned home." Anya looked down. "Yes... Home." I watched them both, particularly Velirin carefully. Velirin continued to make the nest while Anya sat down and watched him. I leaned against the wall near the cave entrance as I observed them both. "You know, you don't need to do that Velirin. I am perfectly capable of making my own bed." Anya told him. "Oh ya? Than why is it that I was the one always making and cleaning our nest for over fifteen years?" Velirin joked and started breathing a thin layer of ice onto his work. "Hey! That was over three decades ago! That doesn't count anymore!" Anya retorted. "Only three? You're not lazy are you Anya?" I asked with a smile. "Ha! Me? Lazy? Do you even know who you're talking about?" Anya asked me. "I know exactly who I'm talking about." I replied with a smirk. "Of course you do." Anya rolled her eyes. "Alright, step aside, Velirin. I'll finish mak-" "All done!" He interrupted her before she could finish. "What?" Anya turned towards Velirin to see that he had finished making a nest out of the plants and snow. "Oh... Thanks." Anya said and walked over to the nest. Velirin stepped into his own nest and laid down before turning to me. "I'm curious, how did you two meet, Talion?" I looked over to Anya for a moment and she looked at me. She smiled and laid down on her side before nodding to me. "She caught me." I answered Velirin. "Caught you?" He asked. "Yes." I turned to him again. "Over a month ago I had been climbing up the mountain slopes that led into the Smokey Mountain range. Although I may have picked the wrong time to do so because a storm had just started when I was approaching the upper levels of the peaks." "Did you wait it out?" Velirin asked me. "No. Despite the storm I had desided to push forward since I was so close to the top. That led to me losing my balance and being blown off the side of the mountain." I paused to look at Anya. "That was when I was caught by your sister. We officially introduced each other a few days later and we've been traveling together ever since." Velirin looked a little surprised and turned to Anya. "I... didn't know you traveled so far from home." "Well, it was the first time I've been away so far." Anya replied. "That was very dangerous of you, Anya. To go so close to Equestrian borders." Velirin told her. Anya sighed and looked down. "At the time, I was willing to go so far, if only to escape my walless prison... for a time." Velirin looked down for a moment before turning back to me again. "Tell me the truth, Talion. What brought you here to these lands? Why did you come?" Anya looked to me a little concerned for me. ~Talion.~ ~Do you trust him, Anya?~ I mentally asked her. ~Of course.~ She answered. ~Truly?~ I asked again. ~With my life.~ She replied without hesitation. I took in a long breath and exhaled before returning my attention back to Velirin. "I originally came here in hopes of remaining hidden and unknown to the people of these lands." I smiled and motioned towards Anya. "As you can see, that hasn't gone to well." "Heheh. No it hasn't." Anya commented. "I can see that." Velirin said with a smile. "Yes, well I hadn't expected to find or have been found by a dragon, not at least until I had traveled farther inland anyway." I told him. *I hadn't expected to have been found at all.* Velirin turned to Anya with a smile. "Mae'n ffodus ei fod wedi dod ar eich traws, Anya. Efallai na fyddai unrhyw ddraig arall wedi bod mor gyfeillgar." ("He is fortunate to have encountered you, Anya. Any other dragon might not have been so friendly.") I looked down in thought as they spoke in their own language again. That language sounded so familiar to me. "Rwyf innau hefyd yn ffodus fy mod wedi dod ar ei draws. Arall efallai na fyddwn wedi dychwelyd atoch fel hyn." ("I too am also fortunate to have encountered him. Else I might not have returned to you this way.") Anya replied. It almost sounds like... My eyes widened in realization as I picked up some of the words they were speaking. "Yn ffodus." I said, causing Anya and Velirin to look at me in surprise. "Ádh mór. Gu fortanach. Diouganer. Gwynnvys. Aighoil... Yn ffodus." ("Fortunate.") I repeated the same word in Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Breton, Cornish and Manx before coming back to Welsh. Anya stared at me in confusion and curiosity. "Fortunate? Talion, what are saying?" "Incredible." I said to myself. "What?" Velirin asked in confusion. "It's Welsh." I said as I turned back to face them. "What is?" Anya asked me. I chuckled to myself. "That language. It's Welsh. Or at least a distant variation of it, but much of the words seem to be the same or similar. Like a mix of Celtiberian, Galatian and Gaulish. I was repeating the word fortunate in the languages Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Breton, Cornish, Manx and lastly Welsh to connect the language family." Velirin looked absolutely baffled. "Welsh? What are you talking about? Our language is Ddraig. I don't even know what those others are." "Ah. Sorry about my ranting. I've forgotten just for a moment who I was talking to. Your language, Ddraig, seems to closely be related to Welsh. "Welsh... Is that the language of your country, Talion?" Anya asked. I chuckled before replying. "No. Well I mean, there are no doubt some people who speak it in America, like me, but Welsh is predominantly spoken in Wales. A small region on the west central part of the British isles. English is the most common language spoken across my country, along with French, Japanese and Portuguese." "English? Like Equestria? Just how far away is your country?" Velirin asked me in confusion, causing me to realize what I was saying. "Farther than your mountains can see and your oceans reach." I quickly replied with the same answer from earlier. He snorted at my reply. "What about the other languages that you spoke of?" "They are a part of the Celtic language family. Irish, Scottish and Manx form the Goidelic languages. Welsh, Cornish and Breton form Brittonic. All of which are Insular Celtic languages. Not many of them are spoken today." I explained. "That is incredible. I never knew that your kind have so many languages." Anya said. I smiled at her. "You have no idea. But what I find more incredible is the fact that our two very different and separate race's have had a similar language development... I guess now we can add Ddraig to that list." It truly was fascinating. I could hardly believe that there was this much similarities to this world and mine. Well I guess that I shouldn't be too surprised. There was silence for a moment before Anya started up conversation again. "If dragons and humans have never met, how come we have such close languages?" I scratched my chin as I replied. "Well... Our races might have actually met before." Velirin tilted his head at me. "What? No that can't be possible. Everything about you is unfamiliar to me. Even the elder dragons have never mentioned anything about your kind and we have a very strong memory when it comes to ancient history." "We had, Velirin." Anya said as she looked down with a frown. Velirin closed his eyes and sighed. "Yes. Had." Seeing what wounds this was touching upon, I quickly answered Velirin's question. "There are old books and texts that mention dragons and other mythical creatures of legend and myth our ancestors may have encountered. Many of which we befriended or fought with." Velirin looked very interested. "Humm. So what you're saying is, our ancient ancestors may have been friends and or enemies long ago. Do you happen to know which, Talion?" I paused for a moment to think about my answer. Even though I have been with Anya for over a month, there is still so much about dragons that I don't know about. I have no idea how dragons hold to past grievances. The last thing I want to do is set the stage for war between our races in the future. I just hope other dragons are just as forgiving as Anya and Velirin. "If all of the stories and records have some truth to them, then we were both." I replied. "We were both allies and enemies?" Anya asked me in curiosity. "Not necessarily." I began explaining. "There are some stories where humans and dragons were close allies. Humans would often offer gifts of gold and jewels and the dragons in turn would allow us to ride them as mounts. It's where the title Dragon Rider came from. Some even believe that humanity had taught dragonkind how to speak long ago." Velirin snorted at the idea. "And what of the other stories?" I hesitated for a moment. "Many, if not most in the old days saw dragons as evil creatures spawned from the devil. There are stories of warriors leading crusades to slay them. It's where the title Dragon Slayer came from." "What?" Velirin asked me in shock. "Wha- Why, Talion?" Anya asked in disbelief. I sighed and looked down for a moment. "It is believed that dragons were nothing more than beasts who would burn and destroy our homes and devour us for food. It is not uncommon for a human to think of a dragon as nothing more than an animal or evil monster who would kill and eat us if we ever met." Both Anya and Velirin were staring at me in complete shock. (Sigh) "I'm sorry. These are just stories. They might not even be real." I told them. "Or they just might." Velirin said with a look of anger and disgust. "If the dragons you speak of were anything like Bahamut and his wretched spawn. Filthy worms." I looked a little surprised at him. "What?" Velirin shook his head and looked back to me. "We dragons of the west are nothing like the ones you speak of, Talion. Devouring the flesh of another sentient being goes greatly against our nature. It is barbaric. Those who are evil and foolish enough to commit such a heinous act are cursed and become nothing more than animals themselves." I looked down and sighed. "Act like an animal long enough and sooner or later you'll become one." Velirin nodded and finished. "We are nothing like the worms in the Badlands who call themselves dragons." "Well I'm glad to know it... But if you don't mind me asking, why is it that I hear you and Anya refer to the Badland dragons as worms?" I asked Velirin. Velirin huffed in irritation. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he had great hatred for them. "They have forgotten their place, our history and wisdom. They cast away their own names and heritage for a small amount of power and wealth. They were the ones who willing followed Bahamut and forsook everything that made them true dragons. Thus they became more like the animals others claim us to be." I looked to Anya for a moment who was looking down in anger. "I see." Anya sighed. "They never learned from their mistakes. In fact they merely embraced their own fate and abandoned all hope of ever changing." She looked up to me. "That is why we are divided, Talion. We in the west seek what we lost, while they in the east seek to bury it." I pondered this new information for a bit. I was greatly relieved to learn that the dragons of the west had some sense of being civilized. It was a good thing I had chosen to go west than east. But now I was starting to wonder just how different these two dragon kingdoms were. "I'm curious, do all dragons speak the same language? Or is it different in the west from the east?" I asked them. Anya answered for me. "For the most part we all speak the same language, but many of us will also often use the tongues of other races. Other than old Ddraig, our race only holds to one language." "Interesting." I said. "How many languages can you speak, Talion?" Anya asked. "I can fluently speak, read and write in over fifty different languages." I answered. "WHAT!?" Both Anya and Velirin shouted in surprise. I rubbed my ears for a moment. "I should probably refrain from revealing such revelations about myself in the future." "Just how many languages does your race have!?" Velirin asked. "Many. But not everyone of my kind can speak more than one or two languages." I replied. "Then how is it that you seem to be so knowledgeable yourself?" He asked me. "As I have explained to Anya before, I have a very powerful memory and am able of recalling much of what I learned years ago." I answered. "So you're a scholar." Velirin said. "Heha. Yes, I suppose I could be. But I only learned these things as a way to pass time. I am and always well be a soldier at heart." I said. Velirin raised a brow. "A soldier?" I froze at the realization of what I had told him. "What purpose does a soldier have, traveling alone in unfamiliar lands?" He asked me. "I answered truthfully, Velirin. I came here to remain hidden." I told him. "So then, you're a deserter." He said. I turned towards him with a look of anger. "I am many things, Velirin. But I am no deserter. Do not assume so again." That was enough for Velirin to refrain from discussing it more. I could tell he was a little intimidated by me for a moment. Even Anya felt somewhat intimidated. I shook my head and sighed. "I am not here to flee from my country or to bring war to yours. I was a soldier, Velirin... A long time ago." Velirin stared at me for a short moment. "How old are you, Talion?" I was reluctant to answer as I have already revealed too much of myself to him so soon. But given how old he was and I have already told Anya my age, I decided to answer. "I am one hundred and thirty years old." I answered. Velirin once again looked shocked. "One hundred and thirty years?" "He's like us, Velirin." Anya said. "As in, he can live just as long?" He asked her. "Yes." I answered grimly. "And yet you sound as if you wish you weren't immortal." He stated. "I have my reasons." I replied. Anya could sense what I was feeling and knew better than to press the matter. So before Velirin could ask more questions, Anya drew his attention and shook her head at him. Velirin looked skeptical, but decided to drop it. ~Talion.~ Anya mentally called to me. I looked over to her and she motioned for me to come, so I pushed myself off of the wall and walked over to her while she made a place for me to sit. Velirin raised his brow at the sight, but chose not to say anything. He looked to Anya for a moment before turning back to me. "I realize that I have been the only one asking personal questions thus far. I do apologize for my rudeness, Talion. I'm sure that you must have some questions for me in return." "Actually, I only have one." I said and turned to face him. He looked at me curiously. "What is it?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why are you really here?" For a moment, Velirin returned my stare and said nothing. "You are so eager to ask me this question, surly you would be willing to answer it in return." I said. "In return? You have not given me a single straight answer from where you are from or why you are truly here." Velirin told me. "Nor am I required to. I don't owe you anything." I told him. Anya started to sense the rising tension and spoke up. "That's enough, Velirin." Velirin frowned at her. "I want to know more, Anya. What is he hiding?" "Velirin, stop." Anya told him. "No, I don't think so." Velirin stated as he moved to sit up. "Velirin liste-" He cut her off. "No you listen! First you challenged father, then you ran off, leaving me behind, disappearing for over a month and then suddenly returning home with a soldier of an unknown nation!" He stepped in front of her as he finished. "I waited and suffered long enough for you. Now I want answers, Anya." Anya just stared at her brother in shock, not knowing what to say. Before anything else could be said, I spoke up. "War." Velirin suddenly looked to me. "War?" There was a long silence following before I spoke up again. "I bring war... It follows me everywhere." He looked at me in confusion. "What are you talking about?" "Tell me Velirin, do you know what knowledge is?" I asked. "Tell me." He replied. "Knowledge is power." I looked down at my hands and clenched them into fists as I finished. "And it is something that I have a great deal of." Now Velirin was more shocked than before. "Then... you are being hunted?" "No... Not yet. And I intend to keep it that way." I said and walked to Anya's side. "Make no mistake, Velirin, I trust no one. Not even myself. I tell you these things only because of Anya. She trusts you and I trust her, but do not think for a second that what I have can be gained for your own benefit." Velirin frowned at me. "Is that a warning or a threat?" "Take it as you will." I replied, crossing my arms. Velirin stepped closer to me and growled. "Be very careful of your next words, Talion. A dragon's ire isn't something just anyone or anything encurres lightly. You'll do well to respect that." What I said next visibly shocked him. "I do not need nor want your respect and you have not earned mine. I have nothing to prove to you, boy. Anya was looking very uneasy at what was going on. "You dare?" Velirin asked me. "I do. So why don't you drop the visage and show us what you're really hiding." I told him, holding my ground. He looked livid. I knew he was ready to attack me. "That is enough, Velirin!" Anya shouted. "Why is he here!?" He shouted in return. "No! I've answered your questions. We both have! Now you answer mine!" She stepped between us both and spoke in a low voice. "Why are you here, Velirin?" Velirin chuckled and shook his head at her. "What? Did you honestly think that your actions wouldn't have any consequences, dear sister?. The day you left father, he became greatly enraged... Especially towards me." He leaned closer to her. "I may have forgiven you, Anya, but mother and father are not so forgiving." He turned and lifted his right wing to reveal four large gashes across his side, causing Anya to gasp at what she saw. "Father gave me this... He believed I could have done more to stop you. They both did... Maybe I could have. " Velirin told her. "Yes, you could have." I told him and he turned back to me in anger. "I wasn't certain before, but I am now... I finally see what kind of dragon you are, Velirin. A cowered and a deserter." "HOW DARE YOU!?" He roured at me. I stepped towards him. "I dare because when something's wrong, it's wrong!" I pointed an accusing finger at him. "I have seen how you've treated Anya! She came to you, trusting you, begging for your help. But you turned your back on her more times than can be counted for in a single lifetime!" I took another step forward. "Anya's absence hasn't changed you, Velirin. You drove her away. You don't deserve her back." Quite frankly, I was surprised that he hadn't attempted to kill me yet. I suppose it was because of Anya. Velirin, at this point was breathing heavily in rage. But I could tell by the look in his eyes that he knew how right I was. I saw the shame that he was hiding. He knew what he did to Anya. "There are very few species in the world who would dare challenge a dragon. Even fewer who would live after. The only reason I have not destroyed you is because of Anya." He said between his teeth. "Don't let her stop you from trying." I told him and reaching for my sword. "ENOUGH!" Anya roured. "I will not be sidelined in this!" She looked down at me with a frown. "I do not need you to speak for me and fight my battles, Talion. Nor do I want you to." She looked back to Velirin. "And you. Don't you dare attempt to bring harm to, Talion. Because if you hurt him, you will hurt me." Velirin looked at Anya in shock before reverting to anger. "And what about me, Anya? How much have you hurt me?" She looked down and closed her eyes. "We both hurt each other, Velirin... We are both to blame for this... I'm so sorry." Velirin stared down at her for a moment before sighing and closing his eyes. "So am I." She looked back up at him in confusion. "What?" He opened his eyes and looked at her with a very serious expression. "We're done here... It's time to go." "What are you talking about, Velirin?" She asked, stepping back. "We are going home, Anya. Now." He said and stepped towards her again. It was my turn to stand between them. "No. I don't think so." Velirin growled at me again. "I don't care who or what you claim to be, Talion. Nor who you are to Anya. Do not get in my way." "Anya's not going anywhere with you." I told him. "Yes she is! Anya belongs with her family!" He shouted at me. Anya stepped in again. "I chose where I belong, Velirin! And I belong with Talion!" Velirin withdrew from her in shock. "Wha- What are you saying, Anya?" Anya stepped by my side to confront Velirin. "Our journey together ended the day we chose our separate paths to follow, Velirin. It was you who abandoned me. You're the one who walked away." "Anya I-" This time she interrupted Velirin. "It is over, Velirin. I'm not going home. I won't stay where I am not wanted. And if you, mother or father can't accept my choice, then so be it. Because I don't need them anymore... Just like I don't need you." Velirin stood in complete shock. Not saying or doing anything as there was nothing he could say or do. The last thing that Anya told him had stung the worst and it was visible across his face. After a moment of silence, Anya turned and slowly walked towards the cave exit. I could see the pain on her face as a few tears fell from her eyes. "Come Talion... We're finished here." She said and walked out. "So it would seem." I said in a low voice and followed her out. Velirin remained still as he watched us leave. Just as we made it to the exit, Anya paused and turned her head slightly towards him. "It was good to see you again, Velirin... One last time." With that, we both stepped out of the cave and walked towards the forest amongst the falling snow. Before continuing, I stopped and looked back to the cave. *Pain... follows me where ever I go.* This is why I distant myself from others. Why I don't get involved. Or at least I try not to. Every time I hide myself, there is always someone who finds me and pulls me back out to the light, only for them to suffer for it and fall into the very darkness they tried to save me from. "Anya." I called and she stopped, turning her head slightly to look at me. I reached up and placed a hand on her shoulder in comfort. "I'm so sorry." She closed her eyes and leaned her head down against me. "Please... don't ever leave me, Talion." I leaned in and hugged her. "Never, as long as I shall live. I promise you." "Thank you my mate." She whispered as she cried. After a long moment, we pulled away and wordlessly turned back to the frozen forest. "TALION!" We both heard Velirin rour from behind us before hearing what sounded like cracking glass. I quickly turned around just in time to see a large spiked ice sphere flying directly towards me. I only had enough time to pull up my arms to brace myself right before I was hit. "Talion!" Anya shouted. The ice sphere exploded on impact and sent me flying in the opposite direction. I screamed in pain as I crashed into several trees and fell back to the ground. The snow covered forest floor did little to cushion my fall. I quickly tried to move and stand back up, causing pain to shoot up throughout my body. Looking down I saw ice spikes impaled across my body. My breath became ragged as I tried to pull out one particularly large one in my right side. ~Talion.~ Suddenly a shadow loomed over me and I looked up to see Anya staring down at me in fear. This was the first time outside of my memories that she has seen me this close to death. We both heard a loud thud and turned to see Velirin walking towards us with his wings raised. His amber eyes were now burning red with rage. "You've taken someone who belongs with me." He said in a low menacing voice. Anya swung around and stood defensively in front of me. "Stay away, Velirin!" "No." He said before lunging towards Anya's side and swinging his claws at her. Velirin was fast. Faster than what I had expected given his size. Anya screamed as she was knocked over and before she could recover, Velirin jumped straight up into the air and twirled, swinging his tail like a whip. He struck Anya in the chest and sent her flying backwards into a few spruce and pine trees, which collapsed under her weight. While Anya was stunned, Velirin landed and turned towards me again. "It didn't have to be this way. You could've walked away." "Y-You could have been there for Anya when she needed you most." I managed to cough out. Velirin grabbed and lifted me with a claw before slamming me back down to the ground. "You know nothing! Everything I have ever done was for her! I chose to help Anya when she wouldn't help herself!" I spat out blood onto his claw. "You chose the wrong side." Velirin lifted me up again and was about to slam me back down before stopping. "Hehehaha." He stared at me in shock, confusion and anger as I began laughing. "Hehahahahaha!" "What is this? What are you laughing for!?" Velirin demanded. Slowly I looked up at him with a wide grin and glowing eyes. ~"You chose... poorly."~ ++ Anya struggled to push herself up. She was shocked by her brother's attack. That tail whip to her side was so unexpected that it knocked the air out of her lungs. She managed to stand up straight and shake herself before hearing a loud rour from Velirin. She quickly turned towards his direction to see him flying backwards into a row of pine trees. She gasped as she saw her brother land on his side with a loud thud. He rolled over with a shocked look on his face. "Impossible." Velirin said in shock. She looked back to Talion and saw him standing and glowing with darkness. Eyes ablaze with blue light. ~"It is you who knows nothing, Velirin. You don't understand a thing of what Anya's been through."~ "Talion?" She called out to him but he didn't respond. "So quick to think about Anya." Velirin started as he stood back up. "You forget what I've gone through for her. What I'm still going through." ~"And she has to suffer for you!? Now that is cruel."~ Talion said. "I've suffered for Anya every day of our lives and she has ignored that! There is the cruelty!" Velirin shouted before rushing towards Talion and unleashing his frost breath. Anya could only watch in fear as her mate and brother charged towards each other. "Talion! Velirin!" > Chapter 16: Bad company: Part I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details *Thoughts* ~Mental speaking~ "Normal speaking" ~"Mental and normal speaking"~ Songs ...(Radio static)... AS ABOVE SO BELOW I do not hunger, I will not grieve. I will not falter, I do not bleed. I do not feel, I will not cry. I will not fear, I. DO. NOT. DIE. *Father, forgive me for what I must do.* The north wind blew hard as the winter storm blotted out the last glimmer of sunlight. Darkness fell over the sky as the snow fell across the forest and all fell silent before the first flash and crack of thunder. I flashed forward towards Velirin and struck him with an upper cut to his chin, stopping him from using his breath weapon. My attack was quickly followed by a twist kick to Velirin's neck, causing him to leap backwards. In response, Velirin reared up on his hind legs and flapped his wings, sending a heavy gust of wind and snow towards me which launched me backwards. I quickly recovered just in time to dodge an ice sphere from Velirin, which exploded into ice shards. Suddenly, I heard whistling in the distance, quickly getting louder in my direction. "INCOMING!" I leaped over a bolder and into a foxhole as an explosion shook the ground. Before I could attempt to move from my cover, rapid gun fire echoed around me as bullets pelted the ground. I held my head as my heart rate increased. "No, not now!" ~Get up Talion! Stand up and fight!~ Suddenly my vision flashed and I was returned from the battlefield to my fight with Velirin. I shook my head and quickly leaped out of my cover just as Velirin shot another ice sphere at me, which exploded into ice shards. Having no way to dodge or block at the moment, I was forced to briefly enter my true wraith form, allowing the icicles to pass through me. The ice that he was breathing wasn't just normal ice. It was magic in nature. I felt the energy quickly expand and dissipate in the area the ice sphere exploded and small remnants of the magic remained in the shards left behind. While this magic couldn't kill me in my wraith form, it was still painful. I grunted as the magic infused ice shards painfully passed through my form. It was like knifes slashing at my skin, but I didn't let it stop me. I leaped towards Velirin and kicked him in the neck, causing him to roar in pain. Velirin suddenly leaped up into the air and slammed his claws into the ground as he landed. I quickly leaped to the left as the ground beneath where I had been standing cracked and collapsed under Velirin's weight. Not wasting my attack of opportunity, as soon as I landed again I leaped back towards Velirin and punched his side with a right and left jab. The attack merely caused him to hop to his left and swing a claw at me, which I ducked under. I then spun around low to the ground and kicked Velirin's other leg out from under him. He stumbled as he lost his balance and I performed a back flip kick to his chin, where I then grabbed his head mid air and pulled him down, smashing his head right into a large rock that exploded into rubble. ++ I watched in horror as Talion and Velirin attacked each other. Each trading powerful blows. Thankfully, Talion has thus far relented from using his sword or any other kind of weapons against my brother, but it wasn't Talion that I feared for. I knew what Velirin was capable of. I know that Velirin's pride will drive him to stop at nothing until he achieves victory over his opponent. But Talion isn't like anyone he has ever fought. He is not an enemy that Velirin can beat. As far as I know, this battle was already desided. The only thing that really matters right now is how far Velirin is willing to fight and how long until he realizes what kind of man he was fighting. I wanted desperately to stop this madness, to stop them from hurting each other. But at this point, words were beyond saving now. There was nothing I could say or do right now to stop Velirin. All I could do was wait for the right time to intervene. My eyes widened as I witnessed Talion perform an upper cut to Velirin's chin before spinning around mid air and dropkicking him. I gasped at the sight of Velirin falling over as he grabbed his head in pain. I don't actually know the level of strength that Talion possess, but it must be great if he is capable of bringing down my brother like that. I continued to watch in anxiety as Talion flipped upright and away from Velirin as he pushed himself up in a daze. It seemed that those attacks that he delivered to his head had stunned him slightly. Velirin quickly shook his head as he recovered and moved to stand up straight again. The look plastered onto his face was nothing short of being enraged as he growled at Talion. ~"Stand down boy. You can't win."~ Talion told him. "Never." Velirin responded before leaping towards him again. ++ I stood still and steadied my breathing as I waited for Velirin to reach me. Just as he swung at me, I ducked and swung a right hook into his right wrist, quickly followed by a left cross to his left elbow. He roured in pain but was quickly silenced when I jumped and rammed my knee into forehead, followed up by another drop kick. Velirin crashed into the ground and grabbed his arm in pain. Hitting him in the joints was the only way I could get past his thick scales to hurt him. Even with his weight and size, he was fast. Quick to move and attack, but there wasn't much strategy to his attacks and he was leaving himself open during them. I was about to approach him when he suddenly rolled over and leaped into the air doing a barrel role as he swung his tail around like a wipe. The move and attack was so unexpected that I didn't react in time to dodge or duck. I briefly screamed in pain as I was sent flying again, but this time I corrected myself mid air and landed with my feet against the side of a tree. I then launched myself off of it towards Velirin, who had just landed himself. He shook his head and turned in my direction just in time for me to deliver a very hard punch to his face. I landed back on my feet a moment before Velirin fell over. I was breathing heavily and shaking as I watched Velirin slowly try to push himself up again. *He's good.* I thought to myself. ~Talion, stop.~ Diaphanous called to me. ~You're telling me to stop?~ I asked him. ~The air shakes at their wake. If you do not stop-~ I interrupted him. ~I didn't start this, Diaphanous! But I will finish it.~ There was a brief moment of silence before he responded. ~So be it.~ I returned my attention to Velirin who just got up and was charging towards me again. I quickly leaped up as Velirin swung his claws and tail at me. I stopped his claw with my left foot and kicked Velirin back with my right. We both slid backwards and Velirin breathed a stream of ice at me. Not having enough time to dodge I held my arms in front of me as I quickly entered my true wraith form, allowing the ice to pass through me. I grit my teeth as the magic wiped and lashed out at my form, like freezing wind against my skin. Once Velirin stopped, I returned to my semi physical form and lowered my arms to see Velirin charging at me again He raised his claws before bringing them both down at me. I dodged to his left and he spun around to swing his tail at me in response. I leaped over his tail and Velirin tried to hit me mid air, so I twisted my body around and surprised Velirin with an upside-down roundhouse kick to his face. Velirin roured and attempted to retaliate with a quick attack of his own, but just as I landed, I punched his claw with my left fist and quickly followed up with a punch to his chest with my right. Not giving Velirin a change to recover this time, I continued to force him backwards with a barrage of heavy punches until he swung both of his claws down at me again. I leaped backwards, ducked and dodged as Velirin continued to rapidly swing at me in return. I punched an incoming claw away and leaped towards Velirin's chest to deliver another attack, when he suddenly held up a claw and grabbed my arm before I hit him. My eyes widened as Velirin smiled before he spun around and threw me into the air. I bounced and rolled across the rocky ground until I crashed into a very large bolder, cracking it. My vision was blurry as I began to fade farther into my wraith form. Everything around me was becoming dark and colorless, followed by a loud ringing in my ears. I had to move. I needed to get up, but before I could even pull myself up, Velirin suddenly appeared in my vision over me. I couldn't react fast enough as he punched me through the bolder. I soured through the air for a moment until I crashed into several trees and fell back to the ground, painfully. The pain and ringing was starting to fade and everything was going black. As I was drifting away I heard Diaphanous's voice again. ~Death calls to us again.~ *No.* I reached out my hand. ~Talion.~ ~No.~ I slowly pushed myself into a kneeling position, as I steadied my breathing. ~Never again.~ I sat up on my knees and looked up at Velirin who was standing in front of me. "Is that all!? Stand up. Face me again!" I slowly stood up and exhaled as my vision returned. ~"I... refuse... to fade."~ I closed my eyes and raised my fist into the air as shadows gathered around it. My eyes reignited into blue flames and I brought my fist down into the ice. The ground beneath me cracked as the shadows around me quickly dispersed into the air, returning me to my physical form. I looked back to Velirin and he was staring at me in shock which quickly turned back into rage as he readied to attack me again. "I will fade no more." I ran towards Velirin and he was about to swing at me when I suddenly leaped to his side and punched him in the ribs. He roured in pain and tried to attack me again, but I had already flashed to his other side and punched him in the ribs again, causing him to stumbled and almost collapse. Before that could happen though, Velirin reared back on his hind legs and slammed his claws into the ground, forcing me backwards. I was about to go in for another attack when Velirin reared back his head and inhaled. Just as I was about to dodge his frost breath, Velirin instead started breathing ice onto the ground in front of him while turning around in circles. He then leaped into the air and flapped his wings while spinning around, all the while still breathing out ice. I continued to backup as the wind began pulling me towards the tornado that Velirin was creating. I watched as Velirin tilted himself up straight and shot himself upward like an arrow before rearing his head downward and breathing ice into the small tornado he had created. My eyes widened as the vortex began shooting icicles in every direction. So I quickly pulled out my sword and twirled it around me to deflect the incoming ice spikes. I could hardly believe what Velirin was doing was even possible. He hadn't been flying nearly fast enough to create enough draft in the wind. After a few seconds of dodging and blocking, Velirin folded his wings inward and dropped through the tornado, but before he reached the ground, Velirin reopened his wings and flapped them downward, causing the tornado to rapidly expand outwards towards me. I had just enough time to stab my sword into the ground and brace myself as the powerful burst of wind sent snow and plants flying around, temporarily blinding me. Just as soon as the wind ceased and I opened my eyes again, Velirin lunged at me, so I had to quickly dodge but Velirin merely spun around and swung his tail at me. I ducked and it struck a nearby tree, shattering the stump. Thinking quickly, I leaped into the air and used the falling tree to boost myself higher above Velirin and performed a hard drop kick to his back at the base of his neck and shoulders. He fell to the ground with a loud thud as I quickly leaped off him and backed away. "Stand down, Velirin. It doesn't have to be this way... Don't make me put you down." I told him. Velirin scoffed at me as he pushed himself up. "Put me down? That will not happen." "I said stay down, boy." I told him. He snarled. "I am no boy! I am a dragon!" I pointed my sword at him in anger. "Are you!? Perhaps a dragon without empathy or honor! Like those of the dead mountains who forsook themselves and the rest of their kin, just as you did with Anya!" He quickly stood up and roared at me in rage. "I will kill you!" Frankly, I was quite surprised that Velirin was still able to stand up after the beating I gave him. I shook my head at him. "You just don't get it, do you boy? You can't kill me. No one, man or beast can kill me... Nothing can." "Lies! I don't believe you!" He shouted before spitting blood onto the snow. "You are strong, I admit, but you bleed just as I do and you will die just the same." It was my turn to scoff at him. "I wonder which will out last the other. Your strength and blood or your arrogance and pride." He smirked at me as he got back into a fighting stance. "I have faced my limits more times than I can count, Talion. And every time I failed, I ran around the entire mountain of Aríth Ithalaíd until not even shame could keep up with me. I will not stop and I will not fail." I sighed and closed my eyes. "You have already failed, Velirin. What only matters now is how much blood you're willing to spend." I looked back to him with glowing eyes. ~"I. DO. NOT. DIE."~ I raised my sword again and readied myself to attack. ~"But you will."~ Before either of us could make a move, an ice sphere shot down between us both and exploded. "Velirin, Talion, stop!" Anya shouted at us as she landed to my left. "Enough of this!" Velirin frowned at her. "Enough? I don't think so." "Velirin, stop!" Anya shouted. "You've taken the side of an outsider over mine after everything I've done for you and your telling me to stop!?" He asked her. "Please Velirin. It doesn't have to be like this." She begged. "You just don't understand do you, Anya? It's too late." Velirin said. Anya looked greatly distressed. "Velirin." He closed his eyes and sighed. "I can't go back either, Anya." "What?" She asked him. He shook his head and looked back to her. "You were right, Anya. I should have been there for you. I should have fought for you when you needed me... But it's too late now." "No, Velirin. It's not too late. Please stop this. We don't have to fight." Anya pleaded. Velirin stared at her in sadness for a moment before looking back to me. His rage slowly returning. "No." "Velirin, please." She begged. He glared at her. "I have sacrificed everything for you Anya. I have given up far to much to stop now... Until I'm dead or he is, I will not stop." "If only it was so simple." I said. "We shall see." Velirin said and crouched close to the ground as he slowly approached us. "Get back, Anya. Now." I told her. "Please don't do this, Talion." Anya pleaded. "We don't have a choice, Anya... I don't have a choice." I said. Anya moved to my side and looked down at me. "That is not true, Talion. You more than anyone knows we all have a choice. You taught me how to forgive. Please... do the same for me now." At that moment I stopped and looked up at Anya. At that moment I realized what I was doing to her. I saw her worry and fear for me and her brother. I had ignored her. I had pushed her aside and attacked her own brother. Her family. "You must promise me, Talion. Promise me zhat you vill fight for peace and to save lives... Alvays." I looked down at my hands. "I promise Lorentz. Always." I whispered and looked down at my brothers dog tags. "My God... What have I done?" "Talion?" Anya asked. I looked back up to her for a moment before turning towards Velirin. *Father forgive me for what I must do.* I took in a long breath and slowly approached Velirin. He took a defensive stance and readied himself for an attack, but I made no such move. He tilted his head slightly but remained alert as I continued to walk towards him. "Talion?" Anya asked again but I didn't respond. When I finally stepped in front of Velirin, who was still holding his stance, I stopped and raised my arms to my side. Velirin looked at me in surprise. "What is this? What are you doing?" "I'm done, Velirin... It is over." I told him. He snarled at me. "Do you want to die, Talion!?" "It doesn't matter anymore, Velirin. I don't want to fight you... I'm not going to fight you." I told him and he stared at me in shock again. Velirin was in a state of shock, confusion and anger as he stared at me. "Wha-... You..." I moved closer to Velirin. "I never wanted to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt anyone... I'm sorry Velirin... I'm sorry." For a long moment, Velirin was silent. Neither of us moving or making a sound as we stared at each other. After what felt like an eternity of silence, Velirin finally moved and slowly approached until he stood over me. Suddenly without warning, Velirin struck me with a claw. I briefly screamed in pain before I crashed against a large pine tree. "Talion!" Anya shouted in shock. Velirin ignored her and walked towards me in anger. "Do you really believe that your words are enough to detour me? You who has taken away from my family." I sat up against the tree in pain as he approached me. "I only wanted to protect Anya... from myself. It is her decision, not ours... Forgive me." Velirin grabbed me and lifted me to his eye level. "You did this to us! You have driven Anya away from me, our family and our home! For the pain you have caused me, I don't want your apology! I want your death!" I looked him in the eyes without hatred or fear as I spoke. "Then kill me." Velirin's eyes widened in shock as I continued. "If it is my death that you desire, if it will bring you happiness, then finish this... and let it end... with my death... What's one more death?" Velirin stared at me motionless and said nothing as he still held me. After a moment of silence, Velirin started to shake as he lifted me a little higher, when suddenly a flash of light shown behind him and he roured in pain. I grunted as Velirin suddenly dropped me and stumbled backwards in pain. "Do not touch him again!" Anya roared. I looked up and saw Anya's eyes glowing with blue fire as she glared at Velirin in rage. He stared at her in shock as she approached him. "I am done standing aside and watching this madness." Anya told Velirin. "Anya, what-" She interrupted him. "Enough, Velirin! I will hear no more from you." Velirin returned her glare. "What is Talion to you that you would attack your own brother, Anya?" Anya stood up to Velirin. "And what is he to you that you would attack your own sister, Velirin!? He is my mate! If you seek Talion's death, then you seek mine." Velirin's eyes widened again as he stared in complete shock at her. I stood up and watched as Anya continued. "But you... You are no longer my brother... You who forsook me, threatened and attacked me. Talion offered you forgiveness, I offered you forgiveness and you attacked us... You are no brother of mine." Velirin almost stumbled as he backed away from us. I saw the pain in his eyes as he stared at Anya in sorrow and regret. But there was nothing he could say or do that could change what he has said and done. Anya moved to stand next to me as she finished. "Mae gen i gywilydd o fod yn berthynas i chi, Velirin." ("I am ashamed to be your kin, Velirin.") "Leave me... Leave and never seek after me, for I never want to see you again." Velirin backed away from Anya as he stared at her and she stared back, unmoving. Slowly, Velirin turned away and looked down in shame. "Chi hefyd, Anya?" ("You too, Anya?") Velirin stood still for a moment before looking towards the mountains. "Nawr rydw i heb anrhydedd, nhad ... Nawr rydw i heb obaith." ("Now I am without honor, father... Now I am without hope.") For the first time in knowing Velirin, I felt pity for him. I looked down in shame as well. I had not realized his reasonings for wanting Anya back and his rage towards me when he was denied, until now. I don't know or understand what he's been or still going through, but now it would seem that he is alone. And I did this to him. Velirin turned his head to look at Anya one last time. "Maddeuwch imi ... Anya ... am yr hyn rydw i wedi'i wneud ... Edrychwch i'm gweld dim mwy." ("Forgive me... Anya... for what I have done... Look to see me no more.") With that, Velirin slowly began walking away from us with his head held low. Anya watched him walk away for a moment before she looked down as tears filled her eyes. I moved closer to her and placed a hand on her side in comfort as she begun to cry. I had done this to her. I have hurt her and Velirin by driving them apart. I have torn a family apart, again. I looked up to Anya as I rubbed her side and she looked back. "Anya..." "You were right, Talion." She looked down at me in sadness. "I never knew what I had... until it was lost... I wanted so much to be free with you, Talion. So much that I fell in love with you." She closed her eyes as she finished. "Now I am free... but it cost me my brother." I looked down and closed my eyes. "Freedom always has a cost... Anya." ~Their here.~ Diaphanous said. I looked up abruptly as I felt a sudden wave of energy wash over me for a brief moment. A few seconds later, I felt it again. It was stronger than the last. I jerked my head towards Velirin's direction as a third more powerful wave of energy surged through the air around me. "Talion, wha-" Anya was cut short when a forth wave vibrated around us. This time she could feel it. Velirin too. Velirin slowly looked up just when a fifth wave shook the ground as the air in front of him started to ripple like water and light up from an unknown source. "Velirin!" I shouted to him a moment before a final wave of magical energy erupted outward and threw all of us backwards. I landed on my back and rolled a few times before flipping myself upright onto my feet. Anya managed to land back on her claws but Velirin wasn't so quick to recover as he landed on his back before rolling into the base of a large pine tree. I shook my head and looked over to Anya. "Anya, are you- AHHHHH!" I screamed as pain suddenly erupted throughout my body and a bright light shown around me. Anya and Velirin also roured in pain from what I could only assume was the same reason. I tried to turn and move, but my body wasn't responding to my commands. I felt heavy and strained. The air was vibrating and the pressure around me was increasing as if I was sinking deep in the ocean. It got to the point where I was forced to the ground as the pressure became overbearing. But I managed to turn my head a little to see Anya also falling to the ground. My body was becoming extremely stiff and there was a burning sensation rapidly increasing throughout my muscles. Not waiting any longer, I managed to focus my mind enough to change into my wraith form, but even in this form I could still feel the immense amount of energy surrounding me. It was almost overwhelming. Looking up, I saw what looked like a large transparent bubble of purple light over all of us. I don't know what it was, but I knew it is what's forcing us down. "Talion..." Anya called to me in pain. I looked over and saw her crouched down in clear agony from the pressure of this magical sphere. Velirin as well. Not wasting any time, I pulled out my sword and rushed towards the edge of this bubble. I could only hope that this would work. I thrusted the blade straight into the bubble, expecting it to brake but instead my sword was mearly deflected off. Like hitting a rubber tire with a sledge hammer. I recoiled for a moment before attempting a second and third time, ending with the same result. While I continued to assult the bubble, I heard both Velirin and Anya collapse to the ground behind me. "Talion!" Anya cried out. I turned around and saw both of them lying on the ground as they screamed and cried in pain. I was helpless to help them. Anger erupted through me and my eyes burst into blue flames as I roured in rage. I turned back around and lifted my sword in both hands as I imbued it with my will, causing the whole blade to glow blue and begin vibrating in my grasp. "Begone!" I shouted and in a single swift motion, I thrusted my sword forward into the bubble and this time, it passed through. There was a sound of cracking glass followed by what sounded like a loud hum before ending in a low deep boom as the entire magical sphere quickly dispersed outward and vanished. I was a little surprised that I was able to break through it. Behind me, I heard Anya and Velirin breathing in relief as the pressure was lifted from them. I sighed in relief as well and turned to them as I relaxed. They were both attempting to stand up but had to take it slow as they were both still shaking from whatever that magical sphere was. I was just about to walk towards them when they both suddenly gasped in shock and horror. "No... No, that's not possible. It can't be possible!" Velirin shouted. In that single moment, I felt something that I have never felt before. Something I could only describe as absolute power. And it was standing right over me. I slowly turned back around and looked up in complete shock and dread at what I was beholding. Standing at over thirty feet tall was a giant massive behemoth of a bear with deep blue colored fur that looked like a cloudless star filled night sky. It's eyes were a brilliant gold and amber while it's claws and teeth were like the purest white on snow. Lastly there was a bluish vapor like mist radiating off of it's entire body. Like steam from boiling hot water. This magnificent and terrifying creature was radiating in absolute power and strength. Something to truly be respected and feared. And it was smiling right at me. I slowly took a few steps back as I stared up in utter dread at the Ursa Minor. It was truly massive and there was no way of telling just how much power was behind it. But however much it wielded, there was one truth I knew about this creature. This is not an enemy that even I could ever hope to defeat. There was only one thing I could do. "Run." Velirin and Anya were shaken out of their shock as I shouted at them both. "Run!" In instant, Velirin and Anya quickly turned around and bolted at full speed away from the Ursa Minor. The giant bear looked towards the fleeing pair and snarled before rearing it's head back. I grabbed my head and pressed my hands over my ears as the Ursa let out a deafening roar. It was so loud and powerful that even the ground trembled. A shock wave pulsed outwards towards Velirin and Anya, knocking them over and carrying them a short distance as they crashed and tumbled across the ground. Stones and trees were uprooted and sent flying through the air followed by the hills of snow. What was left was a long empty clearing that stretched out like a forest path. "No!" I shouted as I lifted my sword and leaped towards the Ursa's chest. But just as I was about to thrust my blade forward, the bear raised one of it's claws and grabbed me faster than I could react. It was shocking to say the least. To be grabbed mid flight at the speed I had been traveling. I struggled in the Ursa's grasp as it raised me to it's eye level, still giving me a wicked smile. "You are powerful... and dangerous." My struggling stopped as I fell silent and my eyes widened in fear when the Ursa spoke in menacing, booming voice. "The echo of a soul. Only pain brings it back.... Such pain... So much pain." The Ursa raised it's other claw towards me. "Show me." The Ursa's claws started glowing with a dim transparent purple vapor, quickly getting brighter. Before I could attempt to escape from it's grasp, the Ursa's eyes glowed brightly and I felt an overwhelming psychic presence assult my mind. "No! NO!" I screamed in agony as I felt my mental barriers crumble under the unstoppable onslaught of a greater mind. ~"Yes."~ It was all over. There was nothing I could do to stop it. My secrets were lost. It finally ends here. I failed my mission. Like a river breaking through a collapsing dam, the Ursa's will flowed into my mind and for the first time in years, I actually feared for my life. I closed my eyes as a single tear fell. *Father forgive me... for I have failed you... again.* Suddenly, like a shield deflecting an arrow, a shining wall of light appeared in the darkness of my mind and the Ursa's psychic onslaught was halted. ~You are not welcome here.~ My eyes shot open and the pain stopped as I felt a familiar presence in my mind. The Ursa's own eyes widened as it's will was stopped from entering farther into my mind. The Ursa frowned as it attempted to press on farther. ~Who are you that would deny me?~ ~One side of two. A fractured visage once whole. His pain is not yours, power of mine, uncontained and unleashed. Begone from us.~ Diaphanous responded and the Ursa's mind was pushed back. It's grip tightened around me as it's anger grew. ~This is not your body. This is not your mind. Give him to me or I will destroy this circle of two.~ The Ursa demanded. I felt the pain return as the Ursa drove it's will into my mind like a spear. But it did not last as I felt Diaphanous's calming presence wash over my entire being. ~Fight with me, Talion and cast out our enemies.~ Diaphanous called out to me. I struggled to comprehend what was happening to me as the psychic battle ragged in my mind. But hearing Diaphanous's voice calmed me enough to grasp my own will away from the Ursa and regain control over my own thoughts. Diaphanous smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder. ~Let us cast out this invader from our mind, Talion. Together.~ I took in a long calm breath. "Together." I opened my eyes and smiled as our minds merged into an unassailable fortress of unyielding will. Diaphanous mentally laughed as the Ursa recoiled in surprise. ~You are not welcome here, Ursa. Talion. Is. MINE!~ Together as one our will unleashed a massive wave of psychic power that blasted out the Ursa from our mind in one stroke. The Ursa dropped me as it was thrown backwards from the attack and roured as he grabbed his head in pain while trying to remain standing. I coughed and held my head as I rolled over to stand up. My head was pounding and vibrating from the psychic energy that had passed through me. But I managed to steady myself as I stood up and turned back to face the Ursa who was shaking it's own head. "What manner of unholy power could create such a creature?" I asked as I backed away. ~The Ursa Minor. Celestial ancient. A powerful and dangerous predator possessing a vast well of true magic from it's realm. Powerful enough to move a mountain and throw it into the ocean.~ Diaphanous explained. "We need to leave. Now." I said before turning around. ~Talion, stop. Do not run.~ Diaphanous told me. "I cannot defeat this enemy, Diaphanous. Not even I am physically capable of such a feat." I responded. I felt Diaphanous's concern. ~If you flee, he will follow us. We have been marked by his power. He will never stop hunting us.~ "Why, Diaphanous?" I asked him. ~The Ursa is a predator, Talion. He is out for the hunt and he has made you his prey.~ He replied. "Why me?" I asked him. Diaphanous mentally sighed as he answered. ~They feed off of energy. Particularly psychological energy caused by emotions... He has felt your pain, Talion. He hungers for it.~ My eyes widened a little in realization. "The Ursa was hunting Velirin for his pain... But now he hunts me... for mine." I was so focused on my battle with Velirin and bent on defeating him that I hadn't even gave thought to the possibility of me attracting other creatures to us. Diaphanous tried to warn me. I am responsible for bringing the Ursa here. ~Talion.~ Diaphanous called. I turned back to face the Ursa. "What will you have us do?" ~Mirror the Ursa. You have already acknowledged that he cannot be defeated by any means you physically possess. So let it perceive the same of us. If it believes that we are as unbeatable as itself, then it will cease aggression and flee.~ Diaphanous explained. "That is an incredibly dangerous gamble, Diaphanous." I said. ~An Ursa Major will always fight to the death. While a Minor, when met with an equal power, will always flee when it is clear that it cannot win. The Minor will only hunt what it knows it can defeat and what it deems powerful enough to consume. ~ Diaphanous explained. "What of the Major?" I asked him. ~Make no mistake, Talion. He is watching us. Only go so far as to drive away the Ursa Minor, else we incurre the wrath of the Major.~ He said. "And what if I can't drive the Ursa away, Diaphanous? What if I fail?" I asked him. Diaphanous smirked. ~Then I will show this Minor where his place is. Leave him to me.~ I looked down for a moment. "You've faced them before, haven't you?" Diaphanous was silent for a moment before replying. ~Old friends turned enemies. Trust and loyalty once renowned, now forsaken for power. They will not forgive me... and neither will I.~ I closed my eyes and sighed. ~It seems... we are truly the same, Diaphanous... A circle of two cursed souls.~ ~I'm sorry, Talion.~ He said. I closed my eyes and tightened my grip on my sword. "No Diaphanous. You tried to warn me and I ignored you... This was my doing." ~It is our doing, Talion.~ Diaphanous corrected me. The Ursa turned towards me with pure rage as it's eyes lit up again. My own eyes lit up as well and I raised my sword again. ~"Then let us finish this, together."~ Diaphanous smiled. ~Together.~ ++ I pushed myself up and shook my head before attempting to stand again. I was still shaking from the shock and fear of being in the presence of one of dragonkind's oldest and terrible enemies. But I couldn't stay here. I had to move and get Anya out of here to safety. My body was in pain. Much of my energy had been spent in my fight with Talion. With great effort, I managed to stand up and keep myself balanced enough so I could look around. Instantly, I saw Anya attempting to stand up on her own but failing to do so. I moved as fast as I could to Anya's side and helped her up. "Are you alright, Anya?" She shook her head and steadied herself on shaking legs before replying. "Yes, but, Talion-" Her eyes widened and she quickly turned towards the Ursa Minor. "Talion!" My own eyes widened and the feeling of dread washed over me as I looked and saw my rival, Talion, being held in the Ursa's grasp. The Ursa's claws were glowing with true magic and it's eyes were shinning brightly like the stars imbued into it's fur. "Oh no." I said. Anya was about to run over to them but I quickly reached over and grabbed her shoulder. "Anya, don't!" She turned to face me. "Let go of me, Velirin!" I shook my head. "No Anya. We can't stop the Ursa. It's to late for him." "No it's not! I can still save him!" She shouted at me. "We can't battle an Ursa and live, Anya! No dragon can! We must flee and alert father and mother that our enemies have returned." I reasoned. "No!" Anya pulled away and turned to face me completely. "I have ran and hidden myself away from the world for far too long, Velirin! I will not stand idle any longer and watch my home burn again!" I was shocked and fearful for my sister. She was willing to go to her death to try and save Talion. I just didn't understand who Talion was to Anya and what he has done to her. "Anya, please. Don't do this. I'm trying to save you." I begged her. Anya looked shocked at me for a moment before reverting to anger. "HOW DARE YOU!" Anya slashed a claw across my face in rage and I withdrew in shock from the sudden blow. "Save me!? SAVE ME!? After what you've done to me and everything you've put me through!? You can't even save yourself!" She got up in my face. "You think you've been through hell, Velirin!? You who has taken away everything I have ever wanted and hoped for! EVERYTHING! You will not take Talion from me." I stared at Anya in shame and guilt. I was completely speechless by her words. They had hurt me more than any injury or broken bone I have ever received. They were all true. "Anya, I... I don't understand." I said. "Don't, Velirin. It is over. There is nothing more to say. I have tried to forgive you even when you have hurt me. I wanted nothing more than to be forgiven in return. But it is clear to me now that you never forgave me." She turned away from me as she finished. "I am changed, Velirin. I am not the same dragoness you once knew. I have seen and faced things that are far more terrible and frightening than you will ever know. And it is Talion who led me through them." She paused to look back at me. "He saved me, Velirin. I owe him my life and so much more... And that is something you will truly never understand." Anya spread her wings and readied herself to lift off. I shook myself and quickly rushed over to her again. "No Anya, don't! You'll die!" I shouted, but she snapped her teeth at me, causing me to take a step back. "I don't care!" She shouted back at me. "Even if it is so, even if there is no chance of survival or victory, Talion is my mate. I will fight and die with him to whatever end... Because it is enough for me just to hope." With that, Anya leaped into the air and flew towards the Ursa, who had released Talion and was now readying to attack him again. "Anya!" I called out to her but stopped when I saw a bright light suddenly emit outwards from her. "No... It can't be... True magic." Anya's eyes were ablaze with blue fire and her whole body shined with brilliant radiant light as she unleashed a beam of blue fire at the Ursa Minor. ++ I unleashed my frost fire breath onto the Ursa Minor as I flew towards him. He roared in pain and I took the opportunity to target his head with my breath weapon. In response, the Ursa reared back on his hind legs and attempted to swing both of his claws at me, but I quickly folded my wings and dropped down next to Talion as I unleashed another jet of frost fire onto the Ursa's now unprotected underside. I then quickly grabbed a hold of Talion with my tail before leaping backwards with him away from the Ursa just as he brought both claws down, causing the ground to explode where we had been. An Ursa's strength was so great that it could easily cut through even an elder dragon's hardest scales. I had to take care and be vigilant as to avoid any strike. As I landed away from the Ursa and set Talion back down, I was able to see the effect of my breath weapon on him. The blue and white flames burned away the Ursa's fur, leaving behind a layer of ice over his frost bitten skin. The Ursa was shaking himself and growling in pain and anger before directing his attention towards me. I smiled a little to myself. I felt no more fear nor dread from this terrible enemy of mine, because now I had a power that it did not. A power that could hurt him. It truly was something magnificent. My fight against the frost worm with Talion had been a great achievement. I never once thought it possible to defeat that kind of enemy alone. But thanks to my mate, I now have access to my kind's once lost and forgotten True Magic. Talion had saved me and unleashed my true power. And now I would use it to save him, again. "Anya." Talion called to me and I turned to him. "The Ursa hunts me. You need to leave before he targets you." I looked a little shocked at him. "What? No Talion. I won't leave you." The Ursa roared and began circling us as it growled. "Anya-" I cut him off before he could try to convince me to leave. "You never once left me, Talion. Do not ask me to leave you. Not now or ever." ~You are my mate, Talion. I will fight and die by your side to what ever end. Always.~ He looked up at me for a short moment before smiling at me and nodding. I smiled back at him and we both returned our attention towards the Ursa, mirroring his circling path. Even though I no longer feared the Ursa, he was still an intimidating creature to be in the presence of. His size, strength and power, but what really added to the intimidation was the Ursa's booming voice. It felt powerful enough to command a mountain to move. "You are not my prey anymore, little dragoness. But your essence will be mine as his will." I raised my own voice to match the Ursa's. "We are not your prey anymore, Ursa! This time we are stronger!" The Ursa stopped and turned to face us with a smile. "Yesss. Gather your strength. Soon we will take it." Talion and I also stopped and turned to face the Ursa fully. "If you feed on pain, then I welcome you to the feast!" Talion shouted as he pointed his sword at him. The Ursa growled and roared as he charged towards us both. Talion held his sword with both hands and flashed towards the Ursa while I launched myself into the air. *Father in heaven... save me from death... and I will be yours in life.* ++ Darkness had covered the whole valley and ash fell across the land like black snow. The thunder grew distant and silent before all fell still and quiet. Only brief flashes of light from silent thunder lit up the Dead Mountains for a short moment before even they were blotted out from the smoke, clouds and ash. The ground shakes, the mountains tremble, the wind flees, for even they fear the ever oncoming storm of war and death. ~They are coming.~ > Chapter 17: Bad company: Part II > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details *Thoughts* ~Mental speaking~ "Normal speaking" ~"Mental and normal speaking"~ Songs ...(Radio static)... CIRCLE OF TWO ~Do not stand at my grave and weep,~ ~I am not there;~ ~I will not sleep.~ ~I am the black shadow of Death,~ ~I search for you.~ ~I am the long last dying breath.~ ~I am the Sun, the dusk and the dawn,~ ~I run from you.~ ~I am a mirror, a king and a pawn.~ ~I am the thousand winds that blow,~ ~I call to you.~ ~I am the blood stains in the snow.~ ~I am the Moon in circling flight,~ ~I hide from you.~ ~I am the soft stars that shine at night.~ ~I am the tears that Passion cried,~ ~I weep for you.~ ~I am the forgotten sacrifice.~ ~I am the life you gave to fight,~ ~I look to you.~ ~I am the hope that brought you light.~ ~Do not stand at my grave and cry,~ ~I am not there;~ ~"I. WILL. NOT. DIE."~ *Father, forgive me for what I have done.* "You are forsaken!" The Ursa roared as he reared back on his hind legs before Talion had reached him and swung both claws, sending out white streaks of magic. Talion quickly flashed to his left and right as he dodged the magical blades. The streaks briefly cut through the ground before exploding, sending snow and dirt into the air. I unleashed my frost fire breath onto the Ursa from above, giving Talion ample opportunity to get close. In response, the Ursa roared at me, sending out a shock wave of force magic in my direction. I quickly dodged by folding in my wings and swooping down under the wave. Talion had flashed underneath the Ursa and slashed his sword across one of his legs, causing the bear to try and hit him. But before he had the chance, I breathed more frost fire onto his head while Talion stabbed his sword into the Ursa's elbow. The Ursa lost his balance and tripped over his own legs as I flew close by his head and slashed my claws across his face. Talion swiftly rolled out from under the Ursa as he fell while I dropped to the ground. I quickly turned towards the Ursa again and breathed a jet of frost fire at his side causing him to roar in pain as he rolled over and turned towards me. The Ursa's eyes lit up as he inhaled. "Perish!" My eyes widened as the Ursa breathed out a bright white and purple fire towards me, similar to the white streaks from his claws. Thinking fast, I quickly inhaled and unleashed my own frost fire at the Ursa in return. Our breath weapons collided with a loud hiss as a bright white sphere of energy started to rapidly build up in the center of collision. And before either of us had the chance to stop, the sphere exploded outwards, knocking the Ursa and I backwards. As unexpected as the effect was, I managed to stay standing and steady myself. While the Ursa steadied himself, I briefly looked around for Talion, but didn't see him. The Ursa growled in frustration as he slowly approached me again. "Fotiá pagetoú!" ("Frost fire!") "That power was taken from dragonkind centuries ago!" "It has been reclaimed." I said with a smile. The Ursa roared in rage and charged towards me. My eyes lit up and I leaped towards him in return and exhaled frost fire at him. He roared and attempted to blindly swing at me, expecting me to take to the air again. Instead, I crouched low to the ground to duck his attack before leaping towards him again. He roared in surprise and pain as I suddenly bit onto his exposed neck. In an attempt to shake me off, the Ursa swung his body around and attempted to bite me in return, but I used the momentum to swing my own body over him, causing my teeth to sink deeper into his flesh. Just as I dug my claws into the Ursa's back, a flash of light shown in front of me and I saw Talion stabbing his sword into the back of the Ursa's neck. The Ursa continued to roar in pain before rearing on his hind legs. "Storm unleashed!" A boom was heard above us in the sky, followed by the flashing and cracking of thunder. Before either Talion or I could react, lightning started to rapidly strike the Ursa and course across his whole body forcing me to quickly leap off of him. Talion however wasn't as fast to react and was struck by some of the arcs and was thrown off by the Ursa, who quickly grabbed him mid air and smashed him into the ground. In an attempt to stop the Ursa, I took to the air again, but before I could unleash my frost fire, the Ursa suddenly jumped and grabbed me mid air. It was so sudden and unexpected that I had no time to react. I screamed as the Ursa brought me back down and slammed me into the Earth. My vision flashed red with pain and before I could recover, the Ursa had lifted me up again and threw me. I crashed into several large trees before coming to a stop against a cluster of boulders. The pain was almost unbearable, but I couldn't give up now. I shook my head and managed to push myself back up as I heard the Ursa roar again. Looking back to the fight, I saw Talion stabbing his sword into the Ursa's back repeatedly. The Ursa attempted to shake Talion off, but he only caused him to continue stabbing. I struggled, but I managed to quickly run back over to them and rejoin the fight. I breathed frost fire onto the ground in front of the Ursa before flapping my wings to direct it towards him. While I continued to breath frost fire at the Ursa, I was able to see the extent of the damage he has sustained thus far. A deep blue colored blood was pouring out of the Ursa's many wounds. Many parts of his fur had been burned away by my breath weapon, leaving behind scared patches of pale, frost bitten skin. Even as strong and powerful as the Ursa was, I could tell he was reaching his limits. If I recall correctly what the elder dragons taught me, both types of Ursa will more than often make the mistake of spending too much of their magic reserves too early in fights. Forcing them to either retreat or result to primarily using their physical capabilities. But make no mistake, an Ursa can be extremely dangerous either way. My attention was brought back to the Ursa I was currently fighting when he let out another roar as he stood up on his hind legs before repeatedly slamming his claws into the Earth. The ground trembled and cracked opened like an earthquake as the Ursa roared in rage, eyes glowing red. I managed to leap backwards away from the Ursa, followed by Talion as he jumped off his back. Now it was clear to me that the Ursa was spending a great amount of his power. I was sure that at this rate, he will be forced to retreat. "Anya." Talion called to me and I looked to see him breathing heavily. "The Ursa's power is nearly spent. His attacks will continue to increase in strength until his magic is completely depleted. Be careful." "We can defeat him, Talion. Together." I assured him. "Friends till the end... How touching." The Ursa said and chuckled. Talion and I returned our attention back to the Ursa as he slowly approached us. "Impressive... You've surprised me little dragoness. I hadn't expected one so young to be so powerful. You may yet be worthy of a challenge to me." "As I said before. I. Am. Stronger." I replied. The Ursa growled and started to circle me again. "You cannot know strength, until you are broken." I smiled in return as I walked in the opposite direction. "I'm curious, did you learn that when my ancestors drove your kind from these lands?" He growled in response as his eyes lit up. "This time, we will not be denied what is ours! You have no king to stop us now!" He stood up on his hind legs and raised his claws into the air. "This time, you will fall!" When the Ursa finished, lightning began rapidly striking his claws. Before I had a chance to move, the Ursa growled as he turned towards me and swung his claws, sending out arcs of lightning at me. "No!" I heard Talion shout a split second before the arcs of positive energy struck me. I screamed in terrible agony as electricity coursed through my body. The pain was truly unbearable. Indescribable. I was brought to my knees as all feelings throughout my body was replaced with searing pain. I don't know how long I was being electrocuted, but just as I was about to pass out, Talion appeared in front of me and held out his hands. "Talion!" I managed to scream in horror and pain as he took my place and was repeatedly struck by the lightning. The Ursa smiled as he held out his other claw, striking Talion with more electricity. Talion grunted and closed his eyes as he was brought to his knees. The Ursa approached closer and laughed. "How very noble and foolish. You may have the wisdom and knowledge of two minds, mortel, but I have the wisdom and power of a god!" Talion bowed his head for a moment before looking back up with a determined look. "Power will be your undoing." He stood up and lowered his arms. "And your false gods have forsaken you." Talion finished and began walking towards the Ursa. The lightning that the Ursa was unleashing on Talion seemed to no longer have any effect on him. Instead Talion's form seemed to be getting brighter as he approached the Ursa. The Ursa looked shocked and frustrated as he continued to try to stop Talion. "Impossible!" Despite the pain, I smiled to myself in realization of what was happening. "It is not magic, Ursa. It is science." Talion flashed forward at the Ursa and drove his sword into his chest. There was a bright flash and a very, very loud sound that I couldn't really describe as the energy built up in Talion was discharged onto the Ursa. "NOOOOOOO!" The Earth trembled and the Ursa let out a deafening roar in agony as his own power was turned against him. I watched on in amazement of what Talion was capable of doing while trying to remain standing. Surprisingly, the discharge of electricity didn't last as long as I expected. Just less than a second actually. Soon after the blinding light dissipated, I saw Talion collapse to the ground as the electricity left his body. He was breathing heavily and smoke was coming off of him. I would have been surprised to see him still alive, if I didn't know his true nature. Now that the Ursa was lying motionless on the ground I was able to see the aftermath of our fight so far. The Ursa was covered in ice and frost bitten skin across his body. There was a bloody gash across his left eye and smoke was emitting off of his body. There was no longer a glowing aura around him. I couldn't believe it. We had done it. We had defeated the Ursa Minor. I never once thought such a feat could be accomplished without at least five adult dragons, but Talion and I have done what they couldn't. "Anya." Talion called me. I looked to Talion and saw him slightly limping over to me while holding his side. "It's over Talion... We did it." I told him. He stopped and looked back at the Ursa for a long moment. "Talion?" I asked him. "It's so strange." He said. "What Talion?" I asked. He continued to stare at the dead Ursa as he spoke. "The last time I felt that kind of power flow through me... was the day I gave up my life and forfeited my freedom... The day I became what I am now... An Undying." I struggled for a bit, but I managed to crawl closer to Talion and leaned down to nuzzle against his shoulder. Talion looked down at his hands. "I... I had hoped... if only for a moment that this would end... That my suffering would finally end and I could be at peace... That's all I wanted." I leaned my head against his in comfort. "Talion." He sighed and looked up. "It's okay... I'm alright, Diaphanous. It's over now." I tilted my head in confusion. "What?" "No, please... tell me about the Undying... Talion." We both quickly turned towards the Ursa and saw him slowly pushing himself up. "No." I said in disbelief. I started to tremble in fear, but Talion stood his ground and slowly raised his sword again. ++ The Ursa stood still and held his head low while breathing heavily. "You... truly are... a dangerous one... But..." He looked up at me with one eye as the other was bleeding. "I. Am. Stronger." Suddenly, I felt the Ursa's mind lash out at mine again. I screamed in pain and dropped my sword to grab my head as I fell to my knees. "Now it is over." The Ursa said as he slowly walked over to us. "Now you will die." He reached down and lifted me up. "No!" Anya shouted and breathed frost fire at the Ursa, but was quickly stopped as the Ursa grabbed her by the neck and slammed her into the ground. "Be silent dragoness! You mean nothing to me!" "Talion!" Anya cried out to me in tears as she weakly thrashed around and attempted to free herself. The Ursa growled and squeezed down harder around Anya's neck. "For what your kind did to us, this is merciful." "Leave her alone!" I shouted and attempted to mentally attack the Ursa in return. The Ursa winced and growled in pain before slamming me down next to Anya. "Such a pity... So much wrath and rage you have, but you do not use them. So I will take it from you." I looked up at the Ursa without fear as I spoke. "Death... cannot break me... You cannot kill me." The Ursa smirked at me. "An admirable feat, to fight on, even in defeat. But now you have wasted your strength." I closed my eyes for a moment and smiled. "Even in defeat..." I looked back up at the Ursa and what I said next left him speechless. "Even in defeat I will fight until the blood takes the sword from my hands, until my heart stops beating, until my legs fail to support me and I can only crawl! And even then, you will not defeat me. Even then, you will not kill me!... Even then... I will spit in your face... Because it is enough for me just to hope, that is all the strength I need." The Ursa stared at me in complete astonishment for a moment. Even Anya was taken a back by my resolve. For a long moment, there was silence before the Ursa finally spoke. But this time there was no cruelty in his voice. Only respect. "You. Are... Worthy... You are one who's name is to truly be respected... You have mine, Talion. You will be remembered." I stared into the Ursa's eyes for a long moment before closing my eyes and leaning my head down. "You keep what you kill. There is always another trial... We all want to be remembered." Slowly, the Ursa raised me up higher as his claws began to glow with magic again. "Take solace in this, Talion, you may have fought alone, but you will not die alone." Once again, I shocked the Ursa. "I may have been alone then, but I am not alone now... I refuse to fade." I looked up at the Ursa again. ~"I. WILL. NOT. DIE."~ My eye lit up and a draconic roar was heard from behind the Ursa, followed by the sound of cracking glass. The Ursa roared in pain as ice shards pierced his back. He let go of us and quickly turned around just as Velirin flew in and slashed his claws over his face. Velirin quickly landed and spun around, striking his tail against the Ursa's right elbow, causing the bear to lose his balance and fall. But before the Ursa hit the ground, I performed a back flip kick to his chin. The Ursa roared and backed away as he held his jaw in pain, while I leaned down and picked up my sword as Velirin stood beside me. "Velirin-" I started but he interrupted me. "I know what I have said and done, Talion, but say what you will of me, I am no deserter... I will never abandon my kin again." I looked up at him for a moment. After all we have just gone through, he was willing to put aside his hate to prove me wrong. Maybe I was wrong about him. Perhaps there was hope for him. I nodded and we both turned towards the Ursa again, who was still backing away from us. "Never in my long years have I ever thought it possible to defeat an Ursa, alone... It would seem my fear of them was misplaced, as was my respect." Velirin commented. "Let us put aside our grievances, Velirin. Together we are stronger. Let our strength be as one." I said and raised my sword. Velirin looked down at me for a moment and nodded. "I was wrong about you, Talion... You're not cruel. You're not heartless... You are a greater man than I, Talion... Anya has chosen wisely." "I'm glad you're with us, Velirin." Anya said as she stood next to me as well. Velirin looked to her and smiled. "This time, I will not fail you, Anya. This time, I will prove father wrong." "NO!" The Ursa roared in frustration. We looked back to the Ursa as he smashed his claws into the ground. "I will not flee from them again! Not this time!" The Ursa shouted to the sky before turning towards us again. Suddenly, the Ursa's fur began to change. It was becoming darker and the stars imbued into it were vanishing, leaving behind nothing but the darkness of space. Soon, all of the color on the Ursa's fur became black and his eyes, red. ~"This time... she will be avenged."~ The Ursa's voice took on a much more sinister tone as his body suddenly burst into white flames. There were no more traces of the wounds he has received. Only darkness. Velirin began to tremble in fear. "Soul fire." I looked up at him. "What do you mean? What's happening?" Anya was also shaking in fear now. "He's... He's..." Velirin finished for her. "He's becoming a Major." In sudden realization, I looked back to the Ursa in dread. He was growing in size and power. The Ursa looked towards us and smiled. ~"I. Am. Stronger. You will fear us again."~ The earth began to tremble and crack open as the air vibrated and began to rapidly heat up around us. I watched on in amazement and horror as the Ursa laughed, but then I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder. ~Talion... It is time.~ I looked down for a moment and smiled. "Finally." I looked back to the Ursa and stepped forward. His smile vanished and was replaced with anger as he watched me. "You want to know why I do not fear the strong, Ursa?" I said with a smile before reverting to a look of determination as my eyes lit up. ~"Because I am beyond strength."~ Suddenly, my vision began to shift and change as Diaphanous reached out to the Ursa's mind. ~My turn.~ I watched in silence while the Ursa ceased all movement and growled as he lowered his head. The air began to vibrate and heat up more as Diaphanous and the Ursa engaged in psychological warfare. Stones and uprooted trees began to levitate off the ground, causing Velirin and Anya to gasp in shock. Diaphanous smiled as he mentally lashed out at the Ursa's mind. ~You are out of your place, boy. In this realm, my will is supreme.~ The Ursa growled and roared before shaking his head around. His size began to revert back to its original and the color of his fur returned, but the Soul fire remained. "No!... NO!" He shouted and looked at me, this time, in fear. ~You felt their pain, now feel yours!~ Diaphanous shouted and unleashed his will. The Ursa threw his head back and roared in agony as he started to thrash around while Diaphanous entered his mind. "Stop!" ~No.~ Diaphanous said cruelly. Velirin and Anya's eyes widened in fear as the mental battle echoed in their minds as well. ~A child who has only known hate, confuses it for love... What is this about? Siblings?... A sister. Tell me her name.~ The Ursa continued to shake his head. "No, don't!... Talitha!" Diaphanous didn't relent. ~Ah, yes. I see. She saved you, but failed to save herself... or rather... you failed her.~ The Ursa slammed his claws into the Earth, causing me to leap backwards to steady myself on stable ground. Diaphanous continued. ~You held Talitha close, watching the life drain from her eyes as she died, hoping that she would take you with her... It was all your fault." The Ursa stood still and held his head low. For a brief second, I saw tears in his eyes. "And now... you fear to fail him... Like father, like son.~ Diaphanous finished in a cruel voice. The Ursa continued to thrash his head around, attempting to free his mind. "He killed her! They killed her! Traitors! All of them! They will all die! I WILL KILL YOU ALL!" The Ursa attempted to mentally repel Diaphanous, who easily deflected the psychic energy. ~I am not finished with you yet, Polaris.~ Diaphanous said, revealing the Ursa's name. Suddenly, Polaris stopped all movement. ~"Yes. You. Are."~ Polaris reared back his head and unleashed the most powerful, devastating roar I have ever heard. It was more powerful than even the loudest of explosions and roaring jet engines. I screamed in pain and held my ears, trying to block out the sound. I could see from the corner of my vision, Velirin and Anya screaming in agony as well. I felt Diaphanous retreat to my mind as he was cast out from the Ursa's. "RAHHHHHH!" I roared and entered my true wraith form. Polaris stared me dead in the eyes, but I knew that he wasn't truly looking at me. But at Diaphanous. "It was you... You were there. You were the one who deceived us, lead the ancients to these lands and betrayed us to Bahamut... king Diaphanous." My eyes widened in shock. I couldn't believe it. My internal shock increased even more as Diaphanous began laughing. ~Hehahaha!.. I never betrayed your ancestors, boy. They betrayed me... Ask your sister.~ Polaris started to breath heavily as his eyes became red. His fur started to darken again and now I could physically feel the burning hatred radiating off of him. "I will do what Talitha could not. The dragon race will die and your empire will never rise again! This I promise you, on my blood and on my true name, ~Strüiedev~... You. Die. Here." With that, Polaris opened his mouth and spoke one last word. "Thánatos." ("Death.") A black and red aura erupted outwards from Polaris. There was no time to react. Everything seemed to slow down as I watched the wall of death come towards us. This time, there was nothing I can do. This time, I couldn't save Anya. "Time." Everything and everyone froze as the death spell vanished and all became silent and still. "Hehahahahahah." A pitch black mist slowly poured out from the Earth like blood as the sky darkened and the snow turned red. "Isn't this just like... OLD TIMES?" ~No... It can't be.~ Diaphanous said in utter dread. "Thank you... all of you... for letting me in." The Earth began to crack and quake, quickly becoming stronger as the black mist erupted skyward like a geyser. ~Run Talion! NOW!~ Diaphanous shouted. Suddenly, all of our shock and dread vanished. I jumped onto Anya's back and poured my power into her. "Fly! NOW!" I shouted and Anya's eyes burst into blue fire. Velirin and Anya both quickly launched themselves into the air and away from the black mist. Just as we started to climb, thunder boomed overhead along with the Earth as the mountains themselves began to shake. Lightning began to rapidly strike the ground and we heard the Ursa roar in pain behind us. I turned back for a brief moment and saw Polaris roaring in terror as he was pulled down into the Earth as it opened up around him. His figure vanished beneath the darkness as he was swallowed up by the black mist. Just as I was about to turn away, I noticed that the whole valley was trembling. The trees were falling over as the Earth collapsed beneath them. The mountains shook and fell over around us before suddenly being thrown skyward. Like a volcano, the Earth erupted with a very powerful explosion. With no time to react, all I could do was wrap my arms around Anya's neck and hold on for her life. Velirin and Anya roared in pain as the blast threw us through the air. We were carried by the shock wave so fast that I was sure we had broke the sound barrier as the sound had become muffled and stretched out for a very brief moment. My ears were ringing and my vision was disoriented as we spun through the air. Eventually, I was able to hear and see properly again, just in time to notice that we were free falling back towards the valley. I looked up to Anya and saw that she had been knocked unconscious from the shock wave. "Anya!" I called out to her, but received no response. Out of the corner of my eyes the fast approaching mountain we were heading towards. "Anya!" I called out again. I closed my eyes and placed a hand on her neck. ~"Anya!"~ With one last final call, I poured my power and mind into Anya as her eyes shot wide open. In a single moment, Anya's eyes burst into blue flames again and her whole body became covered in shadows as she changed into a wraith. A split second before we reached the ground, Anya flashed upwards over the forest. We soured high above the valley as molten rocks fell around us and pelted the mountains below. I briefly looked to my side and noticed that Anya wasn't using her wings to hold us in place. They were instead folded to her sides as we hovered in place. ~"Velirin!"~ Anya shouted. I looked down and saw Velirin falling towards the forest below before disappearing altogether in the tall trees. ~"No!"~ Anya shouted and was about to fly after her brother when suddenly a very, very large shadow that engulfed the entire forest loomed over us, causing us to freeze. Slowly, we both turned around and looked up as we gasped in complete dread. There are no words in Equestrian, Dragon or the tongues of man that could describe the unimaginable fear I was feeling at what I be held. "Bahamut." "My God... What have we done?" Silence fell upon the land and everything froze as Bahamut released the most powerful roar imaginable to the heavens. It began like distant thunder that grew to that of a hurricane. It was almost indescribable. It was so incredibly powerful and loud as if I was standing in front of a Boeing jet turbine at full power. Anya and I screamed in terrible agony as we watched with dread the Mad King rising from the Earth, escaping his tomb. Thunder cracked and boomed across the sky. The winds fled with the clouds, revealing the night sky and even the mountains parted and trembled under Bahamut. "Stars... fall... the hardest... And you have fallen so far." We both continued to watch in dread as Bahamut held up Polaris in one claw and gave a wide sinister smile. "Yes... this is indeed just like... OLD TIMES... HEHEHAHAHAHA! HEHAHAHAHAHA!" Fear. I felt fear. Bahamut the Dragon Tyrant has returned and I am the one who has awaken him. This was all my fault. "Father, forgive me for what I have done." *Breath in, count to four. Breath out, count to four. Repeat.* "Now remember, the secret to driving a strike." *Remember.* "Focus the energy of your whole body here and here. And let it travel through to your blade as you swing or thrust it forward." Silence befell as I steadied my mind and body. "Remember that it is a part of you, an extension of your arm. Empower it with your will and guide it to its target." *Breath in,* I closed my eyes and slowly raised my sword. *Count to four.* "Now," *Breath out,* I crouched low to the ground and readied my stance. "Drive your strike!" My eyes shot open and I lunged forward as I drove my blade forward. In a fast motion, I spun around and slashed my sword repeatedly at my target before leaping over it and driving the blade through its neck. *Remember... Iron Heart. Always.* I closed my eyes and sighed as I lowered my sword. "Always." I opened my eyes and turned around to examine my work. A tall wood and straw dummy littered the ground around me. Its arms and legs were dismembered and looking down I saw the dummy head still impaled on my sword. "Impressive." I turned my head to the side and saw my father, Stone Hoof, standing behind me with a smile and his arms folded. "I must admit, you've really surprised me on how fast you're growing your skills, Iron Hoof." I smiled at him and removed the dummy head from my sword. "Thanks dad." I walked up to him. "What're you doing over here? I thought you were working on the roof." He chuckled at me. "Of course I was, at least over an hour ago. Haven't you've been paying attention to the time?" My eyes widened a little and I looked up to see that the sun had just settled over the horizon. The sky was steadily darkening, giving way to the stars above. "Oh... I guess I was a little too distracted with my training." I replied. My father raised a brow. "Oh really? Is that what you're calling all this?" He gestured behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw at least a dozen or so of destroyed training dummies littering our whole back yard. "I'm just a little excited about joining the academy. I need all the practice that I can get to impress the judges." "I'll say. You've been tearing these things down faster than I can put them back together." He remarked. I walked over to a small table and picked up my sword's scabbard. "Well, seeing as I'm fresh out of combatants, now seems like a good time to take a break anyway." I placed the sword in its scabbard before drinking some water from a pitcher. It has been a little over three months since I had last seen my friend and mentor, Talion. And in that time, my father, with some hired help, had been working on building our new home. Thanks to my father's skill in masonry and my mother's skills in art, the blueprint they had both made for our house mostly resembles a small, two storied wood and stone keep. It even has Its own tower next to the large double door entrance. Although much of the house was still incomplete, it was still coming along nicely. Father even mentioned some plans on building a small wall around the property to keep wild animals out of our land. The land that my father had purchased was located by a small river on the outskirts of Ponyville, near the Everfree forest. There were very few houses out here, other than a few small farms and cottages, this part of town is mostly quiet. A perfect place for me to train without distraction from the town's ponies. The ponies of this town themselves are a pleasant folk. Friendly and easy to get along with. They instantly took a liking to us and welcomed us in with open arms. Many even offered assistance in helping us get settled out here. Although quite a few were concerned about the location and had warned us of the dangers the Everfree forest posed to us. Though my father had assured them that we were capable of defending ourselves and would be fine. I myself have taken every opportunity to train myself, mentally and physically, the lessons Talion had taught me. Although, I wish I could have learned more from him. I did wonder how Talion was. I wondered what he was doing and where he was going. If he had met anyone else out there and if he was still alone. I leaned my head low and closed my eyes "I wish he was here." My father hearing this, came over and placed a hand on my shoulder. "You're still thinking about him, aren't you?" I sighed as I turned away slightly. "I... It hasn't been... the same, training without him." "That's not everything, is it?" He asked me. "No." I answered. My father moved to stand in front of me. "I know your worried about him, Iron Hoof. I know you miss him." I looked up to him with teary eyes. "Even though I had only known him for a short time, I've never looked up to anyone more than Talion." I paused as I looked down at his dog tags. "He was my friend... I miss him." My father placed his hands on my shoulders as he spoke. "I miss him too, Iron Hoof. We both do, your mother and I... He is our friend too." I looked back up and smiled. "Talion is more than a friend and a mentor to me, dad. Weather he believes it or not, he is hero... A true hero who gave his life, more times than anyone could count, for those who will never know." My dad smiled as well. "But we know, Iron Hoof. We know who Talion is and we won't forget him." "No, I won't." I turned and picked up my blade. "That's why I keep training. To remember him." My father watched me as I walked towards the center of our backyard. "I wonder how he is and where he is. If he is still out there, alone. Or if he's found anyone else in those empty lands... I wonder if he's still running... Or if he's found peace." My dad walked back up to me and stopped me from raising my sword. "I do not believe that he is alone. As he has showed us, no one is ever alone. Our father in heaven is always watching over us all and I know he is watching over Talion right now." He took my sword out of my hand as he continued. "We will meet Talion again. I believe it. So rest assured, son. We will see him someday." I looked down for a moment before turning back to my father. "I believe it too, dad. Thank you." He smiled at me again and pulled me into a hug. "You're welcome, son... Now that's enough training for today. Come inside. I have something for you." "We both do, Iron Hoof." I heard my mom's voice from behind. I turned towards our home and saw my mother, Lura, standing at the backdoor, carrying my sleeping, younger brother in a bundle of cloth. My younger brother had been born just over a month ago. I had never been so happy to know that it was a boy. His hair and mane was the same silver color as mine, but with a light gold trim on the edges and instead of a light gray coat like mine, his fur was a spotless white like our mother's. "How long have you been standing there, mom?" I asked. She smiled at me. "Long enough... I didn't want to interrupt this touching father and son moment." My dad walked up to my mom and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Don't you think it's a little cold to be bringing Aothar out here, dear?" My mother chuckled and kissed my father back. "I only came out to let the both of you know that I have finished my work." My excitement grew in hearing this. "You mean, it's done? Can we see it?" "That is why I made it. To see and always remember. Come inside." She replied and stepped inside. I quickly ran inside and into my mom's art room to see a large painting that was now decorating the center of the bare wall. I stood still, staring at my mom's painting of Talion in amazement. It resembled Talion when I first met him deep within the Everfree forest. When he saved my family and I from a pack of timber wolves. I heard my mom step behind me as she spoke. "The true measure of a hero is that of a man who sacrifices himself for those who will never know... He was a light for us in the dark, who gave his life to save us... from himself." She placed a hand on my shoulder as she finished. "That is the meaning of this work of mine, Iron Hoof. Happy birthday." I smiled as I slowly approached the painting and reached out to it, tears building up in my eyes. "Careful now, Iron Hoof. It's still a little wet in some places." My mom said behind me. "Sorry." I said and lowered my arm. "Well, what do you two think?" She asked us. "It's incredible mom. I love it." I replied. My dad stepped next to me as he admired the painting as well. "It truly is, Lura... But I don't recall Talion wearing that much armor." "He also had longer hair." I commented. "Humm. I thought it would be more fitting for Talion. Even if he never saw himself as a knight, he was to me." She explained. "To us." I corrected her. She smiled at me again. "Yes, to us." My father looked down to me for a moment before leaving the room. "Be right back." I continued to stare at the painting in wonder. I couldn't stop smiling. "It's just like the day he saved me. When he saved all of us." My mom walked up to my side. "I wanted to add the fire in his eyes, but I felt like that would distract from who he is. It's also why I didn't use a lot of black for his clothes." "I still love it. I'm glad you finished it so soon." I said. My mom chuckled and looked at the back of her right hand. "I just hope it doesn't take as long to get this paint off my hands." My father returned while I still stared at the painting. "It is a most memorable day when your son finds his path and chooses his own name in life... I never once thought I'd see the day that my son would set out on my same chosen path... But now I believe you are ready. That is why it is time I finally told you the truth, Iron Heart." I curiously turned around to face my dad and my eyes widened in surprise when I saw what he was holding. It was a great sword. It's blade had a very light amber tint along it's curves and a dull dark gray center. Its hilt and guard were a cold black steel with a ring has the pummel. To say I was completely stunned would be an understatement. My father was holding a sword. His sword. I was in a mix of shock, excitement and confusion as my dad placed the sword in my hands. "Nox Aurea, the Golden Night. Passed down from my father to me... Now from me, to you, Iron Heart." "Dad... it's incredible!" I said as I held up the blade and admired the craftsmanship. It looked slightly like a ceremonial blade instead of an actual weapon, but the weight and sharpness of the sword would suggest otherwise. I was actually a little surprised that I was able to hold it upright. My mother and father seemed to be as well. I knew that my dad had belongings he wouldn't allow me to touch or see, but I would never have guessed that my father owned an actual sword. It is incredibly rare to see such a weapon. It was rare see any weapon really. So it was confusing to see that my father owned one. I looked up to my dad. "Dad... how is it that you have this sword? Why do you have it? There wouldn't have been a need for such a weapon unless you-..." My words died off as my eyes widened and realization set in. At this my father's smile faded and he looked down. "Dad, you... You were..." "A long time ago, I sacrificed the years of my youth to defend Equestria and its people from our enemies." My dad sighed and looked up. "Like my father before me, I lived by the sword." I was in complete shock. "Dad... You're a soldier?" "I was a soldier, Iron Heart." He corrected me. "Dad, that's... That's incredible! I never knew that I come from a family of warriors. This is amazing!" I was jumping a little in excitement. My dad chuckled at my reaction. "While yes, I was a soldier, much of what I did in service wasn't as awesome as you'd might think. I had spent most of those days patrolling, monitoring and constructing stone walls at the southern borders." I stopped jumping and stood still. "But that's not everything, is it?" He sighed and shook his head. "Iron... Do you remember what Talion said about why he fights?" I looked down at the sword in my hands. "To protect the innocent and fight for peace... always." I looked back to my dad. "He took an oath to always fight for peace." My dad leaned down to my level and placed a hand on my shoulder. "A long time ago, I took that same oath... and it cost me more than my blood." He looked down as he continued. "I wanted to hide this from you. I never wanted it to be known that... there is blood on my hands... I never wanted the same for you... When you were born, I had hoped and prayed that you would not go down the same path that I took. But now..." He paused and placed his other hand on the sword. "Now that I know what you are destined for, I have no doubt in my mind that you will become a greater warrior than I ever was and will truly fight for peace." I was beaming in amazement and pride. My father was a warrior and now I follow in his steps just as he did. My father smiled and stood up again. "One day soon, you will stand where I once stood and go where others have never been, but always remember why you walk this path. Remember why you fight and who you fight for... Remember your oaths. Never forsake them. Even in the face of death." I stared at him for a long moment before turning around and placing my sword on the table. "You are a great warrior, dad... And I swear to you, with God as my witness." I turned around and faced him with pride in my voice. "By my name, by my blood and by my life, if ever there is a way, a chance for peace, then I will fight for it... For this is the reason I lift up my blade. To protect the innocent and the weak. For truth and justice... Always. " My father and mother both smiled brightly and pulled me into a big hug. "I am proud of you, Iron Heart." My mother said. "As am I." My father agreed. We all held each other for a long moment in the evening silence, until the silence ended. "Honey, do you hear that?" My mom asked my dad as she looked towards a window. The glass was starting to rattle in the window frame. We all looked up and saw the wall lanterns begin shaking as various items on my mom's work table began rattling around as well. Before any of us could react, the ground itself began trembling as a deep rumbling began to vibrate through the air. It was quickly getting stronger. "Earthquake! Everypony outside, now!" My dad shouted and quickly began rushing us all outside. I quickly grabbed my sword before my father ushered me outside. At this point our entire house had begun shaking back and forth, sending shelves, furniture and many other items to the floor. Thankfully, we had managed to avoid getting hit or tripped by anything in the house and made it outside safely. But my father continued to guide us away from the house. We all looked back and saw our entire unfinished house shaking back and forth as the pulse wave vibrated through the Earth. We all could hear the rest of Ponyville's inhabitants in the short distance shouting and screaming in terror as buildings and homes collapsed under the Earth's vibrations. I could hear my younger brother crying as we all struggle to move away from our crumbling house. Just as I thought our new home would completely collapse, the Earthquake started to die down. What followed after the Earthquake was a dead silence that shortly settled upon the valley before the winds started to blow in from the west. "Stone?" My mother called in fear. We all turned towards the west and saw the most terrifying thing I've ever witnessed. My father and mother both stood still, holding each other as they watched the darkening sky in dread. The clouds blackened like smoke, lit up by red lightning. It was blacker than the darkest night sky and seemed to suck the light out from the stars above. I have never been so scared in my life. Soon the Earth began to tremble again as all fell silent and still. That is when we heard it. A powerful roar that shook the very heavens themselves and drove the winds to flee. It was a sound like a massive ocean wave crashing against the shore. More powerful than the strongest of hurricanes. But what caused us to fear the most was the dead silence that followed and the dim orange glow that lit up the western horizon. Nothing moved, no one spoke, no birds sung and no wind blew. All fell silent and still, for all knew the terrible truth of what was coming. Or rather who. My eyes started to burn with blue fire and my cutiemark had begun to shine bright. Talion. He was out there somewhere, running. Running from an ancient storm. He was running from him. "My God... What have we done?" > Chapter 18: The war we made > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details *Thoughts* ~Mental speaking~ "Normal speaking" ~"Mental and normal speaking"~ Songs ...(Radio static)... DEATH BEYOND FEAR "And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts. And I looked, and behold a pale horse. And his name that sat upon him was death, and hell followed with him." -REVELATION 6:8 ~Of fear and Death, I fear not that I will die, but that all I have come to love will die with me.~ *Father... forgive me.* "The day... breaks. Your trial... begins." There were no words for which I could speak to describe the unimaginable fear I was feeling from what I gazed upon. Bahamut the Dragon Tyrant had arisen from the depths of his tomb, the Smokey Mountains and was holding the Ursa Minor, Polaris, in a single claw. To Bahamut, Polaris was as a common house cat is to a human. Even high in the air above the valley, I was struggling to measure this ancient dragon's size. He must have been over four hundred feet tall. Polaris was powerful. And if what has been said about Bahamut is true, Bahamut's power is greatly beyond anything that I could imagine. I could do nothing but watch as Bahamut held Polaris. The dragon tyrant's claw began glowing with a dark red aura that seemed to absorb the magical aura surrounding Polaris. "This is Elkied's heir? Heheha. Really now? A pale imitation." Polaris roared in pain as he struggled in Bahamut's grip. "NOOOOOO!" Bahamut laughed as he continued to steal Polaris's magic. "Thank you for your contribution." ~Talion.~ Anya called to me in fear. I looked down to her and she looked back to me. We both could feel each other's fear of what was happening. I could see in Anya's eyes that she was looking to me for answers. For courage. For anything we could do to stop this. But there was nothing that I could do. It was the worst feeling I have ever felt in a very long time. Being helpless to stop this evil. Anya stared into my eyes, searching for a glimmer of hope in them. ~What do we do, Talion? What can we do?~ I remained silent for a moment before answering her. ~Run.~ ~What?~ She asked, surprised by my answer. ~We run, find Velirin and fly as fast as possible away from here. Now.~ I replied. Anya was still slightly shocked at me. ~We can't leave, Talion. If we do not stop him now, Bahamut will regain his power. We must-~ I interrupted her thoughts. ~Anya, we do not have the power to defeat Bahamut. Let alone stop him.~ ~No Talion! We must stop him now!~ she pleaded. I raised my voice at her. ~"Listen to me Anya! If we try to fight Bahamut now, we will die!"~ Anya stopped and looked at me in shock for a moment. ~We-... You mean that... But you can't die! I know what you truly are, Talion. I know you cannot die.~ ~"Do you!?"~ I paused. ~"Do I?"~ Anya stared at me with worry. ~Talion.~ I looked up towards Bahamut as I spoke in a low voice. ~I have never in my long years ever felt such terrible malevolent power in a being... It's beyond overwhelming, Anya. I-... For the first time in my life Anya, I fear of my death... True death.~ Anya remained silent as she stared at me. She turned towards Bahamut, who was still absorbing Polaris's power. Anya closed her eyes and turned away. ~There is no honor in fleeing.~ ~Nor is there any in needlessly throwing your life away.~ I leaned forward and placed a hand on her neck. ~Anya, live for something or die for nothing.~ Anya opened her eyes and guided us away from Bahamut, towards the forest floor. ~We will live to fight again.~ I took a moment to look back at Bahamut and Polaris as we flew away from them. I could see the magic radiating off of Polaris slowly being absorbed by the ancient dragon. ~Do not pity Polaris, Talion. The boy chose a side long ago. It failed him as it did his sister.~ Diaphanous told me. ~And what of you, King Diaphanous?~ I asked. He was silent for a moment. ~Some chose their path, others are condemned to it... We all have our own choices to make.~ I closed my eyes and turned around. ~When we escape this madness, Diaphanous, you will tell me the truth.~ ~I have never lied to you, Talion.~ ~We shall see.~ I finished. "You try to flee, not realizing... you are in chains." We froze and slowly turned around to see Bahamut looking at us with a wide sinister smile. "You cannot hide... There is nowhere to run." Anya and I were paralyzed in fear as we watched Bahamut raise Polaris towards us. "You have done well to serve your king my children. Such power you have brought to me... Wraith." "Anya, fly now!" I shouted as I ignited my power and linked our spirits together, covering us in shadows. Anya gasped in surprise at the sudden change before we flashed away. "Where are you going?" Our flight was suddenly halted and we found ourselves frozen mid air with a red glow around us. "If you hide in the shadows, you are only leading me to you." In desperation, Anya used her breath weapon in an attempt to break Bahamut's hold on us. But the flames merely passed through the energy around us as we were pulled back. "How interesting. Reclaimed Deep Magic... from a wraith. But it is not yours, is it?" We were pearlized as Bahamut turned us around to face him while he pulled us up to his eye level and stared at me. "No, it is not from you... There is someone else." I couldn't even summon the courage to respond as I stared at Bahamut. Bahamut turned his attention to Polaris. "You are not the only Ursa out here, boy. Where is the Major?" Polaris didn't answer, but continued to struggle in Bahamut's grip. "No Ursa Minor would ever dare travel into my kingdom alone. I know there is a Major here. Tell me... is it her?" We were taken a back when Polaris suddenly breathed soul fire into Bahamut's face. Bahamut himself had also been surprised by the unexpected attack and roared in pain as he withdrew his head. Polaris didn't relent and continued to use his breath weapon on the claw that held him. We were all released from Bahamut as he lost his focus from the pain. Taking advantage of the moment, we once again attempted to fly away from Bahamut. Polaris landed on his claws with a loud crash when he fell back to the ground. "Talitha is dead! You killed her years ago!" Bahamut shook his massive head and looked down at Polaris in anger. "She chose a side, it failed her. And now you will share her fate!" Bahamut raised his head and inhaled deeply before letting lose a massive wave of fire down upon Polaris. The Ursa's eyes widened as the flames rapidly depended upon him. Once again Anya and I were struck with awe and terror at this incredible display of power. The great fire Bahamut unleashed quickly engulfed Polaris and the forest below. The flames spread out around Bahamut, burning the forest in a great torrent of fire and casting him in a dark light. Bahamut smiled as he watched the fires around Polaris. "She'll never forgive you. And neither will he." "Cruel words from a hollow soul, faithless and accursed Bahamut." A voice boomed behind Bahamut. Bahamut's eyes widened and he quickly turned around just as a large beam of soul fire struck him. He roared in pain and held up his claws as he was blasted backwards. "Vis scutum!" A red disk shaped shield of energy formed in front of Bahamut, blocking the incoming Soulfire. The energy blast was so powerful that it almost knocked Anya and I out of the sky, but Anya managed to save us from another fall by flying closer to the burning forest floor. We both looked up and were shocked to see an Ursa Major standing in front of Bahamut. At this point my shock had already gone beyond what I thought possible, but once again I was caught speechless when I saw the colossal celestial bear that was the Ursa Major. It was so massive. As big as Bahamut himself and was just radiating raw power. The Major looked so much like Polaris except his fur was blue while the Major's is a deep purple and his teeth were longer. "Well now, it is so good to have you join us, Elkied." Bahamut chuckled. "And here I almost believed that you would've abandon your child... It wouldn't have been the first time." The Major growled at Bahamut as he slowly approached him. "Enough of your foul words, Bahamut! You have cheated death for far too long." Bahamut smiled wickedly at Elkied. "But I still have so much to kill for... Death could not break me." "Did you truly die all those years ago only for Death to lose his hold on you!? GOOD! I'll kill you twice! Send you back myself!" "So soon? We have only just begun, Elkied." Bahamut mocked. "No. I'm finishing this, now. Dead, alive, whatever you are your evil dies here." With that, Elkied charged at Bahamut and tackled the elder dragon into the burning forest. The entire mountain range began trembling as the two titans engaged in battle. I was shaken out of my shock as the valley erupted in chaos and roars from the ancients. ~Anya, fly us out of here, quickly!~ Anya looked to me for a moment before turning us around and flying in the opposite direction of the battle. "Talion, the Major." Anya said aloud. ~Anya.~ I said a little sternly, knowing what she was about to say. Anya stopped our flight and we were now hovering low next to a cliff face covered in trees. "We can help the Major. If we aid him, together we may be able to stop Bahamut." I looked back to the battle and saw Bahamut attempting to bite down on Elkied's shoulder, flashes of magical light and aura erupting around them. ~Talion.~ Diaphanous called out to me. ~If we do not stop him now, we will leave dragonkind with something far worse.~ I looked back to Anya. "I do not know what kind of power Bahamut wields. Along with his own, he now has some of Polaris's. We are not powerful enough to kill him." ~Talion!~ "Bahamut will die. And you along with him!" A voice boomed from the cliff face followed by thundering foot steps and collapsing trees. We both quickly turned to the cliff in surprise just as Polaris came charging through the forest. He then leaped off the cliff face at a rapid speed and grabbed Anya and I mid air. Anya roared and I shouted in shock and pain as all three of us fell to the forest below. Anya lashed out and attacked Polaris, attempting to free herself while I managed to get free of Polaris's grip and then quickly climbed onto his back before stabbing my sword into his right shoulder. Polaris roared again in pain as we struck a large rock jutting out of the cliff wall. I lost my hold on Polaris and was temporarily free falling before the Ursa grabbed me again in a crushing grip. Anya however managed to grab onto Polaris and bit down on his neck, causing more roars of pain from the Ursa. I stabbed my sword into Polaris's wrist and twisted it, causing him to release me. As soon as I was free again, I swung myself onto Polaris's foreleg and was about to stab his chest when we finally struck the ground. The impact threw Anya and I off of Polaris and into the base of the cliff, slamming us into the stones. Anya and I bounced and rolled off of the rocky ground before finally smashing into large rocks and trees, bringing an end to our fall in a loud explosion. If we weren't in our wraith forms, I'm sure that Anya and I would have many fractured and broken bones. Unfortunately we still felt the pain. I opened my eyes and turned my head to the side, looking to Anya to see if she was alright. Thankfully, she was still conscious and was attempting to stand up. Despite my pain, I also pushed myself up and began looking around for Polaris only to be startled at realizing I was standing right next to him. Instantly, I leaped away from the bear and landed next to Anya just as he began pushing himself up. "Anya, hurry. Get up." I said as I helped her up. She groaned in pain as she strained to get herself up. "I'm... not hurt too badly... Are you okay?" "I'm fine, let's get out of here, quickly." I replied. "You're not going anywhere. We have unfinished business, wraith." Polaris said as he stood up and turned towards us. I spun around to face him and raised my sword. "Are you mad, Ursa!? Bahamut has returned and you still challenge us!? If your father is unable to defeat him, he will destroy us all!" Polaris began walking towards us. "Then I will make sure that Death claims you first." Anya growled at Polaris. "No. You will die alone and this land will be your grave!" Polaris snarled at us. "If I am to die in the face of an enemy and a traitor, I will take the traitor with me!" There was a tense moment of silence between all of us before Diaphanous spoke. ~I see... It would seem that the boy needs one last lesson.~ Polaris chuckled. "You are not the only one who can play mind games, old man." Suddenly, Polaris's body began to vibrate and change colors, along with the air around him. Our eyes widened as clones of Polaris appeared next to him and began walking around us. "Don't do this, Polaris. I'm not your enemy. Bahamut is." I said. Polaris growled in anger as he and his clones spoke together. "You were made my enemy when you welcomed a traitor into your mind! ~If you are so insistent on listing my crimes, mind that you do not die of asphyxiation.~ Diaphanous responded. Polaris snarled. "I'll be sure to leave them on your grave. All three of yours." "No... All four of us." A voice said from behind us. I didn't need to turn around to see who it was as a familiar dark blue dragon landed next to me. "Velirin!" Anya said in surprise and relief at seeing her brother. I was quite surprised to see him standing here with us and ready to fight, considering the damage he's taken. We turned to each other and he nodded to me. I gave him a small smile and nodded as well before placing a hand on his shoulder. "Stand fast, brother." Polaris growled and snarled in rage. It doesn't matter how many of you there are, you will all die for the pain you have caused us!... I know pain... and yours... it's going to burn a hole in this world!" As Polaris finished, he and all five of his clones charged us. Anya attempted to leap over Polaris and breath frost fire onto his clones, but was tackled back down by one of his clones before being struck by another into the ground. I flashed forward and punched one of Polaris's clones in the throat before spinning around to stab my sword upward through his jaw. Unfortunately before I could land the killing blow, another clone swiped a claw at me, knocking me several meters away from Anya and Velirin. I grunted in pain as I was smashed into the side of the cliff, but managed to push myself back up just in time to dodge a blast of Soul Fire. Before I could regain my composure, Polaris rushed towards me with a feral roar and smashed me into the cliff face with enough power to bring down whole chunks of the mountain around us. As I was thrown into the cliff wall, Velirin ran towards one of the clones over Anya and shoulder bashed the Ursa, knocking him over and leaving him open to receive a flurry of icicles to the chest. Velirin then swung around and smacked his spiky tail into the face of the other clone that had attacked Anya. As Anya pushed herself back up, large parts of the cliff cracked and shattered, causing an avalanche of boulders to come tumbling down. Anya used this to her advantage and flashed upward and unleashed her frost fire onto the clones along with the falling boulders. Within the crater that Polaris had punched me into, I crouched and with a roar of my own, flashed straight out and slashed my sword across Polaris's whole side, creating a deep gash. He roared in agony and was about to collapse before I swung around and stabbed him through the throat. The clone silently slumped down and fell on his side before vanishing in a burst of starlight. The other clones looked a little startled at me but reverted to rage once more as a few of them started to approach me again. I was breathing extremely heavy from the pain and the amount of energy I was exerting. I have never fought against anything or anyone like this before in my life. I could never express the amount of mix feelings and thoughts that were passing through my head, but thankfully I was able to harden my will and maintain focus. For a brief moment, I looked up and saw in the distance Bahamut being forced back as Elkied slashed his massive claws across his chest and neck. Bahamut retaliated by slashing his own claw across Elkied's face before breathing a stream of fire on him. The earth trembled with every step they took and every blow they struck against each other. "IS THAT ALL!? I'm disappointed Elkied. You could have been so much more." "No. I am enough. My strength is enough." Elkied said. "What is strength, if you do not use it?" "And was is power if you cannot control it?" Elkied replied. Bahamut arched his head as he laughed. "HEHEHAHAHAHA! Power, fear and strength above all, these are my weapons... And what will you do to survive? KILL ME!?" Elkied closed his eyes. "You would drown the world in blood, just to stain the heavens... No. As I have said, dead, alive, whatever you are... by my life, your evil dies here." Elkied opened his eyes as they burned pure white and unleashed a deafening roar to the heavens. "Forfedre... ta min sjel og bind den til denne verden slik at denne ondskapen ender her." ("Ancestors... take my soul and bind it to this world so that this evil ends here.") The skies above rapidly changed colors, forming a massive, beautiful aurora borealis that stretched across the entire mountain range. Bahamut's eyes widened and he looked around in shock. "You fool! What are you doing!?" "The power you have sought has destroyed you, Bahamut. It will do so again, for you shall find no other end... This time, I'll save them from you." Everyone and everything watching froze as the heavenly lights fell from the skies into the east Smoky Mountains behind us creating an endless wall of their light. "Elkied! What have you done!?" Bahamut roared. Elkied turned back to face Bahamut. "This land will forever be your prison, Bahamut. Now no living being shall ever again suffer your wrath." Bahamut looked back to Elkied in rage. "Do you feel... safer?... My prison is your prison, Elkied. Now you are all trapped in here with me." Elkied smirked in response. "If my end is to come today, then I will make it such an end as to be worthy of being remembered." Bahamut smiled in return. "I considered you my equal, Elkied. I was wrong... You will die... and no one will remember you." Bahamut finished and launched himself onto Elkied with a savage roar. "You can stop this wraith." Polaris said, pulling my attention back to him. "If Bahamut is not stopped, he will destroy all before him. But surrender your power to me and I can save them from this tyrant." "And trade one tyrant for another? I'd sooner give up my prison and take his place!" I replied. "Caught between two worlds... I'll drag you out of both! Your strength is already mine!" He declared as he began approaching me again. "Your power is your message... You have learned nothing, Polaris." I continued as I walked towards him. "You think you want my power, but if you could see the things I've seen, you'd long for death as well." "Then allow me to introduce you to him myself!" He finished and charged at me. Just as Polaris moved to attack me, Anya flew straight down and rammed herself into his side, sending him crashing into the cliff. She then quickly spun around and whipped her tail into a clones face, but to her surprise, it bit down on her tail and swung itself around to slam Anya into the ground, causing her to roar in pain. Before the clone could attack Anya again, I flashed next to her and slashed my blade across his face, while Velirin leaped onto his back and swung his body around to throw the injured clone into another. I turned around to face the other clones as Velirin and I stood protectively over Anya. "Whatever you think it is you want from me, Polaris, you will find nothing but death beyond fear! Leave us and set your wrath to our common enemy!" Polaris laughed in response as the valley trembled from the battle between Bahamut and Elkied. "Our common enemy!? All of dragon kind is my enemy and with your power I will kill them all!" "You will find only blood and death, Ursa!" Velirin shouted as he helped Anya back up. "I have blood to spare." Polaris said and lunged at us with a roar. "As do I." I said before lunging forward to stab Polaris through the heart. Just as I came into striking distance, I was blown backwards as Polaris unleashed a sonic roar at me, point-blank. It was so powerful that I swear if I had been but a normal man, my bones would have been shattered and my hearing completely lost. "Talion!" Anya shouted. I screamed in pain as I tumbled and skidded to a halt. Unfortunately I wasn't able to recover and move fast enough as I was struck by a clone from behind, into the ground. I struggled to free myself as Polaris pinned me to the ground. Even though I wasn't able to see much in this position, I could hear Velirin and Anya still fighting the other clones. Unfortunately, the fight didn't last long as I soon saw Anya thrown to the ground next to me before also being held down by Polaris. Velirin was about to tackle the clone that held Anya but was grappled by another and thrown alongside his sister. "Anya!" I shouted and continued to struggle as Polaris lifted me up. "You made your choice and have chosen poorly... You can die beside them, Talion, but you will never be one of them." Polaris said with a cruel smile. I was panting heavily as I looked to the side at Velirin and Anya. They were both still struggling to get free as the clones held them down. A loud roar in the distance followed by a flash of light and a loud explosion drew my attention upward to see Bahamut bitting down on Elkied's shoulder as he slammed him against the mountain. ~We must stop him.~ Diaphanous said. ~I cannot even defeat the Minor, Diaphanous. We have no chance of stopping Bahamut.~ ~There is a chance, Talion. We have the power to defeat Bahamut, if... we recruit the rival before us.~ I was confused for a moment before realizing what Diaphanous meant. I lowered my head and smiled before looking to Velirin. Velirin had been watching through gritted teeth before noticing my smile. Velirin's own smile grew as he noticed the fire in my eyes. "Hehehahahah... Hehahahah!" Polaris looked down at Velirin who was laughing. "What do you find so amusing, boy?" "Haven't you been paying attention, Ursa? For all your self-proclaimed wisdom and knowledge, you haven't even noticed." Velirin mocked Polaris. The clone holding Velirin down bit down on his shoulder, causing a pained growl from him. "Answer me boy! If it is the cursed king, not even he can hurt me now! I wasn't prepared before, but I am now!" Despite the pain, Velirin continued to laugh at Polaris. "I know not of whom you speak, Ursa... But what I do know is that you never had Talion. He has you." Polaris's eyes widened and he looked down at me just as I freed my arms. ~Diaphanous, now!~ I mentally shouted and reached up, grabbing Polaris's head before driving my will into his mind like a spear. Diaphanous grabbed onto Polaris's mind like a bear trap. ~Surrender your mind.~ Polaris didn't have time to react or pull away as his mind was assaulted. "NOOOOOO!" Polaris's clones roared in pain with him before fading away in flashes of star light, freeing Velirin and Anya. They both watched us in shock as the pushed themselves back up. Polaris released me but I still held onto his head and dragged him down with me. Polaris attempted to mentally repell us from his mind, but his attacks were unfocused and unorganized. ~I answer to no one!~ ~You will answer to me.~ Diaphanous said as he drove his will through Polaris's mental barriers. Polaris let loose a deafening roar as his eyes burst into blue flames. "FAR!" ("FATHER!") The roar echoed throughout the valley drawing the attention of the two titans towards us. Bahamut smiled as he looked to Polaris. "Well done my children." "Polaris!" Elkied roared and ran towards us. The star on Elkied's forehead flashed and a beam of energy was sent hurtling towards us, but before it made it even halfway, a red energy shield formed in it's path and displayed the magic projectile. "I am not finished with you yet." Bahamut said before ramming Elkied against the mountain. "Your powers are mine!" Velirin and Anya turned back to me as brilliant bright flashes of light lit up the mountain valley. Both of them were struggling to stay standing as the ground shook more violently with Bahamut's and Elkieds approach. "Talion, whatever it is you are doing, hurry!" Velirin shouted to me. "Hurry Talion!" Anya shouted over the booming thunder. Polaris continued to struggle as Diaphanous and I poured every ounce of our minds into his when suddenly I felt his mental barriers give in. "Help me! Help! He-Help... us... Help us!... Help..." ~Help us, Polaris...Help me... Do what Talitha could not and kill the traitor... Kill Bahamut.~ Diaphanous commanded him. Velirin and Anya both gasped in disbelief as Polaris opened his eyes to reveal burning blue flames them. "Talion..." Anya said as Polaris and I turned to face Bahamut and Elkied. "Avenge Talitha, Polaris... Kill Bahamut." Polaris stared at Bahamut as his anger grew. "Bahamut... Traitor... Tyrant... MURDERER." White flames began to spread across Polaris's body and the star on his forehead glowed brightly. There was a bright flash of light that temporarily encompassed Bahamut and Elkied. When the light faded, I saw Bahamut struggling to keep his balance as Elkied smiled at him. "This ends now." Elkied declared. "BAHAMUT!" Polaris roared, gaining Bahamut's and Elkied's attention. Bahamut's eyes widened as the light around Polaris grew brighter. "Polaris." "You've taken someone from me." Polaris growled in rage. Bahamut stared in shock at Polaris. "No... No! Polaris, stop!" "Her name was Talitha." Bahamut turned his gaze towards me in anger. "What did you do?... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" Bahamut raised his head and lunged towards us with a savage roar that shook me to my very core, but what happened next left me speechless. "Not this time... old friend." There was a loud piercing sound of metal puncturing metal as Elkied stabbed his claws into Bahamut's chest. Bahamut was stunned as Elkied held him in place. "Burn with me my brother and fade... as all stars fall." Bahamut slowly looked at Elkied in shock and disbelief. "Stars fall... again." At last all fell silent as Polaris unleashed all of his power at Bahamut in bright beem of light. ... ... ... Silence. There was no sound. No roar, nor explosion. Only silence as Bahamut stood still... with a hole in his chest. Everything was frozen. Everyone was silent as we looked upon the dragon tyrant. Finally after what felt like an eternity, breaking the stillness and the silence, Bahamut slowly turned his head towards us. "Et tu... Polaris?" All of our eyes widened at the sound of his voice. It wasn't Bahamut's. Bahamut began to tremble as tears fell from his eyes. "I never wanted this for you... I never wanted any of this for you." Everyone gasped as the illusion of Bahamut faded away revealing Elkied. "I'm sorry... son." Elkied said before falling over. The blue fire vanished from Polaris's eyes as he watched his father fall. "No... No...NOOOOOOOOO! FATHER!" "NOOOOO!" I shouted in disbelief. "Oh no." Anya muttered to herself in dread. Darkness began to spread across the sky as Bahamut stepped over Elkied. "Of all the people to fail a trial... You're loyalty was the chain you could not break." Bahamut smiled as he reached down and grabbed Elkied by the throat. "Broken... again. At long last, it is over... Long live the king!" The colors on Elkied were fading away as he coughed out blood. "No... it has only just begun... I curse you Mad King... I curse you... Bahamut... May Death find you quickly." Bahamut stared at Elkied for a moment before smiling again and lowering his head to look him in the eye. "He already has." Bahamut's eyes began glowing a dark green before suddenly, faster than any of us could react, he bit down on Elkied's neck. Polaris, Diaphanous, Velirin, Anya and I were all frozen in terror as Bahamut ripped out Elkied's throat, spraying blood across the valley. "A father.... should be with his daughter... Welcome home, Elkied. HEHEAHAHAHA!... HEHAHAHAHA!." The light from Elkied faded to gray as Bahamut absorbed his magic. All I could do was watch. "My God... What have I done?" "FATHER!" Polaris roared and ran towards Bahamut. ~Talion! Stop him!~ Diaphanous shouted. I flashed forward and grabbed onto Polaris's neck before swinging him to the side. He fell over and skidded to a halt before roaring at me in rage. "Polaris, stop!" I shouted at him. "OUT OF MY WAY!" He roared at me. I raised my hands towards him. "Bahamut has your powers and your father's! If you challenge him now you will die! Do not give him your life!" "I DON'T CARE! I WILL KILL YOU ALL!" He roared and ran towards me. Thinking quickly, I reached out to him with my mind and grabbed a hold of his, stopping him in his tracks right in front of me as our eyes ignited into blue flames. ~Your sister gave her life for you. Your father sacrificed himself so you can live... Do not forsake their deeds, Polaris... Live for them.~ I reached up and placed my hand on his forehead. "Live for something... or die for nothing." The fire once again vanished from Polaris's eyes and I saw in them not the rage from before, but grief and sorrow. Polaris remained still for a long moment as tears fell from his eyes before looking back up at me. Without another word, he turned around and ran in the opposite direction of Bahamut. Silently, I watched him run into the forest canopy before he vanished in a flash of light. "Talion." I heard Velirin call out behind me. I turned around and saw Velirin and Anya standing together, waiting for me. Neither of them knew what to say or do. "Your claws and fangs are of no more use here... Bahamut is beyond any of us now." I told them. "Talion, no-" Anya started, but I raised my hand to silence her. "Return to your home... I will hold him here." They stared at me as if I was insane. "What! No Talion! We won't leave you! You couldn't defeat Polaris alone, you'll have no possible chance of defeating him!" Anya proclaimed. I closed my eyes for a moment and sighed. "I never said I would defeat him, Anya... I'm giving you and your brother time to run... A chance to save yourselves." She look completely shocked at me. "No, Talion. Never. I won't leave you!" I looked back to Anya and saw the fear and worry in her eyes. "Your people need you Anya... Your family needs you." "And I need you!" Anya shouted to me. She walked up to me and lowered her head to mine. "I made a promise, Talion... To whatever end, my love." I was incredibly touched, hearing how much she cared about me. I placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as we looked into each other eyes. "To whatever end." I turned and looked back to Velirin and saw him looking down at the bloodstained snow. "And what of you, Velirin?... There is still a chance for you to escape." He shook his head and looked up to me. "Escape? And go where? There is no where to run. Nor place to hide that'll protect against this ancient storm. Even the heavens tremble." He walked over to Anya and I. "No... I will not condemn myself to a fate worse than death. If this is to be my end, I. Die. Free." I bowed my head to him in respect. "So be it... Let us end this war we made... together." Together, we all turned to face the Mad King, Bahamut. "HEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Bahamut continued to laugh as he absorbed the last of Elkied's magic. "Do you hear that?... It is the end." He turned and looked down at us. "The End." *Dear God, my Father, through Thy son, Hear the Prayer of a warrior son. Give my eyes a vision keen, To see the things that must be seen. A steady hand I ask of Thee, The feel of wind on land or sea. Let me not ever careless be, Of life of limb or liberty. For Justice sake a quiet heart, And grace and strength to do my part. To God and Country, Home and Corps Let me be faithful evermore. Amen.* ~The day breaks.~ I gasped as I shot upright in my bed and began breathing heavily. Instantly, I began looking around my whole room in search of an intruder, but to my slight relief, I found that I was still alone. My nerves were not yet relieved though. Something was wrong. I could feel it. For a very long moment, I remained in my bed as I observed the room for anything or anyone, even just a sound to give away any intruder. I almost wanted to get out of bed and search every inch of my bedroom for any unwelcome visitors. Just as I was about to lift the bed covers, a gentle breeze blew in through the open balcony, causing the drapes to lightly shift in the wind. I relaxed and let out a sigh as I leaned against the back of the bed post and briefly stared at the roof. "Must have been a dream." I looked back over to the open balcony and saw the clear winter night sky filled with stars. The moon slowly sailing through the ocean of space, gently lighting up the sleeping world below. I gave a small smile in relief and closed my eyes as I relaxed back into my bed. "Just a dream." ~The day breaks.~ Again, my eyes shot wide open. In an instant, I leaped out of my bed and spread my wings as my horn lit up the room. "Who dares invade my home!? Show yourself vial scurge!" My eyes darted across the room as I cautiously made my way towards my bedroom's entrance. I grabbed the door handles and attempted to pull, but the doors wouldn't move. "Guards!" I called as I banged on the doors, yet nopony answered. ~You cannot run.~ I quickly turned around and raised a hand. I mentally prepared several defensive spells as I surveyed my room. ~The day breaks, princess... You cannot hide.~ "I am not the one hiding, foul creature. Show yourself to me!" I spun around and attempted to forcefully open the doors with my magic. My horn lit up a little brighter as well as the doors, but they still remained shut. ~Heheheh... Is that any way to treat an old friend?.~ I frowned and turned around. "I know you not, voice in the shadows, nor do I believe I ever have." ~Has It really been so long that you've forgotten me, princess? And after all I've done for you... We used to be good friends.~ "ENOUGH!" I shouted before raising my voice even louder. "I CALL UPON YOU, VOICE IN THE SHADOWS. I COMMAND YOU TO REVEAL YOURSELF TO ME, NOW!" My horn shined ever brighter as a golden sphere of magic formed around me and repulsed outwards. My entire room lit up as every crevice and dark corner was revealed to me. I looked around my now lit room expecting to see whatever was hiding in here to attempt to attack me, now that there was no place for it to hide, yet no such attack came. In fact, nothing happened. I was still alone and there was nothing different in my room, at least that I could see. ~You... command... me?~ Suddenly the ground began to shake violently. It was so sudden that I almost fell over. I quickly grabbed onto a wall lantern for support before casting a quick levitation spell, only to find that my magic wasn't responding to my command. ~You command me!? ME!?~ Flashes of lightning and roaring thunder came in from my balcony entrance as the ground continued to tremble. ~DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!?~ I struggled to make my way towards my balcony as the being's voice boomed in my mind. ~I WILL REMIND YOU AND ALL WHO HAVE BETRAYED ME, WHO I AM!~ I managed to grab onto the balcony doors and pull myself out of my bedroom. I then spread my wings and was about to take off, before looking up and freezing in terror and dread that pearlized me to my core. My eyes widened and I gasped as I looked farther up towards the sky. "No... It can't be." Standing high above the burning ruined city of Canterlot on top of the mountain like a king on his thrown was one of my oldest enemies. "Bahamut." I began to tremble as unspeakable fear overtook me. "No... No, no, no! It's not possible! You're dead!" Bahamut gave me a very sinister smile. ~Hehehahahahah! Dead!? No... Death could not break me. I have never been more alive.~ I fell backwards as I continued to stare up at Bahamut in utter dread. "It can't be true." Large cracks began forming all across the mountain side as Bahamut leaned down. ~The skies are red... The winds have fled... The ancients are dead... ...The old world is weak. A relic of a bigon golden era that has long since crumpled into dust and lost to the winds of magic... A bloodstain in the pages of history... ...This... mockery of a powerful race. A great and wise empire... reduced to a ignorant and dotted nation, blinded by their own lies of peace and false sense of security... No longer. ...I have passed through death and ruin to take back what is rightfully mine, war and chaos following in my wake. Now... I will not stop until I have destroyed everything that you love.~ I was completely paralyzed by fear as I watched my home crumble into ruins under Bahamut. The sky had turned a dark blood red and ash had begun to fall from the gray clouds like black snow. All fell silent and still, for Bahamut, the Mad King has returned. "Stars above save me." "Princess..." Bahamut laughed as he raised his massive neck to the sky. ~Every light casts a shadow, Celestia. Every mirror, a reflection. As above, so below. And in the dark behind every closed door that we hide, beneath it all, we are animals. In the depths, we are all monsters... The stars are to far away to save you now. Can you here it, princess?~ Bahamut spread his colossal wings as he inhaled and his eyes burst into blue fire. "Princess..." "The day breaks." With one last cruel laugh, Bahamut unleashed a powerful pillar of blue fire upon the city of Canterlot. "Princess!" "NOOOOOOOO!" "Celestia!" My bloodshot eyes shot wide open as I launched myself out of my bed. My horn, eyes and hands were glowing with golden light as I prepared to unleash my full power upon Bahamut. "Your highness!" I looked down and saw ten of my elite royal guardsponies standing before me with their weapons drawn as they shielded their eyes from my light. I quickly looked around in shock as I realized that I was back inside my bedroom, hovering above my bed. I looked down at my guards in shock and saw them struggling to keep their balance as the ground shook beneath them. Rubble and chuncks of the roof began falling around as cracks webbed across the walls and floors. Outside I could hear Canterlot's inhabitants screaming in panic as the whole mountain trembled. Without waiting another second, I folded in my wings and shot myself out of my balcony towards the night sky. "Princess Celestia!" I heard my bodyguards call out to me, but I ignored them. Using my magic to speed up my flight, I flashed high above Canterlot and looked down at my city. The entire mountain was shaking all the way down to its foundations. Towers and homes were collapsing over the powerful tremors as fires began spreading in Canterlot's lower regions. I looked up towards the sky and saw massive storm clouds flying incredibly fast overhead. The winds were so fast and powerful up here that I was struggling to not get pulled into an updraft or downdraft. Just as I managed to level out, I heard in the far distance a low deep hum that was quickly getting louder, coming from the west. It was a sound like an ocean wave rising ever higher and higher before it cressed. The heavy hum soon became a powerful, defining roar that shook the whole world. Following it, I could see across the Everfree forest the entire land rising and falling as a pulse wave toppled over trees and hills for miles. Even farther to the west, at the edge of the horizon towards White Tail Woods and the Smokey Mountains, I could see a gigantic, vast shadow rising towards the skies above and quickly overtaking the horizon. I was frozen in terror as I watched the darkness blot out the light from the stars above, when suddenly a bright orange flash of light lit up the western skies for a single moment before dissipating. "My god... What have we done?" Not long after, the Earthquake quickly settled down significantly before dying altogether, as an erie silence settled across the land and the winds fell still. ~Enjoy these final moments, Princess Celestia... before your trial begins.~ "The day... breaks." I closed my eyes as a single tear fell from my eyes. "Honored father and first king, great builder and herald of night, I ask for your strength and courage to stand fast against this ancient storm." I looked up towards the clear night sky. "Honored mother and first queen, bringer of truth and light, I ask for your wisdom and guidance for this trial I must endure." Slowly, I looked down at my home below. "Cry with me heaven... for thy children have fallen." In a flash of light, I teleported back into my bedroom, startling my guards who immediately stood back at attention. I stood facing my balcony with my back towards them as I debated on whether or not to raise the sun at this early hour. From behind, I could hear one of my guardsponies step towards me. "Princess Celestia?" I remained silent as he walked to my side. "Your highness... What will you have of us?" I remained still as I spoke. "Captain Thain Crossguard... Gather your fastest flyers and ready them for travel immediately." I turned to face him as I continued in a stern voice. "Summon all of my high generals and their first officers to an emergency defense meeting here at the capital. They are to abandon their current posts and pull out all assets back into Equstria and direct them towards our western borders. I want all borders sealed. All roads, bridges, rivers and airspace. As of now, no one enters Equstria and nopony leaves." Needless to say, Captain Thain looked completely shocked as well as the other guards, but he nodded in acknowledgment. "What am I to tell them about the nature of this emergency summons, your highness?" I looked towards the rest of my guards and saw the same question and nervousness in their eyes. I let out long sigh before turning back to Captain Thain. "We're at war." They were all greatly taken a back from my answer and a few of the guards began muttering amongst themselves in surprise. I raised a hand to get their attention, causing them all to fall silent again. "You have your orders, Major Thain. All of you... Carry them out." Thain looked at me in surprise from receiving his sudden promotion, but quickly became serious again before saluting with a small bow. "At once, Your Highness. Thank you. We will have the messages delivered by the end of this week." "You have three days, Major." I told him as I walked towards my wardrobe. I was still in my robes. "It shall be done." Major Thain replied before turning around and nodding to his men. As my guards left and closed the doors behind them, I took a look around my room, which was now in shambles. Parts of the walls had cracked open and chunks of the roof littered the floor. Much of the furniture had been crushed and toppled over, but thankfully nothing that couldn't be replaced had been damaged. I could only hope for the safety of my people who had gone through this great earthquake. Letting out another sigh, I turned back towards my balcony and walked out. I stepped over fallen stone bricks and leaned against the guardrail as I gazed across the horizon, dreading what lay beyond. A dim glow had settled upon the western skies, like that of a great forest fire casting its light upon the clouds above. The sight was haunting. It was almost as if the Sun was rising from the west, but I knew what truly has arisen from those dark lands. I knew who has returned to this world. I closed my eyes and leaned my head down. "There is always another trial." > Unearthed > --------------------------------------------------------------------------