> A Picnic With A Bug > by NeonLights999 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Picnic With A Bug > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neon was happily trotting through ponyville, going to visit a changeling friend of hers named Calitiel. She had a picnic basket on her as they were gonna have a fun time in the forest near a beautiful river. She had a slight smile on her face, knowing the bug that she was visiting had bowel issues. The changeling almost constantly shit herself, which always made her snicker when it was in public. She did enjoy it too, and Calitiel did as well. Though she tried to hide it, whenever she farted in public she always started to get aroused. I’m sure anyone could smell it, but maybe not due to the horrid stench of this changeling. And to top it all off, the changeling could unload so much waste. It was quite ridiculous. Neon finally got to the changeling’s house and knocked on the door lightly. Almost instantly the door opened and a changeling with an orangy yellow mane opened the door and smiled. “H-hewwo, Neon.” She greeted the bat. She always had this adorable way of talking, and it always made her happy. “Hello there, Calitiel. How are you doing, hmm? Ready for our little picnic?~” She said with a giggle, her voice hinting at something else. “W-well ahms ready for our picnic, yish.” She said and booped the bat, causing her to giggle more. “You ate a bit earlier, right? Like I told you to..?~” Neon said with a slight purr. “Uh-huhs! I ate a bunch, just like yous said!” She said excitedly, then winced as her stomach gurgled. “I-is not agreeing with mes, though..” “Perfect! Let’s go out into the forest so you can unload. Does that sound nice?~” The changeling just gave a slight nod with a blush in reply, and closed her door before they started to walk out into the forest. Calitiel’s stomach was gurgling angrily, so she decided to take her down the busy streets. They both made idle chatter as they walked across town and into the White Tail Woods, and every once in awhile Calitiel letting out a rank, loud poot in front of everyone. Neon just smirked and apologized for her as she shyly looked away. It didn;t take long for both of them to get into the forest, following a trail that they knew would be near the river. And by the time they got there, Calitiel was barely holding on. Neon gently started to set everything up as Calitiel let out fart after fart, groaning softly as she held it in. It was difficult for her, as she didn’t have good control. Neon was setting it up as slow as possible, watching her out of the corner of her eyes. She loved the desperation, easily being able to tell that Calitiel was trying her hardest. “Cali, do you need a bathroom?~” She cooed. “Y-yis, ahs really need ones..” She whimpered, and a loud 6 second toot that reeked of shit left her as her hind leg raised a bit, as well as her tail. “Now hold on there, Cali. We gotta finish this picnic.” The bat giggled and took out what looked to be grilled cheese. “Now, we can’t have you ruining the blanket, sooo..~” She trailed off as she looked in the basket and pulled out a nice plug for Calitiel to use. “You’re gonna have to use this plug.” She started to go to the bug, whose tail was still raised high. “W-waits, ahs need to gooo!” She whined, but stood still for Neon to put it in. She loved it really, so she didn’t fight back. :”Shhh, when we are done eating you can go~” She said as she didn’t even need to put lube on the plug, as the changeling’s tailhole was already covered in shit because the bug never wiped. She was quite loose, so that helped too. Slowly she pushed it in, making Calitiel whimper softly. Once it was in, Neon gave a light pat to her flanks. “You should wipe, silly. You stink so much~” She said in a teasing manner, “just think about what everyone else thinks about you~” Calitiel just groaned and followed the bat back to the blanket, laying down on her stomach which made her grimace. Neon giggled and slid over a plate of grilled cheese sandwiches that had at least ten on it, while she only had two. “Now, eat up!~” She said excitedly before nibbling her own sandwich. Calitiel groaned again and started to eat her grilled cheese, her hind leg shaking a bit as she was forced to hold in her shit as well as her gas. Her tummy looked extremely bloated, and it was just going to get worse as she ate another grilled cheese. After that she said once more, “N-Neon, ah really has to gos..” “Well, it looks to me like you aren’t finished silly~” She said while looking down at her plate, that still had 8 more sandwiches. “What, do you need help eating?~” She asked, immediately getting closer and picking one up and shoving it into her mouth. Calitiel started to protest, but was cut off by the sandwich being forced into her maw. She chewed and swallowed to avoid choking, and another sandwich was shoved into her mouth once again. Neon just watched happily through it, feeding her and making her stomach get big with all the food. “Good girl, eat it all~” She cooed, and shoved more grilled cheese into her mouth until they were all gone. “There we go, you ate them all! Now, let’s just wait, let’s say, thirty minutes?~” She said as she hugged the bug close, making her groan as shit started to leak from her plugged flank. Neon just nuzzled her softly, “it’ll be worth the wait, you’ll see..~” It had been thirty minutes, plenty of time for the bug to fully digest all that food. She digested stuff extremely quickly, thankfully. Her gut blorped and gurgled in distress from being backed up, and Neon finally decided it was time. “Now it’s time for your bathroom break, Cali~” Calitiel moaned softly at just the idea of getting this all out of her system, and Neon looked at her plugged rear to find a small shit pile already under her. “Heh, I should have expected the plug not to hold it all in.” She giggled as Calitiel made another whimper. “N-Neon, pwease.. Ah gotta gooo!” She looked absolutely desperate, and Neon felt a little bad. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t wet from how desperate Cali was. “Okay, okay! I know, I'll let you go once I pull the plug out. Calm down, Calitiel~” She cooed to try and calm her down, and slowly started to pull out the plug with her mouth. This would have been a bad idea to anyone that didn’t like scat, but Neon loved it. She pulled the plug out, and almost immediately liquid scat sprayed her face.she closed her eyes and dropped the plug before smashing her muzzle into the puckering, messy ponut and opening her mouth. Neon heard Calitiel moan in bliss as her bowels emptied into the bat’s mouth. Neon could barely keep up, chunks of softish scat flooding her mouth with the diarrhea. How Neon was able to stomach this horrible tasting scat, she did not know. But she did know she had to keep up or drown in scat. Meanwhile Calitiel was grunting softly as she forced more scat into the bat below her, panting hard after every push. The bat’s stomach protested at all the scat that was forced into it, but she continued to basically drink the scat. Her belly distended a bit from the huge amount, and the scat started to turn into logs instead of just diarrhea. Neon’s throat bulged from all the scat being forced down it, and soon she wouldn’t be able to take anymore without puking. She was going to try though, that was for sure. After another full 20 seconds of constant scat, she couldn’t take it anymore and pulled away and gagged a bit, forcing herself to keep it down. Meanwhile Calitiel was still letting loose, a pile of scat forming and getting all over her chitin. “F-fuck.. I can’t eat anymore..” Neon groaned and face planted into the scat pile, getting her fur all brown. Cali was still going, making an even bigger pile of scat. She finally stood up and continued, groaning more. Her pucker expanded before more crap left it, and Neon looked up to watch her. She decided to get up too, only to lay down on top of the scat pile. The bug didn’t care, and shit right on her. Neon moaned happily, and let the bug cover her with thick muck. She wiggled a bit in it, making sure the scat completely got into her coat and mane. After what felt like an hour, but was really about five minutes of a constant mudslide, Calitiel finally stopped and laid down while panting slightly. Neon laid in the scat pile for a little longer, waiting until it cooled before she rolled off of it. Which was hard to do, due to the weight. She managed though, and moaned once more. “W-was it worth it, Cali?~” She giggled closing her eyes. Calitiel enjoyed it yes, but now she was kinda hungry.. And Neon did make her go through that. She decided that she would have her. The bat wasn’t looking, and the bug came closer to her and sat down. Neon still didn’t open her eyes, and Calitiel took her chance. She quickly opened her maw wide, saliva leaking from it in hunger. Swiftly Calitiel clamped her maw around Neon’s head, who instantly jolted and let out a confused, “Huh?!” Calitiel wasted no time, pulling Neon to her and forcing her head into her throat with a gulp. She didn’t even care Neon was literally coated with her own waste, just happily enjoying a meal. Neon was wiggling hard as she started to enter the stomach, and in no time she was completely forced into it. She yelled for Calitiel to let her out but the bug didn’t listen, just happily sitting there with a full stomach. The bat instantly felt like she was burning as she was in the stomach acid. There was barely any room, so her distended stomach was forced into the stomach acid. She howled in pain as the stomach acid ate through her belly extremely fast. Maybe too fast to be normal, but that did not matter. She yelled until her voice broke, tears streaming down her face as the acid tore open her belly. Her jaw unhinged and she stared blankly at her intestines that slipped out of her. She felt empty, and fell unconscious. The changeling just sat there giggling before curling up on the clean picnic blanket and falling asleep. When she woke up, she felt the need to go. And with that, she stood over the basket that still had some food in it. Her tail raised high as she spread her hooves a bit, and relaxed. Letting out a sigh, a long, thick log of scat left her tailhole. It was riddled with bones and a little bit of reddish mane and orange fur. Calitiel huffed a bit and forced another log of scat the same size as the last one onto the basket before she strained, realizing the skull was next. She leaned down a bit with her rump in the air, pushing as hard as possible. After a few seconds of straining, the skull popped out with a stream of liquid scat, painting the skull with even more scat as well as the blanket as it leaked from her tailhole. She sighed happily and went to a corner of the blanket and wiped her butt with it using magic. She didn’t say anything else, just walking away. She thought one last thing as she was walking away; “I wonder if any other friends of mine would like to come and see me?”