> The Ball Game > by DeathToPonies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Fate Worse Than Death > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun shone through the window, gently bathing Fluttershy in its warmth, as the yellow pegasus yawned, a cute and happy trill to her voice. She glanced down lazily at her soft ballsack, her flaccid penis laying across her leg, reaching almost to her knee. As if she could resist, she slowly rubbed her balls, humming happily, the smooth texture almost perfect. Her penis began to tingle and erect itself, as if this were standard morning procedure. Blossomfoth, a white pegasus with shitty, terrible hair colors, rolled over next to Fluttershy, and began licking her skin. Fluttershy sighed, as if the idiot should know better. "No, dear," she clarified. "I don't wish to be licked yet. You were sufficient in bed last night. Go and join the others." Blossomforth blinked with her empty eyes, rolling back over and tumbling off the bed like a ragdoll, before slowly crawling along the floor towards a door in Fluttershy's room. Notably, a charred, cut-open sack of flesh lay on her crotch where her balls used to be, her useless penis dangling behind her like a limp rag. Fluttershy yawned and stretched, now starting to massage her penis. She'd usually get one of the slaves to do it, and honestly, its not like the licking was terrible, but she had been doing this for so long that it was starting to get boring commanding these lifeless husks to do her bidding, and would rather just jack herself off instead. Blossomforth reached the door and opened it, to reveal a room full of dead-eyed ponies laying on top of each other with blank expressions. Some appeared to actually be dead, nonbreathing - she must have forgotten to feed them. Without a single emotion, the terribly designed pegasus crawled on top of the pile and collapsed, accidentally crushing the windpipe of Teddie Safari, an earth pony that Fluttershy had a particular grudge with. She would be dead within minutes. Of course, Teddie didn't react, still lazily glancing ahead without a care in the world. Fluttershy didn't notice either, now stroking her rather large cock and a faster and faster rate. For whatever reason, orgasms to ponies worked the opposite of the way they should - each time always felt better than the last. Those who had had hundreds of thousands of orgasms still experienced more and more pleasure each time they did it. Fluttershy was completely lost in it. Blossomforth stared at her through the crack in the door, still seemingly without emotion. Inside her head, it was a different story. The soul that was Blossomforth was screaming in absolute agony and pain, stuck in the exact moment her testicles were destroyed by the yellow pegasus. Every single moment, she relived it over and over and over again. She was screaming at the top of her lungs, but it was impossible to hear. This was nearly the worst fate imaginable. She wasn't even aware she was killing Teddie, as she was forced to watch her once-oppoent, Fluttershy, spray a load of semen on her face as she cooed with glee and pleasure. Every single tick of the clock, she felt Fluttershy's hooves smash down on her balls after overpowering her - the poor pegasus had underestimated her, and lost her life for it. She pleaded with the gods - who didn't exist - for mercy and death, but she knew she was far from it. Teddie, in her mind, was crying tears of joy, finally feeling the life drain from her. Having experienced her own personal hell for over four months now, nonstop, without sleep, servicing Fluttershy every moment of it, she was more than happy to oblige - she just wanted it to end. As death came for her, she welcomed it, feeling her inability to breathe and accepting it with open hooves. The final thing she saw was Fluttershy literally crying tears of joy as she sprayed semen, experiencing a pleasure she had never felt before. For the last time, after seeing her victor smile and cry in glee, she felt her testicles being destroyed as her world went dark. Now dead, Teddie's body slumped forward, falling off the stack and causing a loud bang, opening the door. "Eeep!" squeaked Fluttershy, startled by the noise. However, her surprise soon became anger. "T...Teddie..?" She called out, the tone of her voice being clear. Teddie was one of her favorite victims. She had intended to keep her alive for years to come, torturing her until her mind was literally nothing but mush. Now, that dream was over. With daggers in her eyes, Fluttershy turned to Blossomforth. Though already in a world of pain, Blossomforth knew what would come next. "Celestia!!!!" screamed a guard, flinging open the door, tears streaming down her eyes, penis flapping behind her pathetically small set of balls. Lilac Blossom, a purple pony with a poofy mane, had been promoted to the royal guard after Celestia killed and raped far too many of her own. Celestia turned in annoyance, immediately grabbing Lilac by the neck with magic and pulling her close. Now choking, the purple pony tried to speak. "F...Fluttershy is here...she...said...she has something...for...you...." Without a second thought, and a blank expression on her face, Celestia shot a magic blast at Lilac's ballsack, and dropped her to the ground. The shocked and terrified pony shrieked in horror, pleading for mercy, as her balls swelled up, becoming nearly as large as her own hind legs. "You should have told me, uh, sooner," spoke Celestia, trying to justify her action. "So I'm punishing you for that." With a final wail of pure agony, Lilac's balls exploded into a gory mess. Not wanting to hear her annoying screams anymore, Celestia immediately opened a portal and banished her to a hellish dimension where she would be kept alive and tortured for all time. When she closed the portal, she saw Fluttershy standing with Blossomforth next to her. She put on her best fake smile, sitting down in her chair and letting her absolutely masssive cock rest in front of her equally large ballsack. "Fluttershy, my dear. What can I help you with?" she asked, licking her lips at the thought that Fluttershy herself wouldn't be leaving this room. Actually, scratch that, fuck it, she wouldn't be. There was no debate. She'd find a reason. "I need you to eat this one," said Fluttershy. "She fucked up and killed one of my favorite slaves." "I see, I see," replied Celestia. "Well, Blossomforth, my subject. Are you ready to endure neverending agony and pain?" Fluttershy tiled her head in confusion. "Wait, huh?" she spoke. "No, I want you to eat her with your cock and turn her into jizz." "I know that's what you want, dear, but what about what I want?" sighed Celestia. Once again, she opened a portal, flinging Blossomforth into it. Blossomforth's mind exploded in pain and agony. She knew whatever was going to happen was going to hurt - being transformed into cum was supposed to be the worst pain imaginable - but at least it had an ending. All of a sudden, she was in a pure hellscape, indescribable beings of pain and misery surrounding her, whipping her, raping her, seemingly all at once. Her mind couldn't even process the pain anymore, as the realization set in that this is what would happen to her for the rest of eternity. Fluttershy let out a nervous chuckle. "W...Well, I guess that's sufficient...t...thank you, Celestia," she stammered, starting to walk backwards towards the door. Celestia licked her lips. There we go. "You FOOL!" she boomed. "You are to address me as PRINCESS Celestia." "NO!!!!!" screamed Fluttershy, realizing what was about to happen. "I'M SORRY, I'M SORR-" The scream Fluttershy made as the magic hit her balls was indescribable. The spell Celestia used was even more powerful than that used on Lilac. Fluttershy writhed in agony as her balls swelled to enormous size. She could barely process what was going on - in just a few moments, her entire life would be over, and she'd live as Celestia's slave in constant torment and agony. She wished she wasn't so confident in coming here. She took a deep breath and shrieked, nearly blowing out her own eardrums, as her balls exploded, her penis flapping around in confusion, wondering why it could no longer experience pleasure. As her mind was erased and taken over, she sobbed, crawling towards Celestia, begging for mercy, until she was no longer in control of her own muscles, the last thing she was able to do being flap her wings, though not enough to fly... ...She did find herself moving away from the ground though. Her limp body floated through the air towards Celestia.....'s crotch. In her own mind, Fluttershy begain wailing in pain and misery as she realized what was her fate was. She had brought Blossomforth to be cockvored, but now, it was going to be her that would be eaten by a dick. "Oh, Fluttershy," teased Celestia, licking her lips again as she pressed Fluttershy's face straight into her penis. "I've been looking forward to this for a long time." Slowly but surely, Fluttershy was inserted into the massive, slimy penis, being forced down by its convulsing muscles. She felt her body begin to melt in impossible pain, every cell in her body screaming as she was kept alive by magic, compressed slowly into cum. She felt her entire being melt away as Celestia began to massage her truly massive shaft. With one final burst of pure, unmatchable pain in every fiber of her being, her conscience gave way as she became semen. Celestia, a being who had experienced orgasms for over two thousand years, cried out in pleasure so loudly that the entire city of Canterlot heard her, blowing a load of semen so hard that it shot through a window and covered some ponies below. Those unlucky enough to be hit soon felt its acidic effects, melting away their skin and flesh. Royal cum, you see, was quite lethal. It's not like the princesses would ever get in trouble for it. The remains of Fluttershy ended up killing at least fifteen ponies, but I assure you, they were not significant enough to even know their names. Way back in Ponyville, Fluttershy's remaining slaves began mindlessly moving in the direction of Celestia, their new master, but were stuck in the closet. They would kill themselves eventually by banging their heads against the walls. It's not like Celestia needed more slaves, anyway. Celestia spent the next hour or so bathing in the afterglow of, as always, her most powerful orgasm yet. It took Twilight four days to notice one of her friends was gone. > Chapter 2: Going Soft > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "NO!" squealed Pinkie Pie in distress, leaning across the circular table with a seat for each of the Elements of Harmony. Fluttershy's seat lay very obviously empty. "It just can't be!" she continued, practically sobbing. "N...not Fluttershy!" "You're not fooling anyone, Pinkie," sighed Rainbow Dash. "We all knew you wanted Fluttershy dead more than any of us." "It's true," replied Pinkie, immediately snapping out of her silly facade, now acting as her usual, bouncy self. "I just wish I could have been there to see it! Boy, I bet the look on her face when her balls exploded....Mmmmmmm!" Pinkie began to rub her massive penis along the table. Aside from Twilight, Pinkie had the biggest balls of the "mane six", having slaughtered many across Ponyville and beyond. Pinkie loved to tease her victims, always playing a game she was confident she'd never lose. "Well I, for one, think she got off a little to easy," complained Rarity, with the third biggest cock, fully erect. Rarity had the most elitist aura of the group, having eliminated any threat to her beauty thus far. "That stupid cunt deserved to burn alive, screaming in agony, for at least a century." She yawned, and began to stroke her penis. "I mean...y...yeah, I guess," agreed Rainbow Dash, not convincing anyone. Rainbow Dash was very much in love with Fluttershy, and had not taken the news well. She was trying to keep her feelings to herself, because she knew everypony else was so aroused by the death of one of their friends that they wouldn't understand them. She had to admit, if this had happened to Rarity, or Twilight, she'd be hard as a rock right now. "Y'all, you know, we should take this a bit more seriously," said Applejack, leaning on her back with her hooves behind her head, her cock and balls on display above her crossed legs, "Thinkin' about Fluttershy dyin' in the most horrifyin' way possible sure is fun. But she was one of us. Ah, for one, sure didn't think any of us were ever gonna lose." "Fluttershy was a moron," interjected Twilight, her monster of a cock laid out on the table - it was too big to fit under it. "She decided to challenge a princess without being ready. She had it coming." Twilight leaned forward, and opened her eyes suggestively. "Now, when I personally decide to give them a visit...things will turn out differently." "Oh, MMMnnnnnn," hummed Rarity, now stroking her penis to the rhythm of Twilight's voice. Honestly, she did love Twilight, but desperately tried to hide it, for fear of punishment. The truth is that she fantasized about fucking her nearly every second, but knew it was never meant to be. There was no way that Twilight would lower herself to a measly commoner such as herself. "Well, fer now," commented Applejack,"Ah'm stayin AWAY from the princesses. Ah don't know 'bout y'all, but I ain't tryin to end up without any balls on account'a bein foolish." "Oh, don't worry, mudpony," snapped Twilight, annoyed at her for speaking out of line. "I wouldn't be sending anypony as worthless as you, anyway. What are you gonna do, KICK her real hard?" "N...no, Princess Twilight, your royal highness, oh great and mighty, most beautiful in the realm," stammered Applejack, remembering Twilight's full preferred title, terrified of defying her. She still remembered what happened to Spike. Twilight smiled and tilted her head in response innocently, as if pretending she hadn't just threatened one of the worst possible fates. "So, what does everypony have planned for today?" she asked sweetly. "Oooh! Oooh!" squealed Pinkie in response, her penis and ballsack flapping around as she bounced in excitement. "I've got a battle lined up with Soft Spot." "That's wonderful, Pinkie!" exclaimed Twilight. "AAAHHHNNN!!!!!" cried out Rarity in pure ecstasy, having masturbated to the thought of Twilight eliminating Applejack for being a fucking worthless earth pony. Feeling, like always, the most powerful orgasm of her life, her penis convulsed as it shot loads and loads of cum all over the room. Twilight, now covered in white icky stuff, turned to Rarity with a look of annoyance. "Whoopsie," giggled Rarity sheepishly. Soft Spot, a purple pony with a minty green mane, was relaxing, drinking a fruity drink through a straw as she relaxed, laying on her back, her rather large penis and balls laying across her crossed legs. In her own mind, this was going to be the best day of her entire life. She had already defeated Sunshower earlier, the toothpaste-haired pegasus now a limp pile of flesh on the ground, her useless penis laying flat on the ground behind her. Sunshower's friend, Clear Skies, held the fruity drink cup with a shaking hoof, terrified of the threats Soft Spot had given her. If she was going to be forced to be a slave, she'd rather do it with her balls and mind in-tact. However, she did offer a word of caution to her new master. "S..Soft Spot? If I may...are you sure about this? I mean, Pinkie Pie?" Soft sighed, in an over-exaggerated kind of way. As a literal background character who's appearance you probably had to fucking google, she was used to this. She whistled, and from around the corner came another lifeless pony with a blasted-open ballsack. Clear Skies gulped as she recognized the curly mane, one half pink, one half blue - former special agent Sweetie Drops. "That's right, cunt," said Soft flatly, as if proving a point. "Who's the one who bursted Bon Bon's Bon Bons? Me. I'm a big deal, okay? I don't give a fuck that I've lived my life in the background. I'm here to take names, er, balls, now. Sunshower?" The meatsack groaned in response, turning her head to face her captor. "Go and cut your useless penis off. Make sure you do it sloppy, so you bleed out and die." The husk nodded in approval, before turning around to walk. Clear Skies whined in disapproval, though didn't dare move or let go of the drink. "W...wait, why!!! No, no, don't let her kill herself!" she pleaded to Soft, as if it would make any difference. "Nah, this is punishment for you questioning my ability to defeat Pinkie. Mmmmm...after I smash that cunt's balls, I think I'm gonna hang her from the town hall for all to see! In reality, Soft planned no such thing. But she wasn't quite ready to share that information with the class yet. Pinkie bounced down Ponyville's main street, her gigantic penis and balls flopping around behind her. She whistled happily, planning her evening in her head. After this fight, she was going to either have dinner with the girls, or possibly head to Mrs. Cake's - she had told Pinkie she wanted to teach little Pumpkin Cake how to cum. But first, she had a game to win. And this game was one of her favorites. And speaking of favorites... "Hey Pinkie," came a flat voice from nearby. Pinkie immediately halted in her hop, turning to face the unmistakable voice of her sister, Maud Pie. A tiny hint of a smile curved from Maud's mouth. "On your way to upgrade our collection?" Pinkie, still in shock, gathered herself, as her penis became erect, and a huge grin came across her face as tears began to flow from her eyes. "Maud!!!!" she cried in joy, now rock solid, bounding towards her sister. She immediately hugged the darker colored pony, whose own penis began to make itself firm. "I missed you too, Pinkie." Even though Maud wasn't much for showing emotion, she certainly felt it, her penis now fully erect due to her favorite sister's presence. This poke was enough to get Pinkie to notice. She had to double take, not processing its new girth right away. "Woah-hoa, Maud! You've been busy! That thing's like...bigger than a chimichanga!" Pinkie giggled, her penis feeling a tingle of excitement as it reached out. Feeling overwhelmed with emotion, she began to think about how amazing her life was. She was sexy, she had a hot-ass sister, her balls were massive, and she would always win the game....just the thought of her success brought her to near climax, sobbing tears of joy as she began to touch Maud's penis. Maud began to pur from the pleasure, the tiniest of smiles beginning to form on her usually expressionless face. As Pinkie rubbed her shaft faster and faster, she began to see the fireworks she was so accustomed to. In a state of absolute pleasure, Maud began to lose herself, licking Pinkie's massive erect penis as moans came from her mouth. Pinkie began to shriek in delight, tears now streaming down her face, as she approached the most powerful orgasm of her life. Maud, close to her own climax as well, was now smiling completely, panting and sweating as her balls clenched. She thanked Celestia for her huge, firm, balls, and her cute sister, and the pleasure she was experiencing right now. She could feel herself moments from climax. Pinkie herself reached it first, letting out a squeal of pure ecstasy as a river of cum poured from her penis, losing her grip on Maud's shaft. She fell backwards into the grass, laughing and crying as her now-flaccid penis dripped cum around her, unable to control her sheer pleasure. That didn't really matter, though, as Maud was already passed the point of no return, and could feel the semen building in her penis, about to release. With her own cry of joy, she prepared herself for the most pleasurable feeling imaginable... ...and felt a searing, horrifying pain in her crotch instead. It all happened so fast, that Maud barely even recognized what happened for a split second. Time seemed to freeze as she stared down at her erect penis, which seemed to be slowly lowering. Further down, she looked to see her firm ballsack - now pierced through the side by an arrow, blood pouring from the now-worthless sack. Maud let out a horrified shriek, pulling Pinkie out of her bliss immediately as blood from the burst sack splashed all over her face. Maud called out Pinkie's name among several incomprehensible wails of agony, stumbling to the ground as her body writhed in pain. In shock, Pinkie wordlessly looked up, her orgasm so recent that cum still dripped from her massive penis, to see her sister flailing on the ground, gallons of blood pouring from her pierced ballsack. Maud's screams were now completely impossible to discern. "M....MAUD!" shrieked Pinkie, her tears of joy now replaced quickly with ones of worry and sorrow. "NO!!!!!!" With a final wail of agony, Maud fell limp to the ground, before slowly getting up with a lifeless (like, more than usual, considering we're talking about Maud here) look in her eyes. "M...Maud,...please, n...no..." sobbed Pinkie, trying desperately to reach her sister. Maud blinked, and then turned to the distance to face her new master - Clear Skies, terrified, with her hooves shaking, holding a cross bow. Pinkie's sorrow turned quickly to anger. As Maud began to lifelessly walk towards her new master, Pinkie, now digging her hooves angrily into the dirt with each step, began to approach Clear Skies, with a look of fury on her face. Her penis, still dripping cum, dragged along the ground behind her, her massive ballsack and tight ass bouncing as she walked. Ponies looked out of their windows, having heard the commotion by now. It was true, they whispered to each other. Maud had burst. Maud had lost. Was Pinkie next? "P...P...P...Pinkie, I'm...s..." Clear Skies, clearly terrified, sputtered and trembled, trying to reason with Pinkie. She knew what was about to happen, and that there was literally no way out for her. She just hoped it would be over fast. Soft Spot had told her to do this. She was going to get her balls burst if she didn't do it. Unfortunately, it no longer seemed like that mattered. In fact, she might have preferred losing her sack to Soft Spot than Pinkie. Fuck it, she thought, might as well try. Sobbing, she began to weakly stroke her pathetically small penis, hoping for one last feeling of pleasure before whatever Pinkie had planned happened to her. Nearby, Zipporwhill was walking her dog, who whimpered as he walked along the beaten path. "Walk, you stupid fucking mutt," she sputtered at it, spitting in its path as it walked. Male animals were sometimes allowed to live, but only if they showed absolute and complete subservience to their masters, and were particularly cute. Ripley happened to be bitch enough to fit these conditions. Pinkie pulled out her secret weapon - she was going to save this for the fight against Soft Spot as a kinky way to kill her opponent, but now, all bets were off - from her satchel. The tiny bottle of purple liquid was thrown to the ground, and the surrounding 30 or so meters were covered with flashes of light as portals to hellish dimensions opened in random spots. Zecora had made this potion for Pinkie to banish ponies to the pain dimension, but it was meant to be ingested - smashing it on the ground caused dozens of portals to appear, many snatching some unlucky ponies. Lyra Heartstrings, trying to mourn her dead wife, screamed in agony as she was yanked into a dimension of pure torture and demented pain, every piece of her skin being whipped a thousand times a second, her balls exploding and regenerating every time she screamed, to be kept alive for all eternity with magic that would keep her the same age as well as never let her adjust to the pain. Satisfied with its prey, the now-sentient portal slowly blipped out of existence to snack on and enjoy fresh futa mare pain and misery for the rest of measurable time. Zipporwhill had been luckier than Lyra, but not by much - the portal appeared close enough to yank her towards it, but she was able to resiliently grab a nearby pole to ground herself. Her penis began to erect itself. She had only defeated two fillies in combat before - she could still hear them sobbing in agony as they lay there with burst balls - but she was completely confident that she would survive this. She began to pur, and rub her penis, starting to become sexually aroused at the thought of how wonderful her life was and how much she had ahead of herself. Suddenly, something kicked her hooves on the pole hard, loosening them, and sending her careening towards the portal. In the sudden moment of shock and betrayal, Zipporwhill saw her dog, smiling weakly, watching her fly backwards. She felt her penis twitch as she tried to rationalize with herself that she was about to feel unending pain. No...no! Not her!!! It was IMPOSSIBLE! Shrieking in anger, Zipporwhill smashed her hooves into the dirt, locking herself in place. All around her, she could hear ponies screaming as they succumbed to portals and were given their first taste of immortal pain as their portals closed, sealing them off from the real world for all time. With tears in her eyes, she began to take steps forward. She COULDN'T die here. She was too cute...she was so sexy... What happens next is a little hard to describe, but I'm doing my best here. Zipporwhill suddenly felt her dog's hind paws on her face. She barely had any time to react as she was sent careening backwards. Ripley began to as well, but was caught in place - his leash was purposefully tied around the pole, and though he was tugged through the air towards the portal, he was kept in place by his now-acting noose, which started to choke the poor doggo. Zipporwhill, in an instant, felt every pain imaginable strike her all at once, her balls immediately exploding and regenerating multiple times a second to the rate of her insanely fast beating heart. She barely had enough time to scream before being thrust into eternal agony. She immediately felt the life magic course through her veins, keeping her fully alive and lucid during the constant pain. She couldn't even throw up, even though her body desperately wanted to, as she was given no chance to use her mouth before what felt like a dozen penises were stuck in every orifice she had. Moaning and whining in pain, she felt her own penis get ripped off by ungodly creatures of unfathomable pain and misery, all sorts of horrifying sensations overloaded her entire nervous system as her eyesight faded due to tears and shock, the final thing she saw of the living world being her loathsome fucking dog, near death from hanging, as the portal closed, sealing her away in the pain dimension for all time. Luckily for Ripley, the closing of the portal meant he was no longer being hung by his own leash. Collapsing to the ground, the good boy boofer managed to stand triumphantly, and started gnawing on his leash to free himself. Maybe, he thought, he could have a few days of freedom before being found out and slaughtered for being a male on the loose. Meanwhile, Clear Skies was nearing orgasm, oblivious to the hellish portals opening and ponies screaming around her. She knew she was going to die, and just wanted pleasure one last time... Pinkie wasn't about to let that happen. Finally reaching her sister's murderer, she bucked the oblivious pegasus in the face, sending her flying backwards with a wail. Pinkie's legs landed from the powerful kick, presenting her fine ass to everypony watching, her gigantic dick and balls dangling below. Many ponies could barely focus with something that sexy being flaunted around, and began to masturbate themselves, some unfortunate ones losing track of their spacial awareness and falling into hungry portals to the pain dimensions, sentenced to eternal pain and misery in seconds. Pinkie was causing a real massacre - if she wasn't friends with Twilight, this would probably be frowned upon. Of course, Clear Skies hit a portal herself, and yelped in surprise and agony as her boner was instantly removed. Literally. One of the indescribable creatures of torment ripped off her erect shaft as soon as she entered hell, leaving her screaming in anguish as her balls were smashed moments later, the portal closing on her as her poor brain tried to process that she wouldn't be dying, but suffering for as all time. She let out one more cry of agony as the portal closed, never to be seen again. Breathing heavily, Pinkie turned to Maud, who blinked slowly, then began walking towards Pinkie. Since Pinkie had eliminated her "master", Clear Skies, she became the new master. Her gigantic ass still bouncing to the rhythm of her stride, she approached her sister with tears in her eyes. "It's okay, Maud. You're with me now," she said calmly, knowing that Maud could hear her, but not respond. At least Maud would still be around, kind of, to pleasure her and to fuck her. In Maud's mind, even though she was feeling the excruciating pain of her balls being pierced every second, she heard and appreciated her sister. She had always hoped that, if she would become a slave, it would be with Pinkie as the master. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad- Suddenly, Maud's entire thoughts cut off as she was immediately killed by another arrow, this time straight through her neck. She slumped to the ground, her sad burst open sack flopping open as her mutilated testicles spilled out on the ground. The blood splattered all over Pinkie, who stood in shock. Wh..What. Where did. Where did that come from. She slowly turned her head to see... Soft Spot. The motherfucker that she was supposed to fight today. She had completely forgot. Soft Spot grinned at her with the most shit-eating grin you could imagine. As if she could escape Pinkie's wrath. As if there was any way out of this. The fucking nerve of this pony, Pinkie thought. Her pupils shrunk to the size of fucking blueberries as she trembled with rage, before charging the minty-haired pony. She was so angry, in fact, that she didn't notice stepping directly on one of the portals she summoned. Even in her rage, Pinkie immediately knew how badly she had fucked up, immediately jumping to try and correct her mistake. It was too late. Tentacles shot from the portal, grabbing her hind legs. Pinkie cried out in shock and terror as she was thrown to the ground, digging her hooves into the dirt as hard as she could to avoid being pulled backwards. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening. Not her. No, she couldn't be losing. No, she could NOT be about to feel pain for the rest of eternity. She was Pinkie Pie. She wasn't going to lose to a background character. Soft Spot chuckled like a goddamn supervillain, strolling over to Pinkie, who was squealing and struggling in agony, desperate to not fall backwards. "You tried your best," she sighed, kicking some dirt at the pink pony struggling, her cute ass wiggling back and forth as she desperately tried to escape. "But I was too smart for you. I've been planning this for a while, you see." Pinkie cried out, barely even processing what Soft Spot was saying. "I knew I had to neuter Maud. And then make sure you were focused on the pony who did it. Then, I would kill Maud myself. I saw you going to Zecora's, you see. I knew you wanted to banish me to eternal hell." Pinkie farted, unable to control herself. Every second she inched closer to the portal. It was now hopeless. This is what was going to happen to her. She tried to rationalize the infinite pain that was coming. "So I went to Zecora's too. I got something I think you'll have fun with." With that vagueness out of the way and her plan going perfectly, Soft Spot removed a vial of tiny liquid of her own, before pouring it on Pinkie's massive balls. Immediately, Pinkie shrieked so loud she lost her voice. The liquid reacted horrifyingly with her balls, causing them more pain and agony than was even possible for the mind to process, ever single second, over and over. This sudden and horrifying pain made Pinkie lose her grip and go toppling into the portal. With one final effort, she managed to grab the edge of reality, still not fully engulfed. Her screaming balls flopped around in the pain dimension beneath her as she cried out for mercy or help, neither of which came. About five hundred demons of indescribable malice showed up to deal with the resilient pink horse, all smashing her balls from different directions. Pinkie threw her guts up as, hundreds of times a second, she felt the combined pain of the hellish dimension, Soft Spot's anti-testicle solution, and her balls being smashed and ripped apart by hundreds of demons. As the portal closed, Pinkie thrashed about in more agony and pain than any pony had ever experienced in history. For trillions of years, she felt the exact same pain , hundreds of times a second, until the heat death of the universe and the end of time. Soft Spot grinned as the portal closed. Around her, the other portals closed as well, having either found prey or "timing out". Several lifeless ponies, who had been Pinkie's slaves, began approaching their new master, emerging from houses and other hiding places. Soft heard the whispers of those around her. Not just Fluttershy, not just Maud, but now Pinkie was gone forever, too. Soon, they began to cheer. Soft Spot didn't really know why. It's not like she would be any more merciful. She'd enjoy the praise while it lasted, though. Her penis as hard as a rock - and now having grown exponentially due to the annihilation of Pinkie - she began to jack off in public. Her screams of pleasure were signs of an orgasm even more powerful than the average upgrade'. A street away, Ripley climaxed, his first true orgasm given to himself since the day he was born into this hellish slavery. Turns out, he really liked seeing ponies scream and die in agony. Maybe he could see that happen to more of them. He knew where to start, though - he was going to give his good friend, Winona, a visit. > Chapter 3: Equestria Pain Olympics > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash gulped, watching again on the magical replay screen as Pinkie Pie - her former friend - was sucked screaming into a hellish abyss, never to be seen again. She saw the fear in the pink pony's eyes as she saw the outside world for the last time, and the sheer pain when her mighty testicles exploded. Pinkie wasn't exactly the nicest pony to her, and may have not been the closest friend ever, but it was still terrifying. Fluttershy, who's death was still a shock, and emotionally impactful for poor Rainbow , was weak, at least. If any of her friends were going to lose the game, it would have been her. She also made the stupid decision of going to see Princess Celestia in-person. But Pinkie? Pinkie was strong. Possibly the most feared member of their group besides Twilight. She had burst hundreds of unlucky victims, banishing the most notorious of them to the same hellish dimension that she herself had ended up suffering in. And now she was gone - killed by a random pony unceremoniously. Her sister was gone to boot. All of this was really starting to make the blue pegasus scared. She wasn't really as brave as everypony thought she was, and all of this death was really getting to her nerves. So much so, that when Flitter, the cute light purple pegasus, playfully slapped Rainbow's ass, it startled her into the air. "C'mon, Dash!" giggled Flitter. "It's almost time for our game! Get your clamper on." Flitter adjusted her hindquarters a bit, the metal device known as a clamper already attached to her. Around her ballsack rested a firm, tight clamp, with a couple of magical lines tying it together. Her tail swayed back and forth, her penis dangling unerect from the dangerous device. Rainbow sighed, moving towards her locker to attach her own clamper, Pinkie's shrieks still playing in the background. The clamper was a device made by Celestia, of course, to make Equestrian sports more...entertaining. As Rainbow carefully attached the clamp to her own balls, she heard a wail of agony from outside. She glanced through the window to see Orange Swirl, a chipper pegasus who she had once considered a friend, sobbing and pleading for mercy, having lost what looked to be a game of dodgeball. These cries were for naught, as the metal device on her balls smashed shut after a few moments of excruciating waiting. Orange Swirl screamed as blood poured from her crotch, her now-worthless penis flapping around helplessly. In constant agony, she shrieked until her brain had melted into mush, collapsing to the ground. Dash gulped, feeling the clamp on her own balls strain with pressure, ready to slam shut if she were to lose a game. It wasn't likely, given that she was Equestria's top athlete, but the fact that it was a fate that was all the more possible to her, because of Pinkie, loomed over her shoulder. Flitter winced at the sight, but continued to smile, confident in her ability. After all, she had Rainbow Dash on her team. "Alright, let's do this," said Dash, with as much confidence as she could muster. Their clampers gripping their balls menacingly, the two walked out of the locker room and into the stadium. "Move OVER, you fucking skank!" shouted Diamond Tiara, shoving Scootaloo off the train seat she was currently occupying. "We're about to pass MY favorite spot, so I wanna look out the window MYSELF!" The pink brat spit on Scootaloo, who was trying to get up. The rattling of the train made that harder. Scootaloo whimpered a little bit, trying her best to not let it get to her. Her tiny, flaccid penis seemed to tuck itself away behind her tail in shame as she made her way to another seat, this time near her friends, Apple Boom and Sweetie Belle. Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara's "bitch," as she liked to be known as, carefully scooted up next to her friend, who had rotated her hips ever so slightly as if to hint at something. Licking her lips, she began to massage Diamond's penis, which began to grow a bit. Diamond Tiara, as the train passed Rainbow Falls, her favorite view, began to feel the pleasure of stimulation on her shaft. She purred in delight, absolutely loving her life, and how everypony seemed to do exactly what she wanted. "Sorry 'bout that, Scootaloo," sighed Apple Bloom to her forlorn friend. "Ah know ya wanted t' see the falls." "It's okay, Apple Bloom," she replied, a tear in her eyes. "I...I know better than to question Diamond Tiara." Fillies bursting each other's balls was absolutely against the rules, and with Cheerilee around, they felt relatively safe. But Diamond Tiara had connections. Just last week, Twist had stood up to her. While the light pink punk didn't seem to mind at school when it happened, Twist was found with her balls "accidentally" smashed with a rock and her throat slit in her own bed a few days later. Nopony dared question what happened. Cheerilee, drunk off her ass as usual, sighed, sitting in the seat at the front of the train by herself, without nary a glance at the "commotion" behind her. She just didn't care. She used to, of course, but after the third or fourth earful from a concerned parent about how their "darling little angel" got their balls smashed, she decided it was above her pay grade to worry about these stupid brats always trying to kill each other. After all, Mayor Mare, Twilight, Celestia, and pretty much any other pony who had an influence on her quality of life was a pretty obvious foalphile, and they were probably enjoying this, so standing up for it or causing its prevention may end up causing her to be involved in an "accident" as well. For what it was worth, though, she sure did wish Diamond Tiara would shut the fuck up. "Hey, so who do you think is gonna win the most games today??" asked Sweetie Belle, her voice cracking in forced excitement. She already knew the answer Scootaloo was going to give, and was primarily just trying to cheer her friend up. As expected, Scoots perked up upon hearing the question, turning to Sweetie with a smile. "Rainbow Dash, duh!!!" she exclaimed, eager to talk about her hero, trying to ignore the tears in her eyes. "She's like...an Equestrian Sports legend! R...Remember last year, when she took down Spitfire?" "Oh, that was EPIC!" agreed Apple Bloom, happy to see Scootaloo in better spirits. "I still remember how she was all screamin' an such..." In reality, the memory was rather horrifying. Dash and Spitfire already didn't want to fight each other, because of their longtime friendship. However, Celestia had insisted they do it for her entertainment. Dash had tried to lose on purpose, but Spitfire apparently had the same idea. Instead of a merciful ball smash, however, she was taken away by Celestia and tortured for months before finally being executed. This news had somehow eluded Scootaloo, who had believed it to be a brave victory from Dash. Her friends knew better than to tell her. "AAAHhhhhhhhhhnnnnn~!!!!!" squealed Diamond Tiara in pleasure, blowing her load all over the seat in front of her as Silver Spoon, grinning all the way, gladly let herself get covered in what was left. Diamond breathed heavily, in absolute bliss . She had only had about a hundred orgasms, but they kept getting better. Obviously. "Please clean up after yourself if you cum on the train, Diamond Tiara," said Cheerilee in a dead monotone, just not giving a fuck anymore. "Please lick the tip of my penis, miss cunt, if you wish to live to see tomorrow's dawn," snapped Diamond Tiara suddenly, as if furious her teacher would dare speak out of line. Cheerilee sighed, and got out of her seat. She was probably going to die anyway, but if she could at least feel pleasure a few more times, it would be worth it. Dash and Flitter could barely hear over the roar of the crowd. The massive stadium had had several expansions to compensate the massive growth in interest in the "Equestria Pain Olympics", as they were starting to be called. For whatever reason, ponies started to find it really, really hot when another pony got her ballsack burst open during live competition. This may or may not have had to do with a country-wide spell cast by Celestia. Speaking of the sunbutt herself, she stood atop a regal seat next to Luna, her dear sister, ready to watch the games. A pony with a name that can barely be pronounced approached the duo in a maid's outfit, tailor-made just for her - it cut off just enough to show off her balls indecently. Stumbling and stuttering with fear, she raised a glass to Celestia, who, without even looking at it or tasting it in the slightest, turned her head and zapped the poor pony, causing her to shriek in pain as she was lifted into the air. Luna, now paying attention, rolled her eyes at her sister's antics. Celestia zapped the pony in her now-exposed sack, causing it to begin to grotesquely morph into painful looking shapes, twisting around itself and breaking in all kinds of horrifying ways. The maid pony continued to cry out and wail in agony as Celestia summoned a portal from which a tongue shot out, yanking in the unlucky mare to some sort of eternal pain or something or other, yadda yadda....she closed the portal, and yawned, looking to Luna, who was still bemused. "Oh Luna," she sighed, feigning obliviousness. "It's just gotten so boring. I remember when I first started banishing ponies, it got me so hard. Now, it's so.....unsatisfying!" Luna sighed hard. Having lived with her sister for thousands of years, she knew exactly what was happening. Classic Celestia. The question was, dare she say it? Of course, she could probably take her sister in a fight if she snapped. But there were so many innocent ponies around... "Perhaps, dear sister," she said, as calmly as she could, "you're overdoing it just a tad? Maybe nothing is exciting anymore because...you need a new fetish? What about...a hoof fetish?" "Oh no, I've already tried cutting off hooves before," responded Celestia, woefully missing Luna's attempt at giving her some semblance of a normal fetish. "It's nowhere near as satisfying as genital mutilation." As if on cue, a scream rang out from the stadium below. A pegasus began frantically flying in circles, pleading to keep her testicles, before her clamper smashed down on them, causing her to lose control of her flight path as she careened in screaming agony into the mouth of a chained-up hydra. Her muffled shrieks were heard for several seconds as the massive creature devoured the poor, ball-less mare whole, melting her with stomach acids as her blasted-open scrotum was infected with all kinds of horrifying infections that caused immediate and ungodly pain. Her partner, clearly a romantic interest, was distracted by this chain of events, leading to her getting hit with a dodgeball and suffering the same fate - after a worthless plea of mercy, her balls were reduced to atoms, and she fell into the mouth of the hungry beast, screaming in agony as her life faded before her. Yaaaawwwwwwn came the bellowing noise from Celestia's mouth as Luna was immediately taken out of the moment. She had actually started to get a little aroused, but Celestia's annoying fucking yawn was causing issues and, to say the least, limiting her sensations. "Sister," said Luna, annoyed, hoof on cock mid-sentence. "Do you mind?" "Oh, I'm sorry, Luna, I'm just so BORED..." she complained, not even sure if she was being genuine or just trolling her sister, before suddenly getting a wonderful idea. "Perhaps...I should try and make this a bit more interesting?" Her penis tingled with excitement. On the field, Pizelle, the blonde haired pegasus who was still alive after her two teammates had been devoured by the hydra, whimpered as the opposing team was ready to strike. Her flaccid, scared penis lay tucked between her crotch, the clamper holding itself menacingly above her balls. Just one mistake, and that would be it... On the opposing team, the captain, Sassaflash, beamed with pride. She had managed to win a match without a single loss on her team. Surely, they would be commended well for this. She held up a ball, ready to toss it at Pizelle. "STOP!" boomed a mighty voice from above, belonging to Celestia as she slowly floated down to the playing field. Sassaflash, too in the moment, didn't look to Celestia, instead throwing the ball at Pizelle's face. It wasn't until her action was met with silence instead of applause that she realized she may have done something wrong. The ball hit the poor Pizelle in the face, who was too terrified to defy Celestia. After all, if she moved and dodged the ball, she might have spared her balls, but suffered a much worse fate at the hooves of Celestia. She squeaked in slight fear and pain, but breathed a slight sigh of relief. In an instant, her clamper smashed shut, and she howled in pain, her wings failing her as she fell down into the mouth of the pissed-off hydra, which decided to eat her with two of the heads this time - one grabbing her upper body, and one her lower, ripping the poor pegasus brutally in half. Meanwhile, Sassaflash was starting to realize just how badly she fucked up, slowly raising her head to see a very pissed off Celestia. Her penis twitched a bit as a stream of urine dripped from it for a few moments. She opened her mouth, as if to start to speak. Her teammates shyed away, flying as far away from her as they could. "I-" "Worthless subject," said Celestia condescendingly, cutting off the timid pegasus, causing her butthole to clench a little. "Do you know the meaning of the word 'stop'?" "Yes! Yes, I, yes I d...do..." the now-dubbed worthless subject sputtered in response, her heart beating a thousand times a second. "It does not appear that you do," sighed Celestia. "Perhaps it is up to me to teach you a lesson." In response to this, Sassaflash, who had been confident just moments ago, immediately flew as fast as she could towards the Hydra, hoping to kill herself before Celestia was able to do whatever it was she wanted to do. Screaming, she flew straight into its hungry mouth, her wings being ripped off by its intensely sharp teeth. She screamed in immediate pain as the inside juices of the monster began to molest her, but at least had the satisfaction in her mind that, after just a few moments of this excruciating pain, it would be over.... Unfortunately for her, she suddenly felt a growing heat, before the pain went away in a violent explosion of blood and guts, the Hydra immediately gibbed by Celestia, who stared down the now falling Sassaflash with a thousand daggers in her eyes. The poor pegasus squeaked as Celestia caught her with magic, bringing her up to eye level. She tried to keep her breathing in tact, but could barely manage. Her mind began shooting to any way of possibly killing herself before this began. No such method made itself known, as Celestia grabbed her head with magic, nearly breaking her neck to force the poor pony to stare directly at her. "You defy my orders and then try to die before your punishment? Truly, a pony such as yourself deserves the worst punishment imaginable," said Celestia in her firmest voice. "I don't w...wanna die," blubbered the pegasus, hopelessly. "Oh, don't worry," sighed Celestia. "You won't." Celestia shot her new spell at the unlucky pegasus, who threw all four of her limbs out and shrieked as the new horrifying magic began to take hold on her. She felt as if time was moving backwards - but she could still see everypony around her move normally, including Celestia, who began to grin wickedly. Her angle of view seemed to be growing slightly lower, though, which was strange, because she didn't think she was lowering. She thought to glance down out of chance. What she saw terrified her. Everything. Her legs, her torso, her penis and balls...everything was shrinking. As if it was getting....younger. She suddenly realized she was forgetting things by the millisecond, suddenly realizing she could no longer articulate in her mind what she had for mid-afternoon lunch yesterday, and...wait..what was mid-afternoon? What city was this...wait...what's a city....what..what...how..to...speak... The pegasus known as Sassaflash had de-aged into a foal. Shocked and terrified, the former pegasus bawled, no longer able to form words. Celestia lifted her tiny penis with magic, revealing her barely developed ballsack. The pegasus screamed in shame, knowing by instinct that what was happening was very, very bad. Celestia opened a portal behind the wailing filly and cast her into it, a dimension of pure hell. In an instant, the undeveloped, pathetic mind was subjected to horrifying pains even adult mares couldn't handle for more than a few seconds. The poor foal couldn't handle the pain and fainted within seconds - at least, she would have, without a fainting immunity spell cast on her by Celestia. Unable to rest, unable to adjust, the poor screaming filly spun in place, every pain imaginable assaulting her, for all time. Everypony in the stadium saw this too, as Celestia kept the portal open for a few moments, to see what was happening. The sickening cries of a helpless, tortured filly rocked the stadium as the portal closed. Everypony was so fixated on this horrifying event that they didn't notice Celestia stroking her shaft, who was finally nearing climax. Celestia shrieked in pure pleasure as, finally, death felt exciting again to her, the thought of reducing a proud mare to a weak, helpless, innocent foal and then subjecting her to eternal pain was just the push that she needed. Once again feeling a mighty orgasm built up over thousands of years, she blasted royal cum all over the stadium - drenching several unlucky ponies in acid semen. They screamed and wailed as their flesh melted away, pissing and shitting all over the stands as their bodies convulsed, spewing out blood and organs all over the seats. A pregnant mare had her belly splashed, her near-due foal blasting out of her stomach as it melted. The little one, unable to even open its eyes, screamed in agony at the sudden change in environment as its sobbing mother tried to push it back into herself before accidentally falling from the clouds and plummeting to her death miles below. Her organs and intestines snapped as she fell, watching her shrieking foal flail around in free fall, unsure of the sensations it was being bombarded with. She tried to reach out to it, trying to swim through the air, but failed, the last thing she was able to see being her foal open her eyes for the first time only to see the ground hurtling at her at terminal velocity before exploding into a mess on some sharp rocks. The royal cum didn't just affect the stadium - down below, the train carrying the students was almost to its destination. Diamond Tiara, in a fit of pure pleasure, opened her window and screamed out of it in ecstasy, feeling like the whole world was hers. She blew more semen from her penis, confident in her life, and that everypony around her would do as she pleased for the rest of her hey what was that white stuff coming right towards her. In the most predictable coincidence ever, Celestia's sperm managed to fly straight into the window of the train and onto Diamond Tiara. It only hit her shoulder and arm, but they immediately started melting away. "Huh...hhuh....hhhhuuuuAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!" she shrieked, pissing herself as blood began to pour from her. She stumbled away from the window. She vomited over the seat and Silver Spoon next to her. Silver Spoon walked around her, positioning herself right in front of the window. "D...DIAMOND TIARA!" she cried out. "WH...WHAT'S HAPPEN-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" screamed Diamond Tiara, bucking Silver Spoon in the face. Silver Spoon yelped as she was shoved backwards out the window of the moving train, her balls getting caught on a loose splinter in the wood. She shrieked in agony as she fell onto the tracks, her balls ripped from her scrotum. Her mind could barely process the pain as she tumbled onto the tracks, before suddenly being run over by dozens of the train's wheels, throwing up, pissing and shitting everywhere as she died. On the train, Diamond Tiara continued to thrash in pain, trying to stay alive. Everypony was paying close attention now. The fillies huddled close together, with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo trying their best to stay away from everything that was happening. "SOMEONE FUCKING HELP ME, OR I'LL KILL YOU ALL!!!!!" shrieked Diamond Tiara. Cheerilee sighed and approached her before raising a hoof...and smashing it down on the filly's pink balls, hard. Diamond Tiara screamed so loud that several fillies pissed themselves. Cheerilee, finally feeling catharsis, punched the little shit in the face, and she tumbled to the ground, her life in ruins. The former teacher then pulled out a dangerous looking potion - not unlike the one Pinkie had received from Zecora. Diamond Tiara, her mind moments from melting away, saw what was happening, and broke completely. "NO WAIT PLEASE DON'T OH CELESTIA PLEASE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she screamed, as the potion hit her skin. A portal opened up, and yanked her into it without resistance. In an instant, she felt violated, raped, tortured, and agonized in thousands of ways a second, and was sentenced to this fate for the rest of measurable time until the heat death of the universe. Every time she got even remotely adjusted to the pain, the magic of the potion increased it by a factor of ten. Diamond Tiara could barely even shriek for mercy before every hole was filled with penises, her pink ass being whipped more times a second than she could even process. The other fillies on the train who had huddled into the corner were a bit too close, but Cheerilee certainly didn't care. One by one, the innocent fillies were sucked into the portal of eternal torment, their balls smashed thousands of times a second, experiencing excruciating pain for the rest of entirety. The train itself began to collapse, the cars behind it veering off track due to the black hole's destructive power. Cheerilee and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, now the only ones left alive, watched as the entire back half of their train car was sucked into the portal. The cars behind them, filled with screaming mares and fillies, careened off the cliff. Inside them, ponies screamed for their lives before the cars hit the ground about a mile below, exploding on impact, killing all of them. Cheerilee stared coldly down at the carnage, her hair blowing in the wind, with the Cutie Mark Crusaders cowering behind her. The rest of the train slowly came to a halt and the conductor mare came to their car to check on them. "H...Hey, what's going on back here...." she asked feebly, before seeing the carnage. "O...Oh, f..fuck..." Cheerilee, still emotionless, leaped at the conductor and smashed her against the wall, punching her with her hooves until her face was just a bloody pulp. The Cutie Mark Crusaders continued to hide in the corner, not sure if Cheerilee hadn't seen them or if they were just being spared. Their question was answered when Cheerilee turned to them and asked, "Looks like we're walking the rest of the way to the balloon, girls. Are you all still ready for the Equestria Pain Olympics?" she asked sweetly, covered in blood. "Oh...sorry about all that. I just needed to...let off a little steam.' In the stadium, the final contestant pony who wasn't Rainbow Dash or Flitter, now de-aged into a filly, cried out desperately for her mother before cast into a realm of eternal physical and psychological agony by Celestia, who once again jizzed everywhere. She was screaming in delight, having the most powerful orgasms she had ever had, over and over. Luna sighed. She didn't want to admit it, but her sister was right, this was really, REALLY fucking hot. Her penis as stiff as a rock, she resigned from pleasuring herself, opting to jack off later. She didn't want to give Celestia the satisfaction. Celestia had given up discrimination, For a couple of games, she had waited to see who actually won, and then punished the losers. Now, she was zapping pretty much anypony she could see. Ponies shrieked and tried to escape with their lives, but Celestia continued to zap them. Some were caught by Luna instead, who mercifully turned them into sludge, which, while still a horrifying and painful transformation, had an ending. Clear Sky and Wind Spirit, at the pain olympics for a fun family outing, were caught by Luna. "W..WAIT, PLEASE, LET MY DAUGHTER GO-" shrieked Clear Sky, terrified of the princess, but to no avail, as Luna already zapped her poor filly. "AUGH, MOMMY, WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME???" cried out Wind Spirit, stumbling as her body began to melt into goo. "M...MY PENIS! MOMMY, I WANNA USE MY PENIS STILL!!!! MOMMY, I WANT TO CUM! I DON'T WANT TO TURN INTO GOO!!!!!" The poor fillly had just had her first cum last night, and was not ready for such immeasurable pleasure to be taken away from her. She sobbed and cried in agony as she pissed herself, her penis slowly turning into sludge with the rest of her, screaming in tortured pain as her cells became gelatinous, melting into the floor. Clear Sky, now hysterical, flew straight up into the sky, screaming, only to be caught by Celestia's beam instead, zapping her and painfully turning her into a filly. However, Celestia wasn't even looking now, firing around in random directions, and hit the poor mare again, causing a double de-aging. The dumbfounded filly, unable to comprehend her own pain, suddenly reversed into negative years, exploding into a mess of blood and gore after condensing into a fetus-like shape. Cloudsdale as a whole began to fall. Celestia laughed maniacally. Hiding behind a pillar, Rainbow Dash tried to comfort Flitter. "W...We gotta go, Dash, we're...we're gonna get caught if we stay here..." stammered the terrified pegasus. She adjusted her groin area a bit, the clamper still on tight. "I...I wanna take my clamper off, I...I wanna go home...Dash, I..I love you..." "We have to keep them on," whispered Dash, ignoring the last statement, trying to keep her friend quiet. "If you take it off by force, it'll..." Suddenly, the two shut up as they heard Celestia's laughter approach. Dash motioned to Flitter to keep quiet. Flitter turned to Dash, tears in her eyes. Her flaccid penis twitched. Dash gulped, realizing what was about to happen. Flitter sobbed quietly, before pissing, the urine hitting the ground with a loud splat. "DASH, NO!!!!" she shrieked, before the pillar she was hiding behind exploded. She desperately tried to remove the clamper, but this only triggered it, smashing down on the balls of the poor, desperate mare. She screamed in agony, Celestia immediately tossing her into a portal. Celestia cried out in pure euphoria, her penis dripping cum. "Oh, Dashie, I know you're there..." she said seductively, the chorus of screaming, dying, and mourning ponies filing the air as Cloudsdale crumbled in flames behind her. "Just so you know, that portal I sent your friend to has a pain exponential of seven thousand." Dash gulped, and revealed herself. Luna slowly lowered down to Celestia's level. "Celestia, dear sister," she said, trying to get through to her, thinking nothing of what she was doing in particular. She had talked to her sister many times like this. "Think about what you are doing. You shouldn't kill Rainb-" Suddenly, Luna felt the most intense pain she had ever felt in her thousands of years of life. In disbelief, she turned to see Celestia, zapping her with a spell. The pain growing and growing, she screamed so loud that Cloudsdale's remaining structures began to crumble. It was at this time that Cheerilee, Appleboom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo arrived on the balloon. Luna shrieked and screamed, yelling at the top of her lungs, as she de-aged thousands of years in only a few moments. Millions of memories vanished from her every second, feeling growing and growing agony, before finally, she was just a filly again, a tiny mare staring her massive sister in the face. She screamed, begged, and pleaded to be let go, as Celestia inserted the tiny filly into her massive, throbbing penis. She had left one memory in-tact in Luna's mind, that being the process in which a pony is cockvored and transformed into semen - Luna knew exactly what was happening to her, despite not knowing a thing else, and it only amplified her pain and agony tenfold. Dash, with wide eyes, turned to the new arrivals. "Get. Out." she said plainly. "NEVER!" shouted Cheerilee, clearly off the fucking rails. "I CAN NOW CHALLENGE CELESTIA!!!!!" Off her goddamn meds, she charged forward, leaping at Celestia, with the intent to strangle. Celestia didn't even notice. "OOHHHHHHHHHH AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN," shrieked Celestia, as Luna, feeling more pain and agony in just a few microseconds than she had in her thousands of years alive, smashed into cum and ejected from Celestia's penis. The cum blasted in Cheerilee's face, wrapped around her, and consumed her as she screamed, her own dick and balls getting smashed in the process. The souls of Cheerilee and Luna became intertwined in the brand new mixture of horrifying bullshit. Just seeing something so agonizing made Celestia cum again, and she banished the terrified, agonized , conjoined soul of Luna and Cheerilee to a pain dimension with a pain factorial of nine thousand, and for all eternity, the souls of the poor mares, who had, just moments ago, never even considered this fate for themselves, were tortured in eternal agony, to a factor of nine thousand, until the universe ceased to exist. During all this, Rainbow Dash had almost gotten the foals down out of Cloudsdale. "D...Dash, what the fuck is going on...." whispered Scootaloo. "I...I dunno, Celestia's fucking lost it, and..." "Well I'm not letting her get away with this!" cried out Scootaloo, losing her own goddamn mind and thinking she could out-hero Rainbow Dash. She charged Celestia, who effortlessly flung her into a wall. She squeaked in terror, before Celestia overwhelmed her mind with ungodly pain, blew up her testicles, and at the last second before the portal closed, combined her with the souls of Luna and Cheerilee. In just seconds, Scootaloo was now feeling more pain than most ponies ever had or would in history. "Fuck it," sighed Rainbow Dash. "Hope somepony catches you." She bucked Applebloom and Sweetie Belle off the clouds, who screamed as they fell hundreds of feet from the clouds. It was the only way to get them out of there in time. Dash sighed, and turned to face Celestia - it was pretty clear this was gonna be it. "OH, RAINBOW DASH," cried out Celestia, her mind now completely consumed with her constant orgasms. She shot at Dash, who simply accepted it. However, even her apathy towards this attack could not prepare her for what came. First, she experienced every pain every pony in Cloudsdale just had. Every pony who had died here, including Luna, had their pain copied and transferred into Dash's mind. Screaming couldn't even begin to describe what she did next. Then, she felt her body de-age into that of a filly. The screaming baby Rainbow Dash then felt her clamper on her balls smash down, immediately causing her to scream even louder - Celestia had increased her genital sensations by 80,000%, a factor so ridiculous that she actually had to think about it for a second. Celestia then came one more mighty time, splashing Dash with cum, and sending out a magical wave that enveloped all of Cloudsdale, vaporizing all remaining living mares and fillies, and transferring their consciousnesses into Dash. Now sharing the pain and agony of thousands of ponies, the baby Dash was then flung into a portal where every second her pain was increased tenfold. Celestia screamed in pleasure as the remainder of Cloudsdale exploded around her, and the portal closed on the crying, screaming, agonized Rainbow Dash. Breathing heavily, Celestia looked around. "Luna, did you see that? That...woah...that was...oh, right..." she gasped, only realizing mid-sentence that she had murdered her sister and sentenced her to eternal torment. That sure felt nice, she thought. Too bad it was a one-time deal. Unless... Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were still screaming when Twilight and Rarity caught them with magic, and still continued to scream even when put on flat ground. They screamed and sobbed, almost inconsolable. Twilight, Applejack and Rarity looked to the sky to see Cloudsdale exploding above them. "Ah guess that means Dash is gone," sighed Applejack. "Ah'm thankful, but Ah'm glad our sisters got out with their balls intact n'such, Rarity." "Shut your fucking mouth, nitwit," snapped Rarity, scooting the sobbing Sweetie Belle away from Applejack and Apple Bloom. The inconsolable filly began to lick and sick Rarity's dick for comfort. "Don't ever speak my name again, or I'll blow up your balls like Cloudsdale." "Ah'm sorry," sighed Applejack, realizing her place now as the only non-magical friend left alive. "You girls are missing the bigger picture," grinned Twilight, still facing the sky. "Now I finally have a reason to publically kill and humiliate Celestia." > Intermission I: Celestia's New Fetish > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years in the future, of an indeterminate length, the soul once known as Princess Luna screamed for the trillion trillionth time. Every second, a new agony awaited her, a new thought assaulted her consciousness. She had long existed in this state, longer than she had lived as a princess in a land known as Equestria, that was for sure. Every once in a while, she would have just the slightest memory of what it felt like to be alive, though. To not be subjected to endless torment. This really only made things worse. She remembered her first heat death of the universe. That was several lifetimes of the universe ago. Trillions of years had gone by since then. She was sharing this torment with two souls - a foal, and a mare, who had long sense lose their sense of self, as weaker minds, they were now slaves to the endless torment. Luna, stronger than the two, suffered much worse, the pain a thousand times more than unbearable. And then... And then, suddenly, it all stopped. Blinding colors blasted in her face. The pain was gone. Suddenly, she could hear her own breathing. Instinctually, she screamed. She screamed again once her breath ran out. She realized she had autonomy over her movement again, but had forgotten how to walk, and fell to the ground. Her blurry vision began to focus, as she saw....a familiar shape. Celestia looked down on her sister with a look of forgiveness. Luna, not taking any chances, immediately sobbed, crawling on the floor to Celestia, begging, blubbering, pleading. "OH, SWEET SISTER, PLEASE, MERCIFUL SISTER, DON'T SEND ME BACK IN THERE, PLEASE," she shrieked, desperate at any chance to no longer experience the hell she had for trillions of years. Due to time dilation, only a few days had passed in Equestria. Luna began to bawl again, the mighty princess reduced to a blubbering mess through eons of torture, rape, and psychological horor. She only began to stop as she felt the calming hoof of Celestia stroke her mane. It took several minutes, but finally, Luna began to relax. Celestia continued to pet her mane, reminding her of a time long passed, when they were just foals. She still sobbed, though this time, tears of apathetic joy. She had questions. She wanted to know why Celestia did this to her. But for now, she didn't care. As if on cue, though, Celestia finally spoke, answering this unasked question. "Dear sister," she said calmly, "I made a mistake. And for that, I am truly sorry." "It's okay," Luna lied, choking on her own words, but desperate to appease her sister in any way possible, partly to show her appreciation, and partly to avoid ever being sent back to that hellish place. "You...you don't have to apologize." "Luna! I will not stand for it," stated Celestia regally. It was like she was a whole different pony. "For TRILLIONS of years you endured unending torment...it was when I reflected on this that I realized I MUST find a spell to bring you back." "I appreciate it...v...very much, sister...." stammered Luna. "Come, dear sister," said Celestia with a calm voice, picking up her sister gently with magic, and drifting her to a nearby bathtub. She slowly lowered her in to the warm water. Luna couldn't help but cry out in pleasure, feeling warmth for the first time in forever. Celestia lowered a meal in front of her - a meal fit for a princess. "Eat, Luna. You must regain your strength." Luna couldn't comprehend what was happening. She ate the food without question - the warm water, hot food, cold drink...it was all so comforting. In her euphoric state, she accidentally pissed in the tub like an eager foal. She squeaked in embarassment. "C..Celestia!!! Sister, forgive me!" she whined, expecting retribution for this tiny blunder. Celestia indeed lifted her out of the water, and she braced for the worst. "Oh, Luna, it's ok...I'm so sorry, I should have worried about overstimulating you," Celestia comforted, on the contrary to the expectation. She gently lowered Luna to the ground. "Don't worry about it. Let me take you to bed." Luna, her heart still beating from expecting retribution, began again to relax as Celestia picked her up, her legs still not really working right, and pulled her to a massive, fluffy bed, with fresh sheets. She tucked her sister in. "Is there anything else I can get you, dear sister?" she asked kindly. Without answering, the blankets around Luna's crotch jumped up a bit. Luna turned sheepishly. Celestia smiled. "I see," she said smugly. Celestia snuggled in close to Luna and began massaging her shaft. Luna began to feel something she had forgotten she could feel. The rule of pony orgasms increasing in power still applied here - though Luna hadn't orgasmed in trillions of years, she still felt the same pleasure almost immediately as before. She couldn't help but cry out in pleasure. "OH, dear SISTER!!!!" she cood. She felt so happy. Her sister really had made a mistake! That was it. Her life would be ok now. She would get to exist and be happy again. She was feeling like she was about to burst with pleasure. Instead, she felt her balls burst open. The shock hit her immediately. She screamed in pain, as Celestia laughed in her face. Luna shit the bed, flailing her limbs around wildly as the pain intensified. "Oh, fucking GROSS!" shouted Celestia. "80 trillion condensed spankings for that." She summoned what was apparently 80 trillion hands overlapped on each other, and they all rapidly struck Luna's ass in succession, causing her immeasurable pain and causing her to piss and shit everywhere. Her cries were so intense that she couldn't even ask Celestia why she was doing this. Just like before though, Celestia answered. "Come on, you fucking moron, did you really think I'd bring you back?" teased Celestia. "I just wanted to see what a pony torn from a life of torment would feel being strung back into it! After all, I'm just taking your advice. This is my new fetish!" "NOOooooooo!!!!!!!!!" cried Luna, in a near childlike scream. She immediately began to try and reason. "JUST KILL ME! PLEASE!!!!!" Anything but going back in there. Anything but that. "Sorry sister, but you know I can't do that. By the way, I'm adding another 50,000,000% to your pain for PISSING IN MY FUCKING TUB." Luna wailed one more time in agony before Celestia flung her into a portal. The pain from before didn't even compare. In an instant, she was slammed with so much forceful pain that screaming didn't even feel right anymore. Every single second, she was raped, stabbed, skewered, burned alive, skinned, tortured, and assaulted. But what really stung was the betrayal. Every agonizing moment was yet another reminder of Celestia and what she did. Every second she felt her balls destroyed, her penis ripped off, and more pain than ever before hit her every single second, she remembered her sister. She wished she didn't. She wished her sister would burn in hell. Meanwhile, satisfied with pulling off the most horrifying psychological torture possible, Celestia had the biggest cum of her entire life. Moreso than usual.