Doctor(s) Whooves

by ihaveofficiallyretired

First published

How many Doctors does it take to save Equestria? Two, apparently.

The Doctor and his ever-faithful companion, Ditzy Doo, can handle just about anything the universe can throw at them. Right? When a mysterious message arrives from an old friend (or is it a complete stranger?), things start to get a little...wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey.

TARDIS? Check.
Sonic Screwdrivers? Check.
Bowtie? Check.

The Message

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“You think they’re gonna –“


“But –“

The Doctor made a slightly irritated face at his companion. “I said SHHH.”

“So you do think they might find us?” The gray pegasus gave the Doctor a kind of silly smile, one that meant no harm.

The Doctor sighed. “If you keep talking, they certainly –“

One of the guards cut the Doctor off. “Hey! I found ‘em hidin’ over here!”


“Uh-oh. What now, Doctor?”

The Doctor took a moment to look around the factory, trying to find the best route back to the TARDIS. He decided on a path and glanced back at Ditzy Doo. “We run!”

The duo took off from their hiding spot, with guards hot on their trail. Around corners, over barrels, and between scaffolding went the Doctor and Ditzy Doo, desperate to get out of the factory, lest they meet and untimely demise.

“Get ‘em!”

“C’mon ya morons, they’re gettin’ away!”

“We’ll get you punks!”

The guards followed them to what seemed like a dead end: an inconspicuous corner of the factory with nowhere to run. An inconspicuous corner occupied only by a large, blue box.

“Hah! We’ve got you now,” taunted one of the guards. It certainly seemed like it, anyway. Seven guards had the Doctor and Ditzy cornered, and it seemed highly unlikely either of them could get away. Even if Ditzy were to try to fly away, there were more than enough guards to catch her.

“Calm down for just a minute, Lightning, I would very much like to have a word with our…guests.” The mellifluous voice came from a pale orange pegasus as he swooped down to join the guards. “My name is Sunny Day. And you are?”

The Doctor spoke first. “I’m the Doctor.”


“Just ‘the Doctor’.”

Sunny Day narrowed his eyes at the Doctor, making the dark circles under his eyes even more noticeable. “Very well then, ‘Doctor’, I am quite interested to know how it was that you managed to get into this facility…under any circumstance such a feat should be…impossible. I should know; I’m in charge here.”

The Doctor looked at Ditzy Doo for a brief moment, signaling her to get ready to leave. “We just walked right in.”

“You…walked in?”

“Well, really we just sort of showed up here.”

Sunny Day started laughing. It wasn’t a happy, playful sort of laugh. It was the kind you’d expect from a cheesy, generic super villain. “So, what? You teleported here?”

The Doctor looked almost offended at the notion. “No, no. It’s nothing like that. But if it helps, sure. We teleported.”

“You honestly expect me to believe that? She’s a pegasus and you’re an earth pony! Neither of you can use magic!”

This time, the Doctor did look offended at the notion. “That’s where you’re wrong, Sunny Day. You see, I’m not an earth pony. I’m a Time Lord. The last of the Time Lords, from the planet Gallopfrey. And this,” the Doctor said, pushing the TARDIS doors wide open, allowing himself and Ditzy to hop inside, “is how we got in here!”

The TARDIS doors slammed shut behind them, and the guards could be heard beating the door, trying pointlessly to get them back open. The Doctor casually walked over to the center console, straightened his tie, and went to work. He threw a few levers and smashed a few buttons, while Ditzy Doo flitted about the control room, waiting patiently for the TARDIS to depart.

“Doctor!” shouted Sunny Day from the other side of the door. “You won’t get aw -”


“That was fun! We should definitely come back! But in the future instead!” Ditzy continued to bounce around, clearly pleased with her choice of destination.

“No, Ditzy.” The Doctor shook his head as he continued to madly dash about, continuing to fly his ship as only he could. “I think that’ll be our last trip to the Rainbow Factory for a long time to come. Besides, just after the Griffon War was when things really got ‘interesting’ at the factory, so that’s when we were.”

“Aw…so where are we going next?”

The Doctor stopped and thought about it for a moment. “That’s a fairly decent question, Ditzy, I -” He cut himself off midsentence, and procured a small pad, with a single sheet of blank paper on it. Well, normally blank. As soon as he pulled it out, words started forming on the paper.


“Well, it seems we’re going to Ponyville.”

Ditzy landed, the metal floor clanking beneath her hooves. She walked over to the Doctor’s side and read the message. “But Doctor, who’s RS?”

The Doctor grinned. “I have no idea! That’s why I love the slightly-psychic paper. You never really know what’s going to show up on it.”

Ditzy thought for a moment. “Wait, how do we know when to show up?”

“Oh relax,” said the Doctor. “The TARDIS will figure that part out for us.”

“Okay!” Ditzy continued to prance and fly around until the TARDIS finally made its way into a relatively unremarkable and isolated part of Ponyville.

The Doctor and Ditzy Doo snuck out of the TARDIS and into the crowded streets of Ponyville’s market. It wasn’t too far in the future, maybe a year or two after the whole Nightmare Moon incident. They pushed themselves through the masses of ponies, trying to figure out which one was the mysterious RS. The only problem was that they had no idea who RS was, why they needed to be in Ponyville, or what RS wanted.

That was when, out of the corner of one of her eyes, Ditzy spotted a particularly suspicious individual. “Doctor, I think I found RS,” she said, pointing out one particular pony standing near a building I’ve never seen her before.”

She was a deep blue unicorn, almost the color of the TARDIS, with a frizzy mess of yellow hair. She noticed the Doctor looking at her, and took off running. “C’mon Ditzy, we need to find out if that’s our pony.”

The Doctor and Ditzy chased after the unicorn, though Ditzy had the distinct advantage of being able to fly over the crowds. They followed her into the alleys snaking between the buildings, and the unicorn clearly did not want the Doctor to catch her. She used her magic to throw things back towards the Doctor and Ditzy, though it was to no avail. It was only a moment before she was backed into a dead end.

The Doctor stared the mysterious unicorn in the eyes, trying to discern her emotions. She was doing a good job hiding them. “So,” the Doctor started, panting ever so slightly. “Who are you?”

She glanced towards him, careful about her motions. “I…can’t tell you.”

“Okay then. Why are you here?”

“I’m…waiting for a particular pony.”

“I…can’t tell you that either.”

The Doctor was starting to get a little irritated. “Did you send this message?” He showed her the paper.

“Look, you’re not supposed to be here. I’m sorry.” She looked down at the ground, trying not to meet the Doctor’s eyes.

“What do you mean? Why can’t you tell me anything?”

Finally a grin broke the unicorn’s stoic expression. She giggled and spoke a single word.
