> Outcasts > by Dr. Rainbro Dash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One: Tartarus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outcasts: Chapter 1 “Equestria is a land of peace and harmony. A land where the harshest creatures are kept in the shadows of Everfree Forest or the dank caverns of the prison Tartarus. A land where magic can even be found in the spark connecting ponies through their souls... But Equestria is just one land of many where ponies live, and just one of few where monsters do not roam free. Rarely do ponies leave their haven in the beautiful Equestria to trek through the vacant and often dangerous lands surrounding it.” -Anima Roads, published author and travelling pony                                                                          It was the worst assignment ever. Really. Ponies from all over the known world came to Tartarus to dispose of their worst, throwing them into the inescapable pit which fed off of their evil. The magic cast on it arranged its denizens based on the depravity of their crimes. The more evil they were, the deeper the magical prison would drag them. From one floor to the next, the residents of this hellhole got more horrible the lower you went.         I was sent here to investigate when Cerberus was reportedly spotted outside of Tartarus, but nopony was here and everything was strewn aside like there had been a mass panic or a big fight. Had the guards somehow all been dragged under like the criminals?         I thought of leaving just then to report that nopony was home, but decided that I’d better investigate it myself first... they’d know it’s dangerous if I didn’t come back anyway. Stepping over a shattered breastplate I saw my first clue: a puddle of blood. I followed a trail of the red liquid along deeply descending corridors to a slightly ajar door labeled “Officer Chump”. I slowly nudged the door open, ready to pounce at anything I perceived as a threat.         Two large orbs of red light gawked at me before I could make out a face in the dark. A magenta hoof moves away from a bloody mouth. I stuck my wings out into a fighting position and snarled, “Who’s there?”         “It’s Officer Chump-who are you and what are you doing here? That monster is still on the loose!” The stallion spoke so quickly I could barely make out what he said.         “I’m Vigilant Staff Sergeant Rapture of the Royal Equestrian Airforce 1st Squadron, and I’m here to investigate the disappearance of the Tartarus guard dog Cerberus... now would you tell me what in the hoof is going on?” I demanded.         “What? That Cerberus just escaped a few minutes ago and... what day is it?”         “Wednesday.”         “I see... I must’ve been out longer than I thought, Cerberus got loose yesterday. My men ran to the lower levels to stop those kept there from trying to escape. I stayed and got wounded by Cerberus before it ran off.” I eyed the bloody leg with canine teeth marks on it.         “You were nursing that when I came in here, is the wound not fresh?” I pondered.         “Oh, it started bleeding again when I tried to walk on it. I was just looking for some bandages...”         “I see... Well, Cerberus escaped. Could anything else have gotten away as well?” I asked, trying to hide my suspicion.         “If Cerberus got out, something must have gone wrong with the magic of Tartarus. If you want to find out for yourself, you’d probably need to investigate Cerberus’s post.”         “Well, that was my plan from the start. What will you do?”         Chump grinned obnoxiously. “Why, I’ll hafta come with. You’ll need the keys if you want to ever get back out after going in.”         Chump found a towel discarded next to other belongings of one of the missing guards and used it to wrap around and stop the bleeding on his foreleg before we moved on. Descending the limestone hallways and broken railings over bottomless pits which radiated an eerie aura, we eventually reached a faintly glowing gothic-style gate. A chain and opened iron collar lie beside it; the picture was that of loneliness. It sent chills across my spine.         “For all it’s worth... this doesn’t look all that high-security,” I regarded.         “Trust me, it’s all a lot more dependable when the giant 3-headed hellhound is guarding the gate. Now, let me open the lock. The only other way is a one-way trip, even with wings thanks to magic.” Chump bit the key hanging on a chain around his neck and slid it into the black gates’ lock. The lock and gates magically opened as the key slid out and fell back onto the officer’s chest.         As the gate opened a long, ringing howl resonated off the walls of Tartarus. My vision grew dim as if my mind did not want me to see what was hidden behind the shadow of the great gate for my sanity’s sake.         For a moment I saw a giant wolf, its mouth opened wide enough to swallow the world; its eyes and nostrils swam with flames and its belly full of the carcasses of recently swallowed ponies, still struggling to break free. The monster took a step forward, then disappeared. I found myself lying on the ground shaking, tears forming in my eyes.         “Woah, are you alright?” Chump asked, a look of concern on his face. “That howling came from far beneath us, from something that was trapped here long before ponies arrived. None of us have needed to go so far down before though.”         I gulped and stood up; “Before ponies? The spell wasn’t cast by us? The Canterlot library says-”         “The Canterlot library says a lot of things … ponies don’t know enough about this world that knowledge of such things as magic from eons before their time existed could benefit them. Knowledge of the past races is scarce and useless to the broader populace; ponies only know that there were others before us and this is what they made.”         “Let’s just keep going.” I needed time to ponder this, and there was no time to build up my nerves. Or it felt that way; what need was there to rush? I didn’t even know what was going on … it was just a gut feeling that I felt needed to be enacted upon. I chalked up the scary wolf I saw as imagination. <<-------------------------3 hours later------------------------->> Magical torches lit the dark hallways, cells dotted the walls of the huge pit in a way reminiscent of a sponge. Dust fell from above as the wolf’s howls resonated off of the walls like a Nightmare Night orchestra. Walking silently I entertained myself with thoughts of my past. I didn’t know if your life flashes before your eyes when you die, so I decided to make peace with it myself. Here’s the gist: My older brother Euphorian was the only family I had growing up in Cloudsdale, but we managed on our own for the most part, not wanting to rely on and live in an orphanage. We eventually joined the Royal Equestrian Airforce under Celestia and my brother became a castle guard. When Princess Luna returned to her throne I was put in her branch of the airforce-though this was mostly a formality as I’d never be given direct orders from a Princess, only my superiors in the airforce. I took every job I could get from my superiors and eagerly volunteered to investigate Tartarus when the mission was first elected.         “The howls are getting louder. I can feel vibrations from it...” I mused, just what kind of beast was beneath us?         “We’re several miles below now. It’s strange that there are no prisoners,” Chump said.         My gut told me to keep going; the mystery would be solved further down … but my brain told me to go back and report; it was my duty and there was probably nothing I could do here to help. “It’s clear that something has gone terribly wrong … they would’ve been noticed if they were on the surface.”         “Are you afraid? You can go back if you please, but I’m going to find out what happened to the ones I was supposed to watch over. I already let the situation go this far out of control... I could use your help.” Chump sighed. Something about his demeanor drove me forward. I felt the need to go with him, I had to help him with his duty before mine. Was it an enchantment forged through friendship or magic? I felt a growing desire to descend.         “I’ll help. How much farther to the wolf?” I almost said master... I noticed that something was changing the way I thought. Some sort of magic was making me submissive to Chump’s will. The scariest part was that I realized this yet couldn’t bring myself to resist physically.         Chump’s grin put butterflies in my stomach. It made me feel somehow joyous and as small as a mouse. “It is close now. Only a few moments and you will face it; the world-eater Fenrir. You must win.”         I realized that Chump’s influence had been seeping into my mind since I first saw his eyes. He wanted me to fight that monster wolf, but how? I was trained for as much as to fend perhaps as much as a Manticore, that thing sounded (looked!) like it could eat hordes of those in one bite.         When I did see the Wolf, I almost howled a sound of terror myself. It was just like the image I’d seen before; its fangs were soaked in blood and a pile of meaty bones lay at its feet. Most notably, it was comically picking its teeth with what appeared to be a Dragon’s tail-bone. Yeah, as I’d thunk before. I was royally screwed like Nightmare Moon with the Elements of Harmony.         What I hadn’t noticed about the wolf yet, was that beneath the flames, its eyes were as intelligent as mine. More concerned with the teeth, I didn’t notice that until it spoke in a sly voice I would’ve attributed to a reptile instead of a canine. “Chump” was nowhere to be seen.         “What are you? Are you food?” Would’ve been funny if he wasn’t serious. Trying to think of a way to survive, I noted that I was still in control of my body; there was just an irresistible compulsion to descend, or to serve Chump.         “I’m not food and if you try to eat me I’ll make it hurt going down … um, would you kindly let me circle around you to the other path leading down behind you?”         “You look like food. Come here, I will make this quick for you. You mortals can be so impatient.” Maybe it wasn’t intelligent after all. Like I would go within a hundred miles of this thing if I could have chosen … but my composure was unbreakable. I only needed to descend; nothing more.         “Fine. If you says so, Mr.Tooth.” I walked unwaveringly toward the beast that could eat me and the past hundred generations of my family or so in a single gulp. Though from where I stood it might’ve been a bunny. Mind control had benefits?         The monster swiped at me with incredible speed. I didn’t have time to even comprehend I was being attacked, but luckily I had my wings up, and so when it took hold of me I could use them to defend myself. The wolf had a pretty good grip for someone without hooves. It held me up and eyed me over before opening its terrible mouth.         The special martial arts technique of Pegasi combat forces, Acriter-”sharply” in the old language, was the use of one’s wings as a blade sharper than steel and light as a feather. I used my Acriter to slice off the beast’s toes; with this sense of calmness-cutting things from such an awkward angle was still easy. The hairy claws hit the stone floor with a thump and the wolf gave an expression of mild confusion, scratching its head with the other paw.         “How did you do that? Only once before has my paw been cut, and it was with a metal blade.” The wolf, apparently, could not feel pain. The wound I gave it wasn’t even bleeding-the bone was re-extended and the flesh covering it. It’d be full again before the minute was done.         “Through years of harsh training and a diet full of vitamin-enriched oatmeal,” I exclaimed, almost proudly, before diving into the monster’s gaping mouth. The jaws closed around me. It smelled of rotten flesh and iron inside-fresh blood mixed with rancid saliva. Great. It felt like I’d rehearsed it though; I flew straight through the back of its head, cutting the flesh and digging around its spine swiftly. It wasn’t even that hard, though I knew I would normally have fainted by now of terror.         Fenrir turned around to see me covered in blood, hovering above his face-before I slashed both of his eyes and dove for the descending hall, but a now regenerated paw hit me out of the air. I slammed against the ground like a falling bullfrog-a really flat one at this rate.         “You worthless cub; I’ve eaten many like you before. Don’t struggle.” The wolf snipped at me, but I rolled and caught flight quickly. Surprisingly, my wings and spine were not broken. But it looked like I had to end this somehow. So I swooped under Fenrir’s belly and slashed it open as I flew. The wolf swung around and I used the momentum to dig my wing all the way through the side of its skull-and skewed outward.         That time my wing did break, but the monster also toppled. For such an enduring beast, it died quickly. It burst into green flames and within 10 seconds there was a comparably small pile of smoldering ashes. So that’s what happens to immortal monsters; before they regenerate years later? I’d heard myths of such mythical monsters before. This was … a little strange.         I had nothing to tend my wing with, and one of my hind legs was sprained. So I limped, one wing out for balance, down the descending halls.                  After completing a full circle, “Chump” appeared again, seemingly rematerializing behind me as I walked.         “I’m somewhat disappointed that you were hurt so badly even after I took away your useless fear emotion … but I suppose it’s better than most could do-you are quite talented, as long as you are focused.” He paused for me to speak, but I remained silent. “Yes, I suppose you would want to keep going without pause … though you will need to recover if you are to defeat Jormungandr the serpent...”         He wanted me to be startled, but I’d already seen the giant snake as I had the wolf before. They say some non-unicorns have innate powers of magical precognition; I must’ve fallen into that category to perceive threats. “I can’t stop.”         “No reaction of surprise? Well then, I’ll have to fix you up myself... There, you’re healed. Consider yourself lucky, but I won’t do it again.” Chump wasn’t lying about the healing … but I didn’t count myself among the lucky; there were many luckier ponies who weren’t in a living hell on the surface right now, infact.         “What are you?” I questioned, not expecting a real answer.         “That’s a surprise for when you reach the bottom.” Chump smiled. <<-------------------------------------------------->>         The torches were unlit further down, and there was no light when a snake at least 6 feet in diameter wrapped its body around me, burying me in its hard scales and squeezing the breath out of me with its powerful muscles. The Snake Jormungandr was supposedly long enough to wrap itself around the world; while I could not see far enough to know if that was true, in my vision it had filled the horizon.         I tried my wing Acriter, but without enough space to move into the proper stance, and with the toughness of the scales, it was in vain. The snake goaded in a slithery voice. “Another one? Fenrir is too sloppy to let so many sneak by him whilst he preysss. You would have been better off being eaten by him though. Being swallowed whole is my venom will not make this as pleasant as being swallowed whole.”         I tensed every muscle in my body to no avail. The snake wasn’t even trying and it felt like my internal organs would all gush out of my mouth in the form of a thick paste. Instead, I let myself relax and went limp … soon the snake loosened its grip and I could breath again, but I stayed my breath until I could feel the snake breathing on me. Now was my chance! I flew out from its reach as the monster’s jaws closed where I was held a moment before. Still unable to see, my will to live overcame my drive to descend long enough for me to flee up. Not much further back were magic torches, and if I ascended far enough the monster wouldn’t be able to follow me. The prison would force it back. I flew as fast as my wings could carry me, but the snake pursued. I knew one touch of that venom would be the end of me; that sizzling was the sound of rapid corrosion!  “You’re about to be routed, deary,” the snake hissed.         Just as I reached light, the ceiling above me gave way and a scaled tail broke through to block my path. I turned to see the snake’s mouth opened wide, its jaws closing around me. A quick burst from my wings was almost enough to get me out, but my hind leg’s hoof was caught between the snake’s lips. Luckily I was between both of its fangs, but my hoof still felt like it was on fire!         I imagined the snake opening its mouth to release me so as to quickly chomp down on me again, this time getting my whole being into its mouth. Preparing for this, I rolled my body and forced my front hooves at its chin. Suddenly I was free and underneath the snake’s head. Its jaw clenched shut hollowly and it hissed in frustration as I fled downwards. It would take time for such a huge snake to turn itself around in a corridor only twice its width … maybe I could elude it after all!         I put all of my wing power to use to escape. But as I flew, I saw the flashing image of a demon in my mind. Not a monster or a beast, but something that looked like an alicorn-sized unicorn pony with fangs and a twisted horn. She looked gloomy and had icy eyes which relished in the blood of foals as she fed their bones to an inferno of ghostly grey flames. Her features were folded somehow, with her looking old and decayed and also despaired yet beautiful. I thought this must have been a half-goddess of death.         I kept moving, spiraling along with the defined curve I’d known from travelling these corridors to avoid the walls, though I’d occasionally still brush my wings against them and correct my course. Sounds of stone shattering echoed from behind me; presumably the snake struggling in pursuit, but soon a new light kindled in the halls of Tartarus. Not torches, but burning husks of ponies still donned in their guard armour were hung from the ceiling, nooses tied around their limp necks. The flames were grey but they still provided a little light.         Through some premonition I knew I had reached the near-end of Tartarus at last. Two threats remained: one behind and one below. I’d need some way to defeat both if I were to survive.         Finally, the corridor expanded into a large chamber piled with dragon bones. Were they being kept here before? It wasn’t long before my eyes rested upon the pony I’d seen before in my vision. With a grey coat and a matted white mane both coated in blood, the pony feasted on the body of Officer Chump, savagely pulling chunks of bloody meat from his neck. The officer had a lifeless expression upon his face. The demi-goddess didn’t notice me until I tripped over a pony-leg sized dragon claw. The mare stared at me with an expression as lifeless as Chump’s. I hadn’t even noticed I was walking forward. Had the curse still not dissipated? Wasn’t I already at the curses’ goal, and the caster lying dead before me?         “Who are you to enter my domain alive, mortal? Are you here to offer your soul as sacrifice?” The mare spoke dryly and without emotion.         “This is the food, Sister. This bitch cut me down!” A growling voice spoke irritatedly, it sounded like the wolf but it was nowhere in sight. A disembodied voice. Had this mare performed necromancy, the banished dark magic?          I heard hissing behind me and I turned to see the snake Jormungandr enter and block the exit, encircling the entire chamber with his body. “Foolish foal, now your body and soul are forfeit! You think you can esscape the fierce and mighty Jormungandr? The cruel and powerful goddess Hel?”         I’d given up hope for survival, but I’d go out fighting. I didn’t even know the abilities of this Hel, outside of spookiness! So I’d need to go after her first.         I jumped and kicked off of the air at max speed, swinging my wing Acriter at the creep, but I was knocked aside by Jormungandr’s quick tail. The serpent’s head appeared as its tail surrounded me.         “Jormungandr, did I call you to my domain?” Her voice was a whisper that resonated off of the walls until it became a shout.         “No, Hel. But the prey escaped usss...! I did not want-” The serpent sounded like it was begging until it was interrupted by a spell cast by ‘Hel’. Some sort of light came out of the snake’s mouth and flew back to the Unicorn’s horn before its eyes rolled back and it began disintegrating as Fenrir did before. Soon it was only a pile of dust amongst the piles of bones that littered the chamber. Hel was terrifying. Had the spell Chump cast worn off? I was afraid.         “And you, would you be a willing sacrifice or a martyr? I thirst for the imperfect blood of mortals to fuel my necromancy.” Hel’s voice was tempting somehow. She seemed to have the same mind-controlling powers as Chump, but it still took time to assert this influence.         “I won’t go down willingly, and I think I deserve some answers before you kill me; what’s going on in this place?! and why are there piles of dragon bones here?” I still didn’t know how any of this had happened, and I’d need to know what went on down here if I ever made it back to the surface to report!         “These bones are the remains of the ancient seven dragon kings, who ravaged Equestria in its early years before being trapped here … as for anything else, I do not care. The living do not concern me-unless they’re trespassing in the realm of the dead..!” The witch’s horn glowed a sick slate-grey and I was lifted off of the floor and carried towards her.         At the academy I’d learned that the only way to take down a powerful Unicorn was through a sneak attack … unless I could create an opening(which I doubted) I’d be done for, probably become company to these dragon kings for an eternity. Or stew.         “Oh hay, I remember you now... Hel, you’re that necromancer I read about in a book of old pony tales in the Canterlot Library of Black Arts...” I didn’t know if such a place ever existed, but hoped she’d take interest because she actually bothered to answer my question about the dead dragons here.         “Black magic you say? Don’t lie! Hel knows that black magic is not practiced by the substandard surface unicorns.” She actually seemed to be buying it.         “You can say that but I know what I saw, we have a division of ponies who research and develop the lost magics. We’re much more advanced than before it was banned! Did you know you can make your thralls explode from the inside out? Of course my magic is limited to potion-brewing, but it’s just so fascinating. Too bad I’ll die before I can tell you about it.”         “You might be more use to me with blood in you after all … but how can I be sure you’re not bluffing..? That’s it! I’ll just turn you into a thrall and have you infiltrate the library, I cannot go for myself and I win either way like this.” Well, so much for that. I hope I’ll make a cool zombie at least.         A sharp pain ran slowly through my head, as if someone was caressing my brain with claws dipped in a powerful acid. Hel took a step closer, and the pain grew greater. Another step and it felt like my whole body was on fire. Finally she was within hoof’s reach, and she brought her horn slowly upon my forehead. I quickly lashed out with my wing, it was all I could do-but it made her draw back and I fell limply to the ground. I’d managed to cut a good gash into her cheek, and to survive a few moments longer.         “Impressive that you had any control over your body at all. This time I’ll use a tranquilizing spell...” a sarcastic frown appeared upon her face and her tone sounded like she was mocking an irritating whiner; “sadly, this will also lessen the pain for you.”         I pushed my hooves off the ground weakly and tried to speak, but noticed that my throat was crispy dry from screaming already. Hel’s horn lit again, and I tumbled to my right to dodge a green blast of her magic. She grunted and grabbed hold of my left wing with her telekinesis, and then I was helplessly in the air again.         “Tenacity. A will to live freely? This could be fun after all,” Hel spoke as her horn lit the bright green of her tranquilizing spell.         Crap! I had to move quickly, it all happened in a blur. Twisting myself around and slicing my own caught wing off with my free one. Her spell fired and I ducked, her horn lit again for telekinesis, but I had already cut her throat open.         I’d won by pure luck, or by her stupid acts of sadism.         Hel looked at me with pure hatred, and as her horn lit once again I knew it was her final intention to kill me. I was lifted again, blood spurting from the stub that once held my wing, Hel made wheezing noises as she tried gasping for air. The pain was so great that I really wanted to die. My wish was granted, I saw my own soul sucked from my mouth like Jormungandr, and felt my heart stop. <<-------------------------------------------------->> My eyes opened; I gasped for air and turned over. I was really cold, but the rapid beating of my heart warmed me. I was in another chamber, this one smaller and with lit magic torches instead of burning corpses. The figure of an earth pony twice my height loomed over me.         “You’ve come to. Having your soul ripped out sucks, huh? Literally.” The voice of the pony was irritating, smooth, and really loud; my head was ringing like I’d just been brought back from the dead.         “Three questions.” I spoke weakly, “Who are you, where am I, and am I still a pony?”         “I’m Loki, also the ‘Mr.Chump’ that you knew before. You’re under Hel, in the very very bottom of Tartarus. And yes, you probably are; if you were before anyway. You’d know more than me about being a mortal creature, though.” Of course that would just spark more questions … when would I get a rest?                  “You say you’re Chump? I saw him dead.” I responded.         “I’m trapped down here, so I had to possess the officer to greet you. I led you down here to test your survival strengths, you did much better than the ponies set up to guard this place... of course, I had them come down as well. I take it your superiors would like answers..?”         “What? You did all of this for a ‘test’?! What the hell are you!” I had to stop myself from lashing out at him … if he could bring back a dead pony, he was probably a powerful sorcerer despite his lack of a horn.         “Why, of course I did … I can’t send someone off on a quest and have them waste my time! I’m a god, and I need a Hero to help me! And it’s not as if I had civilians killed!” His tone and expression actually showed hurt and shock that he was called out. “I’ve been holed up in here for who knows how many millenia! At least more than one, anyway.”         Incredible … this ‘god’, this all-powerful and demonic being in the form of a horse thought his actions were justified? “You’re despicable! Do you even know why you can’t leave this place? It’s because of your corrupt soul!”         “I’m sorry(not really), but gods don’t have the same feelings of good or evil as mortals, we simply live... If it pleases you, I could resurrect the guard ponies who died here after I’ve been freed.” ”... If it’s something like you, more harm than those who died here will come from you being released. I’m leaving, and you’ll have to kill me to stop me.” Suddenly his eyes lit up, and a terrifying snarl of rage appeared on his face.         “I SPARED YOU TWICE...! I healed you twice, and I give you a chance to go on a quest and save the ponies here, and yet you defy me? My family created this prison and banished me here because I gave you ponies magic! Have your kind already forgotten that!? Have you the right to call helping ponies like that evil!? How I damn that word! Evil, evil, evil...” Loki was trying to regain his composure. Gods were not masters of their feelings, if nothing else. I spoke:         “I … had never heard of our magics’ origin...” Loki snarled again. “But even if that’s true, reviving me meant nothing if you’re the one who brought me here yourself. I don’t care what happens to me if I’m not convinced it’s the right thing for the ponies and animals above to release you. I’m sorry.” Fully expecting for him to kill me again, or worse. I silently prayed to the Princess of the Night one last time.         But he did nothing, and minutes of silence went by.         “I’ll let you go then,” he spoke calmly; “If it is truly your destiny to help me, then you will someday return. For now, it is good that I set the event into motion. A Hero’s destiny is one that cannot be changed...”         “I’ll see about that for myself then... thank you.”         I wasn’t looking forward to taking the key from Chump’s corpse. <<-------------------------------------------------->>         Coming out of Tartarus shaken and disturbed, I was told to rest before reporting... Cerberus was returned soon after I left Tartarus, and everyone was waiting to hear what had happened to the guard ponies stationed there. One day passed, and I awakened to a beautiful summer morning in Canterlot castle.                  I was admiring a horse-drawn picture of a highly fashionable dress that was for some reason wasted in the bottom of a trash bin. The headdress was a bit excessive, but it had all the glamour it needed for a Canterlot high-society event. I reached my head in to grab it and the door swung open. An elegant mint-colored pegasus mare with a white mane stepped inside the suite.         “Um … I’m not interrupting anything am I? No wait, you should know that there’s an evening banquet in the Castle dining room... you don’t need to... look for something to eat in the meantime.” The Canterlot pony smiled nervously as I just stared at her. “Celestia will be receiving your report after the banquet herself. In person… pony-to-pony...”         “Yes, yes, I get it. Celestia herself knows why I’m reporting to her though.”         “Oh it’s just that I’m quite jealous of you-anyway, the girls say that a second investigation team went down while you were asleep and came back with some unpleasant news. Ta-ta.” The pony promptly walked off.         I did find it strange how this was being handled... I was ordered to rest before reporting-though I appreciated that. Come to think of it though, a rescue team should’ve been sent after me before I’d left Tartarus-I’d simply been underground too long. Now a banquet, and Celestia wants to see me herself? And was I imagining things or were those gleaming eyes and golden helmets watching me from the corner of my eye-which disappeared as I turned. Shoddy work, the night watch was much better at stealth when they needed it.         However, I was not confined there, so I decided to move about the Castle-maybe Euphorian was on duty here too. I left the suite, asked around, and was directed to him. He was making rounds about the Castle grounds in the sky when I caught up to him-as if Canterlot needed ponies making rounds with its defenses constantly watching from the ground. Euphorian had a white coat, brown eyes and a golden mane in contrast with my dark coat, magenta eyes, and purple mane streaked with pink. I called out his name and he turned to face me. A stupid grin crept onto his face that quickly turned to anxiety.         “Rapture! I- … um, could we talk later? Maybe after the banquet today? I’m... a little busy.” Huh.         “But you’ve always had time to catch up before...,” I whispered; “I’ve noticed all the Celestia guards watching me, what’s going on?” First an expression of surprise on him, then one of definite guilt.         “Listen, Raps... I’ll see you at the banquet this evening-make sure you’re there!” He gave a nervous smile before flying off. Great. Was I suspected of something now? I decided to work up an appetite for the banquet, so I practiced my Acriter wing techniques. <<-------------------------------------------------->>         A seat at the long end of the main dining room table was reserved for me. On the other end sat Princess Celestia herself. Euphorian and other guard ponies filled the seats in between us on either side. Trays of grains, fruits, and desserts gave color to the pale table like paint to a canvas. I sat down, and waited for the Princess to take the first bite.         Celestia motioned for the meal to begin in silence. Clanks of hooves and plates and low mumbles filled the hall; I reluctantly nibbled on some bread. My mind was more hungry for answers than my stomach was for food.         After the meal ended Celestia motioned for me to follow her to a balcony on the main castle tower. I could see Ponyville off into the distance.         “Princess,” I started.         “Staff Officer. I’ve had ponies watching you because there is reason to believe that you may be possessed by Loki, a god imprisoned under Tartarus. I’m … very sorry, as this seems to have been a mistake.” The Princess bowed her head slightly in apology.         “-and we still can’t be sure that she’s not Loki’s, Princess!” The mint-coated mare said as she walked onto the balcony with us. “I still think we should have her locked up-this is a matter of national security!”         “I will not imprison a pony for suspicions that cannot be proven, I’ve given you time to watch her for abnormalities and you have found nothing,” Celestia debated. What Euphorian said made sense now, as long as I continued acting normally I would be fine. I was fine, too-no ancient gods were inside here, at least at the moment anyway...         “Princess, it is my job as the head of Special Operatives to protect ponies from potential thre-”         “AND IT IS MY DUTY AS PRINCESS TO PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF MY SUBJECTS!” I’d only heard Luna use the Royal Canterlot voice before-but Celestia’s was just as terrifying even so out of practice... “Officer Berry, you are dismissed.”         The mint-colored pony gave me a nasty look and left without a word. I noticed what looked like coffee beans on her flank … did coffee beans qualify as berries? What a strange cutie mark.         “Vigilante Rapture …, did you encounter Loki down there?” Celestia inquired.         “Yes, I did.”         “I’m so sorry. We weren’t sure what was put inside Tartarus before we occupied it... Are you okay?”         “I’m fine, your highness. Thank you.”         “I’m glad. Could you please tell me what happened down there?” The Princess asked.         I told her everything that happened, including how I was temporarily possessed. <<-------------------------------------------------->>         After speaking with the Princess I met my brother in the training grounds and sparred with him.         “Rapture, you’ve improved your technique a lot! You’re relentless,” Euphorian spouted as I ducked under his buck and swung my wing at an opening on his hind leg.         Fast as ever, he swung around 180 degrees and blocked my wing with his own. His agility might have been super-pony, but my wing power was always higher. I pushed him back with my superior strength and twirled around, swinging my wings in a twister-like attack. Euphorian barely managed to dodge the barrage as he kicked my hooves out from under me; I fell flat on my face. I tried to get up quickly but he put his wing under my jaw; a sign of defeat.         “That was close, Raps, you almost shredded me to pieces! I’d better keep my training up or you’ll actually defeat me someday!” My brother could be such a tease, but there was nopony I would rather trust with my life.         “My latest assignment honed my skills a little. You could use a little action yourself, brother. Guard duty doesn’t suit you.” He would always take his work so seriously though, he was determined to do his duty to Princess Celestia no matter what menial assignments he was tasked. No wonder he was already a high ranking officer.         “Ya but you’re gonna be envious when I take down the next Discord or Nightmare Moon on one of these menial guard duty posts.” Euphorian smirked.         “Hey, you wanna go get something to eat? It’s been so long since we’ve talked...” I asked.         “How about breakfast? Though, I wouldn’t consider two days long; we spoke before you left for your last mission.” Euphorian puzzled.         “No, I mean talk talk …, off-duty stuff. Like, ‘did you see the Wonderbolts’ latest performance?’ or ‘met any cool mares lately?”         “Well to answer those two-no, and yes. We do have a new mare on the team and she seems quite promising! She’s already put in 74 hours of guard duty over her first week.”         “That’s not the kind of mare-relationship I meant and you know it... How many hours do you put in a week anyway?” I indulged him.         “119 hours and 36 minutes... I should really get back to my post, Rapture.”         I gawked comically as he flew away toward one of the towers overlooking the setting sun. <<-------------------------Midnight------------------------->>         I slipped my wing under Celestia’s throat but her eyes opened and I sliced air; then I was caught in her telekinesis. I canceled her spell and rushed at her but two guards were holding me down and her horn was glowing with the tip against my head. The fog cleared and I could think clearly again.         “Princess …, I’m sorry. I don’t-”         “Rapture, it’s alright. This is my fault for letting you get sent down to Tartarus. You were helpless to Loki’s power without powerful magic. If I’d known they were sending you...” Celestia sighed sorrowfully. “So many ponies died down there, and it’s my fault for being ignorant... Guard, you can get off her.” They backed off and I stood.         “Princess … how did you learn that Loki was down there before I returned?”         “I saw you meet Loki as it happened through a magic called perception. It’s an innate ability-but you already know about it, don’t you?” I did know it. “I had to warn your backup and my royal guard that you could be dangerous-Loki is supposed to be a trickster... and a mighty god.”         “What will happen to me? Can his influence be removed?”         “The magic placed on you isn’t possession, you’re still in control. What is placed on you is a powerful suggestion to kill me. It will only be activated when an opportunity to do so arises, and it will feed you magical power to help you do so... You managed to cancel my telekinesis spell with just your mind.” Celestia paused. “It will only grow more powerful, the influence can only be removed by completing it, or by making it impossible to complete.”         “How..?”         “By leaving Equestria you will be outside of Loki’s influence until you return. I’m sorry but there’s no other way outside of imprisoning you. I can’t force the spell back with my magic for much longer as it only grows more powerful.” I was baffled... to leave Equestria? I never thought I’d have to-especially not as an outcast.         “I’d take it over being imprisoned any day, Princess. I’ll go; maybe I can even send you back some postcards every once in awhile.” I smiled, but I felt like crying too.         Celestia nodded grimly. “Your brother and I will send you off at the Southeast border-unless he wants to go with you, of course. I told him this could happen and he said he needed to think about it.”         I thanked her. We departed immediately. <<-------------------------------------------------->>         We made it to the badlands border. The trip there was a silent one, nopony even said anything when we went to get my brother. Celestia spoke:         “Rapture, you’ll have to get as far away from Equestria as you can before resting. As soon as you sleep my counterspell will fail. If you’re too close Loki’s influence will take over again.”         “I will, Princess.” I took off my saddle-packs and double checked their contents before sliding them back on.         “Raps, I think I should go with you. We’re the only family we’ve got and I don’t want you hurt out there on your own.” Euphorian looked concerned, but I had decided on something as well.         “Euphy, you’ve got to stay here. You’re an important pony to the Royal Guard. I’ll come back someday after I find a way to remove Loki’s influence permanently. I promise.”         “I can’t let you go so easily.” Euphorian started to cry.         “You’re out of character, bro. If I could survive Tartarus then I can make it out there. Maybe I can find more descendants of the old Kingdoms, too. When’s the last time somepony has left Equestria in search of friends and adventure? You know I’ve never liked staying put. That’s your job.” I smiled. “I will come back.”         “Your sister is right, Euphorian. You should stay-to give her something to come back for.”         “... Fine. I won’t make you two force me to stay behind... But sis, you’d better come back. You still need to beat me in a spar, okay?” Thank you, Celestia. I may never come back, and I didn’t want my brother to share the same fate out there.         “Yeah..., see ya big bro.” I started crying too.         “See ya later sis..!” I’d never forget the pathetically sappy look on his face as I departed, flying at top-speed to make the distance Celestia requested of me. A brown and unsightly wasteland filled the horizon, a scar on the land that stretched South farther than the eye could see. Was leaving Equestria the destiny Loki spoke of? I guessed I’d find out if I ever came back. Loki was the one who cast me out here, after all. I kept flying. > Chapter Two: Badlands > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outcasts: Chapter 2 "A billion years ago the world rained fire and solar radiation. Today, it only rains water with the occasional chocolate rain downpour.... Yeah, wake me when things get interesting again.” -Anonymous Evil God         I’d been flying for hours, maybe days as there had been a constant grey overcast ever since I entered the skies of the badlands. On the ground clay-colored hills and plateaus littered the otherwise featureless landscape. After I’d exhausted my strength I landed for a short break under a rock arch formation, which turned into a long slumber... <<-------------------------------------------------->>         “Somepony help! My leg is caught and I need help!” I awoke to somepony yelling nearby. My muscles were sore and I felt ill, but I got up and surveyed my surroundings for the source of the voice.         A silver-colored pony kneeled head down in the distance next to a plateau and a pile of rocks. She continued calling for help as I stumbled toward her, not seeing me. My eyelids felt heavy. When I was finally only a few yards away I told her I’d help.         What looked up at me wasn’t a pony; its face was blank except for a lifeless O where a mouth would be. What looked like blood poured out of this hole and down the thing’s metal chin. I was about to break out into a run when it shrieked a brain-rattling sound of screeching metal. Blood began running out of my left ear and the thing leapt at me.         Lightning struck the machine and it fell on its face just in front of me. I couldn’t hear the thunder over the incessant ringing of my right ear. Suddenly a wave of nausea broke over me and I collapsed into the grasp of a pony who flew off with me in their hold. <<-------------------------------------------------->>         When I came to I felt well rested and there was only minor tinnitus in my left ear. I felt a reminiscent tingling sensation in my throat that could only mean I’d drunk a health potion - which I’d kept one of in my bag. I was lying down next to a campfire in a cave. My bags were on the floor with their contents spilled out. A high-pitched and ecstatic voice spoke to me:         “Hooray! You’ve regained continuous!”         “Don’t you mean consciousness?” I answered drearily.         The voice belonged to a mare who was slightly taller than me. Her coat was a dull yellow and her mane saffron. Her eyes were gold, she had a cutie mark of the symbolic theater masks, though curiously both of them were smiling instead of just one. She had wings and... a horn? That would explain the timely lightning.         “You’re an Alicorn...,” I heard myself say. A look of distress appeared on her face.         “I’ll... I’ll leave if you want me to; I don’t want to hurt anypony...,” She murmured.         “What do you mean? I don’t want you to leave.”         “Well, most ponies I’ve met say I’ll force them into some detatorship with my unholy powers of the Sun. I don’t even know what a tatorship is!” She furrowed her brow at me as I covered my mouth and laughed, but she was smiling again. “Did I say something funny?”         “I’m not afraid of you forcing me into a dictatorship, especially since you saved my life.”         “Really? That’s great! We can be friends together and go everywhere with each other! Can I eat some of your food? I haven’t eaten in days. There’s no food out here! And the water is muddy-eeyuck...! Oh, by the way my name is Marigold Snicks. What’s your name?”         “Go ahead and help yourself to what I’ve got.” Marigold immediately began stuffing her face in a box of oats. “You can call me Rapture, or Raps for short. I also don’t mind being called Supreme God Commander Rapture, in case you want any favors...” Marigold spoke with her mouth full:         “Rap-esure? That’s sure a funny name. Are you sure you’re not...Black Wing!?” She spat oats as she finished, pointing at my cutie mark - that of two crossed scimitars with blades of black feathers.         “I’m pretty sure it’s Rapture... I think. Anyway, could you tell me exactly what happened before? I’m pretty confused here. Never been in the wastes before,” I explained.         “Oh, I was looking for some water outside when I saw you flying really REALLY fast and thought that such a fast pony must be really REALLY cool, and that’s when I decided to call you ‘Black Wing’ because that name is REALLY cool.” Marigold paused to slug down another hoof-full of oats; “but when I caught up to you I saw that you were walking towards one of those creepy silver ponies and it was too late to stop you. So, I used my magic to zap it, which makes them freeze for a few seconds! Then I took you here to my cave and made you drink this red stuff labeled ‘Health’ when you were uncontinuus. Then, you woke up.”         “What are these metal ponies?” I asked.         “I dunno, but they make me feel green around the grill when I see them.”         “Oh, thanks... do you know anywhere with other ponies that might know more nearby?” If these things were guarding the border of Equestria or hunting ponies, I had to find out why.         “Well... I don’t go into towns... very often anymore...,” Marigold stammered, taking sudden visual interest in a corner.         “Well, I’m sure I can find my way. I think I owe you my life though, so if you need anything...”         “Wait, I know a place... but, I don’t want to be alone anymore.”         “Then come with, I could use some company myself out here.” Marigold beamed.         “Oh, thank you so so SO much! I’ll show you to New Canterlot - though, you should probably hide that you came here flying from Equestria...” Marigold put on a plain and battered straw hat, concealing her horn. <<-------------------------------------------------->>         As we flew south I asked my new companion a multitude of questions about the city and its inhabitants.... however, she didn’t seem to know much about it at all as she had avoided it in the past. All she knew was that the ponies there held a grudge against Equestrians, and often sent scouts to scour the border for ponies coming and going from Equestria. It was close, and it sounded like there could be a connection to the robots near the border.         “We’re here...,” Marigold squeaked.         I looked around and saw nothing but the barren wastes beneath us. “Where are we exactly?”         Marigold snickered, “look up, silly.”         I did. Above us I could make out a cluster of cloud that seemed denser than the rest of the overcast; an unchanging figure that appeared lighter than the dark clouds that surrounded it.         “Oh. I was expecting it to be grounded, like the ‘old’ Canterlot is,” I remarked. At least this meant significantly less conceited unicorn nobles.         I flew above the cloud cover, Marigold in tow. The sight of the city was shocking, the buildings and even a fortress at the base of it were all made of stone that looked like the rock consistent of the badland below. Aside from the clearly heavily-militarized fortress, the place resembled an Equestrian town like Ponyville.         “Howzit.. how’s it floating?” I heard myself mumble.         “What, you’ve never heard of a laputa city before? I grew up on one until I ran away! Come to think of it... I have no IDEA how everything stays up here! Haha, the cloud is denser up here - anypony can stand on it!” Marigold explained, her phobia of local ponies suddenly cured. I was the one who was afraid now. What kind of fate had befallen science? ...Was that an earth pony galloping down the lane over there? Growing up in a city like Cloudsdale where everything was made of clouds and only pegasi could stay... clouded, this was like some surreal alternate reality where pigs could fly and bunnies enslaved ponies. Something like that, though it was probably just some sort of magic stuff.         “Magic is some kind of strange animal,” I muttered.         A couple of pegasus ponies wearing steel armor with symbols resembling burning alicorns on their chest plates approached us. One of them had pistols built into the armor on either side of his helmet, with a ‘bite-down’ trigger in his mouth; the other one spoke dryly:         “State your purpose here in New Canterlot, and hand over any bags you’re carrying for inspection. If you are in possession of any weapons, narcotic drugs, or other such harmful items outside of your bags, surrender them now or suffer penalty of the law when discovered.”         I dropped my bags from my back. There was water, food, pen and paper, two blankets, and two rain capes inside them. No markings or brands on anything to reveal my ethnicity. As for my purpose? I didn’t know what to tell them. Dropping my bags would help me prepare to fight as well, I couldn’t run from a pegasus pony with guns in the sky. Marigold spoke up before I could think of anything convincing.         “Were from South Bismane, ’fore we came on Nort’ through North Bismane as refugees,” she spoke in a convincingly...pungent country accent. “We thought we’d help tha cause and fight fer ya’ll when the time comes.”         “Great. Then give us your names and we’ll interview you after the paperwork goes through.”         I was about to speak, but Marigold interrupted before I could start again.         “Well I’m Goldhay Masks, -howdy there, and this here’s muh friend Black Wing...she’s a mute!” I hoped she knew what she was doing... I think my country accent impression was good enough to give myself a better name than that at least.... was there a smug look on her face for a second there? Marigold snickered.         The soldier ponies had ruffled through my bags and handed them back. “We should be ready to see you again in a few hours, you may move about the city as you please until then. Though you won’t be able to trade for anything before you receive citizenship papers... Farewell.” The soldier ponies left.         “We should try and find out about the metal ponies before those soldiers come and look for us again,” I suggested.         “Your suggestion has my enhorsement!” Marigold exclaimed. “Let’s sally forth! I’ll do the talking, it’s my special talent after all,” she proclaimed proudly. I laughed.         We entered the city. Roughly half of the residents were pegasi; most of the earth and unicorn ponies were males, presumably they were mostly here for military purposes. There were no roads, but there was plenty of grass and each house had crops growing around it. Occasionally a salmon-colored stallion would fly into view with a rain cloud and water crops outside of homes.         Marigold flew up to the weather pony, “Hey! How’re ya doin’?!” She squeaked.         “Actually, I’m kind of busy-” the pegasus spoke.         “My friend and I are refu-gees, and we wanted to know more about the shiny ponies who kill things we saw on the way here!” Marigold interrupted.         “Do you have citizenship papers...? I shouldn’t talk-”         “The fate of all of ponykind could lie on this in-for-may-shon, and you’re worried about social status?” Marigold shook her head. “Shame, such a handsome stallion has no considerateness for pony life outside of your little flying city up here.”         “Go talk to Bliss-Full in her store in the market district then if you want to be a rule breaker, just don’t bother me anymore...” The stallion flew off with his cloud.         Marigold grinned, “Piece of pie!”         We flew around and eventually found the market district, and a store called ‘Bliss-Full’s Blissful Trinkets, Gadgets, and Ornaments’. We entered, Marigold in the lead. The window shades were down, pink and jasmine-hued lamps lit the complex. An assortment of items true to the store’s namesake lined shelves on every wall, odd knick knacks and baubles hung from the ceiling. I noticed a silver-painted bird and an extra large pink fuzzy horseshoe amongst these.         “Greetings and salutations you glorious bastards! I’m Bliss-Full, the mare who’s got what you want-a whole MESS of cool shit for sale, cheap.” An oxford blue earth pony with a white mane and dark red sunglasses yelled from behind a counter, an inviting smile on her face.         Yeah, I could see this pony breaking the law.         “HIYA there!” Marigold beamed. “You can call me Goldhay. We want to know about the nasty metal ponies that like to kill things without remorse.”         “Are you wit da police...?” Bliss-Full asked cautiously.         “Nope~! We’re with the people!”         “Aw, I love the gawdamn people! Follow me out back.” Bliss-Full bucked open a door leading to a walk-in storage closet, and trotted in. I looked at Marigold and she shrugged. We followed her in.         Bliss-Full gestured towards the door and I closed it behind us. She whispered in an urgent tone:         “Our leader, President Valentine, is also curious about those robots, and he’s been sending anypony he can get his hooves on on a mission concerning them. I’m telling you this ‘cause none of the teams he’s sent have come back alive, and he’ll probably offer the job to you two as well. Take my advice: leave now before you get involved. Those robots are too dangerous, but they still can’t fly. Walls or clouds, we’re safe as long as we stay away from them.”         “I heard the ponies here hate Equestrians, and there’s that insignia of a burning Alicorn...,” I spoke.         “That’s no secret, our leader hates the Alicorns. That’s the norm for ponies hailing from North Bismane due to some accident a few years back, but there’ve been rumors that our leader is actually from Equestria. Of course, he has denied everything.”         I paused before responding, “I have to do anything I can to stop those machines, do you know anything else?”         She shook her head; “No.” We were about to leave when she yelled to wait. We turned around to see her holding a cage in her mouth with a round reddish-purple bug inside. The thing had wings and big green eyes and was staring at us hopefully.         Bliss-Full’s eyes narrowed and she spoke duly, “Could you throw this shitty thing off the cloud while you’re out?”         Marigold gasped in horror. I said we’d take it and opened my bag for her.         “Thanks. I appreciate it.” Bliss-Full said before returning to the counter. Marigold asked if I was serious about hurting the poor little baby as I opened the door.         A dozen armed and armored ponies were waiting on us outside the store, their guns trained on the door.         “Oh, buck,” I moaned. <<-------------------------------------------------->>         We were chained with heavy metal collars and taken to the Fortress gates. The place seemed much bigger up close; almost as big as Canterlot Castle. The gates were painted forest green, and the walls surrounding the main tower had artillery protruding through them. The soldier ponies escorted us through the gates and into the fortress.         The inside of the fortress was much less appealing. The place consisted of halls so cramped I couldn’t even stretch my wings out. As a pegasus this put me on the edge to the extreme-major claustrophobia.         After a dreadfully long five or so minutes of traversing dizzyingly maze-like hallways and steep stairwell descents (into the cloud?), we finally came upon a steel door which had tens of deadlocks, padlocks, and even some sort of strange hoof-bump recognition pad that they apparently had the technology to invent. It took only another five minutes of the soldier pony in lead fumbling through keys and cursing under his breath why an earth pony would be the keyholder to get the door opened. Apparently, it was one paranoid dude in there. An obnoxious voice resonated from the room ahead:         “Oh, do come in. It would be rude of me to allow my guests to go uninvited by their hosts. Of course by ‘guests’ I actually mean ‘prisoners’. HAHAHA..... but seriously, welcome to my humble fortress in the clouds!”         We walked in. A pink coated/brown maned pegasus stallion with a smug look on his face sat in a burgundy sofa chair, ‘smoking’ a bubble pipe. His cutie mark was that of an arrow pierced heart. I remembered that I was under the guise of a mute named Black Wing... Though I didn’t know if that guise still held. Marigold spoke:         “Oh heya sa, what-cher need us fer?” Oh right, there was the whole ‘Goldhay’ thing too.         “Oh, you can drop the act. One of my gentlemen here planted a bug in your travelling bag-we know everything. Don’t feel insulted though, we do it with all of our guests.”         “A BUG, oh, gross! By the way, where’d you get that cool pipe!? I think my Dad had one of those, except it made smoke instead of bubbles,” Marigold blurted.         “Are you.... jeering me?” The stallion asked, confused. “No, I suppose a less mhmm-civilized pony like yourself wouldn’t know about.... listening devices!” He laughed dramatically; “Oh, you can call me President Valentine, by the way. The ruler of this fair city-and soon... Equestria!” He struck his chair for emphasis.         “You think your little cloud is going to be enough to conquer Equestria?” I smirked. “I bet Celestia alone could down this place.”         “You only say that because you don’t know the power of this place... it wasn’t built by us, you know. This fortress, this laputa city - I found it, flying dormant over these badlands.” Valentine smiled. “This wasteland was created by one of these clouds, it’s stock-full of high tech weaponry!”         Marigold’s jaw went slack. Mine was about to hit the floor before I recovered my composure... It must’ve been a bluff, a weapon destroyed the land like this?         “But in any case, there is something I’d like you two to do.... well, your friend already told you that, yes? I hate it when somepony ruins the surprise!” Valentine ranted. Marigold yawned.         “If your plan is to invade Equestria, even if it’s all some bluff-I’m not going to help you even if it means my life,” I stated. This goofball wouldn’t turn me into a traitor.         “Your help is not necessary for my plans. All I need is somepony to fetch me my technician.”         “Sounds pretty imperative to have a technician to operate and maintain your ‘high-tech weaponry’,” I scoffed.         “Oh? Well, I’ll have you know that those collars on your necks have remote-controlled bombs in them! Are you so eager to back-sass now?” He remarked proudly, smiling.         I stared at him expressionlessly. Marigold was sitting on the floor, coolly trying to push her collar off with her hind legs.         “Gah! How unrefined.... okay, look. You want to stop those robots, right? Well, I had dear ole Gizmo investigate a factory creating those. If you help me, you’ll learn more about them-maybe even shut the factory down... I don’t care! As long as I can get some schematics of them.” Valentine sighed, “that gives you some chance at success, right? I can’t believe you’re making me play fair.”         I could use a lead that the factory would provide to stop the robots... but there were still so many things that could go wrong.         “And how would I know you won’t blow our heads off after helping you?”         “I promise to deactivate the bomb collars as soon as you’re under the city-with my technician. Is that enough for you? You could act like barbarians and use a hostage, if that’s your fancy.” Valentine shook his head. “Now yes or no? My time is too valuable for this - I could be scheming right now, you know!”         I figured that I could always die later if things didn’t look good at the factory, so I agreed. Valentine made it clear that we had listening ‘bugs’ in our collars as well, and let us leave after instructing his guard to point us in the right direction - south southeast... <<-------------------------------------------------->>         The factory stood in the middle of a plain. Marigold and I were overlooking it from a plateau on the edge of the valley. The factory looked ordinary, except that it was incredibly reinforced with metal platings all around... it was also notably, not producing any steam. It was inactive. Based on what Bliss-Full had told us, I anticipated trouble inside.         Marigold nudged her hat back to expose her horn. I took a deep breath and shook my wings.         “Ready?” Marigold nodded.         We flew around to the factory’s entrance. There was a large steel door, but a hole big enough to squeeze through was blasted into it, presumably by Valentine’s technician. We stepped inside, there were no windows or lights on in the building; the only light was coming through the hole in the door.         Somepony was waiting for us. I stopped Marigold and carefully scanned the room... it was tough to see in this darkness, but there was blood peppering the floor and walls. I stopped breathing and listened for movement. A minute went by.... two, nothing.         “Raptu-,” Marigold started. I narrowly manage to shove us both out of the way as a grenade flew at us from above and exploded upon impact with the floor. I received minor shrapnel in my wing.         Marigold stood up and squinted; her horn started glowing and another explosion went off. Metal wailed as a suspended catwalk collapsed and fell in front of the steel door, along with a startled maroon-red earth pony.         “That wasn’t a bad explosion, kid,” The stallion spoke to Marigold in a gruff voice as I put my wing to his throat.         Marigold glared at him silently.         “You’re Valentine’s technician?” I asked.         “Eeyup.” The stallion had apple-green eyes, striped yellow and orange hair, and freckles. He wore a cowpony hat, a vest(covered in sack pockets), and had a cutie mark of a frag grenade. “Apple Gizmo, at your service.”         I turned my attention to Marigold.         “You okay?”         “Yeah, um... can we go outside? I don’t like it in here...” Marigold frowned.         I confiscated Gizmo’s grenades, vest, and hat before making him lead us out. We kept walking until we were a good few yards from the factory before talking again.         “So.... uh, why’d you try to kill us?” I asked awkwardly.         “Because I don’t want to hoof the schematics for those automatons over to Valentine. They’re more dangerous than I expected, but I know reason won’t stop him from using them.... Hey, ah...” Gizmo raised an eyebrow and gestured towards his neck. The bomb collars. I nodded. He pointed at his vest and shrugged.... Well, Valentine would probably kill me later anyway.         I let him grab a metal pad thing from one of his pockets. Mari looked like she wanted to abject, but she was grudgingly staying quiet. He started fiddling with the device as I asked him redundant questions about technology and Valentine’s ‘splendor’ in an attempt to not arouse suspicion on the other end through the listening device; soon the collars were off. I thanked him.         “Well, now that your lives aren’t in immediate danger, I guess I should apologise for lobbing a grenade at you. I didn’t notice the bomb collars, nopony that came before had them - all were willing.” Gizmo shrugged, “I guess it worked out anyway though.”         Marigold sighed, and steadily built her smile back up, “Apology accepted... but you shouldn’t make asoomptions about somepony before meeting them, especially if you planned on hurting them!”         “My top concern is keeping my own hide unfried, but I’ll at least make sure I’m not attacking an alicorn next time...”         I felt something budge in my bag... sweet Celestia, I forgot about that purple thing Bliss-Full gave me! I opened up my bag and it flew out.... the cage was nowhere to be found. Apple Gizmo’s eyes went wide.         “Why’d ya have a parahsprite in yer bag!?” He demanded in an uncharacteristically country accent, rearing from the purple thing.         “Oh, so that’s what the wittle bugger is.....! What the hay’s a pair of sprite?” Marigold jumbled.         “It’s the worst damned thing on the planet! Always.... gettin’ in mah machinery and eatin’ my wires. They also give me the creeps, them and moths and those other little monsters!” Apple Gizmo peered at his vest, “Can I kill it? Please...”         The.... parasprite, Gagged and coughed up a bar of iron longer than it was, then gave me the most adorable look... I didn’t need a hungry pest that could bite through iron though. What a nasty bug bite that’d leave!         “I’ll do it,” I said, mouthing a grenade. Marigold scooped up the bug and held it to her chest.         “Rappsy, I can’t believe you’d do such a cruel thing! Just look at ‘em!” Marigold and the parasprite both frowned and goggled at me with sad eyes.         My wings spread; “Well, I guess we could take care of it...”         “Yay! I’mma call him Ruddy!” Marigold exclaimed, shoving Ruddy in her mane.         Gizmo groaned. “You’re gonna regret it sooner or later, but it’s not my problem.” His accent was gone.         “Anyway, could you tell us yours and Valentine’s story now? I want the whole picture before acting again.”         Gizmo nodded, and began:         “My first endeavor after discovering my talent for weapons and machinery was to build a moving fortress powerful enough to slay a dragon. My family didn’t like my violent outlook on life; they were only simple farmers after all. So I decided that after finishing the tank I’d run away in it. The tank I left in was larger than the traditional design so I’d have some living space, as well as a few other changes I made in outward appearance. Soon, however, my goal became less and less desirable to me. Instead of hunting dragons I became a freelance technician and merc for hire. Most of my jobs had me doing honest work to help ponies defend themselves against wild animals, and I was content. Until I heard that a dragon had burned down South Bismane and flown north into the badlands.         “Though for the most part life in these parts is defunct, dragons are one of the few exceptions. The rocky and barren badland is a prime location for a hibernating dragon to store its treasures, away from anyone foolish enough to disturb it. I’m one of those foolish types though, so I brought my portable little home out to the dragon’s lair.         “The thing was sleeping, and I didn’t bother telling it I wanted a fight. At least, not conventionally. I fired the main cannon straight into its sleeping left eye, and followed up with a volley of 11mm gatling gun rounds into its body as it roared in pain! The latter bounced off like I was shooting it with a toy, but I managed to wound it again with another cannon shell to its heart before it tore open my tank’s hull.         “Exposed, I was on the verge of blowing the both of us up with all the gunpowder I had left before it took to the sky, heading north. Overwrought, I followed it. My tank was still mobile, and I was filled to the brim with desire to accomplish my foalhood dream once again. It was faster though, and it escaped as the automaton factory came into my sights. The factory looked abandoned, but the door was locked shut. I fired a shell at the door remotely, and explored.         “Once I found out what the factory was used to produce, I left after storing my damaged tank inside, knowledgeable of a party that might be interested. The factory had supplies in which to fix my tank, but I was short on money for food and additional fuel. Valentine offered me enough bits to retire on for those automaton schematics, and twice that if I could get his super weapon online. I didn’t like the sound of that, so I asked him to see it first. Turns out he just couldn’t find the power switch... so I tore the innards of the thing up enough so that only I could fix it again.         “After Valentine’s ponies helped me back down to the surface I returned to the factory. Something had repaired my tank while I was away. Somewhat terrified I inspected the place again, and found that all the unbroken automaton parts were missing and a fresh print of schematics was left behind.         “Those automatons each have some devastating weaponry. I’ve only heard of them using bullets and scare tactics, but whoever is rebuilding them must want to save their real weapons for something big,” Apple Gizmo finished.         “Don’t dragons usually keep troves of treasure you could use for money?”         “There was none, and I’d have a hard time finding someone outside of Equestria that would trade bits for that stuff anyway.”         “What’s an automaton?” Marigold blurted.         “Shouldn’t you have asked that sooner?” Gizmo scowled. Marigold shrugged. “It’s a robot designed to look like a pony. Though, these ones are designed to be a might bit creepier than your average mare, I’d say.” A silence followed this.         “So, am I free to go or what?” Gizmo asked.         “I think we could use your help. I’ve decided to stop those automatons; I don’t like armies of evil walking death machines terrorizing innocent ponies.”         Gizmo paused to think before speaking. “Well, I usually charge for my services, but I think I can make an exception this time seein’ as how you’re sparing my life and all.... Plus, I’m out of job so ‘long as we’ve got food to eat I’ll be happy.” Gizmo smirked; “We can take my tank. Ride around the badland and blow up all the robots and dragons and shit we find. It’ll be fun... is that okay with your friend here though?” Gizmo looked to Marigold.         Marigold jumped in excitement; “Yeppers! I love making new friends!”         “Wow, you get over these things pretty quickly, don’t you?” I mused.         “Uh, affirmative!”         “So, what’s next?” Gizmo asked, putting his hat back on.         “Well, know where any other factories are?”         “Eenope, but there could be somepony I know of in South Bismane who does.”         “And who’s that?”         “Anima Roads, a travelling pony that has stayed there for some time. She knows these regions well.” > Chapter Three: North Bismane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outcasts: Chapter 3 "If there is one thing that we can infer from the recent North Bismane disaster it is this: Alicorns are inherently evil, and if we allow them to have liberty they will use their evil sun magics to subjugate us!”  -President Valentine, 10 years ago         “I need to pee,” Marigold squeaked behind me... The sun was finally setting behind the cloud cover after a long and boring day of travelling in Apple Gizmo’s red ‘luxury’ tank, aka the “Dragonslayer”. The inside of the vehicle had enough room for six ponies, and sported comfortable red furnishings illuminated by sunlight through a sky window above. There was even a fridge.         “Hey!” Marigold screamed and put her snout to Gizmo’s ear as he steered, “I said I need to make yellow sand!”         “Mother bucker! There’s a potty hole in the back; don’t yell at me when I’m driving!” Gizmo retorted, “besides, sand doesn’t turn yellow when you piss in it.”         Marigold leered at the seat with a face full of absolute disdain. “I’m not using that, I’m a full-grown mare, not an aminal! I need some privacy.”         Gizmo groaned and stopped the tank, letting Marigold off. A brief silence ensued.          “Rapture, why’d you forgive me so easily after trying to kill you?” Gizmo queried. Oh, great. He just had to bring that up again. Though I could understand his perplexity, forgiving someone for that so easily was a bit peculiar... “Well, I guess I’ve just hardened my composure...” “That’s not composure, that’s just a false sense of security. You work with ponies who you have nothing to use against, and you know nothing about. One can tell from just the way you walk that you’re fresh meat, easily used as a tool.” Gizmo jerked his head back and faced me again with a snout-gun. “That naivety will get you killed out here.” My reflex would’ve been to try and cop the gun in half with my wing, but my reflex to that reflex was to hold myself back because he was a friend. I realised that from this he had made his point when he arched an almost cocky grin. “Point taken, but if you expect me to act the role of a pompous zealot like Valentine, you can pull that trigger now.” Gizmo tossed the gun aside. “Please don’t. Just be prepared for anyone to betray you, at any time... If a fool like Valentine could capture you so easily, what could a clever pony like me do? Out here, nobody is innocent-not even Marigold has clean hooves.” Now just what did that mean? Before I could ask, I heard a chilling scream from outside. I quickly scrambled out of the Dragonslayer and into the air to see Marigold wrestling with a large snouted, green-brown and stubby bipedal creature with a daisy growing from its head. Gizmo yelled something about trolls being weak to fire as I felt a bullet zip past my face. The troll’s head burst into flames and it quickly perished as Marigold broke free. “That was the meanest flower I’ve ever seen!” Marigold huffed. “Get back in the tank before more of them dig out!” Gizmo demanded. We started towards the tank but it was too late. Dozens of hairy green arms tore the ground open all around us, and some had already dug holes under the tank to bury the wheels. I saw Ruddy wriggle out of Marigold’s mane with a warface on before turning green from the stink and burying himself back in. Before I could move, huge chunks of rock were being hurled at me and I lost my balance. I landed on top of a troll with a mushroom head and was unpleasantly surprised to find that trolls smelled a lot like rotten cheese and onions. All I could think of when slashing its head open vertically was how hard it would be to get the stench out of my feathers later. I leapt for the next one but was grabbed by the hind leg. It was still alive, until Gizmo shot it through the chest with an incendiary round anyway. I decapitated another, but another troll stuck its head back on and it got up. I took to the air again to catch my breath. “How the heck am I supposed to kill these things!?” I shouted, disgruntled. Marigold was using pyromancy magic to pick the trolls off while Gizmo was sniping hordes of them. I was useless. “Catch!” Gizmo ordered. I caught a metallic black wingband with a nozzle protruding from a cylinder canister labelled ‘WARNING: BUCKIN’ HOT’. I landed on the Dragonslayer and slipped the band on my left wing. It clicked and a red light turned on. “No time to put the safety gear on, just keep flying and you won’t get burned,” Gizmo instructed as he shot a troll attacking the Dragonslayer. I swooped down and fire spewed from the canister as I gained speed. Four trolls were engulfed in fierce flames as I cut them apart. It was just a matter of time before we could finish them all now, unless the stench of burning troll flesh killed us. Then the ground started to shake and the remaining trolls cheered with coarse voices. “Here comes the den mother!” I saw Gizmo climb into the Dragonslayer to man the cannon, Marigold joined me in the sky. “Den mother is another word for the big cheese, right?” Marigold asked me. I shrugged, not knowing exactly what to expect-other than something big. A fist the size of a pony clawed through the dry earth and the huge troll pulled itself up to the surface, crushing a couple of trolls beneath its foot as it stood. It bellowed an ear-splitting battle cry as it swung its arm at Marigold and me, forcing us to narrowly dodge by splitting up. Gizmo aimed and fired at the creature’s head, blowing the upper half off and leaving a flaming open neck and jaw. “Wow, I was expecting more of a fight,” I choked. The remaining trolls began panicking and tried to tunnel to safety. Marigold shot a magical torrent of fire from her horn and the trolls were all charred black in the raging inferno. “A bit harsh, don’t you think?” I glanced at Marigold as I slipped the fire band off. “They would’ve just hurt somepony else if we let them go,” she justified. Apple Gizmo trotted off the tank and let out a flustered sigh. “I guess we’ll have to dig the wheels back up... Who ever heard of trolls out in the badlands, anyway? Geez.” Marigold and I landed beside him. “Or you could use your magic to lift it out of the earth?” He looked to Marigold hopefully. “I can’t use telekeleckis.” Marigold frowned, “Sorry.” “This might take a while then, you two outta get comfortable-there’s only one shovel.” Gizmo started digging under the wheels. I thought about trying to use my wing Acriter to loosen the earth but decided against it, my wings were tattered and bloody and I didn’t want to wear them out too much. Marigold slumped over and fell asleep, snoring loudly. I asked Gizmo about the fire band he’d given me and learned that he invented it especially for pegasus soldiers who expected trolls. Eventually, I decided to fly up and take a nap on the clouds. I dreamed of home. <<-------------------------------------------------->>         Though it was hard to tell what time it was under the thick cloud cover, I knew when the sun had risen after my slumber. We had fought the trolls late into the night, and we departed again in the morning after Gizmo finished having his turn at a nap.         A few hours passed travelling in the Dragonslayer and I spotted a cloud whiter than the rest - it was another laputa city. “It’s North Bismane,” Gizmo identified. Marigold jumped at the name and her eyes dilated, but she then settled back down in her seat.         “I’m not going up,” she spoke defiantly.         “I didn’t think you’d want to,” Gizmo responded.         And then they were silent. I was bewildered, did Gizmo know something about her that I didn’t or something? I decided to save the question for when I was alone with one of them.         We came to a rough and abrupt stop. I opened my mouth to ask why but was interrupted by a shrieking roar. Outside the tank I could see what looked like a dragon automaton, similar to the pony version I’d encountered before.         “What is it now!?” Gizmo moaned as he fired the main cannon. The shell had no visible effect.         The machine opened its mouth, Gizmo set the tank in full reverse, firing the main cannon again to help pick up speed. The dragon looked like it was taking a moment to process what’d happened before it leapt at us - its claws were gripping the tank before an explosion of sound caught up with it and hit us.  “Shit! It broke the sound barrier!” Gizmo screamed. The Dragonslayer’s roof was slowly being crushed by the machine’s grip. I wanted to try and help somehow, but I was too afraid to move. My thoughts were full of doubt - could I hurt it? Could I even leave this tank without getting instantly killed by something I can hardly even follow with my eyes? My vision was getting dark around the edges and my heart felt like it would burst if this didn’t end soon. Things were already hopeless, but my precognition showed me a vision of a different creature. A golden horse as tall as a house - it had eight legs from which lightning bolted each time it moved. I heard the dragon hop off of the roof and saw it land in front of the tank, it also sensed the new presence. Energy began to gather in the machine’s ‘mouth’ as it prepared some sort of attack before the golden horse I’d envisioned appeared in place of the dragon, which was crushed under hoof. The Dragonslayer rocked as the machine was obliterated by the golden horse’s magic before it leapt east out of sight on a bolt of lightning.         “Buck it! I’m going crazy!” Gizmo yelled and facehoofed repeatedly. Marigold turned green and vomited out a window. I lied on my back and hyperventilated for a few moments before managing to regain most of my composure.         “Hah, I just noticed we have a sunroof.” <<-------------------------------------------------->>         The Dragonslayer needed more repairs and fuel so Apple Gizmo and I went to North Bismane to look for them. Thankfully the ponies there seemed less hostile than the other laputa city I went to, and Gizmo was flown up on a platform raised by pegasi teens for a small fee. They recognised him as he’d sold defensive wares there before so we didn’t have our bags checked after a quick magic scan by a tool that Gizmo claimed to have invented himself for detecting ‘changelings’... North Bismane looked much alike its northern counterpart, but without the huge military fortress. They also apparently had more of a concern with changelings here because...         “...What’s a changeling?” I questioned, suddenly realising I didn’t even know what I was thinking about.         “You really don’t know much, huh?” Gizmo larked, "they’re like pony-horse hybrids that can magically transform their appearance into anypony they wish, and they feed on the innocent love of ponies,” Gizmo answered mystically.         “They... feed on love? Isn’t that kind of gross though?” I pondered aloud.         “Now you’re starting to sound like Marigold! Geez, my life has really gone downhill, travelling with a couple of senseless mares.” Now that he’d reminded me...         “You’ve talked like you know something about Marigold before, how do you know her?”         Gizmo grumbled in protest; “this is the worst time and place to discuss that. Let’s just say she bares somewhat of a resemblance to a filly who... may have slaughtered half of this town’s population at some point ten years ago?”         “WHAT!?” I yelped obtrusively, causing many a towns-ponies to stare at me unpleasantly. I sealed my lips and blushed; they all eventually lost interest and went back to their daily chores. I felt a surge of anger at Gizmo for suggesting such a thing, but I kept my voice down to a whisper.         “Marigold is too sweet, they probably just laid the blame on her for being an alicorn.”         “In any case, these ponies think its her fault. It’s best she lay low and we make our business here quick, for her sake.” I nodded, no argument there. “You can explore the place yourself a little before we meet up, my errands shouldn’t take long.”         I decided to take him up on that. Walking around the town I was still unnerved by the presence of earth on the clouds and non-pegasi. There were many posters depicting the burning alicorn emblem; it seemed that Valentine had some control here as well. With the ponies here blaming Marigold for their tragedy, it was really no surprise that the citizens would hate alicorns. I eventually came upon a series of burned down buildings that were gated off with a sign that claimed the property was bought by Valentine as a monument declaring the evil nature of alicorns.         “Ponies come here everyday and mourn the loss of their late family, many of the young will head further north to join President Valentine’s cause.” I turned to see an emerald green middle-aged stallion with a single, battered wing at his side. He looked solemnly at one of the abandoned homes and spoke to me with a poignant voice, “did you know that despite how large this ruined area of the town is with its dozen ruined housings, that it is still only a third of what was actually destroyed? Over one hundred ponies, half of our population died on that day ten years ago. After my wife was killed, my son went to join Valentine’s army.”         I didn’t want to interrupt his mourning, so I held back my curiosity about the actual attack. I felt bad for him though, losing his family so quickly... I missed Euphorian terribly, even though it had only been a few days since I left him and Equestria.         “Do you know the history of this place? I could tell you’re not from around here by the way you walk,” the stallion asked me, sounding a little more cheerful.         But.... was it really so easy to tell I’m different from the way I walk!? What the hell, I couldn’t tell a difference with anypony else here.         “I don’t really know much about these parts, since I’m just passing through,” I answered a bit worriedly.         “I won’t ask where you’re from, though some young ponies might care, it makes no difference where you’re from to me.” It was obvious that he knew I was Equestrian, probably knew before I even said anything. “I’ll tell you a little about us: both New Canterlot and North Bismane have close ancestry with South Bismane. As you probably know, South Bismane is just on the border of the badlands. The green grasslands and mountains you can find in Paardenvolk, the country that South Bismane is just in, are truly beautiful. However, the country is also a haven for all sorts of monsters who wish to gorge on us ponies. The constant monster attacks - when having to watch your family and neighbors getting torn limb from limb and feasted upon by ferocious trolls or dragons or worse is a common sight, a pony will either adapt and become ferocious themselves, or become meek and too afraid of losing more to go on.         “Highwind Tail, a pegasus and then retired warrior of South Bismane ventured into the badlands and found this abandoned laputa cloud eighty years ago. The ponies of South Bismane were forced to make a decision: stay loyal to their country and remain in their prosperous yet battle-stricken town or live a more peaceful life here, abandoning whomever stayed behind to defend Paardenvolk’s holy site at South Bismane. Half of the ponies left, and built a town here. But with so many warriors gone, South Bismane was quickly overrun by monsters and most of the original residents that stayed were killed - though it has now recovered somewhat as ponies moved in to reoccupy the border and temple there. The North Bismane residents are now banished from entering Paardenvolk, and if we want anything other than that which we can grow here, we must rely on the occasional merchant from the south.         “Now as for our own personal history, another laputa city was discovered eleven years ago by Valentine and termed ‘New Canterlot’. Valentine preached here about the evil alicorns that enslave and prey upon the good ponies whom they hate and envy. Though there was already a generally negative attitude on the subject of alicorns, they are ponies that for the most part existed only in myths and tales of faraway places for us, so not many heeded his words until the incident ten years ago. Valentine now has a formidable army and has waged war with the Chaidamu alliance of the far east, and declared Equestria his future enemy as both have alicorn leaders,” he finished.         “Thank you, for the story. Your history is very interesting.”         “It was my pleasure. You can call me Northwind Tail, by the way.”         “Huh? Are you the founder’s son or something?”         “I am, my brother is the mayor of this town - but I’m not anything special. Just an old stallion waiting for his son to return home.” He had that solemn look again... How long had we spent talking?         “I should go, my friend might be waiting for me. Oh! and my name’s Rapture. I... I’m sure your son will come to his senses, good luck!” I waved and flew off looking for Gizmo.         I was pleased to see that there was still some happiness in the town as I spotted a group of foals playing with newborn pups. A young mare cheerily buying a bag of candy, a stallion painting a home for an old married couple. These were things worth fighting to protect. I was beginning to see a little bit of hope for this place.         I found Gizmo holding a bucket of fuel from his mouth and carrying saddle bags full of mixed carrots, lettuce, hay, oats, firearms and black chunks of metal which stained the fresh vegetables with globs of dirty oil. It was disgusting - a clear safety hazard! I contemplated putting the fire band on, but decided a good ole’ fashioned pegasus smackdown would do. I grinned deviously and prepared to charge, but he saw me first and glared at me emotionlessly. It was so awkward I decided to just land softly beside him.         “Is that all you needed?” I questioned.         “Mfmm.” He started walking, I followed. In that moment, it was quiet and peaceful.         In the next, gunshots could be heard from all over the town. I saw a pony clad in black and red full-body armor cut a shocked mare in half with a slim and jagged black sword. The armor also had orange eyepieces, the only part of the actual pony visible was his black tail.         The soldier closed the distance between us quickly and I jumped back to narrowly avoid being decapitated by his sword. Gizmo dropped what he was carrying and equipped a snout-rifle. The soldier swung at me again but I ducked under his sword to cut his neck open, it was the first pony I’d ever killed. Gizmo shot two less-armored soldiers who were sniping civilians. He had remarkably good aim.         “Rapture, let’s get out of here, there are too many!” Gizmo shouted as he scanned for more enemies.         “I’m not leaving all these ponies to die, besides, how could you know how many there are!?” Gizmo shot another one, and I leapt between another swordspony and a unicorn stallion, burning the soldier with my fire band and finishing her with my Acriter.         “What, do you honestly think we could fight off an entire invading force? If you want to help these ponies, then we need to get help from South Bismane - though that’s also a long shot, they might have the fighting power to help at least!”         “I don’t care if I can’t beat them all, these ponies have suffered enough out here!” Gizmo shot a swordspony who’d snuck behind me through the eye.         “Everypony suffers, this town has a formidable militia as well - I’d know ‘cuz I’ve supplied them for the last few years of my life! You’ve gotta fend fer yourself out here!” A bullet shot off the tip of my left ear, Gizmo shot the sniper who did it. “What about Marigold? She’s in danger too, you think she wants to fight to save these ponies? They’re clearly done her wrong, a filly grew up here and ended up slaughtering half of the residents!”         Marigold... what if she was in trouble? I took off clutching Gizmo between my hooves, flying low and somehow managing to leave the cloud without getting hit. We landed at the Dragonslayer to find enemy soldier body parts scattered around the area outside the tank, Marigold was standing amongst them with a fierce face and smoking horn, I didn’t need to worry about her. Her expression lit up when she saw us.         “You’re finally here, let’s go!” Marigold hopped in the tank, followed by Gizmo.         “You two go, I’m stay-” A near-deafening explosion went off above the cloud and pieces of flaming debris rained from the sky around a mushroom cloud. A charred dead colt I recognised from the group of foals I saw playing before was among the debris that fell around me. He didn’t even have his cutie mark yet. Stunned, I felt Marigold pulling me into the tank by the tail.         “They blew themselves up... to stop the invaders,” Gizmo uttered gloomily, and drove south. <<-------------------------------------------------->>         “Damn, we’re low on fuel, but we should just baaarely make it,” Gizmo broke the silence that’d last for at least six hours.         Marigold was taking a nap. Though she seemed troubled before, I think she was somewhat relieved that we’d moved on at the same time. I wished I could sleep. The death of all those ponies was nagging at my conscious, it was terrible. Even Gizmo wasn’t completely himself.         “Hey, Gizmo?” My voice came out sounding more dreary than I’d meant it to.         “What’s up?” I caught a hint of concernment in his voice.         “Who were those ponies who attacked Bismane?”         “From the stories I’ve heard of the Chaidamu, I’d say it was them. If they attacked North Bismane, then they’ve either sacked New Canterlot already or plan to. Valentine has had skirmishes with them before, but I don’t think they’ve ever taken him seriously.”         “Didn’t they know that Valentine didn’t control that town? Why would they attack them!?” I was getting flustered. Gizmo sighed.         “Because that’s how war works, everyone is involved. North Bismane was an asset to Valentine, so the Chaidamu attacked.” Another silence ensued, this time lasting only a few minutes. “Look! See that? South Bismane is on the horizon.”         I could see the peaks of mountains dotting the horizon, and between them all was a white tower that reached the clouds. The dark cloud cover disappeared to make way for a warm blue sky as if it was cut with a knife, I was correct to imagine that the arid dirt and sands made way for green grass and beautiful flowers as well. It resembled Equestria, but there was also something about it that made my stomach churn. Looking at that horizon, I had a foreboding feeling that the entire country was screwed up. For ponies to want to run to the badlands from there, I guessed there’d have to be something wrong.