> In-Flight Emergency > by Clopficsinthecomments > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dangerous Conditions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BZZZ BZZZ BZZZ The alarm blared again, louder than before. The second alarm was always more painful than the first… and it was usually one that Diamond didn’t need. She prided herself on the ability to get up early, to attack the day with confidence and enthusiasm. But right now she was in Flhorseida - on the space coast. The time difference meant that what would have been a 7 AM wake-up buzzer felt more like 4 AM. She groaned, rubbing her eyes and kicking her hooves out the side of her luxurious Princess-sized bed, swinging her whole body up and out of the sheets and into the crisp air of the air-conditioned hotel suite. She’d set up a pair of slippers and a robe ahead of time, anticipating exactly this state of grogginess. She barely managed to find her glasses on the bedside table, slipping them onto her face without a care for the mess that was her hair. She stepped into the comfy slippers and walked toward the front door of her hotel room, punching the orange button on the cappuccino machine that the hotel had provided for this VIP suite, and which she had conscientiously loaded with her boss’s favorite blend of roasted black bean. Her boss! She blinked through her hazy morning fog once again - turning toward the door to the ensuite connecting door to his room. The two of them had come down to Tampa Neigh to see the latest and greatest that the space world had to offer - a convention of the greatest minds and small start-ups all clamoring to get a piece of the Equestria’s growing space industry. More and more Engineers had taken to going straight into private practice right out of school, eager to make their mark right away instead of laboring under more senior engineers at major firms, which meant this was a prime ground for EquestriAero to recruit. As long as they didn’t miss the opening ceremonies, that was. *KNOCK KNOCK* “Boss? You up in there?” Diamond asked, pressing her ear to the door. She didn’t hear anything, which was strange: Jet Stream was one of the few ponies who might actually be able to best her in a competition for rising bright and early. She twisted the door handle, poking her head in gingerly, unsure if he was up or not. “Boss? Jet?” She trotted carefully through the entryway of the VIP suite, turning the corner to the bedroom area. They would be running late already if they didn’t get a move on - she hated to be the pony to wake him up… but she really had no choice. “Jet!?” She half-shouted, half-whispered from the hallway. Looking in, she could see his blanket-covered form and a smashed travel alarm clock on the floor. That explained why he wasn’t up yet. “Hey. Boss, we gotta get up.” “Mmmmf…. F-five more minutes, Apogee... “ Jet grumbled, turning under his comfortable cave of sheets and blanket. Diamond grimaced, reaching out to shake the older stallion. As she did, he moaned, wings extending wide and casting the heavier blankets aside, until he rolled onto his back, only a single sheet covering his body now. Suddenly Diamond noticed something else amongst the outline of the pegasus’s sheet-covered outline. She staggered back to the wall, a heavy blush forming on her face, her eyes unable to tear themselves from the towering pillar that stretched up from under the expensive white linen sheet. ‘I shouldn’t be here’ She took a step backward hoping to make a quick retreated before she was noticed. But with her eyes glued to the ponderous column of her boss’s morning wood, which had pitched a tent nearly 17-inch morning erection, she quickly found herself bouncing into the wall behind her with a thump that made his eyes flutter open. “D-diamond?” He groaned rubbing his bleary eyes. “What… what time is it? Diamond swallowed, doing her best to look away from the rock-hard staff that stretched out from under the sheet, and failing, her eyes constantly being pulled back to the outline of his stallionhood. She’d heard that as stallions got older they were supposed to have weaker and softer morning erections as their circulatory systems began to weaken - she supposed she should be happy that her employer was in good shape because there was no indication of that from what she could see - the sheet draped iff if his flagpole obscenely as the stallion rolled up to a seated position and rested his head on his hooves with a yawn… Diamond swallowed nervously - should she tell him about his condition? He obviously hadn’t noticed yet. It wasn’t like she was embarrassed… she’d been privy to all of her boss’s secrets over the years - had been the fixer to escort many of his supermodel escorts from his hotel room the morning after conferences or events… and she’d definitely gotten the play by play and rave reviews from more than a few of the chatty airheads… heck, she’d even seen the thing herself once… an INCIDENT she’d made sure Jet was sworn to secrecy on. But still - it was her boss’s dick. His massive, long, thicker than her hoof dick. Of course, it would be a little awkward right? It should be… right? That fluttery feeling didn’t mean anything…. Right? Diamond quickly swallowed that awkwardness, doing her best to extinguish that train of thought before it could even leave the station. She’d resolved a long time ago, after a bad incident where a University professor had tried to take advantage of her for what was between her legs rather than what was between her ears, that she would never mix business and pleasure.  Ever. And business would always, always come first. It had been a bit of a rough start with her boss, who was a notorious womanizer. But after that rocky first interview, they had quickly left any such romantic possibilities to the land of impossibility. It wasn’t that she didn’t like Jet Stream. He really was a devilishly handsome rogue, through all the gruff years and the wear and tear of being a CEO. And he was clever - intelligent about both engineering, business, and ponies. And he had a lovely daughter, whom Diamond saw as more of a little sister than professional responsibility. And she knew that he respected her for who she was: a professional. It just… wasn’t right. It wouldn’t ever be right. She’d never pursued him like that, not while she worked for him. Not unless something crazy happened. Diamond’s focus was suddenly pulled back right in front of her as Jet began to stand up. “O-ok, I’m up… I’m up… just need a qu-” “Boss! Wait!” Diamond yelped, reaching out ineffectually with a hoof to catch his attention as he rose to his hind legs in front of her, the white sheet dragging off of his lower half as he did so, leaving all of… him… in complete sight of anypony in the room. With a small sproing, Jet Stream’s 17-inch horsecock sprang free. Diamond’s eyes slid over the fat cock in its entirety before she was able to look away in an attempt to preserve her decency, a red blush on her cheeks. But she’d already seen it - the incredibly thick, dark brown base, with its huge throbbing veins, which pulsed fattening blood up his long shaft, through the stiff bulge of his medial ring, and into his saucer-plate sized cockhead… all of which bobbed impossibly above his waist - suspended in the air by the sheer stiffness of his stallionhood. She’d even caught a glance at those two heavy orbs hanging underneath him. “Huh? Why are you looking away from… oh…. OH.” Jet coughed, clearing his throat as he looked down at himself and realizing how he’d just flashed his chief legal counsel with a full-frontal view of his impressive rocket-stack. “Ah… uh… sorry, it, uh, I seem to be stiffer and stiffer in the mornings ever since Apogee and I …. Uh… sorry. It should go down in a second.” Jet blinked, stretching his arms up, and twisting slightly from side to side, working the tiredness out of his shoulders as he did so. And also making his long, stiff hard-on sway from side to side in front of Diamond’s face. She couldn’t help but glance at the thing again. She was no size queen, but that… thing was bigger than anything she’d seen outside of porn… maybe even counting what she’d seen in porn. It was kind of hard to ignore. She glanced away and managed to cough and muster up a little grin. “Jeez boss, you’ve really got no shame waving that thing in front of me. I’d warn you about a sexual harassment suit, except I know my contract is already air-tight against the possibility of any civil action.” Jet grinned back. “Of course, you wrote it, after all.” Diamond watched Jet’s eyes trace down her, resting between her legs for a moment as he did. Now he was the one suddenly blushing and looking away. “B-besides…. You’re one to talk about showing off, Diamond….” Diamond blinked then looked down at herself, still pressed up against the wall on her hind legs, instantly her snout scrunched up and she suppressed the urge to squeal a cute, little “EEP!” aloud. Below her fuzzy navel, perched in the crevice of her lower abdomen, pressing out against her inner thighs, were her two massive crotchteats. She’d forgotten to tie up her bathrobe! Normally, this little slip of courtesy wouldn’t have too much cause for alarm… but in her groggy haste, she also hadn’t taken the time to cast her teat-reduction spell… Diamond had always been blessed (though she had considered it a curse since her early fillyhood) much larger than average teats… the kind of knockers you’d be more likely to find on a cow or a minotaur… double D mammaries that ballooned out from her lower belly like the fantastical tits they were. They had always proved to be such a distraction for her friends, her relationships, and most importantly her professional aspirations, that she had long ago memorized the spell to constrict and reduce their size to a much more reasonable pert set of B-sized teats…. Though the spell had to be renewed each morning. But led to the possibility of forgetting. Something that had never happened…. Until now. With a quick flash of her hooves, Dimond drew her robe closed, though the terry-cloth material still betrayed the large bulges between her thighs. She growled to herself as she pulled the waist-rope close, tying it in a neat bow and glancing up at her boss. His erection bobbed and twitched, as Jet swallowed nervously. “Haven’t seen those big babies in a long time….” Jet murmured under his voice, just loud enough for Diamond to hear, as his ebony stallionhood bobbed once again. “Boss….” Diamond growled, in warning. “Seriously?” Diamond crossed her arms and glanced at the protrusion. “What?” Jet grumped back at her, gathering a pillow and trying to cover his shame by pressing it up against his belly - leaving the cockhead peeking out from the hastily-created toga. “You expect it to go down right after seeing those?” Jet motioned with his eyes at Diamond’s groan. “Can… can we just forget this happened?” “Sure, gladly.” Diamond sighed, shaking her head and heading back to her room. “Shower up and meet in the hallway in ten minutes - the convention opens at eight and I would love to get a quick pass at the buffet.” “Alright!... uh… could we make it fifteen minutes…” Jet blushed slightly and rubbed the back of his neck. “I might need to… ‘calmy myself down’...” Diamond turned back to look at her boss, tilting her head to the side slightly and raising an eyebrow. Jet blushed and scratched the back of his neck again. “Y'know…” Jet slowly made a pumping motion with his hoof, “my guy is a little overstimulated….” Diamond blinked, checked her watch and looked back at him. A part of her wanted to take pity on Jet… but she knew what he would be thinking about as he stroked himself off in the hotel room shower…. By Celestia, she’d probably be thinking of what she’d just seen if she were to do the same. And those were doors she didn’t want to open. She shook her head and clicked her teeth. “Sorry boss, ten minutes to make the opening ceremonies…. I recommend using the cold setting on the water… unless you want to poke some poor co-ed mare’s eye out in the lobby.” Diamond turned and left, shutting the door to her hotel room behind her. > Non-Approved Respiration Apparatus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was approaching noon now, and the long morning of walking through the exhibition hall was catching up with Diamond - the ache was starting to rise into her shins now. Thankfully, the ache in her legs was all she could feel. There was no ache between her legs. The cold shower she’d advised her boss to use had helped immensely with that. As she’d hoped, the subject of that morning’s embarrassment had not come up at all, and the two had quickly fallen into their normal routine of CEO and Chief Legal Counsel, scouting the hall for great ideas and greater minds. Diamond hooked her arm around her boss’s shoulders and steered him away from an exhibit on Nitrogen Tetroxide based fuels for the third time, in much the manner that a parent might escort her foal away from the toy aisle at the supermarket. “Aww, but they have such good thermal properties, Diamond!” Jet whined looking back over his shoulder at the booth, which was hosted by one of the major chemical manufacturers of Equestria, as they tried to peddle the new fuel they’d invented. “And such horrifying toxic effects.” Diamond sighed. “We’re based out of Las Pegasus, boss… the number of environmental regulations there could choke a hungry yak… there’s no way we’re ever going to get permission to use anything other than hydrogen and oxygen for our designs.” “Then I’ll just open a factory here in Flhorseida!” Jet pouted, crossing his arms. “That would only cost more than twice the entire value of the company…. So… no.” Jet groaned, throwing his head back and loosening his tie. “Remind me why I bring you along to these conventions again?” “To keep you grounded so that you don’t act like a kid in a candy-store and invest half the company’s assets in some new untested tech, dooming us to financial ruin?” “...good point.” Jet sighed. “Still though - imagine not needing cryogenic fuel systems! The fact that it melts flesh is just a minor problem… I’m sure we c-” “Here boss, why don’t we take a look at this one, we haven’t seen this booth yet…” Diamond steered him toward the smaller, out of the way booth, which seemed to be stocked by three young students. The whole affair seemed entirely bush-league, the stand being nothing more than a folding table and lawn chairs - a few poster boards with random indecipherable data printouts strewn across them, and two tanks hooked up to two breathing masks. But this wasn’t uncommon - many of the exhibits were put together by enterprising young engineers from the local schools… and many of the nerdier sorts had little skill when it came to putting together a top-notch presentation… though they could have the next billion-bit idea. In any case, she needed something to distract her boss for the moment. “So - tell me about your idea!” Diamond began, asking the young earth-pony mare manning the booth. Next to her was a suit and tie wearing stallion, who looked very eager and awestruck at their approach. Slinking out the back was another mare, a pegasus with a bowl cut and large, nerd-style thick-rimmed glasses. “Guys, I gotta take a leak, I’ll be back in five.” The stallion turned and his jaw dropped open. “Are you kidding Iggy? Don’t you know who these two are?” The stallion hissed through gritted teeth and motioned over his shoulder toward Diamond and Jet. “This is the owner of EquestriAero! This could be our big break!” The pegasus mare shrugged and adjusted her glasses. “I really gotta go.” “Then hurry up!” The stallion whirled back on Diamond as the nerdy one made her way toward the restrooms. “Hello there! Mr. Stream, Ms. Gavel! Let me first say, I am a huge admirer of your company… and your story, Mr. Stream, its something I look to achieve myself someday.” Diamond blinked. The kid seemed slicker than an Appleloosan snake-oil sales pony. The fact that he had the appearance and name of the bigshots at the convention was just further evidence that he was probably three times as impressive as the actual science behind him. Jet grinned next to her, nodding at the kid. He always was a sucker for compliments. “What’s your pitch, kid?” Diamond quickly interjected, trying to remind her boss that these grads were here to sell. “Oh! Of course!” The stallion adjusted his tie and turned toward her. “First of all, please let me introduce myself and my colleagues. My name is Dow, this here is our chemist Dew Pont, and the mare who had to excuse herself is our pony physiologist, Iggy Farben.” “And what do you do, Dow,” Diamond asked. “Oh - investor relations, naturally!” He smiled. “Have a lot of investors, do you?” “We will!” Dow motioned at the tanks and respirators in front of him. “We’re pioneering the use of oxygen substitutes for ponies that can increase their reflexes, skills, and tolerances to unprecedented levels, allowing for engineers to expand the envelope of designs of spacecraft that are pony-rated.” Jet tilted his head, peering forward and trying to read some of the data on the graphs posted across the boards, all of which were just slightly out of sight. “Really?” “Oh yes!” Dow motioned, quickly stepping in front of Jet, cutting off his ability to see the extra data. “You see, we turned to complex spectrographic analysis of ancient Zebrican chemical gases to distill the various compounds and aromatics that create such amazing and mysterious health benefits to create a perfect blend for astronauts.” “Perfect blends?” Diamond asked, checking the gas masks. “Yes!” Dow chirped, flipping through various charts, each time making sure to move past the page so that all Diamond could see were an assortment of graphs with positive trends and green percentages, and little scientific facts at all. “Imagine if you could provide your astronauts with the g-tolerances of the mightiest earth-ponies… the reflexes of the most-highly trained pegasi… and the mental acuity of our most ancient and skilled archmages!” Jet Stream scratched his chin, “performance-enhancing drugs… for astronauts? I have never heard of that idea before.” “Allow me to demonstrate!” Dow snatched up one of the masks and clapped it onto Dew Pont’s muzzle, tightening the strap as he did so. “Mmmf hey!” Dew Pont complained. “Quiet Dewy,” Dow growled, “sorry sir, this is our first demonstration… but we’ve tested this out on ourselves many times to date.” Dow quickly strapped on his own mask and twisted the valve wide open. The hiss of air could be heard flowing through the thin plastic tubing. Diamond watched, puffs of condensation appearing as the two students took in breaths of the magical gas. She noticed their eyes becoming brighter, wider, more alert… a sheen seemed to run through their coats and manes… definitely, she could sense energy about them… before Dow cranked off the flow. “Now sir, if you would please scramble this Rubik’s cube for me.” Dow tossed Jet the cube of multiple colors. Diamond was somewhat surprised to see the toy on an earth-pony. They were not exactly conducive to the race’s lack of feathers or magic - using hooves on the small objects was practically impossible. Even Jet had some difficultly scrambling the small cube with his feathers. “Here kid, though I don’t know how you’ll-” Almost as soon as Jet had tossed the cube back to the stallion, an incredible sight took place before their eyes. The deftest of touches with his hooves, his arms a flying blur, each sharp edge of his hoof being applied precisely and at the perfect moment to twist the next row or column. And his precision was perfect. Not a wasted turn or shift - each motion bringing the cube back into its perfect alignment in the smallest amount of moves possible. “…done.” “How did you-” Jet began. “There’s more - please, Ms. Gavel… ask Dew to factorize any number of your choosing. Any number of digits.” DIamond blinked, trying to think up a big number. Anything over 4 digits would be incredibly hard for a pony to do from their head alone… “15,001” “Interesting… that number has only two prime factors: 7 and 2,143...)” Dew Pont replied immediately. Diamond blinked, trying to run the arithmetic in her head, but Dow had already pulled out a calculator and punched the numbers in front of her, confirming Dew’s rapid mental arithmetic. “I was able to predict that you’d want to confirm that answer, Ms. Gavel… just like I can already predict a growing skepticism… you’re looking to see if 15,001 was a forced suggestion,, or if the Rubik’s cube might be some insane talent that I happen to have… you’re looking for a trick.” Diamond blinked, taking a step back, the eerieness of the stallion’s rapid prediction of her though process startling her. “And my predictive abilities have already leapt ahead of you - the only thing that will satisfy you and your boss as to the real nature of this performance-enhancing gas is to try it yourselves.” Dew Pont, suddenly glanced nervously at her colleague, a questioning eyebrow-raising on her face. “Dow… don’t you think we should wait for Iggy to administer this gas on any new ponies? They haven’t been screened or-” “Quiet Dew. They’re right on the edge - they just need a little whiff and I’m sure they’ll see the genius in investing in our product… unless…” Dow’s eyes glanced coyly at Jet Stream, “they’re willing to forgo their sample and let us demo our gas to SpaceZed instead.” The mere mention of EquestriAero’s arch-rival was enough to send Jet’s hackles up/ “Gimme that thing, SpaceZed wouldn’t know a good idea if it bit them in the plot.” “Great! Step right up!” Diamond sighed, shaking her head as she reached for one of the masks - ss soon as SpaceZed was mentioned she knew this was a done deal… they would at least have to try it. She slipped the mask on, tightening the seal against her muzzle as Jet did the same. “Ready? Jet nodded, and Diamond shrugged. Dow cranked the valve, twisting open the flow of gas with an audible hiss. Diamond could smell the strange sharpness of chemistry in the otherwise clear and odorless gas - like the smell of a recently drycleaned suit… or the inside of a new car… but otherwise it just seemed like air? Maybe this kid really was all bluster? She definitely didn’t feel any different. She looked at Jet, trying to see if there was anything she noticed there - by now the eyes and fur of the other two had undergone their rapid change. There was a sudden blur of feathers and fur, as the pegasus who had left for the restroom flew in at top speed to knock away Dow and slam the valve shut. “Take those off! Right NOW!” Iggy shouted, her eyes wide with fright under her glasses as she scrambled to pull the masks off of Diamond and Jet’s faces. Diamond tore the mask off with alarm. “What is i-” “Quiet! Deep breaths, both of you, in out… as much oxygen into your lungs as you can,!” Diamond did as instructed filling and emptying her lungs as much as she could. “Dow, you featherbrain!” Iggy’s wings were fully unfurled as she ripped into her teammate. “I told you not to use the gas on anypony - you said that you were only bringing it out as a prop!” “WHat’s the big deal? Dewy and I have used it a hundred times now… we just used this very batch like ten seconds ago… why are you so-” “Because this formula only works for earth-ponies!” Iggy shouted, her wings way outstretched with fear. “The earth-pony resiliency screens out hundreds of the complex minor agents that would still have major effects on pegasus and unicorn bodies!” “Do we… do we need to go to the hospital?” Diamond interjected, a tension rising in her chest… how could she have been so stupid as to breathe in some crazy gas? “No. And keep breathing…” Iggy commanded, checking the valves and doing some numbers on her feathers… “A ten PSI tank open at about 80% divided over two masks with an initial concentration of 15 mol would mean…” “Approximately 15mg per liter effective delivery…” Dewy happily chirped, her eyes still bright with the intelligence enhancing effects of the drug. “At least the drugs good for something right now…” Iggy murmured to herself, yanking the tubes out of the tank with a glare at a sheepish looking Dow and tossing them to the ground where they could no longer be used. “Seriously, can you tell me what’s going on? Do I need to call an ambulance?” Diamond pounded her hoof down on the table, frustrated that these stupid kids had just endangered them and were leaving her out of the loop. “No, no… at those levels you’ll be just fine…” “How the hay would you know?” Diamond snarled. “I tried the compound myself, OK? I know exactly what effects they would have on non-earth pony physiology, it’s nothing health-threatening…” “Well…?” Diamond asked, opening a hoof in question. “Well?” Iggy tilted her bespectacled head in confusion. “Well, just what the hell does the drug do, dammit?” “Oh! Oh.” Iggy suddenly blushed, looking down at the floor, her cheeks going bright red. “W-w-well… it’s kind of embarrassing actually…” “What is it!?” “Wait… are you two… together?” Diamond blinked, her mind racing as she tried to parse the question. Of course they were together! Hadn’t the stupid filly seen the two of them walk right up to the booth!? Was she trying to find some way to split them up in case of a liability issue? Just what was her aim!? “Of course we’re together.” “Th-then… you should both go to your hotel room right now and… just wait for the effects to dissipate.” “Just what the buck does that mea-” Diamond slammed her hoof down on the tabletop so heard that a posterboard toppled over. “Diamond.” Diamond paused, her ears perked up at the sound of Jet in a dead serious monotone. She turned and faced him, and instantly saw his face - pale and sweaty, nervous, his eyes glazed slightly, breathing ragged and steamy. “J-j-jet?” “I think we should listen to them… and get to the hotel room… now.” Jet turned and started to limp away toward the elevator bank.  Diamond turned and snarled at the three students, “You little brats better not try to skip town - I swear if you’ve poisoned us you’ll each end up in Tartarus as Tirek’s new prison-bitches, you hear me!?” She glared, then turned to run after Jet. She swooped in next to him, propping him up on his left shoulder as he staggered slightly, drool clearly coming out of mouth. “Jet! What’s wrong boss…? Tell me what you’re feeling…” Diamond asked with concern, trying to check Jet’s bloodshot eyes, to see if he was perhaps having a stroke or some other sign of mental damage. “Y-yes… D-diamond… look un-under….” Jet’s eyes glanced down under his body, then back at Diamond, his eyes filled with so much sorrow and pleading… so much need. Diamond cocked her head, not understanding, then peered under her boss’s body to see what he was talking about - maybe a rash, or an upset stomach or…? Diamond gasped. Jet’s cock was rigid. Not even like the impressive erection of that morning…. This was something else entirely. She could see the blood pulsing through his dark brown cock - straining through the veins, which were as fat as the breathing tubes they’d just used to pump that gas into their lungs. The whole color of his monstrous cock was offset - pinker, redder than before with the ferocity of the blood pumping through it. The whole thing looked to be thicker, longer than it had been that morning - his head easily passing his navel, maybe 19 inches long at its tip. And what a tip. He seemed to be completely flared out - his cockhead a huge disc of rigid stud-flesh, the glans rock hard as his whole length quivered and bounced under him… and he was drooling. Not from his mouth either. It was almost like a constant trickle of piss… except she could see that it was the sticky clear strands of pre-ejaculate burbling from his fat cockslit and splattering down to the floor… leaving a puddle behind him. And by Celestia the smell. The stench of his cock was unreal. It was like she could see the waves coming off of him in musky clouds of pheromones, assaulting her with heat and warmth. It reminded her of the first time she’d gone into the colts locker room in high-school when she was in estrus… the pungent reek combining with her desperate need in a way that was oh so wrong… and yet so deliciously right. And she loved it. Diamond blinked as she felt something rising in her, a warmth that started in the base of her lungs… that struck out like a heatwave from an explosion, racing through every single one of her veins and arteries, splashing the potent neurochemicals as the gas took its full effect, the magical aphrodisiac invading her every muscle cell and neuron, making her shake with need. Jet leaned his gasping head next to hers, leaning that hot, musky, rugged stallion chin into her ear and whispering into her addled consciousness. “D-diamond… I’ve never wanted to fuck you so badly.” The word fuck crashed through her ears. Dimly she felt a million objections, the long tall wall of rejection and professionalism she had built up over so many years, had reinforced with countless bouts of argument and logic internally… blown away under the force of this hormonal need, the sheer desire replacing any hesitation. The word, fuck, crackled down her spine, racing out to her dock and shooting her tail high into the air. With a groan, Diamond felt herself swell, at a speed she’d never thought possible - her clitoris sagging and ballooning outward under the weight of the firey passionate blood spilling into her. The sharp electricity of the little nub grinding against her lips made her gasp, as her ponut tightened and tensed, shooting off a cascade of muscular contractions that left her choking for ait. Out. In. Out. In. Her lovebud winked in and out of her at Jet’s suggestion, grinding itself against her inner-lips as they began to slicken and swell with arousal. Out. In. “Y-yessss…..” Diamond groaned, her eyes shutting. A thick splash filled the air behind her as she let loose an embarrassingly large splash of marecum, which splattered across the hotel lobby’s marble floor. Diamond saw a mare and her filly look over at them but could do nothing to prevent the embarrassing release of a second, larger splatter of her slick arousal as it loudly sprayed from her gaping marehood underneath her hiked tail to her shame. The mother turned her filly’s eyes away and shook her head, as ponies pretended not to notice the otherwise professionally dressed mare wetting herself like some moronic whorse in the middle of the busy hotel. Diamond slammed the elevator button with ferocity and leaned back into Jet with an unsteady whine, grinding her shoulder against his, her tail naturally finding its way to his in an act of sheer animalistic need. “M-me t-tooo….” > Turbulent Descent > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ding of the door barely registered in Diamond’s ears as she and Jet tumbled into the open elevator cab. Everything was a flurry of hooves and chests, as she pushed her boss against the far wall of the small space, and he hooked his hooves around her suit lapel to pull her tumbling onto him. Celestia the smell was so overpowering. She’d never experienced anything like it - she wanted to drink it in, every molecule, every sniff. She needed to inhale that musk shedding off of him as much as she needed to breathe. She buried her head into the crux of Jet’s neck, grinding her muzzle against his shirt collar and pressing her snout deep into his fur. “Fuck Diamond…” She heard him groan, his hot breath pouring into the part of her hair: he was pressing his mouth deeply into her mane as well, breathing in her scent. She wasn’t sure if it was him or her who reached out with a hindleg to kick at the elevator door controls - whoever it was still had enough sense left underneath this animalistic need to realize that if they didn’t get moving toward their hotel room floor, they would shortly be screwing right on the floor of the elevator for all in the lobby to see. As the doors shut and the cab began to move, Diamond barely managed to drag herself away from the musk pouring off of Jet’s fur - the painful distance added between her nostrils and that humid source making her lunges burn with a painful need for more. But she had to talk to him, to ask him what was happening, to try to come up with some kind of plan to stop this runaway train of lust. “J-jet… I…” But as she looked into his eyes… those sharp, stallionly eyes, she found herself gazing into him. That hair, those gruff unshaved cheeks… that intelligent look… that chin. Celestia he was such a stud. And she’d always thought so, hadn’t she? Her heart thumped harder in her chest, thoughts scrambling to try to remember all those reasons why she had erected between her and this stallion… something about her job, her career, professionalism…. But what was that? What did that have to do with this male in front of her, whom she loved? Those lips. Those lips were so full, so inviting she just needed to talk to him… to hear those lips. Diamond felt her neck moving forward and her head twisting, instinctively leaning in to kiss her boss - it wasn’t what she had meant to do… was it? And yet, Celestia did it feel so right.. And then they were kissing. She was running her tongue into his mouth, tasting the mouthwash he’d used that morning, running her tongue along his teeth, exploring every molar and canine. But Jet wasn’t a stallion to simply be kissed. Diamond felt a hoof on the back of her own neck as he pulled her tighter into the embrace, his kiss pressing down to reach the smaller mare as he did so - and his tongue thrust into her mouth, penetrating her like an angry snake, not gentle or kind but insistent, reaching deep into her throat as she drank in his saliva. Her ears picked up on the throaty groan filling the cab. It was coming from her. She felt Jet’s other hoof find hers, taking hold of it in his and directing it insistently to his throbbing erection. As she wrapped her hoof around it she was struck by just how hot it was. And large. Celestia she couldn’t wrap her hoof around the thing - not even beneath the terrifyingly flared cockhead. Dimly she thought that if she were even partway in her right mind she  would never even consider  sticking something like that in her. And yet… there was nothing else she had ever wanted to badly. She pulled him back away from the wall, spiraling in a mad dance of groping toward the far side of the elevator as she did so, Jet slamming her up against the wall as he did, pressing her against the cold, mirrored wall of the cab, while they continued to kiss. She grasped and jerked at the huge cock between them - with its drooling cockhead that had already soaked the lower half of her white dress shirt with a slimy concoction of pungent pre-ejaculate. She could barely breathe through her nostrils, each gasping breath filled with him his tongue, his saliva, his pressing muscular bulk against her ribcage. She could feel stars exploding in her eyes from the lack of oxygen. And she didn’t care one damn bit. It seemed Jet needed to breathe too, however. He broke away, allowing Diamond a deep breath of air, as the stallion looked down at her with a needy gaze. Diamond felt her tongue hanging from her mouth, gasping as if she’d just finished her spin class’s most difficult sprint routine… and she wanted more of that wonderful taste. She never wanted to taste anything else ever again. Her hoof came up from Jet’s throbbing steely erection, and she absentmindedly took a lick of the stallion musk fluid she accumulated. Fireworks. Her brain didn’t have time to process just how amazing that taste was, as she dove down, finding renewed strength to push Jet’s imposing male mass off of her and fall to all fours, bringing his massive cockhead in front of her muzzle as she did so. His hooves were planted on the wall behind her for support, leaving him leaning over her and dripping drool and sweat from his body. She took only a brief moment to inspect the fountain-like source in front of her. It was so wonderfully.... Virile. So stallion-ly. Male. Knobby, fat glans had flared to a throbbing plate-sized diameter, supplied by thick, pulsing veins, the whole thing menacing with an alien-like stiffness. How could something so huge be on her boss’s body every day… and how could she not worship it? She plunged her mouth onto the dome-like end, doing her utmost to wrap her lips around the whole thing and failing: there was no way she could bring that into her muzzle. It would be like trying to swallow an apple whole. But she could suck on it. Suckle it, like a foal suckling at its mother’s teat. Her lips drank in the burbling fluid, her tongue lapping at the fleshy, cheerio-sized cockslit, doing its utmost to coax more of the aphrodisia from Jet’s boiling depths. “Oh wow, sorry we’ll catch the next one.” Diamond and Jet didn’t notice the elevator stopping and opening on a surprised family, decked out in Hawaiian shirts and on their way to the pool, didn’t notice the wife’s disapproving glare or their two kids’ eyes growing wide with surprise before the doors shut once again. They were too engrossed in each other. “F-fuck! DIamond!” Jet groaned. Diamond felt his hoof wrap around her horn, as he pressed back into her, trying to force more of his huge member into her gullet, to fuck her throat in his need to bury his cock in something. The cool press of the mirror against her burning nethers, as she was pushed backward by the stuffing cockhead, felt relieving - the squish of her ponut and her winking genitals against the mirrored glass wall coming with an obscene squelch as her clit ground against the unforgiving surface. She could hear the trickling sound of the wet, steaming waterfall of her cunt-juice sheeting down the wall and tricking into a puddle on the carpeted floor below. Her cheeks spread wider and wider, straining and hurting as they tried and failed to wrap around the edge of his glans - how could any mare have blown him when he was like this? She knew they had, from the stories she’d heard. Was she just… smaller? Or he was he currently… bigger? “F-fuck it!” Jet groaned, yanking Diamond up by her horn and back onto her hind legs. Diamond felt herself lifted bodily from the ground, Jet’s powerful hooves taking hold under her armpits and hoisting her, kicking her little rear hooves like a toddler, like she was light as a feather, before a powerful gust of air from his wings slammed her against the doors and Jet towered over her, like some feral stud on the ancient Equestrian plains. She glanced down and saw why he’d hoisted her up. Hie was aligning her with his cockhead. She dangled in his grasp he’d needed to hoist her up almost 2 feet off the ground to get her high enough. She felt tiny compared to him… and especially compared to his cock. Celestia, she wanted it so bad. Diamond felt Jet lower her down, sliding her back along the elevator doors to guide her. And then they touched. The huge cockhead felt like she was sitting on top of a fire hydrant. The burning kiss of his domelike head pressing into her fat, winking folds was heavenly, a shooting spurt of pleasure as stallionflesh smushed into her plump lips and her fat lovebud. But he wasn’t sliding in. She was perched on his spear, her own weight not enough to impale her on his shaft, his behemoth too large to enter her. Her mind raced, trying to think of plans, methods, anything to get that hot burning hunk of flesh deep inside her. Right now... And this triggered something in her, her mouth starting moving before she could realize why. “B-boss… f-f-fire me!” “I’m TRYING.” Jet growled, the bass rumble of throat showing just how hungry this stud currently was. “No! Mngh!” Diamond threw her head back as a shudder of pleasure from her clit coursed through her. “F-fucking FIRE me!” “What?” “J-just… Hnggghf! Shit!” Diamond choked as a spasm wracked through her and she felt her lips part ever so slightly more. “Just say ‘YOU’RE FIRED.” “YOU’RE FIRED!” *DING* The elevator door sprung open and the pair of ponies fell onto the hotel room hallway floor. > Crash Landing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *CRACK* *BANG* The door to their room smashed open, sending splinters from the door jams scattering through the entryway to the suite. Neither would have been able to handle the access card reader in their current state, and Diamond had been so frustrated after their tumble into the hallway that the door had needed a good kicking. She wasn’t even sure if it was their suite. But it was now. Diamond yanked Jet’s tied to pull him into the hallway, not that he needed the encouragement. She dragged him along like a crazy dog on a leash, her eyes wildly looking for the bed. When she didn’t instantly find it, she released Jet, making him stumble forward. As he readjusted himself, Diamond planted her two forehooves on the nearby closet door, putting them up as high as she could reach on the sturdy cedar door, before thrusting her ass back and up. Millenia of years of evolution were boiling through her body. That burning need of her aching cunt, the tense, quivering clenches of her ass and glutes tensing her plot, the way her dock had flagged so high up in the air, bringing her flagging, wagging tail up as the clearest signal possible all contributed to one message to Jet. “Fuck me.” Diamond whinnied, spreading her rear hooves with a clatter and squeezing - sending a spurting wink to the hallway carpet. Jet was already moving. Diamond started to look back as she heard his scuffling hooves but quickly felt one of Jet’s forehooves pinning her back against the closet door, pressing her face up against the wood. She could hear his deep, snorting snuffles, his ferocious growl, and heavy breaths as he stepped up to her. Mounted her. His hoof hooked into her hip, as she felt that hot, full, press of his cock against her cunt again. He was aligned. A gurgling knicker spilled from Jet’s mouth, and a blast of air from his wings spilled through the hallway, as he rammed against her This wasn’t tender, soft lovemaking. This was raw, burning lust. Animal need. Breeding. Rutting. Fucking. “F-fuuuuuuuck!” Diamond groaned out into the closet, the painful stretch of her nether lips as they strained and failed to accept the stallionhead, instead getting smushed by his rigid dick. She heard the heavy hooffalls as Jet re-adjusted himself and prepared for a second thrust. Diamond thrust her rear back to meet him. Pivoting her hips and arching her back, doing everything she could to spread herself, open herself to Jet. An impossible, pinching jolt rocked through her. A flicker of pain. And he was inside. Deep inside. Diamond felt her whole body convulse. Her clenching love tunnel, wrapping, and coiling, so hungry to welcome its badly needed invader, had been spread so achingly wide, split down the middle by Jet’s tremendous log of flesh as it speared deep into her. Her clit was grinding against the underside of his fat cock, pulling and rubbing against his every vein as he was thrust into her with a thick, wet splash of their combined excessive juices spilling everywhere. Diamond was no one-pump chump. No mare really was. But she was not conscious enough to be astonished by the orgasm that immediately began to rocket through her. She had no ability to consider whether this was a result of the chemistry of the gas, the raw physiological need for a stallion to breed her, or maybe even the pent-up emotions for her boss. All she knew was fire. Sparks were exploding in her eyes. The pleasure from every nerve ending in her lower-body surged as her senses overloaded, sending quaking tremors through her as her muscles tensed and tensed and TENSED…. Then released. “Mnnggh….ffuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUGHGHHHHHHH!!!” Diamond’s drawn-out shout as she emptied her lungs of air came with a splattering deluge of her cunt juices, as she winked in and out, suckling the first third of Jet’s cock in a twisting, torquing inferno. She felt her eyes rolling back in her head, pupils going heart-shaped, her tongue lolling heavily from her mouth. All while Jet continued to try to jam more of himself into her, with violent, sharp, short thrusts, which banged her head hard into the closet door. Not that she cared. Her whole body was focused on the immense pleasure coming from her pussy, the feeling of being completely filled. She could care less about what happened to her head. She wasn’t sure how much time passed in this state, as she basked in the drooling was h of neurochemical and bounced again and again off of the door. But she started smelled burning wood. Her orgasm had set off a shower of sparks from her horn, which had singed the entire closet door, an electric-like burn mark hanging there as if the room had somehow been struck by lightning. The acrid smell brought her back to her senses. And those senses were wonderful. Jet had jammed most of himself into her. She could feel that he had stuffed almost half his cock into her body. Could feel the bulge in her lower abdomen as the huge saucer-like flare plumbed her vagina’s depths, compressing the sensitive, velvety, pink walls and setting her G-spot aflame. Celestia she wanted more of him! Her stubborn, tight little entrance just couldn’t handle his girth. Whatever it was battering at her gates, was a significantly thicker bump along his already fat, veiny shaft. His medial ring. “H-h-harder.” Diamond gasped, the word forming slowly in her mouth. “I’m trying.” Jet growled back, continuing to pound into her. She could feel the force of his thrusts, hard and insistent against her tightness, slamming her rib cage against the creaking door.  She could hear the wet slap of his heavy balls as they swung up and slapped against her teats, even despite the gap between their hips. He really did have big, heavy, low-hanging fruit. She began to push back with her forehooves, steadily increasing her arm strength in rhythm with Jet’s thrusts, harder, harder, HARDER! Doing everything she could to jam more of that fat cock into her snatch. And it was working. Her lips spread, agonizing bit by bit, slowly starting to swallow up the thickest part of his ring. A small hint of fear built in Diamond’s stomach as she considered just what she was about to do to herself - to slam herself on such a huge thing. She wasn’t a big pony… she couldn’t really even fit him now. But she needed it. She needed him. *CREEEAAAAK CRACK BANG* A sudden snapping sound filled the room and she felt herself falling forward, spilling into the empty closet with Jet tumbling on top of her. By pure chance, the angle at which Jet fell failed to impale the smaller unicorn on his fat cock, instead slipping out and driving up Diamond’s chest, slipping underneath her dress shirt, comically straining all the buttons of her shirt as it reached all the way up to her breastbone - a terrifying realization of what could have happened if the angle had been different. The closet door had given way. “Raaaaaggggghhh!” Jet’s snarl filled the air, shaking the windows of the small room with frustration. Diamond blinked, trying to clear her head from the fall, only to feel herself by bodily lifted. With a whir that only an agile pegasus could accomplish, Jet had scooped her up into a princess carry, the twisting motion trapping his shirt-captured cock in a battle between the stallion’s testosterone-fueled muscles, his rigid hardness, and the high-quality cotton shirt. Buttons flew everywhere as Jet strode in three powerful strides into the bedroom and threw the open-shirted unicorn onto the king-sized bed. Diamond landed with a soft bounce on her back, hair flying in every direction and her glasses falling askew. But she could barely blink before he was on top of her, pinning her thighs wide open with his powerful wings as he used his hooves to align himself with her drooling cunt. Again, that hot, wet kiss of cunt-juice covered cockflare against boiling pink, winking open, stallion pre-cum injected pussy. Diamond threw her head back with a gasp. It had only been seconds since he’d been in her but it still felt like an eternity. She needed him back in. Now. “Y-yesshh!” Diamond’s tongue felt heavy, her words felt slurred. Like she’d chugged a bottle of vodka. Like she was drunk on pure sex. With a thrust, he was back in her, his rod plunging back into her, nearly as deep as he had been just moments before. Like a tunneling worm, a massive bulge raced up Diamond’s belly only stopping under her navel as Jet’s fat ring pressed against her labia once again. Diamond felt her rear legs kick out, bucking so hard that it lifted her bottom of the bed, her neck strained and arched, spasming her spine off the already moist sheets like a feral cat, as another orgasm wracked her. This time she had a front-row seat to the lightning as it danced across the ceiling. Ping-ponging off the fixtures and leaving black scorches on the previously pristine roof. She basked for a moment in the pretty sight, her brain boiling away in the wash of dopamine she’d been flooded with, drooling stupidly at the light show she’d created, not caring how much she’d just wet herself and Jet’s thighs with the torrent of honey released from her spasming, writhing, body. “Fuck, Diamond! I’m so…. CLOSE!” Jet rumbled from above her, dripping sweat down onto her body. She felt his hooves hook her ankles, lifting her hindlegs up into the air so that there was nothing preventing him from fucking her harder, like some kind of unicorn-shaped sex-toy. She could feel everything, like it was in slow motion, like it was magnified a hundred times. Could feel the sheets sliding under her from the powerful thrusts, could feel the screeching grind of the bed as it groaned under their rigorous humping. She could feel the heavy impact of his fat, wet balls against her quivering asshole. She could feel his cock pulsing in her, throbbing larger and larger, thickening as it readied to release its seed. But she wanted more. She wanted all of it. She let her back arch to the bed, then stared down at Jet, growl-purring at him so loud it was almost a whinny. “C’mon, harder! Fuck me like that filly of yours… fuck me, daddy!” Jet’s eyes shut tight and he pushed in one long continuous thrust. With a squeal and a wet, sliding *SCHLORP* his fat medial ring slid into Diamond.  She’d never felt so full. So stretched. She wondered if this was what foalbirth was like - with her organs shifting and straining as Jet slid all the way into her, his huge knob pressing against her cervix, deep inside her, the very core of her womanhood, the flared head poking just the tip of its huge dome past her dilated opening, so thirsty for seed. And then he came. And she responded, harder. “GNnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaGGGGHHHHHH!” “Yes! Yesh daddy! “D-diamond!” “B-boss… y-yesh! Bosh,,, f-fill me!” Diamond cunt coaxed and milked, grasping and suckling at the seventeen-inches of Jet’s huge cock, begging it to unload and give her body the life-forming magical essence it screamed for. She hadn’t managed to take him to the hilt - but it was everything her body could handle… and now it was getting stuffed with an even more filling stallion-bit. Cum. Lots and lots of cum. Virile, hot, steaming cum. Jet’s huge flare was spurting thick, paint-like, ribbons of cum directly into her womb. His fertile seed was gushing out in huge shots, each one lasting two or three seconds, a firehose like splatter of liquid thudded against the far wall of her cervix as she filled and filled with his essence, his huge balls retracting as they drained into her. Diamond groaned, a completely satisfied mare, eyes askew and hair askance, glasses disheveled, all four hooves twitching with delight as her belly filled and expanded with Jet’s potent cream. The force of the filling uterus began to push the massive shaft out of her, his medial ring sliding out of her happily aching cunt with a wet *SCHLORP* As she stared up in a state of bliss that only a properly fucked and filled mare can know. PIC OCCURS HERE Link: derpi booru.org/images/2243119 Diamond moaned aloud as she felt her energy reserves failing, a twitch in her horn that signaled she’d used to much magic. But she couldn’t summon up enough enthusiasm to care - not while her love was pumping her full of stud-batter, expanding her tummy as she let her intelligence melt into a sea of pleasure and being bred. *POP - SPROING* In a single moment, Diamond’s teat reducing spell failed. Usually, she liked to release herself slowly, gradually - letting her skin adjust to the sudden increase in her mammaries. But this spectacular failure gave no time for that. First, she felt her rigid little nips throb to dollar-sized dark areolas that tingled with burning excitement and then the whole breasts sproinged to their larger size, expanding to smush against one another and into her thighs with their bouncy, pert mass…. In less than a second, she’d gone from a b-cup to double Ds. An obscene squelch followed a second later as Diamond’s cum-stuffed pussy began to gush, sending bubbling burbles of Jet’s hot white batter into her cleavage and ripping off the side of the bed. A PIC OCCURS HERE If you are a Shinodage Patreon you can go to pat reon.com/posts/diamond-gavels-33014565 if not, don't worry not needed for reading the fic, just a little extra! Diamond looked up happily at her boss’s face, dimly registering the look of pure love and satisfaction she found there. She felt his hoof squeeze hers. Then she felt his cock - still rigid, tighten and stiffen in her. “More?” Jet breathed the question. “More.” > Emergency Exit Slide > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond sighed as she wrapped the bathrobe tighter around her body and slumped into the chair in the hotel room. Outside, the pitch-darkness of the late-night (or was it early morning?) sky dimly illuminated the hotel room. Well, if you could still call it a hotel room, that was. Nearly every item of furniture was scuffed or damaged, the TV had fallen into the corner, cracked… thick stains of male and female fluids coated every surface (she had to put a towel down on the chair to avoid sitting in a puddle)... puddles and stains of unspeakable nature were on all the walls and windows… the sheets were everywhere (one was even on the ceiling fan - she wasn’t sure how they’d managed that feat. Along with the shattered front and closet doors - the former jammed closed with the latter when a courageous bellhop had attempted to ask them to keep their lovemaking down due to a noise complaint. The marathon session had lasted hours. They’d both come out of it gradually, Diamond wasn’t sure if she’d come to her senses first… or if Jet had. Diamond suspected that she had come out first, but it had just felt so natural and comfortable to continue - and it certainly was an enjoyable experience. She could remember every single moment, before and after her lust-addled intoxication. It was a little embarrassing, of course, as the rutting started to slow down. There were a few brief glances at each other - with Jet still buried deep inside her, of course, where they had both likely wondered if the other was starting to come out of it as well, and what they should do. That sort of half-embarrassed, half-ashamed, half-emotionally attached, final session was pretty cute though. Diamond smiled to herself. After Jet had brought her to a milder, meeker orgasm than previous iterations of that night, and he’d then popped off a weaker, thinner ejaculation in her, there had been a few loving, slow humps as they awkwardly blushed at each other, before he had finally broken the spell. “D-diamond?” “Y-yeah?” “Am I… b-back? Are you… back?” She remembered the awkward squeak and nod she’d replied with, the blushes on both their faces growing to beet red levels. They had both kept slowly pumping though, perhaps as much out of established habit and comfort rather than the lust that had just fueled them. Then they’d both just stopped and looked at their sloppy union with embarrassment. Untangling from each other, and the strange, messy, physical sensations quickly signaled just how fast their senses were returning…. “Do you… uh remember everything?” Jet had asked. “Y-yeah boss.” Diamond murmured back, blushing and trying to look at the ceiling, the floor… anything but Jet’s still throbbing erection - the one she’d been plunging herself on for the entire evening. “Even the… all the sensations? Every one?” “Y-yeah boss. Kind of hard to forget.” And how could she forget? Those orgasms, that sex, those positions, his incredible cock? Even now she was having trouble imagining how she’d ever be able to look at her boss again without remembering how being stuffed by him had brought her over the edge and to nirvana with that glorious stallionhood of his again and again. And again. But she’d find a way. She sighed, as the bathroom door clicked open and Jet trotted out into the room, a towel tightly bound around his waist. “All done.” He chirped, towelling the back of his mane. “Uh-huh…” Diamond blushed, watching him. “Yep.” “Not gonna say anything about the tub, boss?” Diamond glared at him, her cheeks slightly puffed out as she scrunched her face. Jet bit his lip and looked ashamedly at the ground. “I wasn’t gonna say anything, but… wow… all that really came out of you?” “Yeah, because you put it there!” Diamond groaned, shaking her head. “Don’t act like it’s my fault that the drain was clogged! I had to squeeze my belly to get most of it out, and I still look like I’ve put on a few pounds!” Diamond stood up and motioned at her lower-belly, still a bit pudgy and squishy with the extra creamy stuffing she had received. “S-sorry about that.” “Just what are you eating, anyway boss? I’ve never heard of stallion-spunk clogging a drain!” Diamond grunted. “Uh, lots of celery, I guess?” Jet grinned slightly and folded his ears back. There was a beat of silence. Then Diamond felt a laugh bubble up from her gut, at the ridiculousness of what had happened that day, and how awkward the two were being - they’d been through a lot, but this was definitely the craziest, and the most embarrassing. And the most lewd. Jet let out a sigh of relief at seeing her laughter, which warmed her heart even further: she didn’t want to lose the incredible relationship she had with him. He was a mentor, a friend, a leader. Her boss. Jet started laughing too, his joyful rumble helping to shift the once awkward atmosphere in a lighter direction. “Ha ha ha, seriously though - I wouldn’t want to be the poor cleaning lady who has to unclog that thing…. Your stuff was like hairgel or glue!” “Pfft… I hate to be the cleaning crew for this room, Diamond.” Jet laughed then pointed up at the ceiling fan. “I hope they have a pegasus for your demand that I ‘rut you Wonderbolt-style’ whatever that means, hope I lived up to the ask.” “Oh yeah, that’s how that got there…” Diamond giggled, remembering now how the sheet had made its way up there. “And then how those droplets got all over the top of the walls.” “You were the one who pulled off me as I… uh…” “Came?” “Yeah.” “Well I was cumming too.” “Still, you can hardly blame the ceiling fan for sending it everywhere. “Eeyeah, probably should have let you finish that nut inside me.” Diamond mused, looking at the circular spray which had coated every crevice in little flecks of Jet-juice, in some ways worse than the heavier more contained splotches. “Speaking of….” Jet suddenly looked very nervous and sheepish.  Why would that be? Oh. “Don’t worry boss, I’m on birth control - we’re good.” “Phew.” Jet let out a breath of air. Diamond wasn’t sure why, but that disappointed her slightly - maybe she was still coming down from that high? She knew that she couldn’t have a foal and be EquestriAero’s number 2. And her job would always come first…. Although if there had been an accident, she would live with those consequences. It would be hard, but she could do it. She glanced at Jet, and smiled slightly. Imagining. She could do that. But not now. Some other day. “Diamond?” Jet’s voice pierced through her thoughts. “Sorta spaced out on me there.” “Sorry, boss.” Jet grinned. “You know, you keep calling me boss, but I seem to recall firing you before we, uh… got down to business.” Diamond grinned back. “I told you when you hired me that I would never sleep with my boss, that it goes against my pride as a professional. I guess I found some way to keep that promise to myself, despite that crazy gas.” Jet scratched his chin, “Still though, that does mean that you’re not currently employed with me right now.” Diamond looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “You can rescind a termination within 24 hours of delivery and that would prevent it from taking actual effect.” Jet grinned at her playfully and waggled his eyebrows. “But if I’m not currently your boss, then that means that we could… continue?” Jet shot her a winning smile. Diamond rolled her eyes. She was used to this sort of ribald playfulness from Jet, it was his nature to needle and flirt. From long experience, though, she could tell that he was kidding - just. There was a hint of hopefulness in the ask. She had to make sure that those boundaries she’d worked so hard to establish would not change because of this… incident. She looked back at him. “You do know that I have a golden parachute on termination of over $5 million bits.” Her stare was deadpan, joking back at him sternly. Jet mused for a moment, considering. “You know, I’d have to say that it’d be worth the cost of ad-” “Boss.” Diamond blinked, still deadpanning. “Ok ok… but how about we make the most of those 24 hours? I’d say we’ve only burned through about half that, I can always rescind the termination tomorrow morning.” Diamond felt a little flutter in her heart - for a brief moment she actually considered just going with the flow, taking the rest of the night to be with Jet. Celestia knew the sex was amazing, and she really did love hi- She scrunched her face and shook her head, terminating that thought before it could complete, driving it from her mind. She got ready to open her mouth, to reject his proposal. “OK I get it, no worries. You’re re-hired.” Jet beat her to it, chuckling and sitting carefully on the bed, avoiding a conspicuous puddle. “Just don’t re-negotiate your salary on me.” Diamond breathed a sigh of relief, the moment of weakness had passed. Things were back to normal. “Well, you’re lucky I can’t do just that during a rescindment… though I suppose I would have given you credit for showing a mare a good time.” She winked. “Oh yeah?” “Yeah, and that’s the last thing I’m gonna say about today.” Diamond picked up her glasses, wiping a stain off of them with the towel before setting them back on her nose. “Understood?” “Sure sure!” Jet waved his hooves in front of him defensively. “You know I don’t kiss and tell, just happy to know I left you satisfied.” “Very.” Diamond coughed quickly, to cover up the word. “Still, not a complete loss of a convention.” Jet looked at her curiously. “We should hire those three kids boss.” Diamond said over her shoulder as she walked toward the hallway, tightening the bathrobe around her. “Might be useless for space exploration, but we could sell that IP to any pharmaceutical and make a mint.” Diamond used her magic to unblock the door and step out in the hallway. “You stay put, I’ll go down to the hotel and sort everything out, make sure we get new rooms.” She looked at the door number on the shattered door, “Check that, get into our actual rooms, and pay off all these damages. If they kick us out, I’ve got a few different hotels on standby anyway.” Jet blinked, impressed, then smiled. “Thanks Diamond.” “Just doing my job, boss.” END