> Cruising 2 > by TheVClaw > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One: Eirjan's Private Show > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Far off across the furthest reaches of the Equestrian skies, only the briefest glimmer of Celestia’s sun could be seen peeking out from behind the western landscapes. But across the rest of the cloudless horizon, the skies were growing increasingly dark and starry the further east it reached. But even as the stars of Luna’s twilight began to peek out through the incoming night, there was one particular vessel that was still shining brightly while soaring through the untamed skies. Even though the ground was near-impossible to see from thousands of feet below the floating airship, the mood felt nothing less than serene as the weekend cruise moved to its evening endeavors. As the first night of the ‘Coast-to-Coast Equestrian Gay Weekend’ came into view, the unused sailing lines that went across the top of the ship were soon adorned with hundreds of ornamental lights. The individual lanterns were all adorned with individual colors of the rainbow, which gave a lovely technicolor hue that spread across the whole ship as it was illuminated under the night skies. Despite how wild things may have been on certain wings of the ship during the daytime, it was clear that the mood was going to get randier when the sun goes down. Even off in the distance from the floating vessel, the enamored whoops and laughter from rowdy attendees were beginning to grow more audible as the ship’s lights grew brighter.  Fortunately, within the cruise liner, there were still a lot of the ship’s attendees who were getting themselves prepared for the night’s activities. Whether it was getting dressed up for the ballroom’s ‘Club-Night’ formal, making arrangements with other cruise-guests, or just preparing themselves for more discreet fun among certain areas of the ship, it seemed that a good portion of the males on board were preoccupied within their personal cabins. However, that didn’t mean that certain guests weren’t able to get ready in the cabins registered to their friends as well. Gallus and Sandbar, two of the ship’s youngest attendees and Equestria’s unsung heroes during the Cozy Glow incident, didn’t go back to their shared room following the fun they had earlier that day. Instead, the two decided to take the generous offer from their newly-acquainted friends, who happened to have a cabin much closer to where they were on the deck. Even though the two young lads were more than a little flustered upon waking up in the post-orgasmic stupor of their exhibitionist deeds, neither of them seemed to be too reluctant to let the zebra couple assist in cleaning them up. Not to mention, given how Marzo and Eirjan had a higher-class suite with a larger shower, Gallus seemed especially keen on being able to clean the drying cum off his feathers without feeling so constrained. So as the sun finally set outside the floating cruise-ship, the two zebras were lounging comfortably in their queen-sized bed while the sound of running water rumbled inside of their bathroom. Eirjan, who was nestled up serenely against his partner’s muscular and tattoo-laden chest, was smiling to himself while reading an Equestrian tabloid to himself. Meanwhile, Marzo was looking out the window with a smile on his muzzle, and used one of his hooves to gently pet Eirjan’s fur along the distinct red stripes that adorned his form; he occasionally rubbed the nicely used rump of his mate’s, with Eirjan’s hole occasionally dripping some stallion cum on the bed. But even with that notable messiness, the red zebra was still cleaner than his coltfriend after having been in the pool. Marzo's fur however, was still rather matted from the tongue bath Eirjan gave him earlier to clean the gryphon cum off him.  Even though both of them seemed a bit tired following the experiences they shared with the younger couple, neither of them seemed too willing to try and rest just yet; after all, considering what was planned in the cruise’s schedule, the two zebras were happy to wait patiently to hear what Sandbar and Gallus were gonna do.  Eventually, the rumbling from their shower finally stopped, and they were able to hear the couple’s muffled voices faintly through the bathroom wall. Neither of them could catch any specific words or sentences they were saying, but their cheerful tones of voice sounded optimistic to say the least. Of course, considering what Gallus and Sandbar were willing to do right off the bat when they were given the opportunity, neither Eirjan or Marzo seemed too surprised that they would be so spry following a quick cleanup. Given how young both of the studly males were, Eirjan was convinced that they had a lot more to show the two before the cruise would meet its end. “So…” While Sandbar and Gallus were still busy drying themselves off in the bathroom, Marzo raised a brow as he glanced down at his mate with a curious smirk. “Are you still thinking of asking them about the… You-Know-What?~” The red-striped zebra blushed a little while nestled as Marzo’s little-spoon, and couldn’t help squirming when he answered in a sheepish tone. “W-Well, I… I was definitely wanting to hear what they thought about it…” Marzo chuckled with a soft shrug of his shoulders, before he said with a cheerful smile, “Honestly? I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if one of them seemed interested to try it~” Eirjan looked up at his mate with his brows raised in hopeful surprise. “You really think so?” he asked, which caused Marzo to just scoff and nod his head confidently.  “Dude, come on!” blurted the tattooed zebra with a strong roll of his eyes. “They were able to join us on that deck, didn’t they? Heck, Sandbar followed you right into the pool! I think if they’re willing to do that, then they’ll probably be alright with at least hearing us out~” Eirjan maintained a bashful blush while smiling up at Marzo, clearly appreciating the optimism his partner had for his own ideas. And since Gallus and Sandbar were still getting prepared in the bathroom, Eirjan had just enough time to lean in towards Marzo, and give him a gracious peck on the lips. Marzo kissed the red zebra back just as tenderly, and looked into his eyes with pure adoration as he added, “And just think, maybe it won’t just be one of them~” Even though Eirjan wouldn’t be completely against such an idea, his blush deepened immensely before turning away with a flustered expression. “M-Marzo, come on!” he blurted while trying not to look too overwhelmed from such a teasing remark. “I mean… We only have a few of those in our luggage anyway…” Marzo looked like he had a snappy retort planned in response to Eirjan’s statement, but any statements he had planned were quickly brushed aside upon hearing the bathroom door unlocking. As soon as the door slid open, a heavy cloud of steam bellowed out before quickly dissipating within the main cabin. Sandbar was the first to walk out of the bathroom with a refreshed smile on his muzzle, and his bluish-green fur remaining slightly-matted from his showering. His shaggy teal mane was still a bit wet, but the stallion looked tremendously better than he did back out on the deck; much like Gallus, who was equally as incapacitated during their afternoon romp, Sandbar looked like a brand-new stallion after all that dried cum and sweat was washed off his fur. “Oh, man!” said the teenaged colt with a relieved sigh, who couldn’t help shivering from the brisk air outside the bathroom before turning to Eirjan and Marzo. “Guys, we couldn’t thank you enough for letting us use your shower. I swear, your guys’ setup is way nicer than what we have.” “Yeah, definitely!” chirped Gallus, who seemed especially chipper following his shared showering with his coltfriend. Much like the stallion, the blue gryphon was still shimmering a bit from the water droplets that were clinging to his blue and yellow feathers. But since the ground underneath his claws was carpeted, neither of the zebras seemed too worried about condensation as he pointed back to the bathroom with a talon and said, “Like, I had no idea the upper-class suites had friggin’ message-settings on the showerheads! That’s a game-changer right there!” Marzo chuckled with an approving nod of his head, and then asked, “Oh, you think that’s amazing? We once got on a cruise that had built-in bidets in the toilets! And I can tell you, the experience was good enough to make me buy one for our bathroom back home after we landed!” “Yeah, we already know about those,” noted Sandbar with a smile, who looked back at Gallus when he said, “Silverstream ended up getting one of those installed in her dorm room less than a week after moving in. Apparently hippogriffs aren’t really used to toilet paper or something.” “Yeah, that makes sense,” said Marzo in response as he shrugged his head again, and then chuckled devilishly to himself. “Well, just be sure to keep the bidet and the massage-head stuff separate, alright?~” He made sure to pat Eirjan’s thigh flauntingly with his hoof, and smirked down at him while adding, “apparently some products aren’t meant to be combined to intensify enemas, correct?~” Eirjan’s muzzle instantly wrinkled shut as his expression soured up at Marzo. Meanwhile, the tatted zebra just kept a sly-looking grin, and tried not to take notice of Gallus and Sandbar’s withheld snickering. The younger couple tried their hardest not to laugh so openly, even though the revelation of Eirjan’s incident was pretty damn funny. Fortunately for the two, Eirjan was able to sharply huff in response before speaking up in defense of himself, “Well to be fair, I double-checked all the water pressure details on both products before testing it. I just figured it would be a... fun experience...” Eirjan tried not to blush too nervously after making that statement, but it proved to be fruitless when Marzo retorted with, “Well, it was certainly fun for the plumber, at least~” The red zebra sat upright in the bed away from his partner, and scoffed with his forelegs crossed over his chest while Marzo and the others all shared a good laugh. Luckily for Eirjan’s rightfully embarrassed state, Sandbar was the first to speak up after their giggling died down, and said with a friendly smile, “Well, you know what? I’ve used those bidet things before, so… I wouldn’t say that your idea wasn’t the worst I heard. I mean… I’d probably try it if I knew it worked.” Sandbar blushed a little while rubbing his foreleg with a hoof, clearly looking like he said a little more than he would’ve cared to admit about himself. Of course, considering how both he and Gallus were capable of having outdoor sex earlier that day, Eirjan and Marzo didn’t show any judgement in their welcoming smiles. Instead, Eirjan merely sighed before saying in response, “Well, I would not normally recommend mixing items like that together. But whenever it comes to curiosity, I would always recommend keeping an open mind with new experiences~” While Sandbar and Gallus nodded with accepting smiles, one of Marzo’s brows rose up while eyeing his mate with a knowing smirk. The un-tatted zebra tried to ignore how his partner was staring at him, but he couldn’t help squirming a bit while his cheeks grew the faintest blush. But despite how worried he may have felt about his plans, he was able to keep himself well-presented enough to look back at the younger couple and ask, “So, with that being said… Did either of you have any big plans for tonight?~” After taking note of Eirjan’s intrigued-looking grin, the two glanced back at each other and shrugged half-heartedly. “Well, ummm…” Gallus turned back towards the two zebras and answered with, “Honestly, we were thinking of going down to that ‘Club-Night’ thing down in the ballroom, but…” He looked back at Sandbar for only a second or two during that brief pause, and smiled when the stallion gave a blushed nod in affirmation. The gryphon then grew a more devilish-looking grin on his beak as he added towards Eirjan, “... Well… if the two of you had any ideas aside from that, then we could easily hear you guys out~” Upon seeing Gallus’ riveted smirk, Eirjan smiled more relaxedly as he readjusted himself on the bed. Now sitting fully upright, the zebra seemed fairly hopeful about his idea when he saw that both the gryphon and stallion were intrigued. And because of that, Eirjan sighed to himself with optimism before he reached down to the floor, right between the back post of the bed and nightstand. “Well, if the two of you are interested,” he began while pulling out a large duffle-bag from underneath the bed; however, he paused briefly enough to look back at the two insistently and add, “and just to be clear, this is only if you guys are interested, alright? There’s nothing to be embarrassed about if you say no to this.” Both of them nodded in understanding, and still looked curious upon seeing the size of Eirjan’s duffle. Upon seeing their responses, Eirjan smiled again before lugging the bag out from under the bed, and placing it on top of the mattress. Marzo stood up from the bed so his partner could have some room, and grew an attentive smile while looking between Eirjan and the couple. Meanwhile, the red zebra tried not to let his blush be seen too prominently by the time he unzipped his bag, and pulled out a distinct item to place by itself on the mattress. Gallus and Sandbar grew confused looks upon seeing the thick, glossy, plastic-like attire that was presented, but Eirjan kept his tone of voice cheerful as he tried to ask, “So, uhhh… do either of you know what ‘Pup-Play’ is?~” Neither of them had much experience with that term, and shook their heads in unison while staring down at the odd-looking mask Eirjan had on the ready. The full-bodied helmet almost looked like a leather Gimp-Mask, as thick yellow binding straps composed most of the mask’s design to leave the face practically unseen beneath it. There were two large holes where the eyes were supposed to be, as well as a couple of nostril holes at the mask’s curved and exaggeratedly-shaped snout, but a thick metal zipper was sewn-in across the muzzle’s mouthpiece. The helmet also had two large plastic flaps at the top to serve as “ears,” much like something a dog would have to match the mask’s canine-like shaping. The mask itself seemed to confuse Gallus as his eyes narrowed on it with a tilt of his head; meanwhile, Sandbar’s cheeks began to blush profusely as he saw what else Eirjan was pulling out of the bag, which definitely gave a clearer image for the mask’s intended use. After the pup hood was revealed, Eirjan brought out the accessories that went alongside it. The first was a bright yellow leash and collar, which matched the mask near-perfectly due to the identical colors. The zebra also presented a large back-harness that went alongside the getup, which had multiple straps that were meant to wrap around the torso and give a more BDSM look overall; there was also a large pocket-like addition strapped to the back of the harness, along with a velcro strap meant to hold somepony’s tail and tuck it out of place. Even though Gallus might question why a detail like that would be necessary, both he and Gallus blushed even deeper when Eirjan brought out the final item that went alongside his getup:  A long, thick, silicone butt-plug with a base shaped like an artificial dog’s tail; and much like the mask, leash, and harness already laid out, the tail boasted the same bright yellow color all across its plastic shape.  Eirjan waited a moment while he and Marzo studied the couple’s faces, both of them hopeful that this display wasn’t too over-the-top. Fortunately, despite how awkwardly long their silent pause may have been, neither Gallus or Sandbar seemed to be too against any of the items that were pulled out of the bag. In fact, Sandbar couldn’t help clenching his muzzle shut as he gulped to himself nervously, and said with a faint chuckle, “Uhhh… heh heh heh… W-Wow! I, uhhh… I’m not gonna lie, that’s… that’s pretty wild, dude~” Even though it was unclear what Sandbar meant by such an adjective, Eirjan shrugged with a blushing smile as he tried to say cheekily, “Well, I am a zebra. Being wild is kinda our thing~” Gallus shrugged his shoulders while leaning in closer towards the bed. After seeing Eirjan nod in approval, the gryphon carefully picked up the pup-hood to better examine its construction. Upon seeing how professionally-made the garment really was, Gallus hummed to himself with an impressed pout of his beak. “Hmmmm… Damn, dude. This is actually pretty nice.” While Eirjan looked away from him with a gracious and embarrassed smile, he wasn’t able to stop Marzo when he opened up the duffle bag and said, “Yeah, they better be nice! With the amount of money Eirjan puts down on them, I’d like to think they’re worth the price~” Upon revealing the rest of the bag’s contents, both Gallus and Sandbar gasped when they saw two other pup-hoods tucked inside. Each of them had the same accessories that the yellow mask had, but they were all carrying distinctly different colors than the ones Eirjan put on the bed. One of the pup-hoods was a bright and glossy red color, while the other was a vibrant shade of purple across its black inseams. Eirjan groaned in embarrassment as he glared back at his mate, but the tatted zebra still smirked to himself after showing off the other masks. Meanwhile, Gallus pulled his head back with his feathers ruffled out, and an evident shade of his blush being seen just underneath them. “O-Oh, wow, ummm… That’s, uhhh… That’s a lot of stuff for pup-play, huh?” Eirjan sighed through his nostrils while giving a meager nod of his head, looking fairly bashful about his interests due to Marzo’s interference. Fortunately, the other zebra was quick to speak up in defense of Eirjan’s equipment, and explained to the couple, “Well, the different colored masks are kinda like the Hanky-code, you know? They’re meant to display specific colors towards others to represent different things. Ummm… Do you guys know the Hanky-code?” The two looked back at each other, and gave half-hearted shrugs before shaking their heads in unison. “Uhhhh… I don’t think so, dude,” replied Sandbar with an apologetic glance back at the zebras. “Sorry.” “No, it’s fine,” assured Marzo with a wave of his hoof. “I suppose that is an older system for young guys like you. But basically,” he added as his tone turned more insistent, “the Hanky-code was meant for gay men to discreetly advertise what they wanted from others, usually in places where being out wasn’t as safe as cruises like these. For example, if you wanted to do something piercing-based, you would wear a purple handkerchief around one of your rear hooves; and depending on which hoof you tied the hankie on, you were either advertising being on the giving end for the left, or the receiving end if it was on the right.” Both of them nodded in understanding, but both of their eyes were peering towards the open bag where Eirjan’s purple pop-hood was clearly seen. The red zebra squirmed a bit with an embarrassed blush, but he was able to huff before motioning towards the bag and saying, “Yeah, I… I may have worn that hood when getting a few piercings a couple of years back. Although to be fair, I’m more than satisfied with the results~” With that, Eirjan turned himself around so he could lift up one of his hind-legs, and proudly displayed the line of differently-colored gems that were pierced along the length of his sheath. The location of those piercings may have been a bit extreme, to say the least, but the sight of Gallus and Sandbar’s flustered expressions was absolutely worth it while Eirjan chuckled under his breath.  “But yeah, the pup-hoods are kinda similar,” continued Marzo with a tilt of his head while explaining the masks’ purposes. “When Eirjan wears one of the pup-masks, he’s allowing himself to be treated like a ‘pup’ would: being leashed, walking around outdoors while dressed in the getup, having to act like a pet, that sort of thing~” He then shot a mischievously wide smirk back at his blushing partner, and added rather sultrily, “Not to mention, when he chooses to wear a specific color, he’s basically advertising for his treatment to be related to that certain thing~” The zebra groaned a little as he veered his sheepish expression away from Marzo’s smirk. Meanwhile, Sandbar was looking at the three different mask colors with a curious expression, and blinked a couple of times before asking, “So, ummm… If purple is for piercings, then uhhhh… what’re the other two masks for?” Eirjan’s ears lowered rather quickly while his blush grew heavier. Meanwhile, Marzo chuckled with a shake of his head before leaning in close to Sandbar, and whispering into his ear, “Well, the red one is meant for large insertion stuff, like hoofing~” The red zebra clenched his muzzle with a wince, but refrained from saying anything to contradict his partner’s description of that color-coding. Meanwhile, Sandbar and Gallus’ brows were already raised in surprise before Marzo added sultrily, “And for the yellow mask, well… Heh~ I’m sure your imagination can conjure up the appropriate kink that goes along with that color~” Eirjan may have been blushing heavily with a shameful hanging of his head, but his cheeks weren’t nearly as red as Sandbar’s following that reveal. Gallus didn’t look nearly as overwhelmed as his coltfriend did, but still shrugged with an understanding smile while glancing at all of the items resting on the bed. “Hmmm… So, what were you guys planning then?~” he asked as he smirked back at the zebras with an intrigued tone of voice. “Because it seems like you guys had a lot of this stuff brought on board~” Eirjan’s head lowered even more, and he was left unable to explain himself due to his sheepishness. Fortunately, Marzo hugged the zebra affectionately from the side while smiling back at the other couple, and explained, “Well, there happens to be a ‘Doggy Show’ happening on the third level in an hour or so. And after tonight’s performance, Eirjan will officially be a five-time competitor~” Sandbar and Gallus stared back at Eirjan wide-eyed, but were happy to see a faint smile growing underneath the zebra’s blush as he nodded his head. “Ummm… Y-Yeah, I… I was still on the fence about what color to wear, but… I actually won ‘Best in Show’ twice so far…” “And I won a minor award last year for ‘Best Handler’~” Marzo added with a prideful grin. Meanwhile, his hoof began to rub more sensually along the length of Eirjan’s back, and he petted him affectionately while carrying an intrigued smile on his muzzle. As Eirjan sighed with a blissful smile and muzzled up beside his mate, Marzo glanced back at the couple and asked, “So, would you two be interested to see how it goes?~ We have a bit of time left before Eirjan has to go for a ‘walk,’ but I’m sure he wouldn’t mind giving you guys a preview~” The couple’s eyes widened in shock, and their befuddled stares glanced back at Eirjan who merely shrugged in response. “I mean…” Even with how timidly the zebra nestled himself close to Marzo’s side, his smile still looked confident when he said back to Sandbar and Gallus, “if either of you were curious, I wouldn’t mind. I mean… you two really are fun friends, after all~” Even though the zebra was smiling a bit nervously, Gallus and Sandbar didn’t seem hesitant enough to give any insistence against Eirjan’s offer. Instead, the stallion and gryphon carried identical smiles of interest as they nodded their heads. Sandbar was the first to give a response to the other couple’s request, and said with a lighthearted shrug, “Well, I mean… I’m not exactly sure what someone does in that sort of thing, so… What better way to learn, am i right?~” Eirjan blushed even deeper upon hearing that approving response, and smiled a bit wider back at Sandbar with an appreciative nod. Marzo was grinning rather giddily, and reached inside of the duffle bag as he said, “Mister Sandbar, I couldn’t agree more~” As he riffled through Eirjan’s equipment, he paused for a second to look back at him and ask, “Which color you wanna wear?~” Eirjan squirmed when he felt the other couple’s eyes focusing on him, which made his expression appear even meeker following that question. Nevertheless, the zebra took a quick breath before saying with a sheepish tone of voice, “Ummm… I… I-I’ll take red, please…” Marzo nodded with a smile, and began to pull out all the red-colored items that went with Eirjan’s choice. Meanwhile, neither of the zebras seemed to notice how heavily Sandbar was blushing when he looked back down at the remaining items left on the bed. Gallus didn’t see his coltfriend’s glancing either, and instead watched as Marzo got his partner ready. The first thing that was placed on Eirjan was the strapped harness, which was effortlessly attached around his torso by Marzo as if they did it a million times before. After the zebra sighed to himself from the comforting restraint of those straps, he smiled upon feeling his tail being gripped tightly in Marzo’s hoof. The red and white tail got stuffed inside the back pocket of the harness, and Marzo smirked at the zebra’s purposely-exposed rump as he asked, “You sure about this, babe? I won’t ask again~” Eirjan exhaled shakily before nodding his head with a smile, and said back to him. “Believe me, I’m sure~” He even gave a teasing wiggle of his rear after saying that, and gave Marzo a good view of his recently-creamed tailhole as a light glazing remained across the meaty ring. The tattooed zebra chuckled with a delighted smile, and glanced back at Gallus to ask, “You see what I deal with at home? This guy is insatiable sometimes~” While Eirjan writhed a little in embarrassment and looked away from the three, Gallus was quick to reply cheekily, “Hey, you should see how Yona acts when she gets horny~” Sandbar instantly nodded his head with his eyes wide-open, greatly emphasizing the honesty in the gryphon’s statement.  “You know what? I won’t even question that~” Marzo snickered to himself while continuing to help Eirjan get ready, not minding how much the other couple were staring at them during. The next item that was donned on the harnessed zebra was his red collar, which was snugly wrapped around his neck to match his stripes. Marzo made sure to keep a tight grip on Eirjan’s leash, and was grinning devilishly when he picked up the pup-hood. Eirjan lowered his head in acceptance of the attire, almost looking like a brave warrior being knighted as his partner slipped the mask over his head muzzle-first. Soon enough, the zebra’s face became concealed behind the thick bondage of black and red plastic, which also shaped his head in parts to resemble something like a Doberman. But even with the boxy gimp-mask tightly clasped over his face, Eirjan was still able to show a lot of excitement and adoration as he peered up Marzo with his green eyes shimmering brightly.  “That’s a gooooooooood boy~” Marzo grinned wide while narrowing his eyes on the striped pup, who was already looking a bit giddier after his bondage was applied. His tail wasn’t even inside of him yet, and he was already struggling to stand still as he bounced between his two front hooves. Even though his real tail was already tucked into his harness, he still tried to wag his rump in anticipation of using that plug properly. But before Marzo could continue, he made sure to unzip the mouthpiece to Eirjan’s pup-hood before saying, “Now, you know the rules, don’t you? Unless I give you permission, you’re not allowed to say anything a puppy cannot. Understood?~” Eirjan immediately nodded his head with an excited smile, and exclaimed proudly, “Ruff, ruff!!~” Gallus blushed deeply while covering his beak with a claw, and struggled not to giggle in response to that. Meanwhile, Sandbar kept an intrigued smile while biting his bottom lip, and had to take a deep breath through his nostrils to keep himself well-composed. Fortunately for the stallion, most of the attention remained on Eirjan while Marzo picked up his buttplug/artificial tail, and held it in front of the pup’s face to tease him. Eirjan instantly lowered his head as he let a measly whimper come out through his hood, and tried to give a “begging” motion while the front half of his body was lowered to the ground. The zebra pup’s rear remained firmly raised upward, and his hole could be seen puckering in need without anything to cover it up.  “Hmmmm…” Marzo raised a brow while smirking down at his whimpering pup, and grew rather curious about what to do with him. Even though he clearly wanted that tail-plug, Eirjan’s begging was briefly ignored while Marzo shot a glance towards the other couple. “So, guys?~” he asked Gallus and Sandbar while holding Eirjan’s leash in his hoof. “Are either of you wanting to play with the pup before tonight’s activities?~” Eirjan looked up at Marzo with wide-open eyes, and instantly beamed when he turned his sights towards the younger couple. Even with the pup-hood covering most of his face, the zebra’s excitement was still obvious through his body language and he bolted up from the floor and barked eagerly. “RUFF!! Rrrrruff!! Ruff!!~” Without warning, Eirjan quickly turned himself around so that his exposed rump was facing the two, and he got into a presented stance while looking back at them with half-lidded eyes. “Muuuurrrrrrrr~” Gallus and Sandbar froze up for a moment while Eirjan proudly showed off his well-used hole, and looked back at the two with hungry eyes in need of more. He made sure to wiggle his rear enticingly for both of the young lads, and shuddered with a muffled moan beneath the tight restraints of his mask. Just beneath his open legs, Eirjan’s cock was already slipping out of his sheath as those gemstone-piercings spread out across his length. His plump, ebony balls dangled temptingly with every fidgeting move he made, and were hanging lower than usual due to how heavy they were. Gallus looked back at Marzo briefly enough, and blushed upon seeing the zebra’s confident grin while nodding in approval. Meanwhile, Sandbar’s eyes remained pinned on Eirjan’s backside as he stared hungrily, and had to gulp with his muzzle clenched shut.  “Mnnnghhhhh…” Marzo sat himself down on the bed, but kept a stern grip on Eirjan’s leash while the pup was still presenting to the other couple. The tatted zebra spread his legs wide-apart while smirking eagerly, and drank in Sandbar and Gallus’ stares as they gawked at the sight of his cock. Much like Eirjan, Marzo’s endowment was undeniably blessed while he sat with such profound confidence, and let his ten inches of zebra cockmeat speak for itself. The thick, rigid shaft was girthy enough to make Gallus shudder silently, with his hind-legs trembling a little as he was reminded of that taunting rod. And after Marzo used one of his hooves to teasingly grip the base of his shaft, and began to stroke himself while eyeing the blushing couple, Sandbar was quick to shudder right alongside his boyfriend with a shared feeling of intimidated desire. And all the while, Eirjan still tried to keep the couple’s attention as he moved his rump in a little closer, and whined audibly through his mask to keep them enticed. “Hnnnnngggggg~” “C’mon, boys~” purred Marzo as his eyes narrowed on the two, and his hoof continued to stroke his length at a teasingly slow rate. “Mmmmfffff… Y-You really shouldn’t leave us waiting~” Gallus and Sandbar eventually glanced back at each other, and were blushing profusely while standing before the two studly zebras in wait. The two leaned in close to each other to start whispering some things, clearly wanting to be in agreement over how things went. After both of them paused their whispers to glance back at the two, they seemed to have reached an agreement by the time they finished up their discrete discussion. Sandbar was blushing a little bit heavier than Gallus, but neither of them looked to be worried as they went up to their respective zebras. Just like out on the deck earlier that day, Sandbar couldn’t resist going up towards Eirjan’s presented rear; meanwhile, Gallus had his smirking beak clenched shut as he crawled up towards Marzo on the bed, much to the zebra’s nodding approval.  “Mmmmm~ Can’t get enough of it, eh?~” Marzo chuckled while eyeing the gryphon mockingly, but stopped his strokes while holding the base of his cock with his hoof. The rest of his thick, veiny length remained untouched while it stood rigidly before Gallus, and the plump cockhead was already throbbing a bit as a hefty glob of precum seeped out from the tip. Even though the gryphon’s feathers ruffled out a little in trepidation, all he could do was gulp audibly while hearing Marzo say, “Hey, I don’t blame you for knowing what you like~ But unless you plan on standing there all day, it might be good for you to get in close like your coltfriend is~” Gallus glanced over at Sandbar, and blushed heavily upon seeing the stallion’s enamored stare on Eirjan’s waiting rear. The pony placed both of his hooves on that presented rump, which caused Eirjan to let out a muffled groan through his pup-hood while he remained bowing to the ground. Meanwhile, his exposed tailhole continued to pucker in dire need of some attention, with the faintest sheen of fresh stallion cum leaving the bare flesh glistening so temptingly. Even though it was technically his own load that was glazed across the zebra’s hole, Sandbar couldn’t have cared less as he exhaled with an overwhelmed shudder, and he looked down at Eirjan to ask feebly, “Uhhhh… d-does the little pup like this?~” Eirjan nodded his head with obvious approval, and replied with a chipper, “Woof! Woof woof!!~” “Alright then~” After shrugging in acceptance of the zebra’s needy barks, Sandbar shivered as he refocused his sights on that waiting hole. He bit his lip briefly while marveling at the poofy ring, but only let his staring last a second or two before he lunged in. His eyes closed on their own as he opened his muzzle wide, and his tongue lolled out from between his lips. And as his hooves kept a firm grip on Eirjan’s cheeks, Sandbar ended up moaning out the very instant his tongue touched that smooth, syrupy coating that covered the zebra’s hole. “Nnnnnnnnn…~” Sandbar leaned in a little further, and wrapped his lips around the outside of Eirjan’s hole to elicit a strong shudder from the striped pup. Gallus and Marzo watched on with varying looks of admiration and jealousy, and heard the bellowing moans that Eirjan tried to belt out from the thick confines of his mask. Even with his muzzle unzipped and wide-open, the zebra stuck to his handler’s orders as he refrained from saying anything articulate in his bindings. Instead, the only sounds that could be heard between the two were Eirjan’s shaky moans of pleasure, and the passionate slurps of Sandbar’s tongue and lips as he went in to rim him.  “Mnnnnnghhhh…~” Even though this wasn’t the first time that day he was given the chance to eat some prime zebra ass, Sandbar’s eyes still rolled back in sensual bliss while dragging his tongue across Eirjan’s hole with lustful vigor. His lips suckled around that fat ring of flesh to savor the zebra’s heady musk, as well as the flavor of his own cum that remained after their fun earlier. His tongue slipped deep inside of Eirjan’s opening without much resistance, and the tenacious muscle proved to be diligent enough to leave the zebra moaning deeply through his mask. And while the zebra’s cock remained standing rigidly between his legs untouched, Sandbar’s stallionhood was growing just as erect the longer he spent chowing down on Eirjan’s hole with trickles of drool dribbling down his chin. In the brief moment his lips pulled away so he could catch his breath, several strings of saliva were connecting Sandbar’s lips to that hole as he muttered under his breath, “Fuck, you taste so good~” Eirjan then felt that hungry muzzle pressing right back in to continue the rimming, and left him spasming like mad while moaning direly underneath the stallion. While it may have been obvious that the zebra had plenty of experience with stallions before Sandbar, the teal pony still ate his role ravenously enough to leave the zebra needy for more. The longer he spent underneath Sandbar’s hooves and muzzle, Eirjan grew increasingly grateful he requested the red pup-hood as opposed to the purple or yellow. Because by the time Sandbar was finished with his fun, the zebra was doubtful he’d be sated by only a tongue before going to that doggy show tonight. Meanwhile back on the bed, Gallus was nestled close beside Marzo as they watched their partners going at it, and was using one of his claws to sensually stroke the zebra’s cock. Unlike Sandbar, who was more than eager to rim Eirjan’s plump ass again, Gallus tried to change things up the second time he was one-on-one with Marzo. Instead of trying to cram that meaty cockhead inside of his beak again, Gallus nuzzled himself against the zebra’s tattooed chest while sliding his talons up and down his length. Despite how intimidatingly sharp his claws may have looked, Gallus was happy to hear Marzo moaning out with each lustful stroke he gave to that twitching shaft. The smooth, curved keratin glided along the zebra’s flesh with surprisingly sensual precision, and carried just enough grip to hold Marzo’s cock firmly while it throbbed within his grasp.  “Nnnnnnfffff…” As he squirmed with a lustrous groan beside the randy gryphon, Marzo took a brief glance down at what Gallus was packing between his legs. Much like his ass-eating coltfriend, Gallus had gotten erect fairly quickly following Eirjan’s canine-like behavior. His cock looked to be only slightly shorter in length than Sandbar’s, but was still impressively girthed enough to make Marzo whistle in amusement. But unlike the stallion or zebras present, Gallus’ member also sported a thick pointed tip at the end that matched the pink flesh that encompassed the rest of his length; and right at the base of his cock, Gallus’ plump and meaty knot was on full display, and was growing thicker with every throb it made from the ongoing action. Marzo’s eyes glanced between Gallus and his preoccupied pup, and his mischievous smirk widened upon making the most obvious connection.  “Oh, man…” Marzo leaned back a little while Gallus continued to stroke his length, and he looked over at the gryphon with a curious grin and asked, “Quick question. Have you ever knotted your boyfriend with that thing?~” Gallus’ strokes faltered for a second as he blushed hard from such a question. Fortunately, the gryphon only needed the slightest shudder before he breathed out smoothly, and he was able to answer with a weak shrug. “W-Well, uhhh… Let’s just say that Sandbar and Yona had that as a big reason they wanted me to join their relationship~” The tatted zebra chuckled with an understanding nod of his head. “Okay yeah, that makes sense,” he replied as he shrugged his shoulders. “Eirjan and I have had a few gryphons from time to time, so we can definitely understand that appeal~ Right, hun?” “Mmmph!~” Eirjan wasn’t allowed to speak while in his pup-hood, but he still nodded his head wildly while his eyes were tightly clenched shut. Since Sandbar was still trying to drive his tongue further inside of that voluptuous zebra ass, Eirjan could barely give a reply between his hoarse moans of pleasure. “Mmmmffff~ Rrrrr… R-R-Ruff, ruff!~” “Good boy~” purred Marzo, before he decided to return the favor that Gallus was currently providing him. The gryphon gasped in surprise the moment Marzo wrapped his free hoof around the base of Gallus’ cock, and started to stroke him in tandem with his own. Even though Gallus had to take a moment to adjust to the added titillation, his lustful moans soon joined Marzo’s as they nestled in closer to one another. Meanwhile, Sandbar was just starting to move his muzzle down from that thoroughly-rimmed hole, and was moaning softly while dragging his tongue across the zebra’s taint. Marzo’s grin widened when he saw where that mouth was heading, and nodded in approval as he said, “Mmmm… Try not to chip your teeth on those piercings, kiddo~” Sandbar was barely paying attention while his mind was clouded in lust, and his muzzle was plastered with the taste of fresh cum and zebra musk. However, his head still nodded faintly while he looked down at that wrinkled strip of bare flesh between Eirjan’s hole and balls. Just before the cruise was set to start, Eirjan took the liberty of having a few stubbed piercings placed along his taint for added pleasure for the cruise. And since the piercings were still fresh and very sensitive, the zebra was already whimpering loudly through his mask when Sandbar carefully glided his tongue across each of the metal studs.  “NNNNNNPHHH!!~” Eirjan’s head reeled back while moaning through his mask, and his eyelids could be seen fluttering each time Sandbar’s tongue flicked across one of those sensitive piercings. Even though the stallion had never considered piercings himself (or any body-art for that matter), the rapturous moans he was hearing from Eirjan each time his lips graced one of those studs was leaving him curious. But even as his mind drifted off to ponder such things, his lips continued to suckle around each of those piercings to give the faintest of tugs, just to leave Eirjan groaning like the naughty little puppy he was~ “Yeah, those are still pretty fresh~” piped Marzo while he and Gallus continued to polish each other’s shafts without pause. Sandbar was moaning out while his tongue dragged down even lower, but he made sure to keep rubbing against those piercings with the tip of his snout to keep Eirjan groaning. Meanwhile, Marzo turned his attention back towards Gallus as he asked, “Mmmphhh… S-So, you… you have any questions for me?” Gallus may have found it hard to focus while Marzo was stroking his cock, but a shaky exhale still came out of his beak as he tried to speak up. “W-Well, uhhh… I guess…” As he paused for a moment to catch his breath, the gryphon looked back down at the moaning pup whose face was pressed down to the floor. Just as Sandbar was beginning to slather the zebra’s balls with his tongue, trickles of drool could be seen seeping out from the open hole of Eirjan’s hood. Gallus shivered with a slight feeling of envy upon seeing how blissful the pup looked, and turned back to Marzo to ask, “Ha… H-Have you ever done that?~” “Ehhhhhh, once or twice,” he admitted with a faint shrug, and a skewed look on his face that didn’t seem too comfortable. “Honestly, I wasn’t into the whole ‘pup’ thing myself. But, I can totally understand why he enjoys it so much~” Marzo motioned back towards the moaning zebra, who was starting to leave a puddle of drool on the carpet while Sandbar’s lips were caressing around his balls. “Hnnnnnghhhhhh~” “But with that being said, though,” continued Marzo as he shuddered from an especially good stroke Gallus’ claw gave him, which prompted him to reciprocate the gesture for the gryphon’s cock. “It… It’s really fun to be a handler if you enjoy being a Dom~ I mean, where else are you gonna walk around with someone on a leash?~” Even though he could totally understand such an alluring point, Gallus couldn’t help shrugging between the strokes of his claw as he said, “Well… given some of Equestria’s recent enemies, that question might lead to some dark answers.” Marzo rolled his eyes and gave a brief shrug, his muzzle wrinkled for a second due to that morbid reminder. But alas, the zebra still kept an optimistic tone as he motioned to Sandbar’s ball-sucking, and said with an enticing purr towards Gallus, “I’m just saying… There are a lot of guys out there who love being controlled~” To emphasize that point, Marzo stopped his strokes to Gallus’ cock before whistling loudly. Sandbar and Eirjan both froze before looking up at Marzo wide-eyed, which was a pretty humorous sight with the zebra’s balls still in his mouth. But for the zebra who wasn’t wearing a pup-hood, he only smirked in amusement before tapping Gallus on the shoulder, and asking, “Hey Sandy, you mind switching places with Gallus here? I wanted to test a little theory~” Gallus’ eyes widened in realization, but he was quick to let go of Marzo’s cock so he could get off the bed. Sandbar did the same as he slowly pulled his lips away from Eirjan’s balls, which were now glistening with the same thick sheen of saliva as his puckering hole. The pup was left whimpering as he shivered in his presented stance, and tried not to groan from the cold air brushing against his wet and sensitive flesh. When Sandbar and Gallus walked past each other, the stallion was blushing with a nervous smile while his muzzle was covered in a mixture of drool and zebra musk; nevertheless, Gallus still kissed him tenderly on the lips before walking towards Eirjan. Meanwhile, Sandbar couldn’t help blushing as he trotted up towards Marzo, and saw his boastful grin while he was stroking that thick zebra cock flauntingly.  Of course, Sandbar’s blush really intensified the moment he caught sight of what Marzo was holding in his other hoof: the leash to Eirjan’s yellow collar that was still on the bed.  “If you want,” said Marzo with a hungry growl while holding up the leash, and letting the collar dangle enticingly for Sandbar’s interest, “you can wear this and see what you think. I won’t bring up anything else unless you ask, okay?~” Sandbar bit his lip worriedly, but his blush remained heavy as he made a brief glance over at Eirjan’s other equipment strewn across the bed. Even though the idea of actually dressing up like Eirjan seemed a bit out there, the leash didn’t seem too weird as he nodded his head faintly. “Ummm… W-Well, uhhh…” After taking a deep breath, Sandbar nodded more affirmatively before reaching out with a hoof, and taking the collar to strap around his neck. “If it’s just this, then… sure, okay~” Marzo smiled warmly, and reached in to help attach the collar for Sandbar’s use. Meanwhile, Gallus was already grinning eagerly when he got up close to Eirjan’s backside, and shuddered upon seeing how well his coltfriend prepped him. The pup was still writhing needily while braced against the floor, and was looking up at Gallus with a half-lidded gaze of pure longing. He groaned out through his mask while wiggling his rump enticingly, hoping to advertise himself well-enough for the gryphon’s use. Fortunately, Gallus was too riled-up from Marzo’s strokes to beat around the bush, and quickly mounted himself atop Eirjan’s back without warning.  “Mmmmmmm…~” While Eirjan gasped in surprise from Gallus’ upfront mounting, Gallus had to clench his beak shut as he groaned in arousal above him. His knotted cock rubbed up against the pup’s waiting cumdump of a hole, and the underside grinded hard enough against that ring to leave Eirjan’s eyes rolling back intensely. As the masked pup shuddered with a heavy moan of approval, Gallus gripped both of those cheeks tightly in his claws and said, “You better hope Sandbar lubed you well enough, puppy boy~” With that, Gallus pulled back just enough so that his rigid cock could press up against that entrance. The pointed head sunk in against the soft, wet flesh or Eirjan’s hole, and left the zebra reeling in rapture as he began to push in. Due to the pup’s years of experience, Gallus didn’t have much issue when it came to shoving his cock inside; nevertheless, Eirjan still proved to be tight enough to make the gryphon clench his teeth, and he groaned to himself while making the effort to shove inch after inch inside of the slutty puppy. While Marzo and Sandbar paused their own fun to stare at the two in awe, Eirjan’s hungry moans turned shakier by the time Gallus was able to slide most of his shaft inside with a single thrust. “Aaaaahhhhhhh… H-Holy crap, he’s nice~” purred Gallas as he nodded with a smirk back at the seated zebra. “Yeah, I know~” chirped Marzo with a shrug of his own, but his grin then turned more devilish as he held the leash to Sandbar’s collar tightly in his hoof. After giving the leash a firm tug to test the stallion’s resolve, Marzo looked over at Sandbar to say cheekily, “Although… I’m confident that this one has a mouth that’s just as nice~” Sandbar wanted to smile though his flattered blush, not seeming too offended by such an assumption. However, any response the pony could’ve made proved to be fruitless when Marzo gave another strong yank of that leash, and he pulled Sandbar’s head down towards his cock. The stallion gasped in surprise as he was tugged so sharply, which caused his open mouth to immediately press up against Marzo’s plump cockhead. The thick glob of precum that was bulbing at the tip slathered across the tip of Sandbar’s snout, and caused the pony’s eyes to roll back upon catching that fresh scent of cum. His eyes closed as he let out a brief moan from the sensation, clearly trying to savor the ripe scent he grew to enjoy since Gallus joined him and Yona. However, Marzo was growing just as impatient as Gallus, and gave another pull of that leash to direct Sandbar’s open muzzle towards the tip of his cock.  “Aaahhh!!~” Sandbar kept his eyes closed as he followed Marzo’s directions, and his lips parted wide so that the zebra’s thick cockhead could slip in. Even though he was just thrusted into a blowjob without much warning, the only response that could come from Sandbar’s muzzle was a muffled moan around the girth of that meaty cock. Without being prompted, Sandbar’s eyes clenched tightly shut as he took a deep breath of the zebra’s musk, and then tried to push more his cock inside of his mouth. Marzo shuddered with a bitten lip while grinning down at the pony, and used his free hoof to start petting Sandbar’s mane in approval.  “Mmmmm… Nicely done, kiddo~” Marzo narrowed his eyes while marveling at the sight of Sandbar’s eager cock-sucking, and seemed more confident with his ideas as he continued to pet his mane. Meanwhile, Eirjan was enjoying his own position fairly well while Gallus pushed his length deeper inside of him, and used Sandbar’s saliva to keep that cum-dump nice and lubricated. The pup’s moans were coming out more direly as he took every inch of the gryphon’s thick cock, and his tail tried to wag excitedly within his harness for what was to come next. Before too long, a very shaky moan bellowed out of Eirjan’s hood the very moment he felt that thick, hot, throbbing knot of Gallus’ cock prodding up against the outside of his entrance.  “MMMMMMPHHH!!~” Eirjan’s head reeled up from the floor while drool kept trickling from the muzzle opening, and he tried to beg for more as he belted out, “R-RUFF!! RUFF, RUFF!!~” “Yeah, you’re gonna get it alright~” growled Gallus more confidently, as he grinned in anticipation for his merciless knotting. And since Eirjan was clearly wanting it, the gryphon didn’t hold back as he pushed his hips even harder against that slutty hole. The pup’s muffled moans turned more intense with every passing second, and those sounds were soon combined with Gallus’ strained groans the harder he braced against him. Sandbar was still sucking Marzo’s ebony cock diligently, but his eyes couldn’t help peering back to see what his boyfriend was doing. Fortunately, the lengthy insertion only lasted a few seconds or so, before both of the randy guys moaned out in unison the instant that meaty knot finally went in. POP!!~ Eirjan’s eyes were rolled back while his eyelids fluttered madly, and he shuddered from the welcoming pressure of such a thick knot plugging his hole up for some proper breeding. Gallus only needed a moment to recompose himself while the zebra squeezed hard around his cock, but his lustful grin remained when he went right back to fucking the pup ruthlessly. The gryphon’s hips pressed hard against Eirjan’s backside, and he only pulled back hard enough to let his knot tug teasingly against the inside of that creamy zebra hole. If Sandbar wasn’t preoccupied with his own zebra, he likely would’ve been content with just watching the two getting at it. However, the musky flavor of Marzo’s cockhead was still lingering against his tongue, and the pony moaned to himself as he closed his eyes and resumed with his fellatio.  “Thaaaaaaaat’s right…” Marzo kept his eyes pinned down on Sandbar while grinning from ear to ear, and savored the softness of the pony’s lips wrapped so alluringly around his shaft. Meanwhile, the added noises of Gallus’ thrusts and Eirjan’s moans only made the sensations feel even better each time Sandbar’s muzzle slid further down his length. Even with that yellow collar wrapped so tightly around his neck, the stallion seem the least-bit bothered by the accessory while he burrowed himself deeper between the zebra’s legs. In fact, rivulets of drool were starting to seep from the pony’s lips, and were trickling down the remaining inches of Marzo’s shaft to make the charcoal flesh glisten beautifully.  Sandbar closed his eyes while sucking that thick zebra cock, and the lustful sensations sweeping through him were strong enough to make one of his hooves move down towards his crotch. The leashed stallion started to stroke himself vigorously while dragging his lips and tongue across Marzo’s shaft. The tatted zebra moaned deeply as his head reeled back in pleasure, and his hoof kept a firm grip on the top of the pony’s head. “Mmmmm… you like having me take over like this?~” he asked Sandbar with a curious growl that matched his smirked expression. “Because I bet you’d have a lot of fun if you came with us tonight~” Sandbar couldn’t say much while his muzzle was stuffed with zebrican cockmeat, but a muffled groan still came out around Marzo’s girth while he continued to suck diligently. Meanwhile, his boyfriend was looking equally as enamored while fucking Eirjan mercilessly, and leaving the pup reeling on the floor as he drooled through his mask. The gryphon’s balls were loudly smacking against the zebra’s with every hard thrust he delivered, and his knot was swelling up inside of Eirjan as he grew closer to orgasm. He knew that once he bred the slutty zebra’s hole, he would likely be locked inside of him for at least ten or fifteen minutes before his knot could soften up. But alas, the gryphon couldn’t have cared less about that as his thrusts grew faster, and his voice became more hoarse between heavy breaths.  “Aaaahhhhh!! You… Y-You better be ready, pup-boy!~” Gallus gave Eirjan’s ass a hard smack with his claw, which prompted a sharp yelp through the zebra’s pup-hood. The gryphon’s hips kept pumping at a faster rate, and sounds of their balls smacking were making Marzo’s ears twitch every time they collided with hard, meaty slaps. “Mnnnghhh!!~ You wanna get a fresh load, doggy?~” “BARK! BARK! BARK!” Each enthusiastic bark that Eirjan made was accompanied by a hard rocking of his body as Gallus continued to thrust into him. The zebra’s cock may have been left untouched, but it was still throbbing needily as hefty spurts of precum splattered across the carpet between his legs. If Sandbar wasn’t so preoccupied with the thick black cock that was throbbing between his lips, he probably would’ve been absolutely fascinated with how brutally his boyfriend was plowing that slutty puppy rump. But before he could hear any rapturous cries from either of them, Sandbar’s eyes clenched tightly shut as he heard a strong groan from the zebra holding his head in.  “NNNNGHHHH!!~” Marzo’s expression was clenching just as tightly as the others, and his hips writhed up from the bed as he felt himself growing close to climax. His hoof tried to push Sandbar’s head as far as he could reach down the length of his cock, which was thankfully met with only the sounds of amorous gurgles and groans. The zebra’s other hoof pulled harder on that yellow leash, which caused Sandbar’s blush to deepen in lust as his eyes rolled back from the cockhead plugging up his throat. Fortunately for the air-deprived stallion, the strong throbs of Marzo’s cock intensified between his lips as he heard him growling out, “Aaaaahhhhh!!~ T… T-Take it, you slutty little PUP!!~” Sandbar’s heart skipped a beat when he heard that term, but he wasn’t able to appreciate it for too long before he felt a hot blast of warmth strike the back of his throat. The pony spasmed between Marzo’s legs as he felt spurt after spurt of hot, thick, creamy zebra cum shooting straight down his hungry gullet. His eyes rolled back strongly as his own hoofwork came to a satisfying end, and his cock throbbed intensely while heavy ropes of his seed shot across the bedding and floor. By the time Marzo was finally finished unloading inside of his mouth, Sandbar shivered while hearing the climactic groans from Gallus and Eirjan behind him.  “Aaaahhh!! AAAHHHH!! AAAAHHHHHHH!!!~” Gallus was the next to shoot his load, and his head reeled back while driving his knotted cock as deeply as he could inside of the shuddering puppy. Eirjan cried out in pure elation as he felt the strong pulsations of that gryphon knot swelling inside of him, as well as the heavy flooding of Gallus’ cum that shot inside of his deepest depths. Even though Eirjan wasn’t intending that to be his only breeding that night, the tantalizing throbbing warmth of Gallus’ contribution was more than enough to make him close his eyes with a satisfied smile underneath his hood. And while Gallus was still emptying his balls inside of the slut, Eirjan clenched around that meaty knot as he succumbed to his own orgasm.  “NNNNNNNGGG!!~” Without even needing to be touched, Eirjan’s ebony cock spasmed like mad between his quivering legs as it unloaded a hefty volley of zebra cum. Eirjan whimpered strongly underneath his mask as he shuddered from every powerful throb his cock made, which caused him to practically leak cum like a faucet onto the carpet. His muffled groans lingered on while he savored Gallus’ much-appreciated plowing, and the flow of cum that erupted from his cock lasted surprisingly longer than the younger couple would’ve expected. Of course, considering how Gallus and Sandbar were both wiped-out following their eager orgasms, Eirjan’s exuberant end was met with content silence by the time he and the gryphon collapsed on the floor.  For a long while after the four finished their fun, they were all lying about on the bed and floor with tired and satisfied smiles on their faces. Marzo was splayed out on the bed with a particularly shit-eating grin, and continued to pet Sandbar’s mane while holding his leash. The stallion was laying at the edge of the bed with his head resting on Marzo’s lap, and he was smiling blissfully while breathing in the remnants of the thick zebra musk that got him so riled-up before. And for Gallus, who was still firmly buried inside of Eirjan with his thick knot, he could only rest atop the zebra’s back while the two were sprawled out on the ground. “Mmmmm…” Since Gallus was too winded to speak up, and Eirjan technically couldn’t while his pup-hood was still on, Marzo looked down at the leashed stallion while smiling warmly. “So, Sandbar… What do you think?~” Sandbar needed a moment to come down from his lustful high, but he still groaned with an enticed shiver before smiling up at Marzo. Much like Gallus and Eirjan, who seemed fairly satisfied following their fun, the pony didn’t seem to have any regrets in his blushing expression. However, it didn’t take long for Sandbar to glance over at the duffle bag and items across the rest of the bed, which caused his blush to grow heavier by the second. Marzo didn’t say anything, but one of his brows raised up in intrigue while smirking down at him.  “Ummm… W-Well, uhhh…” Sandbar’s content smile turned more worrisome as he looked back at Eirjan, who still seemed happy while dressed in that pup gear and filled with fresh gryphon cum. The pony waited a few seconds while staring at the zebra-pup studiously, much to Marzo’s appreciation as his grin widened. Even though Sandbar knew he should’ve said something up at Marzo, he took a breath before deciding to speak towards the other zebra. “Uhhhh… E-Eirjan?” The pup may have been thoroughly used and panting heavily in his bondage, but he had enough energy to glance back at Sandbar curiously. Of course, since he couldn’t say anything due to his handler’s owners, he could only tilt his head a little before making a brief, “Hmm?”  Sandbar clenched his muzzle a little in trepidation, and eventually looked down at his hooves while fidgeting them together. But despite how nervous he may have looked, the pony was able to collect himself to ask meekly, “Ummm… could… could I wear one of those?~” Eirjan’s eyes widened immensely behind his mask, but nothing else in his expression could be seen through the thick mask covering his face. Gallus’ head perked up after hearing his boyfriend’s question, and he turned to gawk at him in stunned silence. Marzo still kept himself silent, but was grinning pridefully from getting his assumption correct. And as Sandbar sat between those three varying expressions, he tried not to cringe awkwardly while keeping his sights on Eirjan. Fortunately for the stallion, Eirjan’s head perked right up as he nodded his head enthusiastically, and he responded with a chipper, “YIP! YIP!” > Chapter Two: Sandbar's Live Show > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the time Luna’s night was spread out at full-force across the Equestrian skies, the cruise liner soaring miles above had gone into an absolute frenzy of adult-oriented fun. Even from a good distance away, the bass-laden thumps of club music could be heard bellowing out through the closed doors of the vessel’s ballroom. But due to how many ponies were still whooping and hollering across all the decks, it was doubtful that any noise complaints were going to be made anytime soon. Along with the cruise’s staff turning a blind eye to all of the sexual happenings occuring after the sun went down, all of the bars also opened right up to ensure most of the patrons could get nicely inebriated. So by the time Eirjan and Marzo were ready to attend their puppy show, with Sandbar and Gallus in tow, the four weren’t likely to attract any unwanted glances while the decks were filled with rowdy, drunk, and very horny gay stallions. Just before the two couples were ready to leave, Marzo made sure to look over the readjusted straps as he helped Sandbar into the yellow harness. “You know, you two should be grateful you’re sticking with us tonight,” he noted with a shrug of his head while making sure the stallion’s bindings were comfortable for him. “Trust me, given how many events these cruises have, we wouldn’t want you two to veer into anything too weird.” Sandbar nodded in understanding, but was still blushing nervously while Gallus helped tuck his tail into the back pocket of the harness. Meanwhile, the gryphon couldn’t help raising an eyebrow towards Marzo as he pointed out, “Dude, you are aware you guys took us out for public sex just a few hours ago, right?” Eirjan, who was still wearing his red pup-gear (as well as a matching pair of plastic “paws” that went over his hooves), tried not to snicker in his mask after the gryphon made that fair point. Even though Marzo was able to shrug in response, he also said back at him, “Hey, you guys agreed to that, didn’t you? Besides, I can guarantee you both that there’s weirder shit that happens on these cruises below decks.” “Like what?” asked Sandbar, who had to glance over at the waiting yellow hood that was resting on top of the bed. He didn’t want to think that things could get much weirder than this, but he and Gallus still looked back at the tatted zebra for an answer. Marzo paused for a second, and sighed through his nostrils while scratching the back of his head awkwardly.  “Well, ummm…” As he looked away from the younger couple, it was clear that he looked uncomfortable when he said, “let’s just say that you shouldn’t go down to the bottom floor of the ship. From what I heard from staff, they were setting up a nursery down there.” Sandbar and Gallus looked at each other in confusion, with the gryphon being the first to turn back to Marzo and ask, “Wait, a nursery? But… I thought this was an adult only cruise.” Both of the zebras winced, with even Eirjan’s expression looking wary underneath his thick pup-hood. Marzo shot the other couple a stern-looking stare as he repeated himself firmly. “Like I said, you do not want to go down to the bottom floor.” The two instantly realized what Marzo meant, and cringed with very uncomfortable shudders upon catching the context. Even though the two were fairly kinky for their ages, it was obvious that they still had their limits. “Ugh,” groaned Sandbar as he looked away from the zebras with his expression soured right up. “Yeah, okay. This is definitely an improvement over that.” Marzo smiled more naturally after hearing that response, and nodded in approval when he went to pick up Sandbar’s hood. “Honestly, I’m really glad you both feel that way,” he said while checking the thick straps around the mask, and making sure they were able to fit around Sandbar’s equine muzzle. “Seriously, you do not want to know how hard it is to find guys who aren’t into that stuff.” Neither of the two seemed too keen on learning any specific names, and merely nodded in unison before getting back to preparations. Sandbar found the yellow paw-slippings that were supposed to go over his hooves, and was delightfully surprised when the straps wrapped around his fetlocks with ease. Gallus looked back at Marzo after the harness was secured around Sandbar’s torso, and smiled when he saw that yellow mask in his hooves. Sandbar gulped with a slightly worrisome blush, but he tried to remain calm as he glanced back at Eirjan. The red zebra’s expression was hard to see through his pup-hood, but the stallion could tell that Eirjan was smiling at him giddily nonetheless.  Sandbar closed his eyes to take a deep breath, but almost gasped in shock when he felt Gallus giving a brief tug to the leash still attached to his collar. The stallion bit his lip while feeling the yellow collar still around his neck, which he never had removed following his fun with Marzo. Even though his heart was racing, Sandbar tried his hardest not to feel too overwhelmed by what he was about to do. But when he looked back up at Marzo, he shivered in anticipation when the zebra asked him. “So, little pup… You ready to attend your first show?~” Marzo was grinning cheekily with that emphasized term, which caused Sandbar to struggle not to sudder in response. And while it was obvious that he still had some reservations, the pony was able to breathe out before giving a faint nod of his head. “Ummm… Y-Yeah,” he said while giving the zebra a nervous smile. “I-I’ll be fine.” “Alright then~” Marzo went up to the pony with the yellow pup-hood, and looked Sandbar up and down one last time to make sure nothing was missing. But before he could help strap on the mask, he made sure to place a hoof on Sandbar’s shoulder and say insistently, “And just remember, if anything feels too much for you and you want to stop, the safety word is ‘Kitty’. Understood?” Even though that was a weird choice for a safety word, Sandbar nodded his head in understanding. With that, Marzo smiled before he leaned in, and slipped the yellow hood over the stallion’s head. “Okay, now… Lemme just get the straps here, and… tighten it a little back here…” As he worked diligently to get Sandbar ready, Gallus’ eyes widened in surprise from how drastically the pup-hood concealed the pony’s natural face. Even though Sandbar’s beautiful blue eyes were still seen clearly in the mask’s eye-holes, it was nearly impossible to notice any other features while the hood went over the entirety of his head. Even Sandbar’s shaggy mane was promptly covered up by the mask, which gave the pony’s previously round head a flatter, more boxy look reminiscent of a canine’s anatomy. And since the harness had a built-in sheet that pulled out from the sides to conceal a wearer’s cutie mark, Sandbar was nearly unrecognizable by the time he was fully donned in the same pup-gear as Eirjan. “Daaawwww~” Marzo tilted his head while cooing sweetly at Sandbar’s new appearance with a smile. “Okay, I’m not gonna lie, you look adorable in that~” Sandbar lowered his masked head bashfully, and gave a timid look as one of his forelegs crossed over the other. The pony may have not been an actor (despite how impressive his acting skills proved to be when outsmarting Chancellor Neighsay), but he was able to use his body language fairly well while remaining silent. Meanwhile, Gallus smirked with an impressed chuckle as he stood behind the new pup, and added to Marzo’s compliment with, “Oh, man… Yona is gonna want a picture of you like this~” That remark instantly made Sandbar freeze up, and his pronounced blush nearly shone through the thick yellow mask wrapped around his head. Meanwhile, his sheepish look grew even cuter to the two handlers, who shared a good laugh after Gallus’ teasing statement. But while the new pup stood in embarrassment, and tried his hardest not to think of how Yona would react to seeing him like this, Eirjan trotted up to him to help ease Sandbar’s spirits. The red-masked zebra hummed sweetly while nuzzling against Sandbar’s side, and helped to make the pony smile more comfortably underneath his mask. And by the time Gallus and Marzo’s chuckling came to a close, Sandbar was able to better accustom himself to the role by nuzzling Eirjan in return.  The two affectionate pups quickly caught their handlers’ attention, and they made a couple of “Dawwwwwws” while looking at them with touched smiles. Gallus even shrugged his shoulders before saying back to Marzo, “Yeah, you know what? You’re totally right. They do look adorable~” Of course, considering what Sandbar and Eirjan were wearing, the gryphon then added with a warier expression, “I mean, it’s really weird, but still cute.” “Yeah, I get what you mean,” said Marzo with an understanding nod back towards Gallus. The zebra then reached back towards the bed, and picked up the red plastic tail with the butt-plug attachment. Eirjan took notice of that particular item, and let out a brief groan through his mask while blushing deeply. Marzo looked over at his pup with a wide and waiting smirk, not needing to say anything before Eirjan turned himself around. Sandbar could only watch with widening eyes as Eirjan immediately bent himself over, and left his exposed and cum-dripping hole in the air for his handler to make proper use of. The tatted zebra walked over to the presented pup as he chuckled under his breath, and said to himself optimistically, “Well, at least I won’t need any lube with all that cum you got in you already~” Before Eirjan could lower his head any further with an embarrassed blush, he gasped loudly the moment Marzo pressed the tip of that plug against his creamed hole. The zebra-pup’s eyes rolled back as he groaned deeply through his hood, and shuddered from that bulb of silicone pressing hard against his already sensitive tailhole. Marzo didn’t need much effort to get the plug in, since Eirjan’s earlier romps were more than enough to keep him nice and loose. But despite how well-used that hole may have been, the plug still slipped in with a wet pop, and left the zebra shuddering in pleasure as the canine-like tail protruded out a few feet from his backside. And much to Sandbar’s surprise, the long plastic tail was still able to hang off the ground with ease due to how securely Eirjan was plugged-up.  However, as soon as the zebra got his tail slipped in, Marzo smirked devilishly as he glanced back at the waiting couple. “Well, Gallus?” he asked the gryphon as he motioned towards the yellow tail-plug still on the bed. “You gonna get him ready too?~” Gallus took a second to look back at his coltfriend, who was able to meekly nod his head while staying silent beneath his hood. The gryphon took that response with a smile and a nod of his own, before he went and picked up the long tail with his claw. Marzo was courteous to toss a bottle of lubricant over to Gallus, which he caught with his free claw rather easily. And while Gallus went to apply a generous amount of lube to the bulb of that plug, Sandbar took a shaky breath before he closed his eyes, and turned around to make the same presented stance that Eirjan had.  Fortunately for Sandbar, Eirjan was quick to come up beside him while he was bent over, and nuzzle the yellow-hooded pup to comfort him. Even though the gesture was nice enough to make the stallion smile under his mask, he was still blushing in embarrassment while keeping his exposed tailhole raised up high for everyone to see. Even before Gallus could start, the zebras could tell that Sandbar would be a lot tighter due to how supple and pink that equine pucker looked. Fortunately though, it seemed that Gallus understood that as well, and went up to the pup with a more cautious technique than Marzo. “Alright, buddy,” he said with a lighthearted smile across his beak. “You ready for your tail?~” After breathing out calmly, Sandbar kept his eyes closed while nodding in his present position. Gallus took that response with an eager grin of his own, and bent in to gently press the tip of Sandbar’s plug against that tailhole. Much like Eirjan, the stallion-pup gasped sharply when that thick bulb prodded against his opening. But unlike the affectionate zebra, Sandbar continued to make strained-sounding grunts as the gryphon carefully pushed that plug harder against him. By the time the pony’s hole began to open up and wrap around the tip, Sandbar’s eyes clenched tightly shut as he let out a sharp groan from the building pressure.  “Just remember the safe word,” Gallus reminded his pup insistently, while still trying to push the tail-plug through that tight pucker. Even though Sandbar was looking overwhelmed by that bout of painful pressure, he refrained from saying “Kitty” just yet. Instead, the pony’s hooves clenched in tightly within his paw-pads as he let out a hoarser moan though his mask, and he shuddered from the tantalizing sensation of his hole opening up even more. Just as he felt like he couldn’t take much more, a very elated groan bellowed out of his muzzle the moment Gallus was able to slip the thickest part of the plug inside; and after that, Sandbar’s hind-legs buckled a little as he made a whimpering moan, and he felt that immense fullness from the plug securely nestled inside of him.  “Oh, damn~” Gallus took a couple steps back after helping his coltfriend get prepped, and gave an impressed smirk upon seeing the tail in action. Just like Eirjan’s plug, the yellow tail that protruded from Sandbar went out a few feet while remaining rigidly off the ground. The gryphon could only imagine how that thick plug must’ve felt inside of Sandbar, especially when the pony was shuddering through the heavy breaths through his pup-hood. And as that sturdy plug stayed in place inside of his tailhole, Sandbar could already feel himself becoming erect again while that bulb of plastic tugged with just enough pressure to leave him thoroughly aroused. “Ruff, ruff!” barked Eirjan through the unzipped opening of his hood, and bounced up and down a couple times to get his friend riled-up. When Sandbar glanced back at him through his heavy blush, his eyes widened when he saw the zebra wiggling his rump, which caused his tail-plug to swing from side to side. Sandbar shivered immensely when he saw what Eirjan was doing, mostly since he could tell that plug was likely stimulating him very well with such a technique. The zebra-pup looked back at Sandbar cheerfully, and gave a brief motion of his head for the pony to do the same. Sandbar seemed a little nervous, but he huffed through his mask before widening his stance a little, and tried to sway his hips back and forth like Eirjan had. “Mnnnghhh!!~” The stallion trembled with a sharp burst of arousal as that plug moved about inside of him, and his tail bobbed behind him from the added leverage. The stimulation made Sandbar grow even more erect, which couldn’t be concealed with the harness like his tail or cutie marks were. Of course, considering how Eirjan was also rock-hard with his pierced cock swinging freely between his legs, it was doubtful that Sandbar would be too worried about being seen with the same predicament outside the cabin. But by the time he managed to stop swinging his tail, Sandbar needed a moment to stop shivering from how much that tail-plug got to him.  “Well, if everyone’s ready…” Marzo took a hold of his pup’s leash, which prompted Gallus to do the same with Sandbar’s. The stallion-pup made a brief glance back towards the open doorway to the bathroom, and his forelegs fidgeted a bit as he contemplated asking to use the restroom. However, given where they were planning to go (not to mention, which specific color he chose to wear for it), Sandbar eventually breathed out and decided against a quick bathroom break. He may have been worried what might happen during the show, but it wasn’t like he wasn’t prepared for any embarrassment while wearing the same pup-gear as the slutty zebra beside him. After finally opening the door to their cabin, Marzo was the first to step out with Eirjan in tow. Even though he was in full view of everypony, the zebra-pup didn’t look the least-bit ashamed or embarrassed about wearing his kinky attire. Because of that, Sandbar prepared himself with a deep breath as he heard Marzo say, “Let’s get going, guys! The puppy show is happening just a couple floors down~” With that, Sandbar tried not to look too timid as he followed his boyfriend, who was able to walk out of the cabin with a surprisingly confident smirk. Of course, considering how he wasn’t the one wearing the yellow pup-hood, the gryphon’s confidence was likely due to being the handler instead of the pup. But alas, even with how hotly he could feel himself blushing beneath his mask, Sandbar was able to step out into the hallway before Marzo locked the door behind them. Fortunately for the stallion, there didn’t seem to be too many others out on the deck to see him and Eirjan like this just yet.  After clenching his end of the leash between his teeth, Marzo strutted forward with a prideful smile as he lead the way, and pulled Eirjan behind without much resistance. Gallus did the same while holding the leash in his claw, which he had to tug a couple times to break Sandbar from his frozen state of trepidation. Even though his face and cutie marks were covered up for this experience, Sandbar knew that most ponies would know it’s him due to his handler being shamelessly himself. But when he finally started to walk behind the smirking gryphon, Gallus made sure to look back at him and say assuredly, “Don’t worry, dude. I promise you’ll be alright~” After everything the two had been through since becoming friends at the School of Friendship, Sandbar couldn’t help smiling underneath his mask before nodding back at him. He still looked a little worried with his head hung lower than Eirjan’s, but he was able to keep up the pace as both couples made their way down the hallway. As soon as they rounded the first corner towards an elevator, the four could hear a lot of rowdy shouts and laughter from multiple parts of the ship. On any other night, the younger couple would’ve tried to look around the ship to see all that was happening; but since they had their own plans with Marzo and Eirjan, the two could only walk alongside them while trying to catch glimpses of the cruise’s other activities. The four walked past an open section of the deck, where about half a dozen guys were seated around a circular couch and sharing hits from a massive-looking bong; even though Sandbar looked intrigued, he wasn’t able to stop and participate while being pulled by his handler’s leash. Several of the stallions took notice of the group, and shouted out some cheerful hollers while giggling lightheartedly. The laughter almost freaked out Sandbar at first, but the fact that they were probably stoned helped him to adjust to his appearance. Unfortunately, only a couple seconds after leaving the potheads’ lines of sight, Sandbar and Gallus both jolted up when they heard several loud bangs just above their heads.  “Don’t worry,” said Marzo as he took the leash out of his mouth and looked back at the younger couple. “Those sounds are just balloons popping on one of the upper-floors. I think they placed a notice about that in the scheduling so nopony freaks out.” Both of their eyes widened in realization, remembering that there was a weird warning about triggering noises that may come from an ‘Inflation Enthusiasts’ club. Neither of them had any idea what may have been going up there (or what the heck all the popping balloons were doing for the ponies enjoying it), but the zebras’ nonchalant response helped them to continue walking without much added thought.  The group also walked past a gaggle of highly-overdressed drag-queens, who were giggling amongst themselves while trotting carefully in their massive high-heels. A couple of the crossdressing stallions stopped to marvel at the two pups, and caused them to blush profusely when they went in to pet them. Eirjan nuzzled against one of the drag queen’s painted hooves, while Sandbar struggled not to whimper worriedly from the other’s affectionate coos. Gallus and Marzo stood side-by-side like a couple of prideful parents, smiling cheekily while their pets were being ogled out in the open. When one of the drag queens bent in to kiss Sandbar on the cheek, everyone laughed upon seeing the visible imprint of red lipstick against his yellow hood. Fortunately for the stallion himself, he was able to smile meekly after that kind gesture, and nodded thankfully up to the group before they parted ways.  “Nnnnghhhh…” The longer Sandbar walked in his canine-esque attire to be a magnet for curious stares, the more notable it felt every time his tail-plug swung about alongside his steps. It may have not been nearly as intense as what he did in the cabin, but the pony still shuddered in arousal when he felt that plug moving about inside of him. His erect cock kept smacking against the underside of his barrel, which only added to his lewd appearance that was gartering so many second-glances from passing cruise-goers. But much like Eirjan, who was able to trot without a care in the world while hard as a rock, Sandbar tried his hardest to embrace the attention they were receiving by the time they got into an open elevator. Surprisingly enough, the elevator itself was empty when the four entered, despite how large it was overall. Because of that, the mood felt slightly awkward as they rode down the elevator in silence, with only the soft muzak playing through the speakers to break the tension. As they traversed downward, the rumbling of techno music and boisterous shouting grew louder the closer they reached their destination. Of course, even with how confidently Gallus tried to look as Sandbar’s handler, both of their eyes grew as wide as dinner plates when the final bell dinged, and the elevator doors opened to reveal the Puppy Show.  The music was now thumping at full-blast, with the floor below their hooves vibrating from the heavy bass erupting from the speakers. Out among the open deck of that level of the ship, dozens of guys were partying hard with either hard drinks in their hooves, or the leashes of their pups who were crawling across the floor. Much like Eirjan and Sandbar, many of the other pup-hoods within sight were boasting bright colors of all different kinds. Sandbar gawked when he saw a burly black stallion in some heavy pink pup-gear, while a petite ginger pony was holding his leash and leading him across the dance floor. Two other ponies in blue and green hoods were nuzzling one-another with their muzzles close to each other’s rears, sniffing each other while their handlers chuckled in delight. Gallus blinked a couple times while staring out at all the kinky handlers and pups, and felt more than a little overwhelmed as he kept a tight grip on his coltfriend’s leash.  “This,” proclaimed Marzo as he stepped out of the elevator first, and pulled Eirjan alongside him with an excited grin, “is the Puppy Show!~” A few of the party-goers took notice of the new faces, and cheered elatedly with welcoming smiles. A couple of handlers came up to greet and hug Marzo, clearly knowing him and Eirjan from previous cruises or events. Meanwhile, a muscular pegasus wearing purple pup-gear went up to sniff at Eirjan’s rump, which prompted the zebra to wiggle his tail and moan from the plug inside of him. Another stallion wearing a black mask joined in with the nuzzling, much to Eirjan’s approval as he rubbed up against both of them lovingly.  Gallus looked back at Sandbar for a second while they remained in the elevator, with both of them looking apprehensive about being there. However, Sandbar was the first to respond after he took a deep breath, and stepped out ahead of his handler to exit the elevator. The gryphon quickly followed before the doors could shut, and he tried his hardest to remain confident while standing amongst so many kinky ponies and pets alike. “Oh man,” he muttered under his breath, needing a second to recompose himself through the thumping music. “This is definitely not something to write about in those Friendship Reports…” Sandbar giggled after overhearing that remark, and gave the gryphon’s cheek a light peck with the tip of his hood. He then motioned for Gallus to follow as he trotted out into the crowds, most likely to try and overcome his hesitance head-first. Luckily for the yellow-laden pup, Eirjan came up to pull him in, and brought him towards some of the other pups for better “socializing.” Meanwhile, Gallus had to test the reach of his leash as he stretched out towards a passing waiter, and took a jello shot that was resting on the tray in his hoof.  “Nnnnnnnghh~” Eirjan motioned Sandbar towards the pup wearing purple, and tried to give a coaxing grin through his thick hood. The younger stallion may have been nervous, but he nodded his head in understanding before trotting up to the other pup. The stallion instantly brought his head towards Sandbar’s backside, and bent in to give a good sniff around that thick plug he was sporting. Sandbar shuddered with a nervous blush, but was able to see Eirjan motioning for him to reciprocate that gesture. Because of that, Sandbar meekly reached his muzzle back to that pegasus’ rump, where he saw that he was wearing the same kind of tail-plug around his hole; the pony bent in to give a couple light sniffs, which caused his cheeks to blush heavily after hearing a few of the handlers giggling in response.  “Ooh, nicely done!~” chirped Marzo proudly, who came up beside Gallus to nudge him from the side. “Hey, whad’ya know? He just got here, and he’s already making new friends~” Gallus may have been blushing hard, but he gave the zebra a thankful smile as he nodded his head. Luckily for the gryphon, that first jello shot he took went down surprisingly well, and he felt Marzo patting him on the back like a mentor assisting his protègè. Despite how strange the experience may have felt at first-hoof, Gallus was able to smile more naturally while seeing Sandbar getting comfortable with the other pups. He was even able to nuzzle up to a couple of the other pups aside from Eirjan, even though he had no idea who they were outside their bondage. But just like the red-hooded zebra, the more experienced pups were more than welcoming to their newest buddy as they rubbed up against him too.  “So, uhhhh…” Even though Gallus was happy to see Sandbar getting so accustomed to pup-play culture, he looked back at Marzo with a raised brow and asked, “Are we gonna, like… do anything aside from holding their leashes?” Marzo, as well as a couple of the other handlers who overheard Gallus’ question, snickered devilishly while narrowing his eyes on the gryphon. “Dude,” said the zebra with a confident tilt of his head, “believe me, what we were doing back in the cabin will be tame compared to what happens in the actual show~” Given how lewd things got back in that private room, Gallus’ blush intensified greatly from the idea of getting that sultry out in the open. He may have been a newcomer in such a unique group, but Gallus could tell from looking around that things were likely to get raunchy sooner than later. Just like Eirjan and Sandbar, many of the other pups were seen walking around with full erections that were completely uncovered. Even a few of the handlers were cocky enough to sport their equipment as well, most likely in anticipation for what they had planned for their hooded partners. And as the gryphon scanned the entirety of the deck to realize how large the venue actually was, his eyes were eventually drawn towards the large stage that was at the very back of the deck before the whole audience.  A thin, slender unicorn stallion with a baby blue coat trotted out across the stage, and was barely noticed by most of the handlers or pups enjoying themselves on the dancefloor. However, the moment he gave the microphone stand a couple of teasing taps with his hoof, the thumping that went through the speakers caught a lot of the attendees’ attention. The DJ at the corner of the deck turned down the music, and a couple of stage lights turned on to better illuminate the pony on stage. And despite how ungodly weird the audience may have looked to most normal ponies, the presenter smiled warmly as he raised a hoof and began to speak. “Gentlecolts! Handlers and Pups alike! I’d like to welcome you all to the fifth annual, ‘Puppy Cruise Extravaganza!~’” The deck erupted with rowdy cheers from the handlers, and a plethora of barks and howls from many of the hooded pups. Eirjan gave an especially boisterous howl with his muzzle up high, which helped Sandbar feel comfortable enough to try the same. While the applause was still going on, Sandbar was able to give a loud “Awoooooo!~” through his nervous blush. Eirjan hugged him from the side in support after their howls, and smiled together as they kept their attention towards the stage.  “Now before we begin the proceedings,” he continued while pulling the mic from its stand with his magic, and walking across the stage to speak more freely. “I just want to thank all of you for making this year’s event one of the highest-attended yet! I know that we’re all a bit of a close-knit group compared to others, but it’s always great to see new pups and handlers each year. So let’s have a round for all the newbies brave enough to come out tonight!” Another strong round of applause swept across the deck, with Gallus trying not to blush from Marzo clapping and pointing at him. Sandbar felt a little overwhelmed from the attention as well, but Eirjan was quick to nestle close to him before the applause settled down.  “So with that being said,” continued the stallion on stage as his grin grew especially wide, “let’s see if we can start tonight’s events with a bang! And the more literal, the better~” A good number of the attendees laughed knowingly to that statement, and the mood was starting to grow more evident as rowdy barks littered across the room. A few of the pups were already standing close to their handlers, eager to get things started while the night was young. Eirjan wrapped a foreleg around Sandbar’s back, and leaned in to whisper something into his ear. Marzo and Gallus couldn’t tell what was being said in the distance, but they were able to see Sandbar’s blush grow profusely red through his mask. But even as the stallion looked back at Eirjan wide-eyed, and the zebra shot a cheeky smirk back at Sandbar, only a second or two passed before the pony gave a faint nod of his head. Eirjan then hugged him strongly, and helped walk him back towards their respective handlers; while Gallus grew a confused stare on his sheepish pup, Eirjan whispered his plans into Marzo’s ear too. The announcer on stage pointed out to the audience of increasingly antsy ponies and asked, “Who wants to show their stuff on stage first? I know that there are a few doggies just begging to have some fun~” Many hooves came up as handlers and pups alike tried to clamor for the announcer’s attention. Some of the pups even crawled up towards the front of the stage to try begging like dogs, whimpering and all. However, it was Marzo who raised up his hoof with the utmost confidence, and shouted out “I HAVE TWO PUPS WANTING TO SHARE THE STAGE!!~” That statement was heard by enough of the attendees to elicit a strong round of applause, even though Gallus was gawking at Marzo and Eirjan wide-eyed. However, even with how abruptly that inclusion felt for the gryphon, it was hard for him to say anything in opposition while everypony was cheering them on. Not to mention, Sandbar was quick to nuzzle against his boyfriend’s side, emphasizing that he wasn’t against going through with it. So after looking around the rowdy room for a moment, Gallus sighed before giving a weak smile in defeat. “Well… here goes nothing, I guess~” “Did I hear somepony say they had two puppies wanting to play?~” asked the announcer as he narrowed his eyes with intrigue. After taking a step back, the stallion motioned his hoof back to the stage and shouted, “Well, bring them up already! Because I want to see some tails WAGGING!~” Marzo took charge as he lead the way for him and Gallus through the cheering crowd. Sandbar and Eirjan followed their handlers by their leashes, with the former wincing worriedly when a spotlight shone brightly on both of them. Eirjan didn’t seem to mind the extra attention, and gave a couple eager barks while trotting past his fellow canine buddies. Meanwhile, Gallus made sure to stay close beside his pup for added support, and helped ease Sandbar’s apprehensions as they followed the zebras to the stage.  “Alright, here are our first eager pups of the night!~” As the presenter stepped back for the two couples getting on stage, they received a generous round of applause from the handlers and pups down below. The unicorn shook Marzo’s hoof first while holding the mic in his magic, and helped to introduce both of the handlers. “Ah, it’s always a pleasure to see you again, Marzo! And I see you brought some friends as well?~” “Indeed I have!” he said happily into the mic, before he pulled Gallus in close beside him with his free hoof. “This here is Gallus, and he and his boyfriend came alllllllll the way from Ponyville to have some fun!~” Due to the zebra’s exuberance, the young couple tried not to squirm in embarrassment while the audience cheered them on. Fortunately, Gallus didn’t need too long to compose himself after swallowing some excess saliva, and was able to lean in and speak into the microphone next. “Ummm… H-Hey, guys!” he said with a slightly nervous stutter, but was still smiling through his blush. “I, uhhh… I guess some of you guys have already seen us earlier today, huh?” That question brought a strong bout of laughter, with many of the attendees nodding their heads due to the context. Even though this wasn’t the first time Gallus and Sandbar have tried something this openly sexual in public that day, they still looked fairly nervous when the spotlights were literally on them. Sandbar turned his head away bashfully, and squirmed a bit as he tried to clench his hind-legs shut. Gallus didn’t seem to notice that brief sign of distress from his coltfriend, but both of the zebras did as they smirked at each other knowingly; after all, considering how that yellow pup-hood was originally Eirjan’s, it seemed that the two already knew what was to come~ “Well, since your puppy is wearing the cutie mark covers,” said the announcer as he motioned to the sheets covering Sandbar’s flanks, “I won’t ask for your pup’s name if you don’t feel comfortable. However…” The unicorn grew an enticed grin as he floated the mic back towards Marzo and Eirjan, and said, “I know that you have quite the reputation in these shows, cutie~” As the attention was brought solely on Eirjan, the zebra gave an exaggeratedly timid pose while soaking in the applause under his spotlight. Marzo nuzzled him lovingly with a prideful smile, which caused a lot of the attendees to make enamored “Dawwws” from the sweet gesture. But since the mood across the deck was still riled-up in eagerness, the host on stage let them finish nuzzling before saying, “Well, how about we get things started, and you show your friends how we get things done!~” “WOOOOOOOOO!!!~” Gallus and Sandbar may have known that the couple were popular in this group of kinky ponies, but the uproar of applause for Eirjan and Marzo was still impressive to say the least. Luckily for the event’s newest participants, the zebras were more than willing to start the fun and let their friends observe. So as Gallus stepped back with his pup in tow, Eirjan took his place at the front of the stage and took a deep breath.  “Have fun, you two~” cooed the host, who quickly hopped off the stage to let his attendees have their fun. Marzo, whose chest was puffed out like a cocky rooster while holding Eirjan’s leash, gave a teasing tug to his pup’s collar to catch his attention. When Eirjan looked back at him, the handler grinned while giving a spinning motion with his hoof. The pup immediately nodded in understanding, and turned himself around so his plugged-up ass was pointing right at the cheering audience. Meanwhile, Marzo gave a motion back to the announcer off-stage, who floated over a large bottle of lubricant towards him with his magic.  Gallus tilted his head with a confused look, unsure what the more experienced couple were planning. However, Sandbar’s eyes grew very wide when he realized what was going to happen first. After all, Marzo did explain what the different colors represented back in the cabin. And considering that Sandbar picked his own colors for a certain reason, he was sure that Eirjan was planning something very similar. “First of all,” said Marzo as he reached around to grasp the base of Eirjan’s tail-plug, “Let’s get this out of the way~” The zebra grinned wide as he began to teasingly pull at his pet’s tail, causing Eirjan to yelp with a hungry moan from that plug stirring inside of him. His hind-legs buckled as he struggled to stay bent over, and his cock could be seen spasming between them with every throb it made. Marzo swirled the tail around to really titillate his pup, making sure that the silicone bulb was rubbing up against every sensitive inch it could reach. The crowd was hooting and cheering Marzo on, which only made the zebra more confident was he played with that plug and made his puppy squirm. All the while, Gallus and Sandbar tried not to look too stunned as they watched the display up-close beside them. “Nnnnghhh!!~” Eirjan moaned out through his hood the moment that plug was finally pulled out with an audible pop, and his well-bred hole was left exposed to glisten under the stage lights. The audience of handlers and pups cheered on from that popping, sounding especially riled up when they saw a small trickle of Gallus’ cum already starting to seep out. But while his backside was being shown off so prominently like a piece of meat, Eirjan remained in his stance with his chin resting against the floor, and his eyes closed blissfully shut in wait. Meanwhile, his handler was already getting ready as he uncapped the bottle of lube, and poured a very large amount of the clear gel on his hoof. Sandbar shivered a little in his pup-gear, already knowing what the zebra was planning. But before Gallus could notice and ask what was wrong, his eyes widened when he saw Marzo slathering that lube all over his foreleg. The crowd’s cheerful shouts grew randier as he smirked at them during the application, until the entirety of his tatted fur was matted and glistening from hoof to elbow. The zebra then turned his attention back to Eirjan, who was looking up at him with a needy moan while wiggling his rump invitingly.  “Ooh, you’re eager, huh?~” jeered Marzo while holding his lubed foreleg up for everyone to see. Eirjan immediately nodded his head, and his tail was trying to burst out of its pocket in the harness to wave excitedly. But before his horny pleas could be sated, Marzo looked out to the audience and shouted, “You guys ready to see my puppy’s favorite trick?!~” “YEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!!!~” Even though Gallus and Sandbar were basically doing nothing on the stage alongside their friends, neither of them could think to do anything while gawking at the sight before them. Marzo grinned lustfully as he trotted back to his pet, and placed his unlubed hoof atop the small of Eirjan’s back. The zebra-pup moaned out from his handler’s strong grip, and reeled his head up to give a randy howl. Marzo then went in with his other hoof, and prodded the glazed end against his puppy’s puckering hole. Eirjan’s groans became louder as he clenched his eyes shut, and began to push himself back against Marzo’s hoof strongly. And before the younger couple could even process how things could go, the crowd was going absolutely wild as they pumped their hooves and chanted in approval.  “Get it in! Get it in! Get it in! Get it in!~” “Ummmmmmghhh!!~” Eirjan’s moans became even more strained the harder he pushed against Marzo’s hoof, and the handler could be heard groaning himself above him. The muscle veins in Marzo’s foreleg could be seen bulging due to the added glaze of all that lubricant, emphasizing just how hard he was pushing against his puppy’s needy hole. Considering how thick the zebra’s hoof was, Sandbar and Gallus both clenched their hind-legs while wincing from how painfully that might’ve felt for their friend. However, despite how intimidating the couple’s hoofing may have looked, the audience’s cheering grew louder as the edge of Marzo’s keratin began to slip through.  The younger couple looked shocked when they saw Eirjan’s hole beginning to open up, much to the delight of the other attendees and their host. The thick sides to Marzo’s hoof could be seen cramming their way through the zebra’s widening hole, with the sensitive flesh slowly wrapping around the girth of his entire hoof. Sandbar literally gasped with a hoof over his hood’s muzzle, and appeared to be much more grateful he didn’t ask to wear the red attire for this show. But even with how intensely Eirjan’s hoarse cries were belting out from his mask, his cock could be seen dripping a copious amount of pre to leave a small puddle on the floor. Not to mention, none of the attendees in the crowd seemed too worried by the time Marzo let out a heavy groan, and managed to get the last of his hoof’s tip inside of that slutty zebra ass.  “MMMMMMPHHH!!~” Eirjan’s entire body quivered as he moaned out in elation, obviously loving the intense stretching his handler was willing to provide him on stage. With the spotlights illuminating him so well, even the ponies in the back of the audience were able to see how tightly his hole was clenching around Marzo’s thick hoof. However, despite how impressive such a feat may have been to the younger couple, it was clear that the zebra’s weren’t done yet. And after only a moment to let Eirjan catch his breath, he gave Marzo the nod before his handler smirked devilishly, and started to push his foreleg even harder against him.  The crowd was cheering the two on as Marzo pushed his hoof deeper inside of his slutty pup, and made Eirjan squirm like crazy with every strenuous inch. The fetlocks of Marzo’s hoof soon disappeared inside of the pet, as did his wrist in a slow and studious progression. But as the applause grew rowdier, so did the length that Marzo was able to shove his foreleg inside of the wailing pup who was shuddering from such an immense fullness. Before too long, the volume displacement of his hoofing was becoming prevalent, as hefty trickles of the loads Eirjan took earlier started to squirt out around Marzo’s hoof. Meanwhile, Sandbar and Gallus started to hear ponies in the crowd shouting things to goad the zebras even more: “YEAH! Make that puppy squirt, Marzo!~” “BARK! BARK!” “Get it to the elbow, buddy!” “Mnnngh, I wanna get my hoof in there too~” “Keep going, doggy! You’re being a VERY good boy!~” “No, he’s being pretty naughty to me~” “RUFF RUFF RUFF!!~” “OOH!~ Look guys, he’s peeing!!~” Much to the other couple’s surprise, that last comment wasn’t an exaggeration. Eirjan moaned out weakly as his hind-legs trembled, and his erect cock spasmed while dribbling out a meager stream of piss. The horny crowd got even wilder as they applauded the zebra’s impromptu “trick,” even though it was probably just because of Marzo pressing his hoof up against the pup’s bladder. Nevertheless, Eirjan didn’t seem too embarrassed while wetting himself on the stage, and only shivered with a lingering groan through his mask. Meanwhile, Sandbar was blushing really heavily as he stared down at the puddle of piss and cum between Eirjan’s legs, unsure how he was meant to top such an intense act as their opener.  Gallus was staring between the two pups while Marzo’s hoofing continued, and he started to pull his foreleg back to better fuck the puppy with his hoof. While Eirjan was left moaning direly over the sounds of the cheering crowd, Gallus took a moment to whisper into Sandbar’s ear. The two started to blush as they conversed silently, with nobody else able to overhear what was being said. Gallus ended up looking back at Eirjan a couple times, with each instance being followed by him staring at Sandbar with a wide-eyed look of surprise. Meanwhile, Sandbar tried his hardest not to let his breach of character be seen as he tried to whisper faintly, but also keeping an insistent stare back at his handler. Fortunately for the two, it seemed that they were able to finish their talk before any of the focus could return to them from the others.  By the time Marzo’s trick was reaching its climax, he was groaning through gritted teeth while slipping his foreleg in and out of Eirjan with especially long thrusts. Eirjan was absolutely loving the intensity of his handler’s brutal hoofing, and was mewing like a bitch in heat each time his insides were filled past their limits. His cock continued to twitch and throb while remaining untouched, and the last of his piss was dripping from the head to join the large puddle under his hooves. But just as he felt himself about to reach his peak, Eirjan yelped out in euphoria when Marzo burrowed his hoof deep inside, and managed to get within reach of his prostate.  “Aaaaannnnnd SHOOT!!~” ordered Marzo, who was grinning wide while rubbing his hoof against the fleshy bulb he could feel within Eirjan’s cum-drenched bowels. The zebra shrieked with his hood pointed straight up in the air, and his entire body tensed up from the massive titillation his handler was giving him. And less than a second after his prostate was rubbed at by Marzo’s hoof, the pup howled out like a werewolf as he achieved his second untouched orgasm in the past hour. His pierced cock twitched about wildly while unloading an impressive volley of cum, which dribbled out with an even heavier volume and intensity than the first time. Gallus looked shocked to see the zebra able to produce that much cum so soon since the cabin, but Sandbar’s eyes narrowed on Eirjan’s cock as he noticed one of the piercings glowing a little. The piercing with a white gem embedded in the shaft was flickering brightly like the North Star, and helped to make Eirjan’s balls churn out several thick, heavy ropes of cum to join the piss puddle underneath him.  “Nnnnghhhh~” With a hard grunt through his clenched muzzle, Marzo quickly slipped his foreleg out of his pet after the trick was done. Eirjan couldn’t even stand upright after his hole was given such a strenuous stretching, and left gaping massively for everyone to see. The zebra remained bent-over with his overused ass hanging in the air, and the cum-drenched inside of his ass was glistening unobstructed underneath the spotlight. But while Eirjan was left moaning shakily and drooling through his mask, Marzo looked out towards the crowd and shouted, “And THAT’S how you milk a puppy~” The crowd went wild, and they roared in applause following such a lewd opening act. The announcer was clapping alongside everypony else, but refrained from stepping back onto the stage while the other couple were still present alongside the zebras. Meanwhile, Gallus and Sandbar clapped alongside everyone else, with neither of them able to say anything while giving impressed nods to their friends. Even though they knew that hoofing was several steps beyond either of their limits, they couldn’t deny that it would be a hell of an act to follow. However, when Marzo finally looked back at his friends with an intrigued grin, he was happy to see that both of them looked confident side-by-side. Gallus looked back at his pet while holding the yellow leash, and Sandbar nodded silently back at his handler while smirking underneath his hood. There may have been a hint of nervousness in the stallion’s eyes, but it wasn’t enough to keep him from huffing in confirmation through his hood. The unicorn hosting the event used his magic to lift Eirjan off the ground, and the dripping pup was floated aside so the second couple could have the floor. Marzo stepped back as well, and motioned to the newbies as Gallus pulled Sandbar’s leash towards the front of the stage. The two made sure not to step on Eirjan’s leftover puddle, but smiled out to the crowd as the attention was focused on them. “Alright, Gallus!” shouted the announcer through his mic from the side of the stage. “What trick is your pup gonna do for us tonight?~” The gryphon looked back at his pup with a curious smirk, which prompted Sandbar to take one final breath before nodding his head. Sandbar tried not to look so nervous on the outside, but his hooves were struggling not to quiver in his plastic paws while the crowd was cheering him on. Marzo and Eirjan watched from the sidelines, with the latter looking especially intrigued by the stallion’s plans. The zebras may have been left in the dark about Sandbar’s “talent,” but Gallus caught them by surprise when he addressed the crowd and motioned a claw towards his pet.  “Gentlecolts!” shouted Gallus with a devilish smile beneath his heavy blush, and kept a strong grip on Sandbar’s leash. “Even though I would love to show you my puppy’s trick, I’m afraid that he needs to do a little… cleanup first~” Since Sandbar was wearing the yellow pup-gear, most of the crowd already knew exactly what the gryphon meant by that comment. And while they all cheered in horny approval, Marzo and Eirjan looked back at each other with widened eyes. They then gawked back at the couple, and could only watch as Gallus pulled his coltfriend towards the puddle Eirjan left them. Sandbar’s steps were shaky with apprehension, but he followed his handler while the audience of rowdy ponies applauded them in anticipation.  Gallus waited until Sandbar was standing right before the puddle, and pointed down at it with a talon while staring at him firmly. The pony shuddered worriedly underneath his hood, but his cock was throbbing hard while standing erect for everypony to see. After closing his eyes to better compose himself, Sandbar lowered his head while the zipper on his hood was fully open. And when the snout of his hood was mere inches from the puddle of zebra cum and piss, Sandbar’s tongue could be seen peeking through the opening of his mask before dragging across the puddle.  “YEEEAAAAAHHHHHH!!!~” The crowd cheered and clapped as the second pup started to lick up the remnants from the first, which helped to cover up the strained groans coming out of Sandbar’s open mouth. The pony’s eyes were clenched shut, and he tried his hardest not to wince from tasting the bitter and salty flavors of Eirjan’s piss on his taste buds. But as his cock remained standing rigidly between his quivering legs, it soon became clear that his trick wasn’t anything too overwhelming for his first show. In fact, after the first few laps of his tongue against that glistening puddle on the stage floor, Sandbar shivered in elation before he bent in even lower, and pressed his lips to the floor to begin sucking it down.  “Thaaaaaaaat’s right~” purred Gallus as he tried to emulate Marzo’s confident behavior earlier, and grinned dominantly over his piss-sucking pup. Sandbar quivered a little while hearing the audience goading him on, which made him breathe in through his nostrils and catch a hard dose or Eirjan’s intoxicating musk. His throat could be seen convulsing just beneath his mask, with the teal fur rippling out each time he swallowed mouthfulls of the zebra piss back to back. And while Sandbar grew more enamored with his lewd behavior, Gallus made sure to keep him in place as he held him down by the back on his head. “Get in there, pup!” growled Gallus as his grin widened across his beak. “Mnnnghhh… Yeah, lick it allllllll up~” Sandbar did exactly that, and began to grow more lustrous with his display before the cheering crowd. Since the mask belonged to the same zebra as that puddle of piss, Sandbar didn’t feel too conflicted as he dragged his hooded face across the puddle to slather himself in it. His mouth-hole opened up even wider as he moaned out weakly, and his tongue was lolling out to make more exaggerated laps from the puddle. Slowly but surely, the puddle began to dissipate the longer Sandbar indulged in such a dirty kink, and swallowed up larger mouthfulls of piss and cum left behind by his friend. The display would’ve been seen as being absolutely disgusting by many of his friends back home; but as he stood on that stage in such a kinky and open-minded venue, Sandbar couldn’t have cared less as he let his aroused mindset take control.  The piss soaked pup’s hips were thrusting involuntarily, and his hind-legs were starting to quiver the longer he stood before everyone on stage. As he continued his kinky talent, Sandbar closed his eyes and tried to clear his head when he felt the pressure in his bladder building up. He was already planning to make use of his own relievement before he came onto this stage, but he still needed a moment to get into the right mindset to actually do it. After all, most guys tend to get pee-shy when they’re beside another guy at a urinal, so to do it in front of a whole crowd was a whole different can of worms to deal with. But with the assurance of where he was at, as well as the strangely comforting cheers and barks he could hear from the attendees watching him acting like such a piss-hungry slut, Sandbar needed less than a minute of preparation before the floodgates were able to open up: Psssssssssssshhhhhhhh… Gallus grinned eagerly while holding his boyfriend’s head down in that puddle of piss, and watched as Sandbar began to wet himself. The stallion squatted the tiniest bit while he urinated, which made him look even more lewd while continuing to lick up Eirjan’s secretions between hungry moans. The crowd went ecstatic the moment Sandbar started to piss, and they all began to pump their hooves and chant excitedly over the sound of piss trickling across the stage floor. Even the announcer was joining in while everybody cheered Sandbar on and shouted, “GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO!~” “Nnnnnghhh…” Sandbar shivered from how overwhelmed he felt during his display, and let out a whimpering moan while the taste of piss and cum was plastering the inside of his mouth. His borrowed hood was covered in Eirjan’s piss and cum, and trickles of his own drool was starting to seep from the opening as he moaned between the laps he continued to give to the nearly clean ground he was licking. By the time Sandbar was finally done relieving himself, he left a puddle that was actually larger than Eirjan’s on the ground between his hooves. And by that point, the zebra’s remnants were almost completely gone when Sandbar finally lifted his muzzle away from the stage floor with a low and shaky moan. However, even though Gallus was gracious enough to let go of his pup’s head, the handler wasn’t finished just yet. After standing up on his hind-paws bipedally, Gallus grabbed hold of Sandbar’s leash to pull his head into his erect cock. “Open up, puppy~” he said with a lustrous grin, his brows perking up to emphasize his intentions down to his coltfriend. Even though Sandbar was blushing hard in realization, he was quick to open his muzzle wide with his tongue sticking out, much to the crowd’s exuberant applause. And with their zebra friends cheering them on from the side of the stage, Gallus closed his eyes to focus on himself. Fortunately for the young couple, the gryphon proved to be just as comfortable with relaxing his bladder as the piss-hungry pup, who was waiting with the tip of Gallus’ cock pointed right at his mask’s opening. “Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh~” Gallus leaned his head back with a satisfied sigh as he began to piss right into Sandbar’s open mouth. The pony moaned out deeply the moment he tasted the fresh, warm piss of his boyfriend’s hitting his tongue, and trickling down his thirsty throat. The audience all cheered them on as Gallus relieved himself, and kept a tight grip on that leash to ensure Sandbar couldn’t veer back from his crotch. But considering how much the pup’s eyes were rolling back blissfully through his mask, it was doubtful Sandbar would want to pull back as he let the gryphon’s piss fill his mouth. The sound of liquid hitting liquid grew more audible as the pup let his muzzle get filled to the brim, until he had to tilt his muzzle high enough so the piss got up to the rim of his lips.  Sandbar’s eyes then clenched shut as he closed his mouth, and small rivulets of urine went down the sides of his chin as he swallowed wholeheartedly. GLK!~ “WOOOOOOOO!!!~” Despite how wild the crowd got over Eirjan’s hoofing, it was clear that the zebra’s friends were able to keep the momentum going. By the time Sandbar was able to breathe with his empty muzzle unobstructed, he and Gallus were met with the overzealous cheering and applause of all those handlers and pups before them. It may have been their first time ever doing pup-play, but the couple still smiled pridefully after giving a display hot enough to get the experienced crowd so riled-up. And after nuzzling Gallus lovingly with his piss-soaked mask, Sandbar turned himself around with his tail-plug still inside, and gave a teasing tiggle to make his tail wag about wildly. The sensation was intense enough for the stallion to moan out while that plug stirred inside of him, but the audience continued to applaud the pup’s efforts by the time the announcer got back on stage.  “Well, well, well!~” The host chuckled into the mic as he avoided the puddle of piss Sandbar left behind, and patted Sandbar on the back with an impressed smile. “I gotta say, that was an incredible display for a first-timer!” He then petted the top of Sandbar’s pup-hood, and added with an enamored coo, “Good boyyyyyy!~” Sandbar heard the onslaught of barks and howls from all the other pups in the audience, as well as from Eirjan himself. And with his smile as wide as it could be behind his mask, the pony reeled his head up to give a cheerful howl of his own. “AWWWOOOOOOOOO!!!~” By the time morning finally arrived, the cruise liner was nearly dead-silent after all the debauchery that happened onboard. Several stallions could be seen passed out along the decks, either from too much alcohol or too much fucking. The scent of cum, sex, and other mature vices lingered on the air while the ship’s crew swept up empty cups and condoms that littered the floors. Even though the aftermath of the cruise’s night was shocking to say the least, none of the staff seemed too upset while cleaning up after their attendees; of course, that may have been because for many of the crewmates, whose fur was just as ruffled and cum-matted as the guests, they had already received more than enough “tips” to make up for the extra work. Meanwhile, back in the luxurious cabin of Eirjan and Marzo’s, the couple were sleeping like dogs while sprawled out in their bed. Gallus and Sandbar were resting alongside them as well, with the two pups still wearing their gear without having taken them off. Eirjan was nestled in soundlessly against Gallus’ chest, and the trophy he won for ‘Best in Show’ was still clutched in his hooves. Meanwhile, Sandbar was being spooned by Marzo from behind, and was wearing a medal of his own over his harnessed chest. Eirjan may have won ‘Best in Show,’ but Sandbar was lucky enough to receive the event’s ‘Kinkiest Puppy’ award; and considering how rowdy things got after their demonstrations, it was honestly a surprise that Sandbar was the winner overall. Gallus’ medal for ‘Best New Handler’ was laying on the floor by the bed, right beside Sandbar’s detached tail-plug. But considering how content the gryphon’s smile looked while he slept in bliss amongst the three kinky equines, it was doubtful that it would be Gallus’ only award for very long. It also wouldn’t be Sandbar’s either, since his boyfriend was determined to keep their fun going after the cruise was over. But until the two couples’ antics could come to a close, all that mattered to Gallus was the fun they were going to have for the remainder of that wild and unforgettable weekend. The End