Yu-Gi-Oh Equestrian Duelist Dragon's Wrath

by FireFlash15

First published

Austin Drago a Duelist from earth gets teleports to Equestria to become the best.

In the human world, Austin Draco wants to become the best Duelist in the world. He gets better with every duel he makes. One Day, a portal opens and transports him to a new world where everyone duels. With one exception, Everyone is a pony. (I will be making fake cards and costume cards for this story.)

Austin Drago's Profile

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Full Name: Austin Nicholas Draco

Nicknames: Drago, Drake and Dragen.
Age: 18
Height: 5 foot 6 Inches
Appearance: Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, Black Shirt, Red Jacket, White Pants, Black Socks, and Black Shoes.

Accessories: Black Glasses (He can't see things that are far away), Wears a Dragon Amulet (Looks like the Mortal Kombat Symbol), Brown Backpack (Which holds his duel disk, Deck, etc.), (when not Dueling) Red Watch.

Duel Disk:

Likes: Dueling, Making Friends, Video Games, Music (of any kind), Pizza, Dogs, Dragons, Going for a walk, Running, Soccer, and Wearing Red.

Dislikes: Bullies, People calling his deck "Lame", People who hurt his friends, His Father, Reading (except for stories he likes), and the monster card "Ash Blossom & Joyous Springs", Xyz, Pendulum, and Link Monsters.

Backstory: His Father abandoned his mother when she was pregnant because he wouldn't take responsibility. When Austin learned why his father left him and his mother he was not happy and became very distant to others. As Austin grew, He started playing a card game called "Yu-Gi-Oh" or "Duel Monsters". He started getting more and more cards and his deck became very powerful. For some reason he thinks that all his Dragon Monster cards are females so he calls them she or her. One day, he met a girl named Charlette and quickly became friends with her. He stopped being distant to others and made more friends. At school, he got decent grades (B's and C's) and graduated. Austin and his friends always hang out and duel each other. Austin dueling record was pretty normal with a 50/50 win loss rate, but he still tries to get better.

Deck: His deck is a Dragon deck with Blue-Eyes Cards in it. This Deck is used to Special Summon high ranking monsters from the Deck, Hand, and Graveyard. There are no Xyz, Pendulum, or Link cards in his Deck.

Favorite Card: Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Monsters: 20
Arkbrave Dragon (1)
BackGround Dragon (1)
Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon (1)
Deep-Eyes White Dragon (1)
Dragon Spirit of White (1)
Effect Veiler (1)
Goddess of Sweet Revenge (1)
Influence Dragon (1)
Keeper of Dragon Magic (1)
Lightray Diablos (1)
Master with Eyes of Blue (1)
Montage Dragon (1)
Pandemic Dragon (1)
Sage with Eyes of Blue (1)
The White Stone of Ancients (1)
The White Stone of Legend (1)
Vice Dragon (1)
Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3)

Spells: 15
Ancient Rules (1)
Burial from a Different Dimension (1)
Dark Hole (1)
Dragon Shrine (1)
Dragon's Mirror (1)
Foolish Burial (1)
Fusion Recycling Plant (1)
Monster Reborn (1)
Mystical Space Typhoon (1)
One for One (1)
Polymerization (1)
Return of the Dragon Lords (1)
Silver's Cry (1)
The Melody of Awakening Dragon (1)
Trade-In (1)

Traps: 5
Call Of The Haunted (1)
Castle of Dragon Souls (1)
Fiendish Chain (1)
Jar of Avarice (1)
Negate Attack (1)

Extra Deck: 12
Fusion Monsters: 6
Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon (1)
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (1)
Five-Headed Dragon (1)
Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (1)
Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon (1)
First of the Dragon (1)

Synchro Monsters: 6
Trident Dragon (1)
Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon (2)
Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon (1)
Stardust Dragon (1)
Coral Dragon (1)

Deck May be updated as time goes on.

In the First Chapter, Austin will get teleported to Equestria and get captured by a royal guard. The only way he can have his freedom is by defeating Somepony in a duel. Who Will It Be?

(Trailer Clip)

Austin is falling through what appears to be a red and white vortex. He can feel a gust of wind through his face and his jacket flaps around. He starts freaking out asking for help but no one was there.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHH," Austin yelled louder, "WHAT IS HAPPENING?"

He then looks to the end of the portal and sees a light. Because of the brightness, he couldn't see what it was. He closed his eyes hoping that what was happening to him ends.

Austin then hit ground hard. He groaned in pain. His hands felt like he punched a concrete wall, his ears were ringing, his legs felt like he ran 50-miles. After what felt like hours, the pain finally stopped. He opened his eyes and looked around him. The Sun was glowing Bright. He saw building that looked like he was in Medieval Times. There were Banners everywhere. Horses talking to each other. Birds flying aroun...

"Wait what?" Austin said in a surprised tone. He saw Multi colored Horses walking around talking to each other. Drinking whatever. Looking like Billionaires. Fancy Clothes, Jewelry, and fancy hair.

"Ok?" Austin said frighten, "Either I'm dreaming or I have REALLY lost it here." Austin finally stoop up and looked around. Before he took another step, he heard yelling.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH," what sounded like a female screaming. Austin Turned to see a random Horse with a shocked face looking at his direction. "WHATEVER IS THAT DISGUSTING THING?!?!?" The horse yelled while pointing its hoof at Austin. The other ponies in the area then stopped what they're doing and saw Austin. Austin didn't have a good feeling about the situation he was in.

(Time Skip)
Austin is now in a cell. His Arms and legs chained to the walls. He struggles to take them off but fails to. Austin looks outside his cell and see's his backpack. He crawls to the cell door, only to be stopped about a foot away. Austin starts to wonder when or If he'll get out.

Then he hears a door opening. Austin tries to look in the direction of when the noise came from but couldn't see. Then he hears hooves clopping and it sound like it was getting closer. Austin closes his eyes and starts crawling to a wall hoping who or whatever was coming wasn't coming to hurt him.

"So," He hears a female voice say, "Your what all the fuss is about?"

Austin opens his eyes and sees...

(Who does he see? Who will he Duel? Stay tuned for the next chapter).

Not a chapter (My Birthday)

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Hey guys today is my 19th birthday. I do apologize for any of you who are been waiting for the next chapter. I’m in Barry busy with work that I haven’t been able to have time to finish making the chapter. I think you’ll be done in about a week but I might be wrong. To every Duelist out there. Keep up the good work on your decks and keep working hard. Can’t wait to see what you guys think of the next chapter and when more to the story is revealed. See you all later.

If you guys have any ideas on decks for any pony please let me know.